
     1  #!/bin/bash
     2  set -e
     4  # version and keys are supplied as arguments
     5  version="$1"
     6  keyfile="$2"
     7  pubkeyfile="$3" # optional
     8  if [[ -z $version || -z $keyfile ]]; then
     9  	echo "Usage: $0 VERSION KEYFILE"
    10  	exit 1
    11  fi
    12  if [[ -z $pubkeyfile ]]; then
    13  	echo "Warning: no public keyfile supplied. Binaries will not be verified."
    14  fi
    16  # check for keyfile before proceeding
    17  if [ ! -f $keyfile ]; then
    18      echo "Key file not found: $keyfile"
    19      exit 1
    20  fi
    21  keysum=$(shasum -a 256 $keyfile | cut -c -64)
    22  if [ $keysum != "735320b4698010500d230c487e970e12776e88f33ad777ab380a493691dadb1b" ]; then
    23      echo "Wrong key file: checksum does not match developer key file."
    24      exit 1
    25  fi
    27  # setup build-time vars
    28  ldflags="-s -w -X '`git rev-parse --short HEAD`' -X '`date`'"
    30  for os in darwin linux windows; do
    31  	echo Packaging ${os}...
    32  	# create workspace
    33  	folder=release/Sia-$version-$os-amd64
    34  	rm -rf $folder
    35  	mkdir -p $folder
    36  	# compile and sign binaries
    37  	for pkg in siac siad; do
    38  		bin=$pkg
    39  		if [ "$os" == "windows" ]; then
    40  			bin=${pkg}.exe
    41  		fi
    42  		GOOS=${os} go build -a -tags 'netgo' -ldflags="$ldflags" -o $folder/$bin ./cmd/$pkg
    43  		openssl dgst -sha256 -sign $keyfile -out $folder/${bin}.sig $folder/$bin
    44  		# verify signature
    45  		if [[ -n $pubkeyfile ]]; then
    46  			openssl dgst -sha256 -verify $pubkeyfile -signature $folder/${bin}.sig $folder/$bin
    47  		fi
    49  	done
    50  	# add other artifacts
    51  	cp -r doc LICENSE $folder
    52  	# zip
    53  	(
    54  		cd release
    55  		zip -rq Sia-$version-$ Sia-$version-$os-amd64
    56  	)
    57  done