
     1  package cmd
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"path/filepath"
     6  	"strings"
     7  	"time"
     9  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	exeprovider ""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	storage ""
    24  )
    26  // ExecutionConfig contains the configs for starting up execution nodes
    27  type ExecutionConfig struct {
    28  	rpcConf                              rpc.Config
    29  	triedir                              string
    30  	executionDataDir                     string
    31  	registerDir                          string
    32  	mTrieCacheSize                       uint32
    33  	transactionResultsCacheSize          uint
    34  	checkpointDistance                   uint
    35  	checkpointsToKeep                    uint
    36  	chunkDataPackDir                     string
    37  	chunkDataPackCacheSize               uint
    38  	chunkDataPackRequestsCacheSize       uint32
    39  	requestInterval                      time.Duration
    40  	extensiveLog                         bool
    41  	pauseExecution                       bool
    42  	chunkDataPackQueryTimeout            time.Duration
    43  	chunkDataPackDeliveryTimeout         time.Duration
    44  	enableBlockDataUpload                bool
    45  	gcpBucketName                        string
    46  	s3BucketName                         string
    47  	apiRatelimits                        map[string]int
    48  	apiBurstlimits                       map[string]int
    49  	executionDataAllowedPeers            string
    50  	executionDataPrunerHeightRangeTarget uint64
    51  	executionDataPrunerThreshold         uint64
    52  	blobstoreRateLimit                   int
    53  	blobstoreBurstLimit                  int
    54  	chunkDataPackRequestWorkers          uint
    55  	maxGracefulStopDuration              time.Duration
    56  	importCheckpointWorkerCount          int
    58  	computationConfig        computation.ComputationConfig
    59  	receiptRequestWorkers    uint   // common provider engine workers
    60  	receiptRequestsCacheSize uint32 // common provider engine cache size
    62  	// This is included to temporarily work around an issue observed on a small number of ENs.
    63  	// It works around an issue where some collection nodes are not configured with enough
    64  	// this works around an issue where some collection nodes are not configured with enough
    65  	// file descriptors causing connection failures.
    66  	onflowOnlyLNs            bool
    67  	enableStorehouse         bool
    68  	enableChecker            bool
    69  	enableNewIngestionEngine bool
    70  }
    72  func (exeConf *ExecutionConfig) SetupFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
    73  	datadir := "/data"
    75  	flags.StringVarP(&exeConf.rpcConf.ListenAddr, "rpc-addr", "i", "localhost:9000", "the address the gRPC server listens on")
    76  	flags.UintVar(&exeConf.rpcConf.MaxMsgSize, "rpc-max-message-size", grpcutils.DefaultMaxMsgSize, "the maximum message size in bytes for messages sent or received over grpc")
    77  	flags.BoolVar(&exeConf.rpcConf.RpcMetricsEnabled, "rpc-metrics-enabled", false, "whether to enable the rpc metrics")
    78  	flags.StringVar(&exeConf.triedir, "triedir", filepath.Join(datadir, "trie"), "directory to store the execution State")
    79  	flags.StringVar(&exeConf.executionDataDir, "execution-data-dir", filepath.Join(datadir, "execution_data"), "directory to use for storing Execution Data")
    80  	flags.StringVar(&exeConf.registerDir, "register-dir", filepath.Join(datadir, "register"), "directory to use for storing registers Data")
    81  	flags.Uint32Var(&exeConf.mTrieCacheSize, "mtrie-cache-size", 500, "cache size for MTrie")
    82  	flags.UintVar(&exeConf.checkpointDistance, "checkpoint-distance", 20, "number of WAL segments between checkpoints")
    83  	flags.UintVar(&exeConf.checkpointsToKeep, "checkpoints-to-keep", 5, "number of recent checkpoints to keep (0 to keep all)")
    84  	flags.UintVar(&exeConf.computationConfig.DerivedDataCacheSize, "cadence-execution-cache", derived.DefaultDerivedDataCacheSize,
    85  		"cache size for Cadence execution")
    86  	flags.BoolVar(&exeConf.computationConfig.ExtensiveTracing, "extensive-tracing", false, "adds high-overhead tracing to execution")
    87  	flags.BoolVar(&exeConf.computationConfig.CadenceTracing, "cadence-tracing", false, "enables cadence runtime level tracing")
    88  	flags.IntVar(&exeConf.computationConfig.MaxConcurrency, "computer-max-concurrency", 1, "set to greater than 1 to enable concurrent transaction execution")
    89  	flags.StringVar(&exeConf.chunkDataPackDir, "chunk-data-pack-dir", filepath.Join(datadir, "chunk_data_packs"), "directory to use for storing chunk data packs")
    90  	flags.UintVar(&exeConf.chunkDataPackCacheSize, "chdp-cache", storage.DefaultCacheSize, "cache size for chunk data packs")
    91  	flags.Uint32Var(&exeConf.chunkDataPackRequestsCacheSize, "chdp-request-queue", mempool.DefaultChunkDataPackRequestQueueSize, "queue size for chunk data pack requests")
    92  	flags.DurationVar(&exeConf.requestInterval, "request-interval", 60*time.Second, "the interval between requests for the requester engine")
    93  	flags.Uint32Var(&exeConf.receiptRequestsCacheSize, "receipt-request-cache", provider.DefaultEntityRequestCacheSize, "queue size for entity requests at common provider engine")
    94  	flags.UintVar(&exeConf.receiptRequestWorkers, "receipt-request-workers", provider.DefaultRequestProviderWorkers, "number of workers for entity requests at common provider engine")
    95  	flags.DurationVar(&exeConf.computationConfig.QueryConfig.LogTimeThreshold, "script-log-threshold", query.DefaultLogTimeThreshold,
    96  		"threshold for logging script execution")
    97  	flags.DurationVar(&exeConf.computationConfig.QueryConfig.ExecutionTimeLimit, "script-execution-time-limit", query.DefaultExecutionTimeLimit,
    98  		"script execution time limit")
    99  	flags.Uint64Var(&exeConf.computationConfig.QueryConfig.ComputationLimit, "script-execution-computation-limit", fvm.DefaultComputationLimit,
   100  		"script execution computation limit")
   101  	flags.UintVar(&exeConf.transactionResultsCacheSize, "transaction-results-cache-size", 10000, "number of transaction results to be cached")
   102  	flags.BoolVar(&exeConf.extensiveLog, "extensive-logging", false, "extensive logging logs tx contents and block headers")
   103  	flags.DurationVar(&exeConf.chunkDataPackQueryTimeout, "chunk-data-pack-query-timeout", exeprovider.DefaultChunkDataPackQueryTimeout, "timeout duration to determine a chunk data pack query being slow")
   104  	flags.DurationVar(&exeConf.chunkDataPackDeliveryTimeout, "chunk-data-pack-delivery-timeout", exeprovider.DefaultChunkDataPackDeliveryTimeout, "timeout duration to determine a chunk data pack response delivery being slow")
   105  	flags.UintVar(&exeConf.chunkDataPackRequestWorkers, "chunk-data-pack-workers", exeprovider.DefaultChunkDataPackRequestWorker, "number of workers to process chunk data pack requests")
   106  	flags.BoolVar(&exeConf.pauseExecution, "pause-execution", false, "pause the execution. when set to true, no block will be executed, "+
   107  		"but still be able to serve queries")
   108  	flags.BoolVar(&exeConf.enableBlockDataUpload, "enable-blockdata-upload", false, "enable uploading block data to Cloud Bucket")
   109  	flags.StringVar(&exeConf.gcpBucketName, "gcp-bucket-name", "", "GCP Bucket name for block data uploader")
   110  	flags.StringVar(&exeConf.s3BucketName, "s3-bucket-name", "", "S3 Bucket name for block data uploader")
   111  	flags.StringVar(&exeConf.executionDataAllowedPeers, "execution-data-allowed-requesters", "", "comma separated list of Access node IDs that are allowed to request Execution Data. an empty list allows all peers")
   112  	flags.Uint64Var(&exeConf.executionDataPrunerHeightRangeTarget, "execution-data-height-range-target", 0, "target height range size used to limit the amount of Execution Data kept on disk")
   113  	flags.Uint64Var(&exeConf.executionDataPrunerThreshold, "execution-data-height-range-threshold", 100_000, "height threshold used to trigger Execution Data pruning")
   114  	flags.StringToIntVar(&exeConf.apiRatelimits, "api-rate-limits", map[string]int{}, "per second rate limits for GRPC API methods e.g. Ping=300,ExecuteScriptAtBlockID=500 etc. note limits apply globally to all clients.")
   115  	flags.StringToIntVar(&exeConf.apiBurstlimits, "api-burst-limits", map[string]int{}, "burst limits for gRPC API methods e.g. Ping=100,ExecuteScriptAtBlockID=100 etc. note limits apply globally to all clients.")
   116  	flags.IntVar(&exeConf.blobstoreRateLimit, "blobstore-rate-limit", 0, "per second outgoing rate limit for Execution Data blobstore")
   117  	flags.IntVar(&exeConf.blobstoreBurstLimit, "blobstore-burst-limit", 0, "outgoing burst limit for Execution Data blobstore")
   118  	flags.DurationVar(&exeConf.maxGracefulStopDuration, "max-graceful-stop-duration", stop.DefaultMaxGracefulStopDuration, "the maximum amount of time stop control will wait for ingestion engine to gracefully shutdown before crashing")
   119  	flags.IntVar(&exeConf.importCheckpointWorkerCount, "import-checkpoint-worker-count", 10, "number of workers to import checkpoint file during bootstrap")
   121  	flags.BoolVar(&exeConf.onflowOnlyLNs, "temp-onflow-only-lns", false, "do not use unless required. forces node to only request collections from onflow collection nodes")
   122  	flags.BoolVar(&exeConf.enableStorehouse, "enable-storehouse", false, "enable storehouse to store registers on disk, default is false")
   123  	flags.BoolVar(&exeConf.enableChecker, "enable-checker", true, "enable checker to check the correctness of the execution result, default is true")
   124  	flags.BoolVar(&exeConf.enableNewIngestionEngine, "enable-new-ingestion-engine", false, "enable new ingestion engine, default is false")
   126  }
   128  func (exeConf *ExecutionConfig) ValidateFlags() error {
   129  	if exeConf.enableBlockDataUpload {
   130  		if exeConf.gcpBucketName == "" && exeConf.s3BucketName == "" {
   131  			return fmt.Errorf("invalid flag. gcp-bucket-name or s3-bucket-name required when blockdata-uploader is enabled")
   132  		}
   133  	}
   134  	if exeConf.executionDataAllowedPeers != "" {
   135  		ids := strings.Split(exeConf.executionDataAllowedPeers, ",")
   136  		for _, id := range ids {
   137  			if _, err := flow.HexStringToIdentifier(id); err != nil {
   138  				return fmt.Errorf("invalid node ID in execution-data-allowed-requesters %s: %w", id, err)
   139  			}
   140  		}
   141  	}
   142  	return nil
   143  }