
     1  package terraform
     3  // stateV1 keeps track of a snapshot state-of-the-world that Terraform
     4  // can use to keep track of what real world resources it is actually
     5  // managing.
     6  //
     7  // stateV1 is _only used for the purposes of backwards compatibility
     8  // and is no longer used in Terraform.
     9  //
    10  // For the upgrade process, see state_upgrade_v1_to_v2.go
    11  type stateV1 struct {
    12  	// Version is the protocol version. "1" for a StateV1.
    13  	Version int `json:"version"`
    15  	// Serial is incremented on any operation that modifies
    16  	// the State file. It is used to detect potentially conflicting
    17  	// updates.
    18  	Serial int64 `json:"serial"`
    20  	// Remote is used to track the metadata required to
    21  	// pull and push state files from a remote storage endpoint.
    22  	Remote *remoteStateV1 `json:"remote,omitempty"`
    24  	// Modules contains all the modules in a breadth-first order
    25  	Modules []*moduleStateV1 `json:"modules"`
    26  }
    28  type remoteStateV1 struct {
    29  	// Type controls the client we use for the remote state
    30  	Type string `json:"type"`
    32  	// Config is used to store arbitrary configuration that
    33  	// is type specific
    34  	Config map[string]string `json:"config"`
    35  }
    37  type moduleStateV1 struct {
    38  	// Path is the import path from the root module. Modules imports are
    39  	// always disjoint, so the path represents amodule tree
    40  	Path []string `json:"path"`
    42  	// Outputs declared by the module and maintained for each module
    43  	// even though only the root module technically needs to be kept.
    44  	// This allows operators to inspect values at the boundaries.
    45  	Outputs map[string]string `json:"outputs"`
    47  	// Resources is a mapping of the logically named resource to
    48  	// the state of the resource. Each resource may actually have
    49  	// N instances underneath, although a user only needs to think
    50  	// about the 1:1 case.
    51  	Resources map[string]*resourceStateV1 `json:"resources"`
    53  	// Dependencies are a list of things that this module relies on
    54  	// existing to remain intact. For example: an module may depend
    55  	// on a VPC ID given by an aws_vpc resource.
    56  	//
    57  	// Terraform uses this information to build valid destruction
    58  	// orders and to warn the user if they're destroying a module that
    59  	// another resource depends on.
    60  	//
    61  	// Things can be put into this list that may not be managed by
    62  	// Terraform. If Terraform doesn't find a matching ID in the
    63  	// overall state, then it assumes it isn't managed and doesn't
    64  	// worry about it.
    65  	Dependencies []string `json:"depends_on,omitempty"`
    66  }
    68  type resourceStateV1 struct {
    69  	// This is filled in and managed by Terraform, and is the resource
    70  	// type itself such as "mycloud_instance". If a resource provider sets
    71  	// this value, it won't be persisted.
    72  	Type string `json:"type"`
    74  	// Dependencies are a list of things that this resource relies on
    75  	// existing to remain intact. For example: an AWS instance might
    76  	// depend on a subnet (which itself might depend on a VPC, and so
    77  	// on).
    78  	//
    79  	// Terraform uses this information to build valid destruction
    80  	// orders and to warn the user if they're destroying a resource that
    81  	// another resource depends on.
    82  	//
    83  	// Things can be put into this list that may not be managed by
    84  	// Terraform. If Terraform doesn't find a matching ID in the
    85  	// overall state, then it assumes it isn't managed and doesn't
    86  	// worry about it.
    87  	Dependencies []string `json:"depends_on,omitempty"`
    89  	// Primary is the current active instance for this resource.
    90  	// It can be replaced but only after a successful creation.
    91  	// This is the instances on which providers will act.
    92  	Primary *instanceStateV1 `json:"primary"`
    94  	// Tainted is used to track any underlying instances that
    95  	// have been created but are in a bad or unknown state and
    96  	// need to be cleaned up subsequently.  In the
    97  	// standard case, there is only at most a single instance.
    98  	// However, in pathological cases, it is possible for the number
    99  	// of instances to accumulate.
   100  	Tainted []*instanceStateV1 `json:"tainted,omitempty"`
   102  	// Deposed is used in the mechanics of CreateBeforeDestroy: the existing
   103  	// Primary is Deposed to get it out of the way for the replacement Primary to
   104  	// be created by Apply. If the replacement Primary creates successfully, the
   105  	// Deposed instance is cleaned up. If there were problems creating the
   106  	// replacement, the instance remains in the Deposed list so it can be
   107  	// destroyed in a future run. Functionally, Deposed instances are very
   108  	// similar to Tainted instances in that Terraform is only tracking them in
   109  	// order to remember to destroy them.
   110  	Deposed []*instanceStateV1 `json:"deposed,omitempty"`
   112  	// Provider is used when a resource is connected to a provider with an alias.
   113  	// If this string is empty, the resource is connected to the default provider,
   114  	// e.g. "aws_instance" goes with the "aws" provider.
   115  	// If the resource block contained a "provider" key, that value will be set here.
   116  	Provider string `json:"provider,omitempty"`
   117  }
   119  type instanceStateV1 struct {
   120  	// A unique ID for this resource. This is opaque to Terraform
   121  	// and is only meant as a lookup mechanism for the providers.
   122  	ID string `json:"id"`
   124  	// Attributes are basic information about the resource. Any keys here
   125  	// are accessible in variable format within Terraform configurations:
   126  	// ${}.
   127  	Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
   129  	// Ephemeral is used to store any state associated with this instance
   130  	// that is necessary for the Terraform run to complete, but is not
   131  	// persisted to a state file.
   132  	Ephemeral ephemeralStateV1 `json:"-"`
   134  	// Meta is a simple K/V map that is persisted to the State but otherwise
   135  	// ignored by Terraform core. It's meant to be used for accounting by
   136  	// external client code.
   137  	Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"`
   138  }
   140  type ephemeralStateV1 struct {
   141  	// ConnInfo is used for the providers to export information which is
   142  	// used to connect to the resource for provisioning. For example,
   143  	// this could contain SSH or WinRM credentials.
   144  	ConnInfo map[string]string `json:"-"`
   145  }