
     1  package synchronization
     3  import (
     4  	"io"
     5  	"math"
     6  	"math/rand"
     7  	"testing"
     8  	"time"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    16  	""
    17  	mockcollection ""
    18  	clustermodel ""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	synccore ""
    24  	""
    25  	module ""
    26  	netint ""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	clusterint ""
    30  	cluster ""
    31  	storerr ""
    32  	storage ""
    33  	""
    34  )
    36  func TestSyncEngine(t *testing.T) {
    37  	suite.Run(t, new(SyncSuite))
    38  }
    40  type SyncSuite struct {
    41  	suite.Suite
    42  	myID         flow.Identifier
    43  	participants flow.IdentityList
    44  	head         *flow.Header
    45  	heights      map[uint64]*clustermodel.Block
    46  	blockIDs     map[flow.Identifier]*clustermodel.Block
    47  	net          *mocknetwork.Network
    48  	con          *mocknetwork.Conduit
    49  	me           *module.Local
    50  	state        *cluster.State
    51  	snapshot     *cluster.Snapshot
    52  	params       *cluster.Params
    53  	blocks       *storage.ClusterBlocks
    54  	comp         *mockcollection.Compliance
    55  	core         *module.SyncCore
    56  	e            *Engine
    57  }
    59  func (ss *SyncSuite) SetupTest() {
    60  	// generate own ID
    61  	ss.participants = unittest.IdentityListFixture(3, unittest.WithRole(flow.RoleCollection))
    62  	ss.myID = ss.participants[0].NodeID
    64  	// generate a header for the final state
    65  	header := unittest.BlockHeaderFixture()
    66  	ss.head = header
    68  	// create maps to enable block returns
    69  	ss.heights = make(map[uint64]*clustermodel.Block)
    70  	ss.blockIDs = make(map[flow.Identifier]*clustermodel.Block)
    71  	clusterID := header.ChainID
    73  	// set up the network module mock
    74 = &mocknetwork.Network{}
    75"Register", channels.SyncCluster(clusterID), mock.Anything).Return(
    76  		func(network channels.Channel, engine netint.MessageProcessor) netint.Conduit {
    77  			return ss.con
    78  		},
    79  		nil,
    80  	)
    82  	// set up the network conduit mock
    83  	ss.con = &mocknetwork.Conduit{}
    85  	// set up the local module mock
    86 = &module.Local{}
    88  		func() flow.Identifier {
    89  			return ss.myID
    90  		},
    91  	)
    93  	// set up the protocol state mock
    94  	ss.state = &cluster.State{}
    95  	ss.state.On("Params").Return(
    96  		func() clusterint.Params {
    97  			return ss.params
    98  		},
    99  	)
   101  	ss.params = &cluster.Params{}
   102  	ss.params.On("ChainID").Return(ss.head.ChainID, nil)
   104  	ss.state.On("Final").Return(
   105  		func() clusterint.Snapshot {
   106  			return ss.snapshot
   107  		},
   108  	)
   110  	// set up the snapshot mock
   111  	ss.snapshot = &cluster.Snapshot{}
   112  	ss.snapshot.On("Head").Return(
   113  		func() *flow.Header {
   114  			return ss.head
   115  		},
   116  		nil,
   117  	)
   118  	ss.snapshot.On("Identities", mock.Anything).Return(
   119  		func(selector flow.IdentityFilter[flow.Identity]) flow.IdentityList {
   120  			return ss.participants.Filter(selector)
   121  		},
   122  		nil,
   123  	)
   125  	// set up blocks storage mock
   126  	ss.blocks = &storage.ClusterBlocks{}
   127  	ss.blocks.On("ByHeight", mock.Anything).Return(
   128  		func(height uint64) *clustermodel.Block {
   129  			return ss.heights[height]
   130  		},
   131  		func(height uint64) error {
   132  			_, enabled := ss.heights[height]
   133  			if !enabled {
   134  				return storerr.ErrNotFound
   135  			}
   136  			return nil
   137  		},
   138  	)
   139  	ss.blocks.On("ByID", mock.Anything).Return(
   140  		func(blockID flow.Identifier) *clustermodel.Block {
   141  			return ss.blockIDs[blockID]
   142  		},
   143  		func(blockID flow.Identifier) error {
   144  			_, enabled := ss.blockIDs[blockID]
   145  			if !enabled {
   146  				return storerr.ErrNotFound
   147  			}
   148  			return nil
   149  		},
   150  	)
   152  	// set up compliance engine mock
   153  	ss.comp = mockcollection.NewCompliance(ss.T())
   155  	// set up sync core
   156  	ss.core = &module.SyncCore{}
   158  	// initialize the engine
   159  	log := zerolog.New(io.Discard)
   160  	metrics := metrics.NewNoopCollector()
   162  	e, err := New(log, metrics,,, ss.participants.ToSkeleton(), ss.state, ss.blocks, ss.comp, ss.core)
   163  	require.NoError(ss.T(), err, "should pass engine initialization")
   165  	ss.e = e
   166  }
   168  func (ss *SyncSuite) TestOnSyncRequest() {
   170  	// generate origin and request message
   171  	originID := unittest.IdentifierFixture()
   172  	req := &messages.SyncRequest{
   173  		Nonce:  rand.Uint64(),
   174  		Height: 0,
   175  	}
   177  	// regardless of request height, if within tolerance, we should not respond
   178  	ss.core.On("HandleHeight", ss.head, req.Height)
   179  	ss.core.On("WithinTolerance", ss.head, req.Height).Return(true)
   180  	err := ss.e.requestHandler.onSyncRequest(originID, req)
   181  	ss.Assert().NoError(err, "same height sync request should pass")
   182  	ss.con.AssertNotCalled(ss.T(), "Unicast", mock.Anything, mock.Anything)
   184  	// if request height is higher than local finalized, we should not respond
   185  	req.Height = ss.head.Height + 1
   186  	ss.core.On("HandleHeight", ss.head, req.Height)
   187  	ss.core.On("WithinTolerance", ss.head, req.Height).Return(false)
   188  	err = ss.e.requestHandler.onSyncRequest(originID, req)
   189  	ss.Assert().NoError(err, "same height sync request should pass")
   190  	ss.con.AssertNotCalled(ss.T(), "Unicast", mock.Anything, mock.Anything)
   192  	// if the request height is lower than head and outside tolerance, we should submit correct response
   193  	req.Height = ss.head.Height - 1
   194  	ss.core.On("HandleHeight", ss.head, req.Height)
   195  	ss.core.On("WithinTolerance", ss.head, req.Height).Return(false)
   196  	ss.con.On("Unicast", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Run(
   197  		func(args mock.Arguments) {
   198  			res := args.Get(0).(*messages.SyncResponse)
   199  			assert.Equal(ss.T(), ss.head.Height, res.Height, "response should contain head height")
   200  			assert.Equal(ss.T(), req.Nonce, res.Nonce, "response should contain request nonce")
   201  			recipientID := args.Get(1).(flow.Identifier)
   202  			assert.Equal(ss.T(), originID, recipientID, "should send response to original sender")
   203  		},
   204  	)
   205  	err = ss.e.requestHandler.onSyncRequest(originID, req)
   206  	require.NoError(ss.T(), err, "smaller height sync request should pass")
   208  	ss.core.AssertExpectations(ss.T())
   209  }
   211  func (ss *SyncSuite) TestOnSyncResponse() {
   213  	// generate origin ID and response message
   214  	originID := unittest.IdentifierFixture()
   215  	res := &messages.SyncResponse{
   216  		Nonce:  rand.Uint64(),
   217  		Height: rand.Uint64(),
   218  	}
   220  	// the height should be handled
   221  	ss.core.On("HandleHeight", ss.head, res.Height)
   222  	ss.e.onSyncResponse(originID, res)
   223  	ss.core.AssertExpectations(ss.T())
   224  }
   226  func (ss *SyncSuite) TestOnRangeRequest() {
   228  	// generate originID and range request
   229  	originID := unittest.IdentifierFixture()
   230  	req := &messages.RangeRequest{
   231  		Nonce:      rand.Uint64(),
   232  		FromHeight: 0,
   233  		ToHeight:   0,
   234  	}
   236  	// fill in blocks at heights -1 to -4 from head
   237  	ref := ss.head.Height
   238  	for height := ref; height >= ref-4; height-- {
   239  		block := unittest.ClusterBlockFixture()
   240  		block.Header.Height = height
   241  		ss.heights[height] = &block
   242  	}
   244  	// empty range should be a no-op
   245  	ss.T().Run("empty range", func(t *testing.T) {
   246  		req.FromHeight = ref
   247  		req.ToHeight = ref - 1
   248  		err := ss.e.requestHandler.onRangeRequest(originID, req)
   249  		require.NoError(ss.T(), err, "empty range request should pass")
   250  		ss.con.AssertNumberOfCalls(ss.T(), "Unicast", 0)
   251  	})
   253  	// range with only unknown block should be a no-op
   254  	ss.T().Run("range with unknown block", func(t *testing.T) {
   255  		req.FromHeight = ref + 1
   256  		req.ToHeight = ref + 3
   257  		err := ss.e.requestHandler.onRangeRequest(originID, req)
   258  		require.NoError(ss.T(), err, "unknown range request should pass")
   259  		ss.con.AssertNumberOfCalls(ss.T(), "Unicast", 0)
   260  	})
   262  	// a request for same from and to should send single block
   263  	ss.T().Run("from == to", func(t *testing.T) {
   264  		req.FromHeight = ref - 1
   265  		req.ToHeight = ref - 1
   266  		ss.con.On("Unicast", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once().Run(
   267  			func(args mock.Arguments) {
   268  				res := args.Get(0).(*messages.ClusterBlockResponse)
   269  				expected := ss.heights[ref-1]
   270  				actual := res.Blocks[0].ToInternal()
   271  				assert.Equal(ss.T(), expected.ID(), actual.ID(), "response should contain right block")
   272  				assert.Equal(ss.T(), req.Nonce, res.Nonce, "response should contain request nonce")
   273  				recipientID := args.Get(1).(flow.Identifier)
   274  				assert.Equal(ss.T(), originID, recipientID, "should send response to original requester")
   275  			},
   276  		)
   277  		err := ss.e.requestHandler.onRangeRequest(originID, req)
   278  		require.NoError(ss.T(), err, "range request with higher to height should pass")
   279  	})
   281  	// a request for a range that we partially have should send partial response
   282  	ss.T().Run("have partial range", func(t *testing.T) {
   283  		req.FromHeight = ref - 2
   284  		req.ToHeight = ref + 2
   285  		ss.con.On("Unicast", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once().Run(
   286  			func(args mock.Arguments) {
   287  				res := args.Get(0).(*messages.ClusterBlockResponse)
   288  				expected := []*clustermodel.Block{ss.heights[ref-2], ss.heights[ref-1], ss.heights[ref]}
   289  				assert.ElementsMatch(ss.T(), expected, res.BlocksInternal(), "response should contain right blocks")
   290  				assert.Equal(ss.T(), req.Nonce, res.Nonce, "response should contain request nonce")
   291  				recipientID := args.Get(1).(flow.Identifier)
   292  				assert.Equal(ss.T(), originID, recipientID, "should send response to original requester")
   293  			},
   294  		)
   295  		err := ss.e.requestHandler.onRangeRequest(originID, req)
   296  		require.NoError(ss.T(), err, "valid range with missing blocks should fail")
   297  	})
   299  	// a request for a range we entirely have should send all blocks
   300  	ss.T().Run("have entire range", func(t *testing.T) {
   301  		req.FromHeight = ref - 2
   302  		req.ToHeight = ref
   303  		ss.con.On("Unicast", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once().Run(
   304  			func(args mock.Arguments) {
   305  				res := args.Get(0).(*messages.ClusterBlockResponse)
   306  				expected := []*clustermodel.Block{ss.heights[ref-2], ss.heights[ref-1], ss.heights[ref]}
   307  				assert.ElementsMatch(ss.T(), expected, res.BlocksInternal(), "response should contain right blocks")
   308  				assert.Equal(ss.T(), req.Nonce, res.Nonce, "response should contain request nonce")
   309  				recipientID := args.Get(1).(flow.Identifier)
   310  				assert.Equal(ss.T(), originID, recipientID, "should send response to original requester")
   311  			},
   312  		)
   313  		err := ss.e.requestHandler.onRangeRequest(originID, req)
   314  		require.NoError(ss.T(), err, "valid range request should pass")
   315  	})
   317  	// a request for an oversized range should return blocks within range
   318  	ss.T().Run("oversized range", func(t *testing.T) {
   319  		// range should get reset to FromHeight to FromHeight + MaxSize (i.e. MaxSize+1 blocks)
   320  		req.FromHeight = ref - 4
   321  		req.ToHeight = math.MaxUint64
   323  		ss.con.On("Unicast", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once().Run(
   324  			func(args mock.Arguments) {
   325  				res := args.Get(0).(*messages.ClusterBlockResponse)
   326  				expected := []*clustermodel.Block{ss.heights[ref-4], ss.heights[ref-3], ss.heights[ref-2]}
   327  				assert.ElementsMatch(ss.T(), expected, res.BlocksInternal(), "response should contain right blocks")
   328  				assert.Equal(ss.T(), req.Nonce, res.Nonce, "response should contain request nonce")
   329  				recipientID := args.Get(1).(flow.Identifier)
   330  				assert.Equal(ss.T(), originID, recipientID, "should send response to original requester")
   331  			},
   332  		)
   334  		// Rebuild sync core with a smaller max size
   335  		var err error
   336  		config := chainsync.DefaultConfig()
   337  		config.MaxSize = 2
   338  		ss.e.requestHandler.core, err = chainsync.New(ss.e.log, config, metrics.NewNoopCollector(), flow.Localnet)
   339  		require.NoError(ss.T(), err)
   341  		err = ss.e.requestHandler.onRangeRequest(originID, req)
   342  		require.NoError(ss.T(), err, "valid range request should pass")
   343  	})
   344  }
   346  func (ss *SyncSuite) TestOnBatchRequest() {
   348  	// generate origin ID and batch request
   349  	originID := unittest.IdentifierFixture()
   350  	req := &messages.BatchRequest{
   351  		Nonce:    rand.Uint64(),
   352  		BlockIDs: nil,
   353  	}
   355  	// an empty request should not lead to response
   356  	ss.T().Run("empty request", func(t *testing.T) {
   357  		req.BlockIDs = []flow.Identifier{}
   358  		err := ss.e.requestHandler.onBatchRequest(originID, req)
   359  		require.NoError(ss.T(), err, "should pass empty request")
   360  		ss.con.AssertNumberOfCalls(ss.T(), "Unicast", 0)
   361  	})
   363  	// a non-empty request for missing block ID should be a no-op
   364  	ss.T().Run("request for missing blocks", func(t *testing.T) {
   365  		req.BlockIDs = unittest.IdentifierListFixture(1)
   366  		err := ss.e.requestHandler.onBatchRequest(originID, req)
   367  		require.NoError(ss.T(), err, "should pass request for missing block")
   368  		ss.con.AssertNumberOfCalls(ss.T(), "Unicast", 0)
   369  	})
   371  	// a non-empty request for existing block IDs should send right response
   372  	ss.T().Run("request for existing blocks", func(t *testing.T) {
   373  		block := unittest.ClusterBlockFixture()
   374  		block.Header.Height = ss.head.Height - 1
   375  		req.BlockIDs = []flow.Identifier{block.ID()}
   376  		ss.blockIDs[block.ID()] = &block
   377  		ss.con.On("Unicast", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once().Run(
   378  			func(args mock.Arguments) {
   379  				res := args.Get(0).(*messages.ClusterBlockResponse)
   380  				assert.Equal(ss.T(), &block, res.Blocks[0].ToInternal(), "response should contain right block")
   381  				assert.Equal(ss.T(), req.Nonce, res.Nonce, "response should contain request nonce")
   382  				recipientID := args.Get(1).(flow.Identifier)
   383  				assert.Equal(ss.T(), originID, recipientID, "response should be send to original requester")
   384  			},
   385  		)
   386  		err := ss.e.requestHandler.onBatchRequest(originID, req)
   387  		require.NoError(ss.T(), err, "should pass request with valid block")
   388  	})
   390  	// a request for an oversized batch should return MaxSize blocks
   391  	ss.T().Run("oversized range", func(t *testing.T) {
   392  		// setup request for 5 blocks. response should contain the first 2 (MaxSize)
   393  		ss.blockIDs = make(map[flow.Identifier]*clustermodel.Block)
   394  		req.BlockIDs = make([]flow.Identifier, 5)
   395  		for i := 0; i < len(req.BlockIDs); i++ {
   396  			b := unittest.ClusterBlockFixture()
   397  			b.Header.Height = ss.head.Height - uint64(i)
   398  			req.BlockIDs[i] = b.ID()
   399  			ss.blockIDs[b.ID()] = &b
   400  		}
   402  		ss.con.On("Unicast", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once().Run(
   403  			func(args mock.Arguments) {
   404  				res := args.Get(0).(*messages.ClusterBlockResponse)
   405  				assert.ElementsMatch(ss.T(), []*clustermodel.Block{ss.blockIDs[req.BlockIDs[0]], ss.blockIDs[req.BlockIDs[1]]}, res.BlocksInternal(), "response should contain right block")
   406  				assert.Equal(ss.T(), req.Nonce, res.Nonce, "response should contain request nonce")
   407  				recipientID := args.Get(1).(flow.Identifier)
   408  				assert.Equal(ss.T(), originID, recipientID, "response should be send to original requester")
   409  			},
   410  		)
   412  		// Rebuild sync core with a smaller max size
   413  		var err error
   414  		config := chainsync.DefaultConfig()
   415  		config.MaxSize = 2
   416  		ss.e.requestHandler.core, err = chainsync.New(ss.e.log, config, metrics.NewNoopCollector(), flow.Localnet)
   417  		require.NoError(ss.T(), err)
   419  		err = ss.e.requestHandler.onBatchRequest(originID, req)
   420  		require.NoError(ss.T(), err, "should pass request with valid block")
   421  	})
   422  }
   424  func (ss *SyncSuite) TestOnBlockResponse() {
   426  	// generate origin and block response
   427  	originID := unittest.IdentifierFixture()
   428  	res := &messages.ClusterBlockResponse{
   429  		Nonce:  rand.Uint64(),
   430  		Blocks: []messages.UntrustedClusterBlock{},
   431  	}
   433  	// add one block that should be processed
   434  	processable := unittest.ClusterBlockFixture()
   435  	ss.core.On("HandleBlock", processable.Header).Return(true)
   436  	res.Blocks = append(res.Blocks, messages.UntrustedClusterBlockFromInternal(&processable))
   438  	// add one block that should not be processed
   439  	unprocessable := unittest.ClusterBlockFixture()
   440  	ss.core.On("HandleBlock", unprocessable.Header).Return(false)
   441  	res.Blocks = append(res.Blocks, messages.UntrustedClusterBlockFromInternal(&unprocessable))
   443  	ss.comp.On("OnSyncedClusterBlock", mock.Anything).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
   444  		res := args.Get(0).(flow.Slashable[*messages.ClusterBlockProposal])
   445  		converted := res.Message.Block.ToInternal()
   446  		ss.Assert().Equal(processable.Header, converted.Header)
   447  		ss.Assert().Equal(processable.Payload, converted.Payload)
   448  		ss.Assert().Equal(originID, res.OriginID)
   449  	}).Return(nil)
   451  	ss.e.onBlockResponse(originID, res)
   452  	ss.comp.AssertExpectations(ss.T())
   453  	ss.core.AssertExpectations(ss.T())
   454  }
   456  func (ss *SyncSuite) TestPollHeight() {
   458  	// check that we send to three nodes from our total list
   459  	others := ss.participants.Filter(filter.HasNodeID[flow.Identity](ss.participants[1:].NodeIDs()...))
   460  	ss.con.On("Multicast", mock.Anything, synccore.DefaultPollNodes, others[0].NodeID, others[1].NodeID).Return(nil).Run(
   461  		func(args mock.Arguments) {
   462  			req := args.Get(0).(*messages.SyncRequest)
   463  			require.Equal(ss.T(), ss.head.Height, req.Height, "request should contain finalized height")
   464  		},
   465  	)
   466  	ss.e.pollHeight()
   467  	ss.con.AssertExpectations(ss.T())
   468  }
   470  func (ss *SyncSuite) TestSendRequests() {
   472  	ranges := unittest.RangeListFixture(1)
   473  	batches := unittest.BatchListFixture(1)
   475  	// should submit and mark requested all ranges
   476  	ss.con.On("Multicast", mock.AnythingOfType("*messages.RangeRequest"), synccore.DefaultBlockRequestNodes, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Run(
   477  		func(args mock.Arguments) {
   478  			req := args.Get(0).(*messages.RangeRequest)
   479  			ss.Assert().Equal(ranges[0].From, req.FromHeight)
   480  			ss.Assert().Equal(ranges[0].To, req.ToHeight)
   481  		},
   482  	)
   483  	ss.core.On("RangeRequested", ranges[0])
   485  	// should submit and mark requested all batches
   486  	ss.con.On("Multicast", mock.AnythingOfType("*messages.BatchRequest"), synccore.DefaultBlockRequestNodes, mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Run(
   487  		func(args mock.Arguments) {
   488  			req := args.Get(0).(*messages.BatchRequest)
   489  			ss.Assert().Equal(batches[0].BlockIDs, req.BlockIDs)
   490  		},
   491  	)
   492  	ss.core.On("BatchRequested", batches[0])
   494  	// exclude my node ID
   495  	ss.e.sendRequests(ranges, batches)
   496  	ss.con.AssertExpectations(ss.T())
   497  }
   499  // test a synchronization engine can be started and stopped
   500  func (ss *SyncSuite) TestStartStop() {
   501  	unittest.AssertReturnsBefore(ss.T(), func() {
   502  		<-ss.e.Ready()
   503  		<-ss.e.Done()
   504  	}, time.Second)
   505  }
   507  // TestProcessingMultipleItems tests that items are processed in async way
   508  func (ss *SyncSuite) TestProcessingMultipleItems() {
   509  	<-ss.e.Ready()
   511  	originID := unittest.IdentifierFixture()
   512  	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
   513  		msg := &messages.SyncResponse{
   514  			Nonce:  uint64(i),
   515  			Height: uint64(1000 + i),
   516  		}
   517  		ss.core.On("HandleHeight", mock.Anything, msg.Height).Once()
   518  		require.NoError(ss.T(), ss.e.Process(channels.SyncCommittee, originID, msg))
   519  	}
   521  	finalHeight := ss.head.Height
   522  	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
   523  		msg := &messages.SyncRequest{
   524  			Nonce:  uint64(i),
   525  			Height: finalHeight - 100,
   526  		}
   528  		originID := unittest.IdentifierFixture()
   529  		ss.core.On("WithinTolerance", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(false).Once()
   530  		ss.core.On("HandleHeight", mock.Anything, msg.Height).Once()
   531  		ss.con.On("Unicast", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
   533  		require.NoError(ss.T(), ss.e.Process(channels.SyncCommittee, originID, msg))
   534  	}
   536  	// give at least some time to process items
   537  	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
   539  	ss.core.AssertExpectations(ss.T())
   540  }
   542  // TestProcessUnsupportedMessageType tests that Process and ProcessLocal correctly handle a case where invalid message type
   543  // was submitted from network layer.
   544  func (ss *SyncSuite) TestProcessUnsupportedMessageType() {
   545  	invalidEvent := uint64(42)
   546  	engines := []netint.Engine{ss.e, ss.e.requestHandler}
   547  	for _, e := range engines {
   548  		err := e.Process("ch", unittest.IdentifierFixture(), invalidEvent)
   549  		// shouldn't result in error since byzantine inputs are expected
   550  		require.NoError(ss.T(), err)
   551  		// in case of local processing error cannot be consumed since all inputs are trusted
   552  		err = e.ProcessLocal(invalidEvent)
   553  		require.Error(ss.T(), err)
   554  		require.True(ss.T(), engine.IsIncompatibleInputTypeError(err))
   555  	}
   556  }