
     1  // Copyright 2017 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package testing
     6  import (
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  	""
    11  	""
    12  )
    14  // FakeRules implement common.RuleAPI interface
    15  type FakeRules struct {
    16  	All       response.AllSecRules
    17  	AllErr    error
    18  	Create    response.SecRule
    19  	CreateErr error
    20  	DeleteErr error
    21  }
    23  var _ network.FirewallerAPI = (*FakeFirewallAPI)(nil)
    25  func (f FakeRules) AllSecRules([]api.Filter) (response.AllSecRules, error) {
    26  	return f.All, f.AllErr
    27  }
    28  func (f FakeRules) CreateSecRule(api.SecRuleParams) (response.SecRule, error) {
    29  	return f.Create, f.CreateErr
    30  }
    31  func (f FakeRules) DeleteSecRule(name string) error {
    32  	return f.DeleteErr
    33  }
    35  // FakeAcl implements the common.AclAPI interface
    36  type FakeAcl struct {
    37  	Acls      response.AllAcls
    38  	Acl       response.Acl
    39  	AclErr    error
    40  	Create    response.Acl
    41  	CreateErr error
    42  	DeleteErr error
    43  }
    45  func (f FakeAcl) AclDetails(string) (response.Acl, error) {
    46  	return f.Acl, f.AclErr
    47  }
    49  func (f FakeAcl) CreateAcl(string, string, bool, []string) (response.Acl, error) {
    50  	return f.Create, f.CreateErr
    51  }
    53  func (f FakeAcl) DeleteAcl(string) error {
    54  	return f.DeleteErr
    55  }
    57  func (f FakeAcl) AllAcls([]api.Filter) (response.AllAcls, error) {
    58  	return f.Acls, nil
    59  }
    61  // FakeSecIp implements common.SecIpAPI interface
    62  type FakeSecIp struct {
    63  	All           response.AllSecIpLists
    64  	AllErr        error
    65  	Create        response.SecIpList
    66  	CreateErr     error
    67  	AllDefault    response.AllSecIpLists
    68  	AllDefaultErr error
    69  }
    71  func (f FakeSecIp) AllSecIpLists([]api.Filter) (response.AllSecIpLists, error) {
    72  	return f.All, f.AllErr
    73  }
    75  func (f FakeSecIp) CreateSecIpList(string, string, []string) (response.SecIpList, error) {
    76  	return f.Create, f.CreateErr
    77  }
    78  func (f FakeSecIp) AllDefaultSecIpLists([]api.Filter) (response.AllSecIpLists, error) {
    79  	return f.AllDefault, f.AllDefaultErr
    80  }
    82  // FakeIpAddressPrefixSet type implements the common.IpAddressPrefixSetAPI interface
    83  type FakeIpAddressprefixSet struct {
    84  	Create    response.IpAddressPrefixSet
    85  	CreateErr error
    86  	All       response.AllIpAddressPrefixSets
    87  	AllErr    error
    88  }
    90  func (f FakeIpAddressprefixSet) CreateIpAddressPrefixSet(
    91  	api.IpAddressPrefixSetParams) (response.IpAddressPrefixSet, error) {
    92  	return f.Create, f.CreateErr
    93  }
    95  func (f FakeIpAddressprefixSet) AllIpAddressPrefixSets(
    96  	[]api.Filter,
    97  ) (response.AllIpAddressPrefixSets, error) {
    98  	return f.All, f.AllErr
    99  }
   101  // FakeSecList implement the common.SecListAPI interface
   102  type FakeSecList struct {
   103  	SecList    response.SecList
   104  	SecListErr error
   105  	DeleteErr  error
   106  	Create     response.SecList
   107  	CreateErr  error
   108  }
   110  func (f FakeSecList) SecListDetails(string) (response.SecList, error) {
   111  	return f.SecList, f.SecListErr
   112  }
   113  func (f FakeSecList) DeleteSecList(string) error {
   114  	return f.DeleteErr
   115  }
   116  func (f FakeSecList) CreateSecList(string, string, common.SecRuleAction, common.SecRuleAction) (response.SecList, error) {
   117  	return f.Create, f.CreateErr
   118  }
   120  // type FakeSecRules imeplements the common.SecRulesAPI interface
   121  type FakeSecRules struct {
   122  	All       response.AllSecurityRules
   123  	AllErr    error
   124  	DeleteErr error
   125  	Create    response.SecurityRule
   126  	CreateErr error
   127  }
   129  func (f FakeSecRules) AllSecurityRules([]api.Filter) (response.AllSecurityRules, error) {
   130  	return f.All, f.AllErr
   131  }
   132  func (f FakeSecRules) DeleteSecurityRule(string) error {
   133  	return f.DeleteErr
   134  }
   135  func (f FakeSecRules) CreateSecurityRule(
   136  	api.SecurityRuleParams,
   137  ) (response.SecurityRule, error) {
   138  	return f.Create, f.CreateErr
   139  }
   141  // FakeApplications type implements the common.ApplicationsAPI
   142  type FakeApplication struct {
   143  	All        response.AllSecApplications
   144  	AllErr     error
   145  	Default    response.AllSecApplications
   146  	DefaultErr error
   147  	Create     response.SecApplication
   148  	CreateErr  error
   149  }
   151  func (f FakeApplication) AllSecApplications([]api.Filter) (response.AllSecApplications, error) {
   152  	return f.All, f.AllErr
   153  }
   155  func (f FakeApplication) DefaultSecApplications([]api.Filter) (response.AllSecApplications, error) {
   156  	return f.Default, f.DefaultErr
   157  }
   159  func (f FakeApplication) CreateSecApplication(api.SecApplicationParams) (response.SecApplication, error) {
   160  	return f.Create, f.CreateErr
   161  }
   163  type FakeAssociation struct {
   164  	All    response.AllSecAssociations
   165  	AllErr error
   166  }
   168  func (f FakeAssociation) AllSecAssociations([]api.Filter) (response.AllSecAssociations, error) {
   169  	return f.All, f.AllErr
   170  }
   172  // FakeFirewallAPI used to mock the internal Firewaller implementation
   173  // This type implements the network.FirewallerAPI interface
   174  type FakeFirewallAPI struct {
   175  	FakeComposer
   176  	FakeRules
   177  	FakeAcl
   178  	FakeSecIp
   179  	FakeIpAddressprefixSet
   180  	FakeSecList
   181  	FakeSecRules
   182  	FakeApplication
   183  	FakeAssociation
   184  }
   186  var (
   187  	DefaultFakeRules = FakeRules{
   188  		All: response.AllSecRules{
   189  			Result: []response.SecRule{
   190  				{
   191  					Action:      common.SecRulePermit,
   192  					Application: "/Compute-acme/",
   193  					Name:        "/Compute-acme/",
   194  					Dst_list:    "seclist:/Compute-acme/",
   195  					Src_list:    "seciplist:/Compute-acme/",
   196  					Uri:         "",
   197  					Src_is_ip:   "true",
   198  					Dst_is_ip:   "false",
   199  				},
   200  			},
   201  		},
   202  		AllErr: nil,
   203  	}
   205  	DefaultSecApplications = FakeApplication{
   206  		All: response.AllSecApplications{
   207  			Result: []response.SecApplication{
   208  				{
   209  					Description: "Juju created security application",
   210  					Dport:       "17070",
   211  					Icmpcode:    "",
   212  					Icmptype:    "",
   213  					Name:        "/Compute-a432100/",
   214  					Protocol:    "tcp",
   215  					Uri:         "",
   216  					Value1:      17070,
   217  					Value2:      -1,
   218  					Id:          "1869cb17-5b12-49c5-a09a-046da8899bc9",
   219  				},
   220  				{
   221  					Description: "Juju created security application",
   222  					Dport:       "37017",
   223  					Icmpcode:    "",
   224  					Icmptype:    "",
   225  					Name:        "/Compute-a432100/",
   226  					Protocol:    "tcp",
   227  					Uri:         "",
   228  					Value1:      37017,
   229  					Value2:      -1,
   230  					Id:          "cbefdac0-7684-4f81-a575-825c175aa7b4",
   231  				},
   232  			},
   233  		},
   234  		AllErr: nil,
   235  		Default: response.AllSecApplications{
   236  			Result: []response.SecApplication{
   237  				{
   238  					Description: "",
   239  					Dport:       "",
   240  					Icmpcode:    "",
   241  					Icmptype:    "",
   242  					Name:        "/oracle/public/all",
   243  					Protocol:    "all",
   244  					Uri:         "",
   245  					Value1:      0,
   246  					Value2:      0,
   247  					Id:          "381c2267-1b38-4bbd-b53d-5149deddb094",
   248  				},
   249  				{
   250  					Description: "",
   251  					Dport:       "",
   252  					Icmpcode:    "",
   253  					Icmptype:    "echo",
   254  					Name:        "/oracle/public/pings",
   255  					Protocol:    "icmp",
   256  					Uri:         "",
   257  					Value1:      8,
   258  					Value2:      0,
   259  					Id:          "57b0350b-2f02-4a2d-b5ec-cf731de36027",
   260  				},
   261  				{
   262  					Description: "",
   263  					Dport:       "",
   264  					Icmpcode:    "",
   265  					Icmptype:    "",
   266  					Name:        "/oracle/public/icmp",
   267  					Protocol:    "icmp",
   268  					Uri:         "",
   269  					Value1:      255,
   270  					Value2:      255,
   271  					Id:          "abb27ccd-1872-48f9-86ef-38c72d6f8a38",
   272  				},
   273  				{
   274  					Description: "",
   275  					Dport:       "",
   276  					Icmpcode:    "",
   277  					Icmptype:    "reply",
   278  					Name:        "/oracle/public/ping-reply",
   279  					Protocol:    "icmp",
   280  					Uri:         "",
   281  					Value1:      0,
   282  					Value2:      0,
   283  					Id:          "3ad808d4-b740-42c1-805c-57feb7c96d40",
   284  				},
   285  				{
   286  					Description: "",
   287  					Dport:       "3306",
   288  					Icmpcode:    "",
   289  					Icmptype:    "",
   290  					Name:        "/oracle/public/mysql",
   291  					Protocol:    "tcp",
   292  					Uri:         "",
   293  					Value1:      3306,
   294  					Value2:      -1,
   295  					Id:          "2fb5eaff-3127-4334-8b03-367a44bb83bd",
   296  				},
   297  				{
   298  					Description: "",
   299  					Dport:       "22",
   300  					Icmpcode:    "",
   301  					Icmptype:    "",
   302  					Name:        "/oracle/public/ssh",
   303  					Protocol:    "tcp",
   304  					Uri:         "",
   305  					Value1:      22, Value2: -1,
   306  					Id: "5f027043-f6b3-4e1a-b9fa-a10d075744de",
   307  				},
   308  			},
   309  		},
   310  		DefaultErr: nil,
   311  	}
   313  	DefaultSecIp = FakeSecIp{
   314  		All: response.AllSecIpLists{
   315  			Result: []response.SecIpList{
   316  				{
   317  					Description: nil,
   318  					Name:        "/oracle/public/site",
   319  					Secipentries: []string{
   320  						"",
   321  						"",
   322  						"",
   323  						"",
   324  						"",
   325  						"",
   326  					},
   327  					Uri:      "",
   328  					Group_id: "1003",
   329  					Id:       "492ad26e-4c86-44bb-a439-535614d25f56",
   330  				},
   331  				{
   332  					Description: nil,
   333  					Name:        "/oracle/public/paas-infra",
   334  					Secipentries: []string{
   335  						"",
   336  						"",
   337  						"",
   338  					},
   339  					Uri:      "",
   340  					Group_id: "1006",
   341  					Id:       "a671b8b6-2422-45ef-84fc-c65010f0c1a5",
   342  				},
   343  				{
   344  					Description: nil,
   345  					Name:        "/oracle/public/instance",
   346  					Secipentries: []string{
   347  						"",
   348  						"",
   349  						"",
   350  						"",
   351  						"",
   352  						"",
   353  						"",
   354  						"",
   355  						"",
   356  						"",
   357  						"",
   358  						"",
   359  					},
   360  					Uri:      "",
   361  					Group_id: "1004",
   362  					Id:       "5c3a5100-ced7-43f8-a5cd-10dce263db33",
   363  				},
   364  				{
   365  					Description:  nil,
   366  					Name:         "/oracle/public/public-internet",
   367  					Secipentries: []string{""},
   368  					Uri:          "",
   369  					Group_id:     "1002",
   370  					Id:           "26fc6f14-4c3c-4059-a813-8a76ff141a0b",
   371  				},
   372  			},
   373  		},
   374  		AllErr: nil,
   375  	}
   377  	DefaultFakeSecList = FakeSecList{
   378  		SecList: response.SecList{
   379  			Account:              "/Compute-acme/default",
   380  			Name:                 "/Compute-acme/",
   381  			Uri:                  "",
   382  			Outbound_cidr_policy: "PERMIT",
   383  			Policy:               common.SecRulePermit,
   384  		},
   385  		SecListErr: nil,
   386  		Create: response.SecList{
   387  			Account:              "/Compute-acme/default",
   388  			Name:                 "/Compute-acme/",
   389  			Uri:                  "",
   390  			Outbound_cidr_policy: "PERMIT",
   391  			Policy:               common.SecRuleDeny,
   392  		},
   393  		CreateErr: nil,
   394  	}
   396  	DefaultFakeAssociation = FakeAssociation{
   397  		All: response.AllSecAssociations{
   398  			Result: []response.SecAssociation{
   399  				{
   400  					Name:    "/Compute-a432100/",
   401  					Seclist: "/Compute-a432100/default/default",
   402  					Vcable:  "/Compute-a432100/",
   403  					Uri:     "",
   404  				},
   405  			},
   406  		},
   407  		AllErr: nil,
   408  	}
   410  	DefaultFakeAcl = FakeAcl{
   411  		Acl: response.Acl{
   412  			Name:        "/Compute-a432100/",
   413  			Description: "ACL for machine 0",
   414  			EnableFlag:  false,
   415  			Tags:        []string{},
   416  			Uri:         "",
   417  		},
   418  		AclErr: nil,
   419  		Create: response.Acl{
   420  			Name:        "/Compute-a432100/",
   421  			Description: "ACL for machine 0",
   422  			EnableFlag:  false,
   423  			Tags:        []string{},
   424  			Uri:         "",
   425  		},
   426  	}
   428  	DefaultFakeSecrules = FakeSecRules{
   429  		All:    response.AllSecurityRules{},
   430  		AllErr: nil,
   431  		Create: response.SecurityRule{
   432  			Name:                   "/Compute-acme/",
   433  			Uri:                    "",
   434  			Description:            "Sample security rule",
   435  			Tags:                   nil,
   436  			Acl:                    "/Compute-acme/",
   437  			FlowDirection:          common.Egress,
   438  			SrcVnicSet:             "/Compute-acme/",
   439  			DstVnicSet:             "/Compute-acme/",
   440  			SrcIpAddressPrefixSets: []string{"/Compute-acme/"},
   441  			DstIpAddressPrefixSets: nil,
   442  			SecProtocols:           []string{"/Compute-acme/"},
   443  			EnabledFlag:            true,
   444  		},
   445  	}
   447  	DefaultFakeFirewallAPI = &FakeFirewallAPI{
   448  		FakeComposer: FakeComposer{
   449  			Compose: "/Compute-acme/",
   450  		},
   451  		FakeRules:       DefaultFakeRules,
   452  		FakeApplication: DefaultSecApplications,
   453  		FakeSecIp:       DefaultSecIp,
   454  		FakeSecList:     DefaultFakeSecList,
   455  		FakeAssociation: DefaultFakeAssociation,
   456  		FakeAcl:         DefaultFakeAcl,
   457  		FakeSecRules:    DefaultFakeSecrules,
   458  	}
   459  )