
     1  package consensus
     3  import (
     4  	"math/rand"
     5  	"os"
     6  	"testing"
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    14  	""
    15  	mempoolAPIs ""
    16  	mempoolImpl ""
    17  	mempool ""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	realproto ""
    21  	protocol ""
    22  	storerr ""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	storage ""
    26  	""
    27  )
    29  func TestConsensusBuilder(t *testing.T) {
    30  	suite.Run(t, new(BuilderSuite))
    31  }
    33  type BuilderSuite struct {
    34  	suite.Suite
    36  	// test helpers
    37  	firstID           flow.Identifier                               // first block in the range we look at
    38  	finalID           flow.Identifier                               // last finalized block
    39  	parentID          flow.Identifier                               //	Parent block we build on
    40  	finalizedBlockIDs []flow.Identifier                             // blocks between first and final
    41  	pendingBlockIDs   []flow.Identifier                             // blocks between final and parent
    42  	resultForBlock    map[flow.Identifier]*flow.ExecutionResult     // map: BlockID -> Execution Result
    43  	resultByID        map[flow.Identifier]*flow.ExecutionResult     // map: result ID -> Execution Result
    44  	receiptsByID      map[flow.Identifier]*flow.ExecutionReceipt    // map: receipt ID -> ExecutionReceipt
    45  	receiptsByBlockID map[flow.Identifier]flow.ExecutionReceiptList // map: block ID -> flow.ExecutionReceiptList
    47  	// used to populate and test the seal mempool
    48  	chain   []*flow.Seal                                     // chain of seals starting first
    49  	irsList []*flow.IncorporatedResultSeal                   // chain of IncorporatedResultSeals
    50  	irsMap  map[flow.Identifier]*flow.IncorporatedResultSeal // index for irsList
    52  	// mempools consumed by builder
    53  	pendingGuarantees []*flow.CollectionGuarantee
    54  	pendingReceipts   []*flow.ExecutionReceipt
    55  	pendingSeals      map[flow.Identifier]*flow.IncorporatedResultSeal // storage for the seal mempool
    57  	// storage for dbs
    58  	headers       map[flow.Identifier]*flow.Header
    59  	index         map[flow.Identifier]*flow.Index
    60  	blocks        map[flow.Identifier]*flow.Block
    61  	blockChildren map[flow.Identifier][]flow.Identifier // ids of children blocks
    63  	lastSeal *flow.Seal
    65  	// real dependencies
    66  	dir      string
    67  	db       *badger.DB
    68  	sentinel uint64
    69  	setter   func(*flow.Header) error
    70  	sign     func(*flow.Header) error
    72  	// mocked dependencies
    73  	state        *protocol.ParticipantState
    74  	headerDB     *storage.Headers
    75  	sealDB       *storage.Seals
    76  	indexDB      *storage.Index
    77  	blockDB      *storage.Blocks
    78  	resultDB     *storage.ExecutionResults
    79  	receiptsDB   *storage.ExecutionReceipts
    80  	stateMutator *protocol.MutableProtocolState
    82  	guarPool *mempool.Guarantees
    83  	sealPool *mempool.IncorporatedResultSeals
    84  	recPool  *mempool.ExecutionTree
    86  	// tracking behaviour
    87  	assembled *flow.Payload // built payload
    89  	// component under test
    90  	build *Builder
    91  }
    93  func (bs *BuilderSuite) storeBlock(block *flow.Block) {
    94  	bs.headers[block.ID()] = block.Header
    95  	bs.blocks[block.ID()] = block
    96  	bs.index[block.ID()] = block.Payload.Index()
    97  	bs.blockChildren[block.Header.ParentID] = append(bs.blockChildren[block.Header.ParentID], block.ID())
    98  	for _, result := range block.Payload.Results {
    99  		bs.resultByID[result.ID()] = result
   100  	}
   101  }
   103  // createAndRecordBlock creates a new block chained to the previous block.
   104  // The new block contains a receipt for a result of the previous
   105  // block, which is also used to create a seal for the previous block. The seal
   106  // and the result are combined in an IncorporatedResultSeal which is a candidate
   107  // for the seals mempool.
   108  func (bs *BuilderSuite) createAndRecordBlock(parentBlock *flow.Block, candidateSealForParent bool) *flow.Block {
   109  	block := unittest.BlockWithParentFixture(parentBlock.Header)
   111  	// Create a receipt for a result of the parentBlock block,
   112  	// and add it to the payload. The corresponding IncorporatedResult will be used to
   113  	// seal the parentBlock, and to create an IncorporatedResultSeal for the seal mempool.
   114  	var incorporatedResultForPrevBlock *flow.IncorporatedResult
   115  	previousResult, found := bs.resultForBlock[parentBlock.ID()]
   116  	if !found {
   117  		panic("missing execution result for parent")
   118  	}
   119  	receipt := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(previousResult))
   120  	block.Payload.Receipts = append(block.Payload.Receipts, receipt.Meta())
   121  	block.Payload.Results = append(block.Payload.Results, &receipt.ExecutionResult)
   123  	incorporatedResultForPrevBlock = unittest.IncorporatedResult.Fixture(
   124  		unittest.IncorporatedResult.WithResult(previousResult),
   125  		unittest.IncorporatedResult.WithIncorporatedBlockID(block.ID()),
   126  	)
   128  	result := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(
   129  		unittest.WithBlock(block),
   130  		unittest.WithPreviousResult(*previousResult),
   131  	)
   133  	bs.resultForBlock[result.BlockID] = result
   134  	bs.resultByID[result.ID()] = result
   135  	bs.receiptsByID[receipt.ID()] = receipt
   136  	bs.receiptsByBlockID[receipt.ExecutionResult.BlockID] = append(bs.receiptsByBlockID[receipt.ExecutionResult.BlockID], receipt)
   138  	// record block in dbs
   139  	bs.storeBlock(block)
   141  	if candidateSealForParent {
   142  		// seal the parentBlock block with the result included in this block.
   143  		bs.chainSeal(incorporatedResultForPrevBlock)
   144  	}
   146  	return block
   147  }
   149  // Create a seal for the result's block. The corresponding
   150  // IncorporatedResultSeal, which ties the seal to the incorporated result it
   151  // seals, is also recorded for future access.
   152  func (bs *BuilderSuite) chainSeal(incorporatedResult *flow.IncorporatedResult) {
   153  	incorporatedResultSeal := unittest.IncorporatedResultSeal.Fixture(
   154  		unittest.IncorporatedResultSeal.WithResult(incorporatedResult.Result),
   155  		unittest.IncorporatedResultSeal.WithIncorporatedBlockID(incorporatedResult.IncorporatedBlockID),
   156  	)
   158  	bs.chain = append(bs.chain, incorporatedResultSeal.Seal)
   159  	bs.irsMap[incorporatedResultSeal.ID()] = incorporatedResultSeal
   160  	bs.irsList = append(bs.irsList, incorporatedResultSeal)
   161  }
   163  // SetupTest constructs the following chain of blocks:
   164  //
   165  //	[first] <- [F0] <- [F1] <- [F2] <- [F3] <- [final] <- [A0] <- [A1] <- [A2] <- [A3] <- [parent]
   166  //
   167  // Where block
   168  //   - [first] is sealed and finalized
   169  //   - [F0] ... [F4] and [final] are finalized, unsealed blocks with candidate seals are included in mempool
   170  //   - [A0] ... [A2] are non-finalized, unsealed blocks with candidate seals are included in mempool
   171  //   - [A3] and [parent] are non-finalized, unsealed blocks _without_ candidate seals
   172  //
   173  // Each block incorporates the result for its immediate parent.
   174  //
   175  // Note: In the happy path, the blocks [A3] and [parent] will not have candidate seal for the following reason:
   176  // For the verifiers to start checking a result R, they need a source of randomness for the block _incorporating_
   177  // result R. The result for block [A3] is incorporated in [parent], which does _not_ have a child yet.
   178  func (bs *BuilderSuite) SetupTest() {
   180  	// set up no-op dependencies
   181  	noopMetrics := metrics.NewNoopCollector()
   182  	noopTracer := trace.NewNoopTracer()
   184  	// set up test parameters
   185  	numFinalizedBlocks := 4
   186  	numPendingBlocks := 4
   188  	// reset test helpers
   189  	bs.pendingBlockIDs = nil
   190  	bs.finalizedBlockIDs = nil
   191  	bs.resultForBlock = make(map[flow.Identifier]*flow.ExecutionResult)
   192  	bs.resultByID = make(map[flow.Identifier]*flow.ExecutionResult)
   193  	bs.receiptsByID = make(map[flow.Identifier]*flow.ExecutionReceipt)
   194  	bs.receiptsByBlockID = make(map[flow.Identifier]flow.ExecutionReceiptList)
   196  	bs.chain = nil
   197  	bs.irsMap = make(map[flow.Identifier]*flow.IncorporatedResultSeal)
   198  	bs.irsList = nil
   200  	// initialize the pools
   201  	bs.pendingGuarantees = nil
   202  	bs.pendingSeals = nil
   203  	bs.pendingReceipts = nil
   205  	// initialise the dbs
   206  	bs.lastSeal = nil
   207  	bs.headers = make(map[flow.Identifier]*flow.Header)
   208  	//bs.heights = make(map[uint64]*flow.Header)
   209  	bs.index = make(map[flow.Identifier]*flow.Index)
   210  	bs.blocks = make(map[flow.Identifier]*flow.Block)
   211  	bs.blockChildren = make(map[flow.Identifier][]flow.Identifier)
   213  	// initialize behaviour tracking
   214  	bs.assembled = nil
   216  	// Construct the [first] block:
   217  	first := unittest.BlockFixture()
   218  	bs.storeBlock(&first)
   219  	bs.firstID = first.ID()
   220  	firstResult := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(&first))
   221  	bs.lastSeal = unittest.Seal.Fixture(unittest.Seal.WithResult(firstResult))
   222  	bs.resultForBlock[firstResult.BlockID] = firstResult
   223  	bs.resultByID[firstResult.ID()] = firstResult
   225  	// Construct finalized blocks [F0] ... [F4]
   226  	previous := &first
   227  	for n := 0; n < numFinalizedBlocks; n++ {
   228  		finalized := bs.createAndRecordBlock(previous, n > 0) // Do not construct candidate seal for [first], as it is already sealed
   229  		bs.finalizedBlockIDs = append(bs.finalizedBlockIDs, finalized.ID())
   230  		previous = finalized
   231  	}
   233  	// Construct the last finalized block [final]
   234  	final := bs.createAndRecordBlock(previous, true)
   235  	bs.finalID = final.ID()
   237  	// Construct the pending (i.e. unfinalized) ancestors [A0], ..., [A3]
   238  	previous = final
   239  	for n := 0; n < numPendingBlocks; n++ {
   240  		pending := bs.createAndRecordBlock(previous, true)
   241  		bs.pendingBlockIDs = append(bs.pendingBlockIDs, pending.ID())
   242  		previous = pending
   243  	}
   245  	// Construct [parent] block; but do _not_ add candidate seal for its parent
   246  	parent := bs.createAndRecordBlock(previous, false)
   247  	bs.parentID = parent.ID()
   249  	// set up temporary database for tests
   250  	bs.db, bs.dir = unittest.TempBadgerDB(bs.T())
   252  	err := bs.db.Update(operation.InsertFinalizedHeight(final.Header.Height))
   253  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   254  	err = bs.db.Update(operation.IndexBlockHeight(final.Header.Height, bs.finalID))
   255  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   257  	err = bs.db.Update(operation.InsertRootHeight(13))
   258  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   260  	err = bs.db.Update(operation.InsertSealedHeight(first.Header.Height))
   261  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   262  	err = bs.db.Update(operation.IndexBlockHeight(first.Header.Height, first.ID()))
   263  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   265  	bs.sentinel = 1337
   267  	bs.setter = func(header *flow.Header) error {
   268  		header.View = 1337
   269  		return nil
   270  	}
   271  	bs.sign = func(_ *flow.Header) error {
   272  		return nil
   273  	}
   275  	bs.state = &protocol.ParticipantState{}
   276  	bs.state.On("Extend", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
   277  		block := args.Get(1).(*flow.Block)
   278  		bs.Assert().Equal(bs.sentinel, block.Header.View)
   279  		bs.assembled = block.Payload
   280  	}).Return(nil)
   281  	bs.state.On("Final").Return(func() realproto.Snapshot {
   282  		if block, ok := bs.blocks[bs.finalID]; ok {
   283  			snapshot := unittest.StateSnapshotForKnownBlock(block.Header, nil)
   284  			snapshot.On("Descendants").Return(bs.blockChildren[bs.finalID], nil)
   285  			return snapshot
   286  		}
   287  		return unittest.StateSnapshotForUnknownBlock()
   288  	})
   290  	// set up storage mocks for tests
   291  	bs.sealDB = &storage.Seals{}
   292  	bs.sealDB.On("HighestInFork", mock.Anything).Return(bs.lastSeal, nil)
   294  	bs.headerDB = &storage.Headers{}
   295  	bs.headerDB.On("ByBlockID", mock.Anything).Return(
   296  		func(blockID flow.Identifier) *flow.Header {
   297  			return bs.headers[blockID]
   298  		},
   299  		func(blockID flow.Identifier) error {
   300  			_, exists := bs.headers[blockID]
   301  			if !exists {
   302  				return storerr.ErrNotFound
   303  			}
   304  			return nil
   305  		},
   306  	)
   308  	bs.indexDB = &storage.Index{}
   309  	bs.indexDB.On("ByBlockID", mock.Anything).Return(
   310  		func(blockID flow.Identifier) *flow.Index {
   311  			return bs.index[blockID]
   312  		},
   313  		func(blockID flow.Identifier) error {
   314  			_, exists := bs.index[blockID]
   315  			if !exists {
   316  				return storerr.ErrNotFound
   317  			}
   318  			return nil
   319  		},
   320  	)
   322  	bs.blockDB = &storage.Blocks{}
   323  	bs.blockDB.On("ByID", mock.Anything).Return(
   324  		func(blockID flow.Identifier) *flow.Block {
   325  			return bs.blocks[blockID]
   326  		},
   327  		func(blockID flow.Identifier) error {
   328  			_, exists := bs.blocks[blockID]
   329  			if !exists {
   330  				return storerr.ErrNotFound
   331  			}
   332  			return nil
   333  		},
   334  	)
   336  	bs.resultDB = &storage.ExecutionResults{}
   337  	bs.resultDB.On("ByID", mock.Anything).Return(
   338  		func(resultID flow.Identifier) *flow.ExecutionResult {
   339  			return bs.resultByID[resultID]
   340  		},
   341  		func(resultID flow.Identifier) error {
   342  			_, exists := bs.resultByID[resultID]
   343  			if !exists {
   344  				return storerr.ErrNotFound
   345  			}
   346  			return nil
   347  		},
   348  	)
   350  	bs.receiptsDB = &storage.ExecutionReceipts{}
   351  	bs.receiptsDB.On("ByID", mock.Anything).Return(
   352  		func(receiptID flow.Identifier) *flow.ExecutionReceipt {
   353  			return bs.receiptsByID[receiptID]
   354  		},
   355  		func(receiptID flow.Identifier) error {
   356  			_, exists := bs.receiptsByID[receiptID]
   357  			if !exists {
   358  				return storerr.ErrNotFound
   359  			}
   360  			return nil
   361  		},
   362  	)
   363  	bs.receiptsDB.On("ByBlockID", mock.Anything).Return(
   364  		func(blockID flow.Identifier) flow.ExecutionReceiptList {
   365  			return bs.receiptsByBlockID[blockID]
   366  		},
   367  		func(blockID flow.Identifier) error {
   368  			_, exists := bs.receiptsByBlockID[blockID]
   369  			if !exists {
   370  				return storerr.ErrNotFound
   371  			}
   372  			return nil
   373  		},
   374  	)
   376  	// set up memory pool mocks for tests
   377  	bs.guarPool = &mempool.Guarantees{}
   378  	bs.guarPool.On("Size").Return(uint(0)) // only used by metrics
   379  	bs.guarPool.On("All").Return(
   380  		func() []*flow.CollectionGuarantee {
   381  			return bs.pendingGuarantees
   382  		},
   383  	)
   385  	bs.sealPool = &mempool.IncorporatedResultSeals{}
   386  	bs.sealPool.On("Size").Return(uint(0)) // only used by metrics
   387  	bs.sealPool.On("All").Return(
   388  		func() []*flow.IncorporatedResultSeal {
   389  			res := make([]*flow.IncorporatedResultSeal, 0, len(bs.pendingSeals))
   390  			for _, ps := range bs.pendingSeals {
   391  				res = append(res, ps)
   392  			}
   393  			return res
   394  		},
   395  	)
   396  	bs.sealPool.On("ByID", mock.Anything).Return(
   397  		func(id flow.Identifier) *flow.IncorporatedResultSeal {
   398  			return bs.pendingSeals[id]
   399  		},
   400  		func(id flow.Identifier) bool {
   401  			_, exists := bs.pendingSeals[id]
   402  			return exists
   403  		},
   404  	)
   406  	bs.recPool = &mempool.ExecutionTree{}
   407  	bs.recPool.On("PruneUpToHeight", mock.Anything).Return(nil).Maybe()
   408  	bs.recPool.On("Size").Return(uint(0)).Maybe() // used for metrics only
   409  	bs.recPool.On("AddResult", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Maybe()
   410  	bs.recPool.On("AddReceipt", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(false, nil).Maybe()
   411  	bs.recPool.On("ReachableReceipts", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(
   412  		func(resultID flow.Identifier, blockFilter mempoolAPIs.BlockFilter, receiptFilter mempoolAPIs.ReceiptFilter) []*flow.ExecutionReceipt {
   413  			return bs.pendingReceipts
   414  		},
   415  		nil,
   416  	)
   418  	// setup mock state mutator, we don't need a real once since we are using mocked participant state.
   419  	bs.stateMutator = protocol.NewMutableProtocolState(bs.T())
   420  	bs.stateMutator.On("EvolveState", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(unittest.IdentifierFixture(), transaction.NewDeferredBlockPersist(), nil)
   422  	// initialize the builder
   423, err = NewBuilder(
   424  		noopMetrics,
   425  		bs.db,
   426  		bs.state,
   427  		bs.headerDB,
   428  		bs.sealDB,
   429  		bs.indexDB,
   430  		bs.blockDB,
   431  		bs.resultDB,
   432  		bs.receiptsDB,
   433  		bs.stateMutator,
   434  		bs.guarPool,
   435  		bs.sealPool,
   436  		bs.recPool,
   437  		noopTracer,
   438  	)
   439  	require.NoError(bs.T(), err)
   441 = 11
   442  }
   444  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TearDownTest() {
   445  	err := bs.db.Close()
   446  	bs.Assert().NoError(err)
   447  	err = os.RemoveAll(bs.dir)
   448  	bs.Assert().NoError(err)
   449  }
   451  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadEmptyValid() {
   453  	// we should build an empty block with default setup
   454  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   455  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   456  	bs.Assert().Empty(bs.assembled.Guarantees, "should have no guarantees in payload with empty mempool")
   457  	bs.Assert().Empty(bs.assembled.Seals, "should have no seals in payload with empty mempool")
   458  }
   460  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadGuaranteeValid() {
   462  	// add sixteen guarantees to the pool
   463  	bs.pendingGuarantees = unittest.CollectionGuaranteesFixture(16, unittest.WithCollRef(bs.finalID))
   464  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   465  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   466  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(bs.pendingGuarantees, bs.assembled.Guarantees, "should have guarantees from mempool in payload")
   467  }
   469  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadGuaranteeDuplicate() {
   471  	// create some valid guarantees
   472  	valid := unittest.CollectionGuaranteesFixture(4, unittest.WithCollRef(bs.finalID))
   474  	forkBlocks := append(bs.finalizedBlockIDs, bs.pendingBlockIDs...)
   476  	// create some duplicate guarantees and add to random blocks on the fork
   477  	duplicated := unittest.CollectionGuaranteesFixture(12, unittest.WithCollRef(bs.finalID))
   478  	for _, guarantee := range duplicated {
   479  		blockID := forkBlocks[rand.Intn(len(forkBlocks))]
   480  		index := bs.index[blockID]
   481  		index.CollectionIDs = append(index.CollectionIDs, guarantee.ID())
   482  		bs.index[blockID] = index
   483  	}
   485  	// add sixteen guarantees to the pool
   486  	bs.pendingGuarantees = append(valid, duplicated...)
   487  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   488  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   489  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(valid, bs.assembled.Guarantees, "should have valid guarantees from mempool in payload")
   490  }
   492  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadGuaranteeReferenceUnknown() {
   494  	// create 12 valid guarantees
   495  	valid := unittest.CollectionGuaranteesFixture(12, unittest.WithCollRef(bs.finalID))
   497  	// create 4 guarantees with unknown reference
   498  	unknown := unittest.CollectionGuaranteesFixture(4, unittest.WithCollRef(unittest.IdentifierFixture()))
   500  	// add all guarantees to the pool
   501  	bs.pendingGuarantees = append(valid, unknown...)
   502  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   503  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   504  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(valid, bs.assembled.Guarantees, "should have valid from mempool in payload")
   505  }
   507  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadGuaranteeReferenceExpired() {
   509  	// create 12 valid guarantees
   510  	valid := unittest.CollectionGuaranteesFixture(12, unittest.WithCollRef(bs.finalID))
   512  	// create 4 expired guarantees
   513  	header := unittest.BlockHeaderFixture()
   514  	header.Height = bs.headers[bs.finalID].Height - 12
   515  	bs.headers[header.ID()] = header
   516  	expired := unittest.CollectionGuaranteesFixture(4, unittest.WithCollRef(header.ID()))
   518  	// add all guarantees to the pool
   519  	bs.pendingGuarantees = append(valid, expired...)
   520  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   521  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   522  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(valid, bs.assembled.Guarantees, "should have valid from mempool in payload")
   523  }
   525  // TestPayloadSeals_AllValid checks that builder seals as many blocks as possible (happy path):
   526  //
   527  //	[first] <- [F0] <- [F1] <- [F2] <- [F3] <- [final] <- [A0] <- [A1] <- [A2] <- [A3] <- [parent]
   528  //
   529  // Where block
   530  //   - [first] is sealed and finalized
   531  //   - [F0] ... [F4] and [final] are finalized, unsealed blocks with candidate seals are included in mempool
   532  //   - [A0] ... [A2] are non-finalized, unsealed blocks with candidate seals are included in mempool
   533  //   - [A3] and [parent] are non-finalized, unsealed blocks _without_ candidate seals
   534  //
   535  // Expected behaviour:
   536  //   - builder should include seals [F0], ..., [A4]
   537  //   - note: Block [A3] will not have a seal in the happy path for the following reason:
   538  //     In our example, the result for block A3 is incorporated in block A4. But, for the verifiers to start
   539  //     their work, they need a child block of A4, because the child contains the source of randomness for
   540  //     A4. But we are just constructing this child right now. Hence, the verifiers couldn't have checked
   541  //     the result for A3.
   542  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadSeals_AllValid() {
   543  	//	Populate seals mempool with valid chain of seals for blocks [F0], ..., [A2]
   544  	bs.pendingSeals = bs.irsMap
   546  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   547  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   548  	bs.Assert().Empty(bs.assembled.Guarantees, "should have no guarantees in payload with empty mempool")
   549  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(bs.chain, bs.assembled.Seals, "should have included valid chain of seals")
   550  }
   552  // TestPayloadSeals_Limit verifies that builder does not exceed  maxSealLimit
   553  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadSeals_Limit() {
   554  	// use valid chain of seals in mempool
   555  	bs.pendingSeals = bs.irsMap
   557  	// change maxSealCount to one less than the number of items in the mempool
   558  	limit := uint(2)
   559 = limit
   561  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   562  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   563  	bs.Assert().Empty(bs.assembled.Guarantees, "should have no guarantees in payload with empty mempool")
   564  	bs.Assert().Equal(bs.chain[:limit], bs.assembled.Seals, "should have excluded seals above maxSealCount")
   565  }
   567  // TestPayloadSeals_OnlyFork checks that the builder only includes seals corresponding
   568  // to blocks on the current fork (and _not_ seals for sealable blocks on other forks)
   569  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadSeals_OnlyFork() {
   570  	// in the test setup, we already created a single fork
   571  	//    [first] <- [F0] <- [F1] <- [F2] <- [F3] <- [final] <- [A0] <- [A1] <- [A2] ..
   572  	// For this test, we add fork:                        ^
   573  	//                                                    └--- [B0] <- [B1] <- ....<- [B6] <- [B7]
   574  	// Where block
   575  	//   * [first] is sealed and finalized
   576  	//   * [F0] ... [F4] and [final] are finalized, unsealed blocks with candidate seals are included in mempool
   577  	//   * [A0] ... [A2] are non-finalized, unsealed blocks with candidate seals are included in mempool
   578  	forkHead := bs.blocks[bs.finalID]
   579  	for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
   580  		// Usually, the blocks [B6] and [B7] will not have candidate seal for the following reason:
   581  		// For the verifiers to start checking a result R, they need a source of randomness for the block _incorporating_
   582  		// result R. The result for block [B6] is incorporated in [B7], which does _not_ have a child yet.
   583  		forkHead = bs.createAndRecordBlock(forkHead, i < 6)
   584  	}
   586  	bs.pendingSeals = bs.irsMap
   587  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   588  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   590  	// expected seals: [F0] <- ... <- [final] <- [B0] <- ... <- [B5]
   591  	// Note: bs.chain contains seals for blocks [F0]...[A2] followed by seals for [final], [B0]...[B5]
   592  	bs.Assert().Equal(10, len(bs.assembled.Seals), "unexpected number of seals")
   593  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(bs.chain[:4], bs.assembled.Seals[:4], "should have included only valid chain of seals")
   594  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(bs.chain[8:], bs.assembled.Seals[4:], "should have included only valid chain of seals")
   596  	bs.Assert().Empty(bs.assembled.Guarantees, "should have no guarantees in payload with empty mempool")
   597  }
   599  // TestPayloadSeals_EnforceGap checks that builder leaves a 1-block gap between block incorporating the result
   600  // and the block sealing the result. Without this gap, some nodes might not be able to compute the Verifier
   601  // assignment for the seal and therefore reject the block. This edge case only occurs in a very specific situation:
   602  //
   603  //	                                                                       ┌---- [A5] (orphaned fork)
   604  //	                                                                       v
   605  //	...<- [B0] <- [B1] <- [B2] <- [B3] <- [B4{incorporates result R for B1}] <- ░newBlock░
   606  //
   607  // SCENARIO:
   608  //   - block B0 is sealed
   609  //     Proposer for ░newBlock░ knows block A5. Hence, it knows a QC for block B4, which contains the Source Of Randomness (SOR) for B4.
   610  //     Therefore, the proposer can construct the verifier assignment for [B4{incorporates result R for B1}]
   611  //   - Assume that verification was fast enough, so the proposer has sufficient approvals for result R.
   612  //     Therefore, the proposer has a candidate seal, sealing result R for block B4, in its mempool.
   613  //
   614  // Replica trying to verify ░newBlock░:
   615  //
   616  //   - Assume that the replica does _not_ know A5. Therefore, it _cannot_ compute the verifier assignment for B4.
   617  //
   618  // Problem:  If the proposer included the seal for B1, the replica could not check it.
   619  // Solution: There must be a gap between the block incorporating the result (here B4) and
   620  // the block sealing the result. A gap of one block is sufficient.
   621  //
   622  //	                                                                     ┌---- [A5] (orphaned fork)
   623  //	                                                                     v
   624  //	...<- [B0] <- [B1] <- [B2] <- [B3] <- [B4{incorporates result R for B1}] <- [B5] <- [B6{seals B1}]
   625  //	                                                                           ~~~~~~
   626  //	                                                                             gap
   627  //
   628  // We test the two distinct cases:
   629  //
   630  //	 (i) Builder does _not_ include seal for B1 when constructing block B5
   631  //	(ii) Builder _includes_ seal for B1 when constructing block B6
   632  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadSeals_EnforceGap() {
   633  	// we use bs.parentID as block B0
   634  	b0result := bs.resultForBlock[bs.parentID]
   635  	b0seal := unittest.Seal.Fixture(unittest.Seal.WithResult(b0result))
   637  	// create blocks B1 to B4:
   638  	b1 := bs.createAndRecordBlock(bs.blocks[bs.parentID], true)
   639  	bchain := unittest.ChainFixtureFrom(3, b1.Header) // creates blocks b2, b3, b4
   640  	b4 := bchain[2]
   642  	// Incorporate result for block B1 into payload of block B4
   643  	resultB1 := bs.resultForBlock[b1.ID()]
   644  	receiptB1 := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(resultB1))
   645  	b4.SetPayload(
   646  		flow.Payload{
   647  			Results:  []*flow.ExecutionResult{&receiptB1.ExecutionResult},
   648  			Receipts: []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{receiptB1.Meta()},
   649  		})
   651  	// add blocks B2, B3, B4, A5 to the mocked storage layer (block b0 and b1 are already added):
   652  	a5 := unittest.BlockWithParentFixture(b4.Header)
   653  	for _, b := range append(bchain, a5) {
   654  		bs.storeBlock(b)
   655  	}
   657  	// mock for of candidate seal mempool:
   658  	bs.pendingSeals = make(map[flow.Identifier]*flow.IncorporatedResultSeal)
   659  	b1seal := storeSealForIncorporatedResult(resultB1, b4.ID(), bs.pendingSeals)
   661  	// mock for seals storage layer:
   662  	bs.sealDB = &storage.Seals{}
   663 = bs.sealDB
   665  	bs.T().Run("Build on top of B4 and check that no seals are included", func(t *testing.T) {
   666  		bs.sealDB.On("HighestInFork", b4.ID()).Return(b0seal, nil)
   668  		_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   669  		require.NoError(t, err)
   670  		bs.recPool.AssertExpectations(t)
   671  		require.Empty(t, bs.assembled.Seals, "should not include any seals")
   672  	})
   674  	bs.T().Run("Build on top of B5 and check that seals for B1 is included", func(t *testing.T) {
   675  		b5 := unittest.BlockWithParentFixture(b4.Header) // creating block b5
   676  		bs.storeBlock(b5)
   677  		bs.sealDB.On("HighestInFork", b5.ID()).Return(b0seal, nil)
   679  		_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   680  		require.NoError(t, err)
   681  		bs.recPool.AssertExpectations(t)
   682  		require.Equal(t, 1, len(bs.assembled.Seals), "only seal for B1 expected")
   683  		require.Equal(t, b1seal.Seal, bs.assembled.Seals[0])
   684  	})
   685  }
   687  // TestPayloadSeals_Duplicates verifies that the builder does not duplicate seals for already sealed blocks:
   688  //
   689  //	... <- [F0] <- [F1] <- [F2] <- [F3] <- [A0] <- [A1] <- [A2] <- [A3]
   690  //
   691  // Where block
   692  //   - [F0] ... [F3] sealed blocks but their candidate seals are still included in mempool
   693  //   - [A0] ... [A3] unsealed blocks with candidate seals are included in mempool
   694  //
   695  // Expected behaviour:
   696  //   - builder should only include seals [A0], ..., [A3]
   697  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadSeals_Duplicate() {
   698  	//	Pretend that the first n blocks are already sealed
   699  	n := 4
   700  	lastSeal := bs.chain[n-1]
   701  	mockSealDB := &storage.Seals{}
   702  	mockSealDB.On("HighestInFork", mock.Anything).Return(lastSeal, nil)
   703 = mockSealDB
   705  	// seals for all blocks [F0], ..., [A3] are still in the mempool:
   706  	bs.pendingSeals = bs.irsMap
   708  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   709  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   710  	bs.Assert().Equal(bs.chain[n:], bs.assembled.Seals, "should have rejected duplicate seals")
   711  }
   713  // TestPayloadSeals_MissingNextSeal checks how the builder handles the fork
   714  //
   715  //	[S] <- [F0] <- [F1] <- [F2] <- [F3] <- [A0] <- [A1] <- [A2] <- [A3]
   716  //
   717  // Where block
   718  //   - [S] is sealed and finalized
   719  //   - [F0] finalized, unsealed block but _without_ candidate seal in mempool
   720  //   - [F1] ... [F3] are finalized, unsealed blocks with candidate seals are included in mempool
   721  //   - [A0] ... [A3] non-finalized, unsealed blocks with candidate seals are included in mempool
   722  //
   723  // Expected behaviour:
   724  //   - builder should not include any seals as the immediately next seal is not in mempool
   725  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadSeals_MissingNextSeal() {
   726  	// remove the seal for block [F0]
   727  	firstSeal := bs.irsList[0]
   728  	delete(bs.irsMap, firstSeal.ID())
   729  	bs.pendingSeals = bs.irsMap
   731  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   732  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   733  	bs.Assert().Empty(bs.assembled.Guarantees, "should have no guarantees in payload with empty mempool")
   734  	bs.Assert().Empty(bs.assembled.Seals, "should not have included any seals from cutoff chain")
   735  }
   737  // TestPayloadSeals_MissingInterimSeal checks how the builder handles the fork
   738  //
   739  //	[S] <- [F0] <- [F1] <- [F2] <- [F3] <- [A0] <- [A1] <- [A2] <- [A3]
   740  //
   741  // Where block
   742  //   - [S] is sealed and finalized
   743  //   - [F0] ... [F2] are finalized, unsealed blocks with candidate seals are included in mempool
   744  //   - [F4] finalized, unsealed block but _without_ candidate seal in mempool
   745  //   - [A0] ... [A3] non-finalized, unsealed blocks with candidate seals are included in mempool
   746  //
   747  // Expected behaviour:
   748  //   - builder should only include candidate seals for [F0], [F1], [F2]
   749  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadSeals_MissingInterimSeal() {
   750  	// remove a seal for block [F4]
   751  	seal := bs.irsList[3]
   752  	delete(bs.irsMap, seal.ID())
   753  	bs.pendingSeals = bs.irsMap
   755  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   756  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   757  	bs.Assert().Empty(bs.assembled.Guarantees, "should have no guarantees in payload with empty mempool")
   758  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(bs.chain[:3], bs.assembled.Seals, "should have included only beginning of broken chain")
   759  }
   761  // TestValidatePayloadSeals_ExecutionForks checks how the builder's seal-inclusion logic
   762  // handles execution forks.
   763  //
   764  // we have the chain in storage:
   765  //
   766  //	F <- A{Result[F]_1, Result[F]_2, ReceiptMeta[F]_1, ReceiptMeta[F]_2}
   767  //	      <- B{Result[A]_1, Result[A]_2, ReceiptMeta[A]_1, ReceiptMeta[A]_2}
   768  //	        <- C{Result[B]_1, Result[B]_2, ReceiptMeta[B]_1, ReceiptMeta[B]_2}
   769  //	          <- D{Seal for Result[F]_1}
   770  //
   771  // here F is the latest finalized block (with ID bs.finalID)
   772  //
   773  // Note that we are explicitly testing the handling of an execution fork that
   774  // was incorporated _before_ the seal
   775  //
   776  //	Blocks:      F  <-----------   A    <-----------   B
   777  //	Results:   Result[F]_1  <-  Result[A]_1  <-  Result[B]_1 :: the root of this execution tree is sealed
   778  //	           Result[F]_2  <-  Result[A]_2  <-  Result[B]_2 :: the root of this execution tree conflicts with sealed result
   779  //
   780  // The builder is tasked with creating the payload for block X:
   781  //
   782  //	F <- A{..} <- B{..} <- C{..} <- D{..} <- X
   783  //
   784  // We test the two distinct cases:
   785  //
   786  // (i) verify that execution fork conflicting with sealed result is not sealed
   787  // (ii) verify that multiple execution forks are properly handled
   788  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestValidatePayloadSeals_ExecutionForks() {
   789 = 4 // reduce expiry so collection dedup algorithm doesn't walk past  [lastSeal]
   791  	blockF := bs.blocks[bs.finalID]
   792  	blocks := []*flow.Block{blockF}
   793  	blocks = append(blocks, unittest.ChainFixtureFrom(4, blockF.Header)...)              // elements  [F, A, B, C, D]
   794  	receiptChain1 := unittest.ReceiptChainFor(blocks, unittest.ExecutionResultFixture()) // elements  [Result[F]_1, Result[A]_1, Result[B]_1, ...]
   795  	receiptChain2 := unittest.ReceiptChainFor(blocks, unittest.ExecutionResultFixture()) // elements  [Result[F]_2, Result[A]_2, Result[B]_2, ...]
   797  	for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ { // set payload for blocks A, B, C
   798  		blocks[i].SetPayload(flow.Payload{
   799  			Results:  []*flow.ExecutionResult{&receiptChain1[i-1].ExecutionResult, &receiptChain2[i-1].ExecutionResult},
   800  			Receipts: []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{receiptChain1[i-1].Meta(), receiptChain2[i-1].Meta()},
   801  		})
   802  	}
   803  	sealedResult := receiptChain1[0].ExecutionResult
   804  	sealF := unittest.Seal.Fixture(unittest.Seal.WithResult(&sealedResult))
   805  	blocks[4].SetPayload(flow.Payload{ // set payload for block D
   806  		Seals: []*flow.Seal{sealF},
   807  	})
   808  	for i := 0; i <= 4; i++ {
   809  		// we need to run this several times, as in each iteration as we have _multiple_ execution chains.
   810  		// In each iteration, we only mange to reconnect one additional height
   811  		unittest.ReconnectBlocksAndReceipts(blocks, receiptChain1)
   812  		unittest.ReconnectBlocksAndReceipts(blocks, receiptChain2)
   813  	}
   815  	for _, b := range blocks {
   816  		bs.storeBlock(b)
   817  	}
   818  	bs.sealDB = &storage.Seals{}
   819 = bs.sealDB
   820  	bs.sealDB.On("HighestInFork", mock.Anything).Return(sealF, nil)
   821  	bs.resultByID[sealedResult.ID()] = &sealedResult
   823  	bs.T().Run("verify that execution fork conflicting with sealed result is not sealed", func(t *testing.T) {
   824  		bs.pendingSeals = make(map[flow.Identifier]*flow.IncorporatedResultSeal)
   825  		storeSealForIncorporatedResult(&receiptChain2[1].ExecutionResult, blocks[2].ID(), bs.pendingSeals)
   827  		_, err :=[4].ID(), bs.setter, bs.sign)
   828  		require.NoError(t, err)
   829  		require.Empty(t, bs.assembled.Seals, "should not have included seal for conflicting execution fork")
   830  	})
   832  	bs.T().Run("verify that multiple execution forks are properly handled", func(t *testing.T) {
   833  		bs.pendingSeals = make(map[flow.Identifier]*flow.IncorporatedResultSeal)
   834  		sealResultA_1 := storeSealForIncorporatedResult(&receiptChain1[1].ExecutionResult, blocks[2].ID(), bs.pendingSeals)
   835  		sealResultB_1 := storeSealForIncorporatedResult(&receiptChain1[2].ExecutionResult, blocks[3].ID(), bs.pendingSeals)
   836  		storeSealForIncorporatedResult(&receiptChain2[1].ExecutionResult, blocks[2].ID(), bs.pendingSeals)
   837  		storeSealForIncorporatedResult(&receiptChain2[2].ExecutionResult, blocks[3].ID(), bs.pendingSeals)
   839  		_, err :=[4].ID(), bs.setter, bs.sign)
   840  		require.NoError(t, err)
   841  		require.ElementsMatch(t, []*flow.Seal{sealResultA_1.Seal, sealResultB_1.Seal}, bs.assembled.Seals, "valid fork should have been sealed")
   842  	})
   843  }
   845  // TestPayloadReceipts_TraverseExecutionTreeFromLastSealedResult tests the receipt selection:
   846  // Expectation: Builder should trigger ExecutionTree to search Execution Tree from
   847  // last sealed result on respective fork.
   848  //
   849  // We test with the following main chain tree
   850  //
   851  //	                                                ┌-[X0] <- [X1{seals ..F4}]
   852  //		                                            v
   853  //	 [lastSeal] <- [F0] <- [F1] <- [F2] <- [F3] <- [F4] <- [A0] <- [A1{seals ..F2}] <- [A2] <- [A3]
   854  //
   855  // Where
   856  // * blocks [lastSeal], [F1], ... [F4], [A0], ... [A4], are created by BuilderSuite
   857  // * latest sealed block for a specific fork is provided by test-local seals storage mock
   858  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadReceipts_TraverseExecutionTreeFromLastSealedResult() {
   859 = 4 // reduce expiry so collection dedup algorithm doesn't walk past  [lastSeal]
   860  	x0 := bs.createAndRecordBlock(bs.blocks[bs.finalID], true)
   861  	x1 := bs.createAndRecordBlock(x0, true)
   863  	// set last sealed blocks:
   864  	f2 := bs.blocks[bs.finalizedBlockIDs[2]]
   865  	f2eal := unittest.Seal.Fixture(unittest.Seal.WithResult(bs.resultForBlock[f2.ID()]))
   866  	f4Seal := unittest.Seal.Fixture(unittest.Seal.WithResult(bs.resultForBlock[bs.finalID]))
   867  	bs.sealDB = &storage.Seals{}
   868 = bs.sealDB
   870  	// reset receipts mempool to verify calls made by Builder
   871  	bs.recPool = &mempool.ExecutionTree{}
   872  	bs.recPool.On("Size").Return(uint(0)).Maybe()
   873 = bs.recPool
   875  	// building on top of X0: latest finalized block in fork is [lastSeal]; expect search to start with sealed result
   876  	bs.sealDB.On("HighestInFork", x0.ID()).Return(bs.lastSeal, nil)
   877  	bs.recPool.On("ReachableReceipts", bs.lastSeal.ResultID, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]*flow.ExecutionReceipt{}, nil).Once()
   878  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   879  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   880  	bs.recPool.AssertExpectations(bs.T())
   882  	// building on top of X1: latest finalized block in fork is [F4]; expect search to start with sealed result
   883  	bs.sealDB.On("HighestInFork", x1.ID()).Return(f4Seal, nil)
   884  	bs.recPool.On("ReachableReceipts", f4Seal.ResultID, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]*flow.ExecutionReceipt{}, nil).Once()
   885  	_, err =, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   886  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   887  	bs.recPool.AssertExpectations(bs.T())
   889  	// building on top of A3 (with ID bs.parentID): latest finalized block in fork is [F4]; expect search to start with sealed result
   890  	bs.sealDB.On("HighestInFork", bs.parentID).Return(f2eal, nil)
   891  	bs.recPool.On("ReachableReceipts", f2eal.ResultID, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]*flow.ExecutionReceipt{}, nil).Once()
   892  	_, err =, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   893  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   894  	bs.recPool.AssertExpectations(bs.T())
   895  }
   897  // TestPayloadReceipts_IncludeOnlyReceiptsForCurrentFork tests the receipt selection:
   898  // In this test, we check that the Builder provides a BlockFilter which only allows
   899  // blocks on the fork, which we are extending. We construct the following chain tree:
   900  //
   901  //	    ┌--[X1]   ┌-[Y2]                                             ┌-- [A6]
   902  //	    v         v                                                  v
   903  //	<- [Final] <- [*B1*] <- [*B2*] <- [*B3*] <- [*B4{seals B1}*] <- [*B5*] <- ░newBlock░
   904  //	                          ^
   905  //	                          └-- [C3] <- [C4]
   906  //	                                 ^--- [D4]
   907  //
   908  // Expectation: BlockFilter should pass blocks marked with star: B1, ... ,B5
   909  // All other blocks should be filtered out.
   910  //
   911  // Context:
   912  // While the receipt selection itself is performed by the ExecutionTree, the Builder
   913  // controls the selection by providing suitable BlockFilter and ReceiptFilter.
   914  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadReceipts_IncludeOnlyReceiptsForCurrentFork() {
   915  	b1 := bs.createAndRecordBlock(bs.blocks[bs.finalID], true)
   916  	b2 := bs.createAndRecordBlock(b1, true)
   917  	b3 := bs.createAndRecordBlock(b2, true)
   918  	b4 := bs.createAndRecordBlock(b3, true)
   919  	b5 := bs.createAndRecordBlock(b4, true)
   921  	x1 := bs.createAndRecordBlock(bs.blocks[bs.finalID], true)
   922  	y2 := bs.createAndRecordBlock(b1, true)
   923  	a6 := bs.createAndRecordBlock(b5, true)
   925  	c3 := bs.createAndRecordBlock(b2, true)
   926  	c4 := bs.createAndRecordBlock(c3, true)
   927  	d4 := bs.createAndRecordBlock(c3, true)
   929  	// set last sealed blocks:
   930  	b1Seal := unittest.Seal.Fixture(unittest.Seal.WithResult(bs.resultForBlock[b1.ID()]))
   931  	bs.sealDB = &storage.Seals{}
   932  	bs.sealDB.On("HighestInFork", b5.ID()).Return(b1Seal, nil)
   933 = bs.sealDB
   935  	// setup mock to test the BlockFilter provided by Builder
   936  	bs.recPool = &mempool.ExecutionTree{}
   937  	bs.recPool.On("Size").Return(uint(0)).Maybe()
   938  	bs.recPool.On("ReachableReceipts", b1Seal.ResultID, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Run(
   939  		func(args mock.Arguments) {
   940  			blockFilter := args[1].(mempoolAPIs.BlockFilter)
   941  			for _, h := range []*flow.Header{b1.Header, b2.Header, b3.Header, b4.Header, b5.Header} {
   942  				assert.True(bs.T(), blockFilter(h))
   943  			}
   944  			for _, h := range []*flow.Header{bs.blocks[bs.finalID].Header, x1.Header, y2.Header, a6.Header, c3.Header, c4.Header, d4.Header} {
   945  				assert.False(bs.T(), blockFilter(h))
   946  			}
   947  		}).Return([]*flow.ExecutionReceipt{}, nil).Once()
   948 = bs.recPool
   950  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   951  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   952  	bs.recPool.AssertExpectations(bs.T())
   953  }
   955  // TestPayloadReceipts_SkipDuplicatedReceipts tests the receipt selection:
   956  // Expectation: we check that the Builder provides a ReceiptFilter which
   957  // filters out duplicated receipts.
   958  // Comment:
   959  // While the receipt selection itself is performed by the ExecutionTree, the Builder
   960  // controls the selection by providing suitable BlockFilter and ReceiptFilter.
   961  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadReceipts_SkipDuplicatedReceipts() {
   962  	// setup mock to test the ReceiptFilter provided by Builder
   963  	bs.recPool = &mempool.ExecutionTree{}
   964  	bs.recPool.On("Size").Return(uint(0)).Maybe()
   965  	bs.recPool.On("ReachableReceipts", bs.lastSeal.ResultID, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Run(
   966  		func(args mock.Arguments) {
   967  			receiptFilter := args[2].(mempoolAPIs.ReceiptFilter)
   968  			// verify that all receipts already included in blocks are filtered out:
   969  			for _, block := range bs.blocks {
   970  				resultByID := block.Payload.Results.Lookup()
   971  				for _, meta := range block.Payload.Receipts {
   972  					result := resultByID[meta.ResultID]
   973  					rcpt := flow.ExecutionReceiptFromMeta(*meta, *result)
   974  					assert.False(bs.T(), receiptFilter(rcpt))
   975  				}
   976  			}
   977  			// Verify that receipts for unsealed blocks, which are _not_ already incorporated are accepted:
   978  			for _, block := range bs.blocks {
   979  				if block.ID() != bs.firstID { // block with ID bs.firstID is already sealed
   980  					rcpt := unittest.ReceiptForBlockFixture(block)
   981  					assert.True(bs.T(), receiptFilter(rcpt))
   982  				}
   983  			}
   984  		}).Return([]*flow.ExecutionReceipt{}, nil).Once()
   985 = bs.recPool
   987  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
   988  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
   989  	bs.recPool.AssertExpectations(bs.T())
   990  }
   992  // TestPayloadReceipts_SkipReceiptsForSealedBlock tests the receipt selection:
   993  // Expectation: we check that the Builder provides a ReceiptFilter which
   994  // filters out _any_ receipt for the sealed block.
   995  //
   996  // Comment:
   997  // While the receipt selection itself is performed by the ExecutionTree, the Builder
   998  // controls the selection by providing suitable BlockFilter and ReceiptFilter.
   999  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadReceipts_SkipReceiptsForSealedBlock() {
  1000  	// setup mock to test the ReceiptFilter provided by Builder
  1001  	bs.recPool = &mempool.ExecutionTree{}
  1002  	bs.recPool.On("Size").Return(uint(0)).Maybe()
  1003  	bs.recPool.On("ReachableReceipts", bs.lastSeal.ResultID, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Run(
  1004  		func(args mock.Arguments) {
  1005  			receiptFilter := args[2].(mempoolAPIs.ReceiptFilter)
  1007  			// receipt for sealed block committing to same result as the sealed result
  1008  			rcpt := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(bs.resultForBlock[bs.firstID]))
  1009  			assert.False(bs.T(), receiptFilter(rcpt))
  1011  			// receipt for sealed block committing to different result as the sealed result
  1012  			rcpt = unittest.ReceiptForBlockFixture(bs.blocks[bs.firstID])
  1013  			assert.False(bs.T(), receiptFilter(rcpt))
  1014  		}).Return([]*flow.ExecutionReceipt{}, nil).Once()
  1015 = bs.recPool
  1017  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
  1018  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
  1019  	bs.recPool.AssertExpectations(bs.T())
  1020  }
  1022  // TestPayloadReceipts_BlockLimit tests that the builder does not include more
  1023  // receipts than the configured maxReceiptCount.
  1024  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadReceipts_BlockLimit() {
  1026  	// Populate the mempool with 5 valid receipts
  1027  	receipts := []*flow.ExecutionReceipt{}
  1028  	metas := []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{}
  1029  	expectedResults := []*flow.ExecutionResult{}
  1030  	var i uint64
  1031  	for i = 0; i < 5; i++ {
  1032  		blockOnFork := bs.blocks[bs.irsList[i].Seal.BlockID]
  1033  		pendingReceipt := unittest.ReceiptForBlockFixture(blockOnFork)
  1034  		receipts = append(receipts, pendingReceipt)
  1035  		metas = append(metas, pendingReceipt.Meta())
  1036  		expectedResults = append(expectedResults, &pendingReceipt.ExecutionResult)
  1037  	}
  1038  	bs.pendingReceipts = receipts
  1040  	// set maxReceiptCount to 3
  1041  	var limit uint = 3
  1042 = limit
  1044  	// ensure that only 3 of the 5 receipts were included
  1045  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
  1046  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
  1047  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(metas[:limit], bs.assembled.Receipts, "should have excluded receipts above maxReceiptCount")
  1048  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(expectedResults[:limit], bs.assembled.Results, "should have excluded results above maxReceiptCount")
  1049  }
  1051  // TestPayloadReceipts_AsProvidedByReceiptForest tests the receipt selection.
  1052  // Expectation: Builder should embed the Receipts as provided by the ExecutionTree
  1053  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestPayloadReceipts_AsProvidedByReceiptForest() {
  1054  	var expectedReceipts []*flow.ExecutionReceipt
  1055  	var expectedMetas []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta
  1056  	var expectedResults []*flow.ExecutionResult
  1057  	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
  1058  		expectedReceipts = append(expectedReceipts, unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture())
  1059  		expectedMetas = append(expectedMetas, expectedReceipts[i].Meta())
  1060  		expectedResults = append(expectedResults, &expectedReceipts[i].ExecutionResult)
  1061  	}
  1062  	bs.recPool = &mempool.ExecutionTree{}
  1063  	bs.recPool.On("Size").Return(uint(0)).Maybe()
  1064  	bs.recPool.On("AddResult", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Maybe()
  1065  	bs.recPool.On("ReachableReceipts", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(expectedReceipts, nil).Once()
  1066 = bs.recPool
  1068  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
  1069  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
  1070  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(expectedMetas, bs.assembled.Receipts, "should include receipts as returned by ExecutionTree")
  1071  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(expectedResults, bs.assembled.Results, "should include results as returned by ExecutionTree")
  1072  	bs.recPool.AssertExpectations(bs.T())
  1073  }
  1075  // TestIntegration_PayloadReceiptNoParentResult is a mini-integration test combining the
  1076  // Builder with a full ExecutionTree mempool. We check that the builder does not include
  1077  // receipts whose PreviousResult is not already incorporated in the chain.
  1078  //
  1079  // Here we create 4 consecutive blocks S, A, B, and C, where A contains a valid
  1080  // receipt for block S, but blocks B and C have empty payloads.
  1081  //
  1082  // We populate the mempool with valid receipts for blocks A, and C, but NOT for
  1083  // block B.
  1084  //
  1085  // The expected behaviour is that the builder should not include the receipt for
  1086  // block C, because the chain and the mempool do not contain a valid receipt for
  1087  // the parent result (block B's result).
  1088  //
  1089  // ... <- S[ER{parent}] <- A[ER{S}] <- B <- C <- X (candidate)
  1090  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestIntegration_PayloadReceiptNoParentResult() {
  1091  	// make blocks S, A, B, C
  1092  	parentReceipt := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(bs.resultForBlock[bs.parentID]))
  1093  	blockSABC := unittest.ChainFixtureFrom(4, bs.blocks[bs.parentID].Header)
  1094  	resultS := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(blockSABC[0]), unittest.WithPreviousResult(*bs.resultForBlock[bs.parentID]))
  1095  	receiptSABC := unittest.ReceiptChainFor(blockSABC, resultS)
  1096  	blockSABC[0].Payload.Receipts = []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{parentReceipt.Meta()}
  1097  	blockSABC[0].Payload.Results = []*flow.ExecutionResult{&parentReceipt.ExecutionResult}
  1098  	blockSABC[1].Payload.Receipts = []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{receiptSABC[0].Meta()}
  1099  	blockSABC[1].Payload.Results = []*flow.ExecutionResult{&receiptSABC[0].ExecutionResult}
  1100  	blockSABC[2].Payload.Receipts = []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{}
  1101  	blockSABC[3].Payload.Receipts = []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{}
  1102  	unittest.ReconnectBlocksAndReceipts(blockSABC, receiptSABC) // update block header so that blocks are chained together
  1104  	bs.storeBlock(blockSABC[0])
  1105  	bs.storeBlock(blockSABC[1])
  1106  	bs.storeBlock(blockSABC[2])
  1107  	bs.storeBlock(blockSABC[3])
  1109  	// Instantiate real Execution Tree mempool;
  1110 = mempoolImpl.NewExecutionTree()
  1111  	for _, block := range bs.blocks {
  1112  		resultByID := block.Payload.Results.Lookup()
  1113  		for _, meta := range block.Payload.Receipts {
  1114  			result := resultByID[meta.ResultID]
  1115  			rcpt := flow.ExecutionReceiptFromMeta(*meta, *result)
  1116  			_, err :=, bs.blocks[rcpt.ExecutionResult.BlockID].Header)
  1117  			bs.NoError(err)
  1118  		}
  1119  	}
  1120  	// for receipts _not_ included in blocks, add only receipt for A and C but NOT B
  1121  	_, _ =[1], blockSABC[1].Header)
  1122  	_, _ =[3], blockSABC[3].Header)
  1124  	_, err :=[3].ID(), bs.setter, bs.sign)
  1125  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
  1126  	expectedReceipts := flow.ExecutionReceiptMetaList{receiptSABC[1].Meta()}
  1127  	expectedResults := flow.ExecutionResultList{&receiptSABC[1].ExecutionResult}
  1128  	bs.Assert().Equal(expectedReceipts, bs.assembled.Receipts, "payload should contain only receipt for block a")
  1129  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(expectedResults, bs.assembled.Results, "payload should contain only result for block a")
  1130  }
  1132  // TestIntegration_ExtendDifferentExecutionPathsOnSameFork tests that the
  1133  // builder includes receipts that form different valid execution paths contained
  1134  // on the current fork.
  1135  //
  1136  //	                                      candidate
  1137  //	P <- A[ER{P}] <- B[ER{A}, ER{A}'] <- X[ER{B}, ER{B}']
  1138  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestIntegration_ExtendDifferentExecutionPathsOnSameFork() {
  1140  	// A is a block containing a valid receipt for block P
  1141  	recP := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(bs.resultForBlock[bs.parentID]))
  1142  	A := unittest.BlockWithParentFixture(bs.headers[bs.parentID])
  1143  	A.SetPayload(flow.Payload{
  1144  		Receipts: []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{recP.Meta()},
  1145  		Results:  []*flow.ExecutionResult{&recP.ExecutionResult},
  1146  	})
  1148  	// B is a block containing two valid receipts, with different results, for
  1149  	// block A
  1150  	resA1 := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(A), unittest.WithPreviousResult(recP.ExecutionResult))
  1151  	recA1 := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(resA1))
  1152  	resA2 := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(A), unittest.WithPreviousResult(recP.ExecutionResult))
  1153  	recA2 := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(resA2))
  1154  	B := unittest.BlockWithParentFixture(A.Header)
  1155  	B.SetPayload(flow.Payload{
  1156  		Receipts: []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{recA1.Meta(), recA2.Meta()},
  1157  		Results:  []*flow.ExecutionResult{&recA1.ExecutionResult, &recA2.ExecutionResult},
  1158  	})
  1160  	bs.storeBlock(A)
  1161  	bs.storeBlock(B)
  1163  	// Instantiate real Execution Tree mempool;
  1164 = mempoolImpl.NewExecutionTree()
  1165  	for _, block := range bs.blocks {
  1166  		resultByID := block.Payload.Results.Lookup()
  1167  		for _, meta := range block.Payload.Receipts {
  1168  			result := resultByID[meta.ResultID]
  1169  			rcpt := flow.ExecutionReceiptFromMeta(*meta, *result)
  1170  			_, err :=, bs.blocks[rcpt.ExecutionResult.BlockID].Header)
  1171  			bs.NoError(err)
  1172  		}
  1173  	}
  1175  	// Create two valid receipts for block B which build on different receipts
  1176  	// for the parent block (A); recB1 builds on top of RecA1, whilst recB2
  1177  	// builds on top of RecA2.
  1178  	resB1 := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(B), unittest.WithPreviousResult(recA1.ExecutionResult))
  1179  	recB1 := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(resB1))
  1180  	resB2 := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(B), unittest.WithPreviousResult(recA2.ExecutionResult))
  1181  	recB2 := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(resB2))
  1183  	// Add recB1 and recB2 to the mempool for inclusion in the next candidate
  1184  	_, _ =, B.Header)
  1185  	_, _ =, B.Header)
  1187  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
  1188  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
  1189  	expectedReceipts := flow.ExecutionReceiptMetaList{recB1.Meta(), recB2.Meta()}
  1190  	expectedResults := flow.ExecutionResultList{&recB1.ExecutionResult, &recB2.ExecutionResult}
  1191  	bs.Assert().Equal(expectedReceipts, bs.assembled.Receipts, "payload should contain receipts from valid execution forks")
  1192  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(expectedResults, bs.assembled.Results, "payload should contain results from valid execution forks")
  1193  }
  1195  // TestIntegration_ExtendDifferentExecutionPathsOnDifferentForks tests that the
  1196  // builder picks up receipts that were already included in a different fork.
  1197  //
  1198  //	                                   candidate
  1199  //	P <- A[ER{P}] <- B[ER{A}] <- X[ER{A}',ER{B}, ER{B}']
  1200  //	              |
  1201  //	              < ------ C[ER{A}']
  1202  //
  1203  // Where:
  1204  //   - ER{A} and ER{A}' are receipts for block A that don't have the same
  1205  //     result.
  1206  //   - ER{B} is a receipt for B with parent result ER{A}
  1207  //   - ER{B}' is a receipt for B with parent result ER{A}'
  1208  //
  1209  // When buiding on top of B, we expect the candidate payload to contain ER{A}',
  1210  // ER{B}, and ER{B}'
  1211  //
  1212  //	ER{P} <- ER{A}  <- ER{B}
  1213  //	       |
  1214  //	       < ER{A}' <- ER{B}'
  1215  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestIntegration_ExtendDifferentExecutionPathsOnDifferentForks() {
  1216  	// A is a block containing a valid receipt for block P
  1217  	recP := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(bs.resultForBlock[bs.parentID]))
  1218  	A := unittest.BlockWithParentFixture(bs.headers[bs.parentID])
  1219  	A.SetPayload(flow.Payload{
  1220  		Receipts: []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{recP.Meta()},
  1221  		Results:  []*flow.ExecutionResult{&recP.ExecutionResult},
  1222  	})
  1224  	// B is a block that builds on A containing a valid receipt for A
  1225  	resA1 := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(A), unittest.WithPreviousResult(recP.ExecutionResult))
  1226  	recA1 := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(resA1))
  1227  	B := unittest.BlockWithParentFixture(A.Header)
  1228  	B.SetPayload(flow.Payload{
  1229  		Receipts: []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{recA1.Meta()},
  1230  		Results:  []*flow.ExecutionResult{&recA1.ExecutionResult},
  1231  	})
  1233  	// C is another block that builds on A containing a valid receipt for A but
  1234  	// different from the receipt contained in B
  1235  	resA2 := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(A), unittest.WithPreviousResult(recP.ExecutionResult))
  1236  	recA2 := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(resA2))
  1237  	C := unittest.BlockWithParentFixture(A.Header)
  1238  	C.SetPayload(flow.Payload{
  1239  		Receipts: []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{recA2.Meta()},
  1240  		Results:  []*flow.ExecutionResult{&recA2.ExecutionResult},
  1241  	})
  1243  	bs.storeBlock(A)
  1244  	bs.storeBlock(B)
  1245  	bs.storeBlock(C)
  1247  	// Instantiate real Execution Tree mempool;
  1248 = mempoolImpl.NewExecutionTree()
  1249  	for _, block := range bs.blocks {
  1250  		resultByID := block.Payload.Results.Lookup()
  1251  		for _, meta := range block.Payload.Receipts {
  1252  			result := resultByID[meta.ResultID]
  1253  			rcpt := flow.ExecutionReceiptFromMeta(*meta, *result)
  1254  			_, err :=, bs.blocks[rcpt.ExecutionResult.BlockID].Header)
  1255  			bs.NoError(err)
  1256  		}
  1257  	}
  1259  	// create and add a receipt for block B which builds on top of recA2, which
  1260  	// is not on the same execution fork
  1261  	resB1 := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(B), unittest.WithPreviousResult(recA1.ExecutionResult))
  1262  	recB1 := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(resB1))
  1263  	resB2 := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(B), unittest.WithPreviousResult(recA2.ExecutionResult))
  1264  	recB2 := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(resB2))
  1266  	_, err :=, B.Header)
  1267  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
  1268  	_, err =, B.Header)
  1269  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
  1271  	_, err =, bs.setter, bs.sign)
  1272  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
  1273  	expectedReceipts := []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{recA2.Meta(), recB1.Meta(), recB2.Meta()}
  1274  	expectedResults := []*flow.ExecutionResult{&recA2.ExecutionResult, &recB1.ExecutionResult, &recB2.ExecutionResult}
  1275  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(expectedReceipts, bs.assembled.Receipts, "builder should extend different execution paths")
  1276  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(expectedResults, bs.assembled.Results, "builder should extend different execution paths")
  1277  }
  1279  // TestIntegration_DuplicateReceipts checks that the builder does not re-include
  1280  // receipts that are already incorporated in blocks on the fork.
  1281  //
  1282  //	P <- A(r_P) <- B(r_A) <- X (candidate)
  1283  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestIntegration_DuplicateReceipts() {
  1284  	// A is a block containing a valid receipt for block P
  1285  	recP := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(bs.resultForBlock[bs.parentID]))
  1286  	A := unittest.BlockWithParentFixture(bs.headers[bs.parentID])
  1287  	A.SetPayload(flow.Payload{
  1288  		Receipts: []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{recP.Meta()},
  1289  		Results:  []*flow.ExecutionResult{&recP.ExecutionResult},
  1290  	})
  1292  	// B is a block that builds on A containing a valid receipt for A
  1293  	resA1 := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(A), unittest.WithPreviousResult(recP.ExecutionResult))
  1294  	recA1 := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(resA1))
  1295  	B := unittest.BlockWithParentFixture(A.Header)
  1296  	B.SetPayload(flow.Payload{
  1297  		Receipts: []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{recA1.Meta()},
  1298  		Results:  []*flow.ExecutionResult{&recA1.ExecutionResult},
  1299  	})
  1301  	bs.storeBlock(A)
  1302  	bs.storeBlock(B)
  1304  	// Instantiate real Execution Tree mempool;
  1305 = mempoolImpl.NewExecutionTree()
  1306  	for _, block := range bs.blocks {
  1307  		resultByID := block.Payload.Results.Lookup()
  1308  		for _, meta := range block.Payload.Receipts {
  1309  			result := resultByID[meta.ResultID]
  1310  			rcpt := flow.ExecutionReceiptFromMeta(*meta, *result)
  1311  			_, err :=, bs.blocks[rcpt.ExecutionResult.BlockID].Header)
  1312  			bs.NoError(err)
  1313  		}
  1314  	}
  1316  	_, err :=, bs.setter, bs.sign)
  1317  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
  1318  	expectedReceipts := []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{}
  1319  	expectedResults := []*flow.ExecutionResult{}
  1320  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(expectedReceipts, bs.assembled.Receipts, "builder should not include receipts that are already incorporated in the current fork")
  1321  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(expectedResults, bs.assembled.Results, "builder should not include results that were already incorporated")
  1322  }
  1324  // TestIntegration_ResultAlreadyIncorporated checks that the builder includes
  1325  // receipts for results that were already incorporated in blocks on the fork.
  1326  //
  1327  //	P <- A(ER[P]) <- X (candidate)
  1328  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestIntegration_ResultAlreadyIncorporated() {
  1329  	// A is a block containing a valid receipt for block P
  1330  	recP := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(bs.resultForBlock[bs.parentID]))
  1331  	A := unittest.BlockWithParentFixture(bs.headers[bs.parentID])
  1332  	A.SetPayload(flow.Payload{
  1333  		Receipts: []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{recP.Meta()},
  1334  		Results:  []*flow.ExecutionResult{&recP.ExecutionResult},
  1335  	})
  1337  	recP_B := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(&recP.ExecutionResult))
  1339  	bs.storeBlock(A)
  1341  	// Instantiate real Execution Tree mempool;
  1342 = mempoolImpl.NewExecutionTree()
  1343  	for _, block := range bs.blocks {
  1344  		resultByID := block.Payload.Results.Lookup()
  1345  		for _, meta := range block.Payload.Receipts {
  1346  			result := resultByID[meta.ResultID]
  1347  			rcpt := flow.ExecutionReceiptFromMeta(*meta, *result)
  1348  			_, err :=, bs.blocks[rcpt.ExecutionResult.BlockID].Header)
  1349  			bs.NoError(err)
  1350  		}
  1351  	}
  1353  	_, err :=, bs.blocks[recP_B.ExecutionResult.BlockID].Header)
  1354  	bs.NoError(err)
  1356  	_, err =, bs.setter, bs.sign)
  1357  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
  1358  	expectedReceipts := []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{recP_B.Meta()}
  1359  	expectedResults := []*flow.ExecutionResult{}
  1360  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(expectedReceipts, bs.assembled.Receipts, "builder should include receipt metas for results that were already incorporated")
  1361  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(expectedResults, bs.assembled.Results, "builder should not include results that were already incorporated")
  1362  }
  1364  func storeSealForIncorporatedResult(result *flow.ExecutionResult, incorporatingBlockID flow.Identifier, pendingSeals map[flow.Identifier]*flow.IncorporatedResultSeal) *flow.IncorporatedResultSeal {
  1365  	incorporatedResultSeal := unittest.IncorporatedResultSeal.Fixture(
  1366  		unittest.IncorporatedResultSeal.WithResult(result),
  1367  		unittest.IncorporatedResultSeal.WithIncorporatedBlockID(incorporatingBlockID),
  1368  	)
  1369  	pendingSeals[incorporatedResultSeal.ID()] = incorporatedResultSeal
  1370  	return incorporatedResultSeal
  1371  }
  1373  // TestIntegration_RepopulateExecutionTreeAtStartup tests that the
  1374  // builder includes receipts for candidate block after fresh start, meaning
  1375  // it will repopulate execution tree in constructor
  1376  //
  1377  //	P <- A[ER{P}] <- B[ER{A}, ER{A}'] <- C <- X[ER{B}, ER{B}', ER{C} ]
  1378  //	       |
  1379  //	   finalized
  1380  func (bs *BuilderSuite) TestIntegration_RepopulateExecutionTreeAtStartup() {
  1381  	// setup initial state
  1382  	// A is a block containing a valid receipt for block P
  1383  	recP := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(bs.resultForBlock[bs.parentID]))
  1384  	A := unittest.BlockWithParentFixture(bs.headers[bs.parentID])
  1385  	A.SetPayload(flow.Payload{
  1386  		Receipts: []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{recP.Meta()},
  1387  		Results:  []*flow.ExecutionResult{&recP.ExecutionResult},
  1388  	})
  1390  	// B is a block containing two valid receipts, with different results, for
  1391  	// block A
  1392  	resA1 := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(A), unittest.WithPreviousResult(recP.ExecutionResult))
  1393  	recA1 := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(resA1))
  1394  	resA2 := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(A), unittest.WithPreviousResult(recP.ExecutionResult))
  1395  	recA2 := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(resA2))
  1396  	B := unittest.BlockWithParentFixture(A.Header)
  1397  	B.SetPayload(flow.Payload{
  1398  		Receipts: []*flow.ExecutionReceiptMeta{recA1.Meta(), recA2.Meta()},
  1399  		Results:  []*flow.ExecutionResult{&recA1.ExecutionResult, &recA2.ExecutionResult},
  1400  	})
  1402  	C := unittest.BlockWithParentFixture(B.Header)
  1404  	bs.storeBlock(A)
  1405  	bs.storeBlock(B)
  1406  	bs.storeBlock(C)
  1408  	// store execution results
  1409  	for _, block := range []*flow.Block{A, B, C} {
  1410  		// for current block create empty receipts list
  1411  		bs.receiptsByBlockID[block.ID()] = flow.ExecutionReceiptList{}
  1413  		for _, result := range block.Payload.Results {
  1414  			bs.resultByID[result.ID()] = result
  1415  		}
  1416  		for _, meta := range block.Payload.Receipts {
  1417  			receipt := flow.ExecutionReceiptFromMeta(*meta, *bs.resultByID[meta.ResultID])
  1418  			bs.receiptsByID[meta.ID()] = receipt
  1419  			bs.receiptsByBlockID[receipt.ExecutionResult.BlockID] = append(bs.receiptsByBlockID[receipt.ExecutionResult.BlockID], receipt)
  1420  		}
  1421  	}
  1423  	// mark A as finalized
  1424  	bs.finalID = A.ID()
  1426  	// set up no-op dependencies
  1427  	noopMetrics := metrics.NewNoopCollector()
  1428  	noopTracer := trace.NewNoopTracer()
  1430  	// Instantiate real Execution Tree mempool;
  1431  	recPool := mempoolImpl.NewExecutionTree()
  1433  	// create builder which has to repopulate execution tree
  1434  	var err error
  1435, err = NewBuilder(
  1436  		noopMetrics,
  1437  		bs.db,
  1438  		bs.state,
  1439  		bs.headerDB,
  1440  		bs.sealDB,
  1441  		bs.indexDB,
  1442  		bs.blockDB,
  1443  		bs.resultDB,
  1444  		bs.receiptsDB,
  1445  		bs.stateMutator,
  1446  		bs.guarPool,
  1447  		bs.sealPool,
  1448  		recPool,
  1449  		noopTracer,
  1450  	)
  1451  	require.NoError(bs.T(), err)
  1452 = 11
  1454  	// Create two valid receipts for block B which build on different receipts
  1455  	// for the parent block (A); recB1 builds on top of RecA1, whilst recB2
  1456  	// builds on top of RecA2.
  1457  	resB1 := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(B), unittest.WithPreviousResult(recA1.ExecutionResult))
  1458  	recB1 := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(resB1))
  1459  	resB2 := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(B), unittest.WithPreviousResult(recA2.ExecutionResult))
  1460  	recB2 := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(resB2))
  1461  	resC := unittest.ExecutionResultFixture(unittest.WithBlock(C), unittest.WithPreviousResult(recB1.ExecutionResult))
  1462  	recC := unittest.ExecutionReceiptFixture(unittest.WithResult(resC))
  1464  	// Add recB1 and recB2 to the mempool for inclusion in the next candidate
  1465  	_, _ =, B.Header)
  1466  	_, _ =, B.Header)
  1467  	_, _ =, C.Header)
  1469  	_, err =, bs.setter, bs.sign)
  1470  	bs.Require().NoError(err)
  1471  	expectedReceipts := flow.ExecutionReceiptMetaList{recB1.Meta(), recB2.Meta(), recC.Meta()}
  1472  	expectedResults := flow.ExecutionResultList{&recB1.ExecutionResult, &recB2.ExecutionResult, &recC.ExecutionResult}
  1473  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(expectedReceipts, bs.assembled.Receipts, "payload should contain receipts from valid execution forks")
  1474  	bs.Assert().ElementsMatch(expectedResults, bs.assembled.Results, "payload should contain results from valid execution forks")
  1475  }