
     1  // Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package azure
     6  import (
     7  	stdcontext "context"
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"net/http"
    10  	"net/url"
    11  	"sort"
    12  	"strings"
    13  	"sync"
    14  	"time"
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	azurestorage ""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	jujuseries ""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	internalazureresources ""
    45  	internalazurestorage ""
    46  	""
    47  	""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    51  )
    53  const (
    54  	jujuMachineNameTag = tags.JujuTagPrefix + "machine-name"
    56  	// minRootDiskSize is the minimum root disk size Azure
    57  	// accepts for a VM's OS disk.
    58  	// It will be used if none is specified by the user.
    59  	minRootDiskSize = 30 * 1024 // 30 GiB
    61  	// serviceErrorCodeDeploymentCannotBeCancelled is the error code for
    62  	// service errors in response to an attempt to cancel a deployment
    63  	// that cannot be cancelled.
    64  	serviceErrorCodeDeploymentCannotBeCancelled = "DeploymentCannotBeCancelled"
    66  	// serviceErrorCodeResourceGroupBeingDeleted is the error code for
    67  	// service errors in response to an attempt to cancel a deployment
    68  	// that has already started to be deleted.
    69  	serviceErrorCodeResourceGroupBeingDeleted = "ResourceGroupBeingDeleted"
    71  	// controllerAvailabilitySet is the name of the availability set
    72  	// used for controller machines.
    73  	controllerAvailabilitySet = "juju-controller"
    75  	computeAPIVersion = "2018-10-01"
    76  	networkAPIVersion = "2018-08-01"
    77  	storageAPIVersion = "2018-07-01"
    78  )
    80  type azureEnviron struct {
    81  	// provider is the azureEnvironProvider used to open this environment.
    82  	provider *azureEnvironProvider
    84  	// cloud defines the cloud configuration for this environment.
    85  	cloud environs.CloudSpec
    87  	// location is the canonicalized location name. Use this instead
    88  	// of cloud.Region in API calls.
    89  	location string
    91  	// subscriptionId is the Azure account subscription ID.
    92  	subscriptionId string
    94  	// storageEndpoint is the Azure storage endpoint. This is the host
    95  	// portion of the storage endpoint URL only; use this instead of
    96  	// cloud.StorageEndpoint in API calls.
    97  	storageEndpoint string
    99  	// resourceGroup is the name of the Resource Group in the Azure
   100  	// subscription that corresponds to the environment.
   101  	resourceGroup string
   103  	// envName is the name of the environment.
   104  	envName string
   106  	// authorizer is the authorizer we use for Azure.
   107  	authorizer *cloudSpecAuth
   109  	compute            compute.BaseClient
   110  	disk               compute.BaseClient
   111  	resources          resources.BaseClient
   112  	storage            storage.BaseClient
   113  	network            network.BaseClient
   114  	storageClient      azurestorage.Client
   115  	storageAccountName string
   117  	mu                     sync.Mutex
   118  	config                 *azureModelConfig
   119  	instanceTypes          map[string]instances.InstanceType
   120  	storageAccount         **storage.Account
   121  	storageAccountKey      *storage.AccountKey
   122  	commonResourcesCreated bool
   123  }
   125  var _ environs.Environ = (*azureEnviron)(nil)
   127  // newEnviron creates a new azureEnviron.
   128  func newEnviron(
   129  	provider *azureEnvironProvider,
   130  	cloud environs.CloudSpec,
   131  	cfg *config.Config,
   132  ) (*azureEnviron, error) {
   134  	// The Azure storage code wants the endpoint host only, not the URL.
   135  	storageEndpointURL, err := url.Parse(cloud.StorageEndpoint)
   136  	if err != nil {
   137  		return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "parsing storage endpoint URL")
   138  	}
   140  	env := azureEnviron{
   141  		provider:        provider,
   142  		cloud:           cloud,
   143  		location:        canonicalLocation(cloud.Region),
   144  		storageEndpoint: storageEndpointURL.Host,
   145  	}
   146  	if err := env.initEnviron(); err != nil {
   147  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   148  	}
   150  	if err := env.SetConfig(cfg); err != nil {
   151  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   152  	}
   154  	modelTag := names.NewModelTag(cfg.UUID())
   155  	env.resourceGroup = resourceGroupName(modelTag, cfg.Name())
   156  	env.envName = cfg.Name()
   158  	// We need a deterministic storage account name, so that we can
   159  	// defer creation of the storage account to the VM deployment,
   160  	// and retain the ability to create multiple deployments in
   161  	// parallel.
   162  	//
   163  	// We use the last 20 non-hyphen hex characters of the model's
   164  	// UUID as the storage account name, prefixed with "juju". The
   165  	// probability of clashing with another storage account should
   166  	// be negligible.
   167  	uuidAlphaNumeric := strings.Replace(env.config.Config.UUID(), "-", "", -1)
   168  	env.storageAccountName = "juju" + uuidAlphaNumeric[len(uuidAlphaNumeric)-20:]
   170  	return &env, nil
   171  }
   173  func (env *azureEnviron) initEnviron() error {
   174  	credAttrs :=
   175  	env.subscriptionId = credAttrs[credAttrSubscriptionId]
   176  	env.authorizer = &cloudSpecAuth{
   177  		cloud:,
   178  		sender: env.provider.config.Sender,
   179  	}
   181  	env.compute = compute.NewWithBaseURI(, env.subscriptionId)
   182  	env.disk = compute.NewWithBaseURI(, env.subscriptionId)
   183  	env.resources = resources.NewWithBaseURI(, env.subscriptionId)
   184 = storage.NewWithBaseURI(, env.subscriptionId)
   185 = network.NewWithBaseURI(, env.subscriptionId)
   186  	clients := map[string]*autorest.Client{
   187  		"azure.compute":   &env.compute.Client,
   188  		"azure.disk":      &env.disk.Client,
   189  		"azure.resources": &env.resources.Client,
   190  		"":   &,
   191  		"":   &,
   192  	}
   193  	for id, client := range clients {
   194  		useragent.UpdateClient(client)
   195  		client.Authorizer = env.authorizer
   196  		logger := loggo.GetLogger(id)
   197  		if env.provider.config.Sender != nil {
   198  			client.Sender = env.provider.config.Sender
   199  		}
   200  		client.ResponseInspector = tracing.RespondDecorator(logger)
   201  		client.RequestInspector = tracing.PrepareDecorator(logger)
   202  		if env.provider.config.RequestInspector != nil {
   203  			tracer := client.RequestInspector
   204  			inspector := env.provider.config.RequestInspector
   205  			client.RequestInspector = func(p autorest.Preparer) autorest.Preparer {
   206  				p = tracer(p)
   207  				p = inspector(p)
   208  				return p
   209  			}
   210  		}
   211  	}
   212  	return nil
   213  }
   215  // PrepareForBootstrap is part of the Environ interface.
   216  func (env *azureEnviron) PrepareForBootstrap(ctx environs.BootstrapContext) error {
   217  	if ctx.ShouldVerifyCredentials() {
   218  		if err := verifyCredentials(env, nil); err != nil {
   219  			return errors.Trace(err)
   220  		}
   221  	}
   222  	return nil
   223  }
   225  // Create is part of the Environ interface.
   226  func (env *azureEnviron) Create(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, args environs.CreateParams) error {
   227  	if err := verifyCredentials(env, ctx); err != nil {
   228  		return errors.Trace(err)
   229  	}
   230  	return errors.Trace(env.initResourceGroup(ctx, args.ControllerUUID, false))
   231  }
   233  // Bootstrap is part of the Environ interface.
   234  func (env *azureEnviron) Bootstrap(
   235  	ctx environs.BootstrapContext,
   236  	callCtx context.ProviderCallContext,
   237  	args environs.BootstrapParams,
   238  ) (*environs.BootstrapResult, error) {
   239  	if err := env.initResourceGroup(callCtx, args.ControllerConfig.ControllerUUID(), true); err != nil {
   240  		return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "creating controller resource group")
   241  	}
   242  	result, err := common.Bootstrap(ctx, env, callCtx, args)
   243  	if err != nil {
   244  		logger.Errorf("bootstrap failed, destroying model: %v", err)
   245  		if err := env.Destroy(callCtx); err != nil {
   246  			logger.Errorf("failed to destroy model: %v", err)
   247  		}
   248  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   249  	}
   250  	return result, nil
   251  }
   253  // initResourceGroup creates a resource group for this environment.
   254  func (env *azureEnviron) initResourceGroup(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, controllerUUID string, controller bool) error {
   255  	resourceGroupsClient := resources.GroupsClient{env.resources}
   258  	tags := tags.ResourceTags(
   259  		names.NewModelTag(env.config.Config.UUID()),
   260  		names.NewControllerTag(controllerUUID),
   261  		env.config,
   262  	)
   265  	logger.Debugf("creating resource group %q", env.resourceGroup)
   266  	sdkCtx := stdcontext.Background()
   267  	if _, err := resourceGroupsClient.CreateOrUpdate(sdkCtx, env.resourceGroup, resources.Group{
   268  		Location: to.StringPtr(env.location),
   269  		Tags:     *to.StringMapPtr(tags),
   270  	}); err != nil {
   271  		return errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Annotate(err, "creating resource group"), ctx)
   272  	}
   274  	if !controller {
   275  		// When we create a resource group for a non-controller model,
   276  		// we must create the common resources up-front. This is so
   277  		// that parallel deployments do not affect dynamic changes,
   278  		// e.g. those made by the firewaller. For the controller model,
   279  		// we fold the creation of these resources into the bootstrap
   280  		// machine's deployment.
   281  		if err := env.createCommonResourceDeployment(ctx, tags, nil); err != nil {
   282  			return errors.Trace(err)
   283  		}
   284  	}
   286  	// New models are not given a storage account. Initialise the
   287  	// storage account pointer to a pointer to a nil pointer, so
   288  	// "getStorageAccount" avoids making an API call.
   289  	env.storageAccount = new(*storage.Account)
   291  	return nil
   292  }
   294  func (env *azureEnviron) createCommonResourceDeployment(
   295  	ctx context.ProviderCallContext,
   296  	tags map[string]string,
   297  	rules []network.SecurityRule,
   298  	commonResources ...armtemplates.Resource,
   299  ) error {
   300  	commonResources = append(commonResources, networkTemplateResources(
   301  		env.location, tags, nil, rules,
   302  	)...)
   304  	// We perform this deployment asynchronously, to avoid blocking
   305  	// the "juju add-model" command; Create is called synchronously.
   306  	// Eventually we should have Create called asynchronously, but
   307  	// until then we do this, and ensure that the deployment has
   308  	// completed before we schedule additional deployments.
   309  	deploymentsClient := resources.DeploymentsClient{env.resources}
   310  	deploymentsClient.ResponseInspector = asyncCreationRespondDecorator(
   311  		deploymentsClient.ResponseInspector,
   312  	)
   313  	template := armtemplates.Template{Resources: commonResources}
   314  	if err := createDeployment(
   315  		ctx,
   316  		deploymentsClient,
   317  		env.resourceGroup,
   318  		"common", // deployment name
   319  		template,
   320  	); err != nil {
   321  		return errors.Trace(err)
   322  	}
   323  	return nil
   324  }
   326  // ControllerInstances is specified in the Environ interface.
   327  func (env *azureEnviron) ControllerInstances(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, controllerUUID string) ([]instance.Id, error) {
   328  	instances, err := env.allInstances(ctx, env.resourceGroup, false, true)
   329  	if err != nil {
   330  		return nil, err
   331  	}
   332  	if len(instances) == 0 {
   333  		return nil, environs.ErrNoInstances
   334  	}
   335  	ids := make([]instance.Id, len(instances))
   336  	for i, inst := range instances {
   337  		ids[i] = inst.Id()
   338  	}
   339  	return ids, nil
   340  }
   342  // Config is specified in the Environ interface.
   343  func (env *azureEnviron) Config() *config.Config {
   345  	defer
   346  	return env.config.Config
   347  }
   349  // SetConfig is specified in the Environ interface.
   350  func (env *azureEnviron) SetConfig(cfg *config.Config) error {
   352  	defer
   354  	var old *config.Config
   355  	if env.config != nil {
   356  		old = env.config.Config
   357  	}
   358  	ecfg, err := validateConfig(cfg, old)
   359  	if err != nil {
   360  		return err
   361  	}
   362  	env.config = ecfg
   364  	return nil
   365  }
   367  // ConstraintsValidator is defined on the Environs interface.
   368  func (env *azureEnviron) ConstraintsValidator(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) (constraints.Validator, error) {
   369  	instanceTypes, err := env.getInstanceTypes(ctx)
   370  	if err != nil {
   371  		return nil, err
   372  	}
   373  	instTypeNames := make([]string, 0, len(instanceTypes))
   374  	for instTypeName := range instanceTypes {
   375  		instTypeNames = append(instTypeNames, instTypeName)
   376  	}
   377  	sort.Strings(instTypeNames)
   379  	validator := constraints.NewValidator()
   380  	validator.RegisterUnsupported([]string{
   381  		constraints.CpuPower,
   382  		constraints.Tags,
   383  		constraints.VirtType,
   384  	})
   385  	validator.RegisterVocabulary(
   386  		constraints.Arch,
   387  		[]string{arch.AMD64},
   388  	)
   389  	validator.RegisterVocabulary(
   390  		constraints.InstanceType,
   391  		instTypeNames,
   392  	)
   393  	validator.RegisterConflicts(
   394  		[]string{constraints.InstanceType},
   395  		[]string{
   396  			constraints.Mem,
   397  			constraints.Cores,
   398  			constraints.Arch,
   399  		},
   400  	)
   401  	return validator, nil
   402  }
   404  // PrecheckInstance is defined on the environs.InstancePrechecker interface.
   405  func (env *azureEnviron) PrecheckInstance(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, args environs.PrecheckInstanceParams) error {
   406  	if args.Placement != "" {
   407  		return fmt.Errorf("unknown placement directive: %s", args.Placement)
   408  	}
   409  	if !args.Constraints.HasInstanceType() {
   410  		return nil
   411  	}
   412  	// Constraint has an instance-type constraint so let's see if it is valid.
   413  	instanceTypes, err := env.getInstanceTypes(ctx)
   414  	if err != nil {
   415  		return err
   416  	}
   417  	for _, instanceType := range instanceTypes {
   418  		if instanceType.Name == *args.Constraints.InstanceType {
   419  			return nil
   420  		}
   421  	}
   422  	return fmt.Errorf("invalid instance type %q", *args.Constraints.InstanceType)
   423  }
   425  // MaintainInstance is specified in the InstanceBroker interface.
   426  func (*azureEnviron) MaintainInstance(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, args environs.StartInstanceParams) error {
   427  	return nil
   428  }
   430  // StartInstance is specified in the InstanceBroker interface.
   431  func (env *azureEnviron) StartInstance(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, args environs.StartInstanceParams) (*environs.StartInstanceResult, error) {
   432  	if args.ControllerUUID == "" {
   433  		return nil, errors.New("missing controller UUID")
   434  	}
   436  	// Get the required configuration and config-dependent information
   437  	// required to create the instance. We take the lock just once, to
   438  	// ensure we obtain all information based on the same configuration.
   440  	envTags := tags.ResourceTags(
   441  		names.NewModelTag(env.config.Config.UUID()),
   442  		names.NewControllerTag(args.ControllerUUID),
   443  		env.config,
   444  	)
   445  	storageAccountType := env.config.storageAccountType
   446  	imageStream := env.config.ImageStream()
   447  	instanceTypes, err := env.getInstanceTypesLocked(ctx)
   448  	if err != nil {
   450  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   451  	}
   454  	// If the user has not specified a root-disk size, then
   455  	// set a sensible default.
   456  	var rootDisk uint64
   457  	// Azure complains if we try and specify a root disk size less than the minimum.
   458  	// See
   459  	if args.Constraints.RootDisk != nil && *args.Constraints.RootDisk > minRootDiskSize {
   460  		rootDisk = *args.Constraints.RootDisk
   461  	} else {
   462  		rootDisk = minRootDiskSize
   463  		args.Constraints.RootDisk = &rootDisk
   464  	}
   466  	// Identify the instance type and image to provision.
   467  	series := args.Tools.OneSeries()
   468  	instanceSpec, err := findInstanceSpec(
   469  		ctx,
   470  		compute.VirtualMachineImagesClient{env.compute},
   471  		instanceTypes,
   472  		&instances.InstanceConstraint{
   473  			Region:      env.location,
   474  			Series:      series,
   475  			Arches:      args.Tools.Arches(),
   476  			Constraints: args.Constraints,
   477  		},
   478  		imageStream,
   479  	)
   480  	if err != nil {
   481  		return nil, err
   482  	}
   483  	if rootDisk < instanceSpec.InstanceType.RootDisk {
   484  		// The InstanceType's RootDisk is set to the maximum
   485  		// OS disk size; override it with the user-specified
   486  		// or default root disk size.
   487  		instanceSpec.InstanceType.RootDisk = rootDisk
   488  	}
   490  	// Windows images are 127GiB, and cannot be made smaller.
   491  	const windowsMinRootDiskMB = 127 * 1024
   492  	seriesOS, err := jujuseries.GetOSFromSeries(series)
   493  	if err != nil {
   494  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   495  	}
   496  	if seriesOS == os.Windows {
   497  		if instanceSpec.InstanceType.RootDisk < windowsMinRootDiskMB {
   498  			instanceSpec.InstanceType.RootDisk = windowsMinRootDiskMB
   499  		}
   500  	}
   502  	// Pick tools by filtering the available tools down to the architecture of
   503  	// the image that will be provisioned.
   504  	selectedTools, err := args.Tools.Match(tools.Filter{
   505  		Arch: instanceSpec.Image.Arch,
   506  	})
   507  	if err != nil {
   508  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   509  	}
   510  	logger.Infof("picked agent binaries %q", selectedTools[0].Version)
   512  	// Finalize the instance config, which we'll render to CustomData below.
   513  	if err := args.InstanceConfig.SetTools(selectedTools); err != nil {
   514  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   515  	}
   516  	if err := instancecfg.FinishInstanceConfig(
   517  		args.InstanceConfig, env.Config(),
   518  	); err != nil {
   519  		return nil, err
   520  	}
   522  	machineTag := names.NewMachineTag(args.InstanceConfig.MachineId)
   523  	vmName := resourceName(machineTag)
   524  	vmTags := make(map[string]string)
   525  	for k, v := range args.InstanceConfig.Tags {
   526  		vmTags[k] = v
   527  	}
   528  	// jujuMachineNameTag identifies the VM name, in which is encoded
   529  	// the Juju machine name. We tag all resources related to the
   530  	// machine with this.
   531  	vmTags[jujuMachineNameTag] = vmName
   533  	if err := env.createVirtualMachine(
   534  		ctx, vmName, vmTags, envTags,
   535  		instanceSpec, args.InstanceConfig,
   536  		storageAccountType,
   537  	); err != nil {
   538  		logger.Errorf("creating instance failed, destroying: %v", err)
   539  		if err := env.StopInstances(ctx, instance.Id(vmName)); err != nil {
   540  			logger.Errorf("could not destroy failed virtual machine: %v", err)
   541  		}
   542  		return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "creating virtual machine %q", vmName)
   543  	}
   545  	// Note: the instance is initialised without addresses to keep the
   546  	// API chatter down. We will refresh the instance if we need to know
   547  	// the addresses.
   548  	inst := &azureInstance{vmName, "Creating", env, nil, nil}
   549  	amd64 := arch.AMD64
   550  	hc := &instance.HardwareCharacteristics{
   551  		Arch:     &amd64,
   552  		Mem:      &instanceSpec.InstanceType.Mem,
   553  		RootDisk: &instanceSpec.InstanceType.RootDisk,
   554  		CpuCores: &instanceSpec.InstanceType.CpuCores,
   555  	}
   556  	return &environs.StartInstanceResult{
   557  		Instance: inst,
   558  		Hardware: hc,
   559  	}, nil
   560  }
   562  // createVirtualMachine creates a virtual machine and related resources.
   563  //
   564  // All resources created are tagged with the specified "vmTags", so if
   565  // this function fails then all resources can be deleted by tag.
   566  func (env *azureEnviron) createVirtualMachine(
   567  	ctx context.ProviderCallContext,
   568  	vmName string,
   569  	vmTags, envTags map[string]string,
   570  	instanceSpec *instances.InstanceSpec,
   571  	instanceConfig *instancecfg.InstanceConfig,
   572  	storageAccountType string,
   573  ) error {
   574  	deploymentsClient := resources.DeploymentsClient{
   575  		BaseClient: env.resources,
   576  	}
   577  	apiPorts := make([]int, 0, 2)
   578  	if instanceConfig.Controller != nil {
   579  		apiPorts = append(apiPorts, instanceConfig.Controller.Config.APIPort())
   580  		if instanceConfig.Controller.Config.AutocertDNSName() != "" {
   581  			// Open port 80 as well as it handles Let's Encrypt HTTP challenge.
   582  			apiPorts = append(apiPorts, 80)
   583  		}
   584  	} else {
   585  		ports := instanceConfig.APIInfo.Ports()
   586  		if len(ports) != 1 {
   587  			return errors.Errorf("expected one API port, found %v", ports)
   588  		}
   589  		apiPorts = append(apiPorts, ports[0])
   590  	}
   592  	var nicDependsOn, vmDependsOn []string
   593  	var resources []armtemplates.Resource
   594  	createCommonResources := instanceConfig.Bootstrap != nil
   595  	if createCommonResources {
   596  		// We're starting the bootstrap machine, so we will create the
   597  		// common resources in the same deployment.
   598  		resources = append(resources,
   599  			networkTemplateResources(env.location, envTags, apiPorts, nil)...,
   600  		)
   601  		nicDependsOn = append(nicDependsOn, fmt.Sprintf(
   602  			`[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks', '%s')]`,
   603  			internalNetworkName,
   604  		))
   605  	} else {
   606  		// Wait for the common resource deployment to complete.
   607  		if err := env.waitCommonResourcesCreated(); err != nil {
   608  			return errors.Annotate(
   609  				err, "waiting for common resources to be created",
   610  			)
   611  		}
   612  	}
   614  	maybeStorageAccount, err := env.getStorageAccount()
   615  	if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
   616  		// Only models created prior to Juju 2.3 will have a storage
   617  		// account. Juju 2.3 onwards exclusively uses managed disks
   618  		// for all new models, and handles both managed and unmanaged
   619  		// disks for upgraded models.
   620  		maybeStorageAccount = nil
   621  	} else if err != nil {
   622  		return errors.Trace(err)
   623  	}
   625  	osProfile, seriesOS, err := newOSProfile(
   626  		vmName, instanceConfig,
   627  		env.provider.config.RandomWindowsAdminPassword,
   628  		env.provider.config.GenerateSSHKey,
   629  	)
   630  	if err != nil {
   631  		return errors.Annotate(err, "creating OS profile")
   632  	}
   633  	storageProfile, err := newStorageProfile(
   634  		vmName,
   635  		maybeStorageAccount,
   636  		storageAccountType,
   637  		instanceSpec,
   638  	)
   639  	if err != nil {
   640  		return errors.Annotate(err, "creating storage profile")
   641  	}
   643  	var availabilitySetSubResource *compute.SubResource
   644  	availabilitySetName, err := availabilitySetName(
   645  		vmName, vmTags, instanceConfig.Controller != nil,
   646  	)
   647  	if err != nil {
   648  		return errors.Annotate(err, "getting availability set name")
   649  	}
   650  	if availabilitySetName != "" {
   651  		availabilitySetId := fmt.Sprintf(
   652  			`[resourceId('Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets','%s')]`,
   653  			availabilitySetName,
   654  		)
   655  		var (
   656  			availabilitySetProperties  interface{}
   657  			availabilityStorageOptions *storage.Sku
   658  		)
   659  		if maybeStorageAccount == nil {
   660  			// This model uses managed disks; we must create
   661  			// the availability set as "aligned" to support
   662  			// them.
   663  			availabilitySetProperties = &compute.AvailabilitySetProperties{
   664  				// Azure complains when the fault domain count
   665  				// is not specified, even though it is meant
   666  				// to be optional and default to the maximum.
   667  				// The maximum depends on the location, and
   668  				// there is no API to query it.
   669  				PlatformFaultDomainCount: to.Int32Ptr(maxFaultDomains(env.location)),
   670  			}
   671  			// Availability needs to be 'Aligned' to support managed disks.
   672  			availabilityStorageOptions = &storage.Sku{
   673  				Name: "Aligned",
   674  			}
   675  		}
   676  		resources = append(resources, armtemplates.Resource{
   677  			APIVersion: computeAPIVersion,
   678  			Type:       "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets",
   679  			Name:       availabilitySetName,
   680  			Location:   env.location,
   681  			Tags:       envTags,
   682  			Properties: availabilitySetProperties,
   683  			StorageSku: availabilityStorageOptions,
   684  		})
   685  		availabilitySetSubResource = &compute.SubResource{
   686  			ID: to.StringPtr(availabilitySetId),
   687  		}
   688  		vmDependsOn = append(vmDependsOn, availabilitySetId)
   689  	}
   691  	publicIPAddressName := vmName + "-public-ip"
   692  	publicIPAddressId := fmt.Sprintf(`[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses', '%s')]`, publicIPAddressName)
   693  	resources = append(resources, armtemplates.Resource{
   694  		APIVersion: networkAPIVersion,
   695  		Type:       "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses",
   696  		Name:       publicIPAddressName,
   697  		Location:   env.location,
   698  		Tags:       vmTags,
   699  		StorageSku: &storage.Sku{Name: "Standard", Tier: "Regional"},
   700  		Properties: &network.PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat{
   701  			PublicIPAddressVersion:   network.IPv4,
   702  			PublicIPAllocationMethod: network.Static,
   703  		},
   704  	})
   706  	// Controller and non-controller machines are assigned to separate
   707  	// subnets. This enables us to create controller-specific NSG rules
   708  	// just by targeting the controller subnet.
   709  	subnetName := internalSubnetName
   710  	subnetPrefix := internalSubnetPrefix
   711  	if instanceConfig.Controller != nil {
   712  		subnetName = controllerSubnetName
   713  		subnetPrefix = controllerSubnetPrefix
   714  	}
   715  	subnetId := fmt.Sprintf(
   716  		`[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks', '%s'), '/subnets/%s')]`,
   717  		internalNetworkName, subnetName,
   718  	)
   720  	privateIP, err := machineSubnetIP(subnetPrefix, instanceConfig.MachineId)
   721  	if err != nil {
   722  		return errors.Annotatef(err, "computing private IP address")
   723  	}
   724  	nicName := vmName + "-primary"
   725  	nicId := fmt.Sprintf(`[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces', '%s')]`, nicName)
   726  	nicDependsOn = append(nicDependsOn, publicIPAddressId)
   727  	ipConfigurations := []network.InterfaceIPConfiguration{{
   728  		Name: to.StringPtr("primary"),
   729  		InterfaceIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat: &network.InterfaceIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat{
   730  			Primary:                   to.BoolPtr(true),
   731  			PrivateIPAddress:          to.StringPtr(privateIP.String()),
   732  			PrivateIPAllocationMethod: network.Static,
   733  			Subnet:                    &network.Subnet{ID: to.StringPtr(subnetId)},
   734  			PublicIPAddress: &network.PublicIPAddress{
   735  				ID: to.StringPtr(publicIPAddressId),
   736  			},
   737  		},
   738  	}}
   739  	resources = append(resources, armtemplates.Resource{
   740  		APIVersion: networkAPIVersion,
   741  		Type:       "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces",
   742  		Name:       nicName,
   743  		Location:   env.location,
   744  		Tags:       vmTags,
   745  		Properties: &network.InterfacePropertiesFormat{
   746  			IPConfigurations: &ipConfigurations,
   747  		},
   748  		DependsOn: nicDependsOn,
   749  	})
   751  	nics := []compute.NetworkInterfaceReference{{
   752  		ID: to.StringPtr(nicId),
   753  		NetworkInterfaceReferenceProperties: &compute.NetworkInterfaceReferenceProperties{
   754  			Primary: to.BoolPtr(true),
   755  		},
   756  	}}
   757  	vmDependsOn = append(vmDependsOn, nicId)
   758  	resources = append(resources, armtemplates.Resource{
   759  		APIVersion: computeAPIVersion,
   760  		Type:       "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines",
   761  		Name:       vmName,
   762  		Location:   env.location,
   763  		Tags:       vmTags,
   764  		Properties: &compute.VirtualMachineProperties{
   765  			HardwareProfile: &compute.HardwareProfile{
   766  				VMSize: compute.VirtualMachineSizeTypes(
   767  					instanceSpec.InstanceType.Name,
   768  				),
   769  			},
   770  			StorageProfile: storageProfile,
   771  			OsProfile:      osProfile,
   772  			NetworkProfile: &compute.NetworkProfile{
   773  				&nics,
   774  			},
   775  			AvailabilitySet: availabilitySetSubResource,
   776  		},
   777  		DependsOn: vmDependsOn,
   778  	})
   780  	// On Windows and CentOS, we must add the CustomScript VM
   781  	// extension to run the CustomData script.
   782  	switch seriesOS {
   783  	case os.Windows, os.CentOS:
   784  		properties, err := vmExtensionProperties(seriesOS)
   785  		if err != nil {
   786  			return errors.Annotate(
   787  				err, "creating virtual machine extension",
   788  			)
   789  		}
   790  		resources = append(resources, armtemplates.Resource{
   791  			APIVersion: computeAPIVersion,
   792  			Type:       "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions",
   793  			Name:       vmName + "/" + extensionName,
   794  			Location:   env.location,
   795  			Tags:       vmTags,
   796  			Properties: properties,
   797  			DependsOn:  []string{"Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/" + vmName},
   798  		})
   799  	}
   801  	logger.Debugf("- creating virtual machine deployment")
   802  	template := armtemplates.Template{Resources: resources}
   803  	// NOTE(axw) VMs take a long time to go to "Succeeded", so we do not
   804  	// block waiting for them to be fully provisioned. This means we won't
   805  	// return an error from StartInstance if the VM fails provisioning;
   806  	// we will instead report the error via the instance's status.
   807  	deploymentsClient.ResponseInspector = asyncCreationRespondDecorator(
   808  		deploymentsClient.ResponseInspector,
   809  	)
   810  	if err := createDeployment(
   811  		ctx,
   812  		deploymentsClient,
   813  		env.resourceGroup,
   814  		vmName, // deployment name
   815  		template,
   816  	); err != nil {
   817  		return errors.Trace(err)
   818  	}
   819  	return nil
   820  }
   822  // maxFaultDomains returns the maximum number of fault domains for the
   823  // given location/region. The numbers were taken from
   824  //,
   825  // as at 31 August 2017.
   826  func maxFaultDomains(location string) int32 {
   827  	// From the page linked in the doc comment:
   828  	// "The number of fault domains for managed availability sets varies
   829  	// by region - either two or three per region."
   830  	//
   831  	// We record those that at the time of writing have 3. Anything
   832  	// else has at least 2, so we just assume 2.
   833  	switch location {
   834  	case
   835  		"eastus",
   836  		"eastus2",
   837  		"westus",
   838  		"centralus",
   839  		"northcentralus",
   840  		"southcentralus",
   841  		"northeurope",
   842  		"westeurope":
   843  		return 3
   844  	}
   845  	return 2
   846  }
   848  // waitCommonResourcesCreated waits for the "common" deployment to complete.
   849  func (env *azureEnviron) waitCommonResourcesCreated() error {
   851  	defer
   852  	if env.commonResourcesCreated {
   853  		return nil
   854  	}
   855  	deployment, err := env.waitCommonResourcesCreatedLocked()
   856  	if err != nil {
   857  		return errors.Trace(err)
   858  	}
   859  	env.commonResourcesCreated = true
   860  	if deployment != nil {
   861  		// Check if the common deployment created
   862  		// a storage account. If it didn't, we can
   863  		// avoid a query for the storage account.
   864  		var hasStorageAccount bool
   865  		if deployment.Properties.Providers != nil {
   866  			for _, p := range *deployment.Properties.Providers {
   867  				if to.String(p.Namespace) != "Microsoft.Storage" {
   868  					continue
   869  				}
   870  				if p.ResourceTypes == nil {
   871  					continue
   872  				}
   873  				for _, rt := range *p.ResourceTypes {
   874  					if to.String(rt.ResourceType) != "storageAccounts" {
   875  						continue
   876  					}
   877  					hasStorageAccount = true
   878  					break
   879  				}
   880  				break
   881  			}
   882  		}
   883  		if !hasStorageAccount {
   884  			env.storageAccount = new(*storage.Account)
   885  		}
   886  	}
   887  	return nil
   888  }
   890  type deploymentIncompleteError struct {
   891  	error
   892  }
   894  func (env *azureEnviron) waitCommonResourcesCreatedLocked() (*resources.DeploymentExtended, error) {
   895  	deploymentsClient := resources.DeploymentsClient{env.resources}
   897  	// Release the lock while we're waiting, to avoid blocking others.
   899  	defer
   901  	// Wait for up to 5 minutes, with a 5 second polling interval,
   902  	// for the "common" deployment to be in one of the terminal
   903  	// states. The deployment typically takes only around 30 seconds,
   904  	// but we allow for a longer duration to be defensive.
   905  	var deployment *resources.DeploymentExtended
   906  	sdkCtx := stdcontext.Background()
   907  	waitDeployment := func() error {
   908  		result, err := deploymentsClient.Get(sdkCtx, env.resourceGroup, "common")
   909  		if err != nil {
   910  			if result.StatusCode == http.StatusNotFound {
   911  				// The controller model does not have a "common"
   912  				// deployment, as its common resources are created
   913  				// in the machine-0 deployment to keep bootstrap times
   914  				// optimal. Treat lack of a common deployment as an
   915  				// indication that the model is the controller model.
   916  				return nil
   917  			}
   918  			return errors.Annotate(err, "querying common deployment")
   919  		}
   920  		if result.Properties == nil {
   921  			return deploymentIncompleteError{errors.New("deployment incomplete")}
   922  		}
   924  		state := to.String(result.Properties.ProvisioningState)
   925  		if state == "Succeeded" {
   926  			// The deployment has succeeded, so the resources are
   927  			// ready for use.
   928  			deployment = &result
   929  			return nil
   930  		}
   931  		err = errors.Errorf("common resource deployment status is %q", state)
   932  		switch state {
   933  		case "Canceled", "Failed", "Deleted":
   934  		default:
   935  			err = deploymentIncompleteError{err}
   936  		}
   937  		return err
   938  	}
   939  	if err := retry.Call(retry.CallArgs{
   940  		Func: waitDeployment,
   941  		IsFatalError: func(err error) bool {
   942  			_, ok := err.(deploymentIncompleteError)
   943  			return !ok
   944  		},
   945  		Attempts:    -1,
   946  		Delay:       5 * time.Second,
   947  		MaxDuration: 5 * time.Minute,
   948  		Clock:       env.provider.config.RetryClock,
   949  	}); err != nil {
   950  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
   951  	}
   952  	return deployment, nil
   953  }
   955  // createAvailabilitySet creates the availability set for a machine to use
   956  // if it doesn't already exist, and returns the availability set's ID. The
   957  // algorithm used for choosing the availability set is:
   958  //  - if the machine is a controller, use the availability set name
   959  //    "juju-controller";
   960  //  - if the machine has units assigned, create an availability
   961  //    name with a name based on the value of the tags.JujuUnitsDeployed tag
   962  //    in vmTags, if it exists;
   963  //  - otherwise, do not assign the machine to an availability set
   964  func availabilitySetName(
   965  	vmName string,
   966  	vmTags map[string]string,
   967  	controller bool,
   968  ) (string, error) {
   969  	logger.Debugf("selecting availability set for %q", vmName)
   970  	if controller {
   971  		return controllerAvailabilitySet, nil
   972  	}
   974  	// We'll have to create an availability set. Use the name of one of the
   975  	// services assigned to the machine.
   976  	var availabilitySetName string
   977  	if unitNames, ok := vmTags[tags.JujuUnitsDeployed]; ok {
   978  		for _, unitName := range strings.Fields(unitNames) {
   979  			if !names.IsValidUnit(unitName) {
   980  				continue
   981  			}
   982  			serviceName, err := names.UnitApplication(unitName)
   983  			if err != nil {
   984  				return "", errors.Annotate(err, "getting application name")
   985  			}
   986  			availabilitySetName = serviceName
   987  			break
   988  		}
   989  	}
   990  	return availabilitySetName, nil
   991  }
   993  // newStorageProfile creates the storage profile for a virtual machine,
   994  // based on the series and chosen instance spec.
   995  func newStorageProfile(
   996  	vmName string,
   997  	maybeStorageAccount *storage.Account,
   998  	storageAccountType string,
   999  	instanceSpec *instances.InstanceSpec,
  1000  ) (*compute.StorageProfile, error) {
  1001  	logger.Debugf("creating storage profile for %q", vmName)
  1003  	urnParts := strings.SplitN(instanceSpec.Image.Id, ":", 4)
  1004  	if len(urnParts) != 4 {
  1005  		return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid image ID %q", instanceSpec.Image.Id)
  1006  	}
  1007  	publisher := urnParts[0]
  1008  	offer := urnParts[1]
  1009  	sku := urnParts[2]
  1010  	version := urnParts[3]
  1012  	osDiskName := vmName
  1013  	osDiskSizeGB := mibToGB(instanceSpec.InstanceType.RootDisk)
  1014  	osDisk := &compute.OSDisk{
  1015  		Name:         to.StringPtr(osDiskName),
  1016  		CreateOption: compute.DiskCreateOptionTypesFromImage,
  1017  		Caching:      compute.CachingTypesReadWrite,
  1018  		DiskSizeGB:   to.Int32Ptr(int32(osDiskSizeGB)),
  1019  	}
  1021  	if maybeStorageAccount == nil {
  1022  		// This model uses managed disks.
  1023  		osDisk.ManagedDisk = &compute.ManagedDiskParameters{
  1024  			StorageAccountType: compute.StorageAccountTypes(storageAccountType),
  1025  		}
  1026  	} else {
  1027  		// This model uses unmanaged disks.
  1028  		osDiskVhdRoot := blobContainerURL(maybeStorageAccount, osDiskVHDContainer)
  1029  		vhdURI := osDiskVhdRoot + osDiskName + vhdExtension
  1030  		osDisk.Vhd = &compute.VirtualHardDisk{to.StringPtr(vhdURI)}
  1031  	}
  1033  	return &compute.StorageProfile{
  1034  		ImageReference: &compute.ImageReference{
  1035  			Publisher: to.StringPtr(publisher),
  1036  			Offer:     to.StringPtr(offer),
  1037  			Sku:       to.StringPtr(sku),
  1038  			Version:   to.StringPtr(version),
  1039  		},
  1040  		OsDisk: osDisk,
  1041  	}, nil
  1042  }
  1044  func mibToGB(mib uint64) uint64 {
  1045  	b := float64(mib * 1024 * 1024)
  1046  	return uint64(b / (1000 * 1000 * 1000))
  1047  }
  1049  func newOSProfile(
  1050  	vmName string,
  1051  	instanceConfig *instancecfg.InstanceConfig,
  1052  	randomAdminPassword func() string,
  1053  	generateSSHKey func(string) (string, string, error),
  1054  ) (*compute.OSProfile, os.OSType, error) {
  1055  	logger.Debugf("creating OS profile for %q", vmName)
  1057  	customData, err := providerinit.ComposeUserData(instanceConfig, nil, AzureRenderer{})
  1058  	if err != nil {
  1059  		return nil, os.Unknown, errors.Annotate(err, "composing user data")
  1060  	}
  1062  	osProfile := &compute.OSProfile{
  1063  		ComputerName: to.StringPtr(vmName),
  1064  		CustomData:   to.StringPtr(string(customData)),
  1065  	}
  1067  	seriesOS, err := jujuseries.GetOSFromSeries(instanceConfig.Series)
  1068  	if err != nil {
  1069  		return nil, os.Unknown, errors.Trace(err)
  1070  	}
  1071  	switch seriesOS {
  1072  	case os.Ubuntu, os.CentOS:
  1073  		// SSH keys are handled by custom data, but must also be
  1074  		// specified in order to forego providing a password, and
  1075  		// disable password authentication.
  1076  		authorizedKeys := instanceConfig.AuthorizedKeys
  1077  		if len(authorizedKeys) == 0 {
  1078  			// Azure requires that machines be provisioned with
  1079  			// either a password or at least one SSH key. We
  1080  			// generate a key-pair to make Azure happy, but throw
  1081  			// away the private key so that nobody will be able
  1082  			// to log into the machine directly unless the keys
  1083  			// are updated with one that Juju tracks.
  1084  			_, public, err := generateSSHKey("")
  1085  			if err != nil {
  1086  				return nil, os.Unknown, errors.Trace(err)
  1087  			}
  1088  			authorizedKeys = public
  1089  		}
  1091  		publicKeys := []compute.SSHPublicKey{{
  1092  			Path:    to.StringPtr("/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys"),
  1093  			KeyData: to.StringPtr(authorizedKeys),
  1094  		}}
  1095  		osProfile.AdminUsername = to.StringPtr("ubuntu")
  1096  		osProfile.LinuxConfiguration = &compute.LinuxConfiguration{
  1097  			DisablePasswordAuthentication: to.BoolPtr(true),
  1098  			SSH:                           &compute.SSHConfiguration{PublicKeys: &publicKeys},
  1099  		}
  1100  	case os.Windows:
  1101  		osProfile.AdminUsername = to.StringPtr("JujuAdministrator")
  1102  		// A password is required by Azure, but we will never use it.
  1103  		// We generate something sufficiently long and random that it
  1104  		// should be infeasible to guess.
  1105  		osProfile.AdminPassword = to.StringPtr(randomAdminPassword())
  1106  		osProfile.WindowsConfiguration = &compute.WindowsConfiguration{
  1107  			ProvisionVMAgent:       to.BoolPtr(true),
  1108  			EnableAutomaticUpdates: to.BoolPtr(true),
  1109  			// TODO(?) add WinRM configuration here.
  1110  		}
  1111  	default:
  1112  		return nil, os.Unknown, errors.NotSupportedf("%s", seriesOS)
  1113  	}
  1114  	return osProfile, seriesOS, nil
  1115  }
  1117  // StopInstances is specified in the InstanceBroker interface.
  1118  func (env *azureEnviron) StopInstances(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, ids ...instance.Id) error {
  1119  	if len(ids) == 0 {
  1120  		return nil
  1121  	}
  1123  	// First up, cancel the deployments. Then we can identify the resources
  1124  	// that need to be deleted without racing with their creation.
  1125  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
  1126  	var existing int
  1127  	cancelResults := make([]error, len(ids))
  1128  	for i, id := range ids {
  1129  		logger.Debugf("canceling deployment for instance %q", id)
  1130  		wg.Add(1)
  1131  		go func(i int, id instance.Id) {
  1132  			defer wg.Done()
  1133  			sdkCtx := stdcontext.Background()
  1134  			cancelResults[i] = errors.Annotatef(
  1135  				env.cancelDeployment(ctx, sdkCtx, string(id)),
  1136  				"canceling deployment %q", id,
  1137  			)
  1138  		}(i, id)
  1139  	}
  1140  	wg.Wait()
  1141  	for _, err := range cancelResults {
  1142  		if err == nil {
  1143  			existing++
  1144  		} else if !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
  1145  			return err
  1146  		}
  1147  	}
  1148  	if existing == 0 {
  1149  		// None of the instances exist, so we can stop now.
  1150  		return nil
  1151  	}
  1153  	maybeStorageClient, _, err := env.maybeGetStorageClient()
  1154  	if err != nil {
  1155  		return errors.Trace(err)
  1156  	}
  1158  	// List network interfaces and public IP addresses.
  1159  	instanceNics, err := instanceNetworkInterfaces(
  1160  		ctx,
  1161  		env.resourceGroup,
  1162  		network.InterfacesClient{},
  1163  	)
  1164  	if err != nil {
  1165  		return errors.Trace(err)
  1166  	}
  1167  	instancePips, err := instancePublicIPAddresses(
  1168  		ctx,
  1169  		env.resourceGroup,
  1170  		network.PublicIPAddressesClient{},
  1171  	)
  1172  	if err != nil {
  1173  		return errors.Trace(err)
  1174  	}
  1176  	// Delete the deployments, virtual machines, and related resources.
  1177  	deleteResults := make([]error, len(ids))
  1178  	for i, id := range ids {
  1179  		if errors.IsNotFound(cancelResults[i]) {
  1180  			continue
  1181  		}
  1182  		// The deployment does not exist, so there's nothing more to do.
  1183  		logger.Debugf("deleting instance %q", id)
  1184  		wg.Add(1)
  1185  		go func(i int, id instance.Id) {
  1186  			defer wg.Done()
  1187  			sdkCtx := stdcontext.Background()
  1188  			err := env.deleteVirtualMachine(
  1189  				ctx,
  1190  				sdkCtx,
  1191  				id,
  1192  				maybeStorageClient,
  1193  				instanceNics[id],
  1194  				instancePips[id],
  1195  			)
  1196  			deleteResults[i] = errors.Annotatef(
  1197  				err, "deleting instance %q", id,
  1198  			)
  1199  		}(i, id)
  1200  	}
  1201  	wg.Wait()
  1202  	for _, err := range deleteResults {
  1203  		if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
  1204  			return errors.Trace(err)
  1205  		}
  1206  	}
  1208  	return nil
  1209  }
  1211  // cancelDeployment cancels a template deployment.
  1212  func (env *azureEnviron) cancelDeployment(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, sdkCtx stdcontext.Context, name string) error {
  1213  	deploymentsClient := resources.DeploymentsClient{env.resources}
  1214  	logger.Debugf("- canceling deployment %q", name)
  1215  	cancelResult, err := deploymentsClient.Cancel(sdkCtx, env.resourceGroup, name)
  1216  	if err != nil {
  1217  		if cancelResult.Response != nil {
  1218  			switch cancelResult.StatusCode {
  1219  			case http.StatusNotFound:
  1220  				return errors.NewNotFound(err, fmt.Sprintf("deployment %q not found", name))
  1221  			case http.StatusConflict:
  1222  				if err, ok := errorutils.ServiceError(err); ok {
  1223  					if err.Code == serviceErrorCodeDeploymentCannotBeCancelled ||
  1224  						err.Code == serviceErrorCodeResourceGroupBeingDeleted {
  1225  						// Deployments can only canceled while they're running.
  1226  						return nil
  1227  					}
  1228  				}
  1229  			}
  1230  		}
  1231  		return errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Annotatef(err, "canceling deployment %q", name), ctx)
  1232  	}
  1233  	return nil
  1234  }
  1236  // deleteVirtualMachine deletes a virtual machine and all of the resources that
  1237  // it owns, and any corresponding network security rules.
  1238  func (env *azureEnviron) deleteVirtualMachine(
  1239  	ctx context.ProviderCallContext,
  1240  	sdkCtx stdcontext.Context,
  1241  	instId instance.Id,
  1242  	maybeStorageClient internalazurestorage.Client,
  1243  	networkInterfaces []network.Interface,
  1244  	publicIPAddresses []network.PublicIPAddress,
  1245  ) error {
  1246  	vmClient := compute.VirtualMachinesClient{env.compute}
  1247  	diskClient := compute.DisksClient{env.disk}
  1248  	nicClient := network.InterfacesClient{}
  1249  	nsgClient := network.SecurityGroupsClient{}
  1250  	securityRuleClient := network.SecurityRulesClient{}
  1251  	pipClient := network.PublicIPAddressesClient{}
  1252  	deploymentsClient := resources.DeploymentsClient{env.resources}
  1253  	vmName := string(instId)
  1255  	// TODO(axw) delete resources concurrently.
  1257  	// The VM must be deleted first, to release the lock on its resources.
  1258  	logger.Debugf("- deleting virtual machine (%s)", vmName)
  1259  	vmErrMsg := "deleting virtual machine"
  1260  	vmFuture, err := vmClient.Delete(sdkCtx, env.resourceGroup, vmName)
  1261  	if err != nil {
  1262  		if errorutils.MaybeInvalidateCredential(err, ctx) || !isNotFoundResponse(vmFuture.Response()) {
  1263  			return errors.Annotate(err, vmErrMsg)
  1264  		}
  1265  	} else {
  1266  		err = vmFuture.WaitForCompletionRef(sdkCtx, vmClient.Client)
  1267  		if err != nil {
  1268  			return errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Annotate(err, vmErrMsg), ctx)
  1269  		}
  1270  		result, err := vmFuture.Result(vmClient)
  1271  		if err != nil {
  1272  			if errorutils.MaybeInvalidateCredential(err, ctx) || !isNotFoundResult(result) {
  1273  				return errors.Annotate(err, vmErrMsg)
  1274  			}
  1275  		}
  1276  	}
  1277  	if maybeStorageClient != nil {
  1278  		logger.Debugf("- deleting OS VHD (%s)", vmName)
  1279  		blobClient := maybeStorageClient.GetBlobService()
  1280  		vhdContainer := blobClient.GetContainerReference(osDiskVHDContainer)
  1281  		vhdBlob := vhdContainer.Blob(vmName)
  1282  		_, err := vhdBlob.DeleteIfExists(nil)
  1283  		return errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Annotate(err, "deleting OS VHD"), ctx)
  1284  	}
  1286  	// Delete the managed OS disk.
  1287  	logger.Debugf("- deleting OS disk (%s)", vmName)
  1288  	diskErrMsg := "deleting OS disk"
  1289  	diskFuture, err := diskClient.Delete(sdkCtx, env.resourceGroup, vmName)
  1290  	if err != nil {
  1291  		if errorutils.MaybeInvalidateCredential(err, ctx) || !isNotFoundResponse(diskFuture.Response()) {
  1292  			return errors.Annotate(err, diskErrMsg)
  1293  		}
  1294  	}
  1295  	if err == nil {
  1296  		err = diskFuture.WaitForCompletionRef(sdkCtx, diskClient.Client)
  1297  		if err != nil {
  1298  			return errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Annotate(err, diskErrMsg), ctx)
  1299  		}
  1300  		result, err := diskFuture.Result(diskClient)
  1301  		if err != nil {
  1302  			if errorutils.MaybeInvalidateCredential(err, ctx) || !isNotFoundResult(result) {
  1303  				return errors.Annotate(err, diskErrMsg)
  1304  			}
  1305  		}
  1306  	}
  1307  	logger.Debugf("- deleting security rules (%s)", vmName)
  1308  	if err := deleteInstanceNetworkSecurityRules(
  1309  		ctx,
  1310  		env.resourceGroup, instId,
  1311  		nsgClient, securityRuleClient,
  1312  	); err != nil {
  1313  		return errors.Annotate(err, "deleting network security rules")
  1314  	}
  1316  	logger.Debugf("- deleting network interfaces (%s)", vmName)
  1317  	networkErrMsg := "deleting NIC"
  1318  	for _, nic := range networkInterfaces {
  1319  		nicName := to.String(nic.Name)
  1320  		logger.Tracef("deleting NIC %q", nicName)
  1321  		nicFuture, err := nicClient.Delete(sdkCtx, env.resourceGroup, nicName)
  1322  		if err != nil {
  1323  			if errorutils.MaybeInvalidateCredential(err, ctx) || !isNotFoundResponse(nicFuture.Response()) {
  1324  				return errors.Annotate(err, networkErrMsg)
  1325  			}
  1326  		} else {
  1327  			err = nicFuture.WaitForCompletionRef(sdkCtx, nicClient.Client)
  1328  			if err != nil {
  1329  				return errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Annotate(err, networkErrMsg), ctx)
  1330  			}
  1331  			result, err := nicFuture.Result(nicClient)
  1332  			if err != nil {
  1333  				if errorutils.MaybeInvalidateCredential(err, ctx) || !isNotFoundResult(result) {
  1334  					return errors.Annotate(err, networkErrMsg)
  1335  				}
  1336  			}
  1337  		}
  1338  	}
  1340  	logger.Debugf("- deleting public IPs (%s)", vmName)
  1341  	ipErrMsg := "deleting public IP"
  1342  	for _, pip := range publicIPAddresses {
  1343  		pipName := to.String(pip.Name)
  1344  		logger.Tracef("deleting public IP %q", pipName)
  1345  		ipFuture, err := pipClient.Delete(sdkCtx, env.resourceGroup, pipName)
  1346  		if err != nil {
  1347  			if errorutils.MaybeInvalidateCredential(err, ctx) || !isNotFoundResponse(ipFuture.Response()) {
  1348  				return errors.Annotate(err, ipErrMsg)
  1349  			}
  1350  		} else {
  1351  			err = ipFuture.WaitForCompletionRef(sdkCtx, pipClient.Client)
  1352  			if err != nil {
  1353  				return errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Annotate(err, ipErrMsg), ctx)
  1354  			}
  1355  			result, err := ipFuture.Result(pipClient)
  1356  			if err != nil {
  1357  				if errorutils.MaybeInvalidateCredential(err, ctx) || !isNotFoundResult(result) {
  1358  					return errors.Annotate(err, ipErrMsg)
  1359  				}
  1360  			}
  1361  		}
  1362  	}
  1364  	// The deployment must be deleted last, or we risk leaking resources.
  1365  	logger.Debugf("- deleting deployment (%s)", vmName)
  1366  	deploymentFuture, err := deploymentsClient.Delete(sdkCtx, env.resourceGroup, vmName)
  1367  	deploymentErrMsg := "deleting deployment"
  1368  	if err != nil {
  1369  		if errorutils.MaybeInvalidateCredential(err, ctx) || !isNotFoundResponse(deploymentFuture.Response()) {
  1370  			return errors.Annotate(err, deploymentErrMsg)
  1371  		}
  1372  	} else {
  1373  		err = deploymentFuture.WaitForCompletionRef(sdkCtx, deploymentsClient.Client)
  1374  		if err != nil {
  1375  			return errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Annotate(err, deploymentErrMsg), ctx)
  1376  		}
  1377  		deploymentResult, err := deploymentFuture.Result(deploymentsClient)
  1378  		if err != nil {
  1379  			if errorutils.MaybeInvalidateCredential(err, ctx) || !isNotFoundResult(deploymentResult) {
  1380  				return errors.Annotate(err, deploymentErrMsg)
  1381  			}
  1382  		}
  1383  	}
  1384  	return nil
  1385  }
  1387  // Instances is specified in the Environ interface.
  1388  func (env *azureEnviron) Instances(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, ids []instance.Id) ([]instances.Instance, error) {
  1389  	return env.instances(ctx, env.resourceGroup, ids, true /* refresh addresses */)
  1390  }
  1392  func (env *azureEnviron) instances(
  1393  	ctx context.ProviderCallContext,
  1394  	resourceGroup string,
  1395  	ids []instance.Id,
  1396  	refreshAddresses bool,
  1397  ) ([]instances.Instance, error) {
  1398  	if len(ids) == 0 {
  1399  		return nil, nil
  1400  	}
  1401  	all, err := env.allInstances(ctx, resourceGroup, refreshAddresses, false)
  1402  	if err != nil {
  1403  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
  1404  	}
  1405  	byId := make(map[instance.Id]instances.Instance)
  1406  	for _, inst := range all {
  1407  		byId[inst.Id()] = inst
  1408  	}
  1409  	var found int
  1410  	matching := make([]instances.Instance, len(ids))
  1411  	for i, id := range ids {
  1412  		inst, ok := byId[id]
  1413  		if !ok {
  1414  			continue
  1415  		}
  1416  		matching[i] = inst
  1417  		found++
  1418  	}
  1419  	if found == 0 {
  1420  		return nil, environs.ErrNoInstances
  1421  	} else if found < len(ids) {
  1422  		return matching, environs.ErrPartialInstances
  1423  	}
  1424  	return matching, nil
  1425  }
  1427  // AdoptResources is part of the Environ interface.
  1428  func (env *azureEnviron) AdoptResources(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, controllerUUID string, fromVersion version.Number) error {
  1429  	groupClient := resources.GroupsClient{env.resources}
  1431  	err := env.updateGroupControllerTag(ctx, &groupClient, env.resourceGroup, controllerUUID)
  1432  	if err != nil {
  1433  		// If we can't update the group there's no point updating the
  1434  		// contained resources - the group will be killed if the
  1435  		// controller is destroyed, taking the other things with it.
  1436  		return errors.Trace(err)
  1437  	}
  1439  	sdkCtx := stdcontext.Background()
  1440  	apiVersions, err := collectAPIVersions(ctx, sdkCtx, resources.ProvidersClient{env.resources})
  1441  	if err != nil {
  1442  		return errors.Trace(err)
  1443  	}
  1445  	resourceClient := resources.Client{env.resources}
  1446  	res, err := resourceClient.ListByResourceGroupComplete(sdkCtx, env.resourceGroup, "", "", nil)
  1447  	if err != nil {
  1448  		return errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Annotate(err, "listing resources"), ctx)
  1449  	}
  1450  	var failed []string
  1451  	for ; res.NotDone(); err = res.NextWithContext(sdkCtx) {
  1452  		if err != nil {
  1453  			return errors.Annotate(err, "listing resources")
  1454  		}
  1455  		resource := res.Value()
  1456  		apiVersion := apiVersions[to.String(resource.Type)]
  1457  		err := env.updateResourceControllerTag(
  1458  			ctx,
  1459  			sdkCtx,
  1460  			internalazureresources.ResourcesClient{&resourceClient},
  1461  			resource, controllerUUID, apiVersion,
  1462  		)
  1463  		if err != nil {
  1464  			name := to.String(resource.Name)
  1465  			logger.Errorf("error updating resource tags for %q: %v", name, err)
  1466  			failed = append(failed, name)
  1467  		}
  1468  	}
  1469  	if len(failed) > 0 {
  1470  		return errors.Errorf("failed to update controller for some resources: %v", failed)
  1471  	}
  1473  	return nil
  1474  }
  1476  func (env *azureEnviron) updateGroupControllerTag(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, client *resources.GroupsClient, groupName, controllerUUID string) error {
  1477  	sdkCtx := stdcontext.Background()
  1478  	group, err := client.Get(sdkCtx, groupName)
  1479  	if err != nil {
  1480  		return errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Trace(err), ctx)
  1481  	}
  1483  	logger.Debugf(
  1484  		"updating resource group %s juju controller uuid to %s",
  1485  		to.String(group.Name), controllerUUID,
  1486  	)
  1487  	group.Tags[tags.JujuController] = to.StringPtr(controllerUUID)
  1489  	// The Azure API forbids specifying ProvisioningState on the update.
  1490  	if group.Properties != nil {
  1491  		(*group.Properties).ProvisioningState = nil
  1492  	}
  1494  	_, err = client.CreateOrUpdate(sdkCtx, groupName, group)
  1495  	return errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Annotatef(err, "updating controller for resource group %q", groupName), ctx)
  1496  }
  1498  func (env *azureEnviron) updateResourceControllerTag(
  1499  	ctx context.ProviderCallContext,
  1500  	sdkCtx stdcontext.Context,
  1501  	client internalazureresources.ResourcesClient,
  1502  	stubResource resources.GenericResource,
  1503  	controllerUUID string,
  1504  	apiVersion string,
  1505  ) error {
  1506  	stubTags := to.StringMap(stubResource.Tags)
  1507  	if stubTags[tags.JujuController] == controllerUUID {
  1508  		// No update needed.
  1509  		return nil
  1510  	}
  1512  	// Need to get the resource individually to ensure that the
  1513  	// properties are populated.
  1514  	resource, err := client.GetByID(sdkCtx, to.String(stubResource.ID), apiVersion)
  1515  	if err != nil {
  1516  		return errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Annotatef(err, "getting full resource %q", to.String(stubResource.Name)), ctx)
  1517  	}
  1519  	logger.Debugf("updating %s juju controller UUID to %s", to.String(stubResource.ID), controllerUUID)
  1520  	resource.Tags[tags.JujuController] = to.StringPtr(controllerUUID)
  1521  	_, err = client.CreateOrUpdateByID(
  1522  		sdkCtx,
  1523  		to.String(stubResource.ID),
  1524  		resource,
  1525  		apiVersion,
  1526  	)
  1527  	return errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Annotatef(err, "updating controller for %q", to.String(resource.Name)), ctx)
  1528  }
  1530  // AllInstances is specified in the InstanceBroker interface.
  1531  func (env *azureEnviron) AllInstances(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) ([]instances.Instance, error) {
  1532  	return env.allInstances(ctx, env.resourceGroup, true /* refresh addresses */, false /* all instances */)
  1533  }
  1535  // allInstances returns all of the instances in the given resource group,
  1536  // and optionally ensures that each instance's addresses are up-to-date.
  1537  func (env *azureEnviron) allInstances(
  1538  	ctx context.ProviderCallContext,
  1539  	resourceGroup string,
  1540  	refreshAddresses bool,
  1541  	controllerOnly bool,
  1542  ) ([]instances.Instance, error) {
  1543  	deploymentsClient := resources.DeploymentsClient{env.resources}
  1544  	sdkCtx := stdcontext.Background()
  1545  	deploymentsResult, err := deploymentsClient.ListByResourceGroupComplete(sdkCtx, resourceGroup, "", nil)
  1546  	if err != nil {
  1547  		if isNotFoundResult(deploymentsResult.Response().Response) {
  1548  			// This will occur if the resource group does not
  1549  			// exist, e.g. in a fresh hosted environment.
  1550  			return nil, nil
  1551  		}
  1552  		return nil, errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Trace(err), ctx)
  1553  	}
  1554  	if deploymentsResult.Response().IsEmpty() {
  1555  		return nil, nil
  1556  	}
  1558  	var azureInstances []*azureInstance
  1559  	for ; deploymentsResult.NotDone(); err = deploymentsResult.NextWithContext(sdkCtx) {
  1560  		if err != nil {
  1561  			return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "listing resources")
  1562  		}
  1563  		deployment := deploymentsResult.Value()
  1564  		name := to.String(deployment.Name)
  1565  		if _, err := names.ParseMachineTag(name); err != nil {
  1566  			// Deployments we create for Juju machines are named
  1567  			// with the machine tag. We also create a "common"
  1568  			// deployment, so this will exclude that VM and any
  1569  			// other stray deployment resources.
  1570  			continue
  1571  		}
  1572  		if deployment.Properties == nil || deployment.Properties.Dependencies == nil {
  1573  			continue
  1574  		}
  1575  		if controllerOnly && !isControllerDeployment(deployment) {
  1576  			continue
  1577  		}
  1578  		provisioningState := to.String(deployment.Properties.ProvisioningState)
  1579  		inst := &azureInstance{name, provisioningState, env, nil, nil}
  1580  		azureInstances = append(azureInstances, inst)
  1581  	}
  1583  	if len(azureInstances) > 0 && refreshAddresses {
  1584  		if err := setInstanceAddresses(
  1585  			ctx,
  1586  			resourceGroup,
  1587  			network.InterfacesClient{},
  1588  			network.PublicIPAddressesClient{},
  1589  			azureInstances,
  1590  		); err != nil {
  1591  			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
  1592  		}
  1593  	}
  1595  	instances := make([]instances.Instance, len(azureInstances))
  1596  	for i, inst := range azureInstances {
  1597  		instances[i] = inst
  1598  	}
  1599  	return instances, nil
  1600  }
  1602  func isControllerDeployment(deployment resources.DeploymentExtended) bool {
  1603  	for _, d := range *deployment.Properties.Dependencies {
  1604  		if d.DependsOn == nil {
  1605  			continue
  1606  		}
  1607  		if to.String(d.ResourceType) != "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" {
  1608  			continue
  1609  		}
  1610  		for _, on := range *d.DependsOn {
  1611  			if to.String(on.ResourceType) != "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets" {
  1612  				continue
  1613  			}
  1614  			if to.String(on.ResourceName) == controllerAvailabilitySet {
  1615  				return true
  1616  			}
  1617  		}
  1618  	}
  1619  	return false
  1620  }
  1622  // Destroy is specified in the Environ interface.
  1623  func (env *azureEnviron) Destroy(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) error {
  1624  	logger.Debugf("destroying model %q", env.envName)
  1625  	logger.Debugf("- deleting resource group %q", env.resourceGroup)
  1626  	sdkCtx := stdcontext.Background()
  1627  	if err := env.deleteResourceGroup(ctx, sdkCtx, env.resourceGroup); err != nil {
  1628  		return errors.Trace(err)
  1629  	}
  1630  	// Resource groups are self-contained and fully encompass
  1631  	// all environ resources. Once you delete the group, there
  1632  	// is nothing else to do.
  1633  	return nil
  1634  }
  1636  // DestroyController is specified in the Environ interface.
  1637  func (env *azureEnviron) DestroyController(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, controllerUUID string) error {
  1638  	logger.Debugf("destroying model %q", env.envName)
  1639  	logger.Debugf("- deleting resource groups")
  1640  	if err := env.deleteControllerManagedResourceGroups(ctx, controllerUUID); err != nil {
  1641  		return errors.Trace(err)
  1642  	}
  1643  	// Resource groups are self-contained and fully encompass
  1644  	// all environ resources. Once you delete the group, there
  1645  	// is nothing else to do.
  1646  	return nil
  1647  }
  1649  func (env *azureEnviron) deleteControllerManagedResourceGroups(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, controllerUUID string) error {
  1650  	filter := fmt.Sprintf(
  1651  		"tagname eq '%s' and tagvalue eq '%s'",
  1652  		tags.JujuController, controllerUUID,
  1653  	)
  1654  	client := resources.GroupsClient{env.resources}
  1655  	sdkCtx := stdcontext.Background()
  1656  	result, err := client.List(sdkCtx, filter, nil)
  1657  	if err != nil {
  1658  		return errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Annotate(err, "listing resource groups"), ctx)
  1659  	}
  1660  	if result.Values() == nil {
  1661  		return nil
  1662  	}
  1664  	// Walk all the pages of results so we can get a total list of groups to remove.
  1665  	var groupNames []*string
  1666  	for ; result.NotDone(); err = result.NextWithContext(sdkCtx) {
  1667  		for _, group := range result.Values() {
  1668  			groupNames = append(groupNames, group.Name)
  1669  		}
  1670  	}
  1671  	// Deleting groups can take a long time, so make sure they are
  1672  	// deleted in parallel.
  1673  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
  1674  	errs := make([]error, len(groupNames))
  1675  	for i, name := range groupNames {
  1676  		groupName := to.String(name)
  1677  		logger.Debugf("  - deleting resource group %q", groupName)
  1678  		wg.Add(1)
  1679  		go func(i int) {
  1680  			defer wg.Done()
  1681  			if err := env.deleteResourceGroup(ctx, sdkCtx, groupName); err != nil {
  1682  				errs[i] = errors.Annotatef(
  1683  					err, "deleting resource group %q", groupName,
  1684  				)
  1685  			}
  1686  		}(i)
  1687  	}
  1688  	wg.Wait()
  1690  	// If there is just one error, return it. If there are multiple,
  1691  	// then combine their messages.
  1692  	var nonNilErrs []error
  1693  	for _, err := range errs {
  1694  		if err != nil {
  1695  			nonNilErrs = append(nonNilErrs, err)
  1696  		}
  1697  	}
  1698  	switch len(nonNilErrs) {
  1699  	case 0:
  1700  		return nil
  1701  	case 1:
  1702  		return nonNilErrs[0]
  1703  	}
  1704  	combined := make([]string, len(nonNilErrs))
  1705  	for i, err := range nonNilErrs {
  1706  		combined[i] = err.Error()
  1707  	}
  1708  	return errors.New(strings.Join(combined, "; "))
  1709  }
  1711  func (env *azureEnviron) deleteResourceGroup(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, sdkCtx stdcontext.Context, resourceGroup string) error {
  1712  	client := resources.GroupsClient{env.resources}
  1713  	future, err := client.Delete(sdkCtx, resourceGroup)
  1714  	if err != nil {
  1715  		errorutils.HandleCredentialError(err, ctx)
  1716  		if !isNotFoundResponse(future.Response()) {
  1717  			return errors.Annotatef(err, "deleting resource group %q", resourceGroup)
  1718  		}
  1719  		return nil
  1720  	}
  1721  	err = future.WaitForCompletionRef(sdkCtx, client.Client)
  1722  	if err != nil {
  1723  		return errors.Annotatef(err, "deleting resource group %q", resourceGroup)
  1724  	}
  1725  	result, err := future.Result(client)
  1726  	if err != nil && !isNotFoundResult(result) {
  1727  		return errors.Annotatef(err, "deleting resource group %q", resourceGroup)
  1728  	}
  1729  	return nil
  1730  }
  1732  // Provider is specified in the Environ interface.
  1733  func (env *azureEnviron) Provider() environs.EnvironProvider {
  1734  	return env.provider
  1735  }
  1737  // resourceGroupName returns the name of the environment's resource group.
  1738  func resourceGroupName(modelTag names.ModelTag, modelName string) string {
  1739  	return fmt.Sprintf("juju-%s-%s", modelName, resourceName(modelTag))
  1740  }
  1742  // resourceName returns the string to use for a resource's Name tag,
  1743  // to help users identify Juju-managed resources in the Azure portal.
  1744  //
  1745  // Since resources are grouped under resource groups, we just use the
  1746  // tag.
  1747  func resourceName(tag names.Tag) string {
  1748  	return tag.String()
  1749  }
  1751  // getInstanceTypes gets the instance types available for the configured
  1752  // location, keyed by name.
  1753  func (env *azureEnviron) getInstanceTypes(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) (map[string]instances.InstanceType, error) {
  1755  	defer
  1756  	instanceTypes, err := env.getInstanceTypesLocked(ctx)
  1757  	if err != nil {
  1758  		return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "getting instance types")
  1759  	}
  1760  	return instanceTypes, nil
  1761  }
  1763  // getInstanceTypesLocked returns the instance types for Azure, by listing the
  1764  // role sizes available to the subscription.
  1765  func (env *azureEnviron) getInstanceTypesLocked(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) (map[string]instances.InstanceType, error) {
  1766  	if env.instanceTypes != nil {
  1767  		return env.instanceTypes, nil
  1768  	}
  1770  	location := env.location
  1771  	client := compute.VirtualMachineSizesClient{env.compute}
  1773  	result, err := client.List(stdcontext.Background(), location)
  1774  	if err != nil {
  1775  		return nil, errorutils.HandleCredentialError(errors.Annotate(err, "listing VM sizes"), ctx)
  1776  	}
  1777  	instanceTypes := make(map[string]instances.InstanceType)
  1778  	if result.Value != nil {
  1779  		for _, size := range *result.Value {
  1780  			instanceType := newInstanceType(size)
  1781  			instanceTypes[instanceType.Name] = instanceType
  1782  			// Create aliases for standard role sizes.
  1783  			if strings.HasPrefix(instanceType.Name, "Standard_") {
  1784  				instanceTypes[instanceType.Name[len("Standard_"):]] = instanceType
  1785  			}
  1786  		}
  1787  	}
  1788  	env.instanceTypes = instanceTypes
  1789  	return instanceTypes, nil
  1790  }
  1792  // maybeGetStorageClient returns the environment's storage client if it
  1793  // has one, and nil if it does not.
  1794  func (env *azureEnviron) maybeGetStorageClient() (internalazurestorage.Client, *storage.Account, error) {
  1795  	storageClient, storageAccount, err := env.getStorageClient()
  1796  	if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
  1797  		// Only models created prior to Juju 2.3 will have a storage
  1798  		// account. Juju 2.3 onwards exclusively uses managed disks
  1799  		// for all new models, and handles both managed and unmanaged
  1800  		// disks for upgraded models.
  1801  		storageClient = nil
  1802  		storageAccount = nil
  1803  	} else if err != nil {
  1804  		return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
  1805  	}
  1806  	return storageClient, storageAccount, nil
  1807  }
  1809  // getStorageClient queries the storage account key, and uses it to construct
  1810  // a new storage client.
  1811  func (env *azureEnviron) getStorageClient() (internalazurestorage.Client, *storage.Account, error) {
  1813  	defer
  1814  	storageAccount, err := env.getStorageAccountLocked()
  1815  	if err != nil {
  1816  		return nil, nil, errors.Annotate(err, "getting storage account")
  1817  	}
  1818  	storageAccountKey, err := env.getStorageAccountKeyLocked(
  1819  		to.String(storageAccount.Name), false,
  1820  	)
  1821  	if err != nil {
  1822  		return nil, nil, errors.Annotate(err, "getting storage account key")
  1823  	}
  1824  	client, err := getStorageClient(
  1825  		env.provider.config.NewStorageClient,
  1826  		env.storageEndpoint,
  1827  		storageAccount,
  1828  		storageAccountKey,
  1829  	)
  1830  	if err != nil {
  1831  		return nil, nil, errors.Annotate(err, "getting storage client")
  1832  	}
  1833  	return client, storageAccount, nil
  1834  }
  1836  // getStorageAccount returns the storage account for this environment's
  1837  // resource group.
  1838  func (env *azureEnviron) getStorageAccount() (*storage.Account, error) {
  1840  	defer
  1841  	return env.getStorageAccountLocked()
  1842  }
  1844  func (env *azureEnviron) getStorageAccountLocked() (*storage.Account, error) {
  1845  	if env.storageAccount != nil {
  1846  		if *env.storageAccount == nil {
  1847  			return nil, errors.NotFoundf("storage account")
  1848  		}
  1849  		return *env.storageAccount, nil
  1850  	}
  1851  	client := storage.AccountsClient{}
  1852  	account, err := client.GetProperties(stdcontext.Background(), env.resourceGroup, env.storageAccountName)
  1853  	if err != nil {
  1854  		if isNotFoundResult(account.Response) {
  1855  			// Remember that the account was not found
  1856  			// by storing a pointer to a nil pointer.
  1857  			env.storageAccount = new(*storage.Account)
  1858  			return nil, errors.NewNotFound(err, fmt.Sprintf("storage account not found"))
  1859  		}
  1860  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
  1861  	}
  1862  	env.storageAccount = new(*storage.Account)
  1863  	*env.storageAccount = &account
  1864  	return &account, nil
  1865  }
  1867  // getStorageAccountKeysLocked returns a storage account key for this
  1868  // environment's storage account. If refresh is true, any cached key
  1869  // will be refreshed. This method assumes that is held.
  1870  func (env *azureEnviron) getStorageAccountKeyLocked(accountName string, refresh bool) (*storage.AccountKey, error) {
  1871  	if !refresh && env.storageAccountKey != nil {
  1872  		return env.storageAccountKey, nil
  1873  	}
  1874  	client := storage.AccountsClient{}
  1875  	key, err := getStorageAccountKey(client, env.resourceGroup, accountName)
  1876  	if err != nil {
  1877  		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
  1878  	}
  1879  	env.storageAccountKey = key
  1880  	return key, nil
  1881  }
  1883  // AgentMirror is specified in the tools.HasAgentMirror interface.
  1884  //
  1885  // TODO(axw) 2016-04-11 #1568715
  1886  // When we have image simplestreams, we should rename this to "Region",
  1887  // to implement simplestreams.HasRegion.
  1888  func (env *azureEnviron) AgentMirror() (simplestreams.CloudSpec, error) {
  1889  	return simplestreams.CloudSpec{
  1890  		Region: env.location,
  1891  		// The endpoints published in simplestreams
  1892  		// data are the storage endpoints.
  1893  		Endpoint: fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/", env.storageEndpoint),
  1894  	}, nil
  1895  }