(about) 1 --- 2 name: Standard Issue 3 about: A template for standard issues. 4 5 --- 6 7 ## Problem Definition 8 9 What problem is this solving? 10 11 ## Proposed Solution 12 13 What are the proposed solutions to this problem? 14 15 ## Definition of Done 16 17 What tests must pass for this issue to be considered solved? 18 19 ## Actions Needed Before Submitting 20 21 Update ticket status using the following (remove this section once ticket created) 22 23 - What *workstream* does this ticket deal with? Find the appropriate 'S-' label and add that label. 24 - Is it a specific *'type'* of ticket (ex: bug, documentation)? If yes, add that label as well. 25 - Is this ticket related to an *overarching theme* (ex: architecture, performance)? If yes, add that label as well. 26 - Add any/all *descriptive characteristic* labels needed (ex: Needs Estimation, Needs Test Cases). 27 - Now we should determine what *release* this ticket is associated with. If none, leave it blank. If it is associated with a specific release, please add it to the appropriate release. 28 - If this ticket is associated with a release, we want to assign it a *level of importance* within that release. These labels follow the standard [MoSCoW method]( rules. We want to look at releases and then the importance of tickets within those specific releases. So the MoSCoW label is ONLY valid when it is taken in conjunction with its release. 29 - Assign this ticket a *priority level* (High, Medium, Low) via the appropriate label. These labels control the importance of the ticket within the sprint. For example, all `P-High` tickets should be worked on first, then `P-Medium`, then `P-Low`. This gives us an easy way to identify the order of priority for tickets within a specific sprint.