
     1  // Copyright 2016 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package remoterelations_test
     6  import (
     7  	"reflect"
     8  	"time"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	jujutesting ""
    13  	jc ""
    14  	gc ""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    20  	""
    21  	apitesting ""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	apiservertesting ""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	coretesting ""
    29  	""
    30  )
    32  var _ = gc.Suite(&remoteRelationsSuite{})
    34  type remoteRelationsSuite struct {
    35  	coretesting.BaseSuite
    37  	resources             *common.Resources
    38  	authorizer            *apiservertesting.FakeAuthorizer
    39  	relationsFacade       *mockRelationsFacade
    40  	remoteRelationsFacade *mockRemoteRelationsFacade
    41  	config                remoterelations.Config
    42  	stub                  *jujutesting.Stub
    43  }
    45  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) {
    46  	s.BaseSuite.SetUpTest(c)
    48  	s.stub = new(jujutesting.Stub)
    49  	s.relationsFacade = newMockRelationsFacade(s.stub)
    50  	s.remoteRelationsFacade = newMockRemoteRelationsFacade(s.stub)
    51  	s.config = remoterelations.Config{
    52  		ModelUUID:       "local-model-uuid",
    53  		RelationsFacade: s.relationsFacade,
    54  		NewRemoteModelFacadeFunc: func(*api.Info) (remoterelations.RemoteModelRelationsFacadeCloser, error) {
    55  			return s.remoteRelationsFacade, nil
    56  		},
    57  		Clock: testclock.NewClock(time.Time{}),
    58  	}
    59  }
    61  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) waitForWorkerStubCalls(c *gc.C, expected []jujutesting.StubCall) {
    62  	waitForStubCalls(c, s.stub, expected)
    63  }
    65  func waitForStubCalls(c *gc.C, stub *jujutesting.Stub, expected []jujutesting.StubCall) {
    66  	var calls []jujutesting.StubCall
    67  	for a := coretesting.LongAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
    68  		calls = stub.Calls()
    69  		if reflect.DeepEqual(calls, expected) {
    70  			return
    71  		}
    72  	}
    73  	c.Fatalf("failed to see expected calls.\nexpected: %v\nobserved: %v", expected, calls)
    74  }
    76  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) assertRemoteApplicationWorkers(c *gc.C) worker.Worker {
    77  	// Checks that the main worker loop responds to remote application events
    78  	// by starting relevant relation watchers.
    79  	s.relationsFacade.remoteApplications["db2"] = newMockRemoteApplication("db2", "db2url")
    80  	s.relationsFacade.remoteApplications["mysql"] = newMockRemoteApplication("mysql", "mysqlurl")
    81  	s.relationsFacade.controllerInfo["remote-model-uuid"] = &api.Info{
    82  		Addrs: []string{""}, CACert: coretesting.CACert}
    84  	w, err := remoterelations.New(s.config)
    85  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
    86  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
    87  		{"WatchRemoteApplications", nil},
    88  	}
    89  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
    90  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
    92  	mac, err := apitesting.NewMacaroon("test")
    93  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
    94  	s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationsWatcher.changes <- []string{"db2"}
    95  	expected = []jujutesting.StubCall{
    96  		{"RemoteApplications", []interface{}{[]string{"db2"}}},
    97  		{"WatchRemoteApplicationRelations", []interface{}{"db2"}},
    98  		{"ControllerAPIInfoForModel", []interface{}{"remote-model-uuid"}},
    99  		{"WatchOfferStatus", []interface{}{"offer-db2-uuid", macaroon.Slice{mac}}},
   100  	}
   101  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   102  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   104  	s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationsWatcher.changes <- []string{"mysql"}
   105  	expected = []jujutesting.StubCall{
   106  		{"RemoteApplications", []interface{}{[]string{"mysql"}}},
   107  		{"WatchRemoteApplicationRelations", []interface{}{"mysql"}},
   108  		{"ControllerAPIInfoForModel", []interface{}{"remote-model-uuid"}},
   109  		{"WatchOfferStatus", []interface{}{"offer-mysql-uuid", macaroon.Slice{mac}}},
   110  	}
   111  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   112  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   114  	applicationNames := []string{"db2", "mysql"}
   115  	for _, app := range applicationNames {
   116  		w, ok := s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationRelationsWatcher(app)
   117  		c.Check(ok, jc.IsTrue)
   118  		waitForStubCalls(c, &w.Stub, []jujutesting.StubCall{
   119  			{"Changes", nil},
   120  		})
   121  	}
   122  	return w
   123  }
   125  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestRemoteApplicationWorkers(c *gc.C) {
   126  	w := s.assertRemoteApplicationWorkers(c)
   127  	workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   129  	// Check that relation watchers are stopped with the worker.
   130  	applicationNames := []string{"db2", "mysql"}
   131  	for _, app := range applicationNames {
   132  		w, ok := s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationRelationsWatcher(app)
   133  		c.Check(ok, jc.IsTrue)
   134  		c.Check(w.killed(), jc.IsTrue)
   135  	}
   136  }
   138  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestRemoteApplicationRemoved(c *gc.C) {
   139  	// Checks that when a remote application is removed, the relation
   140  	// worker is killed.
   141  	w := s.assertRemoteApplicationWorkers(c)
   142  	defer workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   143  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   145  	relWatcher, _ := s.relationsFacade.removeApplication("mysql")
   146  	s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationsWatcher.changes <- []string{"mysql"}
   147  	for a := coretesting.LongAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
   148  		_, ok := s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationRelationsWatcher("mysql")
   149  		if !ok {
   150  			break
   151  		}
   152  	}
   153  	c.Check(relWatcher.killed(), jc.IsTrue)
   154  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
   155  		{"RemoteApplications", []interface{}{[]string{"mysql"}}},
   156  		{"Close", nil},
   157  	}
   158  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   159  }
   161  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestRemoteNotFoundTerminatesOnWatching(c *gc.C) {
   162  	s.relationsFacade.remoteApplications["db2"] = newMockRemoteApplication("db2", "db2url")
   163  	s.relationsFacade.remoteApplications["mysql"] = newMockRemoteApplication("mysql", "mysqlurl")
   164  	s.relationsFacade.controllerInfo["remote-model-uuid"] = &api.Info{
   165  		Addrs: []string{""}, CACert: coretesting.CACert}
   167  	w, err := remoterelations.New(s.config)
   168  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   169  	defer workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   171  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
   172  		{"WatchRemoteApplications", nil},
   173  	}
   174  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   175  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   177  	s.stub.SetErrors(nil, nil, nil, params.Error{Code: params.CodeNotFound})
   179  	mac, err := apitesting.NewMacaroon("test")
   180  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   181  	s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationsWatcher.changes <- []string{"db2"}
   182  	expected = []jujutesting.StubCall{
   183  		{"RemoteApplications", []interface{}{[]string{"db2"}}},
   184  		{"WatchRemoteApplicationRelations", []interface{}{"db2"}},
   185  		{"ControllerAPIInfoForModel", []interface{}{"remote-model-uuid"}},
   186  		{"WatchOfferStatus", []interface{}{"offer-db2-uuid", macaroon.Slice{mac}}},
   187  		{"SetRemoteApplicationStatus", []interface{}{"db2", "terminated", "offer has been removed"}},
   188  		{"Close", nil},
   189  	}
   190  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   191  }
   193  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestOfferStatusChange(c *gc.C) {
   194  	w := s.assertRemoteApplicationWorkers(c)
   195  	defer workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   196  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   198  	statusWatcher := s.remoteRelationsFacade.offersStatusWatchers["offer-mysql-uuid"]
   199  	statusWatcher.changes <- []watcher.OfferStatusChange{{
   200  		Name: "mysql",
   201  		Status: status.StatusInfo{
   202  			Status:  status.Active,
   203  			Message: "started",
   204  		},
   205  	}}
   207  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
   208  		{"SetRemoteApplicationStatus", []interface{}{"mysql", "active", "started"}},
   209  	}
   210  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   211  }
   213  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestRemoteNotFoundTerminatesOnChange(c *gc.C) {
   214  	s.relationsFacade.relations["db2:db django:db"] = newMockRelation(123)
   215  	w := s.assertRemoteApplicationWorkers(c)
   216  	defer workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   218  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   219  	s.stub.SetErrors(nil, nil, params.Error{Code: params.CodeNotFound})
   221  	s.relationsFacade.relationsEndpoints["db2:db django:db"] = &relationEndpointInfo{
   222  		localApplicationName: "django",
   223  		localEndpoint: params.RemoteEndpoint{
   224  			Name:      "db2",
   225  			Role:      "requires",
   226  			Interface: "db2",
   227  		},
   228  		remoteEndpointName: "data",
   229  	}
   231  	relWatcher, _ := s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationRelationsWatcher("db2")
   232  	relWatcher.changes <- []string{"db2:db django:db"}
   234  	mac, err := apitesting.NewMacaroon("test")
   235  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   236  	relTag := names.NewRelationTag("db2:db django:db")
   237  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
   238  		{"Relations", []interface{}{[]string{"db2:db django:db"}}},
   239  		{"ExportEntities", []interface{}{
   240  			[]names.Tag{names.NewApplicationTag("django"), relTag}}},
   241  		{"RegisterRemoteRelations", []interface{}{[]params.RegisterRemoteRelationArg{{
   242  			ApplicationToken: "token-django",
   243  			SourceModelTag:   "model-local-model-uuid",
   244  			RelationToken:    "token-db2:db django:db",
   245  			RemoteEndpoint: params.RemoteEndpoint{
   246  				Name:      "db2",
   247  				Role:      "requires",
   248  				Interface: "db2",
   249  			},
   250  			OfferUUID:         "offer-db2-uuid",
   251  			LocalEndpointName: "data",
   252  			Macaroons:         macaroon.Slice{mac},
   253  		}}}},
   254  		{"SetRemoteApplicationStatus", []interface{}{"db2", "terminated", "offer has been removed"}},
   255  		{"Close", nil},
   256  	}
   257  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   258  }
   260  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) assertRemoteRelationsWorkers(c *gc.C) worker.Worker {
   261  	s.relationsFacade.relations["db2:db django:db"] = newMockRelation(123)
   262  	w := s.assertRemoteApplicationWorkers(c)
   263  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   265  	s.relationsFacade.relationsEndpoints["db2:db django:db"] = &relationEndpointInfo{
   266  		localApplicationName: "django",
   267  		localEndpoint: params.RemoteEndpoint{
   268  			Name:      "db2",
   269  			Role:      "requires",
   270  			Interface: "db2",
   271  		},
   272  		remoteEndpointName: "data",
   273  	}
   275  	relWatcher, _ := s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationRelationsWatcher("db2")
   276  	relWatcher.changes <- []string{"db2:db django:db"}
   278  	mac, err := apitesting.NewMacaroon("test")
   279  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   280  	apiMac, err := apitesting.NewMacaroon("apimac")
   281  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   282  	relTag := names.NewRelationTag("db2:db django:db")
   283  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
   284  		{"Relations", []interface{}{[]string{"db2:db django:db"}}},
   285  		{"ExportEntities", []interface{}{
   286  			[]names.Tag{names.NewApplicationTag("django"), relTag}}},
   287  		{"RegisterRemoteRelations", []interface{}{[]params.RegisterRemoteRelationArg{{
   288  			ApplicationToken: "token-django",
   289  			SourceModelTag:   "model-local-model-uuid",
   290  			RelationToken:    "token-db2:db django:db",
   291  			RemoteEndpoint: params.RemoteEndpoint{
   292  				Name:      "db2",
   293  				Role:      "requires",
   294  				Interface: "db2",
   295  			},
   296  			OfferUUID:         "offer-db2-uuid",
   297  			LocalEndpointName: "data",
   298  			Macaroons:         macaroon.Slice{mac},
   299  		}}}},
   300  		{"SaveMacaroon", []interface{}{relTag, apiMac}},
   301  		{"ImportRemoteEntity", []interface{}{names.NewApplicationTag("db2"), "token-offer-db2-uuid"}},
   302  		{"WatchRelationSuspendedStatus", []interface{}{"token-db2:db django:db", macaroon.Slice{apiMac}}},
   303  		{"WatchLocalRelationUnits", []interface{}{"db2:db django:db"}},
   304  		{"WatchRelationUnits", []interface{}{"token-db2:db django:db", macaroon.Slice{apiMac}}},
   305  	}
   306  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   308  	unitWatcher, ok := s.relationsFacade.relationsUnitsWatcher("db2:db django:db")
   309  	c.Check(ok, jc.IsTrue)
   310  	waitForStubCalls(c, &unitWatcher.Stub, []jujutesting.StubCall{
   311  		{"Changes", nil},
   312  	})
   313  	unitWatcher, ok = s.remoteRelationsFacade.relationsUnitsWatcher("token-db2:db django:db")
   314  	c.Check(ok, jc.IsTrue)
   315  	waitForStubCalls(c, &unitWatcher.Stub, []jujutesting.StubCall{
   316  		{"Changes", nil},
   317  	})
   318  	relationStatusWatcher, ok := s.remoteRelationsFacade.relationsStatusWatcher("token-db2:db django:db")
   319  	c.Check(ok, jc.IsTrue)
   320  	waitForStubCalls(c, &relationStatusWatcher.Stub, []jujutesting.StubCall{
   321  		{"Changes", nil},
   322  	})
   323  	return w
   324  }
   326  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestRemoteRelationsWorkers(c *gc.C) {
   327  	w := s.assertRemoteRelationsWorkers(c)
   328  	workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   330  	// Check that relation unit watchers are stopped with the worker.
   331  	relWatcher, ok := s.relationsFacade.relationsUnitsWatchers["db2:db django:db"]
   332  	c.Check(ok, jc.IsTrue)
   333  	c.Check(relWatcher.killed(), jc.IsTrue)
   335  	relWatcher, ok = s.remoteRelationsFacade.relationsUnitsWatchers["token-db2:db django:db"]
   336  	c.Check(ok, jc.IsTrue)
   337  	c.Check(relWatcher.killed(), jc.IsTrue)
   338  }
   340  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestRemoteRelationsRevoked(c *gc.C) {
   341  	// The consume permission is revoked after an offer is consumed.
   342  	// Subsequent api calls against that offer will fail and record an
   343  	// error in the local model.
   344  	s.relationsFacade.relations["db2:db django:db"] = newMockRelation(123)
   345  	w := s.assertRemoteApplicationWorkers(c)
   346  	defer workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   347  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   348  	s.stub.SetErrors(nil, nil, &params.Error{
   349  		Code:    params.CodeDischargeRequired,
   350  		Message: "message",
   351  	})
   353  	s.relationsFacade.relationsEndpoints["db2:db django:db"] = &relationEndpointInfo{
   354  		localApplicationName: "django",
   355  		localEndpoint: params.RemoteEndpoint{
   356  			Name:      "db2",
   357  			Role:      "requires",
   358  			Interface: "db2",
   359  		},
   360  		remoteEndpointName: "data",
   361  	}
   363  	relWatcher, _ := s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationRelationsWatcher("db2")
   364  	relWatcher.changes <- []string{"db2:db django:db"}
   366  	mac, err := apitesting.NewMacaroon("test")
   367  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   368  	relTag := names.NewRelationTag("db2:db django:db")
   369  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
   370  		{"Relations", []interface{}{[]string{"db2:db django:db"}}},
   371  		{"ExportEntities", []interface{}{
   372  			[]names.Tag{names.NewApplicationTag("django"), relTag}}},
   373  		{"RegisterRemoteRelations", []interface{}{[]params.RegisterRemoteRelationArg{{
   374  			ApplicationToken: "token-django",
   375  			SourceModelTag:   "model-local-model-uuid",
   376  			RelationToken:    "token-db2:db django:db",
   377  			RemoteEndpoint: params.RemoteEndpoint{
   378  				Name:      "db2",
   379  				Role:      "requires",
   380  				Interface: "db2",
   381  			},
   382  			OfferUUID:         "offer-db2-uuid",
   383  			LocalEndpointName: "data",
   384  			Macaroons:         macaroon.Slice{mac},
   385  		}}}},
   386  		{"SetRemoteApplicationStatus", []interface{}{"db2", "error", "message"}},
   387  		{"Close", nil},
   388  	}
   389  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   390  }
   392  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestRemoteRelationsDying(c *gc.C) {
   393  	// Checks that when a remote relation dies, the relation units
   394  	// workers are killed.
   395  	w := s.assertRemoteRelationsWorkers(c)
   396  	defer workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   397  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   399  	unitsWatcher, _ := s.relationsFacade.updateRelationLife("db2:db django:db", params.Dying)
   400  	relWatcher, _ := s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationRelationsWatcher("db2")
   401  	relWatcher.changes <- []string{"db2:db django:db"}
   402  	for a := coretesting.LongAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
   403  		_, ok := s.relationsFacade.relationsUnitsWatcher("db2:db django:db")
   404  		if ok {
   405  			continue
   406  		}
   407  		_, ok = s.remoteRelationsFacade.relationsUnitsWatcher("token-db2:db django:db")
   408  		if !ok {
   409  			break
   410  		}
   411  		_, ok = s.remoteRelationsFacade.relationsStatusWatcher("token-db2:db django:db")
   412  		if !ok {
   413  			break
   414  		}
   415  	}
   416  	// We keep the relation units watcher alive when the relation
   417  	// goes to Dying; they're only stopped when the relation is
   418  	// finally removed.
   419  	c.Assert(unitsWatcher.killed(), jc.IsFalse)
   420  	apiMac, err := apitesting.NewMacaroon("apimac")
   421  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   422  	mac, err := apitesting.NewMacaroon("test")
   423  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   424  	relTag := names.NewRelationTag("db2:db django:db")
   425  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
   426  		{"Relations", []interface{}{[]string{"db2:db django:db"}}},
   427  		{"ExportEntities", []interface{}{
   428  			[]names.Tag{names.NewApplicationTag("django"), relTag}}},
   429  		{"RegisterRemoteRelations", []interface{}{[]params.RegisterRemoteRelationArg{{
   430  			ApplicationToken: "token-django",
   431  			SourceModelTag:   "model-local-model-uuid",
   432  			RelationToken:    "token-db2:db django:db",
   433  			RemoteEndpoint: params.RemoteEndpoint{
   434  				Name:      "db2",
   435  				Role:      "requires",
   436  				Interface: "db2",
   437  			},
   438  			OfferUUID:         "offer-db2-uuid",
   439  			LocalEndpointName: "data",
   440  			Macaroons:         macaroon.Slice{mac},
   441  		}}}},
   442  		{"SaveMacaroon", []interface{}{relTag, apiMac}},
   443  		{"ImportRemoteEntity", []interface{}{names.NewApplicationTag("db2"), "token-offer-db2-uuid"}},
   444  		{"PublishRelationChange", []interface{}{
   445  			params.RemoteRelationChangeEvent{
   446  				Life:             params.Dying,
   447  				ApplicationToken: "token-django",
   448  				RelationToken:    "token-db2:db django:db",
   449  				Macaroons:        macaroon.Slice{apiMac},
   450  			},
   451  		}},
   452  	}
   453  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   454  }
   456  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestLocalRelationsRemoved(c *gc.C) {
   457  	// Checks that when a remote relation goes away, the relation units
   458  	// worker is killed.
   459  	w := s.assertRemoteRelationsWorkers(c)
   460  	defer workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   461  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   463  	unitsWatcher, _ := s.relationsFacade.removeRelation("db2:db django:db")
   464  	relWatcher, _ := s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationRelationsWatcher("db2")
   465  	relWatcher.changes <- []string{"db2:db django:db"}
   466  	for a := coretesting.LongAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
   467  		_, ok := s.relationsFacade.relationsUnitsWatcher("db2:db django:db")
   468  		if !ok {
   469  			break
   470  		}
   471  	}
   472  	c.Assert(unitsWatcher.killed(), jc.IsTrue)
   473  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
   474  		{"Relations", []interface{}{[]string{"db2:db django:db"}}},
   475  	}
   476  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   477  }
   479  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestLocalRelationsChangedNotifies(c *gc.C) {
   480  	w := s.assertRemoteRelationsWorkers(c)
   481  	defer workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   482  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   484  	unitsWatcher, _ := s.relationsFacade.relationsUnitsWatcher("db2:db django:db")
   485  	unitsWatcher.changes <- watcher.RelationUnitsChange{
   486  		Changed:  map[string]watcher.UnitSettings{"unit/1": {Version: 2}},
   487  		Departed: []string{"unit/2"},
   488  	}
   490  	mac, err := apitesting.NewMacaroon("apimac")
   491  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   492  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
   493  		{"RelationUnitSettings", []interface{}{
   494  			[]params.RelationUnit{{
   495  				Relation: "relation-db2.db#django.db",
   496  				Unit:     "unit-unit-1"}}}},
   497  		{"PublishRelationChange", []interface{}{
   498  			params.RemoteRelationChangeEvent{
   499  				ApplicationToken: "token-django",
   500  				RelationToken:    "token-db2:db django:db",
   501  				ChangedUnits: []params.RemoteRelationUnitChange{{
   502  					UnitId:   1,
   503  					Settings: map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"},
   504  				}},
   505  				DepartedUnits: []int{2},
   506  				Macaroons:     macaroon.Slice{mac},
   507  			},
   508  		}},
   509  	}
   510  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   511  }
   513  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestRemoteNotFoundTerminatesOnPublish(c *gc.C) {
   514  	w := s.assertRemoteRelationsWorkers(c)
   515  	defer workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   516  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   518  	s.stub.SetErrors(nil, params.Error{Code: params.CodeNotFound})
   520  	unitsWatcher, _ := s.relationsFacade.relationsUnitsWatcher("db2:db django:db")
   521  	unitsWatcher.changes <- watcher.RelationUnitsChange{
   522  		Changed:  map[string]watcher.UnitSettings{"unit/1": {Version: 2}},
   523  		Departed: []string{"unit/2"},
   524  	}
   526  	mac, err := apitesting.NewMacaroon("apimac")
   527  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   528  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
   529  		{"RelationUnitSettings", []interface{}{
   530  			[]params.RelationUnit{{
   531  				Relation: "relation-db2.db#django.db",
   532  				Unit:     "unit-unit-1"}}}},
   533  		{"PublishRelationChange", []interface{}{
   534  			params.RemoteRelationChangeEvent{
   535  				ApplicationToken: "token-django",
   536  				RelationToken:    "token-db2:db django:db",
   537  				ChangedUnits: []params.RemoteRelationUnitChange{{
   538  					UnitId:   1,
   539  					Settings: map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"},
   540  				}},
   541  				DepartedUnits: []int{2},
   542  				Macaroons:     macaroon.Slice{mac},
   543  			},
   544  		}},
   545  		{"SetRemoteApplicationStatus", []interface{}{"db2", "terminated", "offer has been removed"}},
   546  		{"Close", nil},
   547  	}
   548  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   549  }
   551  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestRemoteRelationsChangedConsumes(c *gc.C) {
   552  	w := s.assertRemoteRelationsWorkers(c)
   553  	defer workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   554  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   556  	unitsWatcher, _ := s.remoteRelationsFacade.relationsUnitsWatcher("token-db2:db django:db")
   557  	unitsWatcher.changes <- watcher.RelationUnitsChange{
   558  		Changed:  map[string]watcher.UnitSettings{"unit/1": {Version: 2}},
   559  		Departed: []string{"unit/2"},
   560  	}
   562  	mac, err := apitesting.NewMacaroon("apimac")
   563  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   564  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
   565  		{"RelationUnitSettings", []interface{}{
   566  			[]params.RemoteRelationUnit{{
   567  				RelationToken: "token-db2:db django:db",
   568  				Unit:          "unit-unit-1",
   569  				Macaroons:     macaroon.Slice{mac}}}}},
   570  		{"ConsumeRemoteRelationChange", []interface{}{
   571  			params.RemoteRelationChangeEvent{
   572  				ApplicationToken: "token-offer-db2-uuid",
   573  				RelationToken:    "token-db2:db django:db",
   574  				ChangedUnits: []params.RemoteRelationUnitChange{{
   575  					UnitId:   1,
   576  					Settings: map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"},
   577  				}},
   578  				DepartedUnits: []int{2},
   579  				Macaroons:     macaroon.Slice{mac},
   580  			},
   581  		}},
   582  	}
   583  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   584  }
   586  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestRemoteRelationsDyingConsumes(c *gc.C) {
   587  	w := s.assertRemoteRelationsWorkers(c)
   588  	defer workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   589  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   591  	statusWatcher, _ := s.remoteRelationsFacade.relationsStatusWatcher("token-db2:db django:db")
   592  	statusWatcher.changes <- []watcher.RelationStatusChange{{
   593  		Life: life.Dying,
   594  	}}
   596  	suspended := false
   597  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
   598  		{"ConsumeRemoteRelationChange", []interface{}{
   599  			params.RemoteRelationChangeEvent{
   600  				Life:             params.Dying,
   601  				ApplicationToken: "token-offer-db2-uuid",
   602  				RelationToken:    "token-db2:db django:db",
   603  				Suspended:        &suspended,
   604  			},
   605  		}},
   606  	}
   607  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   608  }
   610  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestRemoteRelationsChangedError(c *gc.C) {
   611  	s.assertRemoteRelationsChangedError(c, false)
   612  }
   614  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestRemoteDyingRelationsChangedError(c *gc.C) {
   615  	s.assertRemoteRelationsChangedError(c, true)
   616  }
   618  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) assertRemoteRelationsChangedError(c *gc.C, dying bool) {
   619  	w := s.assertRemoteRelationsWorkers(c)
   620  	defer workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   621  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   623  	s.stub.SetErrors(errors.New("failed"))
   624  	unitsWatcher, _ := s.relationsFacade.relationsUnitsWatcher("db2:db django:db")
   625  	unitsWatcher.changes <- watcher.RelationUnitsChange{
   626  		Departed: []string{"unit/1"},
   627  	}
   629  	// The error causes relation change publication to fail.
   630  	apiMac, err := apitesting.NewMacaroon("apimac")
   631  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   632  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
   633  		{"PublishRelationChange", []interface{}{
   634  			params.RemoteRelationChangeEvent{
   635  				ApplicationToken: "token-django",
   636  				RelationToken:    "token-db2:db django:db",
   637  				DepartedUnits:    []int{1},
   638  				Macaroons:        macaroon.Slice{apiMac},
   639  			},
   640  		}},
   641  		{"Close", nil},
   642  	}
   644  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   645  	// An error in one of the units watchers does not kill the parent worker.
   646  	workertest.CheckAlive(c, w)
   648  	// Allow the worker to resume.
   649  	s.stub.SetErrors(nil)
   650  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   651  	s.config.Clock.(*testclock.Clock).WaitAdvance(50*time.Second, coretesting.LongWait, 1)
   652  	// Not resumed yet.
   653  	c.Assert(s.stub.Calls(), gc.HasLen, 0)
   654  	s.config.Clock.(*testclock.Clock).WaitAdvance(10*time.Second, coretesting.LongWait, 1)
   656  	mac, err := apitesting.NewMacaroon("test")
   657  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   658  	expected = []jujutesting.StubCall{
   659  		{"WatchRemoteApplicationRelations", []interface{}{"db2"}},
   660  		{"ControllerAPIInfoForModel", []interface{}{"remote-model-uuid"}},
   661  		{"WatchOfferStatus", []interface{}{"offer-db2-uuid", macaroon.Slice{mac}}},
   662  	}
   663  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   664  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   666  	relTag := names.NewRelationTag("db2:db django:db")
   667  	expected = []jujutesting.StubCall{
   668  		{"Relations", []interface{}{[]string{"db2:db django:db"}}},
   669  		{"ExportEntities", []interface{}{
   670  			[]names.Tag{names.NewApplicationTag("django"), relTag}}},
   671  		{"RegisterRemoteRelations", []interface{}{[]params.RegisterRemoteRelationArg{{
   672  			ApplicationToken: "token-django",
   673  			SourceModelTag:   "model-local-model-uuid",
   674  			RelationToken:    "token-db2:db django:db",
   675  			RemoteEndpoint: params.RemoteEndpoint{
   676  				Name:      "db2",
   677  				Role:      "requires",
   678  				Interface: "db2",
   679  			},
   680  			OfferUUID:         "offer-db2-uuid",
   681  			LocalEndpointName: "data",
   682  			Macaroons:         macaroon.Slice{mac},
   683  		}}}},
   684  		{"SaveMacaroon", []interface{}{relTag, apiMac}},
   685  		{"ImportRemoteEntity", []interface{}{names.NewApplicationTag("db2"), "token-offer-db2-uuid"}},
   686  		{"WatchRelationSuspendedStatus", []interface{}{"token-db2:db django:db", macaroon.Slice{apiMac}}},
   687  		{"WatchLocalRelationUnits", []interface{}{"db2:db django:db"}},
   688  		{"WatchRelationUnits", []interface{}{"token-db2:db django:db", macaroon.Slice{apiMac}}},
   689  	}
   691  	// If a relation is dying and there's been an error, when processing resumes
   692  	// a cleanup is forced on the remote side.
   693  	if dying {
   694  		s.relationsFacade.updateRelationLife("db2:db django:db", params.Dying)
   695  		forceCleanup := true
   696  		expected = append(expected, jujutesting.StubCall{
   697  			FuncName: "PublishRelationChange",
   698  			Args: []interface{}{
   699  				params.RemoteRelationChangeEvent{
   700  					ApplicationToken: "token-django",
   701  					RelationToken:    "token-db2:db django:db",
   702  					Life:             params.Dying,
   703  					Macaroons:        macaroon.Slice{apiMac},
   704  					ForceCleanup:     &forceCleanup,
   705  				},
   706  			}},
   707  		)
   708  	}
   710  	relWatcher, _ := s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationRelationsWatcher("db2")
   711  	relWatcher.changes <- []string{"db2:db django:db"}
   713  	// After the worker resumes, normal processing happens.
   714  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   715  }
   717  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestRegisteredApplicationNotRegistered(c *gc.C) {
   718  	s.relationsFacade.relations["db2:db django:db"] = newMockRelation(123)
   719  	db2app := newMockRemoteApplication("db2", "db2url")
   720  	db2app.registered = true
   721  	s.relationsFacade.remoteApplications["db2"] = db2app
   722  	applicationNames := []string{"db2"}
   723  	s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationsWatcher.changes <- applicationNames
   725  	w, err := remoterelations.New(s.config)
   726  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   727  	defer workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   729  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
   730  		{"WatchRemoteApplications", nil},
   731  		{"RemoteApplications", []interface{}{[]string{"db2"}}},
   732  		{"WatchRemoteApplicationRelations", []interface{}{"db2"}},
   733  	}
   734  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   735  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   737  	s.relationsFacade.relationsEndpoints["db2:db django:db"] = &relationEndpointInfo{
   738  		localApplicationName: "django",
   739  		localEndpoint: params.RemoteEndpoint{
   740  			Name:      "db2",
   741  			Role:      "requires",
   742  			Interface: "db2",
   743  		},
   744  		remoteEndpointName: "data",
   745  	}
   747  	relWatcher, _ := s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationRelationsWatcher("db2")
   748  	relWatcher.changes <- []string{"db2:db django:db"}
   750  	expected = []jujutesting.StubCall{
   751  		{"Relations", []interface{}{[]string{"db2:db django:db"}}},
   752  	}
   753  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   754  }
   756  func (s *remoteRelationsSuite) TestRemoteRelationSuspended(c *gc.C) {
   757  	w := s.assertRemoteRelationsWorkers(c)
   758  	defer workertest.CleanKill(c, w)
   759  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   761  	// First suspend the relation.
   762  	s.relationsFacade.relations["db2:db django:db"].SetSuspended(true)
   763  	relWatcher, _ := s.relationsFacade.remoteApplicationRelationsWatcher("db2")
   764  	relWatcher.changes <- []string{"db2:db django:db"}
   766  	expected := []jujutesting.StubCall{
   767  		{"Relations", []interface{}{[]string{"db2:db django:db"}}},
   768  	}
   769  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   770  	s.stub.ResetCalls()
   772  	// Now resume the relation.
   773  	s.relationsFacade.relations["db2:db django:db"].SetSuspended(false)
   774  	relWatcher.changes <- []string{"db2:db django:db"}
   776  	mac, err := apitesting.NewMacaroon("test")
   777  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   778  	apiMac, err := apitesting.NewMacaroon("apimac")
   779  	relTag := names.NewRelationTag("db2:db django:db")
   780  	// When resuming, it's similar to setting things up for a new relation
   781  	// except that the call to create te life/status listener is missing.
   782  	expected = []jujutesting.StubCall{
   783  		{"Relations", []interface{}{[]string{"db2:db django:db"}}},
   784  		{"ExportEntities", []interface{}{
   785  			[]names.Tag{names.NewApplicationTag("django"), relTag}}},
   786  		{"RegisterRemoteRelations", []interface{}{[]params.RegisterRemoteRelationArg{{
   787  			ApplicationToken: "token-django",
   788  			SourceModelTag:   "model-local-model-uuid",
   789  			RelationToken:    "token-db2:db django:db",
   790  			RemoteEndpoint: params.RemoteEndpoint{
   791  				Name:      "db2",
   792  				Role:      "requires",
   793  				Interface: "db2",
   794  			},
   795  			OfferUUID:         "offer-db2-uuid",
   796  			LocalEndpointName: "data",
   797  			Macaroons:         macaroon.Slice{mac},
   798  		}}}},
   799  		{"SaveMacaroon", []interface{}{relTag, apiMac}},
   800  		{"ImportRemoteEntity", []interface{}{names.NewApplicationTag("db2"), "token-offer-db2-uuid"}},
   801  		{"WatchLocalRelationUnits", []interface{}{"db2:db django:db"}},
   802  		{"WatchRelationUnits", []interface{}{"token-db2:db django:db", macaroon.Slice{apiMac}}},
   803  	}
   804  	s.waitForWorkerStubCalls(c, expected)
   805  }