
     1  # Bootstrapping
     3  This package contains script for generating the bootstrap files needed to initialize the Flow network.
     4  The high-level bootstrapping process is described in [Notion](
     6  WARNING: These scripts use Go's crypto/rand package to generate seeds for private keys. Make sure you are running the bootstrap scripts on a machine that does provide proper a low-level implementation. See for details.
     8  NOTE: Public and private keys are encoded in JSON files as base64 strings, not as hex, contrary to what might be expected.
    10  Code structure:
    11  * `cmd/bootstrap/cmd` contains CLI logic that can exit the program and read/write files. It also uses structures and data types that are purely relevant for CLI purposes, such as encoding, decoding, etc.
    12  * `cmd/bootstrap/run` contains reusable logic that does not know about the CLI. Instead of exiting the program, functions here will return errors.
    16  # Overview
    18  The bootstrapping will generate the following information:
    20  #### Per node
    21  * Staking key (BLS key with curve BLS12-381)
    22  * Networking key (ECDSA key)
    23  * Random beacon key; _only_ for consensus nodes (BLS based on Joint-Feldman DKG for threshold signatures)
    25  #### Node Identities
    26  * List of all authorized Flow nodes
    27    - node network address
    28    - node ID
    29    - node role
    30    - public staking key
    31    - public networking key
    32    - weight
    34  #### Root Block for main consensus
    35  * Root Block
    36  * Root QC: votes from consensus nodes for the root block (required to start consensus)
    37  * Root Execution Result: execution result for the initial execution state
    38  * Root Block Seal: block seal for the initial execution result
    41  #### Root Blocks for Collector clusters
    42  _Each cluster_ of collector nodes needs to have its own root Block and root QC
    43  * Root `ClusterBlockProposal`
    44  * Root QC from cluster for their respective `ClusterBlockProposal`
    47  # Usage
    49  `go run ./cmd/bootstrap` prints usage information
    51  ## Phase 1: Generate networking and staking keys for partner nodes:
    53  This step will generate the staking and networking keys for a _single partner node_.
    55  #### Required Inputs
    56  Values directly specified as command line parameters:
    57    - node network address
    58    - node role
    60  #### Optional Inputs
    61  Values can be specified as command line parameters:
    62    - seed for generating staking key (min 48 bytes in hex encoding)
    63    - seed for generating networking key (min 48 bytes in hex encoding)
    64  If seeds are not provided, the CLI will try to use the system's pseudo-random number generator (PRNG), e. g. `dev/urandom`. Make sure you are running the CLI on a hardware that has a cryptographically secure PRNG, or provide seeds generated on such a system.
    66  #### Example
    67  ```bash
    68  go run ./cmd/bootstrap key --address "" --role "consensus" -o ./bootstrap/partner-node-infos
    69  ```
    71  #### Generated output files
    72  * file `<NodeID>.node-info.priv.json`
    73     - strictly CONFIDENTIAL  (only for respective partner node with ID <NodeID>)
    74     - contains node's private staking and networking keys (plus some other auxiliary information)
    75     - REQUIRED at NODE START;
    76       file needs to be available to respective partner node at boot up (or recovery after crash)
    77  * file `<NodeID>`
    78     - public information
    79     - file needs to be delivered to Dapper Labs for Phase 2 of generating root information,
    80       but is not required at node start
    83  ## Phase 2: Generating final root information
    85  This step will generate the entire root information for all nodes (incl. keys for all Dapper-controlled nodes).
    87  #### Required Inputs
    88  Each input is a config file specified as a command line parameter:
    89  * parameter with the ID for the chain for the root block (`root-chain`)
    90  * parameter with the ID of the parent block for the root block (`root-parent`)
    91  * parameter with height of the root block to bootstrap from (`root-height`)
    92  * parameter with state commitment for the initial execution state (`root-commit`)
    93  * `json` containing configuration for all Dapper-Controlled nodes (see `./example_files/node-config.json`)
    94  * folder containing the `<NodeID>` files for _all_ partner nodes (see `.example_files/partner-node-infos`)
    95  * `json` containing the weight value for all partner nodes (see `./example_files/partner-weights.json`).
    96    Format: ```<NodeID>: <weight value>```
    98  #### Example
    99  ```bash
   100  go run . genconfig \
   101      --address-format "" \
   102      --access 2 \
   103      --collection 4 \
   104      --consensus 3 \
   105      --execution 2 \
   106      --verification 3 \
   107      --weight 100 \
   108      -o ./ \
   109      --config ./bootstrap-example/node-config.json
   111  ```
   113  ```bash
   114  go run . keygen \
   115      --machine-account \
   116      --config ./bootstrap-example/node-config.json \
   117      -o ./bootstrap-example/keys
   119  ```
   121  ```bash
   122  go run . rootblock  \
   123      --root-chain bench \
   124      --root-height 0 \
   125      --root-parent 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
   126      --epoch-counter 0 \
   127      --epoch-length 30000 \
   128      --epoch-staking-phase-length 20000 \
   129      --epoch-dkg-phase-length 2000 \
   130      --collection-clusters 1 \
   131      --protocol-version=0 \
   132      --use-default-epoch-timing \
   133      --epoch-commit-safety-threshold=1000 \
   134      --config ./bootstrap-example/node-config.json \
   135      -o ./bootstrap-example \
   136      --partner-dir ./example_files/partner-node-infos \
   137      --partner-weights ./example_files/partner-weights.json \
   138      --internal-priv-dir ./bootstrap-example/keys
   139  ```
   141  ```bash
   142  go run . finalize \
   143      --config ./bootstrap-example/node-config.json \
   144      --partner-dir ./example_files/partner-node-infos \
   145      --partner-weights ./example_files/partner-weights.json \
   146      --internal-priv-dir ./bootstrap-example/keys/private-root-information \
   147      --dkg-data ./bootstrap-example/private-root-information/root-dkg-data.priv.json \
   148      --root-block ./bootstrap-example/public-root-information/root-block.json \
   149      --intermediary-bootstrapping-data ./bootstrap-example/public-root-information/intermediary-bootstrapping-data.json \
   150      --root-block-votes-dir ./bootstrap-example/public-root-information/root-block-votes/ \
   151      --root-commit 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
   152      --genesis-token-supply="1000000000.0" \
   153      --service-account-public-key-json "{\"PublicKey\":\"R7MTEDdLclRLrj2MI1hcp4ucgRTpR15PCHAWLM5nks6Y3H7+PGkfZTP2di2jbITooWO4DD1yqaBSAVK8iQ6i0A==\",\"SignAlgo\":2,\"HashAlgo\":1,\"SeqNumber\":0,\"Weight\":1000}" \
   154      -o ./bootstrap-example
   155  ```
   157  #### Generated output files
   158  * files `<NodeID>.node-info.priv.json`
   159     - strictly CONFIDENTIAL (only for respective Dapper node with ID <NodeID>)
   160     - contains node's private staking and networking keys (plus some other auxiliary information)
   161     - REQUIRED at NODE START:
   162       file needs to be available to respective Dapper node at boot up (or recovery after crash)
   163  * files `<NodeID>.random-beacon.priv.json`
   164     - strictly CONFIDENTIAL (only for consensus node with ID <NodeID>)
   165     - CAUTION: we generate the random beacon private keys for _all_ consensus nodes, i.e. Dapper and Partner nodes alike!
   166       The private random beacon keys must be delivered to the Partner Node operator securely.
   167     - contains node's _private_ random beacon key
   168     - REQUIRED at NODE START:
   169       file needs to be available to respective consensus node at boot up (or recovery after crash)
   170  * file ``
   171     - contains public Node Identities for all authorized Flow nodes (Dapper and Partner nodes)
   172     - REQUIRED at NODE START for all nodes;
   173       file needs to be available to all nodes at boot up (or recovery after crash)
   175  * file `root-block.json`
   176     - REQUIRED at NODE START by all nodes
   177  * file `root-qc.json`
   178     - REQUIRED at NODE START by all nodes
   179  * file `root-result.json`
   180     - REQUIRED at NODE START by all nodes
   181  * file `root-seal.json`
   182     - REQUIRED at NODE START by all nodes
   183  * file ``
   184     - REQUIRED at NODE START by all nodes
   186  * file `<ClusterID>.root-cluster-block.json`
   187     - root `ClusterBlockProposal` for collector cluster with ID `<ClusterID>`
   188     - REQUIRED at NODE START by all collectors of the respective cluster
   189     - file can be made accessible to all nodes at boot up (or recovery after crash)
   190  * file `<ClusterID>.root-cluster-qc.json`
   191     - root Quorum Certificate for `ClusterBlockProposal` for collector cluster with ID `<ClusterID>`
   192     - REQUIRED at NODE START by all collectors of the respective cluster
   193     - file can be made accessible to all nodes at boot up (or recovery after crash)
   195  ## Generating networking key for Observer
   197  This generates the networking key used by observers to connect to the public libp2p network. It is a different key format than staked nodes and should only be used for Observers.
   199  ```bash
   200  go run ./cmd/bootstrap observer-network-key  -f ./path/network-key
   201  ```
   203  This key must be kept secret as it's used to encrypt and sign network requests sent by the observers.