
     1  ---
     2  title: "Union"
     3  description: "Remote Unification"
     4  date: "2018-08-29"
     5  ---
     7  <i class="fa fa-link"></i> Union
     8  -----------------------------------------
    10  The `union` remote provides a unification similar to UnionFS using other remotes.
    12  Paths may be as deep as required or a local path, 
    13  eg `remote:directory/subdirectory` or `/directory/subdirectory`.
    15  During the initial setup with `rclone config` you will specify the target
    16  remotes as a space separated list. The target remotes can either be a local paths or other remotes.
    18  The order of the remotes is important as it defines which remotes take precedence over others if there are files with the same name in the same logical path.
    19  The last remote is the topmost remote and replaces files with the same name from previous remotes.
    21  Only the last remote is used to write to and delete from, all other remotes are read-only.
    23  Subfolders can be used in target remote. Assume a union remote named `backup`
    24  with the remotes `mydrive:private/backup mydrive2:/backup`. Invoking `rclone mkdir backup:desktop`
    25  is exactly the same as invoking `rclone mkdir mydrive2:/backup/desktop`.
    27  There will be no special handling of paths containing `..` segments.
    28  Invoking `rclone mkdir backup:../desktop` is exactly the same as invoking
    29  `rclone mkdir mydrive2:/backup/../desktop`.
    31  Here is an example of how to make a union called `remote` for local folders.
    32  First run:
    34       rclone config
    36  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
    38  ```
    39  No remotes found - make a new one
    40  n) New remote
    41  s) Set configuration password
    42  q) Quit config
    43  n/s/q> n
    44  name> remote
    45  Type of storage to configure.
    46  Choose a number from below, or type in your own value
    47   1 / Alias for an existing remote
    48     \ "alias"
    49   2 / Amazon Drive
    50     \ "amazon cloud drive"
    51   3 / Amazon S3 Compliant Storage Providers (AWS, Ceph, Dreamhost, IBM COS, Minio)
    52     \ "s3"
    53   4 / Backblaze B2
    54     \ "b2"
    55   5 / Box
    56     \ "box"
    57   6 / Builds a stackable unification remote, which can appear to merge the contents of several remotes
    58     \ "union"
    59   7 / Cache a remote
    60     \ "cache"
    61   8 / Dropbox
    62     \ "dropbox"
    63   9 / Encrypt/Decrypt a remote
    64     \ "crypt"
    65  10 / FTP Connection
    66     \ "ftp"
    67  11 / Google Cloud Storage (this is not Google Drive)
    68     \ "google cloud storage"
    69  12 / Google Drive
    70     \ "drive"
    71  13 / Hubic
    72     \ "hubic"
    73  14 / JottaCloud
    74     \ "jottacloud"
    75  15 / Local Disk
    76     \ "local"
    77  16 / Mega
    78     \ "mega"
    79  17 / Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
    80     \ "azureblob"
    81  18 / Microsoft OneDrive
    82     \ "onedrive"
    83  19 / OpenDrive
    84     \ "opendrive"
    85  20 / Openstack Swift (Rackspace Cloud Files, Memset Memstore, OVH)
    86     \ "swift"
    87  21 / Pcloud
    88     \ "pcloud"
    89  22 / QingCloud Object Storage
    90     \ "qingstor"
    91  23 / SSH/SFTP Connection
    92     \ "sftp"
    93  24 / Webdav
    94     \ "webdav"
    95  25 / Yandex Disk
    96     \ "yandex"
    97  26 / http Connection
    98     \ "http"
    99  Storage> union
   100  List of space separated remotes.
   101  Can be 'remotea:test/dir remoteb:', '"remotea:test/space dir" remoteb:', etc.
   102  The last remote is used to write to.
   103  Enter a string value. Press Enter for the default ("").
   104  remotes>
   105  Remote config
   106  --------------------
   107  [remote]
   108  type = union
   109  remotes = C:\dir1 C:\dir2 C:\dir3
   110  --------------------
   111  y) Yes this is OK
   112  e) Edit this remote
   113  d) Delete this remote
   114  y/e/d> y
   115  Current remotes:
   117  Name                 Type
   118  ====                 ====
   119  remote               union
   121  e) Edit existing remote
   122  n) New remote
   123  d) Delete remote
   124  r) Rename remote
   125  c) Copy remote
   126  s) Set configuration password
   127  q) Quit config
   128  e/n/d/r/c/s/q> q
   129  ```
   131  Once configured you can then use `rclone` like this,
   133  List directories in top level in `C:\dir1`, `C:\dir2` and `C:\dir3`
   135      rclone lsd remote:
   137  List all the files in `C:\dir1`, `C:\dir2` and `C:\dir3`
   139      rclone ls remote:
   141  Copy another local directory to the union directory called source, which will be placed into `C:\dir3`
   143      rclone copy C:\source remote:source
   145  <!--- autogenerated options start - DO NOT EDIT, instead edit fs.RegInfo in backend/union/union.go then run make backenddocs -->
   146  ### Standard Options
   148  Here are the standard options specific to union (A stackable unification remote, which can appear to merge the contents of several remotes).
   150  #### --union-remotes
   152  List of space separated remotes.
   153  Can be 'remotea:test/dir remoteb:', '"remotea:test/space dir" remoteb:', etc.
   154  The last remote is used to write to.
   156  - Config:      remotes
   157  - Env Var:     RCLONE_UNION_REMOTES
   158  - Type:        string
   159  - Default:     ""
   161  <!--- autogenerated options stop -->