
     1  // Copyright 2017 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package caas
     6  import (
     7  	"fmt"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	core ""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  )
    25  // ContainerEnvironProvider represents a computing and storage provider
    26  // for a container runtime.
    27  type ContainerEnvironProvider interface {
    28  	environs.EnvironProvider
    30  	// Open opens the broker and returns it. The configuration must
    31  	// have passed through PrepareConfig at some point in its lifecycle.
    32  	//
    33  	// Open should not perform any expensive operations, such as querying
    34  	// the cloud API, as it will be called frequently.
    35  	Open(args environs.OpenParams) (Broker, error)
    37  	// ParsePodSpec unmarshalls the given YAML pod spec.
    38  	ParsePodSpec(in string) (*PodSpec, error)
    39  }
    41  // RegisterContainerProvider is used for providers that we want to use for managing 'instances',
    42  // but are not possible sources for 'juju bootstrap'.
    43  func RegisterContainerProvider(name string, p ContainerEnvironProvider, alias ...string) (unregister func()) {
    44  	if err := environs.GlobalProviderRegistry().RegisterProvider(p, name, alias...); err != nil {
    45  		panic(fmt.Errorf("juju: %v", err))
    46  	}
    47  	return func() {
    48  		environs.GlobalProviderRegistry().UnregisterProvider(name)
    49  	}
    50  }
    52  // New returns a new broker based on the provided configuration.
    53  func New(args environs.OpenParams) (Broker, error) {
    54  	p, err := environs.Provider(args.Cloud.Type)
    55  	if err != nil {
    56  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
    57  	}
    58  	return Open(p, args)
    59  }
    61  // Open creates a Broker instance and errors if the provider is not for
    62  // a container substrate.
    63  func Open(p environs.EnvironProvider, args environs.OpenParams) (Broker, error) {
    64  	if envProvider, ok := p.(ContainerEnvironProvider); !ok {
    65  		return nil, errors.NotValidf("container environ provider %T", p)
    66  	} else {
    67  		return envProvider.Open(args)
    68  	}
    69  }
    71  // NewContainerBrokerFunc returns a Container Broker.
    72  type NewContainerBrokerFunc func(args environs.OpenParams) (Broker, error)
    74  // StatusCallbackFunc represents a function that can be called to report a status.
    75  type StatusCallbackFunc func(appName string, settableStatus status.Status, info string, data map[string]interface{}) error
    77  // ServiceParams defines parameters used to create a service.
    78  type ServiceParams struct {
    79  	// PodSpec is the spec used to configure a pod.
    80  	PodSpec *PodSpec
    82  	// ResourceTags is a set of tags to set on the created service.
    83  	ResourceTags map[string]string
    85  	// Placement defines node affinity rules.
    86  	Placement string
    88  	// Constraints is a set of constraints on
    89  	// the pod to create.
    90  	Constraints constraints.Value
    92  	// Filesystems is a set of parameters for filesystems that should be created.
    93  	Filesystems []storage.KubernetesFilesystemParams
    95  	// Devices is a set of parameters for Devices that is required.
    96  	Devices []devices.KubernetesDeviceParams
    97  }
    99  // Broker instances interact with the CAAS substrate.
   100  type Broker interface {
   101  	// Provider returns the ContainerEnvironProvider that created this Broker.
   102  	Provider() ContainerEnvironProvider
   104  	// Destroy terminates all containers and other resources in this broker's namespace.
   105  	Destroy(context.ProviderCallContext) error
   107  	// Namespaces returns name names of the namespaces on the cluster.
   108  	Namespaces() ([]string, error)
   110  	// EnsureNamespace ensures this broker's namespace is created.
   111  	EnsureNamespace() error
   113  	// GetStorageClassName returns the name of a storage class with the specified
   114  	// labels, or else the cluster default storage class, or else a NotFound error.
   115  	GetStorageClassName(labels ...string) (string, error)
   117  	// EnsureOperator creates or updates an operator pod for running
   118  	// a charm for the specified application.
   119  	EnsureOperator(appName, agentPath string, config *OperatorConfig) error
   121  	// OperatorExists returns true if the operator for the specified
   122  	// application exists.
   123  	OperatorExists(appName string) (bool, error)
   125  	// DeleteOperator deletes the specified operator.
   126  	DeleteOperator(appName string) error
   128  	// EnsureService creates or updates a service for pods with the given params.
   129  	EnsureService(appName string, statusCallback StatusCallbackFunc, params *ServiceParams, numUnits int, config application.ConfigAttributes) error
   131  	// EnsureCustomResourceDefinition creates or updates a custom resource definition resource.
   132  	EnsureCustomResourceDefinition(appName string, podSpec *PodSpec) error
   134  	// Service returns the service for the specified application.
   135  	Service(appName string) (*Service, error)
   137  	// DeleteService deletes the specified service.
   138  	DeleteService(appName string) error
   140  	// ExposeService sets up external access to the specified service.
   141  	ExposeService(appName string, resourceTags map[string]string, config application.ConfigAttributes) error
   143  	// UnexposeService removes external access to the specified service.
   144  	UnexposeService(appName string) error
   146  	// WatchUnits returns a watcher which notifies when there
   147  	// are changes to units of the specified application.
   148  	WatchUnits(appName string) (watcher.NotifyWatcher, error)
   150  	// Units returns all units and any associated filesystems
   151  	// of the specified application. Filesystems are mounted
   152  	// via volumes bound to the unit.
   153  	Units(appName string) ([]Unit, error)
   155  	// WatchOperator returns a watcher which notifies when there
   156  	// are changes to the operator of the specified application.
   157  	WatchOperator(string) (watcher.NotifyWatcher, error)
   159  	// GetNamespace returns the namespace for the specified name or current namespace.
   160  	GetNamespace(name string) (*core.Namespace, error)
   162  	// Operator returns an Operator with current status and life details.
   163  	Operator(string) (*Operator, error)
   165  	// ListHostCloudRegions lists all the cloud regions that this cluster has worker nodes/instances running in.
   166  	ListHostCloudRegions() (set.Strings, error)
   168  	// NamespaceWatcher provides the API to watch caas namespace.
   169  	NamespaceWatcher
   171  	// ProviderRegistry is an interface for obtaining storage providers.
   172  	storage.ProviderRegistry
   174  	// InstancePrechecker provides a means of "prechecking" placement
   175  	// arguments before recording them in state.
   176  	environs.InstancePrechecker
   178  	// BootstrapEnviron defines methods for bootstraping a controller.
   179  	environs.BootstrapEnviron
   181  	// ResourceAdopter defines methods for adopting resources.
   182  	environs.ResourceAdopter
   183  }
   185  // NamespaceWatcher provides the API to watch caas namespace.
   186  type NamespaceWatcher interface {
   187  	// WatchNamespace returns a watcher which notifies when there
   188  	// are changes to current namespace.
   189  	WatchNamespace() (watcher.NotifyWatcher, error)
   190  }
   192  // Service represents information about the status of a caas service entity.
   193  type Service struct {
   194  	Id        string
   195  	Addresses []network.Address
   196  }
   198  // FilesystemInfo represents information about a filesystem
   199  // mounted by a unit.
   200  type FilesystemInfo struct {
   201  	StorageName  string
   202  	FilesystemId string
   203  	Size         uint64
   204  	MountPoint   string
   205  	ReadOnly     bool
   206  	Status       status.StatusInfo
   207  	Volume       VolumeInfo
   208  }
   210  // VolumeInfo represents information about a volume
   211  // mounted by a unit.
   212  type VolumeInfo struct {
   213  	VolumeId   string
   214  	Size       uint64
   215  	Persistent bool
   216  	Status     status.StatusInfo
   217  }
   219  // Unit represents information about the status of a "pod".
   220  type Unit struct {
   221  	Id             string
   222  	Address        string
   223  	Ports          []string
   224  	Dying          bool
   225  	Status         status.StatusInfo
   226  	FilesystemInfo []FilesystemInfo
   227  }
   229  // Operator represents information about the status of an "operator pod".
   230  type Operator struct {
   231  	Id     string
   232  	Dying  bool
   233  	Status status.StatusInfo
   234  }
   236  // CharmStorageParams defines parameters used to create storage
   237  // for operators to use for charm state.
   238  type CharmStorageParams struct {
   239  	// Size is the minimum size of the filesystem in MiB.
   240  	Size uint64
   242  	// The provider type for this filesystem.
   243  	Provider storage.ProviderType
   245  	// Attributes is a set of provider-specific options for storage creation,
   246  	// as defined in a storage pool.
   247  	Attributes map[string]interface{}
   249  	// ResourceTags is a set of tags to set on the created filesystem, if the
   250  	// storage provider supports tags.
   251  	ResourceTags map[string]string
   252  }
   254  // OperatorConfig is the config to use when creating an operator.
   255  type OperatorConfig struct {
   256  	// OperatorImagePath is the docker registry URL for the image.
   257  	OperatorImagePath string
   259  	// Version is the Juju version of the operator image.
   260  	Version version.Number
   262  	// CharmStorage defines parameters used to create storage
   263  	// for operators to use for charm state.
   264  	CharmStorage CharmStorageParams
   266  	// AgentConf is the contents of the agent.conf file.
   267  	AgentConf []byte
   269  	// ResourceTags is a set of tags to set on the operator pod.
   270  	ResourceTags map[string]string
   271  }