
     1  # This workflow is used to build and upload the node bootstrapping tools
     2  name: Build Tools
     4  on:
     5    workflow_dispatch:
     6      inputs:
     7        tag:
     8          description: 'Tag/commit'
     9          required: true
    10          type: string
    11        promote:
    12          description: 'Promote to official boot-tools?'
    13          required: false
    14          type: boolean
    16  jobs:
    17    build-publish:
    18      name: Build boot tools
    19      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    20      steps:
    21      - name: Print all input variables
    22        run: echo '${{ toJson(inputs) }}' | jq
    23      - id: auth
    24        uses: google-github-actions/auth@v1
    25        with:
    26          credentials_json: ${{ secrets.GCR_SERVICE_KEY }}
    27      - name: Set up Google Cloud SDK
    28        uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v1
    29        with:
    30          project_id: flow
    31      - name: Setup Go
    32        uses: actions/setup-go@v4
    33        with:
    34          go-version: "1.20"
    35      - name: Checkout repo
    36        uses: actions/checkout@v3
    37        with:
    38          # to accurately get the version tag
    39          fetch-depth: 0
    40          ref: ${{ inputs.tag }}
    41      - name: Build and upload boot-tools
    42        run: |
    43          make tool-bootstrap tool-transit
    44          mkdir boot-tools
    45          mv bootstrap transit boot-tools/
    46          tar -czf boot-tools.tar ./boot-tools/
    47          gsutil cp boot-tools.tar gs://flow-genesis-bootstrap/tools/${{ inputs.tag }}/boot-tools.tar
    48      - name: Build and upload util
    49        run: |
    50          make tool-util
    51          tar -czf util.tar util
    52          gsutil cp util.tar gs://flow-genesis-bootstrap/tools/${{ inputs.tag }}/util.tar
    53      - name: Promote boot-tools
    54        run: |
    55          if [[ "${{ inputs.promote }}" = true ]]; then
    56            echo "promoting boot-tools.tar"
    57            gsutil cp boot-tools.tar gs://flow-genesis-bootstrap/boot-tools.tar
    58            SUMMARY=$'# Tool Build and Upload Summary \n Your tools were uploaded to the following GCS objects \n * Boot Tools gs://flow-genesis-bootstrap/boot-tools.tar \n * Util util.tar gs://flow-genesis-bootstrap/tools/${{ inputs.tag }}/util.tar'
    59          else
    60            echo "not promoting boot-tools.tar"
    61            SUMMARY=$'# Tool Build and Upload Summary \n Your tools were uploaded to the following GCS objects \n * Boot Tools gs://flow-genesis-bootstrap/tools/${{ inputs.tag }}/boot-tools.tar \n * Util util.tar gs://flow-genesis-bootstrap/tools/${{ inputs.tag }}/util.tar'
    62          fi
    63          echo "$SUMMARY" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY