
     1  package testutil
     3  import (
     4  	"crypto/rand"
     5  	"encoding/hex"
     6  	"errors"
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"testing"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	jsoncdc ""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	envMock ""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	protocolMock ""
    34  	""
    35  )
    37  func CreateContractDeploymentTransaction(contractName string, contract string, authorizer flow.Address, chain flow.Chain) *flow.TransactionBody {
    39  	encoded := hex.EncodeToString([]byte(contract))
    41  	script := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`transaction {
    42                prepare(signer: auth(AddContract) &Account, service: &Account) {
    43                  signer.contracts.add(name: "%s", code: "%s".decodeHex())
    44                }
    45              }`, contractName, encoded))
    47  	txBody := flow.NewTransactionBody().
    48  		SetScript(script).
    49  		AddAuthorizer(authorizer).
    50  		AddAuthorizer(chain.ServiceAddress())
    52  	return txBody
    53  }
    55  func UpdateContractDeploymentTransaction(contractName string, contract string, authorizer flow.Address, chain flow.Chain) *flow.TransactionBody {
    56  	encoded := hex.EncodeToString([]byte(contract))
    58  	return flow.NewTransactionBody().
    59  		SetScript([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`transaction {
    60                prepare(signer: auth(UpdateContract) &Account, service: &Account) {
    61                  signer.contracts.update(name: "%s", code: "%s".decodeHex())
    62                }
    63              }`, contractName, encoded)),
    64  		).
    65  		AddAuthorizer(authorizer).
    66  		AddAuthorizer(chain.ServiceAddress())
    67  }
    69  func UpdateContractUnathorizedDeploymentTransaction(contractName string, contract string, authorizer flow.Address) *flow.TransactionBody {
    70  	encoded := hex.EncodeToString([]byte(contract))
    72  	return flow.NewTransactionBody().
    73  		SetScript([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`transaction {
    74                prepare(signer: auth(UpdateContract) &Account) {
    75                  signer.contracts.update(name: "%s", code: "%s".decodeHex())
    76                }
    77              }`, contractName, encoded)),
    78  		).
    79  		AddAuthorizer(authorizer)
    80  }
    82  func RemoveContractDeploymentTransaction(contractName string, authorizer flow.Address, chain flow.Chain) *flow.TransactionBody {
    83  	return flow.NewTransactionBody().
    84  		SetScript([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`transaction {
    85                prepare(signer: auth(RemoveContract) &Account, service: &Account) {
    86                  signer.contracts.remove(name: "%s")
    87                }
    88              }`, contractName)),
    89  		).
    90  		AddAuthorizer(authorizer).
    91  		AddAuthorizer(chain.ServiceAddress())
    92  }
    94  func RemoveContractUnathorizedDeploymentTransaction(contractName string, authorizer flow.Address) *flow.TransactionBody {
    95  	return flow.NewTransactionBody().
    96  		SetScript([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`transaction {
    97                prepare(signer: auth(RemoveContract) &Account) {
    98                  signer.contracts.remove(name: "%s")
    99                }
   100              }`, contractName)),
   101  		).
   102  		AddAuthorizer(authorizer)
   103  }
   105  func CreateUnauthorizedContractDeploymentTransaction(contractName string, contract string, authorizer flow.Address) *flow.TransactionBody {
   106  	encoded := hex.EncodeToString([]byte(contract))
   108  	return flow.NewTransactionBody().
   109  		SetScript([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`transaction {
   110                prepare(signer: auth(AddContract) &Account) {
   111                  signer.contracts.add(name: "%s", code: "%s".decodeHex())
   112                }
   113              }`, contractName, encoded)),
   114  		).
   115  		AddAuthorizer(authorizer)
   116  }
   118  func SignPayload(
   119  	tx *flow.TransactionBody,
   120  	account flow.Address,
   121  	privateKey flow.AccountPrivateKey,
   122  ) error {
   123  	hasher, err := utils.NewHasher(privateKey.HashAlgo)
   124  	if err != nil {
   125  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to create hasher: %w", err)
   126  	}
   128  	err = tx.SignPayload(account, 0, privateKey.PrivateKey, hasher)
   130  	if err != nil {
   131  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to sign transaction: %w", err)
   132  	}
   134  	return nil
   135  }
   137  func SignEnvelope(tx *flow.TransactionBody, account flow.Address, privateKey flow.AccountPrivateKey) error {
   138  	hasher, err := utils.NewHasher(privateKey.HashAlgo)
   139  	if err != nil {
   140  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to create hasher: %w", err)
   141  	}
   143  	err = tx.SignEnvelope(account, 0, privateKey.PrivateKey, hasher)
   145  	if err != nil {
   146  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to sign transaction: %w", err)
   147  	}
   149  	return nil
   150  }
   152  func SignTransaction(
   153  	tx *flow.TransactionBody,
   154  	address flow.Address,
   155  	privateKey flow.AccountPrivateKey,
   156  	seqNum uint64,
   157  ) error {
   158  	tx.SetProposalKey(address, 0, seqNum)
   159  	tx.SetPayer(address)
   160  	return SignEnvelope(tx, address, privateKey)
   161  }
   163  func SignTransactionAsServiceAccount(tx *flow.TransactionBody, seqNum uint64, chain flow.Chain) error {
   164  	return SignTransaction(tx, chain.ServiceAddress(), unittest.ServiceAccountPrivateKey, seqNum)
   165  }
   167  // GenerateAccountPrivateKeys generates a number of private keys.
   168  func GenerateAccountPrivateKeys(numberOfPrivateKeys int) ([]flow.AccountPrivateKey, error) {
   169  	var privateKeys []flow.AccountPrivateKey
   170  	for i := 0; i < numberOfPrivateKeys; i++ {
   171  		pk, err := GenerateAccountPrivateKey()
   172  		if err != nil {
   173  			return nil, err
   174  		}
   175  		privateKeys = append(privateKeys, pk)
   176  	}
   178  	return privateKeys, nil
   179  }
   181  // GenerateAccountPrivateKey generates a private key.
   182  func GenerateAccountPrivateKey() (flow.AccountPrivateKey, error) {
   183  	seed := make([]byte, crypto.KeyGenSeedMinLen)
   184  	_, err := rand.Read(seed)
   185  	if err != nil {
   186  		return flow.AccountPrivateKey{}, err
   187  	}
   188  	privateKey, err := crypto.GeneratePrivateKey(crypto.ECDSAP256, seed)
   189  	if err != nil {
   190  		return flow.AccountPrivateKey{}, err
   191  	}
   192  	pk := flow.AccountPrivateKey{
   193  		PrivateKey: privateKey,
   194  		SignAlgo:   crypto.ECDSAP256,
   195  		HashAlgo:   hash.SHA2_256,
   196  	}
   197  	return pk, nil
   198  }
   200  // CreateAccounts inserts accounts into the ledger using the provided private keys.
   201  func CreateAccounts(
   202  	vm fvm.VM,
   203  	snapshotTree snapshot.SnapshotTree,
   204  	privateKeys []flow.AccountPrivateKey,
   205  	chain flow.Chain,
   206  ) (
   207  	snapshot.SnapshotTree,
   208  	[]flow.Address,
   209  	error,
   210  ) {
   211  	return CreateAccountsWithSimpleAddresses(
   212  		vm,
   213  		snapshotTree,
   214  		privateKeys,
   215  		chain)
   216  }
   218  func CreateAccountsWithSimpleAddresses(
   219  	vm fvm.VM,
   220  	snapshotTree snapshot.SnapshotTree,
   221  	privateKeys []flow.AccountPrivateKey,
   222  	chain flow.Chain,
   223  ) (
   224  	snapshot.SnapshotTree,
   225  	[]flow.Address,
   226  	error,
   227  ) {
   228  	ctx := fvm.NewContext(
   229  		fvm.WithChain(chain),
   230  		fvm.WithAuthorizationChecksEnabled(false),
   231  		fvm.WithSequenceNumberCheckAndIncrementEnabled(false),
   232  	)
   234  	var accounts []flow.Address
   236  	scriptTemplate := `
   237          transaction(publicKey: [UInt8]) {
   238              prepare(signer: auth(AddKey, BorrowValue) &Account) {
   239                  let acct = Account(payer: signer)
   240                  let publicKey2 = PublicKey(
   241                      publicKey: publicKey,
   242                      signatureAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm.%s
   243                  )
   244                  acct.keys.add(
   245                      publicKey: publicKey2,
   246                      hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm.%s,
   247                      weight: %d.0
   248                  )
   249              }
   250  	    }`
   252  	serviceAddress := chain.ServiceAddress()
   254  	for _, privateKey := range privateKeys {
   255  		accountKey := privateKey.PublicKey(fvm.AccountKeyWeightThreshold)
   256  		encPublicKey := accountKey.PublicKey.Encode()
   257  		cadPublicKey := BytesToCadenceArray(encPublicKey)
   258  		encCadPublicKey, _ := jsoncdc.Encode(cadPublicKey)
   260  		script := []byte(
   261  			fmt.Sprintf(
   262  				scriptTemplate,
   263  				accountKey.SignAlgo.String(),
   264  				accountKey.HashAlgo.String(),
   265  				accountKey.Weight,
   266  			),
   267  		)
   269  		txBody := flow.NewTransactionBody().
   270  			SetScript(script).
   271  			AddArgument(encCadPublicKey).
   272  			AddAuthorizer(serviceAddress)
   274  		tx := fvm.Transaction(txBody, 0)
   275  		executionSnapshot, output, err := vm.Run(ctx, tx, snapshotTree)
   276  		if err != nil {
   277  			return snapshotTree, nil, err
   278  		}
   280  		if output.Err != nil {
   281  			return snapshotTree, nil, fmt.Errorf(
   282  				"failed to create account: %w",
   283  				output.Err)
   284  		}
   286  		snapshotTree = snapshotTree.Append(executionSnapshot)
   288  		var addr flow.Address
   290  		for _, event := range output.Events {
   291  			if event.Type == flow.EventAccountCreated {
   292  				data, err := ccf.Decode(nil, event.Payload)
   293  				if err != nil {
   294  					return snapshotTree, nil, errors.New("error decoding events")
   295  				}
   297  				event, ok := data.(cadence.Event)
   298  				if !ok {
   299  					return snapshotTree, nil, errors.New("error decoding events")
   300  				}
   302  				address := cadence.SearchFieldByName(
   303  					event,
   304  					stdlib.AccountEventAddressParameter.Identifier,
   305  				).(cadence.Address)
   307  				addr = flow.ConvertAddress(address)
   308  				break
   309  			}
   310  		}
   311  		if addr == flow.EmptyAddress {
   312  			return snapshotTree, nil, errors.New(
   313  				"no account creation event emitted")
   314  		}
   315  		accounts = append(accounts, addr)
   316  	}
   318  	return snapshotTree, accounts, nil
   319  }
   321  func RootBootstrappedLedger(
   322  	vm fvm.VM,
   323  	ctx fvm.Context,
   324  	additionalOptions ...fvm.BootstrapProcedureOption,
   325  ) snapshot.SnapshotTree {
   326  	// set 0 clusters to pass n_collectors >= n_clusters check
   327  	epochConfig := epochs.DefaultEpochConfig()
   328  	epochConfig.NumCollectorClusters = 0
   330  	options := []fvm.BootstrapProcedureOption{
   331  		fvm.WithInitialTokenSupply(unittest.GenesisTokenSupply),
   332  		fvm.WithEpochConfig(epochConfig),
   333  	}
   335  	options = append(options, additionalOptions...)
   337  	bootstrap := fvm.Bootstrap(
   338  		unittest.ServiceAccountPublicKey,
   339  		options...,
   340  	)
   342  	executionSnapshot, _, err := vm.Run(ctx, bootstrap, nil)
   343  	if err != nil {
   344  		panic(err)
   345  	}
   346  	return snapshot.NewSnapshotTree(nil).Append(executionSnapshot)
   347  }
   349  func BytesToCadenceArray(l []byte) cadence.Array {
   350  	values := make([]cadence.Value, len(l))
   351  	for i, b := range l {
   352  		values[i] = cadence.NewUInt8(b)
   353  	}
   355  	return cadence.NewArray(values).WithType(cadence.NewVariableSizedArrayType(cadence.UInt8Type))
   356  }
   358  // CreateAccountCreationTransaction creates a transaction which will create a new account.
   359  //
   360  // This function returns a randomly generated private key and the transaction.
   361  func CreateAccountCreationTransaction(t testing.TB, chain flow.Chain) (flow.AccountPrivateKey, *flow.TransactionBody) {
   362  	accountKey, err := GenerateAccountPrivateKey()
   363  	require.NoError(t, err)
   364  	encPublicKey := accountKey.PublicKey(1000).PublicKey.Encode()
   365  	cadPublicKey := BytesToCadenceArray(encPublicKey)
   366  	encCadPublicKey, err := jsoncdc.Encode(cadPublicKey)
   367  	require.NoError(t, err)
   369  	// define the cadence script
   370  	script := fmt.Sprintf(`
   371          transaction(publicKey: [UInt8]) {
   372              prepare(signer: auth(AddKey, BorrowValue) &Account) {
   373  				let acct = Account(payer: signer)
   374                  let publicKey2 = PublicKey(
   375                      publicKey: publicKey,
   376                      signatureAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm.%s
   377                  )
   378                  acct.keys.add(
   379                      publicKey: publicKey2,
   380                      hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm.%s,
   381                      weight: 1000.0
   382                  )
   383              }
   384  	    }`,
   385  		accountKey.SignAlgo.String(),
   386  		accountKey.HashAlgo.String(),
   387  	)
   389  	// create the transaction to create the account
   390  	tx := flow.NewTransactionBody().
   391  		SetScript([]byte(script)).
   392  		AddArgument(encCadPublicKey).
   393  		AddAuthorizer(chain.ServiceAddress())
   395  	return accountKey, tx
   396  }
   398  // CreateMultiAccountCreationTransaction creates a transaction which will create many (n) new account.
   399  //
   400  // This function returns a randomly generated private key and the transaction.
   401  func CreateMultiAccountCreationTransaction(t *testing.T, chain flow.Chain, n int) (flow.AccountPrivateKey, *flow.TransactionBody) {
   402  	accountKey, err := GenerateAccountPrivateKey()
   403  	require.NoError(t, err)
   404  	encPublicKey := accountKey.PublicKey(1000).PublicKey.Encode()
   405  	cadPublicKey := BytesToCadenceArray(encPublicKey)
   406  	encCadPublicKey, err := jsoncdc.Encode(cadPublicKey)
   407  	require.NoError(t, err)
   409  	// define the cadence script
   410  	script := fmt.Sprintf(`
   411          transaction(publicKey: [UInt8]) {
   412              prepare(signer: auth(AddKey, BorrowValue) &Account) {
   413                  var i = 0
   414                  while i < %d {
   415                      let account = Account(payer: signer)
   416                      let publicKey2 = PublicKey(
   417                          publicKey: publicKey,
   418                          signatureAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm.%s
   419                      )
   420                      account.keys.add(
   421                          publicKey: publicKey2,
   422                          hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm.%s,
   423                          weight: 1000.0
   424                      )
   425                      i = i + 1
   426                  }
   427              }
   428  	    }`,
   429  		n,
   430  		accountKey.SignAlgo.String(),
   431  		accountKey.HashAlgo.String(),
   432  	)
   434  	// create the transaction to create the account
   435  	tx := flow.NewTransactionBody().
   436  		SetScript([]byte(script)).
   437  		AddArgument(encCadPublicKey).
   438  		AddAuthorizer(chain.ServiceAddress())
   440  	return accountKey, tx
   441  }
   443  // CreateAddAnAccountKeyMultipleTimesTransaction generates a tx that adds a key several times to an account.
   444  // this can be used to exhaust an account's storage.
   445  func CreateAddAnAccountKeyMultipleTimesTransaction(t *testing.T, accountKey *flow.AccountPrivateKey, counts int) *flow.TransactionBody {
   446  	script := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
   447        transaction(counts: Int, key: [UInt8]) {
   448          prepare(signer: auth(AddKey) &Account) {
   449            var i = 0
   450            while i < counts {
   451              i = i + 1
   452              let publicKey2 = PublicKey(
   453                publicKey: key,
   454                signatureAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm.%s
   455              )
   456              signer.keys.add(
   457                publicKey: publicKey2,
   458                hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm.%s,
   459                weight: 1000.0
   460              )
   461  	      }
   462          }
   463        }
   464     	`, accountKey.SignAlgo.String(), accountKey.HashAlgo.String()))
   466  	arg1, err := jsoncdc.Encode(cadence.NewInt(counts))
   467  	require.NoError(t, err)
   469  	encPublicKey := accountKey.PublicKey(1000).PublicKey.Encode()
   470  	cadPublicKey := BytesToCadenceArray(encPublicKey)
   471  	arg2, err := jsoncdc.Encode(cadPublicKey)
   472  	require.NoError(t, err)
   474  	addKeysTx := &flow.TransactionBody{
   475  		Script: script,
   476  	}
   477  	addKeysTx = addKeysTx.AddArgument(arg1).AddArgument(arg2)
   478  	return addKeysTx
   479  }
   481  // CreateAddAccountKeyTransaction generates a tx that adds a key to an account.
   482  func CreateAddAccountKeyTransaction(t *testing.T, accountKey *flow.AccountPrivateKey) *flow.TransactionBody {
   483  	keyBytes := accountKey.PublicKey(1000).PublicKey.Encode()
   485  	script := []byte(`
   486          transaction(key: [UInt8]) {
   487            prepare(signer: auth(AddKey) &Account) {
   488              let acct = Account(payer: signer)
   489              let publicKey2 = PublicKey(
   490                publicKey: key,
   491                signatureAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm.%s
   492              )
   493              signer.keys.add(
   494                publicKey: publicKey2,
   495                hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm.%s,
   496                weight: %d.0
   497              )
   498            }
   499          }
   500     	`)
   502  	arg, err := jsoncdc.Encode(bytesToCadenceArray(keyBytes))
   503  	require.NoError(t, err)
   505  	addKeysTx := &flow.TransactionBody{
   506  		Script: script,
   507  	}
   508  	addKeysTx = addKeysTx.AddArgument(arg)
   510  	return addKeysTx
   511  }
   513  func bytesToCadenceArray(l []byte) cadence.Array {
   514  	values := make([]cadence.Value, len(l))
   515  	for i, b := range l {
   516  		values[i] = cadence.NewUInt8(b)
   517  	}
   519  	return cadence.NewArray(values)
   520  }
   522  // TODO(ramtin): when we get rid of BlockExecutionData, this could move to the global unittest fixtures
   523  // TrieUpdates are internal data to the ledger package and should not have leaked into
   524  // packages like uploader in the first place
   525  func ComputationResultFixture(t *testing.T) *execution.ComputationResult {
   526  	startState := unittest.StateCommitmentFixture()
   527  	update1, err := ledger.NewUpdate(
   528  		ledger.State(startState),
   529  		[]ledger.Key{
   530  			ledger.NewKey([]ledger.KeyPart{ledger.NewKeyPart(3, []byte{33})}),
   531  			ledger.NewKey([]ledger.KeyPart{ledger.NewKeyPart(1, []byte{11})}),
   532  			ledger.NewKey([]ledger.KeyPart{ledger.NewKeyPart(2, []byte{1, 1}), ledger.NewKeyPart(3, []byte{2, 5})}),
   533  		},
   534  		[]ledger.Value{
   535  			[]byte{21, 37},
   536  			nil,
   537  			[]byte{3, 3, 3, 3, 3},
   538  		},
   539  	)
   540  	require.NoError(t, err)
   542  	trieUpdate1, err := pathfinder.UpdateToTrieUpdate(update1, complete.DefaultPathFinderVersion)
   543  	require.NoError(t, err)
   545  	update2, err := ledger.NewUpdate(
   546  		ledger.State(unittest.StateCommitmentFixture()),
   547  		[]ledger.Key{},
   548  		[]ledger.Value{},
   549  	)
   550  	require.NoError(t, err)
   552  	trieUpdate2, err := pathfinder.UpdateToTrieUpdate(update2, complete.DefaultPathFinderVersion)
   553  	require.NoError(t, err)
   555  	update3, err := ledger.NewUpdate(
   556  		ledger.State(unittest.StateCommitmentFixture()),
   557  		[]ledger.Key{
   558  			ledger.NewKey([]ledger.KeyPart{ledger.NewKeyPart(9, []byte{6})}),
   559  		},
   560  		[]ledger.Value{
   561  			[]byte{21, 37},
   562  		},
   563  	)
   564  	require.NoError(t, err)
   566  	trieUpdate3, err := pathfinder.UpdateToTrieUpdate(update3, complete.DefaultPathFinderVersion)
   567  	require.NoError(t, err)
   569  	update4, err := ledger.NewUpdate(
   570  		ledger.State(unittest.StateCommitmentFixture()),
   571  		[]ledger.Key{
   572  			ledger.NewKey([]ledger.KeyPart{ledger.NewKeyPart(9, []byte{6})}),
   573  		},
   574  		[]ledger.Value{
   575  			[]byte{21, 37},
   576  		},
   577  	)
   578  	require.NoError(t, err)
   580  	trieUpdate4, err := pathfinder.UpdateToTrieUpdate(update4, complete.DefaultPathFinderVersion)
   581  	require.NoError(t, err)
   583  	executableBlock := unittest.ExecutableBlockFixture([][]flow.Identifier{
   584  		{unittest.IdentifierFixture()},
   585  		{unittest.IdentifierFixture()},
   586  		{unittest.IdentifierFixture()},
   587  	}, &startState)
   589  	blockExecResult := execution.NewPopulatedBlockExecutionResult(executableBlock)
   590  	blockExecResult.CollectionExecutionResultAt(0).AppendTransactionResults(
   591  		flow.EventsList{
   592  			unittest.EventFixture("what", 0, 0, unittest.IdentifierFixture(), 2),
   593  			unittest.EventFixture("ever", 0, 1, unittest.IdentifierFixture(), 22),
   594  		},
   595  		nil,
   596  		nil,
   597  		flow.TransactionResult{
   598  			TransactionID:   unittest.IdentifierFixture(),
   599  			ErrorMessage:    "",
   600  			ComputationUsed: 23,
   601  			MemoryUsed:      101,
   602  		},
   603  	)
   604  	blockExecResult.CollectionExecutionResultAt(1).AppendTransactionResults(
   605  		flow.EventsList{
   606  			unittest.EventFixture("what", 2, 0, unittest.IdentifierFixture(), 2),
   607  			unittest.EventFixture("ever", 2, 1, unittest.IdentifierFixture(), 22),
   608  			unittest.EventFixture("ever", 2, 2, unittest.IdentifierFixture(), 2),
   609  			unittest.EventFixture("ever", 2, 3, unittest.IdentifierFixture(), 22),
   610  		},
   611  		nil,
   612  		nil,
   613  		flow.TransactionResult{
   614  			TransactionID:   unittest.IdentifierFixture(),
   615  			ErrorMessage:    "fail",
   616  			ComputationUsed: 1,
   617  			MemoryUsed:      22,
   618  		},
   619  	)
   621  	return &execution.ComputationResult{
   622  		BlockExecutionResult: blockExecResult,
   623  		BlockAttestationResult: &execution.BlockAttestationResult{
   624  			BlockExecutionData: &execution_data.BlockExecutionData{
   625  				ChunkExecutionDatas: []*execution_data.ChunkExecutionData{
   626  					{TrieUpdate: trieUpdate1},
   627  					{TrieUpdate: trieUpdate2},
   628  					{TrieUpdate: trieUpdate3},
   629  					{TrieUpdate: trieUpdate4},
   630  				},
   631  			},
   632  		},
   633  		ExecutionReceipt: &flow.ExecutionReceipt{
   634  			ExecutionResult: flow.ExecutionResult{
   635  				Chunks: flow.ChunkList{
   636  					{EndState: unittest.StateCommitmentFixture()},
   637  					{EndState: unittest.StateCommitmentFixture()},
   638  					{EndState: unittest.StateCommitmentFixture()},
   639  					{EndState: unittest.StateCommitmentFixture()},
   640  				},
   641  			},
   642  		},
   643  	}
   644  }
   646  // EntropyProviderFixture returns an entropy provider mock that
   647  // supports RandomSource().
   648  // If input is nil, a random source fixture is generated.
   649  func EntropyProviderFixture(source []byte) environment.EntropyProvider {
   650  	if source == nil {
   651  		source = unittest.SignatureFixture()
   652  	}
   653  	provider := envMock.EntropyProvider{}
   654  	provider.On("RandomSource").Return(source, nil)
   655  	return &provider
   656  }
   658  // ProtocolStateWithSourceFixture returns a protocol state mock that only
   659  // supports AtBlockID to return a snapshot mock.
   660  // The snapshot mock only supports RandomSource().
   661  // If input is nil, a random source fixture is generated.
   662  func ProtocolStateWithSourceFixture(source []byte) protocol.State {
   663  	if source == nil {
   664  		source = unittest.SignatureFixture()
   665  	}
   666  	snapshot := &protocolMock.Snapshot{}
   667  	snapshot.On("RandomSource").Return(source, nil)
   668  	state := protocolMock.State{}
   669  	state.On("AtBlockID", mock.Anything).Return(snapshot)
   670  	return &state
   671  }