
     1  package verificationtest
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"sync"
     7  	"testing"
     8  	"time"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	testifymock ""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	enginemock ""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	msig ""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	mockprotocol ""
    38  	protocol_state ""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  )
    43  // MockChunkDataProviderFunc is a test helper function encapsulating the logic of whether to reply a chunk data pack request.
    44  type MockChunkDataProviderFunc func(*testing.T, CompleteExecutionReceiptList, flow.Identifier, flow.Identifier, network.Conduit) bool
    46  // SetupChunkDataPackProvider creates and returns an execution node that only has a chunk data pack provider engine.
    47  //
    48  // The mock chunk provider engine replies the chunk back requests by invoking the injected provider method. All chunk data pack
    49  // requests should come from a verification node, and should has one of the assigned chunk IDs. Otherwise, it fails the test.
    50  func SetupChunkDataPackProvider(t *testing.T,
    51  	hub *stub.Hub,
    52  	exeIdentity bootstrap.NodeInfo,
    53  	participants flow.IdentityList,
    54  	chainID flow.ChainID,
    55  	completeERs CompleteExecutionReceiptList,
    56  	assignedChunkIDs flow.IdentifierList,
    57  	provider MockChunkDataProviderFunc) (*enginemock.GenericNode,
    58  	*mocknetwork.Engine, *sync.WaitGroup) {
    60  	exeNode := testutil.GenericNodeFromParticipants(t, hub, exeIdentity, participants, chainID)
    61  	exeEngine := new(mocknetwork.Engine)
    63  	exeChunkDataConduit, err := exeNode.Net.Register(channels.ProvideChunks, exeEngine)
    64  	assert.Nil(t, err)
    66  	replied := make(map[flow.Identifier]struct{})
    68  	wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
    69  	wg.Add(len(assignedChunkIDs))
    71  	mu := &sync.Mutex{} // making testify Run thread-safe
    73  	exeEngine.On("Process", testifymock.AnythingOfType("channels.Channel"), testifymock.Anything, testifymock.Anything).
    74  		Run(func(args testifymock.Arguments) {
    75  			mu.Lock()
    76  			defer mu.Unlock()
    78  			originID, ok := args[1].(flow.Identifier)
    79  			require.True(t, ok)
    80  			// request should be dispatched by a verification node.
    81  			require.Contains(t, participants.Filter(filter.HasRole[flow.Identity](flow.RoleVerification)).NodeIDs(), originID)
    83  			req, ok := args[2].(*messages.ChunkDataRequest)
    84  			require.True(t, ok)
    85  			require.Contains(t, assignedChunkIDs, req.ChunkID) // only assigned chunks should be requested.
    87  			shouldReply := provider(t, completeERs, req.ChunkID, originID, exeChunkDataConduit)
    88  			_, alreadyReplied := replied[req.ChunkID]
    89  			if shouldReply && !alreadyReplied {
    90  				/*
    91  					the wait group keeps track of unique chunk requests addressed.
    92  					we make it done only upon the first successful request of a chunk.
    93  				*/
    94  				wg.Done()
    95  				replied[req.ChunkID] = struct{}{}
    96  			}
    97  		}).Return(nil)
    99  	return &exeNode, exeEngine, wg
   100  }
   102  // RespondChunkDataPackRequestImmediately immediately qualifies a chunk data request for reply by chunk data provider.
   103  func RespondChunkDataPackRequestImmediately(t *testing.T,
   104  	completeERs CompleteExecutionReceiptList,
   105  	chunkID flow.Identifier,
   106  	verID flow.Identifier,
   107  	con network.Conduit) bool {
   109  	// finds the chunk data pack of the requested chunk and sends it back.
   110  	res := completeERs.ChunkDataResponseOf(t, chunkID)
   112  	err := con.Unicast(res, verID)
   113  	assert.Nil(t, err)
   115  	log.Debug().
   116  		Hex("origin_id", logging.ID(verID)).
   117  		Hex("chunk_id", logging.ID(chunkID)).
   118  		Msg("chunk data pack request answered by provider")
   120  	return true
   121  }
   123  // RespondChunkDataPackRequestAfterNTrials only qualifies a chunk data request for reply by chunk data provider after n times.
   124  func RespondChunkDataPackRequestAfterNTrials(n int) MockChunkDataProviderFunc {
   125  	tryCount := make(map[flow.Identifier]int)
   127  	return func(t *testing.T, completeERs CompleteExecutionReceiptList, chunkID flow.Identifier, verID flow.Identifier, con network.Conduit) bool {
   128  		tryCount[chunkID]++
   130  		if tryCount[chunkID] >= n {
   131  			// finds the chunk data pack of the requested chunk and sends it back.
   132  			res := completeERs.ChunkDataResponseOf(t, chunkID)
   134  			err := con.Unicast(res, verID)
   135  			assert.Nil(t, err)
   137  			log.Debug().
   138  				Hex("origin_id", logging.ID(verID)).
   139  				Hex("chunk_id", logging.ID(chunkID)).
   140  				Int("trial_time", tryCount[chunkID]).
   141  				Msg("chunk data pack request answered by provider")
   143  			return true
   144  		}
   146  		return false
   147  	}
   148  }
   150  // SetupMockConsensusNode creates and returns a mock consensus node (conIdentity) and its registered engine in the
   151  // network (hub). It mocks the process method of the consensus engine to receive a message from a certain
   152  // verification node (verIdentity) evaluates whether it is a result approval about an assigned chunk to that verifier node.
   153  func SetupMockConsensusNode(t *testing.T,
   154  	log zerolog.Logger,
   155  	hub *stub.Hub,
   156  	conIdentity bootstrap.NodeInfo,
   157  	verIdentities flow.IdentityList,
   158  	othersIdentity flow.IdentityList,
   159  	completeERs CompleteExecutionReceiptList,
   160  	chainID flow.ChainID,
   161  	assignedChunkIDs flow.IdentifierList) (*enginemock.GenericNode, *mocknetwork.Engine, *sync.WaitGroup) {
   163  	lg := log.With().Str("role", "mock-consensus").Logger()
   165  	wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
   166  	// each verification node is assigned to issue one result approval per assigned chunk.
   167  	// and there are `len(verIdentities)`-many verification nodes
   168  	// so there is a total of len(verIdentities) * len*(assignedChunkIDs) expected
   169  	// result approvals.
   170  	wg.Add(len(verIdentities) * len(assignedChunkIDs))
   172  	// mock the consensus node with a generic node and mocked engine to assert
   173  	// that the result approval is broadcast
   174  	conNode := testutil.GenericNodeFromParticipants(t, hub, conIdentity, othersIdentity, chainID)
   175  	conEngine := new(mocknetwork.Engine)
   177  	// map form verIds --> result approval ID
   178  	resultApprovalSeen := make(map[flow.Identifier]map[flow.Identifier]struct{})
   179  	for _, verIdentity := range verIdentities {
   180  		resultApprovalSeen[verIdentity.NodeID] = make(map[flow.Identifier]struct{})
   181  	}
   183  	// creates a hasher for spock
   184  	hasher := msig.NewBLSHasher(msig.SPOCKTag)
   185  	mu := &sync.Mutex{} // making testify mock thread-safe
   187  	conEngine.On("Process", testifymock.AnythingOfType("channels.Channel"), testifymock.Anything, testifymock.Anything).
   188  		Run(func(args testifymock.Arguments) {
   189  			mu.Lock()
   190  			defer mu.Unlock()
   192  			originID, ok := args[1].(flow.Identifier)
   193  			assert.True(t, ok)
   195  			resultApproval, ok := args[2].(*flow.ResultApproval)
   196  			assert.True(t, ok)
   198  			lg.Debug().
   199  				Hex("result_approval_id", logging.ID(resultApproval.ID())).
   200  				Msg("result approval received")
   202  			// asserts that result approval has not been seen from this
   203  			_, ok = resultApprovalSeen[originID][resultApproval.ID()]
   204  			assert.False(t, ok)
   206  			// marks result approval as seen
   207  			resultApprovalSeen[originID][resultApproval.ID()] = struct{}{}
   209  			// result approval should belong to an assigned chunk to the verification node.
   210  			chunk := completeERs.ChunkOf(t, resultApproval.Body.ExecutionResultID, resultApproval.Body.ChunkIndex)
   211  			assert.Contains(t, assignedChunkIDs, chunk.ID())
   213  			// verifies SPoCK proof of result approval
   214  			// against the SPoCK secret of the execution result
   215  			//
   216  			// retrieves public key of verification node
   217  			var pk crypto.PublicKey
   218  			found := false
   219  			for _, identity := range verIdentities {
   220  				if originID == identity.NodeID {
   221  					pk = identity.StakingPubKey
   222  					found = true
   223  				}
   224  			}
   225  			require.True(t, found)
   227  			// verifies spocks
   228  			valid, err := crypto.SPOCKVerifyAgainstData(
   229  				pk,
   230  				resultApproval.Body.Spock,
   231  				completeERs.ReceiptDataOf(t, chunk.ID()).SpockSecrets[resultApproval.Body.ChunkIndex],
   232  				hasher,
   233  			)
   234  			assert.NoError(t, err)
   236  			if !valid {
   237  				// When chunk verifier returns chunk fault, a placeholder
   238  				// signature is generated for that chunk.
   239  				isChunkFaultSignature, err := crypto.SPOCKVerifyAgainstData(
   240  					pk,
   241  					resultApproval.Body.Spock,
   242  					nil, // chunk fault has no spock secret
   243  					hasher,
   244  				)
   245  				assert.NoError(t, err)
   247  				if isChunkFaultSignature {
   248  					assert.Fail(t, "chunk verifier returned chunk fault")
   249  				} else {
   250  					assert.Fail(t, "spock secret mismatch")
   251  				}
   252  			}
   254  			wg.Done()
   255  		}).Return(nil)
   257  	_, err := conNode.Net.Register(channels.ReceiveApprovals, conEngine)
   258  	assert.Nil(t, err)
   260  	return &conNode, conEngine, wg
   261  }
   263  // isSystemChunk returns true if the index corresponds to the system chunk, i.e., last chunk in
   264  // the receipt.
   265  func isSystemChunk(index uint64, chunkNum int) bool {
   266  	return int(index) == chunkNum-1
   267  }
   269  func CreateExecutionResult(blockID flow.Identifier, options ...func(result *flow.ExecutionResult, assignments *chunks.Assignment)) (*flow.ExecutionResult, *chunks.Assignment) {
   270  	result := &flow.ExecutionResult{
   271  		BlockID: blockID,
   272  		Chunks:  flow.ChunkList{},
   273  	}
   274  	assignments := chunks.NewAssignment()
   276  	for _, option := range options {
   277  		option(result, assignments)
   278  	}
   279  	return result, assignments
   280  }
   282  func WithChunks(setAssignees ...func(flow.Identifier, uint64, *chunks.Assignment) *flow.Chunk) func(*flow.ExecutionResult, *chunks.Assignment) {
   283  	return func(result *flow.ExecutionResult, assignment *chunks.Assignment) {
   284  		for i, setAssignee := range setAssignees {
   285  			chunk := setAssignee(result.BlockID, uint64(i), assignment)
   286  			result.Chunks.Insert(chunk)
   287  		}
   288  	}
   289  }
   291  func ChunkWithIndex(blockID flow.Identifier, index int) *flow.Chunk {
   292  	chunk := &flow.Chunk{
   293  		Index: uint64(index),
   294  		ChunkBody: flow.ChunkBody{
   295  			CollectionIndex: uint(index),
   296  			EventCollection: blockID, // ensure chunks from different blocks with the same index will have different chunk ID
   297  			BlockID:         blockID,
   298  		},
   299  		EndState: unittest.StateCommitmentFixture(),
   300  	}
   301  	return chunk
   302  }
   304  func WithAssignee(assignee flow.Identifier) func(flow.Identifier, uint64, *chunks.Assignment) *flow.Chunk {
   305  	return func(blockID flow.Identifier, index uint64, assignment *chunks.Assignment) *flow.Chunk {
   306  		chunk := ChunkWithIndex(blockID, int(index))
   307  		fmt.Printf("with assignee: %v, chunk id: %v\n", index, chunk.ID())
   308  		assignment.Add(chunk, flow.IdentifierList{assignee})
   309  		return chunk
   310  	}
   311  }
   313  func FromChunkID(chunkID flow.Identifier) flow.ChunkDataPack {
   314  	return flow.ChunkDataPack{
   315  		ChunkID: chunkID,
   316  	}
   317  }
   319  type ChunkAssignerFunc func(chunkIndex uint64, chunks int) bool
   321  // MockChunkAssignmentFixture is a test helper that mocks a chunk assigner for a set of verification nodes for the
   322  // execution results in the given complete execution receipts, and based on the given chunk assigner function.
   323  //
   324  // It returns the list of chunk locator ids assigned to the input verification nodes, as well as the list of their chunk IDs.
   325  // All verification nodes are assigned the same chunks.
   326  func MockChunkAssignmentFixture(chunkAssigner *mock.ChunkAssigner,
   327  	verIds flow.IdentityList,
   328  	completeERs CompleteExecutionReceiptList,
   329  	isAssigned ChunkAssignerFunc) (flow.IdentifierList, flow.IdentifierList) {
   331  	expectedLocatorIds := flow.IdentifierList{}
   332  	expectedChunkIds := flow.IdentifierList{}
   334  	// keeps track of duplicate results (receipts that share same result)
   335  	visited := make(map[flow.Identifier]struct{})
   337  	for _, completeER := range completeERs {
   338  		for _, receipt := range completeER.Receipts {
   339  			a := chunks.NewAssignment()
   341  			_, duplicate := visited[receipt.ExecutionResult.ID()]
   342  			if duplicate {
   343  				// skips mocking chunk assignment for duplicate results
   344  				continue
   345  			}
   347  			for _, chunk := range receipt.ExecutionResult.Chunks {
   348  				if isAssigned(chunk.Index, len(receipt.ExecutionResult.Chunks)) {
   349  					locatorID := chunks.Locator{
   350  						ResultID: receipt.ExecutionResult.ID(),
   351  						Index:    chunk.Index,
   352  					}.ID()
   353  					expectedLocatorIds = append(expectedLocatorIds, locatorID)
   354  					expectedChunkIds = append(expectedChunkIds, chunk.ID())
   355  					a.Add(chunk, verIds.NodeIDs())
   356  				}
   358  			}
   360  			chunkAssigner.On("Assign", &receipt.ExecutionResult, completeER.ContainerBlock.ID()).Return(a, nil)
   361  			visited[receipt.ExecutionResult.ID()] = struct{}{}
   362  		}
   363  	}
   365  	return expectedLocatorIds, expectedChunkIds
   366  }
   368  // EvenChunkIndexAssigner is a helper function that returns true for the even indices in [0, chunkNum-1]
   369  // It also returns true if the index corresponds to the system chunk.
   370  func EvenChunkIndexAssigner(index uint64, chunkNum int) bool {
   371  	ok := index%2 == 0 || isSystemChunk(index, chunkNum)
   372  	return ok
   373  }
   375  // ExtendStateWithFinalizedBlocks is a test helper to extend the execution state and return the list of blocks.
   376  // It receives a list of complete execution receipt fixtures in the form of (R1,1 <- R1,2 <- ... <- C1) <- (R2,1 <- R2,2 <- ... <- C2) <- .....
   377  // Where R and C are the reference and container blocks.
   378  // Reference blocks contain guarantees, and container blocks contain execution receipt for their preceding reference blocks,
   379  // e.g., C1 contains receipts for R1,1, R1,2, etc.
   380  // Note: for sake of simplicity we do not include guarantees in the container blocks for now.
   381  func ExtendStateWithFinalizedBlocks(t *testing.T, completeExecutionReceipts CompleteExecutionReceiptList,
   382  	state protocol.ParticipantState) []*flow.Block {
   383  	blocks := make([]*flow.Block, 0)
   385  	// tracks of duplicate reference blocks
   386  	// since receipts may share the same execution result, hence
   387  	// their reference block is the same (and we should not extend for it).
   388  	duplicate := make(map[flow.Identifier]struct{})
   390  	// extends protocol state with the chain of blocks.
   391  	for _, completeER := range completeExecutionReceipts {
   392  		// extends state with reference blocks of the receipts
   393  		for _, receipt := range completeER.ReceiptsData {
   394  			refBlockID := receipt.ReferenceBlock.ID()
   395  			_, dup := duplicate[refBlockID]
   396  			if dup {
   397  				// skips extending state with already duplicate reference block
   398  				continue
   399  			}
   401  			err := state.Extend(context.Background(), receipt.ReferenceBlock)
   402  			require.NoError(t, err, fmt.Errorf("can not extend block %v: %w", receipt.ReferenceBlock.ID(), err))
   403  			err = state.Finalize(context.Background(), refBlockID)
   404  			require.NoError(t, err)
   405  			blocks = append(blocks, receipt.ReferenceBlock)
   406  			duplicate[refBlockID] = struct{}{}
   407  		}
   409  		// extends state with container block of receipt.
   410  		containerBlockID := completeER.ContainerBlock.ID()
   411  		_, dup := duplicate[containerBlockID]
   412  		if dup {
   413  			// skips extending state with already duplicate container block
   414  			continue
   415  		}
   416  		err := state.Extend(context.Background(), completeER.ContainerBlock)
   417  		require.NoError(t, err)
   418  		err = state.Finalize(context.Background(), containerBlockID)
   419  		require.NoError(t, err)
   420  		blocks = append(blocks, completeER.ContainerBlock)
   421  		duplicate[containerBlockID] = struct{}{}
   422  	}
   424  	return blocks
   425  }
   427  // MockLastSealedHeight mocks the protocol state for the specified last sealed height.
   428  func MockLastSealedHeight(state *mockprotocol.State, height uint64) {
   429  	snapshot := &mockprotocol.Snapshot{}
   430  	header := unittest.BlockHeaderFixture()
   431  	header.Height = height
   432  	state.On("Sealed").Return(snapshot)
   433  	snapshot.On("Head").Return(header, nil)
   434  }
   436  func NewVerificationHappyPathTest(t *testing.T,
   437  	authorized bool,
   438  	blockCount int,
   439  	eventRepetition int,
   440  	verCollector module.VerificationMetrics,
   441  	mempoolCollector module.MempoolMetrics,
   442  	retry int,
   443  	ops ...CompleteExecutionReceiptBuilderOpt) {
   445  	withConsumers(t, authorized, blockCount, verCollector, mempoolCollector, RespondChunkDataPackRequestAfterNTrials(retry), func(
   446  		blockConsumer *blockconsumer.BlockConsumer,
   447  		blocks []*flow.Block,
   448  		resultApprovalsWG *sync.WaitGroup,
   449  		chunkDataRequestWG *sync.WaitGroup) {
   451  		for i := 0; i < len(blocks)*eventRepetition; i++ {
   452  			// consumer is only required to be "notified" that a new finalized block available.
   453  			// It keeps track of the last finalized block it has read, and read the next height upon
   454  			// getting notified as follows:
   455  			blockConsumer.OnFinalizedBlock(&model.Block{})
   456  		}
   458  		unittest.RequireReturnsBefore(t, chunkDataRequestWG.Wait, time.Duration(10*retry*blockCount)*time.Second,
   459  			"could not receive chunk data requests on time")
   460  		unittest.RequireReturnsBefore(t, resultApprovalsWG.Wait, time.Duration(2*retry*blockCount)*time.Second,
   461  			"could not receive result approvals on time")
   463  	}, ops...)
   464  }
   466  // withConsumers is a test helper that sets up the following pipeline:
   467  // block reader -> block consumer (3 workers) -> assigner engine -> chunks queue -> chunks consumer (3 workers) -> mock chunk processor
   468  //
   469  // The block consumer operates on a block reader with a chain of specified number of finalized blocks
   470  // ready to read.
   471  func withConsumers(t *testing.T,
   472  	authorized bool,
   473  	blockCount int,
   474  	verCollector module.VerificationMetrics, // verification metrics collector
   475  	mempoolCollector module.MempoolMetrics, // memory pool metrics collector
   476  	providerFunc MockChunkDataProviderFunc,
   477  	withBlockConsumer func(*blockconsumer.BlockConsumer, []*flow.Block, *sync.WaitGroup, *sync.WaitGroup),
   478  	ops ...CompleteExecutionReceiptBuilderOpt) {
   480  	tracer := trace.NewNoopTracer()
   481  	log := zerolog.Nop()
   483  	// bootstraps system with one node of each role.
   484  	s, verID, bootstrapNodesInfo := bootstrapSystem(t, log, tracer, authorized)
   486  	participants := bootstrap.ToIdentityList(bootstrapNodesInfo)
   487  	exeIndex := slices.IndexFunc(bootstrapNodesInfo, func(info bootstrap.NodeInfo) bool {
   488  		return info.Role == flow.RoleExecution
   489  	})
   490  	conIndex := slices.IndexFunc(bootstrapNodesInfo, func(info bootstrap.NodeInfo) bool {
   491  		return info.Role == flow.RoleConsensus
   492  	})
   493  	// generates a chain of blocks in the form of root <- R1 <- C1 <- R2 <- C2 <- ... where Rs are distinct reference
   494  	// blocks (i.e., containing guarantees), and Cs are container blocks for their preceding reference block,
   495  	// Container blocks only contain receipts of their preceding reference blocks. But they do not
   496  	// hold any guarantees.
   497  	root, err := s.State.Final().Head()
   498  	require.NoError(t, err)
   499  	protocolState, err := s.State.Final().ProtocolState()
   500  	require.NoError(t, err)
   501  	protocolStateID := protocolState.ID()
   503  	chainID := root.ChainID
   504  	ops = append(ops, WithExecutorIDs(
   505  		participants.Filter(filter.HasRole[flow.Identity](flow.RoleExecution)).NodeIDs()), func(builder *CompleteExecutionReceiptBuilder) {
   506  		// needed for the guarantees to have the correct chainID and signer indices
   507  		builder.clusterCommittee = participants.Filter(filter.HasRole[flow.Identity](flow.RoleCollection))
   508  	})
   510  	// random sources for all blocks:
   511  	//  - root block (block[0]) is executed with sources[0] (included in QC of child block[1])
   512  	//  - block[i] is executed with sources[i] (included in QC of child block[i+1])
   513  	sources := unittest.RandomSourcesFixture(30)
   514  	completeERs := CompleteExecutionReceiptChainFixture(t, root, protocolStateID, blockCount, sources, ops...)
   515  	blocks := ExtendStateWithFinalizedBlocks(t, completeERs, s.State)
   517  	// chunk assignment
   518  	chunkAssigner := &mock.ChunkAssigner{}
   519  	assignedChunkIDs := flow.IdentifierList{}
   520  	if authorized {
   521  		// only authorized verification node has some chunks assigned to it.
   522  		_, assignedChunkIDs = MockChunkAssignmentFixture(chunkAssigner,
   523  			flow.IdentityList{verID.Identity()},
   524  			completeERs,
   525  			EvenChunkIndexAssigner)
   526  	}
   528  	hub := stub.NewNetworkHub()
   529  	collector := &metrics.NoopCollector{}
   530  	chunksLimit := 100
   531  	genericNode := testutil.GenericNodeWithStateFixture(t,
   532  		s,
   533  		hub,
   534  		verID,
   535  		unittest.Logger().With().Str("role", "verification").Logger(),
   536  		collector,
   537  		tracer,
   538  		chainID)
   540  	// execution node
   541  	exeNode, exeEngine, exeWG := SetupChunkDataPackProvider(t,
   542  		hub,
   543  		bootstrapNodesInfo[exeIndex],
   544  		participants,
   545  		chainID,
   546  		completeERs,
   547  		assignedChunkIDs,
   548  		providerFunc)
   550  	// consensus node
   551  	conNode, conEngine, conWG := SetupMockConsensusNode(t,
   552  		unittest.Logger(),
   553  		hub,
   554  		bootstrapNodesInfo[conIndex],
   555  		flow.IdentityList{verID.Identity()},
   556  		participants,
   557  		completeERs,
   558  		chainID,
   559  		assignedChunkIDs)
   561  	verNode := testutil.VerificationNode(t,
   562  		hub,
   563  		verID,
   564  		participants,
   565  		chunkAssigner,
   566  		uint(chunksLimit),
   567  		chainID,
   568  		verCollector,
   569  		mempoolCollector,
   570  		testutil.WithGenericNode(&genericNode))
   572  	// turns on components and network
   573  	verNet, ok := hub.GetNetwork(verID.NodeID)
   574  	require.True(t, ok)
   575  	unittest.RequireReturnsBefore(t, func() {
   576  		verNet.StartConDev(100*time.Millisecond, true)
   577  	}, 100*time.Millisecond, "failed to start verification network")
   579  	unittest.RequireComponentsReadyBefore(t, 1*time.Second,
   580  		verNode.BlockConsumer,
   581  		verNode.ChunkConsumer,
   582  		verNode.AssignerEngine,
   583  		verNode.FetcherEngine,
   584  		verNode.RequesterEngine,
   585  		verNode.VerifierEngine)
   587  	// plays test scenario
   588  	withBlockConsumer(verNode.BlockConsumer, blocks, conWG, exeWG)
   590  	// tears down engines and nodes
   591  	unittest.RequireReturnsBefore(t, verNet.StopConDev, 100*time.Millisecond, "failed to stop verification network")
   592  	unittest.RequireComponentsDoneBefore(t, 100*time.Millisecond,
   593  		verNode.BlockConsumer,
   594  		verNode.ChunkConsumer,
   595  		verNode.AssignerEngine,
   596  		verNode.FetcherEngine,
   597  		verNode.RequesterEngine,
   598  		verNode.VerifierEngine)
   600  	enginemock.RequireGenericNodesDoneBefore(t, 1*time.Second,
   601  		conNode,
   602  		exeNode)
   604  	if !authorized {
   605  		// in unauthorized mode, no message should be received by consensus and execution node.
   606  		conEngine.AssertNotCalled(t, "Process")
   607  		exeEngine.AssertNotCalled(t, "Process")
   608  	}
   610  	// verifies memory resources are cleaned up all over pipeline
   611  	assert.Zero(t, verNode.BlockConsumer.Size())
   612  	assert.Zero(t, verNode.ChunkConsumer.Size())
   613  	assert.Zero(t, verNode.ChunkStatuses.Size())
   614  	assert.Zero(t, verNode.ChunkRequests.Size())
   615  }
   617  // bootstrapSystem is a test helper that bootstraps a flow system with node of each main roles (except execution nodes that are two).
   618  // If authorized set to true, it bootstraps verification node as an authorized one.
   619  // Otherwise, it bootstraps the verification node as unauthorized in current epoch.
   620  //
   621  // As the return values, it returns the state, local module, and list of identities in system.
   622  func bootstrapSystem(
   623  	t *testing.T,
   624  	log zerolog.Logger,
   625  	tracer module.Tracer,
   626  	authorized bool,
   627  ) (
   628  	*enginemock.StateFixture,
   629  	bootstrap.NodeInfo,
   630  	[]bootstrap.NodeInfo,
   631  ) {
   632  	// creates bootstrapNodesInfo to bootstrap system with
   633  	bootstrapNodesInfo := make([]bootstrap.NodeInfo, 0)
   634  	var verID bootstrap.NodeInfo
   635  	for _, missingRole := range unittest.CompleteIdentitySet() {
   636  		nodeInfo := unittest.PrivateNodeInfoFixture(unittest.WithRole(missingRole.Role))
   637  		if nodeInfo.Role == flow.RoleVerification {
   638  			verID = nodeInfo
   639  		}
   640  		bootstrapNodesInfo = append(bootstrapNodesInfo, nodeInfo)
   641  	}
   642  	bootstrapNodesInfo = append(bootstrapNodesInfo, unittest.PrivateNodeInfoFixture(unittest.WithRole(flow.RoleExecution))) // adds extra execution node
   643  	identities := bootstrap.ToIdentityList(bootstrapNodesInfo)
   645  	collector := &metrics.NoopCollector{}
   646  	rootSnapshot := unittest.RootSnapshotFixture(identities)
   647  	stateFixture := testutil.CompleteStateFixture(t, log, collector, tracer, rootSnapshot)
   648  	// bootstraps the system
   650  	if !authorized {
   651  		// creates a new verification node identity that is unauthorized for this epoch
   652  		verID = unittest.PrivateNodeInfoFixture(unittest.WithRole(flow.RoleVerification))
   653  		bootstrapNodesInfo = append(bootstrapNodesInfo, verID)
   654  		identities = append(identities, verID.Identity())
   656  		mutableProtocolState := protocol_state.NewMutableProtocolState(
   657  			stateFixture.Storage.EpochProtocolState,
   658  			stateFixture.Storage.ProtocolKVStore,
   659  			stateFixture.State.Params(),
   660  			stateFixture.Storage.Headers,
   661  			stateFixture.Storage.Results,
   662  			stateFixture.Storage.Setups,
   663  			stateFixture.Storage.EpochCommits,
   664  		)
   665  		epochBuilder := unittest.NewEpochBuilder(t, mutableProtocolState, stateFixture.State)
   666  		epochBuilder.
   667  			UsingSetupOpts(unittest.WithParticipants(identities.ToSkeleton())).
   668  			BuildEpoch()
   669  	}
   671  	return stateFixture, verID, bootstrapNodesInfo
   672  }