
     1  ---
     2  layout: "azure"
     3  page_title: "Azure: azure_instance"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-azure-resource-instance"
     5  description: |-
     6    Creates a hosted service, role and deployment and then creates a virtual machine in the deployment based on the specified configuration.
     7  ---
     9  # azure\_instance
    11  Creates a hosted service, role and deployment and then creates a virtual
    12  machine in the deployment based on the specified configuration.
    14  ## Example Usage
    16  ```hcl
    17  resource "azure_hosted_service" "terraform-service" {
    18    name               = "terraform-service"
    19    location           = "North Europe"
    20    ephemeral_contents = false
    21    description        = "Hosted service created by Terraform."
    22    label              = "tf-hs-01"
    23  }
    25  resource "azure_instance" "web" {
    26    name                 = "terraform-test"
    27    hosted_service_name  = "${}"
    28    image                = "Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS"
    29    size                 = "Basic_A1"
    30    storage_service_name = "yourstorage"
    31    location             = "West US"
    32    username             = "terraform"
    33    password             = "Pass!admin123"
    34    domain_name          = ""
    35    domain_ou            = "OU=Servers,,DC=Contoso,DC=com"
    36    domain_username      = "Administrator"
    37    domain_password      = "Pa$$word123"
    39    endpoint {
    40      name         = "SSH"
    41      protocol     = "tcp"
    42      public_port  = 22
    43      private_port = 22
    44    }
    45  }
    46  ```
    48  ## Argument Reference
    50  The following arguments are supported:
    52  * `name` - (Required) The name of the instance. Changing this forces a new
    53      resource to be created.
    55  * `hosted_service_name` - (Optional) The name of the hosted service the
    56      instance should be deployed under. If not provided; it will default to the
    57      value of `name`. Changes to this parameter forces the creation of a new
    58      resource.
    60  * `description` - (Optional) The description for the associated hosted service.
    61      Changing this forces a new resource to be created (defaults to the instance
    62      name).
    64  * `image` - (Required) The name of an existing VM or OS image to use for this
    65      instance. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    67  * `size` - (Required) The size of the instance.
    69  * `subnet` - (Optional) The name of the subnet to connect this instance to. If
    70      a value is supplied `virtual_network` is required. Changing this forces a
    71      new resource to be created.
    73  * `virtual_network` - (Optional) The name of the virtual network the `subnet`
    74      belongs to. If a value is supplied `subnet` is required. Changing this
    75      forces a new resource to be created.
    77  * `storage_service_name` - (Optional) The name of an existing storage account
    78      within the subscription which will be used to store the VHDs of this
    79      instance. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. **A Storage
    80      Service is required if you are using a Platform Image**
    82  * `reverse_dns` - (Optional) The DNS address to which the IP address of the
    83      hosted service resolves when queried using a reverse DNS query. Changing
    84      this forces a new resource to be created.
    86  * `location` - (Required) The location/region where the cloud service is
    87      created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    89  * `automatic_updates` - (Optional) If true this will enable automatic updates.
    90      This attribute is only used when creating a Windows instance. Changing this
    91      forces a new resource to be created (defaults false)
    93  * `time_zone` - (Optional) The appropriate time zone for this instance in the
    94      format 'America/Los_Angeles'. This attribute is only used when creating a
    95      Windows instance. Changing this forces a new resource to be created
    96      (defaults false)
    98  * `username` - (Required) The username of a new user that will be created while
    99      creating the instance. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
   101  * `password` - (Optional) The password of the new user that will be created
   102      while creating the instance. Required when creating a Windows instance or
   103      when not supplying an `ssh_key_thumbprint` while creating a Linux instance.
   104      Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
   106  * `ssh_key_thumbprint` - (Optional) The SSH thumbprint of an existing SSH key
   107      within the subscription. This attribute is only used when creating a Linux
   108      instance. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
   110  * `security_group` - (Optional) The Network Security Group to associate with
   111      this instance.
   113  * `endpoint` - (Optional) Can be specified multiple times to define multiple
   114      endpoints. Each `endpoint` block supports fields documented below.
   116  * `domain_name` - (Optional) The name of an Active Directory domain to join.
   118  * `domain_ou` - (Optional) Specifies the LDAP Organizational Unit to place the
   119      instance in.
   121  * `domain_username` - (Optional) The username of an account with permission to
   122      join the instance to the domain. Required if a domain_name is specified.
   124  * `domain_password` - (Optional) The password for the domain_username account
   125      specified above.
   127  * `custom_data` - (Optional) The custom data to provide when launching the
   128      instance.
   130  The `endpoint` block supports:
   132  * `name` - (Required) The name of the external endpoint.
   134  * `protocol` - (Optional) The transport protocol for the endpoint. Valid
   135      options are: `tcp` and `udp` (defaults `tcp`)
   137  * `public_port` - (Required) The external port to use for the endpoint.
   139  * `private_port` - (Required) The private port on which the instance is
   140      listening.
   142  ## Attributes Reference
   144  The following attributes are exported:
   146  * `id` - The instance ID.
   147  * `description` - The description for the associated hosted service.
   148  * `subnet` - The subnet the instance is connected to.
   149  * `endpoint` - The complete set of configured endpoints.
   150  * `security_group` - The associated Network Security Group.
   151  * `ip_address` - The private IP address assigned to the instance.
   152  * `vip_address` - The public IP address assigned to the instance.