
     1  #!/bin/bash -e
     3  # Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
     4  # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
     5  # found in the LICENSE file.
     7  # Convenience script to make it easy for developers to directly run a tast
     8  # executable from an autotest_server_package.tar.bz2 archive produced by a
     9  # builder. This script is included in these archive files by cbuildbot.
    11  if [[ $# -lt 2 || "$1" == '-h' || "$1" == '--help' ]]; then
    12    cat - << EOF
    13  Usage: $(basename "$0") [flag]... [target] [pattern]...
    15  Run one or more Tast tests against a ChromeOS test device using
    16  binaries from an autotest_server_package.tar.bz2 archive.
    18  Additional flags for "tast run" may be supplied, most notably:
    19    -keyfile=PATH     passwordless private SSH key to use
    20    -resultsdir=PATH  directory where results will be written
    22  Positional arguments:
    23    target   DUT as "host", "host:port", or "user@host:port"
    24    pattern  test pattern as a test name (e.g. "login.Chrome"),
    25             wildcard (e.g. "power.*"), or parentheses-surrounded
    26             test attribute expression (e.g. "(bvt && chrome)")
    27  EOF
    28    exit 1
    29  fi
    31  flags=()
    33  # Try to find the testing SSH key. If -keyfile was passed as a positional
    34  # argument, it will override the flag added here.
    35  for dir in "${HOME}/chromeos" "${HOME}/chromiumos" "${HOME}/trunk"; do
    36    keyfile="${dir}/chromite/ssh_keys/testing_rsa"
    37    if [[ -e "${keyfile}" ]]; then
    38      flags+=("-keyfile=${keyfile}")
    39      break
    40    fi
    41  done
    43  # Files are expected to be located at the same paths relative to this script
    44  # that are used within the archive file.
    45  basedir=$(dirname "$0")
    46  exec "${basedir}/tast" -verbose run -build=false \
    47    -remotebundledir="${basedir}/bundles/remote" \
    48    -remotedatadir="${basedir}/data" \
    49    -remoterunner="${basedir}/remote_test_runner" \
    50    -defaultvarsdir="${basedir}/vars" \
    51    "${flags[@]}" "$@"