
     1  ---
     2  layout: "aws"
     3  page_title: "AWS: aws_iam_policy_document"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-aws-datasource-iam-policy-document"
     5  description: |-
     6    Generates an IAM policy document in JSON format
     7  ---
     9  # aws\_iam\_policy\_document
    11  Generates an IAM policy document in JSON format.
    13  This is a data source which can be used to construct a JSON representation of
    14  an IAM policy document, for use with resources which expect policy documents,
    15  such as the `aws_iam_policy` resource.
    17  ```hcl
    18  data "aws_iam_policy_document" "example" {
    19    statement {
    20      sid = "1"
    22      actions = [
    23        "s3:ListAllMyBuckets",
    24        "s3:GetBucketLocation",
    25      ]
    27      resources = [
    28        "arn:aws:s3:::*",
    29      ]
    30    }
    32    statement {
    33      actions = [
    34        "s3:ListBucket",
    35      ]
    37      resources = [
    38        "arn:aws:s3:::${var.s3_bucket_name}",
    39      ]
    41      condition {
    42        test     = "StringLike"
    43        variable = "s3:prefix"
    45        values = [
    46          "",
    47          "home/",
    48          "home/&{aws:username}/",
    49        ]
    50      }
    51    }
    53    statement {
    54      actions = [
    55        "s3:*",
    56      ]
    58      resources = [
    59        "arn:aws:s3:::${var.s3_bucket_name}/home/&{aws:username}",
    60        "arn:aws:s3:::${var.s3_bucket_name}/home/&{aws:username}/*",
    61      ]
    62    }
    63  }
    65  resource "aws_iam_policy" "example" {
    66    name   = "example_policy"
    67    path   = "/"
    68    policy = "${data.aws_iam_policy_document.example.json}"
    69  }
    70  ```
    72  Using this data source to generate policy documents is *optional*. It is also
    73  valid to use literal JSON strings within your configuration, or to use the
    74  `file` interpolation function to read a raw JSON policy document from a file.
    76  ## Argument Reference
    78  The following arguments are supported:
    80  * `policy_id` (Optional) - An ID for the policy document.
    81  * `statement` (Required) - A nested configuration block (described below)
    82    configuring one *statement* to be included in the policy document.
    84  Each document configuration must have one or more `statement` blocks, which
    85  each accept the following arguments:
    87  * `sid` (Optional) - An ID for the policy statement.
    88  * `effect` (Optional) - Either "Allow" or "Deny", to specify whether this
    89    statement allows or denies the given actions. The default is "Allow".
    90  * `actions` (Optional) - A list of actions that this statement either allows
    91    or denies. For example, ``["ec2:RunInstances", "s3:*"]``.
    92  * `not_actions` (Optional) - A list of actions that this statement does *not*
    93    apply to. Used to apply a policy statement to all actions *except* those
    94    listed.
    95  * `resources` (Optional) - A list of resource ARNs that this statement applies
    96    to. This is required by AWS if used for an IAM policy.
    97  * `not_resources` (Optional) - A list of resource ARNs that this statement
    98    does *not* apply to. Used to apply a policy statement to all resources
    99    *except* those listed.
   100  * `principals` (Optional) - A nested configuration block (described below)
   101    specifying a resource (or resource pattern) to which this statement applies.
   102  * `not_principals` (Optional) - Like `principals` except gives resources that
   103    the statement does *not* apply to.
   104  * `condition` (Optional) - A nested configuration block (described below)
   105    that defines a further, possibly-service-specific condition that constrains
   106    whether this statement applies.
   108  Each policy may have either zero or more `principals` blocks or zero or more
   109  `not_principals` blocks, both of which each accept the following arguments:
   111  * `type` (Required) The type of principal. For AWS accounts this is "AWS".
   112  * `identifiers` (Required) List of identifiers for principals. When `type`
   113    is "AWS", these are IAM user or role ARNs.
   115  Each policy statement may have zero or more `condition` blocks, which each
   116  accept the following arguments:
   118  * `test` (Required) The name of the
   119    [IAM condition type](
   120    to evaluate.
   121  * `variable` (Required) The name of a
   122    [Context Variable](
   123    to apply the condition to. Context variables may either be standard AWS
   124    variables starting with `aws:`, or service-specific variables prefixed with
   125    the service name.
   126  * `values` (Required) The values to evaluate the condition against. If multiple
   127    values are provided, the condition matches if at least one of them applies.
   128    (That is, the tests are combined with the "OR" boolean operation.)
   130  When multiple `condition` blocks are provided, they must *all* evaluate to true
   131  for the policy statement to apply. (In other words, the conditions are combined
   132  with the "AND" boolean operation.)
   134  ## Context Variable Interpolation
   136  The IAM policy document format allows context variables to be interpolated
   137  into various strings within a statement. The native IAM policy document format
   138  uses `${...}`-style syntax that is in conflict with Terraform's interpolation
   139  syntax, so this data source instead uses `&{...}` syntax for interpolations that
   140  should be processed by AWS rather than by Terraform.
   142  ## Attributes Reference
   144  The following attribute is exported:
   146  * `json` - The above arguments serialized as a standard JSON policy document.
   148  ## Example with Multiple Principals
   150  Showing how you can use this as an assume role policy as well as showing how you can specify multiple principal blocks with different types.
   152  ```hcl
   153  data "aws_iam_policy_document" "event_stream_bucket_role_assume_role_policy" {
   154    statement {
   155      actions = ["sts:AssumeRole"]
   157      principals {
   158        type        = "Service"
   159        identifiers = [""]
   160      }
   162      principals {
   163        type        = "AWS"
   164        identifiers = ["${var.trusted_role_arn}"]
   165      }
   166    }
   167  }
   168  ```