(about) 1 # Make does not offer a recursive wildcard function, so here's one: 2 rwildcard=$(wildcard $1$2) $(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2)) 3 4 SHELL := /bin/bash 5 NAME := jx 6 BUILD_TARGET = build 7 MAIN_SRC_FILE=cmd/jx/jx.go 8 GO := GO111MODULE=on go 9 GO_NOMOD :=GO111MODULE=off go 10 REV := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null || echo 'unknown') 11 ORG := jenkins-x 12 ORG_REPO := $(ORG)/$(NAME) 13 RELEASE_ORG_REPO := $(ORG_REPO) 14 ROOT_PACKAGE :=$(ORG_REPO)/v2 15 GO_VERSION := $(shell $(GO) version | sed -e 's/^[^0-9.]*\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/') 16 GO_DEPENDENCIES := $(call rwildcard,pkg/,*.go) $(call rwildcard,cmd/jx/,*.go) 17 18 BUILD_DATE := $(shell date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ) 19 GIT_TREE_STATE := $(shell test -z "`git status --porcelain`" && echo "clean" || echo "dirty") 20 21 CGO_ENABLED = 0 22 23 REPORTS_DIR=$(BUILD_TARGET)/reports 24 25 GOTEST := $(GO) test 26 # If available, use gotestsum which provides more comprehensive output 27 # This is used in the CI builds 28 ifneq (, $(shell which gotestsum 2> /dev/null)) 29 GOTESTSUM_FORMAT ?= standard-quiet 30 GOTEST := GO111MODULE=on gotestsum --junitfile $(REPORTS_DIR)/integration.junit.xml --format $(GOTESTSUM_FORMAT) -- 31 endif 32 33 # set dev version unless VERSION is explicitly set via environment 34 VERSION ?= $(shell echo "$$(git for-each-ref refs/tags/ --count=1 --sort=-version:refname --format='%(refname:short)' 2>/dev/null)-dev+$(REV)" | sed 's/^v//') 35 36 # Build flags for setting build-specific configuration at build time - defaults to empty 37 BUILD_TIME_CONFIG_FLAGS ?= "" 38 39 # Full build flags used when building binaries. Not used for test compilation/execution. 40 BUILDFLAGS := -ldflags \ 41 " -X $(ROOT_PACKAGE)/pkg/version.Version=$(VERSION)\ 42 -X $(ROOT_PACKAGE)/pkg/version.Revision=$(REV)\ 43 -X $(ROOT_PACKAGE)/pkg/version.BuildDate=$(BUILD_DATE)\ 44 -X $(ROOT_PACKAGE)/pkg/version.GoVersion=$(GO_VERSION)\ 45 -X $(ROOT_PACKAGE)/pkg/version.GitTreeState=$(GIT_TREE_STATE)\ 46 $(BUILD_TIME_CONFIG_FLAGS)" 47 48 # Some tests expect default values for version.*, so just use the config package values there. 49 TEST_BUILDFLAGS := -ldflags "$(BUILD_TIME_CONFIG_FLAGS)" 50 51 ifdef DEBUG 52 BUILDFLAGS := -gcflags "all=-N -l" $(BUILDFLAGS) 53 endif 54 55 ifdef PARALLEL_BUILDS 56 BUILDFLAGS += -p $(PARALLEL_BUILDS) 57 GOTEST += -p $(PARALLEL_BUILDS) 58 else 59 # -p 4 seems to work well for people 60 GOTEST += -p 4 61 endif 62 63 ifdef DISABLE_TEST_CACHING 64 GOTEST += -count=1 65 endif 66 67 TEST_PACKAGE ?= ./... 68 COVER_OUT:=$(REPORTS_DIR)/cover.out 69 COVERFLAGS=-coverprofile=$(COVER_OUT) --covermode=count --coverpkg=./... 70 71 .PHONY: list 72 list: ## List all make targets 73 @$(MAKE) -pRrn : -f $(MAKEFILE_LIST) 2>/dev/null | awk -v RS= -F: '/^# File/,/^# Finished Make data base/ {if ($$1 !~ "^[#.]") {print $$1}}' | egrep -v -e '^[^[:alnum:]]' -e '^$@$$' | sort 74 75 .PHONY: help 76 .DEFAULT_GOAL := help 77 help: 78 @grep -h -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' 79 80 all: build ## Build the binary 81 full: check ## Build and run the tests 82 check: build test ## Build and run the tests 83 get-test-deps: ## Install test dependencies 84 $(GO_NOMOD) get 85 $(GO_NOMOD) get -u 86 87 print-version: ## Print version 88 @echo $(VERSION) 89 90 build: build/$(NAME) ## Build jx binary for current OS 91 build/$(NAME): $(GO_DEPENDENCIES) 92 CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) $(GO) $(BUILD_TARGET) $(BUILDFLAGS) -o build/$(NAME) $(MAIN_SRC_FILE) 93 94 build-all: $(GO_DEPENDENCIES) build make-reports-dir ## Build all files - runtime, all tests etc. 95 CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) $(GOTEST) -run=nope -tags=integration,unit -failfast -short ./... $(BUILDFLAGS) 96 97 tidy-deps: ## Cleans up dependencies 98 $(GO) mod tidy 99 # mod tidy only takes compile dependencies into account, let's make sure we capture tooling dependencies as well 100 @$(MAKE) install-generate-deps 101 102 .PHONY: make-reports-dir 103 make-reports-dir: 104 mkdir -p $(REPORTS_DIR) 105 106 test: ## Run tests with the "unit" build tag 107 KUBECONFIG=/cluster/connections/not/allowed CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) $(GOTEST) --tags=unit -failfast -short ./... $(TEST_BUILDFLAGS) 108 109 test-coverage : make-reports-dir ## Run tests and coverage for all tests with the "unit" build tag 110 CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) $(GOTEST) --tags=unit $(COVERFLAGS) -failfast -short ./... $(TEST_BUILDFLAGS) 111 112 test-report: make-reports-dir get-test-deps test-coverage ## Create the test report 113 @gocov convert $(COVER_OUT) | gocov report 114 115 test-report-html: make-reports-dir get-test-deps test-coverage ## Create the test report in HTML format 116 @gocov convert $(COVER_OUT) | gocov-html > $(REPORTS_DIR)/cover.html && open $(REPORTS_DIR)/cover.html 117 118 test-verbose: make-reports-dir ## Run the unit tests in verbose mode 119 CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) $(GOTEST) -v $(COVERFLAGS) --tags=unit -failfast ./... $(TEST_BUILDFLAGS) 120 121 test-integration: get-test-deps ## Run the integration tests 122 @CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) $(GOTEST) -tags=integration -short ./... $(TEST_BUILDFLAGS) 123 124 test-integration1: make-reports-dir 125 @CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) $(GOTEST) -tags=integration $(COVERFLAGS) -short ./... $(TEST_BUILDFLAGS) -test.v -run $(TEST) 126 127 test-integration1-pkg: make-reports-dir 128 @CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) $(GOTEST) -tags=integration $(COVERFLAGS) -short $(PKG) -test.v -run $(TEST) 129 130 test-rich-integration1: make-reports-dir 131 @CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) richgo test -tags=integration $(COVERFLAGS) -short -test.v $(TEST_PACKAGE) $(TEST_BUILDFLAGS) -run $(TEST) 132 133 test-integration-report: make-reports-dir get-test-deps test-integration ## Create the integration tests report 134 @gocov convert $(COVER_OUT) | gocov report 135 136 test-integration-report-html: make-reports-dir get-test-deps test-integration 137 @gocov convert $(COVER_OUT) | gocov-html > $(REPORTS_DIR)/cover.html && open $(REPORTS_DIR)/cover.html 138 139 test-slow-integration: make-reports-dir ## Run the any tests without a build tag as well as those that have the "integration" build tag. This target is run during CI. 140 @CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) $(GOTEST) -tags=integration $(COVERFLAGS) ./... $(TEST_BUILDFLAGS) 141 142 test-slow-integration-report: make-reports-dir get-test-deps test-slow-integration 143 @gocov convert $(COVER_OUT) | gocov report 144 145 test-slow-integration-report-html: make-reports-dir get-test-deps test-slow-integration 146 @gocov convert $(COVER_OUT) | gocov-html > $(REPORTS_DIR)/cover.html && open $(REPORTS_DIR)/cover.html 147 148 test1: get-test-deps make-reports-dir ## Runs single test specified by test name and optional package, eg 'make test1 TEST_PACKAGE=./pkg/gits TEST=TestGitCLI' 149 CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) $(GOTEST) $(TEST_BUILDFLAGS) -tags="unit integration" $(TEST_PACKAGE) -run $(TEST) 150 151 testbin: get-test-deps make-reports-dir 152 CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) $(GOTEST) -c -o build/jx-test $(TEST_BUILDFLAGS) 153 154 install: $(GO_DEPENDENCIES) ## Install the binary 155 GOBIN=${GOPATH}/bin $(GO) install $(BUILDFLAGS) $(MAIN_SRC_FILE) 156 157 linux: build/linux/$(NAME) ## Build for Linux 158 build/linux/$(NAME): $(GO_DEPENDENCIES) 159 CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(GO) $(BUILD_TARGET) $(BUILDFLAGS) -o build/linux/$(NAME) $(MAIN_SRC_FILE) 160 chmod +x build/linux/$(NAME) 161 162 arm: build/arm/$(NAME) ## Build for ARM 163 build/arm/$(NAME): $(GO_DEPENDENCIES) 164 CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm $(GO) $(BUILD_TARGET) $(BUILDFLAGS) -o build/arm/$(NAME) $(MAIN_SRC_FILE) 165 chmod +x build/arm/$(NAME) 166 167 win: build/win/$(NAME) ## Build for Windows 168 build/win/$(NAME): $(GO_DEPENDENCIES) 169 CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 $(GO) $(BUILD_TARGET) $(BUILDFLAGS) -o build/win/$(NAME)-windows-amd64.exe $(MAIN_SRC_FILE) 170 171 darwin: build/darwin/$(NAME) ## Build for OSX 172 build/darwin/$(NAME): $(GO_DEPENDENCIES) 173 CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 $(GO) $(BUILD_TARGET) $(BUILDFLAGS) -o build/darwin/$(NAME) $(MAIN_SRC_FILE) 174 chmod +x build/darwin/$(NAME) 175 176 .PHONY: test-release 177 test-release: clean build 178 git fetch --tags 179 REV=$(REV) BRANCH=$(BRANCH) BUILDDATE=$(BUILD_DATE) GOVERSION=$(GO_VERSION) ROOTPACKAGE=$(ROOT_PACKAGE) VERSION=$(VERSION) goreleaser --config=./.goreleaser.yml --snapshot --skip-publish --rm-dist --skip-validate --debug 180 181 .PHONY: release 182 release: clean build test-slow-integration linux # Release the binary 183 git fetch origin refs/tags/v$(VERSION) 184 # Don't create a changelog for the distro 185 @if [[ -z "${DISTRO}" ]]; then \ 186 ./build/linux/jx step changelog --verbose --header-file=docs/dev/ --version=$(VERSION) --rev=$(PULL_BASE_SHA) --update-release=false; \ 187 GITHUB_TOKEN=$(GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN) REV=$(REV) BRANCH=$(BRANCH) BUILDDATE=$(BUILD_DATE) GOVERSION=$(GO_VERSION) ROOTPACKAGE=$(ROOT_PACKAGE) VERSION=$(VERSION) goreleaser release --config=.goreleaser.yml --rm-dist --release-notes=./ --skip-validate; \ 188 else \ 189 GITHUB_TOKEN=$(GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN) REV=$(REV) BRANCH=$(BRANCH) BUILDDATE=$(BUILD_DATE) GOVERSION=$(GO_VERSION) ROOTPACKAGE=$(ROOT_PACKAGE) VERSION=$(VERSION) goreleaser release --config=.goreleaser.yml --rm-dist; \ 190 fi 191 192 .PHONY: release-distro 193 release-distro: 194 @$(MAKE) DISTRO=true release 195 196 .PHONY: clean 197 clean: ## Clean the generated artifacts 198 rm -rf build release dist 199 200 get-fmt-deps: ## Install test dependencies 201 $(GO_NOMOD) get 202 203 .PHONY: fmt 204 fmt: importfmt ## Format the code 205 $(eval FORMATTED = $(shell $(GO) fmt ./...)) 206 @if [ "$(FORMATTED)" == "" ]; \ 207 then \ 208 echo "All Go files properly formatted"; \ 209 else \ 210 echo "Fixed formatting for: $(FORMATTED)"; \ 211 fi 212 213 .PHONY: importfmt 214 importfmt: get-fmt-deps 215 @echo "Formatting the imports..." 216 goimports -w $(GO_DEPENDENCIES) 217 218 .PHONY: lint 219 lint: ## Lint the code 220 ./hack/ 221 ./hack/ 222 223 .PHONY: code-generate 224 code-generate: 225 ./hack/ 226 227 .PHONY: mod 228 mod: build ## Would like to have tidy-deps here but that tends to cause problems 229 230 include Makefile.docker 231 include Makefile.codegen