
     1  .\"t
     2  .\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 2.2.1
     3  .\"
     4  .TH "rclone" "1" "Jun 15, 2019" "User Manual" ""
     5  .hy
     6  .SH Rclone
     7  .PP
     8  [IMAGE: Logo (] (
     9  .PP
    10  Rclone is a command line program to sync files and directories to and
    11  from:
    12  .IP \[bu] 2
    13  Alibaba Cloud (Aliyun) Object Storage System (OSS)
    14  .IP \[bu] 2
    15  Amazon Drive (See note (/amazonclouddrive/#status))
    16  .IP \[bu] 2
    17  Amazon S3
    18  .IP \[bu] 2
    19  Backblaze B2
    20  .IP \[bu] 2
    21  Box
    22  .IP \[bu] 2
    23  Ceph
    24  .IP \[bu] 2
    25  DigitalOcean Spaces
    26  .IP \[bu] 2
    27  Dreamhost
    28  .IP \[bu] 2
    29  Dropbox
    30  .IP \[bu] 2
    31  FTP
    32  .IP \[bu] 2
    33  Google Cloud Storage
    34  .IP \[bu] 2
    35  Google Drive
    36  .IP \[bu] 2
    37  HTTP
    38  .IP \[bu] 2
    39  Hubic
    40  .IP \[bu] 2
    41  Jottacloud
    42  .IP \[bu] 2
    43  IBM COS S3
    44  .IP \[bu] 2
    45  Koofr
    46  .IP \[bu] 2
    47  Memset Memstore
    48  .IP \[bu] 2
    49  Mega
    50  .IP \[bu] 2
    51  Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
    52  .IP \[bu] 2
    53  Microsoft OneDrive
    54  .IP \[bu] 2
    55  Minio
    56  .IP \[bu] 2
    57  Nextcloud
    58  .IP \[bu] 2
    59  OVH
    60  .IP \[bu] 2
    61  OpenDrive
    62  .IP \[bu] 2
    63  Openstack Swift
    64  .IP \[bu] 2
    65  Oracle Cloud Storage
    66  .IP \[bu] 2
    67  ownCloud
    68  .IP \[bu] 2
    69  pCloud
    70  .IP \[bu] 2
    72  .IP \[bu] 2
    73  QingStor
    74  .IP \[bu] 2
    75  Rackspace Cloud Files
    76  .IP \[bu] 2
    78  .IP \[bu] 2
    79  Scaleway
    80  .IP \[bu] 2
    81  SFTP
    82  .IP \[bu] 2
    83  Wasabi
    84  .IP \[bu] 2
    85  WebDAV
    86  .IP \[bu] 2
    87  Yandex Disk
    88  .IP \[bu] 2
    89  The local filesystem
    90  .PP
    91  Features
    92  .IP \[bu] 2
    93  MD5/SHA1 hashes checked at all times for file integrity
    94  .IP \[bu] 2
    95  Timestamps preserved on files
    96  .IP \[bu] 2
    97  Partial syncs supported on a whole file basis
    98  .IP \[bu] 2
    99  Copy ( mode to just copy
   100  new/changed files
   101  .IP \[bu] 2
   102  Sync ( (one way) mode to make a
   103  directory identical
   104  .IP \[bu] 2
   105  Check ( mode to check for file
   106  hash equality
   107  .IP \[bu] 2
   108  Can sync to and from network, eg two different cloud accounts
   109  .IP \[bu] 2
   110  Encryption ( backend
   111  .IP \[bu] 2
   112  Cache ( backend
   113  .IP \[bu] 2
   114  Union ( backend
   115  .IP \[bu] 2
   116  Optional FUSE mount (rclone
   117  mount (
   118  .IP \[bu] 2
   119  Multi\-threaded downloads to local disk
   120  .IP \[bu] 2
   121  Can serve ( local or remote
   122  files over
   123  HTTP ( ( ( ( (
   124  .PP
   125  Links
   126  .IP \[bu] 2
   127  Home page (
   128  .IP \[bu] 2
   129  GitHub project page for source and bug
   130  tracker (
   131  .IP \[bu] 2
   132  Rclone Forum (
   133  .IP \[bu] 2
   135  .SH Install
   136  .PP
   137  Rclone is a Go program and comes as a single binary file.
   138  .SS Quickstart
   139  .IP \[bu] 2
   140  Download ( the relevant binary.
   141  .IP \[bu] 2
   142  Extract the \f[C]rclone\f[] or \f[C]rclone.exe\f[] binary from the
   143  archive
   144  .IP \[bu] 2
   145  Run \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] to setup.
   146  See rclone config docs ( for more details.
   147  .PP
   148  See below for some expanded Linux / macOS instructions.
   149  .PP
   150  See the Usage section ( of the docs for how to
   151  use rclone, or run \f[C]rclone\ \-h\f[].
   152  .SS Script installation
   153  .PP
   154  To install rclone on Linux/macOS/BSD systems, run:
   155  .IP
   156  .nf
   157  \f[C]
   158  curl\\ |\ sudo\ bash
   159  \f[]
   160  .fi
   161  .PP
   162  For beta installation, run:
   163  .IP
   164  .nf
   165  \f[C]
   166  curl\\ |\ sudo\ bash\ \-s\ beta
   167  \f[]
   168  .fi
   169  .PP
   170  Note that this script checks the version of rclone installed first and
   171  won't re\-download if not needed.
   172  .SS Linux installation from precompiled binary
   173  .PP
   174  Fetch and unpack
   175  .IP
   176  .nf
   177  \f[C]
   178  curl\ \-O\\-current\-linux\
   179  unzip\ rclone\-current\-linux\
   180  cd\ rclone\-*\-linux\-amd64
   181  \f[]
   182  .fi
   183  .PP
   184  Copy binary file
   185  .IP
   186  .nf
   187  \f[C]
   188  sudo\ cp\ rclone\ /usr/bin/
   189  sudo\ chown\ root:root\ /usr/bin/rclone
   190  sudo\ chmod\ 755\ /usr/bin/rclone
   191  \f[]
   192  .fi
   193  .PP
   194  Install manpage
   195  .IP
   196  .nf
   197  \f[C]
   198  sudo\ mkdir\ \-p\ /usr/local/share/man/man1
   199  sudo\ cp\ rclone.1\ /usr/local/share/man/man1/
   200  sudo\ mandb\ 
   201  \f[]
   202  .fi
   203  .PP
   204  Run \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] to setup.
   205  See rclone config docs ( for more details.
   206  .IP
   207  .nf
   208  \f[C]
   209  rclone\ config
   210  \f[]
   211  .fi
   212  .SS macOS installation from precompiled binary
   213  .PP
   214  Download the latest version of rclone.
   215  .IP
   216  .nf
   217  \f[C]
   218  cd\ &&\ curl\ \-O\\-current\-osx\
   219  \f[]
   220  .fi
   221  .PP
   222  Unzip the download and cd to the extracted folder.
   223  .IP
   224  .nf
   225  \f[C]
   226  unzip\ \-a\ rclone\-current\-osx\\ &&\ cd\ rclone\-*\-osx\-amd64
   227  \f[]
   228  .fi
   229  .PP
   230  Move rclone to your $PATH.
   231  You will be prompted for your password.
   232  .IP
   233  .nf
   234  \f[C]
   235  sudo\ mkdir\ \-p\ /usr/local/bin
   236  sudo\ mv\ rclone\ /usr/local/bin/
   237  \f[]
   238  .fi
   239  .PP
   240  (the \f[C]mkdir\f[] command is safe to run, even if the directory
   241  already exists).
   242  .PP
   243  Remove the leftover files.
   244  .IP
   245  .nf
   246  \f[C]
   247  cd\ ..\ &&\ rm\ \-rf\ rclone\-*\-osx\-amd64\ rclone\-current\-osx\
   248  \f[]
   249  .fi
   250  .PP
   251  Run \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] to setup.
   252  See rclone config docs ( for more details.
   253  .IP
   254  .nf
   255  \f[C]
   256  rclone\ config
   257  \f[]
   258  .fi
   259  .SS Install from source
   260  .PP
   261  Make sure you have at least Go ( 1.7 installed.
   262  Download go ( if necessary.
   263  The latest release is recommended.
   264  Then
   265  .IP
   266  .nf
   267  \f[C]
   268  git\ clone\
   269  cd\ rclone
   270  go\ build
   271  \&./rclone\ version
   272  \f[]
   273  .fi
   274  .PP
   275  You can also build and install rclone in the
   276  GOPATH ( (which defaults to
   277  \f[C]~/go\f[]) with:
   278  .IP
   279  .nf
   280  \f[C]
   281  go\ get\ \-u\ \-v\
   282  \f[]
   283  .fi
   284  .PP
   285  and this will build the binary in \f[C]$GOPATH/bin\f[]
   286  (\f[C]~/go/bin/rclone\f[] by default) after downloading the source to
   287  \f[C]$GOPATH/src/\f[]
   288  (\f[C]~/go/src/\f[] by default).
   289  .SS Installation with Ansible
   290  .PP
   291  This can be done with Stefan Weichinger's ansible
   292  role (
   293  .PP
   294  Instructions
   295  .IP "1." 3
   296  \f[C]git\ clone\\-rclone.git\f[]
   297  into your local roles\-directory
   298  .IP "2." 3
   299  add the role to the hosts you want rclone installed to:
   300  .IP
   301  .nf
   302  \f[C]
   303  \ \ \ \ \-\ hosts:\ rclone\-hosts
   304  \ \ \ \ \ \ roles:
   305  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ rclone
   306  \f[]
   307  .fi
   308  .SS Configure
   309  .PP
   310  First, you'll need to configure rclone.
   311  As the object storage systems have quite complicated authentication
   312  these are kept in a config file.
   313  (See the \f[C]\-\-config\f[] entry for how to find the config file and
   314  choose its location.)
   315  .PP
   316  The easiest way to make the config is to run rclone with the config
   317  option:
   318  .IP
   319  .nf
   320  \f[C]
   321  rclone\ config
   322  \f[]
   323  .fi
   324  .PP
   325  See the following for detailed instructions for
   326  .IP \[bu] 2
   327  Alias (
   328  .IP \[bu] 2
   329  Amazon Drive (
   330  .IP \[bu] 2
   331  Amazon S3 (
   332  .IP \[bu] 2
   333  Backblaze B2 (
   334  .IP \[bu] 2
   335  Box (
   336  .IP \[bu] 2
   337  Cache (
   338  .IP \[bu] 2
   339  Crypt ( \- to encrypt other remotes
   340  .IP \[bu] 2
   341  DigitalOcean Spaces (/s3/#digitalocean-spaces)
   342  .IP \[bu] 2
   343  Dropbox (
   344  .IP \[bu] 2
   345  FTP (
   346  .IP \[bu] 2
   347  Google Cloud Storage (
   348  .IP \[bu] 2
   349  Google Drive (
   350  .IP \[bu] 2
   351  HTTP (
   352  .IP \[bu] 2
   353  Hubic (
   354  .IP \[bu] 2
   355  Jottacloud (
   356  .IP \[bu] 2
   357  Koofr (
   358  .IP \[bu] 2
   359  Mega (
   360  .IP \[bu] 2
   361  Microsoft Azure Blob Storage (
   362  .IP \[bu] 2
   363  Microsoft OneDrive (
   364  .IP \[bu] 2
   365  Openstack Swift / Rackspace Cloudfiles / Memset
   366  Memstore (
   367  .IP \[bu] 2
   368  OpenDrive (
   369  .IP \[bu] 2
   370  Pcloud (
   371  .IP \[bu] 2
   372  QingStor (
   373  .IP \[bu] 2
   374  SFTP (
   375  .IP \[bu] 2
   376  Union (
   377  .IP \[bu] 2
   378  WebDAV (
   379  .IP \[bu] 2
   380  Yandex Disk (
   381  .IP \[bu] 2
   382  The local filesystem (
   383  .SS Usage
   384  .PP
   385  Rclone syncs a directory tree from one storage system to another.
   386  .PP
   387  Its syntax is like this
   388  .IP
   389  .nf
   390  \f[C]
   391  Syntax:\ [options]\ subcommand\ <parameters>\ <parameters...>
   392  \f[]
   393  .fi
   394  .PP
   395  Source and destination paths are specified by the name you gave the
   396  storage system in the config file then the sub path, eg
   397  \[lq]drive:myfolder\[rq] to look at \[lq]myfolder\[rq] in Google drive.
   398  .PP
   399  You can define as many storage paths as you like in the config file.
   400  .SS Subcommands
   401  .PP
   402  rclone uses a system of subcommands.
   403  For example
   404  .IP
   405  .nf
   406  \f[C]
   407  rclone\ ls\ remote:path\ #\ lists\ a\ remote
   408  rclone\ copy\ /local/path\ remote:path\ #\ copies\ /local/path\ to\ the\ remote
   409  rclone\ sync\ /local/path\ remote:path\ #\ syncs\ /local/path\ to\ the\ remote
   410  \f[]
   411  .fi
   412  .SS rclone config
   413  .PP
   414  Enter an interactive configuration session.
   415  .SS Synopsis
   416  .PP
   417  Enter an interactive configuration session where you can setup new
   418  remotes and manage existing ones.
   419  You may also set or remove a password to protect your configuration.
   420  .IP
   421  .nf
   422  \f[C]
   423  rclone\ config\ [flags]
   424  \f[]
   425  .fi
   426  .SS Options
   427  .IP
   428  .nf
   429  \f[C]
   430  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ config
   431  \f[]
   432  .fi
   433  .SS SEE ALSO
   434  .IP \[bu] 2
   435  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
   436  commands, flags and backends.
   437  .IP \[bu] 2
   438  rclone config create (
   439  \- Create a new remote with name, type and options.
   440  .IP \[bu] 2
   441  rclone config delete (
   442  \- Delete an existing remote .
   443  .IP \[bu] 2
   444  rclone config dump ( \-
   445  Dump the config file as JSON.
   446  .IP \[bu] 2
   447  rclone config edit ( \-
   448  Enter an interactive configuration session.
   449  .IP \[bu] 2
   450  rclone config file ( \-
   451  Show path of configuration file in use.
   452  .IP \[bu] 2
   453  rclone config
   454  password ( \- Update
   455  password in an existing remote.
   456  .IP \[bu] 2
   457  rclone config
   458  providers ( \- List
   459  in JSON format all the providers and options.
   460  .IP \[bu] 2
   461  rclone config show ( \-
   462  Print (decrypted) config file, or the config for a single remote.
   463  .IP \[bu] 2
   464  rclone config update (
   465  \- Update options in an existing remote.
   466  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
   467  .SS rclone copy
   468  .PP
   469  Copy files from source to dest, skipping already copied
   470  .SS Synopsis
   471  .PP
   472  Copy the source to the destination.
   473  Doesn't transfer unchanged files, testing by size and modification time
   474  or MD5SUM.
   475  Doesn't delete files from the destination.
   476  .PP
   477  Note that it is always the contents of the directory that is synced, not
   478  the directory so when source:path is a directory, it's the contents of
   479  source:path that are copied, not the directory name and contents.
   480  .PP
   481  If dest:path doesn't exist, it is created and the source:path contents
   482  go there.
   483  .PP
   484  For example
   485  .IP
   486  .nf
   487  \f[C]
   488  rclone\ copy\ source:sourcepath\ dest:destpath
   489  \f[]
   490  .fi
   491  .PP
   492  Let's say there are two files in sourcepath
   493  .IP
   494  .nf
   495  \f[C]
   496  sourcepath/one.txt
   497  sourcepath/two.txt
   498  \f[]
   499  .fi
   500  .PP
   501  This copies them to
   502  .IP
   503  .nf
   504  \f[C]
   505  destpath/one.txt
   506  destpath/two.txt
   507  \f[]
   508  .fi
   509  .PP
   510  Not to
   511  .IP
   512  .nf
   513  \f[C]
   514  destpath/sourcepath/one.txt
   515  destpath/sourcepath/two.txt
   516  \f[]
   517  .fi
   518  .PP
   519  If you are familiar with \f[C]rsync\f[], rclone always works as if you
   520  had written a trailing / \- meaning \[lq]copy the contents of this
   521  directory\[rq].
   522  This applies to all commands and whether you are talking about the
   523  source or destination.
   524  .PP
   525  See the \[en]no\-traverse (/docs/#no-traverse) option for controlling
   526  whether rclone lists the destination directory or not.
   527  Supplying this option when copying a small number of files into a large
   528  destination can speed transfers up greatly.
   529  .PP
   530  For example, if you have many files in /path/to/src but only a few of
   531  them change every day, you can to copy all the files which have changed
   532  recently very efficiently like this:
   533  .IP
   534  .nf
   535  \f[C]
   536  rclone\ copy\ \-\-max\-age\ 24h\ \-\-no\-traverse\ /path/to/src\ remote:
   537  \f[]
   538  .fi
   539  .PP
   540  \f[B]Note\f[]: Use the \f[C]\-P\f[]/\f[C]\-\-progress\f[] flag to view
   541  real\-time transfer statistics
   542  .IP
   543  .nf
   544  \f[C]
   545  rclone\ copy\ source:path\ dest:path\ [flags]
   546  \f[]
   547  .fi
   548  .SS Options
   549  .IP
   550  .nf
   551  \f[C]
   552  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-create\-empty\-src\-dirs\ \ \ Create\ empty\ source\ dirs\ on\ destination\ after\ copy
   553  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ copy
   554  \f[]
   555  .fi
   556  .SS SEE ALSO
   557  .IP \[bu] 2
   558  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
   559  commands, flags and backends.
   560  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
   561  .SS rclone sync
   562  .PP
   563  Make source and dest identical, modifying destination only.
   564  .SS Synopsis
   565  .PP
   566  Sync the source to the destination, changing the destination only.
   567  Doesn't transfer unchanged files, testing by size and modification time
   568  or MD5SUM.
   569  Destination is updated to match source, including deleting files if
   570  necessary.
   571  .PP
   572  \f[B]Important\f[]: Since this can cause data loss, test first with the
   573  \f[C]\-\-dry\-run\f[] flag to see exactly what would be copied and
   574  deleted.
   575  .PP
   576  Note that files in the destination won't be deleted if there were any
   577  errors at any point.
   578  .PP
   579  It is always the contents of the directory that is synced, not the
   580  directory so when source:path is a directory, it's the contents of
   581  source:path that are copied, not the directory name and contents.
   582  See extended explanation in the \f[C]copy\f[] command above if unsure.
   583  .PP
   584  If dest:path doesn't exist, it is created and the source:path contents
   585  go there.
   586  .PP
   587  \f[B]Note\f[]: Use the \f[C]\-P\f[]/\f[C]\-\-progress\f[] flag to view
   588  real\-time transfer statistics
   589  .IP
   590  .nf
   591  \f[C]
   592  rclone\ sync\ source:path\ dest:path\ [flags]
   593  \f[]
   594  .fi
   595  .SS Options
   596  .IP
   597  .nf
   598  \f[C]
   599  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-create\-empty\-src\-dirs\ \ \ Create\ empty\ source\ dirs\ on\ destination\ after\ sync
   600  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ sync
   601  \f[]
   602  .fi
   603  .SS SEE ALSO
   604  .IP \[bu] 2
   605  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
   606  commands, flags and backends.
   607  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
   608  .SS rclone move
   609  .PP
   610  Move files from source to dest.
   611  .SS Synopsis
   612  .PP
   613  Moves the contents of the source directory to the destination directory.
   614  Rclone will error if the source and destination overlap and the remote
   615  does not support a server side directory move operation.
   616  .PP
   617  If no filters are in use and if possible this will server side move
   618  \f[C]source:path\f[] into \f[C]dest:path\f[].
   619  After this \f[C]source:path\f[] will no longer longer exist.
   620  .PP
   621  Otherwise for each file in \f[C]source:path\f[] selected by the filters
   622  (if any) this will move it into \f[C]dest:path\f[].
   623  If possible a server side move will be used, otherwise it will copy it
   624  (server side if possible) into \f[C]dest:path\f[] then delete the
   625  original (if no errors on copy) in \f[C]source:path\f[].
   626  .PP
   627  If you want to delete empty source directories after move, use the
   628  \[en]delete\-empty\-src\-dirs flag.
   629  .PP
   630  See the \[en]no\-traverse (/docs/#no-traverse) option for controlling
   631  whether rclone lists the destination directory or not.
   632  Supplying this option when moving a small number of files into a large
   633  destination can speed transfers up greatly.
   634  .PP
   635  \f[B]Important\f[]: Since this can cause data loss, test first with the
   636  \[en]dry\-run flag.
   637  .PP
   638  \f[B]Note\f[]: Use the \f[C]\-P\f[]/\f[C]\-\-progress\f[] flag to view
   639  real\-time transfer statistics.
   640  .IP
   641  .nf
   642  \f[C]
   643  rclone\ move\ source:path\ dest:path\ [flags]
   644  \f[]
   645  .fi
   646  .SS Options
   647  .IP
   648  .nf
   649  \f[C]
   650  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-create\-empty\-src\-dirs\ \ \ Create\ empty\ source\ dirs\ on\ destination\ after\ move
   651  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-delete\-empty\-src\-dirs\ \ \ Delete\ empty\ source\ dirs\ after\ move
   652  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ move
   653  \f[]
   654  .fi
   655  .SS SEE ALSO
   656  .IP \[bu] 2
   657  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
   658  commands, flags and backends.
   659  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
   660  .SS rclone delete
   661  .PP
   662  Remove the contents of path.
   663  .SS Synopsis
   664  .PP
   665  Remove the files in path.
   666  Unlike \f[C]purge\f[] it obeys include/exclude filters so can be used to
   667  selectively delete files.
   668  .PP
   669  \f[C]rclone\ delete\f[] only deletes objects but leaves the directory
   670  structure alone.
   671  If you want to delete a directory and all of its contents use
   672  \f[C]rclone\ purge\f[]
   673  .PP
   674  Eg delete all files bigger than 100MBytes
   675  .PP
   676  Check what would be deleted first (use either)
   677  .IP
   678  .nf
   679  \f[C]
   680  rclone\ \-\-min\-size\ 100M\ lsl\ remote:path
   681  rclone\ \-\-dry\-run\ \-\-min\-size\ 100M\ delete\ remote:path
   682  \f[]
   683  .fi
   684  .PP
   685  Then delete
   686  .IP
   687  .nf
   688  \f[C]
   689  rclone\ \-\-min\-size\ 100M\ delete\ remote:path
   690  \f[]
   691  .fi
   692  .PP
   693  That reads \[lq]delete everything with a minimum size of 100 MB\[rq],
   694  hence delete all files bigger than 100MBytes.
   695  .IP
   696  .nf
   697  \f[C]
   698  rclone\ delete\ remote:path\ [flags]
   699  \f[]
   700  .fi
   701  .SS Options
   702  .IP
   703  .nf
   704  \f[C]
   705  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ delete
   706  \f[]
   707  .fi
   708  .SS SEE ALSO
   709  .IP \[bu] 2
   710  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
   711  commands, flags and backends.
   712  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
   713  .SS rclone purge
   714  .PP
   715  Remove the path and all of its contents.
   716  .SS Synopsis
   717  .PP
   718  Remove the path and all of its contents.
   719  Note that this does not obey include/exclude filters \- everything will
   720  be removed.
   721  Use \f[C]delete\f[] if you want to selectively delete files.
   722  .IP
   723  .nf
   724  \f[C]
   725  rclone\ purge\ remote:path\ [flags]
   726  \f[]
   727  .fi
   728  .SS Options
   729  .IP
   730  .nf
   731  \f[C]
   732  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ purge
   733  \f[]
   734  .fi
   735  .SS SEE ALSO
   736  .IP \[bu] 2
   737  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
   738  commands, flags and backends.
   739  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
   740  .SS rclone mkdir
   741  .PP
   742  Make the path if it doesn't already exist.
   743  .SS Synopsis
   744  .PP
   745  Make the path if it doesn't already exist.
   746  .IP
   747  .nf
   748  \f[C]
   749  rclone\ mkdir\ remote:path\ [flags]
   750  \f[]
   751  .fi
   752  .SS Options
   753  .IP
   754  .nf
   755  \f[C]
   756  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ mkdir
   757  \f[]
   758  .fi
   759  .SS SEE ALSO
   760  .IP \[bu] 2
   761  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
   762  commands, flags and backends.
   763  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
   764  .SS rclone rmdir
   765  .PP
   766  Remove the path if empty.
   767  .SS Synopsis
   768  .PP
   769  Remove the path.
   770  Note that you can't remove a path with objects in it, use purge for
   771  that.
   772  .IP
   773  .nf
   774  \f[C]
   775  rclone\ rmdir\ remote:path\ [flags]
   776  \f[]
   777  .fi
   778  .SS Options
   779  .IP
   780  .nf
   781  \f[C]
   782  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ rmdir
   783  \f[]
   784  .fi
   785  .SS SEE ALSO
   786  .IP \[bu] 2
   787  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
   788  commands, flags and backends.
   789  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
   790  .SS rclone check
   791  .PP
   792  Checks the files in the source and destination match.
   793  .SS Synopsis
   794  .PP
   795  Checks the files in the source and destination match.
   796  It compares sizes and hashes (MD5 or SHA1) and logs a report of files
   797  which don't match.
   798  It doesn't alter the source or destination.
   799  .PP
   800  If you supply the \[en]size\-only flag, it will only compare the sizes
   801  not the hashes as well.
   802  Use this for a quick check.
   803  .PP
   804  If you supply the \[en]download flag, it will download the data from
   805  both remotes and check them against each other on the fly.
   806  This can be useful for remotes that don't support hashes or if you
   807  really want to check all the data.
   808  .PP
   809  If you supply the \[en]one\-way flag, it will only check that files in
   810  source match the files in destination, not the other way around.
   811  Meaning extra files in destination that are not in the source will not
   812  trigger an error.
   813  .IP
   814  .nf
   815  \f[C]
   816  rclone\ check\ source:path\ dest:path\ [flags]
   817  \f[]
   818  .fi
   819  .SS Options
   820  .IP
   821  .nf
   822  \f[C]
   823  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-download\ \ \ Check\ by\ downloading\ rather\ than\ with\ hash.
   824  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ check
   825  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-one\-way\ \ \ \ Check\ one\ way\ only,\ source\ files\ must\ exist\ on\ remote
   826  \f[]
   827  .fi
   828  .SS SEE ALSO
   829  .IP \[bu] 2
   830  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
   831  commands, flags and backends.
   832  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
   833  .SS rclone ls
   834  .PP
   835  List the objects in the path with size and path.
   836  .SS Synopsis
   837  .PP
   838  Lists the objects in the source path to standard output in a human
   839  readable format with size and path.
   840  Recurses by default.
   841  .PP
   842  Eg
   843  .IP
   844  .nf
   845  \f[C]
   846  $\ rclone\ ls\ swift:bucket
   847  \ \ \ \ 60295\ bevajer5jef
   848  \ \ \ \ 90613\ canole
   849  \ \ \ \ 94467\ diwogej7
   850  \ \ \ \ 37600\ fubuwic
   851  \f[]
   852  .fi
   853  .PP
   854  Any of the filtering options can be applied to this command.
   855  .PP
   856  There are several related list commands
   857  .IP \[bu] 2
   858  \f[C]ls\f[] to list size and path of objects only
   859  .IP \[bu] 2
   860  \f[C]lsl\f[] to list modification time, size and path of objects only
   861  .IP \[bu] 2
   862  \f[C]lsd\f[] to list directories only
   863  .IP \[bu] 2
   864  \f[C]lsf\f[] to list objects and directories in easy to parse format
   865  .IP \[bu] 2
   866  \f[C]lsjson\f[] to list objects and directories in JSON format
   867  .PP
   868  \f[C]ls\f[],\f[C]lsl\f[],\f[C]lsd\f[] are designed to be human readable.
   869  \f[C]lsf\f[] is designed to be human and machine readable.
   870  \f[C]lsjson\f[] is designed to be machine readable.
   871  .PP
   872  Note that \f[C]ls\f[] and \f[C]lsl\f[] recurse by default \- use
   873  \[lq]\[en]max\-depth 1\[rq] to stop the recursion.
   874  .PP
   875  The other list commands \f[C]lsd\f[],\f[C]lsf\f[],\f[C]lsjson\f[] do not
   876  recurse by default \- use \[lq]\-R\[rq] to make them recurse.
   877  .PP
   878  Listing a non existent directory will produce an error except for
   879  remotes which can't have empty directories (eg s3, swift, gcs, etc \-
   880  the bucket based remotes).
   881  .IP
   882  .nf
   883  \f[C]
   884  rclone\ ls\ remote:path\ [flags]
   885  \f[]
   886  .fi
   887  .SS Options
   888  .IP
   889  .nf
   890  \f[C]
   891  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ ls
   892  \f[]
   893  .fi
   894  .SS SEE ALSO
   895  .IP \[bu] 2
   896  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
   897  commands, flags and backends.
   898  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
   899  .SS rclone lsd
   900  .PP
   901  List all directories/containers/buckets in the path.
   902  .SS Synopsis
   903  .PP
   904  Lists the directories in the source path to standard output.
   905  Does not recurse by default.
   906  Use the \-R flag to recurse.
   907  .PP
   908  This command lists the total size of the directory (if known, \-1 if
   909  not), the modification time (if known, the current time if not), the
   910  number of objects in the directory (if known, \-1 if not) and the name
   911  of the directory, Eg
   912  .IP
   913  .nf
   914  \f[C]
   915  $\ rclone\ lsd\ swift:
   916  \ \ \ \ \ \ 494000\ 2018\-04\-26\ 08:43:20\ \ \ \ \ 10000\ 10000files
   917  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 65\ 2018\-04\-26\ 08:43:20\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1\ 1File
   918  \f[]
   919  .fi
   920  .PP
   921  Or
   922  .IP
   923  .nf
   924  \f[C]
   925  $\ rclone\ lsd\ drive:test
   926  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-1\ 2016\-10\-17\ 17:41:53\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-1\ 1000files
   927  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-1\ 2017\-01\-03\ 14:40:54\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-1\ 2500files
   928  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-1\ 2017\-07\-08\ 14:39:28\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-1\ 4000files
   929  \f[]
   930  .fi
   931  .PP
   932  If you just want the directory names use \[lq]rclone lsf
   933  \[en]dirs\-only\[rq].
   934  .PP
   935  Any of the filtering options can be applied to this command.
   936  .PP
   937  There are several related list commands
   938  .IP \[bu] 2
   939  \f[C]ls\f[] to list size and path of objects only
   940  .IP \[bu] 2
   941  \f[C]lsl\f[] to list modification time, size and path of objects only
   942  .IP \[bu] 2
   943  \f[C]lsd\f[] to list directories only
   944  .IP \[bu] 2
   945  \f[C]lsf\f[] to list objects and directories in easy to parse format
   946  .IP \[bu] 2
   947  \f[C]lsjson\f[] to list objects and directories in JSON format
   948  .PP
   949  \f[C]ls\f[],\f[C]lsl\f[],\f[C]lsd\f[] are designed to be human readable.
   950  \f[C]lsf\f[] is designed to be human and machine readable.
   951  \f[C]lsjson\f[] is designed to be machine readable.
   952  .PP
   953  Note that \f[C]ls\f[] and \f[C]lsl\f[] recurse by default \- use
   954  \[lq]\[en]max\-depth 1\[rq] to stop the recursion.
   955  .PP
   956  The other list commands \f[C]lsd\f[],\f[C]lsf\f[],\f[C]lsjson\f[] do not
   957  recurse by default \- use \[lq]\-R\[rq] to make them recurse.
   958  .PP
   959  Listing a non existent directory will produce an error except for
   960  remotes which can't have empty directories (eg s3, swift, gcs, etc \-
   961  the bucket based remotes).
   962  .IP
   963  .nf
   964  \f[C]
   965  rclone\ lsd\ remote:path\ [flags]
   966  \f[]
   967  .fi
   968  .SS Options
   969  .IP
   970  .nf
   971  \f[C]
   972  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ lsd
   973  \ \ \-R,\ \-\-recursive\ \ \ Recurse\ into\ the\ listing.
   974  \f[]
   975  .fi
   976  .SS SEE ALSO
   977  .IP \[bu] 2
   978  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
   979  commands, flags and backends.
   980  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
   981  .SS rclone lsl
   982  .PP
   983  List the objects in path with modification time, size and path.
   984  .SS Synopsis
   985  .PP
   986  Lists the objects in the source path to standard output in a human
   987  readable format with modification time, size and path.
   988  Recurses by default.
   989  .PP
   990  Eg
   991  .IP
   992  .nf
   993  \f[C]
   994  $\ rclone\ lsl\ swift:bucket
   995  \ \ \ \ 60295\ 2016\-06\-25\ 18:55:41.062626927\ bevajer5jef
   996  \ \ \ \ 90613\ 2016\-06\-25\ 18:55:43.302607074\ canole
   997  \ \ \ \ 94467\ 2016\-06\-25\ 18:55:43.046609333\ diwogej7
   998  \ \ \ \ 37600\ 2016\-06\-25\ 18:55:40.814629136\ fubuwic
   999  \f[]
  1000  .fi
  1001  .PP
  1002  Any of the filtering options can be applied to this command.
  1003  .PP
  1004  There are several related list commands
  1005  .IP \[bu] 2
  1006  \f[C]ls\f[] to list size and path of objects only
  1007  .IP \[bu] 2
  1008  \f[C]lsl\f[] to list modification time, size and path of objects only
  1009  .IP \[bu] 2
  1010  \f[C]lsd\f[] to list directories only
  1011  .IP \[bu] 2
  1012  \f[C]lsf\f[] to list objects and directories in easy to parse format
  1013  .IP \[bu] 2
  1014  \f[C]lsjson\f[] to list objects and directories in JSON format
  1015  .PP
  1016  \f[C]ls\f[],\f[C]lsl\f[],\f[C]lsd\f[] are designed to be human readable.
  1017  \f[C]lsf\f[] is designed to be human and machine readable.
  1018  \f[C]lsjson\f[] is designed to be machine readable.
  1019  .PP
  1020  Note that \f[C]ls\f[] and \f[C]lsl\f[] recurse by default \- use
  1021  \[lq]\[en]max\-depth 1\[rq] to stop the recursion.
  1022  .PP
  1023  The other list commands \f[C]lsd\f[],\f[C]lsf\f[],\f[C]lsjson\f[] do not
  1024  recurse by default \- use \[lq]\-R\[rq] to make them recurse.
  1025  .PP
  1026  Listing a non existent directory will produce an error except for
  1027  remotes which can't have empty directories (eg s3, swift, gcs, etc \-
  1028  the bucket based remotes).
  1029  .IP
  1030  .nf
  1031  \f[C]
  1032  rclone\ lsl\ remote:path\ [flags]
  1033  \f[]
  1034  .fi
  1035  .SS Options
  1036  .IP
  1037  .nf
  1038  \f[C]
  1039  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ lsl
  1040  \f[]
  1041  .fi
  1042  .SS SEE ALSO
  1043  .IP \[bu] 2
  1044  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  1045  commands, flags and backends.
  1046  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1047  .SS rclone md5sum
  1048  .PP
  1049  Produces an md5sum file for all the objects in the path.
  1050  .SS Synopsis
  1051  .PP
  1052  Produces an md5sum file for all the objects in the path.
  1053  This is in the same format as the standard md5sum tool produces.
  1054  .IP
  1055  .nf
  1056  \f[C]
  1057  rclone\ md5sum\ remote:path\ [flags]
  1058  \f[]
  1059  .fi
  1060  .SS Options
  1061  .IP
  1062  .nf
  1063  \f[C]
  1064  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ md5sum
  1065  \f[]
  1066  .fi
  1067  .SS SEE ALSO
  1068  .IP \[bu] 2
  1069  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  1070  commands, flags and backends.
  1071  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1072  .SS rclone sha1sum
  1073  .PP
  1074  Produces an sha1sum file for all the objects in the path.
  1075  .SS Synopsis
  1076  .PP
  1077  Produces an sha1sum file for all the objects in the path.
  1078  This is in the same format as the standard sha1sum tool produces.
  1079  .IP
  1080  .nf
  1081  \f[C]
  1082  rclone\ sha1sum\ remote:path\ [flags]
  1083  \f[]
  1084  .fi
  1085  .SS Options
  1086  .IP
  1087  .nf
  1088  \f[C]
  1089  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ sha1sum
  1090  \f[]
  1091  .fi
  1092  .SS SEE ALSO
  1093  .IP \[bu] 2
  1094  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  1095  commands, flags and backends.
  1096  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1097  .SS rclone size
  1098  .PP
  1099  Prints the total size and number of objects in remote:path.
  1100  .SS Synopsis
  1101  .PP
  1102  Prints the total size and number of objects in remote:path.
  1103  .IP
  1104  .nf
  1105  \f[C]
  1106  rclone\ size\ remote:path\ [flags]
  1107  \f[]
  1108  .fi
  1109  .SS Options
  1110  .IP
  1111  .nf
  1112  \f[C]
  1113  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ size
  1114  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-json\ \ \ format\ output\ as\ JSON
  1115  \f[]
  1116  .fi
  1117  .SS SEE ALSO
  1118  .IP \[bu] 2
  1119  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  1120  commands, flags and backends.
  1121  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1122  .SS rclone version
  1123  .PP
  1124  Show the version number.
  1125  .SS Synopsis
  1126  .PP
  1127  Show the version number, the go version and the architecture.
  1128  .PP
  1129  Eg
  1130  .IP
  1131  .nf
  1132  \f[C]
  1133  $\ rclone\ version
  1134  rclone\ v1.41
  1135  \-\ os/arch:\ linux/amd64
  1136  \-\ go\ version:\ go1.10
  1137  \f[]
  1138  .fi
  1139  .PP
  1140  If you supply the \[en]check flag, then it will do an online check to
  1141  compare your version with the latest release and the latest beta.
  1142  .IP
  1143  .nf
  1144  \f[C]
  1145  $\ rclone\ version\ \-\-check
  1146  yours:\ \
  1147  latest:\ 1.42\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (released\ 2018\-06\-16)
  1148  beta:\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ (released\ 2018\-06\-17)
  1149  \f[]
  1150  .fi
  1151  .PP
  1152  Or
  1153  .IP
  1154  .nf
  1155  \f[C]
  1156  $\ rclone\ version\ \-\-check
  1157  yours:\ \ 1.41
  1158  latest:\ 1.42\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (released\ 2018\-06\-16)
  1159  \ \ upgrade:\
  1160  beta:\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ (released\ 2018\-06\-17)
  1161  \ \ upgrade:\\-005\-g56e1e820
  1162  \f[]
  1163  .fi
  1164  .IP
  1165  .nf
  1166  \f[C]
  1167  rclone\ version\ [flags]
  1168  \f[]
  1169  .fi
  1170  .SS Options
  1171  .IP
  1172  .nf
  1173  \f[C]
  1174  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-check\ \ \ Check\ for\ new\ version.
  1175  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ help\ for\ version
  1176  \f[]
  1177  .fi
  1178  .SS SEE ALSO
  1179  .IP \[bu] 2
  1180  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  1181  commands, flags and backends.
  1182  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1183  .SS rclone cleanup
  1184  .PP
  1185  Clean up the remote if possible
  1186  .SS Synopsis
  1187  .PP
  1188  Clean up the remote if possible.
  1189  Empty the trash or delete old file versions.
  1190  Not supported by all remotes.
  1191  .IP
  1192  .nf
  1193  \f[C]
  1194  rclone\ cleanup\ remote:path\ [flags]
  1195  \f[]
  1196  .fi
  1197  .SS Options
  1198  .IP
  1199  .nf
  1200  \f[C]
  1201  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ cleanup
  1202  \f[]
  1203  .fi
  1204  .SS SEE ALSO
  1205  .IP \[bu] 2
  1206  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  1207  commands, flags and backends.
  1208  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1209  .SS rclone dedupe
  1210  .PP
  1211  Interactively find duplicate files and delete/rename them.
  1212  .SS Synopsis
  1213  .PP
  1214  By default \f[C]dedupe\f[] interactively finds duplicate files and
  1215  offers to delete all but one or rename them to be different.
  1216  Only useful with Google Drive which can have duplicate file names.
  1217  .PP
  1218  In the first pass it will merge directories with the same name.
  1219  It will do this iteratively until all the identical directories have
  1220  been merged.
  1221  .PP
  1222  The \f[C]dedupe\f[] command will delete all but one of any identical
  1223  (same md5sum) files it finds without confirmation.
  1224  This means that for most duplicated files the \f[C]dedupe\f[] command
  1225  will not be interactive.
  1226  You can use \f[C]\-\-dry\-run\f[] to see what would happen without doing
  1227  anything.
  1228  .PP
  1229  Here is an example run.
  1230  .PP
  1231  Before \- with duplicates
  1232  .IP
  1233  .nf
  1234  \f[C]
  1235  $\ rclone\ lsl\ drive:dupes
  1236  \ \ 6048320\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:23:16.798000000\ one.txt
  1237  \ \ 6048320\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:23:11.775000000\ one.txt
  1238  \ \ \ 564374\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:23:06.731000000\ one.txt
  1239  \ \ 6048320\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:18:26.092000000\ one.txt
  1240  \ \ 6048320\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:22:46.185000000\ two.txt
  1241  \ \ 1744073\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:22:38.104000000\ two.txt
  1242  \ \ \ 564374\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:22:52.118000000\ two.txt
  1243  \f[]
  1244  .fi
  1245  .PP
  1246  Now the \f[C]dedupe\f[] session
  1247  .IP
  1248  .nf
  1249  \f[C]
  1250  $\ rclone\ dedupe\ drive:dupes
  1251  2016/03/05\ 16:24:37\ Google\ drive\ root\ \[aq]dupes\[aq]:\ Looking\ for\ duplicates\ using\ interactive\ mode.
  1252  one.txt:\ Found\ 4\ duplicates\ \-\ deleting\ identical\ copies
  1253  one.txt:\ Deleting\ 2/3\ identical\ duplicates\ (md5sum\ "1eedaa9fe86fd4b8632e2ac549403b36")
  1254  one.txt:\ 2\ duplicates\ remain
  1255  \ \ 1:\ \ \ \ \ \ 6048320\ bytes,\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:23:16.798000000,\ md5sum\ 1eedaa9fe86fd4b8632e2ac549403b36
  1256  \ \ 2:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 564374\ bytes,\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:23:06.731000000,\ md5sum\ 7594e7dc9fc28f727c42ee3e0749de81
  1257  s)\ Skip\ and\ do\ nothing
  1258  k)\ Keep\ just\ one\ (choose\ which\ in\ next\ step)
  1259  r)\ Rename\ all\ to\ be\ different\ (by\ changing\ file.jpg\ to\ file\-1.jpg)
  1260  s/k/r>\ k
  1261  Enter\ the\ number\ of\ the\ file\ to\ keep>\ 1
  1262  one.txt:\ Deleted\ 1\ extra\ copies
  1263  two.txt:\ Found\ 3\ duplicates\ \-\ deleting\ identical\ copies
  1264  two.txt:\ 3\ duplicates\ remain
  1265  \ \ 1:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 564374\ bytes,\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:22:52.118000000,\ md5sum\ 7594e7dc9fc28f727c42ee3e0749de81
  1266  \ \ 2:\ \ \ \ \ \ 6048320\ bytes,\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:22:46.185000000,\ md5sum\ 1eedaa9fe86fd4b8632e2ac549403b36
  1267  \ \ 3:\ \ \ \ \ \ 1744073\ bytes,\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:22:38.104000000,\ md5sum\ 851957f7fb6f0bc4ce76be966d336802
  1268  s)\ Skip\ and\ do\ nothing
  1269  k)\ Keep\ just\ one\ (choose\ which\ in\ next\ step)
  1270  r)\ Rename\ all\ to\ be\ different\ (by\ changing\ file.jpg\ to\ file\-1.jpg)
  1271  s/k/r>\ r
  1272  two\-1.txt:\ renamed\ from:\ two.txt
  1273  two\-2.txt:\ renamed\ from:\ two.txt
  1274  two\-3.txt:\ renamed\ from:\ two.txt
  1275  \f[]
  1276  .fi
  1277  .PP
  1278  The result being
  1279  .IP
  1280  .nf
  1281  \f[C]
  1282  $\ rclone\ lsl\ drive:dupes
  1283  \ \ 6048320\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:23:16.798000000\ one.txt
  1284  \ \ \ 564374\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:22:52.118000000\ two\-1.txt
  1285  \ \ 6048320\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:22:46.185000000\ two\-2.txt
  1286  \ \ 1744073\ 2016\-03\-05\ 16:22:38.104000000\ two\-3.txt
  1287  \f[]
  1288  .fi
  1289  .PP
  1290  Dedupe can be run non interactively using the \f[C]\-\-dedupe\-mode\f[]
  1291  flag or by using an extra parameter with the same value
  1292  .IP \[bu] 2
  1293  \f[C]\-\-dedupe\-mode\ interactive\f[] \- interactive as above.
  1294  .IP \[bu] 2
  1295  \f[C]\-\-dedupe\-mode\ skip\f[] \- removes identical files then skips
  1296  anything left.
  1297  .IP \[bu] 2
  1298  \f[C]\-\-dedupe\-mode\ first\f[] \- removes identical files then keeps
  1299  the first one.
  1300  .IP \[bu] 2
  1301  \f[C]\-\-dedupe\-mode\ newest\f[] \- removes identical files then keeps
  1302  the newest one.
  1303  .IP \[bu] 2
  1304  \f[C]\-\-dedupe\-mode\ oldest\f[] \- removes identical files then keeps
  1305  the oldest one.
  1306  .IP \[bu] 2
  1307  \f[C]\-\-dedupe\-mode\ largest\f[] \- removes identical files then keeps
  1308  the largest one.
  1309  .IP \[bu] 2
  1310  \f[C]\-\-dedupe\-mode\ rename\f[] \- removes identical files then
  1311  renames the rest to be different.
  1312  .PP
  1313  For example to rename all the identically named photos in your Google
  1314  Photos directory, do
  1315  .IP
  1316  .nf
  1317  \f[C]
  1318  rclone\ dedupe\ \-\-dedupe\-mode\ rename\ "drive:Google\ Photos"
  1319  \f[]
  1320  .fi
  1321  .PP
  1322  Or
  1323  .IP
  1324  .nf
  1325  \f[C]
  1326  rclone\ dedupe\ rename\ "drive:Google\ Photos"
  1327  \f[]
  1328  .fi
  1329  .IP
  1330  .nf
  1331  \f[C]
  1332  rclone\ dedupe\ [mode]\ remote:path\ [flags]
  1333  \f[]
  1334  .fi
  1335  .SS Options
  1336  .IP
  1337  .nf
  1338  \f[C]
  1339  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dedupe\-mode\ string\ \ \ Dedupe\ mode\ interactive|skip|first|newest|oldest|rename.\ (default\ "interactive")
  1340  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ dedupe
  1341  \f[]
  1342  .fi
  1343  .SS SEE ALSO
  1344  .IP \[bu] 2
  1345  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  1346  commands, flags and backends.
  1347  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1348  .SS rclone about
  1349  .PP
  1350  Get quota information from the remote.
  1351  .SS Synopsis
  1352  .PP
  1353  Get quota information from the remote, like bytes used/free/quota and
  1354  bytes used in the trash.
  1355  Not supported by all remotes.
  1356  .PP
  1357  This will print to stdout something like this:
  1358  .IP
  1359  .nf
  1360  \f[C]
  1361  Total:\ \ \ 17G
  1362  Used:\ \ \ \ 7.444G
  1363  Free:\ \ \ \ 1.315G
  1364  Trashed:\ 100.000M
  1365  Other:\ \ \ 8.241G
  1366  \f[]
  1367  .fi
  1368  .PP
  1369  Where the fields are:
  1370  .IP \[bu] 2
  1371  Total: total size available.
  1372  .IP \[bu] 2
  1373  Used: total size used
  1374  .IP \[bu] 2
  1375  Free: total amount this user could upload.
  1376  .IP \[bu] 2
  1377  Trashed: total amount in the trash
  1378  .IP \[bu] 2
  1379  Other: total amount in other storage (eg Gmail, Google Photos)
  1380  .IP \[bu] 2
  1381  Objects: total number of objects in the storage
  1382  .PP
  1383  Note that not all the backends provide all the fields \- they will be
  1384  missing if they are not known for that backend.
  1385  Where it is known that the value is unlimited the value will also be
  1386  omitted.
  1387  .PP
  1388  Use the \[en]full flag to see the numbers written out in full, eg
  1389  .IP
  1390  .nf
  1391  \f[C]
  1392  Total:\ \ \ 18253611008
  1393  Used:\ \ \ \ 7993453766
  1394  Free:\ \ \ \ 1411001220
  1395  Trashed:\ 104857602
  1396  Other:\ \ \ 8849156022
  1397  \f[]
  1398  .fi
  1399  .PP
  1400  Use the \[en]json flag for a computer readable output, eg
  1401  .IP
  1402  .nf
  1403  \f[C]
  1404  {
  1405  \ \ \ \ "total":\ 18253611008,
  1406  \ \ \ \ "used":\ 7993453766,
  1407  \ \ \ \ "trashed":\ 104857602,
  1408  \ \ \ \ "other":\ 8849156022,
  1409  \ \ \ \ "free":\ 1411001220
  1410  }
  1411  \f[]
  1412  .fi
  1413  .IP
  1414  .nf
  1415  \f[C]
  1416  rclone\ about\ remote:\ [flags]
  1417  \f[]
  1418  .fi
  1419  .SS Options
  1420  .IP
  1421  .nf
  1422  \f[C]
  1423  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-full\ \ \ Full\ numbers\ instead\ of\ SI\ units
  1424  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ about
  1425  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-json\ \ \ Format\ output\ as\ JSON
  1426  \f[]
  1427  .fi
  1428  .SS SEE ALSO
  1429  .IP \[bu] 2
  1430  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  1431  commands, flags and backends.
  1432  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1433  .SS rclone authorize
  1434  .PP
  1435  Remote authorization.
  1436  .SS Synopsis
  1437  .PP
  1438  Remote authorization.
  1439  Used to authorize a remote or headless rclone from a machine with a
  1440  browser \- use as instructed by rclone config.
  1441  .IP
  1442  .nf
  1443  \f[C]
  1444  rclone\ authorize\ [flags]
  1445  \f[]
  1446  .fi
  1447  .SS Options
  1448  .IP
  1449  .nf
  1450  \f[C]
  1451  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ authorize
  1452  \f[]
  1453  .fi
  1454  .SS SEE ALSO
  1455  .IP \[bu] 2
  1456  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  1457  commands, flags and backends.
  1458  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1459  .SS rclone cachestats
  1460  .PP
  1461  Print cache stats for a remote
  1462  .SS Synopsis
  1463  .PP
  1464  Print cache stats for a remote in JSON format
  1465  .IP
  1466  .nf
  1467  \f[C]
  1468  rclone\ cachestats\ source:\ [flags]
  1469  \f[]
  1470  .fi
  1471  .SS Options
  1472  .IP
  1473  .nf
  1474  \f[C]
  1475  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ cachestats
  1476  \f[]
  1477  .fi
  1478  .SS SEE ALSO
  1479  .IP \[bu] 2
  1480  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  1481  commands, flags and backends.
  1482  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1483  .SS rclone cat
  1484  .PP
  1485  Concatenates any files and sends them to stdout.
  1486  .SS Synopsis
  1487  .PP
  1488  rclone cat sends any files to standard output.
  1489  .PP
  1490  You can use it like this to output a single file
  1491  .IP
  1492  .nf
  1493  \f[C]
  1494  rclone\ cat\ remote:path/to/file
  1495  \f[]
  1496  .fi
  1497  .PP
  1498  Or like this to output any file in dir or subdirectories.
  1499  .IP
  1500  .nf
  1501  \f[C]
  1502  rclone\ cat\ remote:path/to/dir
  1503  \f[]
  1504  .fi
  1505  .PP
  1506  Or like this to output any .txt files in dir or subdirectories.
  1507  .IP
  1508  .nf
  1509  \f[C]
  1510  rclone\ \-\-include\ "*.txt"\ cat\ remote:path/to/dir
  1511  \f[]
  1512  .fi
  1513  .PP
  1514  Use the \[en]head flag to print characters only at the start, \[en]tail
  1515  for the end and \[en]offset and \[en]count to print a section in the
  1516  middle.
  1517  Note that if offset is negative it will count from the end, so
  1518  \[en]offset \-1 \[en]count 1 is equivalent to \[en]tail 1.
  1519  .IP
  1520  .nf
  1521  \f[C]
  1522  rclone\ cat\ remote:path\ [flags]
  1523  \f[]
  1524  .fi
  1525  .SS Options
  1526  .IP
  1527  .nf
  1528  \f[C]
  1529  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-count\ int\ \ \ \ Only\ print\ N\ characters.\ (default\ \-1)
  1530  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-discard\ \ \ \ \ \ Discard\ the\ output\ instead\ of\ printing.
  1531  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-head\ int\ \ \ \ \ Only\ print\ the\ first\ N\ characters.
  1532  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ cat
  1533  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-offset\ int\ \ \ Start\ printing\ at\ offset\ N\ (or\ from\ end\ if\ \-ve).
  1534  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-tail\ int\ \ \ \ \ Only\ print\ the\ last\ N\ characters.
  1535  \f[]
  1536  .fi
  1537  .SS SEE ALSO
  1538  .IP \[bu] 2
  1539  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  1540  commands, flags and backends.
  1541  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1542  .SS rclone config create
  1543  .PP
  1544  Create a new remote with name, type and options.
  1545  .SS Synopsis
  1546  .PP
  1547  Create a new remote of with and options.
  1548  The options should be passed in in pairs of .
  1549  .PP
  1550  For example to make a swift remote of name myremote using auto config
  1551  you would do:
  1552  .IP
  1553  .nf
  1554  \f[C]
  1555  rclone\ config\ create\ myremote\ swift\ env_auth\ true
  1556  \f[]
  1557  .fi
  1558  .PP
  1559  Note that if the config process would normally ask a question the
  1560  default is taken.
  1561  Each time that happens rclone will print a message saying how to affect
  1562  the value taken.
  1563  .PP
  1564  If any of the parameters passed is a password field, then rclone will
  1565  automatically obscure them before putting them in the config file.
  1566  .PP
  1567  So for example if you wanted to configure a Google Drive remote but
  1568  using remote authorization you would do this:
  1569  .IP
  1570  .nf
  1571  \f[C]
  1572  rclone\ config\ create\ mydrive\ drive\ config_is_local\ false
  1573  \f[]
  1574  .fi
  1575  .IP
  1576  .nf
  1577  \f[C]
  1578  rclone\ config\ create\ <name>\ <type>\ [<key>\ <value>]*\ [flags]
  1579  \f[]
  1580  .fi
  1581  .SS Options
  1582  .IP
  1583  .nf
  1584  \f[C]
  1585  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ create
  1586  \f[]
  1587  .fi
  1588  .SS SEE ALSO
  1589  .IP \[bu] 2
  1590  rclone config ( \- Enter an
  1591  interactive configuration session.
  1592  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1593  .SS rclone config delete
  1594  .PP
  1595  Delete an existing remote .
  1596  .SS Synopsis
  1597  .PP
  1598  Delete an existing remote .
  1599  .IP
  1600  .nf
  1601  \f[C]
  1602  rclone\ config\ delete\ <name>\ [flags]
  1603  \f[]
  1604  .fi
  1605  .SS Options
  1606  .IP
  1607  .nf
  1608  \f[C]
  1609  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ delete
  1610  \f[]
  1611  .fi
  1612  .SS SEE ALSO
  1613  .IP \[bu] 2
  1614  rclone config ( \- Enter an
  1615  interactive configuration session.
  1616  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1617  .SS rclone config dump
  1618  .PP
  1619  Dump the config file as JSON.
  1620  .SS Synopsis
  1621  .PP
  1622  Dump the config file as JSON.
  1623  .IP
  1624  .nf
  1625  \f[C]
  1626  rclone\ config\ dump\ [flags]
  1627  \f[]
  1628  .fi
  1629  .SS Options
  1630  .IP
  1631  .nf
  1632  \f[C]
  1633  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ dump
  1634  \f[]
  1635  .fi
  1636  .SS SEE ALSO
  1637  .IP \[bu] 2
  1638  rclone config ( \- Enter an
  1639  interactive configuration session.
  1640  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1641  .SS rclone config edit
  1642  .PP
  1643  Enter an interactive configuration session.
  1644  .SS Synopsis
  1645  .PP
  1646  Enter an interactive configuration session where you can setup new
  1647  remotes and manage existing ones.
  1648  You may also set or remove a password to protect your configuration.
  1649  .IP
  1650  .nf
  1651  \f[C]
  1652  rclone\ config\ edit\ [flags]
  1653  \f[]
  1654  .fi
  1655  .SS Options
  1656  .IP
  1657  .nf
  1658  \f[C]
  1659  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ edit
  1660  \f[]
  1661  .fi
  1662  .SS SEE ALSO
  1663  .IP \[bu] 2
  1664  rclone config ( \- Enter an
  1665  interactive configuration session.
  1666  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1667  .SS rclone config file
  1668  .PP
  1669  Show path of configuration file in use.
  1670  .SS Synopsis
  1671  .PP
  1672  Show path of configuration file in use.
  1673  .IP
  1674  .nf
  1675  \f[C]
  1676  rclone\ config\ file\ [flags]
  1677  \f[]
  1678  .fi
  1679  .SS Options
  1680  .IP
  1681  .nf
  1682  \f[C]
  1683  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ file
  1684  \f[]
  1685  .fi
  1686  .SS SEE ALSO
  1687  .IP \[bu] 2
  1688  rclone config ( \- Enter an
  1689  interactive configuration session.
  1690  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1691  .SS rclone config password
  1692  .PP
  1693  Update password in an existing remote.
  1694  .SS Synopsis
  1695  .PP
  1696  Update an existing remote's password.
  1697  The password should be passed in in pairs of .
  1698  .PP
  1699  For example to set password of a remote of name myremote you would do:
  1700  .IP
  1701  .nf
  1702  \f[C]
  1703  rclone\ config\ password\ myremote\ fieldname\ mypassword
  1704  \f[]
  1705  .fi
  1706  .PP
  1707  This command is obsolete now that \[lq]config update\[rq] and
  1708  \[lq]config create\[rq] both support obscuring passwords directly.
  1709  .IP
  1710  .nf
  1711  \f[C]
  1712  rclone\ config\ password\ <name>\ [<key>\ <value>]+\ [flags]
  1713  \f[]
  1714  .fi
  1715  .SS Options
  1716  .IP
  1717  .nf
  1718  \f[C]
  1719  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ password
  1720  \f[]
  1721  .fi
  1722  .SS SEE ALSO
  1723  .IP \[bu] 2
  1724  rclone config ( \- Enter an
  1725  interactive configuration session.
  1726  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1727  .SS rclone config providers
  1728  .PP
  1729  List in JSON format all the providers and options.
  1730  .SS Synopsis
  1731  .PP
  1732  List in JSON format all the providers and options.
  1733  .IP
  1734  .nf
  1735  \f[C]
  1736  rclone\ config\ providers\ [flags]
  1737  \f[]
  1738  .fi
  1739  .SS Options
  1740  .IP
  1741  .nf
  1742  \f[C]
  1743  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ providers
  1744  \f[]
  1745  .fi
  1746  .SS SEE ALSO
  1747  .IP \[bu] 2
  1748  rclone config ( \- Enter an
  1749  interactive configuration session.
  1750  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1751  .SS rclone config show
  1752  .PP
  1753  Print (decrypted) config file, or the config for a single remote.
  1754  .SS Synopsis
  1755  .PP
  1756  Print (decrypted) config file, or the config for a single remote.
  1757  .IP
  1758  .nf
  1759  \f[C]
  1760  rclone\ config\ show\ [<remote>]\ [flags]
  1761  \f[]
  1762  .fi
  1763  .SS Options
  1764  .IP
  1765  .nf
  1766  \f[C]
  1767  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ show
  1768  \f[]
  1769  .fi
  1770  .SS SEE ALSO
  1771  .IP \[bu] 2
  1772  rclone config ( \- Enter an
  1773  interactive configuration session.
  1774  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1775  .SS rclone config update
  1776  .PP
  1777  Update options in an existing remote.
  1778  .SS Synopsis
  1779  .PP
  1780  Update an existing remote's options.
  1781  The options should be passed in in pairs of .
  1782  .PP
  1783  For example to update the env_auth field of a remote of name myremote
  1784  you would do:
  1785  .IP
  1786  .nf
  1787  \f[C]
  1788  rclone\ config\ update\ myremote\ swift\ env_auth\ true
  1789  \f[]
  1790  .fi
  1791  .PP
  1792  If any of the parameters passed is a password field, then rclone will
  1793  automatically obscure them before putting them in the config file.
  1794  .PP
  1795  If the remote uses oauth the token will be updated, if you don't require
  1796  this add an extra parameter thus:
  1797  .IP
  1798  .nf
  1799  \f[C]
  1800  rclone\ config\ update\ myremote\ swift\ env_auth\ true\ config_refresh_token\ false
  1801  \f[]
  1802  .fi
  1803  .IP
  1804  .nf
  1805  \f[C]
  1806  rclone\ config\ update\ <name>\ [<key>\ <value>]+\ [flags]
  1807  \f[]
  1808  .fi
  1809  .SS Options
  1810  .IP
  1811  .nf
  1812  \f[C]
  1813  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ update
  1814  \f[]
  1815  .fi
  1816  .SS SEE ALSO
  1817  .IP \[bu] 2
  1818  rclone config ( \- Enter an
  1819  interactive configuration session.
  1820  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1821  .SS rclone copyto
  1822  .PP
  1823  Copy files from source to dest, skipping already copied
  1824  .SS Synopsis
  1825  .PP
  1826  If source:path is a file or directory then it copies it to a file or
  1827  directory named dest:path.
  1828  .PP
  1829  This can be used to upload single files to other than their current
  1830  name.
  1831  If the source is a directory then it acts exactly like the copy command.
  1832  .PP
  1833  So
  1834  .IP
  1835  .nf
  1836  \f[C]
  1837  rclone\ copyto\ src\ dst
  1838  \f[]
  1839  .fi
  1840  .PP
  1841  where src and dst are rclone paths, either remote:path or /path/to/local
  1842  or C:.
  1843  .PP
  1844  This will:
  1845  .IP
  1846  .nf
  1847  \f[C]
  1848  if\ src\ is\ file
  1849  \ \ \ \ copy\ it\ to\ dst,\ overwriting\ an\ existing\ file\ if\ it\ exists
  1850  if\ src\ is\ directory
  1851  \ \ \ \ copy\ it\ to\ dst,\ overwriting\ existing\ files\ if\ they\ exist
  1852  \ \ \ \ see\ copy\ command\ for\ full\ details
  1853  \f[]
  1854  .fi
  1855  .PP
  1856  This doesn't transfer unchanged files, testing by size and modification
  1857  time or MD5SUM.
  1858  It doesn't delete files from the destination.
  1859  .PP
  1860  \f[B]Note\f[]: Use the \f[C]\-P\f[]/\f[C]\-\-progress\f[] flag to view
  1861  real\-time transfer statistics
  1862  .IP
  1863  .nf
  1864  \f[C]
  1865  rclone\ copyto\ source:path\ dest:path\ [flags]
  1866  \f[]
  1867  .fi
  1868  .SS Options
  1869  .IP
  1870  .nf
  1871  \f[C]
  1872  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ copyto
  1873  \f[]
  1874  .fi
  1875  .SS SEE ALSO
  1876  .IP \[bu] 2
  1877  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  1878  commands, flags and backends.
  1879  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1880  .SS rclone copyurl
  1881  .PP
  1882  Copy url content to dest.
  1883  .SS Synopsis
  1884  .PP
  1885  Download urls content and copy it to destination without saving it in
  1886  tmp storage.
  1887  .IP
  1888  .nf
  1889  \f[C]
  1890  rclone\ copyurl\\ dest:path\ [flags]
  1891  \f[]
  1892  .fi
  1893  .SS Options
  1894  .IP
  1895  .nf
  1896  \f[C]
  1897  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ copyurl
  1898  \f[]
  1899  .fi
  1900  .SS SEE ALSO
  1901  .IP \[bu] 2
  1902  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  1903  commands, flags and backends.
  1904  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1905  .SS rclone cryptcheck
  1906  .PP
  1907  Cryptcheck checks the integrity of a crypted remote.
  1908  .SS Synopsis
  1909  .PP
  1910  rclone cryptcheck checks a remote against a crypted remote.
  1911  This is the equivalent of running rclone check, but able to check the
  1912  checksums of the crypted remote.
  1913  .PP
  1914  For it to work the underlying remote of the cryptedremote must support
  1915  some kind of checksum.
  1916  .PP
  1917  It works by reading the nonce from each file on the cryptedremote: and
  1918  using that to encrypt each file on the remote:.
  1919  It then checks the checksum of the underlying file on the cryptedremote:
  1920  against the checksum of the file it has just encrypted.
  1921  .PP
  1922  Use it like this
  1923  .IP
  1924  .nf
  1925  \f[C]
  1926  rclone\ cryptcheck\ /path/to/files\ encryptedremote:path
  1927  \f[]
  1928  .fi
  1929  .PP
  1930  You can use it like this also, but that will involve downloading all the
  1931  files in remote:path.
  1932  .IP
  1933  .nf
  1934  \f[C]
  1935  rclone\ cryptcheck\ remote:path\ encryptedremote:path
  1936  \f[]
  1937  .fi
  1938  .PP
  1939  After it has run it will log the status of the encryptedremote:.
  1940  .PP
  1941  If you supply the \[en]one\-way flag, it will only check that files in
  1942  source match the files in destination, not the other way around.
  1943  Meaning extra files in destination that are not in the source will not
  1944  trigger an error.
  1945  .IP
  1946  .nf
  1947  \f[C]
  1948  rclone\ cryptcheck\ remote:path\ cryptedremote:path\ [flags]
  1949  \f[]
  1950  .fi
  1951  .SS Options
  1952  .IP
  1953  .nf
  1954  \f[C]
  1955  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ cryptcheck
  1956  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-one\-way\ \ \ Check\ one\ way\ only,\ source\ files\ must\ exist\ on\ destination
  1957  \f[]
  1958  .fi
  1959  .SS SEE ALSO
  1960  .IP \[bu] 2
  1961  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  1962  commands, flags and backends.
  1963  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  1964  .SS rclone cryptdecode
  1965  .PP
  1966  Cryptdecode returns unencrypted file names.
  1967  .SS Synopsis
  1968  .PP
  1969  rclone cryptdecode returns unencrypted file names when provided with a
  1970  list of encrypted file names.
  1971  List limit is 10 items.
  1972  .PP
  1973  If you supply the \[en]reverse flag, it will return encrypted file
  1974  names.
  1975  .PP
  1976  use it like this
  1977  .IP
  1978  .nf
  1979  \f[C]
  1980  rclone\ cryptdecode\ encryptedremote:\ encryptedfilename1\ encryptedfilename2
  1982  rclone\ cryptdecode\ \-\-reverse\ encryptedremote:\ filename1\ filename2
  1983  \f[]
  1984  .fi
  1985  .IP
  1986  .nf
  1987  \f[C]
  1988  rclone\ cryptdecode\ encryptedremote:\ encryptedfilename\ [flags]
  1989  \f[]
  1990  .fi
  1991  .SS Options
  1992  .IP
  1993  .nf
  1994  \f[C]
  1995  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ cryptdecode
  1996  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-reverse\ \ \ Reverse\ cryptdecode,\ encrypts\ filenames
  1997  \f[]
  1998  .fi
  1999  .SS SEE ALSO
  2000  .IP \[bu] 2
  2001  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  2002  commands, flags and backends.
  2003  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  2004  .SS rclone dbhashsum
  2005  .PP
  2006  Produces a Dropbox hash file for all the objects in the path.
  2007  .SS Synopsis
  2008  .PP
  2009  Produces a Dropbox hash file for all the objects in the path.
  2010  The hashes are calculated according to Dropbox content hash
  2011  rules (
  2012  The output is in the same format as md5sum and sha1sum.
  2013  .IP
  2014  .nf
  2015  \f[C]
  2016  rclone\ dbhashsum\ remote:path\ [flags]
  2017  \f[]
  2018  .fi
  2019  .SS Options
  2020  .IP
  2021  .nf
  2022  \f[C]
  2023  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ dbhashsum
  2024  \f[]
  2025  .fi
  2026  .SS SEE ALSO
  2027  .IP \[bu] 2
  2028  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  2029  commands, flags and backends.
  2030  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  2031  .SS rclone deletefile
  2032  .PP
  2033  Remove a single file from remote.
  2034  .SS Synopsis
  2035  .PP
  2036  Remove a single file from remote.
  2037  Unlike \f[C]delete\f[] it cannot be used to remove a directory and it
  2038  doesn't obey include/exclude filters \- if the specified file exists, it
  2039  will always be removed.
  2040  .IP
  2041  .nf
  2042  \f[C]
  2043  rclone\ deletefile\ remote:path\ [flags]
  2044  \f[]
  2045  .fi
  2046  .SS Options
  2047  .IP
  2048  .nf
  2049  \f[C]
  2050  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ deletefile
  2051  \f[]
  2052  .fi
  2053  .SS SEE ALSO
  2054  .IP \[bu] 2
  2055  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  2056  commands, flags and backends.
  2057  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  2058  .SS rclone genautocomplete
  2059  .PP
  2060  Output completion script for a given shell.
  2061  .SS Synopsis
  2062  .PP
  2063  Generates a shell completion script for rclone.
  2064  Run with \[en]help to list the supported shells.
  2065  .SS Options
  2066  .IP
  2067  .nf
  2068  \f[C]
  2069  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ genautocomplete
  2070  \f[]
  2071  .fi
  2072  .SS SEE ALSO
  2073  .IP \[bu] 2
  2074  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  2075  commands, flags and backends.
  2076  .IP \[bu] 2
  2077  rclone genautocomplete
  2078  bash ( \-
  2079  Output bash completion script for rclone.
  2080  .IP \[bu] 2
  2081  rclone genautocomplete
  2082  zsh ( \- Output
  2083  zsh completion script for rclone.
  2084  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  2085  .SS rclone genautocomplete bash
  2086  .PP
  2087  Output bash completion script for rclone.
  2088  .SS Synopsis
  2089  .PP
  2090  Generates a bash shell autocompletion script for rclone.
  2091  .PP
  2092  This writes to /etc/bash_completion.d/rclone by default so will probably
  2093  need to be run with sudo or as root, eg
  2094  .IP
  2095  .nf
  2096  \f[C]
  2097  sudo\ rclone\ genautocomplete\ bash
  2098  \f[]
  2099  .fi
  2100  .PP
  2101  Logout and login again to use the autocompletion scripts, or source them
  2102  directly
  2103  .IP
  2104  .nf
  2105  \f[C]
  2106  \&.\ /etc/bash_completion
  2107  \f[]
  2108  .fi
  2109  .PP
  2110  If you supply a command line argument the script will be written there.
  2111  .IP
  2112  .nf
  2113  \f[C]
  2114  rclone\ genautocomplete\ bash\ [output_file]\ [flags]
  2115  \f[]
  2116  .fi
  2117  .SS Options
  2118  .IP
  2119  .nf
  2120  \f[C]
  2121  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ bash
  2122  \f[]
  2123  .fi
  2124  .SS SEE ALSO
  2125  .IP \[bu] 2
  2126  rclone
  2127  genautocomplete ( \-
  2128  Output completion script for a given shell.
  2129  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  2130  .SS rclone genautocomplete zsh
  2131  .PP
  2132  Output zsh completion script for rclone.
  2133  .SS Synopsis
  2134  .PP
  2135  Generates a zsh autocompletion script for rclone.
  2136  .PP
  2137  This writes to /usr/share/zsh/vendor\-completions/_rclone by default so
  2138  will probably need to be run with sudo or as root, eg
  2139  .IP
  2140  .nf
  2141  \f[C]
  2142  sudo\ rclone\ genautocomplete\ zsh
  2143  \f[]
  2144  .fi
  2145  .PP
  2146  Logout and login again to use the autocompletion scripts, or source them
  2147  directly
  2148  .IP
  2149  .nf
  2150  \f[C]
  2151  autoload\ \-U\ compinit\ &&\ compinit
  2152  \f[]
  2153  .fi
  2154  .PP
  2155  If you supply a command line argument the script will be written there.
  2156  .IP
  2157  .nf
  2158  \f[C]
  2159  rclone\ genautocomplete\ zsh\ [output_file]\ [flags]
  2160  \f[]
  2161  .fi
  2162  .SS Options
  2163  .IP
  2164  .nf
  2165  \f[C]
  2166  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ zsh
  2167  \f[]
  2168  .fi
  2169  .SS SEE ALSO
  2170  .IP \[bu] 2
  2171  rclone
  2172  genautocomplete ( \-
  2173  Output completion script for a given shell.
  2174  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  2175  .SS rclone gendocs
  2176  .PP
  2177  Output markdown docs for rclone to the directory supplied.
  2178  .SS Synopsis
  2179  .PP
  2180  This produces markdown docs for the rclone commands to the directory
  2181  supplied.
  2182  These are in a format suitable for hugo to render into the
  2183  website.
  2184  .IP
  2185  .nf
  2186  \f[C]
  2187  rclone\ gendocs\ output_directory\ [flags]
  2188  \f[]
  2189  .fi
  2190  .SS Options
  2191  .IP
  2192  .nf
  2193  \f[C]
  2194  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ gendocs
  2195  \f[]
  2196  .fi
  2197  .SS SEE ALSO
  2198  .IP \[bu] 2
  2199  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  2200  commands, flags and backends.
  2201  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  2202  .SS rclone hashsum
  2203  .PP
  2204  Produces an hashsum file for all the objects in the path.
  2205  .SS Synopsis
  2206  .PP
  2207  Produces a hash file for all the objects in the path using the hash
  2208  named.
  2209  The output is in the same format as the standard md5sum/sha1sum tool.
  2210  .PP
  2211  Run without a hash to see the list of supported hashes, eg
  2212  .IP
  2213  .nf
  2214  \f[C]
  2215  $\ rclone\ hashsum
  2216  Supported\ hashes\ are:
  2217  \ \ *\ MD5
  2218  \ \ *\ SHA\-1
  2219  \ \ *\ DropboxHash
  2220  \ \ *\ QuickXorHash
  2221  \f[]
  2222  .fi
  2223  .PP
  2224  Then
  2225  .IP
  2226  .nf
  2227  \f[C]
  2228  $\ rclone\ hashsum\ MD5\ remote:path
  2229  \f[]
  2230  .fi
  2231  .IP
  2232  .nf
  2233  \f[C]
  2234  rclone\ hashsum\ <hash>\ remote:path\ [flags]
  2235  \f[]
  2236  .fi
  2237  .SS Options
  2238  .IP
  2239  .nf
  2240  \f[C]
  2241  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ hashsum
  2242  \f[]
  2243  .fi
  2244  .SS SEE ALSO
  2245  .IP \[bu] 2
  2246  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  2247  commands, flags and backends.
  2248  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  2249  .SS rclone link
  2250  .PP
  2251  Generate public link to file/folder.
  2252  .SS Synopsis
  2253  .PP
  2254  rclone link will create or retrieve a public link to the given file or
  2255  folder.
  2256  .IP
  2257  .nf
  2258  \f[C]
  2259  rclone\ link\ remote:path/to/file
  2260  rclone\ link\ remote:path/to/folder/
  2261  \f[]
  2262  .fi
  2263  .PP
  2264  If successful, the last line of the output will contain the link.
  2265  Exact capabilities depend on the remote, but the link will always be
  2266  created with the least constraints \[en] e.g.\ no expiry, no password
  2267  protection, accessible without account.
  2268  .IP
  2269  .nf
  2270  \f[C]
  2271  rclone\ link\ remote:path\ [flags]
  2272  \f[]
  2273  .fi
  2274  .SS Options
  2275  .IP
  2276  .nf
  2277  \f[C]
  2278  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ link
  2279  \f[]
  2280  .fi
  2281  .SS SEE ALSO
  2282  .IP \[bu] 2
  2283  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  2284  commands, flags and backends.
  2285  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  2286  .SS rclone listremotes
  2287  .PP
  2288  List all the remotes in the config file.
  2289  .SS Synopsis
  2290  .PP
  2291  rclone listremotes lists all the available remotes from the config file.
  2292  .PP
  2293  When uses with the \-l flag it lists the types too.
  2294  .IP
  2295  .nf
  2296  \f[C]
  2297  rclone\ listremotes\ [flags]
  2298  \f[]
  2299  .fi
  2300  .SS Options
  2301  .IP
  2302  .nf
  2303  \f[C]
  2304  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ listremotes
  2305  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-long\ \ \ Show\ the\ type\ as\ well\ as\ names.
  2306  \f[]
  2307  .fi
  2308  .SS SEE ALSO
  2309  .IP \[bu] 2
  2310  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  2311  commands, flags and backends.
  2312  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  2313  .SS rclone lsf
  2314  .PP
  2315  List directories and objects in remote:path formatted for parsing
  2316  .SS Synopsis
  2317  .PP
  2318  List the contents of the source path (directories and objects) to
  2319  standard output in a form which is easy to parse by scripts.
  2320  By default this will just be the names of the objects and directories,
  2321  one per line.
  2322  The directories will have a / suffix.
  2323  .PP
  2324  Eg
  2325  .IP
  2326  .nf
  2327  \f[C]
  2328  $\ rclone\ lsf\ swift:bucket
  2329  bevajer5jef
  2330  canole
  2331  diwogej7
  2332  ferejej3gux/
  2333  fubuwic
  2334  \f[]
  2335  .fi
  2336  .PP
  2337  Use the \[en]format option to control what gets listed.
  2338  By default this is just the path, but you can use these parameters to
  2339  control the output:
  2340  .IP
  2341  .nf
  2342  \f[C]
  2343  p\ \-\ path
  2344  s\ \-\ size
  2345  t\ \-\ modification\ time
  2346  h\ \-\ hash
  2347  i\ \-\ ID\ of\ object
  2348  o\ \-\ Original\ ID\ of\ underlying\ object
  2349  m\ \-\ MimeType\ of\ object\ if\ known
  2350  e\ \-\ encrypted\ name
  2351  T\ \-\ tier\ of\ storage\ if\ known,\ eg\ "Hot"\ or\ "Cool"
  2352  \f[]
  2353  .fi
  2354  .PP
  2355  So if you wanted the path, size and modification time, you would use
  2356  \[en]format \[lq]pst\[rq], or maybe \[en]format \[lq]tsp\[rq] to put the
  2357  path last.
  2358  .PP
  2359  Eg
  2360  .IP
  2361  .nf
  2362  \f[C]
  2363  $\ rclone\ lsf\ \ \-\-format\ "tsp"\ swift:bucket
  2364  2016\-06\-25\ 18:55:41;60295;bevajer5jef
  2365  2016\-06\-25\ 18:55:43;90613;canole
  2366  2016\-06\-25\ 18:55:43;94467;diwogej7
  2367  2018\-04\-26\ 08:50:45;0;ferejej3gux/
  2368  2016\-06\-25\ 18:55:40;37600;fubuwic
  2369  \f[]
  2370  .fi
  2371  .PP
  2372  If you specify \[lq]h\[rq] in the format you will get the MD5 hash by
  2373  default, use the \[lq]\[en]hash\[rq] flag to change which hash you want.
  2374  Note that this can be returned as an empty string if it isn't available
  2375  on the object (and for directories), \[lq]ERROR\[rq] if there was an
  2376  error reading it from the object and \[lq]UNSUPPORTED\[rq] if that
  2377  object does not support that hash type.
  2378  .PP
  2379  For example to emulate the md5sum command you can use
  2380  .IP
  2381  .nf
  2382  \f[C]
  2383  rclone\ lsf\ \-R\ \-\-hash\ MD5\ \-\-format\ hp\ \-\-separator\ "\ \ "\ \-\-files\-only\ .
  2384  \f[]
  2385  .fi
  2386  .PP
  2387  Eg
  2388  .IP
  2389  .nf
  2390  \f[C]
  2391  $\ rclone\ lsf\ \-R\ \-\-hash\ MD5\ \-\-format\ hp\ \-\-separator\ "\ \ "\ \-\-files\-only\ swift:bucket\ 
  2392  7908e352297f0f530b84a756f188baa3\ \ bevajer5jef
  2393  cd65ac234e6fea5925974a51cdd865cc\ \ canole
  2394  03b5341b4f234b9d984d03ad076bae91\ \ diwogej7
  2395  8fd37c3810dd660778137ac3a66cc06d\ \ fubuwic
  2396  99713e14a4c4ff553acaf1930fad985b\ \ gixacuh7ku
  2397  \f[]
  2398  .fi
  2399  .PP
  2400  (Though \[lq]rclone md5sum .\[rq] is an easier way of typing this.)
  2401  .PP
  2402  By default the separator is \[lq];\[rq] this can be changed with the
  2403  \[en]separator flag.
  2404  Note that separators aren't escaped in the path so putting it last is a
  2405  good strategy.
  2406  .PP
  2407  Eg
  2408  .IP
  2409  .nf
  2410  \f[C]
  2411  $\ rclone\ lsf\ \ \-\-separator\ ","\ \-\-format\ "tshp"\ swift:bucket
  2412  2016\-06\-25\ 18:55:41,60295,7908e352297f0f530b84a756f188baa3,bevajer5jef
  2413  2016\-06\-25\ 18:55:43,90613,cd65ac234e6fea5925974a51cdd865cc,canole
  2414  2016\-06\-25\ 18:55:43,94467,03b5341b4f234b9d984d03ad076bae91,diwogej7
  2415  2018\-04\-26\ 08:52:53,0,,ferejej3gux/
  2416  2016\-06\-25\ 18:55:40,37600,8fd37c3810dd660778137ac3a66cc06d,fubuwic
  2417  \f[]
  2418  .fi
  2419  .PP
  2420  You can output in CSV standard format.
  2421  This will escape things in " if they contain ,
  2422  .PP
  2423  Eg
  2424  .IP
  2425  .nf
  2426  \f[C]
  2427  $\ rclone\ lsf\ \-\-csv\ \-\-files\-only\ \-\-format\ ps\ remote:path
  2428  test.log,22355
  2430  "this\ file\ contains\ a\ comma,\ in\ the\ file\ name.txt",6
  2431  \f[]
  2432  .fi
  2433  .PP
  2434  Note that the \[en]absolute parameter is useful for making lists of
  2435  files to pass to an rclone copy with the \[en]files\-from flag.
  2436  .PP
  2437  For example to find all the files modified within one day and copy those
  2438  only (without traversing the whole directory structure):
  2439  .IP
  2440  .nf
  2441  \f[C]
  2442  rclone\ lsf\ \-\-absolute\ \-\-files\-only\ \-\-max\-age\ 1d\ /path/to/local\ >\ new_files
  2443  rclone\ copy\ \-\-files\-from\ new_files\ /path/to/local\ remote:path
  2444  \f[]
  2445  .fi
  2446  .PP
  2447  Any of the filtering options can be applied to this command.
  2448  .PP
  2449  There are several related list commands
  2450  .IP \[bu] 2
  2451  \f[C]ls\f[] to list size and path of objects only
  2452  .IP \[bu] 2
  2453  \f[C]lsl\f[] to list modification time, size and path of objects only
  2454  .IP \[bu] 2
  2455  \f[C]lsd\f[] to list directories only
  2456  .IP \[bu] 2
  2457  \f[C]lsf\f[] to list objects and directories in easy to parse format
  2458  .IP \[bu] 2
  2459  \f[C]lsjson\f[] to list objects and directories in JSON format
  2460  .PP
  2461  \f[C]ls\f[],\f[C]lsl\f[],\f[C]lsd\f[] are designed to be human readable.
  2462  \f[C]lsf\f[] is designed to be human and machine readable.
  2463  \f[C]lsjson\f[] is designed to be machine readable.
  2464  .PP
  2465  Note that \f[C]ls\f[] and \f[C]lsl\f[] recurse by default \- use
  2466  \[lq]\[en]max\-depth 1\[rq] to stop the recursion.
  2467  .PP
  2468  The other list commands \f[C]lsd\f[],\f[C]lsf\f[],\f[C]lsjson\f[] do not
  2469  recurse by default \- use \[lq]\-R\[rq] to make them recurse.
  2470  .PP
  2471  Listing a non existent directory will produce an error except for
  2472  remotes which can't have empty directories (eg s3, swift, gcs, etc \-
  2473  the bucket based remotes).
  2474  .IP
  2475  .nf
  2476  \f[C]
  2477  rclone\ lsf\ remote:path\ [flags]
  2478  \f[]
  2479  .fi
  2480  .SS Options
  2481  .IP
  2482  .nf
  2483  \f[C]
  2484  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-absolute\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Put\ a\ leading\ /\ in\ front\ of\ path\ names.
  2485  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-csv\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Output\ in\ CSV\ format.
  2486  \ \ \-d,\ \-\-dir\-slash\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Append\ a\ slash\ to\ directory\ names.\ (default\ true)
  2487  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dirs\-only\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Only\ list\ directories.
  2488  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-files\-only\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Only\ list\ files.
  2489  \ \ \-F,\ \-\-format\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ Output\ format\ \-\ see\ \ help\ for\ details\ (default\ "p")
  2490  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-hash\ h\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Use\ this\ hash\ when\ h\ is\ used\ in\ the\ format\ MD5|SHA\-1|DropboxHash\ (default\ "MD5")
  2491  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ lsf
  2492  \ \ \-R,\ \-\-recursive\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Recurse\ into\ the\ listing.
  2493  \ \ \-s,\ \-\-separator\ string\ \ \ Separator\ for\ the\ items\ in\ the\ format.\ (default\ ";")
  2494  \f[]
  2495  .fi
  2496  .SS SEE ALSO
  2497  .IP \[bu] 2
  2498  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  2499  commands, flags and backends.
  2500  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  2501  .SS rclone lsjson
  2502  .PP
  2503  List directories and objects in the path in JSON format.
  2504  .SS Synopsis
  2505  .PP
  2506  List directories and objects in the path in JSON format.
  2507  .PP
  2508  The output is an array of Items, where each Item looks like this
  2509  .PP
  2510  { \[lq]Hashes\[rq] : { \[lq]SHA\-1\[rq] :
  2511  \[lq]f572d396fae9206628714fb2ce00f72e94f2258f\[rq], \[lq]MD5\[rq] :
  2512  \[lq]b1946ac92492d2347c6235b4d2611184\[rq], \[lq]DropboxHash\[rq] :
  2513  \[lq]ecb65bb98f9d905b70458986c39fcbad7715e5f2fcc3b1f07767d7c83e2438cc\[rq]
  2514  }, \[lq]ID\[rq]: \[lq]y2djkhiujf83u33\[rq], \[lq]OrigID\[rq]:
  2515  \[lq]UYOJVTUW00Q1RzTDA\[rq], \[lq]IsBucket\[rq] : false, \[lq]IsDir\[rq]
  2516  : false, \[lq]MimeType\[rq] : \[lq]application/octet\-stream\[rq],
  2517  \[lq]ModTime\[rq] : \[lq]2017\-05\-31T16:15:57.034468261+01:00\[rq],
  2518  \[lq]Name\[rq] : \[lq]file.txt\[rq], \[lq]Encrypted\[rq] :
  2519  \[lq]v0qpsdq8anpci8n929v3uu9338\[rq], \[lq]EncryptedPath\[rq] :
  2520  \[lq]kja9098349023498/v0qpsdq8anpci8n929v3uu9338\[rq], \[lq]Path\[rq] :
  2521  \[lq]full/path/goes/here/file.txt\[rq], \[lq]Size\[rq] : 6,
  2522  \[lq]Tier\[rq] : \[lq]hot\[rq], }
  2523  .PP
  2524  If \[en]hash is not specified the Hashes property won't be emitted.
  2525  .PP
  2526  If \[en]no\-modtime is specified then ModTime will be blank.
  2527  .PP
  2528  If \[en]encrypted is not specified the Encrypted won't be emitted.
  2529  .PP
  2530  If \[en]dirs\-only is not specified files in addition to directories are
  2531  returned
  2532  .PP
  2533  If \[en]files\-only is not specified directories in addition to the
  2534  files will be returned.
  2535  .PP
  2536  The Path field will only show folders below the remote path being
  2537  listed.
  2538  If \[lq]remote:path\[rq] contains the file \[lq]subfolder/file.txt\[rq],
  2539  the Path for \[lq]file.txt\[rq] will be \[lq]subfolder/file.txt\[rq],
  2540  not \[lq]remote:path/subfolder/file.txt\[rq].
  2541  When used without \[en]recursive the Path will always be the same as
  2542  Name.
  2543  .PP
  2544  If the directory is a bucket in a bucket based backend, then
  2545  \[lq]IsBucket\[rq] will be set to true.
  2546  This key won't be present unless it is \[lq]true\[rq].
  2547  .PP
  2548  The time is in RFC3339 format with up to nanosecond precision.
  2549  The number of decimal digits in the seconds will depend on the precision
  2550  that the remote can hold the times, so if times are accurate to the
  2551  nearest millisecond (eg Google Drive) then 3 digits will always be shown
  2552  (\[lq]2017\-05\-31T16:15:57.034+01:00\[rq]) whereas if the times are
  2553  accurate to the nearest second (Dropbox, Box, WebDav etc) no digits will
  2554  be shown (\[lq]2017\-05\-31T16:15:57+01:00\[rq]).
  2555  .PP
  2556  The whole output can be processed as a JSON blob, or alternatively it
  2557  can be processed line by line as each item is written one to a line.
  2558  .PP
  2559  Any of the filtering options can be applied to this command.
  2560  .PP
  2561  There are several related list commands
  2562  .IP \[bu] 2
  2563  \f[C]ls\f[] to list size and path of objects only
  2564  .IP \[bu] 2
  2565  \f[C]lsl\f[] to list modification time, size and path of objects only
  2566  .IP \[bu] 2
  2567  \f[C]lsd\f[] to list directories only
  2568  .IP \[bu] 2
  2569  \f[C]lsf\f[] to list objects and directories in easy to parse format
  2570  .IP \[bu] 2
  2571  \f[C]lsjson\f[] to list objects and directories in JSON format
  2572  .PP
  2573  \f[C]ls\f[],\f[C]lsl\f[],\f[C]lsd\f[] are designed to be human readable.
  2574  \f[C]lsf\f[] is designed to be human and machine readable.
  2575  \f[C]lsjson\f[] is designed to be machine readable.
  2576  .PP
  2577  Note that \f[C]ls\f[] and \f[C]lsl\f[] recurse by default \- use
  2578  \[lq]\[en]max\-depth 1\[rq] to stop the recursion.
  2579  .PP
  2580  The other list commands \f[C]lsd\f[],\f[C]lsf\f[],\f[C]lsjson\f[] do not
  2581  recurse by default \- use \[lq]\-R\[rq] to make them recurse.
  2582  .PP
  2583  Listing a non existent directory will produce an error except for
  2584  remotes which can't have empty directories (eg s3, swift, gcs, etc \-
  2585  the bucket based remotes).
  2586  .IP
  2587  .nf
  2588  \f[C]
  2589  rclone\ lsjson\ remote:path\ [flags]
  2590  \f[]
  2591  .fi
  2592  .SS Options
  2593  .IP
  2594  .nf
  2595  \f[C]
  2596  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dirs\-only\ \ \ \ Show\ only\ directories\ in\ the\ listing.
  2597  \ \ \-M,\ \-\-encrypted\ \ \ \ Show\ the\ encrypted\ names.
  2598  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-files\-only\ \ \ Show\ only\ files\ in\ the\ listing.
  2599  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-hash\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Include\ hashes\ in\ the\ output\ (may\ take\ longer).
  2600  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ lsjson
  2601  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-modtime\ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ read\ the\ modification\ time\ (can\ speed\ things\ up).
  2602  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-original\ \ \ \ \ Show\ the\ ID\ of\ the\ underlying\ Object.
  2603  \ \ \-R,\ \-\-recursive\ \ \ \ Recurse\ into\ the\ listing.
  2604  \f[]
  2605  .fi
  2606  .SS SEE ALSO
  2607  .IP \[bu] 2
  2608  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  2609  commands, flags and backends.
  2610  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  2611  .SS rclone mount
  2612  .PP
  2613  Mount the remote as file system on a mountpoint.
  2614  .SS Synopsis
  2615  .PP
  2616  rclone mount allows Linux, FreeBSD, macOS and Windows to mount any of
  2617  Rclone's cloud storage systems as a file system with FUSE.
  2618  .PP
  2619  First set up your remote using \f[C]rclone\ config\f[].
  2620  Check it works with \f[C]rclone\ ls\f[] etc.
  2621  .PP
  2622  Start the mount like this
  2623  .IP
  2624  .nf
  2625  \f[C]
  2626  rclone\ mount\ remote:path/to/files\ /path/to/local/mount
  2627  \f[]
  2628  .fi
  2629  .PP
  2630  Or on Windows like this where X: is an unused drive letter
  2631  .IP
  2632  .nf
  2633  \f[C]
  2634  rclone\ mount\ remote:path/to/files\ X:
  2635  \f[]
  2636  .fi
  2637  .PP
  2638  When the program ends, either via Ctrl+C or receiving a SIGINT or
  2639  SIGTERM signal, the mount is automatically stopped.
  2640  .PP
  2641  The umount operation can fail, for example when the mountpoint is busy.
  2642  When that happens, it is the user's responsibility to stop the mount
  2643  manually with
  2644  .IP
  2645  .nf
  2646  \f[C]
  2647  #\ Linux
  2648  fusermount\ \-u\ /path/to/local/mount
  2649  #\ OS\ X
  2650  umount\ /path/to/local/mount
  2651  \f[]
  2652  .fi
  2653  .SS Installing on Windows
  2654  .PP
  2655  To run rclone mount on Windows, you will need to download and install
  2656  WinFsp (
  2657  .PP
  2658  WinFsp is an open source ( Windows
  2659  File System Proxy which makes it easy to write user space file systems
  2660  for Windows.
  2661  It provides a FUSE emulation layer which rclone uses combination with
  2662  cgofuse (
  2663  Both of these packages are by Bill Zissimopoulos who was very helpful
  2664  during the implementation of rclone mount for Windows.
  2665  .SS Windows caveats
  2666  .PP
  2667  Note that drives created as Administrator are not visible by other
  2668  accounts (including the account that was elevated as Administrator).
  2669  So if you start a Windows drive from an Administrative Command Prompt
  2670  and then try to access the same drive from Explorer (which does not run
  2671  as Administrator), you will not be able to see the new drive.
  2672  .PP
  2673  The easiest way around this is to start the drive from a normal command
  2674  prompt.
  2675  It is also possible to start a drive from the SYSTEM account (using the
  2676  WinFsp.Launcher
  2677  infrastructure (
  2678  which creates drives accessible for everyone on the system or
  2679  alternatively using the nssm service manager (
  2680  .SS Limitations
  2681  .PP
  2682  Without the use of \[lq]\[en]vfs\-cache\-mode\[rq] this can only write
  2683  files sequentially, it can only seek when reading.
  2684  This means that many applications won't work with their files on an
  2685  rclone mount without \[lq]\[en]vfs\-cache\-mode writes\[rq] or
  2686  \[lq]\[en]vfs\-cache\-mode full\[rq].
  2687  See the File Caching section for more info.
  2688  .PP
  2689  The bucket based remotes (eg Swift, S3, Google Compute Storage, B2,
  2690  Hubic) won't work from the root \- you will need to specify a bucket, or
  2691  a path within the bucket.
  2692  So \f[C]swift:\f[] won't work whereas \f[C]swift:bucket\f[] will as will
  2693  \f[C]swift:bucket/path\f[].
  2694  None of these support the concept of directories, so empty directories
  2695  will have a tendency to disappear once they fall out of the directory
  2696  cache.
  2697  .PP
  2698  Only supported on Linux, FreeBSD, OS X and Windows at the moment.
  2699  .SS rclone mount vs rclone sync/copy
  2700  .PP
  2701  File systems expect things to be 100% reliable, whereas cloud storage
  2702  systems are a long way from 100% reliable.
  2703  The rclone sync/copy commands cope with this with lots of retries.
  2704  However rclone mount can't use retries in the same way without making
  2705  local copies of the uploads.
  2706  Look at the file caching for solutions to make mount more reliable.
  2707  .SS Attribute caching
  2708  .PP
  2709  You can use the flag \[en]attr\-timeout to set the time the kernel
  2710  caches the attributes (size, modification time etc) for directory
  2711  entries.
  2712  .PP
  2713  The default is \[lq]1s\[rq] which caches files just long enough to avoid
  2714  too many callbacks to rclone from the kernel.
  2715  .PP
  2716  In theory 0s should be the correct value for filesystems which can
  2717  change outside the control of the kernel.
  2718  However this causes quite a few problems such as rclone using too much
  2719  memory (, rclone not serving
  2720  files to
  2721  samba (
  2722  and excessive time listing
  2723  directories (
  2724  .PP
  2725  The kernel can cache the info about a file for the time given by
  2726  \[lq]\[en]attr\-timeout\[rq].
  2727  You may see corruption if the remote file changes length during this
  2728  window.
  2729  It will show up as either a truncated file or a file with garbage on the
  2730  end.
  2731  With \[lq]\[en]attr\-timeout 1s\[rq] this is very unlikely but not
  2732  impossible.
  2733  The higher you set \[lq]\[en]attr\-timeout\[rq] the more likely it is.
  2734  The default setting of \[lq]1s\[rq] is the lowest setting which
  2735  mitigates the problems above.
  2736  .PP
  2737  If you set it higher (`10s' or `1m' say) then the kernel will call back
  2738  to rclone less often making it more efficient, however there is more
  2739  chance of the corruption issue above.
  2740  .PP
  2741  If files don't change on the remote outside of the control of rclone
  2742  then there is no chance of corruption.
  2743  .PP
  2744  This is the same as setting the attr_timeout option in mount.fuse.
  2745  .SS Filters
  2746  .PP
  2747  Note that all the rclone filters can be used to select a subset of the
  2748  files to be visible in the mount.
  2749  .SS systemd
  2750  .PP
  2751  When running rclone mount as a systemd service, it is possible to use
  2752  Type=notify.
  2753  In this case the service will enter the started state after the
  2754  mountpoint has been successfully set up.
  2755  Units having the rclone mount service specified as a requirement will
  2756  see all files and folders immediately in this mode.
  2757  .SS chunked reading
  2758  .PP
  2759  \[en]vfs\-read\-chunk\-size will enable reading the source objects in
  2760  parts.
  2761  This can reduce the used download quota for some remotes by requesting
  2762  only chunks from the remote that are actually read at the cost of an
  2763  increased number of requests.
  2764  .PP
  2765  When \[en]vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\-limit is also specified and greater
  2766  than \[en]vfs\-read\-chunk\-size, the chunk size for each open file will
  2767  get doubled for each chunk read, until the specified value is reached.
  2768  A value of \-1 will disable the limit and the chunk size will grow
  2769  indefinitely.
  2770  .PP
  2771  With \[en]vfs\-read\-chunk\-size 100M and
  2772  \[en]vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\-limit 0 the following parts will be
  2773  downloaded: 0\-100M, 100M\-200M, 200M\-300M, 300M\-400M and so on.
  2774  When \[en]vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\-limit 500M is specified, the result
  2775  would be 0\-100M, 100M\-300M, 300M\-700M, 700M\-1200M, 1200M\-1700M and
  2776  so on.
  2777  .PP
  2778  Chunked reading will only work with \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode < full, as the
  2779  file will always be copied to the vfs cache before opening with
  2780  \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode full.
  2781  .SS Directory Cache
  2782  .PP
  2783  Using the \f[C]\-\-dir\-cache\-time\f[] flag, you can set how long a
  2784  directory should be considered up to date and not refreshed from the
  2785  backend.
  2786  Changes made locally in the mount may appear immediately or invalidate
  2787  the cache.
  2788  However, changes done on the remote will only be picked up once the
  2789  cache expires.
  2790  .PP
  2791  Alternatively, you can send a \f[C]SIGHUP\f[] signal to rclone for it to
  2792  flush all directory caches, regardless of how old they are.
  2793  Assuming only one rclone instance is running, you can reset the cache
  2794  like this:
  2795  .IP
  2796  .nf
  2797  \f[C]
  2798  kill\ \-SIGHUP\ $(pidof\ rclone)
  2799  \f[]
  2800  .fi
  2801  .PP
  2802  If you configure rclone with a remote control (/rc) then you can use
  2803  rclone rc to flush the whole directory cache:
  2804  .IP
  2805  .nf
  2806  \f[C]
  2807  rclone\ rc\ vfs/forget
  2808  \f[]
  2809  .fi
  2810  .PP
  2811  Or individual files or directories:
  2812  .IP
  2813  .nf
  2814  \f[C]
  2815  rclone\ rc\ vfs/forget\ file=path/to/file\ dir=path/to/dir
  2816  \f[]
  2817  .fi
  2818  .SS File Buffering
  2819  .PP
  2820  The \f[C]\-\-buffer\-size\f[] flag determines the amount of memory, that
  2821  will be used to buffer data in advance.
  2822  .PP
  2823  Each open file descriptor will try to keep the specified amount of data
  2824  in memory at all times.
  2825  The buffered data is bound to one file descriptor and won't be shared
  2826  between multiple open file descriptors of the same file.
  2827  .PP
  2828  This flag is a upper limit for the used memory per file descriptor.
  2829  The buffer will only use memory for data that is downloaded but not not
  2830  yet read.
  2831  If the buffer is empty, only a small amount of memory will be used.
  2832  The maximum memory used by rclone for buffering can be up to
  2833  \f[C]\-\-buffer\-size\ *\ open\ files\f[].
  2834  .SS File Caching
  2835  .PP
  2836  These flags control the VFS file caching options.
  2837  The VFS layer is used by rclone mount to make a cloud storage system
  2838  work more like a normal file system.
  2839  .PP
  2840  You'll need to enable VFS caching if you want, for example, to read and
  2841  write simultaneously to a file.
  2842  See below for more details.
  2843  .PP
  2844  Note that the VFS cache works in addition to the cache backend and you
  2845  may find that you need one or the other or both.
  2846  .IP
  2847  .nf
  2848  \f[C]
  2849  \-\-cache\-dir\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Directory\ rclone\ will\ use\ for\ caching.
  2850  \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ age\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  2851  \-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Cache\ mode\ off|minimal|writes|full\ (default\ "off")
  2852  \-\-vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ Interval\ to\ poll\ the\ cache\ for\ stale\ objects.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  2853  \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-size\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ total\ size\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ off)
  2854  \f[]
  2855  .fi
  2856  .PP
  2857  If run with \f[C]\-vv\f[] rclone will print the location of the file
  2858  cache.
  2859  The files are stored in the user cache file area which is OS dependent
  2860  but can be controlled with \f[C]\-\-cache\-dir\f[] or setting the
  2861  appropriate environment variable.
  2862  .PP
  2863  The cache has 4 different modes selected by
  2864  \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\f[].
  2865  The higher the cache mode the more compatible rclone becomes at the cost
  2866  of using disk space.
  2867  .PP
  2868  Note that files are written back to the remote only when they are closed
  2869  so if rclone is quit or dies with open files then these won't get
  2870  written back to the remote.
  2871  However they will still be in the on disk cache.
  2872  .PP
  2873  If using \[en]vfs\-cache\-max\-size note that the cache may exceed this
  2874  size for two reasons.
  2875  Firstly because it is only checked every
  2876  \[en]vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval.
  2877  Secondly because open files cannot be evicted from the cache.
  2878  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode off
  2879  .PP
  2880  In this mode the cache will read directly from the remote and write
  2881  directly to the remote without caching anything on disk.
  2882  .PP
  2883  This will mean some operations are not possible
  2884  .IP \[bu] 2
  2885  Files can't be opened for both read AND write
  2886  .IP \[bu] 2
  2887  Files opened for write can't be seeked
  2888  .IP \[bu] 2
  2889  Existing files opened for write must have O_TRUNC set
  2890  .IP \[bu] 2
  2891  Files open for read with O_TRUNC will be opened write only
  2892  .IP \[bu] 2
  2893  Files open for write only will behave as if O_TRUNC was supplied
  2894  .IP \[bu] 2
  2895  Open modes O_APPEND, O_TRUNC are ignored
  2896  .IP \[bu] 2
  2897  If an upload fails it can't be retried
  2898  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode minimal
  2899  .PP
  2900  This is very similar to \[lq]off\[rq] except that files opened for read
  2901  AND write will be buffered to disks.
  2902  This means that files opened for write will be a lot more compatible,
  2903  but uses the minimal disk space.
  2904  .PP
  2905  These operations are not possible
  2906  .IP \[bu] 2
  2907  Files opened for write only can't be seeked
  2908  .IP \[bu] 2
  2909  Existing files opened for write must have O_TRUNC set
  2910  .IP \[bu] 2
  2911  Files opened for write only will ignore O_APPEND, O_TRUNC
  2912  .IP \[bu] 2
  2913  If an upload fails it can't be retried
  2914  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode writes
  2915  .PP
  2916  In this mode files opened for read only are still read directly from the
  2917  remote, write only and read/write files are buffered to disk first.
  2918  .PP
  2919  This mode should support all normal file system operations.
  2920  .PP
  2921  If an upload fails it will be retried up to \[en]low\-level\-retries
  2922  times.
  2923  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode full
  2924  .PP
  2925  In this mode all reads and writes are buffered to and from disk.
  2926  When a file is opened for read it will be downloaded in its entirety
  2927  first.
  2928  .PP
  2929  This may be appropriate for your needs, or you may prefer to look at the
  2930  cache backend which does a much more sophisticated job of caching,
  2931  including caching directory hierarchies and chunks of files.
  2932  .PP
  2933  In this mode, unlike the others, when a file is written to the disk, it
  2934  will be kept on the disk after it is written to the remote.
  2935  It will be purged on a schedule according to
  2936  \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\f[].
  2937  .PP
  2938  This mode should support all normal file system operations.
  2939  .PP
  2940  If an upload or download fails it will be retried up to
  2941  \[en]low\-level\-retries times.
  2942  .IP
  2943  .nf
  2944  \f[C]
  2945  rclone\ mount\ remote:path\ /path/to/mountpoint\ [flags]
  2946  \f[]
  2947  .fi
  2948  .SS Options
  2949  .IP
  2950  .nf
  2951  \f[C]
  2952  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-allow\-non\-empty\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Allow\ mounting\ over\ a\ non\-empty\ directory.
  2953  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-allow\-other\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Allow\ access\ to\ other\ users.
  2954  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-allow\-root\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Allow\ access\ to\ root\ user.
  2955  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-attr\-timeout\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Time\ for\ which\ file/directory\ attributes\ are\ cached.\ (default\ 1s)
  2956  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-daemon\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Run\ mount\ as\ a\ daemon\ (background\ mode).
  2957  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-daemon\-timeout\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Time\ limit\ for\ rclone\ to\ respond\ to\ kernel\ (not\ supported\ by\ all\ OSes).
  2958  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-debug\-fuse\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Debug\ the\ FUSE\ internals\ \-\ needs\ \-v.
  2959  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-default\-permissions\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Makes\ kernel\ enforce\ access\ control\ based\ on\ the\ file\ mode.
  2960  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dir\-cache\-time\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Time\ to\ cache\ directory\ entries\ for.\ (default\ 5m0s)
  2961  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dir\-perms\ FileMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Directory\ permissions\ (default\ 0777)
  2962  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-file\-perms\ FileMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ File\ permissions\ (default\ 0666)
  2963  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-fuse\-flag\ stringArray\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Flags\ or\ arguments\ to\ be\ passed\ direct\ to\ libfuse/WinFsp.\ Repeat\ if\ required.
  2964  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-gid\ uint32\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ gid\ field\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 1000)
  2965  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ mount
  2966  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-max\-read\-ahead\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ number\ of\ bytes\ that\ can\ be\ prefetched\ for\ sequential\ reads.\ (default\ 128k)
  2967  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-checksum\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ compare\ checksums\ on\ up/download.
  2968  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-modtime\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ read/write\ the\ modification\ time\ (can\ speed\ things\ up).
  2969  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-seek\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ allow\ seeking\ in\ files.
  2970  \ \ \-o,\ \-\-option\ stringArray\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Option\ for\ libfuse/WinFsp.\ Repeat\ if\ required.
  2971  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Time\ to\ wait\ between\ polling\ for\ changes.\ Must\ be\ smaller\ than\ dir\-cache\-time.\ Only\ on\ supported\ remotes.\ Set\ to\ 0\ to\ disable.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  2972  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-read\-only\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Mount\ read\-only.
  2973  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-uid\ uint32\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ uid\ field\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 1000)
  2974  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-umask\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ permission\ bits\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.
  2975  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ age\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  2976  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-size\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ total\ size\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ off)
  2977  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\ CacheMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Cache\ mode\ off|minimal|writes|full\ (default\ off)
  2978  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ Interval\ to\ poll\ the\ cache\ for\ stale\ objects.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  2979  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Read\ the\ source\ objects\ in\ chunks.\ (default\ 128M)
  2980  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\-limit\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ If\ greater\ than\ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size,\ double\ the\ chunk\ size\ after\ each\ chunk\ read,\ until\ the\ limit\ is\ reached.\ \[aq]off\[aq]\ is\ unlimited.\ (default\ off)
  2981  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-volname\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Set\ the\ volume\ name\ (not\ supported\ by\ all\ OSes).
  2982  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-write\-back\-cache\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Makes\ kernel\ buffer\ writes\ before\ sending\ them\ to\ rclone.\ Without\ this,\ writethrough\ caching\ is\ used.
  2983  \f[]
  2984  .fi
  2985  .SS SEE ALSO
  2986  .IP \[bu] 2
  2987  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  2988  commands, flags and backends.
  2989  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  2990  .SS rclone moveto
  2991  .PP
  2992  Move file or directory from source to dest.
  2993  .SS Synopsis
  2994  .PP
  2995  If source:path is a file or directory then it moves it to a file or
  2996  directory named dest:path.
  2997  .PP
  2998  This can be used to rename files or upload single files to other than
  2999  their existing name.
  3000  If the source is a directory then it acts exactly like the move command.
  3001  .PP
  3002  So
  3003  .IP
  3004  .nf
  3005  \f[C]
  3006  rclone\ moveto\ src\ dst
  3007  \f[]
  3008  .fi
  3009  .PP
  3010  where src and dst are rclone paths, either remote:path or /path/to/local
  3011  or C:.
  3012  .PP
  3013  This will:
  3014  .IP
  3015  .nf
  3016  \f[C]
  3017  if\ src\ is\ file
  3018  \ \ \ \ move\ it\ to\ dst,\ overwriting\ an\ existing\ file\ if\ it\ exists
  3019  if\ src\ is\ directory
  3020  \ \ \ \ move\ it\ to\ dst,\ overwriting\ existing\ files\ if\ they\ exist
  3021  \ \ \ \ see\ move\ command\ for\ full\ details
  3022  \f[]
  3023  .fi
  3024  .PP
  3025  This doesn't transfer unchanged files, testing by size and modification
  3026  time or MD5SUM.
  3027  src will be deleted on successful transfer.
  3028  .PP
  3029  \f[B]Important\f[]: Since this can cause data loss, test first with the
  3030  \[en]dry\-run flag.
  3031  .PP
  3032  \f[B]Note\f[]: Use the \f[C]\-P\f[]/\f[C]\-\-progress\f[] flag to view
  3033  real\-time transfer statistics.
  3034  .IP
  3035  .nf
  3036  \f[C]
  3037  rclone\ moveto\ source:path\ dest:path\ [flags]
  3038  \f[]
  3039  .fi
  3040  .SS Options
  3041  .IP
  3042  .nf
  3043  \f[C]
  3044  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ moveto
  3045  \f[]
  3046  .fi
  3047  .SS SEE ALSO
  3048  .IP \[bu] 2
  3049  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  3050  commands, flags and backends.
  3051  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  3052  .SS rclone ncdu
  3053  .PP
  3054  Explore a remote with a text based user interface.
  3055  .SS Synopsis
  3056  .PP
  3057  This displays a text based user interface allowing the navigation of a
  3058  remote.
  3059  It is most useful for answering the question \- \[lq]What is using all
  3060  my disk space?\[rq].
  3061  .PP
  3062  To make the user interface it first scans the entire remote given and
  3063  builds an in memory representation.
  3064  rclone ncdu can be used during this scanning phase and you will see it
  3065  building up the directory structure as it goes along.
  3066  .PP
  3067  Here are the keys \- press `?' to toggle the help on and off
  3068  .IP
  3069  .nf
  3070  \f[C]
  3071  \ ↑,↓\ or\ k,j\ to\ Move
  3072  \ →,l\ to\ enter
  3073  \ ←,h\ to\ return
  3074  \ c\ toggle\ counts
  3075  \ g\ toggle\ graph
  3076  \ n,s,C\ sort\ by\ name,size,count
  3077  \ d\ delete\ file/directory
  3078  \ ^L\ refresh\ screen
  3079  \ ?\ to\ toggle\ help\ on\ and\ off
  3080  \ q/ESC/c\-C\ to\ quit
  3081  \f[]
  3082  .fi
  3083  .PP
  3084  This an homage to the ncdu tool ( but for
  3085  rclone remotes.
  3086  It is missing lots of features at the moment but is useful as it stands.
  3087  .PP
  3088  Note that it might take some time to delete big files/folders.
  3089  The UI won't respond in the meantime since the deletion is done
  3090  synchronously.
  3091  .IP
  3092  .nf
  3093  \f[C]
  3094  rclone\ ncdu\ remote:path\ [flags]
  3095  \f[]
  3096  .fi
  3097  .SS Options
  3098  .IP
  3099  .nf
  3100  \f[C]
  3101  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ ncdu
  3102  \f[]
  3103  .fi
  3104  .SS SEE ALSO
  3105  .IP \[bu] 2
  3106  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  3107  commands, flags and backends.
  3108  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  3109  .SS rclone obscure
  3110  .PP
  3111  Obscure password for use in the rclone.conf
  3112  .SS Synopsis
  3113  .PP
  3114  Obscure password for use in the rclone.conf
  3115  .IP
  3116  .nf
  3117  \f[C]
  3118  rclone\ obscure\ password\ [flags]
  3119  \f[]
  3120  .fi
  3121  .SS Options
  3122  .IP
  3123  .nf
  3124  \f[C]
  3125  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ obscure
  3126  \f[]
  3127  .fi
  3128  .SS SEE ALSO
  3129  .IP \[bu] 2
  3130  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  3131  commands, flags and backends.
  3132  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  3133  .SS rclone rc
  3134  .PP
  3135  Run a command against a running rclone.
  3136  .SS Synopsis
  3137  .PP
  3138  This runs a command against a running rclone.
  3139  Use the \[en]url flag to specify an non default URL to connect on.
  3140  This can be either a \[lq]:port\[rq] which is taken to mean
  3141  \[lq]http://localhost:port\[rq] or a \[lq]host:port\[rq] which is taken
  3142  to mean \[lq]http://host:port\[rq]
  3143  .PP
  3144  A username and password can be passed in with \[en]user and \[en]pass.
  3145  .PP
  3146  Note that \[en]rc\-addr, \[en]rc\-user, \[en]rc\-pass will be read also
  3147  for \[en]url, \[en]user, \[en]pass.
  3148  .PP
  3149  Arguments should be passed in as parameter=value.
  3150  .PP
  3151  The result will be returned as a JSON object by default.
  3152  .PP
  3153  The \[en]json parameter can be used to pass in a JSON blob as an input
  3154  instead of key=value arguments.
  3155  This is the only way of passing in more complicated values.
  3156  .PP
  3157  Use \[en]loopback to connect to the rclone instance running \[lq]rclone
  3158  rc\[rq].
  3159  This is very useful for testing commands without having to run an rclone
  3160  rc server, eg:
  3161  .IP
  3162  .nf
  3163  \f[C]
  3164  rclone\ rc\ \-\-loopback\ operations/about\ fs=/
  3165  \f[]
  3166  .fi
  3167  .PP
  3168  Use \[lq]rclone rc\[rq] to see a list of all possible commands.
  3169  .IP
  3170  .nf
  3171  \f[C]
  3172  rclone\ rc\ commands\ parameter\ [flags]
  3173  \f[]
  3174  .fi
  3175  .SS Options
  3176  .IP
  3177  .nf
  3178  \f[C]
  3179  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ rc
  3180  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-json\ string\ \ \ Input\ JSON\ \-\ use\ instead\ of\ key=value\ args.
  3181  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-loopback\ \ \ \ \ \ If\ set\ connect\ to\ this\ rclone\ instance\ not\ via\ HTTP.
  3182  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-output\ \ \ \ \ If\ set\ don\[aq]t\ output\ the\ JSON\ result.
  3183  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-pass\ string\ \ \ Password\ to\ use\ to\ connect\ to\ rclone\ remote\ control.
  3184  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-url\ string\ \ \ \ URL\ to\ connect\ to\ rclone\ remote\ control.\ (default\ "http://localhost:5572/")
  3185  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-user\ string\ \ \ Username\ to\ use\ to\ rclone\ remote\ control.
  3186  \f[]
  3187  .fi
  3188  .SS SEE ALSO
  3189  .IP \[bu] 2
  3190  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  3191  commands, flags and backends.
  3192  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  3193  .SS rclone rcat
  3194  .PP
  3195  Copies standard input to file on remote.
  3196  .SS Synopsis
  3197  .PP
  3198  rclone rcat reads from standard input (stdin) and copies it to a single
  3199  remote file.
  3200  .IP
  3201  .nf
  3202  \f[C]
  3203  echo\ "hello\ world"\ |\ rclone\ rcat\ remote:path/to/file
  3204  ffmpeg\ \-\ |\ rclone\ rcat\ remote:path/to/file
  3205  \f[]
  3206  .fi
  3207  .PP
  3208  If the remote file already exists, it will be overwritten.
  3209  .PP
  3210  rcat will try to upload small files in a single request, which is
  3211  usually more efficient than the streaming/chunked upload endpoints,
  3212  which use multiple requests.
  3213  Exact behaviour depends on the remote.
  3214  What is considered a small file may be set through
  3215  \f[C]\-\-streaming\-upload\-cutoff\f[].
  3216  Uploading only starts after the cutoff is reached or if the file ends
  3217  before that.
  3218  The data must fit into RAM.
  3219  The cutoff needs to be small enough to adhere the limits of your remote,
  3220  please see there.
  3221  Generally speaking, setting this cutoff too high will decrease your
  3222  performance.
  3223  .PP
  3224  Note that the upload can also not be retried because the data is not
  3225  kept around until the upload succeeds.
  3226  If you need to transfer a lot of data, you're better off caching locally
  3227  and then \f[C]rclone\ move\f[] it to the destination.
  3228  .IP
  3229  .nf
  3230  \f[C]
  3231  rclone\ rcat\ remote:path\ [flags]
  3232  \f[]
  3233  .fi
  3234  .SS Options
  3235  .IP
  3236  .nf
  3237  \f[C]
  3238  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ rcat
  3239  \f[]
  3240  .fi
  3241  .SS SEE ALSO
  3242  .IP \[bu] 2
  3243  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  3244  commands, flags and backends.
  3245  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  3246  .SS rclone rcd
  3247  .PP
  3248  Run rclone listening to remote control commands only.
  3249  .SS Synopsis
  3250  .PP
  3251  This runs rclone so that it only listens to remote control commands.
  3252  .PP
  3253  This is useful if you are controlling rclone via the rc API.
  3254  .PP
  3255  If you pass in a path to a directory, rclone will serve that directory
  3256  for GET requests on the URL passed in.
  3257  It will also open the URL in the browser when rclone is run.
  3258  .PP
  3259  See the rc documentation ( for more info on the
  3260  rc flags.
  3261  .IP
  3262  .nf
  3263  \f[C]
  3264  rclone\ rcd\ <path\ to\ files\ to\ serve>*\ [flags]
  3265  \f[]
  3266  .fi
  3267  .SS Options
  3268  .IP
  3269  .nf
  3270  \f[C]
  3271  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ rcd
  3272  \f[]
  3273  .fi
  3274  .SS SEE ALSO
  3275  .IP \[bu] 2
  3276  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  3277  commands, flags and backends.
  3278  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  3279  .SS rclone rmdirs
  3280  .PP
  3281  Remove empty directories under the path.
  3282  .SS Synopsis
  3283  .PP
  3284  This removes any empty directories (or directories that only contain
  3285  empty directories) under the path that it finds, including the path if
  3286  it has nothing in.
  3287  .PP
  3288  If you supply the \[en]leave\-root flag, it will not remove the root
  3289  directory.
  3290  .PP
  3291  This is useful for tidying up remotes that rclone has left a lot of
  3292  empty directories in.
  3293  .IP
  3294  .nf
  3295  \f[C]
  3296  rclone\ rmdirs\ remote:path\ [flags]
  3297  \f[]
  3298  .fi
  3299  .SS Options
  3300  .IP
  3301  .nf
  3302  \f[C]
  3303  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ rmdirs
  3304  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-leave\-root\ \ \ Do\ not\ remove\ root\ directory\ if\ empty
  3305  \f[]
  3306  .fi
  3307  .SS SEE ALSO
  3308  .IP \[bu] 2
  3309  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  3310  commands, flags and backends.
  3311  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  3312  .SS rclone serve
  3313  .PP
  3314  Serve a remote over a protocol.
  3315  .SS Synopsis
  3316  .PP
  3317  rclone serve is used to serve a remote over a given protocol.
  3318  This command requires the use of a subcommand to specify the protocol,
  3319  eg
  3320  .IP
  3321  .nf
  3322  \f[C]
  3323  rclone\ serve\ http\ remote:
  3324  \f[]
  3325  .fi
  3326  .PP
  3327  Each subcommand has its own options which you can see in their help.
  3328  .IP
  3329  .nf
  3330  \f[C]
  3331  rclone\ serve\ <protocol>\ [opts]\ <remote>\ [flags]
  3332  \f[]
  3333  .fi
  3334  .SS Options
  3335  .IP
  3336  .nf
  3337  \f[C]
  3338  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ serve
  3339  \f[]
  3340  .fi
  3341  .SS SEE ALSO
  3342  .IP \[bu] 2
  3343  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  3344  commands, flags and backends.
  3345  .IP \[bu] 2
  3346  rclone serve dlna ( \-
  3347  Serve remote:path over DLNA
  3348  .IP \[bu] 2
  3349  rclone serve ftp ( \-
  3350  Serve remote:path over FTP.
  3351  .IP \[bu] 2
  3352  rclone serve http ( \-
  3353  Serve the remote over HTTP.
  3354  .IP \[bu] 2
  3355  rclone serve restic (
  3356  \- Serve the remote for restic's REST API.
  3357  .IP \[bu] 2
  3358  rclone serve sftp ( \-
  3359  Serve the remote over SFTP.
  3360  .IP \[bu] 2
  3361  rclone serve webdav (
  3362  \- Serve remote:path over webdav.
  3363  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  3364  .SS rclone serve dlna
  3365  .PP
  3366  Serve remote:path over DLNA
  3367  .SS Synopsis
  3368  .PP
  3369  rclone serve dlna is a DLNA media server for media stored in a rclone
  3370  remote.
  3371  Many devices, such as the Xbox and PlayStation, can automatically
  3372  discover this server in the LAN and play audio/video from it.
  3373  VLC is also supported.
  3374  Service discovery uses UDP multicast packets (SSDP) and will thus only
  3375  work on LANs.
  3376  .PP
  3377  Rclone will list all files present in the remote, without filtering
  3378  based on media formats or file extensions.
  3379  Additionally, there is no media transcoding support.
  3380  This means that some players might show files that they are not able to
  3381  play back correctly.
  3382  .SS Server options
  3383  .PP
  3384  Use \[en]addr to specify which IP address and port the server should
  3385  listen on, eg \[en]addr or \[en]addr :8080 to listen to all
  3386  IPs.
  3387  .PP
  3388  Use \[en]name to choose the friendly server name, which is by default
  3389  \[lq]rclone (hostname)\[rq].
  3390  .PP
  3391  Use \[en]log\-trace in conjunction with \-vv to enable additional debug
  3392  logging of all UPNP traffic.
  3393  .SS Directory Cache
  3394  .PP
  3395  Using the \f[C]\-\-dir\-cache\-time\f[] flag, you can set how long a
  3396  directory should be considered up to date and not refreshed from the
  3397  backend.
  3398  Changes made locally in the mount may appear immediately or invalidate
  3399  the cache.
  3400  However, changes done on the remote will only be picked up once the
  3401  cache expires.
  3402  .PP
  3403  Alternatively, you can send a \f[C]SIGHUP\f[] signal to rclone for it to
  3404  flush all directory caches, regardless of how old they are.
  3405  Assuming only one rclone instance is running, you can reset the cache
  3406  like this:
  3407  .IP
  3408  .nf
  3409  \f[C]
  3410  kill\ \-SIGHUP\ $(pidof\ rclone)
  3411  \f[]
  3412  .fi
  3413  .PP
  3414  If you configure rclone with a remote control (/rc) then you can use
  3415  rclone rc to flush the whole directory cache:
  3416  .IP
  3417  .nf
  3418  \f[C]
  3419  rclone\ rc\ vfs/forget
  3420  \f[]
  3421  .fi
  3422  .PP
  3423  Or individual files or directories:
  3424  .IP
  3425  .nf
  3426  \f[C]
  3427  rclone\ rc\ vfs/forget\ file=path/to/file\ dir=path/to/dir
  3428  \f[]
  3429  .fi
  3430  .SS File Buffering
  3431  .PP
  3432  The \f[C]\-\-buffer\-size\f[] flag determines the amount of memory, that
  3433  will be used to buffer data in advance.
  3434  .PP
  3435  Each open file descriptor will try to keep the specified amount of data
  3436  in memory at all times.
  3437  The buffered data is bound to one file descriptor and won't be shared
  3438  between multiple open file descriptors of the same file.
  3439  .PP
  3440  This flag is a upper limit for the used memory per file descriptor.
  3441  The buffer will only use memory for data that is downloaded but not not
  3442  yet read.
  3443  If the buffer is empty, only a small amount of memory will be used.
  3444  The maximum memory used by rclone for buffering can be up to
  3445  \f[C]\-\-buffer\-size\ *\ open\ files\f[].
  3446  .SS File Caching
  3447  .PP
  3448  These flags control the VFS file caching options.
  3449  The VFS layer is used by rclone mount to make a cloud storage system
  3450  work more like a normal file system.
  3451  .PP
  3452  You'll need to enable VFS caching if you want, for example, to read and
  3453  write simultaneously to a file.
  3454  See below for more details.
  3455  .PP
  3456  Note that the VFS cache works in addition to the cache backend and you
  3457  may find that you need one or the other or both.
  3458  .IP
  3459  .nf
  3460  \f[C]
  3461  \-\-cache\-dir\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Directory\ rclone\ will\ use\ for\ caching.
  3462  \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ age\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  3463  \-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Cache\ mode\ off|minimal|writes|full\ (default\ "off")
  3464  \-\-vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ Interval\ to\ poll\ the\ cache\ for\ stale\ objects.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  3465  \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-size\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ total\ size\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ off)
  3466  \f[]
  3467  .fi
  3468  .PP
  3469  If run with \f[C]\-vv\f[] rclone will print the location of the file
  3470  cache.
  3471  The files are stored in the user cache file area which is OS dependent
  3472  but can be controlled with \f[C]\-\-cache\-dir\f[] or setting the
  3473  appropriate environment variable.
  3474  .PP
  3475  The cache has 4 different modes selected by
  3476  \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\f[].
  3477  The higher the cache mode the more compatible rclone becomes at the cost
  3478  of using disk space.
  3479  .PP
  3480  Note that files are written back to the remote only when they are closed
  3481  so if rclone is quit or dies with open files then these won't get
  3482  written back to the remote.
  3483  However they will still be in the on disk cache.
  3484  .PP
  3485  If using \[en]vfs\-cache\-max\-size note that the cache may exceed this
  3486  size for two reasons.
  3487  Firstly because it is only checked every
  3488  \[en]vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval.
  3489  Secondly because open files cannot be evicted from the cache.
  3490  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode off
  3491  .PP
  3492  In this mode the cache will read directly from the remote and write
  3493  directly to the remote without caching anything on disk.
  3494  .PP
  3495  This will mean some operations are not possible
  3496  .IP \[bu] 2
  3497  Files can't be opened for both read AND write
  3498  .IP \[bu] 2
  3499  Files opened for write can't be seeked
  3500  .IP \[bu] 2
  3501  Existing files opened for write must have O_TRUNC set
  3502  .IP \[bu] 2
  3503  Files open for read with O_TRUNC will be opened write only
  3504  .IP \[bu] 2
  3505  Files open for write only will behave as if O_TRUNC was supplied
  3506  .IP \[bu] 2
  3507  Open modes O_APPEND, O_TRUNC are ignored
  3508  .IP \[bu] 2
  3509  If an upload fails it can't be retried
  3510  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode minimal
  3511  .PP
  3512  This is very similar to \[lq]off\[rq] except that files opened for read
  3513  AND write will be buffered to disks.
  3514  This means that files opened for write will be a lot more compatible,
  3515  but uses the minimal disk space.
  3516  .PP
  3517  These operations are not possible
  3518  .IP \[bu] 2
  3519  Files opened for write only can't be seeked
  3520  .IP \[bu] 2
  3521  Existing files opened for write must have O_TRUNC set
  3522  .IP \[bu] 2
  3523  Files opened for write only will ignore O_APPEND, O_TRUNC
  3524  .IP \[bu] 2
  3525  If an upload fails it can't be retried
  3526  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode writes
  3527  .PP
  3528  In this mode files opened for read only are still read directly from the
  3529  remote, write only and read/write files are buffered to disk first.
  3530  .PP
  3531  This mode should support all normal file system operations.
  3532  .PP
  3533  If an upload fails it will be retried up to \[en]low\-level\-retries
  3534  times.
  3535  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode full
  3536  .PP
  3537  In this mode all reads and writes are buffered to and from disk.
  3538  When a file is opened for read it will be downloaded in its entirety
  3539  first.
  3540  .PP
  3541  This may be appropriate for your needs, or you may prefer to look at the
  3542  cache backend which does a much more sophisticated job of caching,
  3543  including caching directory hierarchies and chunks of files.
  3544  .PP
  3545  In this mode, unlike the others, when a file is written to the disk, it
  3546  will be kept on the disk after it is written to the remote.
  3547  It will be purged on a schedule according to
  3548  \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\f[].
  3549  .PP
  3550  This mode should support all normal file system operations.
  3551  .PP
  3552  If an upload or download fails it will be retried up to
  3553  \[en]low\-level\-retries times.
  3554  .IP
  3555  .nf
  3556  \f[C]
  3557  rclone\ serve\ dlna\ remote:path\ [flags]
  3558  \f[]
  3559  .fi
  3560  .SS Options
  3561  .IP
  3562  .nf
  3563  \f[C]
  3564  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-addr\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ip:port\ or\ :port\ to\ bind\ the\ DLNA\ http\ server\ to.\ (default\ ":7879")
  3565  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dir\-cache\-time\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Time\ to\ cache\ directory\ entries\ for.\ (default\ 5m0s)
  3566  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dir\-perms\ FileMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Directory\ permissions\ (default\ 0777)
  3567  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-file\-perms\ FileMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ File\ permissions\ (default\ 0666)
  3568  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-gid\ uint32\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ gid\ field\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 1000)
  3569  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ dlna
  3570  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-log\-trace\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ enable\ trace\ logging\ of\ SOAP\ traffic
  3571  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-name\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ name\ of\ DLNA\ server
  3572  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-checksum\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ compare\ checksums\ on\ up/download.
  3573  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-modtime\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ read/write\ the\ modification\ time\ (can\ speed\ things\ up).
  3574  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-seek\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ allow\ seeking\ in\ files.
  3575  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Time\ to\ wait\ between\ polling\ for\ changes.\ Must\ be\ smaller\ than\ dir\-cache\-time.\ Only\ on\ supported\ remotes.\ Set\ to\ 0\ to\ disable.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  3576  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-read\-only\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Mount\ read\-only.
  3577  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-uid\ uint32\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ uid\ field\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 1000)
  3578  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-umask\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ permission\ bits\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 2)
  3579  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ age\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  3580  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-size\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ total\ size\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ off)
  3581  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\ CacheMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Cache\ mode\ off|minimal|writes|full\ (default\ off)
  3582  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ Interval\ to\ poll\ the\ cache\ for\ stale\ objects.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  3583  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Read\ the\ source\ objects\ in\ chunks.\ (default\ 128M)
  3584  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\-limit\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ If\ greater\ than\ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size,\ double\ the\ chunk\ size\ after\ each\ chunk\ read,\ until\ the\ limit\ is\ reached.\ \[aq]off\[aq]\ is\ unlimited.\ (default\ off)
  3585  \f[]
  3586  .fi
  3587  .SS SEE ALSO
  3588  .IP \[bu] 2
  3589  rclone serve ( \- Serve a
  3590  remote over a protocol.
  3591  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  3592  .SS rclone serve ftp
  3593  .PP
  3594  Serve remote:path over FTP.
  3595  .SS Synopsis
  3596  .PP
  3597  rclone serve ftp implements a basic ftp server to serve the remote over
  3598  FTP protocol.
  3599  This can be viewed with a ftp client or you can make a remote of type
  3600  ftp to read and write it.
  3601  .SS Server options
  3602  .PP
  3603  Use \[en]addr to specify which IP address and port the server should
  3604  listen on, eg \[en]addr or \[en]addr :8080 to listen to all
  3605  IPs.
  3606  By default it only listens on localhost.
  3607  You can use port :0 to let the OS choose an available port.
  3608  .PP
  3609  If you set \[en]addr to listen on a public or LAN accessible IP address
  3610  then using Authentication is advised \- see the next section for info.
  3611  .SS Authentication
  3612  .PP
  3613  By default this will serve files without needing a login.
  3614  .PP
  3615  You can set a single username and password with the \[en]user and
  3616  \[en]pass flags.
  3617  .SS Directory Cache
  3618  .PP
  3619  Using the \f[C]\-\-dir\-cache\-time\f[] flag, you can set how long a
  3620  directory should be considered up to date and not refreshed from the
  3621  backend.
  3622  Changes made locally in the mount may appear immediately or invalidate
  3623  the cache.
  3624  However, changes done on the remote will only be picked up once the
  3625  cache expires.
  3626  .PP
  3627  Alternatively, you can send a \f[C]SIGHUP\f[] signal to rclone for it to
  3628  flush all directory caches, regardless of how old they are.
  3629  Assuming only one rclone instance is running, you can reset the cache
  3630  like this:
  3631  .IP
  3632  .nf
  3633  \f[C]
  3634  kill\ \-SIGHUP\ $(pidof\ rclone)
  3635  \f[]
  3636  .fi
  3637  .PP
  3638  If you configure rclone with a remote control (/rc) then you can use
  3639  rclone rc to flush the whole directory cache:
  3640  .IP
  3641  .nf
  3642  \f[C]
  3643  rclone\ rc\ vfs/forget
  3644  \f[]
  3645  .fi
  3646  .PP
  3647  Or individual files or directories:
  3648  .IP
  3649  .nf
  3650  \f[C]
  3651  rclone\ rc\ vfs/forget\ file=path/to/file\ dir=path/to/dir
  3652  \f[]
  3653  .fi
  3654  .SS File Buffering
  3655  .PP
  3656  The \f[C]\-\-buffer\-size\f[] flag determines the amount of memory, that
  3657  will be used to buffer data in advance.
  3658  .PP
  3659  Each open file descriptor will try to keep the specified amount of data
  3660  in memory at all times.
  3661  The buffered data is bound to one file descriptor and won't be shared
  3662  between multiple open file descriptors of the same file.
  3663  .PP
  3664  This flag is a upper limit for the used memory per file descriptor.
  3665  The buffer will only use memory for data that is downloaded but not not
  3666  yet read.
  3667  If the buffer is empty, only a small amount of memory will be used.
  3668  The maximum memory used by rclone for buffering can be up to
  3669  \f[C]\-\-buffer\-size\ *\ open\ files\f[].
  3670  .SS File Caching
  3671  .PP
  3672  These flags control the VFS file caching options.
  3673  The VFS layer is used by rclone mount to make a cloud storage system
  3674  work more like a normal file system.
  3675  .PP
  3676  You'll need to enable VFS caching if you want, for example, to read and
  3677  write simultaneously to a file.
  3678  See below for more details.
  3679  .PP
  3680  Note that the VFS cache works in addition to the cache backend and you
  3681  may find that you need one or the other or both.
  3682  .IP
  3683  .nf
  3684  \f[C]
  3685  \-\-cache\-dir\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Directory\ rclone\ will\ use\ for\ caching.
  3686  \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ age\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  3687  \-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Cache\ mode\ off|minimal|writes|full\ (default\ "off")
  3688  \-\-vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ Interval\ to\ poll\ the\ cache\ for\ stale\ objects.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  3689  \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-size\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ total\ size\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ off)
  3690  \f[]
  3691  .fi
  3692  .PP
  3693  If run with \f[C]\-vv\f[] rclone will print the location of the file
  3694  cache.
  3695  The files are stored in the user cache file area which is OS dependent
  3696  but can be controlled with \f[C]\-\-cache\-dir\f[] or setting the
  3697  appropriate environment variable.
  3698  .PP
  3699  The cache has 4 different modes selected by
  3700  \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\f[].
  3701  The higher the cache mode the more compatible rclone becomes at the cost
  3702  of using disk space.
  3703  .PP
  3704  Note that files are written back to the remote only when they are closed
  3705  so if rclone is quit or dies with open files then these won't get
  3706  written back to the remote.
  3707  However they will still be in the on disk cache.
  3708  .PP
  3709  If using \[en]vfs\-cache\-max\-size note that the cache may exceed this
  3710  size for two reasons.
  3711  Firstly because it is only checked every
  3712  \[en]vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval.
  3713  Secondly because open files cannot be evicted from the cache.
  3714  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode off
  3715  .PP
  3716  In this mode the cache will read directly from the remote and write
  3717  directly to the remote without caching anything on disk.
  3718  .PP
  3719  This will mean some operations are not possible
  3720  .IP \[bu] 2
  3721  Files can't be opened for both read AND write
  3722  .IP \[bu] 2
  3723  Files opened for write can't be seeked
  3724  .IP \[bu] 2
  3725  Existing files opened for write must have O_TRUNC set
  3726  .IP \[bu] 2
  3727  Files open for read with O_TRUNC will be opened write only
  3728  .IP \[bu] 2
  3729  Files open for write only will behave as if O_TRUNC was supplied
  3730  .IP \[bu] 2
  3731  Open modes O_APPEND, O_TRUNC are ignored
  3732  .IP \[bu] 2
  3733  If an upload fails it can't be retried
  3734  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode minimal
  3735  .PP
  3736  This is very similar to \[lq]off\[rq] except that files opened for read
  3737  AND write will be buffered to disks.
  3738  This means that files opened for write will be a lot more compatible,
  3739  but uses the minimal disk space.
  3740  .PP
  3741  These operations are not possible
  3742  .IP \[bu] 2
  3743  Files opened for write only can't be seeked
  3744  .IP \[bu] 2
  3745  Existing files opened for write must have O_TRUNC set
  3746  .IP \[bu] 2
  3747  Files opened for write only will ignore O_APPEND, O_TRUNC
  3748  .IP \[bu] 2
  3749  If an upload fails it can't be retried
  3750  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode writes
  3751  .PP
  3752  In this mode files opened for read only are still read directly from the
  3753  remote, write only and read/write files are buffered to disk first.
  3754  .PP
  3755  This mode should support all normal file system operations.
  3756  .PP
  3757  If an upload fails it will be retried up to \[en]low\-level\-retries
  3758  times.
  3759  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode full
  3760  .PP
  3761  In this mode all reads and writes are buffered to and from disk.
  3762  When a file is opened for read it will be downloaded in its entirety
  3763  first.
  3764  .PP
  3765  This may be appropriate for your needs, or you may prefer to look at the
  3766  cache backend which does a much more sophisticated job of caching,
  3767  including caching directory hierarchies and chunks of files.
  3768  .PP
  3769  In this mode, unlike the others, when a file is written to the disk, it
  3770  will be kept on the disk after it is written to the remote.
  3771  It will be purged on a schedule according to
  3772  \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\f[].
  3773  .PP
  3774  This mode should support all normal file system operations.
  3775  .PP
  3776  If an upload or download fails it will be retried up to
  3777  \[en]low\-level\-retries times.
  3778  .IP
  3779  .nf
  3780  \f[C]
  3781  rclone\ serve\ ftp\ remote:path\ [flags]
  3782  \f[]
  3783  .fi
  3784  .SS Options
  3785  .IP
  3786  .nf
  3787  \f[C]
  3788  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-addr\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ IPaddress:Port\ or\ :Port\ to\ bind\ server\ to.\ (default\ "localhost:2121")
  3789  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dir\-cache\-time\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Time\ to\ cache\ directory\ entries\ for.\ (default\ 5m0s)
  3790  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dir\-perms\ FileMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Directory\ permissions\ (default\ 0777)
  3791  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-file\-perms\ FileMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ File\ permissions\ (default\ 0666)
  3792  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-gid\ uint32\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ gid\ field\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 1000)
  3793  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ ftp
  3794  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-checksum\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ compare\ checksums\ on\ up/download.
  3795  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-modtime\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ read/write\ the\ modification\ time\ (can\ speed\ things\ up).
  3796  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-seek\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ allow\ seeking\ in\ files.
  3797  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-pass\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Password\ for\ authentication.\ (empty\ value\ allow\ every\ password)
  3798  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-passive\-port\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Passive\ port\ range\ to\ use.\ (default\ "30000\-32000")
  3799  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Time\ to\ wait\ between\ polling\ for\ changes.\ Must\ be\ smaller\ than\ dir\-cache\-time.\ Only\ on\ supported\ remotes.\ Set\ to\ 0\ to\ disable.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  3800  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-public\-ip\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Public\ IP\ address\ to\ advertise\ for\ passive\ connections.
  3801  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-read\-only\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Mount\ read\-only.
  3802  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-uid\ uint32\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ uid\ field\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 1000)
  3803  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-umask\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ permission\ bits\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 2)
  3804  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-user\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ User\ name\ for\ authentication.\ (default\ "anonymous")
  3805  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ age\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  3806  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-size\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ total\ size\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ off)
  3807  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\ CacheMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Cache\ mode\ off|minimal|writes|full\ (default\ off)
  3808  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ Interval\ to\ poll\ the\ cache\ for\ stale\ objects.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  3809  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Read\ the\ source\ objects\ in\ chunks.\ (default\ 128M)
  3810  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\-limit\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ If\ greater\ than\ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size,\ double\ the\ chunk\ size\ after\ each\ chunk\ read,\ until\ the\ limit\ is\ reached.\ \[aq]off\[aq]\ is\ unlimited.\ (default\ off)
  3811  \f[]
  3812  .fi
  3813  .SS SEE ALSO
  3814  .IP \[bu] 2
  3815  rclone serve ( \- Serve a
  3816  remote over a protocol.
  3817  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  3818  .SS rclone serve http
  3819  .PP
  3820  Serve the remote over HTTP.
  3821  .SS Synopsis
  3822  .PP
  3823  rclone serve http implements a basic web server to serve the remote over
  3824  HTTP.
  3825  This can be viewed in a web browser or you can make a remote of type
  3826  http read from it.
  3827  .PP
  3828  You can use the filter flags (eg \[en]include, \[en]exclude) to control
  3829  what is served.
  3830  .PP
  3831  The server will log errors.
  3832  Use \-v to see access logs.
  3833  .PP
  3834  \[en]bwlimit will be respected for file transfers.
  3835  Use \[en]stats to control the stats printing.
  3836  .SS Server options
  3837  .PP
  3838  Use \[en]addr to specify which IP address and port the server should
  3839  listen on, eg \[en]addr or \[en]addr :8080 to listen to all
  3840  IPs.
  3841  By default it only listens on localhost.
  3842  You can use port :0 to let the OS choose an available port.
  3843  .PP
  3844  If you set \[en]addr to listen on a public or LAN accessible IP address
  3845  then using Authentication is advised \- see the next section for info.
  3846  .PP
  3847  \[en]server\-read\-timeout and \[en]server\-write\-timeout can be used
  3848  to control the timeouts on the server.
  3849  Note that this is the total time for a transfer.
  3850  .PP
  3851  \[en]max\-header\-bytes controls the maximum number of bytes the server
  3852  will accept in the HTTP header.
  3853  .SS Authentication
  3854  .PP
  3855  By default this will serve files without needing a login.
  3856  .PP
  3857  You can either use an htpasswd file which can take lots of users, or set
  3858  a single username and password with the \[en]user and \[en]pass flags.
  3859  .PP
  3860  Use \[en]htpasswd /path/to/htpasswd to provide an htpasswd file.
  3861  This is in standard apache format and supports MD5, SHA1 and BCrypt for
  3862  basic authentication.
  3863  Bcrypt is recommended.
  3864  .PP
  3865  To create an htpasswd file:
  3866  .IP
  3867  .nf
  3868  \f[C]
  3869  touch\ htpasswd
  3870  htpasswd\ \-B\ htpasswd\ user
  3871  htpasswd\ \-B\ htpasswd\ anotherUser
  3872  \f[]
  3873  .fi
  3874  .PP
  3875  The password file can be updated while rclone is running.
  3876  .PP
  3877  Use \[en]realm to set the authentication realm.
  3878  .SS SSL/TLS
  3879  .PP
  3880  By default this will serve over http.
  3881  If you want you can serve over https.
  3882  You will need to supply the \[en]cert and \[en]key flags.
  3883  If you wish to do client side certificate validation then you will need
  3884  to supply \[en]client\-ca also.
  3885  .PP
  3886  \[en]cert should be a either a PEM encoded certificate or a
  3887  concatenation of that with the CA certificate.
  3888  \[en]key should be the PEM encoded private key and \[en]client\-ca
  3889  should be the PEM encoded client certificate authority certificate.
  3890  .SS Directory Cache
  3891  .PP
  3892  Using the \f[C]\-\-dir\-cache\-time\f[] flag, you can set how long a
  3893  directory should be considered up to date and not refreshed from the
  3894  backend.
  3895  Changes made locally in the mount may appear immediately or invalidate
  3896  the cache.
  3897  However, changes done on the remote will only be picked up once the
  3898  cache expires.
  3899  .PP
  3900  Alternatively, you can send a \f[C]SIGHUP\f[] signal to rclone for it to
  3901  flush all directory caches, regardless of how old they are.
  3902  Assuming only one rclone instance is running, you can reset the cache
  3903  like this:
  3904  .IP
  3905  .nf
  3906  \f[C]
  3907  kill\ \-SIGHUP\ $(pidof\ rclone)
  3908  \f[]
  3909  .fi
  3910  .PP
  3911  If you configure rclone with a remote control (/rc) then you can use
  3912  rclone rc to flush the whole directory cache:
  3913  .IP
  3914  .nf
  3915  \f[C]
  3916  rclone\ rc\ vfs/forget
  3917  \f[]
  3918  .fi
  3919  .PP
  3920  Or individual files or directories:
  3921  .IP
  3922  .nf
  3923  \f[C]
  3924  rclone\ rc\ vfs/forget\ file=path/to/file\ dir=path/to/dir
  3925  \f[]
  3926  .fi
  3927  .SS File Buffering
  3928  .PP
  3929  The \f[C]\-\-buffer\-size\f[] flag determines the amount of memory, that
  3930  will be used to buffer data in advance.
  3931  .PP
  3932  Each open file descriptor will try to keep the specified amount of data
  3933  in memory at all times.
  3934  The buffered data is bound to one file descriptor and won't be shared
  3935  between multiple open file descriptors of the same file.
  3936  .PP
  3937  This flag is a upper limit for the used memory per file descriptor.
  3938  The buffer will only use memory for data that is downloaded but not not
  3939  yet read.
  3940  If the buffer is empty, only a small amount of memory will be used.
  3941  The maximum memory used by rclone for buffering can be up to
  3942  \f[C]\-\-buffer\-size\ *\ open\ files\f[].
  3943  .SS File Caching
  3944  .PP
  3945  These flags control the VFS file caching options.
  3946  The VFS layer is used by rclone mount to make a cloud storage system
  3947  work more like a normal file system.
  3948  .PP
  3949  You'll need to enable VFS caching if you want, for example, to read and
  3950  write simultaneously to a file.
  3951  See below for more details.
  3952  .PP
  3953  Note that the VFS cache works in addition to the cache backend and you
  3954  may find that you need one or the other or both.
  3955  .IP
  3956  .nf
  3957  \f[C]
  3958  \-\-cache\-dir\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Directory\ rclone\ will\ use\ for\ caching.
  3959  \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ age\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  3960  \-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Cache\ mode\ off|minimal|writes|full\ (default\ "off")
  3961  \-\-vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ Interval\ to\ poll\ the\ cache\ for\ stale\ objects.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  3962  \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-size\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ total\ size\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ off)
  3963  \f[]
  3964  .fi
  3965  .PP
  3966  If run with \f[C]\-vv\f[] rclone will print the location of the file
  3967  cache.
  3968  The files are stored in the user cache file area which is OS dependent
  3969  but can be controlled with \f[C]\-\-cache\-dir\f[] or setting the
  3970  appropriate environment variable.
  3971  .PP
  3972  The cache has 4 different modes selected by
  3973  \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\f[].
  3974  The higher the cache mode the more compatible rclone becomes at the cost
  3975  of using disk space.
  3976  .PP
  3977  Note that files are written back to the remote only when they are closed
  3978  so if rclone is quit or dies with open files then these won't get
  3979  written back to the remote.
  3980  However they will still be in the on disk cache.
  3981  .PP
  3982  If using \[en]vfs\-cache\-max\-size note that the cache may exceed this
  3983  size for two reasons.
  3984  Firstly because it is only checked every
  3985  \[en]vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval.
  3986  Secondly because open files cannot be evicted from the cache.
  3987  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode off
  3988  .PP
  3989  In this mode the cache will read directly from the remote and write
  3990  directly to the remote without caching anything on disk.
  3991  .PP
  3992  This will mean some operations are not possible
  3993  .IP \[bu] 2
  3994  Files can't be opened for both read AND write
  3995  .IP \[bu] 2
  3996  Files opened for write can't be seeked
  3997  .IP \[bu] 2
  3998  Existing files opened for write must have O_TRUNC set
  3999  .IP \[bu] 2
  4000  Files open for read with O_TRUNC will be opened write only
  4001  .IP \[bu] 2
  4002  Files open for write only will behave as if O_TRUNC was supplied
  4003  .IP \[bu] 2
  4004  Open modes O_APPEND, O_TRUNC are ignored
  4005  .IP \[bu] 2
  4006  If an upload fails it can't be retried
  4007  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode minimal
  4008  .PP
  4009  This is very similar to \[lq]off\[rq] except that files opened for read
  4010  AND write will be buffered to disks.
  4011  This means that files opened for write will be a lot more compatible,
  4012  but uses the minimal disk space.
  4013  .PP
  4014  These operations are not possible
  4015  .IP \[bu] 2
  4016  Files opened for write only can't be seeked
  4017  .IP \[bu] 2
  4018  Existing files opened for write must have O_TRUNC set
  4019  .IP \[bu] 2
  4020  Files opened for write only will ignore O_APPEND, O_TRUNC
  4021  .IP \[bu] 2
  4022  If an upload fails it can't be retried
  4023  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode writes
  4024  .PP
  4025  In this mode files opened for read only are still read directly from the
  4026  remote, write only and read/write files are buffered to disk first.
  4027  .PP
  4028  This mode should support all normal file system operations.
  4029  .PP
  4030  If an upload fails it will be retried up to \[en]low\-level\-retries
  4031  times.
  4032  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode full
  4033  .PP
  4034  In this mode all reads and writes are buffered to and from disk.
  4035  When a file is opened for read it will be downloaded in its entirety
  4036  first.
  4037  .PP
  4038  This may be appropriate for your needs, or you may prefer to look at the
  4039  cache backend which does a much more sophisticated job of caching,
  4040  including caching directory hierarchies and chunks of files.
  4041  .PP
  4042  In this mode, unlike the others, when a file is written to the disk, it
  4043  will be kept on the disk after it is written to the remote.
  4044  It will be purged on a schedule according to
  4045  \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\f[].
  4046  .PP
  4047  This mode should support all normal file system operations.
  4048  .PP
  4049  If an upload or download fails it will be retried up to
  4050  \[en]low\-level\-retries times.
  4051  .IP
  4052  .nf
  4053  \f[C]
  4054  rclone\ serve\ http\ remote:path\ [flags]
  4055  \f[]
  4056  .fi
  4057  .SS Options
  4058  .IP
  4059  .nf
  4060  \f[C]
  4061  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-addr\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ IPaddress:Port\ or\ :Port\ to\ bind\ server\ to.\ (default\ "localhost:8080")
  4062  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-cert\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SSL\ PEM\ key\ (concatenation\ of\ certificate\ and\ CA\ certificate)
  4063  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-client\-ca\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Client\ certificate\ authority\ to\ verify\ clients\ with
  4064  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dir\-cache\-time\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Time\ to\ cache\ directory\ entries\ for.\ (default\ 5m0s)
  4065  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dir\-perms\ FileMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Directory\ permissions\ (default\ 0777)
  4066  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-file\-perms\ FileMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ File\ permissions\ (default\ 0666)
  4067  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-gid\ uint32\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ gid\ field\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 1000)
  4068  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ http
  4069  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-htpasswd\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ htpasswd\ file\ \-\ if\ not\ provided\ no\ authentication\ is\ done
  4070  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-key\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SSL\ PEM\ Private\ key
  4071  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-max\-header\-bytes\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Maximum\ size\ of\ request\ header\ (default\ 4096)
  4072  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-checksum\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ compare\ checksums\ on\ up/download.
  4073  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-modtime\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ read/write\ the\ modification\ time\ (can\ speed\ things\ up).
  4074  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-seek\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ allow\ seeking\ in\ files.
  4075  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-pass\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Password\ for\ authentication.
  4076  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Time\ to\ wait\ between\ polling\ for\ changes.\ Must\ be\ smaller\ than\ dir\-cache\-time.\ Only\ on\ supported\ remotes.\ Set\ to\ 0\ to\ disable.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  4077  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-read\-only\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Mount\ read\-only.
  4078  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-realm\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ realm\ for\ authentication\ (default\ "rclone")
  4079  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-server\-read\-timeout\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Timeout\ for\ server\ reading\ data\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  4080  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-server\-write\-timeout\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Timeout\ for\ server\ writing\ data\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  4081  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-uid\ uint32\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ uid\ field\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 1000)
  4082  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-umask\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ permission\ bits\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 2)
  4083  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-user\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ User\ name\ for\ authentication.
  4084  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ age\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  4085  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-size\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ total\ size\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ off)
  4086  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\ CacheMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Cache\ mode\ off|minimal|writes|full\ (default\ off)
  4087  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ Interval\ to\ poll\ the\ cache\ for\ stale\ objects.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  4088  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Read\ the\ source\ objects\ in\ chunks.\ (default\ 128M)
  4089  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\-limit\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ If\ greater\ than\ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size,\ double\ the\ chunk\ size\ after\ each\ chunk\ read,\ until\ the\ limit\ is\ reached.\ \[aq]off\[aq]\ is\ unlimited.\ (default\ off)
  4090  \f[]
  4091  .fi
  4092  .SS SEE ALSO
  4093  .IP \[bu] 2
  4094  rclone serve ( \- Serve a
  4095  remote over a protocol.
  4096  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  4097  .SS rclone serve restic
  4098  .PP
  4099  Serve the remote for restic's REST API.
  4100  .SS Synopsis
  4101  .PP
  4102  rclone serve restic implements restic's REST backend API over HTTP.
  4103  This allows restic to use rclone as a data storage mechanism for cloud
  4104  providers that restic does not support directly.
  4105  .PP
  4106  Restic ( is a command line program for doing
  4107  backups.
  4108  .PP
  4109  The server will log errors.
  4110  Use \-v to see access logs.
  4111  .PP
  4112  \[en]bwlimit will be respected for file transfers.
  4113  Use \[en]stats to control the stats printing.
  4114  .SS Setting up rclone for use by restic
  4115  .PP
  4116  First set up a remote for your chosen cloud provider (/docs/#configure).
  4117  .PP
  4118  Once you have set up the remote, check it is working with, for example
  4119  \[lq]rclone lsd remote:\[rq].
  4120  You may have called the remote something other than \[lq]remote:\[rq] \-
  4121  just substitute whatever you called it in the following instructions.
  4122  .PP
  4123  Now start the rclone restic server
  4124  .IP
  4125  .nf
  4126  \f[C]
  4127  rclone\ serve\ restic\ \-v\ remote:backup
  4128  \f[]
  4129  .fi
  4130  .PP
  4131  Where you can replace \[lq]backup\[rq] in the above by whatever path in
  4132  the remote you wish to use.
  4133  .PP
  4134  By default this will serve on \[lq]localhost:8080\[rq] you can change
  4135  this with use of the \[lq]\[en]addr\[rq] flag.
  4136  .PP
  4137  You might wish to start this server on boot.
  4138  .SS Setting up restic to use rclone
  4139  .PP
  4140  Now you can follow the restic
  4141  instructions (
  4142  on setting up restic.
  4143  .PP
  4144  Note that you will need restic 0.8.2 or later to interoperate with
  4145  rclone.
  4146  .PP
  4147  For the example above you will want to use
  4148  \[lq]http://localhost:8080/\[rq] as the URL for the REST server.
  4149  .PP
  4150  For example:
  4151  .IP
  4152  .nf
  4153  \f[C]
  4154  $\ export\ RESTIC_REPOSITORY=rest:http://localhost:8080/
  4155  $\ export\ RESTIC_PASSWORD=yourpassword
  4156  $\ restic\ init
  4157  created\ restic\ backend\ 8b1a4b56ae\ at\ rest:http://localhost:8080/
  4159  Please\ note\ that\ knowledge\ of\ your\ password\ is\ required\ to\ access
  4160  the\ repository.\ Losing\ your\ password\ means\ that\ your\ data\ is
  4161  irrecoverably\ lost.
  4162  $\ restic\ backup\ /path/to/files/to/backup
  4163  scan\ [/path/to/files/to/backup]
  4164  scanned\ 189\ directories,\ 312\ files\ in\ 0:00
  4165  [0:00]\ 100.00%\ \ 38.128\ MiB\ /\ 38.128\ MiB\ \ 501\ /\ 501\ items\ \ 0\ errors\ \ ETA\ 0:00
  4166  duration:\ 0:00
  4167  snapshot\ 45c8fdd8\ saved
  4168  \f[]
  4169  .fi
  4170  .SS Multiple repositories
  4171  .PP
  4172  Note that you can use the endpoint to host multiple repositories.
  4173  Do this by adding a directory name or path after the URL.
  4174  Note that these \f[B]must\f[] end with /.
  4175  Eg
  4176  .IP
  4177  .nf
  4178  \f[C]
  4179  $\ export\ RESTIC_REPOSITORY=rest:http://localhost:8080/user1repo/
  4180  #\ backup\ user1\ stuff
  4181  $\ export\ RESTIC_REPOSITORY=rest:http://localhost:8080/user2repo/
  4182  #\ backup\ user2\ stuff
  4183  \f[]
  4184  .fi
  4185  .SS Private repositories
  4186  .PP
  4187  The \[lq]\[en]private\-repos\[rq] flag can be used to limit users to
  4188  repositories starting with a path of \[lq]//\[rq].
  4189  .SS Server options
  4190  .PP
  4191  Use \[en]addr to specify which IP address and port the server should
  4192  listen on, eg \[en]addr or \[en]addr :8080 to listen to all
  4193  IPs.
  4194  By default it only listens on localhost.
  4195  You can use port :0 to let the OS choose an available port.
  4196  .PP
  4197  If you set \[en]addr to listen on a public or LAN accessible IP address
  4198  then using Authentication is advised \- see the next section for info.
  4199  .PP
  4200  \[en]server\-read\-timeout and \[en]server\-write\-timeout can be used
  4201  to control the timeouts on the server.
  4202  Note that this is the total time for a transfer.
  4203  .PP
  4204  \[en]max\-header\-bytes controls the maximum number of bytes the server
  4205  will accept in the HTTP header.
  4206  .SS Authentication
  4207  .PP
  4208  By default this will serve files without needing a login.
  4209  .PP
  4210  You can either use an htpasswd file which can take lots of users, or set
  4211  a single username and password with the \[en]user and \[en]pass flags.
  4212  .PP
  4213  Use \[en]htpasswd /path/to/htpasswd to provide an htpasswd file.
  4214  This is in standard apache format and supports MD5, SHA1 and BCrypt for
  4215  basic authentication.
  4216  Bcrypt is recommended.
  4217  .PP
  4218  To create an htpasswd file:
  4219  .IP
  4220  .nf
  4221  \f[C]
  4222  touch\ htpasswd
  4223  htpasswd\ \-B\ htpasswd\ user
  4224  htpasswd\ \-B\ htpasswd\ anotherUser
  4225  \f[]
  4226  .fi
  4227  .PP
  4228  The password file can be updated while rclone is running.
  4229  .PP
  4230  Use \[en]realm to set the authentication realm.
  4231  .SS SSL/TLS
  4232  .PP
  4233  By default this will serve over http.
  4234  If you want you can serve over https.
  4235  You will need to supply the \[en]cert and \[en]key flags.
  4236  If you wish to do client side certificate validation then you will need
  4237  to supply \[en]client\-ca also.
  4238  .PP
  4239  \[en]cert should be a either a PEM encoded certificate or a
  4240  concatenation of that with the CA certificate.
  4241  \[en]key should be the PEM encoded private key and \[en]client\-ca
  4242  should be the PEM encoded client certificate authority certificate.
  4243  .IP
  4244  .nf
  4245  \f[C]
  4246  rclone\ serve\ restic\ remote:path\ [flags]
  4247  \f[]
  4248  .fi
  4249  .SS Options
  4250  .IP
  4251  .nf
  4252  \f[C]
  4253  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-addr\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ IPaddress:Port\ or\ :Port\ to\ bind\ server\ to.\ (default\ "localhost:8080")
  4254  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-append\-only\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ disallow\ deletion\ of\ repository\ data
  4255  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-cert\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SSL\ PEM\ key\ (concatenation\ of\ certificate\ and\ CA\ certificate)
  4256  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-client\-ca\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Client\ certificate\ authority\ to\ verify\ clients\ with
  4257  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ restic
  4258  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-htpasswd\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ htpasswd\ file\ \-\ if\ not\ provided\ no\ authentication\ is\ done
  4259  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-key\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SSL\ PEM\ Private\ key
  4260  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-max\-header\-bytes\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Maximum\ size\ of\ request\ header\ (default\ 4096)
  4261  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-pass\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Password\ for\ authentication.
  4262  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-private\-repos\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ users\ can\ only\ access\ their\ private\ repo
  4263  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-realm\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ realm\ for\ authentication\ (default\ "rclone")
  4264  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-server\-read\-timeout\ duration\ \ \ \ Timeout\ for\ server\ reading\ data\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  4265  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-server\-write\-timeout\ duration\ \ \ Timeout\ for\ server\ writing\ data\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  4266  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-stdio\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ run\ an\ HTTP2\ server\ on\ stdin/stdout
  4267  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-user\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ User\ name\ for\ authentication.
  4268  \f[]
  4269  .fi
  4270  .SS SEE ALSO
  4271  .IP \[bu] 2
  4272  rclone serve ( \- Serve a
  4273  remote over a protocol.
  4274  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  4275  .SS rclone serve sftp
  4276  .PP
  4277  Serve the remote over SFTP.
  4278  .SS Synopsis
  4279  .PP
  4280  rclone serve sftp implements an SFTP server to serve the remote over
  4281  SFTP.
  4282  This can be used with an SFTP client or you can make a remote of type
  4283  sftp to use with it.
  4284  .PP
  4285  You can use the filter flags (eg \[en]include, \[en]exclude) to control
  4286  what is served.
  4287  .PP
  4288  The server will log errors.
  4289  Use \-v to see access logs.
  4290  .PP
  4291  \[en]bwlimit will be respected for file transfers.
  4292  Use \[en]stats to control the stats printing.
  4293  .PP
  4294  You must provide some means of authentication, either with
  4295  \[en]user/\[en]pass, an authorized keys file (specify location with
  4296  \[en]authorized\-keys \- the default is the same as ssh) or set the
  4297  \[en]no\-auth flag for no authentication when logging in.
  4298  .PP
  4299  Note that this also implements a small number of shell commands so that
  4300  it can provide md5sum/sha1sum/df information for the rclone sftp
  4301  backend.
  4302  This means that is can support SHA1SUMs, MD5SUMs and the about command
  4303  when paired with the rclone sftp backend.
  4304  .PP
  4305  If you don't supply a \[en]key then rclone will generate one and cache
  4306  it for later use.
  4307  .PP
  4308  By default the server binds to localhost:2022 \- if you want it to be
  4309  reachable externally then supply \[lq]\[en]addr :2022\[rq] for example.
  4310  .PP
  4311  Note that the default of \[lq]\[en]vfs\-cache\-mode off\[rq] is fine for
  4312  the rclone sftp backend, but it may not be with other SFTP clients.
  4313  .SS Directory Cache
  4314  .PP
  4315  Using the \f[C]\-\-dir\-cache\-time\f[] flag, you can set how long a
  4316  directory should be considered up to date and not refreshed from the
  4317  backend.
  4318  Changes made locally in the mount may appear immediately or invalidate
  4319  the cache.
  4320  However, changes done on the remote will only be picked up once the
  4321  cache expires.
  4322  .PP
  4323  Alternatively, you can send a \f[C]SIGHUP\f[] signal to rclone for it to
  4324  flush all directory caches, regardless of how old they are.
  4325  Assuming only one rclone instance is running, you can reset the cache
  4326  like this:
  4327  .IP
  4328  .nf
  4329  \f[C]
  4330  kill\ \-SIGHUP\ $(pidof\ rclone)
  4331  \f[]
  4332  .fi
  4333  .PP
  4334  If you configure rclone with a remote control (/rc) then you can use
  4335  rclone rc to flush the whole directory cache:
  4336  .IP
  4337  .nf
  4338  \f[C]
  4339  rclone\ rc\ vfs/forget
  4340  \f[]
  4341  .fi
  4342  .PP
  4343  Or individual files or directories:
  4344  .IP
  4345  .nf
  4346  \f[C]
  4347  rclone\ rc\ vfs/forget\ file=path/to/file\ dir=path/to/dir
  4348  \f[]
  4349  .fi
  4350  .SS File Buffering
  4351  .PP
  4352  The \f[C]\-\-buffer\-size\f[] flag determines the amount of memory, that
  4353  will be used to buffer data in advance.
  4354  .PP
  4355  Each open file descriptor will try to keep the specified amount of data
  4356  in memory at all times.
  4357  The buffered data is bound to one file descriptor and won't be shared
  4358  between multiple open file descriptors of the same file.
  4359  .PP
  4360  This flag is a upper limit for the used memory per file descriptor.
  4361  The buffer will only use memory for data that is downloaded but not not
  4362  yet read.
  4363  If the buffer is empty, only a small amount of memory will be used.
  4364  The maximum memory used by rclone for buffering can be up to
  4365  \f[C]\-\-buffer\-size\ *\ open\ files\f[].
  4366  .SS File Caching
  4367  .PP
  4368  These flags control the VFS file caching options.
  4369  The VFS layer is used by rclone mount to make a cloud storage system
  4370  work more like a normal file system.
  4371  .PP
  4372  You'll need to enable VFS caching if you want, for example, to read and
  4373  write simultaneously to a file.
  4374  See below for more details.
  4375  .PP
  4376  Note that the VFS cache works in addition to the cache backend and you
  4377  may find that you need one or the other or both.
  4378  .IP
  4379  .nf
  4380  \f[C]
  4381  \-\-cache\-dir\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Directory\ rclone\ will\ use\ for\ caching.
  4382  \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ age\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  4383  \-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Cache\ mode\ off|minimal|writes|full\ (default\ "off")
  4384  \-\-vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ Interval\ to\ poll\ the\ cache\ for\ stale\ objects.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  4385  \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-size\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ total\ size\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ off)
  4386  \f[]
  4387  .fi
  4388  .PP
  4389  If run with \f[C]\-vv\f[] rclone will print the location of the file
  4390  cache.
  4391  The files are stored in the user cache file area which is OS dependent
  4392  but can be controlled with \f[C]\-\-cache\-dir\f[] or setting the
  4393  appropriate environment variable.
  4394  .PP
  4395  The cache has 4 different modes selected by
  4396  \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\f[].
  4397  The higher the cache mode the more compatible rclone becomes at the cost
  4398  of using disk space.
  4399  .PP
  4400  Note that files are written back to the remote only when they are closed
  4401  so if rclone is quit or dies with open files then these won't get
  4402  written back to the remote.
  4403  However they will still be in the on disk cache.
  4404  .PP
  4405  If using \[en]vfs\-cache\-max\-size note that the cache may exceed this
  4406  size for two reasons.
  4407  Firstly because it is only checked every
  4408  \[en]vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval.
  4409  Secondly because open files cannot be evicted from the cache.
  4410  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode off
  4411  .PP
  4412  In this mode the cache will read directly from the remote and write
  4413  directly to the remote without caching anything on disk.
  4414  .PP
  4415  This will mean some operations are not possible
  4416  .IP \[bu] 2
  4417  Files can't be opened for both read AND write
  4418  .IP \[bu] 2
  4419  Files opened for write can't be seeked
  4420  .IP \[bu] 2
  4421  Existing files opened for write must have O_TRUNC set
  4422  .IP \[bu] 2
  4423  Files open for read with O_TRUNC will be opened write only
  4424  .IP \[bu] 2
  4425  Files open for write only will behave as if O_TRUNC was supplied
  4426  .IP \[bu] 2
  4427  Open modes O_APPEND, O_TRUNC are ignored
  4428  .IP \[bu] 2
  4429  If an upload fails it can't be retried
  4430  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode minimal
  4431  .PP
  4432  This is very similar to \[lq]off\[rq] except that files opened for read
  4433  AND write will be buffered to disks.
  4434  This means that files opened for write will be a lot more compatible,
  4435  but uses the minimal disk space.
  4436  .PP
  4437  These operations are not possible
  4438  .IP \[bu] 2
  4439  Files opened for write only can't be seeked
  4440  .IP \[bu] 2
  4441  Existing files opened for write must have O_TRUNC set
  4442  .IP \[bu] 2
  4443  Files opened for write only will ignore O_APPEND, O_TRUNC
  4444  .IP \[bu] 2
  4445  If an upload fails it can't be retried
  4446  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode writes
  4447  .PP
  4448  In this mode files opened for read only are still read directly from the
  4449  remote, write only and read/write files are buffered to disk first.
  4450  .PP
  4451  This mode should support all normal file system operations.
  4452  .PP
  4453  If an upload fails it will be retried up to \[en]low\-level\-retries
  4454  times.
  4455  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode full
  4456  .PP
  4457  In this mode all reads and writes are buffered to and from disk.
  4458  When a file is opened for read it will be downloaded in its entirety
  4459  first.
  4460  .PP
  4461  This may be appropriate for your needs, or you may prefer to look at the
  4462  cache backend which does a much more sophisticated job of caching,
  4463  including caching directory hierarchies and chunks of files.
  4464  .PP
  4465  In this mode, unlike the others, when a file is written to the disk, it
  4466  will be kept on the disk after it is written to the remote.
  4467  It will be purged on a schedule according to
  4468  \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\f[].
  4469  .PP
  4470  This mode should support all normal file system operations.
  4471  .PP
  4472  If an upload or download fails it will be retried up to
  4473  \[en]low\-level\-retries times.
  4474  .IP
  4475  .nf
  4476  \f[C]
  4477  rclone\ serve\ sftp\ remote:path\ [flags]
  4478  \f[]
  4479  .fi
  4480  .SS Options
  4481  .IP
  4482  .nf
  4483  \f[C]
  4484  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-addr\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ IPaddress:Port\ or\ :Port\ to\ bind\ server\ to.\ (default\ "localhost:2022")
  4485  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-authorized\-keys\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Authorized\ keys\ file\ (default\ "~/.ssh/authorized_keys")
  4486  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dir\-cache\-time\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Time\ to\ cache\ directory\ entries\ for.\ (default\ 5m0s)
  4487  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dir\-perms\ FileMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Directory\ permissions\ (default\ 0777)
  4488  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-file\-perms\ FileMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ File\ permissions\ (default\ 0666)
  4489  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-gid\ uint32\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ gid\ field\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 1000)
  4490  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ sftp
  4491  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-key\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SSH\ private\ key\ file\ (leave\ blank\ to\ auto\ generate)
  4492  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-auth\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Allow\ connections\ with\ no\ authentication\ if\ set.
  4493  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-checksum\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ compare\ checksums\ on\ up/download.
  4494  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-modtime\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ read/write\ the\ modification\ time\ (can\ speed\ things\ up).
  4495  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-seek\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ allow\ seeking\ in\ files.
  4496  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-pass\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Password\ for\ authentication.
  4497  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Time\ to\ wait\ between\ polling\ for\ changes.\ Must\ be\ smaller\ than\ dir\-cache\-time.\ Only\ on\ supported\ remotes.\ Set\ to\ 0\ to\ disable.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  4498  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-read\-only\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Mount\ read\-only.
  4499  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-uid\ uint32\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ uid\ field\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 1000)
  4500  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-umask\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ permission\ bits\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 2)
  4501  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-user\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ User\ name\ for\ authentication.
  4502  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ age\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  4503  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-size\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ total\ size\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ off)
  4504  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\ CacheMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Cache\ mode\ off|minimal|writes|full\ (default\ off)
  4505  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ Interval\ to\ poll\ the\ cache\ for\ stale\ objects.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  4506  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Read\ the\ source\ objects\ in\ chunks.\ (default\ 128M)
  4507  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\-limit\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ If\ greater\ than\ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size,\ double\ the\ chunk\ size\ after\ each\ chunk\ read,\ until\ the\ limit\ is\ reached.\ \[aq]off\[aq]\ is\ unlimited.\ (default\ off)
  4508  \f[]
  4509  .fi
  4510  .SS SEE ALSO
  4511  .IP \[bu] 2
  4512  rclone serve ( \- Serve a
  4513  remote over a protocol.
  4514  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  4515  .SS rclone serve webdav
  4516  .PP
  4517  Serve remote:path over webdav.
  4518  .SS Synopsis
  4519  .PP
  4520  rclone serve webdav implements a basic webdav server to serve the remote
  4521  over HTTP via the webdav protocol.
  4522  This can be viewed with a webdav client, through a web browser, or you
  4523  can make a remote of type webdav to read and write it.
  4524  .SS Webdav options
  4525  .SS \[en]etag\-hash
  4526  .PP
  4527  This controls the ETag header.
  4528  Without this flag the ETag will be based on the ModTime and Size of the
  4529  object.
  4530  .PP
  4531  If this flag is set to \[lq]auto\[rq] then rclone will choose the first
  4532  supported hash on the backend or you can use a named hash such as
  4533  \[lq]MD5\[rq] or \[lq]SHA\-1\[rq].
  4534  .PP
  4535  Use \[lq]rclone hashsum\[rq] to see the full list.
  4536  .SS Server options
  4537  .PP
  4538  Use \[en]addr to specify which IP address and port the server should
  4539  listen on, eg \[en]addr or \[en]addr :8080 to listen to all
  4540  IPs.
  4541  By default it only listens on localhost.
  4542  You can use port :0 to let the OS choose an available port.
  4543  .PP
  4544  If you set \[en]addr to listen on a public or LAN accessible IP address
  4545  then using Authentication is advised \- see the next section for info.
  4546  .PP
  4547  \[en]server\-read\-timeout and \[en]server\-write\-timeout can be used
  4548  to control the timeouts on the server.
  4549  Note that this is the total time for a transfer.
  4550  .PP
  4551  \[en]max\-header\-bytes controls the maximum number of bytes the server
  4552  will accept in the HTTP header.
  4553  .SS Authentication
  4554  .PP
  4555  By default this will serve files without needing a login.
  4556  .PP
  4557  You can either use an htpasswd file which can take lots of users, or set
  4558  a single username and password with the \[en]user and \[en]pass flags.
  4559  .PP
  4560  Use \[en]htpasswd /path/to/htpasswd to provide an htpasswd file.
  4561  This is in standard apache format and supports MD5, SHA1 and BCrypt for
  4562  basic authentication.
  4563  Bcrypt is recommended.
  4564  .PP
  4565  To create an htpasswd file:
  4566  .IP
  4567  .nf
  4568  \f[C]
  4569  touch\ htpasswd
  4570  htpasswd\ \-B\ htpasswd\ user
  4571  htpasswd\ \-B\ htpasswd\ anotherUser
  4572  \f[]
  4573  .fi
  4574  .PP
  4575  The password file can be updated while rclone is running.
  4576  .PP
  4577  Use \[en]realm to set the authentication realm.
  4578  .SS SSL/TLS
  4579  .PP
  4580  By default this will serve over http.
  4581  If you want you can serve over https.
  4582  You will need to supply the \[en]cert and \[en]key flags.
  4583  If you wish to do client side certificate validation then you will need
  4584  to supply \[en]client\-ca also.
  4585  .PP
  4586  \[en]cert should be a either a PEM encoded certificate or a
  4587  concatenation of that with the CA certificate.
  4588  \[en]key should be the PEM encoded private key and \[en]client\-ca
  4589  should be the PEM encoded client certificate authority certificate.
  4590  .SS Directory Cache
  4591  .PP
  4592  Using the \f[C]\-\-dir\-cache\-time\f[] flag, you can set how long a
  4593  directory should be considered up to date and not refreshed from the
  4594  backend.
  4595  Changes made locally in the mount may appear immediately or invalidate
  4596  the cache.
  4597  However, changes done on the remote will only be picked up once the
  4598  cache expires.
  4599  .PP
  4600  Alternatively, you can send a \f[C]SIGHUP\f[] signal to rclone for it to
  4601  flush all directory caches, regardless of how old they are.
  4602  Assuming only one rclone instance is running, you can reset the cache
  4603  like this:
  4604  .IP
  4605  .nf
  4606  \f[C]
  4607  kill\ \-SIGHUP\ $(pidof\ rclone)
  4608  \f[]
  4609  .fi
  4610  .PP
  4611  If you configure rclone with a remote control (/rc) then you can use
  4612  rclone rc to flush the whole directory cache:
  4613  .IP
  4614  .nf
  4615  \f[C]
  4616  rclone\ rc\ vfs/forget
  4617  \f[]
  4618  .fi
  4619  .PP
  4620  Or individual files or directories:
  4621  .IP
  4622  .nf
  4623  \f[C]
  4624  rclone\ rc\ vfs/forget\ file=path/to/file\ dir=path/to/dir
  4625  \f[]
  4626  .fi
  4627  .SS File Buffering
  4628  .PP
  4629  The \f[C]\-\-buffer\-size\f[] flag determines the amount of memory, that
  4630  will be used to buffer data in advance.
  4631  .PP
  4632  Each open file descriptor will try to keep the specified amount of data
  4633  in memory at all times.
  4634  The buffered data is bound to one file descriptor and won't be shared
  4635  between multiple open file descriptors of the same file.
  4636  .PP
  4637  This flag is a upper limit for the used memory per file descriptor.
  4638  The buffer will only use memory for data that is downloaded but not not
  4639  yet read.
  4640  If the buffer is empty, only a small amount of memory will be used.
  4641  The maximum memory used by rclone for buffering can be up to
  4642  \f[C]\-\-buffer\-size\ *\ open\ files\f[].
  4643  .SS File Caching
  4644  .PP
  4645  These flags control the VFS file caching options.
  4646  The VFS layer is used by rclone mount to make a cloud storage system
  4647  work more like a normal file system.
  4648  .PP
  4649  You'll need to enable VFS caching if you want, for example, to read and
  4650  write simultaneously to a file.
  4651  See below for more details.
  4652  .PP
  4653  Note that the VFS cache works in addition to the cache backend and you
  4654  may find that you need one or the other or both.
  4655  .IP
  4656  .nf
  4657  \f[C]
  4658  \-\-cache\-dir\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Directory\ rclone\ will\ use\ for\ caching.
  4659  \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ age\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  4660  \-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Cache\ mode\ off|minimal|writes|full\ (default\ "off")
  4661  \-\-vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ Interval\ to\ poll\ the\ cache\ for\ stale\ objects.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  4662  \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-size\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ total\ size\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ off)
  4663  \f[]
  4664  .fi
  4665  .PP
  4666  If run with \f[C]\-vv\f[] rclone will print the location of the file
  4667  cache.
  4668  The files are stored in the user cache file area which is OS dependent
  4669  but can be controlled with \f[C]\-\-cache\-dir\f[] or setting the
  4670  appropriate environment variable.
  4671  .PP
  4672  The cache has 4 different modes selected by
  4673  \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\f[].
  4674  The higher the cache mode the more compatible rclone becomes at the cost
  4675  of using disk space.
  4676  .PP
  4677  Note that files are written back to the remote only when they are closed
  4678  so if rclone is quit or dies with open files then these won't get
  4679  written back to the remote.
  4680  However they will still be in the on disk cache.
  4681  .PP
  4682  If using \[en]vfs\-cache\-max\-size note that the cache may exceed this
  4683  size for two reasons.
  4684  Firstly because it is only checked every
  4685  \[en]vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval.
  4686  Secondly because open files cannot be evicted from the cache.
  4687  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode off
  4688  .PP
  4689  In this mode the cache will read directly from the remote and write
  4690  directly to the remote without caching anything on disk.
  4691  .PP
  4692  This will mean some operations are not possible
  4693  .IP \[bu] 2
  4694  Files can't be opened for both read AND write
  4695  .IP \[bu] 2
  4696  Files opened for write can't be seeked
  4697  .IP \[bu] 2
  4698  Existing files opened for write must have O_TRUNC set
  4699  .IP \[bu] 2
  4700  Files open for read with O_TRUNC will be opened write only
  4701  .IP \[bu] 2
  4702  Files open for write only will behave as if O_TRUNC was supplied
  4703  .IP \[bu] 2
  4704  Open modes O_APPEND, O_TRUNC are ignored
  4705  .IP \[bu] 2
  4706  If an upload fails it can't be retried
  4707  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode minimal
  4708  .PP
  4709  This is very similar to \[lq]off\[rq] except that files opened for read
  4710  AND write will be buffered to disks.
  4711  This means that files opened for write will be a lot more compatible,
  4712  but uses the minimal disk space.
  4713  .PP
  4714  These operations are not possible
  4715  .IP \[bu] 2
  4716  Files opened for write only can't be seeked
  4717  .IP \[bu] 2
  4718  Existing files opened for write must have O_TRUNC set
  4719  .IP \[bu] 2
  4720  Files opened for write only will ignore O_APPEND, O_TRUNC
  4721  .IP \[bu] 2
  4722  If an upload fails it can't be retried
  4723  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode writes
  4724  .PP
  4725  In this mode files opened for read only are still read directly from the
  4726  remote, write only and read/write files are buffered to disk first.
  4727  .PP
  4728  This mode should support all normal file system operations.
  4729  .PP
  4730  If an upload fails it will be retried up to \[en]low\-level\-retries
  4731  times.
  4732  .SS \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode full
  4733  .PP
  4734  In this mode all reads and writes are buffered to and from disk.
  4735  When a file is opened for read it will be downloaded in its entirety
  4736  first.
  4737  .PP
  4738  This may be appropriate for your needs, or you may prefer to look at the
  4739  cache backend which does a much more sophisticated job of caching,
  4740  including caching directory hierarchies and chunks of files.
  4741  .PP
  4742  In this mode, unlike the others, when a file is written to the disk, it
  4743  will be kept on the disk after it is written to the remote.
  4744  It will be purged on a schedule according to
  4745  \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\f[].
  4746  .PP
  4747  This mode should support all normal file system operations.
  4748  .PP
  4749  If an upload or download fails it will be retried up to
  4750  \[en]low\-level\-retries times.
  4751  .IP
  4752  .nf
  4753  \f[C]
  4754  rclone\ serve\ webdav\ remote:path\ [flags]
  4755  \f[]
  4756  .fi
  4757  .SS Options
  4758  .IP
  4759  .nf
  4760  \f[C]
  4761  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-addr\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ IPaddress:Port\ or\ :Port\ to\ bind\ server\ to.\ (default\ "localhost:8080")
  4762  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-cert\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SSL\ PEM\ key\ (concatenation\ of\ certificate\ and\ CA\ certificate)
  4763  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-client\-ca\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Client\ certificate\ authority\ to\ verify\ clients\ with
  4764  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dir\-cache\-time\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Time\ to\ cache\ directory\ entries\ for.\ (default\ 5m0s)
  4765  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dir\-perms\ FileMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Directory\ permissions\ (default\ 0777)
  4766  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-disable\-dir\-list\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Disable\ HTML\ directory\ list\ on\ GET\ request\ for\ a\ directory
  4767  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-etag\-hash\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Which\ hash\ to\ use\ for\ the\ ETag,\ or\ auto\ or\ blank\ for\ off
  4768  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-file\-perms\ FileMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ File\ permissions\ (default\ 0666)
  4769  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-gid\ uint32\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ gid\ field\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 1000)
  4770  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ webdav
  4771  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-htpasswd\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ htpasswd\ file\ \-\ if\ not\ provided\ no\ authentication\ is\ done
  4772  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-key\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SSL\ PEM\ Private\ key
  4773  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-max\-header\-bytes\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Maximum\ size\ of\ request\ header\ (default\ 4096)
  4774  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-checksum\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ compare\ checksums\ on\ up/download.
  4775  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-modtime\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ read/write\ the\ modification\ time\ (can\ speed\ things\ up).
  4776  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-seek\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ allow\ seeking\ in\ files.
  4777  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-pass\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Password\ for\ authentication.
  4778  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Time\ to\ wait\ between\ polling\ for\ changes.\ Must\ be\ smaller\ than\ dir\-cache\-time.\ Only\ on\ supported\ remotes.\ Set\ to\ 0\ to\ disable.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  4779  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-read\-only\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Mount\ read\-only.
  4780  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-realm\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ realm\ for\ authentication\ (default\ "rclone")
  4781  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-server\-read\-timeout\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Timeout\ for\ server\ reading\ data\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  4782  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-server\-write\-timeout\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Timeout\ for\ server\ writing\ data\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  4783  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-uid\ uint32\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ uid\ field\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 1000)
  4784  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-umask\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Override\ the\ permission\ bits\ set\ by\ the\ filesystem.\ (default\ 2)
  4785  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-user\ string\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ User\ name\ for\ authentication.
  4786  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-age\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ age\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ 1h0m0s)
  4787  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-size\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Max\ total\ size\ of\ objects\ in\ the\ cache.\ (default\ off)
  4788  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\ CacheMode\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Cache\ mode\ off|minimal|writes|full\ (default\ off)
  4789  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval\ duration\ \ \ \ \ \ \ Interval\ to\ poll\ the\ cache\ for\ stale\ objects.\ (default\ 1m0s)
  4790  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Read\ the\ source\ objects\ in\ chunks.\ (default\ 128M)
  4791  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\-limit\ SizeSuffix\ \ \ If\ greater\ than\ \-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size,\ double\ the\ chunk\ size\ after\ each\ chunk\ read,\ until\ the\ limit\ is\ reached.\ \[aq]off\[aq]\ is\ unlimited.\ (default\ off)
  4792  \f[]
  4793  .fi
  4794  .SS SEE ALSO
  4795  .IP \[bu] 2
  4796  rclone serve ( \- Serve a
  4797  remote over a protocol.
  4798  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  4799  .SS rclone settier
  4800  .PP
  4801  Changes storage class/tier of objects in remote.
  4802  .SS Synopsis
  4803  .PP
  4804  rclone settier changes storage tier or class at remote if supported.
  4805  Few cloud storage services provides different storage classes on
  4806  objects, for example AWS S3 and Glacier, Azure Blob storage \- Hot, Cool
  4807  and Archive, Google Cloud Storage, Regional Storage, Nearline, Coldline
  4808  etc.
  4809  .PP
  4810  Note that, certain tier changes make objects not available to access
  4811  immediately.
  4812  For example tiering to archive in azure blob storage makes objects in
  4813  frozen state, user can restore by setting tier to Hot/Cool, similarly S3
  4814  to Glacier makes object inaccessible.true
  4815  .PP
  4816  You can use it to tier single object
  4817  .IP
  4818  .nf
  4819  \f[C]
  4820  rclone\ settier\ Cool\ remote:path/file
  4821  \f[]
  4822  .fi
  4823  .PP
  4824  Or use rclone filters to set tier on only specific files
  4825  .IP
  4826  .nf
  4827  \f[C]
  4828  rclone\ \-\-include\ "*.txt"\ settier\ Hot\ remote:path/dir
  4829  \f[]
  4830  .fi
  4831  .PP
  4832  Or just provide remote directory and all files in directory will be
  4833  tiered
  4834  .IP
  4835  .nf
  4836  \f[C]
  4837  rclone\ settier\ tier\ remote:path/dir
  4838  \f[]
  4839  .fi
  4840  .IP
  4841  .nf
  4842  \f[C]
  4843  rclone\ settier\ tier\ remote:path\ [flags]
  4844  \f[]
  4845  .fi
  4846  .SS Options
  4847  .IP
  4848  .nf
  4849  \f[C]
  4850  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ settier
  4851  \f[]
  4852  .fi
  4853  .SS SEE ALSO
  4854  .IP \[bu] 2
  4855  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  4856  commands, flags and backends.
  4857  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  4858  .SS rclone touch
  4859  .PP
  4860  Create new file or change file modification time.
  4861  .SS Synopsis
  4862  .PP
  4863  Create new file or change file modification time.
  4864  .IP
  4865  .nf
  4866  \f[C]
  4867  rclone\ touch\ remote:path\ [flags]
  4868  \f[]
  4869  .fi
  4870  .SS Options
  4871  .IP
  4872  .nf
  4873  \f[C]
  4874  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ touch
  4875  \ \ \-C,\ \-\-no\-create\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Do\ not\ create\ the\ file\ if\ it\ does\ not\ exist.
  4876  \ \ \-t,\ \-\-timestamp\ string\ \ \ Change\ the\ modification\ times\ to\ the\ specified\ time\ instead\ of\ the\ current\ time\ of\ day.\ The\ argument\ is\ of\ the\ form\ \[aq]YYMMDD\[aq]\ (ex.\ 17.10.30)\ or\ \[aq]YYYY\-MM\-DDTHH:MM:SS\[aq]\ (ex.\ 2006\-01\-02T15:04:05)
  4877  \f[]
  4878  .fi
  4879  .SS SEE ALSO
  4880  .IP \[bu] 2
  4881  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  4882  commands, flags and backends.
  4883  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  4884  .SS rclone tree
  4885  .PP
  4886  List the contents of the remote in a tree like fashion.
  4887  .SS Synopsis
  4888  .PP
  4889  rclone tree lists the contents of a remote in a similar way to the unix
  4890  tree command.
  4891  .PP
  4892  For example
  4893  .IP
  4894  .nf
  4895  \f[C]
  4896  $\ rclone\ tree\ remote:path
  4897  /
  4898  ├──\ file1
  4899  ├──\ file2
  4900  ├──\ file3
  4901  └──\ subdir
  4902  \ \ \ \ ├──\ file4
  4903  \ \ \ \ └──\ file5
  4905  1\ directories,\ 5\ files
  4906  \f[]
  4907  .fi
  4908  .PP
  4909  You can use any of the filtering options with the tree command (eg
  4910  \[en]include and \[en]exclude).
  4911  You can also use \[en]fast\-list.
  4912  .PP
  4913  The tree command has many options for controlling the listing which are
  4914  compatible with the tree command.
  4915  Note that not all of them have short options as they conflict with
  4916  rclone's short options.
  4917  .IP
  4918  .nf
  4919  \f[C]
  4920  rclone\ tree\ remote:path\ [flags]
  4921  \f[]
  4922  .fi
  4923  .SS Options
  4924  .IP
  4925  .nf
  4926  \f[C]
  4927  \ \ \-a,\ \-\-all\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ All\ files\ are\ listed\ (list\ .\ files\ too).
  4928  \ \ \-C,\ \-\-color\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Turn\ colorization\ on\ always.
  4929  \ \ \-d,\ \-\-dirs\-only\ \ \ \ \ \ \ List\ directories\ only.
  4930  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-dirsfirst\ \ \ \ \ \ \ List\ directories\ before\ files\ (\-U\ disables).
  4931  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-full\-path\ \ \ \ \ \ \ Print\ the\ full\ path\ prefix\ for\ each\ file.
  4932  \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ tree
  4933  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-human\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Print\ the\ size\ in\ a\ more\ human\ readable\ way.
  4934  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-level\ int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ Descend\ only\ level\ directories\ deep.
  4935  \ \ \-D,\ \-\-modtime\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Print\ the\ date\ of\ last\ modification.
  4936  \ \ \-i,\ \-\-noindent\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Don\[aq]t\ print\ indentation\ lines.
  4937  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-noreport\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Turn\ off\ file/directory\ count\ at\ end\ of\ tree\ listing.
  4938  \ \ \-o,\ \-\-output\ string\ \ \ Output\ to\ file\ instead\ of\ stdout.
  4939  \ \ \-p,\ \-\-protections\ \ \ \ \ Print\ the\ protections\ for\ each\ file.
  4940  \ \ \-Q,\ \-\-quote\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Quote\ filenames\ with\ double\ quotes.
  4941  \ \ \-s,\ \-\-size\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Print\ the\ size\ in\ bytes\ of\ each\ file.
  4942  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-sort\ string\ \ \ \ \ Select\ sort:\ name,version,size,mtime,ctime.
  4943  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-sort\-ctime\ \ \ \ \ \ Sort\ files\ by\ last\ status\ change\ time.
  4944  \ \ \-t,\ \-\-sort\-modtime\ \ \ \ Sort\ files\ by\ last\ modification\ time.
  4945  \ \ \-r,\ \-\-sort\-reverse\ \ \ \ Reverse\ the\ order\ of\ the\ sort.
  4946  \ \ \-U,\ \-\-unsorted\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Leave\ files\ unsorted.
  4947  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-version\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Sort\ files\ alphanumerically\ by\ version.
  4948  \f[]
  4949  .fi
  4950  .SS SEE ALSO
  4951  .IP \[bu] 2
  4952  rclone ( \- Show help for rclone
  4953  commands, flags and backends.
  4954  .SS Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15\-Jun\-2019
  4955  .SS Copying single files
  4956  .PP
  4957  rclone normally syncs or copies directories.
  4958  However, if the source remote points to a file, rclone will just copy
  4959  that file.
  4960  The destination remote must point to a directory \- rclone will give the
  4961  error
  4962  \f[C]Failed\ to\ create\ file\ system\ for\ "remote:file":\ is\ a\ file\ not\ a\ directory\f[]
  4963  if it isn't.
  4964  .PP
  4965  For example, suppose you have a remote with a file in called
  4966  \f[C]test.jpg\f[], then you could copy just that file like this
  4967  .IP
  4968  .nf
  4969  \f[C]
  4970  rclone\ copy\ remote:test.jpg\ /tmp/download
  4971  \f[]
  4972  .fi
  4973  .PP
  4974  The file \f[C]test.jpg\f[] will be placed inside \f[C]/tmp/download\f[].
  4975  .PP
  4976  This is equivalent to specifying
  4977  .IP
  4978  .nf
  4979  \f[C]
  4980  rclone\ copy\ \-\-files\-from\ /tmp/files\ remote:\ /tmp/download
  4981  \f[]
  4982  .fi
  4983  .PP
  4984  Where \f[C]/tmp/files\f[] contains the single line
  4985  .IP
  4986  .nf
  4987  \f[C]
  4988  test.jpg
  4989  \f[]
  4990  .fi
  4991  .PP
  4992  It is recommended to use \f[C]copy\f[] when copying individual files,
  4993  not \f[C]sync\f[].
  4994  They have pretty much the same effect but \f[C]copy\f[] will use a lot
  4995  less memory.
  4996  .SS Syntax of remote paths
  4997  .PP
  4998  The syntax of the paths passed to the rclone command are as follows.
  4999  .SS /path/to/dir
  5000  .PP
  5001  This refers to the local file system.
  5002  .PP
  5003  On Windows only \f[C]\\\f[] may be used instead of \f[C]/\f[] in local
  5004  paths \f[B]only\f[], non local paths must use \f[C]/\f[].
  5005  .PP
  5006  These paths needn't start with a leading \f[C]/\f[] \- if they don't
  5007  then they will be relative to the current directory.
  5008  .SS remote:path/to/dir
  5009  .PP
  5010  This refers to a directory \f[C]path/to/dir\f[] on \f[C]remote:\f[] as
  5011  defined in the config file (configured with \f[C]rclone\ config\f[]).
  5012  .SS remote:/path/to/dir
  5013  .PP
  5014  On most backends this is refers to the same directory as
  5015  \f[C]remote:path/to/dir\f[] and that format should be preferred.
  5016  On a very small number of remotes (FTP, SFTP, Dropbox for business) this
  5017  will refer to a different directory.
  5018  On these, paths without a leading \f[C]/\f[] will refer to your
  5019  \[lq]home\[rq] directory and paths with a leading \f[C]/\f[] will refer
  5020  to the root.
  5021  .SS :backend:path/to/dir
  5022  .PP
  5023  This is an advanced form for creating remotes on the fly.
  5024  \f[C]backend\f[] should be the name or prefix of a backend (the
  5025  \f[C]type\f[] in the config file) and all the configuration for the
  5026  backend should be provided on the command line (or in environment
  5027  variables).
  5028  .PP
  5029  Here are some examples:
  5030  .IP
  5031  .nf
  5032  \f[C]
  5033  rclone\ lsd\ \-\-http\-url\\ :http:
  5034  \f[]
  5035  .fi
  5036  .PP
  5037  To list all the directories in the root of
  5038  \f[C]\f[].
  5039  .IP
  5040  .nf
  5041  \f[C]
  5042  rclone\ lsf\ \-\-http\-url\\ :http:path/to/dir
  5043  \f[]
  5044  .fi
  5045  .PP
  5046  To list files and directories in
  5047  \f[C]\f[]
  5048  .IP
  5049  .nf
  5050  \f[C]
  5051  rclone\ copy\ \-\-http\-url\\ :http:path/to/dir\ /tmp/dir
  5052  \f[]
  5053  .fi
  5054  .PP
  5055  To copy files and directories in
  5056  \f[C]\f[] to \f[C]/tmp/dir\f[].
  5057  .IP
  5058  .nf
  5059  \f[C]
  5060  rclone\ copy\ \-\-sftp\-host\\ :sftp:path/to/dir\ /tmp/dir
  5061  \f[]
  5062  .fi
  5063  .PP
  5064  To copy files and directories from \f[C]\f[] in the relative
  5065  directory \f[C]path/to/dir\f[] to \f[C]/tmp/dir\f[] using sftp.
  5066  .SS Quoting and the shell
  5067  .PP
  5068  When you are typing commands to your computer you are using something
  5069  called the command line shell.
  5070  This interprets various characters in an OS specific way.
  5071  .PP
  5072  Here are some gotchas which may help users unfamiliar with the shell
  5073  rules
  5074  .SS Linux / OSX
  5075  .PP
  5076  If your names have spaces or shell metacharacters (eg \f[C]*\f[],
  5077  \f[C]?\f[], \f[C]$\f[], \f[C]\[aq]\f[], \f[C]"\f[] etc) then you must
  5078  quote them.
  5079  Use single quotes \f[C]\[aq]\f[] by default.
  5080  .IP
  5081  .nf
  5082  \f[C]
  5083  rclone\ copy\ \[aq]Important\ files?\[aq]\ remote:backup
  5084  \f[]
  5085  .fi
  5086  .PP
  5087  If you want to send a \f[C]\[aq]\f[] you will need to use \f[C]"\f[], eg
  5088  .IP
  5089  .nf
  5090  \f[C]
  5091  rclone\ copy\ "O\[aq]Reilly\ Reviews"\ remote:backup
  5092  \f[]
  5093  .fi
  5094  .PP
  5095  The rules for quoting metacharacters are complicated and if you want the
  5096  full details you'll have to consult the manual page for your shell.
  5097  .SS Windows
  5098  .PP
  5099  If your names have spaces in you need to put them in \f[C]"\f[], eg
  5100  .IP
  5101  .nf
  5102  \f[C]
  5103  rclone\ copy\ "E:\\folder\ name\\folder\ name\\folder\ name"\ remote:backup
  5104  \f[]
  5105  .fi
  5106  .PP
  5107  If you are using the root directory on its own then don't quote it (see
  5108  #464 ( for why), eg
  5109  .IP
  5110  .nf
  5111  \f[C]
  5112  rclone\ copy\ E:\\\ remote:backup
  5113  \f[]
  5114  .fi
  5115  .SS Copying files or directories with \f[C]:\f[] in the names
  5116  .PP
  5117  rclone uses \f[C]:\f[] to mark a remote name.
  5118  This is, however, a valid filename component in non\-Windows OSes.
  5119  The remote name parser will only search for a \f[C]:\f[] up to the first
  5120  \f[C]/\f[] so if you need to act on a file or directory like this then
  5121  use the full path starting with a \f[C]/\f[], or use \f[C]\&./\f[] as a
  5122  current directory prefix.
  5123  .PP
  5124  So to sync a directory called \f[C]sync:me\f[] to a remote called
  5125  \f[C]remote:\f[] use
  5126  .IP
  5127  .nf
  5128  \f[C]
  5129  rclone\ sync\ ./sync:me\ remote:path
  5130  \f[]
  5131  .fi
  5132  .PP
  5133  or
  5134  .IP
  5135  .nf
  5136  \f[C]
  5137  rclone\ sync\ /full/path/to/sync:me\ remote:path
  5138  \f[]
  5139  .fi
  5140  .SS Server Side Copy
  5141  .PP
  5142  Most remotes (but not all \- see the
  5143  overview (/overview/#optional-features)) support server side copy.
  5144  .PP
  5145  This means if you want to copy one folder to another then rclone won't
  5146  download all the files and re\-upload them; it will instruct the server
  5147  to copy them in place.
  5148  .PP
  5149  Eg
  5150  .IP
  5151  .nf
  5152  \f[C]
  5153  rclone\ copy\ s3:oldbucket\ s3:newbucket
  5154  \f[]
  5155  .fi
  5156  .PP
  5157  Will copy the contents of \f[C]oldbucket\f[] to \f[C]newbucket\f[]
  5158  without downloading and re\-uploading.
  5159  .PP
  5160  Remotes which don't support server side copy \f[B]will\f[] download and
  5161  re\-upload in this case.
  5162  .PP
  5163  Server side copies are used with \f[C]sync\f[] and \f[C]copy\f[] and
  5164  will be identified in the log when using the \f[C]\-v\f[] flag.
  5165  The \f[C]move\f[] command may also use them if remote doesn't support
  5166  server side move directly.
  5167  This is done by issuing a server side copy then a delete which is much
  5168  quicker than a download and re\-upload.
  5169  .PP
  5170  Server side copies will only be attempted if the remote names are the
  5171  same.
  5172  .PP
  5173  This can be used when scripting to make aged backups efficiently, eg
  5174  .IP
  5175  .nf
  5176  \f[C]
  5177  rclone\ sync\ remote:current\-backup\ remote:previous\-backup
  5178  rclone\ sync\ /path/to/files\ remote:current\-backup
  5179  \f[]
  5180  .fi
  5181  .SS Options
  5182  .PP
  5183  Rclone has a number of options to control its behaviour.
  5184  .PP
  5185  Options that take parameters can have the values passed in two ways,
  5186  \f[C]\-\-option=value\f[] or \f[C]\-\-option\ value\f[].
  5187  However boolean (true/false) options behave slightly differently to the
  5188  other options in that \f[C]\-\-boolean\f[] sets the option to
  5189  \f[C]true\f[] and the absence of the flag sets it to \f[C]false\f[].
  5190  It is also possible to specify \f[C]\-\-boolean=false\f[] or
  5191  \f[C]\-\-boolean=true\f[].
  5192  Note that \f[C]\-\-boolean\ false\f[] is not valid \- this is parsed as
  5193  \f[C]\-\-boolean\f[] and the \f[C]false\f[] is parsed as an extra
  5194  command line argument for rclone.
  5195  .PP
  5196  Options which use TIME use the go time parser.
  5197  A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each
  5198  with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as \[lq]300ms\[rq],
  5199  \[lq]\-1.5h\[rq] or \[lq]2h45m\[rq].
  5200  Valid time units are \[lq]ns\[rq], \[lq]us\[rq] (or \[lq]µs\[rq]),
  5201  \[lq]ms\[rq], \[lq]s\[rq], \[lq]m\[rq], \[lq]h\[rq].
  5202  .PP
  5203  Options which use SIZE use kByte by default.
  5204  However, a suffix of \f[C]b\f[] for bytes, \f[C]k\f[] for kBytes,
  5205  \f[C]M\f[] for MBytes, \f[C]G\f[] for GBytes, \f[C]T\f[] for TBytes and
  5206  \f[C]P\f[] for PBytes may be used.
  5207  These are the binary units, eg 1, 2**10, 2**20, 2**30 respectively.
  5208  .SS \[en]backup\-dir=DIR
  5209  .PP
  5210  When using \f[C]sync\f[], \f[C]copy\f[] or \f[C]move\f[] any files which
  5211  would have been overwritten or deleted are moved in their original
  5212  hierarchy into this directory.
  5213  .PP
  5214  If \f[C]\-\-suffix\f[] is set, then the moved files will have the suffix
  5215  added to them.
  5216  If there is a file with the same path (after the suffix has been added)
  5217  in DIR, then it will be overwritten.
  5218  .PP
  5219  The remote in use must support server side move or copy and you must use
  5220  the same remote as the destination of the sync.
  5221  The backup directory must not overlap the destination directory.
  5222  .PP
  5223  For example
  5224  .IP
  5225  .nf
  5226  \f[C]
  5227  rclone\ sync\ /path/to/local\ remote:current\ \-\-backup\-dir\ remote:old
  5228  \f[]
  5229  .fi
  5230  .PP
  5231  will sync \f[C]/path/to/local\f[] to \f[C]remote:current\f[], but for
  5232  any files which would have been updated or deleted will be stored in
  5233  \f[C]remote:old\f[].
  5234  .PP
  5235  If running rclone from a script you might want to use today's date as
  5236  the directory name passed to \f[C]\-\-backup\-dir\f[] to store the old
  5237  files, or you might want to pass \f[C]\-\-suffix\f[] with today's date.
  5238  .SS \[en]bind string
  5239  .PP
  5240  Local address to bind to for outgoing connections.
  5241  This can be an IPv4 address (, an IPv6 address (1234::789A) or
  5242  host name.
  5243  If the host name doesn't resolve or resolves to more than one IP address
  5244  it will give an error.
  5245  .SS \[en]bwlimit=BANDWIDTH_SPEC
  5246  .PP
  5247  This option controls the bandwidth limit.
  5248  Limits can be specified in two ways: As a single limit, or as a
  5249  timetable.
  5250  .PP
  5251  Single limits last for the duration of the session.
  5252  To use a single limit, specify the desired bandwidth in kBytes/s, or use
  5253  a suffix b|k|M|G.
  5254  The default is \f[C]0\f[] which means to not limit bandwidth.
  5255  .PP
  5256  For example, to limit bandwidth usage to 10 MBytes/s use
  5257  \f[C]\-\-bwlimit\ 10M\f[]
  5258  .PP
  5259  It is also possible to specify a \[lq]timetable\[rq] of limits, which
  5260  will cause certain limits to be applied at certain times.
  5261  To specify a timetable, format your entries as
  5263  WEEKDAY is optional element.
  5264  It could be written as whole world or only using 3 first characters.
  5265  HH:MM is an hour from 00:00 to 23:59.
  5266  .PP
  5267  An example of a typical timetable to avoid link saturation during
  5268  daytime working hours could be:
  5269  .PP
  5270  \f[C]\-\-bwlimit\ "08:00,512\ 12:00,10M\ 13:00,512\ 18:00,30M\ 23:00,off"\f[]
  5271  .PP
  5272  In this example, the transfer bandwidth will be every day set to
  5273  512kBytes/sec at 8am.
  5274  At noon, it will raise to 10Mbytes/s, and drop back to 512kBytes/sec at
  5275  1pm.
  5276  At 6pm, the bandwidth limit will be set to 30MBytes/s, and at 11pm it
  5277  will be completely disabled (full speed).
  5278  Anything between 11pm and 8am will remain unlimited.
  5279  .PP
  5280  An example of timetable with WEEKDAY could be:
  5281  .PP
  5282  \f[C]\-\-bwlimit\ "Mon\-00:00,512\ Fri\-23:59,10M\ Sat\-10:00,1M\ Sun\-20:00,off"\f[]
  5283  .PP
  5284  It mean that, the transfer bandwidth will be set to 512kBytes/sec on
  5285  Monday.
  5286  It will raise to 10Mbytes/s before the end of Friday.
  5287  At 10:00 on Sunday it will be set to 1Mbyte/s.
  5288  From 20:00 at Sunday will be unlimited.
  5289  .PP
  5290  Timeslots without weekday are extended to whole week.
  5291  So this one example:
  5292  .PP
  5293  \f[C]\-\-bwlimit\ "Mon\-00:00,512\ 12:00,1M\ Sun\-20:00,off"\f[]
  5294  .PP
  5295  Is equal to this:
  5296  .PP
  5297  \f[C]\-\-bwlimit\ "Mon\-00:00,512Mon\-12:00,1M\ Tue\-12:00,1M\ Wed\-12:00,1M\ Thu\-12:00,1M\ Fri\-12:00,1M\ Sat\-12:00,1M\ Sun\-12:00,1M\ Sun\-20:00,off"\f[]
  5298  .PP
  5299  Bandwidth limits only apply to the data transfer.
  5300  They don't apply to the bandwidth of the directory listings etc.
  5301  .PP
  5302  Note that the units are Bytes/s, not Bits/s.
  5303  Typically connections are measured in Bits/s \- to convert divide by 8.
  5304  For example, let's say you have a 10 Mbit/s connection and you wish
  5305  rclone to use half of it \- 5 Mbit/s.
  5306  This is 5/8 = 0.625MByte/s so you would use a
  5307  \f[C]\-\-bwlimit\ 0.625M\f[] parameter for rclone.
  5308  .PP
  5309  On Unix systems (Linux, MacOS, \&...) the bandwidth limiter can be
  5310  toggled by sending a \f[C]SIGUSR2\f[] signal to rclone.
  5311  This allows to remove the limitations of a long running rclone transfer
  5312  and to restore it back to the value specified with \f[C]\-\-bwlimit\f[]
  5313  quickly when needed.
  5314  Assuming there is only one rclone instance running, you can toggle the
  5315  limiter like this:
  5316  .IP
  5317  .nf
  5318  \f[C]
  5319  kill\ \-SIGUSR2\ $(pidof\ rclone)
  5320  \f[]
  5321  .fi
  5322  .PP
  5323  If you configure rclone with a remote control (/rc) then you can use
  5324  change the bwlimit dynamically:
  5325  .IP
  5326  .nf
  5327  \f[C]
  5328  rclone\ rc\ core/bwlimit\ rate=1M
  5329  \f[]
  5330  .fi
  5331  .SS \[en]buffer\-size=SIZE
  5332  .PP
  5333  Use this sized buffer to speed up file transfers.
  5334  Each \f[C]\-\-transfer\f[] will use this much memory for buffering.
  5335  .PP
  5336  When using \f[C]mount\f[] or \f[C]cmount\f[] each open file descriptor
  5337  will use this much memory for buffering.
  5338  See the mount (/commands/rclone_mount/#file-buffering) documentation for
  5339  more details.
  5340  .PP
  5341  Set to 0 to disable the buffering for the minimum memory usage.
  5342  .PP
  5343  Note that the memory allocation of the buffers is influenced by the
  5344  \[en]use\-mmap flag.
  5345  .SS \[en]checkers=N
  5346  .PP
  5347  The number of checkers to run in parallel.
  5348  Checkers do the equality checking of files during a sync.
  5349  For some storage systems (eg S3, Swift, Dropbox) this can take a
  5350  significant amount of time so they are run in parallel.
  5351  .PP
  5352  The default is to run 8 checkers in parallel.
  5353  .SS \-c, \[en]checksum
  5354  .PP
  5355  Normally rclone will look at modification time and size of files to see
  5356  if they are equal.
  5357  If you set this flag then rclone will check the file hash and size to
  5358  determine if files are equal.
  5359  .PP
  5360  This is useful when the remote doesn't support setting modified time and
  5361  a more accurate sync is desired than just checking the file size.
  5362  .PP
  5363  This is very useful when transferring between remotes which store the
  5364  same hash type on the object, eg Drive and Swift.
  5365  For details of which remotes support which hash type see the table in
  5366  the overview section (
  5367  .PP
  5368  Eg \f[C]rclone\ \-\-checksum\ sync\ s3:/bucket\ swift:/bucket\f[] would
  5369  run much quicker than without the \f[C]\-\-checksum\f[] flag.
  5370  .PP
  5371  When using this flag, rclone won't update mtimes of remote files if they
  5372  are incorrect as it would normally.
  5373  .SS \[en]config=CONFIG_FILE
  5374  .PP
  5375  Specify the location of the rclone config file.
  5376  .PP
  5377  Normally the config file is in your home directory as a file called
  5378  \f[C]\&.config/rclone/rclone.conf\f[] (or \f[C]\&.rclone.conf\f[] if
  5379  created with an older version).
  5380  If \f[C]$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\f[] is set it will be at
  5381  \f[C]$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/rclone/rclone.conf\f[].
  5382  .PP
  5383  If there is a file \f[C]rclone.conf\f[] in the same directory as the
  5384  rclone executable it will be preferred.
  5385  This file must be created manually for Rclone to use it, it will never
  5386  be created automatically.
  5387  .PP
  5388  If you run \f[C]rclone\ config\ file\f[] you will see where the default
  5389  location is for you.
  5390  .PP
  5391  Use this flag to override the config location, eg
  5392  \f[C]rclone\ \-\-config=".myconfig"\ .config\f[].
  5393  .SS \[en]contimeout=TIME
  5394  .PP
  5395  Set the connection timeout.
  5396  This should be in go time format which looks like \f[C]5s\f[] for 5
  5397  seconds, \f[C]10m\f[] for 10 minutes, or \f[C]3h30m\f[].
  5398  .PP
  5399  The connection timeout is the amount of time rclone will wait for a
  5400  connection to go through to a remote object storage system.
  5401  It is \f[C]1m\f[] by default.
  5402  .SS \[en]dedupe\-mode MODE
  5403  .PP
  5404  Mode to run dedupe command in.
  5405  One of \f[C]interactive\f[], \f[C]skip\f[], \f[C]first\f[],
  5406  \f[C]newest\f[], \f[C]oldest\f[], \f[C]rename\f[].
  5407  The default is \f[C]interactive\f[].
  5408  See the dedupe command for more information as to what these options
  5409  mean.
  5410  .SS \[en]disable FEATURE,FEATURE,\&...
  5411  .PP
  5412  This disables a comma separated list of optional features.
  5413  For example to disable server side move and server side copy use:
  5414  .IP
  5415  .nf
  5416  \f[C]
  5417  \-\-disable\ move,copy
  5418  \f[]
  5419  .fi
  5420  .PP
  5421  The features can be put in in any case.
  5422  .PP
  5423  To see a list of which features can be disabled use:
  5424  .IP
  5425  .nf
  5426  \f[C]
  5427  \-\-disable\ help
  5428  \f[]
  5429  .fi
  5430  .PP
  5431  See the overview features (/overview/#features) and optional
  5432  features (/overview/#optional-features) to get an idea of which feature
  5433  does what.
  5434  .PP
  5435  This flag can be useful for debugging and in exceptional circumstances
  5436  (eg Google Drive limiting the total volume of Server Side Copies to
  5437  100GB/day).
  5438  .SS \-n, \[en]dry\-run
  5439  .PP
  5440  Do a trial run with no permanent changes.
  5441  Use this to see what rclone would do without actually doing it.
  5442  Useful when setting up the \f[C]sync\f[] command which deletes files in
  5443  the destination.
  5444  .SS \[en]ignore\-case\-sync
  5445  .PP
  5446  Using this option will cause rclone to ignore the case of the files when
  5447  synchronizing so files will not be copied/synced when the existing
  5448  filenames are the same, even if the casing is different.
  5449  .SS \[en]ignore\-checksum
  5450  .PP
  5451  Normally rclone will check that the checksums of transferred files
  5452  match, and give an error \[lq]corrupted on transfer\[rq] if they don't.
  5453  .PP
  5454  You can use this option to skip that check.
  5455  You should only use it if you have had the \[lq]corrupted on
  5456  transfer\[rq] error message and you are sure you might want to transfer
  5457  potentially corrupted data.
  5458  .SS \[en]ignore\-existing
  5459  .PP
  5460  Using this option will make rclone unconditionally skip all files that
  5461  exist on the destination, no matter the content of these files.
  5462  .PP
  5463  While this isn't a generally recommended option, it can be useful in
  5464  cases where your files change due to encryption.
  5465  However, it cannot correct partial transfers in case a transfer was
  5466  interrupted.
  5467  .SS \[en]ignore\-size
  5468  .PP
  5469  Normally rclone will look at modification time and size of files to see
  5470  if they are equal.
  5471  If you set this flag then rclone will check only the modification time.
  5472  If \f[C]\-\-checksum\f[] is set then it only checks the checksum.
  5473  .PP
  5474  It will also cause rclone to skip verifying the sizes are the same after
  5475  transfer.
  5476  .PP
  5477  This can be useful for transferring files to and from OneDrive which
  5478  occasionally misreports the size of image files (see
  5479  #399 ( for more info).
  5480  .SS \-I, \[en]ignore\-times
  5481  .PP
  5482  Using this option will cause rclone to unconditionally upload all files
  5483  regardless of the state of files on the destination.
  5484  .PP
  5485  Normally rclone would skip any files that have the same modification
  5486  time and are the same size (or have the same checksum if using
  5487  \f[C]\-\-checksum\f[]).
  5488  .SS \[en]immutable
  5489  .PP
  5490  Treat source and destination files as immutable and disallow
  5491  modification.
  5492  .PP
  5493  With this option set, files will be created and deleted as requested,
  5494  but existing files will never be updated.
  5495  If an existing file does not match between the source and destination,
  5496  rclone will give the error
  5497  \f[C]Source\ and\ destination\ exist\ but\ do\ not\ match:\ immutable\ file\ modified\f[].
  5498  .PP
  5499  Note that only commands which transfer files (e.g.
  5500  \f[C]sync\f[], \f[C]copy\f[], \f[C]move\f[]) are affected by this
  5501  behavior, and only modification is disallowed.
  5502  Files may still be deleted explicitly (e.g.
  5503  \f[C]delete\f[], \f[C]purge\f[]) or implicitly (e.g.
  5504  \f[C]sync\f[], \f[C]move\f[]).
  5505  Use \f[C]copy\ \-\-immutable\f[] if it is desired to avoid deletion as
  5506  well as modification.
  5507  .PP
  5508  This can be useful as an additional layer of protection for immutable or
  5509  append\-only data sets (notably backup archives), where modification
  5510  implies corruption and should not be propagated.
  5511  .SS \[en]leave\-root
  5512  .PP
  5513  During rmdirs it will not remove root directory, even if it's empty.
  5514  .SS \[en]log\-file=FILE
  5515  .PP
  5516  Log all of rclone's output to FILE.
  5517  This is not active by default.
  5518  This can be useful for tracking down problems with syncs in combination
  5519  with the \f[C]\-v\f[] flag.
  5520  See the Logging section for more info.
  5521  .PP
  5522  Note that if you are using the \f[C]logrotate\f[] program to manage
  5523  rclone's logs, then you should use the \f[C]copytruncate\f[] option as
  5524  rclone doesn't have a signal to rotate logs.
  5525  .SS \[en]log\-format LIST
  5526  .PP
  5527  Comma separated list of log format options.
  5528  \f[C]date\f[], \f[C]time\f[], \f[C]microseconds\f[], \f[C]longfile\f[],
  5529  \f[C]shortfile\f[], \f[C]UTC\f[].
  5530  The default is \[lq]\f[C]date\f[],\f[C]time\f[]\[rq].
  5531  .SS \[en]log\-level LEVEL
  5532  .PP
  5533  This sets the log level for rclone.
  5534  The default log level is \f[C]NOTICE\f[].
  5535  .PP
  5536  \f[C]DEBUG\f[] is equivalent to \f[C]\-vv\f[].
  5537  It outputs lots of debug info \- useful for bug reports and really
  5538  finding out what rclone is doing.
  5539  .PP
  5540  \f[C]INFO\f[] is equivalent to \f[C]\-v\f[].
  5541  It outputs information about each transfer and prints stats once a
  5542  minute by default.
  5543  .PP
  5544  \f[C]NOTICE\f[] is the default log level if no logging flags are
  5545  supplied.
  5546  It outputs very little when things are working normally.
  5547  It outputs warnings and significant events.
  5548  .PP
  5549  \f[C]ERROR\f[] is equivalent to \f[C]\-q\f[].
  5550  It only outputs error messages.
  5551  .SS \[en]low\-level\-retries NUMBER
  5552  .PP
  5553  This controls the number of low level retries rclone does.
  5554  .PP
  5555  A low level retry is used to retry a failing operation \- typically one
  5556  HTTP request.
  5557  This might be uploading a chunk of a big file for example.
  5558  You will see low level retries in the log with the \f[C]\-v\f[] flag.
  5559  .PP
  5560  This shouldn't need to be changed from the default in normal operations.
  5561  However, if you get a lot of low level retries you may wish to reduce
  5562  the value so rclone moves on to a high level retry (see the
  5563  \f[C]\-\-retries\f[] flag) quicker.
  5564  .PP
  5565  Disable low level retries with \f[C]\-\-low\-level\-retries\ 1\f[].
  5566  .SS \[en]max\-backlog=N
  5567  .PP
  5568  This is the maximum allowable backlog of files in a sync/copy/move
  5569  queued for being checked or transferred.
  5570  .PP
  5571  This can be set arbitrarily large.
  5572  It will only use memory when the queue is in use.
  5573  Note that it will use in the order of N kB of memory when the backlog is
  5574  in use.
  5575  .PP
  5576  Setting this large allows rclone to calculate how many files are pending
  5577  more accurately and give a more accurate estimated finish time.
  5578  .PP
  5579  Setting this small will make rclone more synchronous to the listings of
  5580  the remote which may be desirable.
  5581  .SS \[en]max\-delete=N
  5582  .PP
  5583  This tells rclone not to delete more than N files.
  5584  If that limit is exceeded then a fatal error will be generated and
  5585  rclone will stop the operation in progress.
  5586  .SS \[en]max\-depth=N
  5587  .PP
  5588  This modifies the recursion depth for all the commands except purge.
  5589  .PP
  5590  So if you do \f[C]rclone\ \-\-max\-depth\ 1\ ls\ remote:path\f[] you
  5591  will see only the files in the top level directory.
  5592  Using \f[C]\-\-max\-depth\ 2\f[] means you will see all the files in
  5593  first two directory levels and so on.
  5594  .PP
  5595  For historical reasons the \f[C]lsd\f[] command defaults to using a
  5596  \f[C]\-\-max\-depth\f[] of 1 \- you can override this with the command
  5597  line flag.
  5598  .PP
  5599  You can use this command to disable recursion (with
  5600  \f[C]\-\-max\-depth\ 1\f[]).
  5601  .PP
  5602  Note that if you use this with \f[C]sync\f[] and
  5603  \f[C]\-\-delete\-excluded\f[] the files not recursed through are
  5604  considered excluded and will be deleted on the destination.
  5605  Test first with \f[C]\-\-dry\-run\f[] if you are not sure what will
  5606  happen.
  5607  .SS \[en]max\-transfer=SIZE
  5608  .PP
  5609  Rclone will stop transferring when it has reached the size specified.
  5610  Defaults to off.
  5611  .PP
  5612  When the limit is reached all transfers will stop immediately.
  5613  .PP
  5614  Rclone will exit with exit code 8 if the transfer limit is reached.
  5615  .SS \[en]modify\-window=TIME
  5616  .PP
  5617  When checking whether a file has been modified, this is the maximum
  5618  allowed time difference that a file can have and still be considered
  5619  equivalent.
  5620  .PP
  5621  The default is \f[C]1ns\f[] unless this is overridden by a remote.
  5622  For example OS X only stores modification times to the nearest second so
  5623  if you are reading and writing to an OS X filing system this will be
  5624  \f[C]1s\f[] by default.
  5625  .PP
  5626  This command line flag allows you to override that computed default.
  5627  .SS \[en]multi\-thread\-cutoff=SIZE
  5628  .PP
  5629  When downloading files to the local backend above this size, rclone will
  5630  use multiple threads to download the file.
  5631  (default 250M)
  5632  .PP
  5633  Rclone preallocates the file (using
  5634  \f[C]fallocate(FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE)\f[] on unix or
  5635  \f[C]NTSetInformationFile\f[] on Windows both of which takes no time)
  5636  then each thread writes directly into the file at the correct place.
  5637  This means that rclone won't create fragmented or sparse files and there
  5638  won't be any assembly time at the end of the transfer.
  5639  .PP
  5640  The number of threads used to dowload is controlled by
  5641  \f[C]\-\-multi\-thread\-streams\f[].
  5642  .PP
  5643  Use \f[C]\-vv\f[] if you wish to see info about the threads.
  5644  .PP
  5645  This will work with the \f[C]sync\f[]/\f[C]copy\f[]/\f[C]move\f[]
  5646  commands and friends \f[C]copyto\f[]/\f[C]moveto\f[].
  5647  Multi thread downloads will be used with \f[C]rclone\ mount\f[] and
  5648  \f[C]rclone\ serve\f[] if \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\f[] is set to
  5649  \f[C]writes\f[] or above.
  5650  .PP
  5651  \f[B]NB\f[] that this \f[B]only\f[] works for a local destination but
  5652  will work with any source.
  5653  .SS \[en]multi\-thread\-streams=N
  5654  .PP
  5655  When using multi thread downloads (see above
  5656  \f[C]\-\-multi\-thread\-cutoff\f[]) this sets the maximum number of
  5657  streams to use.
  5658  Set to \f[C]0\f[] to disable multi thread downloads.
  5659  (Default 4)
  5660  .PP
  5661  Exactly how many streams rclone uses for the download depends on the
  5662  size of the file.
  5663  To calculate the number of download streams Rclone divides the size of
  5664  the file by the \f[C]\-\-multi\-thread\-cutoff\f[] and rounds up, up to
  5665  the maximum set with \f[C]\-\-multi\-thread\-streams\f[].
  5666  .PP
  5667  So if \f[C]\-\-multi\-thread\-cutoff\ 250MB\f[] and
  5668  \f[C]\-\-multi\-thread\-streams\ 4\f[] are in effect (the defaults):
  5669  .IP \[bu] 2
  5670  0MB.250MB files will be downloaded with 1 stream
  5671  .IP \[bu] 2
  5672  250MB..500MB files will be downloaded with 2 streams
  5673  .IP \[bu] 2
  5674  500MB..750MB files will be downloaded with 3 streams
  5675  .IP \[bu] 2
  5676  750MB+ files will be downloaded with 4 streams
  5677  .SS \[en]no\-gzip\-encoding
  5678  .PP
  5679  Don't set \f[C]Accept\-Encoding:\ gzip\f[].
  5680  This means that rclone won't ask the server for compressed files
  5681  automatically.
  5682  Useful if you've set the server to return files with
  5683  \f[C]Content\-Encoding:\ gzip\f[] but you uploaded compressed files.
  5684  .PP
  5685  There is no need to set this in normal operation, and doing so will
  5686  decrease the network transfer efficiency of rclone.
  5687  .SS \[en]no\-traverse
  5688  .PP
  5689  The \f[C]\-\-no\-traverse\f[] flag controls whether the destination file
  5690  system is traversed when using the \f[C]copy\f[] or \f[C]move\f[]
  5691  commands.
  5692  \f[C]\-\-no\-traverse\f[] is not compatible with \f[C]sync\f[] and will
  5693  be ignored if you supply it with \f[C]sync\f[].
  5694  .PP
  5695  If you are only copying a small number of files (or are filtering most
  5696  of the files) and/or have a large number of files on the destination
  5697  then \f[C]\-\-no\-traverse\f[] will stop rclone listing the destination
  5698  and save time.
  5699  .PP
  5700  However, if you are copying a large number of files, especially if you
  5701  are doing a copy where lots of the files under consideration haven't
  5702  changed and won't need copying then you shouldn't use
  5703  \f[C]\-\-no\-traverse\f[].
  5704  .PP
  5705  See rclone copy ( for an
  5706  example of how to use it.
  5707  .SS \[en]no\-update\-modtime
  5708  .PP
  5709  When using this flag, rclone won't update modification times of remote
  5710  files if they are incorrect as it would normally.
  5711  .PP
  5712  This can be used if the remote is being synced with another tool also
  5713  (eg the Google Drive client).
  5714  .SS \-P, \[en]progress
  5715  .PP
  5716  This flag makes rclone update the stats in a static block in the
  5717  terminal providing a realtime overview of the transfer.
  5718  .PP
  5719  Any log messages will scroll above the static block.
  5720  Log messages will push the static block down to the bottom of the
  5721  terminal where it will stay.
  5722  .PP
  5723  Normally this is updated every 500mS but this period can be overridden
  5724  with the \f[C]\-\-stats\f[] flag.
  5725  .PP
  5726  This can be used with the \f[C]\-\-stats\-one\-line\f[] flag for a
  5727  simpler display.
  5728  .PP
  5729  Note: On Windows untilthis
  5730  bug ( is fixed all
  5731  non\-ASCII characters will be replaced with \f[C]\&.\f[] when
  5732  \f[C]\-\-progress\f[] is in use.
  5733  .SS \-q, \[en]quiet
  5734  .PP
  5735  Normally rclone outputs stats and a completion message.
  5736  If you set this flag it will make as little output as possible.
  5737  .SS \[en]retries int
  5738  .PP
  5739  Retry the entire sync if it fails this many times it fails (default 3).
  5740  .PP
  5741  Some remotes can be unreliable and a few retries help pick up the files
  5742  which didn't get transferred because of errors.
  5743  .PP
  5744  Disable retries with \f[C]\-\-retries\ 1\f[].
  5745  .SS \[en]retries\-sleep=TIME
  5746  .PP
  5747  This sets the interval between each retry specified by
  5748  \f[C]\-\-retries\f[]
  5749  .PP
  5750  The default is 0.
  5751  Use 0 to disable.
  5752  .SS \[en]size\-only
  5753  .PP
  5754  Normally rclone will look at modification time and size of files to see
  5755  if they are equal.
  5756  If you set this flag then rclone will check only the size.
  5757  .PP
  5758  This can be useful transferring files from Dropbox which have been
  5759  modified by the desktop sync client which doesn't set checksums of
  5760  modification times in the same way as rclone.
  5761  .SS \[en]stats=TIME
  5762  .PP
  5763  Commands which transfer data (\f[C]sync\f[], \f[C]copy\f[],
  5764  \f[C]copyto\f[], \f[C]move\f[], \f[C]moveto\f[]) will print data
  5765  transfer stats at regular intervals to show their progress.
  5766  .PP
  5767  This sets the interval.
  5768  .PP
  5769  The default is \f[C]1m\f[].
  5770  Use 0 to disable.
  5771  .PP
  5772  If you set the stats interval then all commands can show stats.
  5773  This can be useful when running other commands, \f[C]check\f[] or
  5774  \f[C]mount\f[] for example.
  5775  .PP
  5776  Stats are logged at \f[C]INFO\f[] level by default which means they
  5777  won't show at default log level \f[C]NOTICE\f[].
  5778  Use \f[C]\-\-stats\-log\-level\ NOTICE\f[] or \f[C]\-v\f[] to make them
  5779  show.
  5780  See the Logging section for more info on log levels.
  5781  .PP
  5782  Note that on macOS you can send a SIGINFO (which is normally ctrl\-T in
  5783  the terminal) to make the stats print immediately.
  5784  .SS \[en]stats\-file\-name\-length integer
  5785  .PP
  5786  By default, the \f[C]\-\-stats\f[] output will truncate file names and
  5787  paths longer than 40 characters.
  5788  This is equivalent to providing
  5789  \f[C]\-\-stats\-file\-name\-length\ 40\f[].
  5790  Use \f[C]\-\-stats\-file\-name\-length\ 0\f[] to disable any truncation
  5791  of file names printed by stats.
  5792  .SS \[en]stats\-log\-level string
  5793  .PP
  5794  Log level to show \f[C]\-\-stats\f[] output at.
  5795  This can be \f[C]DEBUG\f[], \f[C]INFO\f[], \f[C]NOTICE\f[], or
  5796  \f[C]ERROR\f[].
  5797  The default is \f[C]INFO\f[].
  5798  This means at the default level of logging which is \f[C]NOTICE\f[] the
  5799  stats won't show \- if you want them to then use
  5800  \f[C]\-\-stats\-log\-level\ NOTICE\f[].
  5801  See the Logging section for more info on log levels.
  5802  .SS \[en]stats\-one\-line
  5803  .PP
  5804  When this is specified, rclone condenses the stats into a single line
  5805  showing the most important stats only.
  5806  .SS \[en]stats\-one\-line\-date
  5807  .PP
  5808  When this is specified, rclone enables the single\-line stats and
  5809  prepends the display with a date string.
  5810  The default is \f[C]2006/01/02\ 15:04:05\ \-\f[]
  5811  .SS \[en]stats\-one\-line\-date\-format
  5812  .PP
  5813  When this is specified, rclone enables the single\-line stats and
  5814  prepends the display with a user\-supplied date string.
  5815  The date string MUST be enclosed in quotes.
  5816  Follow golang specs ( for date
  5817  formatting syntax.
  5818  .SS \[en]stats\-unit=bits|bytes
  5819  .PP
  5820  By default, data transfer rates will be printed in bytes/second.
  5821  .PP
  5822  This option allows the data rate to be printed in bits/second.
  5823  .PP
  5824  Data transfer volume will still be reported in bytes.
  5825  .PP
  5826  The rate is reported as a binary unit, not SI unit.
  5827  So 1 Mbit/s equals 1,048,576 bits/s and not 1,000,000 bits/s.
  5828  .PP
  5829  The default is \f[C]bytes\f[].
  5830  .SS \[en]suffix=SUFFIX
  5831  .PP
  5832  This is for use with \f[C]\-\-backup\-dir\f[] only.
  5833  If this isn't set then \f[C]\-\-backup\-dir\f[] will move files with
  5834  their original name.
  5835  If it is set then the files will have SUFFIX added on to them.
  5836  .PP
  5837  See \f[C]\-\-backup\-dir\f[] for more info.
  5838  .SS \[en]suffix\-keep\-extension
  5839  .PP
  5840  When using \f[C]\-\-suffix\f[], setting this causes rclone put the
  5841  SUFFIX before the extension of the files that it backs up rather than
  5842  after.
  5843  .PP
  5844  So let's say we had \f[C]\-\-suffix\ \-2019\-01\-01\f[], without the
  5845  flag \f[C]file.txt\f[] would be backed up to
  5846  \f[C]file.txt\-2019\-01\-01\f[] and with the flag it would be backed up
  5847  to \f[C]file\-2019\-01\-01.txt\f[].
  5848  This can be helpful to make sure the suffixed files can still be opened.
  5849  .SS \[en]syslog
  5850  .PP
  5851  On capable OSes (not Windows or Plan9) send all log output to syslog.
  5852  .PP
  5853  This can be useful for running rclone in a script or
  5854  \f[C]rclone\ mount\f[].
  5855  .SS \[en]syslog\-facility string
  5856  .PP
  5857  If using \f[C]\-\-syslog\f[] this sets the syslog facility (eg
  5858  \f[C]KERN\f[], \f[C]USER\f[]).
  5859  See \f[C]man\ syslog\f[] for a list of possible facilities.
  5860  The default facility is \f[C]DAEMON\f[].
  5861  .SS \[en]tpslimit float
  5862  .PP
  5863  Limit HTTP transactions per second to this.
  5864  Default is 0 which is used to mean unlimited transactions per second.
  5865  .PP
  5866  For example to limit rclone to 10 HTTP transactions per second use
  5867  \f[C]\-\-tpslimit\ 10\f[], or to 1 transaction every 2 seconds use
  5868  \f[C]\-\-tpslimit\ 0.5\f[].
  5869  .PP
  5870  Use this when the number of transactions per second from rclone is
  5871  causing a problem with the cloud storage provider (eg getting you banned
  5872  or rate limited).
  5873  .PP
  5874  This can be very useful for \f[C]rclone\ mount\f[] to control the
  5875  behaviour of applications using it.
  5876  .PP
  5877  See also \f[C]\-\-tpslimit\-burst\f[].
  5878  .SS \[en]tpslimit\-burst int
  5879  .PP
  5880  Max burst of transactions for \f[C]\-\-tpslimit\f[].
  5881  (default 1)
  5882  .PP
  5883  Normally \f[C]\-\-tpslimit\f[] will do exactly the number of transaction
  5884  per second specified.
  5885  However if you supply \f[C]\-\-tps\-burst\f[] then rclone can save up
  5886  some transactions from when it was idle giving a burst of up to the
  5887  parameter supplied.
  5888  .PP
  5889  For example if you provide \f[C]\-\-tpslimit\-burst\ 10\f[] then if
  5890  rclone has been idle for more than 10*\f[C]\-\-tpslimit\f[] then it can
  5891  do 10 transactions very quickly before they are limited again.
  5892  .PP
  5893  This may be used to increase performance of \f[C]\-\-tpslimit\f[]
  5894  without changing the long term average number of transactions per
  5895  second.
  5896  .SS \[en]track\-renames
  5897  .PP
  5898  By default, rclone doesn't keep track of renamed files, so if you rename
  5899  a file locally then sync it to a remote, rclone will delete the old file
  5900  on the remote and upload a new copy.
  5901  .PP
  5902  If you use this flag, and the remote supports server side copy or server
  5903  side move, and the source and destination have a compatible hash, then
  5904  this will track renames during \f[C]sync\f[] operations and perform
  5905  renaming server\-side.
  5906  .PP
  5907  Files will be matched by size and hash \- if both match then a rename
  5908  will be considered.
  5909  .PP
  5910  If the destination does not support server\-side copy or move, rclone
  5911  will fall back to the default behaviour and log an error level message
  5912  to the console.
  5913  Note: Encrypted destinations are not supported by
  5914  \f[C]\-\-track\-renames\f[].
  5915  .PP
  5916  Note that \f[C]\-\-track\-renames\f[] is incompatible with
  5917  \f[C]\-\-no\-traverse\f[] and that it uses extra memory to keep track of
  5918  all the rename candidates.
  5919  .PP
  5920  Note also that \f[C]\-\-track\-renames\f[] is incompatible with
  5921  \f[C]\-\-delete\-before\f[] and will select \f[C]\-\-delete\-after\f[]
  5922  instead of \f[C]\-\-delete\-during\f[].
  5923  .SS \[en]delete\-(before,during,after)
  5924  .PP
  5925  This option allows you to specify when files on your destination are
  5926  deleted when you sync folders.
  5927  .PP
  5928  Specifying the value \f[C]\-\-delete\-before\f[] will delete all files
  5929  present on the destination, but not on the source \f[I]before\f[]
  5930  starting the transfer of any new or updated files.
  5931  This uses two passes through the file systems, one for the deletions and
  5932  one for the copies.
  5933  .PP
  5934  Specifying \f[C]\-\-delete\-during\f[] will delete files while checking
  5935  and uploading files.
  5936  This is the fastest option and uses the least memory.
  5937  .PP
  5938  Specifying \f[C]\-\-delete\-after\f[] (the default value) will delay
  5939  deletion of files until all new/updated files have been successfully
  5940  transferred.
  5941  The files to be deleted are collected in the copy pass then deleted
  5942  after the copy pass has completed successfully.
  5943  The files to be deleted are held in memory so this mode may use more
  5944  memory.
  5945  This is the safest mode as it will only delete files if there have been
  5946  no errors subsequent to that.
  5947  If there have been errors before the deletions start then you will get
  5948  the message \f[C]not\ deleting\ files\ as\ there\ were\ IO\ errors\f[].
  5949  .SS \[en]fast\-list
  5950  .PP
  5951  When doing anything which involves a directory listing (eg
  5952  \f[C]sync\f[], \f[C]copy\f[], \f[C]ls\f[] \- in fact nearly every
  5953  command), rclone normally lists a directory and processes it before
  5954  using more directory lists to process any subdirectories.
  5955  This can be parallelised and works very quickly using the least amount
  5956  of memory.
  5957  .PP
  5958  However, some remotes have a way of listing all files beneath a
  5959  directory in one (or a small number) of transactions.
  5960  These tend to be the bucket based remotes (eg S3, B2, GCS, Swift,
  5961  Hubic).
  5962  .PP
  5963  If you use the \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] flag then rclone will use this
  5964  method for listing directories.
  5965  This will have the following consequences for the listing:
  5966  .IP \[bu] 2
  5967  It \f[B]will\f[] use fewer transactions (important if you pay for them)
  5968  .IP \[bu] 2
  5969  It \f[B]will\f[] use more memory.
  5970  Rclone has to load the whole listing into memory.
  5971  .IP \[bu] 2
  5972  It \f[I]may\f[] be faster because it uses fewer transactions
  5973  .IP \[bu] 2
  5974  It \f[I]may\f[] be slower because it can't be parallelized
  5975  .PP
  5976  rclone should always give identical results with and without
  5977  \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[].
  5978  .PP
  5979  If you pay for transactions and can fit your entire sync listing into
  5980  memory then \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] is recommended.
  5981  If you have a very big sync to do then don't use \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[]
  5982  otherwise you will run out of memory.
  5983  .PP
  5984  If you use \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] on a remote which doesn't support it,
  5985  then rclone will just ignore it.
  5986  .SS \[en]timeout=TIME
  5987  .PP
  5988  This sets the IO idle timeout.
  5989  If a transfer has started but then becomes idle for this long it is
  5990  considered broken and disconnected.
  5991  .PP
  5992  The default is \f[C]5m\f[].
  5993  Set to 0 to disable.
  5994  .SS \[en]transfers=N
  5995  .PP
  5996  The number of file transfers to run in parallel.
  5997  It can sometimes be useful to set this to a smaller number if the remote
  5998  is giving a lot of timeouts or bigger if you have lots of bandwidth and
  5999  a fast remote.
  6000  .PP
  6001  The default is to run 4 file transfers in parallel.
  6002  .SS \-u, \[en]update
  6003  .PP
  6004  This forces rclone to skip any files which exist on the destination and
  6005  have a modified time that is newer than the source file.
  6006  .PP
  6007  If an existing destination file has a modification time equal (within
  6008  the computed modify window precision) to the source file's, it will be
  6009  updated if the sizes are different.
  6010  .PP
  6011  On remotes which don't support mod time directly the time checked will
  6012  be the uploaded time.
  6013  This means that if uploading to one of these remotes, rclone will skip
  6014  any files which exist on the destination and have an uploaded time that
  6015  is newer than the modification time of the source file.
  6016  .PP
  6017  This can be useful when transferring to a remote which doesn't support
  6018  mod times directly as it is more accurate than a \f[C]\-\-size\-only\f[]
  6019  check and faster than using \f[C]\-\-checksum\f[].
  6020  .SS \[en]use\-mmap
  6021  .PP
  6022  If this flag is set then rclone will use anonymous memory allocated by
  6023  mmap on Unix based platforms and VirtualAlloc on Windows for its
  6024  transfer buffers (size controlled by \f[C]\-\-buffer\-size\f[]).
  6025  Memory allocated like this does not go on the Go heap and can be
  6026  returned to the OS immediately when it is finished with.
  6027  .PP
  6028  If this flag is not set then rclone will allocate and free the buffers
  6029  using the Go memory allocator which may use more memory as memory pages
  6030  are returned less aggressively to the OS.
  6031  .PP
  6032  It is possible this does not work well on all platforms so it is
  6033  disabled by default; in the future it may be enabled by default.
  6034  .SS \[en]use\-server\-modtime
  6035  .PP
  6036  Some object\-store backends (e.g, Swift, S3) do not preserve file
  6037  modification times (modtime).
  6038  On these backends, rclone stores the original modtime as additional
  6039  metadata on the object.
  6040  By default it will make an API call to retrieve the metadata when the
  6041  modtime is needed by an operation.
  6042  .PP
  6043  Use this flag to disable the extra API call and rely instead on the
  6044  server's modified time.
  6045  In cases such as a local to remote sync, knowing the local file is newer
  6046  than the time it was last uploaded to the remote is sufficient.
  6047  In those cases, this flag can speed up the process and reduce the number
  6048  of API calls necessary.
  6049  .SS \-v, \-vv, \[en]verbose
  6050  .PP
  6051  With \f[C]\-v\f[] rclone will tell you about each file that is
  6052  transferred and a small number of significant events.
  6053  .PP
  6054  With \f[C]\-vv\f[] rclone will become very verbose telling you about
  6055  every file it considers and transfers.
  6056  Please send bug reports with a log with this setting.
  6057  .SS \-V, \[en]version
  6058  .PP
  6059  Prints the version number
  6060  .SS SSL/TLS options
  6061  .PP
  6062  The outoing SSL/TLS connections rclone makes can be controlled with
  6063  these options.
  6064  For example this can be very useful with the HTTP or WebDAV backends.
  6065  Rclone HTTP servers have their own set of configuration for SSL/TLS
  6066  which you can find in their documentation.
  6067  .SS \[en]ca\-cert string
  6068  .PP
  6069  This loads the PEM encoded certificate authority certificate and uses it
  6070  to verify the certificates of the servers rclone connects to.
  6071  .PP
  6072  If you have generated certificates signed with a local CA then you will
  6073  need this flag to connect to servers using those certificates.
  6074  .SS \[en]client\-cert string
  6075  .PP
  6076  This loads the PEM encoded client side certificate.
  6077  .PP
  6078  This is used for mutual TLS
  6079  authentication (
  6080  .PP
  6081  The \f[C]\-\-client\-key\f[] flag is required too when using this.
  6082  .SS \[en]client\-key string
  6083  .PP
  6084  This loads the PEM encoded client side private key used for mutual TLS
  6085  authentication.
  6086  Used in conjunction with \f[C]\-\-client\-cert\f[].
  6087  .SS \[en]no\-check\-certificate=true/false
  6088  .PP
  6089  \f[C]\-\-no\-check\-certificate\f[] controls whether a client verifies
  6090  the server's certificate chain and host name.
  6091  If \f[C]\-\-no\-check\-certificate\f[] is true, TLS accepts any
  6092  certificate presented by the server and any host name in that
  6093  certificate.
  6094  In this mode, TLS is susceptible to man\-in\-the\-middle attacks.
  6095  .PP
  6096  This option defaults to \f[C]false\f[].
  6097  .PP
  6098  \f[B]This should be used only for testing.\f[]
  6099  .SS Configuration Encryption
  6100  .PP
  6101  Your configuration file contains information for logging in to your
  6102  cloud services.
  6103  This means that you should keep your \f[C]\&.rclone.conf\f[] file in a
  6104  secure location.
  6105  .PP
  6106  If you are in an environment where that isn't possible, you can add a
  6107  password to your configuration.
  6108  This means that you will have to enter the password every time you start
  6109  rclone.
  6110  .PP
  6111  To add a password to your rclone configuration, execute
  6112  \f[C]rclone\ config\f[].
  6113  .IP
  6114  .nf
  6115  \f[C]
  6116  >rclone\ config
  6117  Current\ remotes:
  6119  e)\ Edit\ existing\ remote
  6120  n)\ New\ remote
  6121  d)\ Delete\ remote
  6122  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
  6123  q)\ Quit\ config
  6124  e/n/d/s/q>
  6125  \f[]
  6126  .fi
  6127  .PP
  6128  Go into \f[C]s\f[], Set configuration password:
  6129  .IP
  6130  .nf
  6131  \f[C]
  6132  e/n/d/s/q>\ s
  6133  Your\ configuration\ is\ not\ encrypted.
  6134  If\ you\ add\ a\ password,\ you\ will\ protect\ your\ login\ information\ to\ cloud\ services.
  6135  a)\ Add\ Password
  6136  q)\ Quit\ to\ main\ menu
  6137  a/q>\ a
  6138  Enter\ NEW\ configuration\ password:
  6139  password:
  6140  Confirm\ NEW\ password:
  6141  password:
  6142  Password\ set
  6143  Your\ configuration\ is\ encrypted.
  6144  c)\ Change\ Password
  6145  u)\ Unencrypt\ configuration
  6146  q)\ Quit\ to\ main\ menu
  6147  c/u/q>
  6148  \f[]
  6149  .fi
  6150  .PP
  6151  Your configuration is now encrypted, and every time you start rclone you
  6152  will now be asked for the password.
  6153  In the same menu, you can change the password or completely remove
  6154  encryption from your configuration.
  6155  .PP
  6156  There is no way to recover the configuration if you lose your password.
  6157  .PP
  6158  rclone uses nacl
  6159  secretbox ( which
  6160  in turn uses XSalsa20 and Poly1305 to encrypt and authenticate your
  6161  configuration with secret\-key cryptography.
  6162  The password is SHA\-256 hashed, which produces the key for secretbox.
  6163  The hashed password is not stored.
  6164  .PP
  6165  While this provides very good security, we do not recommend storing your
  6166  encrypted rclone configuration in public if it contains sensitive
  6167  information, maybe except if you use a very strong password.
  6168  .PP
  6169  If it is safe in your environment, you can set the
  6170  \f[C]RCLONE_CONFIG_PASS\f[] environment variable to contain your
  6171  password, in which case it will be used for decrypting the
  6172  configuration.
  6173  .PP
  6174  You can set this for a session from a script.
  6175  For unix like systems save this to a file called
  6176  \f[C]set\-rclone\-password\f[]:
  6177  .IP
  6178  .nf
  6179  \f[C]
  6180  #!/bin/echo\ Source\ this\ file\ don\[aq]t\ run\ it
  6182  read\ \-s\ RCLONE_CONFIG_PASS
  6183  export\ RCLONE_CONFIG_PASS
  6184  \f[]
  6185  .fi
  6186  .PP
  6187  Then source the file when you want to use it.
  6188  From the shell you would do \f[C]source\ set\-rclone\-password\f[].
  6189  It will then ask you for the password and set it in the environment
  6190  variable.
  6191  .PP
  6192  If you are running rclone inside a script, you might want to disable
  6193  password prompts.
  6194  To do that, pass the parameter \f[C]\-\-ask\-password=false\f[] to
  6195  rclone.
  6196  This will make rclone fail instead of asking for a password if
  6197  \f[C]RCLONE_CONFIG_PASS\f[] doesn't contain a valid password.
  6198  .SS Developer options
  6199  .PP
  6200  These options are useful when developing or debugging rclone.
  6201  There are also some more remote specific options which aren't documented
  6202  here which are used for testing.
  6203  These start with remote name eg \f[C]\-\-drive\-test\-option\f[] \- see
  6204  the docs for the remote in question.
  6205  .SS \[en]cpuprofile=FILE
  6206  .PP
  6207  Write CPU profile to file.
  6208  This can be analysed with \f[C]go\ tool\ pprof\f[].
  6209  .SS \[en]dump flag,flag,flag
  6210  .PP
  6211  The \f[C]\-\-dump\f[] flag takes a comma separated list of flags to dump
  6212  info about.
  6213  These are:
  6214  .SS \[en]dump headers
  6215  .PP
  6216  Dump HTTP headers with \f[C]Authorization:\f[] lines removed.
  6217  May still contain sensitive info.
  6218  Can be very verbose.
  6219  Useful for debugging only.
  6220  .PP
  6221  Use \f[C]\-\-dump\ auth\f[] if you do want the \f[C]Authorization:\f[]
  6222  headers.
  6223  .SS \[en]dump bodies
  6224  .PP
  6225  Dump HTTP headers and bodies \- may contain sensitive info.
  6226  Can be very verbose.
  6227  Useful for debugging only.
  6228  .PP
  6229  Note that the bodies are buffered in memory so don't use this for
  6230  enormous files.
  6231  .SS \[en]dump requests
  6232  .PP
  6233  Like \f[C]\-\-dump\ bodies\f[] but dumps the request bodies and the
  6234  response headers.
  6235  Useful for debugging download problems.
  6236  .SS \[en]dump responses
  6237  .PP
  6238  Like \f[C]\-\-dump\ bodies\f[] but dumps the response bodies and the
  6239  request headers.
  6240  Useful for debugging upload problems.
  6241  .SS \[en]dump auth
  6242  .PP
  6243  Dump HTTP headers \- will contain sensitive info such as
  6244  \f[C]Authorization:\f[] headers \- use \f[C]\-\-dump\ headers\f[] to
  6245  dump without \f[C]Authorization:\f[] headers.
  6246  Can be very verbose.
  6247  Useful for debugging only.
  6248  .SS \[en]dump filters
  6249  .PP
  6250  Dump the filters to the output.
  6251  Useful to see exactly what include and exclude options are filtering on.
  6252  .SS \[en]dump goroutines
  6253  .PP
  6254  This dumps a list of the running go\-routines at the end of the command
  6255  to standard output.
  6256  .SS \[en]dump openfiles
  6257  .PP
  6258  This dumps a list of the open files at the end of the command.
  6259  It uses the \f[C]lsof\f[] command to do that so you'll need that
  6260  installed to use it.
  6261  .SS \[en]memprofile=FILE
  6262  .PP
  6263  Write memory profile to file.
  6264  This can be analysed with \f[C]go\ tool\ pprof\f[].
  6265  .SS Filtering
  6266  .PP
  6267  For the filtering options
  6268  .IP \[bu] 2
  6269  \f[C]\-\-delete\-excluded\f[]
  6270  .IP \[bu] 2
  6271  \f[C]\-\-filter\f[]
  6272  .IP \[bu] 2
  6273  \f[C]\-\-filter\-from\f[]
  6274  .IP \[bu] 2
  6275  \f[C]\-\-exclude\f[]
  6276  .IP \[bu] 2
  6277  \f[C]\-\-exclude\-from\f[]
  6278  .IP \[bu] 2
  6279  \f[C]\-\-include\f[]
  6280  .IP \[bu] 2
  6281  \f[C]\-\-include\-from\f[]
  6282  .IP \[bu] 2
  6283  \f[C]\-\-files\-from\f[]
  6284  .IP \[bu] 2
  6285  \f[C]\-\-min\-size\f[]
  6286  .IP \[bu] 2
  6287  \f[C]\-\-max\-size\f[]
  6288  .IP \[bu] 2
  6289  \f[C]\-\-min\-age\f[]
  6290  .IP \[bu] 2
  6291  \f[C]\-\-max\-age\f[]
  6292  .IP \[bu] 2
  6293  \f[C]\-\-dump\ filters\f[]
  6294  .PP
  6295  See the filtering section (
  6296  .SS Remote control
  6297  .PP
  6298  For the remote control options and for instructions on how to remote
  6299  control rclone
  6300  .IP \[bu] 2
  6301  \f[C]\-\-rc\f[]
  6302  .IP \[bu] 2
  6303  and anything starting with \f[C]\-\-rc\-\f[]
  6304  .PP
  6305  See the remote control section (
  6306  .SS Logging
  6307  .PP
  6308  rclone has 4 levels of logging, \f[C]ERROR\f[], \f[C]NOTICE\f[],
  6309  \f[C]INFO\f[] and \f[C]DEBUG\f[].
  6310  .PP
  6311  By default, rclone logs to standard error.
  6312  This means you can redirect standard error and still see the normal
  6313  output of rclone commands (eg \f[C]rclone\ ls\f[]).
  6314  .PP
  6315  By default, rclone will produce \f[C]Error\f[] and \f[C]Notice\f[] level
  6316  messages.
  6317  .PP
  6318  If you use the \f[C]\-q\f[] flag, rclone will only produce
  6319  \f[C]Error\f[] messages.
  6320  .PP
  6321  If you use the \f[C]\-v\f[] flag, rclone will produce \f[C]Error\f[],
  6322  \f[C]Notice\f[] and \f[C]Info\f[] messages.
  6323  .PP
  6324  If you use the \f[C]\-vv\f[] flag, rclone will produce \f[C]Error\f[],
  6325  \f[C]Notice\f[], \f[C]Info\f[] and \f[C]Debug\f[] messages.
  6326  .PP
  6327  You can also control the log levels with the \f[C]\-\-log\-level\f[]
  6328  flag.
  6329  .PP
  6330  If you use the \f[C]\-\-log\-file=FILE\f[] option, rclone will redirect
  6331  \f[C]Error\f[], \f[C]Info\f[] and \f[C]Debug\f[] messages along with
  6332  standard error to FILE.
  6333  .PP
  6334  If you use the \f[C]\-\-syslog\f[] flag then rclone will log to syslog
  6335  and the \f[C]\-\-syslog\-facility\f[] control which facility it uses.
  6336  .PP
  6337  Rclone prefixes all log messages with their level in capitals, eg INFO
  6338  which makes it easy to grep the log file for different kinds of
  6339  information.
  6340  .SS Exit Code
  6341  .PP
  6342  If any errors occur during the command execution, rclone will exit with
  6343  a non\-zero exit code.
  6344  This allows scripts to detect when rclone operations have failed.
  6345  .PP
  6346  During the startup phase, rclone will exit immediately if an error is
  6347  detected in the configuration.
  6348  There will always be a log message immediately before exiting.
  6349  .PP
  6350  When rclone is running it will accumulate errors as it goes along, and
  6351  only exit with a non\-zero exit code if (after retries) there were still
  6352  failed transfers.
  6353  For every error counted there will be a high priority log message
  6354  (visible with \f[C]\-q\f[]) showing the message and which file caused
  6355  the problem.
  6356  A high priority message is also shown when starting a retry so the user
  6357  can see that any previous error messages may not be valid after the
  6358  retry.
  6359  If rclone has done a retry it will log a high priority message if the
  6360  retry was successful.
  6361  .SS List of exit codes
  6362  .IP \[bu] 2
  6363  \f[C]0\f[] \- success
  6364  .IP \[bu] 2
  6365  \f[C]1\f[] \- Syntax or usage error
  6366  .IP \[bu] 2
  6367  \f[C]2\f[] \- Error not otherwise categorised
  6368  .IP \[bu] 2
  6369  \f[C]3\f[] \- Directory not found
  6370  .IP \[bu] 2
  6371  \f[C]4\f[] \- File not found
  6372  .IP \[bu] 2
  6373  \f[C]5\f[] \- Temporary error (one that more retries might fix) (Retry
  6374  errors)
  6375  .IP \[bu] 2
  6376  \f[C]6\f[] \- Less serious errors (like 461 errors from dropbox)
  6377  (NoRetry errors)
  6378  .IP \[bu] 2
  6379  \f[C]7\f[] \- Fatal error (one that more retries won't fix, like account
  6380  suspended) (Fatal errors)
  6381  .IP \[bu] 2
  6382  \f[C]8\f[] \- Transfer exceeded \- limit set by \[en]max\-transfer
  6383  reached
  6384  .SS Environment Variables
  6385  .PP
  6386  Rclone can be configured entirely using environment variables.
  6387  These can be used to set defaults for options or config file entries.
  6388  .SS Options
  6389  .PP
  6390  Every option in rclone can have its default set by environment variable.
  6391  .PP
  6392  To find the name of the environment variable, first, take the long
  6393  option name, strip the leading \f[C]\-\-\f[], change \f[C]\-\f[] to
  6394  \f[C]_\f[], make upper case and prepend \f[C]RCLONE_\f[].
  6395  .PP
  6396  For example, to always set \f[C]\-\-stats\ 5s\f[], set the environment
  6397  variable \f[C]RCLONE_STATS=5s\f[].
  6398  If you set stats on the command line this will override the environment
  6399  variable setting.
  6400  .PP
  6401  Or to always use the trash in drive \f[C]\-\-drive\-use\-trash\f[], set
  6402  \f[C]RCLONE_DRIVE_USE_TRASH=true\f[].
  6403  .PP
  6404  The same parser is used for the options and the environment variables so
  6405  they take exactly the same form.
  6406  .SS Config file
  6407  .PP
  6408  You can set defaults for values in the config file on an individual
  6409  remote basis.
  6410  If you want to use this feature, you will need to discover the name of
  6411  the config items that you want.
  6412  The easiest way is to run through \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] by hand, then
  6413  look in the config file to see what the values are (the config file can
  6414  be found by looking at the help for \f[C]\-\-config\f[] in
  6415  \f[C]rclone\ help\f[]).
  6416  .PP
  6417  To find the name of the environment variable, you need to set, take
  6418  \f[C]RCLONE_CONFIG_\f[] + name of remote + \f[C]_\f[] + name of config
  6419  file option and make it all uppercase.
  6420  .PP
  6421  For example, to configure an S3 remote named \f[C]mys3:\f[] without a
  6422  config file (using unix ways of setting environment variables):
  6423  .IP
  6424  .nf
  6425  \f[C]
  6426  $\ export\ RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_TYPE=s3
  6429  $\ rclone\ lsd\ MYS3:
  6430  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-1\ 2016\-09\-21\ 12:54:21\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-1\ my\-bucket
  6431  $\ rclone\ listremotes\ |\ grep\ mys3
  6432  mys3:
  6433  \f[]
  6434  .fi
  6435  .PP
  6436  Note that if you want to create a remote using environment variables you
  6437  must create the \f[C]\&..._TYPE\f[] variable as above.
  6438  .SS Other environment variables
  6439  .IP \[bu] 2
  6440  RCLONE_CONFIG_PASS` set to contain your config file password (see
  6441  Configuration Encryption section)
  6442  .IP \[bu] 2
  6443  HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY (or the lowercase versions
  6444  thereof).
  6445  .RS 2
  6446  .IP \[bu] 2
  6447  HTTPS_PROXY takes precedence over HTTP_PROXY for https requests.
  6448  .IP \[bu] 2
  6449  The environment values may be either a complete URL or a
  6450  \[lq]host[:port]\[rq] for, in which case the \[lq]http\[rq] scheme is
  6451  assumed.
  6452  .RE
  6453  .SH Configuring rclone on a remote / headless machine
  6454  .PP
  6455  Some of the configurations (those involving oauth2) require an Internet
  6456  connected web browser.
  6457  .PP
  6458  If you are trying to set rclone up on a remote or headless box with no
  6459  browser available on it (eg a NAS or a server in a datacenter) then you
  6460  will need to use an alternative means of configuration.
  6461  There are two ways of doing it, described below.
  6462  .SS Configuring using rclone authorize
  6463  .PP
  6464  On the headless box
  6465  .IP
  6466  .nf
  6467  \f[C]
  6468  \&...
  6469  Remote\ config
  6470  Use\ auto\ config?
  6471  \ *\ Say\ Y\ if\ not\ sure
  6472  \ *\ Say\ N\ if\ you\ are\ working\ on\ a\ remote\ or\ headless\ machine
  6473  y)\ Yes
  6474  n)\ No
  6475  y/n>\ n
  6476  For\ this\ to\ work,\ you\ will\ need\ rclone\ available\ on\ a\ machine\ that\ has\ a\ web\ browser\ available.
  6477  Execute\ the\ following\ on\ your\ machine:
  6478  \ \ \ \ rclone\ authorize\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
  6479  Then\ paste\ the\ result\ below:
  6480  result>
  6481  \f[]
  6482  .fi
  6483  .PP
  6484  Then on your main desktop machine
  6485  .IP
  6486  .nf
  6487  \f[C]
  6488  rclone\ authorize\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
  6489  If\ your\ browser\ doesn\[aq]t\ open\ automatically\ go\ to\ the\ following\ link:\
  6490  Log\ in\ and\ authorize\ rclone\ for\ access
  6491  Waiting\ for\ code...
  6492  Got\ code
  6493  Paste\ the\ following\ into\ your\ remote\ machine\ \-\-\->
  6495  <\-\-\-End\ paste
  6496  \f[]
  6497  .fi
  6498  .PP
  6499  Then back to the headless box, paste in the code
  6500  .IP
  6501  .nf
  6502  \f[C]
  6503  result>\ SECRET_TOKEN
  6504  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
  6505  [acd12]
  6506  client_id\ =\ 
  6507  client_secret\ =\ 
  6508  token\ =\ SECRET_TOKEN
  6509  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
  6510  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
  6511  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
  6512  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
  6513  y/e/d>
  6514  \f[]
  6515  .fi
  6516  .SS Configuring by copying the config file
  6517  .PP
  6518  Rclone stores all of its config in a single configuration file.
  6519  This can easily be copied to configure a remote rclone.
  6520  .PP
  6521  So first configure rclone on your desktop machine
  6522  .IP
  6523  .nf
  6524  \f[C]
  6525  rclone\ config
  6526  \f[]
  6527  .fi
  6528  .PP
  6529  to set up the config file.
  6530  .PP
  6531  Find the config file by running \f[C]rclone\ config\ file\f[], for
  6532  example
  6533  .IP
  6534  .nf
  6535  \f[C]
  6536  $\ rclone\ config\ file
  6537  Configuration\ file\ is\ stored\ at:
  6538  /home/user/.rclone.conf
  6539  \f[]
  6540  .fi
  6541  .PP
  6542  Now transfer it to the remote box (scp, cut paste, ftp, sftp etc) and
  6543  place it in the correct place (use \f[C]rclone\ config\ file\f[] on the
  6544  remote box to find out where).
  6545  .SH Filtering, includes and excludes
  6546  .PP
  6547  Rclone has a sophisticated set of include and exclude rules.
  6548  Some of these are based on patterns and some on other things like file
  6549  size.
  6550  .PP
  6551  The filters are applied for the \f[C]copy\f[], \f[C]sync\f[],
  6552  \f[C]move\f[], \f[C]ls\f[], \f[C]lsl\f[], \f[C]md5sum\f[],
  6553  \f[C]sha1sum\f[], \f[C]size\f[], \f[C]delete\f[] and \f[C]check\f[]
  6554  operations.
  6555  Note that \f[C]purge\f[] does not obey the filters.
  6556  .PP
  6557  Each path as it passes through rclone is matched against the include and
  6558  exclude rules like \f[C]\-\-include\f[], \f[C]\-\-exclude\f[],
  6559  \f[C]\-\-include\-from\f[], \f[C]\-\-exclude\-from\f[],
  6560  \f[C]\-\-filter\f[], or \f[C]\-\-filter\-from\f[].
  6561  The simplest way to try them out is using the \f[C]ls\f[] command, or
  6562  \f[C]\-\-dry\-run\f[] together with \f[C]\-v\f[].
  6563  .SS Patterns
  6564  .PP
  6565  The patterns used to match files for inclusion or exclusion are based on
  6566  \[lq]file globs\[rq] as used by the unix shell.
  6567  .PP
  6568  If the pattern starts with a \f[C]/\f[] then it only matches at the top
  6569  level of the directory tree, \f[B]relative to the root of the remote\f[]
  6570  (not necessarily the root of the local drive).
  6571  If it doesn't start with \f[C]/\f[] then it is matched starting at the
  6572  \f[B]end of the path\f[], but it will only match a complete path
  6573  element:
  6574  .IP
  6575  .nf
  6576  \f[C]
  6577  file.jpg\ \ \-\ matches\ "file.jpg"
  6578  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ matches\ "directory/file.jpg"
  6579  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ doesn\[aq]t\ match\ "afile.jpg"
  6580  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ doesn\[aq]t\ match\ "directory/afile.jpg"
  6581  /file.jpg\ \-\ matches\ "file.jpg"\ in\ the\ root\ directory\ of\ the\ remote
  6582  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ doesn\[aq]t\ match\ "afile.jpg"
  6583  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ doesn\[aq]t\ match\ "directory/file.jpg"
  6584  \f[]
  6585  .fi
  6586  .PP
  6587  \f[B]Important\f[] Note that you must use \f[C]/\f[] in patterns and not
  6588  \f[C]\\\f[] even if running on Windows.
  6589  .PP
  6590  A \f[C]*\f[] matches anything but not a \f[C]/\f[].
  6591  .IP
  6592  .nf
  6593  \f[C]
  6594  *.jpg\ \ \-\ matches\ "file.jpg"
  6595  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ matches\ "directory/file.jpg"
  6596  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ doesn\[aq]t\ match\ "file.jpg/something"
  6597  \f[]
  6598  .fi
  6599  .PP
  6600  Use \f[C]**\f[] to match anything, including slashes (\f[C]/\f[]).
  6601  .IP
  6602  .nf
  6603  \f[C]
  6604  dir/**\ \-\ matches\ "dir/file.jpg"
  6605  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ matches\ "dir/dir1/dir2/file.jpg"
  6606  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ doesn\[aq]t\ match\ "directory/file.jpg"
  6607  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ doesn\[aq]t\ match\ "adir/file.jpg"
  6608  \f[]
  6609  .fi
  6610  .PP
  6611  A \f[C]?\f[] matches any character except a slash \f[C]/\f[].
  6612  .IP
  6613  .nf
  6614  \f[C]
  6615  l?ss\ \ \-\ matches\ "less"
  6616  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ matches\ "lass"
  6617  \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ doesn\[aq]t\ match\ "floss"
  6618  \f[]
  6619  .fi
  6620  .PP
  6621  A \f[C][\f[] and \f[C]]\f[] together make a character class, such as
  6622  \f[C][a\-z]\f[] or \f[C][aeiou]\f[] or \f[C][[:alpha:]]\f[].
  6623  See the go regexp docs ( for more
  6624  info on these.
  6625  .IP
  6626  .nf
  6627  \f[C]
  6628  h[ae]llo\ \-\ matches\ "hello"
  6629  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ matches\ "hallo"
  6630  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ doesn\[aq]t\ match\ "hullo"
  6631  \f[]
  6632  .fi
  6633  .PP
  6634  A \f[C]{\f[] and \f[C]}\f[] define a choice between elements.
  6635  It should contain a comma separated list of patterns, any of which might
  6636  match.
  6637  These patterns can contain wildcards.
  6638  .IP
  6639  .nf
  6640  \f[C]
  6641  {one,two}_potato\ \-\ matches\ "one_potato"
  6642  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ matches\ "two_potato"
  6643  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ doesn\[aq]t\ match\ "three_potato"
  6644  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ doesn\[aq]t\ match\ "_potato"
  6645  \f[]
  6646  .fi
  6647  .PP
  6648  Special characters can be escaped with a \f[C]\\\f[] before them.
  6649  .IP
  6650  .nf
  6651  \f[C]
  6652  \\*.jpg\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ matches\ "*.jpg"
  6653  \\\\.jpg\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ matches\ "\\.jpg"
  6654  \\[one\\].jpg\ \ \-\ matches\ "[one].jpg"
  6655  \f[]
  6656  .fi
  6657  .PP
  6658  Patterns are case sensitive unless the \f[C]\-\-ignore\-case\f[] flag is
  6659  used.
  6660  .PP
  6661  Without \f[C]\-\-ignore\-case\f[] (default)
  6662  .IP
  6663  .nf
  6664  \f[C]
  6665  potato\ \-\ matches\ "potato"
  6666  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ doesn\[aq]t\ match\ "POTATO"
  6667  \f[]
  6668  .fi
  6669  .PP
  6670  With \f[C]\-\-ignore\-case\f[]
  6671  .IP
  6672  .nf
  6673  \f[C]
  6674  potato\ \-\ matches\ "potato"
  6675  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ matches\ "POTATO"
  6676  \f[]
  6677  .fi
  6678  .PP
  6679  Note also that rclone filter globs can only be used in one of the filter
  6680  command line flags, not in the specification of the remote, so
  6681  \f[C]rclone\ copy\ "remote:dir*.jpg"\ /path/to/dir\f[] won't work \-
  6682  what is required is
  6683  \f[C]rclone\ \-\-include\ "*.jpg"\ copy\ remote:dir\ /path/to/dir\f[]
  6684  .SS Directories
  6685  .PP
  6686  Rclone keeps track of directories that could match any file patterns.
  6687  .PP
  6688  Eg if you add the include rule
  6689  .IP
  6690  .nf
  6691  \f[C]
  6692  /a/*.jpg
  6693  \f[]
  6694  .fi
  6695  .PP
  6696  Rclone will synthesize the directory include rule
  6697  .IP
  6698  .nf
  6699  \f[C]
  6700  /a/
  6701  \f[]
  6702  .fi
  6703  .PP
  6704  If you put any rules which end in \f[C]/\f[] then it will only match
  6705  directories.
  6706  .PP
  6707  Directory matches are \f[B]only\f[] used to optimise directory access
  6708  patterns \- you must still match the files that you want to match.
  6709  Directory matches won't optimise anything on bucket based remotes (eg
  6710  s3, swift, google compute storage, b2) which don't have a concept of
  6711  directory.
  6712  .SS Differences between rsync and rclone patterns
  6713  .PP
  6714  Rclone implements bash style \f[C]{a,b,c}\f[] glob matching which rsync
  6715  doesn't.
  6716  .PP
  6717  Rclone always does a wildcard match so \f[C]\\\f[] must always escape a
  6718  \f[C]\\\f[].
  6719  .SS How the rules are used
  6720  .PP
  6721  Rclone maintains a combined list of include rules and exclude rules.
  6722  .PP
  6723  Each file is matched in order, starting from the top, against the rule
  6724  in the list until it finds a match.
  6725  The file is then included or excluded according to the rule type.
  6726  .PP
  6727  If the matcher fails to find a match after testing against all the
  6728  entries in the list then the path is included.
  6729  .PP
  6730  For example given the following rules, \f[C]+\f[] being include,
  6731  \f[C]\-\f[] being exclude,
  6732  .IP
  6733  .nf
  6734  \f[C]
  6735  \-\ secret*.jpg
  6736  +\ *.jpg
  6737  +\ *.png
  6738  +\ file2.avi
  6739  \-\ *
  6740  \f[]
  6741  .fi
  6742  .PP
  6743  This would include
  6744  .IP \[bu] 2
  6745  \f[C]file1.jpg\f[]
  6746  .IP \[bu] 2
  6747  \f[C]file3.png\f[]
  6748  .IP \[bu] 2
  6749  \f[C]file2.avi\f[]
  6750  .PP
  6751  This would exclude
  6752  .IP \[bu] 2
  6753  \f[C]secret17.jpg\f[]
  6754  .IP \[bu] 2
  6755  non \f[C]*.jpg\f[] and \f[C]*.png\f[]
  6756  .PP
  6757  A similar process is done on directory entries before recursing into
  6758  them.
  6759  This only works on remotes which have a concept of directory (Eg local,
  6760  google drive, onedrive, amazon drive) and not on bucket based remotes
  6761  (eg s3, swift, google compute storage, b2).
  6762  .SS Adding filtering rules
  6763  .PP
  6764  Filtering rules are added with the following command line flags.
  6765  .SS Repeating options
  6766  .PP
  6767  You can repeat the following options to add more than one rule of that
  6768  type.
  6769  .IP \[bu] 2
  6770  \f[C]\-\-include\f[]
  6771  .IP \[bu] 2
  6772  \f[C]\-\-include\-from\f[]
  6773  .IP \[bu] 2
  6774  \f[C]\-\-exclude\f[]
  6775  .IP \[bu] 2
  6776  \f[C]\-\-exclude\-from\f[]
  6777  .IP \[bu] 2
  6778  \f[C]\-\-filter\f[]
  6779  .IP \[bu] 2
  6780  \f[C]\-\-filter\-from\f[]
  6781  .PP
  6782  \f[B]Important\f[] You should not use \f[C]\-\-include*\f[] together
  6783  with \f[C]\-\-exclude*\f[].
  6784  It may produce different results than you expected.
  6785  In that case try to use: \f[C]\-\-filter*\f[].
  6786  .PP
  6787  Note that all the options of the same type are processed together in the
  6788  order above, regardless of what order they were placed on the command
  6789  line.
  6790  .PP
  6791  So all \f[C]\-\-include\f[] options are processed first in the order
  6792  they appeared on the command line, then all \f[C]\-\-include\-from\f[]
  6793  options etc.
  6794  .PP
  6795  To mix up the order includes and excludes, the \f[C]\-\-filter\f[] flag
  6796  can be used.
  6797  .SS \f[C]\-\-exclude\f[] \- Exclude files matching pattern
  6798  .PP
  6799  Add a single exclude rule with \f[C]\-\-exclude\f[].
  6800  .PP
  6801  This flag can be repeated.
  6802  See above for the order the flags are processed in.
  6803  .PP
  6804  Eg \f[C]\-\-exclude\ *.bak\f[] to exclude all bak files from the sync.
  6805  .SS \f[C]\-\-exclude\-from\f[] \- Read exclude patterns from file
  6806  .PP
  6807  Add exclude rules from a file.
  6808  .PP
  6809  This flag can be repeated.
  6810  See above for the order the flags are processed in.
  6811  .PP
  6812  Prepare a file like this \f[C]exclude\-file.txt\f[]
  6813  .IP
  6814  .nf
  6815  \f[C]
  6816  #\ a\ sample\ exclude\ rule\ file
  6817  *.bak
  6818  file2.jpg
  6819  \f[]
  6820  .fi
  6821  .PP
  6822  Then use as \f[C]\-\-exclude\-from\ exclude\-file.txt\f[].
  6823  This will sync all files except those ending in \f[C]bak\f[] and
  6824  \f[C]file2.jpg\f[].
  6825  .PP
  6826  This is useful if you have a lot of rules.
  6827  .SS \f[C]\-\-include\f[] \- Include files matching pattern
  6828  .PP
  6829  Add a single include rule with \f[C]\-\-include\f[].
  6830  .PP
  6831  This flag can be repeated.
  6832  See above for the order the flags are processed in.
  6833  .PP
  6834  Eg \f[C]\-\-include\ *.{png,jpg}\f[] to include all \f[C]png\f[] and
  6835  \f[C]jpg\f[] files in the backup and no others.
  6836  .PP
  6837  This adds an implicit \f[C]\-\-exclude\ *\f[] at the very end of the
  6838  filter list.
  6839  This means you can mix \f[C]\-\-include\f[] and
  6840  \f[C]\-\-include\-from\f[] with the other filters (eg
  6841  \f[C]\-\-exclude\f[]) but you must include all the files you want in the
  6842  include statement.
  6843  If this doesn't provide enough flexibility then you must use
  6844  \f[C]\-\-filter\-from\f[].
  6845  .SS \f[C]\-\-include\-from\f[] \- Read include patterns from file
  6846  .PP
  6847  Add include rules from a file.
  6848  .PP
  6849  This flag can be repeated.
  6850  See above for the order the flags are processed in.
  6851  .PP
  6852  Prepare a file like this \f[C]include\-file.txt\f[]
  6853  .IP
  6854  .nf
  6855  \f[C]
  6856  #\ a\ sample\ include\ rule\ file
  6857  *.jpg
  6858  *.png
  6859  file2.avi
  6860  \f[]
  6861  .fi
  6862  .PP
  6863  Then use as \f[C]\-\-include\-from\ include\-file.txt\f[].
  6864  This will sync all \f[C]jpg\f[], \f[C]png\f[] files and
  6865  \f[C]file2.avi\f[].
  6866  .PP
  6867  This is useful if you have a lot of rules.
  6868  .PP
  6869  This adds an implicit \f[C]\-\-exclude\ *\f[] at the very end of the
  6870  filter list.
  6871  This means you can mix \f[C]\-\-include\f[] and
  6872  \f[C]\-\-include\-from\f[] with the other filters (eg
  6873  \f[C]\-\-exclude\f[]) but you must include all the files you want in the
  6874  include statement.
  6875  If this doesn't provide enough flexibility then you must use
  6876  \f[C]\-\-filter\-from\f[].
  6877  .SS \f[C]\-\-filter\f[] \- Add a file\-filtering rule
  6878  .PP
  6879  This can be used to add a single include or exclude rule.
  6880  Include rules start with \f[C]+\f[] and exclude rules start with
  6881  \f[C]\-\f[].
  6882  A special rule called \f[C]!\f[] can be used to clear the existing
  6883  rules.
  6884  .PP
  6885  This flag can be repeated.
  6886  See above for the order the flags are processed in.
  6887  .PP
  6888  Eg \f[C]\-\-filter\ "\-\ *.bak"\f[] to exclude all bak files from the
  6889  sync.
  6890  .SS \f[C]\-\-filter\-from\f[] \- Read filtering patterns from a file
  6891  .PP
  6892  Add include/exclude rules from a file.
  6893  .PP
  6894  This flag can be repeated.
  6895  See above for the order the flags are processed in.
  6896  .PP
  6897  Prepare a file like this \f[C]filter\-file.txt\f[]
  6898  .IP
  6899  .nf
  6900  \f[C]
  6901  #\ a\ sample\ filter\ rule\ file
  6902  \-\ secret*.jpg
  6903  +\ *.jpg
  6904  +\ *.png
  6905  +\ file2.avi
  6906  \-\ /dir/Trash/**
  6907  +\ /dir/**
  6908  #\ exclude\ everything\ else
  6909  \-\ *
  6910  \f[]
  6911  .fi
  6912  .PP
  6913  Then use as \f[C]\-\-filter\-from\ filter\-file.txt\f[].
  6914  The rules are processed in the order that they are defined.
  6915  .PP
  6916  This example will include all \f[C]jpg\f[] and \f[C]png\f[] files,
  6917  exclude any files matching \f[C]secret*.jpg\f[] and include
  6918  \f[C]file2.avi\f[].
  6919  It will also include everything in the directory \f[C]dir\f[] at the
  6920  root of the sync, except \f[C]dir/Trash\f[] which it will exclude.
  6921  Everything else will be excluded from the sync.
  6922  .SS \f[C]\-\-files\-from\f[] \- Read list of source\-file names
  6923  .PP
  6924  This reads a list of file names from the file passed in and
  6925  \f[B]only\f[] these files are transferred.
  6926  The \f[B]filtering rules are ignored\f[] completely if you use this
  6927  option.
  6928  .PP
  6929  Rclone will traverse the file system if you use
  6930  \f[C]\-\-files\-from\f[], effectively using the files in
  6931  \f[C]\-\-files\-from\f[] as a set of filters.
  6932  Rclone will not error if any of the files are missing.
  6933  .PP
  6934  If you use \f[C]\-\-no\-traverse\f[] as well as \f[C]\-\-files\-from\f[]
  6935  then rclone will not traverse the destination file system, it will find
  6936  each file individually using approximately 1 API call.
  6937  This can be more efficient for small lists of files.
  6938  .PP
  6939  This option can be repeated to read from more than one file.
  6940  These are read in the order that they are placed on the command line.
  6941  .PP
  6942  Paths within the \f[C]\-\-files\-from\f[] file will be interpreted as
  6943  starting with the root specified in the command.
  6944  Leading \f[C]/\f[] characters are ignored.
  6945  .PP
  6946  For example, suppose you had \f[C]files\-from.txt\f[] with this content:
  6947  .IP
  6948  .nf
  6949  \f[C]
  6950  #\ comment
  6951  file1.jpg
  6952  subdir/file2.jpg
  6953  \f[]
  6954  .fi
  6955  .PP
  6956  You could then use it like this:
  6957  .IP
  6958  .nf
  6959  \f[C]
  6960  rclone\ copy\ \-\-files\-from\ files\-from.txt\ /home/me/pics\ remote:pics
  6961  \f[]
  6962  .fi
  6963  .PP
  6964  This will transfer these files only (if they exist)
  6965  .IP
  6966  .nf
  6967  \f[C]
  6968  /home/me/pics/file1.jpg\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ →\ remote:pics/file1.jpg
  6969  /home/me/pics/subdir/file2.jpg\ →\ remote:pics/subdirfile1.jpg
  6970  \f[]
  6971  .fi
  6972  .PP
  6973  To take a more complicated example, let's say you had a few files you
  6974  want to back up regularly with these absolute paths:
  6975  .IP
  6976  .nf
  6977  \f[C]
  6978  /home/user1/important
  6979  /home/user1/dir/file
  6980  /home/user2/stuff
  6981  \f[]
  6982  .fi
  6983  .PP
  6984  To copy these you'd find a common subdirectory \- in this case
  6985  \f[C]/home\f[] and put the remaining files in \f[C]files\-from.txt\f[]
  6986  with or without leading \f[C]/\f[], eg
  6987  .IP
  6988  .nf
  6989  \f[C]
  6990  user1/important
  6991  user1/dir/file
  6992  user2/stuff
  6993  \f[]
  6994  .fi
  6995  .PP
  6996  You could then copy these to a remote like this
  6997  .IP
  6998  .nf
  6999  \f[C]
  7000  rclone\ copy\ \-\-files\-from\ files\-from.txt\ /home\ remote:backup
  7001  \f[]
  7002  .fi
  7003  .PP
  7004  The 3 files will arrive in \f[C]remote:backup\f[] with the paths as in
  7005  the \f[C]files\-from.txt\f[] like this:
  7006  .IP
  7007  .nf
  7008  \f[C]
  7009  /home/user1/important\ →\ remote:backup/user1/important
  7010  /home/user1/dir/file\ \ →\ remote:backup/user1/dir/file
  7011  /home/user2/stuff\ \ \ \ \ →\ remote:backup/stuff
  7012  \f[]
  7013  .fi
  7014  .PP
  7015  You could of course choose \f[C]/\f[] as the root too in which case your
  7016  \f[C]files\-from.txt\f[] might look like this.
  7017  .IP
  7018  .nf
  7019  \f[C]
  7020  /home/user1/important
  7021  /home/user1/dir/file
  7022  /home/user2/stuff
  7023  \f[]
  7024  .fi
  7025  .PP
  7026  And you would transfer it like this
  7027  .IP
  7028  .nf
  7029  \f[C]
  7030  rclone\ copy\ \-\-files\-from\ files\-from.txt\ /\ remote:backup
  7031  \f[]
  7032  .fi
  7033  .PP
  7034  In this case there will be an extra \f[C]home\f[] directory on the
  7035  remote:
  7036  .IP
  7037  .nf
  7038  \f[C]
  7039  /home/user1/important\ →\ remote:home/backup/user1/important
  7040  /home/user1/dir/file\ \ →\ remote:home/backup/user1/dir/file
  7041  /home/user2/stuff\ \ \ \ \ →\ remote:home/backup/stuff
  7042  \f[]
  7043  .fi
  7044  .SS \f[C]\-\-min\-size\f[] \- Don't transfer any file smaller than this
  7045  .PP
  7046  This option controls the minimum size file which will be transferred.
  7047  This defaults to \f[C]kBytes\f[] but a suffix of \f[C]k\f[], \f[C]M\f[],
  7048  or \f[C]G\f[] can be used.
  7049  .PP
  7050  For example \f[C]\-\-min\-size\ 50k\f[] means no files smaller than
  7051  50kByte will be transferred.
  7052  .SS \f[C]\-\-max\-size\f[] \- Don't transfer any file larger than this
  7053  .PP
  7054  This option controls the maximum size file which will be transferred.
  7055  This defaults to \f[C]kBytes\f[] but a suffix of \f[C]k\f[], \f[C]M\f[],
  7056  or \f[C]G\f[] can be used.
  7057  .PP
  7058  For example \f[C]\-\-max\-size\ 1G\f[] means no files larger than 1GByte
  7059  will be transferred.
  7060  .SS \f[C]\-\-max\-age\f[] \- Don't transfer any file older than this
  7061  .PP
  7062  This option controls the maximum age of files to transfer.
  7063  Give in seconds or with a suffix of:
  7064  .IP \[bu] 2
  7065  \f[C]ms\f[] \- Milliseconds
  7066  .IP \[bu] 2
  7067  \f[C]s\f[] \- Seconds
  7068  .IP \[bu] 2
  7069  \f[C]m\f[] \- Minutes
  7070  .IP \[bu] 2
  7071  \f[C]h\f[] \- Hours
  7072  .IP \[bu] 2
  7073  \f[C]d\f[] \- Days
  7074  .IP \[bu] 2
  7075  \f[C]w\f[] \- Weeks
  7076  .IP \[bu] 2
  7077  \f[C]M\f[] \- Months
  7078  .IP \[bu] 2
  7079  \f[C]y\f[] \- Years
  7080  .PP
  7081  For example \f[C]\-\-max\-age\ 2d\f[] means no files older than 2 days
  7082  will be transferred.
  7083  .SS \f[C]\-\-min\-age\f[] \- Don't transfer any file younger than this
  7084  .PP
  7085  This option controls the minimum age of files to transfer.
  7086  Give in seconds or with a suffix (see \f[C]\-\-max\-age\f[] for list of
  7087  suffixes)
  7088  .PP
  7089  For example \f[C]\-\-min\-age\ 2d\f[] means no files younger than 2 days
  7090  will be transferred.
  7091  .SS \f[C]\-\-delete\-excluded\f[] \- Delete files on dest excluded from
  7092  sync
  7093  .PP
  7094  \f[B]Important\f[] this flag is dangerous \- use with
  7095  \f[C]\-\-dry\-run\f[] and \f[C]\-v\f[] first.
  7096  .PP
  7097  When doing \f[C]rclone\ sync\f[] this will delete any files which are
  7098  excluded from the sync on the destination.
  7099  .PP
  7100  If for example you did a sync from \f[C]A\f[] to \f[C]B\f[] without the
  7101  \f[C]\-\-min\-size\ 50k\f[] flag
  7102  .IP
  7103  .nf
  7104  \f[C]
  7105  rclone\ sync\ A:\ B:
  7106  \f[]
  7107  .fi
  7108  .PP
  7109  Then you repeated it like this with the \f[C]\-\-delete\-excluded\f[]
  7110  .IP
  7111  .nf
  7112  \f[C]
  7113  rclone\ \-\-min\-size\ 50k\ \-\-delete\-excluded\ sync\ A:\ B:
  7114  \f[]
  7115  .fi
  7116  .PP
  7117  This would delete all files on \f[C]B\f[] which are less than 50 kBytes
  7118  as these are now excluded from the sync.
  7119  .PP
  7120  Always test first with \f[C]\-\-dry\-run\f[] and \f[C]\-v\f[] before
  7121  using this flag.
  7122  .SS \f[C]\-\-dump\ filters\f[] \- dump the filters to the output
  7123  .PP
  7124  This dumps the defined filters to the output as regular expressions.
  7125  .PP
  7126  Useful for debugging.
  7127  .SS \f[C]\-\-ignore\-case\f[] \- make searches case insensitive
  7128  .PP
  7129  Normally filter patterns are case sensitive.
  7130  If this flag is supplied then filter patterns become case insensitive.
  7131  .PP
  7132  Normally a \f[C]\-\-include\ "file.txt"\f[] will not match a file called
  7133  \f[C]FILE.txt\f[].
  7134  However if you use the \f[C]\-\-ignore\-case\f[] flag then
  7135  \f[C]\-\-include\ "file.txt"\f[] this will match a file called
  7136  \f[C]FILE.txt\f[].
  7137  .SS Quoting shell metacharacters
  7138  .PP
  7139  The examples above may not work verbatim in your shell as they have
  7140  shell metacharacters in them (eg \f[C]*\f[]), and may require quoting.
  7141  .PP
  7142  Eg linux, OSX
  7143  .IP \[bu] 2
  7144  \f[C]\-\-include\ \\*.jpg\f[]
  7145  .IP \[bu] 2
  7146  \f[C]\-\-include\ \[aq]*.jpg\[aq]\f[]
  7147  .IP \[bu] 2
  7148  \f[C]\-\-include=\[aq]*.jpg\[aq]\f[]
  7149  .PP
  7150  In Windows the expansion is done by the command not the shell so this
  7151  should work fine
  7152  .IP \[bu] 2
  7153  \f[C]\-\-include\ *.jpg\f[]
  7154  .SS Exclude directory based on a file
  7155  .PP
  7156  It is possible to exclude a directory based on a file, which is present
  7157  in this directory.
  7158  Filename should be specified using the \f[C]\-\-exclude\-if\-present\f[]
  7159  flag.
  7160  This flag has a priority over the other filtering flags.
  7161  .PP
  7162  Imagine, you have the following directory structure:
  7163  .IP
  7164  .nf
  7165  \f[C]
  7166  dir1/file1
  7167  dir1/dir2/file2
  7168  dir1/dir2/dir3/file3
  7169  dir1/dir2/dir3/.ignore
  7170  \f[]
  7171  .fi
  7172  .PP
  7173  You can exclude \f[C]dir3\f[] from sync by running the following
  7174  command:
  7175  .IP
  7176  .nf
  7177  \f[C]
  7178  rclone\ sync\ \-\-exclude\-if\-present\ .ignore\ dir1\ remote:backup
  7179  \f[]
  7180  .fi
  7181  .PP
  7182  Currently only one filename is supported, i.e.
  7183  \f[C]\-\-exclude\-if\-present\f[] should not be used multiple times.
  7184  .SH Remote controlling rclone
  7185  .PP
  7186  If rclone is run with the \f[C]\-\-rc\f[] flag then it starts an http
  7187  server which can be used to remote control rclone.
  7188  .PP
  7189  If you just want to run a remote control then see the rcd
  7190  command (
  7191  .PP
  7192  \f[B]NB\f[] this is experimental and everything here is subject to
  7193  change!
  7194  .SS Supported parameters
  7195  .SS \[en]rc
  7196  .PP
  7197  Flag to start the http server listen on remote requests
  7198  .SS \[en]rc\-addr=IP
  7199  .PP
  7200  IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to.
  7201  (default \[lq]localhost:5572\[rq])
  7202  .SS \[en]rc\-cert=KEY
  7203  .PP
  7204  SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate)
  7205  .SS \[en]rc\-client\-ca=PATH
  7206  .PP
  7207  Client certificate authority to verify clients with
  7208  .SS \[en]rc\-htpasswd=PATH
  7209  .PP
  7210  htpasswd file \- if not provided no authentication is done
  7211  .SS \[en]rc\-key=PATH
  7212  .PP
  7213  SSL PEM Private key
  7214  .SS \[en]rc\-max\-header\-bytes=VALUE
  7215  .PP
  7216  Maximum size of request header (default 4096)
  7217  .SS \[en]rc\-user=VALUE
  7218  .PP
  7219  User name for authentication.
  7220  .SS \[en]rc\-pass=VALUE
  7221  .PP
  7222  Password for authentication.
  7223  .SS \[en]rc\-realm=VALUE
  7224  .PP
  7225  Realm for authentication (default \[lq]rclone\[rq])
  7226  .SS \[en]rc\-server\-read\-timeout=DURATION
  7227  .PP
  7228  Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s)
  7229  .SS \[en]rc\-server\-write\-timeout=DURATION
  7230  .PP
  7231  Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s)
  7232  .SS \[en]rc\-serve
  7233  .PP
  7234  Enable the serving of remote objects via the HTTP interface.
  7235  This means objects will be accessible at by
  7236  default, so you can browse to or
  7237* to see a listing of the remotes.
  7238  Objects may be requested from remotes using this syntax
  7240  .PP
  7241  Default Off.
  7242  .SS \[en]rc\-files /path/to/directory
  7243  .PP
  7244  Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server.
  7245  .PP
  7246  If this is set then rclone will serve the files in that directory.
  7247  It will also open the root in the web browser if specified.
  7248  This is for implementing browser based GUIs for rclone functions.
  7249  .PP
  7250  If \f[C]\-\-rc\-user\f[] or \f[C]\-\-rc\-pass\f[] is set then the URL
  7251  that is opened will have the authorization in the URL in the
  7252  \f[C]http://user:pass\@localhost/\f[] style.
  7253  .PP
  7254  Default Off.
  7255  .SS \[en]rc\-job\-expire\-duration=DURATION
  7256  .PP
  7257  Expire finished async jobs older than DURATION (default 60s).
  7258  .SS \[en]rc\-job\-expire\-interval=DURATION
  7259  .PP
  7260  Interval duration to check for expired async jobs (default 10s).
  7261  .SS \[en]rc\-no\-auth
  7262  .PP
  7263  By default rclone will require authorisation to have been set up on the
  7264  rc interface in order to use any methods which access any rclone
  7265  remotes.
  7266  Eg \f[C]operations/list\f[] is denied as it involved creating a remote
  7267  as is \f[C]sync/copy\f[].
  7268  .PP
  7269  If this is set then no authorisation will be required on the server to
  7270  use these methods.
  7271  The alternative is to use \f[C]\-\-rc\-user\f[] and
  7272  \f[C]\-\-rc\-pass\f[] and use these credentials in the request.
  7273  .PP
  7274  Default Off.
  7275  .SS Accessing the remote control via the rclone rc command
  7276  .PP
  7277  Rclone itself implements the remote control protocol in its
  7278  \f[C]rclone\ rc\f[] command.
  7279  .PP
  7280  You can use it like this
  7281  .IP
  7282  .nf
  7283  \f[C]
  7284  $\ rclone\ rc\ rc/noop\ param1=one\ param2=two
  7285  {
  7286  \ \ \ \ "param1":\ "one",
  7287  \ \ \ \ "param2":\ "two"
  7288  }
  7289  \f[]
  7290  .fi
  7291  .PP
  7292  Run \f[C]rclone\ rc\f[] on its own to see the help for the installed
  7293  remote control commands.
  7294  .PP
  7295  \f[C]rclone\ rc\f[] also supports a \f[C]\-\-json\f[] flag which can be
  7296  used to send more complicated input parameters.
  7297  .IP
  7298  .nf
  7299  \f[C]
  7300  $\ rclone\ rc\ \-\-json\ \[aq]{\ "p1":\ [1,"2",null,4],\ "p2":\ {\ "a":1,\ "b":2\ }\ }\[aq]\ rc/noop
  7301  {
  7302  \ \ \ \ "p1":\ [
  7303  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1,
  7304  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "2",
  7305  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ null,
  7306  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4
  7307  \ \ \ \ ],
  7308  \ \ \ \ "p2":\ {
  7309  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "a":\ 1,
  7310  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "b":\ 2
  7311  \ \ \ \ }
  7312  }
  7313  \f[]
  7314  .fi
  7315  .SS Special parameters
  7316  .PP
  7317  The rc interface supports some special parameters which apply to
  7318  \f[B]all\f[] commands.
  7319  These start with \f[C]_\f[] to show they are different.
  7320  .SS Running asynchronous jobs with _async = true
  7321  .PP
  7322  If \f[C]_async\f[] has a true value when supplied to an rc call then it
  7323  will return immediately with a job id and the task will be run in the
  7324  background.
  7325  The \f[C]job/status\f[] call can be used to get information of the
  7326  background job.
  7327  The job can be queried for up to 1 minute after it has finished.
  7328  .PP
  7329  It is recommended that potentially long running jobs, eg
  7330  \f[C]sync/sync\f[], \f[C]sync/copy\f[], \f[C]sync/move\f[],
  7331  \f[C]operations/purge\f[] are run with the \f[C]_async\f[] flag to avoid
  7332  any potential problems with the HTTP request and response timing out.
  7333  .PP
  7334  Starting a job with the \f[C]_async\f[] flag:
  7335  .IP
  7336  .nf
  7337  \f[C]
  7338  $\ rclone\ rc\ \-\-json\ \[aq]{\ "p1":\ [1,"2",null,4],\ "p2":\ {\ "a":1,\ "b":2\ },\ "_async":\ true\ }\[aq]\ rc/noop
  7339  {
  7340  \ \ \ \ "jobid":\ 2
  7341  }
  7342  \f[]
  7343  .fi
  7344  .PP
  7345  Query the status to see if the job has finished.
  7346  For more information on the meaning of these return parameters see the
  7347  \f[C]job/status\f[] call.
  7348  .IP
  7349  .nf
  7350  \f[C]
  7351  $\ rclone\ rc\ \-\-json\ \[aq]{\ "jobid":2\ }\[aq]\ job/status
  7352  {
  7353  \ \ \ \ "duration":\ 0.000124163,
  7354  \ \ \ \ "endTime":\ "2018\-10\-27T11:38:07.911245881+01:00",
  7355  \ \ \ \ "error":\ "",
  7356  \ \ \ \ "finished":\ true,
  7357  \ \ \ \ "id":\ 2,
  7358  \ \ \ \ "output":\ {
  7359  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "_async":\ true,
  7360  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "p1":\ [
  7361  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1,
  7362  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "2",
  7363  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ null,
  7364  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4
  7365  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ],
  7366  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "p2":\ {
  7367  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "a":\ 1,
  7368  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "b":\ 2
  7369  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }
  7370  \ \ \ \ },
  7371  \ \ \ \ "startTime":\ "2018\-10\-27T11:38:07.911121728+01:00",
  7372  \ \ \ \ "success":\ true
  7373  }
  7374  \f[]
  7375  .fi
  7376  .PP
  7377  \f[C]job/list\f[] can be used to show the running or recently completed
  7378  jobs
  7379  .IP
  7380  .nf
  7381  \f[C]
  7382  $\ rclone\ rc\ job/list
  7383  {
  7384  \ \ \ \ "jobids":\ [
  7385  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 2
  7386  \ \ \ \ ]
  7387  }
  7388  \f[]
  7389  .fi
  7390  .SS Supported commands
  7391  .SS cache/expire: Purge a remote from cache
  7392  .PP
  7393  Purge a remote from the cache backend.
  7394  Supports either a directory or a file.
  7395  Params: \- remote = path to remote (required) \- withData = true/false
  7396  to delete cached data (chunks) as well (optional)
  7397  .PP
  7398  Eg
  7399  .IP
  7400  .nf
  7401  \f[C]
  7402  rclone\ rc\ cache/expire\ remote=path/to/sub/folder/
  7403  rclone\ rc\ cache/expire\ remote=/\ withData=true
  7404  \f[]
  7405  .fi
  7406  .SS cache/fetch: Fetch file chunks
  7407  .PP
  7408  Ensure the specified file chunks are cached on disk.
  7409  .PP
  7410  The chunks= parameter specifies the file chunks to check.
  7411  It takes a comma separated list of array slice indices.
  7412  The slice indices are similar to Python slices: start[:end]
  7413  .PP
  7414  start is the 0 based chunk number from the beginning of the file to
  7415  fetch inclusive.
  7416  end is 0 based chunk number from the beginning of the file to fetch
  7417  exclusive.
  7418  Both values can be negative, in which case they count from the back of
  7419  the file.
  7420  The value \[lq]\-5:\[rq] represents the last 5 chunks of a file.
  7421  .PP
  7422  Some valid examples are: \[lq]:5,\-5:\[rq] \-> the first and last five
  7423  chunks \[lq]0,\-2\[rq] \-> the first and the second last chunk
  7424  \[lq]0:10\[rq] \-> the first ten chunks
  7425  .PP
  7426  Any parameter with a key that starts with \[lq]file\[rq] can be used to
  7427  specify files to fetch, eg
  7428  .IP
  7429  .nf
  7430  \f[C]
  7431  rclone\ rc\ cache/fetch\ chunks=0\ file=hello\ file2=home/goodbye
  7432  \f[]
  7433  .fi
  7434  .PP
  7435  File names will automatically be encrypted when the a crypt remote is
  7436  used on top of the cache.
  7437  .SS cache/stats: Get cache stats
  7438  .PP
  7439  Show statistics for the cache remote.
  7440  .SS config/create: create the config for a remote.
  7441  .PP
  7442  This takes the following parameters
  7443  .IP \[bu] 2
  7444  name \- name of remote
  7445  .IP \[bu] 2
  7446  type \- type of the new remote
  7447  .PP
  7448  See the config create
  7449  command ( command for
  7450  more information on the above.
  7451  .PP
  7452  Authentication is required for this call.
  7453  .SS config/delete: Delete a remote in the config file.
  7454  .PP
  7455  Parameters: \- name \- name of remote to delete
  7456  .PP
  7457  See the config delete
  7458  command ( command for
  7459  more information on the above.
  7460  .PP
  7461  Authentication is required for this call.
  7462  .SS config/dump: Dumps the config file.
  7463  .PP
  7464  Returns a JSON object: \- key: value
  7465  .PP
  7466  Where keys are remote names and values are the config parameters.
  7467  .PP
  7468  See the config dump
  7469  command ( command for
  7470  more information on the above.
  7471  .PP
  7472  Authentication is required for this call.
  7473  .SS config/get: Get a remote in the config file.
  7474  .PP
  7475  Parameters: \- name \- name of remote to get
  7476  .PP
  7477  See the config dump
  7478  command ( command for
  7479  more information on the above.
  7480  .PP
  7481  Authentication is required for this call.
  7482  .SS config/listremotes: Lists the remotes in the config file.
  7483  .PP
  7484  Returns \- remotes \- array of remote names
  7485  .PP
  7486  See the listremotes
  7487  command ( command for
  7488  more information on the above.
  7489  .PP
  7490  Authentication is required for this call.
  7491  .SS config/password: password the config for a remote.
  7492  .PP
  7493  This takes the following parameters
  7494  .IP \[bu] 2
  7495  name \- name of remote
  7496  .PP
  7497  See the config password
  7498  command ( command
  7499  for more information on the above.
  7500  .PP
  7501  Authentication is required for this call.
  7502  .SS config/providers: Shows how providers are configured in the config
  7503  file.
  7504  .PP
  7505  Returns a JSON object: \- providers \- array of objects
  7506  .PP
  7507  See the config providers
  7508  command ( command
  7509  for more information on the above.
  7510  .PP
  7511  Authentication is required for this call.
  7512  .SS config/update: update the config for a remote.
  7513  .PP
  7514  This takes the following parameters
  7515  .IP \[bu] 2
  7516  name \- name of remote
  7517  .PP
  7518  See the config update
  7519  command ( command for
  7520  more information on the above.
  7521  .PP
  7522  Authentication is required for this call.
  7523  .SS core/bwlimit: Set the bandwidth limit.
  7524  .PP
  7525  This sets the bandwidth limit to that passed in.
  7526  .PP
  7527  Eg
  7528  .IP
  7529  .nf
  7530  \f[C]
  7531  rclone\ rc\ core/bwlimit\ rate=1M
  7532  rclone\ rc\ core/bwlimit\ rate=off
  7533  \f[]
  7534  .fi
  7535  .PP
  7536  The format of the parameter is exactly the same as passed to
  7537  \[en]bwlimit except only one bandwidth may be specified.
  7538  .SS core/gc: Runs a garbage collection.
  7539  .PP
  7540  This tells the go runtime to do a garbage collection run.
  7541  It isn't necessary to call this normally, but it can be useful for
  7542  debugging memory problems.
  7543  .SS core/memstats: Returns the memory statistics
  7544  .PP
  7545  This returns the memory statistics of the running program.
  7546  What the values mean are explained in the go docs:
  7548  .PP
  7549  The most interesting values for most people are:
  7550  .IP \[bu] 2
  7551  HeapAlloc: This is the amount of memory rclone is actually using
  7552  .IP \[bu] 2
  7553  HeapSys: This is the amount of memory rclone has obtained from the OS
  7554  .IP \[bu] 2
  7555  Sys: this is the total amount of memory requested from the OS
  7556  .RS 2
  7557  .IP \[bu] 2
  7558  It is virtual memory so may include unused memory
  7559  .RE
  7560  .SS core/obscure: Obscures a string passed in.
  7561  .PP
  7562  Pass a clear string and rclone will obscure it for the config file: \-
  7563  clear \- string
  7564  .PP
  7565  Returns \- obscured \- string
  7566  .SS core/pid: Return PID of current process
  7567  .PP
  7568  This returns PID of current process.
  7569  Useful for stopping rclone process.
  7570  .SS core/stats: Returns stats about current transfers.
  7571  .PP
  7572  This returns all available stats
  7573  .IP
  7574  .nf
  7575  \f[C]
  7576  rclone\ rc\ core/stats
  7577  \f[]
  7578  .fi
  7579  .PP
  7580  Returns the following values:
  7581  .IP
  7582  .nf
  7583  \f[C]
  7584  {
  7585  \ \ \ \ "speed":\ average\ speed\ in\ bytes/sec\ since\ start\ of\ the\ process,
  7586  \ \ \ \ "bytes":\ total\ transferred\ bytes\ since\ the\ start\ of\ the\ process,
  7587  \ \ \ \ "errors":\ number\ of\ errors,
  7588  \ \ \ \ "fatalError":\ whether\ there\ has\ been\ at\ least\ one\ FatalError,
  7589  \ \ \ \ "retryError":\ whether\ there\ has\ been\ at\ least\ one\ non\-NoRetryError,
  7590  \ \ \ \ "checks":\ number\ of\ checked\ files,
  7591  \ \ \ \ "transfers":\ number\ of\ transferred\ files,
  7592  \ \ \ \ "deletes"\ :\ number\ of\ deleted\ files,
  7593  \ \ \ \ "elapsedTime":\ time\ in\ seconds\ since\ the\ start\ of\ the\ process,
  7594  \ \ \ \ "lastError":\ last\ occurred\ error,
  7595  \ \ \ \ "transferring":\ an\ array\ of\ currently\ active\ file\ transfers:
  7596  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ [
  7597  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {
  7598  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "bytes":\ total\ transferred\ bytes\ for\ this\ file,
  7599  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "eta":\ estimated\ time\ in\ seconds\ until\ file\ transfer\ completion
  7600  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "name":\ name\ of\ the\ file,
  7601  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "percentage":\ progress\ of\ the\ file\ transfer\ in\ percent,
  7602  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "speed":\ speed\ in\ bytes/sec,
  7603  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "speedAvg":\ speed\ in\ bytes/sec\ as\ an\ exponentially\ weighted\ moving\ average,
  7604  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "size":\ size\ of\ the\ file\ in\ bytes
  7605  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }
  7606  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ],
  7607  \ \ \ \ "checking":\ an\ array\ of\ names\ of\ currently\ active\ file\ checks
  7608  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ []
  7609  }
  7610  \f[]
  7611  .fi
  7612  .PP
  7613  Values for \[lq]transferring\[rq], \[lq]checking\[rq] and
  7614  \[lq]lastError\[rq] are only assigned if data is available.
  7615  The value for \[lq]eta\[rq] is null if an eta cannot be determined.
  7616  .SS core/version: Shows the current version of rclone and the go
  7617  runtime.
  7618  .PP
  7619  This shows the current version of go and the go runtime \- version \-
  7620  rclone version, eg \[lq]v1.44\[rq] \- decomposed \- version number as
  7621  [major, minor, patch, subpatch] \- note patch and subpatch will be 999
  7622  for a git compiled version \- isGit \- boolean \- true if this was
  7623  compiled from the git version \- os \- OS in use as according to Go \-
  7624  arch \- cpu architecture in use according to Go \- goVersion \- version
  7625  of Go runtime in use
  7626  .SS job/list: Lists the IDs of the running jobs
  7627  .PP
  7628  Parameters \- None
  7629  .PP
  7630  Results \- jobids \- array of integer job ids
  7631  .SS job/status: Reads the status of the job ID
  7632  .PP
  7633  Parameters \- jobid \- id of the job (integer)
  7634  .PP
  7635  Results \- finished \- boolean \- duration \- time in seconds that the
  7636  job ran for \- endTime \- time the job finished (eg
  7637  \[lq]2018\-10\-26T18:50:20.528746884+01:00\[rq]) \- error \- error from
  7638  the job or empty string for no error \- finished \- boolean whether the
  7639  job has finished or not \- id \- as passed in above \- startTime \- time
  7640  the job started (eg \[lq]2018\-10\-26T18:50:20.528336039+01:00\[rq]) \-
  7641  success \- boolean \- true for success false otherwise \- output \-
  7642  output of the job as would have been returned if called synchronously
  7643  .SS operations/about: Return the space used on the remote
  7644  .PP
  7645  This takes the following parameters
  7646  .IP \[bu] 2
  7647  fs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:\[rq]
  7648  .PP
  7649  The result is as returned from rclone about \[en]json
  7650  .PP
  7651  See the about command ( command
  7652  for more information on the above.
  7653  .PP
  7654  Authentication is required for this call.
  7655  .SS operations/cleanup: Remove trashed files in the remote or path
  7656  .PP
  7657  This takes the following parameters
  7658  .IP \[bu] 2
  7659  fs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:\[rq]
  7660  .PP
  7661  See the cleanup command (
  7662  command for more information on the above.
  7663  .PP
  7664  Authentication is required for this call.
  7665  .SS operations/copyfile: Copy a file from source remote to destination
  7666  remote
  7667  .PP
  7668  This takes the following parameters
  7669  .IP \[bu] 2
  7670  srcFs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:\[rq] for the source
  7671  .IP \[bu] 2
  7672  srcRemote \- a path within that remote eg \[lq]file.txt\[rq] for the
  7673  source
  7674  .IP \[bu] 2
  7675  dstFs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive2:\[rq] for the destination
  7676  .IP \[bu] 2
  7677  dstRemote \- a path within that remote eg \[lq]file2.txt\[rq] for the
  7678  destination
  7679  .PP
  7680  Authentication is required for this call.
  7681  .SS operations/copyurl: Copy the URL to the object
  7682  .PP
  7683  This takes the following parameters
  7684  .IP \[bu] 2
  7685  fs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:\[rq]
  7686  .IP \[bu] 2
  7687  remote \- a path within that remote eg \[lq]dir\[rq]
  7688  .IP \[bu] 2
  7689  url \- string, URL to read from
  7690  .PP
  7691  See the copyurl command (
  7692  command for more information on the above.
  7693  .PP
  7694  Authentication is required for this call.
  7695  .SS operations/delete: Remove files in the path
  7696  .PP
  7697  This takes the following parameters
  7698  .IP \[bu] 2
  7699  fs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:\[rq]
  7700  .PP
  7701  See the delete command (
  7702  command for more information on the above.
  7703  .PP
  7704  Authentication is required for this call.
  7705  .SS operations/deletefile: Remove the single file pointed to
  7706  .PP
  7707  This takes the following parameters
  7708  .IP \[bu] 2
  7709  fs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:\[rq]
  7710  .IP \[bu] 2
  7711  remote \- a path within that remote eg \[lq]dir\[rq]
  7712  .PP
  7713  See the deletefile
  7714  command ( command for
  7715  more information on the above.
  7716  .PP
  7717  Authentication is required for this call.
  7718  .SS operations/fsinfo: Return information about the remote
  7719  .PP
  7720  This takes the following parameters
  7721  .IP \[bu] 2
  7722  fs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:\[rq]
  7723  .PP
  7724  This returns info about the remote passed in;
  7725  .IP
  7726  .nf
  7727  \f[C]
  7728  {
  7729  \ \ \ \ //\ optional\ features\ and\ whether\ they\ are\ available\ or\ not
  7730  \ \ \ \ "Features":\ {
  7731  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "About":\ true,
  7732  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "BucketBased":\ false,
  7733  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "CanHaveEmptyDirectories":\ true,
  7734  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "CaseInsensitive":\ false,
  7735  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "ChangeNotify":\ false,
  7736  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "CleanUp":\ false,
  7737  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "Copy":\ false,
  7738  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "DirCacheFlush":\ false,
  7739  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "DirMove":\ true,
  7740  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "DuplicateFiles":\ false,
  7741  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "GetTier":\ false,
  7742  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "ListR":\ false,
  7743  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "MergeDirs":\ false,
  7744  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "Move":\ true,
  7745  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "OpenWriterAt":\ true,
  7746  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "PublicLink":\ false,
  7747  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "Purge":\ true,
  7748  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "PutStream":\ true,
  7749  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "PutUnchecked":\ false,
  7750  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "ReadMimeType":\ false,
  7751  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "ServerSideAcrossConfigs":\ false,
  7752  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "SetTier":\ false,
  7753  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "SetWrapper":\ false,
  7754  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "UnWrap":\ false,
  7755  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "WrapFs":\ false,
  7756  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "WriteMimeType":\ false
  7757  \ \ \ \ },
  7758  \ \ \ \ //\ Names\ of\ hashes\ available
  7759  \ \ \ \ "Hashes":\ [
  7760  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "MD5",
  7761  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "SHA\-1",
  7762  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "DropboxHash",
  7763  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "QuickXorHash"
  7764  \ \ \ \ ],
  7765  \ \ \ \ "Name":\ "local",\ \ \ \ //\ Name\ as\ created
  7766  \ \ \ \ "Precision":\ 1,\ \ \ \ \ //\ Precision\ of\ timestamps\ in\ ns
  7767  \ \ \ \ "Root":\ "/",\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ //\ Path\ as\ created
  7768  \ \ \ \ "String":\ "Local\ file\ system\ at\ /"\ //\ how\ the\ remote\ will\ appear\ in\ logs
  7769  }
  7770  \f[]
  7771  .fi
  7772  .PP
  7773  This command does not have a command line equivalent so use this
  7774  instead:
  7775  .IP
  7776  .nf
  7777  \f[C]
  7778  rclone\ rc\ \-\-loopback\ operations/fsinfo\ fs=remote:
  7779  \f[]
  7780  .fi
  7781  .SS operations/list: List the given remote and path in JSON format
  7782  .PP
  7783  This takes the following parameters
  7784  .IP \[bu] 2
  7785  fs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:\[rq]
  7786  .IP \[bu] 2
  7787  remote \- a path within that remote eg \[lq]dir\[rq]
  7788  .IP \[bu] 2
  7789  opt \- a dictionary of options to control the listing (optional)
  7790  .RS 2
  7791  .IP \[bu] 2
  7792  recurse \- If set recurse directories
  7793  .IP \[bu] 2
  7794  noModTime \- If set return modification time
  7795  .IP \[bu] 2
  7796  showEncrypted \- If set show decrypted names
  7797  .IP \[bu] 2
  7798  showOrigIDs \- If set show the IDs for each item if known
  7799  .IP \[bu] 2
  7800  showHash \- If set return a dictionary of hashes
  7801  .RE
  7802  .PP
  7803  The result is
  7804  .IP \[bu] 2
  7805  list
  7806  .RS 2
  7807  .IP \[bu] 2
  7808  This is an array of objects as described in the lsjson command
  7809  .RE
  7810  .PP
  7811  See the lsjson command ( for
  7812  more information on the above and examples.
  7813  .PP
  7814  Authentication is required for this call.
  7815  .SS operations/mkdir: Make a destination directory or container
  7816  .PP
  7817  This takes the following parameters
  7818  .IP \[bu] 2
  7819  fs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:\[rq]
  7820  .IP \[bu] 2
  7821  remote \- a path within that remote eg \[lq]dir\[rq]
  7822  .PP
  7823  See the mkdir command (
  7824  command for more information on the above.
  7825  .PP
  7826  Authentication is required for this call.
  7827  .SS operations/movefile: Move a file from source remote to destination
  7828  remote
  7829  .PP
  7830  This takes the following parameters
  7831  .IP \[bu] 2
  7832  srcFs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:\[rq] for the source
  7833  .IP \[bu] 2
  7834  srcRemote \- a path within that remote eg \[lq]file.txt\[rq] for the
  7835  source
  7836  .IP \[bu] 2
  7837  dstFs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive2:\[rq] for the destination
  7838  .IP \[bu] 2
  7839  dstRemote \- a path within that remote eg \[lq]file2.txt\[rq] for the
  7840  destination
  7841  .PP
  7842  Authentication is required for this call.
  7843  .SS operations/publiclink: Create or retrieve a public link to the given
  7844  file or folder.
  7845  .PP
  7846  This takes the following parameters
  7847  .IP \[bu] 2
  7848  fs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:\[rq]
  7849  .IP \[bu] 2
  7850  remote \- a path within that remote eg \[lq]dir\[rq]
  7851  .PP
  7852  Returns
  7853  .IP \[bu] 2
  7854  url \- URL of the resource
  7855  .PP
  7856  See the link command ( command
  7857  for more information on the above.
  7858  .PP
  7859  Authentication is required for this call.
  7860  .SS operations/purge: Remove a directory or container and all of its
  7861  contents
  7862  .PP
  7863  This takes the following parameters
  7864  .IP \[bu] 2
  7865  fs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:\[rq]
  7866  .IP \[bu] 2
  7867  remote \- a path within that remote eg \[lq]dir\[rq]
  7868  .PP
  7869  See the purge command (
  7870  command for more information on the above.
  7871  .PP
  7872  Authentication is required for this call.
  7873  .SS operations/rmdir: Remove an empty directory or container
  7874  .PP
  7875  This takes the following parameters
  7876  .IP \[bu] 2
  7877  fs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:\[rq]
  7878  .IP \[bu] 2
  7879  remote \- a path within that remote eg \[lq]dir\[rq]
  7880  .PP
  7881  See the rmdir command (
  7882  command for more information on the above.
  7883  .PP
  7884  Authentication is required for this call.
  7885  .SS operations/rmdirs: Remove all the empty directories in the path
  7886  .PP
  7887  This takes the following parameters
  7888  .IP \[bu] 2
  7889  fs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:\[rq]
  7890  .IP \[bu] 2
  7891  remote \- a path within that remote eg \[lq]dir\[rq]
  7892  .IP \[bu] 2
  7893  leaveRoot \- boolean, set to true not to delete the root
  7894  .PP
  7895  See the rmdirs command (
  7896  command for more information on the above.
  7897  .PP
  7898  Authentication is required for this call.
  7899  .SS operations/size: Count the number of bytes and files in remote
  7900  .PP
  7901  This takes the following parameters
  7902  .IP \[bu] 2
  7903  fs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:path/to/dir\[rq]
  7904  .PP
  7905  Returns
  7906  .IP \[bu] 2
  7907  count \- number of files
  7908  .IP \[bu] 2
  7909  bytes \- number of bytes in those files
  7910  .PP
  7911  See the size command ( command
  7912  for more information on the above.
  7913  .PP
  7914  Authentication is required for this call.
  7915  .SS options/blocks: List all the option blocks
  7916  .PP
  7917  Returns \- options \- a list of the options block names
  7918  .SS options/get: Get all the options
  7919  .PP
  7920  Returns an object where keys are option block names and values are an
  7921  object with the current option values in.
  7922  .PP
  7923  This shows the internal names of the option within rclone which should
  7924  map to the external options very easily with a few exceptions.
  7925  .SS options/set: Set an option
  7926  .PP
  7927  Parameters
  7928  .IP \[bu] 2
  7929  option block name containing an object with
  7930  .RS 2
  7931  .IP \[bu] 2
  7932  key: value
  7933  .RE
  7934  .PP
  7935  Repeated as often as required.
  7936  .PP
  7937  Only supply the options you wish to change.
  7938  If an option is unknown it will be silently ignored.
  7939  Not all options will have an effect when changed like this.
  7940  .PP
  7941  For example:
  7942  .PP
  7943  This sets DEBUG level logs (\-vv)
  7944  .IP
  7945  .nf
  7946  \f[C]
  7947  rclone\ rc\ options/set\ \-\-json\ \[aq]{"main":\ {"LogLevel":\ 8}}\[aq]
  7948  \f[]
  7949  .fi
  7950  .PP
  7951  And this sets INFO level logs (\-v)
  7952  .IP
  7953  .nf
  7954  \f[C]
  7955  rclone\ rc\ options/set\ \-\-json\ \[aq]{"main":\ {"LogLevel":\ 7}}\[aq]
  7956  \f[]
  7957  .fi
  7958  .PP
  7959  And this sets NOTICE level logs (normal without \-v)
  7960  .IP
  7961  .nf
  7962  \f[C]
  7963  rclone\ rc\ options/set\ \-\-json\ \[aq]{"main":\ {"LogLevel":\ 6}}\[aq]
  7964  \f[]
  7965  .fi
  7966  .SS rc/error: This returns an error
  7967  .PP
  7968  This returns an error with the input as part of its error string.
  7969  Useful for testing error handling.
  7970  .SS rc/list: List all the registered remote control commands
  7971  .PP
  7972  This lists all the registered remote control commands as a JSON map in
  7973  the commands response.
  7974  .SS rc/noop: Echo the input to the output parameters
  7975  .PP
  7976  This echoes the input parameters to the output parameters for testing
  7977  purposes.
  7978  It can be used to check that rclone is still alive and to check that
  7979  parameter passing is working properly.
  7980  .SS rc/noopauth: Echo the input to the output parameters requiring auth
  7981  .PP
  7982  This echoes the input parameters to the output parameters for testing
  7983  purposes.
  7984  It can be used to check that rclone is still alive and to check that
  7985  parameter passing is working properly.
  7986  .PP
  7987  Authentication is required for this call.
  7988  .SS sync/copy: copy a directory from source remote to destination remote
  7989  .PP
  7990  This takes the following parameters
  7991  .IP \[bu] 2
  7992  srcFs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:src\[rq] for the source
  7993  .IP \[bu] 2
  7994  dstFs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:dst\[rq] for the destination
  7995  .PP
  7996  See the copy command ( command
  7997  for more information on the above.
  7998  .PP
  7999  Authentication is required for this call.
  8000  .SS sync/move: move a directory from source remote to destination remote
  8001  .PP
  8002  This takes the following parameters
  8003  .IP \[bu] 2
  8004  srcFs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:src\[rq] for the source
  8005  .IP \[bu] 2
  8006  dstFs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:dst\[rq] for the destination
  8007  .IP \[bu] 2
  8008  deleteEmptySrcDirs \- delete empty src directories if set
  8009  .PP
  8010  See the move command ( command
  8011  for more information on the above.
  8012  .PP
  8013  Authentication is required for this call.
  8014  .SS sync/sync: sync a directory from source remote to destination remote
  8015  .PP
  8016  This takes the following parameters
  8017  .IP \[bu] 2
  8018  srcFs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:src\[rq] for the source
  8019  .IP \[bu] 2
  8020  dstFs \- a remote name string eg \[lq]drive:dst\[rq] for the destination
  8021  .PP
  8022  See the sync command ( command
  8023  for more information on the above.
  8024  .PP
  8025  Authentication is required for this call.
  8026  .SS vfs/forget: Forget files or directories in the directory cache.
  8027  .PP
  8028  This forgets the paths in the directory cache causing them to be
  8029  re\-read from the remote when needed.
  8030  .PP
  8031  If no paths are passed in then it will forget all the paths in the
  8032  directory cache.
  8033  .IP
  8034  .nf
  8035  \f[C]
  8036  rclone\ rc\ vfs/forget
  8037  \f[]
  8038  .fi
  8039  .PP
  8040  Otherwise pass files or dirs in as file=path or dir=path.
  8041  Any parameter key starting with file will forget that file and any
  8042  starting with dir will forget that dir, eg
  8043  .IP
  8044  .nf
  8045  \f[C]
  8046  rclone\ rc\ vfs/forget\ file=hello\ file2=goodbye\ dir=home/junk
  8047  \f[]
  8048  .fi
  8049  .SS vfs/poll\-interval: Get the status or update the value of the
  8050  poll\-interval option.
  8051  .PP
  8052  Without any parameter given this returns the current status of the
  8053  poll\-interval setting.
  8054  .PP
  8055  When the interval=duration parameter is set, the poll\-interval value is
  8056  updated and the polling function is notified.
  8057  Setting interval=0 disables poll\-interval.
  8058  .IP
  8059  .nf
  8060  \f[C]
  8061  rclone\ rc\ vfs/poll\-interval\ interval=5m
  8062  \f[]
  8063  .fi
  8064  .PP
  8065  The timeout=duration parameter can be used to specify a time to wait for
  8066  the current poll function to apply the new value.
  8067  If timeout is less or equal 0, which is the default, wait indefinitely.
  8068  .PP
  8069  The new poll\-interval value will only be active when the timeout is not
  8070  reached.
  8071  .PP
  8072  If poll\-interval is updated or disabled temporarily, some changes might
  8073  not get picked up by the polling function, depending on the used remote.
  8074  .SS vfs/refresh: Refresh the directory cache.
  8075  .PP
  8076  This reads the directories for the specified paths and freshens the
  8077  directory cache.
  8078  .PP
  8079  If no paths are passed in then it will refresh the root directory.
  8080  .IP
  8081  .nf
  8082  \f[C]
  8083  rclone\ rc\ vfs/refresh
  8084  \f[]
  8085  .fi
  8086  .PP
  8087  Otherwise pass directories in as dir=path.
  8088  Any parameter key starting with dir will refresh that directory, eg
  8089  .IP
  8090  .nf
  8091  \f[C]
  8092  rclone\ rc\ vfs/refresh\ dir=home/junk\ dir2=data/misc
  8093  \f[]
  8094  .fi
  8095  .PP
  8096  If the parameter recursive=true is given the whole directory tree will
  8097  get refreshed.
  8098  This refresh will use \[en]fast\-list if enabled.
  8099  .SS Accessing the remote control via HTTP
  8100  .PP
  8101  Rclone implements a simple HTTP based protocol.
  8102  .PP
  8103  Each endpoint takes an JSON object and returns a JSON object or an
  8104  error.
  8105  The JSON objects are essentially a map of string names to values.
  8106  .PP
  8107  All calls must made using POST.
  8108  .PP
  8109  The input objects can be supplied using URL parameters, POST parameters
  8110  or by supplying \[lq]Content\-Type: application/json\[rq] and a JSON
  8111  blob in the body.
  8112  There are examples of these below using \f[C]curl\f[].
  8113  .PP
  8114  The response will be a JSON blob in the body of the response.
  8115  This is formatted to be reasonably human readable.
  8116  .SS Error returns
  8117  .PP
  8118  If an error occurs then there will be an HTTP error status (eg 500) and
  8119  the body of the response will contain a JSON encoded error object, eg
  8120  .IP
  8121  .nf
  8122  \f[C]
  8123  {
  8124  \ \ \ \ "error":\ "Expecting\ string\ value\ for\ key\ \\"remote\\"\ (was\ float64)",
  8125  \ \ \ \ "input":\ {
  8126  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "fs":\ "/tmp",
  8127  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "remote":\ 3
  8128  \ \ \ \ },
  8129  \ \ \ \ "status":\ 400
  8130  \ \ \ \ "path":\ "operations/rmdir",
  8131  }
  8132  \f[]
  8133  .fi
  8134  .PP
  8135  The keys in the error response are \- error \- error string \- input \-
  8136  the input parameters to the call \- status \- the HTTP status code \-
  8137  path \- the path of the call
  8138  .SS CORS
  8139  .PP
  8140  The sever implements basic CORS support and allows all origins for that.
  8141  The response to a preflight OPTIONS request will echo the requested
  8142  \[lq]Access\-Control\-Request\-Headers\[rq] back.
  8143  .SS Using POST with URL parameters only
  8144  .IP
  8145  .nf
  8146  \f[C]
  8147  curl\ \-X\ POST\ \[aq]http://localhost:5572/rc/noop?potato=1&sausage=2\[aq]
  8148  \f[]
  8149  .fi
  8150  .PP
  8151  Response
  8152  .IP
  8153  .nf
  8154  \f[C]
  8155  {
  8156  \ \ \ \ "potato":\ "1",
  8157  \ \ \ \ "sausage":\ "2"
  8158  }
  8159  \f[]
  8160  .fi
  8161  .PP
  8162  Here is what an error response looks like:
  8163  .IP
  8164  .nf
  8165  \f[C]
  8166  curl\ \-X\ POST\ \[aq]http://localhost:5572/rc/error?potato=1&sausage=2\[aq]
  8167  \f[]
  8168  .fi
  8169  .IP
  8170  .nf
  8171  \f[C]
  8172  {
  8173  \ \ \ \ "error":\ "arbitrary\ error\ on\ input\ map[potato:1\ sausage:2]",
  8174  \ \ \ \ "input":\ {
  8175  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "potato":\ "1",
  8176  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "sausage":\ "2"
  8177  \ \ \ \ }
  8178  }
  8179  \f[]
  8180  .fi
  8181  .PP
  8182  Note that curl doesn't return errors to the shell unless you use the
  8183  \f[C]\-f\f[] option
  8184  .IP
  8185  .nf
  8186  \f[C]
  8187  $\ curl\ \-f\ \-X\ POST\ \[aq]http://localhost:5572/rc/error?potato=1&sausage=2\[aq]
  8188  curl:\ (22)\ The\ requested\ URL\ returned\ error:\ 400\ Bad\ Request
  8189  $\ echo\ $?
  8190  22
  8191  \f[]
  8192  .fi
  8193  .SS Using POST with a form
  8194  .IP
  8195  .nf
  8196  \f[C]
  8197  curl\ \-\-data\ "potato=1"\ \-\-data\ "sausage=2"\ http://localhost:5572/rc/noop
  8198  \f[]
  8199  .fi
  8200  .PP
  8201  Response
  8202  .IP
  8203  .nf
  8204  \f[C]
  8205  {
  8206  \ \ \ \ "potato":\ "1",
  8207  \ \ \ \ "sausage":\ "2"
  8208  }
  8209  \f[]
  8210  .fi
  8211  .PP
  8212  Note that you can combine these with URL parameters too with the POST
  8213  parameters taking precedence.
  8214  .IP
  8215  .nf
  8216  \f[C]
  8217  curl\ \-\-data\ "potato=1"\ \-\-data\ "sausage=2"\ "http://localhost:5572/rc/noop?rutabaga=3&sausage=4"
  8218  \f[]
  8219  .fi
  8220  .PP
  8221  Response
  8222  .IP
  8223  .nf
  8224  \f[C]
  8225  {
  8226  \ \ \ \ "potato":\ "1",
  8227  \ \ \ \ "rutabaga":\ "3",
  8228  \ \ \ \ "sausage":\ "4"
  8229  }
  8230  \f[]
  8231  .fi
  8232  .SS Using POST with a JSON blob
  8233  .IP
  8234  .nf
  8235  \f[C]
  8236  curl\ \-H\ "Content\-Type:\ application/json"\ \-X\ POST\ \-d\ \[aq]{"potato":2,"sausage":1}\[aq]\ http://localhost:5572/rc/noop
  8237  \f[]
  8238  .fi
  8239  .PP
  8240  response
  8241  .IP
  8242  .nf
  8243  \f[C]
  8244  {
  8245  \ \ \ \ "password":\ "xyz",
  8246  \ \ \ \ "username":\ "xyz"
  8247  }
  8248  \f[]
  8249  .fi
  8250  .PP
  8251  This can be combined with URL parameters too if required.
  8252  The JSON blob takes precedence.
  8253  .IP
  8254  .nf
  8255  \f[C]
  8256  curl\ \-H\ "Content\-Type:\ application/json"\ \-X\ POST\ \-d\ \[aq]{"potato":2,"sausage":1}\[aq]\ \[aq]http://localhost:5572/rc/noop?rutabaga=3&potato=4\[aq]
  8257  \f[]
  8258  .fi
  8259  .IP
  8260  .nf
  8261  \f[C]
  8262  {
  8263  \ \ \ \ "potato":\ 2,
  8264  \ \ \ \ "rutabaga":\ "3",
  8265  \ \ \ \ "sausage":\ 1
  8266  }
  8267  \f[]
  8268  .fi
  8269  .SS Debugging rclone with pprof
  8270  .PP
  8271  If you use the \f[C]\-\-rc\f[] flag this will also enable the use of the
  8272  go profiling tools on the same port.
  8273  .PP
  8274  To use these, first install go (
  8275  .SS Debugging memory use
  8276  .PP
  8277  To profile rclone's memory use you can run:
  8278  .IP
  8279  .nf
  8280  \f[C]
  8281  go\ tool\ pprof\ \-web\ http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/heap
  8282  \f[]
  8283  .fi
  8284  .PP
  8285  This should open a page in your browser showing what is using what
  8286  memory.
  8287  .PP
  8288  You can also use the \f[C]\-text\f[] flag to produce a textual summary
  8289  .IP
  8290  .nf
  8291  \f[C]
  8292  $\ go\ tool\ pprof\ \-text\ http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/heap
  8293  Showing\ nodes\ accounting\ for\ 1537.03kB,\ 100%\ of\ 1537.03kB\ total
  8294  \ \ \ \ \ \ flat\ \ flat%\ \ \ sum%\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ cum\ \ \ cum%
  8295  \ 1024.03kB\ 66.62%\ 66.62%\ \ 1024.03kB\ 66.62%\ \
  8296  \ \ \ \ \ 513kB\ 33.38%\ \ \ 100%\ \ \ \ \ \ 513kB\ 33.38%\ \ net/http.newBufioWriterSize
  8297  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ \ \ \ \ 0%\ \ \ 100%\ \ 1024.03kB\ 66.62%\ \
  8298  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ \ \ \ \ 0%\ \ \ 100%\ \ 1024.03kB\ 66.62%\ \
  8299  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ \ \ \ \ 0%\ \ \ 100%\ \ 1024.03kB\ 66.62%\ \
  8300  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ \ \ \ \ 0%\ \ \ 100%\ \ 1024.03kB\ 66.62%\ \
  8301  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ \ \ \ \ 0%\ \ \ 100%\ \ 1024.03kB\ 66.62%\ \
  8302  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ \ \ \ \ 0%\ \ \ 100%\ \ 1024.03kB\ 66.62%\ \
  8303  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ \ \ \ \ 0%\ \ \ 100%\ \ 1024.03kB\ 66.62%\ \ main.init
  8304  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ \ \ \ \ 0%\ \ \ 100%\ \ \ \ \ \ 513kB\ 33.38%\ \ net/http.(*conn).readRequest
  8305  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ \ \ \ \ 0%\ \ \ 100%\ \ \ \ \ \ 513kB\ 33.38%\ \ net/http.(*conn).serve
  8306  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ \ \ \ \ 0%\ \ \ 100%\ \ 1024.03kB\ 66.62%\ \ runtime.main
  8307  \f[]
  8308  .fi
  8309  .SS Debugging go routine leaks
  8310  .PP
  8311  Memory leaks are most often caused by go routine leaks keeping memory
  8312  alive which should have been garbage collected.
  8313  .PP
  8314  See all active go routines using
  8315  .IP
  8316  .nf
  8317  \f[C]
  8318  curl\ http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1
  8319  \f[]
  8320  .fi
  8321  .PP
  8322  Or go to http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1 in your
  8323  browser.
  8324  .SS Other profiles to look at
  8325  .PP
  8326  You can see a summary of profiles available at
  8327  http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/
  8328  .PP
  8329  Here is how to use some of them:
  8330  .IP \[bu] 2
  8331  Memory: \f[C]go\ tool\ pprof\ http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/heap\f[]
  8332  .IP \[bu] 2
  8333  Go routines:
  8334  \f[C]curl\ http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1\f[]
  8335  .IP \[bu] 2
  8336  30\-second CPU profile:
  8337  \f[C]go\ tool\ pprof\ http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/profile\f[]
  8338  .IP \[bu] 2
  8339  5\-second execution trace:
  8340  \f[C]wget\ http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/trace?seconds=5\f[]
  8341  .PP
  8342  See the net/http/pprof docs ( for
  8343  more info on how to use the profiling and for a general overview see the
  8344  Go team's blog post on profiling go
  8345  programs (
  8346  .PP
  8347  The profiling hook is zero overhead unless it is
  8348  used (
  8349  .SH Overview of cloud storage systems
  8350  .PP
  8351  Each cloud storage system is slightly different.
  8352  Rclone attempts to provide a unified interface to them, but some
  8353  underlying differences show through.
  8354  .SS Features
  8355  .PP
  8356  Here is an overview of the major features of each cloud storage system.
  8357  .PP
  8358  .TS
  8359  tab(@);
  8360  l c c c c c.
  8361  T{
  8362  Name
  8363  T}@T{
  8364  Hash
  8365  T}@T{
  8366  ModTime
  8367  T}@T{
  8368  Case Insensitive
  8369  T}@T{
  8370  Duplicate Files
  8371  T}@T{
  8372  MIME Type
  8373  T}
  8374  _
  8375  T{
  8376  Amazon Drive
  8377  T}@T{
  8378  MD5
  8379  T}@T{
  8380  No
  8381  T}@T{
  8382  Yes
  8383  T}@T{
  8384  No
  8385  T}@T{
  8386  R
  8387  T}
  8388  T{
  8389  Amazon S3
  8390  T}@T{
  8391  MD5
  8392  T}@T{
  8393  Yes
  8394  T}@T{
  8395  No
  8396  T}@T{
  8397  No
  8398  T}@T{
  8399  R/W
  8400  T}
  8401  T{
  8402  Backblaze B2
  8403  T}@T{
  8404  SHA1
  8405  T}@T{
  8406  Yes
  8407  T}@T{
  8408  No
  8409  T}@T{
  8410  No
  8411  T}@T{
  8412  R/W
  8413  T}
  8414  T{
  8415  Box
  8416  T}@T{
  8417  SHA1
  8418  T}@T{
  8419  Yes
  8420  T}@T{
  8421  Yes
  8422  T}@T{
  8423  No
  8424  T}@T{
  8425  \-
  8426  T}
  8427  T{
  8428  Dropbox
  8429  T}@T{
  8430  DBHASH †
  8431  T}@T{
  8432  Yes
  8433  T}@T{
  8434  Yes
  8435  T}@T{
  8436  No
  8437  T}@T{
  8438  \-
  8439  T}
  8440  T{
  8441  FTP
  8442  T}@T{
  8443  \-
  8444  T}@T{
  8445  No
  8446  T}@T{
  8447  No
  8448  T}@T{
  8449  No
  8450  T}@T{
  8451  \-
  8452  T}
  8453  T{
  8454  Google Cloud Storage
  8455  T}@T{
  8456  MD5
  8457  T}@T{
  8458  Yes
  8459  T}@T{
  8460  No
  8461  T}@T{
  8462  No
  8463  T}@T{
  8464  R/W
  8465  T}
  8466  T{
  8467  Google Drive
  8468  T}@T{
  8469  MD5
  8470  T}@T{
  8471  Yes
  8472  T}@T{
  8473  No
  8474  T}@T{
  8475  Yes
  8476  T}@T{
  8477  R/W
  8478  T}
  8479  T{
  8480  HTTP
  8481  T}@T{
  8482  \-
  8483  T}@T{
  8484  No
  8485  T}@T{
  8486  No
  8487  T}@T{
  8488  No
  8489  T}@T{
  8490  R
  8491  T}
  8492  T{
  8493  Hubic
  8494  T}@T{
  8495  MD5
  8496  T}@T{
  8497  Yes
  8498  T}@T{
  8499  No
  8500  T}@T{
  8501  No
  8502  T}@T{
  8503  R/W
  8504  T}
  8505  T{
  8506  Jottacloud
  8507  T}@T{
  8508  MD5
  8509  T}@T{
  8510  Yes
  8511  T}@T{
  8512  Yes
  8513  T}@T{
  8514  No
  8515  T}@T{
  8516  R/W
  8517  T}
  8518  T{
  8519  Koofr
  8520  T}@T{
  8521  MD5
  8522  T}@T{
  8523  No
  8524  T}@T{
  8525  Yes
  8526  T}@T{
  8527  No
  8528  T}@T{
  8529  \-
  8530  T}
  8531  T{
  8532  Mega
  8533  T}@T{
  8534  \-
  8535  T}@T{
  8536  No
  8537  T}@T{
  8538  No
  8539  T}@T{
  8540  Yes
  8541  T}@T{
  8542  \-
  8543  T}
  8544  T{
  8545  Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
  8546  T}@T{
  8547  MD5
  8548  T}@T{
  8549  Yes
  8550  T}@T{
  8551  No
  8552  T}@T{
  8553  No
  8554  T}@T{
  8555  R/W
  8556  T}
  8557  T{
  8558  Microsoft OneDrive
  8559  T}@T{
  8560  SHA1 ‡‡
  8561  T}@T{
  8562  Yes
  8563  T}@T{
  8564  Yes
  8565  T}@T{
  8566  No
  8567  T}@T{
  8568  R
  8569  T}
  8570  T{
  8571  OpenDrive
  8572  T}@T{
  8573  MD5
  8574  T}@T{
  8575  Yes
  8576  T}@T{
  8577  Yes
  8578  T}@T{
  8579  No
  8580  T}@T{
  8581  \-
  8582  T}
  8583  T{
  8584  Openstack Swift
  8585  T}@T{
  8586  MD5
  8587  T}@T{
  8588  Yes
  8589  T}@T{
  8590  No
  8591  T}@T{
  8592  No
  8593  T}@T{
  8594  R/W
  8595  T}
  8596  T{
  8597  pCloud
  8598  T}@T{
  8599  MD5, SHA1
  8600  T}@T{
  8601  Yes
  8602  T}@T{
  8603  No
  8604  T}@T{
  8605  No
  8606  T}@T{
  8607  W
  8608  T}
  8609  T{
  8610  QingStor
  8611  T}@T{
  8612  MD5
  8613  T}@T{
  8614  No
  8615  T}@T{
  8616  No
  8617  T}@T{
  8618  No
  8619  T}@T{
  8620  R/W
  8621  T}
  8622  T{
  8623  SFTP
  8624  T}@T{
  8625  MD5, SHA1 ‡
  8626  T}@T{
  8627  Yes
  8628  T}@T{
  8629  Depends
  8630  T}@T{
  8631  No
  8632  T}@T{
  8633  \-
  8634  T}
  8635  T{
  8636  WebDAV
  8637  T}@T{
  8638  MD5, SHA1 ††
  8639  T}@T{
  8640  Yes †††
  8641  T}@T{
  8642  Depends
  8643  T}@T{
  8644  No
  8645  T}@T{
  8646  \-
  8647  T}
  8648  T{
  8649  Yandex Disk
  8650  T}@T{
  8651  MD5
  8652  T}@T{
  8653  Yes
  8654  T}@T{
  8655  No
  8656  T}@T{
  8657  No
  8658  T}@T{
  8659  R/W
  8660  T}
  8661  T{
  8662  The local filesystem
  8663  T}@T{
  8664  All
  8665  T}@T{
  8666  Yes
  8667  T}@T{
  8668  Depends
  8669  T}@T{
  8670  No
  8671  T}@T{
  8672  \-
  8673  T}
  8674  .TE
  8675  .SS Hash
  8676  .PP
  8677  The cloud storage system supports various hash types of the objects.
  8678  The hashes are used when transferring data as an integrity check and can
  8679  be specifically used with the \f[C]\-\-checksum\f[] flag in syncs and in
  8680  the \f[C]check\f[] command.
  8681  .PP
  8682  To use the verify checksums when transferring between cloud storage
  8683  systems they must support a common hash type.
  8684  .PP
  8685  † Note that Dropbox supports its own custom
  8686  hash (
  8687  This is an SHA256 sum of all the 4MB block SHA256s.
  8688  .PP
  8689  ‡ SFTP supports checksums if the same login has shell access and
  8690  \f[C]md5sum\f[] or \f[C]sha1sum\f[] as well as \f[C]echo\f[] are in the
  8691  remote's PATH.
  8692  .PP
  8693  †† WebDAV supports hashes when used with Owncloud and Nextcloud only.
  8694  .PP
  8695  ††† WebDAV supports modtimes when used with Owncloud and Nextcloud only.
  8696  .PP
  8697  ‡‡ Microsoft OneDrive Personal supports SHA1 hashes, whereas OneDrive
  8698  for business and SharePoint server support Microsoft's own
  8699  QuickXorHash (
  8700  .SS ModTime
  8701  .PP
  8702  The cloud storage system supports setting modification times on objects.
  8703  If it does then this enables a using the modification times as part of
  8704  the sync.
  8705  If not then only the size will be checked by default, though the MD5SUM
  8706  can be checked with the \f[C]\-\-checksum\f[] flag.
  8707  .PP
  8708  All cloud storage systems support some kind of date on the object and
  8709  these will be set when transferring from the cloud storage system.
  8710  .SS Case Insensitive
  8711  .PP
  8712  If a cloud storage systems is case sensitive then it is possible to have
  8713  two files which differ only in case, eg \f[C]file.txt\f[] and
  8714  \f[C]FILE.txt\f[].
  8715  If a cloud storage system is case insensitive then that isn't possible.
  8716  .PP
  8717  This can cause problems when syncing between a case insensitive system
  8718  and a case sensitive system.
  8719  The symptom of this is that no matter how many times you run the sync it
  8720  never completes fully.
  8721  .PP
  8722  The local filesystem and SFTP may or may not be case sensitive depending
  8723  on OS.
  8724  .IP \[bu] 2
  8725  Windows \- usually case insensitive, though case is preserved
  8726  .IP \[bu] 2
  8727  OSX \- usually case insensitive, though it is possible to format case
  8728  sensitive
  8729  .IP \[bu] 2
  8730  Linux \- usually case sensitive, but there are case insensitive file
  8731  systems (eg FAT formatted USB keys)
  8732  .PP
  8733  Most of the time this doesn't cause any problems as people tend to avoid
  8734  files whose name differs only by case even on case sensitive systems.
  8735  .SS Duplicate files
  8736  .PP
  8737  If a cloud storage system allows duplicate files then it can have two
  8738  objects with the same name.
  8739  .PP
  8740  This confuses rclone greatly when syncing \- use the
  8741  \f[C]rclone\ dedupe\f[] command to rename or remove duplicates.
  8742  .SS MIME Type
  8743  .PP
  8744  MIME types (also known as media types) classify types of documents using
  8745  a simple text classification, eg \f[C]text/html\f[] or
  8746  \f[C]application/pdf\f[].
  8747  .PP
  8748  Some cloud storage systems support reading (\f[C]R\f[]) the MIME type of
  8749  objects and some support writing (\f[C]W\f[]) the MIME type of objects.
  8750  .PP
  8751  The MIME type can be important if you are serving files directly to HTTP
  8752  from the storage system.
  8753  .PP
  8754  If you are copying from a remote which supports reading (\f[C]R\f[]) to
  8755  a remote which supports writing (\f[C]W\f[]) then rclone will preserve
  8756  the MIME types.
  8757  Otherwise they will be guessed from the extension, or the remote itself
  8758  may assign the MIME type.
  8759  .SS Optional Features
  8760  .PP
  8761  All the remotes support a basic set of features, but there are some
  8762  optional features supported by some remotes used to make some operations
  8763  more efficient.
  8764  .PP
  8765  .TS
  8766  tab(@);
  8767  l c c c c c c c c c.
  8768  T{
  8769  Name
  8770  T}@T{
  8771  Purge
  8772  T}@T{
  8773  Copy
  8774  T}@T{
  8775  Move
  8776  T}@T{
  8777  DirMove
  8778  T}@T{
  8779  CleanUp
  8780  T}@T{
  8781  ListR
  8782  T}@T{
  8783  StreamUpload
  8784  T}@T{
  8785  LinkSharing
  8786  T}@T{
  8787  About
  8788  T}
  8789  _
  8790  T{
  8791  Amazon Drive
  8792  T}@T{
  8793  Yes
  8794  T}@T{
  8795  No
  8796  T}@T{
  8797  Yes
  8798  T}@T{
  8799  Yes
  8800  T}@T{
  8801  No #575 (
  8802  T}@T{
  8803  No
  8804  T}@T{
  8805  No
  8806  T}@T{
  8807  No #2178 (
  8808  T}@T{
  8809  No
  8810  T}
  8811  T{
  8812  Amazon S3
  8813  T}@T{
  8814  No
  8815  T}@T{
  8816  Yes
  8817  T}@T{
  8818  No
  8819  T}@T{
  8820  No
  8821  T}@T{
  8822  No
  8823  T}@T{
  8824  Yes
  8825  T}@T{
  8826  Yes
  8827  T}@T{
  8828  No #2178 (
  8829  T}@T{
  8830  No
  8831  T}
  8832  T{
  8833  Backblaze B2
  8834  T}@T{
  8835  No
  8836  T}@T{
  8837  Yes
  8838  T}@T{
  8839  No
  8840  T}@T{
  8841  No
  8842  T}@T{
  8843  Yes
  8844  T}@T{
  8845  Yes
  8846  T}@T{
  8847  Yes
  8848  T}@T{
  8849  No #2178 (
  8850  T}@T{
  8851  No
  8852  T}
  8853  T{
  8854  Box
  8855  T}@T{
  8856  Yes
  8857  T}@T{
  8858  Yes
  8859  T}@T{
  8860  Yes
  8861  T}@T{
  8862  Yes
  8863  T}@T{
  8864  No #575 (
  8865  T}@T{
  8866  No
  8867  T}@T{
  8868  Yes
  8869  T}@T{
  8870  Yes
  8871  T}@T{
  8872  No
  8873  T}
  8874  T{
  8875  Dropbox
  8876  T}@T{
  8877  Yes
  8878  T}@T{
  8879  Yes
  8880  T}@T{
  8881  Yes
  8882  T}@T{
  8883  Yes
  8884  T}@T{
  8885  No #575 (
  8886  T}@T{
  8887  No
  8888  T}@T{
  8889  Yes
  8890  T}@T{
  8891  Yes
  8892  T}@T{
  8893  Yes
  8894  T}
  8895  T{
  8896  FTP
  8897  T}@T{
  8898  No
  8899  T}@T{
  8900  No
  8901  T}@T{
  8902  Yes
  8903  T}@T{
  8904  Yes
  8905  T}@T{
  8906  No
  8907  T}@T{
  8908  No
  8909  T}@T{
  8910  Yes
  8911  T}@T{
  8912  No #2178 (
  8913  T}@T{
  8914  No
  8915  T}
  8916  T{
  8917  Google Cloud Storage
  8918  T}@T{
  8919  Yes
  8920  T}@T{
  8921  Yes
  8922  T}@T{
  8923  No
  8924  T}@T{
  8925  No
  8926  T}@T{
  8927  No
  8928  T}@T{
  8929  Yes
  8930  T}@T{
  8931  Yes
  8932  T}@T{
  8933  No #2178 (
  8934  T}@T{
  8935  No
  8936  T}
  8937  T{
  8938  Google Drive
  8939  T}@T{
  8940  Yes
  8941  T}@T{
  8942  Yes
  8943  T}@T{
  8944  Yes
  8945  T}@T{
  8946  Yes
  8947  T}@T{
  8948  Yes
  8949  T}@T{
  8950  Yes
  8951  T}@T{
  8952  Yes
  8953  T}@T{
  8954  Yes
  8955  T}@T{
  8956  Yes
  8957  T}
  8958  T{
  8959  HTTP
  8960  T}@T{
  8961  No
  8962  T}@T{
  8963  No
  8964  T}@T{
  8965  No
  8966  T}@T{
  8967  No
  8968  T}@T{
  8969  No
  8970  T}@T{
  8971  No
  8972  T}@T{
  8973  No
  8974  T}@T{
  8975  No #2178 (
  8976  T}@T{
  8977  No
  8978  T}
  8979  T{
  8980  Hubic
  8981  T}@T{
  8982  Yes †
  8983  T}@T{
  8984  Yes
  8985  T}@T{
  8986  No
  8987  T}@T{
  8988  No
  8989  T}@T{
  8990  No
  8991  T}@T{
  8992  Yes
  8993  T}@T{
  8994  Yes
  8995  T}@T{
  8996  No #2178 (
  8997  T}@T{
  8998  Yes
  8999  T}
  9000  T{
  9001  Jottacloud
  9002  T}@T{
  9003  Yes
  9004  T}@T{
  9005  Yes
  9006  T}@T{
  9007  Yes
  9008  T}@T{
  9009  Yes
  9010  T}@T{
  9011  No
  9012  T}@T{
  9013  Yes
  9014  T}@T{
  9015  No
  9016  T}@T{
  9017  Yes
  9018  T}@T{
  9019  Yes
  9020  T}
  9021  T{
  9022  Mega
  9023  T}@T{
  9024  Yes
  9025  T}@T{
  9026  No
  9027  T}@T{
  9028  Yes
  9029  T}@T{
  9030  Yes
  9031  T}@T{
  9032  Yes
  9033  T}@T{
  9034  No
  9035  T}@T{
  9036  No
  9037  T}@T{
  9038  No #2178 (
  9039  T}@T{
  9040  Yes
  9041  T}
  9042  T{
  9043  Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
  9044  T}@T{
  9045  Yes
  9046  T}@T{
  9047  Yes
  9048  T}@T{
  9049  No
  9050  T}@T{
  9051  No
  9052  T}@T{
  9053  No
  9054  T}@T{
  9055  Yes
  9056  T}@T{
  9057  No
  9058  T}@T{
  9059  No #2178 (
  9060  T}@T{
  9061  No
  9062  T}
  9063  T{
  9064  Microsoft OneDrive
  9065  T}@T{
  9066  Yes
  9067  T}@T{
  9068  Yes
  9069  T}@T{
  9070  Yes
  9071  T}@T{
  9072  Yes
  9073  T}@T{
  9074  No #575 (
  9075  T}@T{
  9076  No
  9077  T}@T{
  9078  No
  9079  T}@T{
  9080  Yes
  9081  T}@T{
  9082  Yes
  9083  T}
  9084  T{
  9085  OpenDrive
  9086  T}@T{
  9087  Yes
  9088  T}@T{
  9089  Yes
  9090  T}@T{
  9091  Yes
  9092  T}@T{
  9093  Yes
  9094  T}@T{
  9095  No
  9096  T}@T{
  9097  No
  9098  T}@T{
  9099  No
  9100  T}@T{
  9101  No
  9102  T}@T{
  9103  No
  9104  T}
  9105  T{
  9106  Openstack Swift
  9107  T}@T{
  9108  Yes †
  9109  T}@T{
  9110  Yes
  9111  T}@T{
  9112  No
  9113  T}@T{
  9114  No
  9115  T}@T{
  9116  No
  9117  T}@T{
  9118  Yes
  9119  T}@T{
  9120  Yes
  9121  T}@T{
  9122  No #2178 (
  9123  T}@T{
  9124  Yes
  9125  T}
  9126  T{
  9127  pCloud
  9128  T}@T{
  9129  Yes
  9130  T}@T{
  9131  Yes
  9132  T}@T{
  9133  Yes
  9134  T}@T{
  9135  Yes
  9136  T}@T{
  9137  Yes
  9138  T}@T{
  9139  No
  9140  T}@T{
  9141  No
  9142  T}@T{
  9143  No #2178 (
  9144  T}@T{
  9145  Yes
  9146  T}
  9147  T{
  9148  QingStor
  9149  T}@T{
  9150  No
  9151  T}@T{
  9152  Yes
  9153  T}@T{
  9154  No
  9155  T}@T{
  9156  No
  9157  T}@T{
  9158  No
  9159  T}@T{
  9160  Yes
  9161  T}@T{
  9162  No
  9163  T}@T{
  9164  No #2178 (
  9165  T}@T{
  9166  No
  9167  T}
  9168  T{
  9169  SFTP
  9170  T}@T{
  9171  No
  9172  T}@T{
  9173  No
  9174  T}@T{
  9175  Yes
  9176  T}@T{
  9177  Yes
  9178  T}@T{
  9179  No
  9180  T}@T{
  9181  No
  9182  T}@T{
  9183  Yes
  9184  T}@T{
  9185  No #2178 (
  9186  T}@T{
  9187  Yes
  9188  T}
  9189  T{
  9190  WebDAV
  9191  T}@T{
  9192  Yes
  9193  T}@T{
  9194  Yes
  9195  T}@T{
  9196  Yes
  9197  T}@T{
  9198  Yes
  9199  T}@T{
  9200  No
  9201  T}@T{
  9202  No
  9203  T}@T{
  9204  Yes ‡
  9205  T}@T{
  9206  No #2178 (
  9207  T}@T{
  9208  Yes
  9209  T}
  9210  T{
  9211  Yandex Disk
  9212  T}@T{
  9213  Yes
  9214  T}@T{
  9215  Yes
  9216  T}@T{
  9217  Yes
  9218  T}@T{
  9219  Yes
  9220  T}@T{
  9221  Yes
  9222  T}@T{
  9223  No
  9224  T}@T{
  9225  Yes
  9226  T}@T{
  9227  Yes
  9228  T}@T{
  9229  Yes
  9230  T}
  9231  T{
  9232  The local filesystem
  9233  T}@T{
  9234  Yes
  9235  T}@T{
  9236  No
  9237  T}@T{
  9238  Yes
  9239  T}@T{
  9240  Yes
  9241  T}@T{
  9242  No
  9243  T}@T{
  9244  No
  9245  T}@T{
  9246  Yes
  9247  T}@T{
  9248  No
  9249  T}@T{
  9250  Yes
  9251  T}
  9252  .TE
  9253  .SS Purge
  9254  .PP
  9255  This deletes a directory quicker than just deleting all the files in the
  9256  directory.
  9257  .PP
  9258  † Note Swift and Hubic implement this in order to delete directory
  9259  markers but they don't actually have a quicker way of deleting files
  9260  other than deleting them individually.
  9261  .PP
  9262  ‡ StreamUpload is not supported with Nextcloud
  9263  .SS Copy
  9264  .PP
  9265  Used when copying an object to and from the same remote.
  9266  This known as a server side copy so you can copy a file without
  9267  downloading it and uploading it again.
  9268  It is used if you use \f[C]rclone\ copy\f[] or \f[C]rclone\ move\f[] if
  9269  the remote doesn't support \f[C]Move\f[] directly.
  9270  .PP
  9271  If the server doesn't support \f[C]Copy\f[] directly then for copy
  9272  operations the file is downloaded then re\-uploaded.
  9273  .SS Move
  9274  .PP
  9275  Used when moving/renaming an object on the same remote.
  9276  This is known as a server side move of a file.
  9277  This is used in \f[C]rclone\ move\f[] if the server doesn't support
  9278  \f[C]DirMove\f[].
  9279  .PP
  9280  If the server isn't capable of \f[C]Move\f[] then rclone simulates it
  9281  with \f[C]Copy\f[] then delete.
  9282  If the server doesn't support \f[C]Copy\f[] then rclone will download
  9283  the file and re\-upload it.
  9284  .SS DirMove
  9285  .PP
  9286  This is used to implement \f[C]rclone\ move\f[] to move a directory if
  9287  possible.
  9288  If it isn't then it will use \f[C]Move\f[] on each file (which falls
  9289  back to \f[C]Copy\f[] then download and upload \- see \f[C]Move\f[]
  9290  section).
  9291  .SS CleanUp
  9292  .PP
  9293  This is used for emptying the trash for a remote by
  9294  \f[C]rclone\ cleanup\f[].
  9295  .PP
  9296  If the server can't do \f[C]CleanUp\f[] then \f[C]rclone\ cleanup\f[]
  9297  will return an error.
  9298  .SS ListR
  9299  .PP
  9300  The remote supports a recursive list to list all the contents beneath a
  9301  directory quickly.
  9302  This enables the \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] flag to work.
  9303  See the rclone docs (/docs/#fast-list) for more details.
  9304  .SS StreamUpload
  9305  .PP
  9306  Some remotes allow files to be uploaded without knowing the file size in
  9307  advance.
  9308  This allows certain operations to work without spooling the file to
  9309  local disk first, e.g.
  9310  \f[C]rclone\ rcat\f[].
  9311  .SS LinkSharing
  9312  .PP
  9313  Sets the necessary permissions on a file or folder and prints a link
  9314  that allows others to access them, even if they don't have an account on
  9315  the particular cloud provider.
  9316  .SS About
  9317  .PP
  9318  This is used to fetch quota information from the remote, like bytes
  9319  used/free/quota and bytes used in the trash.
  9320  .PP
  9321  This is also used to return the space used, available for
  9322  \f[C]rclone\ mount\f[].
  9323  .PP
  9324  If the server can't do \f[C]About\f[] then \f[C]rclone\ about\f[] will
  9325  return an error.
  9326  .SS Alias
  9327  .PP
  9328  The \f[C]alias\f[] remote provides a new name for another remote.
  9329  .PP
  9330  Paths may be as deep as required or a local path, eg
  9331  \f[C]remote:directory/subdirectory\f[] or
  9332  \f[C]/directory/subdirectory\f[].
  9333  .PP
  9334  During the initial setup with \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] you will specify
  9335  the target remote.
  9336  The target remote can either be a local path or another remote.
  9337  .PP
  9338  Subfolders can be used in target remote.
  9339  Assume a alias remote named \f[C]backup\f[] with the target
  9340  \f[C]mydrive:private/backup\f[].
  9341  Invoking \f[C]rclone\ mkdir\ backup:desktop\f[] is exactly the same as
  9342  invoking \f[C]rclone\ mkdir\ mydrive:private/backup/desktop\f[].
  9343  .PP
  9344  There will be no special handling of paths containing \f[C]\&..\f[]
  9345  segments.
  9346  Invoking \f[C]rclone\ mkdir\ backup:../desktop\f[] is exactly the same
  9347  as invoking \f[C]rclone\ mkdir\ mydrive:private/backup/../desktop\f[].
  9348  The empty path is not allowed as a remote.
  9349  To alias the current directory use \f[C]\&.\f[] instead.
  9350  .PP
  9351  Here is an example of how to make a alias called \f[C]remote\f[] for
  9352  local folder.
  9353  First run:
  9354  .IP
  9355  .nf
  9356  \f[C]
  9357  \ rclone\ config
  9358  \f[]
  9359  .fi
  9360  .PP
  9361  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
  9362  .IP
  9363  .nf
  9364  \f[C]
  9365  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
  9366  n)\ New\ remote
  9367  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
  9368  q)\ Quit\ config
  9369  n/s/q>\ n
  9370  name>\ remote
  9371  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
  9372  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
  9373  \ 1\ /\ Alias\ for\ an\ existing\ remote
  9374  \ \ \ \\\ "alias"
  9375  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
  9376  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
  9377  \ 3\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
  9378  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
  9379  \ 4\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
  9380  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
  9381  \ 5\ /\ Box
  9382  \ \ \ \\\ "box"
  9383  \ 6\ /\ Cache\ a\ remote
  9384  \ \ \ \\\ "cache"
  9385  \ 7\ /\ Dropbox
  9386  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
  9387  \ 8\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
  9388  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
  9389  \ 9\ /\ FTP\ Connection
  9390  \ \ \ \\\ "ftp"
  9391  10\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
  9392  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
  9393  11\ /\ Google\ Drive
  9394  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
  9395  12\ /\ Hubic
  9396  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
  9397  13\ /\ Local\ Disk
  9398  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
  9399  14\ /\ Microsoft\ Azure\ Blob\ Storage
  9400  \ \ \ \\\ "azureblob"
  9401  15\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
  9402  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
  9403  16\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
  9404  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
  9405  17\ /\ Pcloud
  9406  \ \ \ \\\ "pcloud"
  9407  18\ /\ QingCloud\ Object\ Storage
  9408  \ \ \ \\\ "qingstor"
  9409  19\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
  9410  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
  9411  20\ /\ Webdav
  9412  \ \ \ \\\ "webdav"
  9413  21\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
  9414  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
  9415  22\ /\ http\ Connection
  9416  \ \ \ \\\ "http"
  9417  Storage>\ 1
  9418  Remote\ or\ path\ to\ alias.
  9419  Can\ be\ "myremote:path/to/dir",\ "myremote:bucket",\ "myremote:"\ or\ "/local/path".
  9420  remote>\ /mnt/storage/backup
  9421  Remote\ config
  9422  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
  9423  [remote]
  9424  remote\ =\ /mnt/storage/backup
  9425  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
  9426  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
  9427  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
  9428  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
  9429  y/e/d>\ y
  9430  Current\ remotes:
  9432  Name\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Type
  9433  ====\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ====
  9434  remote\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ alias
  9436  e)\ Edit\ existing\ remote
  9437  n)\ New\ remote
  9438  d)\ Delete\ remote
  9439  r)\ Rename\ remote
  9440  c)\ Copy\ remote
  9441  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
  9442  q)\ Quit\ config
  9443  e/n/d/r/c/s/q>\ q
  9444  \f[]
  9445  .fi
  9446  .PP
  9447  Once configured you can then use \f[C]rclone\f[] like this,
  9448  .PP
  9449  List directories in top level in \f[C]/mnt/storage/backup\f[]
  9450  .IP
  9451  .nf
  9452  \f[C]
  9453  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
  9454  \f[]
  9455  .fi
  9456  .PP
  9457  List all the files in \f[C]/mnt/storage/backup\f[]
  9458  .IP
  9459  .nf
  9460  \f[C]
  9461  rclone\ ls\ remote:
  9462  \f[]
  9463  .fi
  9464  .PP
  9465  Copy another local directory to the alias directory called source
  9466  .IP
  9467  .nf
  9468  \f[C]
  9469  rclone\ copy\ /home/source\ remote:source
  9470  \f[]
  9471  .fi
  9472  .SS Standard Options
  9473  .PP
  9474  Here are the standard options specific to alias (Alias for an existing
  9475  remote).
  9476  .SS \[en]alias\-remote
  9477  .PP
  9478  Remote or path to alias.
  9479  Can be \[lq]myremote:path/to/dir\[rq], \[lq]myremote:bucket\[rq],
  9480  \[lq]myremote:\[rq] or \[lq]/local/path\[rq].
  9481  .IP \[bu] 2
  9482  Config: remote
  9483  .IP \[bu] 2
  9485  .IP \[bu] 2
  9486  Type: string
  9487  .IP \[bu] 2
  9488  Default: ""
  9489  .SS Amazon Drive
  9490  .PP
  9491  Amazon Drive, formerly known as Amazon Cloud Drive, is a cloud storage
  9492  service run by Amazon for consumers.
  9493  .SS Status
  9494  .PP
  9495  \f[B]Important:\f[] rclone supports Amazon Drive only if you have your
  9496  own set of API keys.
  9497  Unfortunately the Amazon Drive developer
  9498  program ( is now closed to new
  9499  entries so if you don't already have your own set of keys you will not
  9500  be able to use rclone with Amazon Drive.
  9501  .PP
  9502  For the history on why rclone no longer has a set of Amazon Drive API
  9503  keys see the
  9504  forum (
  9505  .PP
  9506  If you happen to know anyone who works at Amazon then please ask them to
  9507  re\-instate rclone into the Amazon Drive developer program \- thanks!
  9508  .SS Setup
  9509  .PP
  9510  The initial setup for Amazon Drive involves getting a token from Amazon
  9511  which you need to do in your browser.
  9512  \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] walks you through it.
  9513  .PP
  9514  The configuration process for Amazon Drive may involve using an oauth
  9515  proxy (
  9516  This is used to keep the Amazon credentials out of the source code.
  9517  The proxy runs in Google's very secure App Engine environment and
  9518  doesn't store any credentials which pass through it.
  9519  .PP
  9520  Since rclone doesn't currently have its own Amazon Drive credentials so
  9521  you will either need to have your own \f[C]client_id\f[] and
  9522  \f[C]client_secret\f[] with Amazon Drive, or use a a third party ouath
  9523  proxy in which case you will need to enter \f[C]client_id\f[],
  9524  \f[C]client_secret\f[], \f[C]auth_url\f[] and \f[C]token_url\f[].
  9525  .PP
  9526  Note also if you are not using Amazon's \f[C]auth_url\f[] and
  9527  \f[C]token_url\f[], (ie you filled in something for those) then if
  9528  setting up on a remote machine you can only use the copying the config
  9529  method of
  9530  configuration (
  9531  \- \f[C]rclone\ authorize\f[] will not work.
  9532  .PP
  9533  Here is an example of how to make a remote called \f[C]remote\f[].
  9534  First run:
  9535  .IP
  9536  .nf
  9537  \f[C]
  9538  \ rclone\ config
  9539  \f[]
  9540  .fi
  9541  .PP
  9542  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
  9543  .IP
  9544  .nf
  9545  \f[C]
  9546  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
  9547  n)\ New\ remote
  9548  r)\ Rename\ remote
  9549  c)\ Copy\ remote
  9550  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
  9551  q)\ Quit\ config
  9552  n/r/c/s/q>\ n
  9553  name>\ remote
  9554  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
  9555  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
  9556  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
  9557  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
  9558  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
  9559  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
  9560  \ 3\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
  9561  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
  9562  \ 4\ /\ Dropbox
  9563  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
  9564  \ 5\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
  9565  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
  9566  \ 6\ /\ FTP\ Connection
  9567  \ \ \ \\\ "ftp"
  9568  \ 7\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
  9569  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
  9570  \ 8\ /\ Google\ Drive
  9571  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
  9572  \ 9\ /\ Hubic
  9573  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
  9574  10\ /\ Local\ Disk
  9575  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
  9576  11\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
  9577  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
  9578  12\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
  9579  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
  9580  13\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
  9581  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
  9582  14\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
  9583  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
  9584  Storage>\ 1
  9585  Amazon\ Application\ Client\ Id\ \-\ required.
  9586  client_id>\ your\ client\ ID\ goes\ here
  9587  Amazon\ Application\ Client\ Secret\ \-\ required.
  9588  client_secret>\ your\ client\ secret\ goes\ here
  9589  Auth\ server\ URL\ \-\ leave\ blank\ to\ use\ Amazon\[aq]s.
  9590  auth_url>\ Optional\ auth\ URL
  9591  Token\ server\ url\ \-\ leave\ blank\ to\ use\ Amazon\[aq]s.
  9592  token_url>\ Optional\ token\ URL
  9593  Remote\ config
  9594  Make\ sure\ your\ Redirect\ URL\ is\ set\ to\ ""\ in\ your\ custom\ config.
  9595  Use\ auto\ config?
  9596  \ *\ Say\ Y\ if\ not\ sure
  9597  \ *\ Say\ N\ if\ you\ are\ working\ on\ a\ remote\ or\ headless\ machine
  9598  y)\ Yes
  9599  n)\ No
  9600  y/n>\ y
  9601  If\ your\ browser\ doesn\[aq]t\ open\ automatically\ go\ to\ the\ following\ link:\
  9602  Log\ in\ and\ authorize\ rclone\ for\ access
  9603  Waiting\ for\ code...
  9604  Got\ code
  9605  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
  9606  [remote]
  9607  client_id\ =\ your\ client\ ID\ goes\ here
  9608  client_secret\ =\ your\ client\ secret\ goes\ here
  9609  auth_url\ =\ Optional\ auth\ URL
  9610  token_url\ =\ Optional\ token\ URL
  9611  token\ =\ {"access_token":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","token_type":"bearer","refresh_token":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","expiry":"2015\-09\-06T16:07:39.658438471+01:00"}
  9612  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
  9613  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
  9614  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
  9615  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
  9616  y/e/d>\ y
  9617  \f[]
  9618  .fi
  9619  .PP
  9620  See the remote setup docs ( for how to
  9621  set it up on a machine with no Internet browser available.
  9622  .PP
  9623  Note that rclone runs a webserver on your local machine to collect the
  9624  token as returned from Amazon.
  9625  This only runs from the moment it opens your browser to the moment you
  9626  get back the verification code.
  9627  This is on \f[C]\f[] and this it may require you
  9628  to unblock it temporarily if you are running a host firewall.
  9629  .PP
  9630  Once configured you can then use \f[C]rclone\f[] like this,
  9631  .PP
  9632  List directories in top level of your Amazon Drive
  9633  .IP
  9634  .nf
  9635  \f[C]
  9636  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
  9637  \f[]
  9638  .fi
  9639  .PP
  9640  List all the files in your Amazon Drive
  9641  .IP
  9642  .nf
  9643  \f[C]
  9644  rclone\ ls\ remote:
  9645  \f[]
  9646  .fi
  9647  .PP
  9648  To copy a local directory to an Amazon Drive directory called backup
  9649  .IP
  9650  .nf
  9651  \f[C]
  9652  rclone\ copy\ /home/source\ remote:backup
  9653  \f[]
  9654  .fi
  9655  .SS Modified time and MD5SUMs
  9656  .PP
  9657  Amazon Drive doesn't allow modification times to be changed via the API
  9658  so these won't be accurate or used for syncing.
  9659  .PP
  9660  It does store MD5SUMs so for a more accurate sync, you can use the
  9661  \f[C]\-\-checksum\f[] flag.
  9662  .SS Deleting files
  9663  .PP
  9664  Any files you delete with rclone will end up in the trash.
  9665  Amazon don't provide an API to permanently delete files, nor to empty
  9666  the trash, so you will have to do that with one of Amazon's apps or via
  9667  the Amazon Drive website.
  9668  As of November 17, 2016, files are automatically deleted by Amazon from
  9669  the trash after 30 days.
  9670  .SS Using with non \f[C]\&.com\f[] Amazon accounts
  9671  .PP
  9672  Let's say you usually use \f[C]\f[].
  9673  When you authenticate with rclone it will take you to an
  9674  \f[C]\f[] page to log in.
  9675  Your \f[C]\f[] email and password should work here just
  9676  fine.
  9677  .SS Standard Options
  9678  .PP
  9679  Here are the standard options specific to amazon cloud drive (Amazon
  9680  Drive).
  9681  .SS \[en]acd\-client\-id
  9682  .PP
  9683  Amazon Application Client ID.
  9684  .IP \[bu] 2
  9685  Config: client_id
  9686  .IP \[bu] 2
  9688  .IP \[bu] 2
  9689  Type: string
  9690  .IP \[bu] 2
  9691  Default: ""
  9692  .SS \[en]acd\-client\-secret
  9693  .PP
  9694  Amazon Application Client Secret.
  9695  .IP \[bu] 2
  9696  Config: client_secret
  9697  .IP \[bu] 2
  9699  .IP \[bu] 2
  9700  Type: string
  9701  .IP \[bu] 2
  9702  Default: ""
  9703  .SS Advanced Options
  9704  .PP
  9705  Here are the advanced options specific to amazon cloud drive (Amazon
  9706  Drive).
  9707  .SS \[en]acd\-auth\-url
  9708  .PP
  9709  Auth server URL.
  9710  Leave blank to use Amazon's.
  9711  .IP \[bu] 2
  9712  Config: auth_url
  9713  .IP \[bu] 2
  9714  Env Var: RCLONE_ACD_AUTH_URL
  9715  .IP \[bu] 2
  9716  Type: string
  9717  .IP \[bu] 2
  9718  Default: ""
  9719  .SS \[en]acd\-token\-url
  9720  .PP
  9721  Token server url.
  9722  leave blank to use Amazon's.
  9723  .IP \[bu] 2
  9724  Config: token_url
  9725  .IP \[bu] 2
  9727  .IP \[bu] 2
  9728  Type: string
  9729  .IP \[bu] 2
  9730  Default: ""
  9731  .SS \[en]acd\-checkpoint
  9732  .PP
  9733  Checkpoint for internal polling (debug).
  9734  .IP \[bu] 2
  9735  Config: checkpoint
  9736  .IP \[bu] 2
  9738  .IP \[bu] 2
  9739  Type: string
  9740  .IP \[bu] 2
  9741  Default: ""
  9742  .SS \[en]acd\-upload\-wait\-per\-gb
  9743  .PP
  9744  Additional time per GB to wait after a failed complete upload to see if
  9745  it appears.
  9746  .PP
  9747  Sometimes Amazon Drive gives an error when a file has been fully
  9748  uploaded but the file appears anyway after a little while.
  9749  This happens sometimes for files over 1GB in size and nearly every time
  9750  for files bigger than 10GB.
  9751  This parameter controls the time rclone waits for the file to appear.
  9752  .PP
  9753  The default value for this parameter is 3 minutes per GB, so by default
  9754  it will wait 3 minutes for every GB uploaded to see if the file appears.
  9755  .PP
  9756  You can disable this feature by setting it to 0.
  9757  This may cause conflict errors as rclone retries the failed upload but
  9758  the file will most likely appear correctly eventually.
  9759  .PP
  9760  These values were determined empirically by observing lots of uploads of
  9761  big files for a range of file sizes.
  9762  .PP
  9763  Upload with the \[lq]\-v\[rq] flag to see more info about what rclone is
  9764  doing in this situation.
  9765  .IP \[bu] 2
  9766  Config: upload_wait_per_gb
  9767  .IP \[bu] 2
  9769  .IP \[bu] 2
  9770  Type: Duration
  9771  .IP \[bu] 2
  9772  Default: 3m0s
  9773  .SS \[en]acd\-templink\-threshold
  9774  .PP
  9775  Files >= this size will be downloaded via their tempLink.
  9776  .PP
  9777  Files this size or more will be downloaded via their \[lq]tempLink\[rq].
  9778  This is to work around a problem with Amazon Drive which blocks
  9779  downloads of files bigger than about 10GB.
  9780  The default for this is 9GB which shouldn't need to be changed.
  9781  .PP
  9782  To download files above this threshold, rclone requests a
  9783  \[lq]tempLink\[rq] which downloads the file through a temporary URL
  9784  directly from the underlying S3 storage.
  9785  .IP \[bu] 2
  9786  Config: templink_threshold
  9787  .IP \[bu] 2
  9789  .IP \[bu] 2
  9790  Type: SizeSuffix
  9791  .IP \[bu] 2
  9792  Default: 9G
  9793  .SS Limitations
  9794  .PP
  9795  Note that Amazon Drive is case insensitive so you can't have a file
  9796  called \[lq]Hello.doc\[rq] and one called \[lq]hello.doc\[rq].
  9797  .PP
  9798  Amazon Drive has rate limiting so you may notice errors in the sync (429
  9799  errors).
  9800  rclone will automatically retry the sync up to 3 times by default (see
  9801  \f[C]\-\-retries\f[] flag) which should hopefully work around this
  9802  problem.
  9803  .PP
  9804  Amazon Drive has an internal limit of file sizes that can be uploaded to
  9805  the service.
  9806  This limit is not officially published, but all files larger than this
  9807  will fail.
  9808  .PP
  9809  At the time of writing (Jan 2016) is in the area of 50GB per file.
  9810  This means that larger files are likely to fail.
  9811  .PP
  9812  Unfortunately there is no way for rclone to see that this failure is
  9813  because of file size, so it will retry the operation, as any other
  9814  failure.
  9815  To avoid this problem, use \f[C]\-\-max\-size\ 50000M\f[] option to
  9816  limit the maximum size of uploaded files.
  9817  Note that \f[C]\-\-max\-size\f[] does not split files into segments, it
  9818  only ignores files over this size.
  9819  .SS Amazon S3 Storage Providers
  9820  .PP
  9821  The S3 backend can be used with a number of different providers:
  9822  .IP \[bu] 2
  9823  AWS S3
  9824  .IP \[bu] 2
  9825  Alibaba Cloud (Aliyun) Object Storage System (OSS)
  9826  .IP \[bu] 2
  9827  Ceph
  9828  .IP \[bu] 2
  9829  DigitalOcean Spaces
  9830  .IP \[bu] 2
  9831  Dreamhost
  9832  .IP \[bu] 2
  9833  IBM COS S3
  9834  .IP \[bu] 2
  9835  Minio
  9836  .IP \[bu] 2
  9837  Wasabi
  9838  .PP
  9839  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:bucket\f[] (or \f[C]remote:\f[] for
  9840  the \f[C]lsd\f[] command.) You may put subdirectories in too, eg
  9841  \f[C]remote:bucket/path/to/dir\f[].
  9842  .PP
  9843  Once you have made a remote (see the provider specific section above)
  9844  you can use it like this:
  9845  .PP
  9846  See all buckets
  9847  .IP
  9848  .nf
  9849  \f[C]
  9850  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
  9851  \f[]
  9852  .fi
  9853  .PP
  9854  Make a new bucket
  9855  .IP
  9856  .nf
  9857  \f[C]
  9858  rclone\ mkdir\ remote:bucket
  9859  \f[]
  9860  .fi
  9861  .PP
  9862  List the contents of a bucket
  9863  .IP
  9864  .nf
  9865  \f[C]
  9866  rclone\ ls\ remote:bucket
  9867  \f[]
  9868  .fi
  9869  .PP
  9870  Sync \f[C]/home/local/directory\f[] to the remote bucket, deleting any
  9871  excess files in the bucket.
  9872  .IP
  9873  .nf
  9874  \f[C]
  9875  rclone\ sync\ /home/local/directory\ remote:bucket
  9876  \f[]
  9877  .fi
  9878  .SS AWS S3
  9879  .PP
  9880  Here is an example of making an s3 configuration.
  9881  First run
  9882  .IP
  9883  .nf
  9884  \f[C]
  9885  rclone\ config
  9886  \f[]
  9887  .fi
  9888  .PP
  9889  This will guide you through an interactive setup process.
  9890  .IP
  9891  .nf
  9892  \f[C]
  9893  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
  9894  n)\ New\ remote
  9895  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
  9896  q)\ Quit\ config
  9897  n/s/q>\ n
  9898  name>\ remote
  9899  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
  9900  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
  9901  \ 1\ /\ Alias\ for\ an\ existing\ remote
  9902  \ \ \ \\\ "alias"
  9903  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
  9904  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
  9905  \ 3\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ Compliant\ Storage\ Providers\ (AWS,\ Ceph,\ Dreamhost,\ IBM\ COS,\ Minio)
  9906  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
  9907  \ 4\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
  9908  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
  9909  [snip]
  9910  23\ /\ http\ Connection
  9911  \ \ \ \\\ "http"
  9912  Storage>\ s3
  9913  Choose\ your\ S3\ provider.
  9914  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
  9915  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Web\ Services\ (AWS)\ S3
  9916  \ \ \ \\\ "AWS"
  9917  \ 2\ /\ Ceph\ Object\ Storage
  9918  \ \ \ \\\ "Ceph"
  9919  \ 3\ /\ Digital\ Ocean\ Spaces
  9920  \ \ \ \\\ "DigitalOcean"
  9921  \ 4\ /\ Dreamhost\ DreamObjects
  9922  \ \ \ \\\ "Dreamhost"
  9923  \ 5\ /\ IBM\ COS\ S3
  9924  \ \ \ \\\ "IBMCOS"
  9925  \ 6\ /\ Minio\ Object\ Storage
  9926  \ \ \ \\\ "Minio"
  9927  \ 7\ /\ Wasabi\ Object\ Storage
  9928  \ \ \ \\\ "Wasabi"
  9929  \ 8\ /\ Any\ other\ S3\ compatible\ provider
  9930  \ \ \ \\\ "Other"
  9931  provider>\ 1
  9932  Get\ AWS\ credentials\ from\ runtime\ (environment\ variables\ or\ EC2/ECS\ meta\ data\ if\ no\ env\ vars).\ Only\ applies\ if\ access_key_id\ and\ secret_access_key\ is\ blank.
  9933  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
  9934  \ 1\ /\ Enter\ AWS\ credentials\ in\ the\ next\ step
  9935  \ \ \ \\\ "false"
  9936  \ 2\ /\ Get\ AWS\ credentials\ from\ the\ environment\ (env\ vars\ or\ IAM)
  9937  \ \ \ \\\ "true"
  9938  env_auth>\ 1
  9939  AWS\ Access\ Key\ ID\ \-\ leave\ blank\ for\ anonymous\ access\ or\ runtime\ credentials.
  9940  access_key_id>\ XXX
  9941  AWS\ Secret\ Access\ Key\ (password)\ \-\ leave\ blank\ for\ anonymous\ access\ or\ runtime\ credentials.
  9942  secret_access_key>\ YYY
  9943  Region\ to\ connect\ to.
  9944  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
  9945  \ \ \ /\ The\ default\ endpoint\ \-\ a\ good\ choice\ if\ you\ are\ unsure.
  9946  \ 1\ |\ US\ Region,\ Northern\ Virginia\ or\ Pacific\ Northwest.
  9947  \ \ \ |\ Leave\ location\ constraint\ empty.
  9948  \ \ \ \\\ "us\-east\-1"
  9949  \ \ \ /\ US\ East\ (Ohio)\ Region
  9950  \ 2\ |\ Needs\ location\ constraint\ us\-east\-2.
  9951  \ \ \ \\\ "us\-east\-2"
  9952  \ \ \ /\ US\ West\ (Oregon)\ Region
  9953  \ 3\ |\ Needs\ location\ constraint\ us\-west\-2.
  9954  \ \ \ \\\ "us\-west\-2"
  9955  \ \ \ /\ US\ West\ (Northern\ California)\ Region
  9956  \ 4\ |\ Needs\ location\ constraint\ us\-west\-1.
  9957  \ \ \ \\\ "us\-west\-1"
  9958  \ \ \ /\ Canada\ (Central)\ Region
  9959  \ 5\ |\ Needs\ location\ constraint\ ca\-central\-1.
  9960  \ \ \ \\\ "ca\-central\-1"
  9961  \ \ \ /\ EU\ (Ireland)\ Region
  9962  \ 6\ |\ Needs\ location\ constraint\ EU\ or\ eu\-west\-1.
  9963  \ \ \ \\\ "eu\-west\-1"
  9964  \ \ \ /\ EU\ (London)\ Region
  9965  \ 7\ |\ Needs\ location\ constraint\ eu\-west\-2.
  9966  \ \ \ \\\ "eu\-west\-2"
  9967  \ \ \ /\ EU\ (Frankfurt)\ Region
  9968  \ 8\ |\ Needs\ location\ constraint\ eu\-central\-1.
  9969  \ \ \ \\\ "eu\-central\-1"
  9970  \ \ \ /\ Asia\ Pacific\ (Singapore)\ Region
  9971  \ 9\ |\ Needs\ location\ constraint\ ap\-southeast\-1.
  9972  \ \ \ \\\ "ap\-southeast\-1"
  9973  \ \ \ /\ Asia\ Pacific\ (Sydney)\ Region
  9974  10\ |\ Needs\ location\ constraint\ ap\-southeast\-2.
  9975  \ \ \ \\\ "ap\-southeast\-2"
  9976  \ \ \ /\ Asia\ Pacific\ (Tokyo)\ Region
  9977  11\ |\ Needs\ location\ constraint\ ap\-northeast\-1.
  9978  \ \ \ \\\ "ap\-northeast\-1"
  9979  \ \ \ /\ Asia\ Pacific\ (Seoul)
  9980  12\ |\ Needs\ location\ constraint\ ap\-northeast\-2.
  9981  \ \ \ \\\ "ap\-northeast\-2"
  9982  \ \ \ /\ Asia\ Pacific\ (Mumbai)
  9983  13\ |\ Needs\ location\ constraint\ ap\-south\-1.
  9984  \ \ \ \\\ "ap\-south\-1"
  9985  \ \ \ /\ South\ America\ (Sao\ Paulo)\ Region
  9986  14\ |\ Needs\ location\ constraint\ sa\-east\-1.
  9987  \ \ \ \\\ "sa\-east\-1"
  9988  region>\ 1
  9989  Endpoint\ for\ S3\ API.
  9990  Leave\ blank\ if\ using\ AWS\ to\ use\ the\ default\ endpoint\ for\ the\ region.
  9991  endpoint>\ 
  9992  Location\ constraint\ \-\ must\ be\ set\ to\ match\ the\ Region.\ Used\ when\ creating\ buckets\ only.
  9993  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
  9994  \ 1\ /\ Empty\ for\ US\ Region,\ Northern\ Virginia\ or\ Pacific\ Northwest.
  9995  \ \ \ \\\ ""
  9996  \ 2\ /\ US\ East\ (Ohio)\ Region.
  9997  \ \ \ \\\ "us\-east\-2"
  9998  \ 3\ /\ US\ West\ (Oregon)\ Region.
  9999  \ \ \ \\\ "us\-west\-2"
 10000  \ 4\ /\ US\ West\ (Northern\ California)\ Region.
 10001  \ \ \ \\\ "us\-west\-1"
 10002  \ 5\ /\ Canada\ (Central)\ Region.
 10003  \ \ \ \\\ "ca\-central\-1"
 10004  \ 6\ /\ EU\ (Ireland)\ Region.
 10005  \ \ \ \\\ "eu\-west\-1"
 10006  \ 7\ /\ EU\ (London)\ Region.
 10007  \ \ \ \\\ "eu\-west\-2"
 10008  \ 8\ /\ EU\ Region.
 10009  \ \ \ \\\ "EU"
 10010  \ 9\ /\ Asia\ Pacific\ (Singapore)\ Region.
 10011  \ \ \ \\\ "ap\-southeast\-1"
 10012  10\ /\ Asia\ Pacific\ (Sydney)\ Region.
 10013  \ \ \ \\\ "ap\-southeast\-2"
 10014  11\ /\ Asia\ Pacific\ (Tokyo)\ Region.
 10015  \ \ \ \\\ "ap\-northeast\-1"
 10016  12\ /\ Asia\ Pacific\ (Seoul)
 10017  \ \ \ \\\ "ap\-northeast\-2"
 10018  13\ /\ Asia\ Pacific\ (Mumbai)
 10019  \ \ \ \\\ "ap\-south\-1"
 10020  14\ /\ South\ America\ (Sao\ Paulo)\ Region.
 10021  \ \ \ \\\ "sa\-east\-1"
 10022  location_constraint>\ 1
 10023  Canned\ ACL\ used\ when\ creating\ buckets\ and/or\ storing\ objects\ in\ S3.
 10024  For\ more\ info\ visit\\-overview.html#canned\-acl
 10025  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 10026  \ 1\ /\ Owner\ gets\ FULL_CONTROL.\ No\ one\ else\ has\ access\ rights\ (default).
 10027  \ \ \ \\\ "private"
 10028  \ 2\ /\ Owner\ gets\ FULL_CONTROL.\ The\ AllUsers\ group\ gets\ READ\ access.
 10029  \ \ \ \\\ "public\-read"
 10030  \ \ \ /\ Owner\ gets\ FULL_CONTROL.\ The\ AllUsers\ group\ gets\ READ\ and\ WRITE\ access.
 10031  \ 3\ |\ Granting\ this\ on\ a\ bucket\ is\ generally\ not\ recommended.
 10032  \ \ \ \\\ "public\-read\-write"
 10033  \ 4\ /\ Owner\ gets\ FULL_CONTROL.\ The\ AuthenticatedUsers\ group\ gets\ READ\ access.
 10034  \ \ \ \\\ "authenticated\-read"
 10035  \ \ \ /\ Object\ owner\ gets\ FULL_CONTROL.\ Bucket\ owner\ gets\ READ\ access.
 10036  \ 5\ |\ If\ you\ specify\ this\ canned\ ACL\ when\ creating\ a\ bucket,\ Amazon\ S3\ ignores\ it.
 10037  \ \ \ \\\ "bucket\-owner\-read"
 10038  \ \ \ /\ Both\ the\ object\ owner\ and\ the\ bucket\ owner\ get\ FULL_CONTROL\ over\ the\ object.
 10039  \ 6\ |\ If\ you\ specify\ this\ canned\ ACL\ when\ creating\ a\ bucket,\ Amazon\ S3\ ignores\ it.
 10040  \ \ \ \\\ "bucket\-owner\-full\-control"
 10041  acl>\ 1
 10042  The\ server\-side\ encryption\ algorithm\ used\ when\ storing\ this\ object\ in\ S3.
 10043  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 10044  \ 1\ /\ None
 10045  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 10046  \ 2\ /\ AES256
 10047  \ \ \ \\\ "AES256"
 10048  server_side_encryption>\ 1
 10049  The\ storage\ class\ to\ use\ when\ storing\ objects\ in\ S3.
 10050  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 10051  \ 1\ /\ Default
 10052  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 10053  \ 2\ /\ Standard\ storage\ class
 10054  \ \ \ \\\ "STANDARD"
 10055  \ 3\ /\ Reduced\ redundancy\ storage\ class
 10056  \ \ \ \\\ "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY"
 10057  \ 4\ /\ Standard\ Infrequent\ Access\ storage\ class
 10058  \ \ \ \\\ "STANDARD_IA"
 10059  \ 5\ /\ One\ Zone\ Infrequent\ Access\ storage\ class
 10060  \ \ \ \\\ "ONEZONE_IA"
 10061  \ 6\ /\ Glacier\ storage\ class
 10062  \ \ \ \\\ "GLACIER"
 10063  \ 7\ /\ Glacier\ Deep\ Archive\ storage\ class
 10064  \ \ \ \\\ "DEEP_ARCHIVE"
 10065  storage_class>\ 1
 10066  Remote\ config
 10067  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 10068  [remote]
 10069  type\ =\ s3
 10070  provider\ =\ AWS
 10071  env_auth\ =\ false
 10072  access_key_id\ =\ XXX
 10073  secret_access_key\ =\ YYY
 10074  region\ =\ us\-east\-1
 10075  endpoint\ =\ 
 10076  location_constraint\ =\ 
 10077  acl\ =\ private
 10078  server_side_encryption\ =\ 
 10079  storage_class\ =\ 
 10080  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 10081  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 10082  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 10083  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 10084  y/e/d>\ 
 10085  \f[]
 10086  .fi
 10087  .SS \[en]fast\-list
 10088  .PP
 10089  This remote supports \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] which allows you to use
 10090  fewer transactions in exchange for more memory.
 10091  See the rclone docs (/docs/#fast-list) for more details.
 10092  .SS \[en]update and \[en]use\-server\-modtime
 10093  .PP
 10094  As noted below, the modified time is stored on metadata on the object.
 10095  It is used by default for all operations that require checking the time
 10096  a file was last updated.
 10097  It allows rclone to treat the remote more like a true filesystem, but it
 10098  is inefficient because it requires an extra API call to retrieve the
 10099  metadata.
 10100  .PP
 10101  For many operations, the time the object was last uploaded to the remote
 10102  is sufficient to determine if it is \[lq]dirty\[rq].
 10103  By using \f[C]\-\-update\f[] along with
 10104  \f[C]\-\-use\-server\-modtime\f[], you can avoid the extra API call and
 10105  simply upload files whose local modtime is newer than the time it was
 10106  last uploaded.
 10107  .SS Modified time
 10108  .PP
 10109  The modified time is stored as metadata on the object as
 10110  \f[C]X\-Amz\-Meta\-Mtime\f[] as floating point since the epoch accurate
 10111  to 1 ns.
 10112  .PP
 10113  If the modification time needs to be updated rclone will attempt to
 10114  perform a server side copy to update the modification if the object can
 10115  be copied in a single part.
 10116  .PD 0
 10117  .P
 10118  .PD
 10119  In the case the object is larger than 5Gb or is in Glacier or Glacier
 10120  Deep Archive storage the object will be uploaded rather than copied.
 10121  .SS Multipart uploads
 10122  .PP
 10123  rclone supports multipart uploads with S3 which means that it can upload
 10124  files bigger than 5GB.
 10125  .PP
 10126  Note that files uploaded \f[I]both\f[] with multipart upload
 10127  \f[I]and\f[] through crypt remotes do not have MD5 sums.
 10128  .PP
 10129  rclone switches from single part uploads to multipart uploads at the
 10130  point specified by \f[C]\-\-s3\-upload\-cutoff\f[].
 10131  This can be a maximum of 5GB and a minimum of 0 (ie always upload
 10132  multipart files).
 10133  .PP
 10134  The chunk sizes used in the multipart upload are specified by
 10135  \f[C]\-\-s3\-chunk\-size\f[] and the number of chunks uploaded
 10136  concurrently is specified by \f[C]\-\-s3\-upload\-concurrency\f[].
 10137  .PP
 10138  Multipart uploads will use \f[C]\-\-transfers\f[] *
 10139  \f[C]\-\-s3\-upload\-concurrency\f[] * \f[C]\-\-s3\-chunk\-size\f[]
 10140  extra memory.
 10141  Single part uploads to not use extra memory.
 10142  .PP
 10143  Single part transfers can be faster than multipart transfers or slower
 10144  depending on your latency from S3 \- the more latency, the more likely
 10145  single part transfers will be faster.
 10146  .PP
 10147  Increasing \f[C]\-\-s3\-upload\-concurrency\f[] will increase throughput
 10148  (8 would be a sensible value) and increasing
 10149  \f[C]\-\-s3\-chunk\-size\f[] also increases throughput (16M would be
 10150  sensible).
 10151  Increasing either of these will use more memory.
 10152  The default values are high enough to gain most of the possible
 10153  performance without using too much memory.
 10154  .SS Buckets and Regions
 10155  .PP
 10156  With Amazon S3 you can list buckets (\f[C]rclone\ lsd\f[]) using any
 10157  region, but you can only access the content of a bucket from the region
 10158  it was created in.
 10159  If you attempt to access a bucket from the wrong region, you will get an
 10160  error,
 10161  \f[C]incorrect\ region,\ the\ bucket\ is\ not\ in\ \[aq]XXX\[aq]\ region\f[].
 10162  .SS Authentication
 10163  .PP
 10164  There are a number of ways to supply \f[C]rclone\f[] with a set of AWS
 10165  credentials, with and without using the environment.
 10166  .PP
 10167  The different authentication methods are tried in this order:
 10168  .IP \[bu] 2
 10169  Directly in the rclone configuration file (\f[C]env_auth\ =\ false\f[]
 10170  in the config file):
 10171  .RS 2
 10172  .IP \[bu] 2
 10173  \f[C]access_key_id\f[] and \f[C]secret_access_key\f[] are required.
 10174  .IP \[bu] 2
 10175  \f[C]session_token\f[] can be optionally set when using AWS STS.
 10176  .RE
 10177  .IP \[bu] 2
 10178  Runtime configuration (\f[C]env_auth\ =\ true\f[] in the config file):
 10179  .RS 2
 10180  .IP \[bu] 2
 10181  Export the following environment variables before running
 10182  \f[C]rclone\f[]:
 10183  .RS 2
 10184  .IP \[bu] 2
 10185  Access Key ID: \f[C]AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID\f[] or \f[C]AWS_ACCESS_KEY\f[]
 10186  .IP \[bu] 2
 10187  Secret Access Key: \f[C]AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY\f[] or
 10188  \f[C]AWS_SECRET_KEY\f[]
 10189  .IP \[bu] 2
 10190  Session Token: \f[C]AWS_SESSION_TOKEN\f[] (optional)
 10191  .RE
 10192  .IP \[bu] 2
 10193  Or, use a named
 10194  profile (
 10195  .RS 2
 10196  .IP \[bu] 2
 10197  Profile files are standard files used by AWS CLI tools
 10198  .IP \[bu] 2
 10199  By default it will use the profile in your home directory (eg
 10200  \f[C]~/.aws/credentials\f[] on unix based systems) file and the
 10201  \[lq]default\[rq] profile, to change set these environment variables:
 10202  .RS 2
 10203  .IP \[bu] 2
 10204  \f[C]AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE\f[] to control which file.
 10205  .IP \[bu] 2
 10206  \f[C]AWS_PROFILE\f[] to control which profile to use.
 10207  .RE
 10208  .RE
 10209  .IP \[bu] 2
 10210  Or, run \f[C]rclone\f[] in an ECS task with an IAM role (AWS only).
 10211  .IP \[bu] 2
 10212  Or, run \f[C]rclone\f[] on an EC2 instance with an IAM role (AWS only).
 10213  .RE
 10214  .PP
 10215  If none of these option actually end up providing \f[C]rclone\f[] with
 10216  AWS credentials then S3 interaction will be non\-authenticated (see
 10217  below).
 10218  .SS S3 Permissions
 10219  .PP
 10220  When using the \f[C]sync\f[] subcommand of \f[C]rclone\f[] the following
 10221  minimum permissions are required to be available on the bucket being
 10222  written to:
 10223  .IP \[bu] 2
 10224  \f[C]ListBucket\f[]
 10225  .IP \[bu] 2
 10226  \f[C]DeleteObject\f[]
 10227  .IP \[bu] 2
 10228  \f[C]GetObject\f[]
 10229  .IP \[bu] 2
 10230  \f[C]PutObject\f[]
 10231  .IP \[bu] 2
 10232  \f[C]PutObjectACL\f[]
 10233  .PP
 10234  Example policy:
 10235  .IP
 10236  .nf
 10237  \f[C]
 10238  {
 10239  \ \ \ \ "Version":\ "2012\-10\-17",
 10240  \ \ \ \ "Statement":\ [
 10241  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {
 10242  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "Effect":\ "Allow",
 10243  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "Principal":\ {
 10244  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "AWS":\ "arn:aws:iam::USER_SID:user/USER_NAME"
 10245  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ },
 10246  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "Action":\ [
 10247  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "s3:ListBucket",
 10248  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "s3:DeleteObject",
 10249  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "s3:GetObject",
 10250  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "s3:PutObject",
 10251  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "s3:PutObjectAcl"
 10252  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ],
 10253  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "Resource":\ [
 10254  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET_NAME/*",
 10255  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET_NAME"
 10256  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ]
 10257  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }
 10258  \ \ \ \ ]
 10259  }
 10260  \f[]
 10261  .fi
 10262  .PP
 10263  Notes on above:
 10264  .IP "1." 3
 10265  This is a policy that can be used when creating bucket.
 10266  It assumes that \f[C]USER_NAME\f[] has been created.
 10267  .IP "2." 3
 10268  The Resource entry must include both resource ARNs, as one implies the
 10269  bucket and the other implies the bucket's objects.
 10270  .PP
 10271  For reference, here's an Ansible
 10272  script (
 10273  that will generate one or more buckets that will work with
 10274  \f[C]rclone\ sync\f[].
 10275  .SS Key Management System (KMS)
 10276  .PP
 10277  If you are using server side encryption with KMS then you will find you
 10278  can't transfer small objects.
 10279  As a work\-around you can use the \f[C]\-\-ignore\-checksum\f[] flag.
 10280  .PP
 10281  A proper fix is being worked on in issue
 10282  #1824 (
 10283  .SS Glacier and Glacier Deep Archive
 10284  .PP
 10285  You can upload objects using the glacier storage class or transition
 10286  them to glacier using a lifecycle
 10287  policy (
 10288  The bucket can still be synced or copied into normally, but if rclone
 10289  tries to access data from the glacier storage class you will see an
 10290  error like below.
 10291  .IP
 10292  .nf
 10293  \f[C]
 10294  2017/09/11\ 19:07:43\ Failed\ to\ sync:\ failed\ to\ open\ source\ object:\ Object\ in\ GLACIER,\ restore\ first:\ path/to/file
 10295  \f[]
 10296  .fi
 10297  .PP
 10298  In this case you need to
 10299  restore (
 10300  the object(s) in question before using rclone.
 10301  .PP
 10302  Note that rclone only speaks the S3 API it does not speak the Glacier
 10303  Vault API, so rclone cannot directly access Glacier Vaults.
 10304  .SS Standard Options
 10305  .PP
 10306  Here are the standard options specific to s3 (Amazon S3 Compliant
 10307  Storage Provider (AWS, Alibaba, Ceph, Digital Ocean, Dreamhost, IBM COS,
 10308  Minio, etc)).
 10309  .SS \[en]s3\-provider
 10310  .PP
 10311  Choose your S3 provider.
 10312  .IP \[bu] 2
 10313  Config: provider
 10314  .IP \[bu] 2
 10315  Env Var: RCLONE_S3_PROVIDER
 10316  .IP \[bu] 2
 10317  Type: string
 10318  .IP \[bu] 2
 10319  Default: ""
 10320  .IP \[bu] 2
 10321  Examples:
 10322  .RS 2
 10323  .IP \[bu] 2
 10324  \[lq]AWS\[rq]
 10325  .RS 2
 10326  .IP \[bu] 2
 10327  Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3
 10328  .RE
 10329  .IP \[bu] 2
 10330  \[lq]Alibaba\[rq]
 10331  .RS 2
 10332  .IP \[bu] 2
 10333  Alibaba Cloud Object Storage System (OSS) formerly Aliyun
 10334  .RE
 10335  .IP \[bu] 2
 10336  \[lq]Ceph\[rq]
 10337  .RS 2
 10338  .IP \[bu] 2
 10339  Ceph Object Storage
 10340  .RE
 10341  .IP \[bu] 2
 10342  \[lq]DigitalOcean\[rq]
 10343  .RS 2
 10344  .IP \[bu] 2
 10345  Digital Ocean Spaces
 10346  .RE
 10347  .IP \[bu] 2
 10348  \[lq]Dreamhost\[rq]
 10349  .RS 2
 10350  .IP \[bu] 2
 10351  Dreamhost DreamObjects
 10352  .RE
 10353  .IP \[bu] 2
 10354  \[lq]IBMCOS\[rq]
 10355  .RS 2
 10356  .IP \[bu] 2
 10357  IBM COS S3
 10358  .RE
 10359  .IP \[bu] 2
 10360  \[lq]Minio\[rq]
 10361  .RS 2
 10362  .IP \[bu] 2
 10363  Minio Object Storage
 10364  .RE
 10365  .IP \[bu] 2
 10366  \[lq]Netease\[rq]
 10367  .RS 2
 10368  .IP \[bu] 2
 10369  Netease Object Storage (NOS)
 10370  .RE
 10371  .IP \[bu] 2
 10372  \[lq]Wasabi\[rq]
 10373  .RS 2
 10374  .IP \[bu] 2
 10375  Wasabi Object Storage
 10376  .RE
 10377  .IP \[bu] 2
 10378  \[lq]Other\[rq]
 10379  .RS 2
 10380  .IP \[bu] 2
 10381  Any other S3 compatible provider
 10382  .RE
 10383  .RE
 10384  .SS \[en]s3\-env\-auth
 10385  .PP
 10386  Get AWS credentials from runtime (environment variables or EC2/ECS meta
 10387  data if no env vars).
 10388  Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank.
 10389  .IP \[bu] 2
 10390  Config: env_auth
 10391  .IP \[bu] 2
 10392  Env Var: RCLONE_S3_ENV_AUTH
 10393  .IP \[bu] 2
 10394  Type: bool
 10395  .IP \[bu] 2
 10396  Default: false
 10397  .IP \[bu] 2
 10398  Examples:
 10399  .RS 2
 10400  .IP \[bu] 2
 10401  \[lq]false\[rq]
 10402  .RS 2
 10403  .IP \[bu] 2
 10404  Enter AWS credentials in the next step
 10405  .RE
 10406  .IP \[bu] 2
 10407  \[lq]true\[rq]
 10408  .RS 2
 10409  .IP \[bu] 2
 10410  Get AWS credentials from the environment (env vars or IAM)
 10411  .RE
 10412  .RE
 10413  .SS \[en]s3\-access\-key\-id
 10414  .PP
 10415  AWS Access Key ID.
 10416  Leave blank for anonymous access or runtime credentials.
 10417  .IP \[bu] 2
 10418  Config: access_key_id
 10419  .IP \[bu] 2
 10420  Env Var: RCLONE_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID
 10421  .IP \[bu] 2
 10422  Type: string
 10423  .IP \[bu] 2
 10424  Default: ""
 10425  .SS \[en]s3\-secret\-access\-key
 10426  .PP
 10427  AWS Secret Access Key (password) Leave blank for anonymous access or
 10428  runtime credentials.
 10429  .IP \[bu] 2
 10430  Config: secret_access_key
 10431  .IP \[bu] 2
 10433  .IP \[bu] 2
 10434  Type: string
 10435  .IP \[bu] 2
 10436  Default: ""
 10437  .SS \[en]s3\-region
 10438  .PP
 10439  Region to connect to.
 10440  .IP \[bu] 2
 10441  Config: region
 10442  .IP \[bu] 2
 10443  Env Var: RCLONE_S3_REGION
 10444  .IP \[bu] 2
 10445  Type: string
 10446  .IP \[bu] 2
 10447  Default: ""
 10448  .IP \[bu] 2
 10449  Examples:
 10450  .RS 2
 10451  .IP \[bu] 2
 10452  \[lq]us\-east\-1\[rq]
 10453  .RS 2
 10454  .IP \[bu] 2
 10455  The default endpoint \- a good choice if you are unsure.
 10456  .IP \[bu] 2
 10457  US Region, Northern Virginia or Pacific Northwest.
 10458  .IP \[bu] 2
 10459  Leave location constraint empty.
 10460  .RE
 10461  .IP \[bu] 2
 10462  \[lq]us\-east\-2\[rq]
 10463  .RS 2
 10464  .IP \[bu] 2
 10465  US East (Ohio) Region
 10466  .IP \[bu] 2
 10467  Needs location constraint us\-east\-2.
 10468  .RE
 10469  .IP \[bu] 2
 10470  \[lq]us\-west\-2\[rq]
 10471  .RS 2
 10472  .IP \[bu] 2
 10473  US West (Oregon) Region
 10474  .IP \[bu] 2
 10475  Needs location constraint us\-west\-2.
 10476  .RE
 10477  .IP \[bu] 2
 10478  \[lq]us\-west\-1\[rq]
 10479  .RS 2
 10480  .IP \[bu] 2
 10481  US West (Northern California) Region
 10482  .IP \[bu] 2
 10483  Needs location constraint us\-west\-1.
 10484  .RE
 10485  .IP \[bu] 2
 10486  \[lq]ca\-central\-1\[rq]
 10487  .RS 2
 10488  .IP \[bu] 2
 10489  Canada (Central) Region
 10490  .IP \[bu] 2
 10491  Needs location constraint ca\-central\-1.
 10492  .RE
 10493  .IP \[bu] 2
 10494  \[lq]eu\-west\-1\[rq]
 10495  .RS 2
 10496  .IP \[bu] 2
 10497  EU (Ireland) Region
 10498  .IP \[bu] 2
 10499  Needs location constraint EU or eu\-west\-1.
 10500  .RE
 10501  .IP \[bu] 2
 10502  \[lq]eu\-west\-2\[rq]
 10503  .RS 2
 10504  .IP \[bu] 2
 10505  EU (London) Region
 10506  .IP \[bu] 2
 10507  Needs location constraint eu\-west\-2.
 10508  .RE
 10509  .IP \[bu] 2
 10510  \[lq]eu\-north\-1\[rq]
 10511  .RS 2
 10512  .IP \[bu] 2
 10513  EU (Stockholm) Region
 10514  .IP \[bu] 2
 10515  Needs location constraint eu\-north\-1.
 10516  .RE
 10517  .IP \[bu] 2
 10518  \[lq]eu\-central\-1\[rq]
 10519  .RS 2
 10520  .IP \[bu] 2
 10521  EU (Frankfurt) Region
 10522  .IP \[bu] 2
 10523  Needs location constraint eu\-central\-1.
 10524  .RE
 10525  .IP \[bu] 2
 10526  \[lq]ap\-southeast\-1\[rq]
 10527  .RS 2
 10528  .IP \[bu] 2
 10529  Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region
 10530  .IP \[bu] 2
 10531  Needs location constraint ap\-southeast\-1.
 10532  .RE
 10533  .IP \[bu] 2
 10534  \[lq]ap\-southeast\-2\[rq]
 10535  .RS 2
 10536  .IP \[bu] 2
 10537  Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region
 10538  .IP \[bu] 2
 10539  Needs location constraint ap\-southeast\-2.
 10540  .RE
 10541  .IP \[bu] 2
 10542  \[lq]ap\-northeast\-1\[rq]
 10543  .RS 2
 10544  .IP \[bu] 2
 10545  Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region
 10546  .IP \[bu] 2
 10547  Needs location constraint ap\-northeast\-1.
 10548  .RE
 10549  .IP \[bu] 2
 10550  \[lq]ap\-northeast\-2\[rq]
 10551  .RS 2
 10552  .IP \[bu] 2
 10553  Asia Pacific (Seoul)
 10554  .IP \[bu] 2
 10555  Needs location constraint ap\-northeast\-2.
 10556  .RE
 10557  .IP \[bu] 2
 10558  \[lq]ap\-south\-1\[rq]
 10559  .RS 2
 10560  .IP \[bu] 2
 10561  Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
 10562  .IP \[bu] 2
 10563  Needs location constraint ap\-south\-1.
 10564  .RE
 10565  .IP \[bu] 2
 10566  \[lq]sa\-east\-1\[rq]
 10567  .RS 2
 10568  .IP \[bu] 2
 10569  South America (Sao Paulo) Region
 10570  .IP \[bu] 2
 10571  Needs location constraint sa\-east\-1.
 10572  .RE
 10573  .RE
 10574  .SS \[en]s3\-region
 10575  .PP
 10576  Region to connect to.
 10577  Leave blank if you are using an S3 clone and you don't have a region.
 10578  .IP \[bu] 2
 10579  Config: region
 10580  .IP \[bu] 2
 10581  Env Var: RCLONE_S3_REGION
 10582  .IP \[bu] 2
 10583  Type: string
 10584  .IP \[bu] 2
 10585  Default: ""
 10586  .IP \[bu] 2
 10587  Examples:
 10588  .RS 2
 10589  .IP \[bu] 2
 10590  ""
 10591  .RS 2
 10592  .IP \[bu] 2
 10593  Use this if unsure.
 10594  Will use v4 signatures and an empty region.
 10595  .RE
 10596  .IP \[bu] 2
 10597  \[lq]other\-v2\-signature\[rq]
 10598  .RS 2
 10599  .IP \[bu] 2
 10600  Use this only if v4 signatures don't work, eg pre Jewel/v10 CEPH.
 10601  .RE
 10602  .RE
 10603  .SS \[en]s3\-endpoint
 10604  .PP
 10605  Endpoint for S3 API.
 10606  Leave blank if using AWS to use the default endpoint for the region.
 10607  .IP \[bu] 2
 10608  Config: endpoint
 10609  .IP \[bu] 2
 10610  Env Var: RCLONE_S3_ENDPOINT
 10611  .IP \[bu] 2
 10612  Type: string
 10613  .IP \[bu] 2
 10614  Default: ""
 10615  .SS \[en]s3\-endpoint
 10616  .PP
 10617  Endpoint for IBM COS S3 API.
 10618  Specify if using an IBM COS On Premise.
 10619  .IP \[bu] 2
 10620  Config: endpoint
 10621  .IP \[bu] 2
 10622  Env Var: RCLONE_S3_ENDPOINT
 10623  .IP \[bu] 2
 10624  Type: string
 10625  .IP \[bu] 2
 10626  Default: ""
 10627  .IP \[bu] 2
 10628  Examples:
 10629  .RS 2
 10630  .IP \[bu] 2
 10631  \[lq]s3\\\[rq]
 10632  .RS 2
 10633  .IP \[bu] 2
 10634  US Cross Region Endpoint
 10635  .RE
 10636  .IP \[bu] 2
 10637  \[lq]s3\\\[rq]
 10638  .RS 2
 10639  .IP \[bu] 2
 10640  US Cross Region Dallas Endpoint
 10641  .RE
 10642  .IP \[bu] 2
 10643  \[lq]s3\-api.wdc\-us\\[rq]
 10644  .RS 2
 10645  .IP \[bu] 2
 10646  US Cross Region Washington DC Endpoint
 10647  .RE
 10648  .IP \[bu] 2
 10649  \[lq]s3\-api.sjc\-us\\[rq]
 10650  .RS 2
 10651  .IP \[bu] 2
 10652  US Cross Region San Jose Endpoint
 10653  .RE
 10654  .IP \[bu] 2
 10655  \[lq]s3\\\[rq]
 10656  .RS 2
 10657  .IP \[bu] 2
 10658  US Cross Region Private Endpoint
 10659  .RE
 10660  .IP \[bu] 2
 10661  \[lq]s3\-api.dal\-us\\[rq]
 10662  .RS 2
 10663  .IP \[bu] 2
 10664  US Cross Region Dallas Private Endpoint
 10665  .RE
 10666  .IP \[bu] 2
 10667  \[lq]s3\-api.wdc\-us\\[rq]
 10668  .RS 2
 10669  .IP \[bu] 2
 10670  US Cross Region Washington DC Private Endpoint
 10671  .RE
 10672  .IP \[bu] 2
 10673  \[lq]s3\-api.sjc\-us\\[rq]
 10674  .RS 2
 10675  .IP \[bu] 2
 10676  US Cross Region San Jose Private Endpoint
 10677  .RE
 10678  .IP \[bu] 2
 10679  \[lq]\\[rq]
 10680  .RS 2
 10681  .IP \[bu] 2
 10682  US Region East Endpoint
 10683  .RE
 10684  .IP \[bu] 2
 10685  \[lq]\\[rq]
 10686  .RS 2
 10687  .IP \[bu] 2
 10688  US Region East Private Endpoint
 10689  .RE
 10690  .IP \[bu] 2
 10691  \[lq]\\[rq]
 10692  .RS 2
 10693  .IP \[bu] 2
 10694  US Region South Endpoint
 10695  .RE
 10696  .IP \[bu] 2
 10697  \[lq]\\[rq]
 10698  .RS 2
 10699  .IP \[bu] 2
 10700  US Region South Private Endpoint
 10701  .RE
 10702  .IP \[bu] 2
 10703  \[lq]\\[rq]
 10704  .RS 2
 10705  .IP \[bu] 2
 10706  EU Cross Region Endpoint
 10707  .RE
 10708  .IP \[bu] 2
 10709  \[lq]s3.fra\-eu\\[rq]
 10710  .RS 2
 10711  .IP \[bu] 2
 10712  EU Cross Region Frankfurt Endpoint
 10713  .RE
 10714  .IP \[bu] 2
 10715  \[lq]\-eu\\[rq]
 10716  .RS 2
 10717  .IP \[bu] 2
 10718  EU Cross Region Milan Endpoint
 10719  .RE
 10720  .IP \[bu] 2
 10721  \[lq]s3.ams\-eu\\[rq]
 10722  .RS 2
 10723  .IP \[bu] 2
 10724  EU Cross Region Amsterdam Endpoint
 10725  .RE
 10726  .IP \[bu] 2
 10727  \[lq]\\[rq]
 10728  .RS 2
 10729  .IP \[bu] 2
 10730  EU Cross Region Private Endpoint
 10731  .RE
 10732  .IP \[bu] 2
 10733  \[lq]s3.fra\-eu\\[rq]
 10734  .RS 2
 10735  .IP \[bu] 2
 10736  EU Cross Region Frankfurt Private Endpoint
 10737  .RE
 10738  .IP \[bu] 2
 10739  \[lq]\-eu\\[rq]
 10740  .RS 2
 10741  .IP \[bu] 2
 10742  EU Cross Region Milan Private Endpoint
 10743  .RE
 10744  .IP \[bu] 2
 10745  \[lq]s3.ams\-eu\\[rq]
 10746  .RS 2
 10747  .IP \[bu] 2
 10748  EU Cross Region Amsterdam Private Endpoint
 10749  .RE
 10750  .IP \[bu] 2
 10751  \[lq]\\[rq]
 10752  .RS 2
 10753  .IP \[bu] 2
 10754  Great Britain Endpoint
 10755  .RE
 10756  .IP \[bu] 2
 10757  \[lq]\\[rq]
 10758  .RS 2
 10759  .IP \[bu] 2
 10760  Great Britain Private Endpoint
 10761  .RE
 10762  .IP \[bu] 2
 10763  \[lq]s3.ap\\[rq]
 10764  .RS 2
 10765  .IP \[bu] 2
 10766  APAC Cross Regional Endpoint
 10767  .RE
 10768  .IP \[bu] 2
 10769  \[lq]s3.tok\-ap\\[rq]
 10770  .RS 2
 10771  .IP \[bu] 2
 10772  APAC Cross Regional Tokyo Endpoint
 10773  .RE
 10774  .IP \[bu] 2
 10775  \[lq]s3.hkg\-ap\\[rq]
 10776  .RS 2
 10777  .IP \[bu] 2
 10778  APAC Cross Regional HongKong Endpoint
 10779  .RE
 10780  .IP \[bu] 2
 10781  \[lq]s3.seo\-ap\\[rq]
 10782  .RS 2
 10783  .IP \[bu] 2
 10784  APAC Cross Regional Seoul Endpoint
 10785  .RE
 10786  .IP \[bu] 2
 10787  \[lq]s3.ap\\[rq]
 10788  .RS 2
 10789  .IP \[bu] 2
 10790  APAC Cross Regional Private Endpoint
 10791  .RE
 10792  .IP \[bu] 2
 10793  \[lq]s3.tok\-ap\\[rq]
 10794  .RS 2
 10795  .IP \[bu] 2
 10796  APAC Cross Regional Tokyo Private Endpoint
 10797  .RE
 10798  .IP \[bu] 2
 10799  \[lq]s3.hkg\-ap\\[rq]
 10800  .RS 2
 10801  .IP \[bu] 2
 10802  APAC Cross Regional HongKong Private Endpoint
 10803  .RE
 10804  .IP \[bu] 2
 10805  \[lq]s3.seo\-ap\\[rq]
 10806  .RS 2
 10807  .IP \[bu] 2
 10808  APAC Cross Regional Seoul Private Endpoint
 10809  .RE
 10810  .IP \[bu] 2
 10811  \[lq]\[rq]
 10812  .RS 2
 10813  .IP \[bu] 2
 10814  Melbourne Single Site Endpoint
 10815  .RE
 10816  .IP \[bu] 2
 10817  \[lq]\[rq]
 10818  .RS 2
 10819  .IP \[bu] 2
 10820  Melbourne Single Site Private Endpoint
 10821  .RE
 10822  .IP \[bu] 2
 10823  \[lq]\[rq]
 10824  .RS 2
 10825  .IP \[bu] 2
 10826  Toronto Single Site Endpoint
 10827  .RE
 10828  .IP \[bu] 2
 10829  \[lq]\[rq]
 10830  .RS 2
 10831  .IP \[bu] 2
 10832  Toronto Single Site Private Endpoint
 10833  .RE
 10834  .RE
 10835  .SS \[en]s3\-endpoint
 10836  .PP
 10837  Endpoint for OSS API.
 10838  .IP \[bu] 2
 10839  Config: endpoint
 10840  .IP \[bu] 2
 10841  Env Var: RCLONE_S3_ENDPOINT
 10842  .IP \[bu] 2
 10843  Type: string
 10844  .IP \[bu] 2
 10845  Default: ""
 10846  .IP \[bu] 2
 10847  Examples:
 10848  .RS 2
 10849  .IP \[bu] 2
 10850  \[lq]oss\-cn\\[rq]
 10851  .RS 2
 10852  .IP \[bu] 2
 10853  East China 1 (Hangzhou)
 10854  .RE
 10855  .IP \[bu] 2
 10856  \[lq]oss\-cn\\[rq]
 10857  .RS 2
 10858  .IP \[bu] 2
 10859  East China 2 (Shanghai)
 10860  .RE
 10861  .IP \[bu] 2
 10862  \[lq]oss\-cn\\[rq]
 10863  .RS 2
 10864  .IP \[bu] 2
 10865  North China 1 (Qingdao)
 10866  .RE
 10867  .IP \[bu] 2
 10868  \[lq]oss\-cn\\[rq]
 10869  .RS 2
 10870  .IP \[bu] 2
 10871  North China 2 (Beijing)
 10872  .RE
 10873  .IP \[bu] 2
 10874  \[lq]oss\-cn\\[rq]
 10875  .RS 2
 10876  .IP \[bu] 2
 10877  North China 3 (Zhangjiakou)
 10878  .RE
 10879  .IP \[bu] 2
 10880  \[lq]oss\-cn\\[rq]
 10881  .RS 2
 10882  .IP \[bu] 2
 10883  North China 5 (Huhehaote)
 10884  .RE
 10885  .IP \[bu] 2
 10886  \[lq]oss\-cn\\[rq]
 10887  .RS 2
 10888  .IP \[bu] 2
 10889  South China 1 (Shenzhen)
 10890  .RE
 10891  .IP \[bu] 2
 10892  \[lq]oss\-cn\\[rq]
 10893  .RS 2
 10894  .IP \[bu] 2
 10895  Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
 10896  .RE
 10897  .IP \[bu] 2
 10898  \[lq]oss\-us\-west\\[rq]
 10899  .RS 2
 10900  .IP \[bu] 2
 10901  US West 1 (Silicon Valley)
 10902  .RE
 10903  .IP \[bu] 2
 10904  \[lq]oss\-us\-east\\[rq]
 10905  .RS 2
 10906  .IP \[bu] 2
 10907  US East 1 (Virginia)
 10908  .RE
 10909  .IP \[bu] 2
 10910  \[lq]oss\-ap\-southeast\\[rq]
 10911  .RS 2
 10912  .IP \[bu] 2
 10913  Southeast Asia Southeast 1 (Singapore)
 10914  .RE
 10915  .IP \[bu] 2
 10916  \[lq]oss\-ap\-southeast\\[rq]
 10917  .RS 2
 10918  .IP \[bu] 2
 10919  Asia Pacific Southeast 2 (Sydney)
 10920  .RE
 10921  .IP \[bu] 2
 10922  \[lq]oss\-ap\-southeast\\[rq]
 10923  .RS 2
 10924  .IP \[bu] 2
 10925  Southeast Asia Southeast 3 (Kuala Lumpur)
 10926  .RE
 10927  .IP \[bu] 2
 10928  \[lq]oss\-ap\-southeast\\[rq]
 10929  .RS 2
 10930  .IP \[bu] 2
 10931  Asia Pacific Southeast 5 (Jakarta)
 10932  .RE
 10933  .IP \[bu] 2
 10934  \[lq]oss\-ap\-northeast\\[rq]
 10935  .RS 2
 10936  .IP \[bu] 2
 10937  Asia Pacific Northeast 1 (Japan)
 10938  .RE
 10939  .IP \[bu] 2
 10940  \[lq]oss\-ap\-south\\[rq]
 10941  .RS 2
 10942  .IP \[bu] 2
 10943  Asia Pacific South 1 (Mumbai)
 10944  .RE
 10945  .IP \[bu] 2
 10946  \[lq]oss\-eu\-central\\[rq]
 10947  .RS 2
 10948  .IP \[bu] 2
 10949  Central Europe 1 (Frankfurt)
 10950  .RE
 10951  .IP \[bu] 2
 10952  \[lq]oss\-eu\-west\\[rq]
 10953  .RS 2
 10954  .IP \[bu] 2
 10955  West Europe (London)
 10956  .RE
 10957  .IP \[bu] 2
 10958  \[lq]oss\-me\-east\\[rq]
 10959  .RS 2
 10960  .IP \[bu] 2
 10961  Middle East 1 (Dubai)
 10962  .RE
 10963  .RE
 10964  .SS \[en]s3\-endpoint
 10965  .PP
 10966  Endpoint for S3 API.
 10967  Required when using an S3 clone.
 10968  .IP \[bu] 2
 10969  Config: endpoint
 10970  .IP \[bu] 2
 10971  Env Var: RCLONE_S3_ENDPOINT
 10972  .IP \[bu] 2
 10973  Type: string
 10974  .IP \[bu] 2
 10975  Default: ""
 10976  .IP \[bu] 2
 10977  Examples:
 10978  .RS 2
 10979  .IP \[bu] 2
 10980  \[lq]objects\-us\-east\\[rq]
 10981  .RS 2
 10982  .IP \[bu] 2
 10983  Dream Objects endpoint
 10984  .RE
 10985  .IP \[bu] 2
 10986  \[lq]\[rq]
 10987  .RS 2
 10988  .IP \[bu] 2
 10989  Digital Ocean Spaces New York 3
 10990  .RE
 10991  .IP \[bu] 2
 10992  \[lq]\[rq]
 10993  .RS 2
 10994  .IP \[bu] 2
 10995  Digital Ocean Spaces Amsterdam 3
 10996  .RE
 10997  .IP \[bu] 2
 10998  \[lq]\[rq]
 10999  .RS 2
 11000  .IP \[bu] 2
 11001  Digital Ocean Spaces Singapore 1
 11002  .RE
 11003  .IP \[bu] 2
 11004  \[lq]\[rq]
 11005  .RS 2
 11006  .IP \[bu] 2
 11007  Wasabi US East endpoint
 11008  .RE
 11009  .IP \[bu] 2
 11010  \[lq]\-west\\[rq]
 11011  .RS 2
 11012  .IP \[bu] 2
 11013  Wasabi US West endpoint
 11014  .RE
 11015  .IP \[bu] 2
 11016  \[lq]\-central\\[rq]
 11017  .RS 2
 11018  .IP \[bu] 2
 11019  Wasabi EU Central endpoint
 11020  .RE
 11021  .RE
 11022  .SS \[en]s3\-location\-constraint
 11023  .PP
 11024  Location constraint \- must be set to match the Region.
 11025  Used when creating buckets only.
 11026  .IP \[bu] 2
 11027  Config: location_constraint
 11028  .IP \[bu] 2
 11030  .IP \[bu] 2
 11031  Type: string
 11032  .IP \[bu] 2
 11033  Default: ""
 11034  .IP \[bu] 2
 11035  Examples:
 11036  .RS 2
 11037  .IP \[bu] 2
 11038  ""
 11039  .RS 2
 11040  .IP \[bu] 2
 11041  Empty for US Region, Northern Virginia or Pacific Northwest.
 11042  .RE
 11043  .IP \[bu] 2
 11044  \[lq]us\-east\-2\[rq]
 11045  .RS 2
 11046  .IP \[bu] 2
 11047  US East (Ohio) Region.
 11048  .RE
 11049  .IP \[bu] 2
 11050  \[lq]us\-west\-2\[rq]
 11051  .RS 2
 11052  .IP \[bu] 2
 11053  US West (Oregon) Region.
 11054  .RE
 11055  .IP \[bu] 2
 11056  \[lq]us\-west\-1\[rq]
 11057  .RS 2
 11058  .IP \[bu] 2
 11059  US West (Northern California) Region.
 11060  .RE
 11061  .IP \[bu] 2
 11062  \[lq]ca\-central\-1\[rq]
 11063  .RS 2
 11064  .IP \[bu] 2
 11065  Canada (Central) Region.
 11066  .RE
 11067  .IP \[bu] 2
 11068  \[lq]eu\-west\-1\[rq]
 11069  .RS 2
 11070  .IP \[bu] 2
 11071  EU (Ireland) Region.
 11072  .RE
 11073  .IP \[bu] 2
 11074  \[lq]eu\-west\-2\[rq]
 11075  .RS 2
 11076  .IP \[bu] 2
 11077  EU (London) Region.
 11078  .RE
 11079  .IP \[bu] 2
 11080  \[lq]eu\-north\-1\[rq]
 11081  .RS 2
 11082  .IP \[bu] 2
 11083  EU (Stockholm) Region.
 11084  .RE
 11085  .IP \[bu] 2
 11086  \[lq]EU\[rq]
 11087  .RS 2
 11088  .IP \[bu] 2
 11089  EU Region.
 11090  .RE
 11091  .IP \[bu] 2
 11092  \[lq]ap\-southeast\-1\[rq]
 11093  .RS 2
 11094  .IP \[bu] 2
 11095  Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region.
 11096  .RE
 11097  .IP \[bu] 2
 11098  \[lq]ap\-southeast\-2\[rq]
 11099  .RS 2
 11100  .IP \[bu] 2
 11101  Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region.
 11102  .RE
 11103  .IP \[bu] 2
 11104  \[lq]ap\-northeast\-1\[rq]
 11105  .RS 2
 11106  .IP \[bu] 2
 11107  Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region.
 11108  .RE
 11109  .IP \[bu] 2
 11110  \[lq]ap\-northeast\-2\[rq]
 11111  .RS 2
 11112  .IP \[bu] 2
 11113  Asia Pacific (Seoul)
 11114  .RE
 11115  .IP \[bu] 2
 11116  \[lq]ap\-south\-1\[rq]
 11117  .RS 2
 11118  .IP \[bu] 2
 11119  Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
 11120  .RE
 11121  .IP \[bu] 2
 11122  \[lq]sa\-east\-1\[rq]
 11123  .RS 2
 11124  .IP \[bu] 2
 11125  South America (Sao Paulo) Region.
 11126  .RE
 11127  .RE
 11128  .SS \[en]s3\-location\-constraint
 11129  .PP
 11130  Location constraint \- must match endpoint when using IBM Cloud Public.
 11131  For on\-prem COS, do not make a selection from this list, hit enter
 11132  .IP \[bu] 2
 11133  Config: location_constraint
 11134  .IP \[bu] 2
 11136  .IP \[bu] 2
 11137  Type: string
 11138  .IP \[bu] 2
 11139  Default: ""
 11140  .IP \[bu] 2
 11141  Examples:
 11142  .RS 2
 11143  .IP \[bu] 2
 11144  \[lq]us\-standard\[rq]
 11145  .RS 2
 11146  .IP \[bu] 2
 11147  US Cross Region Standard
 11148  .RE
 11149  .IP \[bu] 2
 11150  \[lq]us\-vault\[rq]
 11151  .RS 2
 11152  .IP \[bu] 2
 11153  US Cross Region Vault
 11154  .RE
 11155  .IP \[bu] 2
 11156  \[lq]us\-cold\[rq]
 11157  .RS 2
 11158  .IP \[bu] 2
 11159  US Cross Region Cold
 11160  .RE
 11161  .IP \[bu] 2
 11162  \[lq]us\-flex\[rq]
 11163  .RS 2
 11164  .IP \[bu] 2
 11165  US Cross Region Flex
 11166  .RE
 11167  .IP \[bu] 2
 11168  \[lq]us\-east\-standard\[rq]
 11169  .RS 2
 11170  .IP \[bu] 2
 11171  US East Region Standard
 11172  .RE
 11173  .IP \[bu] 2
 11174  \[lq]us\-east\-vault\[rq]
 11175  .RS 2
 11176  .IP \[bu] 2
 11177  US East Region Vault
 11178  .RE
 11179  .IP \[bu] 2
 11180  \[lq]us\-east\-cold\[rq]
 11181  .RS 2
 11182  .IP \[bu] 2
 11183  US East Region Cold
 11184  .RE
 11185  .IP \[bu] 2
 11186  \[lq]us\-east\-flex\[rq]
 11187  .RS 2
 11188  .IP \[bu] 2
 11189  US East Region Flex
 11190  .RE
 11191  .IP \[bu] 2
 11192  \[lq]us\-south\-standard\[rq]
 11193  .RS 2
 11194  .IP \[bu] 2
 11195  US South Region Standard
 11196  .RE
 11197  .IP \[bu] 2
 11198  \[lq]us\-south\-vault\[rq]
 11199  .RS 2
 11200  .IP \[bu] 2
 11201  US South Region Vault
 11202  .RE
 11203  .IP \[bu] 2
 11204  \[lq]us\-south\-cold\[rq]
 11205  .RS 2
 11206  .IP \[bu] 2
 11207  US South Region Cold
 11208  .RE
 11209  .IP \[bu] 2
 11210  \[lq]us\-south\-flex\[rq]
 11211  .RS 2
 11212  .IP \[bu] 2
 11213  US South Region Flex
 11214  .RE
 11215  .IP \[bu] 2
 11216  \[lq]eu\-standard\[rq]
 11217  .RS 2
 11218  .IP \[bu] 2
 11219  EU Cross Region Standard
 11220  .RE
 11221  .IP \[bu] 2
 11222  \[lq]eu\-vault\[rq]
 11223  .RS 2
 11224  .IP \[bu] 2
 11225  EU Cross Region Vault
 11226  .RE
 11227  .IP \[bu] 2
 11228  \[lq]eu\-cold\[rq]
 11229  .RS 2
 11230  .IP \[bu] 2
 11231  EU Cross Region Cold
 11232  .RE
 11233  .IP \[bu] 2
 11234  \[lq]eu\-flex\[rq]
 11235  .RS 2
 11236  .IP \[bu] 2
 11237  EU Cross Region Flex
 11238  .RE
 11239  .IP \[bu] 2
 11240  \[lq]eu\-gb\-standard\[rq]
 11241  .RS 2
 11242  .IP \[bu] 2
 11243  Great Britain Standard
 11244  .RE
 11245  .IP \[bu] 2
 11246  \[lq]eu\-gb\-vault\[rq]
 11247  .RS 2
 11248  .IP \[bu] 2
 11249  Great Britain Vault
 11250  .RE
 11251  .IP \[bu] 2
 11252  \[lq]eu\-gb\-cold\[rq]
 11253  .RS 2
 11254  .IP \[bu] 2
 11255  Great Britain Cold
 11256  .RE
 11257  .IP \[bu] 2
 11258  \[lq]eu\-gb\-flex\[rq]
 11259  .RS 2
 11260  .IP \[bu] 2
 11261  Great Britain Flex
 11262  .RE
 11263  .IP \[bu] 2
 11264  \[lq]ap\-standard\[rq]
 11265  .RS 2
 11266  .IP \[bu] 2
 11267  APAC Standard
 11268  .RE
 11269  .IP \[bu] 2
 11270  \[lq]ap\-vault\[rq]
 11271  .RS 2
 11272  .IP \[bu] 2
 11273  APAC Vault
 11274  .RE
 11275  .IP \[bu] 2
 11276  \[lq]ap\-cold\[rq]
 11277  .RS 2
 11278  .IP \[bu] 2
 11279  APAC Cold
 11280  .RE
 11281  .IP \[bu] 2
 11282  \[lq]ap\-flex\[rq]
 11283  .RS 2
 11284  .IP \[bu] 2
 11285  APAC Flex
 11286  .RE
 11287  .IP \[bu] 2
 11288  \[lq]mel01\-standard\[rq]
 11289  .RS 2
 11290  .IP \[bu] 2
 11291  Melbourne Standard
 11292  .RE
 11293  .IP \[bu] 2
 11294  \[lq]mel01\-vault\[rq]
 11295  .RS 2
 11296  .IP \[bu] 2
 11297  Melbourne Vault
 11298  .RE
 11299  .IP \[bu] 2
 11300  \[lq]mel01\-cold\[rq]
 11301  .RS 2
 11302  .IP \[bu] 2
 11303  Melbourne Cold
 11304  .RE
 11305  .IP \[bu] 2
 11306  \[lq]mel01\-flex\[rq]
 11307  .RS 2
 11308  .IP \[bu] 2
 11309  Melbourne Flex
 11310  .RE
 11311  .IP \[bu] 2
 11312  \[lq]tor01\-standard\[rq]
 11313  .RS 2
 11314  .IP \[bu] 2
 11315  Toronto Standard
 11316  .RE
 11317  .IP \[bu] 2
 11318  \[lq]tor01\-vault\[rq]
 11319  .RS 2
 11320  .IP \[bu] 2
 11321  Toronto Vault
 11322  .RE
 11323  .IP \[bu] 2
 11324  \[lq]tor01\-cold\[rq]
 11325  .RS 2
 11326  .IP \[bu] 2
 11327  Toronto Cold
 11328  .RE
 11329  .IP \[bu] 2
 11330  \[lq]tor01\-flex\[rq]
 11331  .RS 2
 11332  .IP \[bu] 2
 11333  Toronto Flex
 11334  .RE
 11335  .RE
 11336  .SS \[en]s3\-location\-constraint
 11337  .PP
 11338  Location constraint \- must be set to match the Region.
 11339  Leave blank if not sure.
 11340  Used when creating buckets only.
 11341  .IP \[bu] 2
 11342  Config: location_constraint
 11343  .IP \[bu] 2
 11345  .IP \[bu] 2
 11346  Type: string
 11347  .IP \[bu] 2
 11348  Default: ""
 11349  .SS \[en]s3\-acl
 11350  .PP
 11351  Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects.
 11352  .PP
 11353  This ACL is used for creating objects and if bucket_acl isn't set, for
 11354  creating buckets too.
 11355  .PP
 11356  For more info visit
 11358  .PP
 11359  Note that this ACL is applied when server side copying objects as S3
 11360  doesn't copy the ACL from the source but rather writes a fresh one.
 11361  .IP \[bu] 2
 11362  Config: acl
 11363  .IP \[bu] 2
 11364  Env Var: RCLONE_S3_ACL
 11365  .IP \[bu] 2
 11366  Type: string
 11367  .IP \[bu] 2
 11368  Default: ""
 11369  .IP \[bu] 2
 11370  Examples:
 11371  .RS 2
 11372  .IP \[bu] 2
 11373  \[lq]private\[rq]
 11374  .RS 2
 11375  .IP \[bu] 2
 11376  Owner gets FULL_CONTROL.
 11377  No one else has access rights (default).
 11378  .RE
 11379  .IP \[bu] 2
 11380  \[lq]public\-read\[rq]
 11381  .RS 2
 11382  .IP \[bu] 2
 11383  Owner gets FULL_CONTROL.
 11384  The AllUsers group gets READ access.
 11385  .RE
 11386  .IP \[bu] 2
 11387  \[lq]public\-read\-write\[rq]
 11388  .RS 2
 11389  .IP \[bu] 2
 11390  Owner gets FULL_CONTROL.
 11391  The AllUsers group gets READ and WRITE access.
 11392  .IP \[bu] 2
 11393  Granting this on a bucket is generally not recommended.
 11394  .RE
 11395  .IP \[bu] 2
 11396  \[lq]authenticated\-read\[rq]
 11397  .RS 2
 11398  .IP \[bu] 2
 11399  Owner gets FULL_CONTROL.
 11400  The AuthenticatedUsers group gets READ access.
 11401  .RE
 11402  .IP \[bu] 2
 11403  \[lq]bucket\-owner\-read\[rq]
 11404  .RS 2
 11405  .IP \[bu] 2
 11406  Object owner gets FULL_CONTROL.
 11407  Bucket owner gets READ access.
 11408  .IP \[bu] 2
 11409  If you specify this canned ACL when creating a bucket, Amazon S3 ignores
 11410  it.
 11411  .RE
 11412  .IP \[bu] 2
 11413  \[lq]bucket\-owner\-full\-control\[rq]
 11414  .RS 2
 11415  .IP \[bu] 2
 11416  Both the object owner and the bucket owner get FULL_CONTROL over the
 11417  object.
 11418  .IP \[bu] 2
 11419  If you specify this canned ACL when creating a bucket, Amazon S3 ignores
 11420  it.
 11421  .RE
 11422  .IP \[bu] 2
 11423  \[lq]private\[rq]
 11424  .RS 2
 11425  .IP \[bu] 2
 11426  Owner gets FULL_CONTROL.
 11427  No one else has access rights (default).
 11428  This acl is available on IBM Cloud (Infra), IBM Cloud (Storage),
 11429  On\-Premise COS
 11430  .RE
 11431  .IP \[bu] 2
 11432  \[lq]public\-read\[rq]
 11433  .RS 2
 11434  .IP \[bu] 2
 11435  Owner gets FULL_CONTROL.
 11436  The AllUsers group gets READ access.
 11437  This acl is available on IBM Cloud (Infra), IBM Cloud (Storage),
 11438  On\-Premise IBM COS
 11439  .RE
 11440  .IP \[bu] 2
 11441  \[lq]public\-read\-write\[rq]
 11442  .RS 2
 11443  .IP \[bu] 2
 11444  Owner gets FULL_CONTROL.
 11445  The AllUsers group gets READ and WRITE access.
 11446  This acl is available on IBM Cloud (Infra), On\-Premise IBM COS
 11447  .RE
 11448  .IP \[bu] 2
 11449  \[lq]authenticated\-read\[rq]
 11450  .RS 2
 11451  .IP \[bu] 2
 11452  Owner gets FULL_CONTROL.
 11453  The AuthenticatedUsers group gets READ access.
 11454  Not supported on Buckets.
 11455  This acl is available on IBM Cloud (Infra) and On\-Premise IBM COS
 11456  .RE
 11457  .RE
 11458  .SS \[en]s3\-server\-side\-encryption
 11459  .PP
 11460  The server\-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in
 11461  S3.
 11462  .IP \[bu] 2
 11463  Config: server_side_encryption
 11464  .IP \[bu] 2
 11466  .IP \[bu] 2
 11467  Type: string
 11468  .IP \[bu] 2
 11469  Default: ""
 11470  .IP \[bu] 2
 11471  Examples:
 11472  .RS 2
 11473  .IP \[bu] 2
 11474  ""
 11475  .RS 2
 11476  .IP \[bu] 2
 11477  None
 11478  .RE
 11479  .IP \[bu] 2
 11480  \[lq]AES256\[rq]
 11481  .RS 2
 11482  .IP \[bu] 2
 11483  AES256
 11484  .RE
 11485  .IP \[bu] 2
 11486  \[lq]aws:kms\[rq]
 11487  .RS 2
 11488  .IP \[bu] 2
 11489  aws:kms
 11490  .RE
 11491  .RE
 11492  .SS \[en]s3\-sse\-kms\-key\-id
 11493  .PP
 11494  If using KMS ID you must provide the ARN of Key.
 11495  .IP \[bu] 2
 11496  Config: sse_kms_key_id
 11497  .IP \[bu] 2
 11498  Env Var: RCLONE_S3_SSE_KMS_KEY_ID
 11499  .IP \[bu] 2
 11500  Type: string
 11501  .IP \[bu] 2
 11502  Default: ""
 11503  .IP \[bu] 2
 11504  Examples:
 11505  .RS 2
 11506  .IP \[bu] 2
 11507  ""
 11508  .RS 2
 11509  .IP \[bu] 2
 11510  None
 11511  .RE
 11512  .IP \[bu] 2
 11513  "arn:aws:kms:us\-east\-1:*"
 11514  .RS 2
 11515  .IP \[bu] 2
 11516  arn:aws:kms:*
 11517  .RE
 11518  .RE
 11519  .SS \[en]s3\-storage\-class
 11520  .PP
 11521  The storage class to use when storing new objects in S3.
 11522  .IP \[bu] 2
 11523  Config: storage_class
 11524  .IP \[bu] 2
 11526  .IP \[bu] 2
 11527  Type: string
 11528  .IP \[bu] 2
 11529  Default: ""
 11530  .IP \[bu] 2
 11531  Examples:
 11532  .RS 2
 11533  .IP \[bu] 2
 11534  ""
 11535  .RS 2
 11536  .IP \[bu] 2
 11537  Default
 11538  .RE
 11539  .IP \[bu] 2
 11540  \[lq]STANDARD\[rq]
 11541  .RS 2
 11542  .IP \[bu] 2
 11543  Standard storage class
 11544  .RE
 11545  .IP \[bu] 2
 11546  \[lq]REDUCED_REDUNDANCY\[rq]
 11547  .RS 2
 11548  .IP \[bu] 2
 11549  Reduced redundancy storage class
 11550  .RE
 11551  .IP \[bu] 2
 11552  \[lq]STANDARD_IA\[rq]
 11553  .RS 2
 11554  .IP \[bu] 2
 11555  Standard Infrequent Access storage class
 11556  .RE
 11557  .IP \[bu] 2
 11558  \[lq]ONEZONE_IA\[rq]
 11559  .RS 2
 11560  .IP \[bu] 2
 11561  One Zone Infrequent Access storage class
 11562  .RE
 11563  .IP \[bu] 2
 11564  \[lq]GLACIER\[rq]
 11565  .RS 2
 11566  .IP \[bu] 2
 11567  Glacier storage class
 11568  .RE
 11569  .IP \[bu] 2
 11570  \[lq]DEEP_ARCHIVE\[rq]
 11571  .RS 2
 11572  .IP \[bu] 2
 11573  Glacier Deep Archive storage class
 11574  .RE
 11575  .RE
 11576  .SS \[en]s3\-storage\-class
 11577  .PP
 11578  The storage class to use when storing new objects in OSS.
 11579  .IP \[bu] 2
 11580  Config: storage_class
 11581  .IP \[bu] 2
 11583  .IP \[bu] 2
 11584  Type: string
 11585  .IP \[bu] 2
 11586  Default: ""
 11587  .IP \[bu] 2
 11588  Examples:
 11589  .RS 2
 11590  .IP \[bu] 2
 11591  ""
 11592  .RS 2
 11593  .IP \[bu] 2
 11594  Default
 11595  .RE
 11596  .IP \[bu] 2
 11597  \[lq]STANDARD\[rq]
 11598  .RS 2
 11599  .IP \[bu] 2
 11600  Standard storage class
 11601  .RE
 11602  .IP \[bu] 2
 11603  \[lq]GLACIER\[rq]
 11604  .RS 2
 11605  .IP \[bu] 2
 11606  Archive storage mode.
 11607  .RE
 11608  .IP \[bu] 2
 11609  \[lq]STANDARD_IA\[rq]
 11610  .RS 2
 11611  .IP \[bu] 2
 11612  Infrequent access storage mode.
 11613  .RE
 11614  .RE
 11615  .SS Advanced Options
 11616  .PP
 11617  Here are the advanced options specific to s3 (Amazon S3 Compliant
 11618  Storage Provider (AWS, Alibaba, Ceph, Digital Ocean, Dreamhost, IBM COS,
 11619  Minio, etc)).
 11620  .SS \[en]s3\-bucket\-acl
 11621  .PP
 11622  Canned ACL used when creating buckets.
 11623  .PP
 11624  For more info visit
 11626  .PP
 11627  Note that this ACL is applied when only when creating buckets.
 11628  If it isn't set then \[lq]acl\[rq] is used instead.
 11629  .IP \[bu] 2
 11630  Config: bucket_acl
 11631  .IP \[bu] 2
 11632  Env Var: RCLONE_S3_BUCKET_ACL
 11633  .IP \[bu] 2
 11634  Type: string
 11635  .IP \[bu] 2
 11636  Default: ""
 11637  .IP \[bu] 2
 11638  Examples:
 11639  .RS 2
 11640  .IP \[bu] 2
 11641  \[lq]private\[rq]
 11642  .RS 2
 11643  .IP \[bu] 2
 11644  Owner gets FULL_CONTROL.
 11645  No one else has access rights (default).
 11646  .RE
 11647  .IP \[bu] 2
 11648  \[lq]public\-read\[rq]
 11649  .RS 2
 11650  .IP \[bu] 2
 11651  Owner gets FULL_CONTROL.
 11652  The AllUsers group gets READ access.
 11653  .RE
 11654  .IP \[bu] 2
 11655  \[lq]public\-read\-write\[rq]
 11656  .RS 2
 11657  .IP \[bu] 2
 11658  Owner gets FULL_CONTROL.
 11659  The AllUsers group gets READ and WRITE access.
 11660  .IP \[bu] 2
 11661  Granting this on a bucket is generally not recommended.
 11662  .RE
 11663  .IP \[bu] 2
 11664  \[lq]authenticated\-read\[rq]
 11665  .RS 2
 11666  .IP \[bu] 2
 11667  Owner gets FULL_CONTROL.
 11668  The AuthenticatedUsers group gets READ access.
 11669  .RE
 11670  .RE
 11671  .SS \[en]s3\-upload\-cutoff
 11672  .PP
 11673  Cutoff for switching to chunked upload
 11674  .PP
 11675  Any files larger than this will be uploaded in chunks of chunk_size.
 11676  The minimum is 0 and the maximum is 5GB.
 11677  .IP \[bu] 2
 11678  Config: upload_cutoff
 11679  .IP \[bu] 2
 11681  .IP \[bu] 2
 11682  Type: SizeSuffix
 11683  .IP \[bu] 2
 11684  Default: 200M
 11685  .SS \[en]s3\-chunk\-size
 11686  .PP
 11687  Chunk size to use for uploading.
 11688  .PP
 11689  When uploading files larger than upload_cutoff they will be uploaded as
 11690  multipart uploads using this chunk size.
 11691  .PP
 11692  Note that \[lq]\[en]s3\-upload\-concurrency\[rq] chunks of this size are
 11693  buffered in memory per transfer.
 11694  .PP
 11695  If you are transferring large files over high speed links and you have
 11696  enough memory, then increasing this will speed up the transfers.
 11697  .IP \[bu] 2
 11698  Config: chunk_size
 11699  .IP \[bu] 2
 11700  Env Var: RCLONE_S3_CHUNK_SIZE
 11701  .IP \[bu] 2
 11702  Type: SizeSuffix
 11703  .IP \[bu] 2
 11704  Default: 5M
 11705  .SS \[en]s3\-disable\-checksum
 11706  .PP
 11707  Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata
 11708  .IP \[bu] 2
 11709  Config: disable_checksum
 11710  .IP \[bu] 2
 11712  .IP \[bu] 2
 11713  Type: bool
 11714  .IP \[bu] 2
 11715  Default: false
 11716  .SS \[en]s3\-session\-token
 11717  .PP
 11718  An AWS session token
 11719  .IP \[bu] 2
 11720  Config: session_token
 11721  .IP \[bu] 2
 11723  .IP \[bu] 2
 11724  Type: string
 11725  .IP \[bu] 2
 11726  Default: ""
 11727  .SS \[en]s3\-upload\-concurrency
 11728  .PP
 11729  Concurrency for multipart uploads.
 11730  .PP
 11731  This is the number of chunks of the same file that are uploaded
 11732  concurrently.
 11733  .PP
 11734  If you are uploading small numbers of large file over high speed link
 11735  and these uploads do not fully utilize your bandwidth, then increasing
 11736  this may help to speed up the transfers.
 11737  .IP \[bu] 2
 11738  Config: upload_concurrency
 11739  .IP \[bu] 2
 11741  .IP \[bu] 2
 11742  Type: int
 11743  .IP \[bu] 2
 11744  Default: 4
 11745  .SS \[en]s3\-force\-path\-style
 11746  .PP
 11747  If true use path style access if false use virtual hosted style.
 11748  .PP
 11749  If this is true (the default) then rclone will use path style access, if
 11750  false then rclone will use virtual path style.
 11751  See the AWS S3
 11752  docs (
 11753  for more info.
 11754  .PP
 11755  Some providers (eg Aliyun OSS or Netease COS) require this set to false.
 11756  .IP \[bu] 2
 11757  Config: force_path_style
 11758  .IP \[bu] 2
 11760  .IP \[bu] 2
 11761  Type: bool
 11762  .IP \[bu] 2
 11763  Default: true
 11764  .SS \[en]s3\-v2\-auth
 11765  .PP
 11766  If true use v2 authentication.
 11767  .PP
 11768  If this is false (the default) then rclone will use v4 authentication.
 11769  If it is set then rclone will use v2 authentication.
 11770  .PP
 11771  Use this only if v4 signatures don't work, eg pre Jewel/v10 CEPH.
 11772  .IP \[bu] 2
 11773  Config: v2_auth
 11774  .IP \[bu] 2
 11775  Env Var: RCLONE_S3_V2_AUTH
 11776  .IP \[bu] 2
 11777  Type: bool
 11778  .IP \[bu] 2
 11779  Default: false
 11780  .SS \[en]s3\-use\-accelerate\-endpoint
 11781  .PP
 11782  If true use the AWS S3 accelerated endpoint.
 11783  .PP
 11784  See: AWS S3 Transfer
 11785  acceleration (
 11786  .IP \[bu] 2
 11787  Config: use_accelerate_endpoint
 11788  .IP \[bu] 2
 11790  .IP \[bu] 2
 11791  Type: bool
 11792  .IP \[bu] 2
 11793  Default: false
 11794  .SS Anonymous access to public buckets
 11795  .PP
 11796  If you want to use rclone to access a public bucket, configure with a
 11797  blank \f[C]access_key_id\f[] and \f[C]secret_access_key\f[].
 11798  Your config should end up looking like this:
 11799  .IP
 11800  .nf
 11801  \f[C]
 11802  [anons3]
 11803  type\ =\ s3
 11804  provider\ =\ AWS
 11805  env_auth\ =\ false
 11806  access_key_id\ =\ 
 11807  secret_access_key\ =\ 
 11808  region\ =\ us\-east\-1
 11809  endpoint\ =\ 
 11810  location_constraint\ =\ 
 11811  acl\ =\ private
 11812  server_side_encryption\ =\ 
 11813  storage_class\ =\ 
 11814  \f[]
 11815  .fi
 11816  .PP
 11817  Then use it as normal with the name of the public bucket, eg
 11818  .IP
 11819  .nf
 11820  \f[C]
 11821  rclone\ lsd\ anons3:1000genomes
 11822  \f[]
 11823  .fi
 11824  .PP
 11825  You will be able to list and copy data but not upload it.
 11826  .SS Ceph
 11827  .PP
 11828  Ceph ( is an open source unified, distributed storage
 11829  system designed for excellent performance, reliability and scalability.
 11830  It has an S3 compatible object storage interface.
 11831  .PP
 11832  To use rclone with Ceph, configure as above but leave the region blank
 11833  and set the endpoint.
 11834  You should end up with something like this in your config:
 11835  .IP
 11836  .nf
 11837  \f[C]
 11838  [ceph]
 11839  type\ =\ s3
 11840  provider\ =\ Ceph
 11841  env_auth\ =\ false
 11842  access_key_id\ =\ XXX
 11843  secret_access_key\ =\ YYY
 11844  region\ =
 11845  endpoint\ =\
 11846  location_constraint\ =
 11847  acl\ =
 11848  server_side_encryption\ =
 11849  storage_class\ =
 11850  \f[]
 11851  .fi
 11852  .PP
 11853  If you are using an older version of CEPH, eg 10.2.x Jewel, then you may
 11854  need to supply the parameter \f[C]\-\-s3\-upload\-cutoff\ 0\f[] or put
 11855  this in the config file as \f[C]upload_cutoff\ 0\f[] to work around a
 11856  bug which causes uploading of small files to fail.
 11857  .PP
 11858  Note also that Ceph sometimes puts \f[C]/\f[] in the passwords it gives
 11859  users.
 11860  If you read the secret access key using the command line tools you will
 11861  get a JSON blob with the \f[C]/\f[] escaped as \f[C]\\/\f[].
 11862  Make sure you only write \f[C]/\f[] in the secret access key.
 11863  .PP
 11864  Eg the dump from Ceph looks something like this (irrelevant keys
 11865  removed).
 11866  .IP
 11867  .nf
 11868  \f[C]
 11869  {
 11870  \ \ \ \ "user_id":\ "xxx",
 11871  \ \ \ \ "display_name":\ "xxxx",
 11872  \ \ \ \ "keys":\ [
 11873  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {
 11874  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "user":\ "xxx",
 11875  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "access_key":\ "xxxxxx",
 11876  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "secret_key":\ "xxxxxx\\/xxxx"
 11877  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }
 11878  \ \ \ \ ],
 11879  }
 11880  \f[]
 11881  .fi
 11882  .PP
 11883  Because this is a json dump, it is encoding the \f[C]/\f[] as
 11884  \f[C]\\/\f[], so if you use the secret key as \f[C]xxxxxx/xxxx\f[] it
 11885  will work fine.
 11886  .SS Dreamhost
 11887  .PP
 11888  Dreamhost DreamObjects ( is an
 11889  object storage system based on CEPH.
 11890  .PP
 11891  To use rclone with Dreamhost, configure as above but leave the region
 11892  blank and set the endpoint.
 11893  You should end up with something like this in your config:
 11894  .IP
 11895  .nf
 11896  \f[C]
 11897  [dreamobjects]
 11898  type\ =\ s3
 11899  provider\ =\ DreamHost
 11900  env_auth\ =\ false
 11901  access_key_id\ =\ your_access_key
 11902  secret_access_key\ =\ your_secret_key
 11903  region\ =
 11904  endpoint\ =\ objects\-us\-west\
 11905  location_constraint\ =
 11906  acl\ =\ private
 11907  server_side_encryption\ =
 11908  storage_class\ =
 11909  \f[]
 11910  .fi
 11911  .SS DigitalOcean Spaces
 11912  .PP
 11913  Spaces ( is an
 11914  S3\-interoperable (
 11915  object storage service from cloud provider DigitalOcean.
 11916  .PP
 11917  To connect to DigitalOcean Spaces you will need an access key and secret
 11918  key.
 11919  These can be retrieved on the \[lq]Applications &
 11920  API (\[rq] page of
 11921  the DigitalOcean control panel.
 11922  They will be needed when promted by \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] for your
 11923  \f[C]access_key_id\f[] and \f[C]secret_access_key\f[].
 11924  .PP
 11925  When prompted for a \f[C]region\f[] or \f[C]location_constraint\f[],
 11926  press enter to use the default value.
 11927  The region must be included in the \f[C]endpoint\f[] setting (e.g.
 11928  \f[C]\f[]).
 11929  The default values can be used for other settings.
 11930  .PP
 11931  Going through the whole process of creating a new remote by running
 11932  \f[C]rclone\ config\f[], each prompt should be answered as shown below:
 11933  .IP
 11934  .nf
 11935  \f[C]
 11936  Storage>\ s3
 11937  env_auth>\ 1
 11938  access_key_id>\ YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
 11939  secret_access_key>\ YOUR_SECRET_KEY
 11940  region>
 11941  endpoint>\
 11942  location_constraint>
 11943  acl>
 11944  storage_class>
 11945  \f[]
 11946  .fi
 11947  .PP
 11948  The resulting configuration file should look like:
 11949  .IP
 11950  .nf
 11951  \f[C]
 11952  [spaces]
 11953  type\ =\ s3
 11954  provider\ =\ DigitalOcean
 11955  env_auth\ =\ false
 11956  access_key_id\ =\ YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
 11957  secret_access_key\ =\ YOUR_SECRET_KEY
 11958  region\ =
 11959  endpoint\ =\
 11960  location_constraint\ =
 11961  acl\ =
 11962  server_side_encryption\ =
 11963  storage_class\ =
 11964  \f[]
 11965  .fi
 11966  .PP
 11967  Once configured, you can create a new Space and begin copying files.
 11968  For example:
 11969  .IP
 11970  .nf
 11971  \f[C]
 11972  rclone\ mkdir\ spaces:my\-new\-space
 11973  rclone\ copy\ /path/to/files\ spaces:my\-new\-space
 11974  \f[]
 11975  .fi
 11976  .SS IBM COS (S3)
 11977  .PP
 11978  Information stored with IBM Cloud Object Storage is encrypted and
 11979  dispersed across multiple geographic locations, and accessed through an
 11980  implementation of the S3 API.
 11981  This service makes use of the distributed storage technologies provided
 11982  by IBM's Cloud Object Storage System (formerly Cleversafe).
 11983  For more information visit: (\-storage)
 11984  .PP
 11985  To configure access to IBM COS S3, follow the steps below:
 11986  .IP "1." 3
 11987  Run rclone config and select n for a new remote.
 11988  .IP
 11989  .nf
 11990  \f[C]
 11991  \ \ \ \ 2018/02/14\ 14:13:11\ NOTICE:\ Config\ file\ "C:\\\\Users\\\\a\\\\.config\\\\rclone\\\\rclone.conf"\ not\ found\ \-\ using\ defaults
 11992  \ \ \ \ No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 11993  \ \ \ \ n)\ New\ remote
 11994  \ \ \ \ s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 11995  \ \ \ \ q)\ Quit\ config
 11996  \ \ \ \ n/s/q>\ n
 11997  \f[]
 11998  .fi
 11999  .IP "2." 3
 12000  Enter the name for the configuration
 12001  .IP
 12002  .nf
 12003  \f[C]
 12004  \ \ \ \ name>\ <YOUR\ NAME>
 12005  \f[]
 12006  .fi
 12007  .IP "3." 3
 12008  Select \[lq]s3\[rq] storage.
 12009  .IP
 12010  .nf
 12011  \f[C]
 12012  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12013  \ \ \ \ 1\ /\ Alias\ for\ an\ existing\ remote
 12014  \ \ \ \ \\\ "alias"
 12015  \ \ \ \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 12016  \ \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 12017  \ \ \ \ 3\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ Complaint\ Storage\ Providers\ (Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio,\ IBM\ COS)
 12018  \ \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 12019  \ \ \ \ 4\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 12020  \ \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 12021  [snip]
 12022  \ \ \ \ 23\ /\ http\ Connection
 12023  \ \ \ \ \\\ "http"
 12024  Storage>\ 3
 12025  \f[]
 12026  .fi
 12027  .IP "4." 3
 12028  Select IBM COS as the S3 Storage Provider.
 12029  .IP
 12030  .nf
 12031  \f[C]
 12032  Choose\ the\ S3\ provider.
 12033  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12034  \ \ \ \ \ 1\ /\ Choose\ this\ option\ to\ configure\ Storage\ to\ AWS\ S3
 12035  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "AWS"
 12036  \ \ \ \ \ 2\ /\ Choose\ this\ option\ to\ configure\ Storage\ to\ Ceph\ Systems
 12037  \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "Ceph"
 12038  \ \ \ \ \ 3\ /\ \ Choose\ this\ option\ to\ configure\ Storage\ to\ Dreamhost
 12039  \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "Dreamhost"
 12040  \ \ \ 4\ /\ Choose\ this\ option\ to\ the\ configure\ Storage\ to\ IBM\ COS\ S3
 12041  \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "IBMCOS"
 12042  \ \ \ \ \ 5\ /\ Choose\ this\ option\ to\ the\ configure\ Storage\ to\ Minio
 12043  \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "Minio"
 12044  \ \ \ \ \ Provider>4
 12045  \f[]
 12046  .fi
 12047  .IP "5." 3
 12048  Enter the Access Key and Secret.
 12049  .IP
 12050  .nf
 12051  \f[C]
 12052  \ \ \ \ AWS\ Access\ Key\ ID\ \-\ leave\ blank\ for\ anonymous\ access\ or\ runtime\ credentials.
 12053  \ \ \ \ access_key_id>\ <>
 12054  \ \ \ \ AWS\ Secret\ Access\ Key\ (password)\ \-\ leave\ blank\ for\ anonymous\ access\ or\ runtime\ credentials.
 12055  \ \ \ \ secret_access_key>\ <>
 12056  \f[]
 12057  .fi
 12058  .IP "6." 3
 12059  Specify the endpoint for IBM COS.
 12060  For Public IBM COS, choose from the option below.
 12061  For On Premise IBM COS, enter an enpoint address.
 12062  .IP
 12063  .nf
 12064  \f[C]
 12065  \ \ \ \ Endpoint\ for\ IBM\ COS\ S3\ API.
 12066  \ \ \ \ Specify\ if\ using\ an\ IBM\ COS\ On\ Premise.
 12067  \ \ \ \ Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12068  \ \ \ \ \ 1\ /\ US\ Cross\ Region\ Endpoint
 12069  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "s3\\"
 12070  \ \ \ \ \ 2\ /\ US\ Cross\ Region\ Dallas\ Endpoint
 12071  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "s3\\"
 12072  \ \ \ \ \ 3\ /\ US\ Cross\ Region\ Washington\ DC\ Endpoint
 12073  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "s3\-api.wdc\-us\"
 12074  \ \ \ \ \ 4\ /\ US\ Cross\ Region\ San\ Jose\ Endpoint
 12075  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "s3\-api.sjc\-us\"
 12076  \ \ \ \ \ 5\ /\ US\ Cross\ Region\ Private\ Endpoint
 12077  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "s3\\"
 12078  \ \ \ \ \ 6\ /\ US\ Cross\ Region\ Dallas\ Private\ Endpoint
 12079  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "s3\-api.dal\-us\"
 12080  \ \ \ \ \ 7\ /\ US\ Cross\ Region\ Washington\ DC\ Private\ Endpoint
 12081  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "s3\-api.wdc\-us\"
 12082  \ \ \ \ \ 8\ /\ US\ Cross\ Region\ San\ Jose\ Private\ Endpoint
 12083  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "s3\-api.sjc\-us\"
 12084  \ \ \ \ \ 9\ /\ US\ Region\ East\ Endpoint
 12085  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "\"
 12086  \ \ \ \ 10\ /\ US\ Region\ East\ Private\ Endpoint
 12087  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "\"
 12088  \ \ \ \ 11\ /\ US\ Region\ South\ Endpoint
 12089  [snip]
 12090  \ \ \ \ 34\ /\ Toronto\ Single\ Site\ Private\ Endpoint
 12091  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ ""
 12092  \ \ \ \ endpoint>1
 12093  \f[]
 12094  .fi
 12095  .IP "7." 3
 12096  Specify a IBM COS Location Constraint.
 12097  The location constraint must match endpoint when using IBM Cloud Public.
 12098  For on\-prem COS, do not make a selection from this list, hit enter
 12099  .IP
 12100  .nf
 12101  \f[C]
 12102  \ \ \ \ \ 1\ /\ US\ Cross\ Region\ Standard
 12103  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "us\-standard"
 12104  \ \ \ \ \ 2\ /\ US\ Cross\ Region\ Vault
 12105  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "us\-vault"
 12106  \ \ \ \ \ 3\ /\ US\ Cross\ Region\ Cold
 12107  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "us\-cold"
 12108  \ \ \ \ \ 4\ /\ US\ Cross\ Region\ Flex
 12109  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "us\-flex"
 12110  \ \ \ \ \ 5\ /\ US\ East\ Region\ Standard
 12111  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "us\-east\-standard"
 12112  \ \ \ \ \ 6\ /\ US\ East\ Region\ Vault
 12113  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "us\-east\-vault"
 12114  \ \ \ \ \ 7\ /\ US\ East\ Region\ Cold
 12115  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "us\-east\-cold"
 12116  \ \ \ \ \ 8\ /\ US\ East\ Region\ Flex
 12117  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "us\-east\-flex"
 12118  \ \ \ \ \ 9\ /\ US\ South\ Region\ Standard
 12119  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "us\-south\-standard"
 12120  \ \ \ \ 10\ /\ US\ South\ Region\ Vault
 12121  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "us\-south\-vault"
 12122  [snip]
 12123  \ \ \ \ 32\ /\ Toronto\ Flex
 12124  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "tor01\-flex"
 12125  location_constraint>1
 12126  \f[]
 12127  .fi
 12128  .IP "9." 3
 12129  Specify a canned ACL.
 12130  IBM Cloud (Strorage) supports \[lq]public\-read\[rq] and
 12131  \[lq]private\[rq].
 12132  IBM Cloud(Infra) supports all the canned ACLs.
 12133  On\-Premise COS supports all the canned ACLs.
 12134  .IP
 12135  .nf
 12136  \f[C]
 12137  Canned\ ACL\ used\ when\ creating\ buckets\ and/or\ storing\ objects\ in\ S3.
 12138  For\ more\ info\ visit\\-overview.html#canned\-acl
 12139  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12140  \ \ \ \ \ \ 1\ /\ Owner\ gets\ FULL_CONTROL.\ No\ one\ else\ has\ access\ rights\ (default).\ This\ acl\ is\ available\ on\ IBM\ Cloud\ (Infra),\ IBM\ Cloud\ (Storage),\ On\-Premise\ COS
 12141  \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "private"
 12142  \ \ \ \ \ \ 2\ \ /\ Owner\ gets\ FULL_CONTROL.\ The\ AllUsers\ group\ gets\ READ\ access.\ This\ acl\ is\ available\ on\ IBM\ Cloud\ (Infra),\ IBM\ Cloud\ (Storage),\ On\-Premise\ IBM\ COS
 12143  \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "public\-read"
 12144  \ \ \ \ \ \ 3\ /\ Owner\ gets\ FULL_CONTROL.\ The\ AllUsers\ group\ gets\ READ\ and\ WRITE\ access.\ This\ acl\ is\ available\ on\ IBM\ Cloud\ (Infra),\ On\-Premise\ IBM\ COS
 12145  \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "public\-read\-write"
 12146  \ \ \ \ \ \ 4\ \ /\ Owner\ gets\ FULL_CONTROL.\ The\ AuthenticatedUsers\ group\ gets\ READ\ access.\ Not\ supported\ on\ Buckets.\ This\ acl\ is\ available\ on\ IBM\ Cloud\ (Infra)\ and\ On\-Premise\ IBM\ COS
 12147  \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ "authenticated\-read"
 12148  acl>\ 1
 12149  \f[]
 12150  .fi
 12151  .IP "12." 4
 12152  Review the displayed configuration and accept to save the
 12153  \[lq]remote\[rq] then quit.
 12154  The config file should look like this
 12155  .IP
 12156  .nf
 12157  \f[C]
 12158  \ \ \ \ [xxx]
 12159  \ \ \ \ type\ =\ s3
 12160  \ \ \ \ Provider\ =\ IBMCOS
 12161  \ \ \ \ access_key_id\ =\ xxx
 12162  \ \ \ \ secret_access_key\ =\ yyy
 12163  \ \ \ \ endpoint\ =\ s3\\
 12164  \ \ \ \ location_constraint\ =\ us\-standard
 12165  \ \ \ \ acl\ =\ private
 12166  \f[]
 12167  .fi
 12168  .IP "13." 4
 12169  Execute rclone commands
 12170  .IP
 12171  .nf
 12172  \f[C]
 12173  \ \ \ \ 1)\ \ Create\ a\ bucket.
 12174  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ rclone\ mkdir\ IBM\-COS\-XREGION:newbucket
 12175  \ \ \ \ 2)\ \ List\ available\ buckets.
 12176  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ rclone\ lsd\ IBM\-COS\-XREGION:
 12177  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-1\ 2017\-11\-08\ 21:16:22\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-1\ test
 12178  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-1\ 2018\-02\-14\ 20:16:39\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-1\ newbucket
 12179  \ \ \ \ 3)\ \ List\ contents\ of\ a\ bucket.
 12180  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ rclone\ ls\ IBM\-COS\-XREGION:newbucket
 12181  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 18685952\ test.exe
 12182  \ \ \ \ 4)\ \ Copy\ a\ file\ from\ local\ to\ remote.
 12183  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ rclone\ copy\ /Users/file.txt\ IBM\-COS\-XREGION:newbucket
 12184  \ \ \ \ 5)\ \ Copy\ a\ file\ from\ remote\ to\ local.
 12185  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ rclone\ copy\ IBM\-COS\-XREGION:newbucket/file.txt\ .
 12186  \ \ \ \ 6)\ \ Delete\ a\ file\ on\ remote.
 12187  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ rclone\ delete\ IBM\-COS\-XREGION:newbucket/file.txt
 12188  \f[]
 12189  .fi
 12190  .SS Minio
 12191  .PP
 12192  Minio ( is an object storage server built for cloud
 12193  application developers and devops.
 12194  .PP
 12195  It is very easy to install and provides an S3 compatible server which
 12196  can be used by rclone.
 12197  .PP
 12198  To use it, install Minio following the instructions
 12199  here (
 12200  .PP
 12201  When it configures itself Minio will print something like this
 12202  .IP
 12203  .nf
 12204  \f[C]
 12205  Endpoint:\ \\ \
 12207  SecretKey:\ MOJRH0mkL1IPauahWITSVvyDrQbEEIwljvmxdq03
 12208  Region:\ \ \ \ us\-east\-1
 12209  SQS\ ARNs:\ \ arn:minio:sqs:us\-east\-1:1:redis\ arn:minio:sqs:us\-east\-1:2:redis
 12211  Browser\ Access:
 12212  \ \ \\ \
 12214  Command\-line\ Access:\\-client\-quickstart\-guide
 12215  \ \ \ $\ mc\ config\ host\ add\ myminio\\ USWUXHGYZQYFYFFIT3RE\ MOJRH0mkL1IPauahWITSVvyDrQbEEIwljvmxdq03
 12217  Object\ API\ (Amazon\ S3\ compatible):
 12218  \ \ \ Go:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\-client\-quickstart\-guide
 12219  \ \ \ Java:\ \ \ \ \ \ \\-client\-quickstart\-guide
 12220  \ \ \ Python:\ \ \ \ \\-client\-quickstart\-guide
 12221  \ \ \ JavaScript:\\-client\-quickstart\-guide
 12222  \ \ \ .NET:\ \ \ \ \ \ \\-client\-quickstart\-guide
 12224  Drive\ Capacity:\ 26\ GiB\ Free,\ 165\ GiB\ Total
 12225  \f[]
 12226  .fi
 12227  .PP
 12228  These details need to go into \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] like this.
 12229  Note that it is important to put the region in as stated above.
 12230  .IP
 12231  .nf
 12232  \f[C]
 12233  env_auth>\ 1
 12234  access_key_id>\ USWUXHGYZQYFYFFIT3RE
 12235  secret_access_key>\ MOJRH0mkL1IPauahWITSVvyDrQbEEIwljvmxdq03
 12236  region>\ us\-east\-1
 12237  endpoint>\
 12238  location_constraint>
 12239  server_side_encryption>
 12240  \f[]
 12241  .fi
 12242  .PP
 12243  Which makes the config file look like this
 12244  .IP
 12245  .nf
 12246  \f[C]
 12247  [minio]
 12248  type\ =\ s3
 12249  provider\ =\ Minio
 12250  env_auth\ =\ false
 12251  access_key_id\ =\ USWUXHGYZQYFYFFIT3RE
 12252  secret_access_key\ =\ MOJRH0mkL1IPauahWITSVvyDrQbEEIwljvmxdq03
 12253  region\ =\ us\-east\-1
 12254  endpoint\ =\
 12255  location_constraint\ =
 12256  server_side_encryption\ =
 12257  \f[]
 12258  .fi
 12259  .PP
 12260  So once set up, for example to copy files into a bucket
 12261  .IP
 12262  .nf
 12263  \f[C]
 12264  rclone\ copy\ /path/to/files\ minio:bucket
 12265  \f[]
 12266  .fi
 12267  .SS Scaleway
 12268  .PP
 12269  Scaleway ( The Object Storage
 12270  platform allows you to store anything from backups, logs and web assets
 12271  to documents and photos.
 12272  Files can be dropped from the Scaleway console or transferred through
 12273  our API and CLI or using any S3\-compatible tool.
 12274  .PP
 12275  Scaleway provides an S3 interface which can be configured for use with
 12276  rclone like this:
 12277  .IP
 12278  .nf
 12279  \f[C]
 12280  [scaleway]
 12281  type\ =\ s3
 12282  env_auth\ =\ false
 12283  endpoint\ =\\
 12284  access_key_id\ =\ SCWXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
 12285  secret_access_key\ =\ 1111111\-2222\-3333\-44444\-55555555555555
 12286  region\ =\ nl\-ams
 12287  location_constraint\ =
 12288  acl\ =\ private
 12289  force_path_style\ =\ false
 12290  server_side_encryption\ =
 12291  storage_class\ =
 12292  \f[]
 12293  .fi
 12294  .SS Wasabi
 12295  .PP
 12296  Wasabi ( is a cloud\-based object storage service for
 12297  a broad range of applications and use cases.
 12298  Wasabi is designed for individuals and organizations that require a
 12299  high\-performance, reliable, and secure data storage infrastructure at
 12300  minimal cost.
 12301  .PP
 12302  Wasabi provides an S3 interface which can be configured for use with
 12303  rclone like this.
 12304  .IP
 12305  .nf
 12306  \f[C]
 12307  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 12308  n)\ New\ remote
 12309  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 12310  n/s>\ n
 12311  name>\ wasabi
 12312  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 12313  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12314  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 12315  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 12316  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
 12317  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 12318  [snip]
 12319  Storage>\ s3
 12320  Get\ AWS\ credentials\ from\ runtime\ (environment\ variables\ or\ EC2/ECS\ meta\ data\ if\ no\ env\ vars).\ Only\ applies\ if\ access_key_id\ and\ secret_access_key\ is\ blank.
 12321  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12322  \ 1\ /\ Enter\ AWS\ credentials\ in\ the\ next\ step
 12323  \ \ \ \\\ "false"
 12324  \ 2\ /\ Get\ AWS\ credentials\ from\ the\ environment\ (env\ vars\ or\ IAM)
 12325  \ \ \ \\\ "true"
 12326  env_auth>\ 1
 12327  AWS\ Access\ Key\ ID\ \-\ leave\ blank\ for\ anonymous\ access\ or\ runtime\ credentials.
 12328  access_key_id>\ YOURACCESSKEY
 12329  AWS\ Secret\ Access\ Key\ (password)\ \-\ leave\ blank\ for\ anonymous\ access\ or\ runtime\ credentials.
 12330  secret_access_key>\ YOURSECRETACCESSKEY
 12331  Region\ to\ connect\ to.
 12332  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12333  \ \ \ /\ The\ default\ endpoint\ \-\ a\ good\ choice\ if\ you\ are\ unsure.
 12334  \ 1\ |\ US\ Region,\ Northern\ Virginia\ or\ Pacific\ Northwest.
 12335  \ \ \ |\ Leave\ location\ constraint\ empty.
 12336  \ \ \ \\\ "us\-east\-1"
 12337  [snip]
 12338  region>\ us\-east\-1
 12339  Endpoint\ for\ S3\ API.
 12340  Leave\ blank\ if\ using\ AWS\ to\ use\ the\ default\ endpoint\ for\ the\ region.
 12341  Specify\ if\ using\ an\ S3\ clone\ such\ as\ Ceph.
 12342  endpoint>\
 12343  Location\ constraint\ \-\ must\ be\ set\ to\ match\ the\ Region.\ Used\ when\ creating\ buckets\ only.
 12344  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12345  \ 1\ /\ Empty\ for\ US\ Region,\ Northern\ Virginia\ or\ Pacific\ Northwest.
 12346  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 12347  [snip]
 12348  location_constraint>
 12349  Canned\ ACL\ used\ when\ creating\ buckets\ and/or\ storing\ objects\ in\ S3.
 12350  For\ more\ info\ visit\\-overview.html#canned\-acl
 12351  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12352  \ 1\ /\ Owner\ gets\ FULL_CONTROL.\ No\ one\ else\ has\ access\ rights\ (default).
 12353  \ \ \ \\\ "private"
 12354  [snip]
 12355  acl>
 12356  The\ server\-side\ encryption\ algorithm\ used\ when\ storing\ this\ object\ in\ S3.
 12357  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12358  \ 1\ /\ None
 12359  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 12360  \ 2\ /\ AES256
 12361  \ \ \ \\\ "AES256"
 12362  server_side_encryption>
 12363  The\ storage\ class\ to\ use\ when\ storing\ objects\ in\ S3.
 12364  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12365  \ 1\ /\ Default
 12366  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 12367  \ 2\ /\ Standard\ storage\ class
 12368  \ \ \ \\\ "STANDARD"
 12369  \ 3\ /\ Reduced\ redundancy\ storage\ class
 12370  \ \ \ \\\ "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY"
 12371  \ 4\ /\ Standard\ Infrequent\ Access\ storage\ class
 12372  \ \ \ \\\ "STANDARD_IA"
 12373  storage_class>
 12374  Remote\ config
 12375  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 12376  [wasabi]
 12377  env_auth\ =\ false
 12378  access_key_id\ =\ YOURACCESSKEY
 12379  secret_access_key\ =\ YOURSECRETACCESSKEY
 12380  region\ =\ us\-east\-1
 12381  endpoint\ =\
 12382  location_constraint\ =
 12383  acl\ =
 12384  server_side_encryption\ =
 12385  storage_class\ =
 12386  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 12387  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 12388  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 12389  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 12390  y/e/d>\ y
 12391  \f[]
 12392  .fi
 12393  .PP
 12394  This will leave the config file looking like this.
 12395  .IP
 12396  .nf
 12397  \f[C]
 12398  [wasabi]
 12399  type\ =\ s3
 12400  provider\ =\ Wasabi
 12401  env_auth\ =\ false
 12402  access_key_id\ =\ YOURACCESSKEY
 12403  secret_access_key\ =\ YOURSECRETACCESSKEY
 12404  region\ =
 12405  endpoint\ =\
 12406  location_constraint\ =
 12407  acl\ =
 12408  server_side_encryption\ =
 12409  storage_class\ =
 12410  \f[]
 12411  .fi
 12412  .SS Alibaba OSS
 12413  .PP
 12414  Here is an example of making an Alibaba Cloud (Aliyun)
 12415  OSS ( configuration.
 12416  First run:
 12417  .IP
 12418  .nf
 12419  \f[C]
 12420  rclone\ config
 12421  \f[]
 12422  .fi
 12423  .PP
 12424  This will guide you through an interactive setup process.
 12425  .IP
 12426  .nf
 12427  \f[C]
 12428  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 12429  n)\ New\ remote
 12430  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 12431  q)\ Quit\ config
 12432  n/s/q>\ n
 12433  name>\ oss
 12434  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 12435  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 12436  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12437  [snip]
 12438  \ 4\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ Compliant\ Storage\ Provider\ (AWS,\ Alibaba,\ Ceph,\ Digital\ Ocean,\ Dreamhost,\ IBM\ COS,\ Minio,\ etc)
 12439  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 12440  [snip]
 12441  Storage>\ s3
 12442  Choose\ your\ S3\ provider.
 12443  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 12444  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12445  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Web\ Services\ (AWS)\ S3
 12446  \ \ \ \\\ "AWS"
 12447  \ 2\ /\ Alibaba\ Cloud\ Object\ Storage\ System\ (OSS)\ formerly\ Aliyun
 12448  \ \ \ \\\ "Alibaba"
 12449  \ 3\ /\ Ceph\ Object\ Storage
 12450  \ \ \ \\\ "Ceph"
 12451  [snip]
 12452  provider>\ Alibaba
 12453  Get\ AWS\ credentials\ from\ runtime\ (environment\ variables\ or\ EC2/ECS\ meta\ data\ if\ no\ env\ vars).
 12454  Only\ applies\ if\ access_key_id\ and\ secret_access_key\ is\ blank.
 12455  Enter\ a\ boolean\ value\ (true\ or\ false).\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("false").
 12456  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12457  \ 1\ /\ Enter\ AWS\ credentials\ in\ the\ next\ step
 12458  \ \ \ \\\ "false"
 12459  \ 2\ /\ Get\ AWS\ credentials\ from\ the\ environment\ (env\ vars\ or\ IAM)
 12460  \ \ \ \\\ "true"
 12461  env_auth>\ 1
 12462  AWS\ Access\ Key\ ID.
 12463  Leave\ blank\ for\ anonymous\ access\ or\ runtime\ credentials.
 12464  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 12465  access_key_id>\ accesskeyid
 12466  AWS\ Secret\ Access\ Key\ (password)
 12467  Leave\ blank\ for\ anonymous\ access\ or\ runtime\ credentials.
 12468  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 12469  secret_access_key>\ secretaccesskey
 12470  Endpoint\ for\ OSS\ API.
 12471  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 12472  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12473  \ 1\ /\ East\ China\ 1\ (Hangzhou)
 12474  \ \ \ \\\ "oss\-cn\"
 12475  \ 2\ /\ East\ China\ 2\ (Shanghai)
 12476  \ \ \ \\\ "oss\-cn\"
 12477  \ 3\ /\ North\ China\ 1\ (Qingdao)
 12478  \ \ \ \\\ "oss\-cn\"
 12479  [snip]
 12480  endpoint>\ 1
 12481  Canned\ ACL\ used\ when\ creating\ buckets\ and\ storing\ or\ copying\ objects.
 12483  Note\ that\ this\ ACL\ is\ applied\ when\ server\ side\ copying\ objects\ as\ S3
 12484  doesn\[aq]t\ copy\ the\ ACL\ from\ the\ source\ but\ rather\ writes\ a\ fresh\ one.
 12485  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 12486  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12487  \ 1\ /\ Owner\ gets\ FULL_CONTROL.\ No\ one\ else\ has\ access\ rights\ (default).
 12488  \ \ \ \\\ "private"
 12489  \ 2\ /\ Owner\ gets\ FULL_CONTROL.\ The\ AllUsers\ group\ gets\ READ\ access.
 12490  \ \ \ \\\ "public\-read"
 12491  \ \ \ /\ Owner\ gets\ FULL_CONTROL.\ The\ AllUsers\ group\ gets\ READ\ and\ WRITE\ access.
 12492  [snip]
 12493  acl>\ 1
 12494  The\ storage\ class\ to\ use\ when\ storing\ new\ objects\ in\ OSS.
 12495  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 12496  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12497  \ 1\ /\ Default
 12498  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 12499  \ 2\ /\ Standard\ storage\ class
 12500  \ \ \ \\\ "STANDARD"
 12501  \ 3\ /\ Archive\ storage\ mode.
 12502  \ \ \ \\\ "GLACIER"
 12503  \ 4\ /\ Infrequent\ access\ storage\ mode.
 12504  \ \ \ \\\ "STANDARD_IA"
 12505  storage_class>\ 1
 12506  Edit\ advanced\ config?\ (y/n)
 12507  y)\ Yes
 12508  n)\ No
 12509  y/n>\ n
 12510  Remote\ config
 12511  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 12512  [oss]
 12513  type\ =\ s3
 12514  provider\ =\ Alibaba
 12515  env_auth\ =\ false
 12516  access_key_id\ =\ accesskeyid
 12517  secret_access_key\ =\ secretaccesskey
 12518  endpoint\ =\ oss\-cn\
 12519  acl\ =\ private
 12520  storage_class\ =\ Standard
 12521  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 12522  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 12523  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 12524  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 12525  y/e/d>\ y
 12526  \f[]
 12527  .fi
 12528  .SS Netease NOS
 12529  .PP
 12530  For Netease NOS configure as per the configurator
 12531  \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] setting the provider \f[C]Netease\f[].
 12532  This will automatically set \f[C]force_path_style\ =\ false\f[] which is
 12533  necessary for it to run properly.
 12534  .SS Backblaze B2
 12535  .PP
 12536  B2 is Backblaze's cloud storage system (
 12537  .PP
 12538  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:bucket\f[] (or \f[C]remote:\f[] for
 12539  the \f[C]lsd\f[] command.) You may put subdirectories in too, eg
 12540  \f[C]remote:bucket/path/to/dir\f[].
 12541  .PP
 12542  Here is an example of making a b2 configuration.
 12543  First run
 12544  .IP
 12545  .nf
 12546  \f[C]
 12547  rclone\ config
 12548  \f[]
 12549  .fi
 12550  .PP
 12551  This will guide you through an interactive setup process.
 12552  To authenticate you will either need your Account ID (a short hex
 12553  number) and Master Application Key (a long hex number) OR an Application
 12554  Key, which is the recommended method.
 12555  See below for further details on generating and using an Application
 12556  Key.
 12557  .IP
 12558  .nf
 12559  \f[C]
 12560  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 12561  n)\ New\ remote
 12562  q)\ Quit\ config
 12563  n/q>\ n
 12564  name>\ remote
 12565  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 12566  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 12567  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 12568  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 12569  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
 12570  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 12571  \ 3\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 12572  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 12573  \ 4\ /\ Dropbox
 12574  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 12575  \ 5\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 12576  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 12577  \ 6\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 12578  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 12579  \ 7\ /\ Google\ Drive
 12580  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 12581  \ 8\ /\ Hubic
 12582  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 12583  \ 9\ /\ Local\ Disk
 12584  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 12585  10\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 12586  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 12587  11\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 12588  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 12589  12\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 12590  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 12591  13\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 12592  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 12593  Storage>\ 3
 12594  Account\ ID\ or\ Application\ Key\ ID
 12595  account>\ 123456789abc
 12596  Application\ Key
 12597  key>\ 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789
 12598  Endpoint\ for\ the\ service\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 12599  endpoint>
 12600  Remote\ config
 12601  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 12602  [remote]
 12603  account\ =\ 123456789abc
 12604  key\ =\ 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789
 12605  endpoint\ =
 12606  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 12607  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 12608  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 12609  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 12610  y/e/d>\ y
 12611  \f[]
 12612  .fi
 12613  .PP
 12614  This remote is called \f[C]remote\f[] and can now be used like this
 12615  .PP
 12616  See all buckets
 12617  .IP
 12618  .nf
 12619  \f[C]
 12620  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 12621  \f[]
 12622  .fi
 12623  .PP
 12624  Create a new bucket
 12625  .IP
 12626  .nf
 12627  \f[C]
 12628  rclone\ mkdir\ remote:bucket
 12629  \f[]
 12630  .fi
 12631  .PP
 12632  List the contents of a bucket
 12633  .IP
 12634  .nf
 12635  \f[C]
 12636  rclone\ ls\ remote:bucket
 12637  \f[]
 12638  .fi
 12639  .PP
 12640  Sync \f[C]/home/local/directory\f[] to the remote bucket, deleting any
 12641  excess files in the bucket.
 12642  .IP
 12643  .nf
 12644  \f[C]
 12645  rclone\ sync\ /home/local/directory\ remote:bucket
 12646  \f[]
 12647  .fi
 12648  .SS Application Keys
 12649  .PP
 12650  B2 supports multiple Application Keys for different access permission to
 12651  B2 Buckets (
 12652  .PP
 12653  You can use these with rclone too; you will need to use rclone version
 12654  1.43 or later.
 12655  .PP
 12656  Follow Backblaze's docs to create an Application Key with the required
 12657  permission and add the \f[C]applicationKeyId\f[] as the \f[C]account\f[]
 12658  and the \f[C]Application\ Key\f[] itself as the \f[C]key\f[].
 12659  .PP
 12660  Note that you must put the \f[I]applicationKeyId\f[] as the
 12661  \f[C]account\f[] \[en] you can't use the master Account ID.
 12662  If you try then B2 will return 401 errors.
 12663  .SS \[en]fast\-list
 12664  .PP
 12665  This remote supports \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] which allows you to use
 12666  fewer transactions in exchange for more memory.
 12667  See the rclone docs (/docs/#fast-list) for more details.
 12668  .SS Modified time
 12669  .PP
 12670  The modified time is stored as metadata on the object as
 12671  \f[C]X\-Bz\-Info\-src_last_modified_millis\f[] as milliseconds since
 12672  1970\-01\-01 in the Backblaze standard.
 12673  Other tools should be able to use this as a modified time.
 12674  .PP
 12675  Modified times are used in syncing and are fully supported.
 12676  Note that if a modification time needs to be updated on an object then
 12677  it will create a new version of the object.
 12678  .SS SHA1 checksums
 12679  .PP
 12680  The SHA1 checksums of the files are checked on upload and download and
 12681  will be used in the syncing process.
 12682  .PP
 12683  Large files (bigger than the limit in \f[C]\-\-b2\-upload\-cutoff\f[])
 12684  which are uploaded in chunks will store their SHA1 on the object as
 12685  \f[C]X\-Bz\-Info\-large_file_sha1\f[] as recommended by Backblaze.
 12686  .PP
 12687  For a large file to be uploaded with an SHA1 checksum, the source needs
 12688  to support SHA1 checksums.
 12689  The local disk supports SHA1 checksums so large file transfers from
 12690  local disk will have an SHA1.
 12691  See the overview (/overview/#features) for exactly which remotes support
 12692  SHA1.
 12693  .PP
 12694  Sources which don't support SHA1, in particular \f[C]crypt\f[] will
 12695  upload large files without SHA1 checksums.
 12696  This may be fixed in the future (see
 12697  #1767 (
 12698  .PP
 12699  Files sizes below \f[C]\-\-b2\-upload\-cutoff\f[] will always have an
 12700  SHA1 regardless of the source.
 12701  .SS Transfers
 12702  .PP
 12703  Backblaze recommends that you do lots of transfers simultaneously for
 12704  maximum speed.
 12705  In tests from my SSD equipped laptop the optimum setting is about
 12706  \f[C]\-\-transfers\ 32\f[] though higher numbers may be used for a
 12707  slight speed improvement.
 12708  The optimum number for you may vary depending on your hardware, how big
 12709  the files are, how much you want to load your computer, etc.
 12710  The default of \f[C]\-\-transfers\ 4\f[] is definitely too low for
 12711  Backblaze B2 though.
 12712  .PP
 12713  Note that uploading big files (bigger than 200 MB by default) will use a
 12714  96 MB RAM buffer by default.
 12715  There can be at most \f[C]\-\-transfers\f[] of these in use at any
 12716  moment, so this sets the upper limit on the memory used.
 12717  .SS Versions
 12718  .PP
 12719  When rclone uploads a new version of a file it creates a new version of
 12720  it (
 12721  Likewise when you delete a file, the old version will be marked hidden
 12722  and still be available.
 12723  Conversely, you may opt in to a \[lq]hard delete\[rq] of files with the
 12724  \f[C]\-\-b2\-hard\-delete\f[] flag which would permanently remove the
 12725  file instead of hiding it.
 12726  .PP
 12727  Old versions of files, where available, are visible using the
 12728  \f[C]\-\-b2\-versions\f[] flag.
 12729  .PP
 12730  \f[B]NB\f[] Note that \f[C]\-\-b2\-versions\f[] does not work with crypt
 12731  at the moment #1627 (
 12732  Using \[en]backup\-dir (/docs/#backup-dir-dir) with rclone is the
 12733  recommended way of working around this.
 12734  .PP
 12735  If you wish to remove all the old versions then you can use the
 12736  \f[C]rclone\ cleanup\ remote:bucket\f[] command which will delete all
 12737  the old versions of files, leaving the current ones intact.
 12738  You can also supply a path and only old versions under that path will be
 12739  deleted, eg \f[C]rclone\ cleanup\ remote:bucket/path/to/stuff\f[].
 12740  .PP
 12741  Note that \f[C]cleanup\f[] will remove partially uploaded files from the
 12742  bucket if they are more than a day old.
 12743  .PP
 12744  When you \f[C]purge\f[] a bucket, the current and the old versions will
 12745  be deleted then the bucket will be deleted.
 12746  .PP
 12747  However \f[C]delete\f[] will cause the current versions of the files to
 12748  become hidden old versions.
 12749  .PP
 12750  Here is a session showing the listing and retrieval of an old version
 12751  followed by a \f[C]cleanup\f[] of the old versions.
 12752  .PP
 12753  Show current version and all the versions with \f[C]\-\-b2\-versions\f[]
 12754  flag.
 12755  .IP
 12756  .nf
 12757  \f[C]
 12758  $\ rclone\ \-q\ ls\ b2:cleanup\-test
 12759  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 9\ one.txt
 12761  $\ rclone\ \-q\ \-\-b2\-versions\ ls\ b2:cleanup\-test
 12762  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 9\ one.txt
 12763  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 8\ one\-v2016\-07\-04\-141032\-000.txt
 12764  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 16\ one\-v2016\-07\-04\-141003\-000.txt
 12765  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 15\ one\-v2016\-07\-02\-155621\-000.txt
 12766  \f[]
 12767  .fi
 12768  .PP
 12769  Retrieve an old version
 12770  .IP
 12771  .nf
 12772  \f[C]
 12773  $\ rclone\ \-q\ \-\-b2\-versions\ copy\ b2:cleanup\-test/one\-v2016\-07\-04\-141003\-000.txt\ /tmp
 12775  $\ ls\ \-l\ /tmp/one\-v2016\-07\-04\-141003\-000.txt
 12776  \-rw\-rw\-r\-\-\ 1\ ncw\ ncw\ 16\ Jul\ \ 2\ 17:46\ /tmp/one\-v2016\-07\-04\-141003\-000.txt
 12777  \f[]
 12778  .fi
 12779  .PP
 12780  Clean up all the old versions and show that they've gone.
 12781  .IP
 12782  .nf
 12783  \f[C]
 12784  $\ rclone\ \-q\ cleanup\ b2:cleanup\-test
 12786  $\ rclone\ \-q\ ls\ b2:cleanup\-test
 12787  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 9\ one.txt
 12789  $\ rclone\ \-q\ \-\-b2\-versions\ ls\ b2:cleanup\-test
 12790  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 9\ one.txt
 12791  \f[]
 12792  .fi
 12793  .SS Data usage
 12794  .PP
 12795  It is useful to know how many requests are sent to the server in
 12796  different scenarios.
 12797  .PP
 12798  All copy commands send the following 4 requests:
 12799  .IP
 12800  .nf
 12801  \f[C]
 12802  /b2api/v1/b2_authorize_account
 12803  /b2api/v1/b2_create_bucket
 12804  /b2api/v1/b2_list_buckets
 12805  /b2api/v1/b2_list_file_names
 12806  \f[]
 12807  .fi
 12808  .PP
 12809  The \f[C]b2_list_file_names\f[] request will be sent once for every 1k
 12810  files in the remote path, providing the checksum and modification time
 12811  of the listed files.
 12812  As of version 1.33 issue #818 (
 12813  causes extra requests to be sent when using B2 with Crypt.
 12814  When a copy operation does not require any files to be uploaded, no more
 12815  requests will be sent.
 12816  .PP
 12817  Uploading files that do not require chunking, will send 2 requests per
 12818  file upload:
 12819  .IP
 12820  .nf
 12821  \f[C]
 12822  /b2api/v1/b2_get_upload_url
 12823  /b2api/v1/b2_upload_file/
 12824  \f[]
 12825  .fi
 12826  .PP
 12827  Uploading files requiring chunking, will send 2 requests (one each to
 12828  start and finish the upload) and another 2 requests for each chunk:
 12829  .IP
 12830  .nf
 12831  \f[C]
 12832  /b2api/v1/b2_start_large_file
 12833  /b2api/v1/b2_get_upload_part_url
 12834  /b2api/v1/b2_upload_part/
 12835  /b2api/v1/b2_finish_large_file
 12836  \f[]
 12837  .fi
 12838  .SS Versions
 12839  .PP
 12840  Versions can be viewed with the \f[C]\-\-b2\-versions\f[] flag.
 12841  When it is set rclone will show and act on older versions of files.
 12842  For example
 12843  .PP
 12844  Listing without \f[C]\-\-b2\-versions\f[]
 12845  .IP
 12846  .nf
 12847  \f[C]
 12848  $\ rclone\ \-q\ ls\ b2:cleanup\-test
 12849  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 9\ one.txt
 12850  \f[]
 12851  .fi
 12852  .PP
 12853  And with
 12854  .IP
 12855  .nf
 12856  \f[C]
 12857  $\ rclone\ \-q\ \-\-b2\-versions\ ls\ b2:cleanup\-test
 12858  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 9\ one.txt
 12859  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 8\ one\-v2016\-07\-04\-141032\-000.txt
 12860  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 16\ one\-v2016\-07\-04\-141003\-000.txt
 12861  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 15\ one\-v2016\-07\-02\-155621\-000.txt
 12862  \f[]
 12863  .fi
 12864  .PP
 12865  Showing that the current version is unchanged but older versions can be
 12866  seen.
 12867  These have the UTC date that they were uploaded to the server to the
 12868  nearest millisecond appended to them.
 12869  .PP
 12870  Note that when using \f[C]\-\-b2\-versions\f[] no file write operations
 12871  are permitted, so you can't upload files or delete them.
 12872  .SS Standard Options
 12873  .PP
 12874  Here are the standard options specific to b2 (Backblaze B2).
 12875  .SS \[en]b2\-account
 12876  .PP
 12877  Account ID or Application Key ID
 12878  .IP \[bu] 2
 12879  Config: account
 12880  .IP \[bu] 2
 12881  Env Var: RCLONE_B2_ACCOUNT
 12882  .IP \[bu] 2
 12883  Type: string
 12884  .IP \[bu] 2
 12885  Default: ""
 12886  .SS \[en]b2\-key
 12887  .PP
 12888  Application Key
 12889  .IP \[bu] 2
 12890  Config: key
 12891  .IP \[bu] 2
 12892  Env Var: RCLONE_B2_KEY
 12893  .IP \[bu] 2
 12894  Type: string
 12895  .IP \[bu] 2
 12896  Default: ""
 12897  .SS \[en]b2\-hard\-delete
 12898  .PP
 12899  Permanently delete files on remote removal, otherwise hide files.
 12900  .IP \[bu] 2
 12901  Config: hard_delete
 12902  .IP \[bu] 2
 12903  Env Var: RCLONE_B2_HARD_DELETE
 12904  .IP \[bu] 2
 12905  Type: bool
 12906  .IP \[bu] 2
 12907  Default: false
 12908  .SS Advanced Options
 12909  .PP
 12910  Here are the advanced options specific to b2 (Backblaze B2).
 12911  .SS \[en]b2\-endpoint
 12912  .PP
 12913  Endpoint for the service.
 12914  Leave blank normally.
 12915  .IP \[bu] 2
 12916  Config: endpoint
 12917  .IP \[bu] 2
 12918  Env Var: RCLONE_B2_ENDPOINT
 12919  .IP \[bu] 2
 12920  Type: string
 12921  .IP \[bu] 2
 12922  Default: ""
 12923  .SS \[en]b2\-test\-mode
 12924  .PP
 12925  A flag string for X\-Bz\-Test\-Mode header for debugging.
 12926  .PP
 12927  This is for debugging purposes only.
 12928  Setting it to one of the strings below will cause b2 to return specific
 12929  errors:
 12930  .IP \[bu] 2
 12931  \[lq]fail_some_uploads\[rq]
 12932  .IP \[bu] 2
 12933  \[lq]expire_some_account_authorization_tokens\[rq]
 12934  .IP \[bu] 2
 12935  \[lq]force_cap_exceeded\[rq]
 12936  .PP
 12937  These will be set in the \[lq]X\-Bz\-Test\-Mode\[rq] header which is
 12938  documented in the b2 integrations
 12939  checklist (
 12940  .IP \[bu] 2
 12941  Config: test_mode
 12942  .IP \[bu] 2
 12943  Env Var: RCLONE_B2_TEST_MODE
 12944  .IP \[bu] 2
 12945  Type: string
 12946  .IP \[bu] 2
 12947  Default: ""
 12948  .SS \[en]b2\-versions
 12949  .PP
 12950  Include old versions in directory listings.
 12951  Note that when using this no file write operations are permitted, so you
 12952  can't upload files or delete them.
 12953  .IP \[bu] 2
 12954  Config: versions
 12955  .IP \[bu] 2
 12956  Env Var: RCLONE_B2_VERSIONS
 12957  .IP \[bu] 2
 12958  Type: bool
 12959  .IP \[bu] 2
 12960  Default: false
 12961  .SS \[en]b2\-upload\-cutoff
 12962  .PP
 12963  Cutoff for switching to chunked upload.
 12964  .PP
 12965  Files above this size will be uploaded in chunks of
 12966  \[lq]\[en]b2\-chunk\-size\[rq].
 12967  .PP
 12968  This value should be set no larger than 4.657GiB (== 5GB).
 12969  .IP \[bu] 2
 12970  Config: upload_cutoff
 12971  .IP \[bu] 2
 12973  .IP \[bu] 2
 12974  Type: SizeSuffix
 12975  .IP \[bu] 2
 12976  Default: 200M
 12977  .SS \[en]b2\-chunk\-size
 12978  .PP
 12979  Upload chunk size.
 12980  Must fit in memory.
 12981  .PP
 12982  When uploading large files, chunk the file into this size.
 12983  Note that these chunks are buffered in memory and there might a maximum
 12984  of \[lq]\[en]transfers\[rq] chunks in progress at once.
 12985  5,000,000 Bytes is the minimum size.
 12986  .IP \[bu] 2
 12987  Config: chunk_size
 12988  .IP \[bu] 2
 12989  Env Var: RCLONE_B2_CHUNK_SIZE
 12990  .IP \[bu] 2
 12991  Type: SizeSuffix
 12992  .IP \[bu] 2
 12993  Default: 96M
 12994  .SS \[en]b2\-disable\-checksum
 12995  .PP
 12996  Disable checksums for large (> upload cutoff) files
 12997  .IP \[bu] 2
 12998  Config: disable_checksum
 12999  .IP \[bu] 2
 13001  .IP \[bu] 2
 13002  Type: bool
 13003  .IP \[bu] 2
 13004  Default: false
 13005  .SS \[en]b2\-download\-url
 13006  .PP
 13007  Custom endpoint for downloads.
 13008  .PP
 13009  This is usually set to a Cloudflare CDN URL as Backblaze offers free
 13010  egress for data downloaded through the Cloudflare network.
 13011  Leave blank if you want to use the endpoint provided by Backblaze.
 13012  .IP \[bu] 2
 13013  Config: download_url
 13014  .IP \[bu] 2
 13016  .IP \[bu] 2
 13017  Type: string
 13018  .IP \[bu] 2
 13019  Default: ""
 13020  .SS Box
 13021  .PP
 13022  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:path\f[]
 13023  .PP
 13024  Paths may be as deep as required, eg
 13025  \f[C]remote:directory/subdirectory\f[].
 13026  .PP
 13027  The initial setup for Box involves getting a token from Box which you
 13028  need to do in your browser.
 13029  \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] walks you through it.
 13030  .PP
 13031  Here is an example of how to make a remote called \f[C]remote\f[].
 13032  First run:
 13033  .IP
 13034  .nf
 13035  \f[C]
 13036  \ rclone\ config
 13037  \f[]
 13038  .fi
 13039  .PP
 13040  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 13041  .IP
 13042  .nf
 13043  \f[C]
 13044  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 13045  n)\ New\ remote
 13046  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 13047  q)\ Quit\ config
 13048  n/s/q>\ n
 13049  name>\ remote
 13050  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 13051  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 13052  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 13053  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 13054  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
 13055  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 13056  \ 3\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 13057  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 13058  \ 4\ /\ Box
 13059  \ \ \ \\\ "box"
 13060  \ 5\ /\ Dropbox
 13061  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 13062  \ 6\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 13063  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 13064  \ 7\ /\ FTP\ Connection
 13065  \ \ \ \\\ "ftp"
 13066  \ 8\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 13067  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 13068  \ 9\ /\ Google\ Drive
 13069  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 13070  10\ /\ Hubic
 13071  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 13072  11\ /\ Local\ Disk
 13073  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 13074  12\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 13075  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 13076  13\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 13077  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 13078  14\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 13079  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 13080  15\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 13081  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 13082  16\ /\ http\ Connection
 13083  \ \ \ \\\ "http"
 13084  Storage>\ box
 13085  Box\ App\ Client\ Id\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 13086  client_id>\ 
 13087  Box\ App\ Client\ Secret\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 13088  client_secret>\ 
 13089  Remote\ config
 13090  Use\ auto\ config?
 13091  \ *\ Say\ Y\ if\ not\ sure
 13092  \ *\ Say\ N\ if\ you\ are\ working\ on\ a\ remote\ or\ headless\ machine
 13093  y)\ Yes
 13094  n)\ No
 13095  y/n>\ y
 13096  If\ your\ browser\ doesn\[aq]t\ open\ automatically\ go\ to\ the\ following\ link:\
 13097  Log\ in\ and\ authorize\ rclone\ for\ access
 13098  Waiting\ for\ code...
 13099  Got\ code
 13100  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 13101  [remote]
 13102  client_id\ =\ 
 13103  client_secret\ =\ 
 13104  token\ =\ {"access_token":"XXX","token_type":"bearer","refresh_token":"XXX","expiry":"XXX"}
 13105  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 13106  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 13107  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 13108  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 13109  y/e/d>\ y
 13110  \f[]
 13111  .fi
 13112  .PP
 13113  See the remote setup docs ( for how to
 13114  set it up on a machine with no Internet browser available.
 13115  .PP
 13116  Note that rclone runs a webserver on your local machine to collect the
 13117  token as returned from Box.
 13118  This only runs from the moment it opens your browser to the moment you
 13119  get back the verification code.
 13120  This is on \f[C]\f[] and this it may require you
 13121  to unblock it temporarily if you are running a host firewall.
 13122  .PP
 13123  Once configured you can then use \f[C]rclone\f[] like this,
 13124  .PP
 13125  List directories in top level of your Box
 13126  .IP
 13127  .nf
 13128  \f[C]
 13129  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 13130  \f[]
 13131  .fi
 13132  .PP
 13133  List all the files in your Box
 13134  .IP
 13135  .nf
 13136  \f[C]
 13137  rclone\ ls\ remote:
 13138  \f[]
 13139  .fi
 13140  .PP
 13141  To copy a local directory to an Box directory called backup
 13142  .IP
 13143  .nf
 13144  \f[C]
 13145  rclone\ copy\ /home/source\ remote:backup
 13146  \f[]
 13147  .fi
 13148  .SS Using rclone with an Enterprise account with SSO
 13149  .PP
 13150  If you have an \[lq]Enterprise\[rq] account type with Box with single
 13151  sign on (SSO), you need to create a password to use Box with rclone.
 13152  This can be done at your Enterprise Box account by going to Settings,
 13153  \[lq]Account\[rq] Tab, and then set the password in the
 13154  \[lq]Authentication\[rq] field.
 13155  .PP
 13156  Once you have done this, you can setup your Enterprise Box account using
 13157  the same procedure detailed above in the, using the password you have
 13158  just set.
 13159  .SS Invalid refresh token
 13160  .PP
 13161  According to the box
 13162  docs (
 13163  .RS
 13164  .PP
 13165  Each refresh_token is valid for one use in 60 days.
 13166  .RE
 13167  .PP
 13168  This means that if you
 13169  .IP \[bu] 2
 13170  Don't use the box remote for 60 days
 13171  .IP \[bu] 2
 13172  Copy the config file with a box refresh token in and use it in two
 13173  places
 13174  .IP \[bu] 2
 13175  Get an error on a token refresh
 13176  .PP
 13177  then rclone will return an error which includes the text
 13178  \f[C]Invalid\ refresh\ token\f[].
 13179  .PP
 13180  To fix this you will need to use oauth2 again to update the refresh
 13181  token.
 13182  You can use the methods in the remote setup
 13183  docs (, bearing in mind that if you use
 13184  the copy the config file method, you should not use that remote on the
 13185  computer you did the authentication on.
 13186  .PP
 13187  Here is how to do it.
 13188  .IP
 13189  .nf
 13190  \f[C]
 13191  $\ rclone\ config
 13192  Current\ remotes:
 13194  Name\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Type
 13195  ====\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ====
 13196  remote\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ box
 13198  e)\ Edit\ existing\ remote
 13199  n)\ New\ remote
 13200  d)\ Delete\ remote
 13201  r)\ Rename\ remote
 13202  c)\ Copy\ remote
 13203  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 13204  q)\ Quit\ config
 13205  e/n/d/r/c/s/q>\ e
 13206  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ an\ existing\ value
 13207  \ 1\ >\ remote
 13208  remote>\ remote
 13209  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 13210  [remote]
 13211  type\ =\ box
 13212  token\ =\ {"access_token":"XXX","token_type":"bearer","refresh_token":"XXX","expiry":"2017\-07\-08T23:40:08.059167677+01:00"}
 13213  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 13214  Edit\ remote
 13215  Value\ "client_id"\ =\ ""
 13216  Edit?\ (y/n)>
 13217  y)\ Yes
 13218  n)\ No
 13219  y/n>\ n
 13220  Value\ "client_secret"\ =\ ""
 13221  Edit?\ (y/n)>
 13222  y)\ Yes
 13223  n)\ No
 13224  y/n>\ n
 13225  Remote\ config
 13226  Already\ have\ a\ token\ \-\ refresh?
 13227  y)\ Yes
 13228  n)\ No
 13229  y/n>\ y
 13230  Use\ auto\ config?
 13231  \ *\ Say\ Y\ if\ not\ sure
 13232  \ *\ Say\ N\ if\ you\ are\ working\ on\ a\ remote\ or\ headless\ machine
 13233  y)\ Yes
 13234  n)\ No
 13235  y/n>\ y
 13236  If\ your\ browser\ doesn\[aq]t\ open\ automatically\ go\ to\ the\ following\ link:\
 13237  Log\ in\ and\ authorize\ rclone\ for\ access
 13238  Waiting\ for\ code...
 13239  Got\ code
 13240  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 13241  [remote]
 13242  type\ =\ box
 13243  token\ =\ {"access_token":"YYY","token_type":"bearer","refresh_token":"YYY","expiry":"2017\-07\-23T12:22:29.259137901+01:00"}
 13244  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 13245  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 13246  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 13247  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 13248  y/e/d>\ y
 13249  \f[]
 13250  .fi
 13251  .SS Modified time and hashes
 13252  .PP
 13253  Box allows modification times to be set on objects accurate to 1 second.
 13254  These will be used to detect whether objects need syncing or not.
 13255  .PP
 13256  Box supports SHA1 type hashes, so you can use the \f[C]\-\-checksum\f[]
 13257  flag.
 13258  .SS Transfers
 13259  .PP
 13260  For files above 50MB rclone will use a chunked transfer.
 13261  Rclone will upload up to \f[C]\-\-transfers\f[] chunks at the same time
 13262  (shared among all the multipart uploads).
 13263  Chunks are buffered in memory and are normally 8MB so increasing
 13264  \f[C]\-\-transfers\f[] will increase memory use.
 13265  .SS Deleting files
 13266  .PP
 13267  Depending on the enterprise settings for your user, the item will either
 13268  be actually deleted from Box or moved to the trash.
 13269  .SS Standard Options
 13270  .PP
 13271  Here are the standard options specific to box (Box).
 13272  .SS \[en]box\-client\-id
 13273  .PP
 13274  Box App Client Id.
 13275  Leave blank normally.
 13276  .IP \[bu] 2
 13277  Config: client_id
 13278  .IP \[bu] 2
 13280  .IP \[bu] 2
 13281  Type: string
 13282  .IP \[bu] 2
 13283  Default: ""
 13284  .SS \[en]box\-client\-secret
 13285  .PP
 13286  Box App Client Secret Leave blank normally.
 13287  .IP \[bu] 2
 13288  Config: client_secret
 13289  .IP \[bu] 2
 13291  .IP \[bu] 2
 13292  Type: string
 13293  .IP \[bu] 2
 13294  Default: ""
 13295  .SS Advanced Options
 13296  .PP
 13297  Here are the advanced options specific to box (Box).
 13298  .SS \[en]box\-upload\-cutoff
 13299  .PP
 13300  Cutoff for switching to multipart upload (>= 50MB).
 13301  .IP \[bu] 2
 13302  Config: upload_cutoff
 13303  .IP \[bu] 2
 13305  .IP \[bu] 2
 13306  Type: SizeSuffix
 13307  .IP \[bu] 2
 13308  Default: 50M
 13309  .SS \[en]box\-commit\-retries
 13310  .PP
 13311  Max number of times to try committing a multipart file.
 13312  .IP \[bu] 2
 13313  Config: commit_retries
 13314  .IP \[bu] 2
 13316  .IP \[bu] 2
 13317  Type: int
 13318  .IP \[bu] 2
 13319  Default: 100
 13320  .SS Limitations
 13321  .PP
 13322  Note that Box is case insensitive so you can't have a file called
 13323  \[lq]Hello.doc\[rq] and one called \[lq]hello.doc\[rq].
 13324  .PP
 13325  Box file names can't have the \f[C]\\\f[] character in.
 13326  rclone maps this to and from an identical looking unicode equivalent
 13327  \f[C]\\f[].
 13328  .PP
 13329  Box only supports filenames up to 255 characters in length.
 13330  .SS Cache (BETA)
 13331  .PP
 13332  The \f[C]cache\f[] remote wraps another existing remote and stores file
 13333  structure and its data for long running tasks like
 13334  \f[C]rclone\ mount\f[].
 13335  .PP
 13336  To get started you just need to have an existing remote which can be
 13337  configured with \f[C]cache\f[].
 13338  .PP
 13339  Here is an example of how to make a remote called \f[C]test\-cache\f[].
 13340  First run:
 13341  .IP
 13342  .nf
 13343  \f[C]
 13344  \ rclone\ config
 13345  \f[]
 13346  .fi
 13347  .PP
 13348  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 13349  .IP
 13350  .nf
 13351  \f[C]
 13352  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 13353  n)\ New\ remote
 13354  r)\ Rename\ remote
 13355  c)\ Copy\ remote
 13356  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 13357  q)\ Quit\ config
 13358  n/r/c/s/q>\ n
 13359  name>\ test\-cache
 13360  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 13361  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 13362  \&...
 13363  \ 5\ /\ Cache\ a\ remote
 13364  \ \ \ \\\ "cache"
 13365  \&...
 13366  Storage>\ 5
 13367  Remote\ to\ cache.
 13368  Normally\ should\ contain\ a\ \[aq]:\[aq]\ and\ a\ path,\ eg\ "myremote:path/to/dir",
 13369  "myremote:bucket"\ or\ maybe\ "myremote:"\ (not\ recommended).
 13370  remote>\ local:/test
 13371  Optional:\ The\ URL\ of\ the\ Plex\ server
 13372  plex_url>\
 13373  Optional:\ The\ username\ of\ the\ Plex\ user
 13374  plex_username>\ dummyusername
 13375  Optional:\ The\ password\ of\ the\ Plex\ user
 13376  y)\ Yes\ type\ in\ my\ own\ password
 13377  g)\ Generate\ random\ password
 13378  n)\ No\ leave\ this\ optional\ password\ blank
 13379  y/g/n>\ y
 13380  Enter\ the\ password:
 13381  password:
 13382  Confirm\ the\ password:
 13383  password:
 13384  The\ size\ of\ a\ chunk.\ Lower\ value\ good\ for\ slow\ connections\ but\ can\ affect\ seamless\ reading.
 13385  Default:\ 5M
 13386  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 13387  \ 1\ /\ 1MB
 13388  \ \ \ \\\ "1m"
 13389  \ 2\ /\ 5\ MB
 13390  \ \ \ \\\ "5M"
 13391  \ 3\ /\ 10\ MB
 13392  \ \ \ \\\ "10M"
 13393  chunk_size>\ 2
 13394  How\ much\ time\ should\ object\ info\ (file\ size,\ file\ hashes\ etc)\ be\ stored\ in\ cache.\ Use\ a\ very\ high\ value\ if\ you\ don\[aq]t\ plan\ on\ changing\ the\ source\ FS\ from\ outside\ the\ cache.
 13395  Accepted\ units\ are:\ "s",\ "m",\ "h".
 13396  Default:\ 5m
 13397  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 13398  \ 1\ /\ 1\ hour
 13399  \ \ \ \\\ "1h"
 13400  \ 2\ /\ 24\ hours
 13401  \ \ \ \\\ "24h"
 13402  \ 3\ /\ 24\ hours
 13403  \ \ \ \\\ "48h"
 13404  info_age>\ 2
 13405  The\ maximum\ size\ of\ stored\ chunks.\ When\ the\ storage\ grows\ beyond\ this\ size,\ the\ oldest\ chunks\ will\ be\ deleted.
 13406  Default:\ 10G
 13407  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 13408  \ 1\ /\ 500\ MB
 13409  \ \ \ \\\ "500M"
 13410  \ 2\ /\ 1\ GB
 13411  \ \ \ \\\ "1G"
 13412  \ 3\ /\ 10\ GB
 13413  \ \ \ \\\ "10G"
 13414  chunk_total_size>\ 3
 13415  Remote\ config
 13416  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 13417  [test\-cache]
 13418  remote\ =\ local:/test
 13419  plex_url\ =\
 13420  plex_username\ =\ dummyusername
 13421  plex_password\ =\ ***\ ENCRYPTED\ ***
 13422  chunk_size\ =\ 5M
 13423  info_age\ =\ 48h
 13424  chunk_total_size\ =\ 10G
 13425  \f[]
 13426  .fi
 13427  .PP
 13428  You can then use it like this,
 13429  .PP
 13430  List directories in top level of your drive
 13431  .IP
 13432  .nf
 13433  \f[C]
 13434  rclone\ lsd\ test\-cache:
 13435  \f[]
 13436  .fi
 13437  .PP
 13438  List all the files in your drive
 13439  .IP
 13440  .nf
 13441  \f[C]
 13442  rclone\ ls\ test\-cache:
 13443  \f[]
 13444  .fi
 13445  .PP
 13446  To start a cached mount
 13447  .IP
 13448  .nf
 13449  \f[C]
 13450  rclone\ mount\ \-\-allow\-other\ test\-cache:\ /var/tmp/test\-cache
 13451  \f[]
 13452  .fi
 13453  .SS Write Features
 13454  .SS Offline uploading
 13455  .PP
 13456  In an effort to make writing through cache more reliable, the backend
 13457  now supports this feature which can be activated by specifying a
 13458  \f[C]cache\-tmp\-upload\-path\f[].
 13459  .PP
 13460  A files goes through these states when using this feature:
 13461  .IP "1." 3
 13462  An upload is started (usually by copying a file on the cache remote)
 13463  .IP "2." 3
 13464  When the copy to the temporary location is complete the file is part of
 13465  the cached remote and looks and behaves like any other file (reading
 13466  included)
 13467  .IP "3." 3
 13468  After \f[C]cache\-tmp\-wait\-time\f[] passes and the file is next in
 13469  line, \f[C]rclone\ move\f[] is used to move the file to the cloud
 13470  provider
 13471  .IP "4." 3
 13472  Reading the file still works during the upload but most modifications on
 13473  it will be prohibited
 13474  .IP "5." 3
 13475  Once the move is complete the file is unlocked for modifications as it
 13476  becomes as any other regular file
 13477  .IP "6." 3
 13478  If the file is being read through \f[C]cache\f[] when it's actually
 13479  deleted from the temporary path then \f[C]cache\f[] will simply swap the
 13480  source to the cloud provider without interrupting the reading (small
 13481  blip can happen though)
 13482  .PP
 13483  Files are uploaded in sequence and only one file is uploaded at a time.
 13484  Uploads will be stored in a queue and be processed based on the order
 13485  they were added.
 13486  The queue and the temporary storage is persistent across restarts but
 13487  can be cleared on startup with the \f[C]\-\-cache\-db\-purge\f[] flag.
 13488  .SS Write Support
 13489  .PP
 13490  Writes are supported through \f[C]cache\f[].
 13491  One caveat is that a mounted cache remote does not add any retry or
 13492  fallback mechanism to the upload operation.
 13493  This will depend on the implementation of the wrapped remote.
 13494  Consider using \f[C]Offline\ uploading\f[] for reliable writes.
 13495  .PP
 13496  One special case is covered with \f[C]cache\-writes\f[] which will cache
 13497  the file data at the same time as the upload when it is enabled making
 13498  it available from the cache store immediately once the upload is
 13499  finished.
 13500  .SS Read Features
 13501  .SS Multiple connections
 13502  .PP
 13503  To counter the high latency between a local PC where rclone is running
 13504  and cloud providers, the cache remote can split multiple requests to the
 13505  cloud provider for smaller file chunks and combines them together
 13506  locally where they can be available almost immediately before the reader
 13507  usually needs them.
 13508  .PP
 13509  This is similar to buffering when media files are played online.
 13510  Rclone will stay around the current marker but always try its best to
 13511  stay ahead and prepare the data before.
 13512  .SS Plex Integration
 13513  .PP
 13514  There is a direct integration with Plex which allows cache to detect
 13515  during reading if the file is in playback or not.
 13516  This helps cache to adapt how it queries the cloud provider depending on
 13517  what is needed for.
 13518  .PP
 13519  Scans will have a minimum amount of workers (1) while in a confirmed
 13520  playback cache will deploy the configured number of workers.
 13521  .PP
 13522  This integration opens the doorway to additional performance
 13523  improvements which will be explored in the near future.
 13524  .PP
 13525  \f[B]Note:\f[] If Plex options are not configured, \f[C]cache\f[] will
 13526  function with its configured options without adapting any of its
 13527  settings.
 13528  .PP
 13529  How to enable?
 13530  Run \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] and add all the Plex options (endpoint,
 13531  username and password) in your remote and it will be automatically
 13532  enabled.
 13533  .PP
 13534  Affected settings: \- \f[C]cache\-workers\f[]: \f[I]Configured value\f[]
 13535  during confirmed playback or \f[I]1\f[] all the other times
 13536  .SS Certificate Validation
 13537  .PP
 13538  When the Plex server is configured to only accept secure connections, it
 13539  is possible to use \f[C]\&\f[] URL's to ensure certificate
 13540  validation succeeds.
 13541  These URL's are used by Plex internally to connect to the Plex server
 13542  securely.
 13543  .PP
 13544  The format for this URL's is the following:
 13545  .PP
 13546  https://ip\-with\-dots\-replaced.server\
 13547  .PP
 13548  The \f[C]ip\-with\-dots\-replaced\f[] part can be any IPv4 address,
 13549  where the dots have been replaced with dashes, e.g.
 13550  \f[C]\f[] becomes \f[C]127\-0\-0\-1\f[].
 13551  .PP
 13552  To get the \f[C]server\-hash\f[] part, the easiest way is to visit
 13553  .PP
 13555  .PP
 13556  This page will list all the available Plex servers for your account with
 13557  at least one \f[C]\&\f[] link for each.
 13558  Copy one URL and replace the IP address with the desired address.
 13559  This can be used as the \f[C]plex_url\f[] value.
 13560  .SS Known issues
 13561  .SS Mount and \[en]dir\-cache\-time
 13562  .PP
 13563  \[en]dir\-cache\-time controls the first layer of directory caching
 13564  which works at the mount layer.
 13565  Being an independent caching mechanism from the \f[C]cache\f[] backend,
 13566  it will manage its own entries based on the configured time.
 13567  .PP
 13568  To avoid getting in a scenario where dir cache has obsolete data and
 13569  cache would have the correct one, try to set
 13570  \f[C]\-\-dir\-cache\-time\f[] to a lower time than
 13571  \f[C]\-\-cache\-info\-age\f[].
 13572  Default values are already configured in this way.
 13573  .SS Windows support \- Experimental
 13574  .PP
 13575  There are a couple of issues with Windows \f[C]mount\f[] functionality
 13576  that still require some investigations.
 13577  It should be considered as experimental thus far as fixes come in for
 13578  this OS.
 13579  .PP
 13580  Most of the issues seem to be related to the difference between
 13581  filesystems on Linux flavors and Windows as cache is heavily dependant
 13582  on them.
 13583  .PP
 13584  Any reports or feedback on how cache behaves on this OS is greatly
 13585  appreciated.
 13586  .IP \[bu] 2
 13588  .IP \[bu] 2
 13590  .IP \[bu] 2
 13592  .SS Risk of throttling
 13593  .PP
 13594  Future iterations of the cache backend will make use of the pooling
 13595  functionality of the cloud provider to synchronize and at the same time
 13596  make writing through it more tolerant to failures.
 13597  .PP
 13598  There are a couple of enhancements in track to add these but in the
 13599  meantime there is a valid concern that the expiring cache listings can
 13600  lead to cloud provider throttles or bans due to repeated queries on it
 13601  for very large mounts.
 13602  .PP
 13603  Some recommendations: \- don't use a very small interval for entry
 13604  informations (\f[C]\-\-cache\-info\-age\f[]) \- while writes aren't yet
 13605  optimised, you can still write through \f[C]cache\f[] which gives you
 13606  the advantage of adding the file in the cache at the same time if
 13607  configured to do so.
 13608  .PP
 13609  Future enhancements:
 13610  .IP \[bu] 2
 13612  .IP \[bu] 2
 13614  .SS cache and crypt
 13615  .PP
 13616  One common scenario is to keep your data encrypted in the cloud provider
 13617  using the \f[C]crypt\f[] remote.
 13618  \f[C]crypt\f[] uses a similar technique to wrap around an existing
 13619  remote and handles this translation in a seamless way.
 13620  .PP
 13621  There is an issue with wrapping the remotes in this order: \f[B]cloud
 13622  remote\f[] \-> \f[B]crypt\f[] \-> \f[B]cache\f[]
 13623  .PP
 13624  During testing, I experienced a lot of bans with the remotes in this
 13625  order.
 13626  I suspect it might be related to how crypt opens files on the cloud
 13627  provider which makes it think we're downloading the full file instead of
 13628  small chunks.
 13629  Organizing the remotes in this order yields better results: \f[B]cloud
 13630  remote\f[] \-> \f[B]cache\f[] \-> \f[B]crypt\f[]
 13631  .SS absolute remote paths
 13632  .PP
 13633  \f[C]cache\f[] can not differentiate between relative and absolute paths
 13634  for the wrapped remote.
 13635  Any path given in the \f[C]remote\f[] config setting and on the command
 13636  line will be passed to the wrapped remote as is, but for storing the
 13637  chunks on disk the path will be made relative by removing any leading
 13638  \f[C]/\f[] character.
 13639  .PP
 13640  This behavior is irrelevant for most backend types, but there are
 13641  backends where a leading \f[C]/\f[] changes the effective directory,
 13642  e.g.\ in the \f[C]sftp\f[] backend paths starting with a \f[C]/\f[] are
 13643  relative to the root of the SSH server and paths without are relative to
 13644  the user home directory.
 13645  As a result \f[C]sftp:bin\f[] and \f[C]sftp:/bin\f[] will share the same
 13646  cache folder, even if they represent a different directory on the SSH
 13647  server.
 13648  .SS Cache and Remote Control (\[en]rc)
 13649  .PP
 13650  Cache supports the new \f[C]\-\-rc\f[] mode in rclone and can be remote
 13651  controlled through the following end points: By default, the listener is
 13652  disabled if you do not add the flag.
 13653  .SS rc cache/expire
 13654  .PP
 13655  Purge a remote from the cache backend.
 13656  Supports either a directory or a file.
 13657  It supports both encrypted and unencrypted file names if cache is
 13658  wrapped by crypt.
 13659  .PP
 13660  Params: \- \f[B]remote\f[] = path to remote \f[B](required)\f[] \-
 13661  \f[B]withData\f[] = true/false to delete cached data (chunks) as well
 13662  \f[I](optional, false by default)\f[]
 13663  .SS Standard Options
 13664  .PP
 13665  Here are the standard options specific to cache (Cache a remote).
 13666  .SS \[en]cache\-remote
 13667  .PP
 13668  Remote to cache.
 13669  Normally should contain a `:' and a path, eg
 13670  \[lq]myremote:path/to/dir\[rq], \[lq]myremote:bucket\[rq] or maybe
 13671  \[lq]myremote:\[rq] (not recommended).
 13672  .IP \[bu] 2
 13673  Config: remote
 13674  .IP \[bu] 2
 13676  .IP \[bu] 2
 13677  Type: string
 13678  .IP \[bu] 2
 13679  Default: ""
 13680  .SS \[en]cache\-plex\-url
 13681  .PP
 13682  The URL of the Plex server
 13683  .IP \[bu] 2
 13684  Config: plex_url
 13685  .IP \[bu] 2
 13687  .IP \[bu] 2
 13688  Type: string
 13689  .IP \[bu] 2
 13690  Default: ""
 13691  .SS \[en]cache\-plex\-username
 13692  .PP
 13693  The username of the Plex user
 13694  .IP \[bu] 2
 13695  Config: plex_username
 13696  .IP \[bu] 2
 13698  .IP \[bu] 2
 13699  Type: string
 13700  .IP \[bu] 2
 13701  Default: ""
 13702  .SS \[en]cache\-plex\-password
 13703  .PP
 13704  The password of the Plex user
 13705  .IP \[bu] 2
 13706  Config: plex_password
 13707  .IP \[bu] 2
 13709  .IP \[bu] 2
 13710  Type: string
 13711  .IP \[bu] 2
 13712  Default: ""
 13713  .SS \[en]cache\-chunk\-size
 13714  .PP
 13715  The size of a chunk (partial file data).
 13716  .PP
 13717  Use lower numbers for slower connections.
 13718  If the chunk size is changed, any downloaded chunks will be invalid and
 13719  cache\-chunk\-path will need to be cleared or unexpected EOF errors will
 13720  occur.
 13721  .IP \[bu] 2
 13722  Config: chunk_size
 13723  .IP \[bu] 2
 13725  .IP \[bu] 2
 13726  Type: SizeSuffix
 13727  .IP \[bu] 2
 13728  Default: 5M
 13729  .IP \[bu] 2
 13730  Examples:
 13731  .RS 2
 13732  .IP \[bu] 2
 13733  \[lq]1m\[rq]
 13734  .RS 2
 13735  .IP \[bu] 2
 13736  1MB
 13737  .RE
 13738  .IP \[bu] 2
 13739  \[lq]5M\[rq]
 13740  .RS 2
 13741  .IP \[bu] 2
 13742  5 MB
 13743  .RE
 13744  .IP \[bu] 2
 13745  \[lq]10M\[rq]
 13746  .RS 2
 13747  .IP \[bu] 2
 13748  10 MB
 13749  .RE
 13750  .RE
 13751  .SS \[en]cache\-info\-age
 13752  .PP
 13753  How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file
 13754  size, times etc).
 13755  If all write operations are done through the cache then you can safely
 13756  make this value very large as the cache store will also be updated in
 13757  real time.
 13758  .IP \[bu] 2
 13759  Config: info_age
 13760  .IP \[bu] 2
 13762  .IP \[bu] 2
 13763  Type: Duration
 13764  .IP \[bu] 2
 13765  Default: 6h0m0s
 13766  .IP \[bu] 2
 13767  Examples:
 13768  .RS 2
 13769  .IP \[bu] 2
 13770  \[lq]1h\[rq]
 13771  .RS 2
 13772  .IP \[bu] 2
 13773  1 hour
 13774  .RE
 13775  .IP \[bu] 2
 13776  \[lq]24h\[rq]
 13777  .RS 2
 13778  .IP \[bu] 2
 13779  24 hours
 13780  .RE
 13781  .IP \[bu] 2
 13782  \[lq]48h\[rq]
 13783  .RS 2
 13784  .IP \[bu] 2
 13785  48 hours
 13786  .RE
 13787  .RE
 13788  .SS \[en]cache\-chunk\-total\-size
 13789  .PP
 13790  The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk.
 13791  .PP
 13792  If the cache exceeds this value then it will start to delete the oldest
 13793  chunks until it goes under this value.
 13794  .IP \[bu] 2
 13795  Config: chunk_total_size
 13796  .IP \[bu] 2
 13798  .IP \[bu] 2
 13799  Type: SizeSuffix
 13800  .IP \[bu] 2
 13801  Default: 10G
 13802  .IP \[bu] 2
 13803  Examples:
 13804  .RS 2
 13805  .IP \[bu] 2
 13806  \[lq]500M\[rq]
 13807  .RS 2
 13808  .IP \[bu] 2
 13809  500 MB
 13810  .RE
 13811  .IP \[bu] 2
 13812  \[lq]1G\[rq]
 13813  .RS 2
 13814  .IP \[bu] 2
 13815  1 GB
 13816  .RE
 13817  .IP \[bu] 2
 13818  \[lq]10G\[rq]
 13819  .RS 2
 13820  .IP \[bu] 2
 13821  10 GB
 13822  .RE
 13823  .RE
 13824  .SS Advanced Options
 13825  .PP
 13826  Here are the advanced options specific to cache (Cache a remote).
 13827  .SS \[en]cache\-plex\-token
 13828  .PP
 13829  The plex token for authentication \- auto set normally
 13830  .IP \[bu] 2
 13831  Config: plex_token
 13832  .IP \[bu] 2
 13834  .IP \[bu] 2
 13835  Type: string
 13836  .IP \[bu] 2
 13837  Default: ""
 13838  .SS \[en]cache\-plex\-insecure
 13839  .PP
 13840  Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server
 13841  .IP \[bu] 2
 13842  Config: plex_insecure
 13843  .IP \[bu] 2
 13845  .IP \[bu] 2
 13846  Type: string
 13847  .IP \[bu] 2
 13848  Default: ""
 13849  .SS \[en]cache\-db\-path
 13850  .PP
 13851  Directory to store file structure metadata DB.
 13852  The remote name is used as the DB file name.
 13853  .IP \[bu] 2
 13854  Config: db_path
 13855  .IP \[bu] 2
 13857  .IP \[bu] 2
 13858  Type: string
 13859  .IP \[bu] 2
 13860  Default: \[lq]$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache\-backend\[rq]
 13861  .SS \[en]cache\-chunk\-path
 13862  .PP
 13863  Directory to cache chunk files.
 13864  .PP
 13865  Path to where partial file data (chunks) are stored locally.
 13866  The remote name is appended to the final path.
 13867  .PP
 13868  This config follows the \[lq]\[en]cache\-db\-path\[rq].
 13869  If you specify a custom location for \[lq]\[en]cache\-db\-path\[rq] and
 13870  don't specify one for \[lq]\[en]cache\-chunk\-path\[rq] then
 13871  \[lq]\[en]cache\-chunk\-path\[rq] will use the same path as
 13872  \[lq]\[en]cache\-db\-path\[rq].
 13873  .IP \[bu] 2
 13874  Config: chunk_path
 13875  .IP \[bu] 2
 13877  .IP \[bu] 2
 13878  Type: string
 13879  .IP \[bu] 2
 13880  Default: \[lq]$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache\-backend\[rq]
 13881  .SS \[en]cache\-db\-purge
 13882  .PP
 13883  Clear all the cached data for this remote on start.
 13884  .IP \[bu] 2
 13885  Config: db_purge
 13886  .IP \[bu] 2
 13888  .IP \[bu] 2
 13889  Type: bool
 13890  .IP \[bu] 2
 13891  Default: false
 13892  .SS \[en]cache\-chunk\-clean\-interval
 13893  .PP
 13894  How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage.
 13895  The default value should be ok for most people.
 13896  If you find that the cache goes over \[lq]cache\-chunk\-total\-size\[rq]
 13897  too often then try to lower this value to force it to perform cleanups
 13898  more often.
 13899  .IP \[bu] 2
 13900  Config: chunk_clean_interval
 13901  .IP \[bu] 2
 13903  .IP \[bu] 2
 13904  Type: Duration
 13905  .IP \[bu] 2
 13906  Default: 1m0s
 13907  .SS \[en]cache\-read\-retries
 13908  .PP
 13909  How many times to retry a read from a cache storage.
 13910  .PP
 13911  Since reading from a cache stream is independent from downloading file
 13912  data, readers can get to a point where there's no more data in the
 13913  cache.
 13914  Most of the times this can indicate a connectivity issue if cache isn't
 13915  able to provide file data anymore.
 13916  .PP
 13917  For really slow connections, increase this to a point where the stream
 13918  is able to provide data but your experience will be very stuttering.
 13919  .IP \[bu] 2
 13920  Config: read_retries
 13921  .IP \[bu] 2
 13923  .IP \[bu] 2
 13924  Type: int
 13925  .IP \[bu] 2
 13926  Default: 10
 13927  .SS \[en]cache\-workers
 13928  .PP
 13929  How many workers should run in parallel to download chunks.
 13930  .PP
 13931  Higher values will mean more parallel processing (better CPU needed) and
 13932  more concurrent requests on the cloud provider.
 13933  This impacts several aspects like the cloud provider API limits, more
 13934  stress on the hardware that rclone runs on but it also means that
 13935  streams will be more fluid and data will be available much more faster
 13936  to readers.
 13937  .PP
 13938  \f[B]Note\f[]: If the optional Plex integration is enabled then this
 13939  setting will adapt to the type of reading performed and the value
 13940  specified here will be used as a maximum number of workers to use.
 13941  .IP \[bu] 2
 13942  Config: workers
 13943  .IP \[bu] 2
 13945  .IP \[bu] 2
 13946  Type: int
 13947  .IP \[bu] 2
 13948  Default: 4
 13949  .SS \[en]cache\-chunk\-no\-memory
 13950  .PP
 13951  Disable the in\-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming.
 13952  .PP
 13953  By default, cache will keep file data during streaming in RAM as well to
 13954  provide it to readers as fast as possible.
 13955  .PP
 13956  This transient data is evicted as soon as it is read and the number of
 13957  chunks stored doesn't exceed the number of workers.
 13958  However, depending on other settings like \[lq]cache\-chunk\-size\[rq]
 13959  and \[lq]cache\-workers\[rq] this footprint can increase if there are
 13960  parallel streams too (multiple files being read at the same time).
 13961  .PP
 13962  If the hardware permits it, use this feature to provide an overall
 13963  better performance during streaming but it can also be disabled if RAM
 13964  is not available on the local machine.
 13965  .IP \[bu] 2
 13966  Config: chunk_no_memory
 13967  .IP \[bu] 2
 13969  .IP \[bu] 2
 13970  Type: bool
 13971  .IP \[bu] 2
 13972  Default: false
 13973  .SS \[en]cache\-rps
 13974  .PP
 13975  Limits the number of requests per second to the source FS (\-1 to
 13976  disable)
 13977  .PP
 13978  This setting places a hard limit on the number of requests per second
 13979  that cache will be doing to the cloud provider remote and try to respect
 13980  that value by setting waits between reads.
 13981  .PP
 13982  If you find that you're getting banned or limited on the cloud provider
 13983  through cache and know that a smaller number of requests per second will
 13984  allow you to work with it then you can use this setting for that.
 13985  .PP
 13986  A good balance of all the other settings should make this setting
 13987  useless but it is available to set for more special cases.
 13988  .PP
 13989  \f[B]NOTE\f[]: This will limit the number of requests during streams but
 13990  other API calls to the cloud provider like directory listings will still
 13991  pass.
 13992  .IP \[bu] 2
 13993  Config: rps
 13994  .IP \[bu] 2
 13995  Env Var: RCLONE_CACHE_RPS
 13996  .IP \[bu] 2
 13997  Type: int
 13998  .IP \[bu] 2
 13999  Default: \-1
 14000  .SS \[en]cache\-writes
 14001  .PP
 14002  Cache file data on writes through the FS
 14003  .PP
 14004  If you need to read files immediately after you upload them through
 14005  cache you can enable this flag to have their data stored in the cache
 14006  store at the same time during upload.
 14007  .IP \[bu] 2
 14008  Config: writes
 14009  .IP \[bu] 2
 14011  .IP \[bu] 2
 14012  Type: bool
 14013  .IP \[bu] 2
 14014  Default: false
 14015  .SS \[en]cache\-tmp\-upload\-path
 14016  .PP
 14017  Directory to keep temporary files until they are uploaded.
 14018  .PP
 14019  This is the path where cache will use as a temporary storage for new
 14020  files that need to be uploaded to the cloud provider.
 14021  .PP
 14022  Specifying a value will enable this feature.
 14023  Without it, it is completely disabled and files will be uploaded
 14024  directly to the cloud provider
 14025  .IP \[bu] 2
 14026  Config: tmp_upload_path
 14027  .IP \[bu] 2
 14029  .IP \[bu] 2
 14030  Type: string
 14031  .IP \[bu] 2
 14032  Default: ""
 14033  .SS \[en]cache\-tmp\-wait\-time
 14034  .PP
 14035  How long should files be stored in local cache before being uploaded
 14036  .PP
 14037  This is the duration that a file must wait in the temporary location
 14038  \f[I]cache\-tmp\-upload\-path\f[] before it is selected for upload.
 14039  .PP
 14040  Note that only one file is uploaded at a time and it can take longer to
 14041  start the upload if a queue formed for this purpose.
 14042  .IP \[bu] 2
 14043  Config: tmp_wait_time
 14044  .IP \[bu] 2
 14046  .IP \[bu] 2
 14047  Type: Duration
 14048  .IP \[bu] 2
 14049  Default: 15s
 14050  .SS \[en]cache\-db\-wait\-time
 14051  .PP
 14052  How long to wait for the DB to be available \- 0 is unlimited
 14053  .PP
 14054  Only one process can have the DB open at any one time, so rclone waits
 14055  for this duration for the DB to become available before it gives an
 14056  error.
 14057  .PP
 14058  If you set it to 0 then it will wait forever.
 14059  .IP \[bu] 2
 14060  Config: db_wait_time
 14061  .IP \[bu] 2
 14063  .IP \[bu] 2
 14064  Type: Duration
 14065  .IP \[bu] 2
 14066  Default: 1s
 14067  .SS Crypt
 14068  .PP
 14069  The \f[C]crypt\f[] remote encrypts and decrypts another remote.
 14070  .PP
 14071  To use it first set up the underlying remote following the config
 14072  instructions for that remote.
 14073  You can also use a local pathname instead of a remote which will encrypt
 14074  and decrypt from that directory which might be useful for encrypting
 14075  onto a USB stick for example.
 14076  .PP
 14077  First check your chosen remote is working \- we'll call it
 14078  \f[C]remote:path\f[] in these docs.
 14079  Note that anything inside \f[C]remote:path\f[] will be encrypted and
 14080  anything outside won't.
 14081  This means that if you are using a bucket based remote (eg S3, B2,
 14082  swift) then you should probably put the bucket in the remote
 14083  \f[C]s3:bucket\f[].
 14084  If you just use \f[C]s3:\f[] then rclone will make encrypted bucket
 14085  names too (if using file name encryption) which may or may not be what
 14086  you want.
 14087  .PP
 14088  Now configure \f[C]crypt\f[] using \f[C]rclone\ config\f[].
 14089  We will call this one \f[C]secret\f[] to differentiate it from the
 14090  \f[C]remote\f[].
 14091  .IP
 14092  .nf
 14093  \f[C]
 14094  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 14095  n)\ New\ remote
 14096  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 14097  q)\ Quit\ config
 14098  n/s/q>\ n\ \ \ 
 14099  name>\ secret
 14100  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 14101  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 14102  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 14103  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 14104  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
 14105  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 14106  \ 3\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 14107  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 14108  \ 4\ /\ Dropbox
 14109  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 14110  \ 5\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 14111  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 14112  \ 6\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 14113  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 14114  \ 7\ /\ Google\ Drive
 14115  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 14116  \ 8\ /\ Hubic
 14117  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 14118  \ 9\ /\ Local\ Disk
 14119  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 14120  10\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 14121  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 14122  11\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 14123  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 14124  12\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 14125  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 14126  13\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 14127  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 14128  Storage>\ 5
 14129  Remote\ to\ encrypt/decrypt.
 14130  Normally\ should\ contain\ a\ \[aq]:\[aq]\ and\ a\ path,\ eg\ "myremote:path/to/dir",
 14131  "myremote:bucket"\ or\ maybe\ "myremote:"\ (not\ recommended).
 14132  remote>\ remote:path
 14133  How\ to\ encrypt\ the\ filenames.
 14134  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 14135  \ 1\ /\ Don\[aq]t\ encrypt\ the\ file\ names.\ \ Adds\ a\ ".bin"\ extension\ only.
 14136  \ \ \ \\\ "off"
 14137  \ 2\ /\ Encrypt\ the\ filenames\ see\ the\ docs\ for\ the\ details.
 14138  \ \ \ \\\ "standard"
 14139  \ 3\ /\ Very\ simple\ filename\ obfuscation.
 14140  \ \ \ \\\ "obfuscate"
 14141  filename_encryption>\ 2
 14142  Option\ to\ either\ encrypt\ directory\ names\ or\ leave\ them\ intact.
 14143  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 14144  \ 1\ /\ Encrypt\ directory\ names.
 14145  \ \ \ \\\ "true"
 14146  \ 2\ /\ Don\[aq]t\ encrypt\ directory\ names,\ leave\ them\ intact.
 14147  \ \ \ \\\ "false"
 14148  filename_encryption>\ 1
 14149  Password\ or\ pass\ phrase\ for\ encryption.
 14150  y)\ Yes\ type\ in\ my\ own\ password
 14151  g)\ Generate\ random\ password
 14152  y/g>\ y
 14153  Enter\ the\ password:
 14154  password:
 14155  Confirm\ the\ password:
 14156  password:
 14157  Password\ or\ pass\ phrase\ for\ salt.\ Optional\ but\ recommended.
 14158  Should\ be\ different\ to\ the\ previous\ password.
 14159  y)\ Yes\ type\ in\ my\ own\ password
 14160  g)\ Generate\ random\ password
 14161  n)\ No\ leave\ this\ optional\ password\ blank
 14162  y/g/n>\ g
 14163  Password\ strength\ in\ bits.
 14164  64\ is\ just\ about\ memorable
 14165  128\ is\ secure
 14166  1024\ is\ the\ maximum
 14167  Bits>\ 128
 14168  Your\ password\ is:\ JAsJvRcgR\-_veXNfy_sGmQ
 14169  Use\ this\ password?
 14170  y)\ Yes
 14171  n)\ No
 14172  y/n>\ y
 14173  Remote\ config
 14174  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 14175  [secret]
 14176  remote\ =\ remote:path
 14177  filename_encryption\ =\ standard
 14178  password\ =\ ***\ ENCRYPTED\ ***
 14179  password2\ =\ ***\ ENCRYPTED\ ***
 14180  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 14181  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 14182  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 14183  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 14184  y/e/d>\ y
 14185  \f[]
 14186  .fi
 14187  .PP
 14188  \f[B]Important\f[] The password is stored in the config file is lightly
 14189  obscured so it isn't immediately obvious what it is.
 14190  It is in no way secure unless you use config file encryption.
 14191  .PP
 14192  A long passphrase is recommended, or you can use a random one.
 14193  Note that if you reconfigure rclone with the same passwords/passphrases
 14194  elsewhere it will be compatible \- all the secrets used are derived from
 14195  those two passwords/passphrases.
 14196  .PP
 14197  Note that rclone does not encrypt
 14198  .IP \[bu] 2
 14199  file length \- this can be calcuated within 16 bytes
 14200  .IP \[bu] 2
 14201  modification time \- used for syncing
 14202  .SS Specifying the remote
 14203  .PP
 14204  In normal use, make sure the remote has a \f[C]:\f[] in.
 14205  If you specify the remote without a \f[C]:\f[] then rclone will use a
 14206  local directory of that name.
 14207  So if you use a remote of \f[C]/path/to/secret/files\f[] then rclone
 14208  will encrypt stuff to that directory.
 14209  If you use a remote of \f[C]name\f[] then rclone will put files in a
 14210  directory called \f[C]name\f[] in the current directory.
 14211  .PP
 14212  If you specify the remote as \f[C]remote:path/to/dir\f[] then rclone
 14213  will store encrypted files in \f[C]path/to/dir\f[] on the remote.
 14214  If you are using file name encryption, then when you save files to
 14215  \f[C]secret:subdir/subfile\f[] this will store them in the unencrypted
 14216  path \f[C]path/to/dir\f[] but the \f[C]subdir/subpath\f[] bit will be
 14217  encrypted.
 14218  .PP
 14219  Note that unless you want encrypted bucket names (which are difficult to
 14220  manage because you won't know what directory they represent in web
 14221  interfaces etc), you should probably specify a bucket, eg
 14222  \f[C]remote:secretbucket\f[] when using bucket based remotes such as S3,
 14223  Swift, Hubic, B2, GCS.
 14224  .SS Example
 14225  .PP
 14226  To test I made a little directory of files using \[lq]standard\[rq] file
 14227  name encryption.
 14228  .IP
 14229  .nf
 14230  \f[C]
 14231  plaintext/
 14232  ├──\ file0.txt
 14233  ├──\ file1.txt
 14234  └──\ subdir
 14235  \ \ \ \ ├──\ file2.txt
 14236  \ \ \ \ ├──\ file3.txt
 14237  \ \ \ \ └──\ subsubdir
 14238  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ └──\ file4.txt
 14239  \f[]
 14240  .fi
 14241  .PP
 14242  Copy these to the remote and list them back
 14243  .IP
 14244  .nf
 14245  \f[C]
 14246  $\ rclone\ \-q\ copy\ plaintext\ secret:
 14247  $\ rclone\ \-q\ ls\ secret:
 14248  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 7\ file1.txt
 14249  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 6\ file0.txt
 14250  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 8\ subdir/file2.txt
 14251  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 10\ subdir/subsubdir/file4.txt
 14252  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 9\ subdir/file3.txt
 14253  \f[]
 14254  .fi
 14255  .PP
 14256  Now see what that looked like when encrypted
 14257  .IP
 14258  .nf
 14259  \f[C]
 14260  $\ rclone\ \-q\ ls\ remote:path
 14261  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 55\ hagjclgavj2mbiqm6u6cnjjqcg
 14262  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 54\ v05749mltvv1tf4onltun46gls
 14263  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 57\ 86vhrsv86mpbtd3a0akjuqslj8/dlj7fkq4kdq72emafg7a7s41uo
 14264  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 58\ 86vhrsv86mpbtd3a0akjuqslj8/7uu829995du6o42n32otfhjqp4/b9pausrfansjth5ob3jkdqd4lc
 14265  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 56\ 86vhrsv86mpbtd3a0akjuqslj8/8njh1sk437gttmep3p70g81aps
 14266  \f[]
 14267  .fi
 14268  .PP
 14269  Note that this retains the directory structure which means you can do
 14270  this
 14271  .IP
 14272  .nf
 14273  \f[C]
 14274  $\ rclone\ \-q\ ls\ secret:subdir
 14275  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 8\ file2.txt
 14276  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 9\ file3.txt
 14277  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 10\ subsubdir/file4.txt
 14278  \f[]
 14279  .fi
 14280  .PP
 14281  If don't use file name encryption then the remote will look like this \-
 14282  note the \f[C]\&.bin\f[] extensions added to prevent the cloud provider
 14283  attempting to interpret the data.
 14284  .IP
 14285  .nf
 14286  \f[C]
 14287  $\ rclone\ \-q\ ls\ remote:path
 14288  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 54\ file0.txt.bin
 14289  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 57\ subdir/file3.txt.bin
 14290  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 56\ subdir/file2.txt.bin
 14291  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 58\ subdir/subsubdir/file4.txt.bin
 14292  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 55\ file1.txt.bin
 14293  \f[]
 14294  .fi
 14295  .SS File name encryption modes
 14296  .PP
 14297  Here are some of the features of the file name encryption modes
 14298  .PP
 14299  Off
 14300  .IP \[bu] 2
 14301  doesn't hide file names or directory structure
 14302  .IP \[bu] 2
 14303  allows for longer file names (~246 characters)
 14304  .IP \[bu] 2
 14305  can use sub paths and copy single files
 14306  .PP
 14307  Standard
 14308  .IP \[bu] 2
 14309  file names encrypted
 14310  .IP \[bu] 2
 14311  file names can't be as long (~143 characters)
 14312  .IP \[bu] 2
 14313  can use sub paths and copy single files
 14314  .IP \[bu] 2
 14315  directory structure visible
 14316  .IP \[bu] 2
 14317  identical files names will have identical uploaded names
 14318  .IP \[bu] 2
 14319  can use shortcuts to shorten the directory recursion
 14320  .PP
 14321  Obfuscation
 14322  .PP
 14323  This is a simple \[lq]rotate\[rq] of the filename, with each file having
 14324  a rot distance based on the filename.
 14325  We store the distance at the beginning of the filename.
 14326  So a file called \[lq]hello\[rq] may become \[lq]53.jgnnq\[rq]
 14327  .PP
 14328  This is not a strong encryption of filenames, but it may stop automated
 14329  scanning tools from picking up on filename patterns.
 14330  As such it's an intermediate between \[lq]off\[rq] and
 14331  \[lq]standard\[rq].
 14332  The advantage is that it allows for longer path segment names.
 14333  .PP
 14334  There is a possibility with some unicode based filenames that the
 14335  obfuscation is weak and may map lower case characters to upper case
 14336  equivalents.
 14337  You can not rely on this for strong protection.
 14338  .IP \[bu] 2
 14339  file names very lightly obfuscated
 14340  .IP \[bu] 2
 14341  file names can be longer than standard encryption
 14342  .IP \[bu] 2
 14343  can use sub paths and copy single files
 14344  .IP \[bu] 2
 14345  directory structure visible
 14346  .IP \[bu] 2
 14347  identical files names will have identical uploaded names
 14348  .PP
 14349  Cloud storage systems have various limits on file name length and total
 14350  path length which you are more likely to hit using \[lq]Standard\[rq]
 14351  file name encryption.
 14352  If you keep your file names to below 156 characters in length then you
 14353  should be OK on all providers.
 14354  .PP
 14355  There may be an even more secure file name encryption mode in the future
 14356  which will address the long file name problem.
 14357  .SS Directory name encryption
 14358  .PP
 14359  Crypt offers the option of encrypting dir names or leaving them intact.
 14360  There are two options:
 14361  .PP
 14362  True
 14363  .PP
 14364  Encrypts the whole file path including directory names Example:
 14365  \f[C]1/12/123.txt\f[] is encrypted to
 14366  \f[C]p0e52nreeaj0a5ea7s64m4j72s/l42g6771hnv3an9cgc8cr2n1ng/qgm4avr35m5loi1th53ato71v0\f[]
 14367  .PP
 14368  False
 14369  .PP
 14370  Only encrypts file names, skips directory names Example:
 14371  \f[C]1/12/123.txt\f[] is encrypted to
 14372  \f[C]1/12/qgm4avr35m5loi1th53ato71v0\f[]
 14373  .SS Modified time and hashes
 14374  .PP
 14375  Crypt stores modification times using the underlying remote so support
 14376  depends on that.
 14377  .PP
 14378  Hashes are not stored for crypt.
 14379  However the data integrity is protected by an extremely strong crypto
 14380  authenticator.
 14381  .PP
 14382  Note that you should use the \f[C]rclone\ cryptcheck\f[] command to
 14383  check the integrity of a crypted remote instead of
 14384  \f[C]rclone\ check\f[] which can't check the checksums properly.
 14385  .SS Standard Options
 14386  .PP
 14387  Here are the standard options specific to crypt (Encrypt/Decrypt a
 14388  remote).
 14389  .SS \[en]crypt\-remote
 14390  .PP
 14391  Remote to encrypt/decrypt.
 14392  Normally should contain a `:' and a path, eg
 14393  \[lq]myremote:path/to/dir\[rq], \[lq]myremote:bucket\[rq] or maybe
 14394  \[lq]myremote:\[rq] (not recommended).
 14395  .IP \[bu] 2
 14396  Config: remote
 14397  .IP \[bu] 2
 14399  .IP \[bu] 2
 14400  Type: string
 14401  .IP \[bu] 2
 14402  Default: ""
 14403  .SS \[en]crypt\-filename\-encryption
 14404  .PP
 14405  How to encrypt the filenames.
 14406  .IP \[bu] 2
 14407  Config: filename_encryption
 14408  .IP \[bu] 2
 14410  .IP \[bu] 2
 14411  Type: string
 14412  .IP \[bu] 2
 14413  Default: \[lq]standard\[rq]
 14414  .IP \[bu] 2
 14415  Examples:
 14416  .RS 2
 14417  .IP \[bu] 2
 14418  \[lq]off\[rq]
 14419  .RS 2
 14420  .IP \[bu] 2
 14421  Don't encrypt the file names.
 14422  Adds a \[lq].bin\[rq] extension only.
 14423  .RE
 14424  .IP \[bu] 2
 14425  \[lq]standard\[rq]
 14426  .RS 2
 14427  .IP \[bu] 2
 14428  Encrypt the filenames see the docs for the details.
 14429  .RE
 14430  .IP \[bu] 2
 14431  \[lq]obfuscate\[rq]
 14432  .RS 2
 14433  .IP \[bu] 2
 14434  Very simple filename obfuscation.
 14435  .RE
 14436  .RE
 14437  .SS \[en]crypt\-directory\-name\-encryption
 14438  .PP
 14439  Option to either encrypt directory names or leave them intact.
 14440  .IP \[bu] 2
 14441  Config: directory_name_encryption
 14442  .IP \[bu] 2
 14444  .IP \[bu] 2
 14445  Type: bool
 14446  .IP \[bu] 2
 14447  Default: true
 14448  .IP \[bu] 2
 14449  Examples:
 14450  .RS 2
 14451  .IP \[bu] 2
 14452  \[lq]true\[rq]
 14453  .RS 2
 14454  .IP \[bu] 2
 14455  Encrypt directory names.
 14456  .RE
 14457  .IP \[bu] 2
 14458  \[lq]false\[rq]
 14459  .RS 2
 14460  .IP \[bu] 2
 14461  Don't encrypt directory names, leave them intact.
 14462  .RE
 14463  .RE
 14464  .SS \[en]crypt\-password
 14465  .PP
 14466  Password or pass phrase for encryption.
 14467  .IP \[bu] 2
 14468  Config: password
 14469  .IP \[bu] 2
 14471  .IP \[bu] 2
 14472  Type: string
 14473  .IP \[bu] 2
 14474  Default: ""
 14475  .SS \[en]crypt\-password2
 14476  .PP
 14477  Password or pass phrase for salt.
 14478  Optional but recommended.
 14479  Should be different to the previous password.
 14480  .IP \[bu] 2
 14481  Config: password2
 14482  .IP \[bu] 2
 14484  .IP \[bu] 2
 14485  Type: string
 14486  .IP \[bu] 2
 14487  Default: ""
 14488  .SS Advanced Options
 14489  .PP
 14490  Here are the advanced options specific to crypt (Encrypt/Decrypt a
 14491  remote).
 14492  .SS \[en]crypt\-show\-mapping
 14493  .PP
 14494  For all files listed show how the names encrypt.
 14495  .PP
 14496  If this flag is set then for each file that the remote is asked to list,
 14497  it will log (at level INFO) a line stating the decrypted file name and
 14498  the encrypted file name.
 14499  .PP
 14500  This is so you can work out which encrypted names are which decrypted
 14501  names just in case you need to do something with the encrypted file
 14502  names, or for debugging purposes.
 14503  .IP \[bu] 2
 14504  Config: show_mapping
 14505  .IP \[bu] 2
 14507  .IP \[bu] 2
 14508  Type: bool
 14509  .IP \[bu] 2
 14510  Default: false
 14511  .SS Backing up a crypted remote
 14512  .PP
 14513  If you wish to backup a crypted remote, it it recommended that you use
 14514  \f[C]rclone\ sync\f[] on the encrypted files, and make sure the
 14515  passwords are the same in the new encrypted remote.
 14516  .PP
 14517  This will have the following advantages
 14518  .IP \[bu] 2
 14519  \f[C]rclone\ sync\f[] will check the checksums while copying
 14520  .IP \[bu] 2
 14521  you can use \f[C]rclone\ check\f[] between the encrypted remotes
 14522  .IP \[bu] 2
 14523  you don't decrypt and encrypt unnecessarily
 14524  .PP
 14525  For example, let's say you have your original remote at \f[C]remote:\f[]
 14526  with the encrypted version at \f[C]eremote:\f[] with path
 14527  \f[C]remote:crypt\f[].
 14528  You would then set up the new remote \f[C]remote2:\f[] and then the
 14529  encrypted version \f[C]eremote2:\f[] with path \f[C]remote2:crypt\f[]
 14530  using the same passwords as \f[C]eremote:\f[].
 14531  .PP
 14532  To sync the two remotes you would do
 14533  .IP
 14534  .nf
 14535  \f[C]
 14536  rclone\ sync\ remote:crypt\ remote2:crypt
 14537  \f[]
 14538  .fi
 14539  .PP
 14540  And to check the integrity you would do
 14541  .IP
 14542  .nf
 14543  \f[C]
 14544  rclone\ check\ remote:crypt\ remote2:crypt
 14545  \f[]
 14546  .fi
 14547  .SS File formats
 14548  .SS File encryption
 14549  .PP
 14550  Files are encrypted 1:1 source file to destination object.
 14551  The file has a header and is divided into chunks.
 14552  .SS Header
 14553  .IP \[bu] 2
 14554  8 bytes magic string \f[C]RCLONE\\x00\\x00\f[]
 14555  .IP \[bu] 2
 14556  24 bytes Nonce (IV)
 14557  .PP
 14558  The initial nonce is generated from the operating systems crypto strong
 14559  random number generator.
 14560  The nonce is incremented for each chunk read making sure each nonce is
 14561  unique for each block written.
 14562  The chance of a nonce being re\-used is minuscule.
 14563  If you wrote an exabyte of data (10¹⁸ bytes) you would have a
 14564  probability of approximately 2×10⁻³² of re\-using a nonce.
 14565  .SS Chunk
 14566  .PP
 14567  Each chunk will contain 64kB of data, except for the last one which may
 14568  have less data.
 14569  The data chunk is in standard NACL secretbox format.
 14570  Secretbox uses XSalsa20 and Poly1305 to encrypt and authenticate
 14571  messages.
 14572  .PP
 14573  Each chunk contains:
 14574  .IP \[bu] 2
 14575  16 Bytes of Poly1305 authenticator
 14576  .IP \[bu] 2
 14577  1 \- 65536 bytes XSalsa20 encrypted data
 14578  .PP
 14579  64k chunk size was chosen as the best performing chunk size (the
 14580  authenticator takes too much time below this and the performance drops
 14581  off due to cache effects above this).
 14582  Note that these chunks are buffered in memory so they can't be too big.
 14583  .PP
 14584  This uses a 32 byte (256 bit key) key derived from the user password.
 14585  .SS Examples
 14586  .PP
 14587  1 byte file will encrypt to
 14588  .IP \[bu] 2
 14589  32 bytes header
 14590  .IP \[bu] 2
 14591  17 bytes data chunk
 14592  .PP
 14593  49 bytes total
 14594  .PP
 14595  1MB (1048576 bytes) file will encrypt to
 14596  .IP \[bu] 2
 14597  32 bytes header
 14598  .IP \[bu] 2
 14599  16 chunks of 65568 bytes
 14600  .PP
 14601  1049120 bytes total (a 0.05% overhead).
 14602  This is the overhead for big files.
 14603  .SS Name encryption
 14604  .PP
 14605  File names are encrypted segment by segment \- the path is broken up
 14606  into \f[C]/\f[] separated strings and these are encrypted individually.
 14607  .PP
 14608  File segments are padded using using PKCS#7 to a multiple of 16 bytes
 14609  before encryption.
 14610  .PP
 14611  They are then encrypted with EME using AES with 256 bit key.
 14612  EME (ECB\-Mix\-ECB) is a wide\-block encryption mode presented in the
 14613  2003 paper \[lq]A Parallelizable Enciphering Mode\[rq] by Halevi and
 14614  Rogaway.
 14615  .PP
 14616  This makes for deterministic encryption which is what we want \- the
 14617  same filename must encrypt to the same thing otherwise we can't find it
 14618  on the cloud storage system.
 14619  .PP
 14620  This means that
 14621  .IP \[bu] 2
 14622  filenames with the same name will encrypt the same
 14623  .IP \[bu] 2
 14624  filenames which start the same won't have a common prefix
 14625  .PP
 14626  This uses a 32 byte key (256 bits) and a 16 byte (128 bits) IV both of
 14627  which are derived from the user password.
 14628  .PP
 14629  After encryption they are written out using a modified version of
 14630  standard \f[C]base32\f[] encoding as described in RFC4648.
 14631  The standard encoding is modified in two ways:
 14632  .IP \[bu] 2
 14633  it becomes lower case (no\-one likes upper case filenames!)
 14634  .IP \[bu] 2
 14635  we strip the padding character \f[C]=\f[]
 14636  .PP
 14637  \f[C]base32\f[] is used rather than the more efficient \f[C]base64\f[]
 14638  so rclone can be used on case insensitive remotes (eg Windows, Amazon
 14639  Drive).
 14640  .SS Key derivation
 14641  .PP
 14642  Rclone uses \f[C]scrypt\f[] with parameters \f[C]N=16384,\ r=8,\ p=1\f[]
 14643  with an optional user supplied salt (password2) to derive the 32+32+16 =
 14644  80 bytes of key material required.
 14645  If the user doesn't supply a salt then rclone uses an internal one.
 14646  .PP
 14647  \f[C]scrypt\f[] makes it impractical to mount a dictionary attack on
 14648  rclone encrypted data.
 14649  For full protection against this you should always use a salt.
 14650  .SS Dropbox
 14651  .PP
 14652  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:path\f[]
 14653  .PP
 14654  Dropbox paths may be as deep as required, eg
 14655  \f[C]remote:directory/subdirectory\f[].
 14656  .PP
 14657  The initial setup for dropbox involves getting a token from Dropbox
 14658  which you need to do in your browser.
 14659  \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] walks you through it.
 14660  .PP
 14661  Here is an example of how to make a remote called \f[C]remote\f[].
 14662  First run:
 14663  .IP
 14664  .nf
 14665  \f[C]
 14666  \ rclone\ config
 14667  \f[]
 14668  .fi
 14669  .PP
 14670  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 14671  .IP
 14672  .nf
 14673  \f[C]
 14674  n)\ New\ remote
 14675  d)\ Delete\ remote
 14676  q)\ Quit\ config
 14677  e/n/d/q>\ n
 14678  name>\ remote
 14679  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 14680  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 14681  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 14682  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 14683  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
 14684  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 14685  \ 3\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 14686  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 14687  \ 4\ /\ Dropbox
 14688  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 14689  \ 5\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 14690  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 14691  \ 6\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 14692  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 14693  \ 7\ /\ Google\ Drive
 14694  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 14695  \ 8\ /\ Hubic
 14696  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 14697  \ 9\ /\ Local\ Disk
 14698  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 14699  10\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 14700  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 14701  11\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 14702  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 14703  12\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 14704  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 14705  13\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 14706  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 14707  Storage>\ 4
 14708  Dropbox\ App\ Key\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 14709  app_key>
 14710  Dropbox\ App\ Secret\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 14711  app_secret>
 14712  Remote\ config
 14713  Please\ visit:
 14716  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 14717  [remote]
 14718  app_key\ =
 14719  app_secret\ =
 14721  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 14722  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 14723  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 14724  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 14725  y/e/d>\ y
 14726  \f[]
 14727  .fi
 14728  .PP
 14729  You can then use it like this,
 14730  .PP
 14731  List directories in top level of your dropbox
 14732  .IP
 14733  .nf
 14734  \f[C]
 14735  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 14736  \f[]
 14737  .fi
 14738  .PP
 14739  List all the files in your dropbox
 14740  .IP
 14741  .nf
 14742  \f[C]
 14743  rclone\ ls\ remote:
 14744  \f[]
 14745  .fi
 14746  .PP
 14747  To copy a local directory to a dropbox directory called backup
 14748  .IP
 14749  .nf
 14750  \f[C]
 14751  rclone\ copy\ /home/source\ remote:backup
 14752  \f[]
 14753  .fi
 14754  .SS Dropbox for business
 14755  .PP
 14756  Rclone supports Dropbox for business and Team Folders.
 14757  .PP
 14758  When using Dropbox for business \f[C]remote:\f[] and
 14759  \f[C]remote:path/to/file\f[] will refer to your personal folder.
 14760  .PP
 14761  If you wish to see Team Folders you must use a leading \f[C]/\f[] in the
 14762  path, so \f[C]rclone\ lsd\ remote:/\f[] will refer to the root and show
 14763  you all Team Folders and your User Folder.
 14764  .PP
 14765  You can then use team folders like this \f[C]remote:/TeamFolder\f[] and
 14766  \f[C]remote:/TeamFolder/path/to/file\f[].
 14767  .PP
 14768  A leading \f[C]/\f[] for a Dropbox personal account will do nothing, but
 14769  it will take an extra HTTP transaction so it should be avoided.
 14770  .SS Modified time and Hashes
 14771  .PP
 14772  Dropbox supports modified times, but the only way to set a modification
 14773  time is to re\-upload the file.
 14774  .PP
 14775  This means that if you uploaded your data with an older version of
 14776  rclone which didn't support the v2 API and modified times, rclone will
 14777  decide to upload all your old data to fix the modification times.
 14778  If you don't want this to happen use \f[C]\-\-size\-only\f[] or
 14779  \f[C]\-\-checksum\f[] flag to stop it.
 14780  .PP
 14781  Dropbox supports its own hash
 14782  type ( which
 14783  is checked for all transfers.
 14784  .SS Standard Options
 14785  .PP
 14786  Here are the standard options specific to dropbox (Dropbox).
 14787  .SS \[en]dropbox\-client\-id
 14788  .PP
 14789  Dropbox App Client Id Leave blank normally.
 14790  .IP \[bu] 2
 14791  Config: client_id
 14792  .IP \[bu] 2
 14794  .IP \[bu] 2
 14795  Type: string
 14796  .IP \[bu] 2
 14797  Default: ""
 14798  .SS \[en]dropbox\-client\-secret
 14799  .PP
 14800  Dropbox App Client Secret Leave blank normally.
 14801  .IP \[bu] 2
 14802  Config: client_secret
 14803  .IP \[bu] 2
 14805  .IP \[bu] 2
 14806  Type: string
 14807  .IP \[bu] 2
 14808  Default: ""
 14809  .SS Advanced Options
 14810  .PP
 14811  Here are the advanced options specific to dropbox (Dropbox).
 14812  .SS \[en]dropbox\-chunk\-size
 14813  .PP
 14814  Upload chunk size.
 14815  (< 150M).
 14816  .PP
 14817  Any files larger than this will be uploaded in chunks of this size.
 14818  .PP
 14819  Note that chunks are buffered in memory (one at a time) so rclone can
 14820  deal with retries.
 14821  Setting this larger will increase the speed slightly (at most 10% for
 14822  128MB in tests) at the cost of using more memory.
 14823  It can be set smaller if you are tight on memory.
 14824  .IP \[bu] 2
 14825  Config: chunk_size
 14826  .IP \[bu] 2
 14828  .IP \[bu] 2
 14829  Type: SizeSuffix
 14830  .IP \[bu] 2
 14831  Default: 48M
 14832  .SS \[en]dropbox\-impersonate
 14833  .PP
 14834  Impersonate this user when using a business account.
 14835  .IP \[bu] 2
 14836  Config: impersonate
 14837  .IP \[bu] 2
 14839  .IP \[bu] 2
 14840  Type: string
 14841  .IP \[bu] 2
 14842  Default: ""
 14843  .SS Limitations
 14844  .PP
 14845  Note that Dropbox is case insensitive so you can't have a file called
 14846  \[lq]Hello.doc\[rq] and one called \[lq]hello.doc\[rq].
 14847  .PP
 14848  There are some file names such as \f[C]thumbs.db\f[] which Dropbox can't
 14849  store.
 14850  There is a full list of them in the \[lq]Ignored Files\[rq] section of
 14851  this document (
 14852  Rclone will issue an error message
 14853  \f[C]File\ name\ disallowed\ \-\ not\ uploading\f[] if it attempts to
 14854  upload one of those file names, but the sync won't fail.
 14855  .PP
 14856  If you have more than 10,000 files in a directory then
 14857  \f[C]rclone\ purge\ dropbox:dir\f[] will return the error
 14858  \f[C]Failed\ to\ purge:\ There\ are\ too\ many\ files\ involved\ in\ this\ operation\f[].
 14859  As a work\-around do an \f[C]rclone\ delete\ dropbox:dir\f[] followed by
 14860  an \f[C]rclone\ rmdir\ dropbox:dir\f[].
 14861  .SS FTP
 14862  .PP
 14863  FTP is the File Transfer Protocol.
 14864  FTP support is provided using the
 14865 (
 14866  package.
 14867  .PP
 14868  Here is an example of making an FTP configuration.
 14869  First run
 14870  .IP
 14871  .nf
 14872  \f[C]
 14873  rclone\ config
 14874  \f[]
 14875  .fi
 14876  .PP
 14877  This will guide you through an interactive setup process.
 14878  An FTP remote only needs a host together with and a username and a
 14879  password.
 14880  With anonymous FTP server, you will need to use \f[C]anonymous\f[] as
 14881  username and your email address as the password.
 14882  .IP
 14883  .nf
 14884  \f[C]
 14885  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 14886  n)\ New\ remote
 14887  r)\ Rename\ remote
 14888  c)\ Copy\ remote
 14889  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 14890  q)\ Quit\ config
 14891  n/r/c/s/q>\ n
 14892  name>\ remote
 14893  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 14894  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 14895  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 14896  [snip]
 14897  10\ /\ FTP\ Connection
 14898  \ \ \ \\\ "ftp"
 14899  [snip]
 14900  Storage>\ ftp
 14901  **\ See\ help\ for\ ftp\ backend\ at:\\ **
 14903  FTP\ host\ to\ connect\ to
 14904  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 14905  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 14906  \ 1\ /\ Connect\ to\
 14907  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 14908  host>\
 14909  FTP\ username,\ leave\ blank\ for\ current\ username,\ ncw
 14910  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 14911  user>\ 
 14912  FTP\ port,\ leave\ blank\ to\ use\ default\ (21)
 14913  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 14914  port>\ 
 14915  FTP\ password
 14916  y)\ Yes\ type\ in\ my\ own\ password
 14917  g)\ Generate\ random\ password
 14918  y/g>\ y
 14919  Enter\ the\ password:
 14920  password:
 14921  Confirm\ the\ password:
 14922  password:
 14923  Use\ FTP\ over\ TLS\ (Implicit)
 14924  Enter\ a\ boolean\ value\ (true\ or\ false).\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("false").
 14925  tls>\ 
 14926  Remote\ config
 14927  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 14928  [remote]
 14929  type\ =\ ftp
 14930  host\ =\
 14931  pass\ =\ ***\ ENCRYPTED\ ***
 14932  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 14933  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 14934  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 14935  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 14936  y/e/d>\ y
 14937  \f[]
 14938  .fi
 14939  .PP
 14940  This remote is called \f[C]remote\f[] and can now be used like this
 14941  .PP
 14942  See all directories in the home directory
 14943  .IP
 14944  .nf
 14945  \f[C]
 14946  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 14947  \f[]
 14948  .fi
 14949  .PP
 14950  Make a new directory
 14951  .IP
 14952  .nf
 14953  \f[C]
 14954  rclone\ mkdir\ remote:path/to/directory
 14955  \f[]
 14956  .fi
 14957  .PP
 14958  List the contents of a directory
 14959  .IP
 14960  .nf
 14961  \f[C]
 14962  rclone\ ls\ remote:path/to/directory
 14963  \f[]
 14964  .fi
 14965  .PP
 14966  Sync \f[C]/home/local/directory\f[] to the remote directory, deleting
 14967  any excess files in the directory.
 14968  .IP
 14969  .nf
 14970  \f[C]
 14971  rclone\ sync\ /home/local/directory\ remote:directory
 14972  \f[]
 14973  .fi
 14974  .SS Modified time
 14975  .PP
 14976  FTP does not support modified times.
 14977  Any times you see on the server will be time of upload.
 14978  .SS Checksums
 14979  .PP
 14980  FTP does not support any checksums.
 14981  .SS Implicit TLS
 14982  .PP
 14983  FTP supports implicit FTP over TLS servers (FTPS).
 14984  This has to be enabled in the config for the remote.
 14985  The default FTPS port is \f[C]990\f[] so the port will likely have to be
 14986  explictly set in the config for the remote.
 14987  .SS Standard Options
 14988  .PP
 14989  Here are the standard options specific to ftp (FTP Connection).
 14990  .SS \[en]ftp\-host
 14991  .PP
 14992  FTP host to connect to
 14993  .IP \[bu] 2
 14994  Config: host
 14995  .IP \[bu] 2
 14996  Env Var: RCLONE_FTP_HOST
 14997  .IP \[bu] 2
 14998  Type: string
 14999  .IP \[bu] 2
 15000  Default: ""
 15001  .IP \[bu] 2
 15002  Examples:
 15003  .RS 2
 15004  .IP \[bu] 2
 15005  \[lq]\[rq]
 15006  .RS 2
 15007  .IP \[bu] 2
 15008  Connect to
 15009  .RE
 15010  .RE
 15011  .SS \[en]ftp\-user
 15012  .PP
 15013  FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER
 15014  .IP \[bu] 2
 15015  Config: user
 15016  .IP \[bu] 2
 15017  Env Var: RCLONE_FTP_USER
 15018  .IP \[bu] 2
 15019  Type: string
 15020  .IP \[bu] 2
 15021  Default: ""
 15022  .SS \[en]ftp\-port
 15023  .PP
 15024  FTP port, leave blank to use default (21)
 15025  .IP \[bu] 2
 15026  Config: port
 15027  .IP \[bu] 2
 15028  Env Var: RCLONE_FTP_PORT
 15029  .IP \[bu] 2
 15030  Type: string
 15031  .IP \[bu] 2
 15032  Default: ""
 15033  .SS \[en]ftp\-pass
 15034  .PP
 15035  FTP password
 15036  .IP \[bu] 2
 15037  Config: pass
 15038  .IP \[bu] 2
 15039  Env Var: RCLONE_FTP_PASS
 15040  .IP \[bu] 2
 15041  Type: string
 15042  .IP \[bu] 2
 15043  Default: ""
 15044  .SS \[en]ftp\-tls
 15045  .PP
 15046  Use FTP over TLS (Implicit)
 15047  .IP \[bu] 2
 15048  Config: tls
 15049  .IP \[bu] 2
 15050  Env Var: RCLONE_FTP_TLS
 15051  .IP \[bu] 2
 15052  Type: bool
 15053  .IP \[bu] 2
 15054  Default: false
 15055  .SS Advanced Options
 15056  .PP
 15057  Here are the advanced options specific to ftp (FTP Connection).
 15058  .SS \[en]ftp\-concurrency
 15059  .PP
 15060  Maximum number of FTP simultaneous connections, 0 for unlimited
 15061  .IP \[bu] 2
 15062  Config: concurrency
 15063  .IP \[bu] 2
 15065  .IP \[bu] 2
 15066  Type: int
 15067  .IP \[bu] 2
 15068  Default: 0
 15069  .SS \[en]ftp\-no\-check\-certificate
 15070  .PP
 15071  Do not verify the TLS certificate of the server
 15072  .IP \[bu] 2
 15073  Config: no_check_certificate
 15074  .IP \[bu] 2
 15076  .IP \[bu] 2
 15077  Type: bool
 15078  .IP \[bu] 2
 15079  Default: false
 15080  .SS Limitations
 15081  .PP
 15082  Note that since FTP isn't HTTP based the following flags don't work with
 15083  it: \f[C]\-\-dump\-headers\f[], \f[C]\-\-dump\-bodies\f[],
 15084  \f[C]\-\-dump\-auth\f[]
 15085  .PP
 15086  Note that \f[C]\-\-timeout\f[] isn't supported (but
 15087  \f[C]\-\-contimeout\f[] is).
 15088  .PP
 15089  Note that \f[C]\-\-bind\f[] isn't supported.
 15090  .PP
 15091  FTP could support server side move but doesn't yet.
 15092  .PP
 15093  Note that the ftp backend does not support the \f[C]ftp_proxy\f[]
 15094  environment variable yet.
 15095  .PP
 15096  Note that while implicit FTP over TLS is supported, explicit FTP over
 15097  TLS is not.
 15098  .SS Google Cloud Storage
 15099  .PP
 15100  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:bucket\f[] (or \f[C]remote:\f[] for
 15101  the \f[C]lsd\f[] command.) You may put subdirectories in too, eg
 15102  \f[C]remote:bucket/path/to/dir\f[].
 15103  .PP
 15104  The initial setup for google cloud storage involves getting a token from
 15105  Google Cloud Storage which you need to do in your browser.
 15106  \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] walks you through it.
 15107  .PP
 15108  Here is an example of how to make a remote called \f[C]remote\f[].
 15109  First run:
 15110  .IP
 15111  .nf
 15112  \f[C]
 15113  \ rclone\ config
 15114  \f[]
 15115  .fi
 15116  .PP
 15117  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 15118  .IP
 15119  .nf
 15120  \f[C]
 15121  n)\ New\ remote
 15122  d)\ Delete\ remote
 15123  q)\ Quit\ config
 15124  e/n/d/q>\ n
 15125  name>\ remote
 15126  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 15127  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 15128  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 15129  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 15130  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
 15131  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 15132  \ 3\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 15133  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 15134  \ 4\ /\ Dropbox
 15135  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 15136  \ 5\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 15137  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 15138  \ 6\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 15139  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 15140  \ 7\ /\ Google\ Drive
 15141  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 15142  \ 8\ /\ Hubic
 15143  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 15144  \ 9\ /\ Local\ Disk
 15145  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 15146  10\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 15147  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 15148  11\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 15149  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 15150  12\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 15151  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 15152  13\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 15153  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 15154  Storage>\ 6
 15155  Google\ Application\ Client\ Id\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 15156  client_id>
 15157  Google\ Application\ Client\ Secret\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 15158  client_secret>
 15159  Project\ number\ optional\ \-\ needed\ only\ for\ list/create/delete\ buckets\ \-\ see\ your\ developer\ console.
 15160  project_number>\ 12345678
 15161  Service\ Account\ Credentials\ JSON\ file\ path\ \-\ needed\ only\ if\ you\ want\ use\ SA\ instead\ of\ interactive\ login.
 15162  service_account_file>
 15163  Access\ Control\ List\ for\ new\ objects.
 15164  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 15165  \ 1\ /\ Object\ owner\ gets\ OWNER\ access,\ and\ all\ Authenticated\ Users\ get\ READER\ access.
 15166  \ \ \ \\\ "authenticatedRead"
 15167  \ 2\ /\ Object\ owner\ gets\ OWNER\ access,\ and\ project\ team\ owners\ get\ OWNER\ access.
 15168  \ \ \ \\\ "bucketOwnerFullControl"
 15169  \ 3\ /\ Object\ owner\ gets\ OWNER\ access,\ and\ project\ team\ owners\ get\ READER\ access.
 15170  \ \ \ \\\ "bucketOwnerRead"
 15171  \ 4\ /\ Object\ owner\ gets\ OWNER\ access\ [default\ if\ left\ blank].
 15172  \ \ \ \\\ "private"
 15173  \ 5\ /\ Object\ owner\ gets\ OWNER\ access,\ and\ project\ team\ members\ get\ access\ according\ to\ their\ roles.
 15174  \ \ \ \\\ "projectPrivate"
 15175  \ 6\ /\ Object\ owner\ gets\ OWNER\ access,\ and\ all\ Users\ get\ READER\ access.
 15176  \ \ \ \\\ "publicRead"
 15177  object_acl>\ 4
 15178  Access\ Control\ List\ for\ new\ buckets.
 15179  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 15180  \ 1\ /\ Project\ team\ owners\ get\ OWNER\ access,\ and\ all\ Authenticated\ Users\ get\ READER\ access.
 15181  \ \ \ \\\ "authenticatedRead"
 15182  \ 2\ /\ Project\ team\ owners\ get\ OWNER\ access\ [default\ if\ left\ blank].
 15183  \ \ \ \\\ "private"
 15184  \ 3\ /\ Project\ team\ members\ get\ access\ according\ to\ their\ roles.
 15185  \ \ \ \\\ "projectPrivate"
 15186  \ 4\ /\ Project\ team\ owners\ get\ OWNER\ access,\ and\ all\ Users\ get\ READER\ access.
 15187  \ \ \ \\\ "publicRead"
 15188  \ 5\ /\ Project\ team\ owners\ get\ OWNER\ access,\ and\ all\ Users\ get\ WRITER\ access.
 15189  \ \ \ \\\ "publicReadWrite"
 15190  bucket_acl>\ 2
 15191  Location\ for\ the\ newly\ created\ buckets.
 15192  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 15193  \ 1\ /\ Empty\ for\ default\ location\ (US).
 15194  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 15195  \ 2\ /\ Multi\-regional\ location\ for\ Asia.
 15196  \ \ \ \\\ "asia"
 15197  \ 3\ /\ Multi\-regional\ location\ for\ Europe.
 15198  \ \ \ \\\ "eu"
 15199  \ 4\ /\ Multi\-regional\ location\ for\ United\ States.
 15200  \ \ \ \\\ "us"
 15201  \ 5\ /\ Taiwan.
 15202  \ \ \ \\\ "asia\-east1"
 15203  \ 6\ /\ Tokyo.
 15204  \ \ \ \\\ "asia\-northeast1"
 15205  \ 7\ /\ Singapore.
 15206  \ \ \ \\\ "asia\-southeast1"
 15207  \ 8\ /\ Sydney.
 15208  \ \ \ \\\ "australia\-southeast1"
 15209  \ 9\ /\ Belgium.
 15210  \ \ \ \\\ "europe\-west1"
 15211  10\ /\ London.
 15212  \ \ \ \\\ "europe\-west2"
 15213  11\ /\ Iowa.
 15214  \ \ \ \\\ "us\-central1"
 15215  12\ /\ South\ Carolina.
 15216  \ \ \ \\\ "us\-east1"
 15217  13\ /\ Northern\ Virginia.
 15218  \ \ \ \\\ "us\-east4"
 15219  14\ /\ Oregon.
 15220  \ \ \ \\\ "us\-west1"
 15221  location>\ 12
 15222  The\ storage\ class\ to\ use\ when\ storing\ objects\ in\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage.
 15223  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 15224  \ 1\ /\ Default
 15225  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 15226  \ 2\ /\ Multi\-regional\ storage\ class
 15227  \ \ \ \\\ "MULTI_REGIONAL"
 15228  \ 3\ /\ Regional\ storage\ class
 15229  \ \ \ \\\ "REGIONAL"
 15230  \ 4\ /\ Nearline\ storage\ class
 15231  \ \ \ \\\ "NEARLINE"
 15232  \ 5\ /\ Coldline\ storage\ class
 15233  \ \ \ \\\ "COLDLINE"
 15234  \ 6\ /\ Durable\ reduced\ availability\ storage\ class
 15236  storage_class>\ 5
 15237  Remote\ config
 15238  Use\ auto\ config?
 15239  \ *\ Say\ Y\ if\ not\ sure
 15240  \ *\ Say\ N\ if\ you\ are\ working\ on\ a\ remote\ or\ headless\ machine\ or\ Y\ didn\[aq]t\ work
 15241  y)\ Yes
 15242  n)\ No
 15243  y/n>\ y
 15244  If\ your\ browser\ doesn\[aq]t\ open\ automatically\ go\ to\ the\ following\ link:\
 15245  Log\ in\ and\ authorize\ rclone\ for\ access
 15246  Waiting\ for\ code...
 15247  Got\ code
 15248  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 15249  [remote]
 15250  type\ =\ google\ cloud\ storage
 15251  client_id\ =
 15252  client_secret\ =
 15253  token\ =\ {"AccessToken":"xxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","RefreshToken":"x/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxx","Expiry":"2014\-07\-17T20:49:14.929208288+01:00","Extra":null}
 15254  project_number\ =\ 12345678
 15255  object_acl\ =\ private
 15256  bucket_acl\ =\ private
 15257  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 15258  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 15259  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 15260  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 15261  y/e/d>\ y
 15262  \f[]
 15263  .fi
 15264  .PP
 15265  Note that rclone runs a webserver on your local machine to collect the
 15266  token as returned from Google if you use auto config mode.
 15267  This only runs from the moment it opens your browser to the moment you
 15268  get back the verification code.
 15269  This is on \f[C]\f[] and this it may require you
 15270  to unblock it temporarily if you are running a host firewall, or use
 15271  manual mode.
 15272  .PP
 15273  This remote is called \f[C]remote\f[] and can now be used like this
 15274  .PP
 15275  See all the buckets in your project
 15276  .IP
 15277  .nf
 15278  \f[C]
 15279  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 15280  \f[]
 15281  .fi
 15282  .PP
 15283  Make a new bucket
 15284  .IP
 15285  .nf
 15286  \f[C]
 15287  rclone\ mkdir\ remote:bucket
 15288  \f[]
 15289  .fi
 15290  .PP
 15291  List the contents of a bucket
 15292  .IP
 15293  .nf
 15294  \f[C]
 15295  rclone\ ls\ remote:bucket
 15296  \f[]
 15297  .fi
 15298  .PP
 15299  Sync \f[C]/home/local/directory\f[] to the remote bucket, deleting any
 15300  excess files in the bucket.
 15301  .IP
 15302  .nf
 15303  \f[C]
 15304  rclone\ sync\ /home/local/directory\ remote:bucket
 15305  \f[]
 15306  .fi
 15307  .SS Service Account support
 15308  .PP
 15309  You can set up rclone with Google Cloud Storage in an unattended mode,
 15310  i.e.\ not tied to a specific end\-user Google account.
 15311  This is useful when you want to synchronise files onto machines that
 15312  don't have actively logged\-in users, for example build machines.
 15313  .PP
 15314  To get credentials for Google Cloud Platform IAM Service
 15315  Accounts (, please
 15316  head to the Service
 15317  Account (
 15318  section of the Google Developer Console.
 15319  Service Accounts behave just like normal \f[C]User\f[] permissions in
 15320  Google Cloud Storage
 15321  ACLs (, so you can
 15322  limit their access (e.g.\ make them read only).
 15323  After creating an account, a JSON file containing the Service Account's
 15324  credentials will be downloaded onto your machines.
 15325  These credentials are what rclone will use for authentication.
 15326  .PP
 15327  To use a Service Account instead of OAuth2 token flow, enter the path to
 15328  your Service Account credentials at the \f[C]service_account_file\f[]
 15329  prompt and rclone won't use the browser based authentication flow.
 15330  If you'd rather stuff the contents of the credentials file into the
 15331  rclone config file, you can set \f[C]service_account_credentials\f[]
 15332  with the actual contents of the file instead, or set the equivalent
 15333  environment variable.
 15334  .SS Application Default Credentials
 15335  .PP
 15336  If no other source of credentials is provided, rclone will fall back to
 15337  Application Default
 15338  Credentials (
 15339  this is useful both when you already have configured authentication for
 15340  your developer account, or in production when running on a google
 15341  compute host.
 15342  Note that if running in docker, you may need to run additional commands
 15343  on your google compute machine \- see this
 15344  page (
 15345  .PP
 15346  Note that in the case application default credentials are used, there is
 15347  no need to explicitly configure a project number.
 15348  .SS \[en]fast\-list
 15349  .PP
 15350  This remote supports \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] which allows you to use
 15351  fewer transactions in exchange for more memory.
 15352  See the rclone docs (/docs/#fast-list) for more details.
 15353  .SS Modified time
 15354  .PP
 15355  Google google cloud storage stores md5sums natively and rclone stores
 15356  modification times as metadata on the object, under the \[lq]mtime\[rq]
 15357  key in RFC3339 format accurate to 1ns.
 15358  .SS Standard Options
 15359  .PP
 15360  Here are the standard options specific to google cloud storage (Google
 15361  Cloud Storage (this is not Google Drive)).
 15362  .SS \[en]gcs\-client\-id
 15363  .PP
 15364  Google Application Client Id Leave blank normally.
 15365  .IP \[bu] 2
 15366  Config: client_id
 15367  .IP \[bu] 2
 15369  .IP \[bu] 2
 15370  Type: string
 15371  .IP \[bu] 2
 15372  Default: ""
 15373  .SS \[en]gcs\-client\-secret
 15374  .PP
 15375  Google Application Client Secret Leave blank normally.
 15376  .IP \[bu] 2
 15377  Config: client_secret
 15378  .IP \[bu] 2
 15380  .IP \[bu] 2
 15381  Type: string
 15382  .IP \[bu] 2
 15383  Default: ""
 15384  .SS \[en]gcs\-project\-number
 15385  .PP
 15386  Project number.
 15387  Optional \- needed only for list/create/delete buckets \- see your
 15388  developer console.
 15389  .IP \[bu] 2
 15390  Config: project_number
 15391  .IP \[bu] 2
 15393  .IP \[bu] 2
 15394  Type: string
 15395  .IP \[bu] 2
 15396  Default: ""
 15397  .SS \[en]gcs\-service\-account\-file
 15398  .PP
 15399  Service Account Credentials JSON file path Leave blank normally.
 15400  Needed only if you want use SA instead of interactive login.
 15401  .IP \[bu] 2
 15402  Config: service_account_file
 15403  .IP \[bu] 2
 15405  .IP \[bu] 2
 15406  Type: string
 15407  .IP \[bu] 2
 15408  Default: ""
 15409  .SS \[en]gcs\-service\-account\-credentials
 15410  .PP
 15411  Service Account Credentials JSON blob Leave blank normally.
 15412  Needed only if you want use SA instead of interactive login.
 15413  .IP \[bu] 2
 15414  Config: service_account_credentials
 15415  .IP \[bu] 2
 15417  .IP \[bu] 2
 15418  Type: string
 15419  .IP \[bu] 2
 15420  Default: ""
 15421  .SS \[en]gcs\-object\-acl
 15422  .PP
 15423  Access Control List for new objects.
 15424  .IP \[bu] 2
 15425  Config: object_acl
 15426  .IP \[bu] 2
 15428  .IP \[bu] 2
 15429  Type: string
 15430  .IP \[bu] 2
 15431  Default: ""
 15432  .IP \[bu] 2
 15433  Examples:
 15434  .RS 2
 15435  .IP \[bu] 2
 15436  \[lq]authenticatedRead\[rq]
 15437  .RS 2
 15438  .IP \[bu] 2
 15439  Object owner gets OWNER access, and all Authenticated Users get READER
 15440  access.
 15441  .RE
 15442  .IP \[bu] 2
 15443  \[lq]bucketOwnerFullControl\[rq]
 15444  .RS 2
 15445  .IP \[bu] 2
 15446  Object owner gets OWNER access, and project team owners get OWNER
 15447  access.
 15448  .RE
 15449  .IP \[bu] 2
 15450  \[lq]bucketOwnerRead\[rq]
 15451  .RS 2
 15452  .IP \[bu] 2
 15453  Object owner gets OWNER access, and project team owners get READER
 15454  access.
 15455  .RE
 15456  .IP \[bu] 2
 15457  \[lq]private\[rq]
 15458  .RS 2
 15459  .IP \[bu] 2
 15460  Object owner gets OWNER access [default if left blank].
 15461  .RE
 15462  .IP \[bu] 2
 15463  \[lq]projectPrivate\[rq]
 15464  .RS 2
 15465  .IP \[bu] 2
 15466  Object owner gets OWNER access, and project team members get access
 15467  according to their roles.
 15468  .RE
 15469  .IP \[bu] 2
 15470  \[lq]publicRead\[rq]
 15471  .RS 2
 15472  .IP \[bu] 2
 15473  Object owner gets OWNER access, and all Users get READER access.
 15474  .RE
 15475  .RE
 15476  .SS \[en]gcs\-bucket\-acl
 15477  .PP
 15478  Access Control List for new buckets.
 15479  .IP \[bu] 2
 15480  Config: bucket_acl
 15481  .IP \[bu] 2
 15483  .IP \[bu] 2
 15484  Type: string
 15485  .IP \[bu] 2
 15486  Default: ""
 15487  .IP \[bu] 2
 15488  Examples:
 15489  .RS 2
 15490  .IP \[bu] 2
 15491  \[lq]authenticatedRead\[rq]
 15492  .RS 2
 15493  .IP \[bu] 2
 15494  Project team owners get OWNER access, and all Authenticated Users get
 15495  READER access.
 15496  .RE
 15497  .IP \[bu] 2
 15498  \[lq]private\[rq]
 15499  .RS 2
 15500  .IP \[bu] 2
 15501  Project team owners get OWNER access [default if left blank].
 15502  .RE
 15503  .IP \[bu] 2
 15504  \[lq]projectPrivate\[rq]
 15505  .RS 2
 15506  .IP \[bu] 2
 15507  Project team members get access according to their roles.
 15508  .RE
 15509  .IP \[bu] 2
 15510  \[lq]publicRead\[rq]
 15511  .RS 2
 15512  .IP \[bu] 2
 15513  Project team owners get OWNER access, and all Users get READER access.
 15514  .RE
 15515  .IP \[bu] 2
 15516  \[lq]publicReadWrite\[rq]
 15517  .RS 2
 15518  .IP \[bu] 2
 15519  Project team owners get OWNER access, and all Users get WRITER access.
 15520  .RE
 15521  .RE
 15522  .SS \[en]gcs\-bucket\-policy\-only
 15523  .PP
 15524  Access checks should use bucket\-level IAM policies.
 15525  .PP
 15526  If you want to upload objects to a bucket with Bucket Policy Only set
 15527  then you will need to set this.
 15528  .PP
 15529  When it is set, rclone:
 15530  .IP \[bu] 2
 15531  ignores ACLs set on buckets
 15532  .IP \[bu] 2
 15533  ignores ACLs set on objects
 15534  .IP \[bu] 2
 15535  creates buckets with Bucket Policy Only set
 15536  .PP
 15537  Docs:\-policy\-only
 15538  .IP \[bu] 2
 15539  Config: bucket_policy_only
 15540  .IP \[bu] 2
 15542  .IP \[bu] 2
 15543  Type: bool
 15544  .IP \[bu] 2
 15545  Default: false
 15546  .SS \[en]gcs\-location
 15547  .PP
 15548  Location for the newly created buckets.
 15549  .IP \[bu] 2
 15550  Config: location
 15551  .IP \[bu] 2
 15553  .IP \[bu] 2
 15554  Type: string
 15555  .IP \[bu] 2
 15556  Default: ""
 15557  .IP \[bu] 2
 15558  Examples:
 15559  .RS 2
 15560  .IP \[bu] 2
 15561  ""
 15562  .RS 2
 15563  .IP \[bu] 2
 15564  Empty for default location (US).
 15565  .RE
 15566  .IP \[bu] 2
 15567  \[lq]asia\[rq]
 15568  .RS 2
 15569  .IP \[bu] 2
 15570  Multi\-regional location for Asia.
 15571  .RE
 15572  .IP \[bu] 2
 15573  \[lq]eu\[rq]
 15574  .RS 2
 15575  .IP \[bu] 2
 15576  Multi\-regional location for Europe.
 15577  .RE
 15578  .IP \[bu] 2
 15579  \[lq]us\[rq]
 15580  .RS 2
 15581  .IP \[bu] 2
 15582  Multi\-regional location for United States.
 15583  .RE
 15584  .IP \[bu] 2
 15585  \[lq]asia\-east1\[rq]
 15586  .RS 2
 15587  .IP \[bu] 2
 15588  Taiwan.
 15589  .RE
 15590  .IP \[bu] 2
 15591  \[lq]asia\-east2\[rq]
 15592  .RS 2
 15593  .IP \[bu] 2
 15594  Hong Kong.
 15595  .RE
 15596  .IP \[bu] 2
 15597  \[lq]asia\-northeast1\[rq]
 15598  .RS 2
 15599  .IP \[bu] 2
 15600  Tokyo.
 15601  .RE
 15602  .IP \[bu] 2
 15603  \[lq]asia\-south1\[rq]
 15604  .RS 2
 15605  .IP \[bu] 2
 15606  Mumbai.
 15607  .RE
 15608  .IP \[bu] 2
 15609  \[lq]asia\-southeast1\[rq]
 15610  .RS 2
 15611  .IP \[bu] 2
 15612  Singapore.
 15613  .RE
 15614  .IP \[bu] 2
 15615  \[lq]australia\-southeast1\[rq]
 15616  .RS 2
 15617  .IP \[bu] 2
 15618  Sydney.
 15619  .RE
 15620  .IP \[bu] 2
 15621  \[lq]europe\-north1\[rq]
 15622  .RS 2
 15623  .IP \[bu] 2
 15624  Finland.
 15625  .RE
 15626  .IP \[bu] 2
 15627  \[lq]europe\-west1\[rq]
 15628  .RS 2
 15629  .IP \[bu] 2
 15630  Belgium.
 15631  .RE
 15632  .IP \[bu] 2
 15633  \[lq]europe\-west2\[rq]
 15634  .RS 2
 15635  .IP \[bu] 2
 15636  London.
 15637  .RE
 15638  .IP \[bu] 2
 15639  \[lq]europe\-west3\[rq]
 15640  .RS 2
 15641  .IP \[bu] 2
 15642  Frankfurt.
 15643  .RE
 15644  .IP \[bu] 2
 15645  \[lq]europe\-west4\[rq]
 15646  .RS 2
 15647  .IP \[bu] 2
 15648  Netherlands.
 15649  .RE
 15650  .IP \[bu] 2
 15651  \[lq]us\-central1\[rq]
 15652  .RS 2
 15653  .IP \[bu] 2
 15654  Iowa.
 15655  .RE
 15656  .IP \[bu] 2
 15657  \[lq]us\-east1\[rq]
 15658  .RS 2
 15659  .IP \[bu] 2
 15660  South Carolina.
 15661  .RE
 15662  .IP \[bu] 2
 15663  \[lq]us\-east4\[rq]
 15664  .RS 2
 15665  .IP \[bu] 2
 15666  Northern Virginia.
 15667  .RE
 15668  .IP \[bu] 2
 15669  \[lq]us\-west1\[rq]
 15670  .RS 2
 15671  .IP \[bu] 2
 15672  Oregon.
 15673  .RE
 15674  .IP \[bu] 2
 15675  \[lq]us\-west2\[rq]
 15676  .RS 2
 15677  .IP \[bu] 2
 15678  California.
 15679  .RE
 15680  .RE
 15681  .SS \[en]gcs\-storage\-class
 15682  .PP
 15683  The storage class to use when storing objects in Google Cloud Storage.
 15684  .IP \[bu] 2
 15685  Config: storage_class
 15686  .IP \[bu] 2
 15688  .IP \[bu] 2
 15689  Type: string
 15690  .IP \[bu] 2
 15691  Default: ""
 15692  .IP \[bu] 2
 15693  Examples:
 15694  .RS 2
 15695  .IP \[bu] 2
 15696  ""
 15697  .RS 2
 15698  .IP \[bu] 2
 15699  Default
 15700  .RE
 15701  .IP \[bu] 2
 15702  \[lq]MULTI_REGIONAL\[rq]
 15703  .RS 2
 15704  .IP \[bu] 2
 15705  Multi\-regional storage class
 15706  .RE
 15707  .IP \[bu] 2
 15708  \[lq]REGIONAL\[rq]
 15709  .RS 2
 15710  .IP \[bu] 2
 15711  Regional storage class
 15712  .RE
 15713  .IP \[bu] 2
 15714  \[lq]NEARLINE\[rq]
 15715  .RS 2
 15716  .IP \[bu] 2
 15717  Nearline storage class
 15718  .RE
 15719  .IP \[bu] 2
 15720  \[lq]COLDLINE\[rq]
 15721  .RS 2
 15722  .IP \[bu] 2
 15723  Coldline storage class
 15724  .RE
 15725  .IP \[bu] 2
 15727  .RS 2
 15728  .IP \[bu] 2
 15729  Durable reduced availability storage class
 15730  .RE
 15731  .RE
 15732  .SS Google Drive
 15733  .PP
 15734  Paths are specified as \f[C]drive:path\f[]
 15735  .PP
 15736  Drive paths may be as deep as required, eg
 15737  \f[C]drive:directory/subdirectory\f[].
 15738  .PP
 15739  The initial setup for drive involves getting a token from Google drive
 15740  which you need to do in your browser.
 15741  \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] walks you through it.
 15742  .PP
 15743  Here is an example of how to make a remote called \f[C]remote\f[].
 15744  First run:
 15745  .IP
 15746  .nf
 15747  \f[C]
 15748  \ rclone\ config
 15749  \f[]
 15750  .fi
 15751  .PP
 15752  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 15753  .IP
 15754  .nf
 15755  \f[C]
 15756  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 15757  n)\ New\ remote
 15758  r)\ Rename\ remote
 15759  c)\ Copy\ remote
 15760  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 15761  q)\ Quit\ config
 15762  n/r/c/s/q>\ n
 15763  name>\ remote
 15764  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 15765  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 15766  [snip]
 15767  10\ /\ Google\ Drive
 15768  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 15769  [snip]
 15770  Storage>\ drive
 15771  Google\ Application\ Client\ Id\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 15772  client_id>
 15773  Google\ Application\ Client\ Secret\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 15774  client_secret>
 15775  Scope\ that\ rclone\ should\ use\ when\ requesting\ access\ from\ drive.
 15776  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 15777  \ 1\ /\ Full\ access\ all\ files,\ excluding\ Application\ Data\ Folder.
 15778  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 15779  \ 2\ /\ Read\-only\ access\ to\ file\ metadata\ and\ file\ contents.
 15780  \ \ \ \\\ "drive.readonly"
 15781  \ \ \ /\ Access\ to\ files\ created\ by\ rclone\ only.
 15782  \ 3\ |\ These\ are\ visible\ in\ the\ drive\ website.
 15783  \ \ \ |\ File\ authorization\ is\ revoked\ when\ the\ user\ deauthorizes\ the\ app.
 15784  \ \ \ \\\ "drive.file"
 15785  \ \ \ /\ Allows\ read\ and\ write\ access\ to\ the\ Application\ Data\ folder.
 15786  \ 4\ |\ This\ is\ not\ visible\ in\ the\ drive\ website.
 15787  \ \ \ \\\ "drive.appfolder"
 15788  \ \ \ /\ Allows\ read\-only\ access\ to\ file\ metadata\ but
 15789  \ 5\ |\ does\ not\ allow\ any\ access\ to\ read\ or\ download\ file\ content.
 15790  \ \ \ \\\ "drive.metadata.readonly"
 15791  scope>\ 1
 15792  ID\ of\ the\ root\ folder\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.\ \ Fill\ in\ to\ access\ "Computers"\ folders.\ (see\ docs).
 15793  root_folder_id>\ 
 15794  Service\ Account\ Credentials\ JSON\ file\ path\ \-\ needed\ only\ if\ you\ want\ use\ SA\ instead\ of\ interactive\ login.
 15795  service_account_file>
 15796  Remote\ config
 15797  Use\ auto\ config?
 15798  \ *\ Say\ Y\ if\ not\ sure
 15799  \ *\ Say\ N\ if\ you\ are\ working\ on\ a\ remote\ or\ headless\ machine\ or\ Y\ didn\[aq]t\ work
 15800  y)\ Yes
 15801  n)\ No
 15802  y/n>\ y
 15803  If\ your\ browser\ doesn\[aq]t\ open\ automatically\ go\ to\ the\ following\ link:\
 15804  Log\ in\ and\ authorize\ rclone\ for\ access
 15805  Waiting\ for\ code...
 15806  Got\ code
 15807  Configure\ this\ as\ a\ team\ drive?
 15808  y)\ Yes
 15809  n)\ No
 15810  y/n>\ n
 15811  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 15812  [remote]
 15813  client_id\ =\ 
 15814  client_secret\ =\ 
 15815  scope\ =\ drive
 15816  root_folder_id\ =\ 
 15817  service_account_file\ =
 15818  token\ =\ {"access_token":"XXX","token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token":"XXX","expiry":"2014\-03\-16T13:57:58.955387075Z"}
 15819  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 15820  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 15821  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 15822  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 15823  y/e/d>\ y
 15824  \f[]
 15825  .fi
 15826  .PP
 15827  Note that rclone runs a webserver on your local machine to collect the
 15828  token as returned from Google if you use auto config mode.
 15829  This only runs from the moment it opens your browser to the moment you
 15830  get back the verification code.
 15831  This is on \f[C]\f[] and this it may require you
 15832  to unblock it temporarily if you are running a host firewall, or use
 15833  manual mode.
 15834  .PP
 15835  You can then use it like this,
 15836  .PP
 15837  List directories in top level of your drive
 15838  .IP
 15839  .nf
 15840  \f[C]
 15841  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 15842  \f[]
 15843  .fi
 15844  .PP
 15845  List all the files in your drive
 15846  .IP
 15847  .nf
 15848  \f[C]
 15849  rclone\ ls\ remote:
 15850  \f[]
 15851  .fi
 15852  .PP
 15853  To copy a local directory to a drive directory called backup
 15854  .IP
 15855  .nf
 15856  \f[C]
 15857  rclone\ copy\ /home/source\ remote:backup
 15858  \f[]
 15859  .fi
 15860  .SS Scopes
 15861  .PP
 15862  Rclone allows you to select which scope you would like for rclone to
 15863  use.
 15864  This changes what type of token is granted to rclone.
 15865  The scopes are defined
 15866  here. (
 15867  .PP
 15868  The scope are
 15869  .SS drive
 15870  .PP
 15871  This is the default scope and allows full access to all files, except
 15872  for the Application Data Folder (see below).
 15873  .PP
 15874  Choose this one if you aren't sure.
 15875  .SS drive.readonly
 15876  .PP
 15877  This allows read only access to all files.
 15878  Files may be listed and downloaded but not uploaded, renamed or deleted.
 15879  .SS drive.file
 15880  .PP
 15881  With this scope rclone can read/view/modify only those files and folders
 15882  it creates.
 15883  .PP
 15884  So if you uploaded files to drive via the web interface (or any other
 15885  means) they will not be visible to rclone.
 15886  .PP
 15887  This can be useful if you are using rclone to backup data and you want
 15888  to be sure confidential data on your drive is not visible to rclone.
 15889  .PP
 15890  Files created with this scope are visible in the web interface.
 15891  .SS drive.appfolder
 15892  .PP
 15893  This gives rclone its own private area to store files.
 15894  Rclone will not be able to see any other files on your drive and you
 15895  won't be able to see rclone's files from the web interface either.
 15896  .SS drive.metadata.readonly
 15897  .PP
 15898  This allows read only access to file names only.
 15899  It does not allow rclone to download or upload data, or rename or delete
 15900  files or directories.
 15901  .SS Root folder ID
 15902  .PP
 15903  You can set the \f[C]root_folder_id\f[] for rclone.
 15904  This is the directory (identified by its \f[C]Folder\ ID\f[]) that
 15905  rclone considers to be the root of your drive.
 15906  .PP
 15907  Normally you will leave this blank and rclone will determine the correct
 15908  root to use itself.
 15909  .PP
 15910  However you can set this to restrict rclone to a specific folder
 15911  hierarchy or to access data within the \[lq]Computers\[rq] tab on the
 15912  drive web interface (where files from Google's Backup and Sync desktop
 15913  program go).
 15914  .PP
 15915  In order to do this you will have to find the \f[C]Folder\ ID\f[] of the
 15916  directory you wish rclone to display.
 15917  This will be the last segment of the URL when you open the relevant
 15918  folder in the drive web interface.
 15919  .PP
 15920  So if the folder you want rclone to use has a URL which looks like
 15921  \f[C]\f[]
 15922  in the browser, then you use \f[C]1XyfxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxKHCh\f[]
 15923  as the \f[C]root_folder_id\f[] in the config.
 15924  .PP
 15925  \f[B]NB\f[] folders under the \[lq]Computers\[rq] tab seem to be read
 15926  only (drive gives a 500 error) when using rclone.
 15927  .PP
 15928  There doesn't appear to be an API to discover the folder IDs of the
 15929  \[lq]Computers\[rq] tab \- please contact us if you know otherwise!
 15930  .PP
 15931  Note also that rclone can't access any data under the \[lq]Backups\[rq]
 15932  tab on the google drive web interface yet.
 15933  .SS Service Account support
 15934  .PP
 15935  You can set up rclone with Google Drive in an unattended mode, i.e.\ not
 15936  tied to a specific end\-user Google account.
 15937  This is useful when you want to synchronise files onto machines that
 15938  don't have actively logged\-in users, for example build machines.
 15939  .PP
 15940  To use a Service Account instead of OAuth2 token flow, enter the path to
 15941  your Service Account credentials at the \f[C]service_account_file\f[]
 15942  prompt during \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] and rclone won't use the browser
 15943  based authentication flow.
 15944  If you'd rather stuff the contents of the credentials file into the
 15945  rclone config file, you can set \f[C]service_account_credentials\f[]
 15946  with the actual contents of the file instead, or set the equivalent
 15947  environment variable.
 15948  .SS Use case \- Google Apps/G\-suite account and individual Drive
 15949  .PP
 15950  Let's say that you are the administrator of a Google Apps (old) or
 15951  G\-suite account.
 15952  The goal is to store data on an individual's Drive account, who IS a
 15953  member of the domain.
 15954  We'll call the domain \f[B]\f[], and the user
 15955  \f[B]foo\\f[].
 15956  .PP
 15957  There's a few steps we need to go through to accomplish this:
 15958  .SS 1. Create a service account for
 15959  .IP \[bu] 2
 15960  To create a service account and obtain its credentials, go to the Google
 15961  Developer Console (
 15962  .IP \[bu] 2
 15963  You must have a project \- create one if you don't.
 15964  .IP \[bu] 2
 15965  Then go to \[lq]IAM & admin\[rq] \-> \[lq]Service Accounts\[rq].
 15966  .IP \[bu] 2
 15967  Use the \[lq]Create Credentials\[rq] button.
 15968  Fill in \[lq]Service account name\[rq] with something that identifies
 15969  your client.
 15970  \[lq]Role\[rq] can be empty.
 15971  .IP \[bu] 2
 15972  Tick \[lq]Furnish a new private key\[rq] \- select \[lq]Key type
 15973  JSON\[rq].
 15974  .IP \[bu] 2
 15975  Tick \[lq]Enable G Suite Domain\-wide Delegation\[rq].
 15976  This option makes \[lq]impersonation\[rq] possible, as documented here:
 15977  Delegating domain\-wide authority to the service
 15978  account (
 15979  .IP \[bu] 2
 15980  These credentials are what rclone will use for authentication.
 15981  If you ever need to remove access, press the \[lq]Delete service account
 15982  key\[rq] button.
 15983  .SS 2. Allowing API access to Google Drive
 15984  .IP \[bu] 2
 15985  Go to's admin console
 15986  .IP \[bu] 2
 15987  Go into \[lq]Security\[rq] (or use the search bar)
 15988  .IP \[bu] 2
 15989  Select \[lq]Show more\[rq] and then \[lq]Advanced settings\[rq]
 15990  .IP \[bu] 2
 15991  Select \[lq]Manage API client access\[rq] in the
 15992  \[lq]Authentication\[rq] section
 15993  .IP \[bu] 2
 15994  In the \[lq]Client Name\[rq] field enter the service account's
 15995  \[lq]Client ID\[rq] \- this can be found in the Developer Console under
 15996  \[lq]IAM & Admin\[rq] \-> \[lq]Service Accounts\[rq], then \[lq]View
 15997  Client ID\[rq] for the newly created service account.
 15998  It is a ~21 character numerical string.
 15999  .IP \[bu] 2
 16000  In the next field, \[lq]One or More API Scopes\[rq], enter
 16001  \f[C]\f[] to grant access to Google
 16002  Drive specifically.
 16003  .SS 3. Configure rclone, assuming a new install
 16004  .IP
 16005  .nf
 16006  \f[C]
 16007  rclone\ config
 16009  n/s/q>\ n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ #\ New
 16010  name>gdrive\ \ \ \ \ \ #\ Gdrive\ is\ an\ example\ name
 16011  Storage>\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ #\ Select\ the\ number\ shown\ for\ Google\ Drive
 16012  client_id>\ \ \ \ \ \ \ #\ Can\ be\ left\ blank
 16013  client_secret>\ \ \ #\ Can\ be\ left\ blank
 16014  scope>\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ #\ Select\ your\ scope,\ 1\ for\ example
 16015  root_folder_id>\ \ #\ Can\ be\ left\ blank
 16016  service_account_file>\ /home/foo/myJSONfile.json\ #\ This\ is\ where\ the\ JSON\ file\ goes!
 16017  y/n>\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ #\ Auto\ config,\ y
 16018  \f[]
 16019  .fi
 16020  .SS 4. Verify that it's working
 16021  .IP \[bu] 2
 16022  \f[C]rclone\ \-v\ \-\-drive\-impersonate\ foo\\ lsf\ gdrive:backup\f[]
 16023  .IP \[bu] 2
 16024  The arguments do:
 16025  .RS 2
 16026  .IP \[bu] 2
 16027  \f[C]\-v\f[] \- verbose logging
 16028  .IP \[bu] 2
 16029  \f[C]\-\-drive\-impersonate\ foo\\f[] \- this is what does
 16030  the magic, pretending to be user foo.
 16031  .IP \[bu] 2
 16032  \f[C]lsf\f[] \- list files in a parsing friendly way
 16033  .IP \[bu] 2
 16034  \f[C]gdrive:backup\f[] \- use the remote called gdrive, work in the
 16035  folder named backup.
 16036  .RE
 16037  .SS Team drives
 16038  .PP
 16039  If you want to configure the remote to point to a Google Team Drive then
 16040  answer \f[C]y\f[] to the question
 16041  \f[C]Configure\ this\ as\ a\ team\ drive?\f[].
 16042  .PP
 16043  This will fetch the list of Team Drives from google and allow you to
 16044  configure which one you want to use.
 16045  You can also type in a team drive ID if you prefer.
 16046  .PP
 16047  For example:
 16048  .IP
 16049  .nf
 16050  \f[C]
 16051  Configure\ this\ as\ a\ team\ drive?
 16052  y)\ Yes
 16053  n)\ No
 16054  y/n>\ y
 16055  Fetching\ team\ drive\ list...
 16056  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 16057  \ 1\ /\ Rclone\ Test
 16058  \ \ \ \\\ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
 16059  \ 2\ /\ Rclone\ Test\ 2
 16060  \ \ \ \\\ "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
 16061  \ 3\ /\ Rclone\ Test\ 3
 16062  \ \ \ \\\ "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
 16063  Enter\ a\ Team\ Drive\ ID>\ 1
 16064  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 16065  [remote]
 16066  client_id\ =
 16067  client_secret\ =
 16068  token\ =\ {"AccessToken":"xxxx.x.xxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","RefreshToken":"1/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","Expiry":"2014\-03\-16T13:57:58.955387075Z","Extra":null}
 16069  team_drive\ =\ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 16070  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 16071  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 16072  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 16073  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 16074  y/e/d>\ y
 16075  \f[]
 16076  .fi
 16077  .SS \[en]fast\-list
 16078  .PP
 16079  This remote supports \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] which allows you to use
 16080  fewer transactions in exchange for more memory.
 16081  See the rclone docs (/docs/#fast-list) for more details.
 16082  .PP
 16083  It does this by combining multiple \f[C]list\f[] calls into a single API
 16084  request.
 16085  .PP
 16086  This works by combining many \f[C]\[aq]%s\[aq]\ in\ parents\f[] filters
 16087  into one expression.
 16088  To list the contents of directories a, b and c, the following requests
 16089  will be send by the regular \f[C]List\f[] function:
 16090  .IP
 16091  .nf
 16092  \f[C]
 16093  trashed=false\ and\ \[aq]a\[aq]\ in\ parents
 16094  trashed=false\ and\ \[aq]b\[aq]\ in\ parents
 16095  trashed=false\ and\ \[aq]c\[aq]\ in\ parents
 16096  \f[]
 16097  .fi
 16098  .PP
 16099  These can now be combined into a single request:
 16100  .IP
 16101  .nf
 16102  \f[C]
 16103  trashed=false\ and\ (\[aq]a\[aq]\ in\ parents\ or\ \[aq]b\[aq]\ in\ parents\ or\ \[aq]c\[aq]\ in\ parents)
 16104  \f[]
 16105  .fi
 16106  .PP
 16107  The implementation of \f[C]ListR\f[] will put up to 50 \f[C]parents\f[]
 16108  filters into one request.
 16109  It will use the \f[C]\-\-checkers\f[] value to specify the number of
 16110  requests to run in parallel.
 16111  .PP
 16112  In tests, these batch requests were up to 20x faster than the regular
 16113  method.
 16114  Running the following command against different sized folders gives:
 16115  .IP
 16116  .nf
 16117  \f[C]
 16118  rclone\ lsjson\ \-vv\ \-R\ \-\-checkers=6\ gdrive:folder
 16119  \f[]
 16120  .fi
 16121  .PP
 16122  small folder (220 directories, 700 files):
 16123  .IP \[bu] 2
 16124  without \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[]: 38s
 16125  .IP \[bu] 2
 16126  with \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[]: 10s
 16127  .PP
 16128  large folder (10600 directories, 39000 files):
 16129  .IP \[bu] 2
 16130  without \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[]: 22:05 min
 16131  .IP \[bu] 2
 16132  with \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[]: 58s
 16133  .SS Modified time
 16134  .PP
 16135  Google drive stores modification times accurate to 1 ms.
 16136  .SS Revisions
 16137  .PP
 16138  Google drive stores revisions of files.
 16139  When you upload a change to an existing file to google drive using
 16140  rclone it will create a new revision of that file.
 16141  .PP
 16142  Revisions follow the standard google policy which at time of writing was
 16143  .IP \[bu] 2
 16144  They are deleted after 30 days or 100 revisions (whatever comes first).
 16145  .IP \[bu] 2
 16146  They do not count towards a user storage quota.
 16147  .SS Deleting files
 16148  .PP
 16149  By default rclone will send all files to the trash when deleting files.
 16150  If deleting them permanently is required then use the
 16151  \f[C]\-\-drive\-use\-trash=false\f[] flag, or set the equivalent
 16152  environment variable.
 16153  .SS Emptying trash
 16154  .PP
 16155  If you wish to empty your trash you can use the
 16156  \f[C]rclone\ cleanup\ remote:\f[] command which will permanently delete
 16157  all your trashed files.
 16158  This command does not take any path arguments.
 16159  .PP
 16160  Note that Google Drive takes some time (minutes to days) to empty the
 16161  trash even though the command returns within a few seconds.
 16162  No output is echoed, so there will be no confirmation even using \-v or
 16163  \-vv.
 16164  .SS Quota information
 16165  .PP
 16166  To view your current quota you can use the
 16167  \f[C]rclone\ about\ remote:\f[] command which will display your usage
 16168  limit (quota), the usage in Google Drive, the size of all files in the
 16169  Trash and the space used by other Google services such as Gmail.
 16170  This command does not take any path arguments.
 16171  .SS Import/Export of google documents
 16172  .PP
 16173  Google documents can be exported from and uploaded to Google Drive.
 16174  .PP
 16175  When rclone downloads a Google doc it chooses a format to download
 16176  depending upon the \f[C]\-\-drive\-export\-formats\f[] setting.
 16177  By default the export formats are \f[C]docx,xlsx,pptx,svg\f[] which are
 16178  a sensible default for an editable document.
 16179  .PP
 16180  When choosing a format, rclone runs down the list provided in order and
 16181  chooses the first file format the doc can be exported as from the list.
 16182  If the file can't be exported to a format on the formats list, then
 16183  rclone will choose a format from the default list.
 16184  .PP
 16185  If you prefer an archive copy then you might use
 16186  \f[C]\-\-drive\-export\-formats\ pdf\f[], or if you prefer
 16187  openoffice/libreoffice formats you might use
 16188  \f[C]\-\-drive\-export\-formats\ ods,odt,odp\f[].
 16189  .PP
 16190  Note that rclone adds the extension to the google doc, so if it is
 16191  called \f[C]My\ Spreadsheet\f[] on google docs, it will be exported as
 16192  \f[C]My\ Spreadsheet.xlsx\f[] or \f[C]My\ Spreadsheet.pdf\f[] etc.
 16193  .PP
 16194  When importing files into Google Drive, rclone will convert all files
 16195  with an extension in \f[C]\-\-drive\-import\-formats\f[] to their
 16196  associated document type.
 16197  rclone will not convert any files by default, since the conversion is
 16198  lossy process.
 16199  .PP
 16200  The conversion must result in a file with the same extension when the
 16201  \f[C]\-\-drive\-export\-formats\f[] rules are applied to the uploaded
 16202  document.
 16203  .PP
 16204  Here are some examples for allowed and prohibited conversions.
 16205  .PP
 16206  .TS
 16207  tab(@);
 16208  l l l l l.
 16209  T{
 16210  export\-formats
 16211  T}@T{
 16212  import\-formats
 16213  T}@T{
 16214  Upload Ext
 16215  T}@T{
 16216  Document Ext
 16217  T}@T{
 16218  Allowed
 16219  T}
 16220  _
 16221  T{
 16222  odt
 16223  T}@T{
 16224  odt
 16225  T}@T{
 16226  odt
 16227  T}@T{
 16228  odt
 16229  T}@T{
 16230  Yes
 16231  T}
 16232  T{
 16233  odt
 16234  T}@T{
 16235  docx,odt
 16236  T}@T{
 16237  odt
 16238  T}@T{
 16239  odt
 16240  T}@T{
 16241  Yes
 16242  T}
 16243  T{
 16244  T}@T{
 16245  docx
 16246  T}@T{
 16247  docx
 16248  T}@T{
 16249  docx
 16250  T}@T{
 16251  Yes
 16252  T}
 16253  T{
 16254  T}@T{
 16255  odt
 16256  T}@T{
 16257  odt
 16258  T}@T{
 16259  docx
 16260  T}@T{
 16261  No
 16262  T}
 16263  T{
 16264  odt,docx
 16265  T}@T{
 16266  docx,odt
 16267  T}@T{
 16268  docx
 16269  T}@T{
 16270  odt
 16271  T}@T{
 16272  No
 16273  T}
 16274  T{
 16275  docx,odt
 16276  T}@T{
 16277  docx,odt
 16278  T}@T{
 16279  docx
 16280  T}@T{
 16281  docx
 16282  T}@T{
 16283  Yes
 16284  T}
 16285  T{
 16286  docx,odt
 16287  T}@T{
 16288  docx,odt
 16289  T}@T{
 16290  odt
 16291  T}@T{
 16292  docx
 16293  T}@T{
 16294  No
 16295  T}
 16296  .TE
 16297  .PP
 16298  This limitation can be disabled by specifying
 16299  \f[C]\-\-drive\-allow\-import\-name\-change\f[].
 16300  When using this flag, rclone can convert multiple files types resulting
 16301  in the same document type at once, eg with
 16302  \f[C]\-\-drive\-import\-formats\ docx,odt,txt\f[], all files having
 16303  these extension would result in a document represented as a docx file.
 16304  This brings the additional risk of overwriting a document, if multiple
 16305  files have the same stem.
 16306  Many rclone operations will not handle this name change in any way.
 16307  They assume an equal name when copying files and might copy the file
 16308  again or delete them when the name changes.
 16309  .PP
 16310  Here are the possible export extensions with their corresponding mime
 16311  types.
 16312  Most of these can also be used for importing, but there more that are
 16313  not listed here.
 16314  Some of these additional ones might only be available when the operating
 16315  system provides the correct MIME type entries.
 16316  .PP
 16317  This list can be changed by Google Drive at any time and might not
 16318  represent the currently available conversions.
 16319  .PP
 16320  .TS
 16321  tab(@);
 16322  lw(19.7n) lw(24.1n) lw(26.2n).
 16323  T{
 16324  Extension
 16325  T}@T{
 16326  Mime Type
 16327  T}@T{
 16328  Description
 16329  T}
 16330  _
 16331  T{
 16332  csv
 16333  T}@T{
 16334  text/csv
 16335  T}@T{
 16336  Standard CSV format for Spreadsheets
 16337  T}
 16338  T{
 16339  docx
 16340  T}@T{
 16341  application/vnd.openxmlformats\-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
 16342  T}@T{
 16343  Microsoft Office Document
 16344  T}
 16345  T{
 16346  epub
 16347  T}@T{
 16348  application/epub+zip
 16349  T}@T{
 16350  E\-book format
 16351  T}
 16352  T{
 16353  html
 16354  T}@T{
 16355  text/html
 16356  T}@T{
 16357  An HTML Document
 16358  T}
 16359  T{
 16360  jpg
 16361  T}@T{
 16362  image/jpeg
 16363  T}@T{
 16364  A JPEG Image File
 16365  T}
 16366  T{
 16367  json
 16368  T}@T{
 16369  application/\-apps.script+json
 16370  T}@T{
 16371  JSON Text Format
 16372  T}
 16373  T{
 16374  odp
 16375  T}@T{
 16376  application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation
 16377  T}@T{
 16378  Openoffice Presentation
 16379  T}
 16380  T{
 16381  ods
 16382  T}@T{
 16383  application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
 16384  T}@T{
 16385  Openoffice Spreadsheet
 16386  T}
 16387  T{
 16388  ods
 16389  T}@T{
 16390  application/x\-vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
 16391  T}@T{
 16392  Openoffice Spreadsheet
 16393  T}
 16394  T{
 16395  odt
 16396  T}@T{
 16397  application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
 16398  T}@T{
 16399  Openoffice Document
 16400  T}
 16401  T{
 16402  pdf
 16403  T}@T{
 16404  application/pdf
 16405  T}@T{
 16406  Adobe PDF Format
 16407  T}
 16408  T{
 16409  png
 16410  T}@T{
 16411  image/png
 16412  T}@T{
 16413  PNG Image Format
 16414  T}
 16415  T{
 16416  pptx
 16417  T}@T{
 16418  application/vnd.openxmlformats\-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
 16419  T}@T{
 16420  Microsoft Office Powerpoint
 16421  T}
 16422  T{
 16423  rtf
 16424  T}@T{
 16425  application/rtf
 16426  T}@T{
 16427  Rich Text Format
 16428  T}
 16429  T{
 16430  svg
 16431  T}@T{
 16432  image/svg+xml
 16433  T}@T{
 16434  Scalable Vector Graphics Format
 16435  T}
 16436  T{
 16437  tsv
 16438  T}@T{
 16439  text/tab\-separated\-values
 16440  T}@T{
 16441  Standard TSV format for spreadsheets
 16442  T}
 16443  T{
 16444  txt
 16445  T}@T{
 16446  text/plain
 16447  T}@T{
 16448  Plain Text
 16449  T}
 16450  T{
 16451  xlsx
 16452  T}@T{
 16453  application/vnd.openxmlformats\-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
 16454  T}@T{
 16455  Microsoft Office Spreadsheet
 16456  T}
 16457  T{
 16458  zip
 16459  T}@T{
 16460  application/zip
 16461  T}@T{
 16462  A ZIP file of HTML, Images CSS
 16463  T}
 16464  .TE
 16465  .PP
 16466  Google documents can also be exported as link files.
 16467  These files will open a browser window for the Google Docs website of
 16468  that document when opened.
 16469  The link file extension has to be specified as a
 16470  \f[C]\-\-drive\-export\-formats\f[] parameter.
 16471  They will match all available Google Documents.
 16472  .PP
 16473  .TS
 16474  tab(@);
 16475  l l l.
 16476  T{
 16477  Extension
 16478  T}@T{
 16479  Description
 16480  T}@T{
 16481  OS Support
 16482  T}
 16483  _
 16484  T{
 16485  desktop
 16486  T}@T{
 16487 specified desktop entry
 16488  T}@T{
 16489  Linux
 16490  T}
 16491  T{
 16492  link.html
 16493  T}@T{
 16494  An HTML Document with a redirect
 16495  T}@T{
 16496  All
 16497  T}
 16498  T{
 16499  url
 16500  T}@T{
 16501  INI style link file
 16502  T}@T{
 16503  macOS, Windows
 16504  T}
 16505  T{
 16506  webloc
 16507  T}@T{
 16508  macOS specific XML format
 16509  T}@T{
 16510  macOS
 16511  T}
 16512  .TE
 16513  .SS Standard Options
 16514  .PP
 16515  Here are the standard options specific to drive (Google Drive).
 16516  .SS \[en]drive\-client\-id
 16517  .PP
 16518  Google Application Client Id Setting your own is recommended.
 16519  See\-your\-own\-client\-id for how to
 16520  create your own.
 16521  If you leave this blank, it will use an internal key which is low
 16522  performance.
 16523  .IP \[bu] 2
 16524  Config: client_id
 16525  .IP \[bu] 2
 16527  .IP \[bu] 2
 16528  Type: string
 16529  .IP \[bu] 2
 16530  Default: ""
 16531  .SS \[en]drive\-client\-secret
 16532  .PP
 16533  Google Application Client Secret Setting your own is recommended.
 16534  .IP \[bu] 2
 16535  Config: client_secret
 16536  .IP \[bu] 2
 16538  .IP \[bu] 2
 16539  Type: string
 16540  .IP \[bu] 2
 16541  Default: ""
 16542  .SS \[en]drive\-scope
 16543  .PP
 16544  Scope that rclone should use when requesting access from drive.
 16545  .IP \[bu] 2
 16546  Config: scope
 16547  .IP \[bu] 2
 16549  .IP \[bu] 2
 16550  Type: string
 16551  .IP \[bu] 2
 16552  Default: ""
 16553  .IP \[bu] 2
 16554  Examples:
 16555  .RS 2
 16556  .IP \[bu] 2
 16557  \[lq]drive\[rq]
 16558  .RS 2
 16559  .IP \[bu] 2
 16560  Full access all files, excluding Application Data Folder.
 16561  .RE
 16562  .IP \[bu] 2
 16563  \[lq]drive.readonly\[rq]
 16564  .RS 2
 16565  .IP \[bu] 2
 16566  Read\-only access to file metadata and file contents.
 16567  .RE
 16568  .IP \[bu] 2
 16569  \[lq]drive.file\[rq]
 16570  .RS 2
 16571  .IP \[bu] 2
 16572  Access to files created by rclone only.
 16573  .IP \[bu] 2
 16574  These are visible in the drive website.
 16575  .IP \[bu] 2
 16576  File authorization is revoked when the user deauthorizes the app.
 16577  .RE
 16578  .IP \[bu] 2
 16579  \[lq]drive.appfolder\[rq]
 16580  .RS 2
 16581  .IP \[bu] 2
 16582  Allows read and write access to the Application Data folder.
 16583  .IP \[bu] 2
 16584  This is not visible in the drive website.
 16585  .RE
 16586  .IP \[bu] 2
 16587  \[lq]drive.metadata.readonly\[rq]
 16588  .RS 2
 16589  .IP \[bu] 2
 16590  Allows read\-only access to file metadata but
 16591  .IP \[bu] 2
 16592  does not allow any access to read or download file content.
 16593  .RE
 16594  .RE
 16595  .SS \[en]drive\-root\-folder\-id
 16596  .PP
 16597  ID of the root folder Leave blank normally.
 16598  Fill in to access \[lq]Computers\[rq] folders.
 16599  (see docs).
 16600  .IP \[bu] 2
 16601  Config: root_folder_id
 16602  .IP \[bu] 2
 16604  .IP \[bu] 2
 16605  Type: string
 16606  .IP \[bu] 2
 16607  Default: ""
 16608  .SS \[en]drive\-service\-account\-file
 16609  .PP
 16610  Service Account Credentials JSON file path Leave blank normally.
 16611  Needed only if you want use SA instead of interactive login.
 16612  .IP \[bu] 2
 16613  Config: service_account_file
 16614  .IP \[bu] 2
 16616  .IP \[bu] 2
 16617  Type: string
 16618  .IP \[bu] 2
 16619  Default: ""
 16620  .SS Advanced Options
 16621  .PP
 16622  Here are the advanced options specific to drive (Google Drive).
 16623  .SS \[en]drive\-service\-account\-credentials
 16624  .PP
 16625  Service Account Credentials JSON blob Leave blank normally.
 16626  Needed only if you want use SA instead of interactive login.
 16627  .IP \[bu] 2
 16628  Config: service_account_credentials
 16629  .IP \[bu] 2
 16631  .IP \[bu] 2
 16632  Type: string
 16633  .IP \[bu] 2
 16634  Default: ""
 16635  .SS \[en]drive\-team\-drive
 16636  .PP
 16637  ID of the Team Drive
 16638  .IP \[bu] 2
 16639  Config: team_drive
 16640  .IP \[bu] 2
 16642  .IP \[bu] 2
 16643  Type: string
 16644  .IP \[bu] 2
 16645  Default: ""
 16646  .SS \[en]drive\-auth\-owner\-only
 16647  .PP
 16648  Only consider files owned by the authenticated user.
 16649  .IP \[bu] 2
 16650  Config: auth_owner_only
 16651  .IP \[bu] 2
 16653  .IP \[bu] 2
 16654  Type: bool
 16655  .IP \[bu] 2
 16656  Default: false
 16657  .SS \[en]drive\-use\-trash
 16658  .PP
 16659  Send files to the trash instead of deleting permanently.
 16660  Defaults to true, namely sending files to the trash.
 16661  Use \f[C]\-\-drive\-use\-trash=false\f[] to delete files permanently
 16662  instead.
 16663  .IP \[bu] 2
 16664  Config: use_trash
 16665  .IP \[bu] 2
 16667  .IP \[bu] 2
 16668  Type: bool
 16669  .IP \[bu] 2
 16670  Default: true
 16671  .SS \[en]drive\-skip\-gdocs
 16672  .PP
 16673  Skip google documents in all listings.
 16674  If given, gdocs practically become invisible to rclone.
 16675  .IP \[bu] 2
 16676  Config: skip_gdocs
 16677  .IP \[bu] 2
 16679  .IP \[bu] 2
 16680  Type: bool
 16681  .IP \[bu] 2
 16682  Default: false
 16683  .SS \[en]drive\-skip\-checksum\-gphotos
 16684  .PP
 16685  Skip MD5 checksum on Google photos and videos only.
 16686  .PP
 16687  Use this if you get checksum errors when transferring Google photos or
 16688  videos.
 16689  .PP
 16690  Setting this flag will cause Google photos and videos to return a blank
 16691  MD5 checksum.
 16692  .PP
 16693  Google photos are identifed by being in the \[lq]photos\[rq] space.
 16694  .PP
 16695  Corrupted checksums are caused by Google modifying the image/video but
 16696  not updating the checksum.
 16697  .IP \[bu] 2
 16698  Config: skip_checksum_gphotos
 16699  .IP \[bu] 2
 16701  .IP \[bu] 2
 16702  Type: bool
 16703  .IP \[bu] 2
 16704  Default: false
 16705  .SS \[en]drive\-shared\-with\-me
 16706  .PP
 16707  Only show files that are shared with me.
 16708  .PP
 16709  Instructs rclone to operate on your \[lq]Shared with me\[rq] folder
 16710  (where Google Drive lets you access the files and folders others have
 16711  shared with you).
 16712  .PP
 16713  This works both with the \[lq]list\[rq] (lsd, lsl, etc) and the
 16714  \[lq]copy\[rq] commands (copy, sync, etc), and with all other commands
 16715  too.
 16716  .IP \[bu] 2
 16717  Config: shared_with_me
 16718  .IP \[bu] 2
 16720  .IP \[bu] 2
 16721  Type: bool
 16722  .IP \[bu] 2
 16723  Default: false
 16724  .SS \[en]drive\-trashed\-only
 16725  .PP
 16726  Only show files that are in the trash.
 16727  This will show trashed files in their original directory structure.
 16728  .IP \[bu] 2
 16729  Config: trashed_only
 16730  .IP \[bu] 2
 16732  .IP \[bu] 2
 16733  Type: bool
 16734  .IP \[bu] 2
 16735  Default: false
 16736  .SS \[en]drive\-formats
 16737  .PP
 16738  Deprecated: see export_formats
 16739  .IP \[bu] 2
 16740  Config: formats
 16741  .IP \[bu] 2
 16743  .IP \[bu] 2
 16744  Type: string
 16745  .IP \[bu] 2
 16746  Default: ""
 16747  .SS \[en]drive\-export\-formats
 16748  .PP
 16749  Comma separated list of preferred formats for downloading Google docs.
 16750  .IP \[bu] 2
 16751  Config: export_formats
 16752  .IP \[bu] 2
 16754  .IP \[bu] 2
 16755  Type: string
 16756  .IP \[bu] 2
 16757  Default: \[lq]docx,xlsx,pptx,svg\[rq]
 16758  .SS \[en]drive\-import\-formats
 16759  .PP
 16760  Comma separated list of preferred formats for uploading Google docs.
 16761  .IP \[bu] 2
 16762  Config: import_formats
 16763  .IP \[bu] 2
 16765  .IP \[bu] 2
 16766  Type: string
 16767  .IP \[bu] 2
 16768  Default: ""
 16769  .SS \[en]drive\-allow\-import\-name\-change
 16770  .PP
 16771  Allow the filetype to change when uploading Google docs (e.g.\ file.doc
 16772  to file.docx).
 16773  This will confuse sync and reupload every time.
 16774  .IP \[bu] 2
 16775  Config: allow_import_name_change
 16776  .IP \[bu] 2
 16778  .IP \[bu] 2
 16779  Type: bool
 16780  .IP \[bu] 2
 16781  Default: false
 16782  .SS \[en]drive\-use\-created\-date
 16783  .PP
 16784  Use file created date instead of modified date.,
 16785  .PP
 16786  Useful when downloading data and you want the creation date used in
 16787  place of the last modified date.
 16788  .PP
 16789  \f[B]WARNING\f[]: This flag may have some unexpected consequences.
 16790  .PP
 16791  When uploading to your drive all files will be overwritten unless they
 16792  haven't been modified since their creation.
 16793  And the inverse will occur while downloading.
 16794  This side effect can be avoided by using the \[lq]\[en]checksum\[rq]
 16795  flag.
 16796  .PP
 16797  This feature was implemented to retain photos capture date as recorded
 16798  by google photos.
 16799  You will first need to check the \[lq]Create a Google Photos folder\[rq]
 16800  option in your google drive settings.
 16801  You can then copy or move the photos locally and use the date the image
 16802  was taken (created) set as the modification date.
 16803  .IP \[bu] 2
 16804  Config: use_created_date
 16805  .IP \[bu] 2
 16807  .IP \[bu] 2
 16808  Type: bool
 16809  .IP \[bu] 2
 16810  Default: false
 16811  .SS \[en]drive\-list\-chunk
 16812  .PP
 16813  Size of listing chunk 100\-1000.
 16814  0 to disable.
 16815  .IP \[bu] 2
 16816  Config: list_chunk
 16817  .IP \[bu] 2
 16819  .IP \[bu] 2
 16820  Type: int
 16821  .IP \[bu] 2
 16822  Default: 1000
 16823  .SS \[en]drive\-impersonate
 16824  .PP
 16825  Impersonate this user when using a service account.
 16826  .IP \[bu] 2
 16827  Config: impersonate
 16828  .IP \[bu] 2
 16830  .IP \[bu] 2
 16831  Type: string
 16832  .IP \[bu] 2
 16833  Default: ""
 16834  .SS \[en]drive\-alternate\-export
 16835  .PP
 16836  Use alternate export URLs for google documents export.,
 16837  .PP
 16838  If this option is set this instructs rclone to use an alternate set of
 16839  export URLs for drive documents.
 16840  Users have reported that the official export URLs can't export large
 16841  documents, whereas these unofficial ones can.
 16842  .PP
 16843  See rclone issue #2243 ( for
 16844  background, this google drive
 16845  issue ( and this helpful
 16846  post (
 16847  .IP \[bu] 2
 16848  Config: alternate_export
 16849  .IP \[bu] 2
 16851  .IP \[bu] 2
 16852  Type: bool
 16853  .IP \[bu] 2
 16854  Default: false
 16855  .SS \[en]drive\-upload\-cutoff
 16856  .PP
 16857  Cutoff for switching to chunked upload
 16858  .IP \[bu] 2
 16859  Config: upload_cutoff
 16860  .IP \[bu] 2
 16862  .IP \[bu] 2
 16863  Type: SizeSuffix
 16864  .IP \[bu] 2
 16865  Default: 8M
 16866  .SS \[en]drive\-chunk\-size
 16867  .PP
 16868  Upload chunk size.
 16869  Must a power of 2 >= 256k.
 16870  .PP
 16871  Making this larger will improve performance, but note that each chunk is
 16872  buffered in memory one per transfer.
 16873  .PP
 16874  Reducing this will reduce memory usage but decrease performance.
 16875  .IP \[bu] 2
 16876  Config: chunk_size
 16877  .IP \[bu] 2
 16879  .IP \[bu] 2
 16880  Type: SizeSuffix
 16881  .IP \[bu] 2
 16882  Default: 8M
 16883  .SS \[en]drive\-acknowledge\-abuse
 16884  .PP
 16885  Set to allow files which return cannotDownloadAbusiveFile to be
 16886  downloaded.
 16887  .PP
 16888  If downloading a file returns the error \[lq]This file has been
 16889  identified as malware or spam and cannot be downloaded\[rq] with the
 16890  error code \[lq]cannotDownloadAbusiveFile\[rq] then supply this flag to
 16891  rclone to indicate you acknowledge the risks of downloading the file and
 16892  rclone will download it anyway.
 16893  .IP \[bu] 2
 16894  Config: acknowledge_abuse
 16895  .IP \[bu] 2
 16897  .IP \[bu] 2
 16898  Type: bool
 16899  .IP \[bu] 2
 16900  Default: false
 16901  .SS \[en]drive\-keep\-revision\-forever
 16902  .PP
 16903  Keep new head revision of each file forever.
 16904  .IP \[bu] 2
 16905  Config: keep_revision_forever
 16906  .IP \[bu] 2
 16908  .IP \[bu] 2
 16909  Type: bool
 16910  .IP \[bu] 2
 16911  Default: false
 16912  .SS \[en]drive\-size\-as\-quota
 16913  .PP
 16914  Show storage quota usage for file size.
 16915  .PP
 16916  The storage used by a file is the size of the current version plus any
 16917  older versions that have been set to keep forever.
 16918  .IP \[bu] 2
 16919  Config: size_as_quota
 16920  .IP \[bu] 2
 16922  .IP \[bu] 2
 16923  Type: bool
 16924  .IP \[bu] 2
 16925  Default: false
 16926  .SS \[en]drive\-v2\-download\-min\-size
 16927  .PP
 16928  If Object's are greater, use drive v2 API to download.
 16929  .IP \[bu] 2
 16930  Config: v2_download_min_size
 16931  .IP \[bu] 2
 16933  .IP \[bu] 2
 16934  Type: SizeSuffix
 16935  .IP \[bu] 2
 16936  Default: off
 16937  .SS \[en]drive\-pacer\-min\-sleep
 16938  .PP
 16939  Minimum time to sleep between API calls.
 16940  .IP \[bu] 2
 16941  Config: pacer_min_sleep
 16942  .IP \[bu] 2
 16944  .IP \[bu] 2
 16945  Type: Duration
 16946  .IP \[bu] 2
 16947  Default: 100ms
 16948  .SS \[en]drive\-pacer\-burst
 16949  .PP
 16950  Number of API calls to allow without sleeping.
 16951  .IP \[bu] 2
 16952  Config: pacer_burst
 16953  .IP \[bu] 2
 16955  .IP \[bu] 2
 16956  Type: int
 16957  .IP \[bu] 2
 16958  Default: 100
 16959  .SS \[en]drive\-server\-side\-across\-configs
 16960  .PP
 16961  Allow server side operations (eg copy) to work across different drive
 16962  configs.
 16963  .PP
 16964  This can be useful if you wish to do a server side copy between two
 16965  different Google drives.
 16966  Note that this isn't enabled by default because it isn't easy to tell if
 16967  it will work beween any two configurations.
 16968  .IP \[bu] 2
 16969  Config: server_side_across_configs
 16970  .IP \[bu] 2
 16972  .IP \[bu] 2
 16973  Type: bool
 16974  .IP \[bu] 2
 16975  Default: false
 16976  .SS Limitations
 16977  .PP
 16978  Drive has quite a lot of rate limiting.
 16979  This causes rclone to be limited to transferring about 2 files per
 16980  second only.
 16981  Individual files may be transferred much faster at 100s of MBytes/s but
 16982  lots of small files can take a long time.
 16983  .PP
 16984  Server side copies are also subject to a separate rate limit.
 16985  If you see User rate limit exceeded errors, wait at least 24 hours and
 16986  retry.
 16987  You can disable server side copies with \f[C]\-\-disable\ copy\f[] to
 16988  download and upload the files if you prefer.
 16989  .SS Limitations of Google Docs
 16990  .PP
 16991  Google docs will appear as size \-1 in \f[C]rclone\ ls\f[] and as size 0
 16992  in anything which uses the VFS layer, eg \f[C]rclone\ mount\f[],
 16993  \f[C]rclone\ serve\f[].
 16994  .PP
 16995  This is because rclone can't find out the size of the Google docs
 16996  without downloading them.
 16997  .PP
 16998  Google docs will transfer correctly with \f[C]rclone\ sync\f[],
 16999  \f[C]rclone\ copy\f[] etc as rclone knows to ignore the size when doing
 17000  the transfer.
 17001  .PP
 17002  However an unfortunate consequence of this is that you can't download
 17003  Google docs using \f[C]rclone\ mount\f[] \- you will get a 0 sized file.
 17004  If you try again the doc may gain its correct size and be downloadable.
 17005  .SS Duplicated files
 17006  .PP
 17007  Sometimes, for no reason I've been able to track down, drive will
 17008  duplicate a file that rclone uploads.
 17009  Drive unlike all the other remotes can have duplicated files.
 17010  .PP
 17011  Duplicated files cause problems with the syncing and you will see
 17012  messages in the log about duplicates.
 17013  .PP
 17014  Use \f[C]rclone\ dedupe\f[] to fix duplicated files.
 17015  .PP
 17016  Note that this isn't just a problem with rclone, even Google Photos on
 17017  Android duplicates files on drive sometimes.
 17018  .SS Rclone appears to be re\-copying files it shouldn't
 17019  .PP
 17020  The most likely cause of this is the duplicated file issue above \- run
 17021  \f[C]rclone\ dedupe\f[] and check your logs for duplicate object or
 17022  directory messages.
 17023  .PP
 17024  This can also be caused by a delay/caching on google drive's end when
 17025  comparing directory listings.
 17026  Specifically with team drives used in combination with \[en]fast\-list.
 17027  Files that were uploaded recently may not appear on the directory list
 17028  sent to rclone when using \[en]fast\-list.
 17029  .PP
 17030  Waiting a moderate period of time between attempts (estimated to be
 17031  approximately 1 hour) and/or not using \[en]fast\-list both seem to be
 17032  effective in preventing the problem.
 17033  .SS Making your own client_id
 17034  .PP
 17035  When you use rclone with Google drive in its default configuration you
 17036  are using rclone's client_id.
 17037  This is shared between all the rclone users.
 17038  There is a global rate limit on the number of queries per second that
 17039  each client_id can do set by Google.
 17040  rclone already has a high quota and I will continue to make sure it is
 17041  high enough by contacting Google.
 17042  .PP
 17043  It is strongly recommended to use your own client ID as the default
 17044  rclone ID is heavily used.
 17045  If you have multiple services running, it is recommended to use an API
 17046  key for each service.
 17047  The default Google quota is 10 transactions per second so it is
 17048  recommended to stay under that number as if you use more than that, it
 17049  will cause rclone to rate limit and make things slower.
 17050  .PP
 17051  Here is how to create your own Google Drive client ID for rclone:
 17052  .IP "1." 3
 17053  Log into the Google API Console (
 17054  with your Google account.
 17055  It doesn't matter what Google account you use.
 17056  (It need not be the same account as the Google Drive you want to access)
 17057  .IP "2." 3
 17058  Select a project or create a new project.
 17059  .IP "3." 3
 17060  Under \[lq]ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES\[rq] search for \[lq]Drive\[rq], and
 17061  enable the then \[lq]Google Drive API\[rq].
 17062  .IP "4." 3
 17063  Click \[lq]Credentials\[rq] in the left\-side panel (not \[lq]Create
 17064  credentials\[rq], which opens the wizard), then \[lq]Create
 17065  credentials\[rq], then \[lq]OAuth client ID\[rq].
 17066  It will prompt you to set the OAuth consent screen product name, if you
 17067  haven't set one already.
 17068  .IP "5." 3
 17069  Choose an application type of \[lq]other\[rq], and click
 17070  \[lq]Create\[rq].
 17071  (the default name is fine)
 17072  .IP "6." 3
 17073  It will show you a client ID and client secret.
 17074  Use these values in rclone config to add a new remote or edit an
 17075  existing remote.
 17076  .PP
 17077  (Thanks to \@balazer on github for these instructions.)
 17078  .SS HTTP
 17079  .PP
 17080  The HTTP remote is a read only remote for reading files of a webserver.
 17081  The webserver should provide file listings which rclone will read and
 17082  turn into a remote.
 17083  This has been tested with common webservers such as Apache/Nginx/Caddy
 17084  and will likely work with file listings from most web servers.
 17085  (If it doesn't then please file an issue, or send a pull request!)
 17086  .PP
 17087  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:\f[] or \f[C]remote:path/to/dir\f[].
 17088  .PP
 17089  Here is an example of how to make a remote called \f[C]remote\f[].
 17090  First run:
 17091  .IP
 17092  .nf
 17093  \f[C]
 17094  \ rclone\ config
 17095  \f[]
 17096  .fi
 17097  .PP
 17098  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 17099  .IP
 17100  .nf
 17101  \f[C]
 17102  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 17103  n)\ New\ remote
 17104  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 17105  q)\ Quit\ config
 17106  n/s/q>\ n
 17107  name>\ remote
 17108  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 17109  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 17110  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 17111  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 17112  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
 17113  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 17114  \ 3\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 17115  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 17116  \ 4\ /\ Dropbox
 17117  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 17118  \ 5\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 17119  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 17120  \ 6\ /\ FTP\ Connection
 17121  \ \ \ \\\ "ftp"
 17122  \ 7\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 17123  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 17124  \ 8\ /\ Google\ Drive
 17125  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 17126  \ 9\ /\ Hubic
 17127  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 17128  10\ /\ Local\ Disk
 17129  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 17130  11\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 17131  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 17132  12\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 17133  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 17134  13\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 17135  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 17136  14\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 17137  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 17138  15\ /\ http\ Connection
 17139  \ \ \ \\\ "http"
 17140  Storage>\ http
 17141  URL\ of\ http\ host\ to\ connect\ to
 17142  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 17143  \ 1\ /\ Connect\ to\
 17144  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 17145  url>\
 17146  Remote\ config
 17147  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 17148  [remote]
 17149  url\ =\
 17150  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 17151  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 17152  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 17153  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 17154  y/e/d>\ y
 17155  Current\ remotes:
 17157  Name\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Type
 17158  ====\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ====
 17159  remote\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ http
 17161  e)\ Edit\ existing\ remote
 17162  n)\ New\ remote
 17163  d)\ Delete\ remote
 17164  r)\ Rename\ remote
 17165  c)\ Copy\ remote
 17166  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 17167  q)\ Quit\ config
 17168  e/n/d/r/c/s/q>\ q
 17169  \f[]
 17170  .fi
 17171  .PP
 17172  This remote is called \f[C]remote\f[] and can now be used like this
 17173  .PP
 17174  See all the top level directories
 17175  .IP
 17176  .nf
 17177  \f[C]
 17178  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 17179  \f[]
 17180  .fi
 17181  .PP
 17182  List the contents of a directory
 17183  .IP
 17184  .nf
 17185  \f[C]
 17186  rclone\ ls\ remote:directory
 17187  \f[]
 17188  .fi
 17189  .PP
 17190  Sync the remote \f[C]directory\f[] to \f[C]/home/local/directory\f[],
 17191  deleting any excess files.
 17192  .IP
 17193  .nf
 17194  \f[C]
 17195  rclone\ sync\ remote:directory\ /home/local/directory
 17196  \f[]
 17197  .fi
 17198  .SS Read only
 17199  .PP
 17200  This remote is read only \- you can't upload files to an HTTP server.
 17201  .SS Modified time
 17202  .PP
 17203  Most HTTP servers store time accurate to 1 second.
 17204  .SS Checksum
 17205  .PP
 17206  No checksums are stored.
 17207  .SS Usage without a config file
 17208  .PP
 17209  Since the http remote only has one config parameter it is easy to use
 17210  without a config file:
 17211  .IP
 17212  .nf
 17213  \f[C]
 17214  rclone\ lsd\ \-\-http\-url\\ :http:
 17215  \f[]
 17216  .fi
 17217  .SS Standard Options
 17218  .PP
 17219  Here are the standard options specific to http (http Connection).
 17220  .SS \[en]http\-url
 17221  .PP
 17222  URL of http host to connect to
 17223  .IP \[bu] 2
 17224  Config: url
 17225  .IP \[bu] 2
 17226  Env Var: RCLONE_HTTP_URL
 17227  .IP \[bu] 2
 17228  Type: string
 17229  .IP \[bu] 2
 17230  Default: ""
 17231  .IP \[bu] 2
 17232  Examples:
 17233  .RS 2
 17234  .IP \[bu] 2
 17235  \[lq]\[rq]
 17236  .RS 2
 17237  .IP \[bu] 2
 17238  Connect to
 17239  .RE
 17240  .IP \[bu] 2
 17241  \[lq]https://user:pass\\[rq]
 17242  .RS 2
 17243  .IP \[bu] 2
 17244  Connect to using a username and password
 17245  .RE
 17246  .RE
 17247  .SS Advanced Options
 17248  .PP
 17249  Here are the advanced options specific to http (http Connection).
 17250  .SS \[en]http\-no\-slash
 17251  .PP
 17252  Set this if the site doesn't end directories with /
 17253  .PP
 17254  Use this if your target website does not use / on the end of
 17255  directories.
 17256  .PP
 17257  A / on the end of a path is how rclone normally tells the difference
 17258  between files and directories.
 17259  If this flag is set, then rclone will treat all files with
 17260  Content\-Type: text/html as directories and read URLs from them rather
 17261  than downloading them.
 17262  .PP
 17263  Note that this may cause rclone to confuse genuine HTML files with
 17264  directories.
 17265  .IP \[bu] 2
 17266  Config: no_slash
 17267  .IP \[bu] 2
 17269  .IP \[bu] 2
 17270  Type: bool
 17271  .IP \[bu] 2
 17272  Default: false
 17273  .SS Hubic
 17274  .PP
 17275  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:path\f[]
 17276  .PP
 17277  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:container\f[] (or \f[C]remote:\f[]
 17278  for the \f[C]lsd\f[] command.) You may put subdirectories in too, eg
 17279  \f[C]remote:container/path/to/dir\f[].
 17280  .PP
 17281  The initial setup for Hubic involves getting a token from Hubic which
 17282  you need to do in your browser.
 17283  \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] walks you through it.
 17284  .PP
 17285  Here is an example of how to make a remote called \f[C]remote\f[].
 17286  First run:
 17287  .IP
 17288  .nf
 17289  \f[C]
 17290  \ rclone\ config
 17291  \f[]
 17292  .fi
 17293  .PP
 17294  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 17295  .IP
 17296  .nf
 17297  \f[C]
 17298  n)\ New\ remote
 17299  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 17300  n/s>\ n
 17301  name>\ remote
 17302  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 17303  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 17304  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 17305  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 17306  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
 17307  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 17308  \ 3\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 17309  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 17310  \ 4\ /\ Dropbox
 17311  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 17312  \ 5\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 17313  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 17314  \ 6\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 17315  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 17316  \ 7\ /\ Google\ Drive
 17317  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 17318  \ 8\ /\ Hubic
 17319  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 17320  \ 9\ /\ Local\ Disk
 17321  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 17322  10\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 17323  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 17324  11\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 17325  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 17326  12\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 17327  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 17328  13\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 17329  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 17330  Storage>\ 8
 17331  Hubic\ Client\ Id\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 17332  client_id>
 17333  Hubic\ Client\ Secret\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 17334  client_secret>
 17335  Remote\ config
 17336  Use\ auto\ config?
 17337  \ *\ Say\ Y\ if\ not\ sure
 17338  \ *\ Say\ N\ if\ you\ are\ working\ on\ a\ remote\ or\ headless\ machine
 17339  y)\ Yes
 17340  n)\ No
 17341  y/n>\ y
 17342  If\ your\ browser\ doesn\[aq]t\ open\ automatically\ go\ to\ the\ following\ link:\
 17343  Log\ in\ and\ authorize\ rclone\ for\ access
 17344  Waiting\ for\ code...
 17345  Got\ code
 17346  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 17347  [remote]
 17348  client_id\ =
 17349  client_secret\ =
 17350  token\ =\ {"access_token":"XXXXXX"}
 17351  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 17352  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 17353  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 17354  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 17355  y/e/d>\ y
 17356  \f[]
 17357  .fi
 17358  .PP
 17359  See the remote setup docs ( for how to
 17360  set it up on a machine with no Internet browser available.
 17361  .PP
 17362  Note that rclone runs a webserver on your local machine to collect the
 17363  token as returned from Hubic.
 17364  This only runs from the moment it opens your browser to the moment you
 17365  get back the verification code.
 17366  This is on \f[C]\f[] and this it may require you
 17367  to unblock it temporarily if you are running a host firewall.
 17368  .PP
 17369  Once configured you can then use \f[C]rclone\f[] like this,
 17370  .PP
 17371  List containers in the top level of your Hubic
 17372  .IP
 17373  .nf
 17374  \f[C]
 17375  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 17376  \f[]
 17377  .fi
 17378  .PP
 17379  List all the files in your Hubic
 17380  .IP
 17381  .nf
 17382  \f[C]
 17383  rclone\ ls\ remote:
 17384  \f[]
 17385  .fi
 17386  .PP
 17387  To copy a local directory to an Hubic directory called backup
 17388  .IP
 17389  .nf
 17390  \f[C]
 17391  rclone\ copy\ /home/source\ remote:backup
 17392  \f[]
 17393  .fi
 17394  .PP
 17395  If you want the directory to be visible in the official \f[I]Hubic
 17396  browser\f[], you need to copy your files to the \f[C]default\f[]
 17397  directory
 17398  .IP
 17399  .nf
 17400  \f[C]
 17401  rclone\ copy\ /home/source\ remote:default/backup
 17402  \f[]
 17403  .fi
 17404  .SS \[en]fast\-list
 17405  .PP
 17406  This remote supports \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] which allows you to use
 17407  fewer transactions in exchange for more memory.
 17408  See the rclone docs (/docs/#fast-list) for more details.
 17409  .SS Modified time
 17410  .PP
 17411  The modified time is stored as metadata on the object as
 17412  \f[C]X\-Object\-Meta\-Mtime\f[] as floating point since the epoch
 17413  accurate to 1 ns.
 17414  .PP
 17415  This is a de facto standard (used in the official python\-swiftclient
 17416  amongst others) for storing the modification time for an object.
 17417  .PP
 17418  Note that Hubic wraps the Swift backend, so most of the properties of
 17419  are the same.
 17420  .SS Standard Options
 17421  .PP
 17422  Here are the standard options specific to hubic (Hubic).
 17423  .SS \[en]hubic\-client\-id
 17424  .PP
 17425  Hubic Client Id Leave blank normally.
 17426  .IP \[bu] 2
 17427  Config: client_id
 17428  .IP \[bu] 2
 17430  .IP \[bu] 2
 17431  Type: string
 17432  .IP \[bu] 2
 17433  Default: ""
 17434  .SS \[en]hubic\-client\-secret
 17435  .PP
 17436  Hubic Client Secret Leave blank normally.
 17437  .IP \[bu] 2
 17438  Config: client_secret
 17439  .IP \[bu] 2
 17441  .IP \[bu] 2
 17442  Type: string
 17443  .IP \[bu] 2
 17444  Default: ""
 17445  .SS Advanced Options
 17446  .PP
 17447  Here are the advanced options specific to hubic (Hubic).
 17448  .SS \[en]hubic\-chunk\-size
 17449  .PP
 17450  Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container.
 17451  .PP
 17452  Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container.
 17453  The default for this is 5GB which is its maximum value.
 17454  .IP \[bu] 2
 17455  Config: chunk_size
 17456  .IP \[bu] 2
 17458  .IP \[bu] 2
 17459  Type: SizeSuffix
 17460  .IP \[bu] 2
 17461  Default: 5G
 17462  .SS \[en]hubic\-no\-chunk
 17463  .PP
 17464  Don't chunk files during streaming upload.
 17465  .PP
 17466  When doing streaming uploads (eg using rcat or mount) setting this flag
 17467  will cause the swift backend to not upload chunked files.
 17468  .PP
 17469  This will limit the maximum upload size to 5GB.
 17470  However non chunked files are easier to deal with and have an MD5SUM.
 17471  .PP
 17472  Rclone will still chunk files bigger than chunk_size when doing normal
 17473  copy operations.
 17474  .IP \[bu] 2
 17475  Config: no_chunk
 17476  .IP \[bu] 2
 17478  .IP \[bu] 2
 17479  Type: bool
 17480  .IP \[bu] 2
 17481  Default: false
 17482  .SS Limitations
 17483  .PP
 17484  This uses the normal OpenStack Swift mechanism to refresh the Swift API
 17485  credentials and ignores the expires field returned by the Hubic API.
 17486  .PP
 17487  The Swift API doesn't return a correct MD5SUM for segmented files
 17488  (Dynamic or Static Large Objects) so rclone won't check or use the
 17489  MD5SUM for these.
 17490  .SS Jottacloud
 17491  .PP
 17492  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:path\f[]
 17493  .PP
 17494  Paths may be as deep as required, eg
 17495  \f[C]remote:directory/subdirectory\f[].
 17496  .PP
 17497  To configure Jottacloud you will need to enter your username and
 17498  password and select a mountpoint.
 17499  .PP
 17500  Here is an example of how to make a remote called \f[C]remote\f[].
 17501  First run:
 17502  .IP
 17503  .nf
 17504  \f[C]
 17505  \ rclone\ config
 17506  \f[]
 17507  .fi
 17508  .PP
 17509  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 17510  .IP
 17511  .nf
 17512  \f[C]
 17513  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 17514  n)\ New\ remote
 17515  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 17516  q)\ Quit\ config
 17517  n/s/q>\ n
 17518  name>\ jotta
 17519  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 17520  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 17521  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 17522  [snip]
 17523  14\ /\ JottaCloud
 17524  \ \ \ \\\ "jottacloud"
 17525  [snip]
 17526  Storage>\ jottacloud
 17527  **\ See\ help\ for\ jottacloud\ backend\ at:\\ **
 17529  User\ Name:
 17530  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 17531  user>\ user\@email.tld
 17532  Edit\ advanced\ config?\ (y/n)
 17533  y)\ Yes
 17534  n)\ No
 17535  y/n>\ n
 17536  Remote\ config
 17538  Do\ you\ want\ to\ create\ a\ machine\ specific\ API\ key?
 17540  Rclone\ has\ it\[aq]s\ own\ Jottacloud\ API\ KEY\ which\ works\ fine\ as\ long\ as\ one\ only\ uses\ rclone\ on\ a\ single\ machine.\ When\ you\ want\ to\ use\ rclone\ with\ this\ account\ on\ more\ than\ one\ machine\ it\[aq]s\ recommended\ to\ create\ a\ machine\ specific\ API\ key.\ These\ keys\ can\ NOT\ be\ shared\ between\ machines.
 17542  y)\ Yes
 17543  n)\ No
 17544  y/n>\ y
 17545  Your\ Jottacloud\ password\ is\ only\ required\ during\ setup\ and\ will\ not\ be\ stored.
 17546  password:
 17548  Do\ you\ want\ to\ use\ a\ non\ standard\ device/mountpoint\ e.g.\ for\ accessing\ files\ uploaded\ using\ the\ official\ Jottacloud\ client?
 17550  y)\ Yes
 17551  n)\ No
 17552  y/n>\ y
 17553  Please\ select\ the\ device\ to\ use.\ Normally\ this\ will\ be\ Jotta
 17554  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ an\ existing\ value
 17555  \ 1\ >\ DESKTOP\-3H31129
 17556  \ 2\ >\ test1
 17557  \ 3\ >\ Jotta
 17558  Devices>\ 3
 17559  Please\ select\ the\ mountpoint\ to\ user.\ Normally\ this\ will\ be\ Archive
 17560  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ an\ existing\ value
 17561  \ 1\ >\ Archive
 17562  \ 2\ >\ Shared
 17563  \ 3\ >\ Sync
 17564  Mountpoints>\ 1
 17565  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 17566  [jotta]
 17567  type\ =\ jottacloud
 17568  user\ =\ 0xC4KE\
 17569  client_id\ =\ .....
 17570  client_secret\ =\ ........
 17571  token\ =\ {........}
 17572  device\ =\ Jotta
 17573  mountpoint\ =\ Archive
 17574  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 17575  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 17576  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 17577  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 17578  y/e/d>\ y
 17579  \f[]
 17580  .fi
 17581  .PP
 17582  Once configured you can then use \f[C]rclone\f[] like this,
 17583  .PP
 17584  List directories in top level of your Jottacloud
 17585  .IP
 17586  .nf
 17587  \f[C]
 17588  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 17589  \f[]
 17590  .fi
 17591  .PP
 17592  List all the files in your Jottacloud
 17593  .IP
 17594  .nf
 17595  \f[C]
 17596  rclone\ ls\ remote:
 17597  \f[]
 17598  .fi
 17599  .PP
 17600  To copy a local directory to an Jottacloud directory called backup
 17601  .IP
 17602  .nf
 17603  \f[C]
 17604  rclone\ copy\ /home/source\ remote:backup
 17605  \f[]
 17606  .fi
 17607  .SS Devices and Mountpoints
 17608  .PP
 17609  The official Jottacloud client registers a device for each computer you
 17610  install it on and then creates a mountpoint for each folder you select
 17611  for Backup.
 17612  The web interface uses a special device called Jotta for the Archive,
 17613  Sync and Shared mountpoints.
 17614  In most cases you'll want to use the Jotta/Archive device/mounpoint
 17615  however if you want to access files uploaded by the official rclone
 17616  provides the option to select other devices and mountpoints during
 17617  config.
 17618  .SS \[en]fast\-list
 17619  .PP
 17620  This remote supports \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] which allows you to use
 17621  fewer transactions in exchange for more memory.
 17622  See the rclone docs (/docs/#fast-list) for more details.
 17623  .PP
 17624  Note that the implementation in Jottacloud always uses only a single API
 17625  request to get the entire list, so for large folders this could lead to
 17626  long wait time before the first results are shown.
 17627  .SS Modified time and hashes
 17628  .PP
 17629  Jottacloud allows modification times to be set on objects accurate to 1
 17630  second.
 17631  These will be used to detect whether objects need syncing or not.
 17632  .PP
 17633  Jottacloud supports MD5 type hashes, so you can use the
 17634  \f[C]\-\-checksum\f[] flag.
 17635  .PP
 17636  Note that Jottacloud requires the MD5 hash before upload so if the
 17637  source does not have an MD5 checksum then the file will be cached
 17638  temporarily on disk (wherever the \f[C]TMPDIR\f[] environment variable
 17639  points to) before it is uploaded.
 17640  Small files will be cached in memory \- see the
 17641  \f[C]\-\-jottacloud\-md5\-memory\-limit\f[] flag.
 17642  .SS Deleting files
 17643  .PP
 17644  By default rclone will send all files to the trash when deleting files.
 17645  Due to a lack of API documentation emptying the trash is currently only
 17646  possible via the Jottacloud website.
 17647  If deleting permanently is required then use the
 17648  \f[C]\-\-jottacloud\-hard\-delete\f[] flag, or set the equivalent
 17649  environment variable.
 17650  .SS Versions
 17651  .PP
 17652  Jottacloud supports file versioning.
 17653  When rclone uploads a new version of a file it creates a new version of
 17654  it.
 17655  Currently rclone only supports retrieving the current version but older
 17656  versions can be accessed via the Jottacloud Website.
 17657  .SS Quota information
 17658  .PP
 17659  To view your current quota you can use the
 17660  \f[C]rclone\ about\ remote:\f[] command which will display your usage
 17661  limit (unless it is unlimited) and the current usage.
 17662  .SS Device IDs
 17663  .PP
 17664  Jottacloud requires each `device' to be registered.
 17665  Rclone brings such a registration to easily access your account but if
 17666  you want to use Jottacloud together with rclone on multiple machines you
 17667  NEED to create a seperate deviceID/deviceSecrect on each machine.
 17668  You will asked during setting up the remote.
 17669  Please be aware that this also means that copying the rclone config from
 17670  one machine to another does NOT work with Jottacloud accounts.
 17671  You have to create it on each machine.
 17672  .SS Standard Options
 17673  .PP
 17674  Here are the standard options specific to jottacloud (JottaCloud).
 17675  .SS \[en]jottacloud\-user
 17676  .PP
 17677  User Name:
 17678  .IP \[bu] 2
 17679  Config: user
 17680  .IP \[bu] 2
 17682  .IP \[bu] 2
 17683  Type: string
 17684  .IP \[bu] 2
 17685  Default: ""
 17686  .SS Advanced Options
 17687  .PP
 17688  Here are the advanced options specific to jottacloud (JottaCloud).
 17689  .SS \[en]jottacloud\-md5\-memory\-limit
 17690  .PP
 17691  Files bigger than this will be cached on disk to calculate the MD5 if
 17692  required.
 17693  .IP \[bu] 2
 17694  Config: md5_memory_limit
 17695  .IP \[bu] 2
 17697  .IP \[bu] 2
 17698  Type: SizeSuffix
 17699  .IP \[bu] 2
 17700  Default: 10M
 17701  .SS \[en]jottacloud\-hard\-delete
 17702  .PP
 17703  Delete files permanently rather than putting them into the trash.
 17704  .IP \[bu] 2
 17705  Config: hard_delete
 17706  .IP \[bu] 2
 17708  .IP \[bu] 2
 17709  Type: bool
 17710  .IP \[bu] 2
 17711  Default: false
 17712  .SS \[en]jottacloud\-unlink
 17713  .PP
 17714  Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than
 17715  creating.
 17716  Default is false, meaning link command will create or retrieve public
 17717  link.
 17718  .IP \[bu] 2
 17719  Config: unlink
 17720  .IP \[bu] 2
 17722  .IP \[bu] 2
 17723  Type: bool
 17724  .IP \[bu] 2
 17725  Default: false
 17726  .SS \[en]jottacloud\-upload\-resume\-limit
 17727  .PP
 17728  Files bigger than this can be resumed if the upload fail's.
 17729  .IP \[bu] 2
 17730  Config: upload_resume_limit
 17731  .IP \[bu] 2
 17733  .IP \[bu] 2
 17734  Type: SizeSuffix
 17735  .IP \[bu] 2
 17736  Default: 10M
 17737  .SS Limitations
 17738  .PP
 17739  Note that Jottacloud is case insensitive so you can't have a file called
 17740  \[lq]Hello.doc\[rq] and one called \[lq]hello.doc\[rq].
 17741  .PP
 17742  There are quite a few characters that can't be in Jottacloud file names.
 17743  Rclone will map these names to and from an identical looking unicode
 17744  equivalent.
 17745  For example if a file has a ?
 17746  in it will be mapped to ? instead.
 17747  .PP
 17748  Jottacloud only supports filenames up to 255 characters in length.
 17749  .SS Troubleshooting
 17750  .PP
 17751  Jottacloud exhibits some inconsistent behaviours regarding deleted files
 17752  and folders which may cause Copy, Move and DirMove operations to
 17753  previously deleted paths to fail.
 17754  Emptying the trash should help in such cases.
 17755  .SS Koofr
 17756  .PP
 17757  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:path\f[]
 17758  .PP
 17759  Paths may be as deep as required, eg
 17760  \f[C]remote:directory/subdirectory\f[].
 17761  .PP
 17762  The initial setup for Koofr involves creating an application password
 17763  for rclone.
 17764  You can do that by opening the Koofr web
 17765  application (,
 17766  giving the password a nice name like \f[C]rclone\f[] and clicking on
 17767  generate.
 17768  .PP
 17769  Here is an example of how to make a remote called \f[C]koofr\f[].
 17770  First run:
 17771  .IP
 17772  .nf
 17773  \f[C]
 17774  \ rclone\ config
 17775  \f[]
 17776  .fi
 17777  .PP
 17778  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 17779  .IP
 17780  .nf
 17781  \f[C]
 17782  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 17783  n)\ New\ remote
 17784  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 17785  q)\ Quit\ config
 17786  n/s/q>\ n
 17787  name>\ koofr\ 
 17788  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 17789  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 17790  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 17791  \ 1\ /\ A\ stackable\ unification\ remote,\ which\ can\ appear\ to\ merge\ the\ contents\ of\ several\ remotes
 17792  \ \ \ \\\ "union"
 17793  \ 2\ /\ Alias\ for\ an\ existing\ remote
 17794  \ \ \ \\\ "alias"
 17795  \ 3\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 17796  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 17797  \ 4\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ Compliant\ Storage\ Provider\ (AWS,\ Alibaba,\ Ceph,\ Digital\ Ocean,\ Dreamhost,\ IBM\ COS,\ Minio,\ etc)
 17798  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 17799  \ 5\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 17800  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 17801  \ 6\ /\ Box
 17802  \ \ \ \\\ "box"
 17803  \ 7\ /\ Cache\ a\ remote
 17804  \ \ \ \\\ "cache"
 17805  \ 8\ /\ Dropbox
 17806  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 17807  \ 9\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 17808  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 17809  10\ /\ FTP\ Connection
 17810  \ \ \ \\\ "ftp"
 17811  11\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 17812  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 17813  12\ /\ Google\ Drive
 17814  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 17815  13\ /\ Hubic
 17816  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 17817  14\ /\ JottaCloud
 17818  \ \ \ \\\ "jottacloud"
 17819  15\ /\ Koofr
 17820  \ \ \ \\\ "koofr"
 17821  16\ /\ Local\ Disk
 17822  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 17823  17\ /\ Mega
 17824  \ \ \ \\\ "mega"
 17825  18\ /\ Microsoft\ Azure\ Blob\ Storage
 17826  \ \ \ \\\ "azureblob"
 17827  19\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 17828  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 17829  20\ /\ OpenDrive
 17830  \ \ \ \\\ "opendrive"
 17831  21\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 17832  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 17833  22\ /\ Pcloud
 17834  \ \ \ \\\ "pcloud"
 17835  23\ /\ QingCloud\ Object\ Storage
 17836  \ \ \ \\\ "qingstor"
 17837  24\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 17838  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 17839  25\ /\ Webdav
 17840  \ \ \ \\\ "webdav"
 17841  26\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 17842  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 17843  27\ /\ http\ Connection
 17844  \ \ \ \\\ "http"
 17845  Storage>\ koofr
 17846  **\ See\ help\ for\ koofr\ backend\ at:\\ **
 17848  Your\ Koofr\ user\ name
 17849  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 17850  user>\ USER\@NAME
 17851  Your\ Koofr\ password\ for\ rclone\ (generate\ one\ at\
 17852  y)\ Yes\ type\ in\ my\ own\ password
 17853  g)\ Generate\ random\ password
 17854  y/g>\ y
 17855  Enter\ the\ password:
 17856  password:
 17857  Confirm\ the\ password:
 17858  password:
 17859  Edit\ advanced\ config?\ (y/n)
 17860  y)\ Yes
 17861  n)\ No
 17862  y/n>\ n
 17863  Remote\ config
 17864  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 17865  [koofr]
 17866  type\ =\ koofr
 17867  baseurl\ =\
 17868  user\ =\ USER\@NAME
 17869  password\ =\ ***\ ENCRYPTED\ ***
 17870  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 17871  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 17872  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 17873  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 17874  y/e/d>\ y
 17875  \f[]
 17876  .fi
 17877  .PP
 17878  You can choose to edit advanced config in order to enter your own
 17879  service URL if you use an on\-premise or white label Koofr instance, or
 17880  choose an alternative mount instead of your primary storage.
 17881  .PP
 17882  Once configured you can then use \f[C]rclone\f[] like this,
 17883  .PP
 17884  List directories in top level of your Koofr
 17885  .IP
 17886  .nf
 17887  \f[C]
 17888  rclone\ lsd\ koofr:
 17889  \f[]
 17890  .fi
 17891  .PP
 17892  List all the files in your Koofr
 17893  .IP
 17894  .nf
 17895  \f[C]
 17896  rclone\ ls\ koofr:
 17897  \f[]
 17898  .fi
 17899  .PP
 17900  To copy a local directory to an Koofr directory called backup
 17901  .IP
 17902  .nf
 17903  \f[C]
 17904  rclone\ copy\ /home/source\ remote:backup
 17905  \f[]
 17906  .fi
 17907  .SS Standard Options
 17908  .PP
 17909  Here are the standard options specific to koofr (Koofr).
 17910  .SS \[en]koofr\-user
 17911  .PP
 17912  Your Koofr user name
 17913  .IP \[bu] 2
 17914  Config: user
 17915  .IP \[bu] 2
 17916  Env Var: RCLONE_KOOFR_USER
 17917  .IP \[bu] 2
 17918  Type: string
 17919  .IP \[bu] 2
 17920  Default: ""
 17921  .SS \[en]koofr\-password
 17922  .PP
 17923  Your Koofr password for rclone (generate one at
 17925  .IP \[bu] 2
 17926  Config: password
 17927  .IP \[bu] 2
 17929  .IP \[bu] 2
 17930  Type: string
 17931  .IP \[bu] 2
 17932  Default: ""
 17933  .SS Advanced Options
 17934  .PP
 17935  Here are the advanced options specific to koofr (Koofr).
 17936  .SS \[en]koofr\-endpoint
 17937  .PP
 17938  The Koofr API endpoint to use
 17939  .IP \[bu] 2
 17940  Config: endpoint
 17941  .IP \[bu] 2
 17943  .IP \[bu] 2
 17944  Type: string
 17945  .IP \[bu] 2
 17946  Default: \[lq]\[rq]
 17947  .SS \[en]koofr\-mountid
 17948  .PP
 17949  Mount ID of the mount to use.
 17950  If omitted, the primary mount is used.
 17951  .IP \[bu] 2
 17952  Config: mountid
 17953  .IP \[bu] 2
 17955  .IP \[bu] 2
 17956  Type: string
 17957  .IP \[bu] 2
 17958  Default: ""
 17959  .SS Limitations
 17960  .PP
 17961  Note that Koofr is case insensitive so you can't have a file called
 17962  \[lq]Hello.doc\[rq] and one called \[lq]hello.doc\[rq].
 17963  .SS Mega
 17964  .PP
 17965  Mega ( is a cloud storage and file hosting service
 17966  known for its security feature where all files are encrypted locally
 17967  before they are uploaded.
 17968  This prevents anyone (including employees of Mega) from accessing the
 17969  files without knowledge of the key used for encryption.
 17970  .PP
 17971  This is an rclone backend for Mega which supports the file transfer
 17972  features of Mega using the same client side encryption.
 17973  .PP
 17974  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:path\f[]
 17975  .PP
 17976  Paths may be as deep as required, eg
 17977  \f[C]remote:directory/subdirectory\f[].
 17978  .PP
 17979  Here is an example of how to make a remote called \f[C]remote\f[].
 17980  First run:
 17981  .IP
 17982  .nf
 17983  \f[C]
 17984  \ rclone\ config
 17985  \f[]
 17986  .fi
 17987  .PP
 17988  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 17989  .IP
 17990  .nf
 17991  \f[C]
 17992  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 17993  n)\ New\ remote
 17994  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 17995  q)\ Quit\ config
 17996  n/s/q>\ n
 17997  name>\ remote
 17998  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 17999  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 18000  \ 1\ /\ Alias\ for\ an\ existing\ remote
 18001  \ \ \ \\\ "alias"
 18002  [snip]
 18003  14\ /\ Mega
 18004  \ \ \ \\\ "mega"
 18005  [snip]
 18006  23\ /\ http\ Connection
 18007  \ \ \ \\\ "http"
 18008  Storage>\ mega
 18009  User\ name
 18010  user>\ you\
 18011  Password.
 18012  y)\ Yes\ type\ in\ my\ own\ password
 18013  g)\ Generate\ random\ password
 18014  n)\ No\ leave\ this\ optional\ password\ blank
 18015  y/g/n>\ y
 18016  Enter\ the\ password:
 18017  password:
 18018  Confirm\ the\ password:
 18019  password:
 18020  Remote\ config
 18021  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 18022  [remote]
 18023  type\ =\ mega
 18024  user\ =\ you\
 18025  pass\ =\ ***\ ENCRYPTED\ ***
 18026  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 18027  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 18028  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 18029  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 18030  y/e/d>\ y
 18031  \f[]
 18032  .fi
 18033  .PP
 18034  \f[B]NOTE:\f[] The encryption keys need to have been already generated
 18035  after a regular login via the browser, otherwise attempting to use the
 18036  credentials in \f[C]rclone\f[] will fail.
 18037  .PP
 18038  Once configured you can then use \f[C]rclone\f[] like this,
 18039  .PP
 18040  List directories in top level of your Mega
 18041  .IP
 18042  .nf
 18043  \f[C]
 18044  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 18045  \f[]
 18046  .fi
 18047  .PP
 18048  List all the files in your Mega
 18049  .IP
 18050  .nf
 18051  \f[C]
 18052  rclone\ ls\ remote:
 18053  \f[]
 18054  .fi
 18055  .PP
 18056  To copy a local directory to an Mega directory called backup
 18057  .IP
 18058  .nf
 18059  \f[C]
 18060  rclone\ copy\ /home/source\ remote:backup
 18061  \f[]
 18062  .fi
 18063  .SS Modified time and hashes
 18064  .PP
 18065  Mega does not support modification times or hashes yet.
 18066  .SS Duplicated files
 18067  .PP
 18068  Mega can have two files with exactly the same name and path (unlike a
 18069  normal file system).
 18070  .PP
 18071  Duplicated files cause problems with the syncing and you will see
 18072  messages in the log about duplicates.
 18073  .PP
 18074  Use \f[C]rclone\ dedupe\f[] to fix duplicated files.
 18075  .SS Failure to log\-in
 18076  .PP
 18077  Mega remotes seem to get blocked (reject logins) under \[lq]heavy
 18078  use\[rq].
 18079  We haven't worked out the exact blocking rules but it seems to be
 18080  related to fast paced, sucessive rclone commands.
 18081  .PP
 18082  For example, executing this command 90 times in a row
 18083  \f[C]rclone\ link\ remote:file\f[] will cause the remote to become
 18084  \[lq]blocked\[rq].
 18085  This is not an abnormal situation, for example if you wish to get the
 18086  public links of a directory with hundred of files\&... After more or
 18087  less a week, the remote will remote accept rclone logins normally again.
 18088  .PP
 18089  You can mitigate this issue by mounting the remote it with
 18090  \f[C]rclone\ mount\f[].
 18091  This will log\-in when mounting and a log\-out when unmounting only.
 18092  You can also run \f[C]rclone\ rcd\f[] and then use \f[C]rclone\ rc\f[]
 18093  to run the commands over the API to avoid logging in each time.
 18094  .PP
 18095  Rclone does not currently close mega sessions (you can see them in the
 18096  web interface), however closing the sessions does not solve the issue.
 18097  .PP
 18098  If you space rclone commands by 3 seconds it will avoid blocking the
 18099  remote.
 18100  We haven't identified the exact blocking rules, so perhaps one could
 18101  execute the command 80 times without waiting and avoid blocking by
 18102  waiting 3 seconds, then continuing\&...
 18103  .PP
 18104  Note that this has been observed by trial and error and might not be set
 18105  in stone.
 18106  .PP
 18107  Other tools seem not to produce this blocking effect, as they use a
 18108  different working approach (state\-based, using sessionIDs instead of
 18109  log\-in) which isn't compatible with the current stateless rclone
 18110  approach.
 18111  .PP
 18112  Note that once blocked, the use of other tools (such as megacmd) is not
 18113  a sure workaround: following megacmd login times have been observed in
 18114  sucession for blocked remote: 7 minutes, 20 min, 30min, 30 min, 30min.
 18115  Web access looks unaffected though.
 18116  .PP
 18117  Investigation is continuing in relation to workarounds based on
 18118  timeouts, pacers, retrials and tpslimits \- if you discover something
 18119  relevant, please post on the forum.
 18120  .PP
 18121  So, if rclone was working nicely and suddenly you are unable to log\-in
 18122  and you are sure the user and the password are correct, likely you have
 18123  got the remote blocked for a while.
 18124  .SS Standard Options
 18125  .PP
 18126  Here are the standard options specific to mega (Mega).
 18127  .SS \[en]mega\-user
 18128  .PP
 18129  User name
 18130  .IP \[bu] 2
 18131  Config: user
 18132  .IP \[bu] 2
 18133  Env Var: RCLONE_MEGA_USER
 18134  .IP \[bu] 2
 18135  Type: string
 18136  .IP \[bu] 2
 18137  Default: ""
 18138  .SS \[en]mega\-pass
 18139  .PP
 18140  Password.
 18141  .IP \[bu] 2
 18142  Config: pass
 18143  .IP \[bu] 2
 18144  Env Var: RCLONE_MEGA_PASS
 18145  .IP \[bu] 2
 18146  Type: string
 18147  .IP \[bu] 2
 18148  Default: ""
 18149  .SS Advanced Options
 18150  .PP
 18151  Here are the advanced options specific to mega (Mega).
 18152  .SS \[en]mega\-debug
 18153  .PP
 18154  Output more debug from Mega.
 18155  .PP
 18156  If this flag is set (along with \-vv) it will print further debugging
 18157  information from the mega backend.
 18158  .IP \[bu] 2
 18159  Config: debug
 18160  .IP \[bu] 2
 18161  Env Var: RCLONE_MEGA_DEBUG
 18162  .IP \[bu] 2
 18163  Type: bool
 18164  .IP \[bu] 2
 18165  Default: false
 18166  .SS \[en]mega\-hard\-delete
 18167  .PP
 18168  Delete files permanently rather than putting them into the trash.
 18169  .PP
 18170  Normally the mega backend will put all deletions into the trash rather
 18171  than permanently deleting them.
 18172  If you specify this then rclone will permanently delete objects instead.
 18173  .IP \[bu] 2
 18174  Config: hard_delete
 18175  .IP \[bu] 2
 18177  .IP \[bu] 2
 18178  Type: bool
 18179  .IP \[bu] 2
 18180  Default: false
 18181  .SS Limitations
 18182  .PP
 18183  This backend uses the go\-mega go
 18184  library ( which is an opensource go
 18185  library implementing the Mega API.
 18186  There doesn't appear to be any documentation for the mega protocol
 18187  beyond the mega C++ SDK ( source code so
 18188  there are likely quite a few errors still remaining in this library.
 18189  .PP
 18190  Mega allows duplicate files which may confuse rclone.
 18191  .SS Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
 18192  .PP
 18193  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:container\f[] (or \f[C]remote:\f[]
 18194  for the \f[C]lsd\f[] command.) You may put subdirectories in too, eg
 18195  \f[C]remote:container/path/to/dir\f[].
 18196  .PP
 18197  Here is an example of making a Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
 18198  configuration.
 18199  For a remote called \f[C]remote\f[].
 18200  First run:
 18201  .IP
 18202  .nf
 18203  \f[C]
 18204  \ rclone\ config
 18205  \f[]
 18206  .fi
 18207  .PP
 18208  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 18209  .IP
 18210  .nf
 18211  \f[C]
 18212  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 18213  n)\ New\ remote
 18214  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 18215  q)\ Quit\ config
 18216  n/s/q>\ n
 18217  name>\ remote
 18218  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 18219  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 18220  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 18221  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 18222  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
 18223  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 18224  \ 3\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 18225  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 18226  \ 4\ /\ Box
 18227  \ \ \ \\\ "box"
 18228  \ 5\ /\ Dropbox
 18229  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 18230  \ 6\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 18231  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 18232  \ 7\ /\ FTP\ Connection
 18233  \ \ \ \\\ "ftp"
 18234  \ 8\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 18235  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 18236  \ 9\ /\ Google\ Drive
 18237  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 18238  10\ /\ Hubic
 18239  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 18240  11\ /\ Local\ Disk
 18241  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 18242  12\ /\ Microsoft\ Azure\ Blob\ Storage
 18243  \ \ \ \\\ "azureblob"
 18244  13\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 18245  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 18246  14\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 18247  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 18248  15\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 18249  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 18250  16\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 18251  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 18252  17\ /\ http\ Connection
 18253  \ \ \ \\\ "http"
 18254  Storage>\ azureblob
 18255  Storage\ Account\ Name
 18256  account>\ account_name
 18257  Storage\ Account\ Key
 18258  key>\ base64encodedkey==
 18259  Endpoint\ for\ the\ service\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 18260  endpoint>\ 
 18261  Remote\ config
 18262  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 18263  [remote]
 18264  account\ =\ account_name
 18265  key\ =\ base64encodedkey==
 18266  endpoint\ =\ 
 18267  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 18268  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 18269  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 18270  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 18271  y/e/d>\ y
 18272  \f[]
 18273  .fi
 18274  .PP
 18275  See all containers
 18276  .IP
 18277  .nf
 18278  \f[C]
 18279  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 18280  \f[]
 18281  .fi
 18282  .PP
 18283  Make a new container
 18284  .IP
 18285  .nf
 18286  \f[C]
 18287  rclone\ mkdir\ remote:container
 18288  \f[]
 18289  .fi
 18290  .PP
 18291  List the contents of a container
 18292  .IP
 18293  .nf
 18294  \f[C]
 18295  rclone\ ls\ remote:container
 18296  \f[]
 18297  .fi
 18298  .PP
 18299  Sync \f[C]/home/local/directory\f[] to the remote container, deleting
 18300  any excess files in the container.
 18301  .IP
 18302  .nf
 18303  \f[C]
 18304  rclone\ sync\ /home/local/directory\ remote:container
 18305  \f[]
 18306  .fi
 18307  .SS \[en]fast\-list
 18308  .PP
 18309  This remote supports \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] which allows you to use
 18310  fewer transactions in exchange for more memory.
 18311  See the rclone docs (/docs/#fast-list) for more details.
 18312  .SS Modified time
 18313  .PP
 18314  The modified time is stored as metadata on the object with the
 18315  \f[C]mtime\f[] key.
 18316  It is stored using RFC3339 Format time with nanosecond precision.
 18317  The metadata is supplied during directory listings so there is no
 18318  overhead to using it.
 18319  .SS Hashes
 18320  .PP
 18321  MD5 hashes are stored with blobs.
 18322  However blobs that were uploaded in chunks only have an MD5 if the
 18323  source remote was capable of MD5 hashes, eg the local disk.
 18324  .SS Authenticating with Azure Blob Storage
 18325  .PP
 18326  Rclone has 3 ways of authenticating with Azure Blob Storage:
 18327  .SS Account and Key
 18328  .PP
 18329  This is the most straight forward and least flexible way.
 18330  Just fill in the \f[C]account\f[] and \f[C]key\f[] lines and leave the
 18331  rest blank.
 18332  .SS SAS URL
 18333  .PP
 18334  This can be an account level SAS URL or container level SAS URL
 18335  .PP
 18336  To use it leave \f[C]account\f[], \f[C]key\f[] blank and fill in
 18337  \f[C]sas_url\f[].
 18338  .PP
 18339  Account level SAS URL or container level SAS URL can be obtained from
 18340  Azure portal or Azure Storage Explorer.
 18341  To get a container level SAS URL right click on a container in the Azure
 18342  Blob explorer in the Azure portal.
 18343  .PP
 18344  If You use container level SAS URL, rclone operations are permitted only
 18345  on particular container, eg
 18346  .IP
 18347  .nf
 18348  \f[C]
 18349  rclone\ ls\ azureblob:container\ or\ rclone\ ls\ azureblob:
 18350  \f[]
 18351  .fi
 18352  .PP
 18353  Since container name already exists in SAS URL, you can leave it empty
 18354  as well.
 18355  .PP
 18356  However these will not work
 18357  .IP
 18358  .nf
 18359  \f[C]
 18360  rclone\ lsd\ azureblob:
 18361  rclone\ ls\ azureblob:othercontainer
 18362  \f[]
 18363  .fi
 18364  .PP
 18365  This would be useful for temporarily allowing third parties access to a
 18366  single container or putting credentials into an untrusted environment.
 18367  .SS Multipart uploads
 18368  .PP
 18369  Rclone supports multipart uploads with Azure Blob storage.
 18370  Files bigger than 256MB will be uploaded using chunked upload by
 18371  default.
 18372  .PP
 18373  The files will be uploaded in parallel in 4MB chunks (by default).
 18374  Note that these chunks are buffered in memory and there may be up to
 18375  \f[C]\-\-transfers\f[] of them being uploaded at once.
 18376  .PP
 18377  Files can't be split into more than 50,000 chunks so by default, so the
 18378  largest file that can be uploaded with 4MB chunk size is 195GB.
 18379  Above this rclone will double the chunk size until it creates less than
 18380  50,000 chunks.
 18381  By default this will mean a maximum file size of 3.2TB can be uploaded.
 18382  This can be raised to 5TB using
 18383  \f[C]\-\-azureblob\-chunk\-size\ 100M\f[].
 18384  .PP
 18385  Note that rclone doesn't commit the block list until the end of the
 18386  upload which means that there is a limit of 9.5TB of multipart uploads
 18387  in progress as Azure won't allow more than that amount of uncommitted
 18388  blocks.
 18389  .SS Standard Options
 18390  .PP
 18391  Here are the standard options specific to azureblob (Microsoft Azure
 18392  Blob Storage).
 18393  .SS \[en]azureblob\-account
 18394  .PP
 18395  Storage Account Name (leave blank to use connection string or SAS URL)
 18396  .IP \[bu] 2
 18397  Config: account
 18398  .IP \[bu] 2
 18400  .IP \[bu] 2
 18401  Type: string
 18402  .IP \[bu] 2
 18403  Default: ""
 18404  .SS \[en]azureblob\-key
 18405  .PP
 18406  Storage Account Key (leave blank to use connection string or SAS URL)
 18407  .IP \[bu] 2
 18408  Config: key
 18409  .IP \[bu] 2
 18411  .IP \[bu] 2
 18412  Type: string
 18413  .IP \[bu] 2
 18414  Default: ""
 18415  .SS \[en]azureblob\-sas\-url
 18416  .PP
 18417  SAS URL for container level access only (leave blank if using
 18418  account/key or connection string)
 18419  .IP \[bu] 2
 18420  Config: sas_url
 18421  .IP \[bu] 2
 18423  .IP \[bu] 2
 18424  Type: string
 18425  .IP \[bu] 2
 18426  Default: ""
 18427  .SS Advanced Options
 18428  .PP
 18429  Here are the advanced options specific to azureblob (Microsoft Azure
 18430  Blob Storage).
 18431  .SS \[en]azureblob\-endpoint
 18432  .PP
 18433  Endpoint for the service Leave blank normally.
 18434  .IP \[bu] 2
 18435  Config: endpoint
 18436  .IP \[bu] 2
 18438  .IP \[bu] 2
 18439  Type: string
 18440  .IP \[bu] 2
 18441  Default: ""
 18442  .SS \[en]azureblob\-upload\-cutoff
 18443  .PP
 18444  Cutoff for switching to chunked upload (<= 256MB).
 18445  .IP \[bu] 2
 18446  Config: upload_cutoff
 18447  .IP \[bu] 2
 18449  .IP \[bu] 2
 18450  Type: SizeSuffix
 18451  .IP \[bu] 2
 18452  Default: 256M
 18453  .SS \[en]azureblob\-chunk\-size
 18454  .PP
 18455  Upload chunk size (<= 100MB).
 18456  .PP
 18457  Note that this is stored in memory and there may be up to
 18458  \[lq]\[en]transfers\[rq] chunks stored at once in memory.
 18459  .IP \[bu] 2
 18460  Config: chunk_size
 18461  .IP \[bu] 2
 18463  .IP \[bu] 2
 18464  Type: SizeSuffix
 18465  .IP \[bu] 2
 18466  Default: 4M
 18467  .SS \[en]azureblob\-list\-chunk
 18468  .PP
 18469  Size of blob list.
 18470  .PP
 18471  This sets the number of blobs requested in each listing chunk.
 18472  Default is the maximum, 5000.
 18473  \[lq]List blobs\[rq] requests are permitted 2 minutes per megabyte to
 18474  complete.
 18475  If an operation is taking longer than 2 minutes per megabyte on average,
 18476  it will time out (
 18477  source (
 18478  ).
 18479  This can be used to limit the number of blobs items to return, to avoid
 18480  the time out.
 18481  .IP \[bu] 2
 18482  Config: list_chunk
 18483  .IP \[bu] 2
 18485  .IP \[bu] 2
 18486  Type: int
 18487  .IP \[bu] 2
 18488  Default: 5000
 18489  .SS \[en]azureblob\-access\-tier
 18490  .PP
 18491  Access tier of blob: hot, cool or archive.
 18492  .PP
 18493  Archived blobs can be restored by setting access tier to hot or cool.
 18494  Leave blank if you intend to use default access tier, which is set at
 18495  account level
 18496  .PP
 18497  If there is no \[lq]access tier\[rq] specified, rclone doesn't apply any
 18498  tier.
 18499  rclone performs \[lq]Set Tier\[rq] operation on blobs while uploading,
 18500  if objects are not modified, specifying \[lq]access tier\[rq] to new one
 18501  will have no effect.
 18502  If blobs are in \[lq]archive tier\[rq] at remote, trying to perform data
 18503  transfer operations from remote will not be allowed.
 18504  User should first restore by tiering blob to \[lq]Hot\[rq] or
 18505  \[lq]Cool\[rq].
 18506  .IP \[bu] 2
 18507  Config: access_tier
 18508  .IP \[bu] 2
 18510  .IP \[bu] 2
 18511  Type: string
 18512  .IP \[bu] 2
 18513  Default: ""
 18514  .SS Limitations
 18515  .PP
 18516  MD5 sums are only uploaded with chunked files if the source has an MD5
 18517  sum.
 18518  This will always be the case for a local to azure copy.
 18519  .SS Microsoft OneDrive
 18520  .PP
 18521  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:path\f[]
 18522  .PP
 18523  Paths may be as deep as required, eg
 18524  \f[C]remote:directory/subdirectory\f[].
 18525  .PP
 18526  The initial setup for OneDrive involves getting a token from Microsoft
 18527  which you need to do in your browser.
 18528  \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] walks you through it.
 18529  .PP
 18530  Here is an example of how to make a remote called \f[C]remote\f[].
 18531  First run:
 18532  .IP
 18533  .nf
 18534  \f[C]
 18535  \ rclone\ config
 18536  \f[]
 18537  .fi
 18538  .PP
 18539  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 18540  .IP
 18541  .nf
 18542  \f[C]
 18543  e)\ Edit\ existing\ remote
 18544  n)\ New\ remote
 18545  d)\ Delete\ remote
 18546  r)\ Rename\ remote
 18547  c)\ Copy\ remote
 18548  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 18549  q)\ Quit\ config
 18550  e/n/d/r/c/s/q>\ n
 18551  name>\ remote
 18552  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 18553  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 18554  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 18555  \&...
 18556  18\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 18557  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 18558  \&...
 18559  Storage>\ 18
 18560  Microsoft\ App\ Client\ Id
 18561  Leave\ blank\ normally.
 18562  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 18563  client_id>
 18564  Microsoft\ App\ Client\ Secret
 18565  Leave\ blank\ normally.
 18566  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 18567  client_secret>
 18568  Edit\ advanced\ config?\ (y/n)
 18569  y)\ Yes
 18570  n)\ No
 18571  y/n>\ n
 18572  Remote\ config
 18573  Use\ auto\ config?
 18574  \ *\ Say\ Y\ if\ not\ sure
 18575  \ *\ Say\ N\ if\ you\ are\ working\ on\ a\ remote\ or\ headless\ machine
 18576  y)\ Yes
 18577  n)\ No
 18578  y/n>\ y
 18579  If\ your\ browser\ doesn\[aq]t\ open\ automatically\ go\ to\ the\ following\ link:\
 18580  Log\ in\ and\ authorize\ rclone\ for\ access
 18581  Waiting\ for\ code...
 18582  Got\ code
 18583  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ an\ existing\ value
 18584  \ 1\ /\ OneDrive\ Personal\ or\ Business
 18585  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 18586  \ 2\ /\ Sharepoint\ site
 18587  \ \ \ \\\ "sharepoint"
 18588  \ 3\ /\ Type\ in\ driveID
 18589  \ \ \ \\\ "driveid"
 18590  \ 4\ /\ Type\ in\ SiteID
 18591  \ \ \ \\\ "siteid"
 18592  \ 5\ /\ Search\ a\ Sharepoint\ site
 18593  \ \ \ \\\ "search"
 18594  Your\ choice>\ 1
 18595  Found\ 1\ drives,\ please\ select\ the\ one\ you\ want\ to\ use:
 18596  0:\ OneDrive\ (business)\ id=b!Eqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm\-7mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewqk
 18597  Chose\ drive\ to\ use:>\ 0
 18598  Found\ drive\ \[aq]root\[aq]\ of\ type\ \[aq]business\[aq],\ URL:\ https://org\
 18599  Is\ that\ okay?
 18600  y)\ Yes
 18601  n)\ No
 18602  y/n>\ y
 18603  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 18604  [remote]
 18605  type\ =\ onedrive
 18606  token\ =\ {"access_token":"youraccesstoken","token_type":"Bearer","refresh_token":"yourrefreshtoken","expiry":"2018\-08\-26T22:39:52.486512262+08:00"}
 18607  drive_id\ =\ b!Eqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm\-7mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewqk
 18608  drive_type\ =\ business
 18609  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 18610  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 18611  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 18612  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 18613  y/e/d>\ y
 18614  \f[]
 18615  .fi
 18616  .PP
 18617  See the remote setup docs ( for how to
 18618  set it up on a machine with no Internet browser available.
 18619  .PP
 18620  Note that rclone runs a webserver on your local machine to collect the
 18621  token as returned from Microsoft.
 18622  This only runs from the moment it opens your browser to the moment you
 18623  get back the verification code.
 18624  This is on \f[C]\f[] and this it may require you
 18625  to unblock it temporarily if you are running a host firewall.
 18626  .PP
 18627  Once configured you can then use \f[C]rclone\f[] like this,
 18628  .PP
 18629  List directories in top level of your OneDrive
 18630  .IP
 18631  .nf
 18632  \f[C]
 18633  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 18634  \f[]
 18635  .fi
 18636  .PP
 18637  List all the files in your OneDrive
 18638  .IP
 18639  .nf
 18640  \f[C]
 18641  rclone\ ls\ remote:
 18642  \f[]
 18643  .fi
 18644  .PP
 18645  To copy a local directory to an OneDrive directory called backup
 18646  .IP
 18647  .nf
 18648  \f[C]
 18649  rclone\ copy\ /home/source\ remote:backup
 18650  \f[]
 18651  .fi
 18652  .SS Getting your own Client ID and Key
 18653  .PP
 18654  rclone uses a pair of Client ID and Key shared by all rclone users when
 18655  performing requests by default.
 18656  If you are having problems with them (E.g., seeing a lot of throttling),
 18657  you can get your own Client ID and Key by following the steps below:
 18658  .IP "1." 3
 18659  Open, then click
 18660  \f[C]Add\ an\ app\f[] (Choose \f[C]Converged\ applications\f[] if
 18661  applicable)
 18662  .IP "2." 3
 18663  Enter a name for your app, and click continue.
 18664  Copy and keep the \f[C]Application\ Id\f[] under the app name for later
 18665  use.
 18666  .IP "3." 3
 18667  Under section \f[C]Application\ Secrets\f[], click
 18668  \f[C]Generate\ New\ Password\f[].
 18669  Copy and keep that password for later use.
 18670  .IP "4." 3
 18671  Under section \f[C]Platforms\f[], click \f[C]Add\ platform\f[], then
 18672  \f[C]Web\f[].
 18673  Enter \f[C]http://localhost:53682/\f[] in \f[C]Redirect\ URLs\f[].
 18674  .IP "5." 3
 18675  Under section \f[C]Microsoft\ Graph\ Permissions\f[], \f[C]Add\f[] these
 18676  \f[C]delegated\ permissions\f[]: \f[C]Files.Read\f[],
 18677  \f[C]Files.ReadWrite\f[], \f[C]Files.Read.All\f[],
 18678  \f[C]Files.ReadWrite.All\f[], \f[C]offline_access\f[],
 18679  \f[C]User.Read\f[].
 18680  .IP "6." 3
 18681  Scroll to the bottom and click \f[C]Save\f[].
 18682  .PP
 18683  Now the application is complete.
 18684  Run \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] to create or edit a OneDrive remote.
 18685  Supply the app ID and password as Client ID and Secret, respectively.
 18686  rclone will walk you through the remaining steps.
 18687  .SS Modified time and hashes
 18688  .PP
 18689  OneDrive allows modification times to be set on objects accurate to 1
 18690  second.
 18691  These will be used to detect whether objects need syncing or not.
 18692  .PP
 18693  OneDrive personal supports SHA1 type hashes.
 18694  OneDrive for business and Sharepoint Server support
 18695  QuickXorHash (
 18696  .PP
 18697  For all types of OneDrive you can use the \f[C]\-\-checksum\f[] flag.
 18698  .SS Deleting files
 18699  .PP
 18700  Any files you delete with rclone will end up in the trash.
 18701  Microsoft doesn't provide an API to permanently delete files, nor to
 18702  empty the trash, so you will have to do that with one of Microsoft's
 18703  apps or via the OneDrive website.
 18704  .SS Standard Options
 18705  .PP
 18706  Here are the standard options specific to onedrive (Microsoft OneDrive).
 18707  .SS \[en]onedrive\-client\-id
 18708  .PP
 18709  Microsoft App Client Id Leave blank normally.
 18710  .IP \[bu] 2
 18711  Config: client_id
 18712  .IP \[bu] 2
 18714  .IP \[bu] 2
 18715  Type: string
 18716  .IP \[bu] 2
 18717  Default: ""
 18718  .SS \[en]onedrive\-client\-secret
 18719  .PP
 18720  Microsoft App Client Secret Leave blank normally.
 18721  .IP \[bu] 2
 18722  Config: client_secret
 18723  .IP \[bu] 2
 18725  .IP \[bu] 2
 18726  Type: string
 18727  .IP \[bu] 2
 18728  Default: ""
 18729  .SS Advanced Options
 18730  .PP
 18731  Here are the advanced options specific to onedrive (Microsoft OneDrive).
 18732  .SS \[en]onedrive\-chunk\-size
 18733  .PP
 18734  Chunk size to upload files with \- must be multiple of 320k.
 18735  .PP
 18736  Above this size files will be chunked \- must be multiple of 320k.
 18737  Note that the chunks will be buffered into memory.
 18738  .IP \[bu] 2
 18739  Config: chunk_size
 18740  .IP \[bu] 2
 18742  .IP \[bu] 2
 18743  Type: SizeSuffix
 18744  .IP \[bu] 2
 18745  Default: 10M
 18746  .SS \[en]onedrive\-drive\-id
 18747  .PP
 18748  The ID of the drive to use
 18749  .IP \[bu] 2
 18750  Config: drive_id
 18751  .IP \[bu] 2
 18753  .IP \[bu] 2
 18754  Type: string
 18755  .IP \[bu] 2
 18756  Default: ""
 18757  .SS \[en]onedrive\-drive\-type
 18758  .PP
 18759  The type of the drive ( personal | business | documentLibrary )
 18760  .IP \[bu] 2
 18761  Config: drive_type
 18762  .IP \[bu] 2
 18764  .IP \[bu] 2
 18765  Type: string
 18766  .IP \[bu] 2
 18767  Default: ""
 18768  .SS \[en]onedrive\-expose\-onenote\-files
 18769  .PP
 18770  Set to make OneNote files show up in directory listings.
 18771  .PP
 18772  By default rclone will hide OneNote files in directory listings because
 18773  operations like \[lq]Open\[rq] and \[lq]Update\[rq] won't work on them.
 18774  But this behaviour may also prevent you from deleting them.
 18775  If you want to delete OneNote files or otherwise want them to show up in
 18776  directory listing, set this option.
 18777  .IP \[bu] 2
 18778  Config: expose_onenote_files
 18779  .IP \[bu] 2
 18781  .IP \[bu] 2
 18782  Type: bool
 18783  .IP \[bu] 2
 18784  Default: false
 18785  .SS Limitations
 18786  .PP
 18787  Note that OneDrive is case insensitive so you can't have a file called
 18788  \[lq]Hello.doc\[rq] and one called \[lq]hello.doc\[rq].
 18789  .PP
 18790  There are quite a few characters that can't be in OneDrive file names.
 18791  These can't occur on Windows platforms, but on non\-Windows platforms
 18792  they are common.
 18793  Rclone will map these names to and from an identical looking unicode
 18794  equivalent.
 18795  For example if a file has a \f[C]?\f[] in it will be mapped to
 18796  \f[C]?\f[] instead.
 18797  .PP
 18798  The largest allowed file sizes are 15GB for OneDrive for Business and
 18799  35GB for OneDrive Personal (Updated 4 Jan 2019).
 18800  .PP
 18801  The entire path, including the file name, must contain fewer than 400
 18802  characters for OneDrive, OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online.
 18803  If you are encrypting file and folder names with rclone, you may want to
 18804  pay attention to this limitation because the encrypted names are
 18805  typically longer than the original ones.
 18806  .PP
 18807  OneDrive seems to be OK with at least 50,000 files in a folder, but at
 18808  100,000 rclone will get errors listing the directory like
 18809  \f[C]couldn't\ list\ files:\ UnknownError:\f[].
 18810  See #2707 ( for more info.
 18811  .PP
 18812  An official document about the limitations for different types of
 18813  OneDrive can be found
 18814  here (
 18815  .SS Versioning issue
 18816  .PP
 18817  Every change in OneDrive causes the service to create a new version.
 18818  This counts against a users quota.
 18819  For example changing the modification time of a file creates a second
 18820  version, so the file is using twice the space.
 18821  .PP
 18822  The \f[C]copy\f[] is the only rclone command affected by this as we copy
 18823  the file and then afterwards set the modification time to match the
 18824  source file.
 18825  .PP
 18826  \f[B]Note\f[]: Starting October 2018, users will no longer be able to
 18827  disable versioning by default.
 18828  This is because Microsoft has brought an
 18829  update (
 18830  to the mechanism.
 18831  To change this new default setting, a PowerShell command is required to
 18832  be run by a SharePoint admin.
 18833  If you are an admin, you can run these commands in PowerShell to change
 18834  that setting:
 18835  .IP "1." 3
 18836  \f[C]Install\-Module\ \-Name\ Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell\f[]
 18837  (in case you haven't installed this already)
 18838  .IP "2." 3
 18839  \f[C]Import\-Module\ Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell\ \-DisableNameChecking\f[]
 18840  .IP "3." 3
 18841  \f[C]Connect\-SPOService\ \-Url\ https://YOURSITE\\ \-Credential\ YOU\@YOURSITE.COM\f[]
 18842  (replacing \f[C]YOURSITE\f[], \f[C]YOU\f[], \f[C]YOURSITE.COM\f[] with
 18843  the actual values; this will prompt for your credentials)
 18844  .IP "4." 3
 18845  \f[C]Set\-SPOTenant\ \-EnableMinimumVersionRequirement\ $False\f[]
 18846  .IP "5." 3
 18847  \f[C]Disconnect\-SPOService\f[] (to disconnect from the server)
 18848  .PP
 18849  \f[I]Below are the steps for normal users to disable versioning. If you
 18850  don't see the \[lq]No Versioning\[rq] option, make sure the above
 18851  requirements are met.\f[]
 18852  .PP
 18853  User Weropol ( has found a method to disable
 18854  versioning on OneDrive
 18855  .IP "1." 3
 18856  Open the settings menu by clicking on the gear symbol at the top of the
 18857  OneDrive Business page.
 18858  .IP "2." 3
 18859  Click Site settings.
 18860  .IP "3." 3
 18861  Once on the Site settings page, navigate to Site Administration > Site
 18862  libraries and lists.
 18863  .IP "4." 3
 18864  Click Customize \[lq]Documents\[rq].
 18865  .IP "5." 3
 18866  Click General Settings > Versioning Settings.
 18867  .IP "6." 3
 18868  Under Document Version History select the option No versioning.
 18869  Note: This will disable the creation of new file versions, but will not
 18870  remove any previous versions.
 18871  Your documents are safe.
 18872  .IP "7." 3
 18873  Apply the changes by clicking OK.
 18874  .IP "8." 3
 18875  Use rclone to upload or modify files.
 18876  (I also use the \[en]no\-update\-modtime flag)
 18877  .IP "9." 3
 18878  Restore the versioning settings after using rclone.
 18879  (Optional)
 18880  .SS Troubleshooting
 18881  .IP
 18882  .nf
 18883  \f[C]
 18884  Error:\ access_denied
 18885  Code:\ AADSTS65005
 18886  Description:\ Using\ application\ \[aq]rclone\[aq]\ is\ currently\ not\ supported\ for\ your\ organization\ [YOUR_ORGANIZATION]\ because\ it\ is\ in\ an\ unmanaged\ state.\ An\ administrator\ needs\ to\ claim\ ownership\ of\ the\ company\ by\ DNS\ validation\ of\ [YOUR_ORGANIZATION]\ before\ the\ application\ rclone\ can\ be\ provisioned.
 18887  \f[]
 18888  .fi
 18889  .PP
 18890  This means that rclone can't use the OneDrive for Business API with your
 18891  account.
 18892  You can't do much about it, maybe write an email to your admins.
 18893  .PP
 18894  However, there are other ways to interact with your OneDrive account.
 18895  Have a look at the webdav backend:
 18896  .IP
 18897  .nf
 18898  \f[C]
 18899  Error:\ invalid_grant
 18900  Code:\ AADSTS50076
 18901  Description:\ Due\ to\ a\ configuration\ change\ made\ by\ your\ administrator,\ or\ because\ you\ moved\ to\ a\ new\ location,\ you\ must\ use\ multi\-factor\ authentication\ to\ access\ \[aq]...\[aq].
 18902  \f[]
 18903  .fi
 18904  .PP
 18905  If you see the error above after enabling multi\-factor authentication
 18906  for your account, you can fix it by refreshing your OAuth refresh token.
 18907  To do that, run \f[C]rclone\ config\f[], and choose to edit your
 18908  OneDrive backend.
 18909  Then, you don't need to actually make any changes until you reach this
 18910  question: \f[C]Already\ have\ a\ token\ \-\ refresh?\f[].
 18911  For this question, answer \f[C]y\f[] and go through the process to
 18912  refresh your token, just like the first time the backend is configured.
 18913  After this, rclone should work again for this backend.
 18914  .SS OpenDrive
 18915  .PP
 18916  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:path\f[]
 18917  .PP
 18918  Paths may be as deep as required, eg
 18919  \f[C]remote:directory/subdirectory\f[].
 18920  .PP
 18921  Here is an example of how to make a remote called \f[C]remote\f[].
 18922  First run:
 18923  .IP
 18924  .nf
 18925  \f[C]
 18926  \ rclone\ config
 18927  \f[]
 18928  .fi
 18929  .PP
 18930  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 18931  .IP
 18932  .nf
 18933  \f[C]
 18934  n)\ New\ remote
 18935  d)\ Delete\ remote
 18936  q)\ Quit\ config
 18937  e/n/d/q>\ n
 18938  name>\ remote
 18939  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 18940  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 18941  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 18942  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 18943  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
 18944  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 18945  \ 3\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 18946  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 18947  \ 4\ /\ Dropbox
 18948  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 18949  \ 5\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 18950  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 18951  \ 6\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 18952  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 18953  \ 7\ /\ Google\ Drive
 18954  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 18955  \ 8\ /\ Hubic
 18956  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 18957  \ 9\ /\ Local\ Disk
 18958  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 18959  10\ /\ OpenDrive
 18960  \ \ \ \\\ "opendrive"
 18961  11\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 18962  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 18963  12\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 18964  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 18965  13\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 18966  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 18967  14\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 18968  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 18969  Storage>\ 10
 18970  Username
 18971  username>
 18972  Password
 18973  y)\ Yes\ type\ in\ my\ own\ password
 18974  g)\ Generate\ random\ password
 18975  y/g>\ y
 18976  Enter\ the\ password:
 18977  password:
 18978  Confirm\ the\ password:
 18979  password:
 18980  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 18981  [remote]
 18982  username\ =
 18983  password\ =\ ***\ ENCRYPTED\ ***
 18984  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 18985  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 18986  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 18987  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 18988  y/e/d>\ y
 18989  \f[]
 18990  .fi
 18991  .PP
 18992  List directories in top level of your OpenDrive
 18993  .IP
 18994  .nf
 18995  \f[C]
 18996  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 18997  \f[]
 18998  .fi
 18999  .PP
 19000  List all the files in your OpenDrive
 19001  .IP
 19002  .nf
 19003  \f[C]
 19004  rclone\ ls\ remote:
 19005  \f[]
 19006  .fi
 19007  .PP
 19008  To copy a local directory to an OpenDrive directory called backup
 19009  .IP
 19010  .nf
 19011  \f[C]
 19012  rclone\ copy\ /home/source\ remote:backup
 19013  \f[]
 19014  .fi
 19015  .SS Modified time and MD5SUMs
 19016  .PP
 19017  OpenDrive allows modification times to be set on objects accurate to 1
 19018  second.
 19019  These will be used to detect whether objects need syncing or not.
 19020  .SS Standard Options
 19021  .PP
 19022  Here are the standard options specific to opendrive (OpenDrive).
 19023  .SS \[en]opendrive\-username
 19024  .PP
 19025  Username
 19026  .IP \[bu] 2
 19027  Config: username
 19028  .IP \[bu] 2
 19030  .IP \[bu] 2
 19031  Type: string
 19032  .IP \[bu] 2
 19033  Default: ""
 19034  .SS \[en]opendrive\-password
 19035  .PP
 19036  Password.
 19037  .IP \[bu] 2
 19038  Config: password
 19039  .IP \[bu] 2
 19041  .IP \[bu] 2
 19042  Type: string
 19043  .IP \[bu] 2
 19044  Default: ""
 19045  .SS Limitations
 19046  .PP
 19047  Note that OpenDrive is case insensitive so you can't have a file called
 19048  \[lq]Hello.doc\[rq] and one called \[lq]hello.doc\[rq].
 19049  .PP
 19050  There are quite a few characters that can't be in OpenDrive file names.
 19051  These can't occur on Windows platforms, but on non\-Windows platforms
 19052  they are common.
 19053  Rclone will map these names to and from an identical looking unicode
 19054  equivalent.
 19055  For example if a file has a \f[C]?\f[] in it will be mapped to
 19056  \f[C]?\f[] instead.
 19057  .SS QingStor
 19058  .PP
 19059  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:bucket\f[] (or \f[C]remote:\f[] for
 19060  the \f[C]lsd\f[] command.) You may put subdirectories in too, eg
 19061  \f[C]remote:bucket/path/to/dir\f[].
 19062  .PP
 19063  Here is an example of making an QingStor configuration.
 19064  First run
 19065  .IP
 19066  .nf
 19067  \f[C]
 19068  rclone\ config
 19069  \f[]
 19070  .fi
 19071  .PP
 19072  This will guide you through an interactive setup process.
 19073  .IP
 19074  .nf
 19075  \f[C]
 19076  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 19077  n)\ New\ remote
 19078  r)\ Rename\ remote
 19079  c)\ Copy\ remote
 19080  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 19081  q)\ Quit\ config
 19082  n/r/c/s/q>\ n
 19083  name>\ remote
 19084  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 19085  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 19086  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 19087  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 19088  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
 19089  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 19090  \ 3\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 19091  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 19092  \ 4\ /\ Dropbox
 19093  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 19094  \ 5\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 19095  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 19096  \ 6\ /\ FTP\ Connection
 19097  \ \ \ \\\ "ftp"
 19098  \ 7\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 19099  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 19100  \ 8\ /\ Google\ Drive
 19101  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 19102  \ 9\ /\ Hubic
 19103  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 19104  10\ /\ Local\ Disk
 19105  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 19106  11\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 19107  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 19108  12\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 19109  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 19110  13\ /\ QingStor\ Object\ Storage
 19111  \ \ \ \\\ "qingstor"
 19112  14\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 19113  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 19114  15\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 19115  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 19116  Storage>\ 13
 19117  Get\ QingStor\ credentials\ from\ runtime.\ Only\ applies\ if\ access_key_id\ and\ secret_access_key\ is\ blank.
 19118  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 19119  \ 1\ /\ Enter\ QingStor\ credentials\ in\ the\ next\ step
 19120  \ \ \ \\\ "false"
 19121  \ 2\ /\ Get\ QingStor\ credentials\ from\ the\ environment\ (env\ vars\ or\ IAM)
 19122  \ \ \ \\\ "true"
 19123  env_auth>\ 1
 19124  QingStor\ Access\ Key\ ID\ \-\ leave\ blank\ for\ anonymous\ access\ or\ runtime\ credentials.
 19125  access_key_id>\ access_key
 19126  QingStor\ Secret\ Access\ Key\ (password)\ \-\ leave\ blank\ for\ anonymous\ access\ or\ runtime\ credentials.
 19127  secret_access_key>\ secret_key
 19128  Enter\ a\ endpoint\ URL\ to\ connection\ QingStor\ API.
 19129  Leave\ blank\ will\ use\ the\ default\ value\ ""
 19130  endpoint>
 19131  Zone\ connect\ to.\ Default\ is\ "pek3a".
 19132  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 19133  \ \ \ /\ The\ Beijing\ (China)\ Three\ Zone
 19134  \ 1\ |\ Needs\ location\ constraint\ pek3a.
 19135  \ \ \ \\\ "pek3a"
 19136  \ \ \ /\ The\ Shanghai\ (China)\ First\ Zone
 19137  \ 2\ |\ Needs\ location\ constraint\ sh1a.
 19138  \ \ \ \\\ "sh1a"
 19139  zone>\ 1
 19140  Number\ of\ connnection\ retry.
 19141  Leave\ blank\ will\ use\ the\ default\ value\ "3".
 19142  connection_retries>
 19143  Remote\ config
 19144  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 19145  [remote]
 19146  env_auth\ =\ false
 19147  access_key_id\ =\ access_key
 19148  secret_access_key\ =\ secret_key
 19149  endpoint\ =
 19150  zone\ =\ pek3a
 19151  connection_retries\ =
 19152  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 19153  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 19154  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 19155  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 19156  y/e/d>\ y
 19157  \f[]
 19158  .fi
 19159  .PP
 19160  This remote is called \f[C]remote\f[] and can now be used like this
 19161  .PP
 19162  See all buckets
 19163  .IP
 19164  .nf
 19165  \f[C]
 19166  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 19167  \f[]
 19168  .fi
 19169  .PP
 19170  Make a new bucket
 19171  .IP
 19172  .nf
 19173  \f[C]
 19174  rclone\ mkdir\ remote:bucket
 19175  \f[]
 19176  .fi
 19177  .PP
 19178  List the contents of a bucket
 19179  .IP
 19180  .nf
 19181  \f[C]
 19182  rclone\ ls\ remote:bucket
 19183  \f[]
 19184  .fi
 19185  .PP
 19186  Sync \f[C]/home/local/directory\f[] to the remote bucket, deleting any
 19187  excess files in the bucket.
 19188  .IP
 19189  .nf
 19190  \f[C]
 19191  rclone\ sync\ /home/local/directory\ remote:bucket
 19192  \f[]
 19193  .fi
 19194  .SS \[en]fast\-list
 19195  .PP
 19196  This remote supports \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] which allows you to use
 19197  fewer transactions in exchange for more memory.
 19198  See the rclone docs (/docs/#fast-list) for more details.
 19199  .SS Multipart uploads
 19200  .PP
 19201  rclone supports multipart uploads with QingStor which means that it can
 19202  upload files bigger than 5GB.
 19203  Note that files uploaded with multipart upload don't have an MD5SUM.
 19204  .SS Buckets and Zone
 19205  .PP
 19206  With QingStor you can list buckets (\f[C]rclone\ lsd\f[]) using any
 19207  zone, but you can only access the content of a bucket from the zone it
 19208  was created in.
 19209  If you attempt to access a bucket from the wrong zone, you will get an
 19210  error,
 19211  \f[C]incorrect\ zone,\ the\ bucket\ is\ not\ in\ \[aq]XXX\[aq]\ zone\f[].
 19212  .SS Authentication
 19213  .PP
 19214  There are two ways to supply \f[C]rclone\f[] with a set of QingStor
 19215  credentials.
 19216  In order of precedence:
 19217  .IP \[bu] 2
 19218  Directly in the rclone configuration file (as configured by
 19219  \f[C]rclone\ config\f[])
 19220  .RS 2
 19221  .IP \[bu] 2
 19222  set \f[C]access_key_id\f[] and \f[C]secret_access_key\f[]
 19223  .RE
 19224  .IP \[bu] 2
 19225  Runtime configuration:
 19226  .RS 2
 19227  .IP \[bu] 2
 19228  set \f[C]env_auth\f[] to \f[C]true\f[] in the config file
 19229  .IP \[bu] 2
 19230  Exporting the following environment variables before running
 19231  \f[C]rclone\f[]
 19232  .RS 2
 19233  .IP \[bu] 2
 19234  Access Key ID: \f[C]QS_ACCESS_KEY_ID\f[] or \f[C]QS_ACCESS_KEY\f[]
 19235  .IP \[bu] 2
 19236  Secret Access Key: \f[C]QS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY\f[] or
 19237  \f[C]QS_SECRET_KEY\f[]
 19238  .RE
 19239  .RE
 19240  .SS Standard Options
 19241  .PP
 19242  Here are the standard options specific to qingstor (QingCloud Object
 19243  Storage).
 19244  .SS \[en]qingstor\-env\-auth
 19245  .PP
 19246  Get QingStor credentials from runtime.
 19247  Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank.
 19248  .IP \[bu] 2
 19249  Config: env_auth
 19250  .IP \[bu] 2
 19252  .IP \[bu] 2
 19253  Type: bool
 19254  .IP \[bu] 2
 19255  Default: false
 19256  .IP \[bu] 2
 19257  Examples:
 19258  .RS 2
 19259  .IP \[bu] 2
 19260  \[lq]false\[rq]
 19261  .RS 2
 19262  .IP \[bu] 2
 19263  Enter QingStor credentials in the next step
 19264  .RE
 19265  .IP \[bu] 2
 19266  \[lq]true\[rq]
 19267  .RS 2
 19268  .IP \[bu] 2
 19269  Get QingStor credentials from the environment (env vars or IAM)
 19270  .RE
 19271  .RE
 19272  .SS \[en]qingstor\-access\-key\-id
 19273  .PP
 19274  QingStor Access Key ID Leave blank for anonymous access or runtime
 19275  credentials.
 19276  .IP \[bu] 2
 19277  Config: access_key_id
 19278  .IP \[bu] 2
 19280  .IP \[bu] 2
 19281  Type: string
 19282  .IP \[bu] 2
 19283  Default: ""
 19284  .SS \[en]qingstor\-secret\-access\-key
 19285  .PP
 19286  QingStor Secret Access Key (password) Leave blank for anonymous access
 19287  or runtime credentials.
 19288  .IP \[bu] 2
 19289  Config: secret_access_key
 19290  .IP \[bu] 2
 19292  .IP \[bu] 2
 19293  Type: string
 19294  .IP \[bu] 2
 19295  Default: ""
 19296  .SS \[en]qingstor\-endpoint
 19297  .PP
 19298  Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API.
 19299  Leave blank will use the default value
 19300  \[lq]\[rq]
 19301  .IP \[bu] 2
 19302  Config: endpoint
 19303  .IP \[bu] 2
 19305  .IP \[bu] 2
 19306  Type: string
 19307  .IP \[bu] 2
 19308  Default: ""
 19309  .SS \[en]qingstor\-zone
 19310  .PP
 19311  Zone to connect to.
 19312  Default is \[lq]pek3a\[rq].
 19313  .IP \[bu] 2
 19314  Config: zone
 19315  .IP \[bu] 2
 19317  .IP \[bu] 2
 19318  Type: string
 19319  .IP \[bu] 2
 19320  Default: ""
 19321  .IP \[bu] 2
 19322  Examples:
 19323  .RS 2
 19324  .IP \[bu] 2
 19325  \[lq]pek3a\[rq]
 19326  .RS 2
 19327  .IP \[bu] 2
 19328  The Beijing (China) Three Zone
 19329  .IP \[bu] 2
 19330  Needs location constraint pek3a.
 19331  .RE
 19332  .IP \[bu] 2
 19333  \[lq]sh1a\[rq]
 19334  .RS 2
 19335  .IP \[bu] 2
 19336  The Shanghai (China) First Zone
 19337  .IP \[bu] 2
 19338  Needs location constraint sh1a.
 19339  .RE
 19340  .IP \[bu] 2
 19341  \[lq]gd2a\[rq]
 19342  .RS 2
 19343  .IP \[bu] 2
 19344  The Guangdong (China) Second Zone
 19345  .IP \[bu] 2
 19346  Needs location constraint gd2a.
 19347  .RE
 19348  .RE
 19349  .SS Advanced Options
 19350  .PP
 19351  Here are the advanced options specific to qingstor (QingCloud Object
 19352  Storage).
 19353  .SS \[en]qingstor\-connection\-retries
 19354  .PP
 19355  Number of connection retries.
 19356  .IP \[bu] 2
 19357  Config: connection_retries
 19358  .IP \[bu] 2
 19360  .IP \[bu] 2
 19361  Type: int
 19362  .IP \[bu] 2
 19363  Default: 3
 19364  .SS \[en]qingstor\-upload\-cutoff
 19365  .PP
 19366  Cutoff for switching to chunked upload
 19367  .PP
 19368  Any files larger than this will be uploaded in chunks of chunk_size.
 19369  The minimum is 0 and the maximum is 5GB.
 19370  .IP \[bu] 2
 19371  Config: upload_cutoff
 19372  .IP \[bu] 2
 19374  .IP \[bu] 2
 19375  Type: SizeSuffix
 19376  .IP \[bu] 2
 19377  Default: 200M
 19378  .SS \[en]qingstor\-chunk\-size
 19379  .PP
 19380  Chunk size to use for uploading.
 19381  .PP
 19382  When uploading files larger than upload_cutoff they will be uploaded as
 19383  multipart uploads using this chunk size.
 19384  .PP
 19385  Note that \[lq]\[en]qingstor\-upload\-concurrency\[rq] chunks of this
 19386  size are buffered in memory per transfer.
 19387  .PP
 19388  If you are transferring large files over high speed links and you have
 19389  enough memory, then increasing this will speed up the transfers.
 19390  .IP \[bu] 2
 19391  Config: chunk_size
 19392  .IP \[bu] 2
 19394  .IP \[bu] 2
 19395  Type: SizeSuffix
 19396  .IP \[bu] 2
 19397  Default: 4M
 19398  .SS \[en]qingstor\-upload\-concurrency
 19399  .PP
 19400  Concurrency for multipart uploads.
 19401  .PP
 19402  This is the number of chunks of the same file that are uploaded
 19403  concurrently.
 19404  .PP
 19405  NB if you set this to > 1 then the checksums of multpart uploads become
 19406  corrupted (the uploads themselves are not corrupted though).
 19407  .PP
 19408  If you are uploading small numbers of large file over high speed link
 19409  and these uploads do not fully utilize your bandwidth, then increasing
 19410  this may help to speed up the transfers.
 19411  .IP \[bu] 2
 19412  Config: upload_concurrency
 19413  .IP \[bu] 2
 19415  .IP \[bu] 2
 19416  Type: int
 19417  .IP \[bu] 2
 19418  Default: 1
 19419  .SS Swift
 19420  .PP
 19421  Swift refers to Openstack Object
 19422  Storage (
 19423  Commercial implementations of that being:
 19424  .IP \[bu] 2
 19425  Rackspace Cloud Files (
 19426  .IP \[bu] 2
 19427  Memset Memstore (
 19428  .IP \[bu] 2
 19429  OVH Object
 19430  Storage (
 19431  .IP \[bu] 2
 19432  Oracle Cloud Storage (
 19433  .IP \[bu] 2
 19434  IBM Bluemix Cloud ObjectStorage
 19435  Swift (
 19436  .PP
 19437  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:container\f[] (or \f[C]remote:\f[]
 19438  for the \f[C]lsd\f[] command.) You may put subdirectories in too, eg
 19439  \f[C]remote:container/path/to/dir\f[].
 19440  .PP
 19441  Here is an example of making a swift configuration.
 19442  First run
 19443  .IP
 19444  .nf
 19445  \f[C]
 19446  rclone\ config
 19447  \f[]
 19448  .fi
 19449  .PP
 19450  This will guide you through an interactive setup process.
 19451  .IP
 19452  .nf
 19453  \f[C]
 19454  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 19455  n)\ New\ remote
 19456  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 19457  q)\ Quit\ config
 19458  n/s/q>\ n
 19459  name>\ remote
 19460  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 19461  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 19462  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 19463  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 19464  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
 19465  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 19466  \ 3\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 19467  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 19468  \ 4\ /\ Box
 19469  \ \ \ \\\ "box"
 19470  \ 5\ /\ Cache\ a\ remote
 19471  \ \ \ \\\ "cache"
 19472  \ 6\ /\ Dropbox
 19473  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 19474  \ 7\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 19475  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 19476  \ 8\ /\ FTP\ Connection
 19477  \ \ \ \\\ "ftp"
 19478  \ 9\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 19479  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 19480  10\ /\ Google\ Drive
 19481  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 19482  11\ /\ Hubic
 19483  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 19484  12\ /\ Local\ Disk
 19485  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 19486  13\ /\ Microsoft\ Azure\ Blob\ Storage
 19487  \ \ \ \\\ "azureblob"
 19488  14\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 19489  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 19490  15\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 19491  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 19492  16\ /\ Pcloud
 19493  \ \ \ \\\ "pcloud"
 19494  17\ /\ QingCloud\ Object\ Storage
 19495  \ \ \ \\\ "qingstor"
 19496  18\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 19497  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 19498  19\ /\ Webdav
 19499  \ \ \ \\\ "webdav"
 19500  20\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 19501  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 19502  21\ /\ http\ Connection
 19503  \ \ \ \\\ "http"
 19504  Storage>\ swift
 19505  Get\ swift\ credentials\ from\ environment\ variables\ in\ standard\ OpenStack\ form.
 19506  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 19507  \ 1\ /\ Enter\ swift\ credentials\ in\ the\ next\ step
 19508  \ \ \ \\\ "false"
 19509  \ 2\ /\ Get\ swift\ credentials\ from\ environment\ vars.\ Leave\ other\ fields\ blank\ if\ using\ this.
 19510  \ \ \ \\\ "true"
 19511  env_auth>\ true
 19512  User\ name\ to\ log\ in\ (OS_USERNAME).
 19513  user>\ 
 19514  API\ key\ or\ password\ (OS_PASSWORD).
 19515  key>\ 
 19516  Authentication\ URL\ for\ server\ (OS_AUTH_URL).
 19517  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 19518  \ 1\ /\ Rackspace\ US
 19519  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 19520  \ 2\ /\ Rackspace\ UK
 19521  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 19522  \ 3\ /\ Rackspace\ v2
 19523  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 19524  \ 4\ /\ Memset\ Memstore\ UK
 19525  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 19526  \ 5\ /\ Memset\ Memstore\ UK\ v2
 19527  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 19528  \ 6\ /\ OVH
 19529  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 19530  auth>\ 
 19531  User\ ID\ to\ log\ in\ \-\ optional\ \-\ most\ swift\ systems\ use\ user\ and\ leave\ this\ blank\ (v3\ auth)\ (OS_USER_ID).
 19532  user_id>\ 
 19533  User\ domain\ \-\ optional\ (v3\ auth)\ (OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME)
 19534  domain>\ 
 19535  Tenant\ name\ \-\ optional\ for\ v1\ auth,\ this\ or\ tenant_id\ required\ otherwise\ (OS_TENANT_NAME\ or\ OS_PROJECT_NAME)
 19536  tenant>\ 
 19537  Tenant\ ID\ \-\ optional\ for\ v1\ auth,\ this\ or\ tenant\ required\ otherwise\ (OS_TENANT_ID)
 19538  tenant_id>\ 
 19539  Tenant\ domain\ \-\ optional\ (v3\ auth)\ (OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME)
 19540  tenant_domain>\ 
 19541  Region\ name\ \-\ optional\ (OS_REGION_NAME)
 19542  region>\ 
 19543  Storage\ URL\ \-\ optional\ (OS_STORAGE_URL)
 19544  storage_url>\ 
 19545  Auth\ Token\ from\ alternate\ authentication\ \-\ optional\ (OS_AUTH_TOKEN)
 19546  auth_token>\ 
 19547  AuthVersion\ \-\ optional\ \-\ set\ to\ (1,2,3)\ if\ your\ auth\ URL\ has\ no\ version\ (ST_AUTH_VERSION)
 19548  auth_version>\ 
 19549  Endpoint\ type\ to\ choose\ from\ the\ service\ catalogue\ (OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE)
 19550  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 19551  \ 1\ /\ Public\ (default,\ choose\ this\ if\ not\ sure)
 19552  \ \ \ \\\ "public"
 19553  \ 2\ /\ Internal\ (use\ internal\ service\ net)
 19554  \ \ \ \\\ "internal"
 19555  \ 3\ /\ Admin
 19556  \ \ \ \\\ "admin"
 19557  endpoint_type>\ 
 19558  Remote\ config
 19559  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 19560  [test]
 19561  env_auth\ =\ true
 19562  user\ =\ 
 19563  key\ =\ 
 19564  auth\ =\ 
 19565  user_id\ =\ 
 19566  domain\ =\ 
 19567  tenant\ =\ 
 19568  tenant_id\ =\ 
 19569  tenant_domain\ =\ 
 19570  region\ =\ 
 19571  storage_url\ =\ 
 19572  auth_token\ =\ 
 19573  auth_version\ =\ 
 19574  endpoint_type\ =\ 
 19575  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 19576  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 19577  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 19578  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 19579  y/e/d>\ y
 19580  \f[]
 19581  .fi
 19582  .PP
 19583  This remote is called \f[C]remote\f[] and can now be used like this
 19584  .PP
 19585  See all containers
 19586  .IP
 19587  .nf
 19588  \f[C]
 19589  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 19590  \f[]
 19591  .fi
 19592  .PP
 19593  Make a new container
 19594  .IP
 19595  .nf
 19596  \f[C]
 19597  rclone\ mkdir\ remote:container
 19598  \f[]
 19599  .fi
 19600  .PP
 19601  List the contents of a container
 19602  .IP
 19603  .nf
 19604  \f[C]
 19605  rclone\ ls\ remote:container
 19606  \f[]
 19607  .fi
 19608  .PP
 19609  Sync \f[C]/home/local/directory\f[] to the remote container, deleting
 19610  any excess files in the container.
 19611  .IP
 19612  .nf
 19613  \f[C]
 19614  rclone\ sync\ /home/local/directory\ remote:container
 19615  \f[]
 19616  .fi
 19617  .SS Configuration from an OpenStack credentials file
 19618  .PP
 19619  An OpenStack credentials file typically looks something something like
 19620  this (without the comments)
 19621  .IP
 19622  .nf
 19623  \f[C]
 19624  export\ OS_AUTH_URL=
 19625  export\ OS_TENANT_ID=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
 19626  export\ OS_TENANT_NAME="1234567890123456"
 19627  export\ OS_USERNAME="123abc567xy"
 19628  echo\ "Please\ enter\ your\ OpenStack\ Password:\ "
 19629  read\ \-sr\ OS_PASSWORD_INPUT
 19631  export\ OS_REGION_NAME="SBG1"
 19632  if\ [\ \-z\ "$OS_REGION_NAME"\ ];\ then\ unset\ OS_REGION_NAME;\ fi
 19633  \f[]
 19634  .fi
 19635  .PP
 19636  The config file needs to look something like this where
 19637  \f[C]$OS_USERNAME\f[] represents the value of the \f[C]OS_USERNAME\f[]
 19638  variable \- \f[C]123abc567xy\f[] in the example above.
 19639  .IP
 19640  .nf
 19641  \f[C]
 19642  [remote]
 19643  type\ =\ swift
 19644  user\ =\ $OS_USERNAME
 19645  key\ =\ $OS_PASSWORD
 19646  auth\ =\ $OS_AUTH_URL
 19647  tenant\ =\ $OS_TENANT_NAME
 19648  \f[]
 19649  .fi
 19650  .PP
 19651  Note that you may (or may not) need to set \f[C]region\f[] too \- try
 19652  without first.
 19653  .SS Configuration from the environment
 19654  .PP
 19655  If you prefer you can configure rclone to use swift using a standard set
 19656  of OpenStack environment variables.
 19657  .PP
 19658  When you run through the config, make sure you choose \f[C]true\f[] for
 19659  \f[C]env_auth\f[] and leave everything else blank.
 19660  .PP
 19661  rclone will then set any empty config parameters from the environment
 19662  using standard OpenStack environment variables.
 19663  There is a list of the
 19664  variables (
 19665  in the docs for the swift library.
 19666  .SS Using an alternate authentication method
 19667  .PP
 19668  If your OpenStack installation uses a non\-standard authentication
 19669  method that might not be yet supported by rclone or the underlying swift
 19670  library, you can authenticate externally (e.g.\ calling manually the
 19671  \f[C]openstack\f[] commands to get a token).
 19672  Then, you just need to pass the two configuration variables
 19673  \f[C]auth_token\f[] and \f[C]storage_url\f[].
 19674  If they are both provided, the other variables are ignored.
 19675  rclone will not try to authenticate but instead assume it is already
 19676  authenticated and use these two variables to access the OpenStack
 19677  installation.
 19678  .SS Using rclone without a config file
 19679  .PP
 19680  You can use rclone with swift without a config file, if desired, like
 19681  this:
 19682  .IP
 19683  .nf
 19684  \f[C]
 19685  source\ openstack\-credentials\-file
 19686  export\ RCLONE_CONFIG_MYREMOTE_TYPE=swift
 19688  rclone\ lsd\ myremote:
 19689  \f[]
 19690  .fi
 19691  .SS \[en]fast\-list
 19692  .PP
 19693  This remote supports \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] which allows you to use
 19694  fewer transactions in exchange for more memory.
 19695  See the rclone docs (/docs/#fast-list) for more details.
 19696  .SS \[en]update and \[en]use\-server\-modtime
 19697  .PP
 19698  As noted below, the modified time is stored on metadata on the object.
 19699  It is used by default for all operations that require checking the time
 19700  a file was last updated.
 19701  It allows rclone to treat the remote more like a true filesystem, but it
 19702  is inefficient because it requires an extra API call to retrieve the
 19703  metadata.
 19704  .PP
 19705  For many operations, the time the object was last uploaded to the remote
 19706  is sufficient to determine if it is \[lq]dirty\[rq].
 19707  By using \f[C]\-\-update\f[] along with
 19708  \f[C]\-\-use\-server\-modtime\f[], you can avoid the extra API call and
 19709  simply upload files whose local modtime is newer than the time it was
 19710  last uploaded.
 19711  .SS Standard Options
 19712  .PP
 19713  Here are the standard options specific to swift (Openstack Swift
 19714  (Rackspace Cloud Files, Memset Memstore, OVH)).
 19715  .SS \[en]swift\-env\-auth
 19716  .PP
 19717  Get swift credentials from environment variables in standard OpenStack
 19718  form.
 19719  .IP \[bu] 2
 19720  Config: env_auth
 19721  .IP \[bu] 2
 19723  .IP \[bu] 2
 19724  Type: bool
 19725  .IP \[bu] 2
 19726  Default: false
 19727  .IP \[bu] 2
 19728  Examples:
 19729  .RS 2
 19730  .IP \[bu] 2
 19731  \[lq]false\[rq]
 19732  .RS 2
 19733  .IP \[bu] 2
 19734  Enter swift credentials in the next step
 19735  .RE
 19736  .IP \[bu] 2
 19737  \[lq]true\[rq]
 19738  .RS 2
 19739  .IP \[bu] 2
 19740  Get swift credentials from environment vars.
 19741  Leave other fields blank if using this.
 19742  .RE
 19743  .RE
 19744  .SS \[en]swift\-user
 19745  .PP
 19746  User name to log in (OS_USERNAME).
 19747  .IP \[bu] 2
 19748  Config: user
 19749  .IP \[bu] 2
 19750  Env Var: RCLONE_SWIFT_USER
 19751  .IP \[bu] 2
 19752  Type: string
 19753  .IP \[bu] 2
 19754  Default: ""
 19755  .SS \[en]swift\-key
 19756  .PP
 19757  API key or password (OS_PASSWORD).
 19758  .IP \[bu] 2
 19759  Config: key
 19760  .IP \[bu] 2
 19761  Env Var: RCLONE_SWIFT_KEY
 19762  .IP \[bu] 2
 19763  Type: string
 19764  .IP \[bu] 2
 19765  Default: ""
 19766  .SS \[en]swift\-auth
 19767  .PP
 19768  Authentication URL for server (OS_AUTH_URL).
 19769  .IP \[bu] 2
 19770  Config: auth
 19771  .IP \[bu] 2
 19772  Env Var: RCLONE_SWIFT_AUTH
 19773  .IP \[bu] 2
 19774  Type: string
 19775  .IP \[bu] 2
 19776  Default: ""
 19777  .IP \[bu] 2
 19778  Examples:
 19779  .RS 2
 19780  .IP \[bu] 2
 19781  \[lq]\[rq]
 19782  .RS 2
 19783  .IP \[bu] 2
 19784  Rackspace US
 19785  .RE
 19786  .IP \[bu] 2
 19787  \[lq]\[rq]
 19788  .RS 2
 19789  .IP \[bu] 2
 19790  Rackspace UK
 19791  .RE
 19792  .IP \[bu] 2
 19793  \[lq]\[rq]
 19794  .RS 2
 19795  .IP \[bu] 2
 19796  Rackspace v2
 19797  .RE
 19798  .IP \[bu] 2
 19799  \[lq]\[rq]
 19800  .RS 2
 19801  .IP \[bu] 2
 19802  Memset Memstore UK
 19803  .RE
 19804  .IP \[bu] 2
 19805  \[lq]\[rq]
 19806  .RS 2
 19807  .IP \[bu] 2
 19808  Memset Memstore UK v2
 19809  .RE
 19810  .IP \[bu] 2
 19811  \[lq]\[rq]
 19812  .RS 2
 19813  .IP \[bu] 2
 19814  OVH
 19815  .RE
 19816  .RE
 19817  .SS \[en]swift\-user\-id
 19818  .PP
 19819  User ID to log in \- optional \- most swift systems use user and leave
 19820  this blank (v3 auth) (OS_USER_ID).
 19821  .IP \[bu] 2
 19822  Config: user_id
 19823  .IP \[bu] 2
 19825  .IP \[bu] 2
 19826  Type: string
 19827  .IP \[bu] 2
 19828  Default: ""
 19829  .SS \[en]swift\-domain
 19830  .PP
 19831  User domain \- optional (v3 auth) (OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME)
 19832  .IP \[bu] 2
 19833  Config: domain
 19834  .IP \[bu] 2
 19836  .IP \[bu] 2
 19837  Type: string
 19838  .IP \[bu] 2
 19839  Default: ""
 19840  .SS \[en]swift\-tenant
 19841  .PP
 19842  Tenant name \- optional for v1 auth, this or tenant_id required
 19843  otherwise (OS_TENANT_NAME or OS_PROJECT_NAME)
 19844  .IP \[bu] 2
 19845  Config: tenant
 19846  .IP \[bu] 2
 19848  .IP \[bu] 2
 19849  Type: string
 19850  .IP \[bu] 2
 19851  Default: ""
 19852  .SS \[en]swift\-tenant\-id
 19853  .PP
 19854  Tenant ID \- optional for v1 auth, this or tenant required otherwise
 19855  (OS_TENANT_ID)
 19856  .IP \[bu] 2
 19857  Config: tenant_id
 19858  .IP \[bu] 2
 19860  .IP \[bu] 2
 19861  Type: string
 19862  .IP \[bu] 2
 19863  Default: ""
 19864  .SS \[en]swift\-tenant\-domain
 19865  .PP
 19866  Tenant domain \- optional (v3 auth) (OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME)
 19867  .IP \[bu] 2
 19868  Config: tenant_domain
 19869  .IP \[bu] 2
 19871  .IP \[bu] 2
 19872  Type: string
 19873  .IP \[bu] 2
 19874  Default: ""
 19875  .SS \[en]swift\-region
 19876  .PP
 19877  Region name \- optional (OS_REGION_NAME)
 19878  .IP \[bu] 2
 19879  Config: region
 19880  .IP \[bu] 2
 19882  .IP \[bu] 2
 19883  Type: string
 19884  .IP \[bu] 2
 19885  Default: ""
 19886  .SS \[en]swift\-storage\-url
 19887  .PP
 19888  Storage URL \- optional (OS_STORAGE_URL)
 19889  .IP \[bu] 2
 19890  Config: storage_url
 19891  .IP \[bu] 2
 19893  .IP \[bu] 2
 19894  Type: string
 19895  .IP \[bu] 2
 19896  Default: ""
 19897  .SS \[en]swift\-auth\-token
 19898  .PP
 19899  Auth Token from alternate authentication \- optional (OS_AUTH_TOKEN)
 19900  .IP \[bu] 2
 19901  Config: auth_token
 19902  .IP \[bu] 2
 19904  .IP \[bu] 2
 19905  Type: string
 19906  .IP \[bu] 2
 19907  Default: ""
 19908  .SS \[en]swift\-application\-credential\-id
 19909  .PP
 19910  Application Credential ID (OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_ID)
 19911  .IP \[bu] 2
 19912  Config: application_credential_id
 19913  .IP \[bu] 2
 19915  .IP \[bu] 2
 19916  Type: string
 19917  .IP \[bu] 2
 19918  Default: ""
 19919  .SS \[en]swift\-application\-credential\-name
 19920  .PP
 19921  Application Credential Name (OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_NAME)
 19922  .IP \[bu] 2
 19923  Config: application_credential_name
 19924  .IP \[bu] 2
 19926  .IP \[bu] 2
 19927  Type: string
 19928  .IP \[bu] 2
 19929  Default: ""
 19930  .SS \[en]swift\-application\-credential\-secret
 19931  .PP
 19932  Application Credential Secret (OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_SECRET)
 19933  .IP \[bu] 2
 19934  Config: application_credential_secret
 19935  .IP \[bu] 2
 19937  .IP \[bu] 2
 19938  Type: string
 19939  .IP \[bu] 2
 19940  Default: ""
 19941  .SS \[en]swift\-auth\-version
 19942  .PP
 19943  AuthVersion \- optional \- set to (1,2,3) if your auth URL has no
 19944  version (ST_AUTH_VERSION)
 19945  .IP \[bu] 2
 19946  Config: auth_version
 19947  .IP \[bu] 2
 19949  .IP \[bu] 2
 19950  Type: int
 19951  .IP \[bu] 2
 19952  Default: 0
 19953  .SS \[en]swift\-endpoint\-type
 19954  .PP
 19955  Endpoint type to choose from the service catalogue (OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE)
 19956  .IP \[bu] 2
 19957  Config: endpoint_type
 19958  .IP \[bu] 2
 19960  .IP \[bu] 2
 19961  Type: string
 19962  .IP \[bu] 2
 19963  Default: \[lq]public\[rq]
 19964  .IP \[bu] 2
 19965  Examples:
 19966  .RS 2
 19967  .IP \[bu] 2
 19968  \[lq]public\[rq]
 19969  .RS 2
 19970  .IP \[bu] 2
 19971  Public (default, choose this if not sure)
 19972  .RE
 19973  .IP \[bu] 2
 19974  \[lq]internal\[rq]
 19975  .RS 2
 19976  .IP \[bu] 2
 19977  Internal (use internal service net)
 19978  .RE
 19979  .IP \[bu] 2
 19980  \[lq]admin\[rq]
 19981  .RS 2
 19982  .IP \[bu] 2
 19983  Admin
 19984  .RE
 19985  .RE
 19986  .SS \[en]swift\-storage\-policy
 19987  .PP
 19988  The storage policy to use when creating a new container
 19989  .PP
 19990  This applies the specified storage policy when creating a new container.
 19991  The policy cannot be changed afterwards.
 19992  The allowed configuration values and their meaning depend on your Swift
 19993  storage provider.
 19994  .IP \[bu] 2
 19995  Config: storage_policy
 19996  .IP \[bu] 2
 19998  .IP \[bu] 2
 19999  Type: string
 20000  .IP \[bu] 2
 20001  Default: ""
 20002  .IP \[bu] 2
 20003  Examples:
 20004  .RS 2
 20005  .IP \[bu] 2
 20006  ""
 20007  .RS 2
 20008  .IP \[bu] 2
 20009  Default
 20010  .RE
 20011  .IP \[bu] 2
 20012  \[lq]pcs\[rq]
 20013  .RS 2
 20014  .IP \[bu] 2
 20015  OVH Public Cloud Storage
 20016  .RE
 20017  .IP \[bu] 2
 20018  \[lq]pca\[rq]
 20019  .RS 2
 20020  .IP \[bu] 2
 20021  OVH Public Cloud Archive
 20022  .RE
 20023  .RE
 20024  .SS Advanced Options
 20025  .PP
 20026  Here are the advanced options specific to swift (Openstack Swift
 20027  (Rackspace Cloud Files, Memset Memstore, OVH)).
 20028  .SS \[en]swift\-chunk\-size
 20029  .PP
 20030  Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container.
 20031  .PP
 20032  Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container.
 20033  The default for this is 5GB which is its maximum value.
 20034  .IP \[bu] 2
 20035  Config: chunk_size
 20036  .IP \[bu] 2
 20038  .IP \[bu] 2
 20039  Type: SizeSuffix
 20040  .IP \[bu] 2
 20041  Default: 5G
 20042  .SS \[en]swift\-no\-chunk
 20043  .PP
 20044  Don't chunk files during streaming upload.
 20045  .PP
 20046  When doing streaming uploads (eg using rcat or mount) setting this flag
 20047  will cause the swift backend to not upload chunked files.
 20048  .PP
 20049  This will limit the maximum upload size to 5GB.
 20050  However non chunked files are easier to deal with and have an MD5SUM.
 20051  .PP
 20052  Rclone will still chunk files bigger than chunk_size when doing normal
 20053  copy operations.
 20054  .IP \[bu] 2
 20055  Config: no_chunk
 20056  .IP \[bu] 2
 20058  .IP \[bu] 2
 20059  Type: bool
 20060  .IP \[bu] 2
 20061  Default: false
 20062  .SS Modified time
 20063  .PP
 20064  The modified time is stored as metadata on the object as
 20065  \f[C]X\-Object\-Meta\-Mtime\f[] as floating point since the epoch
 20066  accurate to 1 ns.
 20067  .PP
 20068  This is a defacto standard (used in the official python\-swiftclient
 20069  amongst others) for storing the modification time for an object.
 20070  .SS Limitations
 20071  .PP
 20072  The Swift API doesn't return a correct MD5SUM for segmented files
 20073  (Dynamic or Static Large Objects) so rclone won't check or use the
 20074  MD5SUM for these.
 20075  .SS Troubleshooting
 20076  .SS Rclone gives Failed to create file system for \[lq]remote:\[rq]: Bad
 20077  Request
 20078  .PP
 20079  Due to an oddity of the underlying swift library, it gives a \[lq]Bad
 20080  Request\[rq] error rather than a more sensible error when the
 20081  authentication fails for Swift.
 20082  .PP
 20083  So this most likely means your username / password is wrong.
 20084  You can investigate further with the \f[C]\-\-dump\-bodies\f[] flag.
 20085  .PP
 20086  This may also be caused by specifying the region when you shouldn't have
 20087  (eg OVH).
 20088  .SS Rclone gives Failed to create file system: Response didn't have
 20089  storage storage url and auth token
 20090  .PP
 20091  This is most likely caused by forgetting to specify your tenant when
 20092  setting up a swift remote.
 20093  .SS pCloud
 20094  .PP
 20095  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:path\f[]
 20096  .PP
 20097  Paths may be as deep as required, eg
 20098  \f[C]remote:directory/subdirectory\f[].
 20099  .PP
 20100  The initial setup for pCloud involves getting a token from pCloud which
 20101  you need to do in your browser.
 20102  \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] walks you through it.
 20103  .PP
 20104  Here is an example of how to make a remote called \f[C]remote\f[].
 20105  First run:
 20106  .IP
 20107  .nf
 20108  \f[C]
 20109  \ rclone\ config
 20110  \f[]
 20111  .fi
 20112  .PP
 20113  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 20114  .IP
 20115  .nf
 20116  \f[C]
 20117  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 20118  n)\ New\ remote
 20119  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 20120  q)\ Quit\ config
 20121  n/s/q>\ n
 20122  name>\ remote
 20123  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 20124  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 20125  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 20126  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 20127  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
 20128  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 20129  \ 3\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 20130  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 20131  \ 4\ /\ Box
 20132  \ \ \ \\\ "box"
 20133  \ 5\ /\ Dropbox
 20134  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 20135  \ 6\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 20136  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 20137  \ 7\ /\ FTP\ Connection
 20138  \ \ \ \\\ "ftp"
 20139  \ 8\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 20140  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 20141  \ 9\ /\ Google\ Drive
 20142  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 20143  10\ /\ Hubic
 20144  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 20145  11\ /\ Local\ Disk
 20146  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 20147  12\ /\ Microsoft\ Azure\ Blob\ Storage
 20148  \ \ \ \\\ "azureblob"
 20149  13\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 20150  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 20151  14\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 20152  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 20153  15\ /\ Pcloud
 20154  \ \ \ \\\ "pcloud"
 20155  16\ /\ QingCloud\ Object\ Storage
 20156  \ \ \ \\\ "qingstor"
 20157  17\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 20158  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 20159  18\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 20160  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 20161  19\ /\ http\ Connection
 20162  \ \ \ \\\ "http"
 20163  Storage>\ pcloud
 20164  Pcloud\ App\ Client\ Id\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 20165  client_id>\ 
 20166  Pcloud\ App\ Client\ Secret\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 20167  client_secret>\ 
 20168  Remote\ config
 20169  Use\ auto\ config?
 20170  \ *\ Say\ Y\ if\ not\ sure
 20171  \ *\ Say\ N\ if\ you\ are\ working\ on\ a\ remote\ or\ headless\ machine
 20172  y)\ Yes
 20173  n)\ No
 20174  y/n>\ y
 20175  If\ your\ browser\ doesn\[aq]t\ open\ automatically\ go\ to\ the\ following\ link:\
 20176  Log\ in\ and\ authorize\ rclone\ for\ access
 20177  Waiting\ for\ code...
 20178  Got\ code
 20179  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 20180  [remote]
 20181  client_id\ =\ 
 20182  client_secret\ =\ 
 20183  token\ =\ {"access_token":"XXX","token_type":"bearer","expiry":"0001\-01\-01T00:00:00Z"}
 20184  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 20185  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 20186  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 20187  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 20188  y/e/d>\ y
 20189  \f[]
 20190  .fi
 20191  .PP
 20192  See the remote setup docs ( for how to
 20193  set it up on a machine with no Internet browser available.
 20194  .PP
 20195  Note that rclone runs a webserver on your local machine to collect the
 20196  token as returned from pCloud.
 20197  This only runs from the moment it opens your browser to the moment you
 20198  get back the verification code.
 20199  This is on \f[C]\f[] and this it may require you
 20200  to unblock it temporarily if you are running a host firewall.
 20201  .PP
 20202  Once configured you can then use \f[C]rclone\f[] like this,
 20203  .PP
 20204  List directories in top level of your pCloud
 20205  .IP
 20206  .nf
 20207  \f[C]
 20208  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 20209  \f[]
 20210  .fi
 20211  .PP
 20212  List all the files in your pCloud
 20213  .IP
 20214  .nf
 20215  \f[C]
 20216  rclone\ ls\ remote:
 20217  \f[]
 20218  .fi
 20219  .PP
 20220  To copy a local directory to an pCloud directory called backup
 20221  .IP
 20222  .nf
 20223  \f[C]
 20224  rclone\ copy\ /home/source\ remote:backup
 20225  \f[]
 20226  .fi
 20227  .SS Modified time and hashes
 20228  .PP
 20229  pCloud allows modification times to be set on objects accurate to 1
 20230  second.
 20231  These will be used to detect whether objects need syncing or not.
 20232  In order to set a Modification time pCloud requires the object be
 20233  re\-uploaded.
 20234  .PP
 20235  pCloud supports MD5 and SHA1 type hashes, so you can use the
 20236  \f[C]\-\-checksum\f[] flag.
 20237  .SS Deleting files
 20238  .PP
 20239  Deleted files will be moved to the trash.
 20240  Your subscription level will determine how long items stay in the trash.
 20241  \f[C]rclone\ cleanup\f[] can be used to empty the trash.
 20242  .SS Standard Options
 20243  .PP
 20244  Here are the standard options specific to pcloud (Pcloud).
 20245  .SS \[en]pcloud\-client\-id
 20246  .PP
 20247  Pcloud App Client Id Leave blank normally.
 20248  .IP \[bu] 2
 20249  Config: client_id
 20250  .IP \[bu] 2
 20252  .IP \[bu] 2
 20253  Type: string
 20254  .IP \[bu] 2
 20255  Default: ""
 20256  .SS \[en]pcloud\-client\-secret
 20257  .PP
 20258  Pcloud App Client Secret Leave blank normally.
 20259  .IP \[bu] 2
 20260  Config: client_secret
 20261  .IP \[bu] 2
 20263  .IP \[bu] 2
 20264  Type: string
 20265  .IP \[bu] 2
 20266  Default: ""
 20267  .SS SFTP
 20268  .PP
 20269  SFTP is the Secure (or SSH) File Transfer
 20270  Protocol (
 20271  .PP
 20272  SFTP runs over SSH v2 and is installed as standard with most modern SSH
 20273  installations.
 20274  .PP
 20275  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:path\f[].
 20276  If the path does not begin with a \f[C]/\f[] it is relative to the home
 20277  directory of the user.
 20278  An empty path \f[C]remote:\f[] refers to the user's home directory.
 20279  .PP
 20280  "Note that some SFTP servers will need the leading / \- Synology is a
 20281  good example of this.
 20282, on the other hand, requires users to OMIT the leading /.
 20283  .PP
 20284  Here is an example of making an SFTP configuration.
 20285  First run
 20286  .IP
 20287  .nf
 20288  \f[C]
 20289  rclone\ config
 20290  \f[]
 20291  .fi
 20292  .PP
 20293  This will guide you through an interactive setup process.
 20294  .IP
 20295  .nf
 20296  \f[C]
 20297  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 20298  n)\ New\ remote
 20299  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 20300  q)\ Quit\ config
 20301  n/s/q>\ n
 20302  name>\ remote
 20303  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 20304  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 20305  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 20306  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 20307  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
 20308  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 20309  \ 3\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 20310  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 20311  \ 4\ /\ Dropbox
 20312  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 20313  \ 5\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 20314  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 20315  \ 6\ /\ FTP\ Connection
 20316  \ \ \ \\\ "ftp"
 20317  \ 7\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 20318  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 20319  \ 8\ /\ Google\ Drive
 20320  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 20321  \ 9\ /\ Hubic
 20322  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 20323  10\ /\ Local\ Disk
 20324  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 20325  11\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 20326  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 20327  12\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 20328  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 20329  13\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 20330  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 20331  14\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 20332  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 20333  15\ /\ http\ Connection
 20334  \ \ \ \\\ "http"
 20335  Storage>\ sftp
 20336  SSH\ host\ to\ connect\ to
 20337  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 20338  \ 1\ /\ Connect\ to\
 20339  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 20340  host>\
 20341  SSH\ username,\ leave\ blank\ for\ current\ username,\ ncw
 20342  user>\ sftpuser
 20343  SSH\ port,\ leave\ blank\ to\ use\ default\ (22)
 20344  port>\ 
 20345  SSH\ password,\ leave\ blank\ to\ use\ ssh\-agent.
 20346  y)\ Yes\ type\ in\ my\ own\ password
 20347  g)\ Generate\ random\ password
 20348  n)\ No\ leave\ this\ optional\ password\ blank
 20349  y/g/n>\ n
 20350  Path\ to\ unencrypted\ PEM\-encoded\ private\ key\ file,\ leave\ blank\ to\ use\ ssh\-agent.
 20351  key_file>\ 
 20352  Remote\ config
 20353  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 20354  [remote]
 20355  host\ =\
 20356  user\ =\ sftpuser
 20357  port\ =\ 
 20358  pass\ =\ 
 20359  key_file\ =\ 
 20360  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 20361  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 20362  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 20363  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 20364  y/e/d>\ y
 20365  \f[]
 20366  .fi
 20367  .PP
 20368  This remote is called \f[C]remote\f[] and can now be used like this:
 20369  .PP
 20370  See all directories in the home directory
 20371  .IP
 20372  .nf
 20373  \f[C]
 20374  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 20375  \f[]
 20376  .fi
 20377  .PP
 20378  Make a new directory
 20379  .IP
 20380  .nf
 20381  \f[C]
 20382  rclone\ mkdir\ remote:path/to/directory
 20383  \f[]
 20384  .fi
 20385  .PP
 20386  List the contents of a directory
 20387  .IP
 20388  .nf
 20389  \f[C]
 20390  rclone\ ls\ remote:path/to/directory
 20391  \f[]
 20392  .fi
 20393  .PP
 20394  Sync \f[C]/home/local/directory\f[] to the remote directory, deleting
 20395  any excess files in the directory.
 20396  .IP
 20397  .nf
 20398  \f[C]
 20399  rclone\ sync\ /home/local/directory\ remote:directory
 20400  \f[]
 20401  .fi
 20402  .SS SSH Authentication
 20403  .PP
 20404  The SFTP remote supports three authentication methods:
 20405  .IP \[bu] 2
 20406  Password
 20407  .IP \[bu] 2
 20408  Key file
 20409  .IP \[bu] 2
 20410  ssh\-agent
 20411  .PP
 20412  Key files should be PEM\-encoded private key files.
 20413  For instance \f[C]/home/$USER/.ssh/id_rsa\f[].
 20414  Only unencrypted OpenSSH or PEM encrypted files are supported.
 20415  .PP
 20416  If you don't specify \f[C]pass\f[] or \f[C]key_file\f[] then rclone will
 20417  attempt to contact an ssh\-agent.
 20418  .PP
 20419  You can also specify \f[C]key_use_agent\f[] to force the usage of an
 20420  ssh\-agent.
 20421  In this case \f[C]key_file\f[] can also be specified to force the usage
 20422  of a specific key in the ssh\-agent.
 20423  .PP
 20424  Using an ssh\-agent is the only way to load encrypted OpenSSH keys at
 20425  the moment.
 20426  .PP
 20427  If you set the \f[C]\-\-sftp\-ask\-password\f[] option, rclone will
 20428  prompt for a password when needed and no password has been configured.
 20429  .SS ssh\-agent on macOS
 20430  .PP
 20431  Note that there seem to be various problems with using an ssh\-agent on
 20432  macOS due to recent changes in the OS.
 20433  The most effective work\-around seems to be to start an ssh\-agent in
 20434  each session, eg
 20435  .IP
 20436  .nf
 20437  \f[C]
 20438  eval\ `ssh\-agent\ \-s`\ &&\ ssh\-add\ \-A
 20439  \f[]
 20440  .fi
 20441  .PP
 20442  And then at the end of the session
 20443  .IP
 20444  .nf
 20445  \f[C]
 20446  eval\ `ssh\-agent\ \-k`
 20447  \f[]
 20448  .fi
 20449  .PP
 20450  These commands can be used in scripts of course.
 20451  .SS Modified time
 20452  .PP
 20453  Modified times are stored on the server to 1 second precision.
 20454  .PP
 20455  Modified times are used in syncing and are fully supported.
 20456  .PP
 20457  Some SFTP servers disable setting/modifying the file modification time
 20458  after upload (for example, certain configurations of ProFTPd with
 20459  mod_sftp).
 20460  If you are using one of these servers, you can set the option
 20461  \f[C]set_modtime\ =\ false\f[] in your RClone backend configuration to
 20462  disable this behaviour.
 20463  .SS Standard Options
 20464  .PP
 20465  Here are the standard options specific to sftp (SSH/SFTP Connection).
 20466  .SS \[en]sftp\-host
 20467  .PP
 20468  SSH host to connect to
 20469  .IP \[bu] 2
 20470  Config: host
 20471  .IP \[bu] 2
 20472  Env Var: RCLONE_SFTP_HOST
 20473  .IP \[bu] 2
 20474  Type: string
 20475  .IP \[bu] 2
 20476  Default: ""
 20477  .IP \[bu] 2
 20478  Examples:
 20479  .RS 2
 20480  .IP \[bu] 2
 20481  \[lq]\[rq]
 20482  .RS 2
 20483  .IP \[bu] 2
 20484  Connect to
 20485  .RE
 20486  .RE
 20487  .SS \[en]sftp\-user
 20488  .PP
 20489  SSH username, leave blank for current username, ncw
 20490  .IP \[bu] 2
 20491  Config: user
 20492  .IP \[bu] 2
 20493  Env Var: RCLONE_SFTP_USER
 20494  .IP \[bu] 2
 20495  Type: string
 20496  .IP \[bu] 2
 20497  Default: ""
 20498  .SS \[en]sftp\-port
 20499  .PP
 20500  SSH port, leave blank to use default (22)
 20501  .IP \[bu] 2
 20502  Config: port
 20503  .IP \[bu] 2
 20504  Env Var: RCLONE_SFTP_PORT
 20505  .IP \[bu] 2
 20506  Type: string
 20507  .IP \[bu] 2
 20508  Default: ""
 20509  .SS \[en]sftp\-pass
 20510  .PP
 20511  SSH password, leave blank to use ssh\-agent.
 20512  .IP \[bu] 2
 20513  Config: pass
 20514  .IP \[bu] 2
 20515  Env Var: RCLONE_SFTP_PASS
 20516  .IP \[bu] 2
 20517  Type: string
 20518  .IP \[bu] 2
 20519  Default: ""
 20520  .SS \[en]sftp\-key\-file
 20521  .PP
 20522  Path to PEM\-encoded private key file, leave blank or set
 20523  key\-use\-agent to use ssh\-agent.
 20524  .IP \[bu] 2
 20525  Config: key_file
 20526  .IP \[bu] 2
 20528  .IP \[bu] 2
 20529  Type: string
 20530  .IP \[bu] 2
 20531  Default: ""
 20532  .SS \[en]sftp\-key\-file\-pass
 20533  .PP
 20534  The passphrase to decrypt the PEM\-encoded private key file.
 20535  .PP
 20536  Only PEM encrypted key files (old OpenSSH format) are supported.
 20537  Encrypted keys in the new OpenSSH format can't be used.
 20538  .IP \[bu] 2
 20539  Config: key_file_pass
 20540  .IP \[bu] 2
 20542  .IP \[bu] 2
 20543  Type: string
 20544  .IP \[bu] 2
 20545  Default: ""
 20546  .SS \[en]sftp\-key\-use\-agent
 20547  .PP
 20548  When set forces the usage of the ssh\-agent.
 20549  .PP
 20550  When key\-file is also set, the \[lq].pub\[rq] file of the specified
 20551  key\-file is read and only the associated key is requested from the
 20552  ssh\-agent.
 20553  This allows to avoid
 20554  \f[C]Too\ many\ authentication\ failures\ for\ *username*\f[] errors
 20555  when the ssh\-agent contains many keys.
 20556  .IP \[bu] 2
 20557  Config: key_use_agent
 20558  .IP \[bu] 2
 20560  .IP \[bu] 2
 20561  Type: bool
 20562  .IP \[bu] 2
 20563  Default: false
 20564  .SS \[en]sftp\-use\-insecure\-cipher
 20565  .PP
 20566  Enable the use of the aes128\-cbc cipher.
 20567  This cipher is insecure and may allow plaintext data to be recovered by
 20568  an attacker.
 20569  .IP \[bu] 2
 20570  Config: use_insecure_cipher
 20571  .IP \[bu] 2
 20573  .IP \[bu] 2
 20574  Type: bool
 20575  .IP \[bu] 2
 20576  Default: false
 20577  .IP \[bu] 2
 20578  Examples:
 20579  .RS 2
 20580  .IP \[bu] 2
 20581  \[lq]false\[rq]
 20582  .RS 2
 20583  .IP \[bu] 2
 20584  Use default Cipher list.
 20585  .RE
 20586  .IP \[bu] 2
 20587  \[lq]true\[rq]
 20588  .RS 2
 20589  .IP \[bu] 2
 20590  Enables the use of the aes128\-cbc cipher.
 20591  .RE
 20592  .RE
 20593  .SS \[en]sftp\-disable\-hashcheck
 20594  .PP
 20595  Disable the execution of SSH commands to determine if remote file
 20596  hashing is available.
 20597  Leave blank or set to false to enable hashing (recommended), set to true
 20598  to disable hashing.
 20599  .IP \[bu] 2
 20600  Config: disable_hashcheck
 20601  .IP \[bu] 2
 20603  .IP \[bu] 2
 20604  Type: bool
 20605  .IP \[bu] 2
 20606  Default: false
 20607  .SS Advanced Options
 20608  .PP
 20609  Here are the advanced options specific to sftp (SSH/SFTP Connection).
 20610  .SS \[en]sftp\-ask\-password
 20611  .PP
 20612  Allow asking for SFTP password when needed.
 20613  .IP \[bu] 2
 20614  Config: ask_password
 20615  .IP \[bu] 2
 20617  .IP \[bu] 2
 20618  Type: bool
 20619  .IP \[bu] 2
 20620  Default: false
 20621  .SS \[en]sftp\-path\-override
 20622  .PP
 20623  Override path used by SSH connection.
 20624  .PP
 20625  This allows checksum calculation when SFTP and SSH paths are different.
 20626  This issue affects among others Synology NAS boxes.
 20627  .PP
 20628  Shared folders can be found in directories representing volumes
 20629  .IP
 20630  .nf
 20631  \f[C]
 20632  rclone\ sync\ /home/local/directory\ remote:/directory\ \-\-ssh\-path\-override\ /volume2/directory
 20633  \f[]
 20634  .fi
 20635  .PP
 20636  Home directory can be found in a shared folder called \[lq]home\[rq]
 20637  .IP
 20638  .nf
 20639  \f[C]
 20640  rclone\ sync\ /home/local/directory\ remote:/home/directory\ \-\-ssh\-path\-override\ /volume1/homes/USER/directory
 20641  \f[]
 20642  .fi
 20643  .IP \[bu] 2
 20644  Config: path_override
 20645  .IP \[bu] 2
 20647  .IP \[bu] 2
 20648  Type: string
 20649  .IP \[bu] 2
 20650  Default: ""
 20651  .SS \[en]sftp\-set\-modtime
 20652  .PP
 20653  Set the modified time on the remote if set.
 20654  .IP \[bu] 2
 20655  Config: set_modtime
 20656  .IP \[bu] 2
 20658  .IP \[bu] 2
 20659  Type: bool
 20660  .IP \[bu] 2
 20661  Default: true
 20662  .SS Limitations
 20663  .PP
 20664  SFTP supports checksums if the same login has shell access and
 20665  \f[C]md5sum\f[] or \f[C]sha1sum\f[] as well as \f[C]echo\f[] are in the
 20666  remote's PATH.
 20667  This remote checksumming (file hashing) is recommended and enabled by
 20668  default.
 20669  Disabling the checksumming may be required if you are connecting to SFTP
 20670  servers which are not under your control, and to which the execution of
 20671  remote commands is prohibited.
 20672  Set the configuration option \f[C]disable_hashcheck\f[] to \f[C]true\f[]
 20673  to disable checksumming.
 20674  .PP
 20675  SFTP also supports \f[C]about\f[] if the same login has shell access and
 20676  \f[C]df\f[] are in the remote's PATH.
 20677  \f[C]about\f[] will return the total space, free space, and used space
 20678  on the remote for the disk of the specified path on the remote or, if
 20679  not set, the disk of the root on the remote.
 20680  \f[C]about\f[] will fail if it does not have shell access or if
 20681  \f[C]df\f[] is not in the remote's PATH.
 20682  .PP
 20683  Note that some SFTP servers (eg Synology) the paths are different for
 20684  SSH and SFTP so the hashes can't be calculated properly.
 20685  For them using \f[C]disable_hashcheck\f[] is a good idea.
 20686  .PP
 20687  The only ssh agent supported under Windows is Putty's pageant.
 20688  .PP
 20689  The Go SSH library disables the use of the aes128\-cbc cipher by
 20690  default, due to security concerns.
 20691  This can be re\-enabled on a per\-connection basis by setting the
 20692  \f[C]use_insecure_cipher\f[] setting in the configuration file to
 20693  \f[C]true\f[].
 20694  Further details on the insecurity of this cipher can be found [in this
 20695  paper] (
 20696  .PP
 20697  SFTP isn't supported under plan9 until this
 20698  issue ( is fixed.
 20699  .PP
 20700  Note that since SFTP isn't HTTP based the following flags don't work
 20701  with it: \f[C]\-\-dump\-headers\f[], \f[C]\-\-dump\-bodies\f[],
 20702  \f[C]\-\-dump\-auth\f[]
 20703  .PP
 20704  Note that \f[C]\-\-timeout\f[] isn't supported (but
 20705  \f[C]\-\-contimeout\f[] is).
 20706  .SS Union
 20707  .PP
 20708  The \f[C]union\f[] remote provides a unification similar to UnionFS
 20709  using other remotes.
 20710  .PP
 20711  Paths may be as deep as required or a local path, eg
 20712  \f[C]remote:directory/subdirectory\f[] or
 20713  \f[C]/directory/subdirectory\f[].
 20714  .PP
 20715  During the initial setup with \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] you will specify
 20716  the target remotes as a space separated list.
 20717  The target remotes can either be a local paths or other remotes.
 20718  .PP
 20719  The order of the remotes is important as it defines which remotes take
 20720  precedence over others if there are files with the same name in the same
 20721  logical path.
 20722  The last remote is the topmost remote and replaces files with the same
 20723  name from previous remotes.
 20724  .PP
 20725  Only the last remote is used to write to and delete from, all other
 20726  remotes are read\-only.
 20727  .PP
 20728  Subfolders can be used in target remote.
 20729  Assume a union remote named \f[C]backup\f[] with the remotes
 20730  \f[C]mydrive:private/backup\ mydrive2:/backup\f[].
 20731  Invoking \f[C]rclone\ mkdir\ backup:desktop\f[] is exactly the same as
 20732  invoking \f[C]rclone\ mkdir\ mydrive2:/backup/desktop\f[].
 20733  .PP
 20734  There will be no special handling of paths containing \f[C]\&..\f[]
 20735  segments.
 20736  Invoking \f[C]rclone\ mkdir\ backup:../desktop\f[] is exactly the same
 20737  as invoking \f[C]rclone\ mkdir\ mydrive2:/backup/../desktop\f[].
 20738  .PP
 20739  Here is an example of how to make a union called \f[C]remote\f[] for
 20740  local folders.
 20741  First run:
 20742  .IP
 20743  .nf
 20744  \f[C]
 20745  \ rclone\ config
 20746  \f[]
 20747  .fi
 20748  .PP
 20749  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 20750  .IP
 20751  .nf
 20752  \f[C]
 20753  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 20754  n)\ New\ remote
 20755  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 20756  q)\ Quit\ config
 20757  n/s/q>\ n
 20758  name>\ remote
 20759  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 20760  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 20761  \ 1\ /\ Alias\ for\ an\ existing\ remote
 20762  \ \ \ \\\ "alias"
 20763  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 20764  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 20765  \ 3\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ Compliant\ Storage\ Providers\ (AWS,\ Ceph,\ Dreamhost,\ IBM\ COS,\ Minio)
 20766  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 20767  \ 4\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 20768  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 20769  \ 5\ /\ Box
 20770  \ \ \ \\\ "box"
 20771  \ 6\ /\ Builds\ a\ stackable\ unification\ remote,\ which\ can\ appear\ to\ merge\ the\ contents\ of\ several\ remotes
 20772  \ \ \ \\\ "union"
 20773  \ 7\ /\ Cache\ a\ remote
 20774  \ \ \ \\\ "cache"
 20775  \ 8\ /\ Dropbox
 20776  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 20777  \ 9\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 20778  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 20779  10\ /\ FTP\ Connection
 20780  \ \ \ \\\ "ftp"
 20781  11\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 20782  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 20783  12\ /\ Google\ Drive
 20784  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 20785  13\ /\ Hubic
 20786  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 20787  14\ /\ JottaCloud
 20788  \ \ \ \\\ "jottacloud"
 20789  15\ /\ Local\ Disk
 20790  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 20791  16\ /\ Mega
 20792  \ \ \ \\\ "mega"
 20793  17\ /\ Microsoft\ Azure\ Blob\ Storage
 20794  \ \ \ \\\ "azureblob"
 20795  18\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 20796  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 20797  19\ /\ OpenDrive
 20798  \ \ \ \\\ "opendrive"
 20799  20\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 20800  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 20801  21\ /\ Pcloud
 20802  \ \ \ \\\ "pcloud"
 20803  22\ /\ QingCloud\ Object\ Storage
 20804  \ \ \ \\\ "qingstor"
 20805  23\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 20806  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 20807  24\ /\ Webdav
 20808  \ \ \ \\\ "webdav"
 20809  25\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 20810  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 20811  26\ /\ http\ Connection
 20812  \ \ \ \\\ "http"
 20813  Storage>\ union
 20814  List\ of\ space\ separated\ remotes.
 20815  Can\ be\ \[aq]remotea:test/dir\ remoteb:\[aq],\ \[aq]"remotea:test/space\ dir"\ remoteb:\[aq],\ etc.
 20816  The\ last\ remote\ is\ used\ to\ write\ to.
 20817  Enter\ a\ string\ value.\ Press\ Enter\ for\ the\ default\ ("").
 20818  remotes>
 20819  Remote\ config
 20820  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 20821  [remote]
 20822  type\ =\ union
 20823  remotes\ =\ C:\\dir1\ C:\\dir2\ C:\\dir3
 20824  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 20825  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 20826  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 20827  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 20828  y/e/d>\ y
 20829  Current\ remotes:
 20831  Name\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Type
 20832  ====\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ====
 20833  remote\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ union
 20835  e)\ Edit\ existing\ remote
 20836  n)\ New\ remote
 20837  d)\ Delete\ remote
 20838  r)\ Rename\ remote
 20839  c)\ Copy\ remote
 20840  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 20841  q)\ Quit\ config
 20842  e/n/d/r/c/s/q>\ q
 20843  \f[]
 20844  .fi
 20845  .PP
 20846  Once configured you can then use \f[C]rclone\f[] like this,
 20847  .PP
 20848  List directories in top level in \f[C]C:\\dir1\f[], \f[C]C:\\dir2\f[]
 20849  and \f[C]C:\\dir3\f[]
 20850  .IP
 20851  .nf
 20852  \f[C]
 20853  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 20854  \f[]
 20855  .fi
 20856  .PP
 20857  List all the files in \f[C]C:\\dir1\f[], \f[C]C:\\dir2\f[] and
 20858  \f[C]C:\\dir3\f[]
 20859  .IP
 20860  .nf
 20861  \f[C]
 20862  rclone\ ls\ remote:
 20863  \f[]
 20864  .fi
 20865  .PP
 20866  Copy another local directory to the union directory called source, which
 20867  will be placed into \f[C]C:\\dir3\f[]
 20868  .IP
 20869  .nf
 20870  \f[C]
 20871  rclone\ copy\ C:\\source\ remote:source
 20872  \f[]
 20873  .fi
 20874  .SS Standard Options
 20875  .PP
 20876  Here are the standard options specific to union (A stackable unification
 20877  remote, which can appear to merge the contents of several remotes).
 20878  .SS \[en]union\-remotes
 20879  .PP
 20880  List of space separated remotes.
 20881  Can be `remotea:test/dir remoteb:', `\[lq]remotea:test/space dir\[rq]
 20882  remoteb:', etc.
 20883  The last remote is used to write to.
 20884  .IP \[bu] 2
 20885  Config: remotes
 20886  .IP \[bu] 2
 20888  .IP \[bu] 2
 20889  Type: string
 20890  .IP \[bu] 2
 20891  Default: ""
 20892  .SS WebDAV
 20893  .PP
 20894  Paths are specified as \f[C]remote:path\f[]
 20895  .PP
 20896  Paths may be as deep as required, eg
 20897  \f[C]remote:directory/subdirectory\f[].
 20898  .PP
 20899  To configure the WebDAV remote you will need to have a URL for it, and a
 20900  username and password.
 20901  If you know what kind of system you are connecting to then rclone can
 20902  enable extra features.
 20903  .PP
 20904  Here is an example of how to make a remote called \f[C]remote\f[].
 20905  First run:
 20906  .IP
 20907  .nf
 20908  \f[C]
 20909  \ rclone\ config
 20910  \f[]
 20911  .fi
 20912  .PP
 20913  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 20914  .IP
 20915  .nf
 20916  \f[C]
 20917  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 20918  n)\ New\ remote
 20919  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 20920  q)\ Quit\ config
 20921  n/s/q>\ n
 20922  name>\ remote
 20923  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 20924  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 20925  [snip]
 20926  22\ /\ Webdav
 20927  \ \ \ \\\ "webdav"
 20928  [snip]
 20929  Storage>\ webdav
 20930  URL\ of\ http\ host\ to\ connect\ to
 20931  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 20932  \ 1\ /\ Connect\ to\
 20933  \ \ \ \\\ ""
 20934  url>\
 20935  Name\ of\ the\ Webdav\ site/service/software\ you\ are\ using
 20936  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 20937  \ 1\ /\ Nextcloud
 20938  \ \ \ \\\ "nextcloud"
 20939  \ 2\ /\ Owncloud
 20940  \ \ \ \\\ "owncloud"
 20941  \ 3\ /\ Sharepoint
 20942  \ \ \ \\\ "sharepoint"
 20943  \ 4\ /\ Other\ site/service\ or\ software
 20944  \ \ \ \\\ "other"
 20945  vendor>\ 1
 20946  User\ name
 20947  user>\ user
 20948  Password.
 20949  y)\ Yes\ type\ in\ my\ own\ password
 20950  g)\ Generate\ random\ password
 20951  n)\ No\ leave\ this\ optional\ password\ blank
 20952  y/g/n>\ y
 20953  Enter\ the\ password:
 20954  password:
 20955  Confirm\ the\ password:
 20956  password:
 20957  Bearer\ token\ instead\ of\ user/pass\ (eg\ a\ Macaroon)
 20958  bearer_token>\ 
 20959  Remote\ config
 20960  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 20961  [remote]
 20962  type\ =\ webdav
 20963  url\ =\
 20964  vendor\ =\ nextcloud
 20965  user\ =\ user
 20966  pass\ =\ ***\ ENCRYPTED\ ***
 20967  bearer_token\ =\ 
 20968  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 20969  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 20970  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 20971  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 20972  y/e/d>\ y
 20973  \f[]
 20974  .fi
 20975  .PP
 20976  Once configured you can then use \f[C]rclone\f[] like this,
 20977  .PP
 20978  List directories in top level of your WebDAV
 20979  .IP
 20980  .nf
 20981  \f[C]
 20982  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 20983  \f[]
 20984  .fi
 20985  .PP
 20986  List all the files in your WebDAV
 20987  .IP
 20988  .nf
 20989  \f[C]
 20990  rclone\ ls\ remote:
 20991  \f[]
 20992  .fi
 20993  .PP
 20994  To copy a local directory to an WebDAV directory called backup
 20995  .IP
 20996  .nf
 20997  \f[C]
 20998  rclone\ copy\ /home/source\ remote:backup
 20999  \f[]
 21000  .fi
 21001  .SS Modified time and hashes
 21002  .PP
 21003  Plain WebDAV does not support modified times.
 21004  However when used with Owncloud or Nextcloud rclone will support
 21005  modified times.
 21006  .PP
 21007  Likewise plain WebDAV does not support hashes, however when used with
 21008  Owncloud or Nextcloud rclone will support SHA1 and MD5 hashes.
 21009  Depending on the exact version of Owncloud or Nextcloud hashes may
 21010  appear on all objects, or only on objects which had a hash uploaded with
 21011  them.
 21012  .SS Standard Options
 21013  .PP
 21014  Here are the standard options specific to webdav (Webdav).
 21015  .SS \[en]webdav\-url
 21016  .PP
 21017  URL of http host to connect to
 21018  .IP \[bu] 2
 21019  Config: url
 21020  .IP \[bu] 2
 21021  Env Var: RCLONE_WEBDAV_URL
 21022  .IP \[bu] 2
 21023  Type: string
 21024  .IP \[bu] 2
 21025  Default: ""
 21026  .IP \[bu] 2
 21027  Examples:
 21028  .RS 2
 21029  .IP \[bu] 2
 21030  \[lq]\[rq]
 21031  .RS 2
 21032  .IP \[bu] 2
 21033  Connect to
 21034  .RE
 21035  .RE
 21036  .SS \[en]webdav\-vendor
 21037  .PP
 21038  Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using
 21039  .IP \[bu] 2
 21040  Config: vendor
 21041  .IP \[bu] 2
 21043  .IP \[bu] 2
 21044  Type: string
 21045  .IP \[bu] 2
 21046  Default: ""
 21047  .IP \[bu] 2
 21048  Examples:
 21049  .RS 2
 21050  .IP \[bu] 2
 21051  \[lq]nextcloud\[rq]
 21052  .RS 2
 21053  .IP \[bu] 2
 21054  Nextcloud
 21055  .RE
 21056  .IP \[bu] 2
 21057  \[lq]owncloud\[rq]
 21058  .RS 2
 21059  .IP \[bu] 2
 21060  Owncloud
 21061  .RE
 21062  .IP \[bu] 2
 21063  \[lq]sharepoint\[rq]
 21064  .RS 2
 21065  .IP \[bu] 2
 21066  Sharepoint
 21067  .RE
 21068  .IP \[bu] 2
 21069  \[lq]other\[rq]
 21070  .RS 2
 21071  .IP \[bu] 2
 21072  Other site/service or software
 21073  .RE
 21074  .RE
 21075  .SS \[en]webdav\-user
 21076  .PP
 21077  User name
 21078  .IP \[bu] 2
 21079  Config: user
 21080  .IP \[bu] 2
 21082  .IP \[bu] 2
 21083  Type: string
 21084  .IP \[bu] 2
 21085  Default: ""
 21086  .SS \[en]webdav\-pass
 21087  .PP
 21088  Password.
 21089  .IP \[bu] 2
 21090  Config: pass
 21091  .IP \[bu] 2
 21093  .IP \[bu] 2
 21094  Type: string
 21095  .IP \[bu] 2
 21096  Default: ""
 21097  .SS \[en]webdav\-bearer\-token
 21098  .PP
 21099  Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon)
 21100  .IP \[bu] 2
 21101  Config: bearer_token
 21102  .IP \[bu] 2
 21104  .IP \[bu] 2
 21105  Type: string
 21106  .IP \[bu] 2
 21107  Default: ""
 21108  .SS Provider notes
 21109  .PP
 21110  See below for notes on specific providers.
 21111  .SS Owncloud
 21112  .PP
 21113  Click on the settings cog in the bottom right of the page and this will
 21114  show the WebDAV URL that rclone needs in the config step.
 21115  It will look something like
 21116  \f[C]\f[].
 21117  .PP
 21118  Owncloud supports modified times using the \f[C]X\-OC\-Mtime\f[] header.
 21119  .SS Nextcloud
 21120  .PP
 21121  This is configured in an identical way to Owncloud.
 21122  Note that Nextcloud does not support streaming of files (\f[C]rcat\f[])
 21123  whereas Owncloud does.
 21124  This may be
 21125  fixed ( in the
 21126  future.
 21127  .SS
 21128  .PP
 21129 can be accessed in a read only way using webdav.
 21130  .PP
 21131  Configure the \f[C]url\f[] as \f[C]\f[] and use
 21132  your normal account username and password for \f[C]user\f[] and
 21133  \f[C]pass\f[].
 21134  Set the \f[C]vendor\f[] to \f[C]other\f[].
 21135  .PP
 21136  Your config file should end up looking like this:
 21137  .IP
 21138  .nf
 21139  \f[C]
 21140  [putio]
 21141  type\ =\ webdav
 21142  url\ =\
 21143  vendor\ =\ other
 21144  user\ =\ YourUserName
 21145  pass\ =\ encryptedpassword
 21146  \f[]
 21147  .fi
 21148  .PP
 21149  If you are using \f[C]\f[] with \f[C]rclone\ mount\f[] then use
 21150  the \f[C]\-\-read\-only\f[] flag to signal to the OS that it can't write
 21151  to the mount.
 21152  .PP
 21153  For more help see the webdav
 21154  docs (
 21155  .SS Sharepoint
 21156  .PP
 21157  Rclone can be used with Sharepoint provided by OneDrive for Business or
 21158  Office365 Education Accounts.
 21159  This feature is only needed for a few of these Accounts, mostly
 21160  Office365 Education ones.
 21161  These accounts are sometimes not verified by the domain owner
 21162  github#1975 (
 21163  .PP
 21164  This means that these accounts can't be added using the official API
 21165  (other Accounts should work with the \[lq]onedrive\[rq] option).
 21166  However, it is possible to access them using webdav.
 21167  .PP
 21168  To use a sharepoint remote with rclone, add it like this: First, you
 21169  need to get your remote's URL:
 21170  .IP \[bu] 2
 21171  Go here ( to open your
 21172  OneDrive or to sign in
 21173  .IP \[bu] 2
 21174  Now take a look at your address bar, the URL should look like this:
 21175  \f[C]https://[YOUR\-DOMAIN]\[YOUR\-EMAIL]/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx\f[]
 21176  .PP
 21177  You'll only need this URL upto the email address.
 21178  After that, you'll most likely want to add \[lq]/Documents\[rq].
 21179  That subdirectory contains the actual data stored on your OneDrive.
 21180  .PP
 21181  Add the remote to rclone like this: Configure the \f[C]url\f[] as
 21182  \f[C]https://[YOUR\-DOMAIN]\[YOUR\-EMAIL]/Documents\f[]
 21183  and use your normal account email and password for \f[C]user\f[] and
 21184  \f[C]pass\f[].
 21185  If you have 2FA enabled, you have to generate an app password.
 21186  Set the \f[C]vendor\f[] to \f[C]sharepoint\f[].
 21187  .PP
 21188  Your config file should look like this:
 21189  .IP
 21190  .nf
 21191  \f[C]
 21192  [sharepoint]
 21193  type\ =\ webdav
 21194  url\ =\ https://[YOUR\-DOMAIN]\[YOUR\-EMAIL]/Documents
 21195  vendor\ =\ other
 21196  user\ =\ YourEmailAddress
 21197  pass\ =\ encryptedpassword
 21198  \f[]
 21199  .fi
 21200  .SS dCache
 21201  .PP
 21202  dCache ( is a storage system with WebDAV doors
 21203  that support, beside basic and x509, authentication with
 21204  Macaroons (
 21205  (bearer tokens).
 21206  .PP
 21207  Configure as normal using the \f[C]other\f[] type.
 21208  Don't enter a username or password, instead enter your Macaroon as the
 21209  \f[C]bearer_token\f[].
 21210  .PP
 21211  The config will end up looking something like this.
 21212  .IP
 21213  .nf
 21214  \f[C]
 21215  [dcache]
 21216  type\ =\ webdav
 21217  url\ =\ https://dcache...
 21218  vendor\ =\ other
 21219  user\ =
 21220  pass\ =
 21221  bearer_token\ =\ your\-macaroon
 21222  \f[]
 21223  .fi
 21224  .PP
 21225  There is a
 21226  script (
 21227  that obtains a Macaroon from a dCache WebDAV endpoint, and creates an
 21228  rclone config file.
 21229  .SS Yandex Disk
 21230  .PP
 21231  Yandex Disk ( is a cloud storage solution
 21232  created by Yandex (
 21233  .PP
 21234  Yandex paths may be as deep as required, eg
 21235  \f[C]remote:directory/subdirectory\f[].
 21236  .PP
 21237  Here is an example of making a yandex configuration.
 21238  First run
 21239  .IP
 21240  .nf
 21241  \f[C]
 21242  rclone\ config
 21243  \f[]
 21244  .fi
 21245  .PP
 21246  This will guide you through an interactive setup process:
 21247  .IP
 21248  .nf
 21249  \f[C]
 21250  No\ remotes\ found\ \-\ make\ a\ new\ one
 21251  n)\ New\ remote
 21252  s)\ Set\ configuration\ password
 21253  n/s>\ n
 21254  name>\ remote
 21255  Type\ of\ storage\ to\ configure.
 21256  Choose\ a\ number\ from\ below,\ or\ type\ in\ your\ own\ value
 21257  \ 1\ /\ Amazon\ Drive
 21258  \ \ \ \\\ "amazon\ cloud\ drive"
 21259  \ 2\ /\ Amazon\ S3\ (also\ Dreamhost,\ Ceph,\ Minio)
 21260  \ \ \ \\\ "s3"
 21261  \ 3\ /\ Backblaze\ B2
 21262  \ \ \ \\\ "b2"
 21263  \ 4\ /\ Dropbox
 21264  \ \ \ \\\ "dropbox"
 21265  \ 5\ /\ Encrypt/Decrypt\ a\ remote
 21266  \ \ \ \\\ "crypt"
 21267  \ 6\ /\ Google\ Cloud\ Storage\ (this\ is\ not\ Google\ Drive)
 21268  \ \ \ \\\ "google\ cloud\ storage"
 21269  \ 7\ /\ Google\ Drive
 21270  \ \ \ \\\ "drive"
 21271  \ 8\ /\ Hubic
 21272  \ \ \ \\\ "hubic"
 21273  \ 9\ /\ Local\ Disk
 21274  \ \ \ \\\ "local"
 21275  10\ /\ Microsoft\ OneDrive
 21276  \ \ \ \\\ "onedrive"
 21277  11\ /\ Openstack\ Swift\ (Rackspace\ Cloud\ Files,\ Memset\ Memstore,\ OVH)
 21278  \ \ \ \\\ "swift"
 21279  12\ /\ SSH/SFTP\ Connection
 21280  \ \ \ \\\ "sftp"
 21281  13\ /\ Yandex\ Disk
 21282  \ \ \ \\\ "yandex"
 21283  Storage>\ 13
 21284  Yandex\ Client\ Id\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 21285  client_id>
 21286  Yandex\ Client\ Secret\ \-\ leave\ blank\ normally.
 21287  client_secret>
 21288  Remote\ config
 21289  Use\ auto\ config?
 21290  \ *\ Say\ Y\ if\ not\ sure
 21291  \ *\ Say\ N\ if\ you\ are\ working\ on\ a\ remote\ or\ headless\ machine
 21292  y)\ Yes
 21293  n)\ No
 21294  y/n>\ y
 21295  If\ your\ browser\ doesn\[aq]t\ open\ automatically\ go\ to\ the\ following\ link:\
 21296  Log\ in\ and\ authorize\ rclone\ for\ access
 21297  Waiting\ for\ code...
 21298  Got\ code
 21299  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 21300  [remote]
 21301  client_id\ =
 21302  client_secret\ =
 21303  token\ =\ {"access_token":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","token_type":"bearer","expiry":"2016\-12\-29T12:27:11.362788025Z"}
 21304  \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
 21305  y)\ Yes\ this\ is\ OK
 21306  e)\ Edit\ this\ remote
 21307  d)\ Delete\ this\ remote
 21308  y/e/d>\ y
 21309  \f[]
 21310  .fi
 21311  .PP
 21312  See the remote setup docs ( for how to
 21313  set it up on a machine with no Internet browser available.
 21314  .PP
 21315  Note that rclone runs a webserver on your local machine to collect the
 21316  token as returned from Yandex Disk.
 21317  This only runs from the moment it opens your browser to the moment you
 21318  get back the verification code.
 21319  This is on \f[C]\f[] and this it may require you
 21320  to unblock it temporarily if you are running a host firewall.
 21321  .PP
 21322  Once configured you can then use \f[C]rclone\f[] like this,
 21323  .PP
 21324  See top level directories
 21325  .IP
 21326  .nf
 21327  \f[C]
 21328  rclone\ lsd\ remote:
 21329  \f[]
 21330  .fi
 21331  .PP
 21332  Make a new directory
 21333  .IP
 21334  .nf
 21335  \f[C]
 21336  rclone\ mkdir\ remote:directory
 21337  \f[]
 21338  .fi
 21339  .PP
 21340  List the contents of a directory
 21341  .IP
 21342  .nf
 21343  \f[C]
 21344  rclone\ ls\ remote:directory
 21345  \f[]
 21346  .fi
 21347  .PP
 21348  Sync \f[C]/home/local/directory\f[] to the remote path, deleting any
 21349  excess files in the path.
 21350  .IP
 21351  .nf
 21352  \f[C]
 21353  rclone\ sync\ /home/local/directory\ remote:directory
 21354  \f[]
 21355  .fi
 21356  .SS Modified time
 21357  .PP
 21358  Modified times are supported and are stored accurate to 1 ns in custom
 21359  metadata called \f[C]rclone_modified\f[] in RFC3339 with nanoseconds
 21360  format.
 21361  .SS MD5 checksums
 21362  .PP
 21363  MD5 checksums are natively supported by Yandex Disk.
 21364  .SS Emptying Trash
 21365  .PP
 21366  If you wish to empty your trash you can use the
 21367  \f[C]rclone\ cleanup\ remote:\f[] command which will permanently delete
 21368  all your trashed files.
 21369  This command does not take any path arguments.
 21370  .SS Quota information
 21371  .PP
 21372  To view your current quota you can use the
 21373  \f[C]rclone\ about\ remote:\f[] command which will display your usage
 21374  limit (quota) and the current usage.
 21375  .SS Limitations
 21376  .PP
 21377  When uploading very large files (bigger than about 5GB) you will need to
 21378  increase the \f[C]\-\-timeout\f[] parameter.
 21379  This is because Yandex pauses (perhaps to calculate the MD5SUM for the
 21380  entire file) before returning confirmation that the file has been
 21381  uploaded.
 21382  The default handling of timeouts in rclone is to assume a 5 minute pause
 21383  is an error and close the connection \- you'll see
 21384  \f[C]net/http:\ timeout\ awaiting\ response\ headers\f[] errors in the
 21385  logs if this is happening.
 21386  Setting the timeout to twice the max size of file in GB should be
 21387  enough, so if you want to upload a 30GB file set a timeout of
 21388  \f[C]2\ *\ 30\ =\ 60m\f[], that is \f[C]\-\-timeout\ 60m\f[].
 21389  .SS Standard Options
 21390  .PP
 21391  Here are the standard options specific to yandex (Yandex Disk).
 21392  .SS \[en]yandex\-client\-id
 21393  .PP
 21394  Yandex Client Id Leave blank normally.
 21395  .IP \[bu] 2
 21396  Config: client_id
 21397  .IP \[bu] 2
 21399  .IP \[bu] 2
 21400  Type: string
 21401  .IP \[bu] 2
 21402  Default: ""
 21403  .SS \[en]yandex\-client\-secret
 21404  .PP
 21405  Yandex Client Secret Leave blank normally.
 21406  .IP \[bu] 2
 21407  Config: client_secret
 21408  .IP \[bu] 2
 21410  .IP \[bu] 2
 21411  Type: string
 21412  .IP \[bu] 2
 21413  Default: ""
 21414  .SS Advanced Options
 21415  .PP
 21416  Here are the advanced options specific to yandex (Yandex Disk).
 21417  .SS \[en]yandex\-unlink
 21418  .PP
 21419  Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than
 21420  creating.
 21421  Default is false, meaning link command will create or retrieve public
 21422  link.
 21423  .IP \[bu] 2
 21424  Config: unlink
 21425  .IP \[bu] 2
 21427  .IP \[bu] 2
 21428  Type: bool
 21429  .IP \[bu] 2
 21430  Default: false
 21431  .SS Local Filesystem
 21432  .PP
 21433  Local paths are specified as normal filesystem paths, eg
 21434  \f[C]/path/to/wherever\f[], so
 21435  .IP
 21436  .nf
 21437  \f[C]
 21438  rclone\ sync\ /home/source\ /tmp/destination
 21439  \f[]
 21440  .fi
 21441  .PP
 21442  Will sync \f[C]/home/source\f[] to \f[C]/tmp/destination\f[]
 21443  .PP
 21444  These can be configured into the config file for consistencies sake, but
 21445  it is probably easier not to.
 21446  .SS Modified time
 21447  .PP
 21448  Rclone reads and writes the modified time using an accuracy determined
 21449  by the OS.
 21450  Typically this is 1ns on Linux, 10 ns on Windows and 1 Second on OS X.
 21451  .SS Filenames
 21452  .PP
 21453  Filenames are expected to be encoded in UTF\-8 on disk.
 21454  This is the normal case for Windows and OS X.
 21455  .PP
 21456  There is a bit more uncertainty in the Linux world, but new
 21457  distributions will have UTF\-8 encoded files names.
 21458  If you are using an old Linux filesystem with non UTF\-8 file names (eg
 21459  latin1) then you can use the \f[C]convmv\f[] tool to convert the
 21460  filesystem to UTF\-8.
 21461  This tool is available in most distributions' package managers.
 21462  .PP
 21463  If an invalid (non\-UTF8) filename is read, the invalid characters will
 21464  be replaced with the unicode replacement character, `�'.
 21465  \f[C]rclone\f[] will emit a debug message in this case (use \f[C]\-v\f[]
 21466  to see), eg
 21467  .IP
 21468  .nf
 21469  \f[C]
 21470  Local\ file\ system\ at\ .:\ Replacing\ invalid\ UTF\-8\ characters\ in\ "gro\\xdf"
 21471  \f[]
 21472  .fi
 21473  .SS Long paths on Windows
 21474  .PP
 21475  Rclone handles long paths automatically, by converting all paths to long
 21476  UNC
 21477  paths (
 21478  which allows paths up to 32,767 characters.
 21479  .PP
 21480  This is why you will see that your paths, for instance
 21481  \f[C]c:\\files\f[] is converted to the UNC path
 21482  \f[C]\\\\?\\c:\\files\f[] in the output, and \f[C]\\\\server\\share\f[]
 21483  is converted to \f[C]\\\\?\\UNC\\server\\share\f[].
 21484  .PP
 21485  However, in rare cases this may cause problems with buggy file system
 21486  drivers like EncFS (
 21487  To disable UNC conversion globally, add this to your
 21488  \f[C]\&.rclone.conf\f[] file:
 21489  .IP
 21490  .nf
 21491  \f[C]
 21492  [local]
 21493  nounc\ =\ true
 21494  \f[]
 21495  .fi
 21496  .PP
 21497  If you want to selectively disable UNC, you can add it to a separate
 21498  entry like this:
 21499  .IP
 21500  .nf
 21501  \f[C]
 21502  [nounc]
 21503  type\ =\ local
 21504  nounc\ =\ true
 21505  \f[]
 21506  .fi
 21507  .PP
 21508  And use rclone like this:
 21509  .PP
 21510  \f[C]rclone\ copy\ c:\\src\ nounc:z:\\dst\f[]
 21511  .PP
 21512  This will use UNC paths on \f[C]c:\\src\f[] but not on \f[C]z:\\dst\f[].
 21513  Of course this will cause problems if the absolute path length of a file
 21514  exceeds 258 characters on z, so only use this option if you have to.
 21515  .SS Symlinks / Junction points
 21516  .PP
 21517  Normally rclone will ignore symlinks or junction points (which behave
 21518  like symlinks under Windows).
 21519  .PP
 21520  If you supply \f[C]\-\-copy\-links\f[] or \f[C]\-L\f[] then rclone will
 21521  follow the symlink and copy the pointed to file or directory.
 21522  Note that this flag is incompatible with \f[C]\-links\f[] /
 21523  \f[C]\-l\f[].
 21524  .PP
 21525  This flag applies to all commands.
 21526  .PP
 21527  For example, supposing you have a directory structure like this
 21528  .IP
 21529  .nf
 21530  \f[C]
 21531  $\ tree\ /tmp/a
 21532  /tmp/a
 21533  ├──\ b\ \->\ ../b
 21534  ├──\ expected\ \->\ ../expected
 21535  ├──\ one
 21536  └──\ two
 21537  \ \ \ \ └──\ three
 21538  \f[]
 21539  .fi
 21540  .PP
 21541  Then you can see the difference with and without the flag like this
 21542  .IP
 21543  .nf
 21544  \f[C]
 21545  $\ rclone\ ls\ /tmp/a
 21546  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 6\ one
 21547  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 6\ two/three
 21548  \f[]
 21549  .fi
 21550  .PP
 21551  and
 21552  .IP
 21553  .nf
 21554  \f[C]
 21555  $\ rclone\ \-L\ ls\ /tmp/a
 21556  \ \ \ \ \ 4174\ expected
 21557  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 6\ one
 21558  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 6\ two/three
 21559  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 6\ b/two
 21560  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 6\ b/one
 21561  \f[]
 21562  .fi
 21563  .SS \[en]links, \-l
 21564  .PP
 21565  Normally rclone will ignore symlinks or junction points (which behave
 21566  like symlinks under Windows).
 21567  .PP
 21568  If you supply this flag then rclone will copy symbolic links from the
 21569  local storage, and store them as text files, with a `.rclonelink' suffix
 21570  in the remote storage.
 21571  .PP
 21572  The text file will contain the target of the symbolic link (see
 21573  example).
 21574  .PP
 21575  This flag applies to all commands.
 21576  .PP
 21577  For example, supposing you have a directory structure like this
 21578  .IP
 21579  .nf
 21580  \f[C]
 21581  $\ tree\ /tmp/a
 21582  /tmp/a
 21583  ├──\ file1\ \->\ ./file4
 21584  └──\ file2\ \->\ /home/user/file3
 21585  \f[]
 21586  .fi
 21587  .PP
 21588  Copying the entire directory with `\-l'
 21589  .IP
 21590  .nf
 21591  \f[C]
 21592  $\ rclone\ copyto\ \-l\ /tmp/a/file1\ remote:/tmp/a/
 21593  \f[]
 21594  .fi
 21595  .PP
 21596  The remote files are created with a `.rclonelink' suffix
 21597  .IP
 21598  .nf
 21599  \f[C]
 21600  $\ rclone\ ls\ remote:/tmp/a
 21601  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 5\ file1.rclonelink
 21602  \ \ \ \ \ \ 14\ file2.rclonelink
 21603  \f[]
 21604  .fi
 21605  .PP
 21606  The remote files will contain the target of the symbolic links
 21607  .IP
 21608  .nf
 21609  \f[C]
 21610  $\ rclone\ cat\ remote:/tmp/a/file1.rclonelink
 21611  \&./file4
 21613  $\ rclone\ cat\ remote:/tmp/a/file2.rclonelink
 21614  /home/user/file3
 21615  \f[]
 21616  .fi
 21617  .PP
 21618  Copying them back with `\-l'
 21619  .IP
 21620  .nf
 21621  \f[C]
 21622  $\ rclone\ copyto\ \-l\ remote:/tmp/a/\ /tmp/b/
 21624  $\ tree\ /tmp/b
 21625  /tmp/b
 21626  ├──\ file1\ \->\ ./file4
 21627  └──\ file2\ \->\ /home/user/file3
 21628  \f[]
 21629  .fi
 21630  .PP
 21631  However, if copied back without `\-l'
 21632  .IP
 21633  .nf
 21634  \f[C]
 21635  $\ rclone\ copyto\ remote:/tmp/a/\ /tmp/b/
 21637  $\ tree\ /tmp/b
 21638  /tmp/b
 21639  ├──\ file1.rclonelink
 21640  └──\ file2.rclonelink
 21641  \f[]
 21642  .fi
 21643  .PP
 21644  Note that this flag is incompatible with \f[C]\-copy\-links\f[] /
 21645  \f[C]\-L\f[].
 21646  .SS Restricting filesystems with \[en]one\-file\-system
 21647  .PP
 21648  Normally rclone will recurse through filesystems as mounted.
 21649  .PP
 21650  However if you set \f[C]\-\-one\-file\-system\f[] or \f[C]\-x\f[] this
 21651  tells rclone to stay in the filesystem specified by the root and not to
 21652  recurse into different file systems.
 21653  .PP
 21654  For example if you have a directory hierarchy like this
 21655  .IP
 21656  .nf
 21657  \f[C]
 21658  root
 21659  ├──\ disk1\ \ \ \ \ \-\ disk1\ mounted\ on\ the\ root
 21660  │\ \ \ └──\ file3\ \-\ stored\ on\ disk1
 21661  ├──\ disk2\ \ \ \ \ \-\ disk2\ mounted\ on\ the\ root
 21662  │\ \ \ └──\ file4\ \-\ stored\ on\ disk12
 21663  ├──\ file1\ \ \ \ \ \-\ stored\ on\ the\ root\ disk
 21664  └──\ file2\ \ \ \ \ \-\ stored\ on\ the\ root\ disk
 21665  \f[]
 21666  .fi
 21667  .PP
 21668  Using \f[C]rclone\ \-\-one\-file\-system\ copy\ root\ remote:\f[] will
 21669  only copy \f[C]file1\f[] and \f[C]file2\f[].
 21670  Eg
 21671  .IP
 21672  .nf
 21673  \f[C]
 21674  $\ rclone\ \-q\ \-\-one\-file\-system\ ls\ root
 21675  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ file1
 21676  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ file2
 21677  \f[]
 21678  .fi
 21679  .IP
 21680  .nf
 21681  \f[C]
 21682  $\ rclone\ \-q\ ls\ root
 21683  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ disk1/file3
 21684  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ disk2/file4
 21685  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ file1
 21686  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ file2
 21687  \f[]
 21688  .fi
 21689  .PP
 21690  \f[B]NB\f[] Rclone (like most unix tools such as \f[C]du\f[],
 21691  \f[C]rsync\f[] and \f[C]tar\f[]) treats a bind mount to the same device
 21692  as being on the same filesystem.
 21693  .PP
 21694  \f[B]NB\f[] This flag is only available on Unix based systems.
 21695  On systems where it isn't supported (eg Windows) it will be ignored.
 21696  .SS Standard Options
 21697  .PP
 21698  Here are the standard options specific to local (Local Disk).
 21699  .SS \[en]local\-nounc
 21700  .PP
 21701  Disable UNC (long path names) conversion on Windows
 21702  .IP \[bu] 2
 21703  Config: nounc
 21704  .IP \[bu] 2
 21706  .IP \[bu] 2
 21707  Type: string
 21708  .IP \[bu] 2
 21709  Default: ""
 21710  .IP \[bu] 2
 21711  Examples:
 21712  .RS 2
 21713  .IP \[bu] 2
 21714  \[lq]true\[rq]
 21715  .RS 2
 21716  .IP \[bu] 2
 21717  Disables long file names
 21718  .RE
 21719  .RE
 21720  .SS Advanced Options
 21721  .PP
 21722  Here are the advanced options specific to local (Local Disk).
 21723  .SS \[en]copy\-links
 21724  .PP
 21725  Follow symlinks and copy the pointed to item.
 21726  .IP \[bu] 2
 21727  Config: copy_links
 21728  .IP \[bu] 2
 21730  .IP \[bu] 2
 21731  Type: bool
 21732  .IP \[bu] 2
 21733  Default: false
 21734  .SS \[en]links
 21735  .PP
 21736  Translate symlinks to/from regular files with a `.rclonelink' extension
 21737  .IP \[bu] 2
 21738  Config: links
 21739  .IP \[bu] 2
 21741  .IP \[bu] 2
 21742  Type: bool
 21743  .IP \[bu] 2
 21744  Default: false
 21745  .SS \[en]skip\-links
 21746  .PP
 21747  Don't warn about skipped symlinks.
 21748  This flag disables warning messages on skipped symlinks or junction
 21749  points, as you explicitly acknowledge that they should be skipped.
 21750  .IP \[bu] 2
 21751  Config: skip_links
 21752  .IP \[bu] 2
 21754  .IP \[bu] 2
 21755  Type: bool
 21756  .IP \[bu] 2
 21757  Default: false
 21758  .SS \[en]local\-no\-unicode\-normalization
 21759  .PP
 21760  Don't apply unicode normalization to paths and filenames (Deprecated)
 21761  .PP
 21762  This flag is deprecated now.
 21763  Rclone no longer normalizes unicode file names, but it compares them
 21764  with unicode normalization in the sync routine instead.
 21765  .IP \[bu] 2
 21766  Config: no_unicode_normalization
 21767  .IP \[bu] 2
 21769  .IP \[bu] 2
 21770  Type: bool
 21771  .IP \[bu] 2
 21772  Default: false
 21773  .SS \[en]local\-no\-check\-updated
 21774  .PP
 21775  Don't check to see if the files change during upload
 21776  .PP
 21777  Normally rclone checks the size and modification time of files as they
 21778  are being uploaded and aborts with a message which starts \[lq]can't
 21779  copy \- source file is being updated\[rq] if the file changes during
 21780  upload.
 21781  .PP
 21782  However on some file systems this modification time check may fail (eg
 21783  Glusterfs #2206 ( so this
 21784  check can be disabled with this flag.
 21785  .IP \[bu] 2
 21786  Config: no_check_updated
 21787  .IP \[bu] 2
 21789  .IP \[bu] 2
 21790  Type: bool
 21791  .IP \[bu] 2
 21792  Default: false
 21793  .SS \[en]one\-file\-system
 21794  .PP
 21795  Don't cross filesystem boundaries (unix/macOS only).
 21796  .IP \[bu] 2
 21797  Config: one_file_system
 21798  .IP \[bu] 2
 21800  .IP \[bu] 2
 21801  Type: bool
 21802  .IP \[bu] 2
 21803  Default: false
 21804  .SH Changelog
 21805  .SS v1.48.0 \- 2019\-06\-15
 21806  .IP \[bu] 2
 21807  New commands
 21808  .RS 2
 21809  .IP \[bu] 2
 21810  serve sftp: Serve an rclone remote over SFTP (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21811  .RE
 21812  .IP \[bu] 2
 21813  New Features
 21814  .RS 2
 21815  .IP \[bu] 2
 21816  Multi threaded downloads to local storage (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21817  .RS 2
 21818  .IP \[bu] 2
 21819  controlled with \f[C]\-\-multi\-thread\-cutoff\f[] and
 21820  \f[C]\-\-multi\-thread\-streams\f[]
 21821  .RE
 21822  .IP \[bu] 2
 21823  Use rclone.conf from rclone executable directory to enable portable use
 21824  (albertony)
 21825  .IP \[bu] 2
 21826  Allow sync of a file and a directory with the same name (forgems)
 21827  .RS 2
 21828  .IP \[bu] 2
 21829  this is common on bucket based remotes, eg s3, gcs
 21830  .RE
 21831  .IP \[bu] 2
 21832  Add \f[C]\-\-ignore\-case\-sync\f[] for forced case insensitivity
 21833  (garry415)
 21834  .IP \[bu] 2
 21835  Implement \f[C]\-\-stats\-one\-line\-date\f[] and
 21836  \f[C]\-\-stats\-one\-line\-date\-format\f[] (Peter Berbec)
 21837  .IP \[bu] 2
 21838  Log an ERROR for all commands which exit with non\-zero status (Nick
 21839  Craig\-Wood)
 21840  .IP \[bu] 2
 21841  Use go\-homedir to read the home directory more reliably (Nick
 21842  Craig\-Wood)
 21843  .IP \[bu] 2
 21844  Enable creating encrypted config through external script invocation
 21845  (Wojciech Smigielski)
 21846  .IP \[bu] 2
 21847  build: Drop support for go1.8 (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21848  .IP \[bu] 2
 21849  config: Make config create/update encrypt passwords where necessary
 21850  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21851  .IP \[bu] 2
 21852  copyurl: Honor \f[C]\-\-no\-check\-certificate\f[] (Stefan Breunig)
 21853  .IP \[bu] 2
 21854  install: Linux skip man pages if no mandb (didil)
 21855  .IP \[bu] 2
 21856  lsf: Support showing the Tier of the object (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21857  .IP \[bu] 2
 21858  lsjson
 21859  .RS 2
 21860  .IP \[bu] 2
 21861  Added EncryptedPath to output (calisro)
 21862  .IP \[bu] 2
 21863  Support showing the Tier of the object (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21864  .IP \[bu] 2
 21865  Add IsBucket field for bucket based remote listing of the root (Nick
 21866  Craig\-Wood)
 21867  .RE
 21868  .IP \[bu] 2
 21869  rc
 21870  .RS 2
 21871  .IP \[bu] 2
 21872  Add \f[C]\-\-loopback\f[] flag to run commands directly without a server
 21873  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21874  .IP \[bu] 2
 21875  Add operations/fsinfo: Return information about the remote (Nick
 21876  Craig\-Wood)
 21877  .IP \[bu] 2
 21878  Skip auth for OPTIONS request (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21879  .IP \[bu] 2
 21880  cmd/providers: Add DefaultStr, ValueStr and Type fields (Nick
 21881  Craig\-Wood)
 21882  .IP \[bu] 2
 21883  jobs: Make job expiry timeouts configurable (Aleksandar Jankovic)
 21884  .RE
 21885  .IP \[bu] 2
 21886  serve dlna reworked and improved (Dan Walters)
 21887  .IP \[bu] 2
 21888  serve ftp: add \f[C]\-\-ftp\-public\-ip\f[] flag to specify public IP
 21889  (calistri)
 21890  .IP \[bu] 2
 21891  serve restic: Add support for \f[C]\-\-private\-repos\f[] in
 21892  \f[C]serve\ restic\f[] (Florian Apolloner)
 21893  .IP \[bu] 2
 21894  serve webdav: Combine serve webdav and serve http (Gary Kim)
 21895  .IP \[bu] 2
 21896  size: Ignore negative sizes when calculating total (Garry McNulty)
 21897  .RE
 21898  .IP \[bu] 2
 21899  Bug Fixes
 21900  .RS 2
 21901  .IP \[bu] 2
 21902  Make move and copy individual files obey \f[C]\-\-backup\-dir\f[] (Nick
 21903  Craig\-Wood)
 21904  .IP \[bu] 2
 21905  If \f[C]\-\-ignore\-checksum\f[] is in effect, don't calculate checksum
 21906  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21907  .IP \[bu] 2
 21908  moveto: Fix case\-insensitive same remote move (Gary Kim)
 21909  .IP \[bu] 2
 21910  rc: Fix serving bucket based objects with \f[C]\-\-rc\-serve\f[] (Nick
 21911  Craig\-Wood)
 21912  .IP \[bu] 2
 21913  serve webdav: Fix serveDir not being updated with changes from webdav
 21914  (Gary Kim)
 21915  .RE
 21916  .IP \[bu] 2
 21917  Mount
 21918  .RS 2
 21919  .IP \[bu] 2
 21920  Fix poll interval documentation (Animosity022)
 21921  .RE
 21922  .IP \[bu] 2
 21923  VFS
 21924  .RS 2
 21925  .IP \[bu] 2
 21926  Make WriteAt for non cached files work with non\-sequential writes (Nick
 21927  Craig\-Wood)
 21928  .RE
 21929  .IP \[bu] 2
 21930  Local
 21931  .RS 2
 21932  .IP \[bu] 2
 21933  Only calculate the required hashes for big speedup (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21934  .IP \[bu] 2
 21935  Log errors when listing instead of returning an error (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21936  .IP \[bu] 2
 21937  Fix preallocate warning on Linux with ZFS (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21938  .RE
 21939  .IP \[bu] 2
 21940  Crypt
 21941  .RS 2
 21942  .IP \[bu] 2
 21943  Make rclone dedupe work through crypt (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21944  .IP \[bu] 2
 21945  Fix wrapping of ChangeNotify to decrypt directories properly (Nick
 21946  Craig\-Wood)
 21947  .IP \[bu] 2
 21948  Support PublicLink (rclone link) of underlying backend (Nick
 21949  Craig\-Wood)
 21950  .IP \[bu] 2
 21951  Implement Optional methods SetTier, GetTier (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21952  .RE
 21953  .IP \[bu] 2
 21954  B2
 21955  .RS 2
 21956  .IP \[bu] 2
 21957  Implement server side copy (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21958  .IP \[bu] 2
 21959  Implement SetModTime (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21960  .RE
 21961  .IP \[bu] 2
 21962  Drive
 21963  .RS 2
 21964  .IP \[bu] 2
 21965  Fix move and copy from TeamDrive to GDrive (Fionera)
 21966  .IP \[bu] 2
 21967  Add notes that cleanup works in the background on drive (Nick
 21968  Craig\-Wood)
 21969  .IP \[bu] 2
 21970  Add \f[C]\-\-drive\-server\-side\-across\-configs\f[] to default back to
 21971  old server side copy semantics by default (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21972  .IP \[bu] 2
 21973  Add \f[C]\-\-drive\-size\-as\-quota\f[] to show storage quota usage for
 21974  file size (Garry McNulty)
 21975  .RE
 21976  .IP \[bu] 2
 21977  FTP
 21978  .RS 2
 21979  .IP \[bu] 2
 21980  Add FTP List timeout (Jeff Quinn)
 21981  .IP \[bu] 2
 21982  Add FTP over TLS support (Gary Kim)
 21983  .IP \[bu] 2
 21984  Add \f[C]\-\-ftp\-no\-check\-certificate\f[] option for FTPS (Gary Kim)
 21985  .RE
 21986  .IP \[bu] 2
 21987  Google Cloud Storage
 21988  .RS 2
 21989  .IP \[bu] 2
 21990  Fix upload errors when uploading pre 1970 files (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 21991  .RE
 21992  .IP \[bu] 2
 21993  Jottacloud
 21994  .RS 2
 21995  .IP \[bu] 2
 21996  Add support for selecting device and mountpoint.
 21997  (buengese)
 21998  .RE
 21999  .IP \[bu] 2
 22000  Mega
 22001  .RS 2
 22002  .IP \[bu] 2
 22003  Add cleanup support (Gary Kim)
 22004  .RE
 22005  .IP \[bu] 2
 22006  Onedrive
 22007  .RS 2
 22008  .IP \[bu] 2
 22009  More accurately check if root is found (Cnly)
 22010  .RE
 22011  .IP \[bu] 2
 22012  S3
 22013  .RS 2
 22014  .IP \[bu] 2
 22015  Suppport S3 Accelerated endpoints with
 22016  \f[C]\-\-s3\-use\-accelerate\-endpoint\f[] (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22017  .IP \[bu] 2
 22018  Add config info for Wasabi's EU Central endpoint (Robert Marko)
 22019  .IP \[bu] 2
 22020  Make SetModTime work for GLACIER while syncing (Philip Harvey)
 22021  .RE
 22022  .IP \[bu] 2
 22023  SFTP
 22024  .RS 2
 22025  .IP \[bu] 2
 22026  Add About support (Gary Kim)
 22027  .IP \[bu] 2
 22028  Fix about parsing of \f[C]df\f[] results so it can cope with \-ve
 22029  results (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22030  .IP \[bu] 2
 22031  Send custom client version and debug server version (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22032  .RE
 22033  .IP \[bu] 2
 22034  WebDAV
 22035  .RS 2
 22036  .IP \[bu] 2
 22037  Retry on 423 Locked errors (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22038  .RE
 22039  .SS v1.47.0 \- 2019\-04\-13
 22040  .IP \[bu] 2
 22041  New backends
 22042  .RS 2
 22043  .IP \[bu] 2
 22044  Backend for Koofr cloud storage service.
 22045  (jaKa)
 22046  .RE
 22047  .IP \[bu] 2
 22048  New Features
 22049  .RS 2
 22050  .IP \[bu] 2
 22051  Resume downloads if the reader fails in copy (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22052  .RS 2
 22053  .IP \[bu] 2
 22054  this means rclone will restart transfers if the source has an error
 22055  .IP \[bu] 2
 22056  this is most useful for downloads or cloud to cloud copies
 22057  .RE
 22058  .IP \[bu] 2
 22059  Use \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] for listing operations where it won't use
 22060  more memory (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22061  .RS 2
 22062  .IP \[bu] 2
 22063  this should speed up the following operations on remotes which support
 22064  \f[C]ListR\f[]
 22065  .IP \[bu] 2
 22066  \f[C]dedupe\f[], \f[C]serve\ restic\f[] \f[C]lsf\f[], \f[C]ls\f[],
 22067  \f[C]lsl\f[], \f[C]lsjson\f[], \f[C]lsd\f[], \f[C]md5sum\f[],
 22068  \f[C]sha1sum\f[], \f[C]hashsum\f[], \f[C]size\f[], \f[C]delete\f[],
 22069  \f[C]cat\f[], \f[C]settier\f[]
 22070  .IP \[bu] 2
 22071  use \f[C]\-\-disable\ ListR\f[] to get old behaviour if required
 22072  .RE
 22073  .IP \[bu] 2
 22074  Make \f[C]\-\-files\-from\f[] traverse the destination unless
 22075  \f[C]\-\-no\-traverse\f[] is set (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22076  .RS 2
 22077  .IP \[bu] 2
 22078  this fixes \f[C]\-\-files\-from\f[] with Google drive and excessive API
 22079  use in general.
 22080  .RE
 22081  .IP \[bu] 2
 22082  Make server side copy account bytes and obey \f[C]\-\-max\-transfer\f[]
 22083  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22084  .IP \[bu] 2
 22085  Add \f[C]\-\-create\-empty\-src\-dirs\f[] flag and default to not
 22086  creating empty dirs (ishuah)
 22087  .IP \[bu] 2
 22088  Add client side TLS/SSL flags
 22089  \f[C]\-\-ca\-cert\f[]/\f[C]\-\-client\-cert\f[]/\f[C]\-\-client\-key\f[]
 22090  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22091  .IP \[bu] 2
 22092  Implement \f[C]\-\-suffix\-keep\-extension\f[] for use with
 22093  \f[C]\-\-suffix\f[] (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22094  .IP \[bu] 2
 22095  build:
 22096  .RS 2
 22097  .IP \[bu] 2
 22098  Switch to semvar compliant version tags to be go modules compliant (Nick
 22099  Craig\-Wood)
 22100  .IP \[bu] 2
 22101  Update to use go1.12.x for the build (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22102  .RE
 22103  .IP \[bu] 2
 22104  serve dlna: Add connection manager service description to improve
 22105  compatibility (Dan Walters)
 22106  .IP \[bu] 2
 22107  lsf: Add `e' format to show encrypted names and `o' for original IDs
 22108  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22109  .IP \[bu] 2
 22110  lsjson: Added \f[C]\-\-files\-only\f[] and \f[C]\-\-dirs\-only\f[] flags
 22111  (calistri)
 22112  .IP \[bu] 2
 22113  rc: Implement operations/publiclink the equivalent of
 22114  \f[C]rclone\ link\f[] (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22115  .RE
 22116  .IP \[bu] 2
 22117  Bug Fixes
 22118  .RS 2
 22119  .IP \[bu] 2
 22120  accounting: Fix total ETA when \f[C]\-\-stats\-unit\ bits\f[] is in
 22121  effect (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22122  .IP \[bu] 2
 22123  Bash TAB completion
 22124  .RS 2
 22125  .IP \[bu] 2
 22126  Use private custom func to fix clash between rclone and kubectl (Nick
 22127  Craig\-Wood)
 22128  .IP \[bu] 2
 22129  Fix for remotes with underscores in their names (Six)
 22130  .IP \[bu] 2
 22131  Fix completion of remotes (Florian Gamböck)
 22132  .IP \[bu] 2
 22133  Fix autocompletion of remote paths with spaces (Danil Semelenov)
 22134  .RE
 22135  .IP \[bu] 2
 22136  serve dlna: Fix root XML service descriptor (Dan Walters)
 22137  .IP \[bu] 2
 22138  ncdu: Fix display corruption with Chinese characters (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22139  .IP \[bu] 2
 22140  Add SIGTERM to signals which run the exit handlers on unix (Nick
 22141  Craig\-Wood)
 22142  .IP \[bu] 2
 22143  rc: Reload filter when the options are set via the rc (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22144  .RE
 22145  .IP \[bu] 2
 22146  VFS / Mount
 22147  .RS 2
 22148  .IP \[bu] 2
 22149  Fix FreeBSD: Ignore Truncate if called with no readers and already the
 22150  correct size (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22151  .IP \[bu] 2
 22152  Read directory and check for a file before mkdir (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22153  .IP \[bu] 2
 22154  Shorten the locking window for vfs/refresh (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22155  .RE
 22156  .IP \[bu] 2
 22157  Azure Blob
 22158  .RS 2
 22159  .IP \[bu] 2
 22160  Enable MD5 checksums when uploading files bigger than the
 22161  \[lq]Cutoff\[rq] (Dr.Rx)
 22162  .IP \[bu] 2
 22163  Fix SAS URL support (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22164  .RE
 22165  .IP \[bu] 2
 22166  B2
 22167  .RS 2
 22168  .IP \[bu] 2
 22169  Allow manual configuration of backblaze downloadUrl (Vince)
 22170  .IP \[bu] 2
 22171  Ignore already_hidden error on remove (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22172  .IP \[bu] 2
 22173  Ignore malformed \f[C]src_last_modified_millis\f[] (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22174  .RE
 22175  .IP \[bu] 2
 22176  Drive
 22177  .RS 2
 22178  .IP \[bu] 2
 22179  Add \f[C]\-\-skip\-checksum\-gphotos\f[] to ignore incorrect checksums
 22180  on Google Photos (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22181  .IP \[bu] 2
 22182  Allow server side move/copy between different remotes.
 22183  (Fionera)
 22184  .IP \[bu] 2
 22185  Add docs on team drives and \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] eventual consistency
 22186  (Nestar47)
 22187  .IP \[bu] 2
 22188  Fix imports of text files (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22189  .IP \[bu] 2
 22190  Fix range requests on 0 length files (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22191  .IP \[bu] 2
 22192  Fix creation of duplicates with server side copy (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22193  .RE
 22194  .IP \[bu] 2
 22195  Dropbox
 22196  .RS 2
 22197  .IP \[bu] 2
 22198  Retry blank errors to fix long listings (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22199  .RE
 22200  .IP \[bu] 2
 22201  FTP
 22202  .RS 2
 22203  .IP \[bu] 2
 22204  Add \f[C]\-\-ftp\-concurrency\f[] to limit maximum number of connections
 22205  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22206  .RE
 22207  .IP \[bu] 2
 22208  Google Cloud Storage
 22209  .RS 2
 22210  .IP \[bu] 2
 22211  Fall back to default application credentials (marcintustin)
 22212  .IP \[bu] 2
 22213  Allow bucket policy only buckets (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22214  .RE
 22215  .IP \[bu] 2
 22216  HTTP
 22217  .RS 2
 22218  .IP \[bu] 2
 22219  Add \f[C]\-\-http\-no\-slash\f[] for websites with directories with no
 22220  slashes (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22221  .IP \[bu] 2
 22222  Remove duplicates from listings (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22223  .IP \[bu] 2
 22224  Fix socket leak on 404 errors (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22225  .RE
 22226  .IP \[bu] 2
 22227  Jottacloud
 22228  .RS 2
 22229  .IP \[bu] 2
 22230  Fix token refresh (Sebastian Bünger)
 22231  .IP \[bu] 2
 22232  Add device registration (Oliver Heyme)
 22233  .RE
 22234  .IP \[bu] 2
 22235  Onedrive
 22236  .RS 2
 22237  .IP \[bu] 2
 22238  Implement graceful cancel of multipart uploads if rclone is interrupted
 22239  (Cnly)
 22240  .IP \[bu] 2
 22241  Always add trailing colon to path when addressing items, (Cnly)
 22242  .IP \[bu] 2
 22243  Return errors instead of panic for invalid uploads (Fabian Möller)
 22244  .RE
 22245  .IP \[bu] 2
 22246  S3
 22247  .RS 2
 22248  .IP \[bu] 2
 22249  Add support for \[lq]Glacier Deep Archive\[rq] storage class (Manu)
 22250  .IP \[bu] 2
 22251  Update Dreamhost endpoint (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22252  .IP \[bu] 2
 22253  Note incompatibility with CEPH Jewel (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22254  .RE
 22255  .IP \[bu] 2
 22256  SFTP
 22257  .RS 2
 22258  .IP \[bu] 2
 22259  Allow custom ssh client config (Alexandru Bumbacea)
 22260  .RE
 22261  .IP \[bu] 2
 22262  Swift
 22263  .RS 2
 22264  .IP \[bu] 2
 22265  Obey Retry\-After to enable OVH restore from cold storage (Nick
 22266  Craig\-Wood)
 22267  .IP \[bu] 2
 22268  Work around token expiry on CEPH (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22269  .RE
 22270  .IP \[bu] 2
 22271  WebDAV
 22272  .RS 2
 22273  .IP \[bu] 2
 22274  Allow IsCollection property to be integer or boolean (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22275  .IP \[bu] 2
 22276  Fix race when creating directories (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22277  .IP \[bu] 2
 22278  Fix About/df when reading the available/total returns 0 (Nick
 22279  Craig\-Wood)
 22280  .RE
 22281  .SS v1.46 \- 2019\-02\-09
 22282  .IP \[bu] 2
 22283  New backends
 22284  .RS 2
 22285  .IP \[bu] 2
 22286  Support Alibaba Cloud (Aliyun) OSS via the s3 backend (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22287  .RE
 22288  .IP \[bu] 2
 22289  New commands
 22290  .RS 2
 22291  .IP \[bu] 2
 22292  serve dlna: serves a remove via DLNA for the local network (nicolov)
 22293  .RE
 22294  .IP \[bu] 2
 22295  New Features
 22296  .RS 2
 22297  .IP \[bu] 2
 22298  copy, move: Restore deprecated \f[C]\-\-no\-traverse\f[] flag (Nick
 22299  Craig\-Wood)
 22300  .RS 2
 22301  .IP \[bu] 2
 22302  This is useful for when transferring a small number of files into a
 22303  large destination
 22304  .RE
 22305  .IP \[bu] 2
 22306  genautocomplete: Add remote path completion for bash completion
 22307  (Christopher Peterson & Danil Semelenov)
 22308  .IP \[bu] 2
 22309  Buffer memory handling reworked to return memory to the OS better (Nick
 22310  Craig\-Wood)
 22311  .RS 2
 22312  .IP \[bu] 2
 22313  Buffer recycling library to replace sync.Pool
 22314  .IP \[bu] 2
 22315  Optionally use memory mapped memory for better memory shrinking
 22316  .IP \[bu] 2
 22317  Enable with \f[C]\-\-use\-mmap\f[] if having memory problems \- not
 22318  default yet
 22319  .RE
 22320  .IP \[bu] 2
 22321  Parallelise reading of files specified by \f[C]\-\-files\-from\f[] (Nick
 22322  Craig\-Wood)
 22323  .IP \[bu] 2
 22324  check: Add stats showing total files matched.
 22325  (Dario Guzik)
 22326  .IP \[bu] 2
 22327  Allow rename/delete open files under Windows (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22328  .IP \[bu] 2
 22329  lsjson: Use exactly the correct number of decimal places in the seconds
 22330  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22331  .IP \[bu] 2
 22332  Add cookie support with cmdline switch \f[C]\-\-use\-cookies\f[] for all
 22333  HTTP based remotes (qip)
 22334  .IP \[bu] 2
 22335  Warn if \f[C]\-\-checksum\f[] is set but there are no hashes available
 22336  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22337  .IP \[bu] 2
 22338  Rework rate limiting (pacer) to be more accurate and allow bursting
 22339  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22340  .IP \[bu] 2
 22341  Improve error reporting for too many/few arguments in commands (Nick
 22342  Craig\-Wood)
 22343  .IP \[bu] 2
 22344  listremotes: Remove \f[C]\-l\f[] short flag as it conflicts with the new
 22345  global flag (weetmuts)
 22346  .IP \[bu] 2
 22347  Make http serving with auth generate INFO messages on auth fail (Nick
 22348  Craig\-Wood)
 22349  .RE
 22350  .IP \[bu] 2
 22351  Bug Fixes
 22352  .RS 2
 22353  .IP \[bu] 2
 22354  Fix layout of stats (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22355  .IP \[bu] 2
 22356  Fix \f[C]\-\-progress\f[] crash under Windows Jenkins (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22357  .IP \[bu] 2
 22358  Fix transfer of google/onedrive docs by calling Rcat in Copy when size
 22359  is \-1 (Cnly)
 22360  .IP \[bu] 2
 22361  copyurl: Fix checking of \f[C]\-\-dry\-run\f[] (Denis Skovpen)
 22362  .RE
 22363  .IP \[bu] 2
 22364  Mount
 22365  .RS 2
 22366  .IP \[bu] 2
 22367  Check that mountpoint and local directory to mount don't overlap (Nick
 22368  Craig\-Wood)
 22369  .IP \[bu] 2
 22370  Fix mount size under 32 bit Windows (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22371  .RE
 22372  .IP \[bu] 2
 22373  VFS
 22374  .RS 2
 22375  .IP \[bu] 2
 22376  Implement renaming of directories for backends without DirMove (Nick
 22377  Craig\-Wood)
 22378  .RS 2
 22379  .IP \[bu] 2
 22380  now all backends except b2 support renaming directories
 22381  .RE
 22382  .IP \[bu] 2
 22383  Implement \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-max\-size\f[] to limit the total size of
 22384  the cache (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22385  .IP \[bu] 2
 22386  Add \f[C]\-\-dir\-perms\f[] and \f[C]\-\-file\-perms\f[] flags to set
 22387  default permissions (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22388  .IP \[bu] 2
 22389  Fix deadlock on concurrent operations on a directory (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22390  .IP \[bu] 2
 22391  Fix deadlock between RWFileHandle.close and File.Remove (Nick
 22392  Craig\-Wood)
 22393  .IP \[bu] 2
 22394  Fix renaming/deleting open files with cache mode \[lq]writes\[rq] under
 22395  Windows (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22396  .IP \[bu] 2
 22397  Fix panic on rename with \f[C]\-\-dry\-run\f[] set (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22398  .IP \[bu] 2
 22399  Fix vfs/refresh with recurse=true needing the \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[]
 22400  flag
 22401  .RE
 22402  .IP \[bu] 2
 22403  Local
 22404  .RS 2
 22405  .IP \[bu] 2
 22406  Add support for \f[C]\-l\f[]/\f[C]\-\-links\f[] (symbolic link
 22407  translation) (yair\@unicorn)
 22408  .RS 2
 22409  .IP \[bu] 2
 22410  this works by showing links as \f[C]link.rclonelink\f[] \- see local
 22411  backend docs for more info
 22412  .IP \[bu] 2
 22413  this errors if used with \f[C]\-L\f[]/\f[C]\-\-copy\-links\f[]
 22414  .RE
 22415  .IP \[bu] 2
 22416  Fix renaming/deleting open files on Windows (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22417  .RE
 22418  .IP \[bu] 2
 22419  Crypt
 22420  .RS 2
 22421  .IP \[bu] 2
 22422  Check for maximum length before decrypting filename to fix panic (Garry
 22423  McNulty)
 22424  .RE
 22425  .IP \[bu] 2
 22426  Azure Blob
 22427  .RS 2
 22428  .IP \[bu] 2
 22429  Allow building azureblob backend on *BSD (themylogin)
 22430  .IP \[bu] 2
 22431  Use the rclone HTTP client to support \f[C]\-\-dump\ headers\f[],
 22432  \f[C]\-\-tpslimit\f[] etc (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22433  .IP \[bu] 2
 22434  Use the s3 pacer for 0 delay in non error conditions (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22435  .IP \[bu] 2
 22436  Ignore directory markers (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22437  .IP \[bu] 2
 22438  Stop Mkdir attempting to create existing containers (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22439  .RE
 22440  .IP \[bu] 2
 22441  B2
 22442  .RS 2
 22443  .IP \[bu] 2
 22444  cleanup: will remove unfinished large files >24hrs old (Garry McNulty)
 22445  .IP \[bu] 2
 22446  For a bucket limited application key check the bucket name (Nick
 22447  Craig\-Wood)
 22448  .RS 2
 22449  .IP \[bu] 2
 22450  before this, rclone would use the authorised bucket regardless of what
 22451  you put on the command line
 22452  .RE
 22453  .IP \[bu] 2
 22454  Added \f[C]\-\-b2\-disable\-checksum\f[] flag (Wojciech Smigielski)
 22455  .RS 2
 22456  .IP \[bu] 2
 22457  this enables large files to be uploaded without a SHA\-1 hash for speed
 22458  reasons
 22459  .RE
 22460  .RE
 22461  .IP \[bu] 2
 22462  Drive
 22463  .RS 2
 22464  .IP \[bu] 2
 22465  Set default pacer to 100ms for 10 tps (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22466  .RS 2
 22467  .IP \[bu] 2
 22468  This fits the Google defaults much better and reduces the 403 errors
 22469  massively
 22470  .IP \[bu] 2
 22471  Add \f[C]\-\-drive\-pacer\-min\-sleep\f[] and
 22472  \f[C]\-\-drive\-pacer\-burst\f[] to control the pacer
 22473  .RE
 22474  .IP \[bu] 2
 22475  Improve ChangeNotify support for items with multiple parents (Fabian
 22476  Möller)
 22477  .IP \[bu] 2
 22478  Fix ListR for items with multiple parents \- this fixes oddities with
 22479  \f[C]vfs/refresh\f[] (Fabian Möller)
 22480  .IP \[bu] 2
 22481  Fix using \f[C]\-\-drive\-impersonate\f[] and appfolders (Nick
 22482  Craig\-Wood)
 22483  .IP \[bu] 2
 22484  Fix google docs in rclone mount for some (not all) applications (Nick
 22485  Craig\-Wood)
 22486  .RE
 22487  .IP \[bu] 2
 22488  Dropbox
 22489  .RS 2
 22490  .IP \[bu] 2
 22491  Retry\-After support for Dropbox backend (Mathieu Carbou)
 22492  .RE
 22493  .IP \[bu] 2
 22494  FTP
 22495  .RS 2
 22496  .IP \[bu] 2
 22497  Wait for 60 seconds for a connection to Close then declare it dead (Nick
 22498  Craig\-Wood)
 22499  .RS 2
 22500  .IP \[bu] 2
 22501  helps with indefinite hangs on some FTP servers
 22502  .RE
 22503  .RE
 22504  .IP \[bu] 2
 22505  Google Cloud Storage
 22506  .RS 2
 22507  .IP \[bu] 2
 22508  Update google cloud storage endpoints (weetmuts)
 22509  .RE
 22510  .IP \[bu] 2
 22511  HTTP
 22512  .RS 2
 22513  .IP \[bu] 2
 22514  Add an example with username and password which is supported but wasn't
 22515  documented (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22516  .IP \[bu] 2
 22517  Fix backend with \f[C]\-\-files\-from\f[] and non\-existent files (Nick
 22518  Craig\-Wood)
 22519  .RE
 22520  .IP \[bu] 2
 22521  Hubic
 22522  .RS 2
 22523  .IP \[bu] 2
 22524  Make error message more informative if authentication fails (Nick
 22525  Craig\-Wood)
 22526  .RE
 22527  .IP \[bu] 2
 22528  Jottacloud
 22529  .RS 2
 22530  .IP \[bu] 2
 22531  Resume and deduplication support (Oliver Heyme)
 22532  .IP \[bu] 2
 22533  Use token auth for all API requests Don't store password anymore
 22534  (Sebastian Bünger)
 22535  .IP \[bu] 2
 22536  Add support for 2\-factor authentification (Sebastian Bünger)
 22537  .RE
 22538  .IP \[bu] 2
 22539  Mega
 22540  .RS 2
 22541  .IP \[bu] 2
 22542  Implement v2 account login which fixes logins for newer Mega accounts
 22543  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22544  .IP \[bu] 2
 22545  Return error if an unknown length file is attempted to be uploaded (Nick
 22546  Craig\-Wood)
 22547  .IP \[bu] 2
 22548  Add new error codes for better error reporting (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22549  .RE
 22550  .IP \[bu] 2
 22551  Onedrive
 22552  .RS 2
 22553  .IP \[bu] 2
 22554  Fix broken support for \[lq]shared with me\[rq] folders (Alex Chen)
 22555  .IP \[bu] 2
 22556  Fix root ID not normalised (Cnly)
 22557  .IP \[bu] 2
 22558  Return err instead of panic on unknown\-sized uploads (Cnly)
 22559  .RE
 22560  .IP \[bu] 2
 22561  Qingstor
 22562  .RS 2
 22563  .IP \[bu] 2
 22564  Fix go routine leak on multipart upload errors (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22565  .IP \[bu] 2
 22566  Add upload chunk size/concurrency/cutoff control (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22567  .IP \[bu] 2
 22568  Default \f[C]\-\-qingstor\-upload\-concurrency\f[] to 1 to work around
 22569  bug (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22570  .RE
 22571  .IP \[bu] 2
 22572  S3
 22573  .RS 2
 22574  .IP \[bu] 2
 22575  Implement \f[C]\-\-s3\-upload\-cutoff\f[] for single part uploads below
 22576  this (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22577  .IP \[bu] 2
 22578  Change \f[C]\-\-s3\-upload\-concurrency\f[] default to 4 to increase
 22579  perfomance (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22580  .IP \[bu] 2
 22581  Add \f[C]\-\-s3\-bucket\-acl\f[] to control bucket ACL (Nick
 22582  Craig\-Wood)
 22583  .IP \[bu] 2
 22584  Auto detect region for buckets on operation failure (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22585  .IP \[bu] 2
 22586  Add GLACIER storage class (William Cocker)
 22587  .IP \[bu] 2
 22588  Add Scaleway to s3 documentation (Rémy Léone)
 22589  .IP \[bu] 2
 22590  Add AWS endpoint eu\-north\-1 (weetmuts)
 22591  .RE
 22592  .IP \[bu] 2
 22593  SFTP
 22594  .RS 2
 22595  .IP \[bu] 2
 22596  Add support for PEM encrypted private keys (Fabian Möller)
 22597  .IP \[bu] 2
 22598  Add option to force the usage of an ssh\-agent (Fabian Möller)
 22599  .IP \[bu] 2
 22600  Perform environment variable expansion on key\-file (Fabian Möller)
 22601  .IP \[bu] 2
 22602  Fix rmdir on Windows based servers (eg CrushFTP) (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22603  .IP \[bu] 2
 22604  Fix rmdir deleting directory contents on some SFTP servers (Nick
 22605  Craig\-Wood)
 22606  .IP \[bu] 2
 22607  Fix error on dangling symlinks (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22608  .RE
 22609  .IP \[bu] 2
 22610  Swift
 22611  .RS 2
 22612  .IP \[bu] 2
 22613  Add \f[C]\-\-swift\-no\-chunk\f[] to disable segmented uploads in
 22614  rcat/mount (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22615  .IP \[bu] 2
 22616  Introduce application credential auth support (kayrus)
 22617  .IP \[bu] 2
 22618  Fix memory usage by slimming Object (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22619  .IP \[bu] 2
 22620  Fix extra requests on upload (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22621  .IP \[bu] 2
 22622  Fix reauth on big files (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22623  .RE
 22624  .IP \[bu] 2
 22625  Union
 22626  .RS 2
 22627  .IP \[bu] 2
 22628  Fix poll\-interval not working (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22629  .RE
 22630  .IP \[bu] 2
 22631  WebDAV
 22632  .RS 2
 22633  .IP \[bu] 2
 22634  Support About which means rclone mount will show the correct disk size
 22635  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22636  .IP \[bu] 2
 22637  Support MD5 and SHA1 hashes with Owncloud and Nextcloud (Nick
 22638  Craig\-Wood)
 22639  .IP \[bu] 2
 22640  Fail soft on time parsing errors (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22641  .IP \[bu] 2
 22642  Fix infinite loop on failed directory creation (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22643  .IP \[bu] 2
 22644  Fix identification of directories for Bitrix Site Manager (Nick
 22645  Craig\-Wood)
 22646  .IP \[bu] 2
 22647  Fix upload of 0 length files on some servers (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22648  .IP \[bu] 2
 22649  Fix if MKCOL fails with 423 Locked assume the directory exists (Nick
 22650  Craig\-Wood)
 22651  .RE
 22652  .SS v1.45 \- 2018\-11\-24
 22653  .IP \[bu] 2
 22654  New backends
 22655  .RS 2
 22656  .IP \[bu] 2
 22657  The Yandex backend was re\-written \- see below for details (Sebastian
 22658  Bünger)
 22659  .RE
 22660  .IP \[bu] 2
 22661  New commands
 22662  .RS 2
 22663  .IP \[bu] 2
 22664  rcd: New command just to serve the remote control API (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22665  .RE
 22666  .IP \[bu] 2
 22667  New Features
 22668  .RS 2
 22669  .IP \[bu] 2
 22670  The remote control API (rc) was greatly expanded to allow full control
 22671  over rclone (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22672  .RS 2
 22673  .IP \[bu] 2
 22674  sensitive operations require authorization or the
 22675  \f[C]\-\-rc\-no\-auth\f[] flag
 22676  .IP \[bu] 2
 22677  config/* operations to configure rclone
 22678  .IP \[bu] 2
 22679  options/* for reading/setting command line flags
 22680  .IP \[bu] 2
 22681  operations/* for all low level operations, eg copy file, list directory
 22682  .IP \[bu] 2
 22683  sync/* for sync, copy and move
 22684  .IP \[bu] 2
 22685  \f[C]\-\-rc\-files\f[] flag to serve files on the rc http server
 22686  .RS 2
 22687  .IP \[bu] 2
 22688  this is for building web native GUIs for rclone
 22689  .RE
 22690  .IP \[bu] 2
 22691  Optionally serving objects on the rc http server
 22692  .IP \[bu] 2
 22693  Ensure rclone fails to start up if the \f[C]\-\-rc\f[] port is in use
 22694  already
 22695  .IP \[bu] 2
 22696  See the rc docs ( for more info
 22697  .RE
 22698  .IP \[bu] 2
 22699  sync/copy/move
 22700  .RS 2
 22701  .IP \[bu] 2
 22702  Make \f[C]\-\-files\-from\f[] only read the objects specified and don't
 22703  scan directories (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22704  .RS 2
 22705  .IP \[bu] 2
 22706  This is a huge speed improvement for destinations with lots of files
 22707  .RE
 22708  .RE
 22709  .IP \[bu] 2
 22710  filter: Add \f[C]\-\-ignore\-case\f[] flag (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22711  .IP \[bu] 2
 22712  ncdu: Add remove function (`d' key) (Henning Surmeier)
 22713  .IP \[bu] 2
 22714  rc command
 22715  .RS 2
 22716  .IP \[bu] 2
 22717  Add \f[C]\-\-json\f[] flag for structured JSON input (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22718  .IP \[bu] 2
 22719  Add \f[C]\-\-user\f[] and \f[C]\-\-pass\f[] flags and interpret
 22720  \f[C]\-\-rc\-user\f[], \f[C]\-\-rc\-pass\f[], \f[C]\-\-rc\-addr\f[]
 22721  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22722  .RE
 22723  .IP \[bu] 2
 22724  build
 22725  .RS 2
 22726  .IP \[bu] 2
 22727  Require go1.8 or later for compilation (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22728  .IP \[bu] 2
 22729  Enable softfloat on MIPS arch (Scott Edlund)
 22730  .IP \[bu] 2
 22731  Integration test framework revamped with a better report and better
 22732  retries (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22733  .RE
 22734  .RE
 22735  .IP \[bu] 2
 22736  Bug Fixes
 22737  .RS 2
 22738  .IP \[bu] 2
 22739  cmd: Make \[en]progress update the stats correctly at the end (Nick
 22740  Craig\-Wood)
 22741  .IP \[bu] 2
 22742  config: Create config directory on save if it is missing (Nick
 22743  Craig\-Wood)
 22744  .IP \[bu] 2
 22745  dedupe: Check for existing filename before renaming a dupe file (ssaqua)
 22746  .IP \[bu] 2
 22747  move: Don't create directories with \[en]dry\-run (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22748  .IP \[bu] 2
 22749  operations: Fix Purge and Rmdirs when dir is not the root (Nick
 22750  Craig\-Wood)
 22751  .IP \[bu] 2
 22752  serve http/webdav/restic: Ensure rclone exits if the port is in use
 22753  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22754  .RE
 22755  .IP \[bu] 2
 22756  Mount
 22757  .RS 2
 22758  .IP \[bu] 2
 22759  Make \f[C]\-\-volname\f[] work for Windows and macOS (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22760  .RE
 22761  .IP \[bu] 2
 22762  Azure Blob
 22763  .RS 2
 22764  .IP \[bu] 2
 22765  Avoid context deadline exceeded error by setting a large TryTimeout
 22766  value (brused27)
 22767  .IP \[bu] 2
 22768  Fix erroneous Rmdir error \[lq]directory not empty\[rq] (Nick
 22769  Craig\-Wood)
 22770  .IP \[bu] 2
 22771  Wait for up to 60s to create a just deleted container (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22772  .RE
 22773  .IP \[bu] 2
 22774  Dropbox
 22775  .RS 2
 22776  .IP \[bu] 2
 22777  Add dropbox impersonate support (Jake Coggiano)
 22778  .RE
 22779  .IP \[bu] 2
 22780  Jottacloud
 22781  .RS 2
 22782  .IP \[bu] 2
 22783  Fix bug in \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] handing of empty folders (albertony)
 22784  .RE
 22785  .IP \[bu] 2
 22786  Opendrive
 22787  .RS 2
 22788  .IP \[bu] 2
 22789  Fix transfer of files with \f[C]+\f[] and \f[C]&\f[] in (Nick
 22790  Craig\-Wood)
 22791  .IP \[bu] 2
 22792  Fix retries of upload chunks (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22793  .RE
 22794  .IP \[bu] 2
 22795  S3
 22796  .RS 2
 22797  .IP \[bu] 2
 22798  Set ACL for server side copies to that provided by the user (Nick
 22799  Craig\-Wood)
 22800  .IP \[bu] 2
 22801  Fix role_arn, credential_source, \&... (Erik Swanson)
 22802  .IP \[bu] 2
 22803  Add config info for Wasabi's US\-West endpoint (Henry Ptasinski)
 22804  .RE
 22805  .IP \[bu] 2
 22806  SFTP
 22807  .RS 2
 22808  .IP \[bu] 2
 22809  Ensure file hash checking is really disabled (Jon Fautley)
 22810  .RE
 22811  .IP \[bu] 2
 22812  Swift
 22813  .RS 2
 22814  .IP \[bu] 2
 22815  Add pacer for retries to make swift more reliable (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22816  .RE
 22817  .IP \[bu] 2
 22818  WebDAV
 22819  .RS 2
 22820  .IP \[bu] 2
 22821  Add Content\-Type to PUT requests (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22822  .IP \[bu] 2
 22823  Fix config parsing so \f[C]\-\-webdav\-user\f[] and
 22824  \f[C]\-\-webdav\-pass\f[] flags work (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22825  .IP \[bu] 2
 22826  Add RFC3339 date format (Ralf Hemberger)
 22827  .RE
 22828  .IP \[bu] 2
 22829  Yandex
 22830  .RS 2
 22831  .IP \[bu] 2
 22832  The yandex backend was re\-written (Sebastian Bünger)
 22833  .RS 2
 22834  .IP \[bu] 2
 22835  This implements low level retries (Sebastian Bünger)
 22836  .IP \[bu] 2
 22837  Copy, Move, DirMove, PublicLink and About optional interfaces (Sebastian
 22838  Bünger)
 22839  .IP \[bu] 2
 22840  Improved general error handling (Sebastian Bünger)
 22841  .IP \[bu] 2
 22842  Removed ListR for now due to inconsistent behaviour (Sebastian Bünger)
 22843  .RE
 22844  .RE
 22845  .SS v1.44 \- 2018\-10\-15
 22846  .IP \[bu] 2
 22847  New commands
 22848  .RS 2
 22849  .IP \[bu] 2
 22850  serve ftp: Add ftp server (Antoine GIRARD)
 22851  .IP \[bu] 2
 22852  settier: perform storage tier changes on supported remotes (sandeepkru)
 22853  .RE
 22854  .IP \[bu] 2
 22855  New Features
 22856  .RS 2
 22857  .IP \[bu] 2
 22858  Reworked command line help
 22859  .RS 2
 22860  .IP \[bu] 2
 22861  Make default help less verbose (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22862  .IP \[bu] 2
 22863  Split flags up into global and backend flags (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22864  .IP \[bu] 2
 22865  Implement specialised help for flags and backends (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22866  .IP \[bu] 2
 22867  Show URL of backend help page when starting config (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22868  .RE
 22869  .IP \[bu] 2
 22870  stats: Long names now split in center (Joanna Marek)
 22871  .IP \[bu] 2
 22872  Add \[en]log\-format flag for more control over log output (dcpu)
 22873  .IP \[bu] 2
 22874  rc: Add support for OPTIONS and basic CORS (frenos)
 22875  .IP \[bu] 2
 22876  stats: show FatalErrors and NoRetryErrors in stats (Cédric Connes)
 22877  .RE
 22878  .IP \[bu] 2
 22879  Bug Fixes
 22880  .RS 2
 22881  .IP \[bu] 2
 22882  Fix \-P not ending with a new line (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22883  .IP \[bu] 2
 22884  config: don't create default config dir when user supplies \[en]config
 22885  (albertony)
 22886  .IP \[bu] 2
 22887  Don't print non\-ASCII characters with \[en]progress on windows (Nick
 22888  Craig\-Wood)
 22889  .IP \[bu] 2
 22890  Correct logs for excluded items (ssaqua)
 22891  .RE
 22892  .IP \[bu] 2
 22893  Mount
 22894  .RS 2
 22895  .IP \[bu] 2
 22896  Remove EXPERIMENTAL tags (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22897  .RE
 22898  .IP \[bu] 2
 22899  VFS
 22900  .RS 2
 22901  .IP \[bu] 2
 22902  Fix race condition detected by serve ftp tests (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22903  .IP \[bu] 2
 22904  Add vfs/poll\-interval rc command (Fabian Möller)
 22905  .IP \[bu] 2
 22906  Enable rename for nearly all remotes using server side Move or Copy
 22907  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22908  .IP \[bu] 2
 22909  Reduce directory cache cleared by poll\-interval (Fabian Möller)
 22910  .IP \[bu] 2
 22911  Remove EXPERIMENTAL tags (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22912  .RE
 22913  .IP \[bu] 2
 22914  Local
 22915  .RS 2
 22916  .IP \[bu] 2
 22917  Skip bad symlinks in dir listing with \-L enabled (Cédric Connes)
 22918  .IP \[bu] 2
 22919  Preallocate files on Windows to reduce fragmentation (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22920  .IP \[bu] 2
 22921  Preallocate files on linux with fallocate(2) (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22922  .RE
 22923  .IP \[bu] 2
 22924  Cache
 22925  .RS 2
 22926  .IP \[bu] 2
 22927  Add cache/fetch rc function (Fabian Möller)
 22928  .IP \[bu] 2
 22929  Fix worker scale down (Fabian Möller)
 22930  .IP \[bu] 2
 22931  Improve performance by not sending info requests for cached chunks
 22932  (dcpu)
 22933  .IP \[bu] 2
 22934  Fix error return value of cache/fetch rc method (Fabian Möller)
 22935  .IP \[bu] 2
 22936  Documentation fix for cache\-chunk\-total\-size (Anagh Kumar Baranwal)
 22937  .IP \[bu] 2
 22938  Preserve leading / in wrapped remote path (Fabian Möller)
 22939  .IP \[bu] 2
 22940  Add plex_insecure option to skip certificate validation (Fabian Möller)
 22941  .IP \[bu] 2
 22942  Remove entries that no longer exist in the source (dcpu)
 22943  .RE
 22944  .IP \[bu] 2
 22945  Crypt
 22946  .RS 2
 22947  .IP \[bu] 2
 22948  Preserve leading / in wrapped remote path (Fabian Möller)
 22949  .RE
 22950  .IP \[bu] 2
 22951  Alias
 22952  .RS 2
 22953  .IP \[bu] 2
 22954  Fix handling of Windows network paths (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 22955  .RE
 22956  .IP \[bu] 2
 22957  Azure Blob
 22958  .RS 2
 22959  .IP \[bu] 2
 22960  Add \[en]azureblob\-list\-chunk parameter (Santiago Rodríguez)
 22961  .IP \[bu] 2
 22962  Implemented settier command support on azureblob remote.
 22963  (sandeepkru)
 22964  .IP \[bu] 2
 22965  Work around SDK bug which causes errors for chunk\-sized files (Nick
 22966  Craig\-Wood)
 22967  .RE
 22968  .IP \[bu] 2
 22969  Box
 22970  .RS 2
 22971  .IP \[bu] 2
 22972  Implement link sharing.
 22973  (Sebastian Bünger)
 22974  .RE
 22975  .IP \[bu] 2
 22976  Drive
 22977  .RS 2
 22978  .IP \[bu] 2
 22979  Add \[en]drive\-import\-formats \- google docs can now be imported
 22980  (Fabian Möller)
 22981  .RS 2
 22982  .IP \[bu] 2
 22983  Rewrite mime type and extension handling (Fabian Möller)
 22984  .IP \[bu] 2
 22985  Add document links (Fabian Möller)
 22986  .IP \[bu] 2
 22987  Add support for multipart document extensions (Fabian Möller)
 22988  .IP \[bu] 2
 22989  Add support for apps\-script to json export (Fabian Möller)
 22990  .IP \[bu] 2
 22991  Fix escaped chars in documents during list (Fabian Möller)
 22992  .RE
 22993  .IP \[bu] 2
 22994  Add \[en]drive\-v2\-download\-min\-size a workaround for slow downloads
 22995  (Fabian Möller)
 22996  .IP \[bu] 2
 22997  Improve directory notifications in ChangeNotify (Fabian Möller)
 22998  .IP \[bu] 2
 22999  When listing team drives in config, continue on failure (Nick
 23000  Craig\-Wood)
 23001  .RE
 23002  .IP \[bu] 2
 23003  FTP
 23004  .RS 2
 23005  .IP \[bu] 2
 23006  Add a small pause after failed upload before deleting file (Nick
 23007  Craig\-Wood)
 23008  .RE
 23009  .IP \[bu] 2
 23010  Google Cloud Storage
 23011  .RS 2
 23012  .IP \[bu] 2
 23013  Fix service_account_file being ignored (Fabian Möller)
 23014  .RE
 23015  .IP \[bu] 2
 23016  Jottacloud
 23017  .RS 2
 23018  .IP \[bu] 2
 23019  Minor improvement in quota info (omit if unlimited) (albertony)
 23020  .IP \[bu] 2
 23021  Add \[en]fast\-list support (albertony)
 23022  .IP \[bu] 2
 23023  Add permanent delete support: \[en]jottacloud\-hard\-delete (albertony)
 23024  .IP \[bu] 2
 23025  Add link sharing support (albertony)
 23026  .IP \[bu] 2
 23027  Fix handling of reserved characters.
 23028  (Sebastian Bünger)
 23029  .IP \[bu] 2
 23030  Fix socket leak on Object.Remove (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23031  .RE
 23032  .IP \[bu] 2
 23033  Onedrive
 23034  .RS 2
 23035  .IP \[bu] 2
 23036  Rework to support Microsoft Graph (Cnly)
 23037  .RS 2
 23038  .IP \[bu] 2
 23039  \f[B]NB\f[] this will require re\-authenticating the remote
 23040  .RE
 23041  .IP \[bu] 2
 23042  Removed upload cutoff and always do session uploads (Oliver Heyme)
 23043  .IP \[bu] 2
 23044  Use single\-part upload for empty files (Cnly)
 23045  .IP \[bu] 2
 23046  Fix new fields not saved when editing old config (Alex Chen)
 23047  .IP \[bu] 2
 23048  Fix sometimes special chars in filenames not replaced (Alex Chen)
 23049  .IP \[bu] 2
 23050  Ignore OneNote files by default (Alex Chen)
 23051  .IP \[bu] 2
 23052  Add link sharing support (jackyzy823)
 23053  .RE
 23054  .IP \[bu] 2
 23055  S3
 23056  .RS 2
 23057  .IP \[bu] 2
 23058  Use custom pacer, to retry operations when reasonable (Craig Miskell)
 23059  .IP \[bu] 2
 23060  Use configured server\-side\-encryption and storace class options when
 23061  calling CopyObject() (Paul Kohout)
 23062  .IP \[bu] 2
 23063  Make \[en]s3\-v2\-auth flag (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23064  .IP \[bu] 2
 23065  Fix v2 auth on files with spaces (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23066  .RE
 23067  .IP \[bu] 2
 23068  Union
 23069  .RS 2
 23070  .IP \[bu] 2
 23071  Implement union backend which reads from multiple backends (Felix
 23072  Brucker)
 23073  .IP \[bu] 2
 23074  Implement optional interfaces (Move, DirMove, Copy etc) (Nick
 23075  Craig\-Wood)
 23076  .IP \[bu] 2
 23077  Fix ChangeNotify to support multiple remotes (Fabian Möller)
 23078  .IP \[bu] 2
 23079  Fix \[en]backup\-dir on union backend (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23080  .RE
 23081  .IP \[bu] 2
 23082  WebDAV
 23083  .RS 2
 23084  .IP \[bu] 2
 23085  Add another time format (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23086  .IP \[bu] 2
 23087  Add a small pause after failed upload before deleting file (Nick
 23088  Craig\-Wood)
 23089  .IP \[bu] 2
 23090  Add workaround for missing mtime (buergi)
 23091  .IP \[bu] 2
 23092  Sharepoint: Renew cookies after 12hrs (Henning Surmeier)
 23093  .RE
 23094  .IP \[bu] 2
 23095  Yandex
 23096  .RS 2
 23097  .IP \[bu] 2
 23098  Remove redundant nil checks (teresy)
 23099  .RE
 23100  .SS v1.43.1 \- 2018\-09\-07
 23101  .PP
 23102  Point release to fix hubic and azureblob backends.
 23103  .IP \[bu] 2
 23104  Bug Fixes
 23105  .RS 2
 23106  .IP \[bu] 2
 23107  ncdu: Return error instead of log.Fatal in Show (Fabian Möller)
 23108  .IP \[bu] 2
 23109  cmd: Fix crash with \[en]progress and \[en]stats 0 (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23110  .IP \[bu] 2
 23111  docs: Tidy website display (Anagh Kumar Baranwal)
 23112  .RE
 23113  .IP \[bu] 2
 23114  Azure Blob:
 23115  .RS 2
 23116  .IP \[bu] 2
 23117  Fix multi\-part uploads.
 23118  (sandeepkru)
 23119  .RE
 23120  .IP \[bu] 2
 23121  Hubic
 23122  .RS 2
 23123  .IP \[bu] 2
 23124  Fix uploads (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23125  .IP \[bu] 2
 23126  Retry auth fetching if it fails to make hubic more reliable (Nick
 23127  Craig\-Wood)
 23128  .RE
 23129  .SS v1.43 \- 2018\-09\-01
 23130  .IP \[bu] 2
 23131  New backends
 23132  .RS 2
 23133  .IP \[bu] 2
 23134  Jottacloud (Sebastian Bünger)
 23135  .RE
 23136  .IP \[bu] 2
 23137  New commands
 23138  .RS 2
 23139  .IP \[bu] 2
 23140  copyurl: copies a URL to a remote (Denis)
 23141  .RE
 23142  .IP \[bu] 2
 23143  New Features
 23144  .RS 2
 23145  .IP \[bu] 2
 23146  Reworked config for backends (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23147  .RS 2
 23148  .IP \[bu] 2
 23149  All backend config can now be supplied by command line, env var or
 23150  config file
 23151  .IP \[bu] 2
 23152  Advanced section in the config wizard for the optional items
 23153  .IP \[bu] 2
 23154  A large step towards rclone backends being usable in other go software
 23155  .IP \[bu] 2
 23156  Allow on the fly remotes with :backend: syntax
 23157  .RE
 23158  .IP \[bu] 2
 23159  Stats revamp
 23160  .RS 2
 23161  .IP \[bu] 2
 23162  Add \f[C]\-\-progress\f[]/\f[C]\-P\f[] flag to show interactive progress
 23163  (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23164  .IP \[bu] 2
 23165  Show the total progress of the sync in the stats (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23166  .IP \[bu] 2
 23167  Add \f[C]\-\-stats\-one\-line\f[] flag for single line stats (Nick
 23168  Craig\-Wood)
 23169  .RE
 23170  .IP \[bu] 2
 23171  Added weekday schedule into \f[C]\-\-bwlimit\f[] (Mateusz)
 23172  .IP \[bu] 2
 23173  lsjson: Add option to show the original object IDs (Fabian Möller)
 23174  .IP \[bu] 2
 23175  serve webdav: Make Content\-Type without reading the file and add
 23176  \f[C]\-\-etag\-hash\f[] (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23177  .IP \[bu] 2
 23178  build
 23179  .RS 2
 23180  .IP \[bu] 2
 23181  Build macOS with native compiler (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23182  .IP \[bu] 2
 23183  Update to use go1.11 for the build (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23184  .RE
 23185  .IP \[bu] 2
 23186  rc
 23187  .RS 2
 23188  .IP \[bu] 2
 23189  Added core/stats to return the stats (reddi1)
 23190  .RE
 23191  .IP \[bu] 2
 23192  \f[C]version\ \-\-check\f[]: Prints the current release and beta
 23193  versions (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23194  .RE
 23195  .IP \[bu] 2
 23196  Bug Fixes
 23197  .RS 2
 23198  .IP \[bu] 2
 23199  accounting
 23200  .RS 2
 23201  .IP \[bu] 2
 23202  Fix time to completion estimates (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23203  .IP \[bu] 2
 23204  Fix moving average speed for file stats (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23205  .RE
 23206  .IP \[bu] 2
 23207  config: Fix error reading password from piped input (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23208  .IP \[bu] 2
 23209  move: Fix \f[C]\-\-delete\-empty\-src\-dirs\f[] flag to delete all empty
 23210  dirs on move (ishuah)
 23211  .RE
 23212  .IP \[bu] 2
 23213  Mount
 23214  .RS 2
 23215  .IP \[bu] 2
 23216  Implement \f[C]\-\-daemon\-timeout\f[] flag for OSXFUSE (Nick
 23217  Craig\-Wood)
 23218  .IP \[bu] 2
 23219  Fix mount \f[C]\-\-daemon\f[] not working with encrypted config (Alex
 23220  Chen)
 23221  .IP \[bu] 2
 23222  Clip the number of blocks to 2^32\-1 on macOS \- fixes borg backup (Nick
 23223  Craig\-Wood)
 23224  .RE
 23225  .IP \[bu] 2
 23226  VFS
 23227  .RS 2
 23228  .IP \[bu] 2
 23229  Enable vfs\-read\-chunk\-size by default (Fabian Möller)
 23230  .IP \[bu] 2
 23231  Add the vfs/refresh rc command (Fabian Möller)
 23232  .IP \[bu] 2
 23233  Add non recursive mode to vfs/refresh rc command (Fabian Möller)
 23234  .IP \[bu] 2
 23235  Try to seek buffer on read only files (Fabian Möller)
 23236  .RE
 23237  .IP \[bu] 2
 23238  Local
 23239  .RS 2
 23240  .IP \[bu] 2
 23241  Fix crash when deprecated \f[C]\-\-local\-no\-unicode\-normalization\f[]
 23242  is supplied (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23243  .IP \[bu] 2
 23244  Fix mkdir error when trying to copy files to the root of a drive on
 23245  windows (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23246  .RE
 23247  .IP \[bu] 2
 23248  Cache
 23249  .RS 2
 23250  .IP \[bu] 2
 23251  Fix nil pointer deref when using lsjson on cached directory (Nick
 23252  Craig\-Wood)
 23253  .IP \[bu] 2
 23254  Fix nil pointer deref for occasional crash on playback (Nick
 23255  Craig\-Wood)
 23256  .RE
 23257  .IP \[bu] 2
 23258  Crypt
 23259  .RS 2
 23260  .IP \[bu] 2
 23261  Fix accounting when checking hashes on upload (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23262  .RE
 23263  .IP \[bu] 2
 23264  Amazon Cloud Drive
 23265  .RS 2
 23266  .IP \[bu] 2
 23267  Make very clear in the docs that rclone has no ACD keys (Nick
 23268  Craig\-Wood)
 23269  .RE
 23270  .IP \[bu] 2
 23271  Azure Blob
 23272  .RS 2
 23273  .IP \[bu] 2
 23274  Add connection string and SAS URL auth (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23275  .IP \[bu] 2
 23276  List the container to see if it exists (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23277  .IP \[bu] 2
 23278  Port new Azure Blob Storage SDK (sandeepkru)
 23279  .IP \[bu] 2
 23280  Added blob tier, tier between Hot, Cool and Archive.
 23281  (sandeepkru)
 23282  .IP \[bu] 2
 23283  Remove leading / from paths (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23284  .RE
 23285  .IP \[bu] 2
 23286  B2
 23287  .RS 2
 23288  .IP \[bu] 2
 23289  Support Application Keys (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23290  .IP \[bu] 2
 23291  Remove leading / from paths (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23292  .RE
 23293  .IP \[bu] 2
 23294  Box
 23295  .RS 2
 23296  .IP \[bu] 2
 23297  Fix upload of > 2GB files on 32 bit platforms (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23298  .IP \[bu] 2
 23299  Make \f[C]\-\-box\-commit\-retries\f[] flag defaulting to 100 to fix
 23300  large uploads (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23301  .RE
 23302  .IP \[bu] 2
 23303  Drive
 23304  .RS 2
 23305  .IP \[bu] 2
 23306  Add \f[C]\-\-drive\-keep\-revision\-forever\f[] flag (lewapm)
 23307  .IP \[bu] 2
 23308  Handle gdocs when filtering file names in list (Fabian Möller)
 23309  .IP \[bu] 2
 23310  Support using \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] for large speedups (Fabian Möller)
 23311  .RE
 23312  .IP \[bu] 2
 23313  FTP
 23314  .RS 2
 23315  .IP \[bu] 2
 23316  Fix Put mkParentDir failed: 521 for BunnyCDN (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23317  .RE
 23318  .IP \[bu] 2
 23319  Google Cloud Storage
 23320  .RS 2
 23321  .IP \[bu] 2
 23322  Fix index out of range error with \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] (Nick
 23323  Craig\-Wood)
 23324  .RE
 23325  .IP \[bu] 2
 23326  Jottacloud
 23327  .RS 2
 23328  .IP \[bu] 2
 23329  Fix MD5 error check (Oliver Heyme)
 23330  .IP \[bu] 2
 23331  Handle empty time values (Martin Polden)
 23332  .IP \[bu] 2
 23333  Calculate missing MD5s (Oliver Heyme)
 23334  .IP \[bu] 2
 23335  Docs, fixes and tests for MD5 calculation (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23336  .IP \[bu] 2
 23337  Add optional MimeTyper interface.
 23338  (Sebastian Bünger)
 23339  .IP \[bu] 2
 23340  Implement optional About interface (for \f[C]df\f[] support).
 23341  (Sebastian Bünger)
 23342  .RE
 23343  .IP \[bu] 2
 23344  Mega
 23345  .RS 2
 23346  .IP \[bu] 2
 23347  Wait for events instead of arbitrary sleeping (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23348  .IP \[bu] 2
 23349  Add \f[C]\-\-mega\-hard\-delete\f[] flag (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23350  .IP \[bu] 2
 23351  Fix failed logins with upper case chars in email (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23352  .RE
 23353  .IP \[bu] 2
 23354  Onedrive
 23355  .RS 2
 23356  .IP \[bu] 2
 23357  Shared folder support (Yoni Jah)
 23358  .IP \[bu] 2
 23359  Implement DirMove (Cnly)
 23360  .IP \[bu] 2
 23361  Fix rmdir sometimes deleting directories with contents (Nick
 23362  Craig\-Wood)
 23363  .RE
 23364  .IP \[bu] 2
 23365  Pcloud
 23366  .RS 2
 23367  .IP \[bu] 2
 23368  Delete half uploaded files on upload error (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23369  .RE
 23370  .IP \[bu] 2
 23371  Qingstor
 23372  .RS 2
 23373  .IP \[bu] 2
 23374  Remove leading / from paths (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23375  .RE
 23376  .IP \[bu] 2
 23377  S3
 23378  .RS 2
 23379  .IP \[bu] 2
 23380  Fix index out of range error with \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] (Nick
 23381  Craig\-Wood)
 23382  .IP \[bu] 2
 23383  Add \f[C]\-\-s3\-force\-path\-style\f[] (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23384  .IP \[bu] 2
 23385  Add support for KMS Key ID (bsteiss)
 23386  .IP \[bu] 2
 23387  Remove leading / from paths (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23388  .RE
 23389  .IP \[bu] 2
 23390  Swift
 23391  .RS 2
 23392  .IP \[bu] 2
 23393  Add \f[C]storage_policy\f[] (Ruben Vandamme)
 23394  .IP \[bu] 2
 23395  Make it so just \f[C]storage_url\f[] or \f[C]auth_token\f[] can be
 23396  overidden (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23397  .IP \[bu] 2
 23398  Fix server side copy bug for unusal file names (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23399  .IP \[bu] 2
 23400  Remove leading / from paths (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23401  .RE
 23402  .IP \[bu] 2
 23403  WebDAV
 23404  .RS 2
 23405  .IP \[bu] 2
 23406  Ensure we call MKCOL with a URL with a trailing / for QNAP interop (Nick
 23407  Craig\-Wood)
 23408  .IP \[bu] 2
 23409  If root ends with / then don't check if it is a file (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23410  .IP \[bu] 2
 23411  Don't accept redirects when reading metadata (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23412  .IP \[bu] 2
 23413  Add bearer token (Macaroon) support for dCache (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23414  .IP \[bu] 2
 23415  Document dCache and Macaroons (Onno Zweers)
 23416  .IP \[bu] 2
 23417  Sharepoint recursion with different depth (Henning)
 23418  .IP \[bu] 2
 23419  Attempt to remove failed uploads (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23420  .RE
 23421  .IP \[bu] 2
 23422  Yandex
 23423  .RS 2
 23424  .IP \[bu] 2
 23425  Fix listing/deleting files in the root (Nick Craig\-Wood)
 23426  .RE
 23427  .SS v1.42 \- 2018\-06\-16
 23428  .IP \[bu] 2
 23429  New backends
 23430  .RS 2
 23431  .IP \[bu] 2
 23432  OpenDrive (Oliver Heyme, Jakub Karlicek, ncw)
 23433  .RE
 23434  .IP \[bu] 2
 23435  New commands
 23436  .RS 2
 23437  .IP \[bu] 2
 23438  deletefile command (Filip Bartodziej)
 23439  .RE
 23440  .IP \[bu] 2
 23441  New Features
 23442  .RS 2
 23443  .IP \[bu] 2
 23444  copy, move: Copy single files directly, don't use
 23445  \f[C]\-\-files\-from\f[] work\-around
 23446  .RS 2
 23447  .IP \[bu] 2
 23448  this makes them much more efficient
 23449  .RE
 23450  .IP \[bu] 2
 23451  Implement \f[C]\-\-max\-transfer\f[] flag to quit transferring at a
 23452  limit
 23453  .RS 2
 23454  .IP \[bu] 2
 23455  make exit code 8 for \f[C]\-\-max\-transfer\f[] exceeded
 23456  .RE
 23457  .IP \[bu] 2
 23458  copy: copy empty source directories to destination (Ishuah Kariuki)
 23459  .IP \[bu] 2
 23460  check: Add \f[C]\-\-one\-way\f[] flag (Kasper Byrdal Nielsen)
 23461  .IP \[bu] 2
 23462  Add siginfo handler for macOS for ctrl\-T stats (kubatasiemski)
 23463  .IP \[bu] 2
 23464  rc
 23465  .RS 2
 23466  .IP \[bu] 2
 23467  add core/gc to run a garbage collection on demand
 23468  .IP \[bu] 2
 23469  enable go profiling by default on the \f[C]\-\-rc\f[] port
 23470  .IP \[bu] 2
 23471  return error from remote on failure
 23472  .RE
 23473  .IP \[bu] 2
 23474  lsf
 23475  .RS 2
 23476  .IP \[bu] 2
 23477  Add \f[C]\-\-absolute\f[] flag to add a leading / onto path names
 23478  .IP \[bu] 2
 23479  Add \f[C]\-\-csv\f[] flag for compliant CSV output
 23480  .IP \[bu] 2
 23481  Add `m' format specifier to show the MimeType
 23482  .IP \[bu] 2
 23483  Implement `i' format for showing object ID
 23484  .RE
 23485  .IP \[bu] 2
 23486  lsjson
 23487  .RS 2
 23488  .IP \[bu] 2
 23489  Add MimeType to the output
 23490  .IP \[bu] 2
 23491  Add ID field to output to show Object ID
 23492  .RE
 23493  .IP \[bu] 2
 23494  Add \f[C]\-\-retries\-sleep\f[] flag (Benjamin Joseph Dag)
 23495  .IP \[bu] 2
 23496  Oauth tidy up web page and error handling (Henning Surmeier)
 23497  .RE
 23498  .IP \[bu] 2
 23499  Bug Fixes
 23500  .RS 2
 23501  .IP \[bu] 2
 23502  Password prompt output with \f[C]\-\-log\-file\f[] fixed for unix (Filip
 23503  Bartodziej)
 23504  .IP \[bu] 2
 23505  Calculate ModifyWindow each time on the fly to fix various problems
 23506  (Stefan Breunig)
 23507  .RE
 23508  .IP \[bu] 2
 23509  Mount
 23510  .RS 2
 23511  .IP \[bu] 2
 23512  Only print \[lq]File.rename error\[rq] if there actually is an error
 23513  (Stefan Breunig)
 23514  .IP \[bu] 2
 23515  Delay rename if file has open writers instead of failing outright
 23516  (Stefan Breunig)
 23517  .IP \[bu] 2
 23518  Ensure atexit gets run on interrupt
 23519  .IP \[bu] 2
 23520  macOS enhancements
 23521  .RS 2
 23522  .IP \[bu] 2
 23523  Make \f[C]\-\-noappledouble\f[] \f[C]\-\-noapplexattr\f[]
 23524  .IP \[bu] 2
 23525  Add \f[C]\-\-volname\f[] flag and remove special chars from it
 23526  .IP \[bu] 2
 23527  Make Get/List/Set/Remove xattr return ENOSYS for efficiency
 23528  .IP \[bu] 2
 23529  Make \f[C]\-\-daemon\f[] work for macOS without CGO
 23530  .RE
 23531  .RE
 23532  .IP \[bu] 2
 23533  VFS
 23534  .RS 2
 23535  .IP \[bu] 2
 23536  Add \f[C]\-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\f[] and
 23537  \f[C]\-\-vfs\-read\-chunk\-size\-limit\f[] (Fabian Möller)
 23538  .IP \[bu] 2
 23539  Fix ChangeNotify for new or changed folders (Fabian Möller)
 23540  .RE
 23541  .IP \[bu] 2
 23542  Local
 23543  .RS 2
 23544  .IP \[bu] 2
 23545  Fix symlink/junction point directory handling under Windows
 23546  .RS 2
 23547  .IP \[bu] 2
 23548  \f[B]NB\f[] you will need to add \f[C]\-L\f[] to your command line to
 23549  copy files with reparse points
 23550  .RE
 23551  .RE
 23552  .IP \[bu] 2
 23553  Cache
 23554  .RS 2
 23555  .IP \[bu] 2
 23556  Add non cached dirs on notifications (Remus Bunduc)
 23557  .IP \[bu] 2
 23558  Allow root to be expired from rc (Remus Bunduc)
 23559  .IP \[bu] 2
 23560  Clean remaining empty folders from temp upload path (Remus Bunduc)
 23561  .IP \[bu] 2
 23562  Cache lists using batch writes (Remus Bunduc)
 23563  .IP \[bu] 2
 23564  Use secure websockets for HTTPS Plex addresses (John Clayton)
 23565  .IP \[bu] 2
 23566  Reconnect plex websocket on failures (Remus Bunduc)
 23567  .IP \[bu] 2
 23568  Fix panic when running without plex configs (Remus Bunduc)
 23569  .IP \[bu] 2
 23570  Fix root folder caching (Remus Bunduc)
 23571  .RE
 23572  .IP \[bu] 2
 23573  Crypt
 23574  .RS 2
 23575  .IP \[bu] 2
 23576  Check the crypted hash of files when uploading for extra data security
 23577  .RE
 23578  .IP \[bu] 2
 23579  Dropbox
 23580  .RS 2
 23581  .IP \[bu] 2
 23582  Make Dropbox for business folders accessible using an initial \f[C]/\f[]
 23583  in the path
 23584  .RE
 23585  .IP \[bu] 2
 23586  Google Cloud Storage
 23587  .RS 2
 23588  .IP \[bu] 2
 23589  Low level retry all operations if necessary
 23590  .RE
 23591  .IP \[bu] 2
 23592  Google Drive
 23593  .RS 2
 23594  .IP \[bu] 2
 23595  Add \f[C]\-\-drive\-acknowledge\-abuse\f[] to download flagged files
 23596  .IP \[bu] 2
 23597  Add \f[C]\-\-drive\-alternate\-export\f[] to fix large doc export
 23598  .IP \[bu] 2
 23599  Don't attempt to choose Team Drives when using rclone config create
 23600  .IP \[bu] 2
 23601  Fix change list polling with team drives
 23602  .IP \[bu] 2
 23603  Fix ChangeNotify for folders (Fabian Möller)
 23604  .IP \[bu] 2
 23605  Fix about (and df on a mount) for team drives
 23606  .RE
 23607  .IP \[bu] 2
 23608  Onedrive
 23609  .RS 2
 23610  .IP \[bu] 2
 23611  Errorhandler for onedrive for business requests (Henning Surmeier)
 23612  .RE
 23613  .IP \[bu] 2
 23614  S3
 23615  .RS 2
 23616  .IP \[bu] 2
 23617  Adjust upload concurrency with \f[C]\-\-s3\-upload\-concurrency\f[]
 23618  (themylogin)
 23619  .IP \[bu] 2
 23620  Fix \f[C]\-\-s3\-chunk\-size\f[] which was always using the minimum
 23621  .RE
 23622  .IP \[bu] 2
 23623  SFTP
 23624  .RS 2
 23625  .IP \[bu] 2
 23626  Add \f[C]\-\-ssh\-path\-override\f[] flag (Piotr Oleszczyk)
 23627  .IP \[bu] 2
 23628  Fix slow downloads for long latency connections
 23629  .RE
 23630  .IP \[bu] 2
 23631  Webdav
 23632  .RS 2
 23633  .IP \[bu] 2
 23634  Add workarounds for
 23635  .IP \[bu] 2
 23636  Ignore Reason\-Phrase in status line to fix 4shared (Rodrigo)
 23637  .IP \[bu] 2
 23638  Better error message generation
 23639  .RE
 23640  .SS v1.41 \- 2018\-04\-28
 23641  .IP \[bu] 2
 23642  New backends
 23643  .RS 2
 23644  .IP \[bu] 2
 23645  Mega support added
 23646  .IP \[bu] 2
 23647  Webdav now supports SharePoint cookie authentication (hensur)
 23648  .RE
 23649  .IP \[bu] 2
 23650  New commands
 23651  .RS 2
 23652  .IP \[bu] 2
 23653  link: create public link to files and folders (Stefan Breunig)
 23654  .IP \[bu] 2
 23655  about: gets quota info from a remote (a\-roussos, ncw)
 23656  .IP \[bu] 2
 23657  hashsum: a generic tool for any hash to produce md5sum like output
 23658  .RE
 23659  .IP \[bu] 2
 23660  New Features
 23661  .RS 2
 23662  .IP \[bu] 2
 23663  lsd: Add \-R flag and fix and update docs for all ls commands
 23664  .IP \[bu] 2
 23665  ncdu: added a \[lq]refresh\[rq] key \- CTRL\-L (Keith Goldfarb)
 23666  .IP \[bu] 2
 23667  serve restic: Add append\-only mode (Steve Kriss)
 23668  .IP \[bu] 2
 23669  serve restic: Disallow overwriting files in append\-only mode (Alexander
 23670  Neumann)
 23671  .IP \[bu] 2
 23672  serve restic: Print actual listener address (Matt Holt)
 23673  .IP \[bu] 2
 23674  size: Add \[en]json flag (Matthew Holt)
 23675  .IP \[bu] 2
 23676  sync: implement \[en]ignore\-errors (Mateusz Pabian)
 23677  .IP \[bu] 2
 23678  dedupe: Add dedupe largest functionality (Richard Yang)
 23679  .IP \[bu] 2
 23680  fs: Extend SizeSuffix to include TB and PB for rclone about
 23681  .IP \[bu] 2
 23682  fs: add \[en]dump goroutines and \[en]dump openfiles for debugging
 23683  .IP \[bu] 2
 23684  rc: implement core/memstats to print internal memory usage info
 23685  .IP \[bu] 2
 23686  rc: new call rc/pid (Michael P.
 23687  Dubner)
 23688  .RE
 23689  .IP \[bu] 2
 23690  Compile
 23691  .RS 2
 23692  .IP \[bu] 2
 23693  Drop support for go1.6
 23694  .RE
 23695  .IP \[bu] 2
 23696  Release
 23697  .RS 2
 23698  .IP \[bu] 2
 23699  Fix \f[C]make\ tarball\f[] (Chih\-Hsuan Yen)
 23700  .RE
 23701  .IP \[bu] 2
 23702  Bug Fixes
 23703  .RS 2
 23704  .IP \[bu] 2
 23705  filter: fix \[en]min\-age and \[en]max\-age together check
 23706  .IP \[bu] 2
 23707  fs: limit MaxIdleConns and MaxIdleConnsPerHost in transport
 23708  .IP \[bu] 2
 23709  lsd,lsf: make sure all times we output are in local time
 23710  .IP \[bu] 2
 23711  rc: fix setting bwlimit to unlimited
 23712  .IP \[bu] 2
 23713  rc: take note of the \[en]rc\-addr flag too as per the docs
 23714  .RE
 23715  .IP \[bu] 2
 23716  Mount
 23717  .RS 2
 23718  .IP \[bu] 2
 23719  Use About to return the correct disk total/used/free (eg in \f[C]df\f[])
 23720  .IP \[bu] 2
 23721  Set \f[C]\-\-attr\-timeout\ default\f[] to \f[C]1s\f[] \- fixes:
 23722  .RS 2
 23723  .IP \[bu] 2
 23724  rclone using too much memory
 23725  .IP \[bu] 2
 23726  rclone not serving files to samba
 23727  .IP \[bu] 2
 23728  excessive time listing directories
 23729  .RE
 23730  .IP \[bu] 2
 23731  Fix \f[C]df\ \-i\f[] (upstream fix)
 23732  .RE
 23733  .IP \[bu] 2
 23734  VFS
 23735  .RS 2
 23736  .IP \[bu] 2
 23737  Filter files \f[C]\&.\f[] and \f[C]\&..\f[] from directory listing
 23738  .IP \[bu] 2
 23739  Only make the VFS cache if \[en]vfs\-cache\-mode > Off
 23740  .RE
 23741  .IP \[bu] 2
 23742  Local
 23743  .RS 2
 23744  .IP \[bu] 2
 23745  Add \[en]local\-no\-check\-updated to disable updated file checks
 23746  .IP \[bu] 2
 23747  Retry remove on Windows sharing violation error
 23748  .RE
 23749  .IP \[bu] 2
 23750  Cache
 23751  .RS 2
 23752  .IP \[bu] 2
 23753  Flush the memory cache after close
 23754  .IP \[bu] 2
 23755  Purge file data on notification
 23756  .IP \[bu] 2
 23757  Always forget parent dir for notifications
 23758  .IP \[bu] 2
 23759  Integrate with Plex websocket
 23760  .IP \[bu] 2
 23761  Add rc cache/stats (seuffert)
 23762  .IP \[bu] 2
 23763  Add info log on notification
 23764  .RE
 23765  .IP \[bu] 2
 23766  Box
 23767  .RS 2
 23768  .IP \[bu] 2
 23769  Fix failure reading large directories \- parse file/directory size as
 23770  float
 23771  .RE
 23772  .IP \[bu] 2
 23773  Dropbox
 23774  .RS 2
 23775  .IP \[bu] 2
 23776  Fix crypt+obfuscate on dropbox
 23777  .IP \[bu] 2
 23778  Fix repeatedly uploading the same files
 23779  .RE
 23780  .IP \[bu] 2
 23781  FTP
 23782  .RS 2
 23783  .IP \[bu] 2
 23784  Work around strange response from box FTP server
 23785  .IP \[bu] 2
 23786  More workarounds for FTP servers to fix mkParentDir error
 23787  .IP \[bu] 2
 23788  Fix no error on listing non\-existent directory
 23789  .RE
 23790  .IP \[bu] 2
 23791  Google Cloud Storage
 23792  .RS 2
 23793  .IP \[bu] 2
 23794  Add service_account_credentials (Matt Holt)
 23795  .IP \[bu] 2
 23796  Detect bucket presence by listing it \- minimises permissions needed
 23797  .IP \[bu] 2
 23798  Ignore zero length directory markers
 23799  .RE
 23800  .IP \[bu] 2
 23801  Google Drive
 23802  .RS 2
 23803  .IP \[bu] 2
 23804  Add service_account_credentials (Matt Holt)
 23805  .IP \[bu] 2
 23806  Fix directory move leaving a hardlinked directory behind
 23807  .IP \[bu] 2
 23808  Return proper google errors when Opening files
 23809  .IP \[bu] 2
 23810  When initialized with a filepath, optional features used incorrect root
 23811  path (Stefan Breunig)
 23812  .RE
 23813  .IP \[bu] 2
 23814  HTTP
 23815  .RS 2
 23816  .IP \[bu] 2
 23817  Fix sync for servers which don't return Content\-Length in HEAD
 23818  .RE
 23819  .IP \[bu] 2
 23820  Onedrive
 23821  .RS 2
 23822  .IP \[bu] 2
 23823  Add QuickXorHash support for OneDrive for business
 23824  .IP \[bu] 2
 23825  Fix socket leak in multipart session upload
 23826  .RE
 23827  .IP \[bu] 2
 23828  S3
 23829  .RS 2
 23830  .IP \[bu] 2
 23831  Look in S3 named profile files for credentials
 23832  .IP \[bu] 2
 23833  Add \f[C]\-\-s3\-disable\-checksum\f[] to disable checksum uploading
 23834  (Chris Redekop)
 23835  .IP \[bu] 2
 23836  Hierarchical configuration support (Giri Badanahatti)
 23837  .IP \[bu] 2
 23838  Add in config for all the supported S3 providers
 23839  .IP \[bu] 2
 23840  Add One Zone Infrequent Access storage class (Craig Rachel)
 23841  .IP \[bu] 2
 23842  Add \[en]use\-server\-modtime support (Peter Baumgartner)
 23843  .IP \[bu] 2
 23844  Add \[en]s3\-chunk\-size option to control multipart uploads
 23845  .IP \[bu] 2
 23846  Ignore zero length directory markers
 23847  .RE
 23848  .IP \[bu] 2
 23849  SFTP
 23850  .RS 2
 23851  .IP \[bu] 2
 23852  Update docs to match code, fix typos and clarify disable_hashcheck
 23853  prompt (Michael G.
 23854  Noll)
 23855  .IP \[bu] 2
 23856  Update docs with Synology quirks
 23857  .IP \[bu] 2
 23858  Fail soft with a debug on hash failure
 23859  .RE
 23860  .IP \[bu] 2
 23861  Swift
 23862  .RS 2
 23863  .IP \[bu] 2
 23864  Add \[en]use\-server\-modtime support (Peter Baumgartner)
 23865  .RE
 23866  .IP \[bu] 2
 23867  Webdav
 23868  .RS 2
 23869  .IP \[bu] 2
 23870  Support SharePoint cookie authentication (hensur)
 23871  .IP \[bu] 2
 23872  Strip leading and trailing / off root
 23873  .RE
 23874  .SS v1.40 \- 2018\-03\-19
 23875  .IP \[bu] 2
 23876  New backends
 23877  .RS 2
 23878  .IP \[bu] 2
 23879  Alias backend to create aliases for existing remote names (Fabian
 23880  Möller)
 23881  .RE
 23882  .IP \[bu] 2
 23883  New commands
 23884  .RS 2
 23885  .IP \[bu] 2
 23886  \f[C]lsf\f[]: list for parsing purposes (Jakub Tasiemski)
 23887  .RS 2
 23888  .IP \[bu] 2
 23889  by default this is a simple non recursive list of files and directories
 23890  .IP \[bu] 2
 23891  it can be configured to add more info in an easy to parse way
 23892  .RE
 23893  .IP \[bu] 2
 23894  \f[C]serve\ restic\f[]: for serving a remote as a Restic REST endpoint
 23895  .RS 2
 23896  .IP \[bu] 2
 23897  This enables restic to use any backends that rclone can access
 23898  .IP \[bu] 2
 23899  Thanks Alexander Neumann for help, patches and review
 23900  .RE
 23901  .IP \[bu] 2
 23902  \f[C]rc\f[]: enable the remote control of a running rclone
 23903  .RS 2
 23904  .IP \[bu] 2
 23905  The running rclone must be started with \[en]rc and related flags.
 23906  .IP \[bu] 2
 23907  Currently there is support for bwlimit, and flushing for mount and
 23908  cache.
 23909  .RE
 23910  .RE
 23911  .IP \[bu] 2
 23912  New Features
 23913  .RS 2
 23914  .IP \[bu] 2
 23915  \f[C]\-\-max\-delete\f[] flag to add a delete threshold (Bjørn Erik
 23916  Pedersen)
 23917  .IP \[bu] 2
 23918  All backends now support RangeOption for ranged Open
 23919  .RS 2
 23920  .IP \[bu] 2
 23921  \f[C]cat\f[]: Use RangeOption for limited fetches to make more efficient
 23922  .IP \[bu] 2
 23923  \f[C]cryptcheck\f[]: make reading of nonce more efficient with
 23924  RangeOption
 23925  .RE
 23926  .IP \[bu] 2
 23927  serve http/webdav/restic
 23928  .RS 2
 23929  .IP \[bu] 2
 23930  support SSL/TLS
 23931  .IP \[bu] 2
 23932  add \f[C]\-\-user\f[] \f[C]\-\-pass\f[] and \f[C]\-\-htpasswd\f[] for
 23933  authentication
 23934  .RE
 23935  .IP \[bu] 2
 23936  \f[C]copy\f[]/\f[C]move\f[]: detect file size change during copy/move
 23937  and abort transfer (ishuah)
 23938  .IP \[bu] 2
 23939  \f[C]cryptdecode\f[]: added option to return encrypted file names.
 23940  (ishuah)
 23941  .IP \[bu] 2
 23942  \f[C]lsjson\f[]: add \f[C]\-\-encrypted\f[] to show encrypted name
 23943  (Jakub Tasiemski)
 23944  .IP \[bu] 2
 23945  Add \f[C]\-\-stats\-file\-name\-length\f[] to specify the printed file
 23946  name length for stats (Will Gunn)
 23947  .RE
 23948  .IP \[bu] 2
 23949  Compile
 23950  .RS 2
 23951  .IP \[bu] 2
 23952  Code base was shuffled and factored
 23953  .RS 2
 23954  .IP \[bu] 2
 23955  backends moved into a backend directory
 23956  .IP \[bu] 2
 23957  large packages split up
 23958  .IP \[bu] 2
 23959  See the doc for info as to what lives where now
 23960  .RE
 23961  .IP \[bu] 2
 23962  Update to using go1.10 as the default go version
 23963  .IP \[bu] 2
 23964  Implement daily full integration
 23965  tests (
 23966  .RE
 23967  .IP \[bu] 2
 23968  Release
 23969  .RS 2
 23970  .IP \[bu] 2
 23971  Include a source tarball and sign it and the binaries
 23972  .IP \[bu] 2
 23973  Sign the git tags as part of the release process
 23974  .IP \[bu] 2
 23975  Add .deb and .rpm packages as part of the build
 23976  .IP \[bu] 2
 23977  Make a beta release for all branches on the main repo (but not pull
 23978  requests)
 23979  .RE
 23980  .IP \[bu] 2
 23981  Bug Fixes
 23982  .RS 2
 23983  .IP \[bu] 2
 23984  config: fixes errors on non existing config by loading config file only
 23985  on first access
 23986  .IP \[bu] 2
 23987  config: retry saving the config after failure (Mateusz)
 23988  .IP \[bu] 2
 23989  sync: when using \f[C]\-\-backup\-dir\f[] don't delete files if we can't
 23990  set their modtime
 23991  .RS 2
 23992  .IP \[bu] 2
 23993  this fixes odd behaviour with Dropbox and \f[C]\-\-backup\-dir\f[]
 23994  .RE
 23995  .IP \[bu] 2
 23996  fshttp: fix idle timeouts for HTTP connections
 23997  .IP \[bu] 2
 23998  \f[C]serve\ http\f[]: fix serving files with : in \- fixes
 23999  .IP \[bu] 2
 24000  Fix \f[C]\-\-exclude\-if\-present\f[] to ignore directories which it
 24001  doesn't have permission for (Iakov Davydov)
 24002  .IP \[bu] 2
 24003  Make accounting work properly with crypt and b2
 24004  .IP \[bu] 2
 24005  remove \f[C]\-\-no\-traverse\f[] flag because it is obsolete
 24006  .RE
 24007  .IP \[bu] 2
 24008  Mount
 24009  .RS 2
 24010  .IP \[bu] 2
 24011  Add \f[C]\-\-attr\-timeout\f[] flag to control attribute caching in
 24012  kernel
 24013  .RS 2
 24014  .IP \[bu] 2
 24015  this now defaults to 0 which is correct but less efficient
 24016  .IP \[bu] 2
 24017  see the mount docs (/commands/rclone_mount/#attribute-caching) for more
 24018  info
 24019  .RE
 24020  .IP \[bu] 2
 24021  Add \f[C]\-\-daemon\f[] flag to allow mount to run in the background
 24022  (ishuah)
 24023  .IP \[bu] 2
 24024  Fix: Return ENOSYS rather than EIO on attempted link
 24025  .RS 2
 24026  .IP \[bu] 2
 24027  This fixes FileZilla accessing an rclone mount served over sftp.
 24028  .RE
 24029  .IP \[bu] 2
 24030  Fix setting modtime twice
 24031  .IP \[bu] 2
 24032  Mount tests now run on CI for Linux (mount & cmount)/Mac/Windows
 24033  .IP \[bu] 2
 24034  Many bugs fixed in the VFS layer \- see below
 24035  .RE
 24036  .IP \[bu] 2
 24037  VFS
 24038  .RS 2
 24039  .IP \[bu] 2
 24040  Many fixes for \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-mode\f[] writes and above
 24041  .RS 2
 24042  .IP \[bu] 2
 24043  Update cached copy if we know it has changed (fixes stale data)
 24044  .IP \[bu] 2
 24045  Clean path names before using them in the cache
 24046  .IP \[bu] 2
 24047  Disable cache cleaner if \f[C]\-\-vfs\-cache\-poll\-interval=0\f[]
 24048  .IP \[bu] 2
 24049  Fill and clean the cache immediately on startup
 24050  .RE
 24051  .IP \[bu] 2
 24052  Fix Windows opening every file when it stats the file
 24053  .IP \[bu] 2
 24054  Fix applying modtime for an open Write Handle
 24055  .IP \[bu] 2
 24056  Fix creation of files when truncating
 24057  .IP \[bu] 2
 24058  Write 0 bytes when flushing unwritten handles to avoid race conditions
 24059  in FUSE
 24060  .IP \[bu] 2
 24061  Downgrade \[lq]poll\-interval is not supported\[rq] message to Info
 24062  .IP \[bu] 2
 24063  Make OpenFile and friends return EINVAL if O_RDONLY and O_TRUNC
 24064  .RE
 24065  .IP \[bu] 2
 24066  Local
 24067  .RS 2
 24068  .IP \[bu] 2
 24069  Downgrade \[lq]invalid cross\-device link: trying copy\[rq] to debug
 24070  .IP \[bu] 2
 24071  Make DirMove return fs.ErrorCantDirMove to allow fallback to Copy for
 24072  cross device
 24073  .IP \[bu] 2
 24074  Fix race conditions updating the hashes
 24075  .RE
 24076  .IP \[bu] 2
 24077  Cache
 24078  .RS 2
 24079  .IP \[bu] 2
 24080  Add support for polling \- cache will update when remote changes on
 24081  supported backends
 24082  .IP \[bu] 2
 24083  Reduce log level for Plex api
 24084  .IP \[bu] 2
 24085  Fix dir cache issue
 24086  .IP \[bu] 2
 24087  Implement \f[C]\-\-cache\-db\-wait\-time\f[] flag
 24088  .IP \[bu] 2
 24089  Improve efficiency with RangeOption and RangeSeek
 24090  .IP \[bu] 2
 24091  Fix dirmove with temp fs enabled
 24092  .IP \[bu] 2
 24093  Notify vfs when using temp fs
 24094  .IP \[bu] 2
 24095  Offline uploading
 24096  .IP \[bu] 2
 24097  Remote control support for path flushing
 24098  .RE
 24099  .IP \[bu] 2
 24100  Amazon cloud drive
 24101  .RS 2
 24102  .IP \[bu] 2
 24103  Rclone no longer has any working keys \- disable integration tests
 24104  .IP \[bu] 2
 24105  Implement DirChangeNotify to notify cache/vfs/mount of changes
 24106  .RE
 24107  .IP \[bu] 2
 24108  Azureblob
 24109  .RS 2
 24110  .IP \[bu] 2
 24111  Don't check for bucket/container presense if listing was OK
 24112  .RS 2
 24113  .IP \[bu] 2
 24114  this makes rclone do one less request per invocation
 24115  .RE
 24116  .IP \[bu] 2
 24117  Improve accounting for chunked uploads
 24118  .RE
 24119  .IP \[bu] 2
 24120  Backblaze B2
 24121  .RS 2
 24122  .IP \[bu] 2
 24123  Don't check for bucket/container presense if listing was OK
 24124  .RS 2
 24125  .IP \[bu] 2
 24126  this makes rclone do one less request per invocation
 24127  .RE
 24128  .RE
 24129  .IP \[bu] 2
 24130  Box
 24131  .RS 2
 24132  .IP \[bu] 2
 24133  Improve accounting for chunked uploads
 24134  .RE
 24135  .IP \[bu] 2
 24136  Dropbox
 24137  .RS 2
 24138  .IP \[bu] 2
 24139  Fix custom oauth client parameters
 24140  .RE
 24141  .IP \[bu] 2
 24142  Google Cloud Storage
 24143  .RS 2
 24144  .IP \[bu] 2
 24145  Don't check for bucket/container presense if listing was OK
 24146  .RS 2
 24147  .IP \[bu] 2
 24148  this makes rclone do one less request per invocation
 24149  .RE
 24150  .RE
 24151  .IP \[bu] 2
 24152  Google Drive
 24153  .RS 2
 24154  .IP \[bu] 2
 24155  Migrate to api v3 (Fabian Möller)
 24156  .IP \[bu] 2
 24157  Add scope configuration and root folder selection
 24158  .IP \[bu] 2
 24159  Add \f[C]\-\-drive\-impersonate\f[] for service accounts
 24160  .RS 2
 24161  .IP \[bu] 2
 24162  thanks to everyone who tested, explored and contributed docs
 24163  .RE
 24164  .IP \[bu] 2
 24165  Add \f[C]\-\-drive\-use\-created\-date\f[] to use created date as
 24166  modified date (nbuchanan)
 24167  .IP \[bu] 2
 24168  Request the export formats only when required
 24169  .RS 2
 24170  .IP \[bu] 2
 24171  This makes rclone quicker when there are no google docs
 24172  .RE
 24173  .IP \[bu] 2
 24174  Fix finding paths with latin1 chars (a workaround for a drive bug)
 24175  .IP \[bu] 2
 24176  Fix copying of a single Google doc file
 24177  .IP \[bu] 2
 24178  Fix \f[C]\-\-drive\-auth\-owner\-only\f[] to look in all directories
 24179  .RE
 24180  .IP \[bu] 2
 24181  HTTP
 24182  .RS 2
 24183  .IP \[bu] 2
 24184  Fix handling of directories with & in
 24185  .RE
 24186  .IP \[bu] 2
 24187  Onedrive
 24188  .RS 2
 24189  .IP \[bu] 2
 24190  Removed upload cutoff and always do session uploads
 24191  .RS 2
 24192  .IP \[bu] 2
 24193  this stops the creation of multiple versions on business onedrive
 24194  .RE
 24195  .IP \[bu] 2
 24196  Overwrite object size value with real size when reading file.
 24197  (Victor)
 24198  .RS 2
 24199  .IP \[bu] 2
 24200  this fixes oddities when onedrive misreports the size of images
 24201  .RE
 24202  .RE
 24203  .IP \[bu] 2
 24204  Pcloud
 24205  .RS 2
 24206  .IP \[bu] 2
 24207  Remove unused chunked upload flag and code
 24208  .RE
 24209  .IP \[bu] 2
 24210  Qingstor
 24211  .RS 2
 24212  .IP \[bu] 2
 24213  Don't check for bucket/container presense if listing was OK
 24214  .RS 2
 24215  .IP \[bu] 2
 24216  this makes rclone do one less request per invocation
 24217  .RE
 24218  .RE
 24219  .IP \[bu] 2
 24220  S3
 24221  .RS 2
 24222  .IP \[bu] 2
 24223  Support hashes for multipart files (Chris Redekop)
 24224  .IP \[bu] 2
 24225  Initial support for IBM COS (S3) (Giri Badanahatti)
 24226  .IP \[bu] 2
 24227  Update docs to discourage use of v2 auth with CEPH and others
 24228  .IP \[bu] 2
 24229  Don't check for bucket/container presense if listing was OK
 24230  .RS 2
 24231  .IP \[bu] 2
 24232  this makes rclone do one less request per invocation
 24233  .RE
 24234  .IP \[bu] 2
 24235  Fix server side copy and set modtime on files with + in
 24236  .RE
 24237  .IP \[bu] 2
 24238  SFTP
 24239  .RS 2
 24240  .IP \[bu] 2
 24241  Add option to disable remote hash check command execution (Jon Fautley)
 24242  .IP \[bu] 2
 24243  Add \f[C]\-\-sftp\-ask\-password\f[] flag to prompt for password when
 24244  needed (Leo R.
 24245  Lundgren)
 24246  .IP \[bu] 2
 24247  Add \f[C]set_modtime\f[] configuration option
 24248  .IP \[bu] 2
 24249  Fix following of symlinks
 24250  .IP \[bu] 2
 24251  Fix reading config file outside of Fs setup
 24252  .IP \[bu] 2
 24253  Fix reading $USER in username fallback not $HOME
 24254  .IP \[bu] 2
 24255  Fix running under crontab \- Use correct OS way of reading username
 24256  .RE
 24257  .IP \[bu] 2
 24258  Swift
 24259  .RS 2
 24260  .IP \[bu] 2
 24261  Fix refresh of authentication token
 24262  .RS 2
 24263  .IP \[bu] 2
 24264  in v1.39 a bug was introduced which ignored new tokens \- this fixes it
 24265  .RE
 24266  .IP \[bu] 2
 24267  Fix extra HEAD transaction when uploading a new file
 24268  .IP \[bu] 2
 24269  Don't check for bucket/container presense if listing was OK
 24270  .RS 2
 24271  .IP \[bu] 2
 24272  this makes rclone do one less request per invocation
 24273  .RE
 24274  .RE
 24275  .IP \[bu] 2
 24276  Webdav
 24277  .RS 2
 24278  .IP \[bu] 2
 24279  Add new time formats to support and others
 24280  .RE
 24281  .SS v1.39 \- 2017\-12\-23
 24282  .IP \[bu] 2
 24283  New backends
 24284  .RS 2
 24285  .IP \[bu] 2
 24286  WebDAV
 24287  .RS 2
 24288  .IP \[bu] 2
 24289  tested with nextcloud, owncloud, and others!
 24290  .RE
 24291  .IP \[bu] 2
 24292  Pcloud
 24293  .IP \[bu] 2
 24294  cache \- wraps a cache around other backends (Remus Bunduc)
 24295  .RS 2
 24296  .IP \[bu] 2
 24297  useful in combination with mount
 24298  .IP \[bu] 2
 24299  NB this feature is in beta so use with care
 24300  .RE
 24301  .RE
 24302  .IP \[bu] 2
 24303  New commands
 24304  .RS 2
 24305  .IP \[bu] 2
 24306  serve command with subcommands:
 24307  .RS 2
 24308  .IP \[bu] 2
 24309  serve webdav: this implements a webdav server for any rclone remote.
 24310  .IP \[bu] 2
 24311  serve http: command to serve a remote over HTTP
 24312  .RE
 24313  .IP \[bu] 2
 24314  config: add sub commands for full config file management
 24315  .RS 2
 24316  .IP \[bu] 2
 24317  create/delete/dump/edit/file/password/providers/show/update
 24318  .RE
 24319  .IP \[bu] 2
 24320  touch: to create or update the timestamp of a file (Jakub Tasiemski)
 24321  .RE
 24322  .IP \[bu] 2
 24323  New Features
 24324  .RS 2
 24325  .IP \[bu] 2
 24326  curl install for rclone (Filip Bartodziej)
 24327  .IP \[bu] 2
 24328  \[en]stats now shows percentage, size, rate and ETA in condensed form
 24329  (Ishuah Kariuki)
 24330  .IP \[bu] 2
 24331  \[en]exclude\-if\-present to exclude a directory if a file is present
 24332  (Iakov Davydov)
 24333  .IP \[bu] 2
 24334  rmdirs: add \[en]leave\-root flag (lewpam)
 24335  .IP \[bu] 2
 24336  move: add \[en]delete\-empty\-src\-dirs flag to remove dirs after move
 24337  (Ishuah Kariuki)
 24338  .IP \[bu] 2
 24339  Add \[en]dump flag, introduce \[en]dump requests, responses and remove
 24340  \[en]dump\-auth, \[en]dump\-filters
 24341  .RS 2
 24342  .IP \[bu] 2
 24343  Obscure X\-Auth\-Token: from headers when dumping too
 24344  .RE
 24345  .IP \[bu] 2
 24346  Document and implement exit codes for different failure modes (Ishuah
 24347  Kariuki)
 24348  .RE
 24349  .IP \[bu] 2
 24350  Compile
 24351  .IP \[bu] 2
 24352  Bug Fixes
 24353  .RS 2
 24354  .IP \[bu] 2
 24355  Retry lots more different types of errors to make multipart transfers
 24356  more reliable
 24357  .IP \[bu] 2
 24358  Save the config before asking for a token, fixes disappearing oauth
 24359  config
 24360  .IP \[bu] 2
 24361  Warn the user if \[en]include and \[en]exclude are used together (Ernest
 24362  Borowski)
 24363  .IP \[bu] 2
 24364  Fix duplicate files (eg on Google drive) causing spurious copies
 24365  .IP \[bu] 2
 24366  Allow trailing and leading whitespace for passwords (Jason Rose)
 24367  .IP \[bu] 2
 24368  ncdu: fix crashes on empty directories
 24369  .IP \[bu] 2
 24370  rcat: fix goroutine leak
 24371  .IP \[bu] 2
 24372  moveto/copyto: Fix to allow copying to the same name
 24373  .RE
 24374  .IP \[bu] 2
 24375  Mount
 24376  .RS 2
 24377  .IP \[bu] 2
 24378  \[en]vfs\-cache mode to make writes into mounts more reliable.
 24379  .RS 2
 24380  .IP \[bu] 2
 24381  this requires caching files on the disk (see \[en]cache\-dir)
 24382  .IP \[bu] 2
 24383  As this is a new feature, use with care
 24384  .RE
 24385  .IP \[bu] 2
 24386  Use sdnotify to signal systemd the mount is ready (Fabian Möller)
 24387  .IP \[bu] 2
 24388  Check if directory is not empty before mounting (Ernest Borowski)
 24389  .RE
 24390  .IP \[bu] 2
 24391  Local
 24392  .RS 2
 24393  .IP \[bu] 2
 24394  Add error message for cross file system moves
 24395  .IP \[bu] 2
 24396  Fix equality check for times
 24397  .RE
 24398  .IP \[bu] 2
 24399  Dropbox
 24400  .RS 2
 24401  .IP \[bu] 2
 24402  Rework multipart upload
 24403  .RS 2
 24404  .IP \[bu] 2
 24405  buffer the chunks when uploading large files so they can be retried
 24406  .IP \[bu] 2
 24407  change default chunk size to 48MB now we are buffering them in memory
 24408  .IP \[bu] 2
 24409  retry every error after the first chunk is done successfully
 24410  .RE
 24411  .IP \[bu] 2
 24412  Fix error when renaming directories
 24413  .RE
 24414  .IP \[bu] 2
 24415  Swift
 24416  .RS 2
 24417  .IP \[bu] 2
 24418  Fix crash on bad authentication
 24419  .RE
 24420  .IP \[bu] 2
 24421  Google Drive
 24422  .RS 2
 24423  .IP \[bu] 2
 24424  Add service account support (Tim Cooijmans)
 24425  .RE
 24426  .IP \[bu] 2
 24427  S3
 24428  .RS 2
 24429  .IP \[bu] 2
 24430  Make it work properly with Digital Ocean Spaces (Andrew
 24431  Starr\-Bochicchio)
 24432  .IP \[bu] 2
 24433  Fix crash if a bad listing is received
 24434  .IP \[bu] 2
 24435  Add support for ECS task IAM roles (David Minor)
 24436  .RE
 24437  .IP \[bu] 2
 24438  Backblaze B2
 24439  .RS 2
 24440  .IP \[bu] 2
 24441  Fix multipart upload retries
 24442  .IP \[bu] 2
 24443  Fix \[en]hard\-delete to make it work 100% of the time
 24444  .RE
 24445  .IP \[bu] 2
 24446  Swift
 24447  .RS 2
 24448  .IP \[bu] 2
 24449  Allow authentication with storage URL and auth key (Giovanni Pizzi)
 24450  .IP \[bu] 2
 24451  Add new fields for swift configuration to support IBM Bluemix Swift
 24452  (Pierre Carlson)
 24453  .IP \[bu] 2
 24454  Add OS_TENANT_ID and OS_USER_ID to config
 24455  .IP \[bu] 2
 24456  Allow configs with user id instead of user name
 24457  .IP \[bu] 2
 24458  Check if swift segments container exists before creating (John Leach)
 24459  .IP \[bu] 2
 24460  Fix memory leak in swift transfers (upstream fix)
 24461  .RE
 24462  .IP \[bu] 2
 24463  SFTP
 24464  .RS 2
 24465  .IP \[bu] 2
 24466  Add option to enable the use of aes128\-cbc cipher (Jon Fautley)
 24467  .RE
 24468  .IP \[bu] 2
 24469  Amazon cloud drive
 24470  .RS 2
 24471  .IP \[bu] 2
 24472  Fix download of large files failing with \[lq]Only one auth mechanism
 24473  allowed\[rq]
 24474  .RE
 24475  .IP \[bu] 2
 24476  crypt
 24477  .RS 2
 24478  .IP \[bu] 2
 24479  Option to encrypt directory names or leave them intact
 24480  .IP \[bu] 2
 24481  Implement DirChangeNotify (Fabian Möller)
 24482  .RE
 24483  .IP \[bu] 2
 24484  onedrive
 24485  .RS 2
 24486  .IP \[bu] 2
 24487  Add option to choose resourceURL during setup of OneDrive Business
 24488  account if more than one is available for user
 24489  .RE
 24490  .SS v1.38 \- 2017\-09\-30
 24491  .IP \[bu] 2
 24492  New backends
 24493  .RS 2
 24494  .IP \[bu] 2
 24495  Azure Blob Storage (thanks Andrei Dragomir)
 24496  .IP \[bu] 2
 24497  Box
 24498  .IP \[bu] 2
 24499  Onedrive for Business (thanks Oliver Heyme)
 24500  .IP \[bu] 2
 24501  QingStor from QingCloud (thanks wuyu)
 24502  .RE
 24503  .IP \[bu] 2
 24504  New commands
 24505  .RS 2
 24506  .IP \[bu] 2
 24507  \f[C]rcat\f[] \- read from standard input and stream upload
 24508  .IP \[bu] 2
 24509  \f[C]tree\f[] \- shows a nicely formatted recursive listing
 24510  .IP \[bu] 2
 24511  \f[C]cryptdecode\f[] \- decode crypted file names (thanks ishuah)
 24512  .IP \[bu] 2
 24513  \f[C]config\ show\f[] \- print the config file
 24514  .IP \[bu] 2
 24515  \f[C]config\ file\f[] \- print the config file location
 24516  .RE
 24517  .IP \[bu] 2
 24518  New Features
 24519  .RS 2
 24520  .IP \[bu] 2
 24521  Empty directories are deleted on \f[C]sync\f[]
 24522  .IP \[bu] 2
 24523  \f[C]dedupe\f[] \- implement merging of duplicate directories
 24524  .IP \[bu] 2
 24525  \f[C]check\f[] and \f[C]cryptcheck\f[] made more consistent and use less
 24526  memory
 24527  .IP \[bu] 2
 24528  \f[C]cleanup\f[] for remaining remotes (thanks ishuah)
 24529  .IP \[bu] 2
 24530  \f[C]\-\-immutable\f[] for ensuring that files don't change (thanks
 24531  Jacob McNamee)
 24532  .IP \[bu] 2
 24533  \f[C]\-\-user\-agent\f[] option (thanks Alex McGrath Kraak)
 24534  .IP \[bu] 2
 24535  \f[C]\-\-disable\f[] flag to disable optional features
 24536  .IP \[bu] 2
 24537  \f[C]\-\-bind\f[] flag for choosing the local addr on outgoing
 24538  connections
 24539  .IP \[bu] 2
 24540  Support for zsh auto\-completion (thanks bpicode)
 24541  .IP \[bu] 2
 24542  Stop normalizing file names but do a normalized compare in \f[C]sync\f[]
 24543  .RE
 24544  .IP \[bu] 2
 24545  Compile
 24546  .RS 2
 24547  .IP \[bu] 2
 24548  Update to using go1.9 as the default go version
 24549  .IP \[bu] 2
 24550  Remove snapd build due to maintenance problems
 24551  .RE
 24552  .IP \[bu] 2
 24553  Bug Fixes
 24554  .RS 2
 24555  .IP \[bu] 2
 24556  Improve retriable error detection which makes multipart uploads better
 24557  .IP \[bu] 2
 24558  Make \f[C]check\f[] obey \f[C]\-\-ignore\-size\f[]
 24559  .IP \[bu] 2
 24560  Fix bwlimit toggle in conjunction with schedules (thanks cbruegg)
 24561  .IP \[bu] 2
 24562  \f[C]config\f[] ensures newly written config is on the same mount
 24563  .RE
 24564  .IP \[bu] 2
 24565  Local
 24566  .RS 2
 24567  .IP \[bu] 2
 24568  Revert to copy when moving file across file system boundaries
 24569  .IP \[bu] 2
 24570  \f[C]\-\-skip\-links\f[] to suppress symlink warnings (thanks Zhiming
 24571  Wang)
 24572  .RE
 24573  .IP \[bu] 2
 24574  Mount
 24575  .RS 2
 24576  .IP \[bu] 2
 24577  Re\-use \f[C]rcat\f[] internals to support uploads from all remotes
 24578  .RE
 24579  .IP \[bu] 2
 24580  Dropbox
 24581  .RS 2
 24582  .IP \[bu] 2
 24583  Fix \[lq]entry doesn't belong in directory\[rq] error
 24584  .IP \[bu] 2
 24585  Stop using deprecated API methods
 24586  .RE
 24587  .IP \[bu] 2
 24588  Swift
 24589  .RS 2
 24590  .IP \[bu] 2
 24591  Fix server side copy to empty container with \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[]
 24592  .RE
 24593  .IP \[bu] 2
 24594  Google Drive
 24595  .RS 2
 24596  .IP \[bu] 2
 24597  Change the default for \f[C]\-\-drive\-use\-trash\f[] to \f[C]true\f[]
 24598  .RE
 24599  .IP \[bu] 2
 24600  S3
 24601  .RS 2
 24602  .IP \[bu] 2
 24603  Set session token when using STS (thanks Girish Ramakrishnan)
 24604  .IP \[bu] 2
 24605  Glacier docs and error messages (thanks Jan Varho)
 24606  .IP \[bu] 2
 24607  Read 1000 (not 1024) items in dir listings to fix Wasabi
 24608  .RE
 24609  .IP \[bu] 2
 24610  Backblaze B2
 24611  .RS 2
 24612  .IP \[bu] 2
 24613  Fix SHA1 mismatch when downloading files with no SHA1
 24614  .IP \[bu] 2
 24615  Calculate missing hashes on the fly instead of spooling
 24616  .IP \[bu] 2
 24617  \f[C]\-\-b2\-hard\-delete\f[] to permanently delete (not hide) files
 24618  (thanks John Papandriopoulos)
 24619  .RE
 24620  .IP \[bu] 2
 24621  Hubic
 24622  .RS 2
 24623  .IP \[bu] 2
 24624  Fix creating containers \- no longer have to use the \f[C]default\f[]
 24625  container
 24626  .RE
 24627  .IP \[bu] 2
 24628  Swift
 24629  .RS 2
 24630  .IP \[bu] 2
 24631  Optionally configure from a standard set of OpenStack environment vars
 24632  .IP \[bu] 2
 24633  Add \f[C]endpoint_type\f[] config
 24634  .RE
 24635  .IP \[bu] 2
 24636  Google Cloud Storage
 24637  .RS 2
 24638  .IP \[bu] 2
 24639  Fix bucket creation to work with limited permission users
 24640  .RE
 24641  .IP \[bu] 2
 24642  SFTP
 24643  .RS 2
 24644  .IP \[bu] 2
 24645  Implement connection pooling for multiple ssh connections
 24646  .IP \[bu] 2
 24647  Limit new connections per second
 24648  .IP \[bu] 2
 24649  Add support for MD5 and SHA1 hashes where available (thanks Christian
 24650  Brüggemann)
 24651  .RE
 24652  .IP \[bu] 2
 24653  HTTP
 24654  .RS 2
 24655  .IP \[bu] 2
 24656  Fix URL encoding issues
 24657  .IP \[bu] 2
 24658  Fix directories with \f[C]:\f[] in
 24659  .IP \[bu] 2
 24660  Fix panic with URL encoded content
 24661  .RE
 24662  .SS v1.37 \- 2017\-07\-22
 24663  .IP \[bu] 2
 24664  New backends
 24665  .RS 2
 24666  .IP \[bu] 2
 24667  FTP \- thanks to Antonio Messina
 24668  .IP \[bu] 2
 24669  HTTP \- thanks to Vasiliy Tolstov
 24670  .RE
 24671  .IP \[bu] 2
 24672  New commands
 24673  .RS 2
 24674  .IP \[bu] 2
 24675  rclone ncdu \- for exploring a remote with a text based user interface.
 24676  .IP \[bu] 2
 24677  rclone lsjson \- for listing with a machine readable output
 24678  .IP \[bu] 2
 24679  rclone dbhashsum \- to show Dropbox style hashes of files (local or
 24680  Dropbox)
 24681  .RE
 24682  .IP \[bu] 2
 24683  New Features
 24684  .RS 2
 24685  .IP \[bu] 2
 24686  Implement \[en]fast\-list flag
 24687  .RS 2
 24688  .IP \[bu] 2
 24689  This allows remotes to list recursively if they can
 24690  .IP \[bu] 2
 24691  This uses less transactions (important if you pay for them)
 24692  .IP \[bu] 2
 24693  This may or may not be quicker
 24694  .IP \[bu] 2
 24695  This will use more memory as it has to hold the listing in memory
 24696  .IP \[bu] 2
 24697  \[en]old\-sync\-method deprecated \- the remaining uses are covered by
 24698  \[en]fast\-list
 24699  .IP \[bu] 2
 24700  This involved a major re\-write of all the listing code
 24701  .RE
 24702  .IP \[bu] 2
 24703  Add \[en]tpslimit and \[en]tpslimit\-burst to limit transactions per
 24704  second
 24705  .RS 2
 24706  .IP \[bu] 2
 24707  this is useful in conjuction with \f[C]rclone\ mount\f[] to limit
 24708  external apps
 24709  .RE
 24710  .IP \[bu] 2
 24711  Add \[en]stats\-log\-level so can see \[en]stats without \-v
 24712  .IP \[bu] 2
 24713  Print password prompts to stderr \- Hraban Luyat
 24714  .IP \[bu] 2
 24715  Warn about duplicate files when syncing
 24716  .IP \[bu] 2
 24717  Oauth improvements
 24718  .RS 2
 24719  .IP \[bu] 2
 24720  allow auth_url and token_url to be set in the config file
 24721  .IP \[bu] 2
 24722  Print redirection URI if using own credentials.
 24723  .RE
 24724  .IP \[bu] 2
 24725  Don't Mkdir at the start of sync to save transactions
 24726  .RE
 24727  .IP \[bu] 2
 24728  Compile
 24729  .RS 2
 24730  .IP \[bu] 2
 24731  Update build to go1.8.3
 24732  .IP \[bu] 2
 24733  Require go1.6 for building rclone
 24734  .IP \[bu] 2
 24735  Compile 386 builds with \[lq]GO386=387\[rq] for maximum compatibility
 24736  .RE
 24737  .IP \[bu] 2
 24738  Bug Fixes
 24739  .RS 2
 24740  .IP \[bu] 2
 24741  Fix menu selection when no remotes
 24742  .IP \[bu] 2
 24743  Config saving reworked to not kill the file if disk gets full
 24744  .IP \[bu] 2
 24745  Don't delete remote if name does not change while renaming
 24746  .IP \[bu] 2
 24747  moveto, copyto: report transfers and checks as per move and copy
 24748  .RE
 24749  .IP \[bu] 2
 24750  Local
 24751  .RS 2
 24752  .IP \[bu] 2
 24753  Add \[en]local\-no\-unicode\-normalization flag \- Bob Potter
 24754  .RE
 24755  .IP \[bu] 2
 24756  Mount
 24757  .RS 2
 24758  .IP \[bu] 2
 24759  Now supported on Windows using cgofuse and WinFsp \- thanks to Bill
 24760  Zissimopoulos for much help
 24761  .IP \[bu] 2
 24762  Compare checksums on upload/download via FUSE
 24763  .IP \[bu] 2
 24764  Unmount when program ends with SIGINT (Ctrl+C) or SIGTERM \- Jérôme
 24765  Vizcaino
 24766  .IP \[bu] 2
 24767  On read only open of file, make open pending until first read
 24768  .IP \[bu] 2
 24769  Make \[en]read\-only reject modify operations
 24770  .IP \[bu] 2
 24771  Implement ModTime via FUSE for remotes that support it
 24772  .IP \[bu] 2
 24773  Allow modTime to be changed even before all writers are closed
 24774  .IP \[bu] 2
 24775  Fix panic on renames
 24776  .IP \[bu] 2
 24777  Fix hang on errored upload
 24778  .RE
 24779  .IP \[bu] 2
 24780  Crypt
 24781  .RS 2
 24782  .IP \[bu] 2
 24783  Report the name:root as specified by the user
 24784  .IP \[bu] 2
 24785  Add an \[lq]obfuscate\[rq] option for filename encryption \- Stephen
 24786  Harris
 24787  .RE
 24788  .IP \[bu] 2
 24789  Amazon Drive
 24790  .RS 2
 24791  .IP \[bu] 2
 24792  Fix initialization order for token renewer
 24793  .IP \[bu] 2
 24794  Remove revoked credentials, allow oauth proxy config and update docs
 24795  .RE
 24796  .IP \[bu] 2
 24797  B2
 24798  .RS 2
 24799  .IP \[bu] 2
 24800  Reduce minimum chunk size to 5MB
 24801  .RE
 24802  .IP \[bu] 2
 24803  Drive
 24804  .RS 2
 24805  .IP \[bu] 2
 24806  Add team drive support
 24807  .IP \[bu] 2
 24808  Reduce bandwidth by adding fields for partial responses \- Martin
 24809  Kristensen
 24810  .IP \[bu] 2
 24811  Implement \[en]drive\-shared\-with\-me flag to view shared with me files
 24812  \- Danny Tsai
 24813  .IP \[bu] 2
 24814  Add \[en]drive\-trashed\-only to read only the files in the trash
 24815  .IP \[bu] 2
 24816  Remove obsolete \[en]drive\-full\-list
 24817  .IP \[bu] 2
 24818  Add missing seek to start on retries of chunked uploads
 24819  .IP \[bu] 2
 24820  Fix stats accounting for upload
 24821  .IP \[bu] 2
 24822  Convert / in names to a unicode equivalent (/)
 24823  .IP \[bu] 2
 24824  Poll for Google Drive changes when mounted
 24825  .RE
 24826  .IP \[bu] 2
 24827  OneDrive
 24828  .RS 2
 24829  .IP \[bu] 2
 24830  Fix the uploading of files with spaces
 24831  .IP \[bu] 2
 24832  Fix initialization order for token renewer
 24833  .IP \[bu] 2
 24834  Display speeds accurately when uploading \- Yoni Jah
 24835  .IP \[bu] 2
 24836  Swap to using http://localhost:53682/ as redirect URL \- Michael Ledin
 24837  .IP \[bu] 2
 24838  Retry on token expired error, reset upload body on retry \- Yoni Jah
 24839  .RE
 24840  .IP \[bu] 2
 24841  Google Cloud Storage
 24842  .RS 2
 24843  .IP \[bu] 2
 24844  Add ability to specify location and storage class via config and command
 24845  line \- thanks gdm85
 24846  .IP \[bu] 2
 24847  Create container if necessary on server side copy
 24848  .IP \[bu] 2
 24849  Increase directory listing chunk to 1000 to increase performance
 24850  .IP \[bu] 2
 24851  Obtain a refresh token for GCS \- Steven Lu
 24852  .RE
 24853  .IP \[bu] 2
 24854  Yandex
 24855  .RS 2
 24856  .IP \[bu] 2
 24857  Fix the name reported in log messages (was empty)
 24858  .IP \[bu] 2
 24859  Correct error return for listing empty directory
 24860  .RE
 24861  .IP \[bu] 2
 24862  Dropbox
 24863  .RS 2
 24864  .IP \[bu] 2
 24865  Rewritten to use the v2 API
 24866  .RS 2
 24867  .IP \[bu] 2
 24868  Now supports ModTime
 24869  .RS 2
 24870  .IP \[bu] 2
 24871  Can only set by uploading the file again
 24872  .IP \[bu] 2
 24873  If you uploaded with an old rclone, rclone may upload everything again
 24874  .IP \[bu] 2
 24875  Use \f[C]\-\-size\-only\f[] or \f[C]\-\-checksum\f[] to avoid this
 24876  .RE
 24877  .IP \[bu] 2
 24878  Now supports the Dropbox content hashing scheme
 24879  .IP \[bu] 2
 24880  Now supports low level retries
 24881  .RE
 24882  .RE
 24883  .IP \[bu] 2
 24884  S3
 24885  .RS 2
 24886  .IP \[bu] 2
 24887  Work around eventual consistency in bucket creation
 24888  .IP \[bu] 2
 24889  Create container if necessary on server side copy
 24890  .IP \[bu] 2
 24891  Add us\-east\-2 (Ohio) and eu\-west\-2 (London) S3 regions \- Zahiar
 24892  Ahmed
 24893  .RE
 24894  .IP \[bu] 2
 24895  Swift, Hubic
 24896  .RS 2
 24897  .IP \[bu] 2
 24898  Fix zero length directory markers showing in the subdirectory listing
 24899  .RS 2
 24900  .IP \[bu] 2
 24901  this caused lots of duplicate transfers
 24902  .RE
 24903  .IP \[bu] 2
 24904  Fix paged directory listings
 24905  .RS 2
 24906  .IP \[bu] 2
 24907  this caused duplicate directory errors
 24908  .RE
 24909  .IP \[bu] 2
 24910  Create container if necessary on server side copy
 24911  .IP \[bu] 2
 24912  Increase directory listing chunk to 1000 to increase performance
 24913  .IP \[bu] 2
 24914  Make sensible error if the user forgets the container
 24915  .RE
 24916  .IP \[bu] 2
 24917  SFTP
 24918  .RS 2
 24919  .IP \[bu] 2
 24920  Add support for using ssh key files
 24921  .IP \[bu] 2
 24922  Fix under Windows
 24923  .IP \[bu] 2
 24924  Fix ssh agent on Windows
 24925  .IP \[bu] 2
 24926  Adapt to latest version of library \- Igor Kharin
 24927  .RE
 24928  .SS v1.36 \- 2017\-03\-18
 24929  .IP \[bu] 2
 24930  New Features
 24931  .RS 2
 24932  .IP \[bu] 2
 24933  SFTP remote (Jack Schmidt)
 24934  .IP \[bu] 2
 24935  Re\-implement sync routine to work a directory at a time reducing memory
 24936  usage
 24937  .IP \[bu] 2
 24938  Logging revamped to be more inline with rsync \- now much quieter * \-v
 24939  only shows transfers * \-vv is for full debug * \[en]syslog to log to
 24940  syslog on capable platforms
 24941  .IP \[bu] 2
 24942  Implement \[en]backup\-dir and \[en]suffix
 24943  .IP \[bu] 2
 24944  Implement \[en]track\-renames (initial implementation by Bjørn Erik
 24945  Pedersen)
 24946  .IP \[bu] 2
 24947  Add time\-based bandwidth limits (Lukas Loesche)
 24948  .IP \[bu] 2
 24949  rclone cryptcheck: checks integrity of crypt remotes
 24950  .IP \[bu] 2
 24951  Allow all config file variables and options to be set from environment
 24952  variables
 24953  .IP \[bu] 2
 24954  Add \[en]buffer\-size parameter to control buffer size for copy
 24955  .IP \[bu] 2
 24956  Make \[en]delete\-after the default
 24957  .IP \[bu] 2
 24958  Add \[en]ignore\-checksum flag (fixed by Hisham Zarka)
 24959  .IP \[bu] 2
 24960  rclone check: Add \[en]download flag to check all the data, not just
 24961  hashes
 24962  .IP \[bu] 2
 24963  rclone cat: add \[en]head, \[en]tail, \[en]offset, \[en]count and
 24964  \[en]discard
 24965  .IP \[bu] 2
 24966  rclone config: when choosing from a list, allow the value to be entered
 24967  too
 24968  .IP \[bu] 2
 24969  rclone config: allow rename and copy of remotes
 24970  .IP \[bu] 2
 24971  rclone obscure: for generating encrypted passwords for rclone's config
 24972  (T.C.
 24973  Ferguson)
 24974  .IP \[bu] 2
 24975  Comply with XDG Base Directory specification (Dario Giovannetti)
 24976  .RS 2
 24977  .IP \[bu] 2
 24978  this moves the default location of the config file in a backwards
 24979  compatible way
 24980  .RE
 24981  .IP \[bu] 2
 24982  Release changes
 24983  .RS 2
 24984  .IP \[bu] 2
 24985  Ubuntu snap support (Dedsec1)
 24986  .IP \[bu] 2
 24987  Compile with go 1.8
 24988  .IP \[bu] 2
 24989  MIPS/Linux big and little endian support
 24990  .RE
 24991  .RE
 24992  .IP \[bu] 2
 24993  Bug Fixes
 24994  .RS 2
 24995  .IP \[bu] 2
 24996  Fix copyto copying things to the wrong place if the destination dir
 24997  didn't exist
 24998  .IP \[bu] 2
 24999  Fix parsing of remotes in moveto and copyto
 25000  .IP \[bu] 2
 25001  Fix \[en]delete\-before deleting files on copy
 25002  .IP \[bu] 2
 25003  Fix \[en]files\-from with an empty file copying everything
 25004  .IP \[bu] 2
 25005  Fix sync: don't update mod times if \[en]dry\-run set
 25006  .IP \[bu] 2
 25007  Fix MimeType propagation
 25008  .IP \[bu] 2
 25009  Fix filters to add ** rules to directory rules
 25010  .RE
 25011  .IP \[bu] 2
 25012  Local
 25013  .RS 2
 25014  .IP \[bu] 2
 25015  Implement \-L, \[en]copy\-links flag to allow rclone to follow symlinks
 25016  .IP \[bu] 2
 25017  Open files in write only mode so rclone can write to an rclone mount
 25018  .IP \[bu] 2
 25019  Fix unnormalised unicode causing problems reading directories
 25020  .IP \[bu] 2
 25021  Fix interaction between \-x flag and \[en]max\-depth
 25022  .RE
 25023  .IP \[bu] 2
 25024  Mount
 25025  .RS 2
 25026  .IP \[bu] 2
 25027  Implement proper directory handling (mkdir, rmdir, renaming)
 25028  .IP \[bu] 2
 25029  Make include and exclude filters apply to mount
 25030  .IP \[bu] 2
 25031  Implement read and write async buffers \- control with \[en]buffer\-size
 25032  .IP \[bu] 2
 25033  Fix fsync on for directories
 25034  .IP \[bu] 2
 25035  Fix retry on network failure when reading off crypt
 25036  .RE
 25037  .IP \[bu] 2
 25038  Crypt
 25039  .RS 2
 25040  .IP \[bu] 2
 25041  Add \[en]crypt\-show\-mapping to show encrypted file mapping
 25042  .IP \[bu] 2
 25043  Fix crypt writer getting stuck in a loop
 25044  .RS 2
 25045  .IP \[bu] 2
 25046  \f[B]IMPORTANT\f[] this bug had the potential to cause data corruption
 25047  when
 25048  .RS 2
 25049  .IP \[bu] 2
 25050  reading data from a network based remote and
 25051  .IP \[bu] 2
 25052  writing to a crypt on Google Drive
 25053  .RE
 25054  .IP \[bu] 2
 25055  Use the cryptcheck command to validate your data if you are concerned
 25056  .IP \[bu] 2
 25057  If syncing two crypt remotes, sync the unencrypted remote
 25058  .RE
 25059  .RE
 25060  .IP \[bu] 2
 25061  Amazon Drive
 25062  .RS 2
 25063  .IP \[bu] 2
 25064  Fix panics on Move (rename)
 25065  .IP \[bu] 2
 25066  Fix panic on token expiry
 25067  .RE
 25068  .IP \[bu] 2
 25069  B2
 25070  .RS 2
 25071  .IP \[bu] 2
 25072  Fix inconsistent listings and rclone check
 25073  .IP \[bu] 2
 25074  Fix uploading empty files with go1.8
 25075  .IP \[bu] 2
 25076  Constrain memory usage when doing multipart uploads
 25077  .IP \[bu] 2
 25078  Fix upload url not being refreshed properly
 25079  .RE
 25080  .IP \[bu] 2
 25081  Drive
 25082  .RS 2
 25083  .IP \[bu] 2
 25084  Fix Rmdir on directories with trashed files
 25085  .IP \[bu] 2
 25086  Fix \[lq]Ignoring unknown object\[rq] when downloading
 25087  .IP \[bu] 2
 25088  Add \[en]drive\-list\-chunk
 25089  .IP \[bu] 2
 25090  Add \[en]drive\-skip\-gdocs (Károly Oláh)
 25091  .RE
 25092  .IP \[bu] 2
 25093  OneDrive
 25094  .RS 2
 25095  .IP \[bu] 2
 25096  Implement Move
 25097  .IP \[bu] 2
 25098  Fix Copy
 25099  .RS 2
 25100  .IP \[bu] 2
 25101  Fix overwrite detection in Copy
 25102  .IP \[bu] 2
 25103  Fix waitForJob to parse errors correctly
 25104  .RE
 25105  .IP \[bu] 2
 25106  Use token renewer to stop auth errors on long uploads
 25107  .IP \[bu] 2
 25108  Fix uploading empty files with go1.8
 25109  .RE
 25110  .IP \[bu] 2
 25111  Google Cloud Storage
 25112  .RS 2
 25113  .IP \[bu] 2
 25114  Fix depth 1 directory listings
 25115  .RE
 25116  .IP \[bu] 2
 25117  Yandex
 25118  .RS 2
 25119  .IP \[bu] 2
 25120  Fix single level directory listing
 25121  .RE
 25122  .IP \[bu] 2
 25123  Dropbox
 25124  .RS 2
 25125  .IP \[bu] 2
 25126  Normalise the case for single level directory listings
 25127  .IP \[bu] 2
 25128  Fix depth 1 listing
 25129  .RE
 25130  .IP \[bu] 2
 25131  S3
 25132  .RS 2
 25133  .IP \[bu] 2
 25134  Added ca\-central\-1 region (Jon Yergatian)
 25135  .RE
 25136  .SS v1.35 \- 2017\-01\-02
 25137  .IP \[bu] 2
 25138  New Features
 25139  .RS 2
 25140  .IP \[bu] 2
 25141  moveto and copyto commands for choosing a destination name on copy/move
 25142  .IP \[bu] 2
 25143  rmdirs command to recursively delete empty directories
 25144  .IP \[bu] 2
 25145  Allow repeated \[en]include/\[en]exclude/\[en]filter options
 25146  .IP \[bu] 2
 25147  Only show transfer stats on commands which transfer stuff
 25148  .RS 2
 25149  .IP \[bu] 2
 25150  show stats on any command using the \f[C]\-\-stats\f[] flag
 25151  .RE
 25152  .IP \[bu] 2
 25153  Allow overlapping directories in move when server side dir move is
 25154  supported
 25155  .IP \[bu] 2
 25156  Add \[en]stats\-unit option \- thanks Scott McGillivray
 25157  .RE
 25158  .IP \[bu] 2
 25159  Bug Fixes
 25160  .RS 2
 25161  .IP \[bu] 2
 25162  Fix the config file being overwritten when two rclones are running
 25163  .IP \[bu] 2
 25164  Make rclone lsd obey the filters properly
 25165  .IP \[bu] 2
 25166  Fix compilation on mips
 25167  .IP \[bu] 2
 25168  Fix not transferring files that don't differ in size
 25169  .IP \[bu] 2
 25170  Fix panic on nil retry/fatal error
 25171  .RE
 25172  .IP \[bu] 2
 25173  Mount
 25174  .RS 2
 25175  .IP \[bu] 2
 25176  Retry reads on error \- should help with reliability a lot
 25177  .IP \[bu] 2
 25178  Report the modification times for directories from the remote
 25179  .IP \[bu] 2
 25180  Add bandwidth accounting and limiting (fixes \[en]bwlimit)
 25181  .IP \[bu] 2
 25182  If \[en]stats provided will show stats and which files are transferring
 25183  .IP \[bu] 2
 25184  Support R/W files if truncate is set.
 25185  .IP \[bu] 2
 25186  Implement statfs interface so df works
 25187  .IP \[bu] 2
 25188  Note that write is now supported on Amazon Drive
 25189  .IP \[bu] 2
 25190  Report number of blocks in a file \- thanks Stefan Breunig
 25191  .RE
 25192  .IP \[bu] 2
 25193  Crypt
 25194  .RS 2
 25195  .IP \[bu] 2
 25196  Prevent the user pointing crypt at itself
 25197  .IP \[bu] 2
 25198  Fix failed to authenticate decrypted block errors
 25199  .RS 2
 25200  .IP \[bu] 2
 25201  these will now return the underlying unexpected EOF instead
 25202  .RE
 25203  .RE
 25204  .IP \[bu] 2
 25205  Amazon Drive
 25206  .RS 2
 25207  .IP \[bu] 2
 25208  Add support for server side move and directory move \- thanks Stefan
 25209  Breunig
 25210  .IP \[bu] 2
 25211  Fix nil pointer deref on size attribute
 25212  .RE
 25213  .IP \[bu] 2
 25214  B2
 25215  .RS 2
 25216  .IP \[bu] 2
 25217  Use new prefix and delimiter parameters in directory listings
 25218  .RS 2
 25219  .IP \[bu] 2
 25220  This makes \[en]max\-depth 1 dir listings as used in mount much faster
 25221  .RE
 25222  .IP \[bu] 2
 25223  Reauth the account while doing uploads too \- should help with token
 25224  expiry
 25225  .RE
 25226  .IP \[bu] 2
 25227  Drive
 25228  .RS 2
 25229  .IP \[bu] 2
 25230  Make DirMove more efficient and complain about moving the root
 25231  .IP \[bu] 2
 25232  Create destination directory on Move()
 25233  .RE
 25234  .SS v1.34 \- 2016\-11\-06
 25235  .IP \[bu] 2
 25236  New Features
 25237  .RS 2
 25238  .IP \[bu] 2
 25239  Stop single file and \f[C]\-\-files\-from\f[] operations iterating
 25240  through the source bucket.
 25241  .IP \[bu] 2
 25242  Stop removing failed upload to cloud storage remotes
 25243  .IP \[bu] 2
 25244  Make ContentType be preserved for cloud to cloud copies
 25245  .IP \[bu] 2
 25246  Add support to toggle bandwidth limits via SIGUSR2 \- thanks Marco
 25247  Paganini
 25248  .IP \[bu] 2
 25249  \f[C]rclone\ check\f[] shows count of hashes that couldn't be checked
 25250  .IP \[bu] 2
 25251  \f[C]rclone\ listremotes\f[] command
 25252  .IP \[bu] 2
 25253  Support linux/arm64 build \- thanks Fredrik Fornwall
 25254  .IP \[bu] 2
 25255  Remove \f[C]Authorization:\f[] lines from \f[C]\-\-dump\-headers\f[]
 25256  output
 25257  .RE
 25258  .IP \[bu] 2
 25259  Bug Fixes
 25260  .RS 2
 25261  .IP \[bu] 2
 25262  Ignore files with control characters in the names
 25263  .IP \[bu] 2
 25264  Fix \f[C]rclone\ move\f[] command
 25265  .RS 2
 25266  .IP \[bu] 2
 25267  Delete src files which already existed in dst
 25268  .IP \[bu] 2
 25269  Fix deletion of src file when dst file older
 25270  .RE
 25271  .IP \[bu] 2
 25272  Fix \f[C]rclone\ check\f[] on crypted file systems
 25273  .IP \[bu] 2
 25274  Make failed uploads not count as \[lq]Transferred\[rq]
 25275  .IP \[bu] 2
 25276  Make sure high level retries show with \f[C]\-q\f[]
 25277  .IP \[bu] 2
 25278  Use a vendor directory with godep for repeatable builds
 25279  .RE
 25280  .IP \[bu] 2
 25281  \f[C]rclone\ mount\f[] \- FUSE
 25282  .RS 2
 25283  .IP \[bu] 2
 25284  Implement FUSE mount options
 25285  .RS 2
 25286  .IP \[bu] 2
 25287  \f[C]\-\-no\-modtime\f[], \f[C]\-\-debug\-fuse\f[],
 25288  \f[C]\-\-read\-only\f[], \f[C]\-\-allow\-non\-empty\f[],
 25289  \f[C]\-\-allow\-root\f[], \f[C]\-\-allow\-other\f[]
 25290  .IP \[bu] 2
 25291  \f[C]\-\-default\-permissions\f[], \f[C]\-\-write\-back\-cache\f[],
 25292  \f[C]\-\-max\-read\-ahead\f[], \f[C]\-\-umask\f[], \f[C]\-\-uid\f[],
 25293  \f[C]\-\-gid\f[]
 25294  .RE
 25295  .IP \[bu] 2
 25296  Add \f[C]\-\-dir\-cache\-time\f[] to control caching of directory
 25297  entries
 25298  .IP \[bu] 2
 25299  Implement seek for files opened for read (useful for video players)
 25300  .RS 2
 25301  .IP \[bu] 2
 25302  with \f[C]\-no\-seek\f[] flag to disable
 25303  .RE
 25304  .IP \[bu] 2
 25305  Fix crash on 32 bit ARM (alignment of 64 bit counter)
 25306  .IP \[bu] 2
 25307  \&...and many more internal fixes and improvements!
 25308  .RE
 25309  .IP \[bu] 2
 25310  Crypt
 25311  .RS 2
 25312  .IP \[bu] 2
 25313  Don't show encrypted password in configurator to stop confusion
 25314  .RE
 25315  .IP \[bu] 2
 25316  Amazon Drive
 25317  .RS 2
 25318  .IP \[bu] 2
 25319  New wait for upload option \f[C]\-\-acd\-upload\-wait\-per\-gb\f[]
 25320  .RS 2
 25321  .IP \[bu] 2
 25322  upload timeouts scale by file size and can be disabled
 25323  .RE
 25324  .IP \[bu] 2
 25325  Add 502 Bad Gateway to list of errors we retry
 25326  .IP \[bu] 2
 25327  Fix overwriting a file with a zero length file
 25328  .IP \[bu] 2
 25329  Fix ACD file size warning limit \- thanks Felix Bünemann
 25330  .RE
 25331  .IP \[bu] 2
 25332  Local
 25333  .RS 2
 25334  .IP \[bu] 2
 25335  Unix: implement \f[C]\-x\f[]/\f[C]\-\-one\-file\-system\f[] to stay on a
 25336  single file system
 25337  .RS 2
 25338  .IP \[bu] 2
 25339  thanks Durval Menezes and Luiz Carlos Rumbelsperger Viana
 25340  .RE
 25341  .IP \[bu] 2
 25342  Windows: ignore the symlink bit on files
 25343  .IP \[bu] 2
 25344  Windows: Ignore directory based junction points
 25345  .RE
 25346  .IP \[bu] 2
 25347  B2
 25348  .RS 2
 25349  .IP \[bu] 2
 25350  Make sure each upload has at least one upload slot \- fixes strange
 25351  upload stats
 25352  .IP \[bu] 2
 25353  Fix uploads when using crypt
 25354  .IP \[bu] 2
 25355  Fix download of large files (sha1 mismatch)
 25356  .IP \[bu] 2
 25357  Return error when we try to create a bucket which someone else owns
 25358  .IP \[bu] 2
 25359  Update B2 docs with Data usage, and Crypt section \- thanks Tomasz Mazur
 25360  .RE
 25361  .IP \[bu] 2
 25362  S3
 25363  .RS 2
 25364  .IP \[bu] 2
 25365  Command line and config file support for
 25366  .RS 2
 25367  .IP \[bu] 2
 25368  Setting/overriding ACL \- thanks Radek Senfeld
 25369  .IP \[bu] 2
 25370  Setting storage class \- thanks Asko Tamm
 25371  .RE
 25372  .RE
 25373  .IP \[bu] 2
 25374  Drive
 25375  .RS 2
 25376  .IP \[bu] 2
 25377  Make exponential backoff work exactly as per Google specification
 25378  .IP \[bu] 2
 25379  add \f[C]\&.epub\f[], \f[C]\&.odp\f[] and \f[C]\&.tsv\f[] as export
 25380  formats.
 25381  .RE
 25382  .IP \[bu] 2
 25383  Swift
 25384  .RS 2
 25385  .IP \[bu] 2
 25386  Don't read metadata for directory marker objects
 25387  .RE
 25388  .SS v1.33 \- 2016\-08\-24
 25389  .IP \[bu] 2
 25390  New Features
 25391  .RS 2
 25392  .IP \[bu] 2
 25393  Implement encryption
 25394  .RS 2
 25395  .IP \[bu] 2
 25396  data encrypted in NACL secretbox format
 25397  .IP \[bu] 2
 25398  with optional file name encryption
 25399  .RE
 25400  .IP \[bu] 2
 25401  New commands
 25402  .RS 2
 25403  .IP \[bu] 2
 25404  rclone mount \- implements FUSE mounting of remotes (EXPERIMENTAL)
 25405  .RS 2
 25406  .IP \[bu] 2
 25407  works on Linux, FreeBSD and OS X (need testers for the last 2!)
 25408  .RE
 25409  .IP \[bu] 2
 25410  rclone cat \- outputs remote file or files to the terminal
 25411  .IP \[bu] 2
 25412  rclone genautocomplete \- command to make a bash completion script for
 25413  rclone
 25414  .RE
 25415  .IP \[bu] 2
 25416  Editing a remote using \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] now goes through the
 25417  wizard
 25418  .IP \[bu] 2
 25419  Compile with go 1.7 \- this fixes rclone on macOS Sierra and on 386
 25420  processors
 25421  .IP \[bu] 2
 25422  Use cobra for sub commands and docs generation
 25423  .RE
 25424  .IP \[bu] 2
 25425  drive
 25426  .RS 2
 25427  .IP \[bu] 2
 25428  Document how to make your own client_id
 25429  .RE
 25430  .IP \[bu] 2
 25431  s3
 25432  .RS 2
 25433  .IP \[bu] 2
 25434  User\-configurable Amazon S3 ACL (thanks Radek Šenfeld)
 25435  .RE
 25436  .IP \[bu] 2
 25437  b2
 25438  .RS 2
 25439  .IP \[bu] 2
 25440  Fix stats accounting for upload \- no more jumping to 100% done
 25441  .IP \[bu] 2
 25442  On cleanup delete hide marker if it is the current file
 25443  .IP \[bu] 2
 25444  New B2 API endpoint (thanks Per Cederberg)
 25445  .IP \[bu] 2
 25446  Set maximum backoff to 5 Minutes
 25447  .RE
 25448  .IP \[bu] 2
 25449  onedrive
 25450  .RS 2
 25451  .IP \[bu] 2
 25452  Fix URL escaping in file names \- eg uploading files with \f[C]+\f[] in
 25453  them.
 25454  .RE
 25455  .IP \[bu] 2
 25456  amazon cloud drive
 25457  .RS 2
 25458  .IP \[bu] 2
 25459  Fix token expiry during large uploads
 25460  .IP \[bu] 2
 25461  Work around 408 REQUEST_TIMEOUT and 504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUT errors
 25462  .RE
 25463  .IP \[bu] 2
 25464  local
 25465  .RS 2
 25466  .IP \[bu] 2
 25467  Fix filenames with invalid UTF\-8 not being uploaded
 25468  .IP \[bu] 2
 25469  Fix problem with some UTF\-8 characters on OS X
 25470  .RE
 25471  .SS v1.32 \- 2016\-07\-13
 25472  .IP \[bu] 2
 25473  Backblaze B2
 25474  .RS 2
 25475  .IP \[bu] 2
 25476  Fix upload of files large files not in root
 25477  .RE
 25478  .SS v1.31 \- 2016\-07\-13
 25479  .IP \[bu] 2
 25480  New Features
 25481  .RS 2
 25482  .IP \[bu] 2
 25483  Reduce memory on sync by about 50%
 25484  .IP \[bu] 2
 25485  Implement \[en]no\-traverse flag to stop copy traversing the destination
 25486  remote.
 25487  .RS 2
 25488  .IP \[bu] 2
 25489  This can be used to reduce memory usage down to the smallest possible.
 25490  .IP \[bu] 2
 25491  Useful to copy a small number of files into a large destination folder.
 25492  .RE
 25493  .IP \[bu] 2
 25494  Implement cleanup command for emptying trash / removing old versions of
 25495  files
 25496  .RS 2
 25497  .IP \[bu] 2
 25498  Currently B2 only
 25499  .RE
 25500  .IP \[bu] 2
 25501  Single file handling improved
 25502  .RS 2
 25503  .IP \[bu] 2
 25504  Now copied with \[en]files\-from
 25505  .IP \[bu] 2
 25506  Automatically sets \[en]no\-traverse when copying a single file
 25507  .RE
 25508  .IP \[bu] 2
 25509  Info on using installing with ansible \- thanks Stefan Weichinger
 25510  .IP \[bu] 2
 25511  Implement \[en]no\-update\-modtime flag to stop rclone fixing the remote
 25512  modified times.
 25513  .RE
 25514  .IP \[bu] 2
 25515  Bug Fixes
 25516  .RS 2
 25517  .IP \[bu] 2
 25518  Fix move command \- stop it running for overlapping Fses \- this was
 25519  causing data loss.
 25520  .RE
 25521  .IP \[bu] 2
 25522  Local
 25523  .RS 2
 25524  .IP \[bu] 2
 25525  Fix incomplete hashes \- this was causing problems for B2.
 25526  .RE
 25527  .IP \[bu] 2
 25528  Amazon Drive
 25529  .RS 2
 25530  .IP \[bu] 2
 25531  Rename Amazon Cloud Drive to Amazon Drive \- no changes to config file
 25532  needed.
 25533  .RE
 25534  .IP \[bu] 2
 25535  Swift
 25536  .RS 2
 25537  .IP \[bu] 2
 25538  Add support for non\-default project domain \- thanks Antonio Messina.
 25539  .RE
 25540  .IP \[bu] 2
 25541  S3
 25542  .RS 2
 25543  .IP \[bu] 2
 25544  Add instructions on how to use rclone with minio.
 25545  .IP \[bu] 2
 25546  Add ap\-northeast\-2 (Seoul) and ap\-south\-1 (Mumbai) regions.
 25547  .IP \[bu] 2
 25548  Skip setting the modified time for objects > 5GB as it isn't possible.
 25549  .RE
 25550  .IP \[bu] 2
 25551  Backblaze B2
 25552  .RS 2
 25553  .IP \[bu] 2
 25554  Add \[en]b2\-versions flag so old versions can be listed and retreived.
 25555  .IP \[bu] 2
 25556  Treat 403 errors (eg cap exceeded) as fatal.
 25557  .IP \[bu] 2
 25558  Implement cleanup command for deleting old file versions.
 25559  .IP \[bu] 2
 25560  Make error handling compliant with B2 integrations notes.
 25561  .IP \[bu] 2
 25562  Fix handling of token expiry.
 25563  .IP \[bu] 2
 25564  Implement \[en]b2\-test\-mode to set \f[C]X\-Bz\-Test\-Mode\f[] header.
 25565  .IP \[bu] 2
 25566  Set cutoff for chunked upload to 200MB as per B2 guidelines.
 25567  .IP \[bu] 2
 25568  Make upload multi\-threaded.
 25569  .RE
 25570  .IP \[bu] 2
 25571  Dropbox
 25572  .RS 2
 25573  .IP \[bu] 2
 25574  Don't retry 461 errors.
 25575  .RE
 25576  .SS v1.30 \- 2016\-06\-18
 25577  .IP \[bu] 2
 25578  New Features
 25579  .RS 2
 25580  .IP \[bu] 2
 25581  Directory listing code reworked for more features and better error
 25582  reporting (thanks to Klaus Post for help).
 25583  This enables
 25584  .RS 2
 25585  .IP \[bu] 2
 25586  Directory include filtering for efficiency
 25587  .IP \[bu] 2
 25588  \[en]max\-depth parameter
 25589  .IP \[bu] 2
 25590  Better error reporting
 25591  .IP \[bu] 2
 25592  More to come
 25593  .RE
 25594  .IP \[bu] 2
 25595  Retry more errors
 25596  .IP \[bu] 2
 25597  Add \[en]ignore\-size flag \- for uploading images to onedrive
 25598  .IP \[bu] 2
 25599  Log \-v output to stdout by default
 25600  .IP \[bu] 2
 25601  Display the transfer stats in more human readable form
 25602  .IP \[bu] 2
 25603  Make 0 size files specifiable with \f[C]\-\-max\-size\ 0b\f[]
 25604  .IP \[bu] 2
 25605  Add \f[C]b\f[] suffix so we can specify bytes in \[en]bwlimit,
 25606  \[en]min\-size etc
 25607  .IP \[bu] 2
 25608  Use \[lq]password:\[rq] instead of \[lq]password>\[rq] prompt \- thanks
 25609  Klaus Post and Leigh Klotz
 25610  .RE
 25611  .IP \[bu] 2
 25612  Bug Fixes
 25613  .RS 2
 25614  .IP \[bu] 2
 25615  Fix retry doing one too many retries
 25616  .RE
 25617  .IP \[bu] 2
 25618  Local
 25619  .RS 2
 25620  .IP \[bu] 2
 25621  Fix problems with OS X and UTF\-8 characters
 25622  .RE
 25623  .IP \[bu] 2
 25624  Amazon Drive
 25625  .RS 2
 25626  .IP \[bu] 2
 25627  Check a file exists before uploading to help with 408 Conflict errors
 25628  .IP \[bu] 2
 25629  Reauth on 401 errors \- this has been causing a lot of problems
 25630  .IP \[bu] 2
 25631  Work around spurious 403 errors
 25632  .IP \[bu] 2
 25633  Restart directory listings on error
 25634  .RE
 25635  .IP \[bu] 2
 25636  Google Drive
 25637  .RS 2
 25638  .IP \[bu] 2
 25639  Check a file exists before uploading to help with duplicates
 25640  .IP \[bu] 2
 25641  Fix retry of multipart uploads
 25642  .RE
 25643  .IP \[bu] 2
 25644  Backblaze B2
 25645  .RS 2
 25646  .IP \[bu] 2
 25647  Implement large file uploading
 25648  .RE
 25649  .IP \[bu] 2
 25650  S3
 25651  .RS 2
 25652  .IP \[bu] 2
 25653  Add AES256 server\-side encryption for \- thanks Justin R.
 25654  Wilson
 25655  .RE
 25656  .IP \[bu] 2
 25657  Google Cloud Storage
 25658  .RS 2
 25659  .IP \[bu] 2
 25660  Make sure we don't use conflicting content types on upload
 25661  .IP \[bu] 2
 25662  Add service account support \- thanks Michal Witkowski
 25663  .RE
 25664  .IP \[bu] 2
 25665  Swift
 25666  .RS 2
 25667  .IP \[bu] 2
 25668  Add auth version parameter
 25669  .IP \[bu] 2
 25670  Add domain option for openstack (v3 auth) \- thanks Fabian Ruff
 25671  .RE
 25672  .SS v1.29 \- 2016\-04\-18
 25673  .IP \[bu] 2
 25674  New Features
 25675  .RS 2
 25676  .IP \[bu] 2
 25677  Implement \f[C]\-I,\ \-\-ignore\-times\f[] for unconditional upload
 25678  .IP \[bu] 2
 25679  Improve \f[C]dedupe\f[]command
 25680  .RS 2
 25681  .IP \[bu] 2
 25682  Now removes identical copies without asking
 25683  .IP \[bu] 2
 25684  Now obeys \f[C]\-\-dry\-run\f[]
 25685  .IP \[bu] 2
 25686  Implement \f[C]\-\-dedupe\-mode\f[] for non interactive running
 25687  .RS 2
 25688  .IP \[bu] 2
 25689  \f[C]\-\-dedupe\-mode\ interactive\f[] \- interactive the default.
 25690  .IP \[bu] 2
 25691  \f[C]\-\-dedupe\-mode\ skip\f[] \- removes identical files then skips
 25692  anything left.
 25693  .IP \[bu] 2
 25694  \f[C]\-\-dedupe\-mode\ first\f[] \- removes identical files then keeps
 25695  the first one.
 25696  .IP \[bu] 2
 25697  \f[C]\-\-dedupe\-mode\ newest\f[] \- removes identical files then keeps
 25698  the newest one.
 25699  .IP \[bu] 2
 25700  \f[C]\-\-dedupe\-mode\ oldest\f[] \- removes identical files then keeps
 25701  the oldest one.
 25702  .IP \[bu] 2
 25703  \f[C]\-\-dedupe\-mode\ rename\f[] \- removes identical files then
 25704  renames the rest to be different.
 25705  .RE
 25706  .RE
 25707  .RE
 25708  .IP \[bu] 2
 25709  Bug fixes
 25710  .RS 2
 25711  .IP \[bu] 2
 25712  Make rclone check obey the \f[C]\-\-size\-only\f[] flag.
 25713  .IP \[bu] 2
 25714  Use \[lq]application/octet\-stream\[rq] if discovered mime type is
 25715  invalid.
 25716  .IP \[bu] 2
 25717  Fix missing \[lq]quit\[rq] option when there are no remotes.
 25718  .RE
 25719  .IP \[bu] 2
 25720  Google Drive
 25721  .RS 2
 25722  .IP \[bu] 2
 25723  Increase default chunk size to 8 MB \- increases upload speed of big
 25724  files
 25725  .IP \[bu] 2
 25726  Speed up directory listings and make more reliable
 25727  .IP \[bu] 2
 25728  Add missing retries for Move and DirMove \- increases reliability
 25729  .IP \[bu] 2
 25730  Preserve mime type on file update
 25731  .RE
 25732  .IP \[bu] 2
 25733  Backblaze B2
 25734  .RS 2
 25735  .IP \[bu] 2
 25736  Enable mod time syncing
 25737  .RS 2
 25738  .IP \[bu] 2
 25739  This means that B2 will now check modification times
 25740  .IP \[bu] 2
 25741  It will upload new files to update the modification times
 25742  .IP \[bu] 2
 25743  (there isn't an API to just set the mod time.)
 25744  .IP \[bu] 2
 25745  If you want the old behaviour use \f[C]\-\-size\-only\f[].
 25746  .RE
 25747  .IP \[bu] 2
 25748  Update API to new version
 25749  .IP \[bu] 2
 25750  Fix parsing of mod time when not in metadata
 25751  .RE
 25752  .IP \[bu] 2
 25753  Swift/Hubic
 25754  .RS 2
 25755  .IP \[bu] 2
 25756  Don't return an MD5SUM for static large objects
 25757  .RE
 25758  .IP \[bu] 2
 25759  S3
 25760  .RS 2
 25761  .IP \[bu] 2
 25762  Fix uploading files bigger than 50GB
 25763  .RE
 25764  .SS v1.28 \- 2016\-03\-01
 25765  .IP \[bu] 2
 25766  New Features
 25767  .RS 2
 25768  .IP \[bu] 2
 25769  Configuration file encryption \- thanks Klaus Post
 25770  .IP \[bu] 2
 25771  Improve \f[C]rclone\ config\f[] adding more help and making it easier to
 25772  understand
 25773  .IP \[bu] 2
 25774  Implement \f[C]\-u\f[]/\f[C]\-\-update\f[] so creation times can be used
 25775  on all remotes
 25776  .IP \[bu] 2
 25777  Implement \f[C]\-\-low\-level\-retries\f[] flag
 25778  .IP \[bu] 2
 25779  Optionally disable gzip compression on downloads with
 25780  \f[C]\-\-no\-gzip\-encoding\f[]
 25781  .RE
 25782  .IP \[bu] 2
 25783  Bug fixes
 25784  .RS 2
 25785  .IP \[bu] 2
 25786  Don't make directories if \f[C]\-\-dry\-run\f[] set
 25787  .IP \[bu] 2
 25788  Fix and document the \f[C]move\f[] command
 25789  .IP \[bu] 2
 25790  Fix redirecting stderr on unix\-like OSes when using
 25791  \f[C]\-\-log\-file\f[]
 25792  .IP \[bu] 2
 25793  Fix \f[C]delete\f[] command to wait until all finished \- fixes missing
 25794  deletes.
 25795  .RE
 25796  .IP \[bu] 2
 25797  Backblaze B2
 25798  .RS 2
 25799  .IP \[bu] 2
 25800  Use one upload URL per go routine fixes
 25801  \f[C]more\ than\ one\ upload\ using\ auth\ token\f[]
 25802  .IP \[bu] 2
 25803  Add pacing, retries and reauthentication \- fixes token expiry problems
 25804  .IP \[bu] 2
 25805  Upload without using a temporary file from local (and remotes which
 25806  support SHA1)
 25807  .IP \[bu] 2
 25808  Fix reading metadata for all files when it shouldn't have been
 25809  .RE
 25810  .IP \[bu] 2
 25811  Drive
 25812  .RS 2
 25813  .IP \[bu] 2
 25814  Fix listing drive documents at root
 25815  .IP \[bu] 2
 25816  Disable copy and move for Google docs
 25817  .RE
 25818  .IP \[bu] 2
 25819  Swift
 25820  .RS 2
 25821  .IP \[bu] 2
 25822  Fix uploading of chunked files with non ASCII characters
 25823  .IP \[bu] 2
 25824  Allow setting of \f[C]storage_url\f[] in the config \- thanks Xavier
 25825  Lucas
 25826  .RE
 25827  .IP \[bu] 2
 25828  S3
 25829  .RS 2
 25830  .IP \[bu] 2
 25831  Allow IAM role and credentials from environment variables \- thanks
 25832  Brian Stengaard
 25833  .IP \[bu] 2
 25834  Allow low privilege users to use S3 (check if directory exists during
 25835  Mkdir) \- thanks Jakub Gedeon
 25836  .RE
 25837  .IP \[bu] 2
 25838  Amazon Drive
 25839  .RS 2
 25840  .IP \[bu] 2
 25841  Retry on more things to make directory listings more reliable
 25842  .RE
 25843  .SS v1.27 \- 2016\-01\-31
 25844  .IP \[bu] 2
 25845  New Features
 25846  .RS 2
 25847  .IP \[bu] 2
 25848  Easier headless configuration with \f[C]rclone\ authorize\f[]
 25849  .IP \[bu] 2
 25850  Add support for multiple hash types \- we now check SHA1 as well as MD5
 25851  hashes.
 25852  .IP \[bu] 2
 25853  \f[C]delete\f[] command which does obey the filters (unlike
 25854  \f[C]purge\f[])
 25855  .IP \[bu] 2
 25856  \f[C]dedupe\f[] command to deduplicate a remote.
 25857  Useful with Google Drive.
 25858  .IP \[bu] 2
 25859  Add \f[C]\-\-ignore\-existing\f[] flag to skip all files that exist on
 25860  destination.
 25861  .IP \[bu] 2
 25862  Add \f[C]\-\-delete\-before\f[], \f[C]\-\-delete\-during\f[],
 25863  \f[C]\-\-delete\-after\f[] flags.
 25864  .IP \[bu] 2
 25865  Add \f[C]\-\-memprofile\f[] flag to debug memory use.
 25866  .IP \[bu] 2
 25867  Warn the user about files with same name but different case
 25868  .IP \[bu] 2
 25869  Make \f[C]\-\-include\f[] rules add their implict exclude * at the end
 25870  of the filter list
 25871  .IP \[bu] 2
 25872  Deprecate compiling with go1.3
 25873  .RE
 25874  .IP \[bu] 2
 25875  Amazon Drive
 25876  .RS 2
 25877  .IP \[bu] 2
 25878  Fix download of files > 10 GB
 25879  .IP \[bu] 2
 25880  Fix directory traversal (\[lq]Next token is expired\[rq]) for large
 25881  directory listings
 25882  .IP \[bu] 2
 25883  Remove 409 conflict from error codes we will retry \- stops very long
 25884  pauses
 25885  .RE
 25886  .IP \[bu] 2
 25887  Backblaze B2
 25888  .RS 2
 25889  .IP \[bu] 2
 25890  SHA1 hashes now checked by rclone core
 25891  .RE
 25892  .IP \[bu] 2
 25893  Drive
 25894  .RS 2
 25895  .IP \[bu] 2
 25896  Add \f[C]\-\-drive\-auth\-owner\-only\f[] to only consider files owned
 25897  by the user \- thanks Björn Harrtell
 25898  .IP \[bu] 2
 25899  Export Google documents
 25900  .RE
 25901  .IP \[bu] 2
 25902  Dropbox
 25903  .RS 2
 25904  .IP \[bu] 2
 25905  Make file exclusion error controllable with \-q
 25906  .RE
 25907  .IP \[bu] 2
 25908  Swift
 25909  .RS 2
 25910  .IP \[bu] 2
 25911  Fix upload from unprivileged user.
 25912  .RE
 25913  .IP \[bu] 2
 25914  S3
 25915  .RS 2
 25916  .IP \[bu] 2
 25917  Fix updating of mod times of files with \f[C]+\f[] in.
 25918  .RE
 25919  .IP \[bu] 2
 25920  Local
 25921  .RS 2
 25922  .IP \[bu] 2
 25923  Add local file system option to disable UNC on Windows.
 25924  .RE
 25925  .SS v1.26 \- 2016\-01\-02
 25926  .IP \[bu] 2
 25927  New Features
 25928  .RS 2
 25929  .IP \[bu] 2
 25930  Yandex storage backend \- thank you Dmitry Burdeev (\[lq]dibu\[rq])
 25931  .IP \[bu] 2
 25932  Implement Backblaze B2 storage backend
 25933  .IP \[bu] 2
 25934  Add \[en]min\-age and \[en]max\-age flags \- thank you Adriano Aurélio
 25935  Meirelles
 25936  .IP \[bu] 2
 25937  Make ls/lsl/md5sum/size/check obey includes and excludes
 25938  .RE
 25939  .IP \[bu] 2
 25940  Fixes
 25941  .RS 2
 25942  .IP \[bu] 2
 25943  Fix crash in http logging
 25944  .IP \[bu] 2
 25945  Upload releases to github too
 25946  .RE
 25947  .IP \[bu] 2
 25948  Swift
 25949  .RS 2
 25950  .IP \[bu] 2
 25951  Fix sync for chunked files
 25952  .RE
 25953  .IP \[bu] 2
 25954  OneDrive
 25955  .RS 2
 25956  .IP \[bu] 2
 25957  Re\-enable server side copy
 25958  .IP \[bu] 2
 25959  Don't mask HTTP error codes with JSON decode error
 25960  .RE
 25961  .IP \[bu] 2
 25962  S3
 25963  .RS 2
 25964  .IP \[bu] 2
 25965  Fix corrupting Content\-Type on mod time update (thanks Joseph Spurrier)
 25966  .RE
 25967  .SS v1.25 \- 2015\-11\-14
 25968  .IP \[bu] 2
 25969  New features
 25970  .RS 2
 25971  .IP \[bu] 2
 25972  Implement Hubic storage system
 25973  .RE
 25974  .IP \[bu] 2
 25975  Fixes
 25976  .RS 2
 25977  .IP \[bu] 2
 25978  Fix deletion of some excluded files without \[en]delete\-excluded
 25979  .RS 2
 25980  .IP \[bu] 2
 25981  This could have deleted files unexpectedly on sync
 25982  .IP \[bu] 2
 25983  Always check first with \f[C]\-\-dry\-run\f[]!
 25984  .RE
 25985  .RE
 25986  .IP \[bu] 2
 25987  Swift
 25988  .RS 2
 25989  .IP \[bu] 2
 25990  Stop SetModTime losing metadata (eg X\-Object\-Manifest)
 25991  .RS 2
 25992  .IP \[bu] 2
 25993  This could have caused data loss for files > 5GB in size
 25994  .RE
 25995  .IP \[bu] 2
 25996  Use ContentType from Object to avoid lookups in listings
 25997  .RE
 25998  .IP \[bu] 2
 25999  OneDrive
 26000  .RS 2
 26001  .IP \[bu] 2
 26002  disable server side copy as it seems to be broken at Microsoft
 26003  .RE
 26004  .SS v1.24 \- 2015\-11\-07
 26005  .IP \[bu] 2
 26006  New features
 26007  .RS 2
 26008  .IP \[bu] 2
 26009  Add support for Microsoft OneDrive
 26010  .IP \[bu] 2
 26011  Add \f[C]\-\-no\-check\-certificate\f[] option to disable server
 26012  certificate verification
 26013  .IP \[bu] 2
 26014  Add async readahead buffer for faster transfer of big files
 26015  .RE
 26016  .IP \[bu] 2
 26017  Fixes
 26018  .RS 2
 26019  .IP \[bu] 2
 26020  Allow spaces in remotes and check remote names for validity at creation
 26021  time
 26022  .IP \[bu] 2
 26023  Allow `&' and disallow `:' in Windows filenames.
 26024  .RE
 26025  .IP \[bu] 2
 26026  Swift
 26027  .RS 2
 26028  .IP \[bu] 2
 26029  Ignore directory marker objects where appropriate \- allows working with
 26030  Hubic
 26031  .IP \[bu] 2
 26032  Don't delete the container if fs wasn't at root
 26033  .RE
 26034  .IP \[bu] 2
 26035  S3
 26036  .RS 2
 26037  .IP \[bu] 2
 26038  Don't delete the bucket if fs wasn't at root
 26039  .RE
 26040  .IP \[bu] 2
 26041  Google Cloud Storage
 26042  .RS 2
 26043  .IP \[bu] 2
 26044  Don't delete the bucket if fs wasn't at root
 26045  .RE
 26046  .SS v1.23 \- 2015\-10\-03
 26047  .IP \[bu] 2
 26048  New features
 26049  .RS 2
 26050  .IP \[bu] 2
 26051  Implement \f[C]rclone\ size\f[] for measuring remotes
 26052  .RE
 26053  .IP \[bu] 2
 26054  Fixes
 26055  .RS 2
 26056  .IP \[bu] 2
 26057  Fix headless config for drive and gcs
 26058  .IP \[bu] 2
 26059  Tell the user they should try again if the webserver method failed
 26060  .IP \[bu] 2
 26061  Improve output of \f[C]\-\-dump\-headers\f[]
 26062  .RE
 26063  .IP \[bu] 2
 26064  S3
 26065  .RS 2
 26066  .IP \[bu] 2
 26067  Allow anonymous access to public buckets
 26068  .RE
 26069  .IP \[bu] 2
 26070  Swift
 26071  .RS 2
 26072  .IP \[bu] 2
 26073  Stop chunked operations logging \[lq]Failed to read info: Object Not
 26074  Found\[rq]
 26075  .IP \[bu] 2
 26076  Use Content\-Length on uploads for extra reliability
 26077  .RE
 26078  .SS v1.22 \- 2015\-09\-28
 26079  .IP \[bu] 2
 26080  Implement rsync like include and exclude flags
 26081  .IP \[bu] 2
 26082  swift
 26083  .RS 2
 26084  .IP \[bu] 2
 26085  Support files > 5GB \- thanks Sergey Tolmachev
 26086  .RE
 26087  .SS v1.21 \- 2015\-09\-22
 26088  .IP \[bu] 2
 26089  New features
 26090  .RS 2
 26091  .IP \[bu] 2
 26092  Display individual transfer progress
 26093  .IP \[bu] 2
 26094  Make lsl output times in localtime
 26095  .RE
 26096  .IP \[bu] 2
 26097  Fixes
 26098  .RS 2
 26099  .IP \[bu] 2
 26100  Fix allowing user to override credentials again in Drive, GCS and ACD
 26101  .RE
 26102  .IP \[bu] 2
 26103  Amazon Drive
 26104  .RS 2
 26105  .IP \[bu] 2
 26106  Implement compliant pacing scheme
 26107  .RE
 26108  .IP \[bu] 2
 26109  Google Drive
 26110  .RS 2
 26111  .IP \[bu] 2
 26112  Make directory reads concurrent for increased speed.
 26113  .RE
 26114  .SS v1.20 \- 2015\-09\-15
 26115  .IP \[bu] 2
 26116  New features
 26117  .RS 2
 26118  .IP \[bu] 2
 26119  Amazon Drive support
 26120  .IP \[bu] 2
 26121  Oauth support redone \- fix many bugs and improve usability
 26122  .RS 2
 26123  .IP \[bu] 2
 26124  Use \[lq]\[rq] as oauth libary of choice
 26125  .IP \[bu] 2
 26126  Improve oauth usability for smoother initial signup
 26127  .IP \[bu] 2
 26128  drive, googlecloudstorage: optionally use auto config for the oauth
 26129  token
 26130  .RE
 26131  .IP \[bu] 2
 26132  Implement \[en]dump\-headers and \[en]dump\-bodies debug flags
 26133  .IP \[bu] 2
 26134  Show multiple matched commands if abbreviation too short
 26135  .IP \[bu] 2
 26136  Implement server side move where possible
 26137  .RE
 26138  .IP \[bu] 2
 26139  local
 26140  .RS 2
 26141  .IP \[bu] 2
 26142  Always use UNC paths internally on Windows \- fixes a lot of bugs
 26143  .RE
 26144  .IP \[bu] 2
 26145  dropbox
 26146  .RS 2
 26147  .IP \[bu] 2
 26148  force use of our custom transport which makes timeouts work
 26149  .RE
 26150  .IP \[bu] 2
 26151  Thanks to Klaus Post for lots of help with this release
 26152  .SS v1.19 \- 2015\-08\-28
 26153  .IP \[bu] 2
 26154  New features
 26155  .RS 2
 26156  .IP \[bu] 2
 26157  Server side copies for s3/swift/drive/dropbox/gcs
 26158  .IP \[bu] 2
 26159  Move command \- uses server side copies if it can
 26160  .IP \[bu] 2
 26161  Implement \[en]retries flag \- tries 3 times by default
 26162  .IP \[bu] 2
 26163  Build for plan9/amd64 and solaris/amd64 too
 26164  .RE
 26165  .IP \[bu] 2
 26166  Fixes
 26167  .RS 2
 26168  .IP \[bu] 2
 26169  Make a current version download with a fixed URL for scripting
 26170  .IP \[bu] 2
 26171  Ignore rmdir in limited fs rather than throwing error
 26172  .RE
 26173  .IP \[bu] 2
 26174  dropbox
 26175  .RS 2
 26176  .IP \[bu] 2
 26177  Increase chunk size to improve upload speeds massively
 26178  .IP \[bu] 2
 26179  Issue an error message when trying to upload bad file name
 26180  .RE
 26181  .SS v1.18 \- 2015\-08\-17
 26182  .IP \[bu] 2
 26183  drive
 26184  .RS 2
 26185  .IP \[bu] 2
 26186  Add \f[C]\-\-drive\-use\-trash\f[] flag so rclone trashes instead of
 26187  deletes
 26188  .IP \[bu] 2
 26189  Add \[lq]Forbidden to download\[rq] message for files with no
 26190  downloadURL
 26191  .RE
 26192  .IP \[bu] 2
 26193  dropbox
 26194  .RS 2
 26195  .IP \[bu] 2
 26196  Remove datastore
 26197  .RS 2
 26198  .IP \[bu] 2
 26199  This was deprecated and it caused a lot of problems
 26200  .IP \[bu] 2
 26201  Modification times and MD5SUMs no longer stored
 26202  .RE
 26203  .IP \[bu] 2
 26204  Fix uploading files > 2GB
 26205  .RE
 26206  .IP \[bu] 2
 26207  s3
 26208  .RS 2
 26209  .IP \[bu] 2
 26210  use official AWS SDK from\-sdk\-go
 26211  .IP \[bu] 2
 26212  \f[B]NB\f[] will most likely require you to delete and recreate remote
 26213  .IP \[bu] 2
 26214  enable multipart upload which enables files > 5GB
 26215  .IP \[bu] 2
 26216  tested with Ceph / RadosGW / S3 emulation
 26217  .IP \[bu] 2
 26218  many thanks to Sam Liston and Brian Haymore at the Utah Center for High
 26219  Performance Computing ( for a Ceph test
 26220  account
 26221  .RE
 26222  .IP \[bu] 2
 26223  misc
 26224  .RS 2
 26225  .IP \[bu] 2
 26226  Show errors when reading the config file
 26227  .IP \[bu] 2
 26228  Do not print stats in quiet mode \- thanks Leonid Shalupov
 26229  .IP \[bu] 2
 26230  Add FAQ
 26231  .IP \[bu] 2
 26232  Fix created directories not obeying umask
 26233  .IP \[bu] 2
 26234  Linux installation instructions \- thanks Shimon Doodkin
 26235  .RE
 26236  .SS v1.17 \- 2015\-06\-14
 26237  .IP \[bu] 2
 26238  dropbox: fix case insensitivity issues \- thanks Leonid Shalupov
 26239  .SS v1.16 \- 2015\-06\-09
 26240  .IP \[bu] 2
 26241  Fix uploading big files which was causing timeouts or panics
 26242  .IP \[bu] 2
 26243  Don't check md5sum after download with \[en]size\-only
 26244  .SS v1.15 \- 2015\-06\-06
 26245  .IP \[bu] 2
 26246  Add \[en]checksum flag to only discard transfers by MD5SUM \- thanks
 26247  Alex Couper
 26248  .IP \[bu] 2
 26249  Implement \[en]size\-only flag to sync on size not checksum & modtime
 26250  .IP \[bu] 2
 26251  Expand docs and remove duplicated information
 26252  .IP \[bu] 2
 26253  Document rclone's limitations with directories
 26254  .IP \[bu] 2
 26255  dropbox: update docs about case insensitivity
 26256  .SS v1.14 \- 2015\-05\-21
 26257  .IP \[bu] 2
 26258  local: fix encoding of non utf\-8 file names \- fixes a duplicate file
 26259  problem
 26260  .IP \[bu] 2
 26261  drive: docs about rate limiting
 26262  .IP \[bu] 2
 26263  google cloud storage: Fix compile after API change in
 26264  \[lq]\[rq]
 26265  .SS v1.13 \- 2015\-05\-10
 26266  .IP \[bu] 2
 26267  Revise documentation (especially sync)
 26268  .IP \[bu] 2
 26269  Implement \[en]timeout and \[en]conntimeout
 26270  .IP \[bu] 2
 26271  s3: ignore etags from multipart uploads which aren't md5sums
 26272  .SS v1.12 \- 2015\-03\-15
 26273  .IP \[bu] 2
 26274  drive: Use chunked upload for files above a certain size
 26275  .IP \[bu] 2
 26276  drive: add \[en]drive\-chunk\-size and \[en]drive\-upload\-cutoff
 26277  parameters
 26278  .IP \[bu] 2
 26279  drive: switch to insert from update when a failed copy deletes the
 26280  upload
 26281  .IP \[bu] 2
 26282  core: Log duplicate files if they are detected
 26283  .SS v1.11 \- 2015\-03\-04
 26284  .IP \[bu] 2
 26285  swift: add region parameter
 26286  .IP \[bu] 2
 26287  drive: fix crash on failed to update remote mtime
 26288  .IP \[bu] 2
 26289  In remote paths, change native directory separators to /
 26290  .IP \[bu] 2
 26291  Add synchronization to ls/lsl/lsd output to stop corruptions
 26292  .IP \[bu] 2
 26293  Ensure all stats/log messages to go stderr
 26294  .IP \[bu] 2
 26295  Add \[en]log\-file flag to log everything (including panics) to file
 26296  .IP \[bu] 2
 26297  Make it possible to disable stats printing with \[en]stats=0
 26298  .IP \[bu] 2
 26299  Implement \[en]bwlimit to limit data transfer bandwidth
 26300  .SS v1.10 \- 2015\-02\-12
 26301  .IP \[bu] 2
 26302  s3: list an unlimited number of items
 26303  .IP \[bu] 2
 26304  Fix getting stuck in the configurator
 26305  .SS v1.09 \- 2015\-02\-07
 26306  .IP \[bu] 2
 26307  windows: Stop drive letters (eg C:) getting mixed up with remotes (eg
 26308  drive:)
 26309  .IP \[bu] 2
 26310  local: Fix directory separators on Windows
 26311  .IP \[bu] 2
 26312  drive: fix rate limit exceeded errors
 26313  .SS v1.08 \- 2015\-02\-04
 26314  .IP \[bu] 2
 26315  drive: fix subdirectory listing to not list entire drive
 26316  .IP \[bu] 2
 26317  drive: Fix SetModTime
 26318  .IP \[bu] 2
 26319  dropbox: adapt code to recent library changes
 26320  .SS v1.07 \- 2014\-12\-23
 26321  .IP \[bu] 2
 26322  google cloud storage: fix memory leak
 26323  .SS v1.06 \- 2014\-12\-12
 26324  .IP \[bu] 2
 26325  Fix \[lq]Couldn't find home directory\[rq] on OSX
 26326  .IP \[bu] 2
 26327  swift: Add tenant parameter
 26328  .IP \[bu] 2
 26329  Use new location of Google API packages
 26330  .SS v1.05 \- 2014\-08\-09
 26331  .IP \[bu] 2
 26332  Improved tests and consequently lots of minor fixes
 26333  .IP \[bu] 2
 26334  core: Fix race detected by go race detector
 26335  .IP \[bu] 2
 26336  core: Fixes after running errcheck
 26337  .IP \[bu] 2
 26338  drive: reset root directory on Rmdir and Purge
 26339  .IP \[bu] 2
 26340  fs: Document that Purger returns error on empty directory, test and fix
 26341  .IP \[bu] 2
 26342  google cloud storage: fix ListDir on subdirectory
 26343  .IP \[bu] 2
 26344  google cloud storage: re\-read metadata in SetModTime
 26345  .IP \[bu] 2
 26346  s3: make reading metadata more reliable to work around eventual
 26347  consistency problems
 26348  .IP \[bu] 2
 26349  s3: strip trailing / from ListDir()
 26350  .IP \[bu] 2
 26351  swift: return directories without / in ListDir
 26352  .SS v1.04 \- 2014\-07\-21
 26353  .IP \[bu] 2
 26354  google cloud storage: Fix crash on Update
 26355  .SS v1.03 \- 2014\-07\-20
 26356  .IP \[bu] 2
 26357  swift, s3, dropbox: fix updated files being marked as corrupted
 26358  .IP \[bu] 2
 26359  Make compile with go 1.1 again
 26360  .SS v1.02 \- 2014\-07\-19
 26361  .IP \[bu] 2
 26362  Implement Dropbox remote
 26363  .IP \[bu] 2
 26364  Implement Google Cloud Storage remote
 26365  .IP \[bu] 2
 26366  Verify Md5sums and Sizes after copies
 26367  .IP \[bu] 2
 26368  Remove times from \[lq]ls\[rq] command \- lists sizes only
 26369  .IP \[bu] 2
 26370  Add add \[lq]lsl\[rq] \- lists times and sizes
 26371  .IP \[bu] 2
 26372  Add \[lq]md5sum\[rq] command
 26373  .SS v1.01 \- 2014\-07\-04
 26374  .IP \[bu] 2
 26375  drive: fix transfer of big files using up lots of memory
 26376  .SS v1.00 \- 2014\-07\-03
 26377  .IP \[bu] 2
 26378  drive: fix whole second dates
 26379  .SS v0.99 \- 2014\-06\-26
 26380  .IP \[bu] 2
 26381  Fix \[en]dry\-run not working
 26382  .IP \[bu] 2
 26383  Make compatible with go 1.1
 26384  .SS v0.98 \- 2014\-05\-30
 26385  .IP \[bu] 2
 26386  s3: Treat missing Content\-Length as 0 for some ceph installations
 26387  .IP \[bu] 2
 26388  rclonetest: add file with a space in
 26389  .SS v0.97 \- 2014\-05\-05
 26390  .IP \[bu] 2
 26391  Implement copying of single files
 26392  .IP \[bu] 2
 26393  s3 & swift: support paths inside containers/buckets
 26394  .SS v0.96 \- 2014\-04\-24
 26395  .IP \[bu] 2
 26396  drive: Fix multiple files of same name being created
 26397  .IP \[bu] 2
 26398  drive: Use o.Update and fs.Put to optimise transfers
 26399  .IP \[bu] 2
 26400  Add version number, \-V and \[en]version
 26401  .SS v0.95 \- 2014\-03\-28
 26402  .IP \[bu] 2
 26403 website, docs and graphics
 26404  .IP \[bu] 2
 26405  drive: fix path parsing
 26406  .SS v0.94 \- 2014\-03\-27
 26407  .IP \[bu] 2
 26408  Change remote format one last time
 26409  .IP \[bu] 2
 26410  GNU style flags
 26411  .SS v0.93 \- 2014\-03\-16
 26412  .IP \[bu] 2
 26413  drive: store token in config file
 26414  .IP \[bu] 2
 26415  cross compile other versions
 26416  .IP \[bu] 2
 26417  set strict permissions on config file
 26418  .SS v0.92 \- 2014\-03\-15
 26419  .IP \[bu] 2
 26420  Config fixes and \[en]config option
 26421  .SS v0.91 \- 2014\-03\-15
 26422  .IP \[bu] 2
 26423  Make config file
 26424  .SS v0.90 \- 2013\-06\-27
 26425  .IP \[bu] 2
 26426  Project named rclone
 26427  .SS v0.00 \- 2012\-11\-18
 26428  .IP \[bu] 2
 26429  Project started
 26430  .SS Bugs and Limitations
 26431  .SS Empty directories are left behind / not created
 26432  .PP
 26433  With remotes that have a concept of directory, eg Local and Drive, empty
 26434  directories may be left behind, or not created when one was expected.
 26435  .PP
 26436  This is because rclone doesn't have a concept of a directory \- it only
 26437  works on objects.
 26438  Most of the object storage systems can't actually store a directory so
 26439  there is nowhere for rclone to store anything about directories.
 26440  .PP
 26441  You can work round this to some extent with the\f[C]purge\f[] command
 26442  which will delete everything under the path, \f[B]inluding\f[] empty
 26443  directories.
 26444  .PP
 26445  This may be fixed at some point in Issue
 26446  #100 (
 26447  .SS Directory timestamps aren't preserved
 26448  .PP
 26449  For the same reason as the above, rclone doesn't have a concept of a
 26450  directory \- it only works on objects, therefore it can't preserve the
 26451  timestamps of directories.
 26452  .SS Frequently Asked Questions
 26453  .SS Do all cloud storage systems support all rclone commands
 26454  .PP
 26455  Yes they do.
 26456  All the rclone commands (eg \f[C]sync\f[], \f[C]copy\f[] etc) will work
 26457  on all the remote storage systems.
 26458  .SS Can I copy the config from one machine to another
 26459  .PP
 26460  Sure! Rclone stores all of its config in a single file.
 26461  If you want to find this file, run \f[C]rclone\ config\ file\f[] which
 26462  will tell you where it is.
 26463  .PP
 26464  See the remote setup docs ( for more
 26465  info.
 26466  .SS How do I configure rclone on a remote / headless box with no
 26467  browser?
 26468  .PP
 26469  This has now been documented in its own remote setup
 26470  page (
 26471  .SS Can rclone sync directly from drive to s3
 26472  .PP
 26473  Rclone can sync between two remote cloud storage systems just fine.
 26474  .PP
 26475  Note that it effectively downloads the file and uploads it again, so the
 26476  node running rclone would need to have lots of bandwidth.
 26477  .PP
 26478  The syncs would be incremental (on a file by file basis).
 26479  .PP
 26480  Eg
 26481  .IP
 26482  .nf
 26483  \f[C]
 26484  rclone\ sync\ drive:Folder\ s3:bucket
 26485  \f[]
 26486  .fi
 26487  .SS Using rclone from multiple locations at the same time
 26488  .PP
 26489  You can use rclone from multiple places at the same time if you choose
 26490  different subdirectory for the output, eg
 26491  .IP
 26492  .nf
 26493  \f[C]
 26494  Server\ A>\ rclone\ sync\ /tmp/whatever\ remote:ServerA
 26495  Server\ B>\ rclone\ sync\ /tmp/whatever\ remote:ServerB
 26496  \f[]
 26497  .fi
 26498  .PP
 26499  If you sync to the same directory then you should use rclone copy
 26500  otherwise the two rclones may delete each others files, eg
 26501  .IP
 26502  .nf
 26503  \f[C]
 26504  Server\ A>\ rclone\ copy\ /tmp/whatever\ remote:Backup
 26505  Server\ B>\ rclone\ copy\ /tmp/whatever\ remote:Backup
 26506  \f[]
 26507  .fi
 26508  .PP
 26509  The file names you upload from Server A and Server B should be different
 26510  in this case, otherwise some file systems (eg Drive) may make
 26511  duplicates.
 26512  .SS Why doesn't rclone support partial transfers / binary diffs like
 26513  rsync?
 26514  .PP
 26515  Rclone stores each file you transfer as a native object on the remote
 26516  cloud storage system.
 26517  This means that you can see the files you upload as expected using
 26518  alternative access methods (eg using the Google Drive web interface).
 26519  There is a 1:1 mapping between files on your hard disk and objects
 26520  created in the cloud storage system.
 26521  .PP
 26522  Cloud storage systems (at least none I've come across yet) don't support
 26523  partially uploading an object.
 26524  You can't take an existing object, and change some bytes in the middle
 26525  of it.
 26526  .PP
 26527  It would be possible to make a sync system which stored binary diffs
 26528  instead of whole objects like rclone does, but that would break the 1:1
 26529  mapping of files on your hard disk to objects in the remote cloud
 26530  storage system.
 26531  .PP
 26532  All the cloud storage systems support partial downloads of content, so
 26533  it would be possible to make partial downloads work.
 26534  However to make this work efficiently this would require storing a
 26535  significant amount of metadata, which breaks the desired 1:1 mapping of
 26536  files to objects.
 26537  .SS Can rclone do bi\-directional sync?
 26538  .PP
 26539  No, not at present.
 26540  rclone only does uni\-directional sync from A \-> B.
 26541  It may do in the future though since it has all the primitives \- it
 26542  just requires writing the algorithm to do it.
 26543  .SS Can I use rclone with an HTTP proxy?
 26544  .PP
 26545  Yes.
 26546  rclone will follow the standard environment variables for proxies,
 26547  similar to cURL and other programs.
 26548  .PP
 26549  In general the variables are called \f[C]http_proxy\f[] (for services
 26550  reached over \f[C]http\f[]) and \f[C]https_proxy\f[] (for services
 26551  reached over \f[C]https\f[]).
 26552  Most public services will be using \f[C]https\f[], but you may wish to
 26553  set both.
 26554  .PP
 26555  The content of the variable is \f[C]protocol://server:port\f[].
 26556  The protocol value is the one used to talk to the proxy server, itself,
 26557  and is commonly either \f[C]http\f[] or \f[C]socks5\f[].
 26558  .PP
 26559  Slightly annoyingly, there is no \f[I]standard\f[] for the name; some
 26560  applications may use \f[C]http_proxy\f[] but another one
 26561  \f[C]HTTP_PROXY\f[].
 26562  The \f[C]Go\f[] libraries used by \f[C]rclone\f[] will try both
 26563  variations, but you may wish to set all possibilities.
 26564  So, on Linux, you may end up with code similar to
 26565  .IP
 26566  .nf
 26567  \f[C]
 26568  export\ http_proxy=http://proxyserver:12345
 26569  export\ https_proxy=$http_proxy
 26570  export\ HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy
 26571  export\ HTTPS_PROXY=$http_proxy
 26572  \f[]
 26573  .fi
 26574  .PP
 26575  The \f[C]NO_PROXY\f[] allows you to disable the proxy for specific
 26576  hosts.
 26577  Hosts must be comma separated, and can contain domains or parts.
 26578  For instance \[lq]\[rq] also matches \[lq]\[rq].
 26579  .PP
 26580  e.g.
 26581  .IP
 26582  .nf
 26583  \f[C]
 26584  export\ no_proxy=localhost,,
 26585  export\ NO_PROXY=$no_proxy
 26586  \f[]
 26587  .fi
 26588  .PP
 26589  Note that the ftp backend does not support \f[C]ftp_proxy\f[] yet.
 26590  .SS Rclone gives x509: failed to load system roots and no roots provided
 26591  error
 26592  .PP
 26593  This means that \f[C]rclone\f[] can't file the SSL root certificates.
 26594  Likely you are running \f[C]rclone\f[] on a NAS with a cut\-down Linux
 26595  OS, or possibly on Solaris.
 26596  .PP
 26597  Rclone (via the Go runtime) tries to load the root certificates from
 26598  these places on Linux.
 26599  .IP
 26600  .nf
 26601  \f[C]
 26602  "/etc/ssl/certs/ca\-certificates.crt",\ //\ Debian/Ubuntu/Gentoo\ etc.
 26603  "/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca\-bundle.crt",\ \ \ //\ Fedora/RHEL
 26604  "/etc/ssl/ca\-bundle.pem",\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ //\ OpenSUSE
 26605  "/etc/pki/tls/cacert.pem",\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ //\ OpenELEC
 26606  \f[]
 26607  .fi
 26608  .PP
 26609  So doing something like this should fix the problem.
 26610  It also sets the time which is important for SSL to work properly.
 26611  .IP
 26612  .nf
 26613  \f[C]
 26614  mkdir\ \-p\ /etc/ssl/certs/
 26615  curl\ \-o\ /etc/ssl/certs/ca\-certificates.crt\\-bundle/master/ca\-bundle.crt
 26616  ntpclient\ \-s\ \-h\
 26617  \f[]
 26618  .fi
 26619  .PP
 26620  The two environment variables \f[C]SSL_CERT_FILE\f[] and
 26621  \f[C]SSL_CERT_DIR\f[], mentioned in the x509
 26622  pacakge (, provide an additional way to
 26623  provide the SSL root certificates.
 26624  .PP
 26625  Note that you may need to add the \f[C]\-\-insecure\f[] option to the
 26626  \f[C]curl\f[] command line if it doesn't work without.
 26627  .IP
 26628  .nf
 26629  \f[C]
 26630  curl\ \-\-insecure\ \-o\ /etc/ssl/certs/ca\-certificates.crt\\-bundle/master/ca\-bundle.crt
 26631  \f[]
 26632  .fi
 26633  .SS Rclone gives Failed to load config file: function not implemented
 26634  error
 26635  .PP
 26636  Likely this means that you are running rclone on Linux version not
 26637  supported by the go runtime, ie earlier than version 2.6.23.
 26638  .PP
 26639  See the system requirements section in the go install
 26640  docs ( for full details.
 26641  .SS All my uploaded docx/xlsx/pptx files appear as archive/zip
 26642  .PP
 26643  This is caused by uploading these files from a Windows computer which
 26644  hasn't got the Microsoft Office suite installed.
 26645  The easiest way to fix is to install the Word viewer and the Microsoft
 26646  Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 and later
 26647  versions' file formats
 26648  .SS tcp lookup no such host
 26649  .PP
 26650  This happens when rclone cannot resolve a domain.
 26651  Please check that your DNS setup is generally working, e.g.
 26652  .IP
 26653  .nf
 26654  \f[C]
 26655  #\ both\ should\ print\ a\ long\ list\ of\ possible\ IP\ addresses
 26656  dig\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ #\ resolve\ using\ your\ default\ DNS
 26657  dig\\ \@\ #\ resolve\ with\ Google\[aq]s\ DNS\ server
 26658  \f[]
 26659  .fi
 26660  .PP
 26661  If you are using \f[C]systemd\-resolved\f[] (default on Arch Linux),
 26662  ensure it is at version 233 or higher.
 26663  Previous releases contain a bug which causes not all domains to be
 26664  resolved properly.
 26665  .PP
 26666  Additionally with the \f[C]GODEBUG=netdns=\f[] environment variable the
 26667  Go resolver decision can be influenced.
 26668  This also allows to resolve certain issues with DNS resolution.
 26669  See the name resolution section in the go
 26670  docs (
 26671  .SS The total size reported in the stats for a sync is wrong and keeps
 26672  changing
 26673  .PP
 26674  It is likely you have more than 10,000 files that need to be synced.
 26675  By default rclone only gets 10,000 files ahead in a sync so as not to
 26676  use up too much memory.
 26677  You can change this default with the
 26678  \[en]max\-backlog (/docs/#max-backlog-n) flag.
 26679  .SS Rclone is using too much memory or appears to have a memory leak
 26680  .PP
 26681  Rclone is written in Go which uses a garbage collector.
 26682  The default settings for the garbage collector mean that it runs when
 26683  the heap size has doubled.
 26684  .PP
 26685  However it is possible to tune the garbage collector to use less memory
 26686  by setting GOGC ( to a lower value, say
 26687  \f[C]export\ GOGC=20\f[].
 26688  This will make the garbage collector work harder, reducing memory size
 26689  at the expense of CPU usage.
 26690  .PP
 26691  The most common cause of rclone using lots of memory is a single
 26692  directory with thousands or millions of files in.
 26693  Rclone has to load this entirely into memory as rclone objects.
 26694  Each Rclone object takes 0.5k\-1k of memory.
 26695  .SS License
 26696  .PP
 26697  This is free software under the terms of MIT the license (check the
 26698  COPYING file included with the source code).
 26699  .IP
 26700  .nf
 26701  \f[C]
 26702  Copyright\ (C)\ 2012\ by\ Nick\ Craig\-Wood\ https://www.craig\
 26704  Permission\ is\ hereby\ granted,\ free\ of\ charge,\ to\ any\ person\ obtaining\ a\ copy
 26705  of\ this\ software\ and\ associated\ documentation\ files\ (the\ "Software"),\ to\ deal
 26706  in\ the\ Software\ without\ restriction,\ including\ without\ limitation\ the\ rights
 26707  to\ use,\ copy,\ modify,\ merge,\ publish,\ distribute,\ sublicense,\ and/or\ sell
 26708  copies\ of\ the\ Software,\ and\ to\ permit\ persons\ to\ whom\ the\ Software\ is
 26709  furnished\ to\ do\ so,\ subject\ to\ the\ following\ conditions:
 26711  The\ above\ copyright\ notice\ and\ this\ permission\ notice\ shall\ be\ included\ in
 26712  all\ copies\ or\ substantial\ portions\ of\ the\ Software.
 26720  THE\ SOFTWARE.
 26721  \f[]
 26722  .fi
 26723  .SS Authors
 26724  .IP \[bu] 2
 26725  Nick Craig\-Wood <>
 26726  .SS Contributors
 26727  .IP \[bu] 2
 26728  Alex Couper <>
 26729  .IP \[bu] 2
 26730  Leonid Shalupov <> <>
 26731  .IP \[bu] 2
 26732  Shimon Doodkin <>
 26733  .IP \[bu] 2
 26734  Colin Nicholson <>
 26735  .IP \[bu] 2
 26736  Klaus Post <>
 26737  .IP \[bu] 2
 26738  Sergey Tolmachev <>
 26739  .IP \[bu] 2
 26740  Adriano Aurélio Meirelles <>
 26741  .IP \[bu] 2
 26742  C.
 26743  Bess <>
 26744  .IP \[bu] 2
 26745  Dmitry Burdeev <>
 26746  .IP \[bu] 2
 26747  Joseph Spurrier <>
 26748  .IP \[bu] 2
 26749  Björn Harrtell <>
 26750  .IP \[bu] 2
 26751  Xavier Lucas <>
 26752  .IP \[bu] 2
 26753  Werner Beroux <>
 26754  .IP \[bu] 2
 26755  Brian Stengaard <>
 26756  .IP \[bu] 2
 26757  Jakub Gedeon <>
 26758  .IP \[bu] 2
 26759  Jim Tittsler <>
 26760  .IP \[bu] 2
 26761  Michal Witkowski <>
 26762  .IP \[bu] 2
 26763  Fabian Ruff <>
 26764  .IP \[bu] 2
 26765  Leigh Klotz <>
 26766  .IP \[bu] 2
 26767  Romain Lapray <>
 26768  .IP \[bu] 2
 26769  Justin R.
 26770  Wilson <>
 26771  .IP \[bu] 2
 26772  Antonio Messina <>
 26773  .IP \[bu] 2
 26774  Stefan G.
 26775  Weichinger <>
 26776  .IP \[bu] 2
 26777  Per Cederberg <>
 26778  .IP \[bu] 2
 26779  Radek Šenfeld <>
 26780  .IP \[bu] 2
 26781  Fredrik Fornwall <>
 26782  .IP \[bu] 2
 26783  Asko Tamm <>
 26784  .IP \[bu] 2
 26785  xor\-zz <>
 26786  .IP \[bu] 2
 26787  Tomasz Mazur <>
 26788  .IP \[bu] 2
 26789  Marco Paganini <>
 26790  .IP \[bu] 2
 26791  Felix Bünemann <>
 26792  .IP \[bu] 2
 26793  Durval Menezes <>
 26794  .IP \[bu] 2
 26795  Luiz Carlos Rumbelsperger Viana <>
 26796  .IP \[bu] 2
 26797  Stefan Breunig <>
 26798  .IP \[bu] 2
 26799  Alishan Ladhani <>
 26800  .IP \[bu] 2
 26801  0xJAKE <>
 26802  .IP \[bu] 2
 26803  Thibault Molleman <>
 26804  .IP \[bu] 2
 26805  Scott McGillivray <>
 26806  .IP \[bu] 2
 26807  Bjørn Erik Pedersen <>
 26808  .IP \[bu] 2
 26809  Lukas Loesche <>
 26810  .IP \[bu] 2
 26811  emyarod <>
 26812  .IP \[bu] 2
 26813  T.C.
 26814  Ferguson <>
 26815  .IP \[bu] 2
 26816  Brandur <>
 26817  .IP \[bu] 2
 26818  Dario Giovannetti <>
 26819  .IP \[bu] 2
 26820  Károly Oláh <>
 26821  .IP \[bu] 2
 26822  Jon Yergatian <>
 26823  .IP \[bu] 2
 26824  Jack Schmidt <>
 26825  .IP \[bu] 2
 26826  Dedsec1 <>
 26827  .IP \[bu] 2
 26828  Hisham Zarka <>
 26829  .IP \[bu] 2
 26830  Jérôme Vizcaino <>
 26831  .IP \[bu] 2
 26832  Mike Tesch <>
 26833  .IP \[bu] 2
 26834  Marvin Watson <>
 26835  .IP \[bu] 2
 26836  Danny Tsai <>
 26837  .IP \[bu] 2
 26838  Yoni Jah <> <>
 26839  .IP \[bu] 2
 26840  Stephen Harris <> <>
 26841  .IP \[bu] 2
 26842  Ihor Dvoretskyi <>
 26843  .IP \[bu] 2
 26844  Jon Craton <>
 26845  .IP \[bu] 2
 26846  Hraban Luyat <>
 26847  .IP \[bu] 2
 26848  Michael Ledin <>
 26849  .IP \[bu] 2
 26850  Martin Kristensen <>
 26851  .IP \[bu] 2
 26852  Too Much IO <>
 26853  .IP \[bu] 2
 26854  Anisse Astier <>
 26855  .IP \[bu] 2
 26856  Zahiar Ahmed <>
 26857  .IP \[bu] 2
 26858  Igor Kharin <>
 26859  .IP \[bu] 2
 26860  Bill Zissimopoulos <>
 26861  .IP \[bu] 2
 26862  Bob Potter <>
 26863  .IP \[bu] 2
 26864  Steven Lu <>
 26865  .IP \[bu] 2
 26866  Sjur Fredriksen <>
 26867  .IP \[bu] 2
 26868  Ruwbin <>
 26869  .IP \[bu] 2
 26870  Fabian Möller <> <>
 26871  .IP \[bu] 2
 26872  Edward Q.
 26873  Bridges <>
 26874  .IP \[bu] 2
 26875  Vasiliy Tolstov <>
 26876  .IP \[bu] 2
 26877  Harshavardhana <>
 26878  .IP \[bu] 2
 26879  sainaen <>
 26880  .IP \[bu] 2
 26881  gdm85 <>
 26882  .IP \[bu] 2
 26883  Yaroslav Halchenko <>
 26884  .IP \[bu] 2
 26885  John Papandriopoulos <>
 26886  .IP \[bu] 2
 26887  Zhiming Wang <>
 26888  .IP \[bu] 2
 26889  Andy Pilate <>
 26890  .IP \[bu] 2
 26891  Oliver Heyme <> <>
 26892  <>
 26893  .IP \[bu] 2
 26894  wuyu <>
 26895  .IP \[bu] 2
 26896  Andrei Dragomir <>
 26897  .IP \[bu] 2
 26898  Christian Brüggemann <>
 26899  .IP \[bu] 2
 26900  Alex McGrath Kraak <>
 26901  .IP \[bu] 2
 26902  bpicode <>
 26903  .IP \[bu] 2
 26904  Daniel Jagszent <>
 26905  .IP \[bu] 2
 26906  Josiah White <>
 26907  .IP \[bu] 2
 26908  Ishuah Kariuki <> <>
 26909  .IP \[bu] 2
 26910  Jan Varho <>
 26911  .IP \[bu] 2
 26912  Girish Ramakrishnan <>
 26913  .IP \[bu] 2
 26914  LingMan <>
 26915  .IP \[bu] 2
 26916  Jacob McNamee <>
 26917  .IP \[bu] 2
 26918  jersou <>
 26919  .IP \[bu] 2
 26920  thierry <>
 26921  .IP \[bu] 2
 26922  Simon Leinen <> <ubuntu@s3-test.novalocal>
 26923  .IP \[bu] 2
 26924  Dan Dascalescu <>
 26925  .IP \[bu] 2
 26926  Jason Rose <>
 26927  .IP \[bu] 2
 26928  Andrew Starr\-Bochicchio <>
 26929  .IP \[bu] 2
 26930  John Leach <>
 26931  .IP \[bu] 2
 26932  Corban Raun <>
 26933  .IP \[bu] 2
 26934  Pierre Carlson <>
 26935  .IP \[bu] 2
 26936  Ernest Borowski <>
 26937  .IP \[bu] 2
 26938  Remus Bunduc <>
 26939  .IP \[bu] 2
 26940  Iakov Davydov <> <>
 26941  .IP \[bu] 2
 26942  Jakub Tasiemski <>
 26943  .IP \[bu] 2
 26944  David Minor <>
 26945  .IP \[bu] 2
 26946  Tim Cooijmans <>
 26947  .IP \[bu] 2
 26948  Laurence <>
 26949  .IP \[bu] 2
 26950  Giovanni Pizzi <>
 26951  .IP \[bu] 2
 26952  Filip Bartodziej <>
 26953  .IP \[bu] 2
 26954  Jon Fautley <>
 26955  .IP \[bu] 2
 26956  lewapm <>
 26957  .IP \[bu] 2
 26958  Yassine Imounachen <>
 26959  .IP \[bu] 2
 26960  Chris Redekop <>
 26961  <>
 26962  .IP \[bu] 2
 26963  Jon Fautley <>
 26964  .IP \[bu] 2
 26965  Will Gunn <>
 26966  .IP \[bu] 2
 26967  Lucas Bremgartner <>
 26968  .IP \[bu] 2
 26969  Jody Frankowski <>
 26970  .IP \[bu] 2
 26971  Andreas Roussos <>
 26972  .IP \[bu] 2
 26973  nbuchanan <>
 26974  .IP \[bu] 2
 26975  Durval Menezes <>
 26976  .IP \[bu] 2
 26977  Victor <>
 26978  .IP \[bu] 2
 26979  Mateusz <>
 26980  .IP \[bu] 2
 26981  Daniel Loader <>
 26982  .IP \[bu] 2
 26983  David0rk <>
 26984  .IP \[bu] 2
 26985  Alexander Neumann <>
 26986  .IP \[bu] 2
 26987  Giri Badanahatti <>
 26988  .IP \[bu] 2
 26989  Leo R.
 26990  Lundgren <>
 26991  .IP \[bu] 2
 26992  wolfv <>
 26993  .IP \[bu] 2
 26994  Dave Pedu <>
 26995  .IP \[bu] 2
 26996  Stefan Lindblom <>
 26997  .IP \[bu] 2
 26998  seuffert <>
 26999  .IP \[bu] 2
 27000  gbadanahatti <>
 27001  .IP \[bu] 2
 27002  Keith Goldfarb <>
 27003  .IP \[bu] 2
 27004  Steve Kriss <>
 27005  .IP \[bu] 2
 27006  Chih\-Hsuan Yen <>
 27007  .IP \[bu] 2
 27008  Alexander Neumann <>
 27009  .IP \[bu] 2
 27010  Matt Holt <>
 27011  .IP \[bu] 2
 27012  Eri Bastos <>
 27013  .IP \[bu] 2
 27014  Michael P.
 27015  Dubner <>
 27016  .IP \[bu] 2
 27017  Antoine GIRARD <>
 27018  .IP \[bu] 2
 27019  Mateusz Piotrowski <>
 27020  .IP \[bu] 2
 27021  Animosity022 <>
 27022  <>
 27023  .IP \[bu] 2
 27024  Peter Baumgartner <>
 27025  .IP \[bu] 2
 27026  Craig Rachel <>
 27027  .IP \[bu] 2
 27028  Michael G.
 27029  Noll <>
 27030  .IP \[bu] 2
 27031  hensur <>
 27032  .IP \[bu] 2
 27033  Oliver Heyme <>
 27034  .IP \[bu] 2
 27035  Richard Yang <>
 27036  .IP \[bu] 2
 27037  Piotr Oleszczyk <>
 27038  .IP \[bu] 2
 27039  Rodrigo <>
 27040  .IP \[bu] 2
 27041  NoLooseEnds <>
 27042  .IP \[bu] 2
 27043  Jakub Karlicek <>
 27044  .IP \[bu] 2
 27045  John Clayton <>
 27046  .IP \[bu] 2
 27047  Kasper Byrdal Nielsen <>
 27048  .IP \[bu] 2
 27049  Benjamin Joseph Dag <>
 27050  .IP \[bu] 2
 27051  themylogin <>
 27052  .IP \[bu] 2
 27053  Onno Zweers <>
 27054  .IP \[bu] 2
 27055  Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse <>
 27056  .IP \[bu] 2
 27057  sandeepkru <>
 27058  <>
 27059  .IP \[bu] 2
 27060  HerrH <>
 27061  .IP \[bu] 2
 27062  Andrew <>
 27063  .IP \[bu] 2
 27064  dan smith <>
 27065  .IP \[bu] 2
 27066  Oleg Kovalov <>
 27067  .IP \[bu] 2
 27068  Ruben Vandamme <>
 27069  .IP \[bu] 2
 27070  Cnly <>
 27071  .IP \[bu] 2
 27072  Andres Alvarez <>
 27073  .IP \[bu] 2
 27074  reddi1 <>
 27075  .IP \[bu] 2
 27076  Matt Tucker <>
 27077  .IP \[bu] 2
 27078  Sebastian Bünger <>
 27079  .IP \[bu] 2
 27080  Martin Polden <>
 27081  .IP \[bu] 2
 27082  Alex Chen <>
 27083  .IP \[bu] 2
 27084  Denis <>
 27085  .IP \[bu] 2
 27086  bsteiss <>
 27087  .IP \[bu] 2
 27088  Cédric Connes <>
 27089  .IP \[bu] 2
 27090  Dr.\ Tobias Quathamer <>
 27091  .IP \[bu] 2
 27092  dcpu <>
 27093  .IP \[bu] 2
 27094  Sheldon Rupp <>
 27095  .IP \[bu] 2
 27096  albertony <>
 27097  .IP \[bu] 2
 27098  cron410 <>
 27099  .IP \[bu] 2
 27100  Anagh Kumar Baranwal <>
 27101  .IP \[bu] 2
 27102  Felix Brucker <>
 27103  .IP \[bu] 2
 27104  Santiago Rodríguez <>
 27105  .IP \[bu] 2
 27106  Craig Miskell <>
 27107  .IP \[bu] 2
 27108  Antoine GIRARD <>
 27109  .IP \[bu] 2
 27110  Joanna Marek <>
 27111  .IP \[bu] 2
 27112  frenos <>
 27113  .IP \[bu] 2
 27114  ssaqua <>
 27115  .IP \[bu] 2
 27116  xnaas <>
 27117  .IP \[bu] 2
 27118  Frantisek Fuka <>
 27119  .IP \[bu] 2
 27120  Paul Kohout <>
 27121  .IP \[bu] 2
 27122  dcpu <>
 27123  .IP \[bu] 2
 27124  jackyzy823 <>
 27125  .IP \[bu] 2
 27126  David Haguenauer <>
 27127  .IP \[bu] 2
 27128  teresy <>
 27129  .IP \[bu] 2
 27130  buergi <>
 27131  .IP \[bu] 2
 27132  Florian Gamboeck <>
 27133  .IP \[bu] 2
 27134  Ralf Hemberger <>
 27135  .IP \[bu] 2
 27136  Scott Edlund <>
 27137  .IP \[bu] 2
 27138  Erik Swanson <>
 27139  .IP \[bu] 2
 27140  Jake Coggiano <>
 27141  .IP \[bu] 2
 27142  brused27 <brused27@noemailaddress>
 27143  .IP \[bu] 2
 27144  Peter Kaminski <>
 27145  .IP \[bu] 2
 27146  Henry Ptasinski <>
 27147  .IP \[bu] 2
 27148  Alexander <>
 27149  .IP \[bu] 2
 27150  Garry McNulty <>
 27151  .IP \[bu] 2
 27152  Mathieu Carbou <>
 27153  .IP \[bu] 2
 27154  Mark Otway <>
 27155  .IP \[bu] 2
 27156  William Cocker <>
 27157  .IP \[bu] 2
 27158  François Leurent <>
 27159  .IP \[bu] 2
 27160  Arkadius Stefanski <>
 27161  .IP \[bu] 2
 27162  Jay <>
 27163  .IP \[bu] 2
 27164  andrea rota <>
 27165  .IP \[bu] 2
 27166  nicolov <>
 27167  .IP \[bu] 2
 27168  Dario Guzik <>
 27169  .IP \[bu] 2
 27170  qip <>
 27171  .IP \[bu] 2
 27172  yair\@unicorn <yair@unicorn>
 27173  .IP \[bu] 2
 27174  Matt Robinson <>
 27175  .IP \[bu] 2
 27176  kayrus <>
 27177  .IP \[bu] 2
 27178  Rémy Léone <>
 27179  .IP \[bu] 2
 27180  Wojciech Smigielski <>
 27181  .IP \[bu] 2
 27182  weetmuts <>
 27183  .IP \[bu] 2
 27184  Jonathan <>
 27185  .IP \[bu] 2
 27186  James Carpenter <>
 27187  .IP \[bu] 2
 27188  Vince <>
 27189  .IP \[bu] 2
 27190  Nestar47 <>
 27191  .IP \[bu] 2
 27192  Six <>
 27193  .IP \[bu] 2
 27194  Alexandru Bumbacea <>
 27195  .IP \[bu] 2
 27196  calisro <>
 27197  .IP \[bu] 2
 27198  Dr.Rx <>
 27199  .IP \[bu] 2
 27200  marcintustin <>
 27201  .IP \[bu] 2
 27202  jaKa Močnik <>
 27203  .IP \[bu] 2
 27204  Fionera <>
 27205  .IP \[bu] 2
 27206  Dan Walters <>
 27207  .IP \[bu] 2
 27208  Danil Semelenov <>
 27209  .IP \[bu] 2
 27210  xopez <>
 27211  .IP \[bu] 2
 27212  Ben Boeckel <>
 27213  .IP \[bu] 2
 27214  Manu <>
 27215  .IP \[bu] 2
 27216  Kyle E.
 27217  Mitchell <>
 27218  .IP \[bu] 2
 27219  Gary Kim <>
 27220  .IP \[bu] 2
 27221  Jon <>
 27222  .IP \[bu] 2
 27223  Jeff Quinn <>
 27224  .IP \[bu] 2
 27225  Peter Berbec <>
 27226  .IP \[bu] 2
 27227  didil <>
 27228  .IP \[bu] 2
 27229  id01 <>
 27230  .IP \[bu] 2
 27231  Robert Marko <>
 27232  .IP \[bu] 2
 27233  Philip Harvey <>
 27234  .IP \[bu] 2
 27235  JorisE <>
 27236  .IP \[bu] 2
 27237  garry415 <>
 27238  .IP \[bu] 2
 27239  forgems <>
 27240  .IP \[bu] 2
 27241  Florian Apolloner <>
 27242  .IP \[bu] 2
 27243  Aleksandar Jankovic <>
 27244  .SH Contact the rclone project
 27245  .SS Forum
 27246  .PP
 27247  Forum for questions and general discussion:
 27248  .IP \[bu] 2
 27250  .SS Gitub project
 27251  .PP
 27252  The project website is at:
 27253  .IP \[bu] 2
 27255  .PP
 27256  There you can file bug reports or contribute pull requests.
 27257  .SS Twitter
 27258  .PP
 27259  You can also follow me on twitter for rclone announcements:
 27260  .IP \[bu] 2
 27261  [\@njcw](
 27262  .SS Email
 27263  .PP
 27264  Or if all else fails or you want to ask something private or
 27265  confidential email Nick Craig\-Wood (
 27266  .SH AUTHORS
 27267  Nick Craig\-Wood.