
     1  // Copyright 2015,2016 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package controller_test
     6  import (
     7  	"encoding/json"
     8  	"fmt"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	jc ""
    14  	gc ""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  )
    24  type ListControllersSuite struct {
    25  	baseControllerSuite
    26  	api func(string) controller.ControllerAccessAPI
    27  }
    29  var _ = gc.Suite(&ListControllersSuite{})
    31  func (s *ListControllersSuite) TestListControllersEmptyStore(c *gc.C) {
    32 = jujuclient.NewMemStore()
    33  	_, err := s.runListControllers(c)
    34  	c.Check(errors.Cause(err), gc.Equals, modelcmd.ErrNoControllersDefined)
    35  }
    37  func (s *ListControllersSuite) TestListControllers(c *gc.C) {
    38  	store := s.createTestClientStore(c)
    39  	delete(store.Accounts, "aws-test")
    40  	originallyInStore := &jujuclient.ControllerModels{
    41  		CurrentModel: "admin/my-model",
    42  		Models: map[string]jujuclient.ModelDetails{
    43  			"model0":   {ModelUUID: "abc", ModelType: model.IAAS},
    44  			"my-model": {ModelUUID: "def", ModelType: model.IAAS},
    45  		},
    46  	}
    47  	c.Assert(store.Models["mallards"], gc.DeepEquals, originallyInStore)
    49  	s.expectedOutput = `
    50  Use --refresh option with this command to see the latest information.
    52  Controller           Model             User   Access     Cloud/Region        Models  Machines  HA  Version
    53  aws-test             admin/controller  -      -          aws/us-east-1            1         5   -  2.0.1      
    54  mallards*            my-model          admin  superuser  mallards/mallards1       2         -   -  (unknown)  
    55  mark-test-prodstack  -                 admin  (unknown)  prodstack                -         -   -  (unknown)  
    57  `[1:]
    59  	s.assertListControllers(c)
    60  	// Check store was not updated.
    61  	c.Assert(store.Models["mallards"], gc.DeepEquals, originallyInStore)
    62  }
    64  func (s *ListControllersSuite) TestListControllersRefresh(c *gc.C) {
    65  	store := s.createTestClientStore(c)
    66  	originallyInStore := &jujuclient.ControllerModels{
    67  		CurrentModel: "admin/my-model",
    68  		Models: map[string]jujuclient.ModelDetails{
    69  			"model0":   {ModelUUID: "abc", ModelType: model.IAAS},
    70  			"my-model": {ModelUUID: "def", ModelType: model.IAAS},
    71  		},
    72  	}
    73  	c.Assert(store.Models["mallards"], gc.DeepEquals, originallyInStore)
    74  	s.api = func(controllerName string) controller.ControllerAccessAPI {
    75  		fakeController := &fakeController{controllerName: controllerName}
    76  		return fakeController
    77  	}
    78  	s.expectedOutput = `
    79  Controller           Model       User   Access     Cloud/Region        Models  Machines  HA  Version
    80  aws-test             controller  admin  (unknown)  aws/us-east-1            1         2   -  2.0.1      
    81  mallards*            my-model    admin  superuser  mallards/mallards1       2         4   -  (unknown)  
    82  mark-test-prodstack  -           admin  (unknown)  prodstack                -         -   -  (unknown)  
    84  `[1:]
    85  	s.assertListControllers(c, "--refresh")
    86  	// Check store was updated.
    87  	c.Assert(store.Models["mallards"], gc.DeepEquals, &jujuclient.ControllerModels{
    88  		CurrentModel: "admin/my-model",
    89  		Models: map[string]jujuclient.ModelDetails{
    90  			"admin/controller": {ModelUUID: "abc", ModelType: model.IAAS},
    91  			"admin/my-model":   {ModelUUID: "def", ModelType: model.IAAS},
    92  		},
    93  	})
    94  }
    96  func (s *ListControllersSuite) setupAPIForControllerMachines() {
    97  	s.api = func(controllerName string) controller.ControllerAccessAPI {
    98  		fakeController := &fakeController{controllerName: controllerName}
    99  		switch controllerName {
   100  		case "aws-test":
   101  			fakeController.machines = map[string][]base.Machine{
   102  				"ghi": {
   103  					{Id: "1", HasVote: true, WantsVote: true, Status: "active"},
   104  					{Id: "2", HasVote: true, WantsVote: true, Status: "down"},
   105  					{Id: "3", HasVote: false, WantsVote: true, Status: "active"},
   106  				},
   107  			}
   108  		case "mallards":
   109  			fakeController.machines = map[string][]base.Machine{
   110  				"abc": {
   111  					{Id: "1", HasVote: true, WantsVote: true, Status: "active"},
   112  				},
   113  				"def": {
   114  					{Id: "1", HasVote: true, WantsVote: true, Status: "active"},
   115  				},
   116  			}
   117  		}
   118  		return fakeController
   119  	}
   120  }
   122  func (s *ListControllersSuite) TestListControllersKnownHAStatus(c *gc.C) {
   123  	s.createTestClientStore(c)
   124  	s.setupAPIForControllerMachines()
   125  	s.expectedOutput = `
   126  Controller           Model       User   Access     Cloud/Region        Models  Machines    HA  Version
   127  aws-test             controller  admin  (unknown)  aws/us-east-1            1         2   1/3  2.0.1      
   128  mallards*            my-model    admin  superuser  mallards/mallards1       2         4  none  (unknown)  
   129  mark-test-prodstack  -           admin  (unknown)  prodstack                -         -     -  (unknown)  
   131  `[1:]
   132  	s.assertListControllers(c, "--refresh")
   133  }
   135  func (s *ListControllersSuite) TestListControllersYaml(c *gc.C) {
   136  	s.expectedOutput = `
   137  controllers:
   138    aws-test:
   139      current-model: controller
   140      user: admin
   141      recent-server: this-is-aws-test-of-many-api-endpoints
   142      uuid: this-is-the-aws-test-uuid
   143      controller-uuid: this-is-the-aws-test-uuid
   144      api-endpoints: [this-is-aws-test-of-many-api-endpoints]
   145      ca-cert: this-is-aws-test-ca-cert
   146      cloud: aws
   147      region: us-east-1
   148      agent-version: 2.0.1
   149      model-count: 1
   150      machine-count: 2
   151      controller-machines:
   152        active: 1
   153        total: 3
   154    mallards:
   155      current-model: my-model
   156      user: admin
   157      access: superuser
   158      recent-server: this-is-another-of-many-api-endpoints
   159      uuid: this-is-another-uuid
   160      controller-uuid: this-is-another-uuid
   161      api-endpoints: [this-is-another-of-many-api-endpoints, this-is-one-more-of-many-api-endpoints]
   162      ca-cert: this-is-another-ca-cert
   163      cloud: mallards
   164      region: mallards1
   165      model-count: 2
   166      machine-count: 4
   167      controller-machines:
   168        active: 1
   169        total: 1
   170    mark-test-prodstack:
   171      user: admin
   172      recent-server: this-is-one-of-many-api-endpoints
   173      uuid: this-is-a-uuid
   174      controller-uuid: this-is-a-uuid
   175      api-endpoints: [this-is-one-of-many-api-endpoints]
   176      ca-cert: this-is-a-ca-cert
   177      cloud: prodstack
   178  current-controller: mallards
   179  `[1:]
   181  	s.createTestClientStore(c)
   182  	s.setupAPIForControllerMachines()
   183  	s.assertListControllers(c, "--format", "yaml", "--refresh")
   184  }
   186  func intPtr(i int) *int {
   187  	return &i
   188  }
   190  func (s *ListControllersSuite) TestListControllersJson(c *gc.C) {
   191  	s.expectedOutput = ""
   192  	s.createTestClientStore(c)
   193  	jsonOut := s.assertListControllers(c, "--format", "json")
   194  	var result controller.ControllerSet
   195  	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonOut), &result)
   196  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   197  	c.Assert(result, jc.DeepEquals, controller.ControllerSet{
   198  		Controllers: map[string]controller.ControllerItem{
   199  			"aws-test": {
   200  				ControllerUUID: "this-is-the-aws-test-uuid",
   201  				ModelName:      "controller",
   202  				User:           "admin",
   203  				Server:         "this-is-aws-test-of-many-api-endpoints",
   204  				APIEndpoints:   []string{"this-is-aws-test-of-many-api-endpoints"},
   205  				CACert:         "this-is-aws-test-ca-cert",
   206  				Cloud:          "aws",
   207  				CloudRegion:    "us-east-1",
   208  				AgentVersion:   "2.0.1",
   209  				ModelCount:     intPtr(1),
   210  				MachineCount:   intPtr(5),
   211  			},
   212  			"mallards": {
   213  				ControllerUUID: "this-is-another-uuid",
   214  				ModelName:      "my-model",
   215  				User:           "admin",
   216  				Access:         "superuser",
   217  				Server:         "this-is-another-of-many-api-endpoints",
   218  				APIEndpoints:   []string{"this-is-another-of-many-api-endpoints", "this-is-one-more-of-many-api-endpoints"},
   219  				CACert:         "this-is-another-ca-cert",
   220  				Cloud:          "mallards",
   221  				CloudRegion:    "mallards1",
   222  				ModelCount:     intPtr(2),
   223  			},
   224  			"mark-test-prodstack": {
   225  				ControllerUUID: "this-is-a-uuid",
   226  				User:           "admin",
   227  				Server:         "this-is-one-of-many-api-endpoints",
   228  				APIEndpoints:   []string{"this-is-one-of-many-api-endpoints"},
   229  				CACert:         "this-is-a-ca-cert",
   230  				Cloud:          "prodstack",
   231  			},
   232  		},
   233  		CurrentController: "mallards",
   234  	})
   235  }
   237  func (s *ListControllersSuite) TestListControllersReadFromStoreErr(c *gc.C) {
   238  	msg := "fail getting all controllers"
   239  	errStore := jujuclienttesting.NewStubStore()
   240  	errStore.SetErrors(errors.New(msg))
   241 = errStore
   242  	s.expectedErr = fmt.Sprintf("failed to list controllers: %v", msg)
   243  	s.assertListControllersFailed(c)
   244  	errStore.CheckCallNames(c, "AllControllers")
   245  }
   247  func (s *ListControllersSuite) TestListControllersUnrecognizedArg(c *gc.C) {
   248  	s.createTestClientStore(c)
   249  	s.expectedErr = `unrecognized args: \["whoops"\]`
   250  	s.assertListControllersFailed(c, "whoops")
   251  }
   253  func (s *ListControllersSuite) TestListControllersUnrecognizedFlag(c *gc.C) {
   254  	s.createTestClientStore(c)
   255  	s.expectedErr = `option provided but not defined: -m`
   256  	s.assertListControllersFailed(c, "-m", "")
   257  }
   259  func (s *ListControllersSuite) TestListControllersUnrecognizedOptionFlag(c *gc.C) {
   260  	s.createTestClientStore(c)
   261  	s.expectedErr = `option provided but not defined: --model`
   262  	s.assertListControllersFailed(c, "--model", "")
   263  }
   265  func (s *ListControllersSuite) TestListControllersNoControllers(c *gc.C) {
   266  	store := s.createTestClientStore(c)
   267  	store.Controllers = map[string]jujuclient.ControllerDetails{}
   268  	s.expectedErr = `No controllers registered.
   270  Please either create a new controller using "juju bootstrap" or connect to
   271  another controller that you have been given access to using "juju register".
   272  `
   273  	s.assertListControllersFailed(c)
   274  }
   276  func (s *ListControllersSuite) runListControllers(c *gc.C, args ...string) (*cmd.Context, error) {
   277  	return cmdtesting.RunCommand(c, controller.NewListControllersCommandForTest(, s.api), args...)
   278  }
   280  func (s *ListControllersSuite) assertListControllersFailed(c *gc.C, args ...string) {
   281  	_, err := s.runListControllers(c, args...)
   282  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, s.expectedErr)
   283  }
   285  func (s *ListControllersSuite) assertListControllers(c *gc.C, args ...string) string {
   286  	context, err := s.runListControllers(c, args...)
   287  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   288  	output := cmdtesting.Stdout(context)
   289  	if s.expectedOutput != "" {
   290  		c.Assert(output, gc.Equals, s.expectedOutput)
   291  	}
   292  	return output
   293  }