
     1  package main
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"time"
     7  	""
     8  	""
    10  	client ""
    11  	sdkcrypto ""
    12  	""
    13  	collectionCommands ""
    14  	storageCommands ""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	hotsignature ""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	recovery ""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	followereng ""
    34  	""
    35  	consync ""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	builder ""
    42  	""
    43  	modulecompliance ""
    44  	""
    45  	confinalizer ""
    46  	""
    47  	epochpool ""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    51  	""
    52  	""
    53  	badgerState ""
    54  	""
    55  	""
    56  	""
    57  	""
    58  )
    60  func main() {
    62  	var (
    63  		txLimit                           uint
    64  		maxCollectionSize                 uint
    65  		maxCollectionByteSize             uint64
    66  		maxCollectionTotalGas             uint64
    67  		maxCollectionRequestCacheSize     uint32 // collection provider engine
    68  		collectionProviderWorkers         uint   // collection provider engine
    69  		builderExpiryBuffer               uint
    70  		builderPayerRateLimitDryRun       bool
    71  		builderPayerRateLimit             float64
    72  		builderUnlimitedPayers            []string
    73  		hotstuffMinTimeout                time.Duration
    74  		hotstuffTimeoutAdjustmentFactor   float64
    75  		hotstuffHappyPathMaxRoundFailures uint64
    76  		hotstuffProposalDuration          time.Duration
    77  		startupTimeString                 string
    78  		startupTime                       time.Time
    80  		mainConsensusCommittee  *committees.Consensus
    81  		followerState           protocol.FollowerState
    82  		ingestConf              = ingest.DefaultConfig()
    83  		rpcConf                 rpc.Config
    84  		clusterComplianceConfig modulecompliance.Config
    86  		pools               *epochpool.TransactionPools // epoch-scoped transaction pools
    87  		followerDistributor *pubsub.FollowerDistributor
    88  		addressRateLimiter  *ingest.AddressRateLimiter
    90  		push                  *pusher.Engine
    91  		ing                   *ingest.Engine
    92  		mainChainSyncCore     *chainsync.Core
    93  		followerCore          *hotstuff.FollowerLoop // follower hotstuff logic
    94  		followerEng           *followereng.ComplianceEngine
    95  		colMetrics            module.CollectionMetrics
    96  		machineAccountMetrics module.MachineAccountMetrics
    97  		err                   error
    99  		// epoch qc contract client
   100  		machineAccountInfo *bootstrap.NodeMachineAccountInfo
   101  		flowClientConfigs  []*common.FlowClientConfig
   102  		insecureAccessAPI  bool
   103  		accessNodeIDS      []string
   104  		apiRatelimits      map[string]int
   105  		apiBurstlimits     map[string]int
   106  		txRatelimits       float64
   107  		txBurstlimits      int
   108  		txRatelimitPayers  string
   109  	)
   110  	var deprecatedFlagBlockRateDelay time.Duration
   112  	nodeBuilder := cmd.FlowNode(flow.RoleCollection.String())
   113  	nodeBuilder.ExtraFlags(func(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
   114  		flags.UintVar(&txLimit, "tx-limit", 50_000,
   115  			"maximum number of transactions in the memory pool")
   116  		flags.StringVarP(&rpcConf.ListenAddr, "ingress-addr", "i", "localhost:9000",
   117  			"the address the ingress server listens on")
   118  		flags.UintVar(&rpcConf.MaxMsgSize, "rpc-max-message-size", grpcutils.DefaultMaxMsgSize,
   119  			"the maximum message size in bytes for messages sent or received over grpc")
   120  		flags.BoolVar(&rpcConf.RpcMetricsEnabled, "rpc-metrics-enabled", false,
   121  			"whether to enable the rpc metrics")
   122  		flags.Uint64Var(&ingestConf.MaxGasLimit, "ingest-max-gas-limit", flow.DefaultMaxTransactionGasLimit,
   123  			"maximum per-transaction computation limit (gas limit)")
   124  		flags.Uint64Var(&ingestConf.MaxTransactionByteSize, "ingest-max-tx-byte-size", flow.DefaultMaxTransactionByteSize,
   125  			"maximum per-transaction byte size")
   126  		flags.Uint64Var(&ingestConf.MaxCollectionByteSize, "ingest-max-col-byte-size", flow.DefaultMaxCollectionByteSize,
   127  			"maximum per-collection byte size")
   128  		flags.BoolVar(&ingestConf.CheckScriptsParse, "ingest-check-scripts-parse", true,
   129  			"whether we check that inbound transactions are parse-able")
   130  		flags.UintVar(&ingestConf.ExpiryBuffer, "ingest-expiry-buffer", 30,
   131  			"expiry buffer for inbound transactions")
   132  		flags.UintVar(&ingestConf.PropagationRedundancy, "ingest-tx-propagation-redundancy", 10,
   133  			"how many additional cluster members we propagate transactions to")
   134  		flags.UintVar(&builderExpiryBuffer, "builder-expiry-buffer", builder.DefaultExpiryBuffer,
   135  			"expiry buffer for transactions in proposed collections")
   136  		flags.BoolVar(&builderPayerRateLimitDryRun, "builder-rate-limit-dry-run", false,
   137  			"determines whether rate limit configuration should be enforced (false), or only logged (true)")
   138  		flags.Float64Var(&builderPayerRateLimit, "builder-rate-limit", builder.DefaultMaxPayerTransactionRate, // no rate limiting
   139  			"rate limit for each payer (transactions/collection)")
   140  		flags.StringSliceVar(&builderUnlimitedPayers, "builder-unlimited-payers", []string{}, // no unlimited payers
   141  			"set of payer addresses which are omitted from rate limiting")
   142  		flags.UintVar(&maxCollectionSize, "builder-max-collection-size", flow.DefaultMaxCollectionSize,
   143  			"maximum number of transactions in proposed collections")
   144  		flags.Uint64Var(&maxCollectionByteSize, "builder-max-collection-byte-size", flow.DefaultMaxCollectionByteSize,
   145  			"maximum byte size of the proposed collection")
   146  		flags.Uint64Var(&maxCollectionTotalGas, "builder-max-collection-total-gas", flow.DefaultMaxCollectionTotalGas,
   147  			"maximum total amount of maxgas of transactions in proposed collections")
   148  		// Collection Nodes use a lower min timeout than Consensus Nodes (1.5s vs 2.5s) because:
   149  		//  - they tend to have higher happy-path view rate, allowing a shorter timeout
   150  		//  - since they have smaller committees, 1-2 offline replicas has a larger negative impact, which is mitigating with a smaller timeout
   151  		flags.DurationVar(&hotstuffMinTimeout, "hotstuff-min-timeout", 1500*time.Millisecond,
   152  			"the lower timeout bound for the hotstuff pacemaker, this is also used as initial timeout")
   153  		flags.Float64Var(&hotstuffTimeoutAdjustmentFactor, "hotstuff-timeout-adjustment-factor", timeout.DefaultConfig.TimeoutAdjustmentFactor,
   154  			"adjustment of timeout duration in case of time out event")
   155  		flags.Uint64Var(&hotstuffHappyPathMaxRoundFailures, "hotstuff-happy-path-max-round-failures", timeout.DefaultConfig.HappyPathMaxRoundFailures,
   156  			"number of failed rounds before first timeout increase")
   157  		flags.Uint64Var(&clusterComplianceConfig.SkipNewProposalsThreshold,
   158  			"cluster-compliance-skip-proposals-threshold", modulecompliance.DefaultConfig().SkipNewProposalsThreshold, "threshold at which new proposals are discarded rather than cached, if their height is this much above local finalized height (cluster compliance engine)")
   159  		flags.StringVar(&startupTimeString, "hotstuff-startup-time", cmd.NotSet, "specifies date and time (in ISO 8601 format) after which the consensus participant may enter the first view (e.g (e.g 1996-04-24T15:04:05-07:00))")
   160  		flags.DurationVar(&hotstuffProposalDuration, "hotstuff-proposal-duration", time.Millisecond*250, "the target time between entering a view and broadcasting the proposal for that view (different and smaller than view time)")
   161  		flags.Uint32Var(&maxCollectionRequestCacheSize, "max-collection-provider-cache-size", provider.DefaultEntityRequestCacheSize, "maximum number of collection requests to cache for collection provider")
   162  		flags.UintVar(&collectionProviderWorkers, "collection-provider-workers", provider.DefaultRequestProviderWorkers, "number of workers to use for collection provider")
   163  		// epoch qc contract flags
   164  		flags.BoolVar(&insecureAccessAPI, "insecure-access-api", false, "required if insecure GRPC connection should be used")
   165  		flags.StringSliceVar(&accessNodeIDS, "access-node-ids", []string{}, fmt.Sprintf("array of access node IDs sorted in priority order where the first ID in this array will get the first connection attempt and each subsequent ID after serves as a fallback. Minimum length %d. Use '*' for all IDs in protocol state.", common.DefaultAccessNodeIDSMinimum))
   166  		flags.StringToIntVar(&apiRatelimits, "api-rate-limits", map[string]int{}, "per second rate limits for GRPC API methods e.g. Ping=300,SendTransaction=500 etc. note limits apply globally to all clients.")
   167  		flags.StringToIntVar(&apiBurstlimits, "api-burst-limits", map[string]int{}, "burst limits for gRPC API methods e.g. Ping=100,SendTransaction=100 etc. note limits apply globally to all clients.")
   169  		// rate limiting for accounts, default is 2 transactions every 2.5 seconds
   170  		// Note: The rate limit configured for each node may differ from the effective network-wide rate limit
   171  		// for a given payer. In particular, the number of clusters and the message propagation factor will
   172  		// influence how the individual rate limit translates to a network-wide rate limit.
   173  		// For example, suppose we have 5 collection clusters and configure each Collection Node with a rate
   174  		// limit of 1 message per second. Then, the effective network-wide rate limit for a payer address would
   175  		// be *at least* 5 messages per second.
   176  		flags.Float64Var(&txRatelimits, "ingest-tx-rate-limits", 2.5, "per second rate limits for processing transactions for limited account")
   177  		flags.IntVar(&txBurstlimits, "ingest-tx-burst-limits", 2, "burst limits for processing transactions for limited account")
   178  		flags.StringVar(&txRatelimitPayers, "ingest-tx-rate-limit-payers", "", "comma separated list of accounts to apply rate limiting to")
   180  		// deprecated flags
   181  		flags.DurationVar(&deprecatedFlagBlockRateDelay, "block-rate-delay", 0, "the delay to broadcast block proposal in order to control block production rate")
   182  	}).ValidateFlags(func() error {
   183  		if startupTimeString != cmd.NotSet {
   184  			t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, startupTimeString)
   185  			if err != nil {
   186  				return fmt.Errorf("invalid start-time value: %w", err)
   187  			}
   188  			startupTime = t
   189  		}
   190  		if deprecatedFlagBlockRateDelay > 0 {
   191  			nodeBuilder.Logger.Warn().Msg("A deprecated flag was specified (--block-rate-delay). This flag is deprecated as of v0.30 (Jun 2023), has no effect, and will eventually be removed.")
   192  		}
   193  		return nil
   194  	})
   196  	if err = nodeBuilder.Initialize(); err != nil {
   197  		nodeBuilder.Logger.Fatal().Err(err).Send()
   198  	}
   200  	nodeBuilder.
   201  		PreInit(cmd.DynamicStartPreInit).
   202  		Module("transaction rate limiter", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) error {
   203  			// To be managed by admin tool, and used by ingestion engine
   204  			addressRateLimiter = ingest.NewAddressRateLimiter(rate.Limit(txRatelimits), txBurstlimits)
   205  			// read the rate limit addresses from flag and add to the rate limiter
   206  			addrs, err := ingest.ParseAddresses(txRatelimitPayers)
   207  			if err != nil {
   208  				return fmt.Errorf("could not parse rate limit addresses: %w", err)
   209  			}
   210  			ingest.AddAddresses(addressRateLimiter, addrs)
   212  			return nil
   213  		}).
   214  		AdminCommand("ingest-tx-rate-limit", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) commands.AdminCommand {
   215  			return collectionCommands.NewTxRateLimitCommand(addressRateLimiter)
   216  		}).
   217  		AdminCommand("read-range-cluster-blocks", func(conf *cmd.NodeConfig) commands.AdminCommand {
   218  			clusterPayloads := badger.NewClusterPayloads(&metrics.NoopCollector{}, conf.DB)
   219  			headers, ok := conf.Storage.Headers.(*badger.Headers)
   220  			if !ok {
   221  				panic("fail to initialize admin tool, conf.Storage.Headers can not be casted as badger headers")
   222  			}
   223  			return storageCommands.NewReadRangeClusterBlocksCommand(conf.DB, headers, clusterPayloads)
   224  		}).
   225  		Module("follower distributor", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) error {
   226  			followerDistributor = pubsub.NewFollowerDistributor()
   227  			followerDistributor.AddProposalViolationConsumer(notifications.NewSlashingViolationsConsumer(node.Logger))
   228  			return nil
   229  		}).
   230  		Module("mutable follower state", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) error {
   231  			// For now, we only support state implementations from package badger.
   232  			// If we ever support different implementations, the following can be replaced by a type-aware factory
   233  			state, ok := node.State.(*badgerState.State)
   234  			if !ok {
   235  				return fmt.Errorf("only implementations of type badger.State are currently supported but read-only state has type %T", node.State)
   236  			}
   237  			followerState, err = badgerState.NewFollowerState(
   238  				node.Logger,
   239  				node.Tracer,
   240  				node.ProtocolEvents,
   241  				state,
   242  				node.Storage.Index,
   243  				node.Storage.Payloads,
   244  				blocktimer.DefaultBlockTimer,
   245  			)
   246  			return err
   247  		}).
   248  		Module("transactions mempool", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) error {
   249  			create := func(epoch uint64) mempool.Transactions {
   250  				var heroCacheMetricsCollector module.HeroCacheMetrics = metrics.NewNoopCollector()
   251  				if node.BaseConfig.HeroCacheMetricsEnable {
   252  					heroCacheMetricsCollector = metrics.CollectionNodeTransactionsCacheMetrics(node.MetricsRegisterer, epoch)
   253  				}
   254  				return herocache.NewTransactions(
   255  					uint32(txLimit),
   256  					node.Logger,
   257  					heroCacheMetricsCollector)
   258  			}
   260  			pools = epochpool.NewTransactionPools(create)
   261  			err := node.Metrics.Mempool.Register(metrics.ResourceTransaction, pools.CombinedSize)
   262  			return err
   263  		}).
   264  		Module("machine account config", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) error {
   265  			machineAccountInfo, err = cmd.LoadNodeMachineAccountInfoFile(node.BootstrapDir, node.NodeID)
   266  			return err
   267  		}).
   268  		Module("collection node metrics", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) error {
   269  			colMetrics = metrics.NewCollectionCollector(node.Tracer)
   270  			return nil
   271  		}).
   272  		Module("machine account metrics", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) error {
   273  			machineAccountMetrics = metrics.NewMachineAccountCollector(node.MetricsRegisterer, machineAccountInfo.FlowAddress())
   274  			return nil
   275  		}).
   276  		Module("main chain sync core", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) error {
   277  			log := node.Logger.With().Str("sync_chain_id", node.RootChainID.String()).Logger()
   278  			mainChainSyncCore, err = chainsync.New(log, node.SyncCoreConfig, metrics.NewChainSyncCollector(node.RootChainID), node.RootChainID)
   279  			return err
   280  		}).
   281  		Module("sdk client connection options", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) error {
   282  			anIDS, err := common.ValidateAccessNodeIDSFlag(accessNodeIDS, node.RootChainID, node.State.Sealed())
   283  			if err != nil {
   284  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to validate flag --access-node-ids %w", err)
   285  			}
   287  			flowClientConfigs, err = common.FlowClientConfigs(anIDS, insecureAccessAPI, node.State.Sealed())
   288  			if err != nil {
   289  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to prepare flow client connection configs for each access node id %w", err)
   290  			}
   292  			return nil
   293  		}).
   294  		Component("machine account config validator", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) (module.ReadyDoneAware, error) {
   295  			// @TODO use fallback logic for flowClient similar to DKG/QC contract clients
   296  			flowClient, err := common.FlowClient(flowClientConfigs[0])
   297  			if err != nil {
   298  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get flow client connection option for access node (0): %s %w", flowClientConfigs[0].AccessAddress, err)
   299  			}
   301  			// disable balance checks for transient networks, which do not have transaction fees
   302  			var opts []epochs.MachineAccountValidatorConfigOption
   303  			if node.RootChainID.Transient() {
   304  				opts = append(opts, epochs.WithoutBalanceChecks)
   305  			}
   306  			validator, err := epochs.NewMachineAccountConfigValidator(
   307  				node.Logger,
   308  				flowClient,
   309  				flow.RoleCollection,
   310  				*machineAccountInfo,
   311  				machineAccountMetrics,
   312  				opts...,
   313  			)
   315  			return validator, err
   316  		}).
   317  		Component("consensus committee", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) (module.ReadyDoneAware, error) {
   318  			// initialize consensus committee's membership state
   319  			// This committee state is for the HotStuff follower, which follows the MAIN CONSENSUS Committee
   320  			// Note: node.Me.NodeID() is not part of the consensus committee
   321  			mainConsensusCommittee, err = committees.NewConsensusCommittee(node.State, node.Me.NodeID())
   322  			node.ProtocolEvents.AddConsumer(mainConsensusCommittee)
   323  			return mainConsensusCommittee, err
   324  		}).
   325  		Component("follower core", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) (module.ReadyDoneAware, error) {
   326  			// create a finalizer for updating the protocol
   327  			// state when the follower detects newly finalized blocks
   328  			finalizer := confinalizer.NewFinalizer(node.DB, node.Storage.Headers, followerState, node.Tracer)
   329  			finalized, pending, err := recovery.FindLatest(node.State, node.Storage.Headers)
   330  			if err != nil {
   331  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find latest finalized block and pending blocks to recover consensus follower: %w", err)
   332  			}
   333  			// creates a consensus follower with noop consumer as the notifier
   334  			followerCore, err = consensus.NewFollower(
   335  				node.Logger,
   336  				node.Metrics.Mempool,
   337  				node.Storage.Headers,
   338  				finalizer,
   339  				followerDistributor,
   340  				node.FinalizedRootBlock.Header,
   341  				node.RootQC,
   342  				finalized,
   343  				pending,
   344  			)
   345  			if err != nil {
   346  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create follower core logic: %w", err)
   347  			}
   348  			return followerCore, nil
   349  		}).
   350  		Component("follower engine", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) (module.ReadyDoneAware, error) {
   351  			packer := hotsignature.NewConsensusSigDataPacker(mainConsensusCommittee)
   352  			// initialize the verifier for the protocol consensus
   353  			verifier := verification.NewCombinedVerifier(mainConsensusCommittee, packer)
   355  			validator := validator.New(mainConsensusCommittee, verifier)
   357  			var heroCacheCollector module.HeroCacheMetrics = metrics.NewNoopCollector()
   358  			if node.HeroCacheMetricsEnable {
   359  				heroCacheCollector = metrics.FollowerCacheMetrics(node.MetricsRegisterer)
   360  			}
   362  			core, err := followereng.NewComplianceCore(
   363  				node.Logger,
   364  				node.Metrics.Mempool,
   365  				heroCacheCollector,
   366  				followerDistributor,
   367  				followerState,
   368  				followerCore,
   369  				validator,
   370  				mainChainSyncCore,
   371  				node.Tracer,
   372  			)
   373  			if err != nil {
   374  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create follower core: %w", err)
   375  			}
   377  			followerEng, err = followereng.NewComplianceLayer(
   378  				node.Logger,
   379  				node.EngineRegistry,
   380  				node.Me,
   381  				node.Metrics.Engine,
   382  				node.Storage.Headers,
   383  				node.LastFinalizedHeader,
   384  				core,
   385  				node.ComplianceConfig,
   386  			)
   387  			if err != nil {
   388  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create follower engine: %w", err)
   389  			}
   390  			followerDistributor.AddOnBlockFinalizedConsumer(followerEng.OnFinalizedBlock)
   392  			return followerEng, nil
   393  		}).
   394  		Component("main chain sync engine", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) (module.ReadyDoneAware, error) {
   395  			spamConfig, err := consync.NewSpamDetectionConfig()
   396  			if err != nil {
   397  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not initialize spam detection config: %w", err)
   398  			}
   400  			// create a block synchronization engine to handle follower getting out of sync
   401  			sync, err := consync.New(
   402  				node.Logger,
   403  				node.Metrics.Engine,
   404  				node.EngineRegistry,
   405  				node.Me,
   406  				node.State,
   407  				node.Storage.Blocks,
   408  				followerEng,
   409  				mainChainSyncCore,
   410  				node.SyncEngineIdentifierProvider,
   411  				spamConfig,
   412  			)
   413  			if err != nil {
   414  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create synchronization engine: %w", err)
   415  			}
   416  			followerDistributor.AddFinalizationConsumer(sync)
   418  			return sync, nil
   419  		}).
   420  		Component("ingestion engine", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) (module.ReadyDoneAware, error) {
   421  			ing, err = ingest.New(
   422  				node.Logger,
   423  				node.EngineRegistry,
   424  				node.State,
   425  				node.Metrics.Engine,
   426  				node.Metrics.Mempool,
   427  				colMetrics,
   428  				node.Me,
   429  				node.RootChainID.Chain(),
   430  				pools,
   431  				ingestConf,
   432  				addressRateLimiter,
   433  			)
   434  			return ing, err
   435  		}).
   436  		Component("transaction ingress rpc server", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) (module.ReadyDoneAware, error) {
   437  			server := rpc.New(
   438  				rpcConf,
   439  				ing,
   440  				node.Logger,
   441  				node.RootChainID,
   442  				apiRatelimits,
   443  				apiBurstlimits,
   444  			)
   445  			return server, nil
   446  		}).
   447  		Component("collection provider engine", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) (module.ReadyDoneAware, error) {
   448  			retrieve := func(collID flow.Identifier) (flow.Entity, error) {
   449  				coll, err := node.Storage.Collections.ByID(collID)
   450  				return coll, err
   451  			}
   453  			var collectionRequestMetrics module.HeroCacheMetrics = metrics.NewNoopCollector()
   454  			if node.HeroCacheMetricsEnable {
   455  				collectionRequestMetrics = metrics.CollectionRequestsQueueMetricFactory(node.MetricsRegisterer)
   456  			}
   457  			collectionRequestQueue := queue.NewHeroStore(maxCollectionRequestCacheSize, node.Logger, collectionRequestMetrics)
   459  			return provider.New(
   460  				node.Logger.With().Str("engine", "collection_provider").Logger(),
   461  				node.Metrics.Engine,
   462  				node.EngineRegistry,
   463  				node.Me,
   464  				node.State,
   465  				collectionRequestQueue,
   466  				collectionProviderWorkers,
   467  				channels.ProvideCollections,
   468  				filter.And(
   469  					filter.IsValidCurrentEpochParticipantOrJoining,
   470  					filter.HasRole[flow.Identity](flow.RoleAccess, flow.RoleExecution),
   471  				),
   472  				retrieve,
   473  			)
   474  		}).
   475  		Component("pusher engine", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) (module.ReadyDoneAware, error) {
   476  			push, err = pusher.New(
   477  				node.Logger,
   478  				node.EngineRegistry,
   479  				node.State,
   480  				node.Metrics.Engine,
   481  				colMetrics,
   482  				node.Me,
   483  				node.Storage.Collections,
   484  				node.Storage.Transactions,
   485  			)
   486  			return push, err
   487  		}).
   488  		// Epoch manager encapsulates and manages epoch-dependent engines as we
   489  		// transition between epochs
   490  		Component("epoch manager", func(node *cmd.NodeConfig) (module.ReadyDoneAware, error) {
   491  			clusterStateFactory, err := factories.NewClusterStateFactory(node.DB, node.Metrics.Cache, node.Tracer)
   492  			if err != nil {
   493  				return nil, err
   494  			}
   496  			// convert hex string flag values to addresses
   497  			unlimitedPayers := make([]flow.Address, 0, len(builderUnlimitedPayers))
   498  			for _, payerStr := range builderUnlimitedPayers {
   499  				payerAddr := flow.HexToAddress(payerStr)
   500  				unlimitedPayers = append(unlimitedPayers, payerAddr)
   501  			}
   503  			builderFactory, err := factories.NewBuilderFactory(
   504  				node.DB,
   505  				node.State,
   506  				node.Storage.Headers,
   507  				node.Tracer,
   508  				colMetrics,
   509  				push,
   510  				node.Logger,
   511  				builder.WithMaxCollectionSize(maxCollectionSize),
   512  				builder.WithMaxCollectionByteSize(maxCollectionByteSize),
   513  				builder.WithMaxCollectionTotalGas(maxCollectionTotalGas),
   514  				builder.WithExpiryBuffer(builderExpiryBuffer),
   515  				builder.WithRateLimitDryRun(builderPayerRateLimitDryRun),
   516  				builder.WithMaxPayerTransactionRate(builderPayerRateLimit),
   517  				builder.WithUnlimitedPayers(unlimitedPayers...),
   518  			)
   519  			if err != nil {
   520  				return nil, err
   521  			}
   523  			complianceEngineFactory, err := factories.NewComplianceEngineFactory(
   524  				node.Logger,
   525  				node.EngineRegistry,
   526  				node.Me,
   527  				colMetrics,
   528  				node.Metrics.Engine,
   529  				node.Metrics.Mempool,
   530  				node.State,
   531  				node.Storage.Transactions,
   532  				clusterComplianceConfig,
   533  			)
   534  			if err != nil {
   535  				return nil, err
   536  			}
   538  			syncCoreFactory, err := factories.NewSyncCoreFactory(node.Logger, node.SyncCoreConfig)
   539  			if err != nil {
   540  				return nil, err
   541  			}
   543  			syncFactory, err := factories.NewSyncEngineFactory(
   544  				node.Logger,
   545  				node.Metrics.Engine,
   546  				node.EngineRegistry,
   547  				node.Me,
   548  			)
   549  			if err != nil {
   550  				return nil, err
   551  			}
   553  			createMetrics := func(chainID flow.ChainID) module.HotstuffMetrics {
   554  				return metrics.NewHotstuffCollector(chainID)
   555  			}
   557  			opts := []consensus.Option{
   558  				consensus.WithStaticProposalDuration(hotstuffProposalDuration),
   559  				consensus.WithMinTimeout(hotstuffMinTimeout),
   560  				consensus.WithTimeoutAdjustmentFactor(hotstuffTimeoutAdjustmentFactor),
   561  				consensus.WithHappyPathMaxRoundFailures(hotstuffHappyPathMaxRoundFailures),
   562  			}
   564  			if !startupTime.IsZero() {
   565  				opts = append(opts, consensus.WithStartupTime(startupTime))
   566  			}
   568  			hotstuffFactory, err := factories.NewHotStuffFactory(
   569  				node.Logger,
   570  				node.Me,
   571  				node.DB,
   572  				node.State,
   573  				node.Metrics.Engine,
   574  				node.Metrics.Mempool,
   575  				createMetrics,
   576  				opts...,
   577  			)
   578  			if err != nil {
   579  				return nil, err
   580  			}
   582  			signer := verification.NewStakingSigner(node.Me)
   584  			// construct QC contract client
   585  			qcContractClients, err := createQCContractClients(node, machineAccountInfo, flowClientConfigs)
   586  			if err != nil {
   587  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create qc contract clients %w", err)
   588  			}
   590  			rootQCVoter := epochs.NewRootQCVoter(
   591  				node.Logger,
   592  				node.Me,
   593  				signer,
   594  				node.State,
   595  				qcContractClients,
   596  			)
   598  			messageHubFactory := factories.NewMessageHubFactory(
   599  				node.Logger,
   600  				node.EngineRegistry,
   601  				node.Me,
   602  				node.Metrics.Engine,
   603  				node.State,
   604  			)
   606  			factory := factories.NewEpochComponentsFactory(
   607  				node.Me,
   608  				pools,
   609  				builderFactory,
   610  				clusterStateFactory,
   611  				hotstuffFactory,
   612  				complianceEngineFactory,
   613  				syncCoreFactory,
   614  				syncFactory,
   615  				messageHubFactory,
   616  			)
   618  			heightEvents := gadgets.NewHeights()
   619  			node.ProtocolEvents.AddConsumer(heightEvents)
   621  			clusterEvents := events.NewDistributor()
   623  			manager, err := epochmgr.New(
   624  				node.Logger,
   625  				node.Me,
   626  				node.State,
   627  				pools,
   628  				rootQCVoter,
   629  				factory,
   630  				heightEvents,
   631  				clusterEvents,
   632  			)
   633  			if err != nil {
   634  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create epoch manager: %w", err)
   635  			}
   637  			// register the manager for protocol events
   638  			node.ProtocolEvents.AddConsumer(manager)
   639  			clusterEvents.AddConsumer(node.LibP2PNode)
   640  			return manager, err
   641  		})
   643  	node, err := nodeBuilder.Build()
   644  	if err != nil {
   645  		nodeBuilder.Logger.Fatal().Err(err).Send()
   646  	}
   647  	node.Run()
   648  }
   650  // createQCContractClient creates QC contract client
   651  func createQCContractClient(node *cmd.NodeConfig, machineAccountInfo *bootstrap.NodeMachineAccountInfo, flowClient *client.Client, anID flow.Identifier) (module.QCContractClient, error) {
   653  	var qcContractClient module.QCContractClient
   655  	contracts := systemcontracts.SystemContractsForChain(node.RootChainID)
   656  	qcContractAddress := contracts.ClusterQC.Address.Hex()
   658  	// construct signer from private key
   659  	sk, err := sdkcrypto.DecodePrivateKey(machineAccountInfo.SigningAlgorithm, machineAccountInfo.EncodedPrivateKey)
   660  	if err != nil {
   661  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not decode private key from hex: %w", err)
   662  	}
   664  	txSigner, err := sdkcrypto.NewInMemorySigner(sk, machineAccountInfo.HashAlgorithm)
   665  	if err != nil {
   666  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create in-memory signer: %w", err)
   667  	}
   669  	// create actual qc contract client, all flags and machine account info file found
   670  	qcContractClient = epochs.NewQCContractClient(
   671  		node.Logger,
   672  		flowClient,
   673  		anID,
   674  		node.Me.NodeID(),
   675  		machineAccountInfo.Address,
   676  		machineAccountInfo.KeyIndex,
   677  		qcContractAddress,
   678  		txSigner,
   679  	)
   681  	return qcContractClient, nil
   682  }
   684  // createQCContractClients creates priority ordered array of QCContractClient
   685  func createQCContractClients(node *cmd.NodeConfig, machineAccountInfo *bootstrap.NodeMachineAccountInfo, flowClientOpts []*common.FlowClientConfig) ([]module.QCContractClient, error) {
   686  	qcClients := make([]module.QCContractClient, 0)
   688  	for _, opt := range flowClientOpts {
   689  		flowClient, err := common.FlowClient(opt)
   690  		if err != nil {
   691  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create flow client for qc contract client with options: %s %w", flowClientOpts, err)
   692  		}
   694  		qcClient, err := createQCContractClient(node, machineAccountInfo, flowClient, opt.AccessNodeID)
   695  		if err != nil {
   696  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create qc contract client with flow client options: %s %w", flowClientOpts, err)
   697  		}
   699  		qcClients = append(qcClients, qcClient)
   700  	}
   701  	return qcClients, nil
   702  }