
     1  package runner
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"encoding/json"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"os"
     8  	"runtime"
    10  	docker_container ""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	log ""
    14  )
    16  // Runner provides capabilities to run GitHub actions
    17  type Runner interface {
    18  	NewPlanExecutor(plan *model.Plan) common.Executor
    19  }
    21  // Config contains the config for a new runner
    22  type Config struct {
    23  	Actor                              string                       // the user that triggered the event
    24  	Workdir                            string                       // path to working directory
    25  	ActionCacheDir                     string                       // path used for caching action contents
    26  	ActionOfflineMode                  bool                         // when offline, use caching action contents
    27  	BindWorkdir                        bool                         // bind the workdir to the job container
    28  	EventName                          string                       // name of event to run
    29  	EventPath                          string                       // path to JSON file to use for event.json in containers
    30  	DefaultBranch                      string                       // name of the main branch for this repository
    31  	ReuseContainers                    bool                         // reuse containers to maintain state
    32  	ForcePull                          bool                         // force pulling of the image, even if already present
    33  	ForceRebuild                       bool                         // force rebuilding local docker image action
    34  	LogOutput                          bool                         // log the output from docker run
    35  	JSONLogger                         bool                         // use json or text logger
    36  	LogPrefixJobID                     bool                         // switches from the full job name to the job id
    37  	Env                                map[string]string            // env for containers
    38  	Inputs                             map[string]string            // manually passed action inputs
    39  	Secrets                            map[string]string            // list of secrets
    40  	Vars                               map[string]string            // list of vars
    41  	Token                              string                       // GitHub token
    42  	InsecureSecrets                    bool                         // switch hiding output when printing to terminal
    43  	Platforms                          map[string]string            // list of platforms
    44  	Privileged                         bool                         // use privileged mode
    45  	UsernsMode                         string                       // user namespace to use
    46  	ContainerArchitecture              string                       // Desired OS/architecture platform for running containers
    47  	ContainerDaemonSocket              string                       // Path to Docker daemon socket
    48  	ContainerOptions                   string                       // Options for the job container
    49  	UseGitIgnore                       bool                         // controls if paths in .gitignore should not be copied into container, default true
    50  	GitHubInstance                     string                       // GitHub instance to use, default ""
    51  	ContainerCapAdd                    []string                     // list of kernel capabilities to add to the containers
    52  	ContainerCapDrop                   []string                     // list of kernel capabilities to remove from the containers
    53  	AutoRemove                         bool                         // controls if the container is automatically removed upon workflow completion
    54  	ArtifactServerPath                 string                       // the path where the artifact server stores uploads
    55  	ArtifactServerAddr                 string                       // the address the artifact server binds to
    56  	ArtifactServerPort                 string                       // the port the artifact server binds to
    57  	NoSkipCheckout                     bool                         // do not skip actions/checkout
    58  	RemoteName                         string                       // remote name in local git repo config
    59  	ReplaceGheActionWithGithubCom      []string                     // Use actions from GitHub Enterprise instance to GitHub
    60  	ReplaceGheActionTokenWithGithubCom string                       // Token of private action repo on GitHub.
    61  	Matrix                             map[string]map[string]bool   // Matrix config to run
    62  	ContainerNetworkMode               docker_container.NetworkMode // the network mode of job containers (the value of --network)
    63  	ActionCache                        ActionCache                  // Use a custom ActionCache Implementation
    64  }
    66  type caller struct {
    67  	runContext *RunContext
    68  }
    70  type runnerImpl struct {
    71  	config    *Config
    72  	eventJSON string
    73  	caller    *caller // the job calling this runner (caller of a reusable workflow)
    74  }
    76  // New Creates a new Runner
    77  func New(runnerConfig *Config) (Runner, error) {
    78  	runner := &runnerImpl{
    79  		config: runnerConfig,
    80  	}
    82  	return runner.configure()
    83  }
    85  func (runner *runnerImpl) configure() (Runner, error) {
    86  	runner.eventJSON = "{}"
    87  	if runner.config.EventPath != "" {
    88  		log.Debugf("Reading event.json from %s", runner.config.EventPath)
    89  		eventJSONBytes, err := os.ReadFile(runner.config.EventPath)
    90  		if err != nil {
    91  			return nil, err
    92  		}
    93  		runner.eventJSON = string(eventJSONBytes)
    94  	} else if len(runner.config.Inputs) != 0 {
    95  		eventMap := map[string]map[string]string{
    96  			"inputs": runner.config.Inputs,
    97  		}
    98  		eventJSON, err := json.Marshal(eventMap)
    99  		if err != nil {
   100  			return nil, err
   101  		}
   102  		runner.eventJSON = string(eventJSON)
   103  	}
   104  	return runner, nil
   105  }
   107  // NewPlanExecutor ...
   108  func (runner *runnerImpl) NewPlanExecutor(plan *model.Plan) common.Executor {
   109  	maxJobNameLen := 0
   111  	stagePipeline := make([]common.Executor, 0)
   112  	log.Debugf("Plan Stages: %v", plan.Stages)
   114  	for i := range plan.Stages {
   115  		stage := plan.Stages[i]
   116  		stagePipeline = append(stagePipeline, func(ctx context.Context) error {
   117  			pipeline := make([]common.Executor, 0)
   118  			for _, run := range stage.Runs {
   119  				log.Debugf("Stages Runs: %v", stage.Runs)
   120  				stageExecutor := make([]common.Executor, 0)
   121  				job := run.Job()
   122  				log.Debugf("Job.Name: %v", job.Name)
   123  				log.Debugf("Job.RawNeeds: %v", job.RawNeeds)
   124  				log.Debugf("Job.RawRunsOn: %v", job.RawRunsOn)
   125  				log.Debugf("Job.Env: %v", job.Env)
   126  				log.Debugf("Job.If: %v", job.If)
   127  				for step := range job.Steps {
   128  					if nil != job.Steps[step] {
   129  						log.Debugf("Job.Steps: %v", job.Steps[step].String())
   130  					}
   131  				}
   132  				log.Debugf("Job.TimeoutMinutes: %v", job.TimeoutMinutes)
   133  				log.Debugf("Job.Services: %v", job.Services)
   134  				log.Debugf("Job.Strategy: %v", job.Strategy)
   135  				log.Debugf("Job.RawContainer: %v", job.RawContainer)
   136  				log.Debugf("Job.Defaults.Run.Shell: %v", job.Defaults.Run.Shell)
   137  				log.Debugf("Job.Defaults.Run.WorkingDirectory: %v", job.Defaults.Run.WorkingDirectory)
   138  				log.Debugf("Job.Outputs: %v", job.Outputs)
   139  				log.Debugf("Job.Uses: %v", job.Uses)
   140  				log.Debugf("Job.With: %v", job.With)
   141  				// log.Debugf("Job.RawSecrets: %v", job.RawSecrets)
   142  				log.Debugf("Job.Result: %v", job.Result)
   144  				if job.Strategy != nil {
   145  					log.Debugf("Job.Strategy.FailFast: %v", job.Strategy.FailFast)
   146  					log.Debugf("Job.Strategy.MaxParallel: %v", job.Strategy.MaxParallel)
   147  					log.Debugf("Job.Strategy.FailFastString: %v", job.Strategy.FailFastString)
   148  					log.Debugf("Job.Strategy.MaxParallelString: %v", job.Strategy.MaxParallelString)
   149  					log.Debugf("Job.Strategy.RawMatrix: %v", job.Strategy.RawMatrix)
   151  					strategyRc := runner.newRunContext(ctx, run, nil)
   152  					if err := strategyRc.NewExpressionEvaluator(ctx).EvaluateYamlNode(ctx, &job.Strategy.RawMatrix); err != nil {
   153  						log.Errorf("Error while evaluating matrix: %v", err)
   154  					}
   155  				}
   157  				var matrixes []map[string]interface{}
   158  				if m, err := job.GetMatrixes(); err != nil {
   159  					log.Errorf("Error while get job's matrix: %v", err)
   160  				} else {
   161  					log.Debugf("Job Matrices: %v", m)
   162  					log.Debugf("Runner Matrices: %v", runner.config.Matrix)
   163  					matrixes = selectMatrixes(m, runner.config.Matrix)
   164  				}
   165  				log.Debugf("Final matrix after applying user inclusions '%v'", matrixes)
   167  				maxParallel := 4
   168  				if job.Strategy != nil {
   169  					maxParallel = job.Strategy.MaxParallel
   170  				}
   172  				if len(matrixes) < maxParallel {
   173  					maxParallel = len(matrixes)
   174  				}
   176  				for i, matrix := range matrixes {
   177  					matrix := matrix
   178  					rc := runner.newRunContext(ctx, run, matrix)
   179  					rc.JobName = rc.Name
   180  					if len(matrixes) > 1 {
   181  						rc.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", rc.Name, i+1)
   182  					}
   183  					if len(rc.String()) > maxJobNameLen {
   184  						maxJobNameLen = len(rc.String())
   185  					}
   186  					stageExecutor = append(stageExecutor, func(ctx context.Context) error {
   187  						jobName := fmt.Sprintf("%-*s", maxJobNameLen, rc.String())
   188  						executor, err := rc.Executor()
   190  						if err != nil {
   191  							return err
   192  						}
   194  						return executor(common.WithJobErrorContainer(WithJobLogger(ctx, rc.Run.JobID, jobName, rc.Config, &rc.Masks, matrix)))
   195  					})
   196  				}
   197  				pipeline = append(pipeline, common.NewParallelExecutor(maxParallel, stageExecutor...))
   198  			}
   199  			ncpu := runtime.NumCPU()
   200  			if 1 > ncpu {
   201  				ncpu = 1
   202  			}
   203  			log.Debugf("Detected CPUs: %d", ncpu)
   204  			return common.NewParallelExecutor(ncpu, pipeline...)(ctx)
   205  		})
   206  	}
   208  	return common.NewPipelineExecutor(stagePipeline...).Then(handleFailure(plan))
   209  }
   211  func handleFailure(plan *model.Plan) common.Executor {
   212  	return func(ctx context.Context) error {
   213  		for _, stage := range plan.Stages {
   214  			for _, run := range stage.Runs {
   215  				if run.Job().Result == "failure" {
   216  					return fmt.Errorf("Job '%s' failed", run.String())
   217  				}
   218  			}
   219  		}
   220  		return nil
   221  	}
   222  }
   224  func selectMatrixes(originalMatrixes []map[string]interface{}, targetMatrixValues map[string]map[string]bool) []map[string]interface{} {
   225  	matrixes := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
   226  	for _, original := range originalMatrixes {
   227  		flag := true
   228  		for key, val := range original {
   229  			if allowedVals, ok := targetMatrixValues[key]; ok {
   230  				valToString := fmt.Sprintf("%v", val)
   231  				if _, ok := allowedVals[valToString]; !ok {
   232  					flag = false
   233  				}
   234  			}
   235  		}
   236  		if flag {
   237  			matrixes = append(matrixes, original)
   238  		}
   239  	}
   240  	return matrixes
   241  }
   243  func (runner *runnerImpl) newRunContext(ctx context.Context, run *model.Run, matrix map[string]interface{}) *RunContext {
   244  	rc := &RunContext{
   245  		Config:      runner.config,
   246  		Run:         run,
   247  		EventJSON:   runner.eventJSON,
   248  		StepResults: make(map[string]*model.StepResult),
   249  		Matrix:      matrix,
   250  		caller:      runner.caller,
   251  	}
   252  	rc.ExprEval = rc.NewExpressionEvaluator(ctx)
   253  	rc.Name = rc.ExprEval.Interpolate(ctx, run.String())
   255  	return rc
   256  }