
     1  <!--[metadata]>
     2  +++
     3  aliases = ["/engine/misc/faq/"]
     4  title = "FAQ"
     5  description = "Most frequently asked questions."
     6  keywords = ["faq, questions, documentation,  docker"]
     7  [menu.main]
     8  identifier="engine_faq"
     9  parent = "engine_use"
    10  weight = 80
    11  +++
    12  <![end-metadata]-->
    14  # Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    16  If you don't see your question here, feel free to submit new ones to
    17  <>.  Or, you can fork [the
    18  repo]( and contribute them yourself by editing
    19  the documentation sources.
    22  ### How much does Engine cost?
    24  Docker Engine is 100% free. It is open source, so you can use it without paying.
    26  ### What open source license are you using?
    28  We are using the Apache License Version 2.0, see it here:
    29  [](
    32  ### Does Docker run on Mac OS X or Windows?
    34  Docker Engine currently runs only on Linux, but you can use VirtualBox to run
    35  Engine in a virtual machine on your box, and get the best of both worlds. Check
    36  out the [*Mac OS X*](installation/ and [*Microsoft
    37  Windows*](installation/ installation guides. The small Linux
    38  distribution boot2docker can be set up using the Docker Machine tool to be run
    39  inside virtual machines on these two operating systems.
    41  >**Note:** if you are using a remote Docker Engine daemon on a VM through Docker
    42  >Machine, then _do not_ type the `sudo` before the `docker` commands shown in
    43  >the documentation's examples.
    45  ### How do containers compare to virtual machines?
    47  They are complementary. VMs are best used to allocate chunks of hardware
    48  resources. Containers operate at the process level, which makes them very
    49  lightweight and perfect as a unit of software delivery.
    51  ### What does Docker technology add to just plain LXC?
    53  Docker technology is not a replacement for LXC. "LXC" refers to capabilities of
    54  the Linux kernel (specifically namespaces and control groups) which allow
    55  sandboxing processes from one another, and controlling their resource
    56  allocations. On top of this low-level foundation of kernel features, Docker
    57  offers a high-level tool with several powerful functionalities:
    59   - *Portable deployment across machines.* Docker defines a format for bundling
    60   an application and all its dependencies into a single object which can be
    61   transferred to any Docker-enabled machine, and executed there with the
    62   guarantee that the execution environment exposed to the application will be the
    63   same. LXC implements process sandboxing, which is an important pre-requisite
    64   for portable deployment, but that alone is not enough for portable deployment.
    65   If you sent me a copy of your application installed in a custom LXC
    66   configuration, it would almost certainly not run on my machine the way it does
    67   on yours, because it is tied to your machine's specific configuration:
    68   networking, storage, logging, distro, etc. Docker defines an abstraction for
    69   these machine-specific settings, so that the exact same Docker container can
    70   run - unchanged - on many different machines, with many different
    71   configurations.
    73   - *Application-centric.* Docker is optimized for the deployment of
    74   applications, as opposed to machines. This is reflected in its API, user
    75   interface, design philosophy and documentation. By contrast, the `lxc` helper
    76   scripts focus on containers as lightweight machines - basically servers that
    77   boot faster and need less RAM. We think there's more to containers than just
    78   that.
    80   - *Automatic build.* Docker includes [*a tool for developers to automatically
    81   assemble a container from their source
    82   code*](reference/, with full control over application
    83   dependencies, build tools, packaging etc. They are free to use `make`, `maven`,
    84   `chef`, `puppet`, `salt,` Debian packages, RPMs, source tarballs, or any
    85   combination of the above, regardless of the configuration of the machines.
    87   - *Versioning.* Docker includes git-like capabilities for tracking successive
    88   versions of a container, inspecting the diff between versions, committing new
    89   versions, rolling back etc. The history also includes how a container was
    90   assembled and by whom, so you get full traceability from the production server
    91   all the way back to the upstream developer. Docker also implements incremental
    92   uploads and downloads, similar to `git pull`, so new versions of a container
    93   can be transferred by only sending diffs.
    95   - *Component re-use.* Any container can be used as a [*"base image"*](reference/ to create more specialized components. This can
    96   be done manually or as part of an automated build. For example you can prepare
    97   the ideal Python environment, and use it as a base for 10 different
    98   applications. Your ideal PostgreSQL setup can be re-used for all your future
    99   projects. And so on.
   101   - *Sharing.* Docker has access to a public registry [on Docker Hub](
   102   where thousands of people have uploaded useful images: anything from Redis,
   103   CouchDB, PostgreSQL to IRC bouncers to Rails app servers to Hadoop to base
   104   images for various Linux distros. The
   105   [*registry*]( also
   106   includes an official "standard library" of useful containers maintained by the
   107   Docker team. The registry itself is open-source, so anyone can deploy their own
   108   registry to store and transfer private containers, for internal server
   109   deployments for example.
   111   - *Tool ecosystem.* Docker defines an API for automating and customizing the
   112   creation and deployment of containers. There are a huge number of tools
   113   integrating with Docker to extend its capabilities. PaaS-like deployment
   114   (Dokku, Deis, Flynn), multi-node orchestration (Maestro, Salt, Mesos, Openstack
   115   Nova), management dashboards (docker-ui, Openstack Horizon, Shipyard),
   116   configuration management (Chef, Puppet), continuous integration (Jenkins,
   117   Strider, Travis), etc. Docker is rapidly establishing itself as the standard
   118   for container-based tooling.
   120  ### What is different between a Docker container and a VM?
   122  There's a great StackOverflow answer [showing the differences](
   125  ### Do I lose my data when the container exits?
   127  Not at all! Any data that your application writes to disk gets preserved in its
   128  container until you explicitly delete the container. The file system for the
   129  container persists even after the container halts.
   131  ### How far do Docker containers scale?
   133  Some of the largest server farms in the world today are based on containers.
   134  Large web deployments like Google and Twitter, and platform providers such as
   135  Heroku and dotCloud all run on container technology, at a scale of hundreds of
   136  thousands or even millions of containers running in parallel.
   138  ### How do I connect Docker containers?
   140  Currently the recommended way to connect containers is via the Docker network feature. You can see details of how to [work with Docker networks here](userguide/networking/
   142  Also useful for more flexible service portability is the [Ambassador linking
   143  pattern](admin/
   145  ### How do I run more than one process in a Docker container?
   147  Any capable process supervisor such as [](
   148, runit, s6, or daemontools can do the trick. Docker
   149  will start up the process management daemon which will then fork to run
   150  additional processes. As long as the processor manager daemon continues to run,
   151  the container will continue to as well. You can see a more substantial example
   152  [that uses supervisord here](admin/
   154  ### What platforms does Docker run on?
   156  Linux:
   158   - Ubuntu 12.04, 13.04 et al
   159   - Fedora 19/20+
   160   - RHEL 6.5+
   161   - CentOS 6+
   162   - Gentoo
   163   - ArchLinux
   164   - openSUSE 12.3+
   165   - CRUX 3.0+
   167  Cloud:
   169   - Amazon EC2
   170   - Google Compute Engine
   171   - Microsoft Azure
   172   - Rackspace
   174  ### How do I report a security issue with Docker?
   176  You can learn about the project's security policy
   177  [here]( and report security issues to this
   178  [mailbox](
   180  ### Why do I need to sign my commits to Docker with the DCO?
   182  Please read [our blog post](
   183 on the introduction of the DCO.
   185  ### When building an image, should I prefer system libraries or bundled ones?
   187  *This is a summary of a discussion on the [docker-dev mailing list](
   190  Virtually all programs depend on third-party libraries. Most frequently, they
   191  will use dynamic linking and some kind of package dependency, so that when
   192  multiple programs need the same library, it is installed only once.
   194  Some programs, however, will bundle their third-party libraries, because they
   195  rely on very specific versions of those libraries. For instance, Node.js bundles
   196  OpenSSL; MongoDB bundles V8 and Boost (among others).
   198  When creating a Docker image, is it better to use the bundled libraries, or
   199  should you build those programs so that they use the default system libraries
   200  instead?
   202  The key point about system libraries is not about saving disk or memory space.
   203  It is about security. All major distributions handle security seriously, by
   204  having dedicated security teams, following up closely with published
   205  vulnerabilities, and disclosing advisories themselves. (Look at the [Debian
   206  Security Information]( for an example of those
   207  procedures.) Upstream developers, however, do not always implement similar
   208  practices.
   210  Before setting up a Docker image to compile a program from source, if you want
   211  to use bundled libraries, you should check if the upstream authors provide a
   212  convenient way to announce security vulnerabilities, and if they update their
   213  bundled libraries in a timely manner. If they don't, you are exposing yourself
   214  (and the users of your image) to security vulnerabilities.
   216  Likewise, before using packages built by others, you should check if the
   217  channels providing those packages implement similar security best practices.
   218  Downloading and installing an "all-in-one" .deb or .rpm sounds great at first,
   219  except if you have no way to figure out that it contains a copy of the OpenSSL
   220  library vulnerable to the [Heartbleed]( bug.
   222  ### Why is `DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive` discouraged in Dockerfiles?
   224  When building Docker images on Debian and Ubuntu you may have seen errors like:
   226      unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
   228  These errors don't stop the image from being built but inform you that the
   229  installation process tried to open a dialog box, but was unable to. Generally,
   230  these errors are safe to ignore.
   232  Some people circumvent these errors by changing the `DEBIAN_FRONTEND`
   233  environment variable inside the Dockerfile using:
   235      ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
   237  This prevents the installer from opening dialog boxes during installation which
   238  stops the errors.
   240  While this may sound like a good idea, it *may* have side effects. The
   241  `DEBIAN_FRONTEND` environment variable will be inherited by all images and
   242  containers built from your image, effectively changing their behavior. People
   243  using those images will run into problems when installing software
   244  interactively, because installers will not show any dialog boxes.
   246  Because of this, and because setting `DEBIAN_FRONTEND` to `noninteractive` is
   247  mainly a 'cosmetic' change, we *discourage* changing it.
   249  If you *really* need to change its setting, make sure to change it back to its
   250  [default value](
   251  afterwards.
   253  ### Why do I get `Connection reset by peer` when making a request to a service running in a container?
   255  Typically, this message is returned if the service is already bound to your
   256  localhost. As a result, requests coming to the container from outside are
   257  dropped. To correct this problem, change the service's configuration on your
   258  localhost so that the service accepts requests from all IPs.  If you aren't sure
   259  how to do this, check the documentation for your OS.
   261  ### Why do I get `Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?` when using docker-machine?
   263  This error points out that the docker client cannot connect to the virtual machine.
   264  This means that either the virtual machine that works underneath `docker-machine`
   265  is not running or that the client doesn't correctly point at it.
   267  To verify that the docker machine is running you can use the `docker-machine ls`
   268  command and start it with `docker-machine start` if needed.
   270      $ docker-machine ls
   271      NAME             ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL   SWARM                   DOCKER    ERRORS
   272      default          -        virtualbox   Stopped                                 Unknown
   274      $ docker-machine start default
   276  You have to tell Docker to talk to that machine. You can do this with the
   277  `docker-machine env` command. For example,
   279      $ eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
   280      $ docker ps
   282  ### Where can I find more answers?
   284  You can find more answers on:
   287  - [Docker user mailinglist](
   288  - [Docker developer mailinglist](
   289  - [IRC, docker on freenode](irc://
   290  - [GitHub](
   291  - [Ask questions on Stackoverflow](
   292  - [Join the conversation on Twitter](
   294  Looking for something else to read? Checkout the [User Guide](userguide/