
     1  // Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package resource
     6  import "time"
     8  // FormattedCharmResource holds the formatted representation of a resource's info.
     9  type FormattedCharmResource struct {
    10  	// These fields are exported for the sake of serialization.
    11  	Name        string `json:"name" yaml:"name"`
    12  	Type        string `json:"type" yaml:"type"`
    13  	Path        string `json:"path" yaml:"path"`
    14  	Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"`
    15  	Revision    int    `json:"revision,omitempty" yaml:"revision,omitempty"`
    16  	Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint" yaml:"fingerprint"`
    17  	Size        int64  `json:"size" yaml:"size"`
    18  	Origin      string `json:"origin" yaml:"origin"`
    19  }
    21  // FormattedApplicationInfo holds the formatted representation of the information
    22  // about an application's resources.
    23  type FormattedApplicationInfo struct {
    24  	Resources []FormattedAppResource   `json:"resources,omitempty" yaml:"resources,omitempty"`
    25  	Updates   []FormattedCharmResource `json:"updates,omitempty" yaml:"updates,omitempty"`
    26  }
    28  // FormattedAppResource holds the formatted representation of a resource's info.
    29  type FormattedAppResource struct {
    30  	// These fields are exported for the sake of serialization.
    31  	ID            string    `json:"resourceid,omitempty" yaml:"resourceid,omitempty"`
    32  	ApplicationID string    `json:"applicationId,omitempty" yaml:"applicationId,omitempty"`
    33  	Name          string    `json:"name" yaml:"name"`
    34  	Type          string    `json:"type" yaml:"type"`
    35  	Path          string    `json:"path" yaml:"path"`
    36  	Description   string    `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"`
    37  	Revision      string    `json:"revision,omitempty" yaml:"revision,omitempty"`
    38  	Fingerprint   string    `json:"fingerprint" yaml:"fingerprint"`
    39  	Size          int64     `json:"size" yaml:"size"`
    40  	Origin        string    `json:"origin" yaml:"origin"`
    41  	Used          bool      `json:"used" yaml:"used"`
    42  	Timestamp     time.Time `json:"timestamp,omitempty" yaml:"timestamp,omitempty"`
    43  	Username      string    `json:"username,omitempty" yaml:"username,omitempty"`
    45  	CombinedRevision string `json:"-"`
    46  	UsedYesNo        string `json:"-"`
    47  	CombinedOrigin   string `json:"-"`
    48  }
    50  // FormattedDetailResource is the data for a single line of tabular output for
    51  // juju resources <application> --details.
    52  type FormattedDetailResource struct {
    53  	UnitID      string               `json:"unitID" yaml:"unitID"`
    54  	Unit        FormattedAppResource `json:"unit" yaml:"unit"`
    55  	Expected    FormattedAppResource `json:"expected" yaml:"expected"`
    56  	Progress    int64                `json:"progress,omitempty" yaml:"progress,omitempty"`
    57  	UnitNumber  int                  `json:"-"`
    58  	RevProgress string               `json:"-"`
    59  }
    61  // FormattedApplicationDetails is the data for the tabular output for juju resources
    62  // <application> --details.
    63  type FormattedApplicationDetails struct {
    64  	Resources []FormattedDetailResource `json:"resources,omitempty" yaml:"resources,omitempty"`
    65  	Updates   []FormattedCharmResource  `json:"updates,omitempty" yaml:"updates,omitempty"`
    66  }
    68  // FormattedDetailResource is the data for the tabular output for juju resources
    69  // <unit> --details.
    70  type FormattedUnitDetails []FormattedDetailResource