
     1  package accounts
     3  import (
     4  	"reflect"
     5  	"testing"
     6  )
     8  func TestHDPathParsing(t *testing.T) {
     9  	tests := []struct {
    10  		input  string
    11  		output DerivationPath
    12  	}{
    14  		{"m/44'/60'/0'/0", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0}},
    15  		{"m/44'/60'/0'/128", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 128}},
    16  		{"m/44'/60'/0'/0'", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0x80000000 + 0}},
    17  		{"m/44'/60'/0'/128'", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0x80000000 + 128}},
    18  		{"m/2147483692/2147483708/2147483648/0", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0}},
    19  		{"m/2147483692/2147483708/2147483648/2147483648", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0x80000000 + 0}},
    21  		{"0", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0, 0}},
    22  		{"128", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0, 128}},
    23  		{"0'", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0, 0x80000000 + 0}},
    24  		{"128'", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0, 0x80000000 + 128}},
    25  		{"2147483648", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0, 0x80000000 + 0}},
    27  		{"m/0x2C'/0x3c'/0x00'/0x00", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0}},
    28  		{"m/0x2C'/0x3c'/0x00'/0x80", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 128}},
    29  		{"m/0x2C'/0x3c'/0x00'/0x00'", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0x80000000 + 0}},
    30  		{"m/0x2C'/0x3c'/0x00'/0x80'", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0x80000000 + 128}},
    31  		{"m/0x8000002C/0x8000003c/0x80000000/0x00", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0}},
    32  		{"m/0x8000002C/0x8000003c/0x80000000/0x80000000", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0x80000000 + 0}},
    34  		{"0x00", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0, 0}},
    35  		{"0x80", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0, 128}},
    36  		{"0x00'", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0, 0x80000000 + 0}},
    37  		{"0x80'", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0, 0x80000000 + 128}},
    38  		{"0x80000000", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0, 0x80000000 + 0}},
    40  		{"	m  /   44			'\n/\n   60	\n\n\t'   /\n0 ' /\t\t	0", DerivationPath{0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000 + 0, 0}},
    42  		{"", nil},
    43  		{"m", nil},
    44  		{"m/", nil},
    45  		{"/44'/60'/0'/0", nil},
    46  		{"m/2147483648'", nil},
    47  		{"m/-1'", nil},
    48  	}
    49  	for i, tt := range tests {
    50  		if path, err := ParseDerivationPath(tt.input); !reflect.DeepEqual(path, tt.output) {
    51  			t.Errorf("test %d: parse mismatch: have %v (%v), want %v", i, path, err, tt.output)
    52  		} else if path == nil && err == nil {
    53  			t.Errorf("test %d: nil path and error: %v", i, err)
    54  		}
    55  	}
    56  }