
     1  // Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  // These tests check aspects of upgrade behaviour of the machine agent
     5  // as a whole.
     7  package featuretests
     9  import (
    10  	"strings"
    11  	"time"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	pacman ""
    16  	jc ""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	gc ""
    21  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	agentcmd ""
    27  	""
    28  	cmdutil ""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	envtesting ""
    32  	jujutesting ""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	coretesting ""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	jujuversion ""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  )
    45  const (
    46  	FullAPIExposed       = true
    47  	RestrictedAPIExposed = false
    48  )
    50  // TODO(katco): 2016-08-09: lp:1611427
    51  var ShortAttempt = &utils.AttemptStrategy{
    52  	Total: time.Second * 10,
    53  	Delay: time.Millisecond * 200,
    54  }
    56  type upgradeSuite struct {
    57  	agenttest.AgentSuite
    58  	oldVersion version.Binary
    59  }
    61  func (s *upgradeSuite) SetUpSuite(c *gc.C) {
    62  	s.AgentSuite.SetUpSuite(c)
    63  	// Speed up the watcher frequency to make the test much faster.
    64  	s.PatchValue(&watcher.Period, 200*time.Millisecond)
    66  	agenttest.InstallFakeEnsureMongo(s)
    67  	s.PatchValue(&agentcmd.ProductionMongoWriteConcern, false)
    68  }
    70  func (s *upgradeSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) {
    71  	s.AgentSuite.SetUpTest(c)
    73  	s.oldVersion = version.Binary{
    74  		Number: jujuversion.Current,
    75  		Arch:   arch.HostArch(),
    76  		Series: series.MustHostSeries(),
    77  	}
    78  	s.oldVersion.Major = 1
    79  	s.oldVersion.Minor = 16
    81  	// Don't wait so long in tests.
    82  	s.PatchValue(&upgradesteps.UpgradeStartTimeoutMaster, time.Duration(time.Millisecond*50))
    83  	s.PatchValue(&upgradesteps.UpgradeStartTimeoutSecondary, time.Duration(time.Millisecond*60))
    85  	// Ensure we don't fail disk space check.
    86  	s.PatchValue(&upgrades.MinDiskSpaceMib, uint64(0))
    88  	// Consume apt-get commands that get run before upgrades.
    89  	aptCmds := s.AgentSuite.HookCommandOutput(&pacman.CommandOutput, nil, nil)
    90  	go func() {
    91  		for range aptCmds {
    92  		}
    93  	}()
    94  }
    96  func (s *upgradeSuite) TestLoginsDuringUpgrade(c *gc.C) {
    97  	coretesting.SkipIfWindowsBug(c, "lp:1446885")
    99  	// Create machine agent to upgrade
   100  	machine, machine0Conf := s.makeStateAgentVersion(c, s.oldVersion)
   102  	// Set up a second machine to log in as. API logins are tested
   103  	// manually so there's no need to actually start this machine.
   104  	machine1, password := s.Factory.MakeMachineReturningPassword(c, &factory.MachineParams{
   105  		Nonce: agent.BootstrapNonce,
   106  	})
   107  	machine1Conf, _ := s.PrimeAgent(c, machine1.Tag(), password)
   109  	// Mock out upgrade logic, using a channel so that the test knows
   110  	// when upgrades have started and can control when upgrades
   111  	// should finish.
   112  	upgradeCh := make(chan bool)
   113  	upgradeChClosed := false
   114  	abort := make(chan bool)
   115  	fakePerformUpgrade := func(version.Number, []upgrades.Target, upgrades.Context) error {
   116  		// Signal that upgrade has started.
   117  		select {
   118  		case upgradeCh <- true:
   119  		case <-abort:
   120  			return nil
   121  		}
   123  		// Wait for signal that upgrades should finish.
   124  		select {
   125  		case <-upgradeCh:
   126  		case <-abort:
   127  			return nil
   128  		}
   129  		return nil
   130  	}
   131  	s.PatchValue(&upgradesteps.PerformUpgrade, fakePerformUpgrade)
   133  	a := s.newAgent(c, machine)
   134  	go func() { c.Check(a.Run(nil), jc.ErrorIsNil) }()
   135  	defer func() { c.Check(a.Stop(), jc.ErrorIsNil) }()
   137  	c.Assert(waitForUpgradeToStart(upgradeCh), jc.IsTrue)
   139  	// The test will hang if there's a failure in the assertions below
   140  	// and upgradeCh isn't closed.
   141  	defer func() {
   142  		if !upgradeChClosed {
   143  			close(upgradeCh)
   144  		}
   145  	}()
   147  	// Only user and local logins are allowed during upgrade. Users get a restricted API.
   148  	s.checkLoginToAPIAsUser(c, machine0Conf, RestrictedAPIExposed)
   149  	c.Assert(canLoginToAPIAsMachine(c, machine0Conf, machine0Conf), jc.IsTrue)
   150  	c.Assert(canLoginToAPIAsMachine(c, machine1Conf, machine0Conf), jc.IsFalse)
   152  	close(upgradeCh) // Allow upgrade to complete
   153  	upgradeChClosed = true
   155  	waitForUpgradeToFinish(c, machine0Conf)
   157  	// All logins are allowed after upgrade
   158  	s.checkLoginToAPIAsUser(c, machine0Conf, FullAPIExposed)
   159  	c.Assert(canLoginToAPIAsMachine(c, machine0Conf, machine0Conf), jc.IsTrue)
   160  	c.Assert(canLoginToAPIAsMachine(c, machine1Conf, machine0Conf), jc.IsTrue)
   161  }
   163  func (s *upgradeSuite) TestDowngradeOnMasterWhenOtherControllerDoesntStartUpgrade(c *gc.C) {
   164  	coretesting.SkipIfWindowsBug(c, "lp:1446885")
   166  	// This test checks that the master triggers a downgrade if one of
   167  	// the other controller fails to signal it is ready for upgrade.
   168  	//
   169  	// This test is functional, ensuring that the upgrader worker
   170  	// terminates the machine agent with the UpgradeReadyError which
   171  	// makes the downgrade happen.
   173  	// Provide (fake) tools so that the upgrader has something to downgrade to.
   174  	envtesting.AssertUploadFakeToolsVersions(
   175  		c, s.DefaultToolsStorage, s.Environ.Config().AgentStream(), s.Environ.Config().AgentStream(), s.oldVersion)
   177  	// Create 3 controllers
   178  	machineA, _ := s.makeStateAgentVersion(c, s.oldVersion)
   179  	// We're not going to start the agents for machines A or B - we
   180  	// need to make sure the API port is still set to the one picked
   181  	// for this machine after we create the other machines.
   182  	apiPort := s.ControllerConfig.APIPort()
   184  	changes, err := s.State.EnableHA(3, constraints.Value{}, "quantal", nil)
   185  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   186  	c.Assert(len(changes.Added), gc.Equals, 2)
   187  	machineB, _, _ := s.configureMachine(c, changes.Added[0], s.oldVersion)
   188  	s.configureMachine(c, changes.Added[1], s.oldVersion)
   190  	s.SetControllerConfigAPIPort(c, apiPort)
   192  	// One of the other controllers is ready for upgrade (but machine C isn't).
   193  	info, err := s.State.EnsureUpgradeInfo(machineB.Id(), s.oldVersion.Number, jujuversion.Current)
   194  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   196  	// Ensure the agent will think it's the master controller.
   197  	fakeIsMachineMaster := func(*state.StatePool, string) (bool, error) {
   198  		return true, nil
   199  	}
   200  	s.PatchValue(&upgradesteps.IsMachineMaster, fakeIsMachineMaster)
   202  	// Start the agent
   203  	agent := s.newAgent(c, machineA)
   204  	defer agent.Stop()
   205  	agentDone := make(chan error)
   206  	go func() {
   207  		agentDone <- agent.Run(nil)
   208  	}()
   210  	select {
   211  	case agentErr := <-agentDone:
   212  		upgradeReadyErr, ok := agentErr.(*upgrader.UpgradeReadyError)
   213  		if !ok {
   214  			c.Fatalf("didn't see UpgradeReadyError, instead got: %v", agentErr)
   215  		}
   216  		// Confirm that the downgrade is back to the previous version.
   217  		current := version.Binary{
   218  			Number: jujuversion.Current,
   219  			Arch:   arch.HostArch(),
   220  			Series: series.MustHostSeries(),
   221  		}
   222  		c.Assert(upgradeReadyErr.OldTools, gc.Equals, current)
   223  		c.Assert(upgradeReadyErr.NewTools, gc.Equals, s.oldVersion)
   225  	case <-time.After(coretesting.LongWait):
   226  		c.Fatal("machine agent did not exit as expected")
   227  	}
   229  	// UpgradeInfo doc should now be archived.
   230  	err = info.Refresh()
   231  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "current upgrade info not found")
   232  }
   234  // TODO(mjs) - the following should maybe be part of AgentSuite
   235  func (s *upgradeSuite) newAgent(c *gc.C, m *state.Machine) *agentcmd.MachineAgent {
   236  	agentConf := agentcmd.NewAgentConf(s.DataDir())
   237  	agentConf.ReadConfig(m.Tag().String())
   238  	logger := logsender.NewBufferedLogWriter(1024)
   239  	s.AddCleanup(func(*gc.C) { logger.Close() })
   240  	machineAgentFactory := agentcmd.MachineAgentFactoryFn(
   241  		agentConf,
   242  		logger,
   243  		agentcmd.DefaultIntrospectionSocketName,
   244  		noPreUpgradeSteps,
   245  		c.MkDir(),
   246  	)
   247  	a, err := machineAgentFactory(m.Id())
   248  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   249  	return a
   250  }
   252  func noPreUpgradeSteps(_ *state.StatePool, _ agent.Config, isController, isMaster bool) error {
   253  	return nil
   254  }
   256  // TODO(mjs) - the following should maybe be part of AgentSuite
   257  func (s *upgradeSuite) makeStateAgentVersion(c *gc.C, vers version.Binary) (*state.Machine, agent.ConfigSetterWriter) {
   258  	machine := s.Factory.MakeMachine(c, &factory.MachineParams{
   259  		Jobs:  []state.MachineJob{state.JobManageModel},
   260  		Nonce: agent.BootstrapNonce,
   261  	})
   262  	_, config, _ := s.configureMachine(c, machine.Id(), vers)
   263  	return machine, config
   264  }
   266  const initialMachinePassword = "machine-password-1234567890"
   268  // TODO(mjs) - the following should maybe be part of AgentSuite
   269  func (s *upgradeSuite) configureMachine(c *gc.C, machineId string, vers version.Binary) (
   270  	machine *state.Machine, agentConfig agent.ConfigSetterWriter, tools *tools.Tools,
   271  ) {
   272  	m, err := s.State.Machine(machineId)
   273  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   275  	// Provision the machine if it isn't already
   276  	if _, err := m.InstanceId(); err != nil {
   277  		inst, md := jujutesting.AssertStartInstance(c, s.Environ, context.NewCloudCallContext(), s.ControllerConfig.ControllerUUID(), machineId)
   278  		c.Assert(m.SetProvisioned(inst.Id(), "", agent.BootstrapNonce, md), jc.ErrorIsNil)
   279  	}
   281  	// Make the machine live
   282  	pinger, err := m.SetAgentPresence()
   283  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   284  	s.AddCleanup(func(c *gc.C) { pinger.Stop() })
   286  	// Set up the new machine.
   287  	err = m.SetAgentVersion(vers)
   288  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   289  	err = m.SetPassword(initialMachinePassword)
   290  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   291  	tag := m.Tag()
   292  	if m.IsManager() {
   293  		err = m.SetMongoPassword(initialMachinePassword)
   294  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   295  		agentConfig, tools = s.PrimeStateAgentVersion(c, tag, initialMachinePassword, vers)
   296  		info, ok := agentConfig.StateServingInfo()
   297  		c.Assert(ok, jc.IsTrue)
   298  		ssi := cmdutil.ParamsStateServingInfoToStateStateServingInfo(info)
   299  		err = s.State.SetStateServingInfo(ssi)
   300  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   301  	} else {
   302  		agentConfig, tools = s.PrimeAgentVersion(c, tag, initialMachinePassword, vers)
   303  	}
   304  	err = agentConfig.Write()
   305  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   306  	return m, agentConfig, tools
   307  }
   309  func canLoginToAPIAsMachine(c *gc.C, fromConf, toConf agent.Config) bool {
   310  	fromInfo, ok := fromConf.APIInfo()
   311  	c.Assert(ok, jc.IsTrue)
   312  	toInfo, ok := toConf.APIInfo()
   313  	c.Assert(ok, jc.IsTrue)
   314  	fromInfo.Addrs = toInfo.Addrs
   315  	var err error
   316  	var apiState api.Connection
   317  	for a := ShortAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
   318  		apiState, err = api.Open(fromInfo, upgradeTestDialOpts)
   319  		// If space discovery is still in progress we retry.
   320  		if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "spaces are still being discovered") {
   321  			if !a.HasNext() {
   322  				return false
   323  			}
   324  			continue
   325  		}
   326  		if apiState != nil {
   327  			apiState.Close()
   328  		}
   329  		break
   330  	}
   331  	return apiState != nil && err == nil
   332  }
   334  func (s *upgradeSuite) checkLoginToAPIAsUser(c *gc.C, conf agent.Config, expectFullAPI bool) {
   335  	var err error
   336  	// Multiple attempts may be necessary because there is a small gap
   337  	// between the post-upgrade version being written to the agent's
   338  	// config (as observed by waitForUpgradeToFinish) and the end of
   339  	// "upgrade mode" (i.e. when the agent's UpgradeComplete channel
   340  	// is closed). Without this tests that call checkLoginToAPIAsUser
   341  	// can occasionally fail.
   342  	for a := coretesting.LongAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
   343  		err = s.attemptRestrictedAPIAsUser(c, conf)
   344  		switch expectFullAPI {
   345  		case FullAPIExposed:
   346  			if err == nil {
   347  				return
   348  			}
   349  		case RestrictedAPIExposed:
   350  			if params.IsCodeUpgradeInProgress(err) {
   351  				return
   352  			}
   353  		}
   354  	}
   355  	c.Fatalf("timed out waiting for expected API behaviour. last error was: %v", err)
   356  }
   358  func (s *upgradeSuite) attemptRestrictedAPIAsUser(c *gc.C, conf agent.Config) error {
   359  	info, ok := conf.APIInfo()
   360  	c.Assert(ok, jc.IsTrue)
   361  	info.Tag = s.AdminUserTag(c)
   362  	info.Password = "dummy-secret"
   363  	info.Nonce = ""
   365  	apiState, err := api.Open(info, upgradeTestDialOpts)
   366  	if err != nil {
   367  		// If space discovery is in progress we'll get an error here
   368  		// and need to retry.
   369  		return err
   370  	}
   371  	defer apiState.Close()
   373  	// This call should always work, but might fail if the apiserver
   374  	// is restarting. If it fails just return the error so retries
   375  	// can continue.
   376  	err = apiState.APICall("Client", 1, "", "FullStatus", nil, new(params.FullStatus))
   377  	if err != nil {
   378  		return errors.Annotate(err, "FullStatus call")
   379  	}
   381  	// this call should only work if API is not restricted
   382  	err = apiState.APICall("Client", 1, "", "WatchAll", nil, nil)
   383  	return errors.Annotate(err, "WatchAll call")
   384  }
   386  var upgradeTestDialOpts = api.DialOpts{
   387  	Timeout:             2 * time.Minute,
   388  	RetryDelay:          250 * time.Millisecond,
   389  	DialAddressInterval: 50 * time.Millisecond,
   390  }
   392  func waitForUpgradeToStart(upgradeCh chan bool) bool {
   393  	select {
   394  	case <-upgradeCh:
   395  		return true
   396  	case <-time.After(coretesting.LongWait):
   397  		return false
   398  	}
   399  }
   401  func waitForUpgradeToFinish(c *gc.C, conf agent.Config) {
   402  	success := false
   403  	for attempt := coretesting.LongAttempt.Start(); attempt.Next(); {
   404  		diskConf := readConfigFromDisk(c, conf.DataDir(), conf.Tag())
   405  		success = diskConf.UpgradedToVersion() == jujuversion.Current
   406  		if success {
   407  			break
   408  		}
   409  	}
   410  	c.Assert(success, jc.IsTrue)
   411  }
   413  func readConfigFromDisk(c *gc.C, dir string, tag names.Tag) agent.Config {
   414  	conf, err := agent.ReadConfig(agent.ConfigPath(dir, tag))
   415  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   416  	return conf
   417  }