
     1  #!/bin/sh
     3  set -e
     5  ROOTARGS="-uroot -p`cat /var/lib/mysql/mysql.passwd`"
     7  # Others can join that service but only the lowest will be the master
     8  # Note that we could be more automatic but for now we will wait for
     9  # service and unit settings to define a "master override" to allow
    10  # migrating slaves selectively
    11  master=`relation-list | head -1`
    12  if [ "$JUJU_REMOTE_UNIT" != "$master" ] ; then
    13    exit 0;
    14  fi
    15  echo master=$master
    17  for setting in user password hostname port dumpurl; do
    18      value=`relation-get $setting`
    19      if [ -z "$value" ] ; then
    20          echo "$setting is empty! Aborting"
    21          exit 0
    22      fi        
    23      echo $setting=$value
    24      eval $setting=$value
    25  done
    27  dumpurl=http://$hostname/$dumpurl
    28  echo Stopping slave...
    29  mysql $ROOTARGS -e "STOP SLAVE"
    31  # Normally this will be empty anyway, but it will save our admin
    32  # if he accidentally relates a master with some other master!
    33  backup=/var/backups/alldbs-`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.sql.gz
    34  mysqldump $ROOTARGS --all-databases --single-transaction |gzip> $backup
    36  mysql $ROOTARGS -e "RESET SLAVE"
    37  mysql $ROOTARGS -e "CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='$hostname', MASTER_USER='$user', MASTER_PASSWORD='$password', MASTER_PORT=$port"
    38  echo Importing $dumpurl into MySQL
    39  curl --silent --show-error $dumpurl |zcat| mysql $ROOTARGS
    40  # Root pw gets overwritten by import
    41  echo Re-setting Root Pasword -- can use ours because it hasnt been flushed
    42  myrootpw=`cat /var/lib/mysql/mysql.passwd`
    43  mysqladmin -uroot -p$myrootpw password $myrootpw
    44  # Debian packages expect debian-sys-maint@localhost to be root privileged and
    45  # configured in /etc/mysql/debian.cnf. we just broke that.. fix it
    46  mysql $ROOTARGS -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$myrootpw'"
    47  touch /etc/mysql/debian.cnf
    48  chmod 0600 /etc/mysql/debian.cnf
    49  cat > /etc/mysql/debian.cnf <<EOF
    50  [client]
    51  host=localhost
    52  user=debian-sys-maint
    53  password=$myrootpw
    54  socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
    55  [mysql_upgrade]
    56  host=localhost
    57  user=debian-sys-maint
    58  password=$myrootpw
    59  socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
    60  basedir=/usr
    61  EOF
    63  if [ -z "$serverid" ] ; then
    64    serverid=`echo $user | cut -d/ -f2`
    65  fi
    66  # add 100000 to server_id to avoid conflicts w/ masters
    67  serverid=$(($serverid+100000))
    68  if [ -f /etc/mysql/conf.d/ ] ; then
    69      old_hash=`md5sum /etc/mysql/conf.d/`
    70  else
    71      old_hash="xxx"
    72  fi
    73  cat > /etc/mysql/conf.d/binlog.cnf <<EOF
    74  [mysqld]
    75  server-id = $serverid
    76  log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log
    77  EOF
    78  new_hash=`md5sum /etc/mysql/conf.d/binlog.cnf`
    79  if [ "$new_hash" != "$old_hash" ] ; then
    80    service mysql stop
    81    # clear any binlogs
    82    backupdir=/var/backups/binlogs-`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
    83    mkdir -p $backupdir
    84    mv /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin* $backupdir || :
    85    service mysql start
    86  fi
    87  mysql $ROOTARGS -e "START SLAVE"
    88  mysql $ROOTARGS -e "SHOW SLAVE STATUS"
    89  touch /var/lib/juju/