
     1  ## 0.3.6 (unreleased)
     3  FEATURES:
     5    * **New provider: `cloudstack`**
     9    * **New resource: `heroku_cert`** - Manage Heroku app certs.
    10    * provider/aws: Support `eu-central-1`, `cn-north-1`, and GovCloud. [GH-525]
    11    * provider/aws: `route_table` can have tags. [GH-648]
    13  BUG FIXES:
    15    * core: temporary/hidden files that look like Terraform configurations
    16        are no longer loaded. [GH-548]
    17    * core: Set types in resources now result in deterministic states,
    18        resulting in cleaner plans. [GH-663]
    19    * core: fix issue where "diff was not the same" would come up with
    20        diffing lists. [GH-661]
    21    * core: fix crash where module inputs weren't strings, and add more
    22        validation around invalid types here. [GH-624]
    23    * core: fix error when using a computed module output as an input to
    24        another module. [GH-659]
    25    * core: map overrides in "terraform.tfvars" no longer result in a syntax
    26        error. [GH-647]
    27    * provider/aws: Fix crash case when internet gateway is not attached
    28        to any VPC. [GH-664]
    29    * provider/aws: `vpc_id` is no longer required. [GH-667]
    30    * provider/aws: `availability_zones` on ELB will contain more than one
    31        AZ if it is set as such. [GH-682]
    33  ## 0.3.5 (December 9, 2014)
    35  FEATURES:
    37   * **Remote State**: State files can now be stored remotely via HTTP,
    38       Consul, or HashiCorp's Atlas.
    39   * **New Provider: `atlas`**: Retrieve artifacts for deployment from
    40       HashiCorp's Atlas service.
    41   * New `element()` function to index into arrays
    45    * provider/aws: Support tenancy for aws\_instance
    46    * provider/aws: Support block devices for aws\_instance
    47    * provider/aws: Support virtual\_name on block device
    48    * provider/aws: Improve RDS reliability (more grace time)
    49    * provider/aws: Added aws\_db\_parameter\_group resource
    50    * provider/aws: Added tag support to aws\_subnet
    51    * provider/aws: Routes in RouteTable are optional
    52    * provider/aws: associate\_public\_ip\_address on aws\_launch\_configuration
    53    * provider/aws: Added aws\_network\_acl
    54    * provider/aws: Ingress rules in security groups are optional
    55    * provider/aws: Support termination policy for ASG
    56    * provider/digitalocean: Improved droplet size compatibility
    58  BUG FIXES:
    60    * core: Fixed issue causing double delete. [GH-555]
    61    * core: Fixed issue with create-before-destroy not being respected in
    62        some circumstances.
    63    * core: Fixing issue with count expansion with non-homogenous instance
    64        plans.
    65    * core: Fix issue with referencing resource variables from resources
    66        that don't exist yet within resources that do exist, or modules.
    67    * core: Fixing depedency handling for modules
    68    * core: Fixing output handling [GH-474]
    69    * core: Fixing count interpolation in modules
    70    * core: Fixing multi-var without module state
    71    * core: Fixing HCL variable declaration
    72    * core: Fixing resource interpolation for without state
    73    * core: Fixing handling of computed maps
    74    * command/init: Fixing recursion issue [GH-518]
    75    * command: Validate config before requesting input [GH-602]
    76    * build: Fixing GOPATHs with spaces
    78  MISC:
    80    * provider/aws: Upgraded to helper.Schema
    81    * provider/heroku: Upgraded to helper.Schema
    82    * provider/mailgun: Upgraded to helper.Schema
    83    * provider/dnsimple: Upgraded to helper.Schema
    84    * provider/cloudflare: Upgraded to helper.Schema
    85    * provider/digitalocean: Upgraded to helper.Schema
    86    * provider/google: Upgraded to helper.Schema
    88  ## 0.3.1 (October 21, 2014)
    92    * providers/aws: Support tags for security groups.
    93    * providers/google: Add "external\_address" to network attributes [GH-454]
    94    * providers/google: External address is used as default connection host. [GH-454]
    95    * providers/heroku: Support `locked` and `personal` booleans on organization
    96        settings. [GH-406]
    98  BUG FIXES:
   100    * core: Remove panic case when applying with a plan that generates no
   101        new state. [GH-403]
   102    * core: Fix a hang that can occur with enough resources. [GH-410]
   103    * core: Config validation will not error if the field is being
   104        computed so the value is still unknown.
   105    * core: If a resource fails to create and has provisioners, it is
   106        marked as tainted. [GH-434]
   107    * core: Set types are validated to be sets. [GH-413]
   108    * core: String types are validated properly. [GH-460]
   109    * core: Fix crash case when destroying with tainted resources. [GH-412]
   110    * core: Don't execute provisioners in some cases on destroy.
   111    * core: Inherited provider configurations will be properly interpolated. [GH-418]
   112    * core: Refresh works properly if there are outputs that depend on resources
   113        that aren't yet created. [GH-483]
   114    * providers/aws: Refresh of launch configs and autoscale groups load
   115        the correct data and don't incorrectly recreate themselves. [GH-425]
   116    * providers/aws: Fix case where ELB would incorrectly plan to modify
   117        listeners (with the same data) in some cases.
   118    * providers/aws: Retry destroying internet gateway for some amount of time
   119        if there is a dependency violation since it is probably just eventual
   120        consistency (public facing resources being destroyed). [GH-447]
   121    * providers/aws: Retry deleting security groups for some amount of time
   122        if there is a dependency violation since it is probably just eventual
   123        consistency. [GH-436]
   124    * providers/aws: Retry deleting subnet for some amount of time if there is a
   125        dependency violation since probably asynchronous destroy events take
   126        place still. [GH-449]
   127    * providers/aws: Drain autoscale groups before deleting. [GH-435]
   128    * providers/aws: Fix crash case if launch config is manually deleted. [GH-421]
   129    * providers/aws: Disassociate EIP before destroying.
   130    * providers/aws: ELB treats subnets as a set.
   131    * providers/aws: Fix case where in a destroy/create tags weren't reapplied. [GH-464]
   132    * providers/aws: Fix incorrect/erroneous apply cases around security group
   133        rules. [GH-457]
   134    * providers/consul: Fix regression where `key` param changed to `keys. [GH-475]
   136  ## 0.3.0 (October 14, 2014)
   138  FEATURES:
   140    * **Modules**: Configuration can now be modularized. Modules can live on
   141      GitHub, BitBucket, Git/Hg repos, HTTP URLs, and file paths. Terraform
   142      automatically downloads/updates modules for you on request.
   143    * **New Command: `init`**. This command initializes a Terraform configuration
   144      from an existing Terraform module (also new in 0.3).
   145    * **New Command: `destroy`**. This command destroys infrastructure
   146      created with `apply`.
   147    * Terraform will ask for user input to fill in required variables and
   148      provider configurations if they aren't set.
   149    * `terraform apply MODULE` can be used as a shorthand to quickly build
   150      infrastructure from a module.
   151    * The state file format is now JSON rather than binary. This allows for
   152      easier machine and human read/write. Old binary state files will be
   153      automatically upgraded.
   154    * You can now specify `create_before_destroy` as an option for replacement
   155      so that new resources are created before the old ones are destroyed.
   156    * The `count` metaparameter can now contain interpolations (such as
   157      variables).
   158    * The current index for a resource with a `count` set can be interpolated
   159      using `${count.index}`.
   160    * Various paths can be interpolated with the `path.X` variables. For example,
   161      the path to the current module can be interpolated using `${path.module}`.
   165    * config: Trailing commas are now allowed for the final elements of lists.
   166    * core: Plugins are loaded from `~/.terraform.d/plugins` (Unix) or
   167      `%USERDATA%/terraform.d/plugins` (Windows).
   168    * command/show: With no arguments, it will show the default state. [GH-349]
   169    * helper/schema: Can now have default values. [GH-245]
   170    * providers/aws: Tag support for most resources.
   171    * providers/aws: New resource `db_subnet_group`. [GH-295]
   172    * providers/aws: Add `map_public_ip_on_launch` for subnets. [GH-285]
   173    * providers/aws: Add `iam_instance_profile` for instances. [GH-319]
   174    * providers/aws: Add `internal` option for ELBs. [GH-303]
   175    * providers/aws: Add `ssl_certificate_id` for ELB listeners. [GH-350]
   176    * providers/aws: Add `self` option for security groups for ingress
   177        rules with self as source. [GH-303]
   178    * providers/aws: Add `iam_instance_profile` option to
   179        `aws_launch_configuration`. [GH-371]
   180    * providers/aws: Non-destructive update of `desired_capacity` for
   181        autoscale groups.
   182    * providers/aws: Add `main_route_table_id` attribute to VPCs. [GH-193]
   183    * providers/consul: Support tokens. [GH-396]
   184    * providers/google: Support `target_tags` for firewalls. [GH-324]
   185    * providers/google: `google_compute_instance` supports `can_ip_forward` [GH-375]
   186    * providers/google: `google_compute_disk` supports `type` to support disks
   187        such as SSDs. [GH-351]
   188    * provisioners/local-exec: Output from command is shown in CLI output. [GH-311]
   189    * provisioners/remote-exec: Output from command is shown in CLI output. [GH-311]
   191  BUG FIXES:
   193    * core: Providers are validated even without a `provider` block. [GH-284]
   194    * core: In the case of error, walk all non-dependent trees.
   195    * core: Plugin loading from CWD works properly.
   196    * core: Fix many edge cases surrounding the `count` meta-parameter.
   197    * core: Strings in the configuration can escape double-quotes with the
   198        standard `\"` syntax.
   199    * core: Error parsing CLI config will show properly. [GH-288]
   200    * core: More than one Ctrl-C will exit immediately.
   201    * providers/aws: autoscaling_group can be launched into a vpc [GH-259]
   202    * providers/aws: not an error when RDS instance is deleted manually. [GH-307]
   203    * providers/aws: Retry deleting subnet for some time while AWS eventually
   204        destroys dependencies. [GH-357]
   205    * providers/aws: More robust destroy for route53 records. [GH-342]
   206    * providers/aws: ELB generates much more correct plans without extranneous
   207        data.
   208    * providers/aws: ELB works properly with dynamically changing
   209        count of instances.
   210    * providers/aws: Terraform can handle ELBs deleted manually. [GH-304]
   211    * providers/aws: Report errors properly if RDS fails to delete. [GH-310]
   212    * providers/aws: Wait for launch configuration to exist after creation
   213        (AWS eventual consistency) [GH-302]
   215  ## 0.2.2 (September 9, 2014)
   219    * providers/amazon: Add `ebs_optimized` flag. [GH-260]
   220    * providers/digitalocean: Handle 404 on delete
   221    * providers/digitalocean: Add `user_data` argument for creating droplets
   222    * providers/google: Disks can be marked `auto_delete`. [GH-254]
   224  BUG FIXES:
   226    * core: Fix certain syntax of configuration that could cause hang. [GH-261]
   227    * core: `-no-color` flag properly disables color. [GH-250]
   228    * core: "~" is expanded in `-var-file` flags. [GH-273]
   229    * core: Errors with tfvars are shown in console. [GH-269]
   230    * core: Interpolation function calls with more than two args parse. [GH-282]
   231    * providers/aws: Refreshing EIP from pre-0.2 state file won't error. [GH-258]
   232    * providers/aws: Creating EIP without an instance/network won't fail.
   233    * providers/aws: Refreshing EIP manually deleted works.
   234    * providers/aws: Retry EIP delete to allow AWS eventual consistency to
   235        detect it isn't attached. [GH-276]
   236    * providers/digitalocean: Handle situations when resource was destroyed
   237        manually. [GH-279]
   238    * providers/digitalocean: Fix a couple scenarios where the diff was
   239        incorrect (and therefore the execution as well).
   240    * providers/google: Attaching a disk source (not an image) works
   241        properly. [GH-254]
   243  ## 0.2.1 (August 31, 2014)
   247    * core: Plugins are automatically discovered in the executable directory
   248        or pwd if named properly. [GH-190]
   249    * providers/mailgun: domain records are now saved to state
   251  BUG FIXES:
   253    * core: Configuration parses when identifier and '=' have no space. [GH-243]
   254    * core: `depends_on` with `count` generates the proper graph. [GH-244]
   255    * core: Depending on a computed variable of a list type generates a
   256        plan without failure. i.e. `${}` where `foos`
   257        is computed. [GH-247]
   258    * providers/aws: Route53 destroys in parallel work properly. [GH-183]
   260  ## 0.2.0 (August 28, 2014)
   264    * We've replaced the configuration language in use from a C library to
   265      a pure-Go reimplementation. In the process, we removed some features
   266      of the language since it was too flexible:
   267      * Semicolons are no longer valid at the end of lines
   268      * Keys cannot be double-quoted strings: `"foo" = "bar"` is no longer
   269        valid.
   270      * JSON style maps `{ "foo": "bar" }` are no longer valid outside of JSON.
   271        Maps must be in the format of `{ foo = "bar" }` (like other objects
   272        in the config)
   273    * Heroku apps now require (will not validate without) `region` and
   274      `name` due to an upstream API change. [GH-239]
   276  FEATURES:
   278    * **New Provider: `google`**: Manage Google Compute instances, disks,
   279        firewalls, and more.
   280    * **New Provider: `mailgun`**: Manage mailgun domains.
   281    * **New Function: `concat`**: Concatenate multiple strings together.
   282      Example: `concat(var.region, "-",`.
   286    * core: "~/.terraformrc" (Unix) or "%APPDATA%/terraform.rc" (Windows)
   287      can be used to configure custom providers and provisioners. [GH-192]
   288    * providers/aws: EIPs now expose `allocation_id` and `public_ip`
   289        attributes.
   290    * providers/aws: Security group rules can be updated without a
   291        destroy/create.
   292    * providers/aws: You can enable and disable dns settings for VPCs. [GH-172]
   293    * providers/aws: Can specify a private IP address for `aws_instance` [GH-217]
   295  BUG FIXES:
   297    * core: Variables are validated to not contain interpolations. [GH-180]
   298    * core: Key files for provisioning can now contain `~` and will be expanded
   299        to the user's home directory. [GH-179]
   300    * core: The `file()` function can load files in sub-directories. [GH-213]
   301    * core: Fix issue where some JSON structures didn't map properly into
   302       Terraform structures. [GH-177]
   303    * core: Resources with only `file()` calls will interpolate. [GH-159]
   304    * core: Variables work in block names. [GH-234]
   305    * core: Plugins are searched for in the same directory as the executable
   306        before the PATH. [GH-157]
   307    * command/apply: "tfvars" file no longer interferes with plan apply. [GH-153]
   308    * providers/aws: Fix issues around failing to read EIPs. [GH-122]
   309    * providers/aws: Autoscaling groups now register and export load
   310      balancers. [GH-207]
   311    * providers/aws: Ingress results are treated as a set, so order doesn't
   312        matter anymore. [GH-87]
   313    * providers/aws: Instance security groups treated as a set [GH-194]
   314    * providers/aws: Retry Route53 requests if operation failed because another
   315        operation is in progress [GH-183]
   316    * providers/aws: Route53 records with multiple record values work. [GH-221]
   317    * providers/aws: Changing AMI doesn't result in errors anymore. [GH-196]
   318    * providers/heroku: If you delete the `config_vars` block, config vars
   319        are properly nuked.
   320    * providers/heroku: Domains and drains are deleted before the app.
   321    * providers/heroku: Moved from the client library bgentry/heroku-go to
   322        cyberdelia/heroku-go [GH-239].
   323    * providers/heroku: Plans without a specific plan name for
   324        heroku\_addon work. [GH-198]
   328    * **New Package:** `helper/schema`. This introduces a high-level framework
   329      for easily writing new providers and resources. The Heroku provider has
   330      been converted to this as an example.
   332  ## 0.1.1 (August 5, 2014)
   334  FEATURES:
   336    * providers/heroku: Now supports creating Heroku Drains [GH-97]
   340    * providers/aws: Launch configurations accept user data [GH-94]
   341    * providers/aws: Regions are now validated [GH-96]
   342    * providers/aws: ELB now supports health check configurations [GH-109]
   344  BUG FIXES:
   346    * core: Default variable file "terraform.tfvars" is auto-loaded. [GH-59]
   347    * core: Multi-variables (`foo.*.bar`) work even when `count = 1`. [GH-115]
   348    * core: `file()` function can have string literal arg [GH-145]
   349    * providers/cloudflare: Include the proper bins so the cloudflare
   350        provider is compiled
   351    * providers/aws: Engine version for RDS now properly set [GH-118]
   352    * providers/aws: Security groups now depend on each other and
   353    * providers/aws: DB instances now wait for destroys, have proper
   354        dependencies and allow passing skip_final_snapshot
   355    * providers/aws: Add associate_public_ip_address as an attribute on
   356        the aws_instance resource [GH-85]
   357    * providers/aws: Fix cidr blocks being updated [GH-65, GH-85]
   358    * providers/aws: Description is now required for security groups
   359    * providers/digitalocean: Private IP addresses are now a separate
   360        attribute
   361    * provisioner/all: If an SSH key is given with a password, a better
   362        error message is shown. [GH-73]
   364  ## 0.1.0 (July 28, 2014)
   366    * Initial release