
     1  ---
     2  layout: "opc"
     3  page_title: "Oracle: opc_compute_security_protocol"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-opc-resource-security-protocol"
     5  description: |-
     6    Creates and manages an security protocol in an OPC identity domain.
     7  ---
     9  # opc\_compute\_security\_protocol
    11  The ``opc_compute_security_protocol`` resource creates and manages a security protocol in an OPC identity domain.
    13  ## Example Usage
    15  ```hcl
    16  resource "opc_compute_security_protocol" "default" {
    17    name        = "security-protocol-1"
    18    dst_ports   = ["2045-2050"]
    19    src_ports   = ["3045-3060"]
    20    ip_protocol = "tcp"
    21  }
    22  ```
    24  ## Argument Reference
    26  The following arguments are supported:
    28  * `name` - (Required) The name of the security protocol.
    30  * `dst_ports` (Optional) Enter a list of port numbers or port range strings.
    31  	Traffic is enabled by a security rule when a packet's destination port matches the
    32    ports specified here.
    33  	For TCP, SCTP, and UDP, each port is a destination transport port, between 0 and 65535,
    34  	inclusive. For ICMP, each port is an ICMP type, between 0 and 255, inclusive.
    35  	If no destination ports are specified, all destination ports or ICMP types are allowed.
    37  * `src_ports` (Optional) Enter a list of port numbers or port range strings.
    38  	Traffic is enabled by a security rule when a packet's source port matches the
    39  	ports specified here.
    40  	For TCP, SCTP, and UDP, each port is a source transport port,
    41  	between 0 and 65535, inclusive.
    42  	For ICMP, each port is an ICMP type, between 0 and 255, inclusive.
    43  	If no source ports are specified, all source ports or ICMP types are allowed.
    45  * `ip_protocol` (Optional) The protocol used in the data portion of the IP datagram.
    46  	 Permitted values are: tcp, udp, icmp, igmp, ipip, rdp, esp, ah, gre, icmpv6, ospf, pim, sctp,
    47  	 mplsip, all.
    48  	 Traffic is enabled by a security rule when the protocol in the packet matches the
    49  	 protocol specified here. If no protocol is specified, all protocols are allowed.
    51  * `description` - (Optional) A description of the security protocol.
    53  * `tags` - (Optional) List of tags that may be applied to the security protocol.
    55  In addition to the above, the following values are exported:
    57  * `uri` - The Uniform Resource Identifier for the Security Protocol
    59  ## Import
    61  ACL's can be imported using the `resource name`, e.g.
    63  ```shell
    64  $ terraform import opc_compute_security_protocol.default example
    65  ```