
     1  // +build integration
     3  package post_test
     5  import (
     6  	"os"
     7  	"testing"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    13  	gojenkins ""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	resources_test ""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	corev1 ""
    24  	metav1 ""
    25  	""
    26  )
    28  func TestStepPostInstall(t *testing.T) {
    29  	originalJxHome, tempJxHome, err := testhelpers.CreateTestJxHomeDir()
    30  	assert.NoError(t, err)
    31  	defer func() {
    32  		err := testhelpers.CleanupTestJxHomeDir(originalJxHome, tempJxHome)
    33  		assert.NoError(t, err)
    34  	}()
    35  	originalKubeCfg, tempKubeCfg, err := testhelpers.CreateTestKubeConfigDir()
    36  	assert.NoError(t, err)
    37  	defer func() {
    38  		err := testhelpers.CleanupTestKubeConfigDir(originalKubeCfg, tempKubeCfg)
    39  		assert.NoError(t, err)
    40  	}()
    42  	dev := kube.CreateDefaultDevEnvironment("jx")
    43  	testOrg := "mytestorg"
    44  	testRepo := "mytestrepo"
    45  	stagingGitURL := "https://fake.git/" + testOrg + "/" + testRepo + ".git"
    46  	staging := kube.NewPermanentEnvironmentWithGit("staging", stagingGitURL)
    48  	o := post.StepPostInstallOptions{
    49  		StepOptions: step.StepOptions{
    50  			CommonOptions: &opts.CommonOptions{
    51  				In:  os.Stdin,
    52  				Out: os.Stdout,
    53  				Err: os.Stderr,
    54  			},
    55  		},
    56  	}
    57  	testhelpers.ConfigureTestOptionsWithResources(o.CommonOptions,
    58  		[]runtime.Object{
    59  			&corev1.ConfigMap{
    60  				ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    61  					Name:      kube.ConfigMapJenkinsX,
    62  					Namespace: "jx",
    63  				},
    64  				Data: map[string]string{},
    65  			},
    66  			testkube.CreateFakeGitSecret(),
    67  		},
    68  		[]runtime.Object{
    69  			dev,
    70  			staging,
    71  		},
    72  		gits.NewGitCLI(),
    73  		nil,
    74  		helm.NewHelmCLI("helm", helm.V2, "", true),
    75  		resources_test.NewMockInstaller(),
    76  	)
    78  	o.BatchMode = true
    79  	jenkinsClient := fake.NewFakeJenkins()
    80  	o.SetJenkinsClient(jenkinsClient)
    81  	o.SetGit(&gits.GitFake{})
    83  	err = o.Run()
    84  	require.NoError(t, err, "failed to run jx step post install")
    86  	// assert we have a jenkins job for the staging env repo
    87  	AssertJenkinsJobExists(t, jenkinsClient, testOrg, testRepo)
    89  	// assert we have a webhook for the staging env repo
    90  	gitProvider := o.Results.GitProviders["staging"]
    91  	require.NotNil(t, gitProvider, "no GitProvider is registered for staging")
    93  	webhooks, err := gitProvider.ListWebHooks(testOrg, testRepo)
    94  	require.NoError(t, err, "failed to list webhooks for staging git repository %s", stagingGitURL)
    96  	t.Logf("found %d webhooks\n", len(webhooks))
    98  	assert.True(t, len(webhooks) > 0, "should have at least 1 WebHook for staging git repository %s", stagingGitURL)
   100  	found := false
   101  	for _, webhook := range webhooks {
   102  		repo := webhook.Repo
   103  		if repo != nil && repo.Organisation == testOrg && repo.Name == testRepo {
   104  			t.Logf("found WebHook for staging git repository %s: %#v", stagingGitURL, webhook)
   105  			found = true
   106  		}
   107  	}
   108  	assert.True(t, found, "did not find WebHook for staging git repository %s", stagingGitURL)
   109  }
   111  // AssertJenkinsJobExists asserts that the job exists for the given organisation and repo
   112  func AssertJenkinsJobExists(t *testing.T, jenkinsClient *fake.FakeJenkins, testOrg string, testRepo string) {
   113  	job, err := jenkinsClient.GetJobByPath(testOrg, testRepo)
   114  	if !assert.NoError(t, err, "failed to query Jenkins Job for %s/%s", testOrg, testRepo) {
   115  		DumpJenkinsJobs(t, jenkinsClient)
   116  		return
   117  	}
   118  	if !assert.Equal(t, job.Name, testRepo, "job.Name") {
   119  		DumpJenkinsJobs(t, jenkinsClient)
   120  		return
   121  	}
   123  	t.Logf("Found Jenkins Job at URL: %s\n", job.Url)
   124  }
   126  // DumpJenkinsJobs dumps the current jenkins jobs in the given client to aid debugging a failing test
   127  func DumpJenkinsJobs(t *testing.T, jenkinsClient gojenkins.JenkinsClient) {
   128  	jobs, err := jenkinsClient.GetJobs()
   129  	require.NoError(t, err, "failed to get jobs")
   131  	for _, job := range jobs {
   132  		t.Logf("Jenkins Job: %s at %s\n", job.Name, job.Url)
   133  		for _, cj := range job.Jobs {
   134  			t.Logf("\t child Job: %s at %s\n", cj.Name, cj.Url)
   135  		}
   136  	}
   137  }