(about) 1 #!/usr/bin/make -f 2 3 PACKAGES=$(shell go list ./...) 4 BUILDDIR ?= $(CURDIR)/build 5 6 BUILD_TAGS?=tendermint 7 8 # If building a release, please checkout the version tag to get the correct version setting 9 ifneq ($(shell git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD),) 10 VERSION := unreleased-$(shell git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD)-$(shell git rev-parse HEAD) 11 else 12 VERSION := $(shell git describe) 13 endif 14 15 LD_FLAGS = -X$(VERSION) 16 BUILD_FLAGS = -mod=readonly -ldflags "$(LD_FLAGS)" 17 HTTPS_GIT := 18 DOCKER_BUF := docker run -v $(shell pwd):/workspace --workdir /workspace bufbuild/buf 19 CGO_ENABLED ?= 0 20 21 # handle nostrip 22 ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(TENDERMINT_BUILD_OPTIONS))) 23 BUILD_FLAGS += -trimpath 24 LD_FLAGS += -s -w 25 endif 26 27 # handle race 28 ifeq (race,$(findstring race,$(TENDERMINT_BUILD_OPTIONS))) 29 CGO_ENABLED=1 30 BUILD_FLAGS += -race 31 endif 32 33 # handle cleveldb 34 ifeq (cleveldb,$(findstring cleveldb,$(TENDERMINT_BUILD_OPTIONS))) 35 CGO_ENABLED=1 36 BUILD_TAGS += cleveldb 37 endif 38 39 # handle badgerdb 40 ifeq (badgerdb,$(findstring badgerdb,$(TENDERMINT_BUILD_OPTIONS))) 41 BUILD_TAGS += badgerdb 42 endif 43 44 # handle rocksdb 45 ifeq (rocksdb,$(findstring rocksdb,$(TENDERMINT_BUILD_OPTIONS))) 46 CGO_ENABLED=1 47 BUILD_TAGS += rocksdb 48 endif 49 50 # handle boltdb 51 ifeq (boltdb,$(findstring boltdb,$(TENDERMINT_BUILD_OPTIONS))) 52 BUILD_TAGS += boltdb 53 endif 54 55 # allow users to pass additional flags via the conventional LDFLAGS variable 56 LD_FLAGS += $(LDFLAGS) 57 58 all: check build test install 59 .PHONY: all 60 61 include test/Makefile 62 63 ############################################################################### 64 ### Build Tendermint ### 65 ############################################################################### 66 67 build: $(BUILDDIR)/ 68 CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) go build $(BUILD_FLAGS) -tags '$(BUILD_TAGS)' -o $(BUILDDIR)/ ./cmd/tendermint/ 69 .PHONY: build 70 71 install: 72 CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) go install $(BUILD_FLAGS) -tags $(BUILD_TAGS) ./cmd/tendermint 73 .PHONY: install 74 75 $(BUILDDIR)/: 76 mkdir -p $@ 77 78 ############################################################################### 79 ### Protobuf ### 80 ############################################################################### 81 82 proto-all: proto-gen proto-lint proto-check-breaking 83 .PHONY: proto-all 84 85 proto-gen: 86 @docker pull -q tendermintdev/docker-build-proto 87 @echo "Generating Protobuf files" 88 @docker run -v $(shell pwd):/workspace --workdir /workspace tendermintdev/docker-build-proto sh ./scripts/ 89 .PHONY: proto-gen 90 91 proto-lint: 92 @$(DOCKER_BUF) check lint --error-format=json 93 .PHONY: proto-lint 94 95 proto-format: 96 @echo "Formatting Protobuf files" 97 docker run -v $(shell pwd):/workspace --workdir /workspace tendermintdev/docker-build-proto find ./ -not -path "./third_party/*" -name *.proto -exec clang-format -i {} \; 98 .PHONY: proto-format 99 100 proto-check-breaking: 101 @$(DOCKER_BUF) check breaking --against-input .git#branch=master 102 .PHONY: proto-check-breaking 103 104 proto-check-breaking-ci: 105 @$(DOCKER_BUF) check breaking --against-input $(HTTPS_GIT)#branch=master 106 .PHONY: proto-check-breaking-ci 107 108 ############################################################################### 109 ### Build ABCI ### 110 ############################################################################### 111 112 build_abci: 113 @go build -mod=readonly -i ./abci/cmd/... 114 .PHONY: build_abci 115 116 install_abci: 117 @go install -mod=readonly ./abci/cmd/... 118 .PHONY: install_abci 119 120 ############################################################################### 121 ### Privval Server ### 122 ############################################################################### 123 124 build_privval_server: 125 @go build -mod=readonly -o $(BUILDDIR)/ -i ./cmd/priv_val_server/... 126 .PHONY: build_privval_server 127 128 generate_test_cert: 129 # generate self signing ceritificate authority 130 @certstrap init --common-name "root CA" --expires "20 years" 131 # generate server cerificate 132 @certstrap request-cert -cn server -ip 133 # self-sign server cerificate with rootCA 134 @certstrap sign server --CA "root CA" 135 # generate client cerificate 136 @certstrap request-cert -cn client -ip 137 # self-sign client cerificate with rootCA 138 @certstrap sign client --CA "root CA" 139 .PHONY: generate_test_cert 140 141 ############################################################################### 142 ### Distribution ### 143 ############################################################################### 144 145 # dist builds binaries for all platforms and packages them for distribution 146 # TODO add abci to these scripts 147 dist: 148 @BUILD_TAGS=$(BUILD_TAGS) sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/'" 149 .PHONY: dist 150 151 go-mod-cache: go.sum 152 @echo "--> Download go modules to local cache" 153 @go mod download 154 .PHONY: go-mod-cache 155 156 go.sum: go.mod 157 @echo "--> Ensure dependencies have not been modified" 158 @go mod verify 159 @go mod tidy 160 161 draw_deps: 162 @# requires brew install graphviz or apt-get install graphviz 163 go get 164 @goviz -i -d 3 | dot -Tpng -o dependency-graph.png 165 .PHONY: draw_deps 166 167 get_deps_bin_size: 168 @# Copy of build recipe with additional flags to perform binary size analysis 169 $(eval $(shell go build -work -a $(BUILD_FLAGS) -tags $(BUILD_TAGS) -o $(BUILDDIR)/ ./cmd/tendermint/ 2>&1)) 170 @find $(WORK) -type f -name "*.a" | xargs -I{} du -hxs "{}" | sort -rh | sed -e s:${WORK}/::g > deps_bin_size.log 171 @echo "Results can be found here: $(CURDIR)/deps_bin_size.log" 172 .PHONY: get_deps_bin_size 173 174 ############################################################################### 175 ### Libs ### 176 ############################################################################### 177 178 # generates certificates for TLS testing in remotedb and RPC server 179 gen_certs: clean_certs 180 certstrap init --common-name "" --passphrase "" 181 certstrap request-cert --common-name "server" -ip "" --passphrase "" 182 certstrap sign "server" --CA "" --passphrase "" 183 mv out/server.crt rpc/jsonrpc/server/test.crt 184 mv out/server.key rpc/jsonrpc/server/test.key 185 rm -rf out 186 .PHONY: gen_certs 187 188 # deletes generated certificates 189 clean_certs: 190 rm -f rpc/jsonrpc/server/test.crt 191 rm -f rpc/jsonrpc/server/test.key 192 .PHONY: clean_certs 193 194 ############################################################################### 195 ### Formatting, linting, and vetting ### 196 ############################################################################### 197 198 format: 199 find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "*.git*" -not -name '*.pb.go' -not -name '*pb_test.go' | xargs gofmt -w -s 200 find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "*.git*" -not -name '*.pb.go' -not -name '*pb_test.go' | xargs goimports -w -local 201 .PHONY: format 202 203 lint: 204 @echo "--> Running linter" 205 go run run 206 .PHONY: lint 207 208 DESTINATION = ./ 209 210 ############################################################################### 211 ### Documentation ### 212 ############################################################################### 213 # todo remove once DNS is solved 214 build-docs: 215 @cd docs && \ 216 while read -r branch path_prefix; do \ 217 (git checkout $${branch} && npm install && VUEPRESS_BASE="/$${path_prefix}/" npm run build) ; \ 218 mkdir -p ~/output/$${path_prefix} ; \ 219 cp -r .vuepress/dist/* ~/output/$${path_prefix}/ ; \ 220 cp ~/output/$${path_prefix}/index.html ~/output ; \ 221 done < versions ; 222 .PHONY: build-docs 223 224 ############################################################################### 225 ### Docker image ### 226 ############################################################################### 227 228 build-docker: build-linux 229 cp $(BUILDDIR)/tendermint DOCKER/tendermint 230 docker build --label=tendermint --tag="tendermint/tendermint" DOCKER 231 rm -rf DOCKER/tendermint 232 .PHONY: build-docker 233 234 235 ############################################################################### 236 ### Mocks ### 237 ############################################################################### 238 239 mockery: 240 go generate -run="mockery" ./... 241 .PHONY: mockery 242 243 ############################################################################### 244 ### Local testnet using docker ### 245 ############################################################################### 246 247 # Build linux binary on other platforms 248 build-linux: 249 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(MAKE) build 250 .PHONY: build-linux 251 252 build-docker-localnode: 253 @cd networks/local && make 254 .PHONY: build-docker-localnode 255 256 # Runs `make build TENDERMINT_BUILD_OPTIONS=cleveldb` from within an Amazon 257 # Linux (v2)-based Docker build container in order to build an Amazon 258 # Linux-compatible binary. Produces a compatible binary at ./build/tendermint 259 build_c-amazonlinux: 260 $(MAKE) -C ./DOCKER build_amazonlinux_buildimage 261 docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/tendermint tendermint/tendermint:build_c-amazonlinux 262 .PHONY: build_c-amazonlinux 263 264 # Run a 4-node testnet locally 265 localnet-start: localnet-stop build-docker-localnode 266 @if ! [ -f build/node0/config/genesis.json ]; then docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR)/build:/tendermint:Z tendermint/localnode testnet --config /etc/tendermint/config-template.toml --o . --starting-ip-address; fi 267 docker-compose up 268 .PHONY: localnet-start 269 270 # Stop testnet 271 localnet-stop: 272 docker-compose down 273 .PHONY: localnet-stop 274 275 # Build hooks for dredd, to skip or add information on some steps 276 build-contract-tests-hooks: 277 ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) 278 go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/contract_tests.exe ./cmd/contract_tests 279 else 280 go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/contract_tests ./cmd/contract_tests 281 endif 282 .PHONY: build-contract-tests-hooks 283 284 # Run a nodejs tool to test endpoints against a localnet 285 # The command takes care of starting and stopping the network 286 # prerequisits: build-contract-tests-hooks build-linux 287 # the two build commands were not added to let this command run from generic containers or machines. 288 # The binaries should be built beforehand 289 contract-tests: 290 dredd 291 .PHONY: contract-tests 292 293 clean: 294 rm -rf $(CURDIR)/artifacts/ $(BUILDDIR)/ 295 296 build-reproducible: 297 docker rm latest-build || true 298 docker run --volume=$(CURDIR):/sources:ro \ 299 --env TARGET_PLATFORMS='linux/amd64 linux/arm64 darwin/amd64 windows/amd64' \ 300 --env APP=tendermint \ 301 --env COMMIT=$(shell git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD) \ 302 --env VERSION=$(shell git describe --tags) \ 303 --name latest-build cosmossdk/rbuilder:latest 304 docker cp -a latest-build:/home/builder/artifacts/ $(CURDIR)/ 305 .PHONY: build-reproducible