
     1  # JX
     2  -	Website:
     3  -   Slack channels (part of kubernetes workspace):
     4      -   [#jenkins-x-user]( for users of Jenkins X
     5      -   [#jenkins-x-dev]( for developers of Jenkins X
     6  -   Discourse forum: [Discourse](
     8  JX is a command line tool for installing and using [Jenkins X](
    10  [![CII Best Practices](](
    11  [![GoDoc](](
    12  [![Docs](](
    13  [![Docker Pulls](](
    14  [![Downloads](](
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    17  [![Reviewed by Hound](](
    18  ![Build Status](
    19  [![Slack Status](](
    21  ## Installing
    23  Check out [how to install jx](
    25  ## Getting Started
    27  Please check out the [Getting Started Guide]( on how to:
    29  * [create new Kubernetes clusters with Jenkins X](
    30  * [install Jenkins X on existing Kubernetes clusters](
    32  Then [what to do next when you have Jenkins X installed](
    34  ## Welcome to the Jenkins X Community
    36  We value respect and inclusiveness and follow the [CDF Code of Conduct]( in all interactions.
    38  We’d love to talk with you about Jenkins X and are happy to help if you have any questions.
    40  Find out more about our bi-weekly office hours, where we discuss all things Jenkins X, and other events [here](
    42  ## Getting Help
    44  To find out the available commands type:
    45  ```
    46  jx
    47  ```
    48  Or to get help on a specific command, say, `create` then type:
    49  ```
    50  jx help create
    51  ```
    52  You can also browse the [jx command reference documentation](
    54  ## Reference
    56  * [Command Line Reference](
    59  ## Opening Consoles
    60  To open a console for `foo`:
    61  ```sh
    62  jx open foo
    63  ```
    64  If you do not know the name:
    65  ```sh
    66  jx open
    67  ```
    68  ## Tail logs
    70  To tail the logs of anything running on Kubernetes (jenkins or your own applications) type.
    71  ```sh
    72  jx logs
    73  ```
    74  Which prompts you for the deployment to log then tails the logs of the newest pod for an app.
    76  You can filter the list of deployments via:
    77  ```sh
    78  jx logs -f cheese
    79  ```
    80  Then if there's only one deployment with a name that contains `cheese` then it'll tail the logs of the latest pod or will prompt you to choose the exact deployment to use.
    82  ## Remote shells
    84  You can open a remote shell inside any pods container via the `rsh` command:
    85  ```sh
    86  jx rsh
    87  ```
    88  Or to open a shell inside a pod named foo:
    89  ```sh
    90  jx rsh foo
    91  ```
    92  Pass `-c` to specify the container name. e.g. to open a shell in a maven build pod:
    93  ```sh
    94  jx rsh -c maven maven
    95  ```
    96  ## Importing or Creating apps
    98  To import an application from the current directory:
    99  ```sh
   100  jx import
   101  ```
   102  Or to create a new Spring Boot application from scratch:
   103  ```sh
   104  jx create spring
   105  ```
   106  e.g. to create a new WebMVC and Spring Boot Actuator microservice try this:
   107  ```sh
   108  jx create spring -d web -d actuator
   109  ```
   110  Or to create a new project from scratch:
   111  ```sh
   112  jx create project
   113  ```
   114  ## Starting builds
   116  To start a pipeline using a specific name try:
   117  ```sh
   118  jx start pipeline myorg/myrepo
   119  ```
   120  Or to pick the pipeline to start:
   121  ```sh
   122  jx start pipeline
   123  ```
   124  If you know part of the name of the pipeline to run you can filter the list via:
   125  ```sh
   126  jx start pipeline -f thingy
   127  ```
   128  You can start and tail the build log via:
   129  ```sh
   130  jx start pipeline -t
   131  ```
   132  ## Viewing Apps and Environments
   134  To view environments for a team:
   135  ```sh
   136  jx get env
   137  ```
   138  To view the application versions across environments:
   139  ```sh
   140  jx get version
   141  ```
   142  ## Manual promotions
   144  Typically we setup Environments to use _automatic_ promotion so that the CI / CD pipelines will automatically promote versions through the available Environments using the CI / CD Pipeline.
   146  However if you wish to manually promote a version to an environment you can use the following command:
   147  ```sh
   148  jx promote myapp -e prod
   149  ```
   150  Or if you wish to use a custom namespace:   
   151  ```sh
   152  jx promote myapp -n my-dummy-namespace
   153  ```
   154  ## Switching Environments
   156  The `jx` CLI tool uses the same Kubernetes cluster and namespace context as `kubectl`. 
   158  You can switch Environments via:
   159  ```sh
   160  jx env
   161  ```
   162  Or change it via:
   163  ```sh
   164  jx env staging
   165  jx env prod
   166  ```
   168  To display the current environment without trying to change it:
   169  ```sh
   170  jx env -b
   171  ```
   172  To view all the environments type:
   173  ```sh
   174  jx get env
   175  ```
   176  You can create or edit environments too:
   177  ```sh
   178  jx create env # Create an environment
   179  jx edit env staging # Edit staging environment
   180  ```
   181  You can switch namespaces in the same way via:
   182  ```sh
   183  jx ns
   184  ```
   185  or
   186  ```sh
   187  jx ns awesome-staging
   188  ```
   189  ## Switching Clusters
   191  If you have multiple Kubernetes clusters then you can switch between them via:
   192  ```sh
   193  jx ctx
   194  ```
   195  **Note** that changing the namespace ,environment or cluster changes the current context for **ALL** shells!
   197  ### Sub shells
   199  So if you want to work temporarily with, say, the production cluster we highly recommend you use a sub shell for that.
   200  ```sh
   201  jx shell my-prod-context
   202  ```
   203  Or to pick the context to use for the sub shell:
   204  ```sh
   205  jx shell
   206  ```
   207  Then your bash prompt will be updated to reflect that you are in a different context and/or namespace. Any changes to the namespace, environment or context will be local to the current shell only!    
   209  ### Setting your prompt
   211  You can use the `jx prompt` to configure your CLI prompt to display the current team and environment you are working within:          
   212  ```sh
   213  # Enable the prompt for bash
   214  PS1="[\u@\h \W \$(jx prompt)]\$ "
   216  # Enable the prompt for zsh
   217  PROMPT='$(jx prompt)'$PROMPT
   218  ```
   219  **Note** that the prompt is updated automatically for you via the `jx shell` command too.
   221  ### Bash completion
   223  On a Mac to enable bash completion try:
   224  ```sh
   225  jx completion bash > ~/.jx/bash
   226  source ~/.jx/bash
   227  ```
   228  Or try:
   229  ```sh
   230  source <(jx completion bash)
   231  ```
   232  For more help try:
   233  ```sh
   234  jx help completion bash
   235  ```
   236  ## Addons
   238  We are adding a number of addon capabilities to Jenkins X. To add or remove addons use the `jx create addon` or `jx delete addon` commands.
   240  For example to add the [Gitea Git server]( to your Jenkins X installation try:
   241  ```sh
   242  jx create addon gitea
   243  ```
   244  This will:
   246  * install the Gitea Helm chart.
   247  * add Gitea as a Git server (via the `jx create git server gitea` command).
   248  * create a new user in Gitea (via the `jx create git user -n gitea` command).
   249  * create a new Git API token in Gitea (via the `jx create git token -n gitea -p password username` command).
   251  ## Troubleshooting
   253  We have tried to collate common issues here with work arounds. If your issue isn't listed here please [let us know](
   255  ### Other issues
   257  Please [let us know]( and see if we can help? Good luck!
   259  ## Contributing
   261  We welcome your contributions.
   263  If you're looking to build from source or get started hacking on jx, please see the [CONTRIBUTING.MD](CONTRIBUTING.MD) or our [Contributing Guide]( on the Jenkins X website.
   266  [![]( Get more details at ****.](
   269  [experiments]: docs/contributing/