
     1  package collection
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  )
     7  // blockBuildContext encapsulates required information about the cluster chain and
     8  // main chain state needed to build a new cluster block proposal.
     9  type blockBuildContext struct {
    10  	parentID                   flow.Identifier  // ID of the parent we are extending
    11  	parent                     *flow.Header     // parent of the block we are building
    12  	clusterChainFinalizedBlock *flow.Header     // finalized block on the cluster chain
    13  	refChainFinalizedHeight    uint64           // finalized height on reference chain
    14  	refChainFinalizedID        flow.Identifier  // finalized block ID on reference chain
    15  	refEpochFirstHeight        uint64           // first height of this cluster's operating epoch
    16  	refEpochFinalHeight        *uint64          // last height of this cluster's operating epoch (nil if epoch not ended)
    17  	refEpochFinalID            *flow.Identifier // ID of last block in this cluster's operating epoch (nil if epoch not ended)
    18  	config                     Config
    19  	limiter                    *rateLimiter
    20  	lookup                     *transactionLookup
    21  }
    23  // highestPossibleReferenceBlockHeight returns the height of the highest possible valid reference block.
    24  // It is the highest finalized block which is in this cluster's operating epoch.
    25  func (ctx *blockBuildContext) highestPossibleReferenceBlockHeight() uint64 {
    26  	if ctx.refEpochFinalHeight != nil {
    27  		return *ctx.refEpochFinalHeight
    28  	}
    29  	return ctx.refChainFinalizedHeight
    30  }
    32  // highestPossibleReferenceBlockID returns the ID of the highest possible valid reference block.
    33  // It is the highest finalized block which is in this cluster's operating epoch.
    34  func (ctx *blockBuildContext) highestPossibleReferenceBlockID() flow.Identifier {
    35  	if ctx.refEpochFinalID != nil {
    36  		return *ctx.refEpochFinalID
    37  	}
    38  	return ctx.refChainFinalizedID
    39  }
    41  // lowestPossibleReferenceBlockHeight returns the height of the lowest possible valid reference block.
    42  // This is the higher of:
    43  //   - the first block in this cluster's operating epoch
    44  //   - the lowest block which could be used as a reference block without being
    45  //     immediately expired (accounting for the configured expiry buffer)
    46  func (ctx *blockBuildContext) lowestPossibleReferenceBlockHeight() uint64 {
    47  	// By default, the lowest possible reference block for a non-expired collection has a height
    48  	// δ below the latest finalized block, for `δ := flow.DefaultTransactionExpiry - ctx.config.ExpiryBuffer`
    49  	// However, our current Epoch might not have δ finalized blocks yet, in which case the lowest
    50  	// possible reference block is the first block in the Epoch.
    51  	delta := uint64(flow.DefaultTransactionExpiry - ctx.config.ExpiryBuffer)
    52  	if ctx.refChainFinalizedHeight <= ctx.refEpochFirstHeight+delta {
    53  		return ctx.refEpochFirstHeight
    54  	}
    55  	return ctx.refChainFinalizedHeight - delta
    56  }