
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "State: Environments"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-state-env"
     5  description: |-
     6    Terraform stores state which caches the known state of the world the last time Terraform ran.
     7  ---
     9  # State Environments
    11  An environment is a state namespace, allowing a single folder of Terraform
    12  configurations to manage multiple distinct infrastructure resources.
    14  Terraform state determines what resources it manages based on what
    15  exists in the state. This is how `terraform plan` determines what isn't
    16  created, what needs to be updated, etc. The full details of state can be
    17  found on the [purpose page](/docs/state/purpose.html).
    19  Environments are a way to create multiple states that contain
    20  their own data so a single set of Terraform configurations can manage
    21  multiple distinct sets of resources.
    23  Environments are currently supported by the following backends:
    25   * [Consul](/docs/backends/types/consul.html)
    26   * [S3](/docs/backends/types/s3.html)
    28  ## Using Environments
    30  Terraform starts with a single environment named "default". This
    31  environment is special both because it is the default and also because
    32  it cannot ever be deleted. If you've never explicitly used environments, then
    33  you've only ever worked on the "default" environment.
    35  Environments are managed with the `terraform env` set of commands. To
    36  create a new environment and switch to it, you can use `terraform env new`,
    37  to switch environments you can use `terraform env select`, etc.
    39  For example, creating an environment:
    41  ```text
    42  $ terraform env new bar
    43  Created and switched to environment "bar"!
    45  You're now on a new, empty environment. Environments isolate their state,
    46  so if you run "terraform plan" Terraform will not see any existing state
    47  for this configuration.
    48  ```
    50  As the command says, if you run `terraform plan`, Terraform will not see
    51  any existing resources that existed on the default (or any other) environment.
    52  **These resources still physically exist,** but are managed by another
    53  Terraform environment.
    55  ## Current Environment Interpolation
    57  Within your Terraform configuration, you may reference the current environment
    58  using the `${terraform.env}` interpolation variable. This can be used anywhere
    59  interpolations are allowed.
    61  Referencing the current environment is useful for changing behavior based
    62  on the environment. For example, for non-default environments, it may be useful
    63  to spin up smaller cluster sizes. You can do this:
    65  ```hcl
    66  resource "aws_instance" "example" {
    67    count = "${terraform.env == "default" ? 5 : 1}"
    69    # ... other fields
    70  }
    71  ```
    73  Another popular use case is using the environment as part of naming or
    74  tagging behavior:
    76  ```hcl
    77  resource "aws_instance" "example" {
    78    tags { Name = "web - ${terraform.env}" }
    80    # ... other fields
    81  }
    82  ```
    84  ## Best Practices
    86  An environment alone **should not** be used to manage the difference between
    87  development, staging, and production. As Terraform configurations get larger,
    88  it's much more manageable and safer to split one large configuration into many
    89  smaller ones linked together with terraform_remote_state data sources. This
    90  allows teams to delegate ownership and reduce the blast radius of changes.
    91  For each smaller configuration, you can use environments to model the
    92  differences between development, staging, and production. However, if you have
    93  one large Terraform configuration, it is riskier and not recommended to use
    94  environments to model those differences.
    96  The [terraform_remote_state](/docs/providers/terraform/d/remote_state.html)
    97  resource accepts an `environment` name to target. Therefore, you can link
    98  together multiple independently managed Terraform configurations with the same
    99  environment easily. But, they can also have different environments.
   101  While environments are available to all,
   102  [Terraform Enterprise](
   103  provides an interface and API for managing sets of configurations linked
   104  with `terraform_remote_state` and viewing them all as a single environment.
   106  Environments alone are useful for isolating a set of resources to test
   107  changes during development. For example, it is common to associate a
   108  branch in a VCS with an environment so new features can be developed
   109  without affecting the default environment.
   111  Future Terraform versions and environment enhancements will enable
   112  Terraform to track VCS branches with an environment to help verify only certain
   113  branches can make changes to a Terraform environment.
   115  ## Environments Internals
   117  Environments are technically equivalent to renaming your state file. They
   118  aren't any more complex than that. Terraform wraps this simple notion with
   119  a set of protections and support for remote state.
   121  For local state, Terraform stores the state environments in a folder
   122  `terraform.tfstate.d`. This folder should be committed to version control
   123  (just like local-only `terraform.tfstate`).
   125  For [remote state](/docs/state/remote.html), the environments are stored
   126  directly in the configured [backend](/docs/backends). For example, if you
   127  use [Consul](/docs/backends/types/consul.html), the environments are stored
   128  by suffixing the state path with the environment name. To ensure that
   129  environment names are stored correctly and safely in all backends, the name
   130  must be valid to use in a URL path segment without escaping.
   132  The important thing about environment internals is that environments are
   133  meant to be a shared resource. They aren't a private, local-only notion
   134  (unless you're using purely local state and not committing it).
   136  The "current environment" name is stored only locally in the ignored
   137  `.terraform` directory. This allows multiple team members to work on
   138  different environments concurrently.