
     1  package epochmgr
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"testing"
     6  	"time"
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    14  	""
    15  	mockhotstuff ""
    16  	epochmgr ""
    17  	mockcollection ""
    18  	""
    19  	realmodule ""
    20  	""
    21  	mockcomponent ""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	mockmodule ""
    28  	realcluster ""
    29  	cluster ""
    30  	realprotocol ""
    31  	events ""
    32  	protocol ""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  )
    37  // mockComponents is a container for the mocked version of epoch components.
    38  type mockComponents struct {
    39  	state             *cluster.State
    40  	prop              *mockcomponent.Component
    41  	sync              *mockmodule.ReadyDoneAware
    42  	hotstuff          *mockmodule.HotStuff
    43  	voteAggregator    *mockhotstuff.VoteAggregator
    44  	timeoutAggregator *mockhotstuff.TimeoutAggregator
    45  	messageHub        *mockcomponent.Component
    46  }
    48  func newMockComponents(t *testing.T) *mockComponents {
    49  	components := &mockComponents{
    50  		state:             cluster.NewState(t),
    51  		prop:              mockcomponent.NewComponent(t),
    52  		sync:              mockmodule.NewReadyDoneAware(t),
    53  		hotstuff:          mockmodule.NewHotStuff(t),
    54  		voteAggregator:    mockhotstuff.NewVoteAggregator(t),
    55  		timeoutAggregator: mockhotstuff.NewTimeoutAggregator(t),
    56  		messageHub:        mockcomponent.NewComponent(t),
    57  	}
    58  	unittest.ReadyDoneify(components.prop)
    59  	unittest.ReadyDoneify(components.sync)
    60  	unittest.ReadyDoneify(components.hotstuff)
    61  	unittest.ReadyDoneify(components.voteAggregator)
    62  	unittest.ReadyDoneify(components.timeoutAggregator)
    63  	unittest.ReadyDoneify(components.messageHub)
    65  	components.prop.On("Start", mock.Anything)
    66  	components.hotstuff.On("Start", mock.Anything)
    67  	components.voteAggregator.On("Start", mock.Anything)
    68  	components.timeoutAggregator.On("Start", mock.Anything)
    69  	components.messageHub.On("Start", mock.Anything)
    70  	params := cluster.NewParams(t)
    71  	params.On("ChainID").Return(flow.ChainID("chain-id"), nil).Maybe()
    72  	components.state.On("Params").Return(params).Maybe()
    73  	return components
    74  }
    76  type Suite struct {
    77  	suite.Suite
    79  	// engine dependencies
    80  	log   zerolog.Logger
    81  	me    *mockmodule.Local
    82  	state *protocol.State
    83  	snap  *protocol.Snapshot
    84  	pools *epochs.TransactionPools
    86  	// qc voter dependencies
    87  	signer  *mockhotstuff.Signer
    88  	client  *mockmodule.QCContractClient
    89  	voter   *mockmodule.ClusterRootQCVoter
    90  	factory *epochmgr.EpochComponentsFactory
    91  	heights *events.Heights
    93  	epochQuery *mocks.EpochQuery
    94  	counter    uint64                     // reflects the counter of the current epoch
    95  	phase      flow.EpochPhase            // phase at mocked snapshot
    96  	header     *flow.Header               // header at mocked snapshot
    97  	epochs     map[uint64]*protocol.Epoch // track all epochs
    98  	components map[uint64]*mockComponents // track all epoch components
   100  	ctx    irrecoverable.SignalerContext
   101  	cancel context.CancelFunc
   102  	errs   <-chan error
   104  	engine *Engine
   106  	engineEventsDistributor *mockcollection.EngineEvents
   107  }
   109  // MockFactoryCreate mocks the epoch factory to create epoch components for the given epoch.
   110  func (suite *Suite) MockFactoryCreate(arg any) {
   111  	suite.factory.On("Create", arg).
   112  		Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
   113  			epoch, ok := args.Get(0).(realprotocol.Epoch)
   114  			suite.Require().Truef(ok, "invalid type %T", args.Get(0))
   115  			counter, err := epoch.Counter()
   116  			suite.Require().Nil(err)
   117  			suite.components[counter] = newMockComponents(suite.T())
   118  		}).
   119  		Return(
   120  			func(epoch realprotocol.Epoch) realcluster.State { return suite.ComponentsForEpoch(epoch).state },
   121  			func(epoch realprotocol.Epoch) component.Component { return suite.ComponentsForEpoch(epoch).prop },
   122  			func(epoch realprotocol.Epoch) realmodule.ReadyDoneAware { return suite.ComponentsForEpoch(epoch).sync },
   123  			func(epoch realprotocol.Epoch) realmodule.HotStuff { return suite.ComponentsForEpoch(epoch).hotstuff },
   124  			func(epoch realprotocol.Epoch) hotstuff.VoteAggregator {
   125  				return suite.ComponentsForEpoch(epoch).voteAggregator
   126  			},
   127  			func(epoch realprotocol.Epoch) hotstuff.TimeoutAggregator {
   128  				return suite.ComponentsForEpoch(epoch).timeoutAggregator
   129  			},
   130  			func(epoch realprotocol.Epoch) component.Component { return suite.ComponentsForEpoch(epoch).messageHub },
   131  			func(epoch realprotocol.Epoch) error { return nil },
   132  		).Maybe()
   133  }
   135  func (suite *Suite) SetupTest() {
   136  	suite.log = unittest.Logger()
   137 = mockmodule.NewLocal(suite.T())
   138  	suite.state = protocol.NewState(suite.T())
   139  	suite.snap = protocol.NewSnapshot(suite.T())
   141  	suite.epochs = make(map[uint64]*protocol.Epoch)
   142  	suite.components = make(map[uint64]*mockComponents)
   144  	suite.signer = mockhotstuff.NewSigner(suite.T())
   145  	suite.client = mockmodule.NewQCContractClient(suite.T())
   146  	suite.voter = mockmodule.NewClusterRootQCVoter(suite.T())
   147  	suite.factory = epochmgr.NewEpochComponentsFactory(suite.T())
   148  	suite.heights = events.NewHeights(suite.T())
   150  	// mock out Create so that it instantiates the appropriate mocks
   151  	suite.MockFactoryCreate(mock.Anything)
   153  	suite.phase = flow.EpochPhaseSetup
   154  	suite.header = unittest.BlockHeaderFixture()
   155  	suite.epochQuery = mocks.NewEpochQuery(suite.T(), suite.counter)
   157  	suite.state.On("Final").Return(suite.snap)
   158  	suite.state.On("AtBlockID", suite.header.ID()).Return(suite.snap).Maybe()
   159  	suite.snap.On("Epochs").Return(suite.epochQuery)
   160  	suite.snap.On("Head").Return(
   161  		func() *flow.Header { return suite.header },
   162  		func() error { return nil })
   163  	suite.snap.On("Phase").Return(
   164  		func() flow.EpochPhase { return suite.phase },
   165  		func() error { return nil })
   167  	// add current and next epochs
   168  	suite.AddEpoch(suite.counter)
   169  	suite.AddEpoch(suite.counter + 1)
   171  	suite.pools = epochs.NewTransactionPools(func(_ uint64) mempool.Transactions {
   172  		return herocache.NewTransactions(1000, suite.log, metrics.NewNoopCollector())
   173  	})
   175  	suite.engineEventsDistributor = mockcollection.NewEngineEvents(suite.T())
   177  	var err error
   178  	suite.engine, err = New(suite.log,, suite.state, suite.pools, suite.voter, suite.factory, suite.heights, suite.engineEventsDistributor)
   179  	suite.Require().Nil(err)
   181  }
   183  // StartEngine starts the engine under test, and spawns a routine to check for irrecoverable errors.
   184  func (suite *Suite) StartEngine() {
   185  	suite.ctx, suite.cancel, suite.errs = irrecoverable.WithSignallerAndCancel(context.Background())
   186  	go unittest.FailOnIrrecoverableError(suite.T(), suite.ctx.Done(), suite.errs)
   187  	suite.engine.Start(suite.ctx)
   188  	unittest.AssertClosesBefore(suite.T(), suite.engine.Ready(), time.Second)
   189  }
   191  // TearDownTest stops the engine and checks for any irrecoverable errors.
   192  func (suite *Suite) TearDownTest() {
   193  	if suite.cancel == nil {
   194  		return
   195  	}
   196  	suite.cancel()
   197  	unittest.RequireCloseBefore(suite.T(), suite.engine.Done(), time.Second, "engine failed to stop")
   198  	select {
   199  	case err := <-suite.errs:
   200  		assert.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   201  	default:
   202  	}
   203  }
   205  func TestEpochManager(t *testing.T) {
   206  	suite.Run(t, new(Suite))
   207  }
   209  // TransitionEpoch triggers an epoch transition in the suite's mocks.
   210  func (suite *Suite) TransitionEpoch() {
   211  	suite.counter++
   212  	suite.epochQuery.Transition()
   213  }
   215  // AddEpoch adds an epoch with the given counter.
   216  func (suite *Suite) AddEpoch(counter uint64) *protocol.Epoch {
   217  	epoch := new(protocol.Epoch)
   218  	epoch.On("Counter").Return(counter, nil)
   219  	suite.epochs[counter] = epoch
   220  	suite.epochQuery.Add(epoch)
   221  	return epoch
   222  }
   224  // AssertEpochStarted asserts that the components for the given epoch have been started.
   225  func (suite *Suite) AssertEpochStarted(counter uint64) {
   226  	components, ok := suite.components[counter]
   227  	suite.Assert().True(ok, "asserting nonexistent epoch %d started", counter)
   228  	components.prop.AssertCalled(suite.T(), "Ready")
   229  	components.sync.AssertCalled(suite.T(), "Ready")
   230  	components.voteAggregator.AssertCalled(suite.T(), "Ready")
   231  	components.voteAggregator.AssertCalled(suite.T(), "Start", mock.Anything)
   232  }
   234  // AssertEpochStopped asserts that the components for the given epoch have been stopped.
   235  func (suite *Suite) AssertEpochStopped(counter uint64) {
   236  	components, ok := suite.components[counter]
   237  	suite.Assert().True(ok, "asserting nonexistent epoch stopped", counter)
   238  	components.prop.AssertCalled(suite.T(), "Done")
   239  	components.sync.AssertCalled(suite.T(), "Done")
   240  }
   242  func (suite *Suite) ComponentsForEpoch(epoch realprotocol.Epoch) *mockComponents {
   243  	counter, err := epoch.Counter()
   244  	suite.Require().Nil(err, "cannot get counter")
   245  	components, ok := suite.components[counter]
   246  	suite.Require().True(ok, "missing component for counter", counter)
   247  	return components
   248  }
   250  // MockAsUnauthorizedNode mocks the factory to return a sentinel indicating
   251  // we are not authorized in the epoch
   252  func (suite *Suite) MockAsUnauthorizedNode(forEpoch uint64) {
   254  	// mock as unauthorized for given epoch only
   255  	unauthorizedMatcher := func(epoch realprotocol.Epoch) bool {
   256  		counter, err := epoch.Counter()
   257  		require.NoError(suite.T(), err)
   258  		return counter == forEpoch
   259  	}
   260  	authorizedMatcher := func(epoch realprotocol.Epoch) bool { return !unauthorizedMatcher(epoch) }
   262  	suite.factory = epochmgr.NewEpochComponentsFactory(suite.T())
   263  	suite.factory.
   264  		On("Create", mock.MatchedBy(unauthorizedMatcher)).
   265  		Return(nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, ErrNotAuthorizedForEpoch)
   266  	suite.MockFactoryCreate(mock.MatchedBy(authorizedMatcher))
   268  	var err error
   269  	suite.engine, err = New(suite.log,, suite.state, suite.pools, suite.voter, suite.factory, suite.heights, suite.engineEventsDistributor)
   270  	suite.Require().Nil(err)
   271  }
   273  // TestRestartInSetupPhase tests that, if we start up during the setup phase,
   274  // we should kick off the root QC voter
   275  func (suite *Suite) TestRestartInSetupPhase() {
   276  	// we expect 1 ActiveClustersChanged events when the engine first starts and the first set of epoch components are started
   277  	suite.engineEventsDistributor.On("ActiveClustersChanged", mock.AnythingOfType("flow.ChainIDList")).Once()
   278  	defer suite.engineEventsDistributor.AssertExpectations(suite.T())
   279  	// we are in setup phase
   280  	suite.phase = flow.EpochPhaseSetup
   281  	// should call voter with next epoch
   282  	var called = make(chan struct{})
   283  	suite.voter.On("Vote", mock.Anything, suite.epochQuery.Next()).
   284  		Return(nil).
   285  		Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
   286  			close(called)
   287  		}).Once()
   289  	// start up the engine
   290  	suite.StartEngine()
   292  	unittest.AssertClosesBefore(suite.T(), called, time.Second)
   293  }
   295  // TestStartAfterEpochBoundary_WithinTxExpiry tests starting the engine shortly after an epoch transition.
   296  // When the finalized height is within the first tx_expiry blocks of the new epoch
   297  // the engine should restart the previous epoch cluster consensus.
   298  func (suite *Suite) TestStartAfterEpochBoundary_WithinTxExpiry() {
   299  	// we expect 2 ActiveClustersChanged events once when the engine first starts and the first set of epoch components are started and on restart
   300  	suite.engineEventsDistributor.On("ActiveClustersChanged", mock.AnythingOfType("flow.ChainIDList")).Twice()
   301  	defer suite.engineEventsDistributor.AssertExpectations(suite.T())
   302  	suite.phase = flow.EpochPhaseStaking
   303  	// transition epochs, so that a Previous epoch is queryable
   304  	suite.TransitionEpoch()
   305  	prevEpoch := suite.epochs[suite.counter-1]
   306  	// the finalized height is within [1,tx_expiry] heights of previous epoch final height
   307  	prevEpochFinalHeight := uint64(100)
   308  	prevEpoch.On("FinalHeight").Return(prevEpochFinalHeight, nil)
   309  	suite.header.Height = prevEpochFinalHeight + 1
   310  	suite.heights.On("OnHeight", prevEpochFinalHeight+flow.DefaultTransactionExpiry+1, mock.Anything)
   312  	suite.StartEngine()
   313  	// previous epoch components should have been started
   314  	suite.AssertEpochStarted(suite.counter - 1)
   315  	suite.AssertEpochStarted(suite.counter)
   316  }
   318  // TestStartAfterEpochBoundary_BeyondTxExpiry tests starting the engine shortly after an epoch transition.
   319  // When the finalized height is beyond the first tx_expiry blocks of the new epoch
   320  // the engine should NOT restart the previous epoch cluster consensus.
   321  func (suite *Suite) TestStartAfterEpochBoundary_BeyondTxExpiry() {
   322  	// we expect 1 ActiveClustersChanged events when the engine first starts and the first set of epoch components are started
   323  	suite.engineEventsDistributor.On("ActiveClustersChanged", mock.AnythingOfType("flow.ChainIDList")).Once()
   324  	defer suite.engineEventsDistributor.AssertExpectations(suite.T())
   325  	suite.phase = flow.EpochPhaseStaking
   326  	// transition epochs, so that a Previous epoch is queryable
   327  	suite.TransitionEpoch()
   328  	prevEpoch := suite.epochs[suite.counter-1]
   329  	// the finalized height is more than tx_expiry above previous epoch final height
   330  	prevEpochFinalHeight := uint64(100)
   331  	prevEpoch.On("FinalHeight").Return(prevEpochFinalHeight, nil)
   332  	suite.header.Height = prevEpochFinalHeight + flow.DefaultTransactionExpiry + 100
   334  	suite.StartEngine()
   335  	// previous epoch components should not have been started
   336  	suite.AssertEpochStarted(suite.counter)
   337  	suite.Assert().Len(suite.components, 1)
   338  }
   340  // TestStartAfterEpochBoundary_NotApprovedForPreviousEpoch tests starting the engine
   341  // shortly after an epoch transition. The finalized boundary is near enough the epoch
   342  // boundary that we could start the previous epoch cluster consensus - however,
   343  // since we are not approved for the epoch, we should only start current epoch components.
   344  func (suite *Suite) TestStartAfterEpochBoundary_NotApprovedForPreviousEpoch() {
   345  	// we expect 1 ActiveClustersChanged events when the current epoch components are started
   346  	suite.engineEventsDistributor.On("ActiveClustersChanged", mock.AnythingOfType("flow.ChainIDList")).Once()
   347  	defer suite.engineEventsDistributor.AssertExpectations(suite.T())
   348  	suite.phase = flow.EpochPhaseStaking
   349  	// transition epochs, so that a Previous epoch is queryable
   350  	suite.TransitionEpoch()
   351  	prevEpoch := suite.epochs[suite.counter-1]
   352  	// the finalized height is within [1,tx_expiry] heights of previous epoch final height
   353  	prevEpochFinalHeight := uint64(100)
   354  	prevEpoch.On("FinalHeight").Return(prevEpochFinalHeight, nil)
   355  	suite.header.Height = 101
   356  	suite.MockAsUnauthorizedNode(suite.counter - 1)
   358  	suite.StartEngine()
   359  	// previous epoch components should not have been started
   360  	suite.AssertEpochStarted(suite.counter)
   361  	suite.Assert().Len(suite.components, 1)
   362  }
   364  // TestStartAfterEpochBoundary_NotApprovedForCurrentEpoch tests starting the engine
   365  // shortly after an epoch transition. The finalized boundary is near enough the epoch
   366  // boundary that we should start the previous epoch cluster consensus. However, we are
   367  // not approved for the current epoch -> we should only start *previous* epoch components.
   368  func (suite *Suite) TestStartAfterEpochBoundary_NotApprovedForCurrentEpoch() {
   369  	// we expect 1 ActiveClustersChanged events when the current epoch components are started
   370  	suite.engineEventsDistributor.On("ActiveClustersChanged", mock.AnythingOfType("flow.ChainIDList")).Once()
   371  	defer suite.engineEventsDistributor.AssertExpectations(suite.T())
   372  	suite.phase = flow.EpochPhaseStaking
   373  	// transition epochs, so that a Previous epoch is queryable
   374  	suite.TransitionEpoch()
   375  	prevEpoch := suite.epochs[suite.counter-1]
   376  	// the finalized height is within [1,tx_expiry] heights of previous epoch final height
   377  	prevEpochFinalHeight := uint64(100)
   378  	prevEpoch.On("FinalHeight").Return(prevEpochFinalHeight, nil)
   379  	suite.header.Height = 101
   380  	suite.heights.On("OnHeight", prevEpochFinalHeight+flow.DefaultTransactionExpiry+1, mock.Anything)
   381  	suite.MockAsUnauthorizedNode(suite.counter)
   383  	suite.StartEngine()
   384  	// only previous epoch components should have been started
   385  	suite.AssertEpochStarted(suite.counter - 1)
   386  	suite.Assert().Len(suite.components, 1)
   387  }
   389  // TestStartAfterEpochBoundary_PreviousEpochTransitionBeforeRoot tests starting the engine
   390  // with a root snapshot whose sealing segment excludes the last epoch boundary.
   391  // In this case we should only start up current-epoch components.
   392  func (suite *Suite) TestStartAfterEpochBoundary_PreviousEpochTransitionBeforeRoot() {
   393  	// we expect 1 ActiveClustersChanged events when the current epoch components are started
   394  	suite.engineEventsDistributor.On("ActiveClustersChanged", mock.AnythingOfType("flow.ChainIDList")).Once()
   395  	defer suite.engineEventsDistributor.AssertExpectations(suite.T())
   396  	suite.phase = flow.EpochPhaseStaking
   397  	// transition epochs, so that a Previous epoch is queryable
   398  	suite.TransitionEpoch()
   399  	prevEpoch := suite.epochs[suite.counter-1]
   400  	// Previous epoch end boundary is unknown because it is before our root snapshot
   401  	prevEpoch.On("FinalHeight").Return(uint64(0), realprotocol.ErrUnknownEpochBoundary)
   403  	suite.StartEngine()
   404  	// only current epoch components should have been started
   405  	suite.AssertEpochStarted(suite.counter)
   406  	suite.Assert().Len(suite.components, 1)
   407  }
   409  // TestStartAsUnauthorizedNode test that when a collection node joins the network
   410  // at an epoch boundary, they must start running during the EpochSetup phase in the
   411  // epoch before they become an authorized member so they submit their cluster QC vote.
   412  //
   413  // These nodes must kick off the root QC voter but should not attempt to participate
   414  // in cluster consensus in the current epoch.
   415  func (suite *Suite) TestStartAsUnauthorizedNode() {
   416  	suite.MockAsUnauthorizedNode(suite.counter)
   417  	// we are in setup phase
   418  	suite.phase = flow.EpochPhaseSetup
   419  	// should call voter with next epoch
   420  	var called = make(chan struct{})
   421  	suite.voter.On("Vote", mock.Anything, suite.epochQuery.Next()).
   422  		Return(nil).
   423  		Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
   424  			close(called)
   425  		}).Once()
   427  	// start the engine
   428  	suite.StartEngine()
   430  	// should have submitted vote
   431  	unittest.AssertClosesBefore(suite.T(), called, time.Second)
   432  	// should have no epoch components
   433  	assert.Empty(suite.T(), suite.engine.epochs, "should have 0 epoch components")
   434  }
   436  // TestRespondToPhaseChange should kick off root QC voter when we receive an event
   437  // indicating the EpochSetup phase has started.
   438  func (suite *Suite) TestRespondToPhaseChange() {
   439  	// we expect 1 ActiveClustersChanged events when the engine first starts and the first set of epoch components are started
   440  	suite.engineEventsDistributor.On("ActiveClustersChanged", mock.AnythingOfType("flow.ChainIDList")).Once()
   441  	defer suite.engineEventsDistributor.AssertExpectations(suite.T())
   443  	// start in staking phase
   444  	suite.phase = flow.EpochPhaseStaking
   445  	// should call voter with next epoch
   446  	var called = make(chan struct{})
   447  	suite.voter.On("Vote", mock.Anything, suite.epochQuery.Next()).
   448  		Return(nil).
   449  		Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
   450  			close(called)
   451  		}).Once()
   453  	firstBlockOfEpochSetupPhase := unittest.BlockHeaderFixture()
   454  	suite.state.On("AtBlockID", firstBlockOfEpochSetupPhase.ID()).Return(suite.snap)
   455  	suite.StartEngine()
   457  	// after receiving the protocol event, we should submit our root QC vote
   458  	suite.engine.EpochSetupPhaseStarted(0, firstBlockOfEpochSetupPhase)
   459  	unittest.AssertClosesBefore(suite.T(), called, time.Second)
   460  }
   462  // TestRespondToEpochTransition tests the engine's behaviour during epoch transition.
   463  // It should:
   464  //   - instantiate cluster consensus for the new epoch
   465  //   - register callback to stop the previous epoch's cluster consensus
   466  //   - stop the previous epoch's cluster consensus when the callback is invoked
   467  func (suite *Suite) TestRespondToEpochTransition() {
   468  	// we expect 3 ActiveClustersChanged events
   469  	// - once when the engine first starts and the first set of epoch components are started
   470  	// - once when the epoch transitions and the new set of epoch components are started
   471  	// - once when the epoch transitions and the old set of epoch components are stopped
   472  	expectedNumOfEvents := 3
   473  	suite.engineEventsDistributor.On("ActiveClustersChanged", mock.AnythingOfType("flow.ChainIDList")).Times(expectedNumOfEvents)
   474  	defer suite.engineEventsDistributor.AssertExpectations(suite.T())
   476  	// we are in committed phase
   477  	suite.phase = flow.EpochPhaseCommitted
   478  	suite.StartEngine()
   480  	firstBlockOfEpoch := unittest.BlockHeaderFixture()
   481  	suite.state.On("AtBlockID", firstBlockOfEpoch.ID()).Return(suite.snap)
   483  	// should set up callback for height at which previous epoch expires
   484  	var expiryCallback func()
   485  	heightRegistered := make(chan struct{})
   486  	suite.heights.On("OnHeight", firstBlockOfEpoch.Height+flow.DefaultTransactionExpiry, mock.Anything).
   487  		Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
   488  			expiryCallback = args.Get(1).(func())
   489  			close(heightRegistered)
   490  		}).
   491  		Once()
   493  	// mock the epoch transition
   494  	suite.TransitionEpoch()
   495  	// notify the engine of the epoch transition
   496  	suite.engine.EpochTransition(suite.counter, firstBlockOfEpoch)
   497  	// ensure we registered a height callback
   498  	unittest.AssertClosesBefore(suite.T(), heightRegistered, time.Second)
   499  	suite.Assert().NotNil(expiryCallback)
   501  	// the engine should have two epochs under management, the just ended epoch
   502  	// and the newly started epoch
   503  	suite.Eventually(func() bool {
   505  		defer
   506  		return len(suite.engine.epochs) == 2
   507  	}, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond)
   508  	_, exists := suite.engine.epochs[suite.counter-1]
   509  	suite.Assert().True(exists, "should have previous epoch components")
   510  	_, exists = suite.engine.epochs[suite.counter]
   511  	suite.Assert().True(exists, "should have current epoch components")
   513  	// the newly started (current) epoch should have been started
   514  	suite.AssertEpochStarted(suite.counter)
   516  	// when we invoke the callback registered to handle the previous epoch's
   517  	// expiry, the previous epoch components should be cleaned up
   518  	expiryCallback()
   520  	suite.Assert().Eventually(func() bool {
   522  		defer
   523  		return len(suite.engine.epochs) == 1
   524  	}, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond)
   526  	// after the previous epoch expires, we should only have current epoch
   527  	_, exists = suite.engine.epochs[suite.counter]
   528  	suite.Assert().True(exists, "should have current epoch components")
   529  	_, exists = suite.engine.epochs[suite.counter-1]
   530  	suite.Assert().False(exists, "should not have previous epoch components")
   532  	// the expired epoch should have been stopped
   533  	suite.AssertEpochStopped(suite.counter - 1)
   534  }