
     1  package conn
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"crypto/cipher"
     6  	"encoding/binary"
     7  	"errors"
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"hash"
    10  	"io"
    11  	"math"
    12  	"net"
    13  	"time"
    15  	gogotypes ""
    16  	pool ""
    18  	gkeys ""
    19  	ghash ""
    20  	gcipher ""
    22  	""
    24  	""
    25  	cryptoenc ""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	tmsync ""
    29  	""
    30  	tmp2p ""
    31  	""
    32  )
    34  // 4 + 1024 == 1028 total frame size
    35  const (
    36  	dataLenSize      = 4
    37  	dataMaxSize      = 1024
    38  	totalFrameSize   = dataMaxSize + dataLenSize
    39  	aeadSizeOverhead = gcipher.Overhead // overhead of poly 1305 authentication tag
    40  	aeadKeySize      = gcipher.KeySize
    41  	aeadNonceSize    = gcipher.NonceSize
    43  	labelEphemeralLowerPublicKey = "EPHEMERAL_LOWER_PUBLIC_KEY"
    44  	labelEphemeralUpperPublicKey = "EPHEMERAL_UPPER_PUBLIC_KEY"
    45  	labelDHSecret                = "DH_SECRET"
    46  	labelSecretConnectionMac     = "SECRET_CONNECTION_MAC"
    47  )
    49  var (
    50  	ErrSmallOrderRemotePubKey = errors.New("detected low order point from remote peer")
    52  	secretConnKeyAndChallengeGen = []byte("TENDERMINT_SECRET_CONNECTION_KEY_AND_CHALLENGE_GEN")
    53  )
    55  // SecretConnection implements net.Conn.
    56  // It is an implementation of the STS protocol.
    57  // See for
    58  // details on the protocol.
    59  //
    60  // Consumers of the SecretConnection are responsible for authenticating
    61  // the remote peer's pubkey against known information, like a nodeID.
    62  // Otherwise they are vulnerable to MITM.
    63  // (TODO(ismail): see also
    64  type SecretConnection struct {
    66  	// immutable
    67  	recvAead cipher.AEAD
    68  	sendAead cipher.AEAD
    70  	remPubKey crypto.PubKey
    71  	conn      io.ReadWriteCloser
    73  	// net.Conn must be thread safe:
    74  	//
    75  	// Since we have internal mutable state,
    76  	// we need mtxs. But recv and send states
    77  	// are independent, so we can use two mtxs.
    78  	// All .Read are covered by recvMtx,
    79  	// all .Write are covered by sendMtx.
    80  	recvMtx    tmsync.Mutex
    81  	recvBuffer []byte
    82  	recvNonce  *[aeadNonceSize]byte
    84  	sendMtx   tmsync.Mutex
    85  	sendNonce *[aeadNonceSize]byte
    86  }
    88  // MakeSecretConnection performs handshake and returns a new authenticated
    89  // SecretConnection.
    90  // Returns nil if there is an error in handshake.
    91  // Caller should call conn.Close()
    92  // See docs/sts-final.pdf for more information.
    93  func MakeSecretConnection(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, locPrivKey crypto.PrivKey) (*SecretConnection, error) {
    94  	var (
    95  		locPubKey = locPrivKey.PubKey()
    96  	)
    98  	// Generate ephemeral keys for perfect forward secrecy.
    99  	locEphPub, locEphPriv := genEphKeys()
   101  	// Write local ephemeral pubkey and receive one too.
   102  	// NOTE: every 32-byte string is accepted as a Curve25519 public key (see
   103  	// DJB's Curve25519 paper:
   104  	remEphPub, err := shareEphPubKey(conn, locEphPub)
   105  	if err != nil {
   106  		return nil, err
   107  	}
   109  	// Sort by lexical order.
   110  	loEphPub, hiEphPub := sort32(locEphPub, remEphPub)
   112  	transcript := merlin.NewTranscript("TENDERMINT_SECRET_CONNECTION_TRANSCRIPT_HASH")
   114  	transcript.AppendMessage(labelEphemeralLowerPublicKey, loEphPub.Bytes())
   115  	transcript.AppendMessage(labelEphemeralUpperPublicKey, hiEphPub.Bytes())
   117  	// Check if the local ephemeral public key was the least, lexicographically
   118  	// sorted.
   119  	locIsLeast := bytes.Equal(locEphPub.Bytes(), loEphPub.Bytes())
   121  	// Compute common diffie hellman secret using X25519.
   122  	dhSecret, err := computeDHSecret(remEphPub, locEphPriv)
   123  	if err != nil {
   124  		return nil, err
   125  	}
   127  	transcript.AppendMessage(labelDHSecret, dhSecret[:])
   129  	// Generate the secret used for receiving, sending, challenge via HKDF-SHA2
   130  	// on the transcript state (which itself also uses HKDF-SHA2 to derive a key
   131  	// from the dhSecret).
   132  	recvSecret, sendSecret := deriveSecrets(dhSecret, locIsLeast)
   134  	const challengeSize = 32
   135  	var challenge [challengeSize]byte
   136  	transcript.ExtractBytes(challenge[:], labelSecretConnectionMac)
   138  	sendAead, err := gcipher.New(sendSecret[:])
   139  	if err != nil {
   140  		return nil, errors.New("invalid send SecretConnection Key")
   141  	}
   142  	recvAead, err := gcipher.New(recvSecret[:])
   143  	if err != nil {
   144  		return nil, errors.New("invalid receive SecretConnection Key")
   145  	}
   147  	sc := &SecretConnection{
   148  		conn:       conn,
   149  		recvBuffer: nil,
   150  		recvNonce:  new([aeadNonceSize]byte),
   151  		sendNonce:  new([aeadNonceSize]byte),
   152  		recvAead:   recvAead,
   153  		sendAead:   sendAead,
   154  	}
   156  	// Sign the challenge bytes for authentication.
   157  	locSignature, err := signChallenge(&challenge, locPrivKey)
   158  	if err != nil {
   159  		return nil, err
   160  	}
   162  	// Share (in secret) each other's pubkey & challenge signature
   163  	authSigMsg, err := shareAuthSignature(sc, locPubKey, locSignature)
   164  	if err != nil {
   165  		return nil, err
   166  	}
   168  	remPubKey, remSignature := authSigMsg.Key, authSigMsg.Sig
   170  	if _, ok := remPubKey.(gost512.PubKey); !ok {
   171  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected gost512 pubkey, got %T", remPubKey)
   172  	}
   174  	if !remPubKey.VerifySignature(challenge[:], remSignature) {
   175  		return nil, errors.New("challenge verification failed")
   176  	}
   178  	// We've authorized.
   179  	sc.remPubKey = remPubKey
   180  	return sc, nil
   181  }
   183  // RemotePubKey returns authenticated remote pubkey
   184  func (sc *SecretConnection) RemotePubKey() crypto.PubKey {
   185  	return sc.remPubKey
   186  }
   188  // Writes encrypted frames of `totalFrameSize + aeadSizeOverhead`.
   189  // CONTRACT: data smaller than dataMaxSize is written atomically.
   190  func (sc *SecretConnection) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
   191  	sc.sendMtx.Lock()
   192  	defer sc.sendMtx.Unlock()
   194  	for 0 < len(data) {
   195  		if err := func() error {
   196  			var sealedFrame = pool.Get(aeadSizeOverhead + totalFrameSize)
   197  			var frame = pool.Get(totalFrameSize)
   198  			defer func() {
   199  				pool.Put(sealedFrame)
   200  				pool.Put(frame)
   201  			}()
   202  			var chunk []byte
   203  			if dataMaxSize < len(data) {
   204  				chunk = data[:dataMaxSize]
   205  				data = data[dataMaxSize:]
   206  			} else {
   207  				chunk = data
   208  				data = nil
   209  			}
   210  			chunkLength := len(chunk)
   211  			binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(frame, uint32(chunkLength))
   212  			copy(frame[dataLenSize:], chunk)
   214  			// encrypt the frame
   215  			sc.sendAead.Seal(sealedFrame[:0], sc.sendNonce[:], frame, nil)
   216  			incrNonce(sc.sendNonce)
   217  			// end encryption
   219  			_, err = sc.conn.Write(sealedFrame)
   220  			if err != nil {
   221  				return err
   222  			}
   223  			n += len(chunk)
   224  			return nil
   225  		}(); err != nil {
   226  			return n, err
   227  		}
   228  	}
   229  	return n, err
   230  }
   232  // CONTRACT: data smaller than dataMaxSize is read atomically.
   233  func (sc *SecretConnection) Read(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
   234  	sc.recvMtx.Lock()
   235  	defer sc.recvMtx.Unlock()
   237  	// read off and update the recvBuffer, if non-empty
   238  	if 0 < len(sc.recvBuffer) {
   239  		n = copy(data, sc.recvBuffer)
   240  		sc.recvBuffer = sc.recvBuffer[n:]
   241  		return
   242  	}
   244  	// read off the conn
   245  	var sealedFrame = pool.Get(aeadSizeOverhead + totalFrameSize)
   246  	defer pool.Put(sealedFrame)
   247  	_, err = io.ReadFull(sc.conn, sealedFrame)
   248  	if err != nil {
   249  		return
   250  	}
   252  	// decrypt the frame.
   253  	// reads and updates the sc.recvNonce
   254  	var frame = pool.Get(totalFrameSize)
   255  	defer pool.Put(frame)
   256  	_, err = sc.recvAead.Open(frame[:0], sc.recvNonce[:], sealedFrame, nil)
   257  	if err != nil {
   258  		return n, fmt.Errorf("failed to decrypt SecretConnection: %w", err)
   259  	}
   260  	incrNonce(sc.recvNonce)
   261  	// end decryption
   263  	// copy checkLength worth into data,
   264  	// set recvBuffer to the rest.
   265  	var chunkLength = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(frame) // read the first four bytes
   266  	if chunkLength > dataMaxSize {
   267  		return 0, errors.New("chunkLength is greater than dataMaxSize")
   268  	}
   269  	var chunk = frame[dataLenSize : dataLenSize+chunkLength]
   270  	n = copy(data, chunk)
   271  	if n < len(chunk) {
   272  		sc.recvBuffer = make([]byte, len(chunk)-n)
   273  		copy(sc.recvBuffer, chunk[n:])
   274  	}
   275  	return n, err
   276  }
   278  // Implements net.Conn
   279  func (sc *SecretConnection) Close() error                  { return sc.conn.Close() }
   280  func (sc *SecretConnection) LocalAddr() net.Addr           { return sc.conn.(net.Conn).LocalAddr() }
   281  func (sc *SecretConnection) RemoteAddr() net.Addr          { return sc.conn.(net.Conn).RemoteAddr() }
   282  func (sc *SecretConnection) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error { return sc.conn.(net.Conn).SetDeadline(t) }
   283  func (sc *SecretConnection) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
   284  	return sc.conn.(net.Conn).SetReadDeadline(t)
   285  }
   286  func (sc *SecretConnection) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
   287  	return sc.conn.(net.Conn).SetWriteDeadline(t)
   288  }
   290  func genEphKeys() (ephPub gkeys.PubKey, ephPriv gkeys.PrivKey) {
   291  	var err error
   292  	// TODO: Probably not a problem but ask Tony: different from the rust implementation (uses x25519-dalek),
   293  	// we do not "clamp" the private key scalar:
   294  	// see:
   296  	ephPriv, err = gkeys.NewPrivKey(gkeys.K256)
   297  	if err != nil {
   298  		panic("Could not generate ephemeral key-pair")
   299  	}
   301  	ephPub = ephPriv.PubKey()
   302  	return
   303  }
   305  func shareEphPubKey(conn io.ReadWriter, locEphPub gkeys.PubKey) (remEphPub gkeys.PubKey, err error) {
   306  	// Send our pubkey and receive theirs in tandem.
   307  	var trs, _ = async.Parallel(
   308  		func(_ int) (val interface{}, abort bool, err error) {
   309  			lc := locEphPub
   310  			_, err = protoio.NewDelimitedWriter(conn).WriteMsg(&gogotypes.BytesValue{Value: lc.Bytes()[:]})
   311  			if err != nil {
   312  				return nil, true, err // abort
   313  			}
   314  			return nil, false, nil
   315  		},
   316  		func(_ int) (val interface{}, abort bool, err error) {
   317  			var bytes gogotypes.BytesValue
   318  			_, err = protoio.NewDelimitedReader(conn, 1024*1024).ReadMsg(&bytes)
   319  			if err != nil {
   320  				return nil, true, err // abort
   321  			}
   323  			remEphPub, err = gkeys.LoadPubKey(bytes.Value)
   324  			if err != nil {
   325  				return nil, true, err // abort
   326  			}
   327  			return remEphPub, false, nil
   328  		},
   329  	)
   331  	// If error:
   332  	if trs.FirstError() != nil {
   333  		err = trs.FirstError()
   334  		return
   335  	}
   337  	// Otherwise:
   338  	var _remEphPub = trs.FirstValue().(gkeys.PubKey256)
   339  	return _remEphPub, nil
   340  }
   342  func deriveSecrets(
   343  	dhSecret *[32]byte,
   344  	locIsLeast bool,
   345  ) (recvSecret, sendSecret *[aeadKeySize]byte) {
   346  	hash := func() hash.Hash {
   347  		return ghash.New(ghash.H256)
   348  	}
   349  	hkdf := hkdf.New(hash, dhSecret[:], nil, secretConnKeyAndChallengeGen)
   350  	// get enough data for 2 aead keys, and a 32 byte challenge
   351  	res := new([2*aeadKeySize + 32]byte)
   352  	_, err := io.ReadFull(hkdf, res[:])
   353  	if err != nil {
   354  		panic(err)
   355  	}
   357  	recvSecret = new([aeadKeySize]byte)
   358  	sendSecret = new([aeadKeySize]byte)
   360  	// bytes 0 through aeadKeySize - 1 are one aead key.
   361  	// bytes aeadKeySize through 2*aeadKeySize -1 are another aead key.
   362  	// which key corresponds to sending and receiving key depends on whether
   363  	// the local key is less than the remote key.
   364  	if locIsLeast {
   365  		copy(recvSecret[:], res[0:aeadKeySize])
   366  		copy(sendSecret[:], res[aeadKeySize:aeadKeySize*2])
   367  	} else {
   368  		copy(sendSecret[:], res[0:aeadKeySize])
   369  		copy(recvSecret[:], res[aeadKeySize:aeadKeySize*2])
   370  	}
   372  	return
   373  }
   375  // computeDHSecret computes a Diffie-Hellman shared secret key
   376  // from our own local private key and the other's public key.
   377  func computeDHSecret(remPubKey gkeys.PubKey, locPrivKey gkeys.PrivKey) (*[32]byte, error) {
   378  	shrKey := locPrivKey.Secret(remPubKey)
   379  	if shrKey == nil {
   380  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error: shrKey is nil")
   381  	}
   382  	var shrKeyArray [32]byte
   383  	copy(shrKeyArray[:], shrKey)
   384  	return &shrKeyArray, nil
   385  }
   387  func sort32(foo, bar gkeys.PubKey) (lo, hi gkeys.PubKey) {
   388  	if bytes.Compare(foo.Bytes(), bar.Bytes()) < 0 {
   389  		lo = foo
   390  		hi = bar
   391  	} else {
   392  		lo = bar
   393  		hi = foo
   394  	}
   395  	return
   396  }
   398  func signChallenge(challenge *[32]byte, locPrivKey crypto.PrivKey) ([]byte, error) {
   399  	signature, err := locPrivKey.Sign(challenge[:])
   400  	if err != nil {
   401  		return nil, err
   402  	}
   403  	return signature, nil
   404  }
   406  type authSigMessage struct {
   407  	Key crypto.PubKey
   408  	Sig []byte
   409  }
   411  func shareAuthSignature(sc io.ReadWriter, pubKey crypto.PubKey, signature []byte) (recvMsg authSigMessage, err error) {
   413  	// Send our info and receive theirs in tandem.
   414  	var trs, _ = async.Parallel(
   415  		func(_ int) (val interface{}, abort bool, err error) {
   416  			pbpk, err := cryptoenc.PubKeyToProto(pubKey)
   417  			if err != nil {
   418  				return nil, true, err
   419  			}
   420  			_, err = protoio.NewDelimitedWriter(sc).WriteMsg(&tmp2p.AuthSigMessage{PubKey: pbpk, Sig: signature})
   421  			if err != nil {
   422  				return nil, true, err // abort
   423  			}
   424  			return nil, false, nil
   425  		},
   426  		func(_ int) (val interface{}, abort bool, err error) {
   427  			var pba tmp2p.AuthSigMessage
   428  			_, err = protoio.NewDelimitedReader(sc, 1024*1024).ReadMsg(&pba)
   429  			if err != nil {
   430  				return nil, true, err // abort
   431  			}
   433  			pk, err := cryptoenc.PubKeyFromProto(pba.PubKey)
   434  			if err != nil {
   435  				return nil, true, err // abort
   436  			}
   438  			_recvMsg := authSigMessage{
   439  				Key: pk,
   440  				Sig: pba.Sig,
   441  			}
   442  			return _recvMsg, false, nil
   443  		},
   444  	)
   446  	// If error:
   447  	if trs.FirstError() != nil {
   448  		err = trs.FirstError()
   449  		return
   450  	}
   452  	var _recvMsg = trs.FirstValue().(authSigMessage)
   453  	return _recvMsg, nil
   454  }
   456  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   458  // Increment nonce little-endian by 1 with wraparound.
   459  // Due to g2015 expecting a 12 byte nonce we do not use the first four
   460  // bytes. We only increment a 64 bit unsigned int in the remaining 8 bytes
   461  // (little-endian in nonce[4:]).
   462  func incrNonce(nonce *[aeadNonceSize]byte) {
   463  	counter := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(nonce[4:])
   464  	if counter == math.MaxUint64 {
   465  		// Terminates the session and makes sure the nonce would not re-used.
   466  		// See
   467  		panic("can't increase nonce without overflow")
   468  	}
   469  	counter++
   470  	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(nonce[4:], counter)
   471  }