
     1  # This file contains all available configuration options
     2  # with their default values.
     4  # options for analysis running
     5  run:
     6    # timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m, default is 1m
     7    timeout: 5m
     9    # include test files or not, default is true
    10    tests: true
    12  # output configuration options
    13  output:
    14    # colored-line-number|line-number|json|tab|checkstyle|code-climate, default is "colored-line-number"
    15    format: tab
    17  # all available settings of specific linters
    18  linters-settings:
    19    exhaustive:
    20      # indicates that switch statements are to be considered exhaustive if a
    21      # 'default' case is present, even if all enum members aren't listed in the
    22      # switch
    23      default-signifies-exhaustive: true
    24    govet:
    25      # report about shadowed variables
    26      check-shadowing: false
    28  linters:
    29    enable:
    30      # mandatory linters
    31      - govet
    32      - revive
    34      # some default golangci-lint linters
    35      - errcheck
    36      - gosimple
    37      - godot
    38      - ineffassign
    39      - staticcheck
    40      - typecheck
    41      - unused
    43      # extra linters
    44      # - exhaustive
    45      # - goconst
    46      # - goerr113
    47      # - gomnd
    48      # - nonamedreturns
    49      # - unparam
    50      - bidichk
    51      - bodyclose
    52      - contextcheck
    53      - decorder
    54      - durationcheck
    55      - errorlint
    56      - exportloopref
    57      - gofmt
    58      - misspell
    59      - predeclared
    60      - reassign
    61      - whitespace
    62      - goimports
    63    disable-all: true
    64    fast: false
    66  issues:
    67    include:
    68      - EXC0002 # should have a comment
    69      - EXC0003 # test/Test ... consider calling this
    70      - EXC0004 # govet
    71      - EXC0005 # C-style breaks
    72    exclude-rules:
    73      - linters:
    74          - revive
    75        text: "unused-parameter"