
     1  // Copyright 2012-2022 The NATS Authors
     2  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     3  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     4  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     5  //
     6  //
     7  //
     8  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     9  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    10  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    11  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    12  // limitations under the License.
    14  package server
    16  import (
    17  	"bufio"
    18  	"bytes"
    19  	"encoding/json"
    20  	"fmt"
    21  	"io"
    22  	"math"
    23  	"net"
    24  	"net/url"
    25  	"reflect"
    26  	"regexp"
    27  	"runtime"
    28  	"strings"
    29  	"sync"
    30  	"sync/atomic"
    31  	"testing"
    32  	"time"
    34  	"crypto/tls"
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  )
    41  type serverInfo struct {
    42  	ID           string   `json:"server_id"`
    43  	Host         string   `json:"host"`
    44  	Port         uint     `json:"port"`
    45  	Version      string   `json:"version"`
    46  	AuthRequired bool     `json:"auth_required"`
    47  	TLSRequired  bool     `json:"tls_required"`
    48  	MaxPayload   int64    `json:"max_payload"`
    49  	Headers      bool     `json:"headers"`
    50  	ConnectURLs  []string `json:"connect_urls,omitempty"`
    51  	LameDuckMode bool     `json:"ldm,omitempty"`
    52  	CID          uint64   `json:"client_id,omitempty"`
    53  }
    55  type testAsyncClient struct {
    56  	*client
    57  	parseAsync func(string)
    58  	quitCh     chan bool
    59  }
    61  func (c *testAsyncClient) close() {
    62  	c.client.closeConnection(ClientClosed)
    63  	c.quitCh <- true
    64  }
    66  func (c *testAsyncClient) parse(proto []byte) error {
    67  	err := c.client.parse(proto)
    68  	c.client.flushClients(0)
    69  	return err
    70  }
    72  func (c *testAsyncClient) parseAndClose(proto []byte) {
    73  	c.client.parse(proto)
    74  	c.client.flushClients(0)
    75  	c.closeConnection(ClientClosed)
    76  }
    78  func createClientAsync(ch chan *client, s *Server, cli net.Conn) {
    79  	// Normally, those type of clients are used against non running servers.
    80  	// However, some don't, which would then cause the writeLoop to be
    81  	// started twice for the same client (since createClient() start both
    82  	// read and write loop if it is detected as running).
    83  	startWriteLoop := !s.isRunning()
    84  	if startWriteLoop {
    85  		s.grWG.Add(1)
    86  	}
    87  	go func() {
    88  		c := s.createClient(cli)
    89  		// Must be here to suppress +OK
    90  		c.opts.Verbose = false
    91  		if startWriteLoop {
    92  			go c.writeLoop()
    93  		}
    94  		ch <- c
    95  	}()
    96  }
    98  func newClientForServer(s *Server) (*testAsyncClient, *bufio.Reader, string) {
    99  	cli, srv := net.Pipe()
   100  	cr := bufio.NewReaderSize(cli, maxBufSize)
   101  	ch := make(chan *client)
   102  	createClientAsync(ch, s, srv)
   103  	// So failing tests don't just hang.
   104  	cli.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(10 * time.Second))
   105  	l, _ := cr.ReadString('\n')
   106  	// Grab client
   107  	c := <-ch
   108  	parse, quitCh := genAsyncParser(c)
   109  	asyncClient := &testAsyncClient{
   110  		client:     c,
   111  		parseAsync: parse,
   112  		quitCh:     quitCh,
   113  	}
   114  	return asyncClient, cr, l
   115  }
   117  func genAsyncParser(c *client) (func(string), chan bool) {
   118  	pab := make(chan []byte, 16)
   119  	pas := func(cs string) { pab <- []byte(cs) }
   120  	quit := make(chan bool)
   121  	go func() {
   122  		for {
   123  			select {
   124  			case cs := <-pab:
   125  				c.parse(cs)
   126  				c.flushClients(0)
   127  			case <-quit:
   128  				return
   129  			}
   130  		}
   131  	}()
   132  	return pas, quit
   133  }
   135  var defaultServerOptions = Options{
   136  	Host:                  "",
   137  	Port:                  -1,
   138  	Trace:                 true,
   139  	Debug:                 true,
   140  	DisableShortFirstPing: true,
   141  	NoLog:                 true,
   142  	NoSigs:                true,
   143  }
   145  func rawSetup(serverOptions Options) (*Server, *testAsyncClient, *bufio.Reader, string) {
   146  	s := New(&serverOptions)
   147  	c, cr, l := newClientForServer(s)
   148  	return s, c, cr, l
   149  }
   151  func setUpClientWithResponse() (*testAsyncClient, string) {
   152  	_, c, _, l := rawSetup(defaultServerOptions)
   153  	return c, l
   154  }
   156  func setupClient() (*Server, *testAsyncClient, *bufio.Reader) {
   157  	s, c, cr, _ := rawSetup(defaultServerOptions)
   158  	return s, c, cr
   159  }
   161  func checkClientsCount(t *testing.T, s *Server, expected int) {
   162  	t.Helper()
   163  	checkFor(t, 2*time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
   164  		if nc := s.NumClients(); nc != expected {
   165  			return fmt.Errorf("The number of expected connections was %v, got %v", expected, nc)
   166  		}
   167  		return nil
   168  	})
   169  }
   171  func checkAccClientsCount(t *testing.T, acc *Account, expected int) {
   172  	t.Helper()
   173  	checkFor(t, 4*time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, func() error {
   174  		if nc := acc.NumConnections(); nc != expected {
   175  			return fmt.Errorf("Expected account %q to have %v clients, got %v",
   176  				acc.Name, expected, nc)
   177  		}
   178  		return nil
   179  	})
   180  }
   182  func TestAsyncClientWithRunningServer(t *testing.T) {
   183  	o := DefaultOptions()
   184  	s := RunServer(o)
   185  	defer s.Shutdown()
   187  	c, _, _ := newClientForServer(s)
   188  	defer c.close()
   190  	buf := make([]byte, 1000000)
   191  	writeLoopTxt := fmt.Sprintf("writeLoop(%p)", c.client)
   192  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
   193  		n := runtime.Stack(buf, true)
   194  		if count := strings.Count(string(buf[:n]), writeLoopTxt); count != 1 {
   195  			return fmt.Errorf("writeLoop for client should have been started only once: %v", count)
   196  		}
   197  		return nil
   198  	})
   199  }
   201  func TestClientCreateAndInfo(t *testing.T) {
   202  	s, c, _, l := rawSetup(defaultServerOptions)
   203  	defer c.close()
   205  	if c.cid != 1 {
   206  		t.Fatalf("Expected cid of 1 vs %d\n", c.cid)
   207  	}
   208  	if c.state != OP_START {
   209  		t.Fatal("Expected state to be OP_START")
   210  	}
   212  	if !strings.HasPrefix(l, "INFO ") {
   213  		t.Fatalf("INFO response incorrect: %s\n", l)
   214  	}
   215  	// Make sure payload is proper json
   216  	var info serverInfo
   217  	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(l[5:]), &info)
   218  	if err != nil {
   219  		t.Fatalf("Could not parse INFO json: %v\n", err)
   220  	}
   221  	// Sanity checks
   222  	if info.MaxPayload != MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE ||
   223  		info.AuthRequired || info.TLSRequired ||
   224  		int(info.Port) != s.opts.Port {
   225  		t.Fatalf("INFO inconsistent: %+v\n", info)
   226  	}
   227  }
   229  func TestClientNoResponderSupport(t *testing.T) {
   230  	opts := defaultServerOptions
   231  	s := New(&opts)
   233  	c, _, _ := newClientForServer(s)
   234  	defer c.close()
   236  	// Force header support if you want to do no_responders. Make sure headers are set.
   237  	if err := c.parse([]byte("CONNECT {\"no_responders\":true}\r\n")); err == nil {
   238  		t.Fatalf("Expected error")
   239  	}
   241  	c, cr, _ := newClientForServer(s)
   242  	defer c.close()
   244  	c.parseAsync("CONNECT {\"headers\":true, \"no_responders\":true}\r\nSUB reply 1\r\nPUB foo reply 2\r\nok\r\n")
   246  	l, err := cr.ReadString('\n')
   247  	if err != nil {
   248  		t.Fatalf("Error receiving msg from server: %v\n", err)
   249  	}
   251  	am := hmsgPat.FindAllStringSubmatch(l, -1)
   252  	if len(am) == 0 {
   253  		t.Fatalf("Did not get a match for %q", l)
   254  	}
   255  	checkPayload(cr, []byte("NATS/1.0 503\r\n\r\n"), t)
   256  }
   258  func TestServerHeaderSupport(t *testing.T) {
   259  	opts := defaultServerOptions
   260  	s := New(&opts)
   262  	c, _, l := newClientForServer(s)
   263  	defer c.close()
   265  	if !strings.HasPrefix(l, "INFO ") {
   266  		t.Fatalf("INFO response incorrect: %s\n", l)
   267  	}
   268  	var info serverInfo
   269  	if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(l[5:]), &info); err != nil {
   270  		t.Fatalf("Could not parse INFO json: %v\n", err)
   271  	}
   272  	if !info.Headers {
   273  		t.Fatalf("Expected by default for header support to be enabled")
   274  	}
   276  	opts.NoHeaderSupport = true
   277  	opts.Port = -1
   278  	s = New(&opts)
   280  	c, _, l = newClientForServer(s)
   281  	defer c.close()
   283  	if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(l[5:]), &info); err != nil {
   284  		t.Fatalf("Could not parse INFO json: %v\n", err)
   285  	}
   286  	if info.Headers {
   287  		t.Fatalf("Expected header support to be disabled")
   288  	}
   289  }
   291  // This test specifically is not testing how headers are encoded in a raw msg.
   292  // It wants to make sure the serve and clients agreement on when to use headers
   293  // is bi-directional and functions properly.
   294  func TestClientHeaderSupport(t *testing.T) {
   295  	opts := defaultServerOptions
   296  	s := New(&opts)
   298  	c, _, _ := newClientForServer(s)
   299  	defer c.close()
   301  	// Even though the server supports headers we need to explicitly say we do in the
   302  	// CONNECT. If we do not we should get an error.
   303  	if err := c.parse([]byte("CONNECT {}\r\nHPUB foo 0 2\r\nok\r\n")); err != ErrMsgHeadersNotSupported {
   304  		t.Fatalf("Expected to receive an error, got %v", err)
   305  	}
   307  	// This should succeed.
   308  	c, _, _ = newClientForServer(s)
   309  	defer c.close()
   311  	if err := c.parse([]byte("CONNECT {\"headers\":true}\r\nHPUB foo 0 2\r\nok\r\n")); err != nil {
   312  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error %v", err)
   313  	}
   315  	// Now start a server without support.
   316  	opts.NoHeaderSupport = true
   317  	opts.Port = -1
   318  	s = New(&opts)
   320  	c, _, _ = newClientForServer(s)
   321  	defer c.close()
   322  	if err := c.parse([]byte("CONNECT {\"headers\":true}\r\nHPUB foo 0 2\r\nok\r\n")); err != ErrMsgHeadersNotSupported {
   323  		t.Fatalf("Expected to receive an error, got %v", err)
   324  	}
   325  }
   327  var hmsgPat = regexp.MustCompile(`HMSG\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+(([^\s]+)[^\S\r\n]+)?(\d+)[^\S\r\n]+(\d+)\r\n`)
   329  func TestClientHeaderDeliverMsg(t *testing.T) {
   330  	opts := defaultServerOptions
   331  	s := New(&opts)
   333  	c, cr, _ := newClientForServer(s)
   334  	defer c.close()
   336  	connect := "CONNECT {\"headers\":true}"
   337  	subOp := "SUB foo 1"
   338  	pubOp := "HPUB foo 12 14\r\nName:Derek\r\nOK\r\n"
   339  	cmd := strings.Join([]string{connect, subOp, pubOp}, "\r\n")
   341  	c.parseAsync(cmd)
   342  	l, err := cr.ReadString('\n')
   343  	if err != nil {
   344  		t.Fatalf("Error receiving msg from server: %v\n", err)
   345  	}
   347  	am := hmsgPat.FindAllStringSubmatch(l, -1)
   348  	if len(am) == 0 {
   349  		t.Fatalf("Did not get a match for %q", l)
   350  	}
   351  	matches := am[0]
   352  	if len(matches) != 7 {
   353  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct # matches: %d vs %d\n", len(matches), 7)
   354  	}
   355  	if matches[SUB_INDEX] != "foo" {
   356  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct subject: '%s'\n", matches[SUB_INDEX])
   357  	}
   358  	if matches[SID_INDEX] != "1" {
   359  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct sid: '%s'\n", matches[SID_INDEX])
   360  	}
   361  	if matches[HDR_INDEX] != "12" {
   362  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct msg length: '%s'\n", matches[HDR_INDEX])
   363  	}
   364  	if matches[TLEN_INDEX] != "14" {
   365  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct msg length: '%s'\n", matches[TLEN_INDEX])
   366  	}
   367  	checkPayload(cr, []byte("Name:Derek\r\nOK\r\n"), t)
   368  }
   370  var smsgPat = regexp.MustCompile(`^MSG\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+(([^\s]+)[^\S\r\n]+)?(\d+)\r\n`)
   372  func TestClientHeaderDeliverStrippedMsg(t *testing.T) {
   373  	opts := defaultServerOptions
   374  	s := New(&opts)
   376  	c, _, _ := newClientForServer(s)
   377  	defer c.close()
   379  	b, br, _ := newClientForServer(s)
   380  	defer b.close()
   382  	// Does not support headers
   383  	b.parseAsync("SUB foo 1\r\nPING\r\n")
   384  	if _, err := br.ReadString('\n'); err != nil {
   385  		t.Fatalf("Error receiving msg from server: %v\n", err)
   386  	}
   388  	connect := "CONNECT {\"headers\":true}"
   389  	pubOp := "HPUB foo 12 14\r\nName:Derek\r\nOK\r\n"
   390  	cmd := strings.Join([]string{connect, pubOp}, "\r\n")
   391  	c.parseAsync(cmd)
   392  	// Read from 'b' client.
   393  	l, err := br.ReadString('\n')
   394  	if err != nil {
   395  		t.Fatalf("Error receiving msg from server: %v\n", err)
   396  	}
   397  	am := smsgPat.FindAllStringSubmatch(l, -1)
   398  	if len(am) == 0 {
   399  		t.Fatalf("Did not get a correct match for %q", l)
   400  	}
   401  	matches := am[0]
   402  	if len(matches) != 6 {
   403  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct # matches: %d vs %d\n", len(matches), 6)
   404  	}
   405  	if matches[SUB_INDEX] != "foo" {
   406  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct subject: '%s'\n", matches[SUB_INDEX])
   407  	}
   408  	if matches[SID_INDEX] != "1" {
   409  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct sid: '%s'\n", matches[SID_INDEX])
   410  	}
   411  	if matches[LEN_INDEX] != "2" {
   412  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct msg length: '%s'\n", matches[LEN_INDEX])
   413  	}
   414  	checkPayload(br, []byte("OK\r\n"), t)
   415  	if br.Buffered() != 0 {
   416  		t.Fatalf("Expected no extra bytes to be buffered, got %d", br.Buffered())
   417  	}
   418  }
   420  func TestClientHeaderDeliverQueueSubStrippedMsg(t *testing.T) {
   421  	opts := defaultServerOptions
   422  	s := New(&opts)
   424  	c, _, _ := newClientForServer(s)
   425  	defer c.close()
   427  	b, br, _ := newClientForServer(s)
   428  	defer b.close()
   430  	// Does not support headers
   431  	b.parseAsync("SUB foo bar 1\r\nPING\r\n")
   432  	if _, err := br.ReadString('\n'); err != nil {
   433  		t.Fatalf("Error receiving msg from server: %v\n", err)
   434  	}
   436  	connect := "CONNECT {\"headers\":true}"
   437  	pubOp := "HPUB foo 12 14\r\nName:Derek\r\nOK\r\n"
   438  	cmd := strings.Join([]string{connect, pubOp}, "\r\n")
   439  	c.parseAsync(cmd)
   440  	// Read from 'b' client.
   441  	l, err := br.ReadString('\n')
   442  	if err != nil {
   443  		t.Fatalf("Error receiving msg from server: %v\n", err)
   444  	}
   445  	am := smsgPat.FindAllStringSubmatch(l, -1)
   446  	if len(am) == 0 {
   447  		t.Fatalf("Did not get a correct match for %q", l)
   448  	}
   449  	matches := am[0]
   450  	if len(matches) != 6 {
   451  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct # matches: %d vs %d\n", len(matches), 6)
   452  	}
   453  	if matches[SUB_INDEX] != "foo" {
   454  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct subject: '%s'\n", matches[SUB_INDEX])
   455  	}
   456  	if matches[SID_INDEX] != "1" {
   457  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct sid: '%s'\n", matches[SID_INDEX])
   458  	}
   459  	if matches[LEN_INDEX] != "2" {
   460  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct msg length: '%s'\n", matches[LEN_INDEX])
   461  	}
   462  	checkPayload(br, []byte("OK\r\n"), t)
   463  }
   465  func TestNonTLSConnectionState(t *testing.T) {
   466  	_, c, _ := setupClient()
   467  	defer c.close()
   468  	state := c.GetTLSConnectionState()
   469  	if state != nil {
   470  		t.Error("GetTLSConnectionState() returned non-nil")
   471  	}
   472  }
   474  func TestClientConnect(t *testing.T) {
   475  	_, c, _ := setupClient()
   476  	defer c.close()
   478  	// Basic Connect setting flags
   479  	connectOp := []byte("CONNECT {\"verbose\":true,\"pedantic\":true,\"tls_required\":false,\"echo\":false}\r\n")
   480  	err := c.parse(connectOp)
   481  	if err != nil {
   482  		t.Fatalf("Received error: %v\n", err)
   483  	}
   484  	if c.state != OP_START {
   485  		t.Fatalf("Expected state of OP_START vs %d\n", c.state)
   486  	}
   487  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(c.opts, ClientOpts{Verbose: true, Pedantic: true, Echo: false}) {
   488  		t.Fatalf("Did not parse connect options correctly: %+v\n", c.opts)
   489  	}
   491  	// Test that we can capture user/pass
   492  	connectOp = []byte("CONNECT {\"user\":\"derek\",\"pass\":\"foo\"}\r\n")
   493  	c.opts = defaultOpts
   494  	err = c.parse(connectOp)
   495  	if err != nil {
   496  		t.Fatalf("Received error: %v\n", err)
   497  	}
   498  	if c.state != OP_START {
   499  		t.Fatalf("Expected state of OP_START vs %d\n", c.state)
   500  	}
   501  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(c.opts, ClientOpts{Echo: true, Verbose: true, Pedantic: true, Username: "derek", Password: "foo"}) {
   502  		t.Fatalf("Did not parse connect options correctly: %+v\n", c.opts)
   503  	}
   505  	// Test that we can capture client name
   506  	connectOp = []byte("CONNECT {\"user\":\"derek\",\"pass\":\"foo\",\"name\":\"router\"}\r\n")
   507  	c.opts = defaultOpts
   508  	err = c.parse(connectOp)
   509  	if err != nil {
   510  		t.Fatalf("Received error: %v\n", err)
   511  	}
   512  	if c.state != OP_START {
   513  		t.Fatalf("Expected state of OP_START vs %d\n", c.state)
   514  	}
   516  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(c.opts, ClientOpts{Echo: true, Verbose: true, Pedantic: true, Username: "derek", Password: "foo", Name: "router"}) {
   517  		t.Fatalf("Did not parse connect options correctly: %+v\n", c.opts)
   518  	}
   520  	// Test that we correctly capture auth tokens
   521  	connectOp = []byte("CONNECT {\"auth_token\":\"YZZ222\",\"name\":\"router\"}\r\n")
   522  	c.opts = defaultOpts
   523  	err = c.parse(connectOp)
   524  	if err != nil {
   525  		t.Fatalf("Received error: %v\n", err)
   526  	}
   527  	if c.state != OP_START {
   528  		t.Fatalf("Expected state of OP_START vs %d\n", c.state)
   529  	}
   531  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(c.opts, ClientOpts{Echo: true, Verbose: true, Pedantic: true, Token: "YZZ222", Name: "router"}) {
   532  		t.Fatalf("Did not parse connect options correctly: %+v\n", c.opts)
   533  	}
   534  }
   536  func TestClientConnectProto(t *testing.T) {
   537  	_, c, r := setupClient()
   538  	defer c.close()
   540  	// Basic Connect setting flags, proto should be zero (original proto)
   541  	connectOp := []byte("CONNECT {\"verbose\":true,\"pedantic\":true,\"tls_required\":false}\r\n")
   542  	err := c.parse(connectOp)
   543  	if err != nil {
   544  		t.Fatalf("Received error: %v\n", err)
   545  	}
   546  	if c.state != OP_START {
   547  		t.Fatalf("Expected state of OP_START vs %d\n", c.state)
   548  	}
   549  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(c.opts, ClientOpts{Echo: true, Verbose: true, Pedantic: true, Protocol: ClientProtoZero}) {
   550  		t.Fatalf("Did not parse connect options correctly: %+v\n", c.opts)
   551  	}
   553  	// ProtoInfo
   554  	connectOp = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("CONNECT {\"verbose\":true,\"pedantic\":true,\"tls_required\":false,\"protocol\":%d}\r\n", ClientProtoInfo))
   555  	err = c.parse(connectOp)
   556  	if err != nil {
   557  		t.Fatalf("Received error: %v\n", err)
   558  	}
   559  	if c.state != OP_START {
   560  		t.Fatalf("Expected state of OP_START vs %d\n", c.state)
   561  	}
   562  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(c.opts, ClientOpts{Echo: true, Verbose: true, Pedantic: true, Protocol: ClientProtoInfo}) {
   563  		t.Fatalf("Did not parse connect options correctly: %+v\n", c.opts)
   564  	}
   565  	if c.opts.Protocol != ClientProtoInfo {
   566  		t.Fatalf("Protocol should have been set to %v, but is set to %v", ClientProtoInfo, c.opts.Protocol)
   567  	}
   569  	// Illegal Option
   570  	connectOp = []byte("CONNECT {\"protocol\":22}\r\n")
   571  	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
   572  	wg.Add(1)
   573  	// The client here is using a pipe, we need to be dequeuing
   574  	// data otherwise the server would be blocked trying to send
   575  	// the error back to it.
   576  	go func() {
   577  		defer wg.Done()
   578  		for {
   579  			if _, _, err := r.ReadLine(); err != nil {
   580  				return
   581  			}
   582  		}
   583  	}()
   584  	err = c.parse(connectOp)
   585  	if err == nil {
   586  		t.Fatalf("Expected to receive an error\n")
   587  	}
   588  	if err != ErrBadClientProtocol {
   589  		t.Fatalf("Expected err of %q, got  %q\n", ErrBadClientProtocol, err)
   590  	}
   591  	wg.Wait()
   592  }
   594  func TestRemoteAddress(t *testing.T) {
   595  	rc := &client{}
   597  	// though in reality this will panic if it does not, adding coverage anyway
   598  	if rc.RemoteAddress() != nil {
   599  		t.Errorf("RemoteAddress() did not handle nil connection correctly")
   600  	}
   602  	_, c, _ := setupClient()
   603  	defer c.close()
   604  	addr := c.RemoteAddress()
   606  	if addr.Network() != "pipe" {
   607  		t.Errorf("RemoteAddress() returned invalid network: %s", addr.Network())
   608  	}
   610  	if addr.String() != "pipe" {
   611  		t.Errorf("RemoteAddress() returned invalid string: %s", addr.String())
   612  	}
   613  }
   615  func TestClientPing(t *testing.T) {
   616  	_, c, cr := setupClient()
   617  	defer c.close()
   619  	// PING
   620  	pingOp := "PING\r\n"
   621  	c.parseAsync(pingOp)
   622  	l, err := cr.ReadString('\n')
   623  	if err != nil {
   624  		t.Fatalf("Error receiving info from server: %v\n", err)
   625  	}
   626  	if !strings.HasPrefix(l, "PONG\r\n") {
   627  		t.Fatalf("PONG response incorrect: %s\n", l)
   628  	}
   629  }
   631  var msgPat = regexp.MustCompile(`MSG\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+(([^\s]+)[^\S\r\n]+)?(\d+)\r\n`)
   633  const (
   634  	SUB_INDEX   = 1
   635  	SID_INDEX   = 2
   636  	REPLY_INDEX = 4
   637  	LEN_INDEX   = 5
   638  	HDR_INDEX   = 5
   639  	TLEN_INDEX  = 6
   640  )
   642  func grabPayload(cr *bufio.Reader, expected int) []byte {
   643  	d := make([]byte, expected)
   644  	n, _ := cr.Read(d)
   645  	cr.ReadString('\n')
   646  	return d[:n]
   647  }
   649  func checkPayload(cr *bufio.Reader, expected []byte, t *testing.T) {
   650  	t.Helper()
   651  	// Read in payload
   652  	d := make([]byte, len(expected))
   653  	n, err := cr.Read(d)
   654  	if err != nil {
   655  		t.Fatalf("Error receiving msg payload from server: %v\n", err)
   656  	}
   657  	if n != len(expected) {
   658  		t.Fatalf("Did not read correct amount of bytes: %d vs %d\n", n, len(expected))
   659  	}
   660  	if !bytes.Equal(d, expected) {
   661  		t.Fatalf("Did not read correct payload:: <%s>\n", d)
   662  	}
   663  }
   665  func TestClientSimplePubSub(t *testing.T) {
   666  	_, c, cr := setupClient()
   667  	defer c.close()
   668  	// SUB/PUB
   669  	c.parseAsync("SUB foo 1\r\nPUB foo 5\r\nhello\r\nPING\r\n")
   670  	l, err := cr.ReadString('\n')
   671  	if err != nil {
   672  		t.Fatalf("Error receiving msg from server: %v\n", err)
   673  	}
   674  	matches := msgPat.FindAllStringSubmatch(l, -1)[0]
   675  	if len(matches) != 6 {
   676  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct # matches: %d vs %d\n", len(matches), 6)
   677  	}
   678  	if matches[SUB_INDEX] != "foo" {
   679  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct subject: '%s'\n", matches[SUB_INDEX])
   680  	}
   681  	if matches[SID_INDEX] != "1" {
   682  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct sid: '%s'\n", matches[SID_INDEX])
   683  	}
   684  	if matches[LEN_INDEX] != "5" {
   685  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct msg length: '%s'\n", matches[LEN_INDEX])
   686  	}
   687  	checkPayload(cr, []byte("hello\r\n"), t)
   688  }
   690  func TestClientPubSubNoEcho(t *testing.T) {
   691  	_, c, cr := setupClient()
   692  	defer c.close()
   693  	// Specify no echo
   694  	connectOp := []byte("CONNECT {\"echo\":false}\r\n")
   695  	err := c.parse(connectOp)
   696  	if err != nil {
   697  		t.Fatalf("Received error: %v\n", err)
   698  	}
   699  	// SUB/PUB
   700  	c.parseAsync("SUB foo 1\r\nPUB foo 5\r\nhello\r\nPING\r\n")
   701  	l, err := cr.ReadString('\n')
   702  	if err != nil {
   703  		t.Fatalf("Error receiving msg from server: %v\n", err)
   704  	}
   705  	// We should not receive anything but a PONG since we specified no echo.
   706  	if !strings.HasPrefix(l, "PONG\r\n") {
   707  		t.Fatalf("PONG response incorrect: %q\n", l)
   708  	}
   709  }
   711  func TestClientSimplePubSubWithReply(t *testing.T) {
   712  	_, c, cr := setupClient()
   713  	defer c.close()
   715  	// SUB/PUB
   716  	c.parseAsync("SUB foo 1\r\nPUB foo bar 5\r\nhello\r\nPING\r\n")
   717  	l, err := cr.ReadString('\n')
   718  	if err != nil {
   719  		t.Fatalf("Error receiving msg from server: %v\n", err)
   720  	}
   721  	matches := msgPat.FindAllStringSubmatch(l, -1)[0]
   722  	if len(matches) != 6 {
   723  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct # matches: %d vs %d\n", len(matches), 6)
   724  	}
   725  	if matches[SUB_INDEX] != "foo" {
   726  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct subject: '%s'\n", matches[SUB_INDEX])
   727  	}
   728  	if matches[SID_INDEX] != "1" {
   729  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct sid: '%s'\n", matches[SID_INDEX])
   730  	}
   731  	if matches[REPLY_INDEX] != "bar" {
   732  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct reply subject: '%s'\n", matches[REPLY_INDEX])
   733  	}
   734  	if matches[LEN_INDEX] != "5" {
   735  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct msg length: '%s'\n", matches[LEN_INDEX])
   736  	}
   737  }
   739  func TestClientNoBodyPubSubWithReply(t *testing.T) {
   740  	_, c, cr := setupClient()
   741  	defer c.close()
   743  	// SUB/PUB
   744  	c.parseAsync("SUB foo 1\r\nPUB foo bar 0\r\n\r\nPING\r\n")
   745  	l, err := cr.ReadString('\n')
   746  	if err != nil {
   747  		t.Fatalf("Error receiving msg from server: %v\n", err)
   748  	}
   749  	matches := msgPat.FindAllStringSubmatch(l, -1)[0]
   750  	if len(matches) != 6 {
   751  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct # matches: %d vs %d\n", len(matches), 6)
   752  	}
   753  	if matches[SUB_INDEX] != "foo" {
   754  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct subject: '%s'\n", matches[SUB_INDEX])
   755  	}
   756  	if matches[SID_INDEX] != "1" {
   757  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct sid: '%s'\n", matches[SID_INDEX])
   758  	}
   759  	if matches[REPLY_INDEX] != "bar" {
   760  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct reply subject: '%s'\n", matches[REPLY_INDEX])
   761  	}
   762  	if matches[LEN_INDEX] != "0" {
   763  		t.Fatalf("Did not get correct msg length: '%s'\n", matches[LEN_INDEX])
   764  	}
   765  }
   767  func TestClientPubWithQueueSub(t *testing.T) {
   768  	_, c, cr := setupClient()
   769  	defer c.close()
   771  	num := 100
   773  	// Queue SUB/PUB
   774  	subs := []byte("SUB foo g1 1\r\nSUB foo g1 2\r\n")
   775  	pubs := []byte("PUB foo bar 5\r\nhello\r\n")
   776  	op := []byte{}
   777  	op = append(op, subs...)
   778  	for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
   779  		op = append(op, pubs...)
   780  	}
   782  	go c.parseAndClose(op)
   784  	var n1, n2, received int
   785  	for ; ; received++ {
   786  		l, err := cr.ReadString('\n')
   787  		if err != nil {
   788  			break
   789  		}
   790  		matches := msgPat.FindAllStringSubmatch(l, -1)[0]
   792  		// Count which sub
   793  		switch matches[SID_INDEX] {
   794  		case "1":
   795  			n1++
   796  		case "2":
   797  			n2++
   798  		}
   799  		checkPayload(cr, []byte("hello\r\n"), t)
   800  	}
   801  	if received != num {
   802  		t.Fatalf("Received wrong # of msgs: %d vs %d\n", received, num)
   803  	}
   804  	// Threshold for randomness for now
   805  	if n1 < 20 || n2 < 20 {
   806  		t.Fatalf("Received wrong # of msgs per subscriber: %d - %d\n", n1, n2)
   807  	}
   808  }
   810  func TestSplitSubjectQueue(t *testing.T) {
   811  	cases := []struct {
   812  		name        string
   813  		sq          string
   814  		wantSubject []byte
   815  		wantQueue   []byte
   816  		wantErr     bool
   817  	}{
   818  		{name: "single subject",
   819  			sq: "foo", wantSubject: []byte("foo"), wantQueue: nil},
   820  		{name: "subject and queue",
   821  			sq: "foo bar", wantSubject: []byte("foo"), wantQueue: []byte("bar")},
   822  		{name: "subject and queue with surrounding spaces",
   823  			sq: " foo bar ", wantSubject: []byte("foo"), wantQueue: []byte("bar")},
   824  		{name: "subject and queue with extra spaces in the middle",
   825  			sq: "foo  bar", wantSubject: []byte("foo"), wantQueue: []byte("bar")},
   826  		{name: "subject, queue, and extra token",
   827  			sq: "foo  bar fizz", wantSubject: []byte(nil), wantQueue: []byte(nil), wantErr: true},
   828  	}
   830  	for _, c := range cases {
   831  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   832  			sub, que, err := splitSubjectQueue(c.sq)
   833  			if err == nil && c.wantErr {
   834  				t.Fatal("Expected error, but got nil")
   835  			}
   836  			if err != nil && !c.wantErr {
   837  				t.Fatalf("Expected nil error, but got %v", err)
   838  			}
   840  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(sub, c.wantSubject) {
   841  				t.Fatalf("Expected to get subject %#v, but instead got %#v", c.wantSubject, sub)
   842  			}
   843  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(que, c.wantQueue) {
   844  				t.Fatalf("Expected to get queue %#v, but instead got %#v", c.wantQueue, que)
   845  			}
   846  		})
   847  	}
   848  }
   850  func TestTypeString(t *testing.T) {
   851  	cases := []struct {
   852  		intType    int
   853  		stringType string
   854  	}{
   855  		{
   856  			intType:    CLIENT,
   857  			stringType: "Client",
   858  		},
   859  		{
   860  			intType:    ROUTER,
   861  			stringType: "Router",
   862  		},
   863  		{
   864  			intType:    GATEWAY,
   865  			stringType: "Gateway",
   866  		},
   867  		{
   868  			intType:    LEAF,
   869  			stringType: "Leafnode",
   870  		},
   871  		{
   872  			intType:    JETSTREAM,
   873  			stringType: "JetStream",
   874  		},
   875  		{
   876  			intType:    ACCOUNT,
   877  			stringType: "Account",
   878  		},
   879  		{
   880  			intType:    SYSTEM,
   881  			stringType: "System",
   882  		},
   883  		{
   884  			intType:    -1,
   885  			stringType: "Unknown Type",
   886  		},
   887  	}
   888  	for _, cs := range cases {
   889  		c := &client{kind: cs.intType}
   890  		typeStringVal := c.kindString()
   892  		if typeStringVal != cs.stringType {
   893  			t.Fatalf("Expected typeString  value  %q, but instead received %q", cs.stringType, typeStringVal)
   894  		}
   895  	}
   896  }
   898  func TestQueueSubscribePermissions(t *testing.T) {
   899  	cases := []struct {
   900  		name    string
   901  		perms   *SubjectPermission
   902  		subject string
   903  		queue   string
   904  		want    string
   905  	}{
   906  		{
   907  			name:    "plain subscription on foo",
   908  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Allow: []string{"foo"}},
   909  			subject: "foo",
   910  			want:    "+OK\r\n",
   911  		},
   912  		{
   913  			name:    "queue subscribe with allowed group",
   914  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Allow: []string{"foo bar"}},
   915  			subject: "foo",
   916  			queue:   "bar",
   917  			want:    "+OK\r\n",
   918  		},
   919  		{
   920  			name:    "queue subscribe with wildcard allowed group",
   921  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Allow: []string{"foo bar.*"}},
   922  			subject: "foo",
   923  			queue:   "bar.fizz",
   924  			want:    "+OK\r\n",
   925  		},
   926  		{
   927  			name:    "queue subscribe with full wildcard subject and subgroup",
   928  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Allow: []string{"> bar.>"}},
   929  			subject: "whizz",
   930  			queue:   "bar.bang",
   931  			want:    "+OK\r\n",
   932  		},
   933  		{
   934  			name:    "plain subscribe with full wildcard subject and subgroup",
   935  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Allow: []string{"> bar.>"}},
   936  			subject: "whizz",
   937  			want:    "-ERR 'Permissions Violation for Subscription to \"whizz\"'\r\n",
   938  		},
   939  		{
   940  			name:    "deny plain subscription on foo",
   941  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Allow: []string{">"}, Deny: []string{"foo"}},
   942  			subject: "foo",
   943  			queue:   "bar",
   944  			want:    "-ERR 'Permissions Violation for Subscription to \"foo\" using queue \"bar\"'\r\n",
   945  		},
   946  		{
   947  			name:    "allow plain subscription, except foo",
   948  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Allow: []string{">"}, Deny: []string{"foo"}},
   949  			subject: "bar",
   950  			want:    "+OK\r\n",
   951  		},
   952  		{
   953  			name:    "deny everything",
   954  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Allow: []string{">"}, Deny: []string{">"}},
   955  			subject: "foo",
   956  			queue:   "bar",
   957  			want:    "-ERR 'Permissions Violation for Subscription to \"foo\" using queue \"bar\"'\r\n",
   958  		},
   959  		{
   960  			name:    "can only subscribe to queues v1",
   961  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Allow: []string{"> v1.>"}},
   962  			subject: "foo",
   963  			queue:   "",
   964  			want:    "+OK\r\n",
   965  		},
   966  		{
   967  			name:    "cannot subscribe to queues, plain subscribe ok",
   968  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Allow: []string{">"}, Deny: []string{"> >"}},
   969  			subject: "foo",
   970  			want:    "+OK\r\n",
   971  		},
   972  		{
   973  			name:    "cannot subscribe to queues, queue subscribe not ok",
   974  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Deny: []string{"> >"}},
   975  			subject: "foo",
   976  			queue:   "bar",
   977  			want:    "-ERR 'Permissions Violation for Subscription to \"foo\" using queue \"bar\"'\r\n",
   978  		},
   979  		{
   980  			name:    "deny all queue subscriptions on dev or stg only",
   981  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Deny: []string{"> *.dev", "> *.stg"}},
   982  			subject: "foo",
   983  			queue:   "bar",
   984  			want:    "+OK\r\n",
   985  		},
   986  		{
   987  			name:    "allow only queue subscription on dev or stg",
   988  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Allow: []string{"> *.dev", "> *.stg"}},
   989  			subject: "foo",
   990  			queue:   "bar",
   991  			want:    "-ERR 'Permissions Violation for Subscription to \"foo\" using queue \"bar\"'\r\n",
   992  		},
   993  		{
   994  			name:    "deny queue subscriptions with subject foo",
   995  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Deny: []string{"foo >"}},
   996  			subject: "foo",
   997  			queue:   "bar",
   998  			want:    "-ERR 'Permissions Violation for Subscription to \"foo\" using queue \"bar\"'\r\n",
   999  		},
  1000  		{
  1001  			name:    "plain sub is allowed, but queue subscribe with queue not in list",
  1002  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Allow: []string{"foo bar"}},
  1003  			subject: "foo",
  1004  			queue:   "fizz",
  1005  			want:    "-ERR 'Permissions Violation for Subscription to \"foo\" using queue \"fizz\"'\r\n",
  1006  		},
  1007  		{
  1008  			name:    "allow plain sub, but do queue subscribe",
  1009  			perms:   &SubjectPermission{Allow: []string{"foo"}},
  1010  			subject: "foo",
  1011  			queue:   "bar",
  1012  			want:    "+OK\r\n",
  1013  		},
  1014  	}
  1015  	for _, c := range cases {
  1016  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  1017  			_, client, r := setupClient()
  1018  			defer client.close()
  1020  			client.RegisterUser(&User{
  1021  				Permissions: &Permissions{Subscribe: c.perms},
  1022  			})
  1023  			connect := []byte("CONNECT {\"verbose\":true}\r\n")
  1024  			qsub := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("SUB %s %s 1\r\n", c.subject, c.queue))
  1026  			go client.parseAndClose(append(connect, qsub...))
  1028  			var buf bytes.Buffer
  1029  			if _, err := io.Copy(&buf, r); err != nil {
  1030  				t.Fatal(err)
  1031  			}
  1033  			// Extra OK is from the successful CONNECT.
  1034  			want := "+OK\r\n" + c.want
  1035  			if got := buf.String(); got != want {
  1036  				t.Fatalf("Expected to receive %q, but instead received %q", want, got)
  1037  			}
  1038  		})
  1039  	}
  1040  }
  1042  func TestClientPubWithQueueSubNoEcho(t *testing.T) {
  1043  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  1044  	s := RunServer(opts)
  1045  	defer s.Shutdown()
  1047  	nc1, err := nats.Connect(fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s:%d", opts.Host, opts.Port))
  1048  	if err != nil {
  1049  		t.Fatalf("Error on connect: %v", err)
  1050  	}
  1051  	defer nc1.Close()
  1053  	// Grab the client from server and set no echo by hand.
  1055  	lc := len(s.clients)
  1056  	c := s.clients[s.gcid]
  1059  	if lc != 1 {
  1060  		t.Fatalf("Expected only 1 client but got %d\n", lc)
  1061  	}
  1062  	if c == nil {
  1063  		t.Fatal("Expected to retrieve client\n")
  1064  	}
  1066  	c.echo = false
  1069  	// Queue sub on nc1.
  1070  	_, err = nc1.QueueSubscribe("foo", "bar", func(*nats.Msg) {})
  1071  	if err != nil {
  1072  		t.Fatalf("Error on subscribe: %v", err)
  1073  	}
  1074  	nc1.Flush()
  1076  	nc2, err := nats.Connect(fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s:%d", opts.Host, opts.Port))
  1077  	if err != nil {
  1078  		t.Fatalf("Error on connect: %v", err)
  1079  	}
  1080  	defer nc2.Close()
  1082  	n := int32(0)
  1083  	cb := func(m *nats.Msg) {
  1084  		atomic.AddInt32(&n, 1)
  1085  	}
  1087  	_, err = nc2.QueueSubscribe("foo", "bar", cb)
  1088  	if err != nil {
  1089  		t.Fatalf("Error on subscribe: %v", err)
  1090  	}
  1091  	nc2.Flush()
  1093  	// Now publish 100 messages on nc1 which does not allow echo.
  1094  	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
  1095  		nc1.Publish("foo", []byte("Hello"))
  1096  	}
  1097  	nc1.Flush()
  1098  	nc2.Flush()
  1100  	checkFor(t, 5*time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  1101  		num := atomic.LoadInt32(&n)
  1102  		if num != int32(100) {
  1103  			return fmt.Errorf("Expected all the msgs to be received by nc2, got %d\n", num)
  1104  		}
  1105  		return nil
  1106  	})
  1107  }
  1109  func TestClientUnSub(t *testing.T) {
  1110  	_, c, cr := setupClient()
  1111  	defer c.close()
  1113  	num := 1
  1115  	// SUB/PUB
  1116  	subs := []byte("SUB foo 1\r\nSUB foo 2\r\n")
  1117  	unsub := []byte("UNSUB 1\r\n")
  1118  	pub := []byte("PUB foo bar 5\r\nhello\r\n")
  1120  	op := []byte{}
  1121  	op = append(op, subs...)
  1122  	op = append(op, unsub...)
  1123  	op = append(op, pub...)
  1125  	go c.parseAndClose(op)
  1127  	var received int
  1128  	for ; ; received++ {
  1129  		l, err := cr.ReadString('\n')
  1130  		if err != nil {
  1131  			break
  1132  		}
  1133  		matches := msgPat.FindAllStringSubmatch(l, -1)[0]
  1134  		if matches[SID_INDEX] != "2" {
  1135  			t.Fatalf("Received msg on unsubscribed subscription!\n")
  1136  		}
  1137  		checkPayload(cr, []byte("hello\r\n"), t)
  1138  	}
  1139  	if received != num {
  1140  		t.Fatalf("Received wrong # of msgs: %d vs %d\n", received, num)
  1141  	}
  1142  }
  1144  func TestClientUnSubMax(t *testing.T) {
  1145  	_, c, cr := setupClient()
  1146  	defer c.close()
  1148  	num := 10
  1149  	exp := 5
  1151  	// SUB/PUB
  1152  	subs := []byte("SUB foo 1\r\n")
  1153  	unsub := []byte("UNSUB 1 5\r\n")
  1154  	pub := []byte("PUB foo bar 5\r\nhello\r\n")
  1156  	op := []byte{}
  1157  	op = append(op, subs...)
  1158  	op = append(op, unsub...)
  1159  	for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
  1160  		op = append(op, pub...)
  1161  	}
  1163  	go c.parseAndClose(op)
  1165  	var received int
  1166  	for ; ; received++ {
  1167  		l, err := cr.ReadString('\n')
  1168  		if err != nil {
  1169  			break
  1170  		}
  1171  		matches := msgPat.FindAllStringSubmatch(l, -1)[0]
  1172  		if matches[SID_INDEX] != "1" {
  1173  			t.Fatalf("Received msg on unsubscribed subscription!\n")
  1174  		}
  1175  		checkPayload(cr, []byte("hello\r\n"), t)
  1176  	}
  1177  	if received != exp {
  1178  		t.Fatalf("Received wrong # of msgs: %d vs %d\n", received, exp)
  1179  	}
  1180  }
  1182  func TestClientAutoUnsubExactReceived(t *testing.T) {
  1183  	_, c, _ := setupClient()
  1184  	defer c.close()
  1186  	// SUB/PUB
  1187  	subs := []byte("SUB foo 1\r\n")
  1188  	unsub := []byte("UNSUB 1 1\r\n")
  1189  	pub := []byte("PUB foo bar 2\r\nok\r\n")
  1191  	op := []byte{}
  1192  	op = append(op, subs...)
  1193  	op = append(op, unsub...)
  1194  	op = append(op, pub...)
  1196  	c.parse(op)
  1198  	// We should not have any subscriptions in place here.
  1199  	if len(c.subs) != 0 {
  1200  		t.Fatalf("Wrong number of subscriptions: expected 0, got %d\n", len(c.subs))
  1201  	}
  1202  }
  1204  func TestClientUnsubAfterAutoUnsub(t *testing.T) {
  1205  	_, c, _ := setupClient()
  1206  	defer c.close()
  1208  	// SUB/UNSUB/UNSUB
  1209  	subs := []byte("SUB foo 1\r\n")
  1210  	asub := []byte("UNSUB 1 1\r\n")
  1211  	unsub := []byte("UNSUB 1\r\n")
  1213  	op := []byte{}
  1214  	op = append(op, subs...)
  1215  	op = append(op, asub...)
  1216  	op = append(op, unsub...)
  1218  	c.parse(op)
  1220  	// We should not have any subscriptions in place here.
  1221  	if len(c.subs) != 0 {
  1222  		t.Fatalf("Wrong number of subscriptions: expected 0, got %d\n", len(c.subs))
  1223  	}
  1224  }
  1226  func TestClientRemoveSubsOnDisconnect(t *testing.T) {
  1227  	s, c, _ := setupClient()
  1228  	defer c.close()
  1229  	subs := []byte("SUB foo 1\r\nSUB bar 2\r\n")
  1231  	c.parse(subs)
  1233  	if s.NumSubscriptions() != 2 {
  1234  		t.Fatalf("Should have 2 subscriptions, got %d\n", s.NumSubscriptions())
  1235  	}
  1236  	c.closeConnection(ClientClosed)
  1237  	checkExpectedSubs(t, 0, s)
  1238  }
  1240  func TestClientDoesNotAddSubscriptionsWhenConnectionClosed(t *testing.T) {
  1241  	_, c, _ := setupClient()
  1242  	c.close()
  1243  	subs := []byte("SUB foo 1\r\nSUB bar 2\r\n")
  1245  	c.parse(subs)
  1247  	if != 0 {
  1248  		t.Fatalf("Should have no subscriptions after close, got %d\n",
  1249  	}
  1250  }
  1252  func TestClientMapRemoval(t *testing.T) {
  1253  	s, c, _ := setupClient()
  1254  	c.close()
  1256  	checkClientsCount(t, s, 0)
  1257  }
  1259  func TestAuthorizationTimeout(t *testing.T) {
  1260  	serverOptions := DefaultOptions()
  1261  	serverOptions.Authorization = "my_token"
  1262  	serverOptions.AuthTimeout = 0.4
  1263  	s := RunServer(serverOptions)
  1264  	defer s.Shutdown()
  1266  	conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", serverOptions.Host, serverOptions.Port))
  1267  	if err != nil {
  1268  		t.Fatalf("Error dialing server: %v\n", err)
  1269  	}
  1270  	defer conn.Close()
  1271  	client := bufio.NewReaderSize(conn, maxBufSize)
  1272  	if _, err := client.ReadString('\n'); err != nil {
  1273  		t.Fatalf("Error receiving info from server: %v\n", err)
  1274  	}
  1275  	time.Sleep(3 * secondsToDuration(serverOptions.AuthTimeout))
  1276  	l, err := client.ReadString('\n')
  1277  	if err != nil {
  1278  		t.Fatalf("Error receiving info from server: %v\n", err)
  1279  	}
  1280  	if !strings.Contains(l, "Authentication Timeout") {
  1281  		t.Fatalf("Authentication Timeout response incorrect: %q\n", l)
  1282  	}
  1283  }
  1285  // This is from bug report #18
  1286  func TestTwoTokenPubMatchSingleTokenSub(t *testing.T) {
  1287  	_, c, cr := setupClient()
  1288  	defer c.close()
  1289  	test := "PUB 5\r\nhello\r\nSUB foo 1\r\nPING\r\nPUB 5\r\nhello\r\nPING\r\n"
  1290  	c.parseAsync(test)
  1291  	l, err := cr.ReadString('\n')
  1292  	if err != nil {
  1293  		t.Fatalf("Error receiving info from server: %v\n", err)
  1294  	}
  1295  	if !strings.HasPrefix(l, "PONG\r\n") {
  1296  		t.Fatalf("PONG response incorrect: %q\n", l)
  1297  	}
  1298  	// Expect just a pong, no match should exist here..
  1299  	l, _ = cr.ReadString('\n')
  1300  	if !strings.HasPrefix(l, "PONG\r\n") {
  1301  		t.Fatalf("PONG response was expected, got: %q\n", l)
  1302  	}
  1303  }
  1305  func TestUnsubRace(t *testing.T) {
  1306  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  1307  	s := RunServer(opts)
  1308  	defer s.Shutdown()
  1310  	url := fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s:%d",
  1311  		s.getOpts().Host,
  1312  		s.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port,
  1313  	)
  1314  	nc, err := nats.Connect(url)
  1315  	if err != nil {
  1316  		t.Fatalf("Error creating client to %s: %v\n", url, err)
  1317  	}
  1318  	defer nc.Close()
  1320  	ncp, err := nats.Connect(url)
  1321  	if err != nil {
  1322  		t.Fatalf("Error creating client: %v\n", err)
  1323  	}
  1324  	defer ncp.Close()
  1326  	sub, _ := nc.Subscribe("foo", func(m *nats.Msg) {
  1327  		// Just eat it..
  1328  	})
  1329  	nc.Flush()
  1331  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
  1333  	wg.Add(1)
  1335  	go func() {
  1336  		for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
  1337  			ncp.Publish("foo", []byte("hello"))
  1338  		}
  1339  		wg.Done()
  1340  	}()
  1342  	time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
  1344  	sub.Unsubscribe()
  1346  	wg.Wait()
  1347  }
  1349  func TestClientCloseTLSConnection(t *testing.T) {
  1350  	opts, err := ProcessConfigFile("./configs/tls.conf")
  1351  	if err != nil {
  1352  		t.Fatalf("Error processing config file: %v", err)
  1353  	}
  1354  	opts.TLSTimeout = 100
  1355  	opts.NoLog = true
  1356  	opts.NoSigs = true
  1357  	s := RunServer(opts)
  1358  	defer s.Shutdown()
  1360  	endpoint := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", opts.Host, opts.Port)
  1361  	conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", endpoint, 2*time.Second)
  1362  	if err != nil {
  1363  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error on dial: %v", err)
  1364  	}
  1365  	defer conn.Close()
  1366  	br := bufio.NewReaderSize(conn, 100)
  1367  	if _, err := br.ReadString('\n'); err != nil {
  1368  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error reading INFO: %v", err)
  1369  	}
  1371  	tlsConn := tls.Client(conn, &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true})
  1372  	defer tlsConn.Close()
  1373  	if err := tlsConn.Handshake(); err != nil {
  1374  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error during handshake: %v", err)
  1375  	}
  1376  	br = bufio.NewReaderSize(tlsConn, 100)
  1377  	connectOp := []byte("CONNECT {\"user\":\"derek\",\"pass\":\"foo\",\"verbose\":false,\"pedantic\":false,\"tls_required\":true}\r\n")
  1378  	if _, err := tlsConn.Write(connectOp); err != nil {
  1379  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error writing CONNECT: %v", err)
  1380  	}
  1381  	if _, err := tlsConn.Write([]byte("PING\r\n")); err != nil {
  1382  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error writing PING: %v", err)
  1383  	}
  1384  	if _, err := br.ReadString('\n'); err != nil {
  1385  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error reading PONG: %v", err)
  1386  	}
  1388  	// Check that client is registered.
  1389  	checkClientsCount(t, s, 1)
  1390  	var cli *client
  1392  	for _, c := range s.clients {
  1393  		cli = c
  1394  		break
  1395  	}
  1397  	if cli == nil {
  1398  		t.Fatal("Did not register client on time")
  1399  	}
  1400  	// Test GetTLSConnectionState
  1401  	state := cli.GetTLSConnectionState()
  1402  	if state == nil {
  1403  		t.Error("GetTLSConnectionState() returned nil")
  1404  	}
  1406  	// Test RemoteAddress
  1407  	addr := cli.RemoteAddress()
  1408  	if addr == nil {
  1409  		t.Error("RemoteAddress() returned nil")
  1410  	}
  1412  	if addr.(*net.TCPAddr).IP.String() != "" {
  1413  		t.Error("RemoteAddress() returned incorrect ip " + addr.String())
  1414  	}
  1416  	// Fill the buffer. We want to timeout on write so that nc.Close()
  1417  	// would block due to a write that cannot complete.
  1418  	buf := make([]byte, 64*1024)
  1419  	done := false
  1420  	for !done {
  1422  		if _, err :=; err != nil {
  1423  			done = true
  1424  		}
  1426  	}
  1427  	ch := make(chan bool)
  1428  	go func() {
  1429  		select {
  1430  		case <-ch:
  1431  			return
  1432  		case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
  1433  			fmt.Println("!!!! closeConnection is blocked, test will hang !!!")
  1434  			return
  1435  		}
  1436  	}()
  1437  	// Close the client
  1438  	cli.closeConnection(ClientClosed)
  1439  	ch <- true
  1440  }
  1442  // This tests issue #558
  1443  func TestWildcardCharsInLiteralSubjectWorks(t *testing.T) {
  1444  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  1445  	s := RunServer(opts)
  1446  	defer s.Shutdown()
  1448  	nc, err := nats.Connect(fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s:%d", opts.Host, opts.Port))
  1449  	if err != nil {
  1450  		t.Fatalf("Error on connect: %v", err)
  1451  	}
  1452  	defer nc.Close()
  1454  	ch := make(chan bool, 1)
  1455  	// This subject is a literal even though it contains `*` and `>`,
  1456  	// they are not treated as wildcards.
  1457  	subj := ",*,>,baz"
  1458  	cb := func(_ *nats.Msg) {
  1459  		ch <- true
  1460  	}
  1461  	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
  1462  		sub, err := nc.Subscribe(subj, cb)
  1463  		if err != nil {
  1464  			t.Fatalf("Error on subscribe: %v", err)
  1465  		}
  1466  		if err := nc.Flush(); err != nil {
  1467  			t.Fatalf("Error on flush: %v", err)
  1468  		}
  1469  		if err := nc.LastError(); err != nil {
  1470  			t.Fatalf("Server reported error: %v", err)
  1471  		}
  1472  		if err := nc.Publish(subj, []byte("msg")); err != nil {
  1473  			t.Fatalf("Error on publish: %v", err)
  1474  		}
  1475  		select {
  1476  		case <-ch:
  1477  		case <-time.After(time.Second):
  1478  			t.Fatalf("Should have received the message")
  1479  		}
  1480  		if err := sub.Unsubscribe(); err != nil {
  1481  			t.Fatalf("Error on unsubscribe: %v", err)
  1482  		}
  1483  	}
  1484  }
  1486  // This test ensures that coalescing into the fixed-size output
  1487  // queues works as expected. When bytes are queued up, they should
  1488  // not overflow a buffer until the capacity is exceeded, at which
  1489  // point a new buffer should be added.
  1490  func TestClientOutboundQueueCoalesce(t *testing.T) {
  1491  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  1492  	s := RunServer(opts)
  1493  	defer s.Shutdown()
  1495  	nc, err := nats.Connect(fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s:%d", opts.Host, opts.Port))
  1496  	if err != nil {
  1497  		t.Fatalf("Error on connect: %v", err)
  1498  	}
  1499  	defer nc.Close()
  1501  	clients := s.GlobalAccount().getClients()
  1502  	if len(clients) != 1 {
  1503  		t.Fatal("Expecting a client to exist")
  1504  	}
  1505  	client := clients[0]
  1507  	defer
  1509  	// First up, queue something small into the queue.
  1510  	client.queueOutbound([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
  1512  	if len(client.out.nb) != 1 {
  1513  		t.Fatal("Expecting a single queued buffer")
  1514  	}
  1515  	if l := len(client.out.nb[0]); l != 5 {
  1516  		t.Fatalf("Expecting only 5 bytes in the first queued buffer, found %d instead", l)
  1517  	}
  1519  	// Then queue up a few more bytes, but not enough
  1520  	// to overflow into the next buffer.
  1521  	client.queueOutbound([]byte{6, 7, 8, 9, 10})
  1523  	if len(client.out.nb) != 1 {
  1524  		t.Fatal("Expecting a single queued buffer")
  1525  	}
  1526  	if l := len(client.out.nb[0]); l != 10 {
  1527  		t.Fatalf("Expecting 10 bytes in the first queued buffer, found %d instead", l)
  1528  	}
  1530  	// Finally, queue up something that is guaranteed
  1531  	// to overflow.
  1532  	b := nbPoolSmall.Get().(*[nbPoolSizeSmall]byte)[:]
  1533  	b = b[:cap(b)]
  1534  	client.queueOutbound(b)
  1535  	if len(client.out.nb) != 2 {
  1536  		t.Fatal("Expecting buffer to have overflowed")
  1537  	}
  1538  	if l := len(client.out.nb[0]); l != cap(b) {
  1539  		t.Fatalf("Expecting %d bytes in the first queued buffer, found %d instead", cap(b), l)
  1540  	}
  1541  	if l := len(client.out.nb[1]); l != 10 {
  1542  		t.Fatalf("Expecting 10 bytes in the second queued buffer, found %d instead", l)
  1543  	}
  1544  }
  1546  func TestClientTraceRace(t *testing.T) {
  1547  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  1548  	s := RunServer(opts)
  1549  	defer s.Shutdown()
  1551  	// Activate trace logging
  1552  	s.SetLogger(&DummyLogger{}, false, true)
  1554  	nc1, err := nats.Connect(fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s:%d", opts.Host, opts.Port))
  1555  	if err != nil {
  1556  		t.Fatalf("Error on connect: %v", err)
  1557  	}
  1558  	defer nc1.Close()
  1559  	total := 10000
  1560  	count := 0
  1561  	ch := make(chan bool, 1)
  1562  	if _, err := nc1.Subscribe("foo", func(_ *nats.Msg) {
  1563  		count++
  1564  		if count == total {
  1565  			ch <- true
  1566  		}
  1567  	}); err != nil {
  1568  		t.Fatalf("Error on subscribe: %v", err)
  1569  	}
  1570  	nc2, err := nats.Connect(fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s:%d", opts.Host, opts.Port))
  1571  	if err != nil {
  1572  		t.Fatalf("Error on connect: %v", err)
  1573  	}
  1574  	defer nc2.Close()
  1576  	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
  1577  	wg.Add(1)
  1578  	go func() {
  1579  		defer wg.Done()
  1580  		for i := 0; i < total; i++ {
  1581  			nc1.Publish("bar", []byte("hello"))
  1582  		}
  1583  	}()
  1584  	for i := 0; i < total; i++ {
  1585  		nc2.Publish("foo", []byte("hello"))
  1586  	}
  1587  	if err := wait(ch); err != nil {
  1588  		t.Fatal("Did not get all our messages")
  1589  	}
  1590  	wg.Wait()
  1591  }
  1593  func TestClientUserInfo(t *testing.T) {
  1595  	c := &client{
  1596  		cid: 1024,
  1597  		opts: ClientOpts{
  1598  			Nkey: pnkey,
  1599  		},
  1600  	}
  1601  	got := c.getAuthUser()
  1603  	if got != expected {
  1604  		t.Errorf("Expected %q, got %q", expected, got)
  1605  	}
  1607  	c = &client{
  1608  		cid: 1024,
  1609  		opts: ClientOpts{
  1610  			Username: "foo",
  1611  		},
  1612  	}
  1613  	got = c.getAuthUser()
  1614  	expected = `User "foo"`
  1615  	if got != expected {
  1616  		t.Errorf("Expected %q, got %q", expected, got)
  1617  	}
  1619  	c = &client{
  1620  		cid:  1024,
  1621  		opts: ClientOpts{},
  1622  	}
  1623  	got = c.getAuthUser()
  1624  	expected = `User "N/A"`
  1625  	if got != expected {
  1626  		t.Errorf("Expected %q, got %q", expected, got)
  1627  	}
  1628  }
  1630  type captureWarnLogger struct {
  1631  	DummyLogger
  1632  	warn chan string
  1633  }
  1635  func (l *captureWarnLogger) Warnf(format string, v ...any) {
  1636  	select {
  1637  	case l.warn <- fmt.Sprintf(format, v...):
  1638  	default:
  1639  	}
  1640  }
  1642  func TestReadloopWarning(t *testing.T) {
  1643  	readLoopReportThreshold = 100 * time.Millisecond
  1644  	defer func() { readLoopReportThreshold = readLoopReport }()
  1646  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  1647  	s := RunServer(opts)
  1648  	defer s.Shutdown()
  1650  	l := &captureWarnLogger{warn: make(chan string, 1)}
  1651  	s.SetLogger(l, false, false)
  1653  	url := fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s:%d", opts.Host, opts.Port)
  1654  	nc := natsConnect(t, url)
  1655  	defer nc.Close()
  1656  	natsSubSync(t, nc, "foo")
  1657  	natsFlush(t, nc)
  1658  	cid, _ := nc.GetClientID()
  1660  	sender := natsConnect(t, url)
  1661  	defer sender.Close()
  1663  	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
  1664  	wg.Add(1)
  1665  	c := s.getClient(cid)
  1667  	go func() {
  1668  		defer wg.Done()
  1669  		time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
  1671  	}()
  1673  	natsPub(t, sender, "foo", make([]byte, 100))
  1674  	natsFlush(t, sender)
  1676  	select {
  1677  	case warn := <-l.warn:
  1678  		if !strings.Contains(warn, "Readloop") {
  1679  			t.Fatalf("unexpected warning: %v", warn)
  1680  		}
  1681  	case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
  1682  		t.Fatalf("No warning printed")
  1683  	}
  1684  	wg.Wait()
  1685  }
  1687  func TestTraceMsg(t *testing.T) {
  1688  	c := &client{}
  1689  	// Enable message trace
  1690  	c.trace = true
  1692  	cases := []struct {
  1693  		Desc            string
  1694  		Msg             []byte
  1695  		Wanted          string
  1696  		MaxTracedMsgLen int
  1697  	}{
  1698  		{
  1699  			Desc:            "normal length",
  1700  			Msg:             []byte(fmt.Sprintf("normal%s", CR_LF)),
  1701  			Wanted:          " - <<- MSG_PAYLOAD: [\"normal\"]",
  1702  			MaxTracedMsgLen: 10,
  1703  		},
  1704  		{
  1705  			Desc:            "over length",
  1706  			Msg:             []byte(fmt.Sprintf("over length%s", CR_LF)),
  1707  			Wanted:          " - <<- MSG_PAYLOAD: [\"over lengt...\"]",
  1708  			MaxTracedMsgLen: 10,
  1709  		},
  1710  		{
  1711  			Desc:            "unlimited length",
  1712  			Msg:             []byte(fmt.Sprintf("unlimited length%s", CR_LF)),
  1713  			Wanted:          " - <<- MSG_PAYLOAD: [\"unlimited length\"]",
  1714  			MaxTracedMsgLen: 0,
  1715  		},
  1716  		{
  1717  			Desc:            "negative max traced msg len",
  1718  			Msg:             []byte(fmt.Sprintf("negative max traced msg len%s", CR_LF)),
  1719  			Wanted:          " - <<- MSG_PAYLOAD: [\"negative max traced msg len\"]",
  1720  			MaxTracedMsgLen: -1,
  1721  		},
  1722  	}
  1724  	for _, ut := range cases {
  1725  		c.srv = &Server{
  1726  			opts: &Options{MaxTracedMsgLen: ut.MaxTracedMsgLen},
  1727  		}
  1728  		c.srv.SetLogger(&DummyLogger{}, true, true)
  1730  		c.traceMsg(ut.Msg)
  1732  		got := c.srv.logging.logger.(*DummyLogger).Msg
  1733  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(ut.Wanted, got) {
  1734  			t.Errorf("Desc: %s. Msg %q. Traced msg want: %s, got: %s", ut.Desc, ut.Msg, ut.Wanted, got)
  1735  		}
  1736  	}
  1737  }
  1739  func TestClientMaxPending(t *testing.T) {
  1740  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  1741  	opts.MaxPending = math.MaxInt32 + 1
  1742  	s := RunServer(opts)
  1743  	defer s.Shutdown()
  1745  	nc := natsConnect(t, fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s:%d", opts.Host, opts.Port))
  1746  	defer nc.Close()
  1748  	sub := natsSubSync(t, nc, "foo")
  1749  	natsPub(t, nc, "foo", []byte("msg"))
  1750  	natsNexMsg(t, sub, 100*time.Millisecond)
  1751  }
  1753  func TestResponsePermissions(t *testing.T) {
  1754  	for i, test := range []struct {
  1755  		name  string
  1756  		perms *ResponsePermission
  1757  	}{
  1758  		{"max_msgs", &ResponsePermission{MaxMsgs: 2, Expires: time.Hour}},
  1759  		{"no_expire_limit", &ResponsePermission{MaxMsgs: 3, Expires: -1 * time.Millisecond}},
  1760  		{"expire", &ResponsePermission{MaxMsgs: 1000, Expires: 100 * time.Millisecond}},
  1761  		{"no_msgs_limit", &ResponsePermission{MaxMsgs: -1, Expires: 100 * time.Millisecond}},
  1762  	} {
  1763  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  1764  			opts := DefaultOptions()
  1765  			u1 := &User{
  1766  				Username:    "service",
  1767  				Password:    "pwd",
  1768  				Permissions: &Permissions{Response: test.perms},
  1769  			}
  1770  			u2 := &User{Username: "ivan", Password: "pwd"}
  1771  			opts.Users = []*User{u1, u2}
  1772  			s := RunServer(opts)
  1773  			defer s.Shutdown()
  1775  			svcNC := natsConnect(t, fmt.Sprintf("nats://service:pwd@%s:%d", opts.Host, opts.Port))
  1776  			defer svcNC.Close()
  1777  			reqSub := natsSubSync(t, svcNC, "request")
  1778  			natsFlush(t, svcNC)
  1780  			nc := natsConnect(t, fmt.Sprintf("nats://ivan:pwd@%s:%d", opts.Host, opts.Port))
  1781  			defer nc.Close()
  1783  			replySub := natsSubSync(t, nc, "reply")
  1785  			natsPubReq(t, nc, "request", "reply", []byte("req1"))
  1787  			req1 := natsNexMsg(t, reqSub, 100*time.Millisecond)
  1789  			checkFailed := func(t *testing.T) {
  1790  				t.Helper()
  1791  				if reply, err := replySub.NextMsg(100 * time.Millisecond); err != nats.ErrTimeout {
  1792  					if reply != nil {
  1793  						t.Fatalf("Expected to receive timeout, got reply=%q", reply.Data)
  1794  					} else {
  1795  						t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
  1796  					}
  1797  				}
  1798  			}
  1800  			switch i {
  1801  			case 0:
  1802  				// Should allow only 2 replies...
  1803  				for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
  1804  					natsPub(t, svcNC, req1.Reply, []byte("reply"))
  1805  				}
  1806  				natsNexMsg(t, replySub, 100*time.Millisecond)
  1807  				natsNexMsg(t, replySub, 100*time.Millisecond)
  1808  				// The next should fail...
  1809  				checkFailed(t)
  1810  			case 1:
  1811  				// Expiration is set to -1ms, which should count as infinite...
  1812  				natsPub(t, svcNC, req1.Reply, []byte("reply"))
  1813  				// Sleep a bit before next send
  1814  				time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
  1815  				natsPub(t, svcNC, req1.Reply, []byte("reply"))
  1816  				// Make sure we receive both
  1817  				natsNexMsg(t, replySub, 100*time.Millisecond)
  1818  				natsNexMsg(t, replySub, 100*time.Millisecond)
  1819  			case 2:
  1820  				fallthrough
  1821  			case 3:
  1822  				// Expire set to 100ms so make sure we wait more between
  1823  				// next publish
  1824  				natsPub(t, svcNC, req1.Reply, []byte("reply"))
  1825  				time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
  1826  				natsPub(t, svcNC, req1.Reply, []byte("reply"))
  1827  				// Should receive one, and fail on the other
  1828  				natsNexMsg(t, replySub, 100*time.Millisecond)
  1829  				checkFailed(t)
  1830  			}
  1831  			// When testing expiration, sleep before sending next reply
  1832  			if i >= 2 {
  1833  				time.Sleep(400 * time.Millisecond)
  1834  			}
  1835  		})
  1836  	}
  1837  }
  1839  func TestPingNotSentTooSoon(t *testing.T) {
  1840  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  1841  	s := RunServer(opts)
  1842  	defer s.Shutdown()
  1844  	doneCh := make(chan bool, 1)
  1845  	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
  1846  	wg.Add(1)
  1847  	go func() {
  1848  		defer wg.Done()
  1849  		for {
  1850  			s.Connz(nil)
  1851  			select {
  1852  			case <-doneCh:
  1853  				return
  1854  			case <-time.After(time.Millisecond):
  1855  			}
  1856  		}
  1857  	}()
  1859  	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
  1860  		nc, err := nats.Connect(s.ClientURL())
  1861  		if err != nil {
  1862  			t.Fatalf("Error on connect: %v", err)
  1863  		}
  1864  		nc.Close()
  1865  	}
  1866  	close(doneCh)
  1867  	wg.Wait()
  1869  	c, br, _ := newClientForServer(s)
  1870  	defer c.close()
  1871  	connectOp := []byte("CONNECT {\"user\":\"ivan\",\"pass\":\"bar\"}\r\n")
  1872  	c.parse(connectOp)
  1874  	// Since client has not send PING, having server try to send RTT ping
  1875  	// to client should not do anything
  1876  	if c.sendRTTPing() {
  1877  		t.Fatalf("RTT ping should not have been sent")
  1878  	}
  1879  	// Speed up detection of time elapsed by moving the c.start to more than
  1880  	// 2 secs in the past.
  1882  	c.start = time.Unix(0, c.start.UnixNano()-int64(maxNoRTTPingBeforeFirstPong+time.Second))
  1885  	errCh := make(chan error, 1)
  1886  	go func() {
  1887  		l, _ := br.ReadString('\n')
  1888  		if l != "PING\r\n" {
  1889  			errCh <- fmt.Errorf("expected to get PING, got %s", l)
  1890  			return
  1891  		}
  1892  		errCh <- nil
  1893  	}()
  1894  	if !c.sendRTTPing() {
  1895  		t.Fatalf("RTT ping should have been sent")
  1896  	}
  1897  	wg.Wait()
  1898  	if e := <-errCh; e != nil {
  1899  		t.Fatal(e.Error())
  1900  	}
  1901  }
  1903  func TestClientCheckUseOfGWReplyPrefix(t *testing.T) {
  1904  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  1905  	s := RunServer(opts)
  1906  	defer s.Shutdown()
  1908  	ech := make(chan error, 1)
  1909  	nc, err := nats.Connect(s.ClientURL(),
  1910  		nats.ErrorHandler(func(_ *nats.Conn, _ *nats.Subscription, e error) {
  1911  			ech <- e
  1912  		}))
  1913  	if err != nil {
  1914  		t.Fatalf("Error on connect: %v", err)
  1915  	}
  1916  	defer nc.Close()
  1918  	// Expect to fail if publish on gateway reply prefix
  1919  	nc.Publish(gwReplyPrefix+"anything", []byte("should fail"))
  1921  	// Wait for publish violation error
  1922  	select {
  1923  	case e := <-ech:
  1924  		if e == nil || !strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(e.Error()), "violation for publish") {
  1925  			t.Fatalf("Expected violation error, got %v", e)
  1926  		}
  1927  	case <-time.After(time.Second):
  1928  		t.Fatalf("Did not receive permissions violation error")
  1929  	}
  1931  	// Now publish a message with a reply set to the prefix,
  1932  	// it should be rejected too.
  1933  	nc.PublishRequest("foo", gwReplyPrefix+"anything", []byte("should fail"))
  1935  	// Wait for publish violation error with reply
  1936  	select {
  1937  	case e := <-ech:
  1938  		if e == nil || !strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(e.Error()), "violation for publish with reply") {
  1939  			t.Fatalf("Expected violation error, got %v", e)
  1940  		}
  1941  	case <-time.After(time.Second):
  1942  		t.Fatalf("Did not receive permissions violation error")
  1943  	}
  1944  }
  1946  func TestNoClientLeakOnSlowConsumer(t *testing.T) {
  1947  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  1948  	s := RunServer(opts)
  1949  	defer s.Shutdown()
  1951  	c, err := net.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", opts.Host, opts.Port))
  1952  	if err != nil {
  1953  		t.Fatalf("Error connecting: %v", err)
  1954  	}
  1955  	defer c.Close()
  1957  	cr := bufio.NewReader(c)
  1959  	// Wait for INFO...
  1960  	line, _, _ := cr.ReadLine()
  1961  	var info serverInfo
  1962  	if err = json.Unmarshal(line[5:], &info); err != nil {
  1963  		t.Fatalf("Could not parse INFO json: %v\n", err)
  1964  	}
  1966  	// Send our connect
  1967  	if _, err := c.Write([]byte("CONNECT {\"verbose\": false}\r\nSUB foo 1\r\nPING\r\n")); err != nil {
  1968  		t.Fatalf("Error sending CONNECT and SUB: %v", err)
  1969  	}
  1970  	// Wait for PONG
  1971  	line, _, _ = cr.ReadLine()
  1972  	if string(line) != "PONG" {
  1973  		t.Fatalf("Expected 'PONG' but got %q", line)
  1974  	}
  1976  	// Get the client from server map
  1977  	cli := s.GetClient(info.CID)
  1978  	if cli == nil {
  1979  		t.Fatalf("No client registered")
  1980  	}
  1981  	// Change the write deadline to very low value
  1983  	cli.out.wdl = time.Nanosecond
  1986  	nc := natsConnect(t, s.ClientURL())
  1987  	defer nc.Close()
  1989  	// Send some messages to cause write deadline error on "cli"
  1990  	payload := make([]byte, 1000)
  1991  	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
  1992  		natsPub(t, nc, "foo", payload)
  1993  	}
  1994  	natsFlush(t, nc)
  1995  	nc.Close()
  1997  	// Now make sure that the number of clients goes to 0.
  1998  	checkClientsCount(t, s, 0)
  1999  }
  2001  func TestClientSlowConsumerWithoutConnect(t *testing.T) {
  2002  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  2003  	opts.WriteDeadline = 100 * time.Millisecond
  2004  	s := RunServer(opts)
  2005  	defer s.Shutdown()
  2007  	url := fmt.Sprintf("", opts.Port)
  2008  	c, err := net.Dial("tcp", url)
  2009  	if err != nil {
  2010  		t.Fatalf("Error on dial: %v", err)
  2011  	}
  2012  	defer c.Close()
  2013  	c.Write([]byte("SUB foo 1\r\n"))
  2015  	payload := make([]byte, 10000)
  2016  	nc, err := nats.Connect(url)
  2017  	if err != nil {
  2018  		t.Fatalf("Error on connect: %v", err)
  2019  	}
  2020  	defer nc.Close()
  2021  	for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
  2022  		nc.Publish("foo", payload)
  2023  	}
  2024  	nc.Flush()
  2025  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  2026  		// Expect slow consumer..
  2027  		if n := atomic.LoadInt64(&s.slowConsumers); n != 1 {
  2028  			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 1 slow consumer, got: %v", n)
  2029  		}
  2030  		if n := s.scStats.clients.Load(); n != 1 {
  2031  			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 1 slow consumer, got: %v", n)
  2032  		}
  2033  		return nil
  2034  	})
  2035  	varz, err := s.Varz(nil)
  2036  	if err != nil {
  2037  		t.Fatal(err)
  2038  	}
  2039  	if varz.SlowConsumersStats.Clients != 1 {
  2040  		t.Error("Expected a slow consumer client in varz")
  2041  	}
  2042  }
  2044  func TestClientNoSlowConsumerIfConnectExpected(t *testing.T) {
  2045  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  2046  	opts.Username = "ivan"
  2047  	opts.Password = "pass"
  2048  	// Make it very slow so that the INFO sent to client fails...
  2049  	opts.WriteDeadline = time.Nanosecond
  2050  	s := RunServer(opts)
  2051  	defer s.Shutdown()
  2053  	// Expect server to close the connection, but will bump the slow
  2054  	// consumer count.
  2055  	nc, err := nats.Connect(fmt.Sprintf("nats://ivan:pass@%s:%d", opts.Host, opts.Port))
  2056  	if err == nil {
  2057  		nc.Close()
  2058  		t.Fatal("Expected connect error")
  2059  	}
  2060  	if n := atomic.LoadInt64(&s.slowConsumers); n != 0 {
  2061  		t.Fatalf("Expected 0 slow consumer, got: %v", n)
  2062  	}
  2063  }
  2065  func TestClientStalledDuration(t *testing.T) {
  2066  	for _, test := range []struct {
  2067  		name        string
  2068  		pb          int64
  2069  		mp          int64
  2070  		expectedTTL time.Duration
  2071  	}{
  2072  		{"pb above mp", 110, 100, stallClientMaxDuration},
  2073  		{"pb equal mp", 100, 100, stallClientMaxDuration},
  2074  		{"pb below mp/2", 49, 100, stallClientMinDuration},
  2075  		{"pb equal mp/2", 50, 100, stallClientMinDuration},
  2076  		{"pb at 55% of mp", 55, 100, stallClientMinDuration + 1*stallClientMinDuration},
  2077  		{"pb at 60% of mp", 60, 100, stallClientMinDuration + 2*stallClientMinDuration},
  2078  		{"pb at 70% of mp", 70, 100, stallClientMinDuration + 4*stallClientMinDuration},
  2079  		{"pb at 80% of mp", 80, 100, stallClientMinDuration + 6*stallClientMinDuration},
  2080  		{"pb at 90% of mp", 90, 100, stallClientMinDuration + 8*stallClientMinDuration},
  2081  		{"pb at 99% of mp", 99, 100, stallClientMinDuration + 9*stallClientMinDuration},
  2082  	} {
  2083  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  2084  			if ttl := stallDuration(test.pb,; ttl != test.expectedTTL {
  2085  				t.Fatalf("For pb=%v mp=%v, expected TTL to be %v, got %v", test.pb,, test.expectedTTL, ttl)
  2086  			}
  2087  		})
  2088  	}
  2089  }
  2091  func TestClientIPv6Address(t *testing.T) {
  2092  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  2093  	opts.Host = ""
  2094  	s := RunServer(opts)
  2095  	defer s.Shutdown()
  2097  	nc, err := nats.Connect(fmt.Sprintf("nats://[::1]:%v", opts.Port))
  2098  	// Travis may not accept IPv6, in that case, skip the test.
  2099  	if err != nil {
  2100  		t.Skipf("Skipping test because could not connect: %v", err)
  2101  	}
  2102  	defer nc.Close()
  2104  	cid, _ := nc.GetClientID()
  2105  	c := s.GetClient(cid)
  2107  	ncs := c.String()
  2109  	if !strings.HasPrefix(ncs, "[::1]") {
  2110  		t.Fatalf("Wrong string representation of an IPv6 address: %q", ncs)
  2111  	}
  2112  }
  2114  func TestPBNotIncreasedOnMaxPending(t *testing.T) {
  2115  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  2116  	opts.MaxPending = 100
  2117  	s := &Server{opts: opts}
  2118  	c := &client{srv: s}
  2119  	c.initClient()
  2122  	c.queueOutbound(make([]byte, 200))
  2123  	pb := c.out.pb
  2126  	if pb != 0 {
  2127  		t.Fatalf("c.out.pb should be 0, got %v", pb)
  2128  	}
  2129  }
  2131  type testConnWritePartial struct {
  2132  	net.Conn
  2133  	partial bool
  2134  	buf     bytes.Buffer
  2135  }
  2137  func (c *testConnWritePartial) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
  2138  	n := len(p)
  2139  	if c.partial {
  2140  		n = 15
  2141  	}
  2142  	return c.buf.Write(p[:n])
  2143  }
  2145  func (c *testConnWritePartial) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
  2146  	return nil
  2147  }
  2149  func (c *testConnWritePartial) SetWriteDeadline(_ time.Time) error {
  2150  	return nil
  2151  }
  2153  func TestFlushOutboundNoSliceReuseIfPartial(t *testing.T) {
  2154  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  2155  	opts.MaxPending = 1024
  2156  	s := &Server{opts: opts}
  2158  	fakeConn := &testConnWritePartial{partial: true}
  2159  	c := &client{srv: s, nc: fakeConn}
  2160  	c.initClient()
  2162  	bufs := [][]byte{
  2164  		[]byte("------"),
  2165  		[]byte("0123456789"),
  2166  	}
  2167  	expected := bytes.Buffer{}
  2168  	for _, buf := range bufs {
  2169  		expected.Write(buf)
  2171  		c.queueOutbound(buf)
  2172  		c.flushOutbound()
  2173  		fakeConn.partial = false
  2175  	}
  2176  	// Ensure everything is flushed.
  2177  	for done := false; !done; {
  2179  		if c.out.pb > 0 {
  2180  			c.flushOutbound()
  2181  		} else {
  2182  			done = true
  2183  		}
  2185  	}
  2186  	if !bytes.Equal(expected.Bytes(), fakeConn.buf.Bytes()) {
  2187  		t.Fatalf("Expected\n%q\ngot\n%q", expected.String(), fakeConn.buf.String())
  2188  	}
  2189  }
  2191  type captureNoticeLogger struct {
  2192  	DummyLogger
  2193  	notices []string
  2194  }
  2196  func (l *captureNoticeLogger) Noticef(format string, v ...any) {
  2197  	l.Lock()
  2198  	l.notices = append(l.notices, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
  2199  	l.Unlock()
  2200  }
  2202  func TestCloseConnectionLogsReason(t *testing.T) {
  2203  	o1 := DefaultOptions()
  2204  	s1 := RunServer(o1)
  2205  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  2207  	l := &captureNoticeLogger{}
  2208  	s1.SetLogger(l, true, true)
  2210  	o2 := DefaultOptions()
  2211  	o2.Routes = RoutesFromStr(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", o1.Cluster.Port))
  2212  	s2 := RunServer(o2)
  2213  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  2215  	checkClusterFormed(t, s1, s2)
  2216  	s2.Shutdown()
  2218  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  2219  		if s1.NumRoutes() != 0 {
  2220  			return fmt.Errorf("route still connected")
  2221  		}
  2222  		return nil
  2223  	})
  2224  	// Now check that s1 has logged that the connection is closed and that the reason is included.
  2225  	ok := false
  2226  	l.Lock()
  2227  	for _, n := range l.notices {
  2228  		if strings.Contains(n, "connection closed: "+ClientClosed.String()) {
  2229  			ok = true
  2230  			break
  2231  		}
  2232  	}
  2233  	l.Unlock()
  2234  	if !ok {
  2235  		t.Fatal("Log does not contain closed reason")
  2236  	}
  2237  }
  2239  func TestCloseConnectionVeryEarly(t *testing.T) {
  2240  	for _, test := range []struct {
  2241  		name   string
  2242  		useTLS bool
  2243  	}{
  2244  		{"no_tls", false},
  2245  		{"tls", true},
  2246  	} {
  2247  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  2248  			o := DefaultOptions()
  2249  			if test.useTLS {
  2250  				tc := &TLSConfigOpts{
  2251  					CertFile: "../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem",
  2252  					KeyFile:  "../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem",
  2253  					CaFile:   "../test/configs/certs/ca.pem",
  2254  				}
  2255  				tlsConfig, err := GenTLSConfig(tc)
  2256  				if err != nil {
  2257  					t.Fatalf("Error generating tls config: %v", err)
  2258  				}
  2259  				o.TLSConfig = tlsConfig
  2260  			}
  2261  			s := RunServer(o)
  2262  			defer s.Shutdown()
  2264  			// The issue was with a connection that would break right when
  2265  			// server was sending the INFO. Creating a bare TCP connection
  2266  			// and closing it right away won't help reproduce the problem.
  2267  			// So testing in 2 steps.
  2269  			// Get a normal TCP connection to the server.
  2270  			c, err := net.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("", o.Port))
  2271  			if err != nil {
  2272  				t.Fatalf("Unable to create tcp connection")
  2273  			}
  2274  			// Now close it.
  2275  			c.Close()
  2277  			// Wait that num clients falls to 0.
  2278  			checkClientsCount(t, s, 0)
  2280  			// Call again with this closed connection. Alternatively, we
  2281  			// would have to call with a fake connection that implements
  2282  			// net.Conn but returns an error on Write.
  2283  			s.createClient(c)
  2285  			// This connection should not have been added to the server.
  2286  			checkClientsCount(t, s, 0)
  2287  		})
  2288  	}
  2289  }
  2291  type connAddrString struct {
  2292  	net.Addr
  2293  }
  2295  func (a *connAddrString) String() string {
  2296  	return "[fe80::abc:def:ghi:123%utun0]:4222"
  2297  }
  2299  type connString struct {
  2300  	net.Conn
  2301  }
  2303  func (c *connString) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
  2304  	return &connAddrString{}
  2305  }
  2307  func TestClientConnectionName(t *testing.T) {
  2308  	s, err := NewServer(DefaultOptions())
  2309  	if err != nil {
  2310  		t.Fatalf("Error creating server: %v", err)
  2311  	}
  2312  	l := &DummyLogger{}
  2313  	s.SetLogger(l, true, true)
  2315  	for _, test := range []struct {
  2316  		name    string
  2317  		kind    int
  2318  		kindStr string
  2319  		ws      bool
  2320  		mqtt    bool
  2321  	}{
  2322  		{"client", CLIENT, "cid:", false, false},
  2323  		{"ws client", CLIENT, "wid:", true, false},
  2324  		{"mqtt client", CLIENT, "mid:", false, true},
  2325  		{"route", ROUTER, "rid:", false, false},
  2326  		{"gateway", GATEWAY, "gid:", false, false},
  2327  		{"leafnode", LEAF, "lid:", false, false},
  2328  	} {
  2329  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  2330  			c := &client{srv: s, nc: &connString{}, kind: test.kind}
  2331  			if {
  2332 = &websocket{}
  2333  			}
  2334  			if test.mqtt {
  2335  				c.mqtt = &mqtt{}
  2336  			}
  2337  			c.initClient()
  2339  			if host := "fe80::abc:def:ghi:123%utun0"; host != {
  2340  				t.Fatalf("expected host to be %q, got %q", host,
  2341  			}
  2342  			if port := uint16(4222); port != c.port {
  2343  				t.Fatalf("expected port to be %v, got %v", port, c.port)
  2344  			}
  2346  			checkLog := func(suffix string) {
  2347  				t.Helper()
  2348  				l.Lock()
  2349  				msg := l.Msg
  2350  				l.Unlock()
  2351  				if strings.Contains(msg, "(MISSING)") {
  2352  					t.Fatalf("conn name was not escaped properly, got MISSING: %s", msg)
  2353  				}
  2354  				if !strings.Contains(l.Msg, test.kindStr) {
  2355  					t.Fatalf("expected kind to be %q, got: %s", test.kindStr, msg)
  2356  				}
  2357  				if !strings.HasSuffix(l.Msg, suffix) {
  2358  					t.Fatalf("expected statement to end with %q, got %s", suffix, msg)
  2359  				}
  2360  			}
  2362  			c.Debugf("debug: %v", 1)
  2363  			checkLog(" 1")
  2364  			c.Tracef("trace: %s", "2")
  2365  			checkLog(" 2")
  2366  			c.Warnf("warn: %s %d", "3", 4)
  2367  			checkLog(" 3 4")
  2368  			c.Errorf("error: %v %s", 5, "6")
  2369  			checkLog(" 5 6")
  2370  		})
  2371  	}
  2372  }
  2374  func TestClientLimits(t *testing.T) {
  2375  	accKp, err := nkeys.CreateAccount()
  2376  	if err != nil {
  2377  		t.Fatalf("Error creating account key: %v", err)
  2378  	}
  2379  	uKp, err := nkeys.CreateUser()
  2380  	if err != nil {
  2381  		t.Fatalf("Error creating user key: %v", err)
  2382  	}
  2383  	uPub, err := uKp.PublicKey()
  2384  	if err != nil {
  2385  		t.Fatalf("Error obtaining publicKey: %v", err)
  2386  	}
  2387  	s, err := NewServer(DefaultOptions())
  2388  	if err != nil {
  2389  		t.Fatalf("Error creating server: %v", err)
  2390  	}
  2391  	for _, test := range []struct {
  2392  		client int32
  2393  		acc    int32
  2394  		srv    int32
  2395  		expect int32
  2396  	}{
  2397  		// all identical
  2398  		{1, 1, 1, 1},
  2399  		{-1, -1, 0, -1},
  2400  		// only one value unlimited
  2401  		{1, -1, 0, 1},
  2402  		{-1, 1, 0, 1},
  2403  		{-1, -1, 1, 1},
  2404  		// all combinations of distinct values
  2405  		{1, 2, 3, 1},
  2406  		{1, 3, 2, 1},
  2407  		{2, 1, 3, 1},
  2408  		{2, 3, 1, 1},
  2409  		{3, 1, 2, 1},
  2410  		{3, 2, 1, 1},
  2411  	} {
  2412  		t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
  2413  			s.opts.MaxPayload = test.srv
  2414  			s.opts.MaxSubs = int(test.srv)
  2415  			c := &client{srv: s, acc: &Account{
  2416  				limits: limits{mpay: test.acc, msubs: test.acc},
  2417  			}}
  2418  			uc := jwt.NewUserClaims(uPub)
  2419  			uc.Limits.Subs = int64(test.client)
  2420  			uc.Limits.Payload = int64(test.client)
  2421  			c.opts.JWT, err = uc.Encode(accKp)
  2422  			if err != nil {
  2423  				t.Fatalf("Error encoding jwt: %v", err)
  2424  			}
  2425  			c.applyAccountLimits()
  2426  			if c.mpay != test.expect {
  2427  				t.Fatalf("payload %d not as expected %d", c.mpay, test.expect)
  2428  			}
  2429  			if c.msubs != test.expect {
  2430  				t.Fatalf("subscriber %d not as expected %d", c.msubs, test.expect)
  2431  			}
  2432  		})
  2433  	}
  2434  }
  2436  func TestClientClampMaxSubsErrReport(t *testing.T) {
  2437  	maxSubLimitReportThreshold = int64(100 * time.Millisecond)
  2438  	defer func() { maxSubLimitReportThreshold = defaultMaxSubLimitReportThreshold }()
  2440  	o1 := DefaultOptions()
  2441  	o1.MaxSubs = 1
  2442  	o1.LeafNode.Host = ""
  2443  	o1.LeafNode.Port = -1
  2444  	s1 := RunServer(o1)
  2445  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  2447  	l := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 10)}
  2448  	s1.SetLogger(l, false, false)
  2450  	o2 := DefaultOptions()
  2451  	o2.Cluster.Name = "xyz"
  2452  	u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", o1.LeafNode.Port))
  2453  	o2.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{u}}}
  2454  	s2 := RunServer(o2)
  2455  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  2457  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s1)
  2458  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s2)
  2460  	nc := natsConnect(t, s2.ClientURL())
  2461  	defer nc.Close()
  2462  	natsSubSync(t, nc, "foo")
  2463  	natsSubSync(t, nc, "bar")
  2465  	// Make sure we receive only 1
  2466  	check := func() {
  2467  		t.Helper()
  2468  		for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
  2469  			select {
  2470  			case errStr := <-l.errCh:
  2471  				if i > 0 {
  2472  					t.Fatalf("Should not have logged a second time: %s", errStr)
  2473  				}
  2474  				if !strings.Contains(errStr, "maximum subscriptions") {
  2475  					t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", errStr)
  2476  				}
  2477  			case <-time.After(300 * time.Millisecond):
  2478  				if i == 0 {
  2479  					t.Fatal("Error should have been logged")
  2480  				}
  2481  			}
  2482  		}
  2483  	}
  2484  	check()
  2486  	// The above will have waited long enough to clear the report threshold.
  2487  	// So create two new subs and check again that we get only 1 report.
  2488  	natsSubSync(t, nc, "baz")
  2489  	natsSubSync(t, nc, "bat")
  2490  	check()
  2491  }
  2493  func TestClientDenySysGroupSub(t *testing.T) {
  2494  	s := RunServer(DefaultOptions())
  2495  	defer s.Shutdown()
  2497  	nc, err := nats.Connect(s.ClientURL(), nats.ErrorHandler(func(*nats.Conn, *nats.Subscription, error) {}))
  2498  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2499  	defer nc.Close()
  2501  	_, err = nc.QueueSubscribeSync("foo", sysGroup)
  2502  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2503  	nc.Flush()
  2504  	err = nc.LastError()
  2505  	require_Error(t, err)
  2506  	require_Contains(t, err.Error(), "Permissions Violation")
  2507  }
  2509  func TestClientAuthRequiredNoAuthUser(t *testing.T) {
  2510  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  2511  		listen:
  2512  		accounts: {
  2513  			A: { users: [ { user: user, password: pass } ] }
  2514  		}
  2515  		no_auth_user: user
  2516  	`))
  2518  	s, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  2519  	defer s.Shutdown()
  2521  	nc, err := nats.Connect(s.ClientURL())
  2522  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2523  	defer nc.Close()
  2525  	if nc.AuthRequired() {
  2526  		t.Fatalf("Expected AuthRequired to be false due to 'no_auth_user'")
  2527  	}
  2528  }
  2530  func TestClientUserInfoReq(t *testing.T) {
  2531  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  2532  		listen:
  2533  		PERMS = {
  2534  			publish = { allow: "$SYS.REQ.>", deny: "$SYS.REQ.ACCOUNT.>" }
  2535  			subscribe = "_INBOX.>"
  2536  			allow_responses: true
  2537  		}
  2538  		accounts: {
  2539  			A: { users: [ { user: dlc, password: pass, permissions: $PERMS } ] }
  2540  			$SYS { users = [ { user: "admin", pass: "s3cr3t!" } ] }
  2541  		}
  2542  		no_auth_user: dlc
  2543  	`))
  2544  	defer removeFile(t, conf)
  2546  	s, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  2547  	defer s.Shutdown()
  2549  	nc, err := nats.Connect(s.ClientURL())
  2550  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2551  	defer nc.Close()
  2553  	resp, err := nc.Request("$SYS.REQ.USER.INFO", nil, time.Second)
  2554  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2556  	response := ServerAPIResponse{Data: &UserInfo{}}
  2557  	err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Data, &response)
  2558  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2560  	userInfo := response.Data.(*UserInfo)
  2562  	dlc := &UserInfo{
  2563  		UserID:  "dlc",
  2564  		Account: "A",
  2565  		Permissions: &Permissions{
  2566  			Publish: &SubjectPermission{
  2567  				Allow: []string{"$SYS.REQ.>"},
  2568  				Deny:  []string{"$SYS.REQ.ACCOUNT.>"},
  2569  			},
  2570  			Subscribe: &SubjectPermission{
  2571  				Allow: []string{"_INBOX.>"},
  2572  			},
  2573  			Response: &ResponsePermission{
  2576  			},
  2577  		},
  2578  	}
  2579  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(dlc, userInfo) {
  2580  		t.Fatalf("User info for %q did not match", "dlc")
  2581  	}
  2583  	// Make sure system users work ok too.
  2584  	nc, err = nats.Connect(s.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("admin", "s3cr3t!"))
  2585  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2586  	defer nc.Close()
  2588  	resp, err = nc.Request("$SYS.REQ.USER.INFO", nil, time.Second)
  2589  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2591  	response = ServerAPIResponse{Data: &UserInfo{}}
  2592  	err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Data, &response)
  2593  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2595  	userInfo = response.Data.(*UserInfo)
  2597  	admin := &UserInfo{
  2598  		UserID:  "admin",
  2599  		Account: "$SYS",
  2600  	}
  2601  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(admin, userInfo) {
  2602  		t.Fatalf("User info for %q did not match", "admin")
  2603  	}
  2604  }
  2606  func TestTLSClientHandshakeFirst(t *testing.T) {
  2607  	tmpl := `
  2608  		listen: ""
  2609  		tls {
  2610  			cert_file: 	"../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem"
  2611  			key_file:  	"../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem"
  2612  			timeout: 	1
  2613  			first: 		%s
  2614  		}
  2615  	`
  2616  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tmpl, "true")))
  2617  	s, o := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  2618  	defer s.Shutdown()
  2620  	connect := func(tlsfirst, expectedOk bool) {
  2621  		opts := []nats.Option{nats.RootCAs("../test/configs/certs/ca.pem")}
  2622  		if tlsfirst {
  2623  			opts = append(opts, nats.TLSHandshakeFirst())
  2624  		}
  2625  		nc, err := nats.Connect(fmt.Sprintf("tls://localhost:%d", o.Port), opts...)
  2626  		if expectedOk {
  2627  			if err != nil {
  2628  				t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
  2629  			}
  2630  			if tlsfirst {
  2631  				cz, err := s.Connz(nil)
  2632  				if err != nil {
  2633  					t.Fatalf("Error getting connz: %v", err)
  2634  				}
  2635  				if !cz.Conns[0].TLSFirst {
  2636  					t.Fatal("Expected TLSFirst boolean to be set, it was not")
  2637  				}
  2638  			}
  2639  		} else if !expectedOk && err == nil {
  2640  			nc.Close()
  2641  			t.Fatal("Expected error, got none")
  2642  		}
  2643  	}
  2645  	// Server is TLS first, but client is not, so should fail.
  2646  	connect(false, false)
  2648  	// Now client is TLS first too, so should work.
  2649  	connect(true, true)
  2651  	// Config reload the server and disable tls first
  2652  	reloadUpdateConfig(t, s, conf, fmt.Sprintf(tmpl, "false"))
  2654  	// Now if client wants TLS first, connection should fail.
  2655  	connect(true, false)
  2657  	// But if it does not, should be ok.
  2658  	connect(false, true)
  2660  	// Config reload the server again and enable tls first
  2661  	reloadUpdateConfig(t, s, conf, fmt.Sprintf(tmpl, "true"))
  2663  	// If both client and server are TLS first, this should work.
  2664  	connect(true, true)
  2665  }
  2667  func TestTLSClientHandshakeFirstFallbackDelayConfigValues(t *testing.T) {
  2668  	tmpl := `
  2669  		listen: ""
  2670  		tls {
  2671  			cert_file: 	"../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem"
  2672  			key_file:  	"../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem"
  2673  			timeout: 	1
  2674  			first: 		%s
  2675  		}
  2676  	`
  2677  	for _, test := range []struct {
  2678  		name  string
  2679  		val   string
  2680  		first bool
  2681  		delay time.Duration
  2682  	}{
  2683  		{"first as boolean true", "true", true, 0},
  2684  		{"first as boolean false", "false", false, 0},
  2685  		{"first as string true", "\"true\"", true, 0},
  2686  		{"first as string false", "\"false\"", false, 0},
  2687  		{"first as string on", "on", true, 0},
  2688  		{"first as string off", "off", false, 0},
  2689  		{"first as string auto", "auto", true, DEFAULT_TLS_HANDSHAKE_FIRST_FALLBACK_DELAY},
  2690  		{"first as string auto_fallback", "auto_fallback", true, DEFAULT_TLS_HANDSHAKE_FIRST_FALLBACK_DELAY},
  2691  		{"first as fallback duration", "300ms", true, 300 * time.Millisecond},
  2692  	} {
  2693  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  2694  			conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tmpl, test.val)))
  2695  			s, o := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  2696  			defer s.Shutdown()
  2698  			if test.first {
  2699  				if !o.TLSHandshakeFirst {
  2700  					t.Fatal("Expected tls first to be true, was not")
  2701  				}
  2702  				if test.delay != o.TLSHandshakeFirstFallback {
  2703  					t.Fatalf("Expected fallback delay to be %v, got %v", test.delay, o.TLSHandshakeFirstFallback)
  2704  				}
  2705  			} else {
  2706  				if o.TLSHandshakeFirst {
  2707  					t.Fatal("Expected tls first to be false, was not")
  2708  				}
  2709  				if o.TLSHandshakeFirstFallback != 0 {
  2710  					t.Fatalf("Expected fallback delay to be 0, got %v", o.TLSHandshakeFirstFallback)
  2711  				}
  2712  			}
  2713  		})
  2714  	}
  2715  }
  2717  type pauseAfterDial struct {
  2718  	delay time.Duration
  2719  }
  2721  func (d *pauseAfterDial) Dial(network, address string) (net.Conn, error) {
  2722  	c, err := net.Dial(network, address)
  2723  	if err != nil {
  2724  		return nil, err
  2725  	}
  2726  	time.Sleep(d.delay)
  2727  	return c, nil
  2728  }
  2730  func TestTLSClientHandshakeFirstFallbackDelay(t *testing.T) {
  2731  	// Using certificates with RSA 4K to make sure that the fallback does
  2732  	// not prevent a client with TLS first to successfully connect.
  2733  	tmpl := `
  2734  		listen: ""
  2735  		tls {
  2736  			cert_file:  "./configs/certs/tls/benchmark-server-cert-rsa-4096.pem"
  2737  			key_file:   "./configs/certs/tls/benchmark-server-key-rsa-4096.pem"
  2738  			timeout: 	1
  2739  			first: 		%s
  2740  		}
  2741  	`
  2742  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tmpl, "auto")))
  2743  	s, o := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  2744  	defer s.Shutdown()
  2746  	url := fmt.Sprintf("tls://localhost:%d", o.Port)
  2747  	d := &pauseAfterDial{delay: DEFAULT_TLS_HANDSHAKE_FIRST_FALLBACK_DELAY + 100*time.Millisecond}
  2749  	// Connect a client without "TLS first" and it should be accepted.
  2750  	nc, err := nats.Connect(url,
  2751  		nats.SetCustomDialer(d),
  2752  		nats.Secure(&tls.Config{
  2753  			ServerName: "",
  2754  			MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
  2755  		}),
  2756  		nats.RootCAs("./configs/certs/tls/benchmark-ca-cert.pem"))
  2757  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2758  	defer nc.Close()
  2759  	// Check that the TLS first in monitoring is set to false
  2760  	cs, err := s.Connz(nil)
  2761  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2762  	if cs.Conns[0].TLSFirst {
  2763  		t.Fatal("Expected monitoring ConnInfo.TLSFirst to be false, it was not")
  2764  	}
  2765  	nc.Close()
  2767  	// Wait for the client to be removed
  2768  	checkClientsCount(t, s, 0)
  2770  	// Increase the fallback delay with config reload.
  2771  	reloadUpdateConfig(t, s, conf, fmt.Sprintf(tmpl, "\"1s\""))
  2773  	// This time, start the client with "TLS first".
  2774  	// We will also make sure that we did not wait for the fallback delay
  2775  	// in order to connect.
  2776  	start := time.Now()
  2777  	nc, err = nats.Connect(url,
  2778  		nats.SetCustomDialer(d),
  2779  		nats.Secure(&tls.Config{
  2780  			ServerName: "",
  2781  			MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
  2782  		}),
  2783  		nats.RootCAs("./configs/certs/tls/benchmark-ca-cert.pem"),
  2784  		nats.TLSHandshakeFirst())
  2785  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2786  	require_True(t, time.Since(start) < 500*time.Millisecond)
  2787  	defer nc.Close()
  2789  	// Check that the TLS first in monitoring is set to true.
  2790  	cs, err = s.Connz(nil)
  2791  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2792  	if !cs.Conns[0].TLSFirst {
  2793  		t.Fatal("Expected monitoring ConnInfo.TLSFirst to be true, it was not")
  2794  	}
  2795  	nc.Close()
  2796  }
  2798  func TestTLSClientHandshakeFirstFallbackDelayAndAllowNonTLS(t *testing.T) {
  2799  	tmpl := `
  2800  		listen: ""
  2801  		tls {
  2802  			cert_file: 	"../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem"
  2803  			key_file:  	"../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem"
  2804  			timeout: 	1
  2805  			first: 		%s
  2806  		}
  2807  		allow_non_tls: true
  2808  	`
  2809  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tmpl, "true")))
  2810  	s, o := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  2811  	defer s.Shutdown()
  2813  	// We first start with a server that has handshake first set to true
  2814  	// and allow_non_tls. In that case, only "TLS first" clients should be
  2815  	// accepted.
  2816  	url := fmt.Sprintf("tls://localhost:%d", o.Port)
  2817  	nc, err := nats.Connect(url,
  2818  		nats.RootCAs("../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"),
  2819  		nats.TLSHandshakeFirst())
  2820  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2821  	defer nc.Close()
  2822  	// Check that the TLS first in monitoring is set to true
  2823  	cs, err := s.Connz(nil)
  2824  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2825  	if !cs.Conns[0].TLSFirst {
  2826  		t.Fatal("Expected monitoring ConnInfo.TLSFirst to be true, it was not")
  2827  	}
  2828  	nc.Close()
  2830  	// Client not using "TLS First" should fail.
  2831  	nc, err = nats.Connect(url, nats.RootCAs("../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"))
  2832  	if err == nil {
  2833  		nc.Close()
  2834  		t.Fatal("Expected connection to fail, it did not")
  2835  	}
  2837  	// And non TLS clients should also fail to connect.
  2838  	nc, err = nats.Connect(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", o.Port))
  2839  	if err == nil {
  2840  		nc.Close()
  2841  		t.Fatal("Expected connection to fail, it did not")
  2842  	}
  2844  	// Now we will replace TLS first in server with a fallback delay.
  2845  	reloadUpdateConfig(t, s, conf, fmt.Sprintf(tmpl, "\"25ms\""))
  2847  	// Clients with "TLS first" should still be able to connect
  2848  	nc, err = nats.Connect(url,
  2849  		nats.RootCAs("../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"),
  2850  		nats.TLSHandshakeFirst())
  2851  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2852  	defer nc.Close()
  2854  	checkConnInfo := func(isTLS, isTLSFirst bool) {
  2855  		t.Helper()
  2856  		cs, err = s.Connz(nil)
  2857  		require_NoError(t, err)
  2858  		conn := cs.Conns[0]
  2859  		if !isTLS {
  2860  			if conn.TLSVersion != _EMPTY_ {
  2861  				t.Fatalf("Being a non TLS client, there should not be TLSVersion set, got %v", conn.TLSVersion)
  2862  			}
  2863  			if conn.TLSFirst {
  2864  				t.Fatal("Being a non TLS client, TLSFirst should not be set, but it was")
  2865  			}
  2866  			return
  2867  		}
  2868  		if isTLSFirst && !conn.TLSFirst {
  2869  			t.Fatal("Expected monitoring ConnInfo.TLSFirst to be true, it was not")
  2870  		} else if !isTLSFirst && conn.TLSFirst {
  2871  			t.Fatal("Expected monitoring ConnInfo.TLSFirst to be false, it was not")
  2872  		}
  2873  		nc.Close()
  2875  		checkClientsCount(t, s, 0)
  2876  	}
  2877  	checkConnInfo(true, true)
  2879  	// Clients with TLS but not "TLS first" should also be able to connect.
  2880  	nc, err = nats.Connect(url, nats.RootCAs("../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"))
  2881  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2882  	defer nc.Close()
  2883  	checkConnInfo(true, false)
  2885  	// And non TLS clients should also be able to connect.
  2886  	nc, err = nats.Connect(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", o.Port))
  2887  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2888  	defer nc.Close()
  2889  	checkConnInfo(false, false)
  2890  }
  2892  func TestTLSClientHandshakeFirstAndInProcessConnection(t *testing.T) {
  2893  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  2894  		listen: ""
  2895  		tls {
  2896  			cert_file: 	"../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem"
  2897  			key_file:  	"../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem"
  2898  			timeout: 	1
  2899  			first: 		true
  2900  		}
  2901  	`))
  2902  	s, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  2903  	defer s.Shutdown()
  2905  	// Check that we can create an in process connection that does not use TLS
  2906  	nc, err := nats.Connect(_EMPTY_, nats.InProcessServer(s))
  2907  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2908  	defer nc.Close()
  2909  	if nc.TLSRequired() {
  2910  		t.Fatalf("Shouldn't have required TLS for in-process connection")
  2911  	}
  2912  	if _, err = nc.TLSConnectionState(); err == nil {
  2913  		t.Fatal("Should have got an error retrieving TLS connection state")
  2914  	}
  2915  	nc.Close()
  2917  	// If the client wants TLS, it should get a TLS connection.
  2918  	nc, err = nats.Connect(_EMPTY_,
  2919  		nats.InProcessServer(s),
  2920  		nats.RootCAs("../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"))
  2921  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2922  	defer nc.Close()
  2923  	if _, err = nc.TLSConnectionState(); err != nil {
  2924  		t.Fatal("Should have not got an error retrieving TLS connection state")
  2925  	}
  2926  	// However, the server would not have sent that TLS was required,
  2927  	// but instead it is available.
  2928  	if nc.TLSRequired() {
  2929  		t.Fatalf("Shouldn't have required TLS for in-process connection")
  2930  	}
  2931  	nc.Close()
  2933  	// The in-process connection with TLS and "TLS first" should also be working.
  2934  	nc, err = nats.Connect(_EMPTY_,
  2935  		nats.InProcessServer(s),
  2936  		nats.RootCAs("../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"),
  2937  		nats.TLSHandshakeFirst())
  2938  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2939  	defer nc.Close()
  2940  	if !nc.TLSRequired() {
  2941  		t.Fatalf("The server should have sent that TLS is required")
  2942  	}
  2943  	if _, err = nc.TLSConnectionState(); err != nil {
  2944  		t.Fatal("Should have not got an error retrieving TLS connection state")
  2945  	}
  2946  }
  2948  func TestRemoveHeaderIfPrefixPresent(t *testing.T) {
  2949  	hdr := []byte("NATS/1.0\r\n\r\n")
  2951  	hdr = genHeader(hdr, "a", "1")
  2952  	hdr = genHeader(hdr, JSExpectedStream, "my-stream")
  2953  	hdr = genHeader(hdr, JSExpectedLastSeq, "22")
  2954  	hdr = genHeader(hdr, "b", "2")
  2955  	hdr = genHeader(hdr, JSExpectedLastSubjSeq, "24")
  2956  	hdr = genHeader(hdr, JSExpectedLastMsgId, "1")
  2957  	hdr = genHeader(hdr, "c", "3")
  2959  	hdr = removeHeaderIfPrefixPresent(hdr, "Nats-Expected-")
  2961  	if !bytes.Equal(hdr, []byte("NATS/1.0\r\na: 1\r\nb: 2\r\nc: 3\r\n\r\n")) {
  2962  		t.Fatalf("Expected headers to be stripped, got %q", hdr)
  2963  	}
  2964  }