
     1  ---
     2  layout: "aws"
     3  page_title: "Provider: AWS"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-aws-index"
     5  description: |-
     6    The Amazon Web Services (AWS) provider is used to interact with the many resources supported by AWS. The provider needs to be configured with the proper credentials before it can be used.
     7  ---
     9  # AWS Provider
    11  The Amazon Web Services (AWS) provider is used to interact with the
    12  many resources supported by AWS. The provider needs to be configured
    13  with the proper credentials before it can be used.
    15  Use the navigation to the left to read about the available resources.
    17  ## Example Usage
    19  ```hcl
    20  # Configure the AWS Provider
    21  provider "aws" {
    22    access_key = "${var.aws_access_key}"
    23    secret_key = "${var.aws_secret_key}"
    24    region     = "us-east-1"
    25  }
    27  # Create a web server
    28  resource "aws_instance" "web" {
    29    # ...
    30  }
    31  ```
    33  ## Authentication
    35  The AWS provider offers a flexible means of providing credentials for
    36  authentication. The following methods are supported, in this order, and
    37  explained below:
    39  - Static credentials
    40  - Environment variables
    41  - Shared credentials file
    42  - EC2 Role
    44  ### Static credentials ###
    46  Static credentials can be provided by adding an `access_key` and `secret_key` in-line in the
    47  AWS provider block:
    49  Usage:
    51  ```hcl
    52  provider "aws" {
    53    region     = "us-west-2"
    54    access_key = "anaccesskey"
    55    secret_key = "asecretkey"
    56  }
    57  ```
    59  ### Environment variables
    61  You can provide your credentials via the `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and
    62  `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`, environment variables, representing your AWS
    63  Access Key and AWS Secret Key, respectively.  The `AWS_DEFAULT_REGION`
    64  and `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN` environment variables are also used, if
    65  applicable:
    67  ```hcl
    68  provider "aws" {}
    69  ```
    71  Usage:
    73  ```hcl
    74  $ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="anaccesskey"
    75  $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="asecretkey"
    76  $ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-west-2"
    77  $ terraform plan
    78  ```
    80  ### Shared Credentials file
    82  You can use an AWS credentials file to specify your credentials. The
    83  default location is `$HOME/.aws/credentials` on Linux and OS X, or
    84  `"%USERPROFILE%\.aws\credentials"` for Windows users. If we fail to
    85  detect credentials inline, or in the environment, Terraform will check
    86  this location. You can optionally specify a different location in the
    87  configuration by providing the `shared_credentials_file` attribute, or
    88  in the environment with the `AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE` variable. This
    89  method also supports a `profile` configuration and matching
    90  `AWS_PROFILE` environment variable:
    92  Usage:
    94  ```hcl
    95  provider "aws" {
    96    region                  = "us-west-2"
    97    shared_credentials_file = "/Users/tf_user/.aws/creds"
    98    profile                 = "customprofile"
    99  }
   100  ```
   102  ### EC2 Role
   104  If you're running Terraform from an EC2 instance with IAM Instance Profile
   105  using IAM Role, Terraform will just ask
   106  [the metadata API](
   107  endpoint for credentials.
   109  This is a preferred approach over any other when running in EC2 as you can avoid
   110  hard coding credentials. Instead these are leased on-the-fly by Terraform
   111  which reduces the chance of leakage.
   113  You can provide the custom metadata API endpoint via the `AWS_METADATA_ENDPOINT` variable
   114  which expects the endpoint URL, including the version, and defaults to ``.
   116  ### Assume role
   118  If provided with a role ARN, Terraform will attempt to assume this role
   119  using the supplied credentials.
   121  Usage:
   123  ```hcl
   124  provider "aws" {
   125    assume_role {
   126      role_arn     = "arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID:role/ROLE_NAME"
   127      session_name = "SESSION_NAME"
   128      external_id  = "EXTERNAL_ID"
   129    }
   130  }
   131  ```
   133  ## Argument Reference
   135  The following arguments are supported in the `provider` block:
   137  * `access_key` - (Optional) This is the AWS access key. It must be provided, but
   138    it can also be sourced from the `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` environment variable, or via
   139    a shared credentials file if `profile` is specified.
   141  * `secret_key` - (Optional) This is the AWS secret key. It must be provided, but
   142    it can also be sourced from the `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` environment variable, or
   143    via a shared credentials file if `profile` is specified.
   145  * `region` - (Required) This is the AWS region. It must be provided, but
   146    it can also be sourced from the `AWS_DEFAULT_REGION` environment variables, or
   147    via a shared credentials file if `profile` is specified.
   149  * `profile` - (Optional) This is the AWS profile name as set in the shared credentials
   150    file.
   152  * `assume_role` - (Optional) An `assume_role` block (documented below). Only one
   153    `assume_role` block may be in the configuration.
   155  * `shared_credentials_file` = (Optional) This is the path to the shared credentials file.
   156    If this is not set and a profile is specified, `~/.aws/credentials` will be used.
   158  * `token` - (Optional) Use this to set an MFA token. It can also be sourced
   159    from the `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN` environment variable.
   161  * `max_retries` - (Optional) This is the maximum number of times an API
   162    call is retried, in the case where requests are being throttled or
   163    experiencing transient failures. The delay between the subsequent API
   164    calls increases exponentially.
   166  * `allowed_account_ids` - (Optional) List of allowed, white listed, AWS
   167    account IDs to prevent you from mistakenly using an incorrect one (and
   168    potentially end up destroying a live environment). Conflicts with
   169    `forbidden_account_ids`.
   171  * `forbidden_account_ids` - (Optional) List of forbidden, blacklisted,
   172    AWS account IDs to prevent you mistakenly using a wrong one (and
   173    potentially end up destroying a live environment). Conflicts with
   174    `allowed_account_ids`.
   176  * `insecure` - (Optional) Explicitly allow the provider to
   177    perform "insecure" SSL requests. If omitted, default value is `false`.
   179  * `skip_credentials_validation` - (Optional) Skip the credentials
   180    validation via the STS API. Useful for AWS API implementations that do
   181    not have STS available or implemented.
   183  * `skip_get_ec2_platforms` - (Optional) Skip getting the supported EC2
   184    platforms. Used by users that don't have ec2:DescribeAccountAttributes
   185    permissions.
   187  * `skip_region_validation` - (Optional) Skip validation of provided region name.
   188    Useful for AWS-like implementations that use their own region names
   189    or to bypass the validation for regions that aren't publicly available yet.
   191  * `skip_requesting_account_id` - (Optional) Skip requesting the account
   192    ID.  Useful for AWS API implementations that do not have the IAM, STS
   193    API, or metadata API.  When set to `true`, prevents you from managing
   194    any resource that requires Account ID to construct an ARN, e.g.
   195    - `aws_db_instance`
   196    - `aws_db_option_group`
   197    - `aws_db_parameter_group`
   198    - `aws_db_security_group`
   199    - `aws_db_subnet_group`
   200    - `aws_elasticache_cluster`
   201    - `aws_glacier_vault`
   202    - `aws_rds_cluster`
   203    - `aws_rds_cluster_instance`
   204    - `aws_rds_cluster_parameter_group`
   205    - `aws_redshift_cluster`
   207  * `skip_metadata_api_check` - (Optional) Skip the AWS Metadata API
   208    check.  Useful for AWS API implementations that do not have a metadata
   209    API endpoint.  Setting to `true` prevents Terraform from authenticating
   210    via the Metadata API. You may need to use other authentication methods
   211    like static credentials, configuration variables, or environment
   212    variables.
   214  * `s3_force_path_style` - (Optional) Set this to `true` to force the
   215    request to use path-style addressing, i.e.,
   216    ``. By default, the S3 client will use
   217    virtual hosted bucket addressing, ``,
   218    when possible. Specific to the Amazon S3 service.
   220  The nested `assume_role` block supports the following:
   222  * `role_arn` - (Required) The ARN of the role to assume.
   224  * `session_name` - (Optional) The session name to use when making the
   225    AssumeRole call.
   227  * `external_id` - (Optional) The external ID to use when making the
   228    AssumeRole call.
   230  * `policy` - (Optional) A more restrictive policy to apply to the temporary credentials.
   231  This gives you a way to further restrict the permissions for the resulting temporary
   232  security credentials. You cannot use the passed policy to grant permissions that are
   233  in excess of those allowed by the access policy of the role that is being assumed.
   235  Nested `endpoints` block supports the following:
   237  * `cloudwatch` - (Optional) Use this to override the default endpoint
   238    URL constructed from the `region`. It's typically used to connect to
   239    custom CloudWatch endpoints.
   241  * `cloudwatchevents` - (Optional) Use this to override the default endpoint
   242    URL constructed from the `region`. It's typically used to connect to
   243    custom CloudWatchEvents endpoints.
   245  * `cloudwatchlogs` - (Optional) Use this to override the default endpoint
   246    URL constructed from the `region`. It's typically used to connect to
   247    custom CloudWatchLogs endpoints.
   249  * `cloudformation` - (Optional) Use this to override the default endpoint
   250    URL constructed from the `region`. It's typically used to connect to
   251    custom CloudFormation endpoints.
   253  * `dynamodb` - (Optional) Use this to override the default endpoint
   254    URL constructed from the `region`. It's typically used to connect to
   255    `dynamodb-local`.
   257  * `kinesis` - (Optional) Use this to override the default endpoint
   258    URL constructed from the `region`. It's typically used to connect to
   259    `kinesalite`.
   261  * `kms` - (Optional) Use this to override the default endpoint
   262    URL constructed from the `region`. It's typically used to connect to
   263    custom KMS endpoints.
   265  * `iam` - (Optional) Use this to override the default endpoint
   266    URL constructed from the `region`. It's typically used to connect to
   267    custom IAM endpoints.
   269  * `ec2` - (Optional) Use this to override the default endpoint
   270    URL constructed from the `region`. It's typically used to connect to
   271    custom EC2 endpoints.
   273  * `elb` - (Optional) Use this to override the default endpoint
   274    URL constructed from the `region`. It's typically used to connect to
   275    custom ELB endpoints.
   277  * `rds` - (Optional) Use this to override the default endpoint
   278    URL constructed from the `region`. It's typically used to connect to
   279    custom RDS endpoints.
   281  * `s3` - (Optional) Use this to override the default endpoint
   282    URL constructed from the `region`. It's typically used to connect to
   283    custom S3 endpoints.
   285  * `sns` - (Optional) Use this to override the default endpoint
   286    URL constructed from the `region`. It's typically used to connect to
   287    custom SNS endpoints.
   289  * `sqs` - (Optional) Use this to override the default endpoint
   290    URL constructed from the `region`. It's typically used to connect to
   291    custom SQS endpoints.
   293  ## Getting the Account ID
   295  If you use either `allowed_account_ids` or `forbidden_account_ids`,
   296  Terraform uses several approaches to get the actual account ID
   297  in order to compare it with allowed or forbidden IDs.
   299  Approaches differ per authentication providers:
   301   * EC2 instance w/ IAM Instance Profile - [Metadata API](
   302      is always used. Introduced in Terraform `0.6.16`.
   303   * All other providers (environment variable, shared credentials file, ...)
   304      will try two approaches in the following order
   305     * `iam:GetUser` - Typically useful for IAM Users. It also means
   306        that each user needs to be privileged to call `iam:GetUser` for themselves.
   307     * `sts:GetCallerIdentity` - _Should_ work for both IAM Users and federated IAM Roles,
   308        introduced in Terraform `0.6.16`.
   309     * `iam:ListRoles` - This is specifically useful for IdP-federated profiles
   310        which cannot use `iam:GetUser`. It also means that each federated user
   311        need to be _assuming_ an IAM role which allows `iam:ListRoles`.
   312        Used in Terraform `0.6.16+`.
   313        There used to be no better way to get account ID out of the API
   314        when using federated account until `sts:GetCallerIdentity` was introduced.