
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2  # Generate a very minimal filesystem based on busybox-static,
     3  # and load it into the local docker under the name "docker-ut".
     5  missing_pkg() {
     6      echo "Sorry, I could not locate $1"
     7      echo "Try 'apt-get install ${2:-$1}'?"
     8      exit 1
     9  }
    11  BUSYBOX=$(which busybox)
    12  [ "$BUSYBOX" ] || missing_pkg busybox busybox-static
    13  SOCAT=$(which socat)
    14  [ "$SOCAT" ] || missing_pkg socat
    16  shopt -s extglob
    17  set -ex
    18  ROOTFS=`mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/var/tmp}/rootfs-busybox.XXXXXXXXXX`
    19  trap "rm -rf $ROOTFS" INT QUIT TERM
    20  cd $ROOTFS
    22  mkdir bin etc dev dev/pts lib proc sys tmp
    23  touch etc/resolv.conf
    24  cp /etc/nsswitch.conf etc/nsswitch.conf
    25  echo root:x:0:0:root:/:/bin/sh > etc/passwd
    26  echo daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh >> etc/passwd
    27  echo root:x:0: > etc/group
    28  echo daemon:x:1: >> etc/group
    29  ln -s lib lib64
    30  ln -s bin sbin
    31  cp $BUSYBOX $SOCAT bin
    32  for X in $(busybox --list)
    33  do
    34      ln -s busybox bin/$X
    35  done
    36  rm bin/init
    37  ln bin/busybox bin/init
    38  cp -P /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lib{pthread*,c*(-*),dl*(-*),nsl*(-*),nss_*,util*(-*),wrap,z}.so* lib
    39  cp /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ lib
    40  cp -P /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lib{crypto,ssl}.so* lib
    41  for X in console null ptmx random stdin stdout stderr tty urandom zero
    42  do
    43      cp -a /dev/$X dev
    44  done
    46  chmod 0755 $ROOTFS # See #486
    47  tar --numeric-owner -cf- . | docker import - docker-ut
    48  docker run -i -u root docker-ut /bin/echo Success.
    49  rm -rf $ROOTFS