
     1  // Copyright 2012, 2013 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package commands
     6  import (
     7  	"bytes"
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"os"
    10  	"os/exec"
    11  	"strings"
    12  	"text/template"
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	utilsos ""
    18  	""
    19  	proxyutils ""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    23  	// Import the providers.
    24  	cloudfile ""
    25  	jujucmd ""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	rcmd ""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  	""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    51  	""
    52  	""
    53  	""
    54  	_ ""
    55  	""
    56  	""
    57  	jujuversion ""
    58  )
    60  var logger = loggo.GetLogger("juju.cmd.juju.commands")
    62  func init() {
    63  	featureflag.SetFlagsFromEnvironment(osenv.JujuFeatureFlagEnvKey)
    64  }
    66  // TODO(ericsnow) Move the following to cmd/juju/main.go:
    67  //  jujuDoc
    68  //  Main
    70  var jujuDoc = `
    71  juju provides easy, intelligent application orchestration on top of cloud
    72  infrastructure providers such as Amazon EC2, MaaS, OpenStack, Windows, Azure,
    73  or your local machine.
    76  `
    78  const juju1xCmdName = "juju-1"
    80  var usageHelp = `
    81  Usage: juju [help] <command>
    83  Summary:
    84  Juju is model & application management software designed to leverage the power
    85  of existing resource pools, particularly cloud-based ones. It has built-in
    86  support for cloud providers such as Amazon EC2, Google GCE, Microsoft
    87  Azure, OpenStack, and Rackspace. It also works very well with MAAS and
    88  LXD. Juju allows for easy installation and management of workloads on a
    89  chosen resource pool.
    91  See for documentation.
    93  Common commands:
    95      add-cloud           Adds a user-defined cloud to Juju.
    96      add-credential      Adds or replaces credentials for a cloud.
    97      add-model           Adds a hosted model.
    98      add-relation        Adds a relation between two applications.
    99      add-unit            Adds extra units of a deployed application.
   100      add-user            Adds a Juju user to a controller.
   101      bootstrap           Initializes a cloud environment.
   102      controllers         Lists all controllers.
   103      deploy              Deploys a new application.
   104      expose              Makes an application publicly available over the network.
   105      models              Lists models a user can access on a controller.
   106      status              Displays the current status of Juju, applications, and units.
   107      switch              Selects or identifies the current controller and model.
   109  Example help commands:
   111      `[1:] + "`juju help`" + `          This help page
   112      ` + "`juju help commands`" + ` Lists all commands
   113      ` + "`juju help deploy`" + `   Shows help for command 'deploy'
   114  `
   116  var x = []byte("\x96\x8c\x8a\x91\x93\x9a\x9e\x8c\x97\x99\x8a\x9c\x94\x96\x91\x98\xdf\x9e\x92\x9e\x85\x96\x91\x98\xf5")
   118  // Main registers subcommands for the juju executable, and hands over control
   119  // to the cmd package. This function is not redundant with main, because it
   120  // provides an entry point for testing with arbitrary command line arguments.
   121  // This function returns the exit code, for main to pass to os.Exit.
   122  func Main(args []string) int {
   123  	return main{
   124  		execCommand: exec.Command,
   125  	}.Run(args)
   126  }
   128  // main is a type that captures dependencies for running the main function.
   129  type main struct {
   130  	// execCommand abstracts away exec.Command.
   131  	execCommand func(command string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd
   132  }
   134  // Run is the main entry point for the juju client.
   135  func (m main) Run(args []string) int {
   136  	ctx, err := cmd.DefaultContext()
   137  	if err != nil {
   138  		cmd.WriteError(os.Stderr, err)
   139  		return 2
   140  	}
   142  	// note that this has to come before we init the juju home directory,
   143  	// since it relies on detecting the lack of said directory.
   144  	newInstall := m.maybeWarnJuju1x()
   146  	if err = juju.InitJujuXDGDataHome(); err != nil {
   147  		cmd.WriteError(ctx.Stderr, err)
   148  		return 2
   149  	}
   151  	if err := installProxy(); err != nil {
   152  		cmd.WriteError(ctx.Stderr, err)
   153  		return 2
   154  	}
   156  	if newInstall {
   157  		fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Stderr, "Since Juju %v is being run for the first time, downloading latest cloud information.\n", jujuversion.Current.Major)
   158  		updateCmd := cloud.NewUpdateCloudsCommand()
   159  		if err := updateCmd.Run(ctx); err != nil {
   160  			cmd.WriteError(ctx.Stderr, err)
   161  		}
   162  	}
   164  	for i := range x {
   165  		x[i] ^= 255
   166  	}
   167  	if len(args) == 2 {
   168  		if args[1] == string(x[0:2]) {
   169  			os.Stdout.Write(x[9:])
   170  			return 0
   171  		}
   172  		if args[1] == string(x[2:9]) {
   173  			os.Stdout.Write(model.ExtractCert())
   174  			return 0
   175  		}
   176  	}
   178  	jcmd := NewJujuCommand(ctx)
   179  	return cmd.Main(jcmd, ctx, args[1:])
   180  }
   182  func installProxy() error {
   183  	// Set the default transport to use the in-process proxy
   184  	// configuration.
   185  	if err := proxy.DefaultConfig.Set(proxyutils.DetectProxies()); err != nil {
   186  		return errors.Trace(err)
   187  	}
   188  	if err := proxy.DefaultConfig.InstallInDefaultTransport(); err != nil {
   189  		return errors.Trace(err)
   190  	}
   191  	return nil
   192  }
   194  func (m main) maybeWarnJuju1x() (newInstall bool) {
   195  	newInstall = !juju2xConfigDataExists()
   196  	if !shouldWarnJuju1x() {
   197  		return newInstall
   198  	}
   199  	ver, exists := m.juju1xVersion()
   200  	if !exists {
   201  		return newInstall
   202  	}
   203  	// TODO (anastasiamac 2016-10-21) Once manual page exists as per
   204  	//,
   205  	// link it in the Note below to avoid propose here.
   206  	welcomeMsgTemplate := `
   207  Welcome to Juju {{.CurrentJujuVersion}}. 
   208      See for more details.
   210  If you want to use Juju {{.OldJujuVersion}}, run 'juju' commands as '{{.OldJujuCommand}}'. For example, '{{.OldJujuCommand}} bootstrap'.
   211     See for installation details. 
   212  `[1:]
   213  	t := template.Must(template.New("plugin").Parse(welcomeMsgTemplate))
   214  	var buf bytes.Buffer
   215  	t.Execute(&buf, map[string]interface{}{
   216  		"CurrentJujuVersion": jujuversion.Current,
   217  		"OldJujuVersion":     ver,
   218  		"OldJujuCommand":     juju1xCmdName,
   219  	})
   220  	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, buf.String())
   221  	return newInstall
   222  }
   224  func (m main) juju1xVersion() (ver string, exists bool) {
   225  	out, err := m.execCommand(juju1xCmdName, "version").Output()
   226  	if err == exec.ErrNotFound {
   227  		return "", false
   228  	}
   229  	ver = "1.x"
   230  	if err == nil {
   231  		v := strings.TrimSpace(string(out))
   232  		// parse so we can drop the series and arch
   233  		bin, err := version.ParseBinary(v)
   234  		if err == nil {
   235  			ver = bin.Number.String()
   236  		}
   237  	}
   238  	return ver, true
   239  }
   241  func shouldWarnJuju1x() bool {
   242  	// this code only applies to Ubuntu, where we renamed Juju 1.x to juju-1.
   243  	ostype, err := series.GetOSFromSeries(series.MustHostSeries())
   244  	if err != nil || ostype != utilsos.Ubuntu {
   245  		return false
   246  	}
   247  	return osenv.Juju1xEnvConfigExists() && !juju2xConfigDataExists()
   248  }
   250  func juju2xConfigDataExists() bool {
   251  	_, err := os.Stat(osenv.JujuXDGDataHomeDir())
   252  	return err == nil
   253  }
   255  // NewJujuCommand ...
   256  func NewJujuCommand(ctx *cmd.Context) cmd.Command {
   257  	jcmd := jujucmd.NewSuperCommand(cmd.SuperCommandParams{
   258  		Name:                "juju",
   259  		Doc:                 jujuDoc,
   260  		MissingCallback:     RunPlugin,
   261  		UserAliasesFilename: osenv.JujuXDGDataHomePath("aliases"),
   262  		FlagKnownAs:         "option",
   263  	})
   264  	jcmd.AddHelpTopic("basics", "Basic Help Summary", usageHelp)
   265  	registerCommands(jcmd, ctx)
   266  	return jcmd
   267  }
   269  type commandRegistry interface {
   270  	Register(cmd.Command)
   271  	RegisterSuperAlias(name, super, forName string, check cmd.DeprecationCheck)
   272  	RegisterDeprecated(subcmd cmd.Command, check cmd.DeprecationCheck)
   273  }
   275  // TODO(ericsnow) Factor out the commands and aliases into a static
   276  // registry that can be passed to the supercommand separately.
   278  // registerCommands registers commands in the specified registry.
   279  func registerCommands(r commandRegistry, ctx *cmd.Context) {
   280  	// Creation commands.
   281  	r.Register(newBootstrapCommand())
   282  	r.Register(application.NewAddRelationCommand())
   284  	// Cross model relations commands.
   285  	r.Register(crossmodel.NewOfferCommand())
   286  	r.Register(crossmodel.NewRemoveOfferCommand())
   287  	r.Register(crossmodel.NewShowOfferedEndpointCommand())
   288  	r.Register(crossmodel.NewListEndpointsCommand())
   289  	r.Register(crossmodel.NewFindEndpointsCommand())
   290  	r.Register(application.NewConsumeCommand())
   291  	r.Register(application.NewSuspendRelationCommand())
   292  	r.Register(application.NewResumeRelationCommand())
   294  	// Firewall rule commands.
   295  	r.Register(firewall.NewSetFirewallRuleCommand())
   296  	r.Register(firewall.NewListFirewallRulesCommand())
   298  	// Destruction commands.
   299  	r.Register(application.NewRemoveRelationCommand())
   300  	r.Register(application.NewRemoveApplicationCommand())
   301  	r.Register(application.NewRemoveUnitCommand())
   302  	r.Register(application.NewRemoveSaasCommand())
   304  	// Reporting commands.
   305  	r.Register(status.NewStatusCommand())
   306  	r.Register(newSwitchCommand())
   307  	r.Register(status.NewStatusHistoryCommand())
   309  	// Error resolution and debugging commands.
   310  	r.Register(newDefaultRunCommand(nil))
   311  	r.Register(newSCPCommand(nil))
   312  	r.Register(newSSHCommand(nil, nil))
   313  	r.Register(application.NewResolvedCommand())
   314  	r.Register(newDebugLogCommand(nil))
   315  	r.Register(newDebugHooksCommand(nil))
   317  	// Configuration commands.
   318  	r.Register(model.NewModelGetConstraintsCommand())
   319  	r.Register(model.NewModelSetConstraintsCommand())
   320  	r.Register(newSyncToolsCommand())
   321  	r.Register(newUpgradeJujuCommand(nil, nil))
   322  	r.Register(application.NewUpgradeCharmCommand())
   323  	r.Register(application.NewSetSeriesCommand())
   325  	// Charm tool commands.
   326  	r.Register(newHelpToolCommand())
   327  	// TODO (anastasiamac 2017-08-1) This needs to be removed in Juju 3.x
   328  	// lp#1707836
   329  	r.Register(charmcmd.NewSuperCommand())
   331  	// Manage backups.
   332  	r.Register(backups.NewCreateCommand())
   333  	r.Register(backups.NewDownloadCommand())
   334  	r.Register(backups.NewShowCommand())
   335  	r.Register(backups.NewListCommand())
   336  	r.Register(backups.NewRemoveCommand())
   337  	r.Register(backups.NewRestoreCommand())
   338  	r.Register(backups.NewUploadCommand())
   340  	// Manage authorized ssh keys.
   341  	r.Register(NewAddKeysCommand())
   342  	r.Register(NewRemoveKeysCommand())
   343  	r.Register(NewImportKeysCommand())
   344  	r.Register(NewListKeysCommand())
   346  	// Manage users and access
   347  	r.Register(user.NewAddCommand())
   348  	r.Register(user.NewChangePasswordCommand())
   349  	r.Register(user.NewShowUserCommand())
   350  	r.Register(user.NewListCommand())
   351  	r.Register(user.NewEnableCommand())
   352  	r.Register(user.NewDisableCommand())
   353  	r.Register(user.NewLoginCommand())
   354  	r.Register(user.NewLogoutCommand())
   355  	r.Register(user.NewRemoveCommand())
   356  	r.Register(user.NewWhoAmICommand())
   358  	// Manage cached images
   359  	r.Register(cachedimages.NewRemoveCommand())
   360  	r.Register(cachedimages.NewListCommand())
   362  	// Manage machines
   363  	r.Register(machine.NewAddCommand())
   364  	r.Register(machine.NewRemoveCommand())
   365  	r.Register(machine.NewListMachinesCommand())
   366  	r.Register(machine.NewShowMachineCommand())
   367  	r.Register(machine.NewUpgradeSeriesCommand())
   369  	// Manage model
   370  	r.Register(model.NewConfigCommand())
   371  	r.Register(model.NewDefaultsCommand())
   372  	r.Register(model.NewRetryProvisioningCommand())
   373  	r.Register(model.NewDestroyCommand())
   374  	r.Register(model.NewGrantCommand())
   375  	r.Register(model.NewRevokeCommand())
   376  	r.Register(model.NewShowCommand())
   377  	r.Register(model.NewModelCredentialCommand())
   378  	if featureflag.Enabled(feature.Generations) {
   379  		r.Register(model.NewAddGenerationCommand())
   380  		r.Register(model.NewCancelGenerationCommand())
   381  		r.Register(model.NewAdvanceGenerationCommand())
   382  		r.Register(model.NewSwitchGenerationCommand())
   383  	}
   385  	r.Register(newMigrateCommand())
   386  	r.Register(model.NewExportBundleCommand())
   388  	if featureflag.Enabled(feature.DeveloperMode) {
   389  		r.Register(model.NewDumpCommand())
   390  		r.Register(model.NewDumpDBCommand())
   391  	}
   393  	// Manage and control actions
   394  	r.Register(action.NewStatusCommand())
   395  	r.Register(action.NewRunCommand())
   396  	r.Register(action.NewShowOutputCommand())
   397  	r.Register(action.NewListCommand())
   398  	r.Register(action.NewCancelCommand())
   400  	// Manage controller availability
   401  	r.Register(newEnableHACommand())
   403  	// Manage and control applications
   404  	r.Register(application.NewAddUnitCommand())
   405  	r.Register(application.NewConfigCommand())
   406  	r.Register(application.NewDeployCommand())
   407  	r.Register(application.NewExposeCommand())
   408  	r.Register(application.NewUnexposeCommand())
   409  	r.Register(application.NewApplicationGetConstraintsCommand())
   410  	r.Register(application.NewApplicationSetConstraintsCommand())
   411  	r.Register(application.NewBundleDiffCommand())
   412  	r.Register(application.NewShowApplicationCommand())
   414  	// Operation protection commands
   415  	r.Register(block.NewDisableCommand())
   416  	r.Register(block.NewListCommand())
   417  	r.Register(block.NewEnableCommand())
   419  	// Manage storage
   420  	r.Register(storage.NewAddCommand())
   421  	r.Register(storage.NewListCommand())
   422  	r.Register(storage.NewPoolCreateCommand())
   423  	r.Register(storage.NewPoolListCommand())
   424  	r.Register(storage.NewPoolRemoveCommand())
   425  	r.Register(storage.NewPoolUpdateCommand())
   426  	r.Register(storage.NewShowCommand())
   427  	r.Register(storage.NewRemoveStorageCommandWithAPI())
   428  	r.Register(storage.NewDetachStorageCommandWithAPI())
   429  	r.Register(storage.NewAttachStorageCommandWithAPI())
   430  	r.Register(storage.NewImportFilesystemCommand(storage.NewStorageImporter, nil))
   432  	// Manage spaces
   433  	r.Register(space.NewAddCommand())
   434  	r.Register(space.NewListCommand())
   435  	r.Register(space.NewReloadCommand())
   436  	if featureflag.Enabled(feature.PostNetCLIMVP) {
   437  		r.Register(space.NewRemoveCommand())
   438  		r.Register(space.NewUpdateCommand())
   439  		r.Register(space.NewRenameCommand())
   440  	}
   442  	// Manage subnets
   443  	r.Register(subnet.NewAddCommand())
   444  	r.Register(subnet.NewListCommand())
   445  	if featureflag.Enabled(feature.PostNetCLIMVP) {
   446  		r.Register(subnet.NewCreateCommand())
   447  		r.Register(subnet.NewRemoveCommand())
   448  	}
   450  	// Manage controllers
   451  	r.Register(controller.NewAddModelCommand())
   452  	r.Register(controller.NewDestroyCommand())
   453  	r.Register(controller.NewListModelsCommand())
   454  	r.Register(controller.NewKillCommand())
   455  	r.Register(controller.NewListControllersCommand())
   456  	r.Register(controller.NewRegisterCommand())
   457  	r.Register(controller.NewUnregisterCommand(jujuclient.NewFileClientStore()))
   458  	r.Register(controller.NewEnableDestroyControllerCommand())
   459  	r.Register(controller.NewShowControllerCommand())
   460  	r.Register(controller.NewConfigCommand())
   462  	// Debug Metrics
   463  	r.Register(metricsdebug.New())
   464  	r.Register(metricsdebug.NewCollectMetricsCommand())
   465  	r.Register(setmeterstatus.New())
   467  	// Manage clouds and credentials
   468  	r.Register(cloud.NewUpdateCloudsCommand())
   469  	r.Register(cloud.NewListCloudsCommand())
   470  	r.Register(cloud.NewListRegionsCommand())
   471  	r.Register(cloud.NewShowCloudCommand())
   472  	r.Register(cloud.NewAddCloudCommand(&cloudToCommandAdapter{}))
   473  	r.Register(cloud.NewRemoveCloudCommand())
   474  	r.Register(cloud.NewListCredentialsCommand())
   475  	r.Register(cloud.NewDetectCredentialsCommand())
   476  	r.Register(cloud.NewSetDefaultRegionCommand())
   477  	r.Register(cloud.NewSetDefaultCredentialCommand())
   478  	r.Register(cloud.NewAddCredentialCommand())
   479  	r.Register(cloud.NewRemoveCredentialCommand())
   480  	r.Register(cloud.NewUpdateCredentialCommand())
   481  	r.Register(cloud.NewShowCredentialCommand())
   482  	r.Register(model.NewGrantCloudCommand())
   483  	r.Register(model.NewRevokeCloudCommand())
   485  	// CAAS commands
   486  	r.Register(caas.NewAddCAASCommand(&cloudToCommandAdapter{}))
   487  	r.Register(caas.NewRemoveCAASCommand(&cloudToCommandAdapter{}))
   488  	r.Register(application.NewScaleApplicationCommand())
   490  	// Manage Application Credential Access
   491  	r.Register(application.NewTrustCommand())
   493  	// Juju GUI commands.
   494  	r.Register(gui.NewGUICommand())
   495  	r.Register(gui.NewUpgradeGUICommand())
   497  	// Resource commands
   498  	r.Register(resource.NewUploadCommand(resource.UploadDeps{
   499  		NewClient: func(c *resource.UploadCommand) (resource.UploadClient, error) {
   500  			apiRoot, err := c.NewAPIRoot()
   501  			if err != nil {
   502  				return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   503  			}
   504  			return resourceadapters.NewAPIClient(apiRoot)
   505  		},
   506  		OpenResource: func(s string) (resource.ReadSeekCloser, error) {
   507  			return os.Open(s)
   508  		},
   509  	}))
   510  	r.Register(resource.NewListCommand(resource.ListDeps{
   511  		NewClient: func(c *resource.ListCommand) (resource.ListClient, error) {
   512  			apiRoot, err := c.NewAPIRoot()
   513  			if err != nil {
   514  				return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   515  			}
   516  			return resourceadapters.NewAPIClient(apiRoot)
   517  		},
   518  	}))
   519  	r.Register(resource.NewCharmResourcesCommand(nil))
   521  	// Commands registered elsewhere.
   522  	for _, newCommand := range registeredCommands {
   523  		command := newCommand()
   524  		r.Register(command)
   525  	}
   526  	for _, newCommand := range registeredEnvCommands {
   527  		command := newCommand()
   528  		r.Register(modelcmd.Wrap(command))
   529  	}
   530  	rcmd.RegisterAll(r)
   531  }
   533  type cloudToCommandAdapter struct{}
   535  func (cloudToCommandAdapter) ParseCloudMetadataFile(path string) (map[string]cloudfile.Cloud, error) {
   536  	return cloudfile.ParseCloudMetadataFile(path)
   537  }
   538  func (cloudToCommandAdapter) ParseOneCloud(data []byte) (cloudfile.Cloud, error) {
   539  	return cloudfile.ParseOneCloud(data)
   540  }
   541  func (cloudToCommandAdapter) PublicCloudMetadata(searchPaths ...string) (map[string]cloudfile.Cloud, bool, error) {
   542  	return cloudfile.PublicCloudMetadata(searchPaths...)
   543  }
   544  func (cloudToCommandAdapter) PersonalCloudMetadata() (map[string]cloudfile.Cloud, error) {
   545  	return cloudfile.PersonalCloudMetadata()
   546  }
   547  func (cloudToCommandAdapter) WritePersonalCloudMetadata(cloudsMap map[string]cloudfile.Cloud) error {
   548  	return cloudfile.WritePersonalCloudMetadata(cloudsMap)
   549  }