
     1  // Copyright 2012, 2013 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  // The dummy provider implements an environment provider for testing
     5  // purposes, registered with environs under the name "dummy".
     6  //
     7  // The configuration YAML for the testing environment
     8  // must specify a "controller" property with a boolean
     9  // value. If this is true, a controller will be started
    10  // when the environment is bootstrapped.
    11  //
    12  // The configuration data also accepts a "broken" property
    13  // of type boolean. If this is non-empty, any operation
    14  // after the environment has been opened will return
    15  // the error "broken environment", and will also log that.
    16  //
    17  // The DNS name of instances is the same as the Id,
    18  // with ".dns" appended.
    19  package dummy
    21  import (
    22  	"crypto/tls"
    23  	"fmt"
    24  	"io/ioutil"
    25  	"net"
    26  	"net/http/httptest"
    27  	"os"
    28  	"runtime"
    29  	"strconv"
    30  	"strings"
    31  	"sync"
    32  	"time"
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	gitjujutesting ""
    42  	jc ""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	gc ""
    47  	""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    52  	""
    53  	""
    54  	""
    55  	""
    56  	""
    57  	""
    58  	""
    59  	""
    60  	""
    61  	""
    62  	""
    63  	""
    64  	corelease ""
    65  	""
    66  	""
    67  	""
    68  	""
    69  	""
    70  	""
    71  	jujuversion ""
    72  	""
    73  	""
    74  	""
    75  	""
    76  	""
    77  	""
    78  	""
    79  	""
    80  	""
    81  	""
    82  	coretools ""
    83  	""
    84  	""
    85  )
    87  var logger = loggo.GetLogger("juju.provider.dummy")
    89  var transientErrorInjection chan error
    91  const BootstrapInstanceId = "localhost"
    93  var errNotPrepared = errors.New("model is not prepared")
    95  // SampleCloudSpec returns an environs.CloudSpec that can be used to
    96  // open a dummy Environ.
    97  func SampleCloudSpec() environs.CloudSpec {
    98  	cred := cloud.NewCredential(cloud.UserPassAuthType, map[string]string{"username": "dummy", "password": "secret"})
    99  	return environs.CloudSpec{
   100  		Type:             "dummy",
   101  		Name:             "dummy",
   102  		Endpoint:         "dummy-endpoint",
   103  		IdentityEndpoint: "dummy-identity-endpoint",
   104  		Region:           "dummy-region",
   105  		StorageEndpoint:  "dummy-storage-endpoint",
   106  		Credential:       &cred,
   107  	}
   108  }
   110  // SampleConfig() returns an environment configuration with all required
   111  // attributes set.
   112  func SampleConfig() testing.Attrs {
   113  	return testing.Attrs{
   114  		"type":                      "dummy",
   115  		"name":                      "only",
   116  		"uuid":                      testing.ModelTag.Id(),
   117  		"authorized-keys":           testing.FakeAuthKeys,
   118  		"firewall-mode":             config.FwInstance,
   119  		"ssl-hostname-verification": true,
   120  		"development":               false,
   121  		"default-series":            jujuversion.SupportedLTS(),
   123  		"secret":     "pork",
   124  		"controller": true,
   125  	}
   126  }
   128  // PatchTransientErrorInjectionChannel sets the transientInjectionError
   129  // channel which can be used to inject errors into StartInstance for
   130  // testing purposes
   131  // The injected errors will use the string received on the channel
   132  // and the instance's state will eventually go to error, while the
   133  // received string will appear in the info field of the machine's status
   134  func PatchTransientErrorInjectionChannel(c chan error) func() {
   135  	return gitjujutesting.PatchValue(&transientErrorInjection, c)
   136  }
   138  // mongoInfo returns a mongo.MongoInfo which allows clients to connect to the
   139  // shared dummy state, if it exists.
   140  func mongoInfo() mongo.MongoInfo {
   141  	if gitjujutesting.MgoServer.Addr() == "" {
   142  		panic("dummy environ state tests must be run with MgoTestPackage")
   143  	}
   144  	mongoPort := strconv.Itoa(gitjujutesting.MgoServer.Port())
   145  	addrs := []string{net.JoinHostPort("localhost", mongoPort)}
   146  	return mongo.MongoInfo{
   147  		Info: mongo.Info{
   148  			Addrs:      addrs,
   149  			CACert:     testing.CACert,
   150  			DisableTLS: !gitjujutesting.MgoServer.SSLEnabled(),
   151  		},
   152  	}
   153  }
   155  // Operation represents an action on the dummy provider.
   156  type Operation interface{}
   158  type OpBootstrap struct {
   159  	Context environs.BootstrapContext
   160  	Env     string
   161  	Args    environs.BootstrapParams
   162  }
   164  type OpFinalizeBootstrap struct {
   165  	Context        environs.BootstrapContext
   166  	Env            string
   167  	InstanceConfig *instancecfg.InstanceConfig
   168  }
   170  type OpDestroy struct {
   171  	Env         string
   172  	Cloud       string
   173  	CloudRegion string
   174  	Error       error
   175  }
   177  type OpNetworkInterfaces struct {
   178  	Env        string
   179  	InstanceId instance.Id
   180  	Info       []network.InterfaceInfo
   181  }
   183  type OpSubnets struct {
   184  	Env        string
   185  	InstanceId instance.Id
   186  	SubnetIds  []network.Id
   187  	Info       []network.SubnetInfo
   188  }
   190  type OpStartInstance struct {
   191  	Env               string
   192  	MachineId         string
   193  	MachineNonce      string
   194  	PossibleTools     coretools.List
   195  	Instance          instances.Instance
   196  	Constraints       constraints.Value
   197  	SubnetsToZones    map[network.Id][]string
   198  	NetworkInfo       []network.InterfaceInfo
   199  	Volumes           []storage.Volume
   200  	VolumeAttachments []storage.VolumeAttachment
   201  	Info              *mongo.MongoInfo
   202  	Jobs              []multiwatcher.MachineJob
   203  	APIInfo           *api.Info
   204  	Secret            string
   205  	AgentEnvironment  map[string]string
   206  }
   208  type OpStopInstances struct {
   209  	Env string
   210  	Ids []instance.Id
   211  }
   213  type OpOpenPorts struct {
   214  	Env        string
   215  	MachineId  string
   216  	InstanceId instance.Id
   217  	Rules      []network.IngressRule
   218  }
   220  type OpClosePorts struct {
   221  	Env        string
   222  	MachineId  string
   223  	InstanceId instance.Id
   224  	Rules      []network.IngressRule
   225  }
   227  type OpPutFile struct {
   228  	Env      string
   229  	FileName string
   230  }
   232  // environProvider represents the dummy provider.  There is only ever one
   233  // instance of this type (dummy)
   234  type environProvider struct {
   235  	mu                     sync.Mutex
   236  	ops                    chan<- Operation
   237  	newStatePolicy         state.NewPolicyFunc
   238  	supportsSpaces         bool
   239  	supportsSpaceDiscovery bool
   240  	apiPort                int
   241  	controllerState        *environState
   242  	state                  map[string]*environState
   243  }
   245  // APIPort returns the randon api port used by the given provider instance.
   246  func APIPort(p environs.EnvironProvider) int {
   247  	return p.(*environProvider).apiPort
   248  }
   250  // environState represents the state of an environment.
   251  // It can be shared between several environ values,
   252  // so that a given environment can be opened several times.
   253  type environState struct {
   254  	name           string
   255  	ops            chan<- Operation
   256  	newStatePolicy state.NewPolicyFunc
   257  	mu             sync.Mutex
   258  	maxId          int // maximum instance id allocated so far.
   259  	maxAddr        int // maximum allocated address last byte
   260  	insts          map[instance.Id]*dummyInstance
   261  	globalRules    network.IngressRuleSlice
   262  	bootstrapped   bool
   263  	mux            *apiserverhttp.Mux
   264  	httpServer     *httptest.Server
   265  	apiServer      *apiserver.Server
   266  	apiState       *state.State
   267  	apiStatePool   *state.StatePool
   268  	hub            *pubsub.StructuredHub
   269  	presence       *fakePresence
   270  	leaseManager   *lease.Manager
   271  	creator        string
   273  	modelCacheWorker worker.Worker
   274  	controller       *cache.Controller
   275  }
   277  // environ represents a client's connection to a given environment's
   278  // state.
   279  type environ struct {
   280  	storage.ProviderRegistry
   281  	name         string
   282  	modelUUID    string
   283  	cloud        environs.CloudSpec
   284  	ecfgMutex    sync.Mutex
   285  	ecfgUnlocked *environConfig
   286  	spacesMutex  sync.RWMutex
   287  }
   289  var _ environs.Environ = (*environ)(nil)
   290  var _ environs.Networking = (*environ)(nil)
   292  // discardOperations discards all Operations written to it.
   293  var discardOperations = make(chan Operation)
   295  func init() {
   296  	environs.RegisterProvider("dummy", &dummy)
   298  	// Prime the first ops channel, so that naive clients can use
   299  	// the testing environment by simply importing it.
   300  	go func() {
   301  		for range discardOperations {
   302  		}
   303  	}()
   304  }
   306  // dummy is the dummy environmentProvider singleton.
   307  var dummy = environProvider{
   308  	ops:                    discardOperations,
   309  	state:                  make(map[string]*environState),
   310  	newStatePolicy:         stateenvirons.GetNewPolicyFunc(),
   311  	supportsSpaces:         true,
   312  	supportsSpaceDiscovery: false,
   313  }
   315  // Reset resets the entire dummy environment and forgets any registered
   316  // operation listener. All opened environments after Reset will share
   317  // the same underlying state.
   318  func Reset(c *gc.C) {
   319  	logger.Infof("reset model")
   321  	dummy.ops = discardOperations
   322  	oldState := dummy.state
   323  	dummy.controllerState = nil
   324  	dummy.state = make(map[string]*environState)
   325  	dummy.newStatePolicy = stateenvirons.GetNewPolicyFunc()
   326  	dummy.supportsSpaces = true
   327  	dummy.supportsSpaceDiscovery = false
   330  	// NOTE(axw) we must destroy the old states without holding
   331  	// the provider lock, or we risk deadlocking. Destroying
   332  	// state involves closing the embedded API server, which
   333  	// may require waiting on RPC calls that interact with the
   334  	// EnvironProvider (e.g. EnvironProvider.Open).
   335  	for _, s := range oldState {
   336  		if s.httpServer != nil {
   337  			logger.Debugf("closing httpServer")
   338  			s.httpServer.Close()
   339  		}
   340  		s.destroy()
   341  	}
   342  	if mongoAlive() {
   343  		err := retry.Call(retry.CallArgs{
   344  			Func: gitjujutesting.MgoServer.Reset,
   345  			// Only interested in retrying the intermittent
   346  			// 'unexpected message'.
   347  			IsFatalError: func(err error) bool {
   348  				return !strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "unexpected message")
   349  			},
   350  			Delay:    time.Millisecond,
   351  			Clock:    clock.WallClock,
   352  			Attempts: 5,
   353  		})
   354  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   355  	}
   356  }
   358  func (state *environState) destroy() {
   360  	defer
   361  	state.destroyLocked()
   362  }
   364  func (state *environState) destroyLocked() {
   365  	if !state.bootstrapped {
   366  		return
   367  	}
   368  	apiServer := state.apiServer
   369  	apiStatePool := state.apiStatePool
   370  	leaseManager := state.leaseManager
   371  	modelCacheWorker := state.modelCacheWorker
   372  	state.apiServer = nil
   373  	state.apiStatePool = nil
   374  	state.apiState = nil
   375  	state.controller = nil
   376  	state.leaseManager = nil
   377  	state.bootstrapped = false
   378  	state.hub = nil
   379  	state.modelCacheWorker = nil
   381  	// Release the lock while we close resources. In particular,
   382  	// we must not hold the lock while the API server is being
   383  	// closed, as it may need to interact with the Environ while
   384  	// shutting down.
   386  	defer
   388  	// The apiServer depends on the modelCache, so stop the apiserver first.
   389  	if apiServer != nil {
   390  		logger.Debugf("stopping apiServer")
   391  		if err := apiServer.Stop(); err != nil && mongoAlive() {
   392  			panic(err)
   393  		}
   394  	}
   396  	if modelCacheWorker != nil {
   397  		logger.Debugf("stopping modelCache worker")
   398  		if err := worker.Stop(modelCacheWorker); err != nil {
   399  			panic(err)
   400  		}
   401  	}
   403  	if leaseManager != nil {
   404  		if err := worker.Stop(leaseManager); err != nil && mongoAlive() {
   405  			panic(err)
   406  		}
   407  	}
   409  	if apiStatePool != nil {
   410  		logger.Debugf("closing apiStatePool")
   411  		if err := apiStatePool.Close(); err != nil && mongoAlive() {
   412  			panic(err)
   413  		}
   414  	}
   416  	if mongoAlive() {
   417  		logger.Debugf("resetting MgoServer")
   418  		gitjujutesting.MgoServer.Reset()
   419  	}
   420  }
   422  // mongoAlive reports whether the mongo server is
   423  // still alive (i.e. has not been deliberately destroyed).
   424  // If it has been deliberately destroyed, we will
   425  // expect some errors when closing things down.
   426  func mongoAlive() bool {
   427  	return gitjujutesting.MgoServer.Addr() != ""
   428  }
   430  // GetStateInAPIServer returns the state connection used by the API server
   431  // This is so code in the test suite can trigger Syncs, etc that the API server
   432  // will see, which will then trigger API watchers, etc.
   433  func (e *environ) GetStateInAPIServer() *state.State {
   434  	st, err := e.state()
   435  	if err != nil {
   436  		panic(err)
   437  	}
   438  	return st.apiState
   439  }
   441  // GetStatePoolInAPIServer returns the StatePool used by the API
   442  // server.  As for GetStatePoolInAPIServer, this is so code in the
   443  // test suite can trigger Syncs etc.
   444  func (e *environ) GetStatePoolInAPIServer() *state.StatePool {
   445  	st, err := e.state()
   446  	if err != nil {
   447  		panic(err)
   448  	}
   449  	return st.apiStatePool
   450  }
   452  // GetHubInAPIServer returns the central hub used by the API server.
   453  func (e *environ) GetHubInAPIServer() *pubsub.StructuredHub {
   454  	st, err := e.state()
   455  	if err != nil {
   456  		panic(err)
   457  	}
   458  	return st.hub
   459  }
   461  // GetLeaseManagerInAPIServer returns the channel used to update the
   462  // cache.Controller used by the API server
   463  func (e *environ) GetLeaseManagerInAPIServer() corelease.Manager {
   464  	st, err := e.state()
   465  	if err != nil {
   466  		panic(err)
   467  	}
   468  	return st.leaseManager
   469  }
   471  // GetController returns the cache.Controller used by the API server.
   472  func (e *environ) GetController() *cache.Controller {
   473  	st, err := e.state()
   474  	if err != nil {
   475  		panic(err)
   476  	}
   477  	return st.controller
   478  }
   480  // newState creates the state for a new environment with the given name.
   481  func newState(name string, ops chan<- Operation, newStatePolicy state.NewPolicyFunc) *environState {
   482  	buf := make([]byte, 8192)
   483  	buf = buf[:runtime.Stack(buf, false)]
   484  	s := &environState{
   485  		name:           name,
   486  		ops:            ops,
   487  		newStatePolicy: newStatePolicy,
   488  		insts:          make(map[instance.Id]*dummyInstance),
   489  		creator:        string(buf),
   490  	}
   491  	return s
   492  }
   494  // listenAPI starts an HTTP server listening for API connections.
   495  func (s *environState) listenAPI() int {
   496  	certPool, err := api.CreateCertPool(testing.CACert)
   497  	if err != nil {
   498  		panic(err)
   499  	}
   500  	tlsConfig := api.NewTLSConfig(certPool)
   501  	tlsConfig.ServerName = "juju-apiserver"
   502  	tlsConfig.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{*testing.ServerTLSCert}
   503  	s.mux = apiserverhttp.NewMux()
   504  	s.httpServer = httptest.NewUnstartedServer(s.mux)
   505  	s.httpServer.TLS = tlsConfig
   506  	return s.httpServer.Listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port
   507  }
   509  // SetSupportsSpaces allows to enable and disable SupportsSpaces for tests.
   510  func SetSupportsSpaces(supports bool) bool {
   512  	defer
   513  	current := dummy.supportsSpaces
   514  	dummy.supportsSpaces = supports
   515  	return current
   516  }
   518  // SetSupportsSpaceDiscovery allows to enable and disable
   519  // SupportsSpaceDiscovery for tests.
   520  func SetSupportsSpaceDiscovery(supports bool) bool {
   522  	defer
   523  	current := dummy.supportsSpaceDiscovery
   524  	dummy.supportsSpaceDiscovery = supports
   525  	return current
   526  }
   528  // Listen directs subsequent operations on any dummy environment
   529  // to channel c (if not nil).
   530  func Listen(c chan<- Operation) {
   532  	defer
   533  	if c == nil {
   534  		c = discardOperations
   535  	}
   536  	dummy.ops = c
   537  	for _, st := range dummy.state {
   539  		st.ops = c
   541  	}
   542  }
   544  var configSchema = environschema.Fields{
   545  	"controller": {
   546  		Description: "Whether the model should start a controller",
   547  		Type:        environschema.Tbool,
   548  	},
   549  	"broken": {
   550  		Description: "Whitespace-separated Environ methods that should return an error when called",
   551  		Type:        environschema.Tstring,
   552  	},
   553  	"secret": {
   554  		Description: "A secret",
   555  		Type:        environschema.Tstring,
   556  	},
   557  }
   559  var configFields = func() schema.Fields {
   560  	fs, _, err := configSchema.ValidationSchema()
   561  	if err != nil {
   562  		panic(err)
   563  	}
   564  	return fs
   565  }()
   567  var configDefaults = schema.Defaults{
   568  	"broken":     "",
   569  	"secret":     "pork",
   570  	"controller": false,
   571  }
   573  type environConfig struct {
   574  	*config.Config
   575  	attrs map[string]interface{}
   576  }
   578  func (c *environConfig) controller() bool {
   579  	return c.attrs["controller"].(bool)
   580  }
   582  func (c *environConfig) broken() string {
   583  	return c.attrs["broken"].(string)
   584  }
   586  func (c *environConfig) secret() string {
   587  	return c.attrs["secret"].(string)
   588  }
   590  func (p *environProvider) newConfig(cfg *config.Config) (*environConfig, error) {
   591  	valid, err := p.Validate(cfg, nil)
   592  	if err != nil {
   593  		return nil, err
   594  	}
   595  	return &environConfig{valid, valid.UnknownAttrs()}, nil
   596  }
   598  func (p *environProvider) Schema() environschema.Fields {
   599  	fields, err := config.Schema(configSchema)
   600  	if err != nil {
   601  		panic(err)
   602  	}
   603  	return fields
   604  }
   606  var _ config.ConfigSchemaSource = (*environProvider)(nil)
   608  // ConfigSchema returns extra config attributes specific
   609  // to this provider only.
   610  func (p *environProvider) ConfigSchema() schema.Fields {
   611  	return configFields
   612  }
   614  // ConfigDefaults returns the default values for the
   615  // provider specific config attributes.
   616  func (p *environProvider) ConfigDefaults() schema.Defaults {
   617  	return configDefaults
   618  }
   620  func (*environProvider) CredentialSchemas() map[cloud.AuthType]cloud.CredentialSchema {
   621  	return map[cloud.AuthType]cloud.CredentialSchema{
   622  		cloud.EmptyAuthType: {},
   623  		cloud.UserPassAuthType: {
   624  			{
   625  				"username", cloud.CredentialAttr{Description: "The username to authenticate with."},
   626  			}, {
   627  				"password", cloud.CredentialAttr{
   628  					Description: "The password for the specified username.",
   629  					Hidden:      true,
   630  				},
   631  			},
   632  		},
   633  	}
   634  }
   636  func (*environProvider) DetectCredentials() (*cloud.CloudCredential, error) {
   637  	return cloud.NewEmptyCloudCredential(), nil
   638  }
   640  func (*environProvider) FinalizeCredential(ctx environs.FinalizeCredentialContext, args environs.FinalizeCredentialParams) (*cloud.Credential, error) {
   641  	return &args.Credential, nil
   642  }
   644  func (*environProvider) DetectRegions() ([]cloud.Region, error) {
   645  	return []cloud.Region{{Name: "dummy"}}, nil
   646  }
   648  func (p *environProvider) Validate(cfg, old *config.Config) (valid *config.Config, err error) {
   649  	// Check for valid changes for the base config values.
   650  	if err := config.Validate(cfg, old); err != nil {
   651  		return nil, err
   652  	}
   653  	validated, err := cfg.ValidateUnknownAttrs(configFields, configDefaults)
   654  	if err != nil {
   655  		return nil, err
   656  	}
   657  	// Apply the coerced unknown values back into the config.
   658  	return cfg.Apply(validated)
   659  }
   661  func (e *environ) state() (*environState, error) {
   663  	defer
   664  	state, ok := dummy.state[e.modelUUID]
   665  	if !ok {
   666  		return nil, errNotPrepared
   667  	}
   668  	return state, nil
   669  }
   671  // Version is part of the EnvironProvider interface.
   672  func (*environProvider) Version() int {
   673  	return 0
   674  }
   676  func (p *environProvider) Open(args environs.OpenParams) (environs.Environ, error) {
   678  	defer
   679  	ecfg, err := p.newConfig(args.Config)
   680  	if err != nil {
   681  		return nil, err
   682  	}
   683  	env := &environ{
   684  		ProviderRegistry: StorageProviders(),
   685  		name:             ecfg.Name(),
   686  		modelUUID:        args.Config.UUID(),
   687  		cloud:            args.Cloud,
   688  		ecfgUnlocked:     ecfg,
   689  	}
   690  	if err := env.checkBroken("Open"); err != nil {
   691  		return nil, err
   692  	}
   693  	return env, nil
   694  }
   696  // CloudSchema returns the schema used to validate input for add-cloud.  Since
   697  // this provider does not support custom clouds, this always returns nil.
   698  func (p *environProvider) CloudSchema() *jsonschema.Schema {
   699  	return nil
   700  }
   702  // Ping tests the connection to the cloud, to verify the endpoint is valid.
   703  func (p *environProvider) Ping(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, endpoint string) error {
   704  	return errors.NotImplementedf("Ping")
   705  }
   707  // PrepareConfig is specified in the EnvironProvider interface.
   708  func (p *environProvider) PrepareConfig(args environs.PrepareConfigParams) (*config.Config, error) {
   709  	if _, err := dummy.newConfig(args.Config); err != nil {
   710  		return nil, err
   711  	}
   712  	return args.Config, nil
   713  }
   715  // Override for testing - the data directory with which the state api server is initialised.
   716  var DataDir = ""
   717  var LogDir = ""
   719  func (e *environ) ecfg() *environConfig {
   720  	e.ecfgMutex.Lock()
   721  	ecfg := e.ecfgUnlocked
   722  	e.ecfgMutex.Unlock()
   723  	return ecfg
   724  }
   726  func (e *environ) checkBroken(method string) error {
   727  	for _, m := range strings.Fields(e.ecfg().broken()) {
   728  		if m == method {
   729  			return fmt.Errorf("dummy.%s is broken", method)
   730  		}
   731  	}
   732  	return nil
   733  }
   735  // PrecheckInstance is specified in the environs.InstancePrechecker interface.
   736  func (*environ) PrecheckInstance(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, args environs.PrecheckInstanceParams) error {
   737  	if args.Placement != "" && args.Placement != "valid" {
   738  		return fmt.Errorf("%s placement is invalid", args.Placement)
   739  	}
   740  	return nil
   741  }
   743  // Create is part of the Environ interface.
   744  func (e *environ) Create(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, args environs.CreateParams) error {
   746  	defer
   747  	dummy.state[e.modelUUID] = newState(, dummy.ops, dummy.newStatePolicy)
   748  	return nil
   749  }
   751  // PrepareForBootstrap is part of the Environ interface.
   752  func (e *environ) PrepareForBootstrap(ctx environs.BootstrapContext) error {
   754  	defer
   755  	ecfg := e.ecfgUnlocked
   757  	if ecfg.controller() && dummy.controllerState != nil {
   758  		// Because of global variables, we can only have one dummy
   759  		// controller per process. Panic if there is an attempt to
   760  		// bootstrap while there is another active controller.
   761  		old := dummy.controllerState
   762  		panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot share a state between two dummy environs; old %q; new %q: %s",,, old.creator))
   763  	}
   765  	// The environment has not been prepared, so create it and record it.
   766  	// We don't start listening for State or API connections until
   767  	// Bootstrap has been called.
   768  	envState := newState(, dummy.ops, dummy.newStatePolicy)
   769  	if ecfg.controller() {
   770  		dummy.apiPort = envState.listenAPI()
   771  		dummy.controllerState = envState
   772  	}
   773  	dummy.state[e.modelUUID] = envState
   774  	return nil
   775  }
   777  func (e *environ) Bootstrap(ctx environs.BootstrapContext, callCtx context.ProviderCallContext, args environs.BootstrapParams) (*environs.BootstrapResult, error) {
   778  	series := config.PreferredSeries(e.Config())
   779  	availableTools, err := args.AvailableTools.Match(coretools.Filter{Series: series})
   780  	if err != nil {
   781  		return nil, err
   782  	}
   783  	arch := availableTools.Arches()[0]
   785  	defer delay()
   786  	if err := e.checkBroken("Bootstrap"); err != nil {
   787  		return nil, err
   788  	}
   789  	if _, ok := args.ControllerConfig.CACert(); !ok {
   790  		return nil, errors.New("no CA certificate in controller configuration")
   791  	}
   793  	logger.Infof("would pick agent binaries from %s", availableTools)
   795  	estate, err := e.state()
   796  	if err != nil {
   797  		return nil, err
   798  	}
   800  	defer
   801  	if estate.bootstrapped {
   802  		return nil, errors.New("model is already bootstrapped")
   803  	}
   805  	// Create an instance for the bootstrap node.
   806  	logger.Infof("creating bootstrap instance")
   807  	i := &dummyInstance{
   808  		id:           BootstrapInstanceId,
   809  		addresses:    network.NewAddresses("localhost"),
   810  		machineId:    agent.BootstrapMachineId,
   811  		series:       series,
   812  		firewallMode: e.Config().FirewallMode(),
   813  		state:        estate,
   814  		controller:   true,
   815  	}
   816  	estate.insts[] = i
   817  	estate.bootstrapped = true
   818  	estate.ops <- OpBootstrap{Context: ctx, Env:, Args: args}
   820  	finalize := func(ctx environs.BootstrapContext, icfg *instancecfg.InstanceConfig, _ environs.BootstrapDialOpts) (err error) {
   821  		if e.ecfg().controller() {
   822  			icfg.Bootstrap.BootstrapMachineInstanceId = BootstrapInstanceId
   823  			if err := instancecfg.FinishInstanceConfig(icfg, e.Config()); err != nil {
   824  				return err
   825  			}
   827  			adminUser := names.NewUserTag("admin@local")
   828  			var cloudCredentialTag names.CloudCredentialTag
   829  			if icfg.Bootstrap.ControllerCloudCredentialName != "" {
   830  				cloudCredentialTag = names.NewCloudCredentialTag(fmt.Sprintf(
   831  					"%s/%s/%s",
   832  					icfg.Bootstrap.ControllerCloud.Name,
   833  					adminUser.Id(),
   834  					icfg.Bootstrap.ControllerCloudCredentialName,
   835  				))
   836  			}
   838  			cloudCredentials := make(map[names.CloudCredentialTag]cloud.Credential)
   839  			if icfg.Bootstrap.ControllerCloudCredential != nil && icfg.Bootstrap.ControllerCloudCredentialName != "" {
   840  				cloudCredentials[cloudCredentialTag] = *icfg.Bootstrap.ControllerCloudCredential
   841  			}
   843  			session, err := mongo.DialWithInfo(mongoInfo(), mongotest.DialOpts())
   844  			if err != nil {
   845  				return err
   846  			}
   847  			defer session.Close()
   849  			// Since the admin user isn't setup until after here,
   850  			// the password in the info structure is empty, so the admin
   851  			// user is constructed with an empty password here.
   852  			// It is set just below.
   853  			controller, err := state.Initialize(state.InitializeParams{
   854  				Clock:            clock.WallClock,
   855  				ControllerConfig: icfg.Controller.Config,
   856  				ControllerModelArgs: state.ModelArgs{
   857  					Type:                    state.ModelTypeIAAS,
   858  					Owner:                   adminUser,
   859  					Config:                  icfg.Bootstrap.ControllerModelConfig,
   860  					Constraints:             icfg.Bootstrap.BootstrapMachineConstraints,
   861  					CloudName:               icfg.Bootstrap.ControllerCloud.Name,
   862  					CloudRegion:             icfg.Bootstrap.ControllerCloudRegion,
   863  					CloudCredential:         cloudCredentialTag,
   864  					StorageProviderRegistry: e,
   865  				},
   866  				Cloud:            icfg.Bootstrap.ControllerCloud,
   867  				CloudCredentials: cloudCredentials,
   868  				MongoSession:     session,
   869  				NewPolicy:        estate.newStatePolicy,
   870  				AdminPassword:    icfg.Controller.MongoInfo.Password,
   871  			})
   872  			if err != nil {
   873  				return err
   874  			}
   875  			st := controller.SystemState()
   876  			defer func() {
   877  				if err != nil {
   878  					controller.Close()
   879  				}
   880  			}()
   881  			if err := st.SetModelConstraints(args.ModelConstraints); err != nil {
   882  				return errors.Trace(err)
   883  			}
   884  			if err := st.SetAdminMongoPassword(icfg.Controller.MongoInfo.Password); err != nil {
   885  				return errors.Trace(err)
   886  			}
   887  			if err := st.MongoSession().DB("admin").Login("admin", icfg.Controller.MongoInfo.Password); err != nil {
   888  				return err
   889  			}
   890  			env, err := st.Model()
   891  			if err != nil {
   892  				return errors.Trace(err)
   893  			}
   894  			owner, err := st.User(env.Owner())
   895  			if err != nil {
   896  				return errors.Trace(err)
   897  			}
   898  			// We log this out for test purposes only. No one in real life can use
   899  			// a dummy provider for anything other than testing, so logging the password
   900  			// here is fine.
   901  			logger.Debugf("setting password for %q to %q", owner.Name(), icfg.Controller.MongoInfo.Password)
   902  			owner.SetPassword(icfg.Controller.MongoInfo.Password)
   903  			statePool := controller.StatePool()
   904  			stateAuthenticator, err := stateauthenticator.NewAuthenticator(statePool, clock.WallClock)
   905  			if err != nil {
   906  				return errors.Trace(err)
   907  			}
   908  			stateAuthenticator.AddHandlers(estate.mux)
   910  			machineTag := names.NewMachineTag("0")
   911  			estate.httpServer.StartTLS()
   912  			estate.presence = &fakePresence{make(map[string]presence.Status)}
   913  			estate.hub = centralhub.New(machineTag)
   915  			estate.leaseManager, err = leaseManager(
   916  				icfg.Controller.Config.ControllerUUID(),
   917  				st,
   918  			)
   919  			if err != nil {
   920  				return errors.Trace(err)
   921  			}
   923  			modelCache, err := modelcache.NewWorker(modelcache.Config{
   924  				Logger:               loggo.GetLogger("dummy"),
   925  				StatePool:            statePool,
   926  				PrometheusRegisterer: noopRegisterer{},
   927  				Cleanup:              func() {},
   928  			})
   929  			if err != nil {
   930  				return errors.Trace(err)
   931  			}
   932  			estate.modelCacheWorker = modelCache
   933  			err = modelcache.ExtractCacheController(modelCache, &estate.controller)
   934  			if err != nil {
   935  				worker.Stop(modelCache)
   936  				return errors.Trace(err)
   937  			}
   939  			estate.apiServer, err = apiserver.NewServer(apiserver.ServerConfig{
   940  				StatePool:      statePool,
   941  				Controller:     estate.controller,
   942  				Authenticator:  stateAuthenticator,
   943  				Clock:          clock.WallClock,
   944  				GetAuditConfig: func() auditlog.Config { return auditlog.Config{} },
   945  				Tag:            machineTag,
   946  				DataDir:        DataDir,
   947  				LogDir:         LogDir,
   948  				Mux:            estate.mux,
   949  				Hub:            estate.hub,
   950  				Presence:       estate.presence,
   951  				LeaseManager:   estate.leaseManager,
   952  				NewObserver: func() observer.Observer {
   953  					logger := loggo.GetLogger("juju.apiserver")
   954  					ctx := observer.RequestObserverContext{
   955  						Clock:  clock.WallClock,
   956  						Logger: logger,
   957  						Hub:    estate.hub,
   958  					}
   959  					return observer.NewRequestObserver(ctx)
   960  				},
   961  				RateLimitConfig: apiserver.DefaultRateLimitConfig(),
   962  				PublicDNSName:   icfg.Controller.Config.AutocertDNSName(),
   963  				UpgradeComplete: func() bool {
   964  					return true
   965  				},
   966  				RestoreStatus: func() state.RestoreStatus {
   967  					return state.RestoreNotActive
   968  				},
   969  				MetricsCollector: apiserver.NewMetricsCollector(),
   970  			})
   971  			if err != nil {
   972  				panic(err)
   973  			}
   974  			estate.apiState = st
   975  			estate.apiStatePool = statePool
   977  			// Maintain the state authenticator (time out local user interactions).
   978  			abort := make(chan struct{})
   979  			go stateAuthenticator.Maintain(abort)
   980  			go func(apiServer *apiserver.Server) {
   981  				defer close(abort)
   982  				apiServer.Wait()
   983  			}(estate.apiServer)
   984  		}
   985  		estate.ops <- OpFinalizeBootstrap{Context: ctx, Env:, InstanceConfig: icfg}
   986  		return nil
   987  	}
   989  	bsResult := &environs.BootstrapResult{
   990  		Arch:                    arch,
   991  		Series:                  series,
   992  		CloudBootstrapFinalizer: finalize,
   993  	}
   994  	return bsResult, nil
   995  }
   997  func leaseManager(controllerUUID string, st *state.State) (*lease.Manager, error) {
   998  	target := st.LeaseNotifyTarget(
   999  		ioutil.Discard,
  1000  		loggo.GetLogger("juju.state.raftlease"),
  1001  	)
  1002  	dummyStore := newLeaseStore(clock.WallClock, target, st.LeaseTrapdoorFunc())
  1003  	return lease.NewManager(lease.ManagerConfig{
  1004  		Secretary:            lease.SecretaryFinder(controllerUUID),
  1005  		Store:                dummyStore,
  1006  		Logger:               loggo.GetLogger(""),
  1007  		Clock:                clock.WallClock,
  1008  		MaxSleep:             time.Minute,
  1009  		EntityUUID:           controllerUUID,
  1010  		PrometheusRegisterer: noopRegisterer{},
  1011  	})
  1012  }
  1014  func (e *environ) ControllerInstances(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, controllerUUID string) ([]instance.Id, error) {
  1015  	estate, err := e.state()
  1016  	if err != nil {
  1017  		return nil, err
  1018  	}
  1020  	defer
  1021  	if err := e.checkBroken("ControllerInstances"); err != nil {
  1022  		return nil, err
  1023  	}
  1024  	if !estate.bootstrapped {
  1025  		return nil, environs.ErrNotBootstrapped
  1026  	}
  1027  	var controllerInstances []instance.Id
  1028  	for _, v := range estate.insts {
  1029  		if v.controller {
  1030  			controllerInstances = append(controllerInstances, v.Id())
  1031  		}
  1032  	}
  1033  	return controllerInstances, nil
  1034  }
  1036  func (e *environ) Config() *config.Config {
  1037  	return e.ecfg().Config
  1038  }
  1040  func (e *environ) SetConfig(cfg *config.Config) error {
  1041  	if err := e.checkBroken("SetConfig"); err != nil {
  1042  		return err
  1043  	}
  1044  	ecfg, err := dummy.newConfig(cfg)
  1045  	if err != nil {
  1046  		return err
  1047  	}
  1048  	e.ecfgMutex.Lock()
  1049  	e.ecfgUnlocked = ecfg
  1050  	e.ecfgMutex.Unlock()
  1051  	return nil
  1052  }
  1054  // AdoptResources is part of the Environ interface.
  1055  func (e *environ) AdoptResources(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, controllerUUID string, fromVersion version.Number) error {
  1056  	// This provider doesn't track instance -> controller.
  1057  	return nil
  1058  }
  1060  func (e *environ) Destroy(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) (res error) {
  1061  	defer delay()
  1062  	estate, err := e.state()
  1063  	if err != nil {
  1064  		if err == errNotPrepared {
  1065  			return nil
  1066  		}
  1067  		return err
  1068  	}
  1069  	defer func() {
  1070  		// The estate is a pointer to a structure that is stored in the dummy global.
  1071  		// The Listen method can change the ops channel of any state, and will do so
  1072  		// under the covers. What we need to do is use the state mutex to add a memory
  1073  		// barrier such that the ops channel we see here is the latest.
  1075  		ops := estate.ops
  1076  		name :=
  1077  		delete(dummy.state, e.modelUUID)
  1079  		ops <- OpDestroy{
  1080  			Env:         name,
  1081  			Cloud:,
  1082  			CloudRegion:,
  1083  			Error:       res,
  1084  		}
  1085  	}()
  1086  	if err := e.checkBroken("Destroy"); err != nil {
  1087  		return err
  1088  	}
  1089  	if !e.ecfg().controller() {
  1090  		return nil
  1091  	}
  1092  	estate.destroy()
  1093  	return nil
  1094  }
  1096  func (e *environ) DestroyController(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, controllerUUID string) error {
  1097  	if err := e.Destroy(ctx); err != nil {
  1098  		return err
  1099  	}
  1101  	dummy.controllerState = nil
  1103  	return nil
  1104  }
  1106  // ConstraintsValidator is defined on the Environs interface.
  1107  func (e *environ) ConstraintsValidator(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) (constraints.Validator, error) {
  1108  	validator := constraints.NewValidator()
  1109  	validator.RegisterUnsupported([]string{constraints.CpuPower, constraints.VirtType})
  1110  	validator.RegisterConflicts([]string{constraints.InstanceType}, []string{constraints.Mem})
  1111  	validator.RegisterVocabulary(constraints.Arch, []string{arch.AMD64, arch.ARM64, arch.I386, arch.PPC64EL})
  1112  	return validator, nil
  1113  }
  1115  // MaintainInstance is specified in the InstanceBroker interface.
  1116  func (*environ) MaintainInstance(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, args environs.StartInstanceParams) error {
  1117  	return nil
  1118  }
  1120  // StartInstance is specified in the InstanceBroker interface.
  1121  func (e *environ) StartInstance(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, args environs.StartInstanceParams) (*environs.StartInstanceResult, error) {
  1123  	defer delay()
  1124  	machineId := args.InstanceConfig.MachineId
  1125  	logger.Infof("dummy startinstance, machine %s", machineId)
  1126  	if err := e.checkBroken("StartInstance"); err != nil {
  1127  		return nil, err
  1128  	}
  1129  	estate, err := e.state()
  1130  	if err != nil {
  1131  		return nil, err
  1132  	}
  1134  	defer
  1136  	// check if an error has been injected on the transientErrorInjection channel (testing purposes)
  1137  	select {
  1138  	case injectedError := <-transientErrorInjection:
  1139  		return nil, injectedError
  1140  	default:
  1141  	}
  1143  	if args.InstanceConfig.MachineNonce == "" {
  1144  		return nil, errors.New("cannot start instance: missing machine nonce")
  1145  	}
  1146  	if args.InstanceConfig.Controller != nil {
  1147  		if args.InstanceConfig.Controller.MongoInfo.Tag != names.NewMachineTag(machineId) {
  1148  			return nil, errors.New("entity tag must match started machine")
  1149  		}
  1150  	}
  1151  	if args.InstanceConfig.APIInfo.Tag != names.NewMachineTag(machineId) {
  1152  		return nil, errors.New("entity tag must match started machine")
  1153  	}
  1154  	logger.Infof("would pick agent binaries from %s", args.Tools)
  1155  	series := args.Tools.OneSeries()
  1157  	idString := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d",, estate.maxId)
  1158  	// Add the addresses we want to see in the machine doc. This means both
  1159  	// IPv4 and IPv6 loopback, as well as the DNS name.
  1160  	addrs := network.NewAddresses(idString+".dns", "", "::1")
  1161  	logger.Debugf("StartInstance addresses: %v", addrs)
  1162  	i := &dummyInstance{
  1163  		id:           instance.Id(idString),
  1164  		addresses:    addrs,
  1165  		machineId:    machineId,
  1166  		series:       series,
  1167  		firewallMode: e.Config().FirewallMode(),
  1168  		state:        estate,
  1169  	}
  1171  	var hc *instance.HardwareCharacteristics
  1172  	// To match current system capability, only provide hardware characteristics for
  1173  	// environ machines, not containers.
  1174  	if state.ParentId(machineId) == "" {
  1175  		// Assume that the provided Availability Zone won't fail,
  1176  		// though one is required.
  1177  		var zone string
  1178  		if args.Placement != "" {
  1179  			split := strings.Split(args.Placement, "=")
  1180  			if len(split) == 2 && split[0] == "zone" {
  1181  				zone = split[1]
  1182  			}
  1183  		}
  1184  		if zone == "" && args.AvailabilityZone != "" {
  1185  			zone = args.AvailabilityZone
  1186  		}
  1188  		// We will just assume the instance hardware characteristics exactly matches
  1189  		// the supplied constraints (if specified).
  1190  		hc = &instance.HardwareCharacteristics{
  1191  			Arch:             args.Constraints.Arch,
  1192  			Mem:              args.Constraints.Mem,
  1193  			RootDisk:         args.Constraints.RootDisk,
  1194  			CpuCores:         args.Constraints.CpuCores,
  1195  			CpuPower:         args.Constraints.CpuPower,
  1196  			Tags:             args.Constraints.Tags,
  1197  			AvailabilityZone: &zone,
  1198  		}
  1199  		// Fill in some expected instance hardware characteristics if constraints not specified.
  1200  		if hc.Arch == nil {
  1201  			arch := "amd64"
  1202  			hc.Arch = &arch
  1203  		}
  1204  		if hc.Mem == nil {
  1205  			mem := uint64(1024)
  1206  			hc.Mem = &mem
  1207  		}
  1208  		if hc.RootDisk == nil {
  1209  			disk := uint64(8192)
  1210  			hc.RootDisk = &disk
  1211  		}
  1212  		if hc.CpuCores == nil {
  1213  			cores := uint64(1)
  1214  			hc.CpuCores = &cores
  1215  		}
  1216  	}
  1217  	// Simulate subnetsToZones gets populated when spaces given in constraints.
  1218  	spaces := args.Constraints.IncludeSpaces()
  1219  	var subnetsToZones map[network.Id][]string
  1220  	for isp := range spaces {
  1221  		// Simulate 2 subnets per space.
  1222  		if subnetsToZones == nil {
  1223  			subnetsToZones = make(map[network.Id][]string)
  1224  		}
  1225  		for isn := 0; isn < 2; isn++ {
  1226  			providerId := fmt.Sprintf("subnet-%d", isp+isn)
  1227  			zone := fmt.Sprintf("zone%d", isp+isn)
  1228  			subnetsToZones[network.Id(providerId)] = []string{zone}
  1229  		}
  1230  	}
  1231  	// Simulate creating volumes when requested.
  1232  	volumes := make([]storage.Volume, len(args.Volumes))
  1233  	for iv, v := range args.Volumes {
  1234  		persistent, _ := v.Attributes["persistent"].(bool)
  1235  		volumes[iv] = storage.Volume{
  1236  			Tag: v.Tag,
  1237  			VolumeInfo: storage.VolumeInfo{
  1238  				Size:       v.Size,
  1239  				Persistent: persistent,
  1240  			},
  1241  		}
  1242  	}
  1243  	// Simulate attaching volumes when requested.
  1244  	volumeAttachments := make([]storage.VolumeAttachment, len(args.VolumeAttachments))
  1245  	for iv, v := range args.VolumeAttachments {
  1246  		volumeAttachments[iv] = storage.VolumeAttachment{
  1247  			Volume:  v.Volume,
  1248  			Machine: v.Machine,
  1249  			VolumeAttachmentInfo: storage.VolumeAttachmentInfo{
  1250  				DeviceName: fmt.Sprintf("sd%c", 'b'+rune(iv)),
  1251  				ReadOnly:   v.ReadOnly,
  1252  			},
  1253  		}
  1254  	}
  1255  	var mongoInfo *mongo.MongoInfo
  1256  	if args.InstanceConfig.Controller != nil {
  1257  		mongoInfo = args.InstanceConfig.Controller.MongoInfo
  1258  	}
  1259  	estate.insts[] = i
  1260  	estate.maxId++
  1261  	estate.ops <- OpStartInstance{
  1262  		Env:     ,
  1263  		MachineId:         machineId,
  1264  		MachineNonce:      args.InstanceConfig.MachineNonce,
  1265  		PossibleTools:     args.Tools,
  1266  		Constraints:       args.Constraints,
  1267  		SubnetsToZones:    subnetsToZones,
  1268  		Volumes:           volumes,
  1269  		VolumeAttachments: volumeAttachments,
  1270  		Instance:          i,
  1271  		Jobs:              args.InstanceConfig.Jobs,
  1272  		Info:              mongoInfo,
  1273  		APIInfo:           args.InstanceConfig.APIInfo,
  1274  		AgentEnvironment:  args.InstanceConfig.AgentEnvironment,
  1275  		Secret:            e.ecfg().secret(),
  1276  	}
  1277  	return &environs.StartInstanceResult{
  1278  		Instance: i,
  1279  		Hardware: hc,
  1280  	}, nil
  1281  }
  1283  func (e *environ) StopInstances(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, ids ...instance.Id) error {
  1284  	defer delay()
  1285  	if err := e.checkBroken("StopInstance"); err != nil {
  1286  		return err
  1287  	}
  1288  	estate, err := e.state()
  1289  	if err != nil {
  1290  		return err
  1291  	}
  1293  	defer
  1294  	for _, id := range ids {
  1295  		delete(estate.insts, id)
  1296  	}
  1297  	estate.ops <- OpStopInstances{
  1298  		Env:,
  1299  		Ids: ids,
  1300  	}
  1301  	return nil
  1302  }
  1304  func (e *environ) Instances(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, ids []instance.Id) (insts []instances.Instance, err error) {
  1305  	defer delay()
  1306  	if err := e.checkBroken("Instances"); err != nil {
  1307  		return nil, err
  1308  	}
  1309  	if len(ids) == 0 {
  1310  		return nil, nil
  1311  	}
  1312  	estate, err := e.state()
  1313  	if err != nil {
  1314  		return nil, err
  1315  	}
  1317  	defer
  1318  	notFound := 0
  1319  	for _, id := range ids {
  1320  		inst := estate.insts[id]
  1321  		if inst == nil {
  1322  			err = environs.ErrPartialInstances
  1323  			notFound++
  1324  			insts = append(insts, nil)
  1325  		} else {
  1326  			insts = append(insts, inst)
  1327  		}
  1328  	}
  1329  	if notFound == len(ids) {
  1330  		return nil, environs.ErrNoInstances
  1331  	}
  1332  	return
  1333  }
  1335  // SupportsSpaces is specified on environs.Networking.
  1336  func (env *environ) SupportsSpaces(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) (bool, error) {
  1338  	defer
  1339  	if !dummy.supportsSpaces {
  1340  		return false, errors.NotSupportedf("spaces")
  1341  	}
  1342  	return true, nil
  1343  }
  1345  // SupportsSpaceDiscovery is specified on environs.Networking.
  1346  func (env *environ) SupportsSpaceDiscovery(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) (bool, error) {
  1347  	if err := env.checkBroken("SupportsSpaceDiscovery"); err != nil {
  1348  		return false, err
  1349  	}
  1351  	defer
  1352  	if !dummy.supportsSpaceDiscovery {
  1353  		return false, nil
  1354  	}
  1355  	return true, nil
  1356  }
  1358  // SupportsContainerAddresses is specified on environs.Networking.
  1359  func (env *environ) SupportsContainerAddresses(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) (bool, error) {
  1360  	return false, errors.NotSupportedf("container addresses")
  1361  }
  1363  // Spaces is specified on environs.Networking.
  1364  func (env *environ) Spaces(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) ([]network.SpaceInfo, error) {
  1365  	if err := env.checkBroken("Spaces"); err != nil {
  1366  		return []network.SpaceInfo{}, err
  1367  	}
  1368  	return []network.SpaceInfo{{
  1369  		Name:       "foo",
  1370  		ProviderId: network.Id("0"),
  1371  		Subnets: []network.SubnetInfo{{
  1372  			ProviderId:        network.Id("1"),
  1373  			AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone1"},
  1374  		}, {
  1375  			ProviderId:        network.Id("2"),
  1376  			AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone1"},
  1377  		}}}, {
  1378  		Name:       "Another Foo 99!",
  1379  		ProviderId: "1",
  1380  		Subnets: []network.SubnetInfo{{
  1381  			ProviderId:        network.Id("3"),
  1382  			AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone1"},
  1383  		}}}, {
  1384  		Name:       "foo-",
  1385  		ProviderId: "2",
  1386  		Subnets: []network.SubnetInfo{{
  1387  			ProviderId:        network.Id("4"),
  1388  			AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone1"},
  1389  		}}}, {
  1390  		Name:       "---",
  1391  		ProviderId: "3",
  1392  		Subnets: []network.SubnetInfo{{
  1393  			ProviderId:        network.Id("5"),
  1394  			AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone1"},
  1395  		}}}}, nil
  1396  }
  1398  // NetworkInterfaces implements Environ.NetworkInterfaces().
  1399  func (env *environ) NetworkInterfaces(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, instId instance.Id) ([]network.InterfaceInfo, error) {
  1400  	if err := env.checkBroken("NetworkInterfaces"); err != nil {
  1401  		return nil, err
  1402  	}
  1404  	estate, err := env.state()
  1405  	if err != nil {
  1406  		return nil, err
  1407  	}
  1409  	defer
  1411  	// Simulate 3 NICs - primary and secondary enabled plus a disabled NIC.
  1412  	// all configured using DHCP and having fake DNS servers and gateway.
  1413  	info := make([]network.InterfaceInfo, 3)
  1414  	for i, netName := range []string{"private", "public", "disabled"} {
  1415  		info[i] = network.InterfaceInfo{
  1416  			DeviceIndex:      i,
  1417  			ProviderId:       network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("dummy-eth%d", i)),
  1418  			ProviderSubnetId: network.Id("dummy-" + netName),
  1419  			InterfaceType:    network.EthernetInterface,
  1420  			CIDR:             fmt.Sprintf("0.%d.0.0/24", (i+1)*10),
  1421  			InterfaceName:    fmt.Sprintf("eth%d", i),
  1422  			VLANTag:          i,
  1423  			MACAddress:       fmt.Sprintf("aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:f%d", i),
  1424  			Disabled:         i == 2,
  1425  			NoAutoStart:      i%2 != 0,
  1426  			ConfigType:       network.ConfigDHCP,
  1427  			Address: network.NewAddress(
  1428  				fmt.Sprintf("0.%d.0.%d", (i+1)*10, estate.maxAddr+2),
  1429  			),
  1430  			DNSServers: network.NewAddresses("ns1.dummy", "ns2.dummy"),
  1431  			GatewayAddress: network.NewAddress(
  1432  				fmt.Sprintf("0.%d.0.1", (i+1)*10),
  1433  			),
  1434  		}
  1435  	}
  1437  	estate.ops <- OpNetworkInterfaces{
  1438  		Env:,
  1439  		InstanceId: instId,
  1440  		Info:       info,
  1441  	}
  1443  	return info, nil
  1444  }
  1446  type azShim struct {
  1447  	name      string
  1448  	available bool
  1449  }
  1451  func (az azShim) Name() string {
  1452  	return
  1453  }
  1455  func (az azShim) Available() bool {
  1456  	return az.available
  1457  }
  1459  // AvailabilityZones implements environs.ZonedEnviron.
  1460  func (env *environ) AvailabilityZones(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) ([]common.AvailabilityZone, error) {
  1461  	// TODO(dimitern): Fix this properly.
  1462  	return []common.AvailabilityZone{
  1463  		azShim{"zone1", true},
  1464  		azShim{"zone2", false},
  1465  		azShim{"zone3", true},
  1466  		azShim{"zone4", true},
  1467  	}, nil
  1468  }
  1470  // InstanceAvailabilityZoneNames implements environs.ZonedEnviron.
  1471  func (env *environ) InstanceAvailabilityZoneNames(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, ids []instance.Id) ([]string, error) {
  1472  	if err := env.checkBroken("InstanceAvailabilityZoneNames"); err != nil {
  1473  		return nil, errors.NotSupportedf("instance availability zones")
  1474  	}
  1475  	availabilityZones, err := env.AvailabilityZones(ctx)
  1476  	if err != nil {
  1477  		return nil, err
  1478  	}
  1479  	azMaxIndex := len(availabilityZones) - 1
  1480  	azIndex := 0
  1481  	returnValue := make([]string, len(ids))
  1482  	for i := range ids {
  1483  		if availabilityZones[azIndex].Available() {
  1484  			returnValue[i] = availabilityZones[azIndex].Name()
  1485  		} else {
  1486  			// Based on knowledge of how the AZs are setup above
  1487  			// in AvailabilityZones()
  1488  			azIndex += 1
  1489  			returnValue[i] = availabilityZones[azIndex].Name()
  1490  		}
  1491  		azIndex += 1
  1492  		if azIndex == azMaxIndex {
  1493  			azIndex = 0
  1494  		}
  1495  	}
  1496  	return returnValue, nil
  1497  }
  1499  // DeriveAvailabilityZones is part of the common.ZonedEnviron interface.
  1500  func (env *environ) DeriveAvailabilityZones(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, args environs.StartInstanceParams) ([]string, error) {
  1501  	return nil, nil
  1502  }
  1504  // Subnets implements environs.Environ.Subnets.
  1505  func (env *environ) Subnets(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, instId instance.Id, subnetIds []network.Id) ([]network.SubnetInfo, error) {
  1506  	if err := env.checkBroken("Subnets"); err != nil {
  1507  		return nil, err
  1508  	}
  1510  	estate, err := env.state()
  1511  	if err != nil {
  1512  		return nil, err
  1513  	}
  1515  	defer
  1517  	if ok, _ := env.SupportsSpaceDiscovery(ctx); ok {
  1518  		// Space discovery needs more subnets to work with.
  1519  		return env.subnetsForSpaceDiscovery(estate)
  1520  	}
  1522  	allSubnets := []network.SubnetInfo{{
  1523  		CIDR:              "",
  1524  		ProviderId:        "dummy-private",
  1525  		AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone1", "zone2"},
  1526  	}, {
  1527  		CIDR:       "",
  1528  		ProviderId: "dummy-public",
  1529  	}}
  1531  	// Filter result by ids, if given.
  1532  	var result []network.SubnetInfo
  1533  	for _, subId := range subnetIds {
  1534  		switch subId {
  1535  		case "dummy-private":
  1536  			result = append(result, allSubnets[0])
  1537  		case "dummy-public":
  1538  			result = append(result, allSubnets[1])
  1539  		}
  1540  	}
  1541  	if len(subnetIds) == 0 {
  1542  		result = append([]network.SubnetInfo{}, allSubnets...)
  1543  	}
  1544  	if len(result) == 0 {
  1545  		// No results, so just return them now.
  1546  		estate.ops <- OpSubnets{
  1547  			Env:,
  1548  			InstanceId: instId,
  1549  			SubnetIds:  subnetIds,
  1550  			Info:       result,
  1551  		}
  1552  		return result, nil
  1553  	}
  1555  	estate.ops <- OpSubnets{
  1556  		Env:,
  1557  		InstanceId: instId,
  1558  		SubnetIds:  subnetIds,
  1559  		Info:       result,
  1560  	}
  1561  	return result, nil
  1562  }
  1564  func (env *environ) subnetsForSpaceDiscovery(estate *environState) ([]network.SubnetInfo, error) {
  1565  	result := []network.SubnetInfo{{
  1566  		ProviderId:        network.Id("1"),
  1567  		AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone1"},
  1568  		CIDR:              "",
  1569  	}, {
  1570  		ProviderId:        network.Id("2"),
  1571  		AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone1"},
  1572  		CIDR:              "",
  1573  		VLANTag:           1,
  1574  	}, {
  1575  		ProviderId:        network.Id("3"),
  1576  		AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone1"},
  1577  		CIDR:              "",
  1578  	}, {
  1579  		ProviderId:        network.Id("4"),
  1580  		AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone1"},
  1581  		CIDR:              "",
  1582  	}, {
  1583  		ProviderId:        network.Id("5"),
  1584  		AvailabilityZones: []string{"zone1"},
  1585  		CIDR:              "",
  1586  	}}
  1587  	estate.ops <- OpSubnets{
  1588  		Env:,
  1589  		InstanceId: instance.UnknownId,
  1590  		SubnetIds:  []network.Id{},
  1591  		Info:       result,
  1592  	}
  1593  	return result, nil
  1594  }
  1596  func (e *environ) AllInstances(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) ([]instances.Instance, error) {
  1597  	defer delay()
  1598  	if err := e.checkBroken("AllInstances"); err != nil {
  1599  		return nil, err
  1600  	}
  1601  	var insts []instances.Instance
  1602  	estate, err := e.state()
  1603  	if err != nil {
  1604  		return nil, err
  1605  	}
  1607  	defer
  1608  	for _, v := range estate.insts {
  1609  		insts = append(insts, v)
  1610  	}
  1611  	return insts, nil
  1612  }
  1614  func (e *environ) OpenPorts(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, rules []network.IngressRule) error {
  1615  	if mode := e.ecfg().FirewallMode(); mode != config.FwGlobal {
  1616  		return fmt.Errorf("invalid firewall mode %q for opening ports on model", mode)
  1617  	}
  1618  	estate, err := e.state()
  1619  	if err != nil {
  1620  		return err
  1621  	}
  1623  	defer
  1624  	for _, r := range rules {
  1625  		if len(r.SourceCIDRs) == 0 {
  1626  			r.SourceCIDRs = []string{""}
  1627  		}
  1628  		found := false
  1629  		for _, rule := range estate.globalRules {
  1630  			if r.String() == rule.String() {
  1631  				found = true
  1632  			}
  1633  		}
  1634  		if !found {
  1635  			estate.globalRules = append(estate.globalRules, r)
  1636  		}
  1637  	}
  1639  	return nil
  1640  }
  1642  func (e *environ) ClosePorts(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, rules []network.IngressRule) error {
  1643  	if mode := e.ecfg().FirewallMode(); mode != config.FwGlobal {
  1644  		return fmt.Errorf("invalid firewall mode %q for closing ports on model", mode)
  1645  	}
  1646  	estate, err := e.state()
  1647  	if err != nil {
  1648  		return err
  1649  	}
  1651  	defer
  1652  	for _, r := range rules {
  1653  		for i, rule := range estate.globalRules {
  1654  			if r.String() == rule.String() {
  1655  				estate.globalRules = estate.globalRules[:i+copy(estate.globalRules[i:], estate.globalRules[i+1:])]
  1656  			}
  1657  		}
  1658  	}
  1659  	return nil
  1660  }
  1662  func (e *environ) IngressRules(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) (rules []network.IngressRule, err error) {
  1663  	if mode := e.ecfg().FirewallMode(); mode != config.FwGlobal {
  1664  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid firewall mode %q for retrieving ingress rules from model", mode)
  1665  	}
  1666  	estate, err := e.state()
  1667  	if err != nil {
  1668  		return nil, err
  1669  	}
  1671  	defer
  1672  	for _, r := range estate.globalRules {
  1673  		rules = append(rules, r)
  1674  	}
  1675  	network.SortIngressRules(rules)
  1676  	return
  1677  }
  1679  func (*environ) Provider() environs.EnvironProvider {
  1680  	return &dummy
  1681  }
  1683  type dummyInstance struct {
  1684  	state        *environState
  1685  	rules        network.IngressRuleSlice
  1686  	id           instance.Id
  1687  	status       string
  1688  	machineId    string
  1689  	series       string
  1690  	firewallMode string
  1691  	controller   bool
  1693  	mu        sync.Mutex
  1694  	addresses []network.Address
  1695  	broken    []string
  1696  }
  1698  func (inst *dummyInstance) Id() instance.Id {
  1699  	return
  1700  }
  1702  func (inst *dummyInstance) Status(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) instance.Status {
  1704  	defer
  1705  	// TODO(perrito666) add a provider status -> juju status mapping.
  1706  	jujuStatus := status.Pending
  1707  	if inst.status != "" {
  1708  		dummyStatus := status.Status(inst.status)
  1709  		if dummyStatus.KnownInstanceStatus() {
  1710  			jujuStatus = dummyStatus
  1711  		}
  1712  	}
  1714  	return instance.Status{
  1715  		Status:  jujuStatus,
  1716  		Message: inst.status,
  1717  	}
  1719  }
  1721  // SetInstanceAddresses sets the addresses associated with the given
  1722  // dummy instance.
  1723  func SetInstanceAddresses(inst instances.Instance, addrs []network.Address) {
  1724  	inst0 := inst.(*dummyInstance)
  1726  	inst0.addresses = append(inst0.addresses[:0], addrs...)
  1727  	logger.Debugf("setting instance %q addresses to %v", inst0.Id(), addrs)
  1729  }
  1731  // SetInstanceStatus sets the status associated with the given
  1732  // dummy instance.
  1733  func SetInstanceStatus(inst instances.Instance, status string) {
  1734  	inst0 := inst.(*dummyInstance)
  1736  	inst0.status = status
  1738  }
  1740  // SetInstanceBroken marks the named methods of the instance as broken.
  1741  // Any previously broken methods not in the set will no longer be broken.
  1742  func SetInstanceBroken(inst instances.Instance, methods ...string) {
  1743  	inst0 := inst.(*dummyInstance)
  1745  	inst0.broken = methods
  1747  }
  1749  func (inst *dummyInstance) checkBroken(method string) error {
  1750  	for _, m := range inst.broken {
  1751  		if m == method {
  1752  			return fmt.Errorf("dummyInstance.%s is broken", method)
  1753  		}
  1754  	}
  1755  	return nil
  1756  }
  1758  func (inst *dummyInstance) Addresses(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) ([]network.Address, error) {
  1760  	defer
  1761  	if err := inst.checkBroken("Addresses"); err != nil {
  1762  		return nil, err
  1763  	}
  1764  	return append([]network.Address{}, inst.addresses...), nil
  1765  }
  1767  func (inst *dummyInstance) OpenPorts(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, machineId string, rules []network.IngressRule) error {
  1768  	defer delay()
  1769  	logger.Infof("openPorts %s, %#v", machineId, rules)
  1770  	if inst.firewallMode != config.FwInstance {
  1771  		return fmt.Errorf("invalid firewall mode %q for opening ports on instance",
  1772  			inst.firewallMode)
  1773  	}
  1774  	if inst.machineId != machineId {
  1775  		panic(fmt.Errorf("OpenPorts with mismatched machine id, expected %q got %q", inst.machineId, machineId))
  1776  	}
  1778  	defer
  1779  	if err := inst.checkBroken("OpenPorts"); err != nil {
  1780  		return err
  1781  	}
  1782  	inst.state.ops <- OpOpenPorts{
  1783  		Env:,
  1784  		MachineId:  machineId,
  1785  		InstanceId: inst.Id(),
  1786  		Rules:      rules,
  1787  	}
  1788  	for _, r := range rules {
  1789  		if len(r.SourceCIDRs) == 0 {
  1790  			r.SourceCIDRs = []string{""}
  1791  		}
  1792  		found := false
  1793  		for i, rule := range inst.rules {
  1794  			if r.PortRange == rule.PortRange {
  1795  				ruleCopy := r
  1796  				inst.rules[i] = ruleCopy
  1797  				found = true
  1798  				break
  1799  			}
  1800  			if r.String() == rule.String() {
  1801  				found = true
  1802  				break
  1803  			}
  1804  		}
  1805  		if !found {
  1806  			inst.rules = append(inst.rules, r)
  1807  		}
  1808  	}
  1809  	return nil
  1810  }
  1812  func (inst *dummyInstance) ClosePorts(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, machineId string, rules []network.IngressRule) error {
  1813  	defer delay()
  1814  	if inst.firewallMode != config.FwInstance {
  1815  		return fmt.Errorf("invalid firewall mode %q for closing ports on instance",
  1816  			inst.firewallMode)
  1817  	}
  1818  	if inst.machineId != machineId {
  1819  		panic(fmt.Errorf("ClosePorts with mismatched machine id, expected %s got %s", inst.machineId, machineId))
  1820  	}
  1822  	defer
  1823  	if err := inst.checkBroken("ClosePorts"); err != nil {
  1824  		return err
  1825  	}
  1826  	inst.state.ops <- OpClosePorts{
  1827  		Env:,
  1828  		MachineId:  machineId,
  1829  		InstanceId: inst.Id(),
  1830  		Rules:      rules,
  1831  	}
  1832  	for _, r := range rules {
  1833  		for i, rule := range inst.rules {
  1834  			if r.String() == rule.String() {
  1835  				inst.rules = inst.rules[:i+copy(inst.rules[i:], inst.rules[i+1:])]
  1836  			}
  1837  		}
  1838  	}
  1839  	return nil
  1840  }
  1842  func (inst *dummyInstance) IngressRules(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, machineId string) (rules []network.IngressRule, err error) {
  1843  	defer delay()
  1844  	if inst.firewallMode != config.FwInstance {
  1845  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid firewall mode %q for retrieving ingress rules from instance",
  1846  			inst.firewallMode)
  1847  	}
  1848  	if inst.machineId != machineId {
  1849  		panic(fmt.Errorf("Rules with mismatched machine id, expected %q got %q", inst.machineId, machineId))
  1850  	}
  1852  	defer
  1853  	if err := inst.checkBroken("IngressRules"); err != nil {
  1854  		return nil, err
  1855  	}
  1856  	for _, r := range inst.rules {
  1857  		rules = append(rules, r)
  1858  	}
  1859  	network.SortIngressRules(rules)
  1860  	return
  1861  }
  1863  // providerDelay controls the delay before dummy responds.
  1864  // non empty values in JUJU_DUMMY_DELAY will be parsed as
  1865  // time.Durations into this value.
  1866  var providerDelay, _ = time.ParseDuration(os.Getenv("JUJU_DUMMY_DELAY")) // parse errors are ignored
  1868  // pause execution to simulate the latency of a real provider
  1869  func delay() {
  1870  	if providerDelay > 0 {
  1871  		logger.Infof("pausing for %v", providerDelay)
  1872  		<-time.After(providerDelay)
  1873  	}
  1874  }
  1876  func (e *environ) AllocateContainerAddresses(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, hostInstanceID instance.Id, containerTag names.MachineTag, preparedInfo []network.InterfaceInfo) ([]network.InterfaceInfo, error) {
  1877  	return nil, errors.NotSupportedf("container address allocation")
  1878  }
  1880  func (e *environ) ReleaseContainerAddresses(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, interfaces []network.ProviderInterfaceInfo) error {
  1881  	return errors.NotSupportedf("container address allocation")
  1882  }
  1884  // ProviderSpaceInfo implements NetworkingEnviron.
  1885  func (*environ) ProviderSpaceInfo(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, space *network.SpaceInfo) (*environs.ProviderSpaceInfo, error) {
  1886  	return nil, errors.NotSupportedf("provider space info")
  1887  }
  1889  // AreSpacesRoutable implements NetworkingEnviron.
  1890  func (*environ) AreSpacesRoutable(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, space1, space2 *environs.ProviderSpaceInfo) (bool, error) {
  1891  	return false, nil
  1892  }
  1894  // MaybeWriteLXDProfile implements environs.LXDProfiler.
  1895  func (env *environ) MaybeWriteLXDProfile(pName string, put *charm.LXDProfile) error {
  1896  	return nil
  1897  }
  1899  // LXDProfileNames implements environs.LXDProfiler.
  1900  func (env *environ) LXDProfileNames(containerName string) ([]string, error) {
  1901  	return nil, nil
  1902  }
  1904  // ReplaceOrAddInstanceProfile implements environs.LXDProfiler.
  1905  func (env *environ) ReplaceOrAddInstanceProfile(instId, oldProfile, newProfile string, put *charm.LXDProfile) ([]string, error) {
  1906  	return []string{newProfile}, nil
  1907  }
  1909  // SSHAddresses implements environs.SSHAddresses.
  1910  // For testing we cut "" out of this list.
  1911  func (*environ) SSHAddresses(ctx context.ProviderCallContext, addresses []network.Address) ([]network.Address, error) {
  1912  	var rv []network.Address
  1913  	for _, addr := range addresses {
  1914  		if addr.Value != "" {
  1915  			rv = append(rv, addr)
  1916  		}
  1917  	}
  1918  	return rv, nil
  1919  }
  1921  // SuperSubnets implements environs.SuperSubnets
  1922  func (*environ) SuperSubnets(ctx context.ProviderCallContext) ([]string, error) {
  1923  	return nil, errors.NotSupportedf("super subnets")
  1924  }
  1926  // SetAgentStatus sets the presence for a particular agent in the fake presence implementation.
  1927  func (e *environ) SetAgentStatus(agent string, status presence.Status) {
  1928  	estate, err := e.state()
  1929  	if err != nil {
  1930  		panic(err)
  1931  	}
  1932  	estate.presence.agent[agent] = status
  1933  }
  1935  // fakePresence returns alive for all agent alive requests.
  1936  type fakePresence struct {
  1937  	agent map[string]presence.Status
  1938  }
  1940  func (*fakePresence) Disable()        {}
  1941  func (*fakePresence) Enable()         {}
  1942  func (*fakePresence) IsEnabled() bool { return true }
  1943  func (*fakePresence) Connect(server, model, agent string, id uint64, controllerAgent bool, userData string) {
  1944  }
  1945  func (*fakePresence) Disconnect(server string, id uint64)                            {}
  1946  func (*fakePresence) Activity(server string, id uint64)                              {}
  1947  func (*fakePresence) ServerDown(server string)                                       {}
  1948  func (*fakePresence) UpdateServer(server string, connections []presence.Value) error { return nil }
  1949  func (f *fakePresence) Connections() presence.Connections                            { return f }
  1951  func (f *fakePresence) ForModel(model string) presence.Connections   { return f }
  1952  func (f *fakePresence) ForServer(server string) presence.Connections { return f }
  1953  func (f *fakePresence) ForAgent(agent string) presence.Connections   { return f }
  1954  func (*fakePresence) Count() int                                     { return 0 }
  1955  func (*fakePresence) Models() []string                               { return nil }
  1956  func (*fakePresence) Servers() []string                              { return nil }
  1957  func (*fakePresence) Agents() []string                               { return nil }
  1958  func (*fakePresence) Values() []presence.Value                       { return nil }
  1960  func (f *fakePresence) AgentStatus(agent string) (presence.Status, error) {
  1961  	if status, found := f.agent[agent]; found {
  1962  		return status, nil
  1963  	}
  1964  	return presence.Alive, nil
  1965  }
  1967  type noopRegisterer struct {
  1968  	prometheus.Registerer
  1969  }
  1971  func (noopRegisterer) Register(prometheus.Collector) error {
  1972  	return nil
  1973  }
  1975  func (noopRegisterer) Unregister(prometheus.Collector) bool {
  1976  	return true
  1977  }