
     1  // Package mbt provides a test runner for model-based tests
     2  //
     3  // Model-based tests are generated by
     4  //, which
     5  // first turns TLA+ specifications into test scenarios. Those test scenarios
     6  // are then in turn used to generate actual fixtures representing light blocks.
     7  //
     8  // The test runner initializes the light client with a trusted light block. For
     9  // each next light block, it tries to verify the block and asserts the outcome
    10  // ("verdict" field in .json files).
    11  //
    12  // In the first version (v1), JSON files are directly added to the repo. In
    13  // the future (v2), they will be generated by the testgen binary right before
    14  // testing on CI (the number of files will be around thousands).
    15  //
    16  // NOTE (v1): If a breaking change is introduced into the SignedHeader or
    17  // ValidatorSet, you will need to regenerate the JSON files using testgen
    18  // binary (may also require modifying tendermint-rs, e.g.
    19  //
    20  package mbt