
     1  // Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package controller
     6  import (
     7  	"time"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  )
    20  // NewListControllersCommandForTest returns a listControllersCommand with the clientstore provided
    21  // as specified.
    22  func NewListControllersCommandForTest(testStore jujuclient.ClientStore, api func(string) ControllerAccessAPI) *listControllersCommand {
    23  	return &listControllersCommand{
    24  		store: testStore,
    25  		api:   api,
    26  	}
    27  }
    29  // NewShowControllerCommandForTest returns a showControllerCommand with the clientstore provided
    30  // as specified.
    31  func NewShowControllerCommandForTest(testStore jujuclient.ClientStore, api func(string) ControllerAccessAPI) *showControllerCommand {
    32  	return &showControllerCommand{
    33  		store: testStore,
    34  		api:   api,
    35  	}
    36  }
    38  type AddModelCommand struct {
    39  	*addModelCommand
    40  }
    42  // NewAddModelCommandForTest returns a AddModelCommand with
    43  // the api provided as specified.
    44  func NewAddModelCommandForTest(
    45  	apiRoot api.Connection,
    46  	api AddModelAPI,
    47  	cloudAPI CloudAPI,
    48  	store jujuclient.ClientStore,
    49  	providerRegistry environs.ProviderRegistry,
    50  ) (cmd.Command, *AddModelCommand) {
    51  	c := &addModelCommand{
    52  		apiRoot: apiRoot,
    53  		newAddModelAPI: func(caller base.APICallCloser) AddModelAPI {
    54  			return api
    55  		},
    56  		newCloudAPI: func(base.APICallCloser) CloudAPI {
    57  			return cloudAPI
    58  		},
    59  		providerRegistry: providerRegistry,
    60  	}
    61  	c.SetClientStore(store)
    62  	return modelcmd.WrapController(c), &AddModelCommand{c}
    63  }
    65  // NewListModelsCommandForTest returns a ListModelsCommand with the API
    66  // and userCreds provided as specified.
    67  func NewListModelsCommandForTest(modelAPI ModelManagerAPI, sysAPI ModelsSysAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command {
    68  	c := &modelsCommand{
    69  		modelAPI: modelAPI,
    70  		sysAPI:   sysAPI,
    71  	}
    72  	c.SetClientStore(store)
    73  	return modelcmd.WrapController(c)
    74  }
    76  // NewRegisterCommandForTest returns a RegisterCommand with the function used
    77  // to open the API connection mocked out.
    78  func NewRegisterCommandForTest(apiOpen api.OpenFunc, listModels func(jujuclient.ClientStore, string, string) ([]base.UserModel, error), store jujuclient.ClientStore) modelcmd.Command {
    79  	return modelcmd.WrapBase(&registerCommand{
    80  		apiOpen:        apiOpen,
    81  		listModelsFunc: listModels,
    82  		store:          store,
    83  	})
    84  }
    86  // NewEnableDestroyControllerCommandForTest returns a enableDestroyController with the
    87  // function used to open the API connection mocked out.
    88  func NewEnableDestroyControllerCommandForTest(api removeBlocksAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command {
    89  	c := &enableDestroyController{
    90  		api: api,
    91  	}
    92  	c.SetClientStore(store)
    93  	return modelcmd.WrapController(c)
    94  }
    96  // NewDestroyCommandForTest returns a DestroyCommand with the controller and
    97  // client endpoints mocked out.
    98  func NewDestroyCommandForTest(
    99  	api destroyControllerAPI,
   100  	clientapi destroyClientAPI,
   101  	storageAPI storageAPI,
   102  	store jujuclient.ClientStore,
   103  	apierr error,
   104  	controllerCredentialAPIFunc newCredentialAPIFunc,
   105  	environsDestroy func(string, environs.ControllerDestroyer, context.ProviderCallContext, jujuclient.ControllerStore) error,
   107  ) cmd.Command {
   108  	cmd := &destroyCommand{
   109  		destroyCommandBase: destroyCommandBase{
   110  			api:                         api,
   111  			clientapi:                   clientapi,
   112  			apierr:                      apierr,
   113  			controllerCredentialAPIFunc: controllerCredentialAPIFunc,
   114  			environsDestroy:             environsDestroy,
   115  		},
   116  		storageAPI: storageAPI,
   117  	}
   118  	cmd.SetClientStore(store)
   119  	return modelcmd.WrapController(
   120  		cmd,
   121  		modelcmd.WrapControllerSkipControllerFlags,
   122  		modelcmd.WrapControllerSkipDefaultController,
   123  	)
   124  }
   126  // NewKillCommandForTest returns a killCommand with the controller and client
   127  // endpoints mocked out.
   128  func NewKillCommandForTest(
   129  	api destroyControllerAPI,
   130  	clientapi destroyClientAPI,
   131  	store jujuclient.ClientStore,
   132  	apierr error,
   133  	clock clock.Clock,
   134  	apiOpen api.OpenFunc,
   135  	controllerCredentialAPIFunc newCredentialAPIFunc,
   136  	environsDestroy func(string, environs.ControllerDestroyer, context.ProviderCallContext, jujuclient.ControllerStore) error,
   137  ) cmd.Command {
   138  	kill := &killCommand{
   139  		destroyCommandBase: destroyCommandBase{
   140  			api:                         api,
   141  			clientapi:                   clientapi,
   142  			apierr:                      apierr,
   143  			controllerCredentialAPIFunc: controllerCredentialAPIFunc,
   144  			environsDestroy:             environsDestroy,
   145  		},
   146  		clock: clock,
   147  	}
   148  	kill.SetClientStore(store)
   149  	wrapped := wrapKillCommand(kill)
   150  	if apiOpen != nil {
   151  		wrapped.SetAPIOpen(apiOpen)
   152  	}
   153  	return wrapped
   154  }
   156  // KillTimeout returns the internal timeout duration of the kill command.
   157  func KillTimeout(command cmd.Command) time.Duration {
   158  	return modelcmd.InnerCommand(command).(*killCommand).timeout
   159  }
   161  // KillWaitForModels calls the WaitForModels method of the kill command.
   162  func KillWaitForModels(command cmd.Command, ctx *cmd.Context, api destroyControllerAPI, uuid string) error {
   163  	return modelcmd.InnerCommand(command).(*killCommand).WaitForModels(ctx, api, uuid)
   164  }
   166  // NewConfigCommandForTest returns a ConfigCommand with
   167  // the api provided as specified.
   168  func NewConfigCommandForTest(api controllerAPI, store jujuclient.ClientStore) cmd.Command {
   169  	c := &configCommand{api: api}
   170  	c.SetClientStore(store)
   171  	return modelcmd.WrapController(c)
   172  }
   174  type CtrData ctrData
   175  type ModelData modelData
   177  func FmtCtrStatus(data CtrData) string {
   178  	return fmtCtrStatus(ctrData(data))
   179  }
   181  func FmtModelStatus(data ModelData) string {
   182  	return fmtModelStatus(modelData(data))
   183  }
   185  func NewData(api destroyControllerAPI, ctrUUID string) (ctrData, []modelData, error) {
   186  	return newData(api, ctrUUID)
   187  }
   189  var (
   190  	NoModelsMessage = noModelsMessage
   191  )