
     1  // Copyright 2017 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package watcher
     6  import (
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"reflect"
     9  	"time"
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  )
    16  var (
    17  	// HubWatcherIdleFunc allows tets to be able to get callbacks
    18  	// when the hub watcher hasn't notified any watchers for a specified time.
    19  	HubWatcherIdleFunc func(string)
    21  	// HubWatcherIdleTime relates to how long the hub needs to wait
    22  	// having notified no watchers to be considered idle.
    23  	HubWatcherIdleTime = 50 * time.Millisecond
    24  )
    26  // HubSource represents the listening aspects of the pubsub hub.
    27  type HubSource interface {
    28  	SubscribeMatch(matcher func(string) bool, handler func(string, interface{})) func()
    29  }
    31  // filterFactor represents the portion of a first-order filter that is calculating a running average.
    32  // This is the weight of the new inputs. A value of 0.5 would represent averaging over just 2 samples,
    33  // 0.1 would be 10 samples, 0.01 corresponds to averaging over approximately 100 items.
    34  const filterFactor = 0.01
    36  // HubWatcher listens to events from the hub and passes them on to the registered
    37  // watchers.
    38  type HubWatcher struct {
    39  	hub       HubSource
    40  	clock     Clock
    41  	modelUUID string
    42  	idleFunc  func(string)
    43  	logger    Logger
    45  	tomb tomb.Tomb
    47  	// watches holds the observers managed by Watch/Unwatch.
    48  	watches map[watchKey][]watchInfo
    50  	// syncEvents contain the events to be
    51  	// dispatched to the watcher channels. They're queued during
    52  	// processing and flushed at the end to simplify the algorithm.
    53  	syncEvents []event
    55  	// request is used to deliver requests from the public API into
    56  	// the the goroutine loop.
    57  	request chan interface{}
    59  	// changes are events published to the hub.
    60  	changes chan Change
    62  	// lastSyncLen was the length of syncEvents in the last flush()
    63  	lastSyncLen int
    65  	// maxSyncLen is the longest we've seen syncEvents
    66  	maxSyncLen int
    68  	// averageSyncLen applies a first-order filter for every time we flush(), to give us an idea of how large,
    69  	// on average, our sync queue is
    70  	averageSyncLen float64
    72  	// syncEventDocCount is all sync events that we've ever processed for individual docs
    73  	syncEventDocCount uint64
    75  	// syncEventCollectionCount is all the sync events we've processed for collection watches
    76  	syncEventCollectionCount uint64
    78  	// requestCount is all requests that we've ever processed
    79  	requestCount uint64
    81  	// changeCount is the number of change events we've processed
    82  	changeCount uint64
    84  	// revnoMapBytes tracks how big our revnomap is in approximate bytes
    85  	revnoMapBytes uintptr
    86  }
    88  // HubWatcherConfig contains the configuration parameters required
    89  // for a NewHubWatcher.
    90  type HubWatcherConfig struct {
    91  	// Hub is the source of the events for the hub watcher.
    92  	Hub HubSource
    93  	// Clock allows tests to control the advancing of time.
    94  	Clock Clock
    95  	// ModelUUID refers to the model that this hub watcher is being
    96  	// started for.
    97  	ModelUUID string
    98  	// Logger is used to control where the log messages for this watcher go.
    99  	Logger Logger
   100  }
   102  // Validate ensures that all the values that have to be set are set.
   103  func (config HubWatcherConfig) Validate() error {
   104  	if config.Hub == nil {
   105  		return errors.NotValidf("missing Hub")
   106  	}
   107  	if config.Clock == nil {
   108  		return errors.NotValidf("missing Clock")
   109  	}
   110  	if config.ModelUUID == "" {
   111  		return errors.NotValidf("missing Model UUID")
   112  	}
   113  	return nil
   114  }
   116  // NewHubWatcher returns a new watcher observing Change events published to the
   117  // hub.
   118  func NewHubWatcher(config HubWatcherConfig) (*HubWatcher, error) {
   119  	if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
   120  		return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "new HubWatcher invalid config")
   121  	}
   122  	watcher, _ := newHubWatcher(config.Hub, config.Clock, config.ModelUUID, config.Logger)
   123  	return watcher, nil
   124  }
   126  func newHubWatcher(hub HubSource, clock Clock, modelUUID string, logger Logger) (*HubWatcher, <-chan struct{}) {
   127  	if logger == nil {
   128  		logger = noOpLogger{}
   129  	}
   130  	started := make(chan struct{})
   131  	w := &HubWatcher{
   132  		hub:       hub,
   133  		clock:     clock,
   134  		modelUUID: modelUUID,
   135  		idleFunc:  HubWatcherIdleFunc,
   136  		logger:    logger,
   137  		watches:   make(map[watchKey][]watchInfo),
   138  		request:   make(chan interface{}),
   139  		changes:   make(chan Change),
   140  	}
   141  	w.tomb.Go(func() error {
   142  		unsub := hub.SubscribeMatch(
   143  			func(string) bool { return true }, w.receiveEvent,
   144  		)
   145  		defer unsub()
   146  		close(started)
   147  		err := w.loop()
   148  		cause := errors.Cause(err)
   149  		// tomb expects ErrDying or ErrStillAlive as
   150  		// exact values, so we need to log and unwrap
   151  		// the error first.
   152  		if err != nil && cause != tomb.ErrDying {
   153  			logger.Infof("watcher loop failed: %v", err)
   154  		}
   155  		return cause
   156  	})
   157  	return w, started
   158  }
   160  func (w *HubWatcher) receiveEvent(topic string, data interface{}) {
   161  	switch topic {
   162  	case txnWatcherStarting:
   163  		// We don't do anything on a start.
   164  	case txnWatcherSyncErr:
   165  		w.tomb.Kill(errors.New("txn watcher sync error"))
   166  	case txnWatcherCollection:
   167  		change, ok := data.(Change)
   168  		if !ok {
   169  			w.logger.Warningf("incoming event not a Change")
   170  			return
   171  		}
   172  		select {
   173  		case w.changes <- change:
   174  		case <-w.tomb.Dying():
   175  		}
   176  	default:
   177  		w.logger.Warningf("programming error, unknown topic: %q", topic)
   178  	}
   179  }
   181  // Kill is part of the worker.Worker interface.
   182  func (w *HubWatcher) Kill() {
   183  	w.tomb.Kill(nil)
   184  }
   186  // Wait is part of the worker.Worker interface.
   187  func (w *HubWatcher) Wait() error {
   188  	return w.tomb.Wait()
   189  }
   191  // Stop stops all the watcher activities.
   192  func (w *HubWatcher) Stop() error {
   193  	return worker.Stop(w)
   194  }
   196  // Dead returns a channel that is closed when the watcher has stopped.
   197  func (w *HubWatcher) Dead() <-chan struct{} {
   198  	return w.tomb.Dead()
   199  }
   201  // Err returns the error with which the watcher stopped.
   202  // It returns nil if the watcher stopped cleanly, tomb.ErrStillAlive
   203  // if the watcher is still running properly, or the respective error
   204  // if the watcher is terminating or has terminated with an error.
   205  func (w *HubWatcher) Err() error {
   206  	return w.tomb.Err()
   207  }
   209  func (w *HubWatcher) sendReq(req interface{}) {
   210  	select {
   211  	case w.request <- req:
   212  	case <-w.tomb.Dying():
   213  	}
   214  }
   216  func (w *HubWatcher) sendAndWaitReq(req waitableRequest) error {
   217  	select {
   218  	case w.request <- req:
   219  	case <-w.tomb.Dying():
   220  		return errors.Trace(tomb.ErrDying)
   221  	}
   222  	completed := req.Completed()
   223  	select {
   224  	case err := <-completed:
   225  		return errors.Trace(err)
   226  	case <-w.tomb.Dying():
   227  		return errors.Trace(tomb.ErrDying)
   228  	}
   229  }
   231  // WatchMulti watches a particular collection for several ids.
   232  // The request is synchronous with the worker loop, so by the time the function returns,
   233  // we guarantee that the watch is in place. If there is a mistake in the arguments (id is nil,
   234  // channel is already watching a given id), an error will be returned and no watches will be added.
   235  func (w *HubWatcher) WatchMulti(collection string, ids []interface{}, ch chan<- Change) error {
   236  	for _, id := range ids {
   237  		if id == nil {
   238  			return errors.Errorf("cannot watch a document with nil id")
   239  		}
   240  	}
   241  	req := reqWatchMulti{
   242  		collection:  collection,
   243  		ids:         ids,
   244  		completedCh: make(chan error),
   245  		watchCh:     ch,
   246  	}
   247  	return errors.Trace(w.sendAndWaitReq(req))
   248  }
   250  // Watch starts watching the given collection and document id.
   251  // An event will be sent onto ch whenever a matching document's txn-revno
   252  // field is observed to change after a transaction is applied.
   253  func (w *HubWatcher) Watch(collection string, id interface{}, ch chan<- Change) {
   254  	if id == nil {
   255  		panic("watcher: cannot watch a document with nil id")
   256  	}
   257  	// We use a value of -2 to indicate that we don't know the state of the document.
   258  	// -1 would indicate that we think the document is deleted (and won't trigger
   259  	// a change event if the document really is deleted).
   260  	w.sendAndWaitReq(reqWatch{
   261  		key:          watchKey{collection, id},
   262  		info:         watchInfo{ch, -2, nil},
   263  		registeredCh: make(chan error),
   264  	})
   265  }
   267  // WatchCollection starts watching the given collection.
   268  // An event will be sent onto ch whenever the txn-revno field is observed
   269  // to change after a transaction is applied for any document in the collection.
   270  func (w *HubWatcher) WatchCollection(collection string, ch chan<- Change) {
   271  	w.WatchCollectionWithFilter(collection, ch, nil)
   272  }
   274  // WatchCollectionWithFilter starts watching the given collection.
   275  // An event will be sent onto ch whenever the txn-revno field is observed
   276  // to change after a transaction is applied for any document in the collection, so long as the
   277  // specified filter function returns true when called with the document id value.
   278  func (w *HubWatcher) WatchCollectionWithFilter(collection string, ch chan<- Change, filter func(interface{}) bool) {
   279  	w.sendAndWaitReq(reqWatch{
   280  		key:          watchKey{collection, nil},
   281  		info:         watchInfo{ch, 0, filter},
   282  		registeredCh: make(chan error),
   283  	})
   284  }
   286  // Unwatch stops watching the given collection and document id via ch.
   287  func (w *HubWatcher) Unwatch(collection string, id interface{}, ch chan<- Change) {
   288  	if id == nil {
   289  		panic("watcher: cannot unwatch a document with nil id")
   290  	}
   291  	w.sendReq(reqUnwatch{watchKey{collection, id}, ch})
   292  }
   294  // UnwatchCollection stops watching the given collection via ch.
   295  func (w *HubWatcher) UnwatchCollection(collection string, ch chan<- Change) {
   296  	w.sendReq(reqUnwatch{watchKey{collection, nil}, ch})
   297  }
   299  // HubWatcherStats defines a few metrics that the hub watcher tracks
   300  type HubWatcherStats struct {
   301  	// WatchKeyCount is the number of keys being watched
   302  	WatchKeyCount int
   303  	// WatchCount is the number of watchers (keys can be watched by multiples)
   304  	WatchCount uint64
   305  	// SyncQueueCap is the maximum buffer size for synchronization events
   306  	SyncQueueCap int
   307  	// SyncQueueLen is the current number of events being queued
   308  	SyncQueueLen int
   309  	// SyncLastLen was the length of SyncQueue the last time we flushed
   310  	SyncLastLen int
   311  	// SyncAvgLen is a smoothed average of recent sync lengths
   312  	SyncAvgLen int
   313  	// SyncMaxLen was the longest we've seen SyncQueue when flushing
   314  	SyncMaxLen int
   315  	// SyncEventDocCount is the number of sync events we've generated for specific documents
   316  	SyncEventDocCount uint64
   317  	// SyncEventCollCount is the number of sync events we've generated for documents changed in collections
   318  	SyncEventCollCount uint64
   319  	// RequestCount is the number of requests (reqWatch/reqUnwatch, etc) that we've seen
   320  	RequestCount uint64
   321  	// ChangeCount is the number of changes we've processed
   322  	ChangeCount uint64
   323  }
   325  type reqStats struct {
   326  	ch chan<- HubWatcherStats
   327  }
   329  func (w *HubWatcher) Stats() HubWatcherStats {
   330  	ch := make(chan HubWatcherStats)
   331  	w.sendReq(reqStats{ch: ch})
   332  	select {
   333  	case <-w.tomb.Dying():
   334  		return HubWatcherStats{}
   335  	case stats := <-ch:
   336  		return stats
   337  	}
   338  }
   340  // Report conforms to the worker.Runner.Report interface for returning information about the active worker.
   341  func (w *HubWatcher) Report() map[string]interface{} {
   342  	stats := w.Stats()
   343  	return map[string]interface{}{
   344  		"watch-count":           stats.WatchCount,
   345  		"watch-key-count":       stats.WatchKeyCount,
   346  		"sync-queue-cap":        stats.SyncQueueCap,
   347  		"sync-queue-len":        stats.SyncQueueLen,
   348  		"sync-last-len":         stats.SyncLastLen,
   349  		"sync-avg-len":          stats.SyncAvgLen,
   350  		"sync-max-len":          stats.SyncMaxLen,
   351  		"sync-event-doc-count":  stats.SyncEventDocCount,
   352  		"sync-event-coll-count": stats.SyncEventCollCount,
   353  		"request-count":         stats.RequestCount,
   354  		"change-count":          stats.ChangeCount,
   355  	}
   356  }
   358  // loop implements the main watcher loop.
   359  // period is the delay between each sync.
   360  func (w *HubWatcher) loop() error {
   361  	w.logger.Tracef("%p loop started", w)
   362  	defer w.logger.Tracef("loop finished")
   363  	// idle is initially nil, and is only ever set if idleFunc
   364  	// has a value.
   365  	var idle <-chan time.Time
   366  	if w.idleFunc != nil {
   367  		w.logger.Tracef("%p set idle timeout to %s", w, HubWatcherIdleTime)
   368  		idle = w.clock.After(HubWatcherIdleTime)
   369  	}
   370  	for {
   371  		select {
   372  		case <-w.tomb.Dying():
   373  			return errors.Trace(tomb.ErrDying)
   374  		case inChange := <-w.changes:
   375  			w.queueChange(inChange)
   376  		case req := <-w.request:
   377  			w.handle(req)
   378  		case <-idle:
   379  			w.logger.Tracef("%p notify %s idle", w, w.modelUUID)
   380  			w.idleFunc(w.modelUUID)
   381  			idle = w.clock.After(HubWatcherIdleTime)
   382  		}
   383  		for len(w.syncEvents) > 0 {
   384  			select {
   385  			case <-w.tomb.Dying():
   386  				return errors.Trace(tomb.ErrDying)
   387  			default:
   388  				if w.flush() {
   389  					if w.idleFunc != nil {
   390  						w.logger.Tracef("%p set idle timeout to %s", w, HubWatcherIdleTime)
   391  						idle = w.clock.After(HubWatcherIdleTime)
   392  					}
   393  				}
   394  			}
   395  		}
   396  	}
   397  }
   399  func (w *HubWatcher) flush() bool {
   400  	watchersNotified := false
   401  	// syncEvents are stored first in first out.
   402  	// syncEvents may grow during the looping here if new
   403  	// watch events come in while we are notifying other watchers.
   404  	w.logger.Tracef("%p flushing syncEvents: len(%d) cap(%d)", w, len(w.syncEvents), cap(w.syncEvents))
   405  	for i := 0; i < len(w.syncEvents); i++ {
   406  		// We need to reget the address value each time through the loop
   407  		// as the slice may be reallocated.
   408  		for e := &w.syncEvents[i]; != nil; e = &w.syncEvents[i] {
   409  			outChange := Change{
   410  				C:     e.key.c,
   411  				Id:,
   412  				Revno: e.revno,
   413  			}
   414  			w.logger.Tracef("%p sending syncEvent(%d): %v", w, i,, outChange)
   415  			select {
   416  			case <-w.tomb.Dying():
   417  				return watchersNotified
   418  			case req := <-w.request:
   419  				w.handle(req)
   420  				continue
   421  			case inChange := <-w.changes:
   422  				w.queueChange(inChange)
   423  				continue
   424  			case <- outChange:
   425  				w.logger.Tracef("%p has been notified %v", w,, outChange)
   426  				watchersNotified = true
   427  			}
   428  			break
   429  		}
   430  	}
   431  	w.lastSyncLen = len(w.syncEvents)
   432  	if w.lastSyncLen > w.maxSyncLen {
   433  		w.maxSyncLen = w.lastSyncLen
   434  	}
   435  	// first-order filter:
   436  	// This allows us to compute an "average" without having to actually track N samples.
   437  	w.averageSyncLen = (filterFactor * float64(w.lastSyncLen)) + ((1.0 - filterFactor) * w.averageSyncLen)
   438  	w.syncEvents = w.syncEvents[:0]
   439  	// TODO(jam): 2018-11-07 This would probably be a good time to wipe syncEvents if cap(syncEvents) is significantly
   440  	// larger than averageSyncLen. Consider something like "if cap(syncEventsLen) > 10*w.averageSyncLen".
   441  	// That means that we can shrink the buffer after an outlier, rather than requiring it to always be the longest
   442  	// it was ever needed.
   443  	w.logger.Tracef("%p syncEvents after flush: len(%d), cap(%d) avg(%.1f)", w, len(w.syncEvents), cap(w.syncEvents), w.averageSyncLen)
   444  	if cap(w.syncEvents) > 100 && float64(cap(w.syncEvents)) > 10.0*w.averageSyncLen {
   445  		w.logger.Debugf("syncEvents buffer being reset from peak size", cap(w.syncEvents))
   446  		w.syncEvents = nil
   447  	}
   449  	return watchersNotified
   450  }
   452  // handle deals with requests delivered by the public API
   453  // onto the background watcher goroutine.
   454  func (w *HubWatcher) handle(req interface{}) {
   455  	w.logger.Tracef("%p got request: %#v", w, req)
   456  	w.requestCount++
   457  	switch r := req.(type) {
   458  	case reqWatch:
   459  		// TODO(jam): 2019-01-30 Now that reqWatch has a registeredCh, we could have Watch return an error
   460  		// rather than panic()
   461  		for _, info := range[r.key] {
   462  			if == {
   463  				panic(fmt.Errorf("tried to re-add channel %v for %s",, r.key))
   464  			}
   465  		}
   466[r.key] = append([r.key],
   467  		if r.registeredCh != nil {
   468  			select {
   469  			case r.registeredCh <- nil:
   470  			case <-w.tomb.Dying():
   471  			}
   472  		}
   473  	case reqWatchMulti:
   474  		for _, id := range r.ids {
   475  			key := watchKey{c: r.collection, id: id}
   476  			for _, info := range[key] {
   477  				if == r.watchCh {
   478  					err := errors.Errorf("tried to re-add channel %v for %s", r.watchCh, key)
   479  					select {
   480  					case r.completedCh <- err:
   481  					case <-w.tomb.Dying():
   482  					}
   483  					return
   484  				}
   485  			}
   486  		}
   487  		for _, id := range r.ids {
   488  			key := watchKey{c: r.collection, id: id}
   489  			info := watchInfo{
   490  				ch:     r.watchCh,
   491  				revno:  -2,
   492  				filter: nil,
   493  			}
   494[key] = append([key], info)
   495  		}
   496  		select {
   497  		case r.completedCh <- nil:
   498  		case <-w.tomb.Dying():
   499  		}
   500  	case reqUnwatch:
   501  		watches :=[r.key]
   502  		removed := false
   503  		for i, info := range watches {
   504  			if == {
   505  				watches[i] = watches[len(watches)-1]
   506[r.key] = watches[:len(watches)-1]
   507  				removed = true
   508  				break
   509  			}
   510  		}
   511  		if !removed {
   512  			panic(fmt.Errorf("tried to remove missing channel %v for %s",, r.key))
   513  		}
   514  		for i := range w.syncEvents {
   515  			e := &w.syncEvents[i]
   516  			if r.key.match(e.key) && == {
   517 = nil
   518  			}
   519  		}
   520  	case reqStats:
   521  		var watchCount uint64
   522  		for _, watches := range {
   523  			watchCount += uint64(len(watches))
   524  		}
   525  		stats := HubWatcherStats{
   526  			ChangeCount:        w.changeCount,
   527  			WatchKeyCount:      len(,
   528  			WatchCount:         watchCount,
   529  			SyncQueueCap:       cap(w.syncEvents),
   530  			SyncQueueLen:       len(w.syncEvents),
   531  			SyncLastLen:        w.lastSyncLen,
   532  			SyncMaxLen:         w.maxSyncLen,
   533  			SyncAvgLen:         int(w.averageSyncLen + 0.5),
   534  			SyncEventCollCount: w.syncEventCollectionCount,
   535  			SyncEventDocCount:  w.syncEventDocCount,
   536  			RequestCount:       w.requestCount,
   537  		}
   538  		select {
   539  		case <-w.tomb.Dying():
   540  			return
   541  		case <- stats:
   542  		}
   543  	default:
   544  		panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown request: %T", req))
   545  	}
   546  }
   548  var (
   549  	int64Size    = reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)).Size()
   550  	strSize      = reflect.TypeOf("").Size()
   551  	watchKeySize = reflect.TypeOf(watchKey{}).Size()
   552  )
   554  func sizeInMap(key watchKey) uintptr {
   555  	// This includes the size of the int64 pointer that we target
   556  	// TODO: (jam) 2018-11-05 there would be ways to be more accurate about the sizes,
   557  	// but this is a rough approximation. It should handle the most common types that we know about,
   558  	// where the id is a string
   559  	size := int64Size
   560  	size += watchKeySize
   561  	size += strSize
   562  	size += uintptr(len(key.c))
   563  	switch id := {
   564  	case string:
   565  		size += strSize
   566  		size += uintptr(len(id))
   567  	default:
   568  		size += reflect.TypeOf(id).Size()
   569  	}
   570  	return size
   571  }
   573  // queueChange queues up the change for the registered watchers.
   574  func (w *HubWatcher) queueChange(change Change) {
   575  	w.changeCount++
   576  	w.logger.Tracef("%p got change document: %#v", w, change)
   577  	key := watchKey{change.C, change.Id}
   578  	revno := change.Revno
   580  	// Queue notifications for per-collection watches.
   581  	for _, info := range[watchKey{change.C, nil}] {
   582  		if info.filter != nil && !info.filter(change.Id) {
   583  			continue
   584  		}
   585  		evt := event{
   586  			ch:,
   587  			key:   key,
   588  			revno: revno,
   589  		}
   590  		w.syncEvents = append(w.syncEvents, evt)
   591  		w.syncEventCollectionCount++
   592  		w.logger.Tracef("%p adding event for collection %q watch %v, syncEvents: len(%d), cap(%d)", w, change.C,, len(w.syncEvents), cap(w.syncEvents))
   593  	}
   595  	// Queue notifications for per-document watches.
   596  	infos :=[key]
   597  	for i, info := range infos {
   598  		if revno > info.revno || revno < 0 && info.revno >= 0 {
   599  			infos[i].revno = revno
   600  			evt := event{
   601  				ch:,
   602  				key:   key,
   603  				revno: revno,
   604  			}
   605  			w.syncEvents = append(w.syncEvents, evt)
   606  			w.syncEventDocCount++
   607  			w.logger.Tracef("%p adding event for %v watch %v, syncEvents: len(%d), cap(%d)", w, key,, len(w.syncEvents), cap(w.syncEvents))
   608  		}
   609  	}
   610  }