
     1  name: wordpress
     2  summary: "WordPress is a full featured web blogging tool, this charm deploys it."
     3  maintainer: Marco Ceppi <>
     4  description: |
     5   This will install and setup WordPress optimized to run in the cloud. By default it will
     6   place Ngnix and php-fpm configured to scale horizontally with Nginx's reverse proxy.
     7  categories: ["applications"]
     8  requires:
     9    db:
    10      interface: mysql
    11    nfs:
    12      interface: mount
    13    cache:
    14      interface: memcache
    15  provides:
    16    website:
    17      interface: http
    18  peers:
    19    loadbalancer:
    20      interface: reversenginx
    21  series:
    22    - trusty
    23    - xenial
    24    - artful
    25    - bionic