
     1  #name: juju-default
     2  description: lxd profile subordinate for testing
     3  config:
     4  #
     5  # allowed config
     6  #
     7    security.nesting: "false"
     8    security.privileged: "true"
     9    linux.kernel_modules: openvswitch,nbd,ip_tables,ip6_tables,iptable_nat
    10    environment.http_proxy: ""
    11  #
    12  # blacklisted config
    13  #
    14  # boot.autostart: "true"
    15  # limits.... 
    16  # migration... 
    17  devices:
    18  #
    19  # allowed devices
    20  #
    21  # use different devices to see if a the lxd-profile correctly picks up the
    22  # subordinate details correctly (note: sandisk vs sony devices)
    23  #
    24    sandisk:
    25      type: usb
    26      vendorid: 0781
    27      productid: 8181
    28  #
    29  # blacklisted devices
    30  #
    31  # eth0:
    32  #   mtu: "9000"
    33  #   name: eth0
    34  #   nictype: bridged
    35  #   parent: lxdbr0
    36  #   type: nic
    37  # root:
    38  #   path: /
    39  #   type: disk
    40  #   pool: default