
     1  package cmd
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"io"
     6  	"strings"
     8  	v1 ""
     9  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  )
    17  const boilerPlate = ""
    19  var (
    20  	completion_long = templates.LongDesc(`
    21  		Output shell completion code for the given shell (bash or zsh).
    23  		This command prints shell code which must be evaluation to provide interactive
    24  		completion of jx commands.
    26  		    $ source <(jx completion bash)
    28  		will load the jx completion code for bash. Note that this depends on the
    29  		bash-completion framework. It must be sourced before sourcing the jx
    30  		completion, e.g. on the Mac:
    32  		    $ brew install bash-completion
    33  		    $ source $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion
    34  		    $ source <(jx completion bash)
    36  		On a Mac it often works better to generate a file with the completion and source that:
    38  			$ jx completion bash > ~/.jx/bash
    39  			$ source ~/.jx/bash
    41  		If you use zsh[1], the following will load jx zsh completion:
    43  		    $ source <(jx completion zsh)
    45  		[1] zsh completions are only supported in versions of zsh >= 5.2`)
    46  )
    48  var (
    49  	completion_shells = map[string]func(out io.Writer, cmd *cobra.Command) error{
    50  		"bash": runCompletionBash,
    51  		"zsh":  runCompletionZsh,
    52  	}
    53  	// It is likely that the user has the completions for kubectl loaded, so reusing function from there if they exist
    54  	bashCompletionFunctions = `
    55  __jx_get_env() {
    56  	local jx_out
    57      if jx_out=$(jx get env | tail -n +2 | cut -d' ' -f1 2>/dev/null); then
    58          COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${jx_out[*]}" -- "$cur" ) )
    59      fi
    60  }
    62  __jx_get_promotionstrategies() {
    63  	COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "` + strings.Join(v1.PromotionStrategyTypeValues, " ") + `" -- ${cur}) )
    64  }
    66  __jx_custom_func() {
    67      case ${last_command} in
    68          jx_environment )
    69              __jx_get_env
    70              return
    71              ;;
    72  		jx_namespace )
    73  			declare -f __kubectl_get_resource_namespace > /dev/null && __kubectl_get_resource_namespace
    74  			return
    75  			;;
    76          *)
    77              ;;
    78      esac
    79  }
    80  `
    81  )
    83  // CompletionOptions options for completion command
    84  type CompletionOptions struct {
    85  	*opts.CommonOptions
    86  }
    88  func NewCmdCompletion(commonOpts *opts.CommonOptions) *cobra.Command {
    89  	options := &CompletionOptions{
    90  		CommonOptions: commonOpts,
    91  	}
    93  	shells := []string{}
    94  	for s := range completion_shells {
    95  		shells = append(shells, s)
    96  	}
    98  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
    99  		Use:   "completion SHELL",
   100  		Short: "Output shell completion code for the given shell (bash or zsh)",
   101  		Long:  completion_long,
   102  		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
   103  			options.Cmd = cmd
   104  			options.Args = args
   105  			err := options.Run()
   106  			helper.CheckErr(err)
   107  		},
   108  		ValidArgs: shells,
   109  	}
   111  	return cmd
   112  }
   114  // Run executes the completion command
   115  func (o *CompletionOptions) Run() error {
   116  	surveyOpts := survey.WithStdio(o.In, o.Out, o.Err)
   117  	shells := []string{}
   118  	for s := range completion_shells {
   119  		shells = append(shells, s)
   120  	}
   121  	var ShellName string
   122  	cmd := o.Cmd
   123  	args := o.Args
   124  	if len(args) == 0 {
   125  		prompts := &survey.Select{
   126  			Message:  "Shell",
   127  			Options:  shells,
   128  			PageSize: len(shells),
   129  			Help:     "The name of the shell",
   130  		}
   131  		err := survey.AskOne(prompts, &ShellName, nil, surveyOpts)
   132  		if err != nil {
   133  			return err
   134  		}
   136  	}
   137  	if len(args) > 1 {
   138  		return helper.UsageError(cmd, "Too many arguments. Expected only the shell type.")
   139  	}
   140  	if ShellName == "" {
   141  		ShellName = args[0]
   142  	}
   144  	run, found := completion_shells[ShellName]
   146  	if !found {
   147  		return helper.UsageError(cmd, "Unsupported shell type %q.", args[0])
   148  	}
   150  	cmd.Parent().BashCompletionFunction = bashCompletionFunctions
   152  	return run(o.Out, cmd.Parent())
   153  }
   155  func runCompletionBash(out io.Writer, cmd *cobra.Command) error {
   156  	if boilerPlate != "" {
   157  		_, err := out.Write([]byte(boilerPlate))
   158  		if err != nil {
   159  			return err
   160  		}
   161  	}
   162  	return cmd.GenBashCompletion(out)
   163  }
   165  func runCompletionZsh(out io.Writer, cmd *cobra.Command) error {
   166  	zsh_head := "#compdef jx\n"
   168  	_, err := out.Write([]byte(zsh_head))
   169  	if err != nil {
   170  		return err
   171  	}
   173  	if boilerPlate != "" {
   174  		_, err := out.Write([]byte(boilerPlate))
   175  		if err != nil {
   176  			return err
   177  		}
   178  	}
   179  	zsh_initialization := `
   180  __jx_bash_source() {
   181  	alias shopt=':'
   182  	alias _expand=_bash_expand
   183  	alias _complete=_bash_comp
   184  	emulate -L sh
   185  	setopt kshglob noshglob braceexpand
   186  	source "$@"
   187  }
   188  __jx_type() {
   189  	# -t is not supported by zsh
   190  	if [ "$1" == "-t" ]; then
   191  		shift
   192  		# fake Bash 4 to disable "complete -o nospace". Instead
   193  		# "compopt +-o nospace" is used in the code to toggle trailing
   194  		# spaces. We don't support that, but leave trailing spaces on
   195  		# all the time
   196  		if [ "$1" = "__jx_compopt" ]; then
   197  			echo builtin
   198  			return 0
   199  		fi
   200  	fi
   201  	type "$@"
   202  }
   203  __jx_compgen() {
   204  	local completions w
   205  	completions=( $(compgen "$@") ) || return $?
   206  	# filter by given word as prefix
   207  	while [[ "$1" = -* && "$1" != -- ]]; do
   208  		shift
   209  		shift
   210  	done
   211  	if [[ "$1" == -- ]]; then
   212  		shift
   213  	fi
   214  	for w in "${completions[@]}"; do
   215  		if [[ "${w}" = "$1"* ]]; then
   216  			echo "${w}"
   217  		fi
   218  	done
   219  }
   220  __jx_compopt() {
   221  	true # don't do anything. Not supported by bashcompinit in zsh
   222  }
   223  __jx_ltrim_colon_completions()
   224  {
   225  	if [[ "$1" == *:* && "$COMP_WORDBREAKS" == *:* ]]; then
   226  		# Remove colon-word prefix from COMPREPLY items
   227  		local colon_word=${1%${1##*:}}
   228  		local i=${#COMPREPLY[*]}
   229  		while [[ $((--i)) -ge 0 ]]; do
   230  			COMPREPLY[$i]=${COMPREPLY[$i]#"$colon_word"}
   231  		done
   232  	fi
   233  }
   234  __jx_get_comp_words_by_ref() {
   235  	cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
   236  	prev="${COMP_WORDS[${COMP_CWORD}-1]}"
   237  	words=("${COMP_WORDS[@]}")
   238  	cword=("${COMP_CWORD[@]}")
   239  }
   240  __jx_filedir() {
   241  	local RET OLD_IFS w qw
   242  	__jx_debug "_filedir $@ cur=$cur"
   243  	if [[ "$1" = \~* ]]; then
   244  		# somehow does not work. Maybe, zsh does not call this at all
   245  		eval echo "$1"
   246  		return 0
   247  	fi
   248  	OLD_IFS="$IFS"
   249  	IFS=$'\n'
   250  	if [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then
   251  		shift
   252  		RET=( $(compgen -d) )
   253  	else
   254  		RET=( $(compgen -f) )
   255  	fi
   256  	IFS="$OLD_IFS"
   257  	IFS="," __jx_debug "RET=${RET[@]} len=${#RET[@]}"
   258  	for w in ${RET[@]}; do
   259  		if [[ ! "${w}" = "${cur}"* ]]; then
   260  			continue
   261  		fi
   262  		if eval "[[ \"\${w}\" = *.$1 || -d \"\${w}\" ]]"; then
   263  			qw="$(__jx_quote "${w}")"
   264  			if [ -d "${w}" ]; then
   265  				COMPREPLY+=("${qw}/")
   266  			else
   267  				COMPREPLY+=("${qw}")
   268  			fi
   269  		fi
   270  	done
   271  }
   272  __jx_quote() {
   273      if [[ $1 == \'* || $1 == \"* ]]; then
   274          # Leave out first character
   275          printf %q "${1:1}"
   276      else
   277      	printf %q "$1"
   278      fi
   279  }
   280  autoload -U +X bashcompinit && bashcompinit
   281  # use word boundary patterns for BSD or GNU sed
   282  LWORD='[[:<:]]'
   283  RWORD='[[:>:]]'
   284  if sed --help 2>&1 | grep -q GNU; then
   285  	LWORD='\<'
   286  	RWORD='\>'
   287  fi
   288  __jx_convert_bash_to_zsh() {
   289  	sed \
   290  	-e 's/declare -F/whence -w/' \
   291  	-e 's/_get_comp_words_by_ref "\$@"/_get_comp_words_by_ref "\$*"/' \
   292  	-e 's/local \([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=/local \1; \1=/' \
   293  	-e 's/flags+=("\(--.*\)=")/flags+=("\1"); two_word_flags+=("\1")/' \
   294  	-e 's/must_have_one_flag+=("\(--.*\)=")/must_have_one_flag+=("\1")/' \
   295  	-e "s/${LWORD}_filedir${RWORD}/__jx_filedir/g" \
   296  	-e "s/${LWORD}_get_comp_words_by_ref${RWORD}/__jx_get_comp_words_by_ref/g" \
   297  	-e "s/${LWORD}__ltrim_colon_completions${RWORD}/__jx_ltrim_colon_completions/g" \
   298  	-e "s/${LWORD}compgen${RWORD}/__jx_compgen/g" \
   299  	-e "s/${LWORD}compopt${RWORD}/__jx_compopt/g" \
   300  	-e "s/${LWORD}declare${RWORD}/builtin declare/g" \
   301  	-e "s/\\\$(type${RWORD}/\$(__jx_type/g" \
   303  `
   304  	_, err = out.Write([]byte(zsh_initialization))
   305  	if err != nil {
   306  		return err
   307  	}
   309  	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
   310  	err = cmd.GenBashCompletion(buf)
   311  	if err != nil {
   312  		return err
   313  	}
   314  	_, err = out.Write(buf.Bytes())
   315  	if err != nil {
   316  		return err
   317  	}
   319  	zsh_tail := `
   321  }
   322  __jx_bash_source <(__jx_convert_bash_to_zsh)
   323  _complete jx 2>/dev/null
   324  `
   325  	_, err = out.Write([]byte(zsh_tail))
   326  	if err != nil {
   327  		return err
   328  	}
   329  	return nil
   330  }