(about) 1 #Terraform Configuration 2 3 variable "DO_API_TOKEN" { 4 description = "DigitalOcean Access Token" 5 } 6 7 variable "TESTNET_NAME" { 8 description = "Name of the testnet" 9 default = "sentrynet" 10 } 11 12 variable "SSH_KEY_FILE" { 13 description = "SSH public key file to be used on the nodes" 14 type = "string" 15 } 16 17 variable "SERVERS" { 18 description = "Number of nodes in testnet" 19 default = "4" 20 } 21 22 provider "digitalocean" { 23 token = "${var.DO_API_TOKEN}" 24 } 25 26 module "cluster" { 27 source = "./cluster" 28 name = "${var.TESTNET_NAME}" 29 ssh_key = "${var.SSH_KEY_FILE}" 30 servers = "${var.SERVERS}" 31 } 32 33 34 output "public_ips" { 35 value = "${module.cluster.public_ips}" 36 } 37